V ' if- V 'i- "J -:- r-r . 'i1f mCl." arch preach in tLe Froi.t nesday cvenin nest,. 'I'll 'U 111 W KJ i ; ; TIIE.QUEKX AND MHS. STOWE. :r:.: - i Tbo'Qneen of England has rcfu-!l t Mrsi Stow iCwrt-TIii Is, doubtl- J, cowfthtt!-4c' tl? shows duetrd,tovAmei lean fecli i; ' ? Il icaa traiton at tfie Bntiali. Conn would ? i . to TeryTjitter feelings hero. 'v.jSSli.j'BOJ; HAVANA. - ? ?Tli jtsalwllij it jCharic8ton,? brings cl a t .sJ22dJoe'8'notltiis f general intc Vssli: PUTNAM'S MONTHLY.' ; ocoive .n ac ctand mer 5 rise We have Putnam's Monthly for July, n o. le, the reputation of 'which Is weiy establis The price is 53 per annum, or cents iot a -1 :ete number; Tor aalo aO Wbitakcr's, south 8i f$-&Z xfJIarket street! 'v -i?- s ;.ii1 -r-3f -.i. ... 1 30VRNMENr IP II WORLD. ? Somo r6f th': most wjatlftit empires of the world are 50 governed by young men, under 31 ' "f - tSVeafs fge. The Emperor of China, Hien Fung, is now ltt the twenty-second year of his aye, and WlSSthO third tfCbis rigu. i It will be recollected that i he is.ef the Tartar or Tu-tsning dynasty. Prince '-fj-:: CBU-tisin,of the Ming dynasty, who aapirea to ' throne of. China, ia about nineteen years of vtsf;ajeThe Saltan; or Shah of Persia, Nasser-ad ;i f f :pijat)outtwcnT years of age. Abdul-lledjiid ' i.t..- , Cl... Af fwkev. was bora in Anril. I - Js82S of conrse no is rJow little over thirty years f!ofieIiie Emperor Jfrancia Joseph, -of Aus- i-i- JVIil. fcJU .... V. - v. - . i tria. ia nearly twenty-three.liaving been born in August, 1830.'v ' He ascendedhe imperial throne ia Decembor, 1848-4 Tncse empires emorace more than one-third xt Ihopopolatioa of the world. .ILL'S 'jS CONSOLIDATION. t The Standard of Saturday r-u omo remarks npon the dangers of consolldatiooj says: Expe rience has at length shown that tbreal danger to bo encountered by the federalgoVBrnment is not disruption or dissolution, but consolidation Here is tho point to be guarded., jThe tendency ; of the times to extravagance, oV:ombinations by sections, for effecting their own, particular pur pose, and to the exercise of unauthorized power , - by Congress, ft is tfec daty .of Ah Democratic party to keep an eye upon this tendency, and at least t check it, if it caoeot l j0wce and per manently arrested." ? c ' ' -3 ' if the Standard is in earnest, t us see the Ed- i itoir taking ground against bonpties to "combina f v' tiona of sections" the shape of gifts of the I : public lands. It is 'certainly the duty of the .rY" r "democratic party to keep an eye on this tenden S 'cy',w.ts Mr. Uoldca.sas; l)it nnfbriunately the eye directed ia that way sjnints a little, while the eye that loots i t Official Jiuccession and the tri mph of party is wide open Hence the nccessi , ; 1y for; bringing up material fojpolitioal contingen cies.pp atfer how much i operation strength ena thcauivof consolidaflon. The "party" inust bo Very patriotic in thisftaattcr of consoli ,V datton; but that sentiment .mu.ot bo permit - ted to interfere with party; "prospects. Certain "sections" and ''cembUbha must be bongbt up, consolidation or no consolidation. RIOT IN NEW YORK, '.t A mob in New York jUatlweek, attacked an 'potbecary's shop, in ; tho cellar of which some human boaea had been fdtscovcrcd by some boys. which prored to be bouy;In process of scienti fic operation. Three thousand persons assembled nft dextroTed arerv thins: about the shop, and fa tal results were nlyTerted by the escape of the inmates of t6 shop and dwelling attached. This is philanthropy of a..Tcry sTage sort on the part of the mob. If eTery surgeon apothecary's shop is destroyed where skeleton's are found, there would be but few left. -We do not learn that there was any evidence of trespass or desecration on the part of those with whoiS, Jbc remains were found. It was a shameful affairl NOT UNGRATEFUL .One effect of the aid sent by Philadelphia, New fork and Boston, to Madeira, is, thafk when an American vessel approaches the Ulandtbe flsher- mo and others salute her with cries 0 "A good nation a good nation." flAV17'r This distinguished Lecturer adilresscfl an audi ence in New York on Wednesday evening last. Our readers know that we are not friendly to the encouragement of Foreign Lecturers o any sort, bnt the case of Gavazzi has become a question of the rights of the citisen and the liberty of Speech. The following remarks were made bytthe Lectu rer, in relation to the Canadian affair ''The participants in the Canada riots came into the Church not only against roe, but against wo men, against children, against unarmed citizens. Th riots were not aimed against tne only, but against liberty of discussion. Romanists and Jesu it, if yon wish to meet nie, ifyon"4o not like my doctrines if you dispute my historical facts . ' -do not answer me with stones andVguns, bnt an swer me by facts answer me reasonably li ke men, - and not like brutes and savages hStones are not so sort and logical as syllogisms my dear breth- ten! (Laughter