c. A. t . s t-'iovar ; ....... :.l.--r. ?' r tniy.-1 ; ' c. iIws 2.0GJ 'bushels at j ll.'r southern ansl Jersy y- . at.rn raixcJ. Oais fi;-tu at . -c the announcement of the stcam ,; U'ensui:eded ; prices were pre- :res! The market is qniet. Crude . Ltine is bcla st S4.75 a 5 for Wilmington :rt;i Coun'y. Spirits am. selling Jn retail at 5 a 5G euits. . .... , . j , -.ee. mur&ei, is sti'u..v. TLADHLFHIA- MARKET.;'., V i ion rand Meal.-The market iaquiet JMnv 11. iviih i:tts-. ' . eve: t inij'iii v for r lour, ana lacttucl Ufi-i i.ave submitted- to a decline. - Sales v t i f2v a 4 75. for select and better ; -v i a "1.- Sales for city use. -within ? r : : ; prices. We have no quotation .r oi Corn Meal. 1 i he- e is little Wheat offerings Small fair red at SI 12, and prime white at, 1,18. i on arrival at Hoc. Coru.ia .scarce yel ; t commands 62 a 63c. In Oats . there is t)i a the 1UJ f r t . . ... Si' i Ryu St: low 1 i i ot rates and rery -little doing, i ; r -v,-hi.. Lev. Sales of bbls. at 23c and uhdiL at CO i.. . , . .o report of sales or Naval-Stores or Bice, la t r tl.an the reiorts in "Ihursdaj's Commercial. CHARLESTON MARKET . , . The sales of Cotton on Wednesday amounted to only -lua bales at from 8 to 10 r-marketdroopin. rOREIGN MARKETS.. ,,,.." ' Steamer Hermann- :...-.-v-fA LAverpnol. Apnt SO. The AtTantic'STiews'liad no t-iii-ct !! the cf-tton market, and prices'rclose firm with limited sales: 'Buyers await twcr1ri cp Tiie sales ufthe week had been 42 840 bales, "of" wl.icli spec.ibitors'took 000 and 'exporters 5 10 ) tales. Sales JyestaWay of? 7.000 bales"; of w bich speculators took 1.000 bales1.. Stock 769 530 bales, u Inchwas mostly American.' Fair Orleans Cj i., middling 5j ; fair uplands and Mobile 6jd, middling 5d. The reduced stock gave more con f.Jeuco to holders. ' -'A" Brcadstufis Flour-'during the week; bad- ad vanced 3d per bbl.j. with large sales to the 'home trade. Wheat bad advanced Id per TO lbs:RTch ardsonjuotes Western Canal Flour at 22s 9d a 23s; Philadelphia and Baltimore 23V Od f Ohio 23s 6d a 24; white Wheat 0s. 101 a 7s" Id J extra ditto 7s 2d ; red and mixed 8s 6d a 6 9d.r"Corn qn.ict, but firm at 31s 6d,forhite:, and 32s for jrelloirv Imports of the veek moderate. ' ; -I - l'l ovisions Beef is dull and lends downwards. Gardiner quotes mess at 02 a 110s. ;The-market Jor Pork was overstocked and dnll; Bhcob bad 'declined 1 a 2s. ; - Large sales at"44 a- SSs'Lard tirrn at 51 a 53i: .Tallow had advanced 6dSales" . at 47 a. , Potashes 27s 6J ; Pearl. 27s,; 1 Market firm. , j Rosin active. v Salea 5o2 000 bblS at 4s 8dj fot cum mon, and 9s for fine. Sales nt 200 bblst Spir s i:s Turpentine at 5isBtee. steady. -Sates !' 40 i it rces, Carolina-at 24s.fi-Sugar, firm. Molasses ieclined 6d;-CoGee Arm and tending upwards." Tea met with a large speculative demand." .': - .London Market. rBarine & Bro.touote-v Floor firm at 22s 6d a 24s lard flim.at 54 a S5s J" augaf' . declmed.Cd.; tea jdult.f coffee was a sbade bight r The money market was unchanged. Consols fof account closed at 100 for money lOOf. ; The bul lion in the bank had decreased .130,000. Ameri can stock quiet TJ. S 5r8.:'65. .9r t)S;"UV S. C'a, 62 104 a 105 1 U. S.'6's SS, 1 10 a 111 ;. U. S. C, J68. 'G8,: 109 a HOr Pclra.-B's 87 a 89 ; Md.: 6', " 29 a lOOj Kfntocky 6V; '69, '70, 108.- . Havre Market -April 26.- Sales of cotton for tho . week 2.C50 bales at 93.frfer tres ordinaire $ rice sciuce and unchanged. ' v. ." " " r NEW " ORLEANS Ml RKET, May 10-r; In Kcv Oru-ans on -Tuesday Cotton was beavy, :. Middling 'Wa iWorth 91 cents. l;iJhe stock on hand comprises 190,W)U palest The io- crease in the, receiptaat Kew Orleans-is 237,000 --bales, and at a 11 the ports 264,000. - . DUEDGE ELEPHANT IS for sale with the right lo work in any of the waters of. North Carolin.i, except Cnpe Pior River, nntil sold it will seivetlte' public here at 30 cems' per- cable -yard," furnUhing two men -..with Mud Scows.' -The parties for whom the work Js done to dispose ot toe ilaa. - ' - CASSIDEY & OSGOOD May 14 - "": FEMALE SCHOOL. V- , ?. TR. AND MRS. G. L-, FINCH will open,. ; J.L in tlid town or VViiuiington.?on Monday the 3rd ot Ucto&cr ensuing, a first etaias Female acnooi. A tircuiat-coDtainlne terms, course of Instruction, and other particulars can be found at the store of rSs STRAWBERRIES" T II AYE a lot of fine Strawberries, "raised at'DIca- X teau, wtucb are everyday otierea lor aaie at tne .Fruit Ueoository of Wilkixsox h.6tt, aoutn "side of Market streeW:; : ' i; 1. TOGNO BRICKS.- 44 1; 50,000 HARD Bricks, on board' schr. Dacotah. from New Y'ork. For ule by .. KKEEMAN .A HOUSTON J ; ?'2ff. - -1 PltOVISIONSr&e r ; FULTON Market Corned Beef, In bbls. and half bbls. ; ,No. 1 Mackerel and Soused Salmon, in kits, vcrv superior? Vcean bhad, in bbls. and half bbls i N. Ci Cut Herrinfis.. iaobla.; Pickled and dry salted Eastern Herrinea, in. bbla. ; superior Go shen Butter, in firkin;. Hiram Smith's Flour, in bbl8.acd half bbls. , Butter, Soda and Sugar Crack' Lard, Salt, Spices, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Liquors, Wines, Vinegar,- Cigars, Snuff, Tobacco, Caadles, &oup, and numerous otner articles. m tne urecery line. For sale by r fllbCMA tiuuoivw. . May 14. - l ' ? 