. BOA t iiR SALEr- - r ; -S ECOND hand Whale BoaV J! nd XX Ojts complete. J- - r WILKINSON & ESLER.i ; June 21. O -. .-- SACK SALT. 400 Sack a Salt. For sale by June 21. vv.c:nowARD. -j ADVERTISEMENT. ' , (?00 D MEDICINES. STABLER'S DHRRINE A " CORDIAL ; I unpleasant Mixture, compounded In agreement l - with the rales of Pnnrmaey. of therapeutic agents, ' ' ions koowo and celebrated for their peculiar effica- " -cy in curing DIARRHOSA. and similar affections " '-uf the system.1 In its action, it always nausea and pxoiace a healthy condition of the Liver, thus re - - "moving the cause at the same time that it cures the ANODYNE CHERRY EXPECTORANT , ,I confidently recommended to Invalids, as unsur- passed, by any known preparation, for the cure of -ongn, Hoarseness, enaoiner forms 01 boounoD .XJotJi; Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Consumption . In an early tagS and ff the relief of the Patient ' ven ia de .t ft aires of that fatal disease. -.' jt combiasv in a scientific manner,, remedies of lonz esttetHod value, with 'others of more recent V , discovery; od besides ita toothing and tonic quali- ties, act through the akin gently, and with great 'cnieaey, Jorjhe cure or this class 01 diseases. The valuable Medicines above named have re . 'ceqtly been introduced, with the approval of a num- Der o the Medical Profession in the City of Baiti V more an! elsewhere, and in practice have succeed ed most admirably in coring the diseases for which ; they are prescribed. They are offered to the Coun l,1ry Practitioner, as Medicines whch he can In all respects deptnd upon, as prepared In agreement ' with, the experience of tome of the most learned : and Judicious Physicians, and strictly ineonformi--v ty wftfe t hera lea of-Pharmacy, and as especially -.erring his convenience, who cannot so readily as - the City Physician, have his own prescriptions com pended by a practical Pharmaceutist. See the descriptive Pamphlets, to be had gratis Jot all who have the Medicines for sole, containing - recommendations from Doctors Martin, Baltzell, ;i. Addison, Payne, Handy, Love, &c. . , Doct, S. B. Martin says t ' I do not hesitate to T recommend your Diarrheea Cordial and Anodyne 'z?. Cherry Expectorant? '.dtc - , D oct. John Addison says; "It gives me much '"- pleasure to add my teatlrrony to that of others, in favor of thfl extraordinary efficacy of your Diarr j . Cordial: &-C4 'and of the Expectorant, "I have ' ho hesitation in recommending it as a most valua ble medicine," &c. - - Dr. R. A.Payne says he has used the Diarrhaa Cordial in) his practice "with the happiest effect, and thinks it on of the most convenient and effi cient combinations ever offered to our profession." - Doct if- B. Handy writes, ul have administered your Anodyne Expectorant in several cases of Bron- , . chinal Affection, with the moat hovvv result, and rr front a knowledge of its -admirable effects. I can, : wttH the greatest confidence, recommend it," Ac. ' s DocL W. S. Love write to us that he has ad- ministered ihe Expectorant to his wife, who has had - ,lhe BrmekUU tot fourteen yeara, nod that she is fast r. recovering from her long standing malady. It has , in a few weeks dona her more good than all the re i medies abe has heretofore used under able medical ,1 eeonsel. : . .-. Sixteen of the best Apothecaries and Pharma ceutists in the City Of Baltimore, write, "We are .-satisfied, the preparation known as Stabler't Ano .. dyne Expectorant and Stabler' Diarrhoea Cordial W medicine of great value, and rery efficient ft the relief -and enra of the dlseares for which they - are recommended i they bear the evidence of skill . and care in their preparation and style of putting op, and wo take pleasure in recommending them." Twenty-seven of the most respectable Merch ants.'reaidents of Maryland, Virginia and North .Carolina, who have soM-nnd also used these medi cincj'thernsel ves, say, "From our ovn experience and lhai of our -cuttomeri, we do confidently re commend them Pro Bono Publico. We have nev- - ef known any remedies used for the disease for r !'. . : t I . T r - I OTiucu mey are, prescnueu, 10 oe o i iucieni, una -- tottive atich entire satisfaction to all." . Tha above notices of recommendation from mem -bers of the Medical Faculty, Pharmaceutists of high standing, and Merchants of the first respec- - .ability, should be auffioient to satisfy all, that theaelmedicines are tcorthy of ' trial by the afflicted, and that ihey are of a different stamp and rluss from tho-Q,uaekery' and "Cure Alls"' so much im posed upon ihe public.' . Par sale by- Druggists, Apothecaries and Coun try Stores-keepers generally. . t - ; :V- - K. H. STABLER fc CO. -- -' " - Wholesale Drugeists, Jfi-i-; - 120 Pratt street, Baltimore. . I" For sale In Wilmington by C. fc D. DuPRR. .l.Bt:i- x- 42-ly-c PRILADELPfllA CONFECTIONARIES JUST received a superior lot of those Lore Rings Port Wine Drops. Brandy Drops, Cordial Drops .