and applause, They are strong -i - arguments it is trne, bnt nofevery pursuasive I At -, the door of the church in Jiontreal, men were sta g '. tioned with clobs for Ihgrnse of tho rioters, and v in addition, the pockets of th miscreants were 4 filled with stones. These are the primary volumes : , of the Canada Schools! The important passage of Matthew, said to al- f y ludetoPeter.'On this rock will I build my church," 4- - - as been mad a rather clear to me since my Cana- !fi. dian tour." ' I can really now believe without much - difficulty that the Roman Catholic Church is built ; , upon., this rock, after having witnessed Roman L . Catholics coming into church with their pockets . . - full of Sal-1 Peter ! (Great laughter and applause. -t " 1 Without wong or ridicule, I might aay : ' Upon Wthia rack is their church built,' Yea, it is a mate w;.s. rl church, with spiritual elements. JfH'ti Editor of tho" leading Eoman Catholic p iis'fVTpclt, thioki that any' on who hears ; '4. "fiaTszi-talk .lo the way he does, ought to i '.'""break bis month." This notion appears to, be .Tery prominent among certain portions of the Ro iman CathoKcsI'.Tca, jea, that is th way "break "fibis :tnot-tbat will cut the argument short, s vf and very much ediry and. enlighten tho pnblic g Jmicd, iatbi matter, ,of controversy.' ; We Jbeard w :.ora Catholic Priest who advised one of his flock, f; in case acytono disputed what ho asserted boot v Church ma llers,to"ten him be lies." ThU was pret ty good, but ' bnkhSs month" is mcb bUrt "... " j' . - ' ; . jwf. TUB UATIONAL MONUMENT. S.Zl 2 JT " ingtou National Monument im now ona Irty feet high. Blocks voT stone -cived for Insertion in the column ! ire fiont cr to in the Union, - J L JATIL The 1 xiriiCS says that sixteen persons and t' .a says twenty-five, died in Ne fork esday last, from over-trork anLex V -ho Day Book says : : ';- oso we should hear of thirty-five, or eten smaller number, sixteen negroes in the South ing suddenly from exhaustion or;Overwork. Supposo the New.Orleans papers should announce that ten negroes bad been worked to death by their masters injhe'hot sun 1 ' What a tremendous hue and cry there. would be raised aboatSt ali through tho North 1? Every abolition paprNorth of Ma son and Dixon's line -f would hare food, for six montbs.'and the whole world would resound witJt tho cry of cruelty to the negroes and the iohnroa'a ity of 8laTe-hoiders. .'Another Uncle Tom's Cabin would bo written, and the authoress would travel with - her baboons afcd receive the 'dUfrrsguisbed e by homag of the" Englwh'nobility.'Dut trach a thing cannot be.No owner of slaves would permit them to" work themselves to death ib tbe not sun. It is only the free laborer.rorkteg for his -daily bread that Is pressed 'on to extremes. A man whose wifo and children at heme are wailing hungry for the proceeds of his daily toil, in his desperation takes the risk, puabca-on and dles with over eser , "torftWa "reasoning these dreadful results ai U. rom the frae system of labor. Interest, and weir. Vbpmanity and sympathy, promt soot hern people secure- better late for their 'slavcs.7-- But It 3 that neilber bas any influence upon ino tic nr northern sympathisers with the Am can r ) In New Fork, free white men perish in the! Juggles for bread. 1. (number of deaths during last week is re port- Jt 60, from heat and exhaustion. .'f. the bebellion in china The hellion in China is a very mysterions af fair, apt in one point that is, tho notorious and roc trobs lies that are told about it. A letter to the X lor of the North Chinese Herald, gives some ac Vit of the matter, for n high he does not vouch le contents are, shortly the blowing up a street 1 bouses a miu lone by some rioters in Nanking, V whom eighthuhdred afterwards were killed by je Mandarins sent to quell tho riot; a flsrht bet the imperialista and the rebels at a place fort piiles south of Nanking, wh4ch com menced st-flA. M. of the 18th February, and con tinued unt f 10 A. M. of 1st of March, at which time the In fierialists were defeated; but, like Dcssaix at aengo, a gentlemen of the name of Chin-kin-shov made his appearance on tho field at the head of tmr thousand Tartar troops and turned the Hd Jbf battle, killing nine thousand rebels. On M h the 4th and 5th there was an other battle, in Jiich pnr old friend Sea comman ded, having the tllouing troops Wider him : Canton volu Hoo Kwsng Tartar trooj ers 3,000 liers 2,000 8,000 Grand total men a.uuo .have done their work nrgli- Who do not seem gently, having kiik pwards of ten thousand of the enemy, or one a -la quarter man each, which rather exceeds the (fa: Sf killing in European bat tles." 