28 GUNNY bags; I, .5 nnrii TWO bushels 'each.naw and see- ,WVVT oadhand, for alet)y Tlay 11. FREEMAN A HOUSTON, - COIIE QUICK r ' : ND y.iti will find that I hare just received from tL the North, fresh and good, .f ,vj.vil 0 hnjs. prime west fenouiders : i . . , 4 " 1 Sides,. X.X 10 Lbls. Hiram Smith's best Flour j-T "s li -it ' bbls. Extra Family 'i : ..as of new Jtfsv Butter?' 10 l ennprinr A:Yl. fT Sntrir ' A.I low for cash at--.-- 3EQ. H. KELLKY'S.' May 11. ; J.;HandN;c.T. 26 i . notice: ; ; ;i CDuPRE k D. B. BAKER, having bought out the entire stock of J. R."Restoa, have taken the same stand, corner of Princess and Front streets, -nd the business will be conducted under the firm ol DuPREE&CO. '-;;--'-- :'.s-r----:?-..r i They will keep on hand, and 5go largelv into the olesale -and retail Grocerjri Busineer in r alt iu i i i at present and frt$hf md good . .. xV:taity'; -;f - ''-.-v.;.. it Is, half barrels and. bags" pf Flo wT"ta gSy a. in bags, and Java ia mats; Loaf. Crush , d and Brown Susara j Sperm, Adsman .j Ta How Candles i Pilot, Milk, Soda, Batter, urtKCTj opeiro uu; juctrowj uttr- eet Oi!j French and English Mustard; T-f serves j American and Foreign Saucesj i, end all articles for Cooking, and Ex r SUvo.ir?? Woeaeni Willow, and if -Tin Churns, .'i..k Pans and Skimmers, and r.. . Pici.. IT--' tf ... i Ware ;e ' r i kir,'?; 3,CC0 Ins. Bacon on consign. rOPULAU EDUCATOR,- 'SIPTION received, and subacribera'tur - i '-"m !he Book Store of S. W; WHIT ii !" rs prices, thus eaviug the post- c;tdy, and can be had as above, 3--y-r 'OCiUN SHAD. ryQ DHLS, and 23 half bbis.-New Mess f'nd. -w pur up expressly for fumily use very supe rior. For sale by ' ---.. April 23. "FREEMArr & HOUSTON. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AN MONDAY OF JUNE COURT, beinz, the Vyi3th.-at J2 o'clock, vM, I will sell at Exchange Corner,- without' reserve, to the highest bidder, by order of the Wardens of the Poor of New Hanover County ' v.' - - NINE, VALUABLE- LOTS, v Comprising the square upon which the Poor House is now situated, between Reil Cross and 'Walnut and Fourth and Fifth Btreets. ' A plan of the prem ises con be seen at my office. - " iu Tsssis of the sale, one third cashr the balance on a credit of three, six and nine months, for approved endorsed Notes, to be made satisfactory to the War dens before the title is given -,:- ' ' - - " M. CRONLY Ancfrr .Msv7,1853. " - ' 53-ts. " ivniDnivn DiDun . .. - II Hill l lilV? rti a4it. REAMS Wrapping Paper; from 33j eta. Je3l.,12i per ream. For sale by . ' " . W, C. HOWARD. 500 May 7. ;. -GOOIX COOK and --Wash Woman ao hire . il Apply at this office; ' May 10. u , ? H'r"! -t 4- " . FINE CUT TOBACCO. J701V CHEWING or smoking. at w" -May 10. WILKINSON A ESLER'S. PURE OLIVE OIL WILKINSON A ESLERA -MayMO. t - . - : LOST. 'r, t - - 'VfSM ALU Pocket Book containing about $30 In A.' money and several accounts in favor-ef Schr, Mary Abigail.-' Any person finding the tame and d .'liverirg to this Office or to Messrs. Jas.'H. Chad bo oru& Co. -shall be liberally Tewarded. w 'May 10. r - - 24 3tt,'. . :ru;jl;piANo fortes; r .T ;' 8 FINE ROSEWOOD PIANO FOR-4 tes,- of supcriortone and finish., and .. warranted in every particular. " For sale a; New York prices, by ? . . J. D. LOVE, v,--' Ms A t his Furniture Warehouse, Front Streer;.'-1'; : - : ' - WOOL y WANTED. - - " 1n"LBS. Vool Wanted, Tot which I will vJUVV.' Vpay the highest Cash price. " f : - VW. HAMILTON McRARY- ; ' " No- 3 North Water Street. t May 12.' . y , -r -.v ,. 25-lm :.TURPE.NTINE STILL FOR SALE, ."IT71LL. run from . 10 to 15 bbls j ire vcomplete oi . VV--deri having beentised but a short time; Ap ply to . -s r lVMt A..GWYER, ; . i Factor and Commission Merchant. . Wilmington, N . C, May 12. 25-tf. fPHE undersigned will not ba responsible, nor will ' JL the Captain, for any debts contracted by the crew of the Brigantine " Matthew King,"- while in the port of Wilmington. - . , . ;'-. a - . r r FREEMAN A HOUSTON,?- May-I2.-i; -25-3t. ;r v c.c snuff: c - EORILIjARD, Mi's, Ouicah's.JMillcr'B.'and other brands, eonstanily on hnna, and for sale ,by " ' ' FREEMAN HOUSTON." May iu. 1 - T. z. WASTE NOT WANT NOT. E buy Cotjen or Liner. Rags of any '-color. t. s,. aiay w. v viL.K.tnsuiM if- i.&L.i!.ic. 1 NEW MAY.BUTFER. ,r : KEGS new May Goshen BuUft. For sale by . May 10. . - . W. C. HOWARD. ; 1 ,NAS BRANDYi Vl; 1 C Bbls. very superior-Old Nash ?Brandyf for 1 U sale by : ; FREEMAN S HOUSTON. a GREAT BARGAINS! i Positively- Selling off al . Cost for Cash.- S- : HOFFMAN & BRO., wishing to change their business, offer their fi' eand well selected stock of FANUY'AND STAPLE DRY GOOPd at New Votkcost. . - ..-.-:.;....'