ilin TRI-WEEliLY COMJIERCUL, la Published every Tomoat, Thvbsday aad Sat vioir at 45 per sonam, payable la ell easea la ad- Vanct. - - ""; -- " li T T ilOAIAS LORISQ Editob and Paopnirrou. . Corner Ifroot and Market 8tret, . v - rt a "neon ct j n VfS BTfSir'Vn ir. 'I insertion 9 80 1 aqr.;riofctoeV 14 00 9 VU 8 00 I " 3 .1 00! I ! " I month. !- 2 50 1 i 12 00 . Tea line or Jess make a square. If aa advertise ment exceeds tea lines, the price will be In propor- -- .-. -i .... i . 4.-.:- : "--.- r i r&?i ;.: - s . A AU advertlaementsare payable at the time oftheir -ncrtionr-;.--r:o--v,r"':;it. i . . Gatraets"wfth:early advertlsera, wlllbe made a iha rfchit liberal lrmi' I' iv V l V tt-aajfer of contracts for 'pearly advertlalaf; ororiued." Shoald elreamstanaea. render a in bu id, or an n n ex tec ted removal nee .i r. h ir '& aceordiasr t the published terms will bat iU option of the contractor, for the time K- Ha 4.-riicrf. ",.. :-' -' The privilege of AnnuaV Advertisers la strictly 'limited to their own Immediate business rand ail ad vertlsements for the benefit: of other persona, aa well as si! advertisements not immediately connec ted with their own baslneas, and all: excess of ad - vertisetnents in length or otherwise, , beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the usual rates. v No advertisement Is Included In the contract for he Bale or rent of houses orlands In town or conn rw or for the sale or hire of negroes, whether .the property Is owned by the sdvertriser or brother per iaa. .These are excluded by the term.''idia 6?aaVertiseaienrtiMerted'ln tbetrl-weealy Com mie rciaf, are entitled'to one Insertion in the Wctkty execoted In superior style. ,-- JVt Vor Messrs. Baows & DeXossaT. -oston-rPaaDSBica: Kiooaa. k PAitodftoAta S.jg.Cuwa- - BUSINESS CARDS. JOSEPH RBLOSSOri, t General rommUsioa aad Forwarding Berchant, Prwsapt personal attention given to Consign. - - . , menta for Sale or Shipment. : Liberal Vask-'advanc9rnadn- Cnuigunls to - ? orio tay New-York friends. - 1 Wilmington, Jsn. 3q 18S3. ; " ' 133 T. iCr WORTH. COailSHOJI 1SD FOWlaDlSG lEnCHlST, Pebl9, IBS 143-ly wTfILLIA5I GWYERr n; . - - - i m 1 rnntmtaclAn MEaCHANT,. . i take pleasure in inrornun? my irnn, prepared to give all bnslneae eotrested to cisnt and personal attenUon. I hae a wharf for u.icuu. ltW aninU Mammadauont. nptrtt tTr.r... W.mhAnse.4 Consicnments of naval Stares for sale 0 sMpoTtnt t and all kinds of coan hrr aradaea solicited. .Cash advancesma Jedn cd- ixnuicyiB i- - April 18. 1852.' ' -'" " a man as) 15 WHOLT5SAt.E AfiD RETAIL GROCER Provisions; wo "".' ' . ' nanfatuMTUs. 4-c. .Somlb. Promt street, WILM1NQTON, N. C. -: a; dr S-;B: & J. A. EVANS, trndts&sALEt& JieTA tl nRuaoisvs, WILMINGTON, N. C. -Willtexj. alwavs o hands large and very select stock of rfrogs. Medicines, Chemlcali, Paint. Oils, Ulass. Surgical Inatruments, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Ac-? at Idw prices, ; ' Jat ia. 1853v 130 cajiaissiflliitDFfiaWiaDisc MEECDAST ; ' WICMIJfGTO, X. -Jane 22. 'B'7fV'i -t'T k - V. 45-12- me. JMtATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ; K I : wiLatiNG?TON r j;-HAVKAw"v.