- -Jelly Rings, Apple 'Paste, assorted Gum Drop and ' . Jfiae -Almonis. - Also. 33 boxes Hydraulic Press Candies s 15 boxes "and half boxes Colgate No. 1 Soap-r For saie by C. DoPUE fe Co. Jans 1I8. - 41. ; v ; sMAY BUTTER. RKCEIVED per scht. R. W. Brown, from New York, 5 kegs Extra May Butter. For sole by June 18.tr-.-, ' C. DcPRE &. CO. SUM31ER HATS! SUMMER DATS ! ! T IOHT. Cooi. Dteasant and durable are the dif- .Jid ferant at via of Summer Hats offered for sale at ? hfl Haranit Can Rmnnrinm Granite Row. Jane 13. ; . MYERS, Proprietor. ;. -GENTS S0l"T FELT HATS. .Great variety always an hand n the Empori--X nm. C. MYERS. iuaelS. t-;. -....J 4i. SOUTH LOWELL ACADEMY, T 5 - ORANGE COUNTY, N. C. HE undersigned would respectfully inform his former patrons, and his friends, and the public - at target that he will, at the commencement of the : T next sesaion, resume bis station at the bead of South ' .Lowell Academy, C"' -. - - - r Thifc loatitution is situated In. a section of the State where a heeltbfal climate, pure water, pleas- - -ant scenery, and a moral community furnish aa ma nyln tementa to industry as are often to be found. Von jg men from any part of the State, or adjoining . -v. States, need fear no injurious effects from the cli anate, at South Lowell, while to tboee in the eastern portion of the State it offers a safe and pleasant re .: treat from. the" diseases incident to that region, . While no- pains wilt be spared to improve the " tnind;it will not be forgotten that knowledge is val j. Qabie only when naked with integrity of heart, and ' o jsequently every reasonable effort will be made Kt lead the minds of those intrusted to our care, to r"' re.nembei theli Creator in the days of their youth." ,J There will be preaching at tho Academy three or a. lour times a month, and other religious exercises -n3e or twice a week. ' "v ; No dtudent will be permitted to remain who ex . erta an immoral influence, and none to return who ' oes not attend diligently 10 his duties. , One competent assistant will be present at the V. -commencement of thn session, and another will im - ; meaiateJy beobulned, if the interests of the Stu " dents demand. - - - Particular attention will be given to preparing ; young men for teachers. Students can come bv nublic conveyance to Hills- v.t bordufeh. 12 miles west, or to Oxford. 'iS easi of ' j: South Lowell, and at either place private convey- Board will be fnrnlshrd in the best families at S6 per month. Tuitltion For beginners l0 For common and higher EngHah 12,50 For Lan--gnagea 15.- To the son of regular Ministers tui - tian will be furnished at one half the above rates. Rnnka nn h. nhi.lnnl it South Lowell at the pjuiiahersretaii prices, "adding only the cost of transportation-. 4.-' . . , : . - Tk. .ti urtu iuaiiiMin on Wfcdneiusv. f , July 7, and the Class will be organised the same June 13. a 41-3t. : mR UMBRELLAS.- THOSE in want of a fine Umbrella,' can select v i from cooice assortment ty catling at -, , . June lo.: T.- uykus, ttmporyun. A - A SPLENDID HORSE, bright bay. bob-tail. 8 yeirs old, 17) hands high, of - style and action, warrnni'd petieciiy gentle, and verfjatt. Cm be seen at "Mr." R.'' H. Grant's Livery Stables. W. C, HOWARD. - June l4-s - ,' 39-tC THE L ATEST" PUBLICATIONS.?4 - ' 4- JUSE 14iA - BY Express this morning, we received A Man in f etrch of a -Wife, or the. Adventures of a Bjichalor in New ' York tho greatest book for fun now extant t Lafitte the Pirate of the Galf; Prof. Iagraham'a Last. Wild Jack or Ihe Stolen.CbiId.by Mr. Lee Henbx; Pdsmaties, by Richard Hay wards; Eveleen-Wilson (Scarlet Letters, by Haw thorn, American Railway Guide for June 1853; Life in Earnest, by Hamilton ; Mount of Olives, by Hamilton ; Harvey's Meditations S. W. WHITAKER. .June 14. - f ' 39;' P.'SGOLD PENS! A LARGE and varied assortment, prices from $I,S to $i, received this morning per Express and for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. June 14. - 39. NOTICE T0 FARMERS. I WILL pay the highest cash prices for Wool. Bees wax ami Dry Hides. W.C.HOWARD. Jane 14. 39. YANKEE NOTIONS FOR June, for sale at , S. W. WHITAKER'S. Jane Hi 39. CIRCULAR SAWS. THE subscriber has just completed his arrange ments for - aupplying the best CIRCULAR SAWS made, and for keeping a stock on hand of ail sites, Up to 611 inches. Every Saw warranted, and sold at Manufactur er's prices. J.M.ROBINSON. Wilmington. N. C.,ne Uth. 1653. 