. ,. - They would also say to those who have not sup plied themselves for the present season, to cell and purchase from them, and thereby save from 20 to 30 cents on the dollar.-- -: Purchaser wanted for the entire stock. . e" ,i, .-.u NOTICE EXTRA. ... A LL thnee indebted to u3 up to date, will please call and settle their accounts immediately, as we are vtrj anxious to close our business in this place. T&Iay 20 - . ; - 24-2w. SACK SAL i AFLOAT, j 1"finnSACKS' on boarl brigantine Mat iOkJkJ thew King, just anived, direct from Liverpool. For sale by - 5 v - ; r r,-- - , FltKEMAN & HOUSTON- J May 10. -. ' . .. .. -' 24. u-- FLOUR. OH BBLS. Fayetteville Flour. ' For sale by C. HOWARD; ' 8iay 10 W, .;-i' MESS PORK. OfT. BBLS. Mess Poik. For sale by CJ May 10. W. C. HOWARD. ENGLISH PICKELS. Qf VDOZ. English Ficklcsr a do. do. Catsup fjyy and Sauces. For sale by t May 10. W.C. HOWARD. CANDY. Boxes Candy, assorted. For sale low, by OK. . ,..-,v - W. C. HOtVARD Miy 10.- ,24, : COAL ! COAL 1 PERSONS wishing Coal will send in their orders and get their supply for the' season, as we will discoBtmue our Coal Vara otter me stock on hand is disposed of. RUSSELL oc BRO. May 5. ' "-- '-J" - --"; k 22 BY EXPRESS. WHITE -Embroidered' MusHnsj 26 and 36 inch black Italian - Silks ; Point Lace' Trimming, ana uong-utaca aattts. - i- or saiecneap oy - - Afay5. ' '?HRDRICK & RYAN. FL0UR--FL0UR--FL0UR.. ; V 1 nfV BBLS. Genesee and Fayetteville, now x jf landing, and for sale by . -; j..-. ZENO. GREENE.. '.May 3;' N.C. T. copy. : , -22 ... , : v - F0RMODENTA.:V: l : STRANGl? Indeed, that so few realize how cs centiaito female beauty, and manly elegance. are a fine aet of piiishcd teeth nothing contribu tes more toward it ; nothing detracts more essen tially .from, it, than neglected, and consequently discolored and disfiguring teetlwThey are as es sential to health as to beauty, for it is 'impossible' to inhale through decayed or unclean teeth," with out affecting the lungs and stomach frequently to a serious extent. In offering os a remedy for this vUha ernuxiota. Messrs. Hazard fCof are satisfied that -they furnish at oi-e -the mas t per fectly, safe, elegant; agreeable, effectnal,and with al cheap preparation known for f'eaning and 'pol ishing the teeth, hardening the oumt, purifying and perfuming the breath. In its present Improv ed stale It has received the approbation of every one who has used it, and ia just what it aisnmea to be JNo L.say or uenueman should be without it. Havins been appointed sole n sent for this State. f wilt make a liberal discount . to Merchants or Druggis-.a, ordering by the gross or dozen - ' i -iFor aale bvthebox. :'-s' Address order to , at No. 3 Granite How,'. THRO. AMBROSE,'1" r roiii cfT"fei. - , itumini ion, March 26.-'". s" T - -6mc . GLUE. ft ( BBLS. auperior American; 1 Vj 20 t . " , English. - For j e by , - -'ADAMS, Journal copy. BRO. & Co. . April 7. i .til if w o j luA'i YOHIL. SCIIK. HARRIET' HALLOCK,- P. wiJi have quick di.-paich- for the above port, aai-orugntircigntor passice. nppiv to J H. FLANNEPv, May 10.--- - -,- No. 24 North yater street. : FOR ? PDILADELPIIIAr v i SCHcl.lS A HELL A THOMPSON, Batchelor, will have quick dispatch 4or the above- apply to s , May 10... pui u rur ugi ireign or passage, 4 ,J. . PLANNER... . , C Ni. 21 North Water street FOR PHILADELPHIA. UEROrS' LIST!. :5 - - THE fine fust sailing schooner LILLIE SAIN UEKst, Somcrs. master. wril I have quick dispatch for above uort. Forlisht frehrht or passage, apply on board, or (o 'f ""' - 4 -..May 10. -. - ;f - GEO. HARRISS F0R BOSTON, WITH DISPATCH,5; i-5" "THE A: I. fast sailing brig Waitstiil, nl Morse, will sail as above. Fof tight 'freisht passage, apply ro" - - , - May', .; - v- . ADAMS, BRO. tfe CO.--. FOR IIAVAVIr - "fi- vj.THE A.,Lfst sailing: brf? jilbet."Ad A"l " Snow.' master will sail as above, in a icaiew aays.- 4 or passage. apply to ; May 5. , . ADAMS, BRO. &" CO :.for:new york. ; 3j'i'THE packet schr. Vieoini a GatrFjTtijWi ; H. Kiummer, master, wilt nave oispa ten as .above.' For freight or passage, apply to"i .- GEO..HARRISS. May.Tr'- "f . - - 23 FOR: BALTIMORE.?: , v- -AA SON'S LINE. . s-THE-A li-fast aailing packet schooner AaaMisTA, .Andrews. mastcr, win nave ots-. patch for the above port.- For light freight or passage, apply to.,.--A-BUoSl!XI.illU". -May 7.. --.s t-j'23 FOR1 BALTIMORE. v At A Sf) S IASR : EX'THE superior fast sailing regulaf'pficket JTPiRi schr. Mabv IsAssttA.Edwafds. nmsiewill assmmhave dispatch for the above port. Kot Ireigut or passage, apply to - . Kuaaistu & uiw. FOR PHILADELPHIA. fTEROWS line:- ' THE regular 'racket Schr- Chasms A Ghsiseh, ft, Hisbee, master, will have ills' patch7 as above For light frelfjht or pas sage, apply to'" ' GEO. HARIUSS." May 5. ' v'' ' ' '22'' - MESS. PORK: v 5b?BLS New 0.1eanaMess Purk.i For sale j - - W, -C. HOWARD.. March 19. 2 :V-i-;r-. 'ALLUMJSALT. 1 nnn BUSHELS in tore. For sale in Juts LJJJ to suit, by MILES C03TIN. Feb 5. .