-frttt ' 3 ' L' Hathawav. . KeW 15 18S3C r--:-- 91- i J4S Tf. CILiDB0URN& CO.. General Commission Merchants . WILMINGTON. N. C. Ja. IL CHABSotras. ? -ji Uo. chadbocbw. Jan. I," 183." ' ' , ff - RUSSELL: & BROTHER, J . " ft CI.LIB. USSBLL & CO .) 123 a E XERALiCOMMlSSION MERCHANTS, . .. . wrr.MTNOTtiK. N. C. " Liberarcasft advances made on consignments of Nsval Stores, Cotton, and other proauce -.May 3.tl83i.T!i"!-?-.-1f m"."- ' J ''nnn.-Viis.iYi ice General Commission Herafant, i t WI LM INGTON, C: 'i QTftlCT a ttentron given to ptoenrin g Krelgh O indpurchasingCTArgoesforvesseir - Uapsa to', li '-.I i-. -E.P.Hall,Esq1lr -1 , ' O.O .Psrsley ,Ksq... . . - " -J. A.TaylorEsq.,, .jitf Vllmlngtoa . J . U. BjlUnvy.Esqi. ,-r. Messrs. BalUrd lAHUIt Messrs .Tooker.Sniyth A C, c New Vork ; Tjiompsona wunter. - . Alcx'r.Herron rr ..PhUadelphla r , . Uan.2.1853, : J' 12-tf. JOSEPH h;flanner, General Commission Merchant. VILMWGTOM,'H.C. v V , tIay9th,lS52.:i:-'--i:'..' ; - Va, . 87-ly-c. 0IIXI ISSIONSMERC H ANT, . . . WILXlINaTON.N.C. WILL sell or buy Real Estate and Negroes at a email commission. ' , , . . S trie! Ytteatlda ?vea to tne site of Tne,Tar emiae, Tarter any kind of Country Produce. O See second door, South side of Market street, 'en the wharf. .' . ' " ; . r i Jane'12852 j-.T ,38.1y DENTAIi NOTICE.5 , DR. W li:sHERWOOD, formerly . vof Dunlin, and practical Dentist for -LUOJUrthe last 7 ears informs his friends hii the public generally, that-ha. has located in Wilmington, on Front street corner of Orange, where he Is prepared to attend td all calls ia the line of his profession. . Roosm fb the recep : ;oa ef Ladies.', fie' if Induced tq hope that ihelie cral patronage formerly eitended to- hlni wav be cantlaued b the cltrzene of ViJmtog ton and vlelo liv. . -. ; ?t oet 2 -1 r-ef .. J zy y. . rH. ' VANEOKIIELENy 'SRALP AGENT. COMMION . . D FORWARDING MERCHANT;; WILMINGTON. N. C. . ' i - r atteuttotir glTetf to sale and purchase -res.' . . ' - BUSINESS CARDS. ;t v C. & D.DoPRE.. t - ; "jHOLE SALE AMD BETAI. DEALER IW ' Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Dve Studa. csiase. Perfamery, Cigars, jUi, Old Xaqwora, Fancy Artlelea,c, A s.'iriLMiiroToi, w. c, . - Preacriptioascarefuliycoinpouadcd by experi enced persons. . ::r - -4. March 28. 1852. - ANDERSON & C 13 ST ERA t. COIHMI9SIOW MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. j A BIES ANDERSON- ,DVASD aAVAGE. Jaly I, 1SS2. - . 46-l2m. 7a. .oiii, ' " h, t. ADABta IDIMS, BROTHER A Co; COMM. IM1QNM E R CHANTS , Jnlyl t 1852. 123 GEO. D. KELLY. COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nextdooi to A. A1. Wa0W'i will attend to the sale of all ail Mb North tVteiiat- inds of vonntrv Fro iuce.auchatCorn. Peaa. Meal, Bacon, Lard, Ac and will keep constantly on band a full supply of Groceries, Ac." --r-t-w References. WlilesHall.of Wayne, JonhMc.Rae, Wilmington W. Caraway. ' . Oen. E. P. Hall, Wilmington , Wiley A. Walxei . Dec. 13. 1852. , HS-ly. MILES C0STIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C. REFER TO E. P. Hall, Esq., Pres't Branch State V . Bank. I Thos.H. Wright, Esq., Pres't Bank I Wilming- Cape Pear, fton.N.C. O.O. Parsley, Esq Pres't Commer- cial Bank, Dec. 19. 