WILMINGTON. N. C., SATURDAY "ORNG MAY 21, 1853 WHOLE "rv-r. "'!" If , .-DAT Ohd iAT s all cases in ad- : i aud Proprietou, t streets, .. 7.1 xg ' ..:hs, $4 CO 5 CO 8 00 " ' 12 00 I f an advertise : . 1 be ia propor- ; al the lime oflhcir wors, will be made r yearly advertising ustanaes render a ::ted removal nee ; nuMished -terms mr, for the liine- ,s issirictlv .iines.o; and all ; other person, -a immediately connec . and all excess of ad . otherwise, beyond the . te cnarsed at the usual rates, i is included in the contract for oases or lands in town" or coun- uire of negroes, whether the the advertriser or by other per . luded by the term "immediate sorted in the tri-weeklv Com- one Insertion in the Weekly D FANCY PBINJINCfJ r etvle. -' ' ' OS THE COMMERCIAL. 1 ij-trs. Bnow DaiosscT. , saicic Kiddeb.- - "" ;INESS CARDS. :p:ie. closso3I,i , -s!3i aai Forwarding Merchant, :rtl attention Elven to Couslgii ; ts for ate or Shipment. . aivaces made on Consignments to or If my Xu York friends. - Jan. 3$ 1853. - 135 r-1 C. WORTH. ,-"V JIERC01S1 'l L. YL INGTON, N. C- ,- F.rwardiiia aai: Coamissioa MERCHANT, . ' n informinimy fnend,that I am 1 b iness entrusted :to me.cni ; t- i attention. I have a wharf for ' ample accommoflatlonSf -Snfrlt u. i use, Conjiitnmcnta f Naval ' ? n'oment ; and all kiftlsof coun. J. Cash advances ma leon con- - .. - 15 v- rJE0RGE:HVERS, lLCftNORK'PAlLGROCEfl on hand ' WZus - Teas. Liquors, i;o-i ai WdLuvs fVurc. Fnut, . tics' Smti, Front street, ; l Lm MiG TON, N. U. , T . & J. A. EVANSt - r.n ( HETAtl DRUGGISTS, ! L ' IINGTO .Vr N. C. ' - . -j on hand a large and very select ' edicines, ChemlcaWPainto.Oiis, i I nstrumentv Patent 'Medicines, 0 , at low prices. - '..Tj 1 - . . 130 T C T t V ff C " f . Ti AND FGRWIEPIH MEECBAM 4 : , 42-12-mc. J. IIATaAWAY& SON,- v COMMISSION MERCHANTS..;" WILMINGTON, JVC , , .'- t ? J. HATHAwAT. t S t 53. a ,-91. I, CHADBOURN& CO.; - i imission ncrcnams, u'UVGTON, IV. O. , " , .:3VM. 4 CiiADsapaic.- j & brother,.;;. IL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N.C. . 'i advances made on consignments l , Cutton, ana otner proaace. - ' . -. i - ; 21 flARRISS. r 1 C c mission Mercliaflt , : i given to p-:oeut 11: frelgh ; va oesiorvigseii . , Wiltnl0gton. ,r ', Jt iiiirain2t0n. If -- ' 123-tf. INNER, f.lercliant TX C- - -'- w 187-1 y-c. I AND Ml CHANT, :e and Negroes at 2 of Timber, Tut try Produce. of riarket street, - - 33-ly . .VOOD, formerly 'tlcal Deciist for jrms his friends lias located in ier of Orange, '- ill In the line fur the reccn that thelib .m may be a and vicin- ILLNESS CARDS. C..& D. DaFRE. : - XH u LC SALE AND HETAL UEAt-ERd IN ' Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, 4aints, Oil irye stui;,;, Ulass, rertusnery, cigars, Old Liquors fancy Articles, Sc., JUttKh.T.STKKIiT, AV 1 L. M I N O T d N i S . , . C . ; Presiriptionscarcfullydouiptfunded oy expert ucea persona. , March i!6. 1652. ' " ' 'AMUOSOX & SAVAGE GCN CRAL COMMISSION MHKCHAXTS W1LM1NG TON, 'N. C. JAMES A NDEKSOS. - " . EBWABD SAVAGE July I, 1852- . 46-12m v A. ADAMS. - . - .'. H. L. ADAMS' ADAUS, BROTHER & Co. ; ; - -. (Late Barrv. Brvani & Adams.) i ' COMMISSION M tu li C H A IM T S -.!- WiLUINGTONN.C , GEO. U. iiELLV, - . -T C0U 31I10aS lERCllANT. : Neztdoot ta A. A.-Vannet'B.on - North - Vate al- will auend ta the sale of all kinds -of Vountrv Pro iuce.sacb m Corn; Peas, Meal, Bacon, Lard, die and wUlkeeDecfnaiantlt tfft nana a tun supply o Groceries ,Lc. - . WnietHall-of VVayae, , John rfcaae, Wllunn-ton W Uaraway . uen. Aix.i r jiv-ttae. K. P.-U'iH, Vilmington,VViioy A WaUer. . , Dec. 13,1852 U5.Ir. -.. 5IILES C0STIN, - . COMMISSI UN-M BROHANT WILMINGTON. ;n. c; ; . RBPCR TO , " - ' " E.P. Hall, Eq., Prea't Branch State V " V "v cial Bank. Dee. 19. JS53 ii9-tf ; v Commissios Alerchant &AuctIJnet'rr OUice l-i llall's upper buUdlii,5ioTlit: Water , - 5 street. ' , - " Where tie wiltbe happy t attend" to all orders In either branctvof hi Iwistnew.. ' - z . Wilmington, N.Ct Dee.i3. 