- Brown' a wharf PORK ! . PORK ! K PORKl! I Tf Bbls. Mess, just received and for sale by April 19. ZENOH.' GREENES - N C.T.copy. 1- frf,i Biishels. now in (ore,.fr salo by., 9,)JU ; FREEMAN & HOUSTON, , April 19, , ... -x t.. .15-s s,i,; BONNETS;1; 'ASpUsniid assortment ol opcn Straw-, Silk and Xl Crape. Just received pet Adumr ii'C.:'K previa, for sale-cheap by - f -r- . April ?3. .u -KAHNWEILER & BRO.. . GENTLEMEN'S WEAR.' JUST Received new style Vestings, Drab deTac Broad Cloths, Cashmeres, Cashmeretfs and fan cy Linen Plaids, expressly selected tor this market fof sale cheap, by KAHNWEILER & BRO. April VS. . - i, " , - . ' 16. TOBACCO. v 1 1 BOXES medium will be sold low, to close consignment- "",.- - , ,- - - , FREEMAN 4' HOUSTON. atay tu. - REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION, ON Satur.lay niomins. May 21, 1S53, ot 10 o'clock, at Exchange Corner,' will be sold, ONE QUAR TER LOT on the North side -of the Methodist Brick Church, fronting on Front street 33 feet, run- -ning back 165 feet....: .i- f r ?-: - -v ONE QUARTER LOT, off Second street, be tween Mulberry and Walnut streets, lrouting on Second J3 feet running back 105 leet. , -' , Terms at sale. : f -i S. MWEST, Auet'r. May 7 4 - 23-ts. CORDAGE AND SHIP CHANDLERY. MERCHANTS and Masters of vessels will find a full and complete stock of Cordage,' Blockr, Hanks, Mast Hoops, Duck Hoops and Thimbles, Marim Spikes, liand oplites,; uars, fump uoxta. Leather. Paint. Oib and evervth ihg required on board of ship. ' AIso,"Ship Stores put up as low as pessi bleby- - , vv. c. huwaud. JWay 7. - - ti 23 DISSOLUTION. T'HE Copartnership heretofore existing under X the firm of Kllis, Russell A Co., is this day dis solved by mutual consent, Mr. C- D. Ellis having wiindrawn. .,- . ? Russell A Brother arc authorized and will attend to the settlement f the business of the late firm.' C. . D. ELLIS, .. , ' ' ' H. P, RUSSELL, ' May 2d, 1333. JOS. B. RUSSELL. V - r j, , HPHE Copartnership-heretofore existing under X the firm of Ellis & Russell, is this day dissolv. by mutual cnsonf. li. P. Russell will attend '-'the settlement of ahe. business. - '--J .. -. -t-. ELLIS, -' " May 2d, 1S53. . . , H..P. RUSSELI COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE., .; THE undersigned have this day formed a Co partnership, under the firm and style of RUS SELL & BROTHER,: for the transaction of the General Commission business. HENRY P. RUSSELL. - May 2d, 1653. . JOS. B. RUSSELL. . SUNDRIES, .-.v QC Boxes assorted Candies; 60 do. Raisins, fresh J&xJ 40 box;s Herrings; 65 do. No. 1 and pale Soap; 20 do. good Chewing Tobacco; 10,000 Ci gars, various brand. Jest landed, and for sale -by y- April 19. N. C. T. copy. ZENO HiGRREJlE ' FOR SALEr -l LIKELY Negro.7 Woman," of fine . character", xX'and thrce-Miildrc.j. "Forermi", "e-r PP'y this office. w . - . . . , : :a3...: :. -.- ;21-lm-w, LIVERPOOL SALT. J" ; OQflfl SACKS Liverpool Salt, in half bleached AUUW saeKs. dflilvMDecteu. or sale oy May 7,- ADAMS, BROTHER & CO, ----- EM PTY BARRELS. - QQ1 'PRIME second hand- Spirit 'Barrete. perl JeJ X orig Albert Adams, Irom Boston, for sale by April 23. v ADAMS, BRO. & CO. i i NORTH CAROLINA READER. 4 r Copies Vrih'y'a North Carolina Reader, just cJUreecivedabdforsalelow, at - . v . FRESH CANDYs t r(r LBS. assorted in 25 lb. boxes; 400 lb J KJVJkJ assorted for retailing. jnst received.freil from the Manufactory and for sal in lots to suit. by iFcb. J2 L. N. BARLOW. !li 4--t - i " ' (i n :' TV, v.;:: f'H mm - TDE GSEAT. PtElFlER CF TIIE ClOt'D. V-r , 1 Kct a Particle-ef Jlcrcory ia it". -;r An infallible remedy for-? Scrofula,' King's Evil, Uheumati5m..Obsri:iate Cutaneous Eruptions. Pim ples or Postules on the face, Blotchesj Boils, Chron lc Sore Eyesj liingv-iVermrTetterScald rHead, Enlarsemept and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Atub. bom Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lunsbago, Spi nal Complaint and- all dfaeases andnfrourarr in judicious use of Mercury, Imprudence ia Life, of Jm purity of the Blood. ..- -,- " " ; This valuable Medicine wfiich has become celebra ted for the numberof extraordinary 'cures x-fRjcfed through itssgenjy, has induced the proptletorp.st the urgent request of their, iVieods, to otltr it. to Uie public, which hey do with the utmost confidence in Its viriuea and wonde.tful? curative - prpertii-i The following eertifica tee, selected from torge n um ber, a ri. however, stronger tesiimony ihan the mere word ef the proprietors : and are all trom gentlemen well known in their localities, and. of the highest respectability, miny of thm; now. residing in fthe citv of Richmond, Virginia . 4 , - F, BovDE,Eaqol the. Exchange Hotel, Rich rnondf . kwm evwT.-vavre,..says hehaettn . the Medicine called Carter's Spanish Mixture adminis tered in over a hand red catea.lu nearly all the disea ses for which it is r commended, with the most as tonisbinglygood results, -He says it is the most ex traordinary medicine he has ever .een-,-p4 ' if,.?' ' Ague-and Fever Great-Cure.