39. JUST RECEIVED. EOXES Sassafrass Compound Soop; CO Q bbla. large No.J Mackerel ; 1 do. New Salmon ; 50 boxes new Herring 1 10 kegs extra new Butter t 200 lbs. smoked Beef; 25 Beef Tongues; 10 barrels Hiram Smith's Flour, and 6 half barrels do. 2 boxes Castile Sonp ; 2000 lbs. N. C. Bacon. Low at the original Family Grocery GEO. MYERS. June 14. 39. A VERY FINE LOT OF N. C. HAMS. JUST received, by C. DcPRE & CO. 40. J June lb. FINE WALKING CANES. A Few very fine Gold and Silver head Canes, are offered fur sale at low prices at the empo rium ; also Ivory and Pearl Heads. C. MYERS, June 16. No. 1 Granito Row. SHINGLES, O F oil descriptions, as called for, by May 24. GEO. S. GILLESPIE. JUST RECEIVED. CRACKER" in bbls. and boxes; Raisins in i and 1 boxes; Matches, Yea?t Powders, Can dy, Starch, Ink, Nails, Axes, Coopers tools of every kind, Smoked Herrings, Shot and Powder, Paint Buckets, Brooms, Cocoa Dippers, Demi johns, &c. Fur sale by . ZENO II. GREENE. Juno 19. N. C T. copy. 41. COFFEE. Z( BAGS Rio, Cuba and Java, in store, and for JJ sole cheap, by ZENO H. GREENE. June 13. N. C. T. copy. 41. WE HAVE TO DAY RECEIVED a larpe lot of Lemons and Oranges, for sale by WILKINSON d ESLER. BJune 16. 40. UMBRELLAS & WALKING CANES IN every variety at the Hal Emporium, No. 1, Granite Row. C. MYERS, Hatter. June lli. 40- AN OWNER WANTED FOU. a lot of Castings, marked "W. H. W.' re ceived from New York, per echr. T. A. Ward. June 13. FREEMAN St HOUSTON. SHAD. A FEW bbls. No. 1 Shad, for sale low, to close consignment. June 18. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. BRICKS. 50,000 now on ,he wharf' i 10 tit,c,f a v j. unT'v'Tnv Juno 18. r ivr. Ji n i us aw. STRAW CUTTERS. F 1, 6, and 8 blades, for sale by June 13. Fit EEM AN & HOUSTON. o ORANGE AND LEMON TREES. WE have for sale a lot of thrifty Orange and Lemon Trees, all grafted and imported from Italy. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. June IP. 41 N. E. RUM. Or BBLS. for sale by SSUjune 18. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. beaversTnd drab cassimeres. A FEW of those superior Rocky Mountain Drab Beavers, and Ventilated Drab Cassimere Hats on hand; inspection invited. June 13. C. MYERS, Hatter. ALB0MS ! ALB0NIS ! ! THE Alboni Hat offered the public by C. MY ERS, is declared to be THE HAT of the sea son; call soon if you would secure one. June 18. 41 NOW LANDING, From Schr. It. W.Brown. BBLS. Mess Pork; aU2S " Genesee Flour ; 20 " N. E. Rum; 42 boxes Soap ; 6 cases Negro Brogans ; 60 bbls. Rectified Whiskev. For sale by ZENO H. GREENE. June 18. NCT.copy. 41 BARNUM'S and BEACH'S ILLUSTRATED NEWS, and GLEASON'S PICTORIAL, for to-day. Price 6 cents each. For sale at June 18. S. W. WHITAKER'S. ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF ART. N O. 6, price 25 cents. For sale at June 18. S. W. WHITAKER'S. POPULAR EDUCATOR, N O. 2, price 12 cents. For snle at June 18. S. W. WHITAKER'S. TOOL CHESTS, FURNISHED complete for gentlemen and boys, just received at the Hardware Store. June 18. J. M. ROBINSON. MESS PORK. 10 BBLS. Mesa Pork, for aale by June IS. W. C. HOWARD. NEW GOSHEN BUTTER. JUST received by schr. R. W. Brown, 5 kega new Butter 25 cents per lb., retail bv June 18. W. C. HOWARD. FRESH ARRIVALS, At the Cheap Family Grocery Depot. Per Schr. R. If. Brown. 1 C BAGS of prime Green Rio Coffee 1 0 15 do. ' Old Gov. Java, do 60 end 60 lb. mats) 10 boxes fresh Soda Crackers ; 5 M Sugar " 5 bbls. . 2 -Fulton Market Beer; v 4 half bbla. - - " - ' V Low for cash at GEO. H, JCELLEY. -June 19. J H and N C T copy, 41 FOR PHILADELPHIA. -" Vs , -. v" i HER OWS t.ItNE .--T, -. TH E .-fine fast sailing clipper Schr, CI Aj SffKOrainer,t Higbee, master, - will have quick sudcspaicrt for above port. - For light' freight or passage, apply on board or to ' . ' X iiEO.'HARRlSS. v June 21J x-. .-a t - " '4'.. FOR J?RElGLT OR CHARTER. - THE Packet Schr. LI LLI K SAUNDERS, 14UU Obis, burthen. Packet Schr. C A. 1 G REINER. ISOn bbla. hnrthnn. rmct. wise freight prefered. ; Fnt terms, apply to June 18. , .7: ; , ,OEO. HARRtSS.' . v FOR PHILADELPHIA. THE SchK MARINA N. , Boon, master, , win nave aispatcn tor tna above port. F- r lizht frelirh t or nassae. aDblv to Jane I9. . J. H.FLANNF.R. FOR BOSTON. THE Schr. Eugene, Lovell, will have dis- , puicii iur wie aoovc port, f orngniiieigni t or Daesaae. oddIv to June la J. H. FLANNER. FOR NEW YORK. THE A. I. fast sailing brig A. H. WASS, Sa niarsuaii win saw tne- nrai ot next wee it. For Itahl frrhl nr n-,i,..n, l,,unn accommodations, apply to the Captain, or to J. H. FLANNER, 25 North Water st. June 18, 41 FOR NEW YORK. THE A. I. packet schr. H. HALLOCK. , Pow, master, will have despatch aa above. .For light freight or passage, apply to J. H. FLANNER, 25 North Water st. Jane 13r 41 FOR BOSTON. TilE A. 1. fast sailing schr. CHAMPION, Bartlett, master, will sail on Saturday. For liehl freight or bassace onnlv to am ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. June 18. 