'ite f : - '"';? We dot hasard an opinlas to the real state of affairs, because we can kno Jhothrng about it from the gatherings of the news. There has very often been disturbances in that va fempire, accompan ied with much noise, and folK fed with light con sequences. Whether the pre. St revolt exceeds in importance the many that lave preceded it and ended in smoke, is aqueati yet unsolved. It is certainly a matter of gf it importance to the United States, who hope to pen with the Chi nese Empire an improved com! unication and the extension of commerce and tre M. TEXAS AND THE 12 IANS. It is stated that Texas has pre to the Gov- ernment to tako charge of th Indians on the frontier. The plan is to employ ngers, and send all the useless and expensive Toils (scattered to no purpose, as if chance sown, r 'lover lower Tex as) up to the northern verge Of Je settlements. t From the Jour, of Cufi. of Saturday. WAR BETWEEN BOLIVIJ AND PERU. We have been favored withlthe following ex tracts of letters from Peru,tL kjatest of which is dated 26th ult. They show tjat a war between Pern and Bolivia was inevita " ; or, perhaps we shoe Id say, was already be n. A Peruvian squ&drod was at Islay by the -last accounts, and was to proceed in three orfo jr days to attack the Bolivian port Cobija-, "if.-. Extract of a Letter frmZan (ficer on board the Pe ruvian Steamer of WaAmazones, dated J? 'Aff7Cji,May 6, 1853. As I stated in my Ust, v Vileo from Callao on the night of the 25tb of A jll, having' in tow the frigate "Mercedes" which jrried the bati.ion of Callao, destined for Arica.ft We touched at lly on the ikl iDst., leaving ans and ammunition, and arrived here on the 4th. At Ialay we met and t on board our Minister to Bolivia, Senor Prada, pxo yesterday addressed an official dispatch to tl Bolivian Government. We must wait for the re "lb of the messenger to decide whether we are to ."yck Cebija, or return. We cannot bear in less thaa or 15 days." ,. Aaic ,May20th1853. In reference to my last jaeed only say, that the messenger returned yesterday, bringing an swer, that the President Boliavia will neither give satisfaction nor 1 .mit our Minister. Of course amicable relatio: Jrre at an end, and War declared. , - The squadron will t- V Cabijo on the 23d or 24tb inst. It is said t. no resistance . will be made at Cobija, but tl ttbe port will be aband oned on th appearance f any Peruvian vessel. Extract if fetter dated C Ll My 26. l8or3. One of th hostile a JM on the part of Bolivia was the embargo of : J horses, coming from Bu enos Ayres for the Pi Vivian Government. Belzu tho President of Boli . declares by his condnct that he is anxious for "war. Th insults which Pern frequently receh from him. as well as his declining to give any r itisfaction, and refusing to enter into an arraogerant regarding: the coin, make it necessary foi- to take up the gaunt let. ..." a. W SALE OF A VAGRANT. - In -Ogle county, Ind., t sold for a vagrant, and sum of on andsixpenc was ever knocked down Southern States. "puV a white man was brought the paltry .Nocolored "chatter any such price in the One of the nost oek Paria bar was consulted t ger practitioner, npon an c I cannot give you a posit! . replied the advocate, 'I L.. way, and once'the other, each time." bd members af the ""er day by a youn Te' point of law iwer, yonngman' .'adedpnee - one lined tny,auit at X 9 4 From, te AUxundna Oaz-Ue cf Thursday la : EErORT OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. . Amecting of tl.c Board of Heafth of Alcxan dria was held on the 22d inst.. The foflowlns re port of the- physicians of this city was made which the Board hope wW be satisfattcfty X The Board respectfully, rcqnest that Jhe cttifeens ?ll continue to give their tteatfoii to the ConditiCn of their premises, -and see That tniaobcs are not suffered to remain npon them, and also to bare their "cellars and back alleys, well timed. ' V 'r '-- ' TUGS.' TAYY Prei(Icnt. f III Zimurb-mIk, Secretary;'::: -' : f V-i REPORT. - - To correct the exaggerated reports of ill health whlcoor'werks past have been prevailing to the injury of onr town, and to Inspire confidence both at home and abroad,-wc; the undersigned,. physi cians of the town.' .haver 1 1. f s .Siay niet together, and, after the"most mature and deliberate-examination of the wliole buhject. with all the facts Uiat could be collected Am ttie physicians pre sent,inblith the following as a true and reliable report: . . 'J. T.We have to state that.' since the 11th- oMast May, seventy-three cases of tra' Asiatic;" cholera have appeared among us; of this number a much larger proportion has fallen to the charge of some than of others, yet we have all seen more or Jess ot them, .the aeaths have, amounted lo thirty four.' . For some 'days- past tho dUeasO bas been gradually ducHning'and i this time but one" pass is known to exiht. The disease bo's bi!n. conffit ed to certain localities, -and tor the most part has selected for its victims Jterons of intemperate habits, crowded together in conflued apartnients and living in a state of Rreat filth and indigence It thus appears that at no time ha tb cholera assumed an epidemic form, ttatkin? all clas-es indiscrtoHnateiy, but has cohfiitcd itsetf within certain bounds, und, with two exceptions, to the lowest class of persons;-thereby proving conclu sively that there has been no jnst occasion for the singular panic and alarm which has bo rapidly spread itself. . In conclusion, we have to assure the public that at no time within onr experience has Alexandria been more exempt from all diseases, aud we do not hesitate to declare all fears on the part of cit izens at home or strangers abroad to bo utterly groundless. J. WINSTON, O. FAIRFAX, F. J. MURPHY, J. C. BROUN, W. L. POWELL, H. BROOKE POWELL, WM. W. HOXTON, J. C FAIRFAX, C. W. CHANCELOR, WM. B. KLIPSTEIN. I was not presented at the meeting, bt approve of the above report R. H. STABLER. Alexandria, June 21. 