-,-! hereby certbyj that for three years I hud Ague and Fever of the most violent descriptiou.-1 had Severid Physicians, took large quantities of Quinine, Mercury, and I believe all the I onics advertised, but all wiihout any per manent relief, i At last I tried Carter's S pa nit h Mix ture; two bottles of which effectually cured me, and 1 amhaypy to say I have had neither Chills or Fe vers since.'--I consider it the best Tonic in the world and thcooly medicine,that ever reached my case. ,, - r "JOHN LONGDEN, - Bcnver Dam, near Richmond, Va.n i )C. B.Lock, Etq-bow ia tb city of Richmond," end for many years in the Post Oflice, has such con fidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Span ish Mixture, that he has bought upwards ofSO battles, which he has given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luch says he has never known it to fail when taken ac cording to directions, ; f V : ' -. T 1 t Dr.. Mi ngb a practising Physician, and foVnierly of the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond,' say? he has witnessed in a number of insiancus the effects of Caiter's Spanish Mixture which wire most .truly surprising. He says in a case of Consumption de pendent on the Liver, the good effects were wonder ful indeed. i - . . - , Samuel M. Drikkeb, of the firm of Drinker tf Morris, Richmond, was cured of Livir complaint of 8 years standing, by the use of two bottles of Car ter's Spanish Mixture. - , .Great cure of scrofula. --The Editors of the Rich mond Republican had a servant employed in their press room, cured of violent Scrofula combinod with Rheumatism, which entirely disabled him Horn work. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture. made a perfect cure of htm, and the Editors. In a no lice, say they "cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted with opy disease ot the blood 'l, ' .Still another cure of Scrofula. I had a very val uable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mixiure., I conoidcx it a truly valuable Medicine. JAMES M. TAYLOR. . -Conductor on the R. F; & P. 11. R. Co., Richmond Va. - ' SALT JWEUMOFTQ YKAIt? STAXDtfCO 1 CURED. Mr. JoHs Thommok, residing in the city of Rich' mond, was cured by three bottles of Carter's Span ish Mixture, of Salt Itheom, which he had nearly Vffyears, hnd which ail tne physicians of the' city could bet cqre. Mri Thompson is a : well known merchant in , the city of Richmond,' Vs.. and his cure is most remarkable. ' Rjcitabd E. VVss-r, of Richmond,, was cured of Scrofula, and what Physicians called confirmed Consumption, by three bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture. - . Edwik Bubtos, Commissioner of ihe-iUevenne, says ne nas seen tne good enects of Carters &pan Ish Mixture in a oumbi r of Syphilitlc cases and says tt is a perlect cure for that horrible disease. Wm. g. Habwooo, of Richmond, Va. cured of uid ftotea-anfl Licers, which disabled him from walkins. Took a few bottles of Carter's Snanish Mixtur j, and was enaoled to walk without a crutch, in a short time permanently cured.: - - ' , Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOS E & CO.. io. tu aiainen L.nne, ivew l or It. T. W. DYOTT & SONS, No. 132, North 2d Street, Philadelpnia. BENNETT U"- BEERS, No. 125 Maiden Street, Richmond, Va, ' ' And forraleby WM. H, LIPPJTT.-'.Wflminjton, ono oy .urHggsis generally. a. , May 12. ' 25 lyc. . VARIKTV. 100 BAGS Shot ; 10 kegs Powper j 40 boxes Herrina ; 15 boxes Axes: 25 boxes Ral- lAs; 20 boxes Tobaceot 20 bbls. and half bbls Snuff; 20 cases Shoes, and general .assortment of aomesnc ury uoous ana Karaware. a i at tow prices by ' ' " ZENO H" GREENE. May S. N. G T. copy. - 23 - THOSE LIGHT BUGGYS ARE nERE AT LAST. :': - IX7E have just received some of thoso celebrated ,VV light Buggy s. Also two light Rock a ways. fef" For sale by - . May 4. . , DIBBLE & BROTHERS. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. c A D DcPRE, Wholesale and Retail Druggists and Apoititcane, VV limine ton, JN. U. . C. DcPbb. D. DuPbe. Js. April 6. -- ' - 2" jPORTQ RICO SUGAR.;: I ( IIHDS., a superior article, landing from 1 Vyachr.Miry I balla. Foraale by -jlay5f-: - RUSSELL & BRO. : . "CIGARS. . JUST received another lot of those enpef lor,' fine flavored Clsars, manufactured expressly for tne. Also, 80,000 Cigar,- viirlous brands and quafitieB. . f trot aale-oy , . . , v. huiyauu. -May 7. ' . - 23 ''5'V-' WOOL.- ... 1 WILL give the hlsihef t cash piice for olPthe L Wool that Is brought, to market.-' ' ' " " ' May7. W0.' HOWARD J Tr; G00DS AT WHOLESALE." r- rpO Merchants and Planteisthose who" are hi X want of a godd assortment of Dry Good -or Rirl Made Clothinsr. Boots. Shots. Hats, or Caps, will do well hr examining our large and well selected Block of goods; beforeurchasing"cl3ewheref All coods sohi n the most reasonable termay-by .April J - - Jk.Jl.n.1-. p..faE.tv GUNNY BAGS. ALL sixes. for sale by - - ADAMS, BRO, r "-' Journal coo v - ' 5000, Co, 1351- JanSS. HANDS WANTED. I O Or 15 able bodiod laborers ty tiie montn or Lw for the balance of the Jrear. Apply to -v - " ' '- a,, : 4 or O.G.PAOSLKY. March 2 1. - r J - - v - 153-tf. - '-. , PITS, FITS. FITS.