41 FOR BALTIMORE. THE Packet Schr. Leopold O'Donriell, W. Townsend, maater, will be despatched as above. For light freight or passage apply to GEO. HARBISS. June 1C. 40. FOR LIVERPOOL. THE A. I. Mccklinburg Brig JASON, J. it . ...ill L.. J: .....L.i , j. oey, master, win ue urspoiciicu us arait. For light freight or passage, apply to June 14. 38. FOR NEW YORK. THE A.I packet Schr. IsabellaThompson, Batchclor .master, will have despatch , as above. For light freight or passage, appiy to J. II. FLANNER, 25 North Water st. June 11. 38. FOR BOSTON. THE Clipper Schr. Henry Nutt, John Garwood, master, will have despatch for above port. For lisht freieht or Dassaee. having superior state rc om accommodations', apply to GEO. H AHRISS. June If. 38. F0 BALTIMORE. THE Clipper Schr. John W. Anderson, Watson, Master, will sail as above. ALSO Clipper Schr. Virginia Griffith, Plummer, mas ter, is loading and will have despatch. For freight or passage apply to GEO. HARRISS. June 10. 38. WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. GENUINE article, and superior to any other sauce in ue. for sale by A June . FREEMAN & HOUSTON. WINES. A FEW tloeen bottles old Madeira, Pale and Brown Sherry, for sale by June2. FREEMAN dr HOUSTON. WANTED. LBS. of WOOL, for which I will pay the highest cash prices. GEO. S. GILLESPIE. 10,000 May 24. SACK SALT. 1 SACKS Salt. For sale by J.OU May 26. J. HATHAWAY & SON. FLOUR. f!( BBLS. and half bbls. Canal Flour, different JJ brands, for sale by June 2. FREEMAN & HOU&TON. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting between ihe undersigned, under the firm of James Dawson &. Co., was dis solved on tho teh day of June, IS53, by mutual consent. All debts owing to said firm, are to be received by Andrew Maclean, or by John Dawson, who has purchased the entire interests ol James Dawson, in the effects and credits of said firm ; und all demands against said partneiship, are to be presented to said Andrew Maclean, or John Daw son, lor payment, JAMES DAWSON ANDREW MACLEAN. Wilmington, N. C, June, 1853. JOHN DAWSON, having purchased the entire interest of James Dawson, in the late firm of James Dawson d Co , the undersigned have this day entered into n Copartnership in the name of JOHN DAWSON & CO. for the purpose of carry ing on the general business of buying and selling GOODS, WAKES AND MERCHANDIZE, as heretofore conducted by said late firm. JOHN DAWSON June 10, 1853. ANDREW MACLEAN. ALL persons inJcbted to the late firm of James Dawson Co. by notes, which are paat due, or by open accounts running more than 12 months, are required to make immediate payment to one of the undersigned, as the absolute necessity of set tling up the business of said late firm, makes it impossible to grant further indulgence. JOHN DAWSON, ANDREW MACLEAN. June 14. 39-41. TOWAGE ! TOWAGE 1 ! STEAMER Sam Bcary, A. M Guth rie, maater ; Steamer Calhoun, Jos. Sprines, master, are ready at all fcat times for business. Ordeis for Towage will have prompt attention if left at office of Agent. GEO. HARRISS. June 11 38-tf. WHISKEY. 8 BBLS. Sup Old Manongahela Whiskey, on hand and for sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM. May 31. 37. PICKLES, &c. JUST received direct from W. Underwood &. Co.: 100 dozen Pickles of all kinds; 30 do. Genuine English Pickles ; 2 do. Pure Lemon Syrup, rry auperior; 12 do. English Mustard, pi. bottles; 4 do. Peper Sauce; 4 do. Underwood's Relish; 2 do. Walnut Catsup ; 4 do. Tomato Catsup; 4 do. French Mustard ; 2 do. Mu6hroon Catsup ; John Bull, Camp Harry, Quin Worcestershire, Ar chery and Lemon Sauces. For aale low, by June 9. W.C.HOWARD. BUGGEYS. 2DR1P Front Buggeya; 1 Jenny Lind Juat i eceived and for sale by DIBBLE & BROTHERS. inn 11. 1853. 38. Orders will be aken for any kind of Carriage, to be made at our Factory in Kinaton, and delivered here. - .; - CAUTION ! CAUTION ! ! THE Genuine Gold Bar,or Grand Dad1 Tteit Totmeco can be had of the subecribcrs at the Fruit Depot. The Counterfeits o the above Brand are very intenor - -' . . . , . WILKINSON & KSLER. June 16, ' ' , ' 40. CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE., : TAB lilBAT PLKlFlik "of' THE' BLiiW. Rot a Partiele of: BJereury ia it- 1 An infallible remedy: for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions. Pim ples or Postules on the face, Blotches, Boils, Chron ic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stab born Ulcers Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spi nal Complaints, and all disease arising from an in judicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Lire, or im purity of the Blood. - ,Kr This valuable Sfdicine which has become celebra ted for the number