1852 118-lf. TdOS. F. GADSE. Commission Merchant & Auctioneer, Office In Hall's npper building, North Water sstreet. Vne?e he will be happy to attend te all orders-in sither branch of his business. Wilmington, N. C. Dec. 23, 1E53. 119-tf. WILLfAM fly PEARE, . COLLECTtS AND ADTEBTISIfC ACI&T For Country Newspapers throughout he . United States, Basement of Sun Iron Bu iaings, Baltimore atreet Ail business entrusted pronrptlv, O'p Itbral terms, sept 7 to his care transacted 96-f J. D. LOVE, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE) BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS. MATTRESSES, &c. &c , H it-srtrewtwli MfaweV Ai IROWR'l EL'iLDINQ, WILMiaOTOK, M. c. Sept. 16. 1852. 79-y-c GEO. 0. VAN AMRLNGE- BKOfeER-; AND lllERCANTlLfe AGENTj WILMINGTON, N. C. PARTICULAR sttention paid to the purchase or sale of all descriptions of Merchandise and Pro dace, and on which one per cent commission will be cuargeo. Any buslncssro4rufttdt,him.wUi re ceive pYoTwtH and p-stseTnal attention. His desk for the present is in the office of Mr. Wm. A. Gwycr. KSrBBBNCBS . Messrs. Ellis, Russell St, Co., ) " Adams Bro. A Co., SWKnringtdh. 11 J. R. Blossom, Esq- ) August 14. 65.-C D. C. FHEEMAN. GEORGE H0D8T0N. FUKEHAN A HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTOR, WILMINGTON, N. C. D. C. FREEMAN df CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1T FRONT STREET, NEW YORK. FEEO A 1Kb HoiSTO, WIL5llGT0 N. C KEEP constantly on hand a stock of Flour, Corn. Fork, Bacon. Salt, Coffee, Sagar, Mo- lasoet, Tobacco, Cigar, Snuff, Candle. Soap, For- tien and Domestic Liquor and Wines; Iron, Nailt, PainU, Oil, Ola, Domestic, Hats, Boot, Shoes, Ltealhtr, Agricultural' Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for familyand plan tation use and the retail trade, which they will dispose of In lots to stilt deafeVs dfedneufners on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. The senfdr partner D. C. Fbbbmax, is located in the city lof New Vork ; the junior partner, Oso. Hodbtox. in Wilmington: If desired, advances, will be made on consignments to and from either place. All business entrusted to them will receive DroDer .attention t snd orders for Goods will be promptly ah'd carefully filled. Sept. 9. ?6-f. H. BOLLNER. O. FOTTEH, ST DOLLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, V NBWTpRH: Liberal Cash Advance made on all Consignments April 30, 1853. ?TIjrpd-L . VESSEL. H. B. EILERS. WESSEL Sl EILERS. OOMMISSIbN MERCHANTS AND WHOLE- VSALE GROCERS, Nortn water street, wii-mins-ton. N. C. intend to keen at the above stands general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wnoiesaie ana to carry on Gederkl Commission Business. taradavck t - ', R. P. Hall. Pres't Brch Bank ofthe State. ) ' O. G. Parslev. Pres't Commercial Bank. WII P.K.Dickinson, Esq. . 