- .' PF.RSONS whearelaborina urrderthiFdistressing mnladv. will find the VEGETABLE EPILEP TIC PI LLS to be theooly remedy ever, discovered for .curing Epilepsy, or Falling Fits. . These Pills possess a specific action on the nervous system; and although they are prepared especially for the purpose of jrinff'fits, they will befound of-especial benefit for ail persona afflicted with weak .nerves, or w hose nervous system oaa oeea prosimtea or sua iiereuiruiu any cause whateverst In ehronieeomplainrs, ordi-. easesof long standjog-saperinduced by nervousness, they are exceeding ry oenenciat. run aireeuons ac company ench box.v Price 3 per box, or two boxe' for 85 i Persona out of thedty. enclosing a rem' tance, will have the Pills sent them through the r fret of postage Forsalebv SETHS. HANC 1 0, 'Baltimore street, to whom orders from a . f tie Cnioii must be addressed, post paid. -n-e2i. 1" . i , t . : s r. .! ... f I (.'. i:u ., The t'ety Aciiicy oldest established in tli Un:n, and :ne i'm. t most extrnsive bnsiptcs. iru;n their fi fjiiieJ i. , tation as theneeiul Ae-entsof liame Fortune. 25tM.22f JXH.t.AH!. MAHYLAiND CONSOL. LOTTERY. -CMSS 19, r'f . Friday. May I3th1833V ? " I prize ef '" . ' 13,500 I 1 prize of. . 1 JJ00 ,1-da ' - 544 J -. 100 .da .500 .1 do - ""- 2001 116 do.'f 100 Certificates of 26 Whole Ticket s,, f 4 00 ' Do ' 26HiIf . do w ' ?"'.32fft v' Drt "26 Qinrtr." d. " "H, 00 i -tickets 4 Halves JD0Quaeral.00.fi--A Sj.-'-'xw... 58f58r DOfjfiAKfe t I' MARYLAND 'CO.NSOLw LOTTERY.-' 9x"-t-;. iV "-- CIAS J85. ; - .rf-J Wednesday, May lSth,-IS53., . , f ' v - " SCHEME "? - -1 prize of 30,P(W 1 0 prizes of 33,000 Certificate oL pjtkv of 26 Whole Tickets, 5158 W ; Do. .' do. ' ' 26 ITnlf do." 79 CO -."-i Do." c do;' V 26 Quart t ? do".",' 39 60 jino do.. 'J 2' l-lglnh.dev 19 J5: -, Tickets JI0-Halyc8R.5,0'J Quarurs, 2,60. i": - - ' ' '" " "405.150 I)OLI.ARS-fc ' r " ;f 23,GOO Capital Good $3 I ettiry.- J MARYLAND CONSOL.i LOTTERY " - --.. CLASS 2C,'r - - u t.-A-.T. Monday May 30ih, IS53. y 13. drawn Ballots In each Package of 25 Tit-kr I prize of . T $28,500 t ' - prizes of J 3 ! f do j" -' S.000 Stt-1 0 do ' " .jQ 1 1'.-d-o--," r.r 4,b00 I - - ' i , '.' v- jr r.MtRi,ta r.t. Tri.t... f OS WI...T. T;....:.. f ,.do 4. i. do ; 25 Half T do f 'Jdo "-do 25 ''Quarter do' -i Ttckcts,fS.00-r Shares in Prnnoiti j- ' - ' . ' - - - - i - 12 00 56 00 28 00 u'u nf ry'o rdo r s rroin p tly'at te r to. ., Corres The Drawings orevery Lottery sent pondents, immediately the result is knot Ail Schemes in these Lotteries are apprv d of by the. Stale Commissioner. . Nu Lottery i-aui irawn without his sanction. -' . . tPrizes cashed on demondiiAnda theQ ue tors of the se Lotteries have given Bonds for a mount exceed ins Two M 1 llio.vs or Dolla asr . c can be no! risk as tm getting the4argcst prizes"4 1 at eight. . , i . iNUlH.biTO I'UIitIASlfiliS. Wc rocominend the pir chase of Trackages of 1 eta in every insnnce. .-is ihr'-pi-ifcrsttigi' is ralhs vorsble to buyersi and one p-iekiHT.tuny draw 3 of, the highest .prizes, in !eeiidcnt,.ol the srdf ones.;.-- " :.' i rt . . . x7. iV. Curr $ Son . - Statb Lottery BaoxcBS. " . " ' ' 133 Pratt si, Baltimore, Af,J j DR. MARCJUSrS' ?UT ERINE CATH0LIC0N JS respectfully T'of-4 fcrod -10 ua cili-1 sens Of Wilminjttonf as a preparation ' of earnest v importance to females, and des tined v 10 becom iJemificd withrl loalth'andsha- . ness of f " " FE3IAL . This' Ca luncon will rure9S rcont. of all ele ne dis eases JfT. .uonta! tu tne rei-pectaoiev ie-. ""2 ialej A 'marr Hykr married or un-i , and usual- : under thai name ot FEMALEaCOMPL .TSK,.' J & -nnntr Dinn nrm PmhlUUI XTltf f fallirffof the VVonins 'Varonic Jnjlammtuioif u, ulceration n .-r , f the Womb 1 Iacucntal UeetaoP ge, , or i loodtp' JF'luor Albut. or White Vr asx; famlul,Z - pressed, and Irregiitir jllf ,-ilation, f.vwir ull tneir accompanying e , sncer excepy ,100 matter how severe or i- .iw long standing' -MANY;PROM s3XT PHYSIC tJSS In the city of New y rk and other placA, finding ihemitclves-wilhoui remedy in inveterafe esses ot thobne comrttaV' . and havins duepfezard for 1I10 welfare vf patient?, have ra,ommended the use ef f hi is nil Jts, nly icme i and, alter wjfnessing lis a now mnnifcstini; Citefr appro- reporting to It Uftheir ireat ases for wltlchat -Intended, -9 accepting thf ogtfncy of it to s-lutnry effect bation, not on men t of all the. but in otno ins fdcilitatelts intris the Faculty. j The influence mile constituiK" lion into moragcgerai use by thla-composlfn-upon the fe- i ol the most I lender a la a ; the ceble female od liive no Icars englh of time, a r it contains no article which un prvo In any ng made cntirsry'of vegetable rx 'd so as to laV. like "Unpleasant sjtNDt of this4!rcmedyl in the most delicate a in its use for a mercury p nor way injurious, tracts, and pn cordlal.Sti 'I'he Moo os cure of ihis clas.