of extraordinary cores effected through itagen;y, has induced fiS proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to ofler if to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its virtues and wonderful curative properties. Thefollowiogcertificates.ielected from a large num ber, are. however, stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors : and are all from gentlemen well known in their localities, and of the highest respectability, many of them bow residing in the city of Richmond, Virginia. F Boreas, Esq., of the Exchadge Hotel, Rich mond, known every where, says he has seen the Medicine called Carter's Spanish Mixture adminis tered in over hundred cases, iu nearly all the disea ses for which it is recommended, with the most as tonishingly good results. He says it is the most ex traordinary medicine he has ever seen. Ague and Fever Great Cure. I hereby certify, that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the most violent description I had several Physicians, took large quantities of Quinine, Mercury, and I believe all the Tonics advertised, but all without any per manent relief. At last I tried Carter's Spanish Mix ture; two bottles of which effectually cured the, and 1 am naypy to say I have had neither Chills or Fe vers since, t consider it the best Tonic in the world and theonly medicine that ever reached my case. JOHN LONGDEN, Beaver Darti, mit Richmond, Va. C. B.LbcK, Esq., bow in the city of Richmond, and forhiany years in Ihe Post Omce, has such con fidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Span ish Mixture, that he has bought upwards of 50 bottles, which he has given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luch says he has never known it to fail when taken ac cording to directions, Dr. Mixgb a practising Physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, sayc he has witnessed in a number of instances the effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture which were most truly surprising. He says in a case of Consumption, de pendent on the Liver, the good effects were wonder ful indeed. Samuel M. Drinkeb, of the firm of Drinker Morris, Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of 8 years standing, by the use of two bottles of Car ter's Spanish Mixture. Great cure of Scrofula.--The Editors of the Rich tuond Republican had a servant employed in thei press room, cured of violent Scrofula, combinod with Rheumatism, which entirely disabled him from work. Two bottlts of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect curb of him, and the Editors, in a no tice, say they "cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted with any disease ot the blood " Still another cure of Scrofula I had a very val uable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mixture. I conoider it a truly valuable Medicine. JAMES M. TAYLOR. Conductor on the R. F. & P. R. R. Co., Richmond Va. SALT It HE UM O f 20 YF.ARS STANDKG CURED. Mr. JoHn Thompson, residing in the city of Rich mond, was cured by three bottles of Carter's Span ish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 years, and which all tne physicians of the City could not cure. Mr. Thompson ia a well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va., and his cure is most remarkable. Richabd E. West, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula, and what Physicians called confirmed Consumption, by three bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture. Eowi.h Bubto.v, Commissioner of the Revenue, says he has seen the good effects of Carter's Span ish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic cases, and says it is a perfect cure for that horrible disease. Wm. G. Habwood, of Richmond, Va.. cured of Old Sores and Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a few bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk without a crutch, in a short time permanently cured. Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE & CO., No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York. T. W. DYOTT ot SONS, No. 132, North 2d Street, Philadelpnia. BENNETT d BEERS, No. 125 Maiden Street, Richmond, Va. And for sale by WM. H. LIPPITT, Wilmin jton, and by Druggists generally. May 12. j5J yc. FRESH CANDY. 1 Ann LBS. aasorted in 25 lb. boxes; 400 lb 1 iJJJ assorted for retailing, just received, fresL from the Manufactory and for sale in lots to suit, bv L. N. BARLOW. Feb. 12. 141. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. 1t dozen Corn Brooms ; U6 do. barrels Covers ; 4 do. Draw Buckets; 10 nests Cedar Tubs ; 20 do. Measures; 2 dozen Step Ladders, all Ungthi; 2 do. Cocoa Dippets ; 4 do Whists: 4 do. Dusting Brooms ; 10 do. Painted Buckets ; 20 nests Flour Pails; 2 dozen Well Buckets ; 5 nests Painted Tubs P dozen Churn8( assorted sizes j 4 dozen Bung Starts: 4 de. Hearth Brooms 4 do. Scrub do.; 6 patent Ice. Creem Freezers, new pattern, freeze in 6 minutes ; 2 Chamber Setts, very handsome. For sale low, by W.C.HOWARD. June 9. 