1853. From Ike Dublin Irish American. , MRS. STOWE IN CORK. Skull and Skibberbeen Blarney lane and Black poolhave invited the female Barnum the prin cess of humbugs to "that beautiful city called Cork to an abolition oration! Undo Tom's Cabin ! . Father Pat's'JJui ! (. Cnc'e Ton well fed, well clothed, well housed. well doctored, and," In many instances, Well educa ted ! ." ' ". . ;. '. -Father Put dying to a ditch, after being thrown out of his birth-spot raging ina spotted fever without a dropof water to cool his burning tongue without food, raiment' br medicioe'-witbout sympathy or aid save from hiaj penniless peers rotting, rotting, rotting away out of existence i Uncle Tom decently coffined and interred ! , Father Pat thrown, like a piece of carrion, into the red earth, a shrivelled remnant of skm bang ing about his boues, without a shrowd, a coffin, a sigh, or a tear the hungry dog howling after and tearing htm from the earth at night, and holding a carnival over his putrid body. Aye, inhabitants of Cork city, your wbito bro thers lying upon your waysides, the steps of your ball-doors, in your streets, covered with vermin, fever maniacs, with parched, lips and cancerous stomachs, how dare you interfere with American institutions institutions fostered, fed and suppor ted by the cotton, rice aDd tobacco lords selfish and knavish hypocrites that they are of England ! Aye, take Mrs. Barnum Stowe to Skibberbeen and Skull. Show ber the spot where the bones of your kindred lie bleaching women and men, hon ester, better and purer than yen where the "mere Irish" have molted into the earth, "having been told, (according to the eminent and philanthropic Everett,) in the frightful language of political economy that at ike daily table which nature spreads for the human family there is no cover laid for them in Ireland" and that "they have crossed the ocean to find occupation, shelter and bread on a foreign soil?" Aye, tako Uncle Tom's historian to Father Pat's grave that spot of red damnation remind her of the blood hound banquet, the festenngcorpse, the howls of the famine stricken; the blasphem ous ravings of the insane and ask her should von intermeddlo for the black while you have teAiu" slaves by the millions, whose condition yon have doe nothing yon do nothing to alleviate! Father Part starves in a hut not fit for an aristo cratic hog ; give" him a human dwelling. Poor Pat is witbotJt food ; give him to eat from "the daily table which nature spreads.' Father Pat is ignorant, nnenlightened ; educate him . and .you will be blessed of God. Tin thi. ntu-fnrm thai duties contribute to free your own white slave (caiied, by a mockery, a delusion and snare, a free manV-nd then yon fet Mrs 'Stowa. Lncv RtonA or Abby Fol- som, and sympathise with American bondsmen, whom yon propagate by purchasing that cotton which they, and they only, can produce. FULL COFFERS. The Subtreasury in New York, the Express says, is now fuller than it ever was before, run ning np to eight millions. Unless the Government makes a great sacrifice in buying up the national debt, the surplus revenues will ran over ,$20,000, 000 when Congress re-assembles. - . . ft There are now two thonsand font hundred Workmen engaged on the Central Road between. Zanesville and Wheeling, and one thousand more are needed. This division of the road is to be finished and in operation twelve months from this time. It will be, in fact, , a prolongation of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad intotfee heart of Central Ohio, forming connexions with 'the ex tensive railroad systems of Oh iot Indiana, and Il linois. f ; - . ANOTHER CAMPniNE ACCIDENT, v r At Kingston Point, N, Y., Saturday night week, a campbine.lamp exploded ia the house of Mrs. Abbott while she : was filling " Uv by which ' ber daughter, aged fourteen years,' was terribly and fatally burned. - The clothes of Mrs. Abbott were nearly consumed ! ppbKherTpersoa.rbefomssist ance reached ber i anda nei jbbor, Mr. Goldsmith, who hastened at the first alarni had Jils hands much injured while assisting to- extinguish" the fiarcca--' Jlrs.'Arit ia thought, cannot survive. .J.HAiitt. Vi.tf.i CLtl. V..iA.A. - Arrival of the Steamer Northern Xlsht, New Fobx, June 21th. The- steamer Northern Vigbt Trent Sin Juan, with dates from Sao Fran Cisco lo June 1st, arrival at New, York this roorn- . A.due! was ta htre'taSten place on tho 'same day between Senator Gwinn and Mr.' McCorkle, member of -Congress. ( The cause of the difficulty was some personal remarks made by tho. former in reference to the latter. The weapons chosen were rifles at thirty paces I '? - f'- 1 . The steamer California was to leave on 1 he. 1st. with overtwo millious and a quarterigold .on freight. s i , ' . . . 