1J53-119-tf. WILLIASI n, PEARE. , COLLKCTOSuSD'itJlTl BUSU (i id T - - Kar Country . Newspapers thrctighCKt lie - -.. -t United States, ,;-, -'t Basement of Sun Iron B things, Baltimore street - AH business er.lrtisted promptly, on Uoeral terms, to bis, cane. transacted j. d. love, i; : - MAS UFXCTURE R AND DEALER JN CABIaNLT' FUisM'riJKE, r BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, WATXKlisaiiS, &C. &c ir : - i Front street, South 1 Market, ; ; BHOWJ'8 BtllUDINQ, WILMINGTON, -M. C. -. Sep. 1 61832.? ixz . - r 79-y-e ; GEO. 0, VAN AMULNGE, r - BSOKEK,'A N D M UUCA Nil LBAG E N T, WJLMINCITvN N- C , ' E ARTICULAR attention paid to the purchase oi sale of alt description oi AterchaudUe and Pro duce, and en which one per cent commission will be cliargo . 'Any baoinew Intrusted to hnu Will re ceive prompt and personal atteoilon.i Hl desk for the present Is in the office of .Ur, Win.A; Gwycr. .'." ' ttireetsctsi II&Co f) 5 - , . & Co.;--' Wilmington loin, Esq. - ' - Adams Bro . ,v J. R. Blossom - AncrUstl4" 65.-C D.C. FBEEMAN. - , QEOHOB HOUSTON. VKIiEMAN & IItLSTN,- MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, -- " ,V. WILMINGTON,1 N. 0. ; - ' D. CFHEEMAJf CO. , . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, :17 FRONT STRIiCT, , i " " EKR 'constantly on hand a stock ol Flour, L.Corn, Pork, Bacon Solt, Cotf, Sdgaf, MS laft: Tobacco. Ciaars. Snuff Candle. Soap. Mw eLg-n- and- Uomttlic L,iquor - and Wint ; : Iron, Sail, PanU, Oil; Gun, JJomcsttcs, Halt, Boots, Shoem,-.jathr.- Agricultural JmvUmcnt,jini a vu- rietv of other articles suitable fur l&mlly and plan tation use and the. retail trde, which thy will dispose of in lota to suit , dealer or consuineri on reasonable terms lor cann. or ia exenange fori1 a val Stores or other produce. , , . " The senior partner D.C FaaMAi. is located In the city- of Jiew York ; the junior partner, Geo Hocstow In Wilmington, if desired, advances. will be made on consignments to and from citbe Blace. All business entrusted to them will receive proper tttfeclon t and orders for Gtools will be promptly and carefully filled. - Sept. 9. " -, ' 76-t H. DOLLNER. - - . - , Q, POTTERf it tV' DOLLNER & POTTER GENERAL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, t NEW TORK -v . " f Libtral Cash Adtmne vutd on aU Consignment April 30, 1883.5 - 2(-ly-pdr tfeR33EL. Br EILERS - v WESSEL: & t EILERS.V . J COMMISSION MKBCHANTSaNU WHOLE SALE GttOOEftS. North Water Streei, Wilr minston. '.N. C.:-intend to" keep ? at the above stand a general assortment of .Groceries, Liquors, and Provision at wnoiesnie ana to ; carry on General Commission Business. - BcrcaeKcs:' ' E. P.IIall.Pres't Brch Bank oft he StateO - O. G. Parsley. Pres't Commercial Bank.- Wil K. K. Dickinson , Ken. Poddc fc Co. ' m"' V-.iI - c - "? Dollnerfc Potter. ' Jan.2P 1853-- ' ' ' - 131 WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH DEA LVR fl I N ' ' Doufecllonary, Frnlt. Nuts, Toys. fancy Ar ticles. i'eriumery,xoDacco. egars, sc., . WHOLESALE JiND RE AIL,,. ' MARKET STREET, - " -4-. WILMINGTON K,C. ' , Nor.30,1852.' -.v -i'.l -.tO-if ;- , LIQUORS. - BBLS. Gin; 6 bbia. Domestic Brundyt ' ' 4 bbU. Stauffer'a A'hiskevs r-- 10 ' " 6 eighth casks French Brandy ' ' " tens ron mine. For snleby ADAMS, BRO. & CaJ April 7. ; f : ,3'1 top. ' - clO-tfi LL Vesr : V us. or to .( ht bilia ti, 3,,21. idsco.is'ffne'i V i' c to render their tLe. delivery of th? & iiolto. 61 For f. -trn y 1 'Bank, I - " Tbos. H. Wright Esq.,- Prea'f Battfe f Wilming f . Cape Pear," - - - ' f toa.N.O.' O.G. Parsley, Esq.; Prcs't Cotamcr- f - N.r IlAURkS, AUC'llOJNJiiri AND GENERAL. COMMISSION MERCHANT. WILMINGTON, N. C. Refers to - . " " Dr. Joh D; BuUKTf" -; - Johs A. TitVLOa. Ksq., T - Giosos Habsiss, Esq. - April 16. lo53. , . N-ly.. MOTHERS LINE. ' r II E New steamer M Dodolaus1' huvinz been adJed tothts Line, and now having two light draft aiea.j.ers and lour Tow Boats, ail in good or .dei , the Proprietors are prepared fo transport ireiuhl to b ayt.teville and the intermediate landings, with us quick despatch as any other Line J. y. BAiSKSf, Agtnt. ' ,one 22. - .t i - " - - 42 if. LANK WOTl for discouut a; the ..several bankiia till place and a handBume edition tutstprimed ot note embracing ail the bank , for sa ? o attheUUieeat rh Vommeraal -t - r Oct.26 - -.