37. LONDON PORTER & SCOTCH ALE. JUST received and for sale by , r . . C, DtiPRE 4- CO. June 4. 35 FOR SALE. BARRELS Flour; S kegs Wrought Nails. RANKIN A MARTIN. 20 June 7. 36-21. GUNNY BAGS. 4 AHA New Gunny Bags, for sale by ,UUU June 7. W. C. HOWARD. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Ellis, Russell & Co., is this day dis solved by mutual consent, Mr. C. D. Ellis having withdrawn. Russell & Brother are authorized and will attend to the settlement of the business of the late firm. C. D. ELLIS, H. P. RUSSELL, May 2d, 1853. JOS. B. RUSSELL. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Ellis A Russell, Is this day dissolv ed by mutual ensent. H. P. Russell will attend to the settlement of the business. U. D.. ELLIS, May 2d, 1853. H. P RUSSELI PORTE M0NNAIES. V Handsome assortment, from 25 cents to S3. Just received at 8. W. WHITAKER'S. Jane 2. . MUSTARD. BEST French Mustard, ia jars; and pore dry, in cannisters, for sale by . ,T Jane 2. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. .11 AfllliV' , 1 fT nf.fi FEET of White Or Post Oak lUUaiJUU Ptank, 14, 2I.or28feet long, 1 inches or upwards wide, and 2 ittchee thick, Jbr which I will pay 20 Pet Aooaann. nr m ak.mnn r- jjay v.r-v. .-v v , HERE IS YOUR L T ! llolloway's Ointment a most "miraculous care t T: of Bad Legs, after 43 jeara suffer lag. Fxtracl of a letter from Mr. Wm. Galpinof 70 St. Mary's street. Weymouth, da ted May 15th 1851, To Professor HoiLo'war: . : X -Sir Atthesgeof 18, my wife (who is now 61) caught a violent cold, which settled in her legs, and eer since that time they have tech more or less sore and greatly Inflamed.: Heragoniea were distracting and for months together she wasdeprivedentirely o rest and sleep. Every remedy that medieal men ad vised, was tried, but without tfftct, her health suf fered severely, and the state of her legs was teirible. 1 had often read your advertisements, and advised her to try your Pills and Ointmenfi and as a last resource, alter every other remed had proved use less, she consented to do so.- She commenced six weeks ago, and strange to relate, ia now in good health. Her legs ate painless.withottt seem or scar, and her aleep sound and -i disturbed. Could you have witnessed the sufferings of my wife for the last forth three years, and contrast them with her present enjoyment of health, you would indeed feel delight-, ei is having been the means of so greatly alleviati the suffering of a fellow creature. ' (Signed) . - ., WILLIAM OALP A Person T years of ag? cured of a llai Ueg of 30ycara standing. jr, Copy of, a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abba. Ornidft of Gas Uveas f RushcUffe, near Huddersfield, dateJ May 31st, 1851. To Professor Hollowav: T'" Sir I suffered for a period of thirty years from a bad leg, the result of two or three differentccidents at the Gas Works, accompanied by ecorbutf " symp toms. 1 had recourse to a variety of medic, advice without derivihg any behefit, and was even J that the leg must be a mputated. yet, in opposition that opinion, your Pills and Ointment have effected a complete cure in so short a time, that few tjr.o had not witnessed it would credit the fact, - (Signed) WILLIAM K HS. The truth of this statement can be verifi i by t W. P. England, Chehllst, 13 Market stret, Hud dersfield. I A Dbeadful Bad Breast Cubed ih OnS'Uokth. Extract of a Letter trom Mr. FrederickjTurDer,of Penhurst, Kent; dated December 13th. 18t To Professor Hollow av : 4 Dear Sir My wife had suffered from bad breast more than six months, and during the whjaie period had the best medical attendance, but all tojno use. Having before healed an awlul wound iaf my own legs by your unrivalled medicine, I determined again to use your Pills and Ointment, and therefore gave them a trial in her case; and fortunate was I did so. for in less than a month a perfect cure was effec ted, nnd benefit that various other branliesf of my faniilv have derived from their use, is rally aston ishing. I now strongly recommend thin to all my f r i e n d s . A (Signed) FREDERICK fURNER. The Pills should beus.'d conjointly iih the Oint ment In the most of the following cases i Bad Lees, Chilblains, Gout, Bad Breasts, Burns, Bunions, Bite i t Mosqui toes and sand flies, Scalds. Sore Nipples, Scurvy, Chapped Hand', Corns (soft) Cancers, Contracted and Stiff Joints, ladular Swell ings. umbago, ilea, heumatlsm, Coco Bay, Chiego-foot, Elephantiasis, Istulas, Skin diseases. Sore Throats, Sore Heads, Tumors Ulcers, Wounds, Vows. Sold bv the ProDrietor. 