1 z.r i A destructive fire had occurred at San EraBcis cq on the SI st., which destroyed thirty" .buildings 00 California ana Jiearney streets. lss SoU,uw. . SECONO DESPATCH. ,"ijW"se.a "";NEflf Yoas:,"Jilne 24.--The passengers' by the Northern light, 4UU in number, wero; rogh from San Francisco by the Steamer Brother Jon athani The transit of the Isthmus was effected in 40 hours, the men being in good order. - The-Brother Jonathan, on coming out of San Francisco, passed tho steamer Golden" Gate going ia. , ,-. - . - ...'i v ; The steamers Cortes and California, for Pana ma, were to leave on the 1st. The latter had over 82 250,000 in gold dust Va freight. Tho principal shippers are: Page,, Bacon & Co., S1.OO0.O0Q f B. avidsoh $200,000 f Btfrgoyne.& Co':; $200,000, Adams Cd S3OQ,O00v Wells, Fargo St Co. 8100,000. V- ----- ' ' ; - The Sonora expedition wai still talked of. The &io Francisco Times says that a Baltimore clip per ; lying in the .harbor has. been engaged to con vey the party to their destination. , . ' " The ship Jamestown has arrived at San Fran cisco, with later advices from China. Her dates are to April 6th. X: The captain reports that the rebels had ' been completely defeated at'Nankin,' and driven away from the city, walls with terrible slaughter. The dead and wounded were literally piled cne on top of the. other. ' ' - ' ' CRIME IN BOSTON. The grand jury of Suffolk county, Mass , have made a presentment, in which they state, as the result of their examination into the criminal cal endar of Boston, that three-fourths of the crime committed there is caused by intemperance, and a ttribuiable in a great degree, to the swarms of illegal dram shops infesting the purlieus of the city ;' and they severely reouKe tno . mayor ana councils for not diminishing Ihe evilsl ' - I YFLLOW FEVER AT ST THCjfAS. Reports from St. Thomas represent the yellow fevtr to bo raging with great, fatality, especially among the seamen on board vessels in the harbor -the island itself being comparatively healthy. ' The Portland (Oregon) Commercial of tho 7th i of .May states that the Cay use and Nesperces In dians had attacked a of the Hudson Bay Ooaa- i pany's forts in the aeighborhood of the Dalles, and that two pieces of artillery and a company of the United States troops were sent from Van couver to the scene of disturbance. 5"Never suffer long from a Cduxb. At this ago of .thc world, when you can get Ayre's Cherry pectoral, u is a criminal neglect, ir you do not cure it. "Tho whole press of Philadelphia are out in fa vor of 11 00 Hand's German Bitters, as they.. are prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson. We are glad to record the. success of this valuable remedy tor Dyspepsia, as we belfeve it supplies a desideratum in the medical world long needed. The wretched imitators and counterfeiters have withdrawn their nostrums from the market, ' arid tho public are spared from the danger of swallowing poisonous mixtures in lieu of the real Bitters." Herald, Twenty-Seven of the most respectable Mer chants residents of Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina, nay of STABLER'S ANODYNE CHER RY EXPECTORANT, and of STABLER'S DIAR RHOEA CORDIAL, "that from our own experi ence and that of our customers, we confidently recommend them Pro Bono Publico. We have never known any remedies used for the diseases for which they are prescribed to be so effiicient, aud to give such entire satisfaction to all." See advertisement in another column. Medicines which can be relied on for the cure of the Diseases for which they are recommended. DR. J. S ROSE'S NERVOUS AND INVIGO RATING CORDIAL. THIS medicine is the only preparation which reaches the nervous fluid, thereby allaying all nervous irritution. IMEUKAL,uia, imkkvuus HEADACHE, PALPITATION, NUMBNESS, FLATULENCY. HEART DISEASES, tc, &c. all yield to its magical power. There is no prepara tion Iot restoring a weaK constitution, or giving re lief to the mind or bod", worn down by care, labor, or study, like Dr. Rose's Nervous Cordial. Price ony 60 cents. Do you suffer with any Pain 1 If you do, you will find immediate relief by using DK. J. S. BOSK'S PAIN CURER. It is the only p-epara- tiou which cures almost instantly Sore Threat, Rheumatism, from Colds, Pains in the Side, Back or Lmibs, Face, Ear or Toothache; Stomach or Bowels, Side or Back, Stiff Neck, Bruises, Corns and Chilblains. . Wherever you have pain, use the Pain Curer, Safe to all ages. Price 12, 24 and 50 cents. - DR. J. S. ROSE'S