- . -.v, T. , - S9. - NOTICE ' ' np ti OS E indebTr 6 to iVifkitfson & Esler, wfi Iconfer A a favor by calling and set ling, as their bills are now ready nt the. , . . PliUIT: DEPOT. - -GLDEav ORBBLS superior, joi received aYidfor sale Jutte , . - -" - 35. -.8TEAMRR ' : 'SPRAY,". FOR. SJIITnVILLE. I . rjx, j THE frteainer 88, will leave fl .-vTkr'ifV -.lor .Smithvillu Ttiesday(Thursoay,8ati 'MMiiaT unii Sunday, leaving , Wiltninu tun, .tt . j., and timiihvl.le, 4, PM;, landing both nays at Orion wharf. i t- ,Pasdge 50 cent in H cases. v- - . . '"Freight 'Z5 cents per barrel, other articles in pro. portion " - ' ' - 7 ppiy ea svua, vt iu - ( - .--j , . . A. U. ; v . mnriw irt ru " Feb. 17.' 'i.' . ti sonin w narves. r CHEUICALS. - : THRESH arrivals of the following! lOO ox Sul JC pttte. Quitrin, 5 bbls, Kpsorn. Salts, 5 lbs- pure Auipliatc tnc, a x salpliate Morphine, ox Ace tate Morphine,' 10 lbs Blue Mass.- 15 lbs English Calomel, 6 tz Peperlne. 5 gals Spirita Nitre, 2 ox OilTobacto, 5 lbs H yd. Patassa,( English,) 2 lbs Iodine. 2 lbs Iodide -Arsenic; 1 lbs Chloroform.'-1 x Iodid Oopuer, . I oz y.ilerinate of Iron, 6 lbs Phosphite b'oda, ZB lb Sugar Lead. pure. 4, ox Tanrun.' I ex Oxides-Mercury, 5 gal . Ammonia. 10 I ba Spirit Ainnia Aromat, 10 lbs Hoffman's Aodyne. For aale by.. C.: & D. DuPRE. . . - Druggtst, market st. - March 30.' - - I r - .? ... v - .. 6." f LIME! LLUE iriUIEIli ' f(I BULS. Lincolrivllle White Lump; tso Uwv ealcincd Plaster, Plastering Hair. and Firt- Brick, rfydrauli.Ocmcnt .1000 bbla Lltne d'-C.;forialbyt - - - 1. ,s , - jjatractorsantiBalldeit ; ? s ipriia.'lSB,'.' t '11 1 ii i iii" 'iii ivv i'1 Hi'" -i K--ri-i-i -iti in- -I'laips .' , " 'WILMINGTON;1 i BilRBLE $D STONE YARD. HK Subscriber having accepted the agency of several tara-eastabllshinenta at the North, which ill furnish him an unlimited snpplv of finished or nnilnffhek. foreign and domestic MA ABLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill nil orders for - '" - -: .lltfM UAIidM rs ANU I IIJIB HTOSK8, 5 and every other article in the line of. the business nt reawonabla rates ' , SCOLprURINO, LETTERING OR CARVLTG,V Kleeutedawella8' caa be done "either North or South.- - . i v.; ' . - : Thcbcst cf eferencc can he given, If reqnlred.?V J A S , M CC L A LI A ! AN March J..'' 149-f f,a DRUGS AND MEDICINES. ' , - . ffirr RECEIVED. 1 LBS; Gum Opium, (Turkey,) 200 Iba Salt A Petre, 40 lbs Gum Arabic, 30 lbs Alixandet Senna, 20 lbs E J. Senna, 1 bbl Cum Camphor, I bbt Cream of Tartar,-1 bbf Carb Sodat I eask Sal. Soda, 2 cases Cooper's Isinglass, 3 doa Cox's Gel atine, 4 boxes celebrated Soap Powder, l2do box es Teast Powder. - - - . C& D. DtrPRE, Drogglot. March 30.1 s - , . -.. . MORSEl'S COMPOUND SYR UP OE: YELLOWSDOCUJIOOT. :Xi HIS is a Purely Vegetable Compound, scientifi - I eally nreoared rruia I'le be t Roots and Herbs of the Materia. Mtdica, and has gained an unrfvallo ea reputation tor me lollawing etUtla, vix : , , PURIFYING :THE BLOOD, and thus ctiring oil HuraOra, Sores, UU erg. Cutanea ns Km ptiona. Canker, jenld Hend.Me Kcgulatnig and Cicaiiiios ihc oloiuatli & Bowels. thus It cures Dyspepsia,' ludigestlon, Cosiivencss, f 'Piles,c. Strengthetilflg the DlgeaUve Orgat:, thus causing the laoi to nourish and support every l ' ' ' " Wpart. ; - ; ; - ; REGULATING TH8 SECRETART OBOANS, and, by enabling them to perform tbclr proper func tions, preventing and earing Bilious and otherpain fal diseases. 'f.- .