244 Strand. (near Temple Bar) London, and by all respectable venders of Pat ent Medicines, throughout the British Empire, and by those of the United Statesn pots and Boxes, a 37J cent8,87 cents, and II (Jent8 each, Wholesale by the principal Drug houses in the Union, and by Messrs. A. B. f- D. SnndsJNeW York, and S. B. & J. A. EVANS, Wilmington. N. C. There is very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes. V" N. B. Directions foitthe guidanccof patientsare affixed to each pot or box. Feb 1$ J ' 12-1 ye CAROLINA HOTEL. CO-PARTS ERSI1IP NOTICE. THE Subscriberthavlng formed a co-partnership under the styleiof Wood Si Vincbnt, will heie alter have charge qf the well known establishment heretofore conducted by R. B. Wood, who takes this opportunity to retuai his thanks to the public for the constant and liberal patronage he has received. The firm will endeavor to improve the manage ment of the concern, and by mutual exertions will strive to render the Hotel still more worty of public avor. -V- R B. WOOD. , N.B.VINCENT. JuneD. V-" 37-11. GILLiNET THREAD. A LL pure flax, So 20 and 30, for sale by June 2. 1FREEMAN & tlOUSTON. DOUBLE REFINED SALERATUS. C'MALL package. In boxes of 60 lbs. each, for O sale by FREEMAN & HOUSTON. June 2. JA 36 A BE AUTIFtfl ASSORTMENT OF INFANTS Hats an exhibition and for sal at the Ha: and Cap Emporium. . C. MYERS. May28. - 32. A COOL SummefHil con be obtained alC. MY ERS' Hat und Cap Emporium. May 23. MISSUS' FLATS. A LARGE supply hand and for sale lower than they can Do eciatnea eisewnere. C. MYERS, Hatter. Hay 23. fg 32. CO-PARTNEIiSHIP NOTICE. 4 D DcPRE, Wholesale and Retail Druggists and Apothecaries, Wilmington, N. C. c C. DuPbe. V U. UUi-BB, jb. April 6 BUTTER. N EW BUTTER. Juno 7. . For sale by r-.. W. U. HOWARD. JUST RECEIVEDlFROM N. YORK. PBff SCHR. fiVM. IT. SMITH. Cif fCC LB. of prime, extra, and No. 1 ZWjvJlJL WMteLead; o ouu ids z.inc n nue, in uu i 1 case of Prase. Blue, ih oil i 2 cases of Chrome Green ; I -YarUf " 6 " " Chrotno Yellow, Also 50 bbls fine Linseed Oil, Bar fjmber, and Tena De Sren na gound in Oil, For ale cheap at D.DfrPRE'S, Drtig andjchemlcal Ware Rooms. Innn 9. 'W- - 37. Tcr d KrrS5".l'VlAl trnniH BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. rc BBLS. Silvers Fife Proof Paint, all colors; rtJ20 caska Spanish Brown 10 do. Venetian Red t 5 do. Yellow Ockrev' For sale by U. U. Drtt.is.. aTaggiets and Chemists, Wilminmon, N. C. June 9. WILLIAM J.fiSlITH, Jr., r,FRRU, AGENT FCI THE SALE OF TIMBER.LUMBER TURPENTINE, - . . r . . r . r Jone7. '-r:- - ' -13g-?m FREIGIIT: NOTICE. a. NO Freight will hereafter- .be received on the Boat connecting with the Man chester Ra 1 Road, unless accompani ed by a correct list of the packages and, marka, for which receipu will be given in accordance with the fo r m a furnish ed by the Com T I LI AM 8, A f-nts l5-tf. June 4, 1853. JUST RECEIVED FROM PfllLAD'A. IOASE Sulph. Quinine, SO eu.Caiometi 10 ozs. Sulpb. and cetate Morphine, , 25 tws. Clnchonia, 6t is. Salarlne, 25 ots. Blue Mass. 1 oza. Chlorofornw 16 bbls. Epsom f? , and axboice cdileetjon of CStemieala from tr oratories of Poms dk Weigh t- rnan and Chat. L. -a- . For sale cheap at " O. & D. DnPRlTS, Drug 4 - J Chemical Store, Market at Jane 9, 37 V.FITS.tLTS,rrBr PERSONS who are laL :na .iMf,Id;rmJCfr '--' malady, will find the 'H.TAEI.E EPlLEp.i;1 v TIC PILLS to be ihe only ir. rdf v Miovere4 X for; earing-Epilepsy or Fallii tr YH Thrre plija . possess a speeifie action on the h i rw ryvirM j awl although ihey are prepared espt Ciall) i f the pai tpm-,.' : ot c Jnng tits, they will be found of ,. t eis 1 bt be fit . - for all persons afflicted with weak nerves, or hose - -rvou system has been pTbsiiahdorthattercdfiem 7,' i. ; cause whatever.' 4 chronic complaints; Crdiw . s ef long staiiding.supeTioduced by nerve Ushers. , re exceedingly beneficial.:- Fplf direr-liens oc- f com any rncb box. Price 83 per box, or two boxes for ti. Persons ourpf the eity,; enclosing a remit- -tance will have the Fills fetnt them through the mall, r freo apo.ForsatobT SETH S. H A.NCE, No. V 10P, Baltimore strewfc. to whom orders fbm ail firtta , of the Union must be addressed, post paia, . - Dec 23. ' ; i,. l?0-lye w l acSlFlCEM L0TTEK1LS FCI JlIF ; ftARION & CO., Agent, Baltimore. Pigment of Prizes guaranteed by the State of Md. p he following splendid Schemes are partic ularly wc rthy the attentian cf the public, comprising soma ri he most Brilliant Loueries ever drawn In the te! Steles. . . Look I look i i look i ; it 1 i iPfie Greatest IjOltcry on Records. ( i ' ALL ralXXS KO StARKS. On Saturday, J fine 2b, 1853. Grand C.nsolidated LblteryCtast O. i 78 Numbers, 12 Drawn Ballots.' ? 