CARMINITIVE BALSAM. This beautiful preparation has been used by him in a full practice of thirty years in the city of Phila delphia, end is a never failing remedy for cholera mor bus, dysentery, bowel complaint, flutulency, Ac Price 25 cents.' . .. . - A "great Discovery tor BUions Constitutions. DOCTOR J. S. ROSE'S. RAILROAD OB ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. . The obove Pills are the result of thirty year's prac tice in Philadelpnia, and if taken with Dr. J. S. Bozo's Tonic Fever and Ague Mixture, they will cure the most stubborn cases of Fever and Ague, or Chills and Fever. For Liver Complaints, Dyspep sia, Indigestion, and ali Bilious conditions of the system, they have no equal, as thousands in the Southern and Western States will testify, who have used them. As a purgative pillthevactlikeacharm. free from griping, giving strength ,nd appetite, and enuvenmg tn? spirits, in noxes, at ana ia cents. All of the above Preparations,, with Dr. Rose's Medical Adviser to persons inSicknessand in Health, to be had of C. A D. DuPHE, Wilmington, N. C, and of Dealers generally throughontthe State. ;iMay3I. ..; 37- Sk SUPERIOR COURT CLERK. ?,We Are authorized to announce Mr. H. W. FOY as a candidate for the office of Superior Court Clerk at the ensuing August election. May 17. .- j.SiV 27-te .- COUNTY COURT CLERK. x We are authorised again to announce Dr. J. F. SIMPSON, as a Candidate for Clerk or the Coun ty Court of Nsw Hanover, at' the election on the 8d of August next. ".,-.. . - - - y April SO, 1862. T --- ,V . f" 24-te-p . To the Vetera of Mew Hanover County. ' . I: Fdloto-Ciliztms .-In a abort time it will devolve npon yon' to elect from amongst your number, a suitable person to fill the office of County ' Court Clerk. Allow me to present to your considera tion, my name as a candidate for that office; and at the same time to retain my sincere thanks for your liberal suffrages, heretofore, bestowed,. and prom? -3 yon if elected, to discharge the several cl - s cf that olSce with fidelity and zeal. SAM'L. R: BUNTING. . ...i.ihdi,"... - . - 13-to fir ersTe at s ' ' '. ' TrER'S 7' ' fa aJrw;''.':.t-. port of mtmxmtfti JCXEC2&. v21. B-utch GaHiot Me Vrouw WlnkeL'Van" Der with Iron for N, C. B. Road - ; 25; U. S.iM.tSteamerf GladiatorPkefroni Charleston, with 65 passengers..,. , .. ; 23. U.S. M. Steamer Vanderbjlt, BurnsV irom Charleston, with 80 passengers. ..v .' ;"... s , j ,. ? Scbr.-Jos.; Henry ,-Kirby, from Baltimore: i to Schr, George Harriss. Corson, from-Philadelphia, to Geo. Harriss, with mdze. . ,.- ,Schri E, B,' Powell, Crary, from Newi York," lo (3eo. Uarrissh with mdav.v . 4v ;' . v. Steamer Fanny Lutterloh, Stedman, from Fay etteville, to E. Latterlph; - . . . Schn Bixon Swindle, Douglass, from Hyde Co, to Master, with corn. . - ' Barque Regatta, Graffioi, fiom Philadelphia to Deltoiset & Brownv-.!! ' j JJrig Echo, Clarkson, from New York, to Do Roeset & Brown. j : v" , .xSchr. Volant Wafls,1 from New River, to Mas ter, with Corn and Naval Stores. -: " ; Schr.' Dacotah Mankiu from New York,' to" Freeman & Houston. ' t Schr. Monterey, Somen,' from PhiladclplHa", to J. IL Flanner, with iud?c.; r ' - v: 27. U. S.' M. steamer. Gov. Dudley, Bates, from Charleston, with 68 passengers. -. s ; CLEARED, ' 25. Schr. Eugene Lo veil, .for Boston, by J.H. Flaunerr with 85,267 feet Lumber 26. bbls.' Tar, 447 bbls. Spirits TurpentiLe, Sll .do. Rosin, 205 do. Pitch, 2 do Oil. . . -v -, v Schr.; Harvest, Williams, -for-Gloucester. Mass;, by George Harriss, with 106,000 feet Lumber and Obblsj-Tar. , -f . s,t U. S. M. steamer Gov. Dudley, Bates, for Char leston, with 42 passengers. . : . 27. U. S."M. steamer C. Vanderbilt, Burns, for Charleston, with 25 passengers. . . Schr. Lillie Sanders, Corson, for Alexandria, Va., by Geo. Harriss with 118.000 feet Lumber. NEW YORK.--- "- ' ''Abbi'teoT "; 22., Schr. Isabella Thompson, Bartlett, Iience. . Schr. A. J. DeRosset Brewster, hence. SchrVAdelle, Applegate, hence. fctehr. H. Halloclc , Pow, hence. .. t . --.r-' 24.t;Schr."Rhoda Island, Turry, hence. PHILADELPHIA Aaa:vsD. 19Schr,Chas,H. Rogers, hence. - . - 22. Schr. Sidney Price; Candy, hence. "v-- . BALTIMORE.- AaBivrn' ; 20. Schr. H. P. Russell. Bennett, hence. 'V Schr. John W. Anderson, Watson, Savannah. via Wilmington N. C. . .. vochr. Araminta, Anarews, hence. ' Schr. Virginia Griffeth, Plummer , hence. , .WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. BACON per lb. Porto Rico, - a " Hams. N. C. 12 a 13 Cuba, - 19 a :. Meal,- 724 a Sides, do. 12 a 13 Shouldrs, do. 10 a 10J Hog round, ' 10 all Hams western, 12i a 13, IX AVAL STOKES Turpentine, pr bbl 280 lb. Yellow dip, 2 80 a Virgin dip 2 85 a t Sides-, do. 10 a 10 1 Shoulders, do. 8J a 9 Hard. 1 60 Butter, per lb , ist a 4V Tar, 2 18 a BKKr, per bbl. I'iteh, 1 0 a Northern otees, 15 00 Kositi by te. No. 1 1 75 a 2 00 No. 2. a 1 25 Ko. 3. I 00 a I i(' or BTlTne, Beef Cattle. 