-,'' . - ., . Slrrcgthrninj and Quieting the Nervous System, thus allaying Nervous Irritation, and curing all dia eases of the Nerves.1:. !Vt, , ; - It ts nor! vailed ia the core of all - FEMALE DISEASES.; f as Weakness, Irregularity. obstructions, &c. . - :It is pleasant to take, and safe in all cases t act teg in harmony with the restoring powers of nature it never inj ures but always benefits and cures as thousands of voluntary certificates from the best authorities testify. Prepared" by . - - ' . MORSEL CO. 2 Maidm-Lane, NT. Soll by Druggists and others throughout lliland other conntrlea. S 8. J A EVANSVAffents. -a-' ' " : - " Wilmington, N.r 'ePt;30 " " "" : - - - Si-ly-c V - TO TaE :PCBLlC. " mriE Subscriber hs -I of R. W. Brown, Esq.; his fire-proof store, with his wharves, and la now in a condition to take e s pecial eare of Spirits Turpentine and other Naval stores commtiea to ma care The Warehouse Is well known to be the best and safcat nlo tr, for the storage of Bacon, Lard. Corn.. Peas, etc. The lower wharves -have on them four large new sneas. wiicre opin-a can oe salelv kent from th rain and sun.' Ileia prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of produce sent to his cars, He win atso mnxeaavances wnen required. 4 ; He begato reter t the fbllowin (nilnmnC m w. orown.rfoitn mwsun, u. ix. t'arstey.antl Thos Hi Wright, Esqrs. -- 4 J' - I - - ' ' MILES COSTJP-.'1 .BrownVwharfWilnUngton.K.C." Sept.l?. .. . . . w, 77. , : "AKRlVAliS ' AT THE HAT EIIPORIUEI. JVTO 1 Granite Row, Front Street. - e have now 11 open atr.legant aasonments of Mlsst-s. Bova. nd Inlants Hats, to which the wishing purchase is most respect! uii? soJcited, please ci! sni make selections from t'telarceet nvi be.-t Btoi. ' Children Hats ever rsrere-4 rj v -minfit - . C. MYEii. i A t - . - i fi. es'i fcv .. . Uj..i ;.ev r i Ts?"i it iHKsubscribef would regpectlully ibtht il t tcmion of tiie public tu his stock of Furniture now being rec ived by the Philadelphia New York and Boston packets. Havins recently nisde an addition to his already very extensive Ware Rooms, he will be enabled to keep on hand as completr an assortment as can be found in any establishment of the kind, and having purchased dearly, all of his goods ot pin :iurera,he can Sell at very reason able prices tolIowiDg articles iuay be round tnhisestal ,nu ' , Sofas, Biao kVulntf' and Mahogohy, In 'plush, : . hair cloth, brocaietle or D'Laine ,- Tetea fetes; -Divans i ' StuB'cJ seat if oeking and easy 'Chairs : - f ' Gothic arm and anting Chairs Soli. :Jv;ntr, f'ior, Boquet; and work Tables;',; liluiri's. or Ouniiuodt , jd corner What Nuts ; Ort. innns, C; kuis: and Teapoys; i'ier Glasneo ; . . aita .liusio Stands; t . icnioo ami tithcr Dining Tables : : '.''. .i :l ' - .e .... 9 . : French and common t . ' . -; i'u ole U. kf,la rosewimd, mahoj-' y, iiack u 'nut, or pupia niache ; ' : '. Library Chairs and 4ounges ; . y sing Bureaue, plajn and Marble; ; L' usunds. every variety i ; v -'' -l' - Oil. sec Ei a. Fir O. , Wardro inanfoganv. wainutana patntcu About 1 j Uedsteada, French,.Cottage.hlgh post, . . half post, Field and Col, in mahogany, walnut, cherry, mapf6 and Iron j -'" Ma'traasta, curled hairs uicas and springs . TowelS i ends' I C. v Painted seits of ChamberFurniture; . Chairs, and Rockers rabont 125 dozen Cane and Wood Scat t -" -1 " - - . Hat trees, walnut, mahogany and Iron t.? ''.!; Counting tiooni and Office Desks, Chairs, Stools t and Shelves i " , ' -. , ' T . j ' Cane Seat high Siool,"wlth baclf; u new article; " Counter and Ste mboat Stools j ' -'--:-: -"'Looking Glasses, tfvefy description, , from 12J centeiol00? . . ' Children's Cabs.-Carrlagea, Horses,-. Rockers ' Cribs, Chairs, Cradles, Trundle Bedsteads, and . T Toy Bureaus , -- ; , . Work Boxes f v" T- . " - ' Refngeratora, Water Cooler, Baths, d-c; - Almost every article that may be wanted in thlr tine. - J.D, LOVE; Front street. BLANKS.; fpHE following Blanks are printed and. kept con A atantly for sale at the Office of The Commercial. Shipping' Articles itates f Freight on W. & R. Rail Road. " .? Do. on Line Boats. - Bills of Exchange, bound and In shet-ta . Do. Domestic. t ; Negotiable Notes on the several Banks. ,vi, ; Do. on all the Banks. J Bill of sale ot Vessels.' mils or uaain?. ; -Do. Letter Sheet.V Crew Lists. .i,-- -'-""- Prices Current, ' , Checks en nil the Banks. Charter Party. k Manifests of all kinds. . Entries Merchandise. Do. Ballast. MISCELLANEOUS. " --- Warrants, with and with Bills of Sale. nut judgment. " Negro Passes.,'" Do. of Negroes.'