1 prlae of $70,0(10 is $70,OCff . .f A t 30,000 la 30,000 I ' 20,000 is ?P,pod' 1 10.0C0 is 10,000 Ifprixes 2,000 are "2C0.00O BOO " BOO are , 400,000 Tickets J0 Halves S15 Uuarltr7 60. Certificates of package eost. ' 26 Wholes S355 00 2G Quarters SS8 7S 26 Halves 177 SO 26 Eighths 44 3T Anothrr fiich One Dollar Lottery. On Thursday, June 30, 1853.' . Patapscw Institute Lottery Class 181. 76 Numbers 13 Drawn Ballots. I.-. 1 prize of 94,000 is t . . S4.000 10 prizes of 1.0C0 sre ". ... 10,900 10 " 600 are 6J00O....- 8 " 300 are ' 2,400 7 75 " 100 are ' ' 7.600 Tickets 1 -Halves 60 cts.-Q.uarters 26 ets, Cerlifitntes of Packaaes cost 25 Wholes tl4 00 I 25 Quarters 3 tO 25 Halves 2 00 26 Elghtha 1 75 The LotieHealn Mar viand are drawn understate authority, through a aworn Commia doner appoint ed for the ptirpoSb, inns guaranteeing to the purcha ser the fairness of the drstolng. . A single package in any one or the above Lotte ric can draff the four highest prises in the stherrie. 00rders solicited through the Post Uffice. We sell tickets in all Lotteries advertised by other venders, at the same price as advertlsrd bycthem. To et the big Prizes be enrn to addreta your or ders tc the old established house of MARION A CO.. Corner of Gray and Fayette street. Baltimore, Md. TOE ALBONI HAT. DCrYou wish a light, cool, and pleasant wear ing Hall if so, by all means get one iff t(i6 new style of Alboni, as they arc decidedly the neateit. and most fashionable Hat of the season. entirely a new style; call and see them at he Granito Row Emporium. JunatI6. C. MYERS, Proprietor. FLOUR. 1 MrBBLS. Fayetteville Flour.just rectlvr d. for lUUsaJeby RANKIN & MARTIN. May 31. v 37-3t. "CT0 TRAVELLERS. WE are receiving a large srpply of Sale Leather, iron frame, wood folio and Ladies' Trunks i Carpet Baga, Va-, lises, India Rubber Life Preservers, Ac. 31ay 31 KAHNWE1LER A BRO. PORK! PORK! I BBLS. Mess Pork 22 " Prime " 72 For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM. May 25, 1853. 37. NOTICE. DELINQUENT Subscribers to the Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company, are no tified that the undersigned will be in Wilmington about the 20th j and in Fayetteville on the 25th Of June, to collect the amounts due. Those who fail to pay, will find their stock adver tised forthwith for sale; with the names of each de linquent stockholder. The subscribers under the amended charter, wiH be called upon at the same time for the first instal ment of 25 per cent. By order of the Board HENRY A. LONDON, Trcaaurer and Scc'y. Piltsboro' N. C, June 7. 36-7t. SHOTi Qff( LBS., assorted sizes, for sale by OUUU FREEMAN & HOUSTON. June 11. 38. ASH HEADING. 1 jf C( i Supr quality. For sale bv 1JU,UUU GEO. S GILLESPIE. May 24. 30 NOTICE, FROM and after to-da v. IM 24lh, 1863,) the Steamer of the Manchester Railroad company, will leave the vv. & R. Railroad wharf at nine o'clock, instead of half past nine, as formerly. May 26. r THOMAS H. WILLIAMS. J oitniiitiri tPADinrn tSiiiuivinur AVitavvv. 1((( Papers of that superior Smoking To JJKJ bacco. For sale by June 7. X" W. C. HOWARD. mYi LANDING QCBBLS. double Rectified Whiskey, COQ" old Monongahela 1 For sale vert' low for cash byit ZENO H. GREENE. J une 2. C T copy. 35 NORTH CAROLINA BACON. QrjV LBS. Hams, Sides and Shoulders, a aU' vJVJLperior article, for sale by June 2 RUSSELL & BRO. 40 BBLS AASS0 RTED SUGARS TrERY FlNli-for salt by V C. DtPRE & CO. June 16. 40. F. BROWN'S ESSENCE OP JAMAICA GINGER. T HIS ESSENCE is a preparation of nnusaat i excellence. In ordinsry, diarrhoes. inclnirni cholera, in short, in all cases ef prostration of the digestive functions, so common, it is of inestima bie value. Dating the prevalence of epidemic cho- (era and summer complaints of Children,lt is peea v liarly fficacious t to family, individual ortravellef should be without !t, ss it enables the system to re sist tne influence ot incipient disease, whlen lnrk in a changing climate. : cxctiow. Be sure to get tne gehuine 'Essence, which is prfepared only by F. Brown, at his Dram and Chemical Store. N. R. rornrr ol Fifth and Chesnut streets, Philadelphia, and for tale by all tne respectable Apotheeaiies in the United Jstaiea. Sold in Wilmington by S. B. dt J. A. EVANS, . andC.dc D. DuPRE. June 16. 40-ly-e - ' FOR SALE. ; ,.-Vv.: A New turpentine Still and fixtures about IS barf els capacity, weighs about 2200 lba- war rented in perfect order, baa never been in use- : Apply to WM.A. GWYKR. v. 3unsll. 3- HANDS -WANTED. 12 OrlS able bodied laborers by the month or for the balance of the year. Apply to .- JOHN McRAE, : ' -or O. G. PARS LEV March 21. 153-tf. JUST RECEIVED ; - -PER SCHR. BLOUISBJ . - " r -r BBLS. A. No. I Mackerel, extra. large, and r 2 bbls. Salmon. Fsrsalaby CDvVRE c CO Jun16.v ' - , ' J - - t . "a.