100 Jbs., 0 UU a 0 UU COFFEE, per lb. Spirit Turi-'i ot. Dominzo, VI 11 per gall. a Sb NAILS, per keg, 100 lbs Cut, 6 50 a .7 50 Wrought, :24a ;; OIL, per gall. ' Sperm, 1 124 a 1 60 Linseed, 85 a 1 00 Rio, 1 a 12 Laguayra, 10t a 12 Cuba, . - - none. Java, 14 a IS Cotton, per lb. 9 a Corn; per bush o7 a Candles, N. C. 12 a 14 do. Northern, 14 a 16 Adamantine, 23 a 30 j Sperm, . 45 a B0 ' Cheese, 9 a 12J Cotton Vara, 154 a lb do Osnaburgs 9$ a 10 4-4 N C Sheet - log, 71 a 8 I Shueting 64 a 7 1 FLOUlt, per bbl. ! Fayctteville, EJ a 55 Baltimore, 5 50 a Canal, ex. 5 50 a 7 50 Neat's foot, 1 50 a fork, Northern per bbl. Mess, 20 00 a 21 00 Prime, 00 00 a 18 00 Peas, per bushel. S, Eye, a " Cow, 75 a Pea Nuts 80 a SO RICK, per HO lbs. Cleaned, 3 50 4 60 Rough nee noip. per bush. 1 00 a STAVES, per 1000. W. O-hhd. Feathers, 4b a 50 GLUE, per lb. j American, 11 a 14 H A V, per 100 lbs. rough, none Dressed, none. R. O. hhd rough, 15 00 a Kastern, I 25 a N. York, 90 a 1 Ash head ing, 10 25 a Hollow ware, 3J a IRON, per lb. American, best re fined, 6 a English assorted, Swede best refin ed 6 a Dressed, none. ' CO Shingles, per 1000. Common, 2 00 a 2 50 Contract, 4 50 a 5 00 Black's large 5 00 a Salt per bushel. -'- i Turks Is land,- 35 a 40 5 64 Blown, none. Liverpool, per sack, 90 a I 00 Soap, per lb. American sheer, a Best Swede, LUMBER, per 1000 feet.1 S. Sawed 16 00 a 16 00 Flooring, VV boards 16 00 a 17 00 Pland and scantling 3 00 a 15 00 Wide boards edared, 14 00 a 15 00 Refuse half price. RIVER LUMBER. Flooring, 13 50 a 14 Pale, 7 a Brown, 5 j a C steel tier !b. German, 12 a 15 Blistered, 6 a 7 Best Cast 20 a 25 Best quality Aim saws, 6 feet, 5 00 a Sugar per lb. N.Orleans 7 a 3 Porto Rico 64 a 8 St. Croix, 8 a Wde bo'rds ;6 00 8 60 Scantling, a 0 00; Loaf. 94 a 1 10 Lard in bbls ilia do kegs 1 2 Lime pr bbl. I 00 LIQUORS, per gallon. Peach brandv Apple, 374 a 1 00 Rye whiskey 45 a 75 Rectified, 29 a 30 ; N R Rom, 32 a 33 ; MOLASSES per gallon. NewOrleans. 32 a TIMBER, per 1000 feet Shipping, 10 75 a 11 On Prime mill 7 a 10 00 Common, 5 50 a 7 Oo Inferior. 3 50 a 4 Oh 1 auow pr to a WINES, per eallon. Madeira. , 1 00 a 4 po t, ' 1 00 &imn. Malaga, 4U a 0 0 FREIGHT'S. To NEW YORK: Naval Stores, TurpL 40 on deck, 40 under, t Spirits Turpentine, . : 70 cts. pe. bbl. ; Rosin, 40 " . 45 " i j Yarn and Sheeting, " "6 cts. pei foot. Cotton, 81 a SI 25 "r bale. Pea Nets. C " hnsh. To PHILADELPHIA : r Naval Stores, 40 on and . - a 45 under. Spirits Turpentiae, 70 cts pcrbb!.-' tVHmliigtoii Bank Rates of EUchanRC Checks on New York, , . 4 percent perm ,' Philadelphia, 4 " f T ' Vmtnn a. , . 1 V Baltimore, . Virginia A: e " Charleston CO 1MERCIAL. REMARKS ON MARKET. . Tbbpehtinc Since Saturday morniag last,!,. 195 bbls. Turpentine, have been sold aii2,85per bbl. for Virgin Dip,' and t2,75 to 2,80 per bbl for Yellow Dip, market closing at highest figures,. - ' 8pib its ToarENtiwa.-150 bbls changed bands at 85 cts per gallon and 300 da at 38 cts. per gal lon. . Rosis?. 800 bbls Common Rosin were sold at $1 a 1,10 per bbl.; according to size. -Taa. None is market that we bear of. ;"V: ; TiMBsa. 2 large Rafts were disposed of one at Sll) per M the other at S12 per M. ; 'i Cor1800 Bushels sold from Vessel at 624 cents per bushel., , Bacok.-r-A fair supply jo store, or price see table. ' 4;"t fc "t 'Z '' ? l' ' ' . f nT. 50 Bales Northern Hsy were sold at Sl,- 20perl001bs' ' S. S. Li , Timber, Shingle. Turenl:iiv Rosin. ' . Spirits Turj'i mini Tar,.vx, Pitch.: J PimrlOil. ' Papery. , ... Oil.- ,?f BugU-s, : - Var', :if . 8hei"ting,--n' Waste. . Cotton, i Wi1, - " Bier,- : -Rongh Rice1,' ::ll - :7 10 j I nii. - 1 1 :. " U!e s No. 1 1 1 'x - !i 1S.C. j li 1 1CJ t. ! " 8 rol 12 U!d iron, Leather. A' Coptr, Ore, Sparstk;, fto. ; .v, .--.NEW TORK MARKET. ' .';S- '-- For three days prrcedntfc. '. June 22.wTh New Vork VShip. and Com. Li.-.; reports: : Cotton.W Business in this staple for the ra.-t three days lias been nearly suspended, tho lr -actions having been small and of a retail chm a c ter." The sales for' the 'lust' three dars are bales, making a total for the tocek of 8000 bales. vFtourrrBon'tuern has continued in cood rcn 110 i . partloriiKrtSKilpEnglaod,,,and prices,, with : moderate Supplies are . Well supported--t!te sn !.n are 7000 bbb., closing stead ly at S5,00j a ' I ' for common to good brands Alexandria, i: . more and Georgetown, 5,25 a S5.S71 : r and favoHte branda, including Brandy tviHc, i-, a $7 for fancy brands, and S8 for Uazalt. v ' Corn. The sales are 77,000 b tube In, cloning st 61 a C6 ceit8:ff-:--.;.wi'-fcr.'4 v. . . NaTl Stores. Vfe baVa no further ixales or Tur pentiheor change iif the market to" note, the re ceipts being light, and the stock on hand small Spirits Turpentine has been ingreat demand for consumption and though there is still some afloat ' unsold, it could be readily disposed of. if the ves sels could find berths to discharge the talcs since Tuesday reached 8800 bWs. mostly at 44 a 45 cents cash, but embracing some at 421 cash ' nd 45 a 40. sixty days, closing yes.'erday with little to be bad at 45 cash. though thete. is .little disposiXion lo store ; 45 a 46 cents, casb a as ob tained ror retail lots. We notice sales of 6000 bbls. Common Rosin af $15, delivered Tor large' Wilmington, i,5 inyard for Strained, 81,60 de livered, for 820 lb.; aud Sl.40, afloat, s. for Korth County; 1000 No. 2, Kp. 1 and White, from $1.75 up to. 4,75 per 280 lh.j and 2000 c Shipping Tar, 82,624 a S2.68f , in yard and dvliren d. U .... Rice. There is bnt little animation in the mar-: . ket,and the sales hare consequently : been light,', amounting to about. 