- ' ' Bonds for Negro IHrc.. Mortgage Decrf.5.-- Warrantee Deeds.-' Bonds for the Delivery of property. '. . I- V'; exponas. : 'iSahpmnaa "County and Ga baind Bonr, .-j Superior 'Court. Alias Vend. Ex.' - jJurora Tickets, County FlFav " and Superior Court. . . , r-- r t-. s JvVrlts. ' - ; A II kinds of Blanks and Job Wofk, eiccntcd orderAvtth neatness and dispatch. to LARD. A PRIME lot North Carolina Lard, in kegs and i fcbis. . f or sale by April 5. JOST. K. BLOSSOM. PURE AIEDICAL WINES & LIQUORS DAKK.and Pale French-Brandy f Port, Madei ra and Sherry W Ines, all of. superior quality. - - . . - 8. B. . A. EVANS. Jan H. r -, - ' - 129 TOTHOSE ACCUSTOMEDTO GEPIING LUMBER &TURPENTLNE. 'I 'HE subscriber designing to make n settlement X of his hands in the South West, oners for sale a Plantation or tract of Land, lying In Glynn County, Georgia, on the head waters of Turtle River, which river is navigable for vessels of a hundred tons. This tract contain 4,500 acres, Chiefly timber land, none of which, has been cut, and is most advanta geously situated ar the h ad of navigation of Tar tie River, and eoly sixteen mile by the course of the river from the town of Brunswick. Its conven ience to water carriage,healthinessvanc( location (be ing the key to the whole eutroundlBg country) tnaka it the moot desiratle aituaiion . in this section of cuuntry. a a. place for trade and furnishing a good site for a Steam saw M 111 audTurpentine Distillery, It Is tlituvallcd A Brunswick te about to be built up, a market for Lumber and Turpentine will be cer tain. Thia Plantation is well eettled--hBvingri good dwelling houseevery necessary out building ana about or pUU acres ct swamp ana aavannnn Land cleared.. W llh the premiaes, will be aold f ur- niture.atock. c. r w. o. iui.r.i. . f Refer io Mr. John Taylor, St. Paul's P. O. Robe Btb-I.GIyanCoCcit. j , v March 29. . ' -2oi. ' 1 :: : : - notice. - ; .. ! rnHB auhwrlber. resDecifuIlv informs (he public I I ..... . .. I--... E ),. A K.i.ln... a. tnac u. is-now iows M.i wHw.i.vw on his own account, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of that patronage Heretofore so uoersuy dcsiowcu upo mm. . - ..-.. . i . -. . . s .- Al CRONLYj i Slock, Real Estaie and negroes, bought and eold on a commission ot 1 per cent, either sot private or public sale. - , - " -tL " I, Jan H, 1553. - . - '128., .CAaNDYI CANDY! ; FIN INE and Common. For sale in any quantity WILKINSON & ESLER..". May 3. ;ft 21 r NOTICE. TiHE sabscriber bavins received letterrtestamen tary, from the last Court of Pleas and Quarter . -3lons,on tne estate oi tne lato jambs dvbcm, i by. requests all persons Indebted to his testator f t o come torwara and make payment, ana inose having claims against said testator are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law,-or this notice win oe pieaaea -in oar oi ineir recover. .JOHN D. BELLAM Yt Executor. i Feb 15 T - -.-'. rv " '442-tf - v NOTICE. :-i:;..;;-.."v rpBi?SE persooB who have placeJ papers in the X hands of the late JAiits Bbbch, acting Consta ble, are hereby requested to present the otSciul re ceipts now held by them, and , receive their respec tive claims from the aubaenber, who as the execu tor of the late Jantea Burch, ia dc: rous of closing the business c5f-, hestate. JOHN D. BELLA".".', nxetuier.', - Feb-" 1 5. v 1 4i-if ' patent eiei;:i;m:s. t'BOXES Sand's SareaparlUa, 2 boxes Town- at-nd'a do 3 Cox Kislev's do., 4 g Bate. loan's Drops, a gross Wrishl's Pills. 1 dcth's do.. Izros Peters do., 4 do? ' ran- '-. 6dox Beckwith'sdo 6 doz Mo'. Aver'p Cherry Pectoral, 4 daz D- -Tiin NORTH -CAROLINA ' MUTUAL LU L LViUI ' .: ' CCOr': RALtlUU. :. '. ' THE above Company hrs O; m operations! the ist of April, i&ld, uiiUer liio daecnon of i following Office! 