-f eral economy o tninaiion to the if f diseases; is lrougli the yen- system, williii piculijir dcitr ileorifans; 3Jw '-. ROOF of that CathoQcon bc onfidence of affi eted, as a AN CHtJtr RlMKDV, Will be let together wit!ropjrtnt ob t the nature aniflsynjpujuis of vh the atteotion oyLadiesuand ADDITION Jf ing worthy of it SOCCESEfUt,' Sii found in the paif servations, toud tho diseases, to Practitioners is ectfollv Invited. The lngiedi .as certified by high inedical su- tnonty. isee p pniet,) are ak v sob able, ana are not nssocief 1 wiih any article unlrier lly to the animal cconof . -. Prof. DanlJ , M.D., Baltimore, Md J. C. Orrlc M-.W.,- P. B. Peck! n.M.D, Ulica, N, Y D Y. Foot I.D., Syracuse, N. Y. D., RochestervN. Y. , M.D.,Canarrdaigua4 N M.D., City of N. V. .D., Concord, N. II. vM. H Mills. '4L.-D. Flemi W . W. Reel W. Proscott, Pumphlets ca had gratis nt the Drug Store of . - - . - S . flfc J. At hVAfts, Agems, Wilmington, N.C. ,, 1 Broadway, New Vork. - " - 24 3m-c. IITE LEAD. Central Depot, Ot, r 31 ay iu. 5000 May 6 LBS o. I. bxtra and fare; in Kegs Tnnd 100 lbs. each.""' For sale by FREEMAN fc HOUSTON 'GLUE.5;; ' rior Amcrtean Ghic.juaf received of 2 17 BBLS. f and for ' ADASIsV bRO. A Co. May S. - AID GLOVES : " issorted coloVs, No. 1. at 75 cents Working, Cotton Flouncing Thread; Hkand Bmid. .... HEDRICKT St, RYAN? 20 DOZ Fren-' Embroiderfu , May 3. J GROCEEf DEPOT CHANGED HANDS. BELlEVIf 1 It for the benefit of all concerned, 1 have t losed of my entire stock of Groee nee to .. I . -- Messrs: I DcPRE & D. B. BAKER. And from r . after Friday 'the 6th; the-business will be traf cied under the firm of C. DnPre & Co.' And t e let me return thanaa for the un bounded jr ronage that the public have bestowed opon mc, which I feel very graiefuL - -. ' Messrb . UDfiE 01 im., request me 10 say mey will be vc thankful for a continuance of the same. as they Y endeavor to pleae your In every way. . . . .1 . . t- T J1.I ..-.il no nor my sonniiuenia, iuuugu m. uiu nui wsu w tori nomoee bt col leet hi 2 my aceennt. von most of -nd iay sne as they will be made out in a shorty e, and you know Croccrics mrt CaA, and besides . t your doing so, may keep me out of a closepU ' 4- & I am f '8 with as mucn respect aa 1 can nave, until H re settled in full. May v. i. J.tt.'UMiuj. ' ;coal-coal. ; JNSot White Ash Lump Coal tear ehr, Henry Nutt, from Philadelphia. j- -" ' --.- GEO. UARK1SS.- FS5 Way .1011 THE S, S. UNIONS- - -line Explored .rHX.i: v snd beautiful print a oi Art .- ; n Spelling Books; Penny Hymn Books,' .7 4 in the Nursery Year Class Books. " . Just received at - y7. i ' S, W. WHITAKERS. : BEESWAX: ' ' 'TAX wanted, far which the highest cash priceg a-e vzla bv W. C HOWARD. Uk I, V. i v.. , ay's Ointment a ta l j : 1 r-cui L cure . Had FjCgi' alter -13 years nufierii g. r xtractof a k-ttcr from 3r. Um Gnlpin. of;o. Mary's stre, Wc-ymoutbj da ti d My 15ih H51, . Profossor Hollowat: : . -ir--A thengeof 1?, wywllc (!, is now C!) gl t a viu'cntcW,iwhi h actCtd in hi r If is. arU r since that tliiie they have tn t-ioreor lrssorc . id -reat!y Inflamed. Hctagonics eredistrncting d for months tup ether she was dmtivrdeniin-lv e -'. 'Stand sleep Kvcry remedy that medical nu-n ad- v i.d, was tried, but wlihout iff. ci. hrr health nr-: red seven ly, and the stare of her legs was les .v had often read your advertisements, a; d d r to try your Pills and Oirnmenii and aa a last Ajurcr, at'er every e-her rtsrn d ; had p rel ase a, sV.eronsenttd to do to hc comiinnced six i vett ago. md Wror.ge to nlete. Is now to tood health. ' Her legs ate paiolass, without seam or scar, and her sleep sound and -.-4 diet urbl. - Cotild vom ".' have witness d the sufferings of my w ife for the lasr forth three years, and contrast 1 bain with herprej-hi enjoyment of health, you woul I indeed feel delight- ' ed in h.ivlng been the means of so jreally allvvhucg Jt lbs sufferings of a fellow cteat ore. . (Stgneo) WILI.IiM GM.P1N. M A Person TO years of a secured at a Dad lg -, of 30 years statidii.g. ' Copy of a Letter from Mr,Vm. Abbs, Builder of Gas Ovens of Rushclifle. near Hudd Teficld, dated . May 31st, 1851. . ,6 ' ' -To Professor Hocicws'v: ' - - '- - 1:..' " . Sir I suffered furr period of thirty yeais from a barf Icr.the result m Ivra or ihrea diflV-.rnt nrr(ilinra . at the Gas WorkV accompanied. by scoibuuc symp-toms.- I had recourse toa variety of inedical sdvice r wilhoal derivingjmy benefit, and wasiven told that-: the teg must be 111 put a ted. yet, In opposition to that opinion, your i'ills and Ointment nave effected a' eomplet cuo in so short a time, that few who had v not witnessed it would credit the fact, - , v '.'iatrsHi wir.r.iAM r.R.? ' -j .'v; "-: . . -- . - ,. ath of this statement can be vertnrd by M ' l.ngland. Chemist, U Market street, Hoc- d" .eld, . . . , , HSADFin BadBiikit Chip ix Oxc Mostm. .Extractors Letter trom Mr. Fn-detick Tutner.of nhurst. JKent.dated December 13ib. l50. j Professor HotxowaT! ' 1 Dear Sir My wif had suffered from bad breast f ior than six months, and during the whole period: ' ,d the best medical attendance, but sli to no use. iving before healed an awlul wound - in my ewn by your unrivalled medicine. I detrrmfned agaih - ;-o yoar Pills and Ointme it, and therefore gave ' 111 a trial Ir. her case; snd fortunateit was I dld V . for in less than a month a perfect care was eflec- ' ' nnd benefit that various oihtr bratuhta of my .' l,,ive derived from their use, la really sston-'-. . I now strongly recommend tnem to all my.