600 tcs., at 3 81 a 64 664, ': Cash..y,i- '. ' " . .'' - ' ' . (..;' ..V f.t-i .',ifcf 'rif 1 -1 - : v X if FAYETTEVILLE MARKET. l -1 v. J une 25 The North Carolinian reports : Flour has improved in price and tbe demand is good at $5 and epward for super from wagons. : Corn is scarce and in good' demand sales at 75 -cents from wsgoos. . Bacon is wacted at quota tions, 10 cts. . Butter, eggs and fresh meats aru very scarce and ia great .demand for which high ' prices are paid. j -. . . - ' PHILADELPHIA MARKET." ' ' June 25. The N.' American and U. S.. Gazette reports, for the week ending Frldsy :"; Cotton, Sales limited' and price nnchanged 900 bales embrace tho operations of tho week, at 19 a 124 cents. . r - . '1 - jnoor "lh week's sales reach some 14 a 1500O bands, at $41 ,621 S6.374 as to quah'ty. ; " - Corn. Some 20,000 hut he Is found buyers, at 57 a 61 cents. r.j k'U'i'A'!-'.'? :ji T..',:ry. L-' Naval Stores continue in limited request ; some further small sales of Spirits Turpentine are ro ported at 44 a 46 cents per gallon cash and time ;' about 1000 bbls. common Rosin at 1,50 a $1,60, and some whit Rosin af. S3 a 53,50 per barrel. " Rice conliuues dull, will a small business to supply the home trade, at 4 a 4 cents. f t ., f C ALIFORSI AM AR ntET3' 1 - San Francisco, Way 29. Th 'transactions for the week in provisions and breadstuff have been large. "Provisions closed at slightly improved prices.' Flour was hardly so firtrt, , ilay 51. Therebas been a fair jobbing brsi -ness done in dour to-day at slightly lower rates. Inspected Galegoes ol& at $10,87 a Sll. Mess Pork is held at 523. Small sales of clear Pork at 28. Lard in kegs 154 I bams 20: butter 8i a 36. Turpentine bad declined to I,60 a i2.. San Fraucisco, Juno 1. Flour closed a shade lower. Provisions had slightly improved. ' There -bas been large transactions in both' articles dui ing the past week. -' Mvu:'' ""' ..' CLEGC ON GAS LIGHTIXC. A Practical Treatise on ihemannfaciuresnddis- tributioo of Coal-Gas, its intrudutlon and pro gressive improvement.," Illustrated by engravings trora working Drawings, witu gancra) estimate. Kor saleat S. W. WHITAKER'S. Juno 28. .T ..-'' . . ' 45. - McGUFFEY'S ECLECTIC SERIES: OP Spelling and Reading Books, a full supply just received and for auio at - Jun28. S. W. WH1TAK F.RS. : NEW PUBLICATIONS. A LARGE package of the latest, to mention, received per last S too ' numerous amrdav's Ki press, and for sate at June 28j6 -S. W. WHATAKER'S. "''v .j t-i 45. FLOUR.', I f BBLS. Hiram Smith Floor, received t.-er E. J. US: Powell. Vor cafe br ' ' ,; Jnne 28. v, u. Howard: FATETTEVILLE FLOUR. Ofl BBLS.V Fayotieville Flour, received ptr wVStcamer Fannir Lutterloh. for sale low b June 23. v : W, a HOWARD. LAMP OIL 1 ? GALS, best qusllty Sperm Oil, for sn lUUlowbjr,t,4 ! . .. W. C' HOWARD. June 28. 4b " :-' ' .TEA.:-r- 1CH5ST best BIackTeo,jtttowoiwano'jfaer 1 -t 6anpowder ' - - For sal low by ' , - . W. C. HOWARD. . : June 28. -s. u x. . - 45 ' Change of Schedule on H and G. EiiL-cii THE Raleigh and Gaston Read ia now complet ed to Weldon, and in fin order, and the follow ing permanent Schedule for the Passenger Trail. 1 has been put into operation i i ', .- Leave Raleigh at 8 A. M. arriving'at WelJon at 1 o'clock, P. M , ia tint to connect- with the ' -.' trains for, Petersburg, Portsmoath, and V!mi; Returning Leave Weldon after the arrival cf the Expreaa Train from Wilmiagtoa at 3j. P. I I. i Arrive at Raleigh at 84 P. M. " it- Passengers will: thus be ana bled lo take brr - V fast in Raleifh, and supper iq Penrsbtir?, r;,h roond, Norfolk, Portsmouth, or Wilmicgton, or breakfast at tboaa points aad sapper to Us lei eh. . I Persons wienies to come front any points on, or c.asi ot -toe ujuipion nonu, ana irom tne AiDe. -marie country, will find this the most comfortable and expeditious route. .-iv -. . Office R. eV, G. Railroad ComDaey." ' ' f .June 25.. .a ' - . . ... .. : 41-2m.- FOR SALE. THE Houae and Lot occapW by the sub scriber on Fourt, between fVon and Ann .Streets nossession civsa l October. ; - ply attbc lee Honse-. Jun 25, 18 53. '-"-r-r-""-""- ' 41. ORANGE INFLEXION T: WE have fr" sate a lot of ihrif'y t. . - ? Lemon Trees. H crafted ani i-r--.ri i r July. FREEMAN IIOUSTC -Job IP. --- STRAW OF I, Ci and 8 tlaf'e, for 3l I v June 13. , . kiief.ma:; i:

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