8, ix t - - Dr.Charlea E.Jorihson.Prrsiaent. ' - w-" Wm,I, Haywood, V'it;e Piesii:ttit, ..v James F. Jordan. Secretary, .. . . . -' Win. 11. Jones, Treasurer, i ' Perrlo BusbL-e, Attorney, 5 ' V -t .-:--.lJr.;hartes i. Jor.son. Dr. Vm. ri, JkKrc, Medical Hoari Contttitatioi. " " Dri tt.B. Ha v wood, - 5 J. Hersman, General Agent. - f . This Company has received a chirter gifir ad vantages to the insured over any other Conip y The 6th Seetion gives the Husband the privi to insure hjs own -ie for th sole use of his H and Children, free from any etoimf of the rfir jcnla- Jves of ihu h-innd or any of his creditor . ' - : Or2ora7. purely, mutual principlr the life mil, ii-rci.- if iu the uhvle of the pr.uis which are besides, ih t applicant lor ife,v!. , 1. 1 slum is over may pjy .anehtli i.cte " i AiJ I a., s ior ire: i :mce .- -linst tbefrnmpa-ayajrlll ; r- j within in nt ' s dab i.iier pteot At" the. deati ol t. p:iny ;3 furniei.id. " - , &I.1V1..S f .i insured lor one or five yeai at rates which wi.i unable iill Slaveholders to . a cure this class of propemy against the uncertainty ct life.' .? : Slave insurance present a new and; it's resting feature In the history of North Carolina. w. ch will prove very important to the Sontlie'n Stat. . The last four months operation of this C pany showe a very large amount of bufcincts - than the Directors expi cted to do the finit year .mn already issued more than 200 Policies. i Dr. VVm. VV; Habbiss, Mtdical Exa.u. :r, ur Agent. Wilmington; N.C.-' . - Ali CommatucattonsonbaaincS'Kof thu :n,r;o should be addressed to , ' r " JAS.-P JORDAN. --ec- . R.alcighFeb, 12, 1853.- 14l -'v "r-'HATs:-' ERES1I arrivals of GehtS Dref s Hat . f?; t SxyVa by tho V ra. H Smith,' and ore have been waiting can now bf fittud. . . i. No. t; Granite Kor. Front street - f March 29 - - C M VERS, i:. . i - NOW LANDING-- r- ,FROM SCHR. A. J. D'ROSS; Vff BOSTES Cheese j 12 fcrga Butt :3 1 r su .Lard, prime leaf; 100 Ploughs by ; ZENOll.GUKKN F. March 22. 3. ' SII.K, GINOIIARI, JTXD COTTON UMBRELLAS. F eviry variety of colois, size, style, and .price. ' a tfoocl article of Childn ns Ginghuiit Unbrellus, Kuw Front sr.- - - C MVERS, Hatter. ' March 29. , " i ; . ' - '6. ' TOWING BY STEASIEP CALHOUN. ORDEKSfbrtowlngby STEAMEll OALIIOUIN, ytH have attention 11 Jleftnt the office of t " -a . f GuO, HARRISS. ' 105. A Hoy. 6'. CCl'FEE.:, - CJCi SAGS ofgood 0ba Coffeejustr 7Z& for sale by Ji . U AT HAW AY recetvwi, and 4.-ON, t. .w April i J. 313 HTtDSU. attd S bbls. of brlme ret : in Cuba Morask now landing from ttfl i!ark Sar anae. Vox talc by ' - f A JiHATlUtVAV & SO?t. 19.' - - -April XT, GENTST BLi CIS. .OPERA & FRENCH HATS. 5 A spf adid stock, just 'reecived, find for Bale low by C. MYERS, Hatter, i'- April 7. sso. i turamte blow. i nnrn t a s nX.i" ".:.- Annr"i LBf No. I. EAtrn andPure, in kegs fJyJKJyJ of 1 SO. and 100 IbP. each; Forsalu by MayS. I : FREEMAN & HOUSTON. 17 BBLS but ri ior American GJue.u jt received and for si' Ly - -V - x : May S. j ADAMS. BRO.afc Co; P0RR PORK n PORK nr 50 Bbls. Ales just received ana tor sale by April If ZENO H. GREENE. r- GLUE - J f 20 BBLS. ,r Distil era ose. ' For sale bv May I FREEMAN Si HOUSTON. ;tee-c(Ffee. 50 BAGS o 10 do. Java; 20 do CubaTi Just -reived bnri fur ala bv ZENO H.GREENE. N Nay 5.- IV. C T. copy. - - - 22 SUPA BBLS.-Sr AND. MOLASSES. -ir.allk'iidst '. 50 . li hhds. t .lasses; 20 this. do. Inef : fi'undfrril by ZKNO H. GREENE. May 5. N, C.T.copy. i : RECEIVED. - 1 is; Sum:ucr 'Prints; RobeCal--ns, d'Cw HE -RICg fc RVAN. ; PLAiD Giog Icoes ; Eloef a : May S. NY CLOTH. - - i 20 BALES; 1 'or sale by' - -v- - J. nFLANNEO. March 31. COW PEAS. -- v V .3 Cow Pens, for sails by " - fc ANDERSON & SAVAGE. ADrll2l'.' IR1T BARRELS. . I fArS SEC OND hand Spirit Barrel, forfalehy C '..it,..' -1 At UH4JU OUtl II MOtinr, tv arusa 'AND EX SON A, SAVAGE., April 2f. C rCALT'S SNUFF. TN barrels a. 1 half barrels,, always on band1, for iaaleby , . f t AUAJSS, April 16.,-- - BRO. A Co. . . 