- (.Sicned)-' FREDERICK! TURNER." The Pills should be used conjointly with thcOint- " nt In the most of the following caress . j- ; t Lezs. . Chilblains, - G00L, Brensls. , ? . t. happed Hand, ; Glnduhr Swelf 'ns,: uorns tsoitj ; Cancers, . Contracted and S lift Joints, , Coco Bay. Chiego-foot, . . . Sore Throats, .- Sore Heads, , Wound. " ." Ins s. uons. 1 t Mosqul - and sand j Nipples, .urvy, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatlrm. . Elephantiasis, , Fistulas, , . Skin diseases. Tumora. , leers, - Yaws; Sold bv the ProDrietor. 214 Strand. (neer.Tcmp!e . !ar London, and by alf respectable venders of Pat- t nt Medicine, throughout the British Empire, and v those of the United States, in po aand Boxes, a 74 cents. 87 cents, snd 91 10 cents each, Wholesale i , t 1 r.. uy nieiiruitiiwDi,,, Drug nouses in tne union, . ana oy , Messrs. A. B. f- D. Snnds. New ork.snd s S. B. & J. A. EVANS, Wllmineton. VS. C. "; There is very considerable saving in .taking the larger sizes. ' ' - -"" N. B. Diroction for the guidance of patients ara afiixed to each pot or box. '"' Feb 15 11 12-1 ye TIIE RAILROAD TO WEALTH! FARE MODERATE.. ; , v, TICKKTS TO BK PHOUUnHTi T TIIE Git BAT DEPOT ' FOR HANDSOME PRIZES. , MARION & CO., 4 LOTTKKV & EXCIIAXGE BROKEHi.- ( i FFICE corner of Gay and Lafayette streets, Bal- i timorc, M d The following GRAND PRIZES have all been ' sold and cashed by us within the short time of two months, viz : ' ' ' ' prize of 3S,0OO I 2 piizcs of s 10,000 ,. 1 " 20,000 I 2 " l 5 4,000 . 1 " 13.L00 I 2 " , - 2,000 - Besides a great many of a smaller denomination - in fact not a dav passes that a respectable Prise is not sold by us." Try us! Try us I if you wont a Prize. : MAGNIFICENT I OTTERIES DRAWIXC " DAIL.Y. -Tickets varying in price from I to $20. HERE IS A BEAUTY INDEED! A SPLENDID Sid LOTTERY! This cant be Xleateti 1 -TRY A CHANCE IN. THIS. Send us on an X; - WEDNESDAY , May 18, 1853r Class 25. Maryfand Consolidated Lottery, 73 IN ambers 12 Drawn Ballots, I Prize of 830,909 1 19 priesof 3,000 ICO ' 1,000 100 400 , 66 " ICO J G6 80 132 " 60 I 132 40 Tickets I0 Shares in proportion. Certificate of 26 Whole Tickets S1B0 00 i 26 Half ' 75 00 " 26 Quarter " 37 0 2G liihts " 48 75 , ONLY LOOK AT THIS! the Best S5 lottery Eer Oflered. Go in for a Packaife If vou want a Prize. 9243.090! TUESDAY, May 24. 1 t llarvland Codsolidstcd Lottery. Class Z- 75 umbers, 12 Drawn Ballots. 1 Prize of SiO.000 1 prize of 10,000 " 3000 1,000 . -ICS t74no' 37 09 18 50 . 5,000 1,500 4 6 4 500 200 t; Tickets 85 Shares In proportion. Certificate of Packages of 25 Wholes, t1 do. do 2B Halves, r do,- . do.t , i-25 Quarters, Jr - MiMJ'OlH ICllFBT ICP MAY, 1853. I - - 1,825,82 IMIAK8J S CAPITAL PRIZE S80.000I i ; ' ' GrandConsolidjUd Lottery of Maryland, Class M, Tu be drawn in Baltimore, SATURDAY. May 2Slh 78Numbera 18 Drawn Ballts. . - Magnificent Schrnu. - t prizc'SSO.eOO U , ' 80,000 ; . 4 ' - 0,000 ia ' i 60.000 : 4 " 10.000 is " ' 40.000 ! 7 " - - 363 ta - ' 27,744 - 800 (lowest 8 Nos.) 500 is 400.CCQ - ... 41,85 - - 11,825-824- Tickets 30 Halves S161 Quarters Q t Eighths. IV4 ' Tho above scheme ia one of great magnitude asdt " beauty, in having capital of SSO.OCO, four prizea cf, ' 20,000, four of 410.000. and eight hatred prizes of -S5L0. We would particularly sd.iuo every one to' have a chance ia this scheme, in which we will sell " on certificates packaces of - i'v r 28 Whole Tics, for 160,00 1 25 Quarter Tics, f 115X0 26 Halve ". 1230,00 126 Eight " tilfiO"-'" Orders from aO parte of the coontry will meet - ? with the must nsoAtpt and copfideniialit addressed to r , - , MARION CO , tlaltimofe W . -t TUE SMALL FRY LIITTKRY ' Draws every TUltSDAY.THVKSDAY and SAW . URPAY Capitals t 1 Prtae of 5C0; 1 of 94,000 lot 2,0C0i3 of 1,000, cc. Whole Cckeia only i A Certificate of a fuQ Package of Whole Ticket in 4brs famous little scbue .will co.t tut Halves 70 j Quarters 3,75s and a single Pack-, age may draw the four highest Prizea in the Letter) I JyOrdera solicited through the feet OlBeei v f We eett lickcta in all Lotteries adv rtsed by otnt ; vendjre, at the same price as adtertieid by tnrm-. To get the big Prize be sur te address your e ders to the old established bowse of- ' --' . , , . - f - MAKION CO, : t : .V ' ".'.Comer of Gray ajsd Fye stree.. - v---r - -:-'-v caiuoioj'v April 28. rr prrcn. ; VAbyi' - J. II. FLAN r i""-v. -( li r . If -t V ti. 1 ( n i 4 t 4, pr.". ,1 j- Asr .