14-f-s if.- 1 . . JtOFFEE. , ..... io Coffee t 10 do. Java, in store and for sale b April 19.v K. C;T. copy. 15. 3ESH ARRIVALS,, . Ann and Susan, and AdeL . ' . i of prime Lsguira Coffee ; -'.'' "v " -Coffee Crush Sugar; " ' i of Simmons long bt Axes. Low GEO. H. KELLEVS. J. II & N. C. T.-eopy. 19. Er.s: 20 B "10 t 5 C for cash,.-. April 2 C0NGI.. 1 CA1 & LETTER PAPER iiiuiiiunaf supply of that much ad ogress, Cap and Letter Paper, tust ;r sale at- - - - S. W. WIUTAKER'S. A LAR.C l! mired received an April 7. f HERRINGS. 5. on board Brig Albert A Jam, from i.forevleby FREE VAN d-- HOUS I ON. 15 1(10' a dm: 'Vii da 'v,n ''Cordon I'o qa.ir'S r. J Vt..uA.4J.iUi.. - conct rns tiie hcahu t t pluiwutall times ' - vajuable Unj.oriajice. 1 take ii l'ur ' very person will do all in their , i .ves of their children, and that i . , 1 i.ieavcr U promote their a n 1 ,;.i :i ct-s. 1 feet it mi iuty to i . . e iv ihat WORM6', according to i i-j!i . lutiat c ' rated J'hysiclane,: ;ijptiu.,-' -t,uM-or a laro majority of ditcaste i.j v.hich. tlUkire'i and adults are liable j'ii you huve an ar-c-tiie dm. linually chaii-eable trun. or e kind til iwd to co thtr, Bad Breaih, Pain in ti.e toinstli, Pivking- : at the Nose, Uariinct-s s i l ul'ccts of tte iitlly, Dry, Cughr felow r !- y er, Puf so v'J rregula i t c- member that all the. dtnoie WORjUSsnti jeu should at once apply 'ie utnedv:-- s . ' ;-r- - HOBEN&ACi. '5- WORM -STRI P. . 4, An article founded t!.-otw&'cientif; Principle, . compoanded wlth,f -y vtguefcte vbstsnte. Le- . tng perfectly safe a taken, and can be' given, to the moat tender Ir i u ith Cf .ldid bt-ru f, cSl t Ui t . here. LtoircU Ct .'aiiti and JJU-rrtnea have nit; do them weuit anil uiijtat tlft 'iunia rcU rti (if my Worm Syr0 re such, thnt it ttardc without vn , equal in tho-eatahigue tt mtditirtr. In giv it V itna -and atrength to tl.u Siunneh, vrliiih Tit. Its it an -lfllulfiabte remedy for those effiicted with Pyptiat i he aatooia'-' cure performed by this .S4ip fefter Plijaieiap- .ave falltd, la tfea-ttil cviJ-.Ecc ,t f lls '. superior t ..cacy over all oiheia.. " -t s . . j . ' . ' -THE TAPE WORM I 1 '. ' .j,r ..a lathe mosidifiicult Woim to destroy of &1I f ..it infests the human system, it grows to- en ol- - lost Indefinite length becoming to coi'rd end io. -enud in the Intestines eand;Sietwic-lf sfii t lirg tliv ' health so sadly es to cause st. Vitas! Dance, k ..' Jcc, thatthOi-e Afflteled seldom if ,tver sutpeel il.a t it is Tap Worm hastening them to an early gisve. . In order to destroy title Worm, a' very rnergtilc -treuiment inusi be pursind, li wdt:ld thertMe 1st -proper to lake 6 to 8 f my Liver Pills to as to re- ' move all otetruetloBS that the U'ornt Syrop may act direct upon tiie Worm, v. hie h must le -lakrn In doses of 2 Tablespoon fulls 3 times a day; the-e rectiona followed have never been- knew n to failing curing the most ohstlnte cete of Tape If - nonkNicyc$luiyER Wit's:$!Vs No part of ttissybum i mora IfAle to disroro -than the LIVER, U wrving os n fihertr to. purify the blood, or giving ihe proper secrt tion to the bile; su thataoy wrong action of tie Liver jifiects the other important' parts 7 of the system, and regular; variously, in Liter Compla rat, 'Jaundice. Dfptp- ' ia, &e. -. We sheiitd, therefore, watch evry ir- c mi that might indicate a wrong action cf the Liv . These Pills being .composed of rvOOTSA . .ANTS furnished by,' nature to lieal tl.o sick : mely, lr; An EXPECTORANT, vlilch niigJ . nta the secretion from the Pulmonary , muma einbrane . or promotes the, discharge of ecrct d atter4 2nd. - An ALTERATIVE, which charges pome inexplicable and insensible manner the .in morbid acton of the systi tii. t2rd. A TON - uicn tlvea tone and streogih to-' the' netveus . 1 n, renewing health and .vigor to till parts ot . Ay. 4th, A CATHARTIC, 'which acts lr ct harmony with the other irgredlrnta, and t ating on the Bowels, and eipclling il:o whole ' s of corrupt and vitiated matter,' and pcrifyirg' blood, which dostroya disease ani uatrta - r ' . . TO FEMALES. ' Yoa will find these Pills an -in valuaMemrdk-fh ' in many complaint to which you aT .snbjcct.: In obstructions clttvt(4alr partial, tl.ey have bct-n found of. UcfrtfriftMe.bencfit, reMorine their func- tionnl 9ironeueiit3 to a htolijiv' action, r utifyicg -the hlood and. other fluids so elFcctualiy, to put tt flight aif eom'ptain'f which rosy arise front female irregularities, hendmche, giddiness, dimness "of sight, pain in the side back, &vf- None genuine unless bigntJ j.r. noitnsqck, ' , all others being base Imitation. : ' .-. - - t,j ... 2Agents wishing new enppliea and Star Keepers desirous of becoming Agents must address the Proprietor, J. N: llol ensack, Phifi)dr hi; Pa For enle by C.'DtrPREand WM. H -LIPPP11T, Wilmington, and by every Merch&nr and Dregglat In the County and 6"tate. Pi Ice each 25 cents; july 8 ' "; 12m f t1. GROCERIKS! GROCERIES! FRESH 'I'HK subscriber, truly thankful for the libers? 1 patronage bt rclofpre bestowrd upon him by hid, friends and patrons, begs leave to inform them tl.at ho is receiving a fresh stock of Groceries,' --selected personally from New York- and other aitits, m rcrpect'fuily solicits a visit fiom iIiok; titii- . electing from the following, among iiiany articles; ' -T"' - - ?;f. eTeos of the finest grades Old : Hyson V- r: Hyson; Imperial; Gun. Powder) Pouchoi.- ; Uo long t and Old English Breakfast, Black. T 'Wwisaxd LiQtKsaa Otard Depaj dtCo.. L5 Cognise Brandies; Old Madeira; Sherryt Port s k Muscat ..-Malaga ; and Champaipne Snes, In all varieties; Heidrick ; Boucher Starr; fepatbling: Hock, and bottled Liquors of every variety t Scliiedatn Schnapps, o!d Governriient Java La jruttyrtt ltio 8nd St, Domingo CcCees; .Crushed, l,ovvdcrcd;Loaf, 3. Crushed,- Clarified end Pertv ttico Sugars. ; Flour Hiram Smith. Cofslilia, and other fancy brands, ia barrels, hill I rtntJs er d. ba:, frettl weekly. Candlis Paunt f tpcim ; Ai'- am. -it:ne and Tallcw Cecd!s tf tlltixta, Crsrk. ers- Soda '.'.Butter i IMvi ; Pic Mr j Ltmi rj; Sljlfc j Tci r.d acston CracLcm. - -, Underwood A Col PIcL1c Pfcrervrst'JuI lies; JanJ9i; Freslr Lotstcrr Solir.on-j Pice ! ; Catsups; Mustard Sauces i Whlta Hinean ' ' der Vlnfgnri Olives ; Spanhh and Frcnt '' e. Sundries. -Goshen Better, fref ' Smoked Bnef; Tongues; FuJEion M Salmont "'laekerelj Cod Fish;. Herri ; Pineapple and jCoshcn Chreec;' 1 Stewan'a Syrup; Sugar House Mc'.; . -; . and Whale Oils; Olive Oils' Colgate's i'- . 1 and Fancy Soaps. ;Niita of all dcscifpt' ; - ondsfBogllt-h Walnuts Pecan ; IU: . i . xel. jConicctionarieeof all kinds f Lovers, that will convey tbclr etntli.i. (lving utterance to acyliablC; theses;. ... . versatton kisses, ? Ffeeh Peavhce$Biiirdy r es ; Preserved Ginger i '. Ginger Wine i'P . . Nu-s Extracts tjf ercrvvarieij i' FkHcIi Hun Horse Rad&ih ; Bay Hum ; Cfoves; Notn ; s ; Cinnamon) Pepper; Ctngerj Mace; Y cclr-7 ; 3tnghtt ..GAlutlne Macaroni VCTmucilJa; R; sins ,- Cumanij - Citron Prunef . Pigp; Cv wheat; Yeast Pcwdcrs; Cream Tnrtar; Sop. fcoda; Sal;-Soda i; Saleratus i Thonipson's ( fated V Washing " Compound ( Ssesafrts Wood and Willow i . arc, In every yarkty ; f Bird Cages; ICQ blU. Planting Potatoes, tl.t' b!4 70,000 Seynr some of the best iru fu-1 a Tobaceo of all kinds 50 bbl. Domestic Liquu. ; London Porter and.Scon h Palo Ale. i Come one 1 Come allf! anlesatnin 1' ' will be sold wholesale or retuiV very ! j Half pipe of that excellent i ' st i ' Brandy, Old... Many articles t mera'ed, 1. would be hapj-y u may favor mo wlih a cull, s Respectfully; t 3 March 3D. - . OUR STOCE IS C03II ' AND We now have on 43 pnirs Gccta Fins Punm Boot. 20.1 pr. Of tits Fine French Clf Pt ALU - ' -- 5 35 . " . ' - 5tj - ?: m - GaI'erp,'':'4- 0 .--S'ii :.' a 'W IC-j - - For sale ty i '' -April 19. Pc . Goat . - Kid Top P. L. ct Ca!f ' " . itEADY HADE CLCTHIX0, .np siije.'ior ruskc fir G; niW n n arf li t f ani tfct Sei:-t!-d s'ocit ttf f l' ! I r ' t ' - fi.ti, at Allv Hi i Ci, r - a t I If