3 Popp-e dt Co. j DoilnereVPdttbr. $""w Jan. 2Q 1853 191. WILKINSON & ESLERt CA8H DEALERS IN Confectionary, Prnlt. Nnts, Toye.lTancyAr- ikici. reniBery,TSsaeeo.9eEint eec. - WHOLESALE AND RB I AIL, '. MlBltBT STREET, -' WILMINGTON N.C. - . Nov. 30,1852. ,10-tf NOTICE. rpHE undersigned having, been appointed at m. nucu icrni pi ins younty uouri oi new Hanover, a cotnmittee to Sscensin for what sum the. present Jail can be sols', and to advertise for plsas and estimstes for the balldinsr of a new Jail, hereby give notice that thet win receive bids for the present site, and also proposal a,, accompanied by plans and specifications for- the erection, of a new building- Address, . w - i, - trsW-CBETTENCOTJRT, 5 " t'T., II. WILLIAMS, 5 Committee. . S. D.WALLACE. v -Wilmington, J. C, Iarcb 26 -?Mtr.' , WASTE : NOTWANT NOT. TaTET hoy Cotten er Linen Rasa of any 'color I, BUSINESS CARDS. . JL T. HARRISS. - 1 A U C T lt3 fi? - , . AND -f - - ' -. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. -RsPBas to " " ' 's' '? ' ' r Din John- D. BEttAUr,4 ' LJ" " V" Jobm A . Tatlob, Ksq.f - ' ' ' Gaoaoa Habbiss, Esq. April 16, 1853. - ' ' 14-ly. BROTHERS UNE. THE New Steamer "DouoiAas" having been added to this Line, and now having two light draft Steemers and four Tow Boats, ail in good or- to FeyetteviUe and the Intermediate landings, w4tt aa aaicK-despatcn as any otner Lone. ;; . J. 8. BANKS, Agents June 22 . - 42 tfc DISCOUNT NOTES: BLANK NOTES for dlseonut at the several hank in this nlare. and a handsome edition iostprinted of notes embracing all the bank .forsale attneumceoi J Tie unamwt. v , Oet.26. 89. TiHOSE indebted to WUkinson dtEsler, willeonfer J. a favor bv calline and settling, aa their bills are now ready at the FRUIT DEPOT GLUE. 25?,a BBLS. superior, just received and for sale ADAMS BRO, & Co. Jane 5 35. DOUBLE. REFINED SALERATUS. CMALt, packages, in boxes of 60 lbs. each, for O sale by FREEMAN & HOUSTON June 2. 35 A BBlUllFtiL &SSDRTMENT OF TNFANTS Hats on exhibition and for sole at the Hat and Cap Emporium. MYERS. May 28. 32. A COOL Summer Hat can be obtained atC. MY ERS' Hat and Cap Empbrium. May 23. 32. LIME! LIME!! LIME!! ! fffBBhS. Lincoinville White Lump; Iso OUU calcined Plaster. Plastering Hair. and Fire Brick. Hydrauli (Cement ;1000 bbls Lime (f-c.itorsaliby J .U.Ot tl.B.TYUUU vOntractorsandBuildert April 8. 1852. WIIVMINOT.ON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted the agency oi several larzeestablishments at the North, which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or nnfiniahek, foreign and domestic MARBEE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for. . . MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, snd ever other article in the line of the business at ressonsble rales. SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING. Executed as wellaa can be done either North or ' The best cf-eference eavavJbe riven. If redufred. H March 3. 149-tf. SICK, GINGHAM, AND COTTON UMBRELLAS, OF every variety of colore, size, style, and price, a cood article of Childrens Gingham Unbrellas, Whalebone Rib at One Dollar, at Ko. 1 Granite Row Front St. C. MYERS, Hatter. March 29. 6. TOWIN BY STEAMER CALHOUN. jW ORDERS for towingby STEAMER V Pll unlTN h... a t l.nllnn If left at the office of GEO. HARRISS. Nov. 16. 106. GLUE. BBLS., for Distillers use. For sale by May 5. FREEMAN A HOUSTON COFFEE-COFFEE. BAGS Rio; 10 do. Java; 20 do. Cuba. Just received snd lor sale by 20 50 ZKINO tl. UK.Kfc.ttK. Nay 6. N. C. T. copy. 22 . JUST RECEIV ED. PLAID dinghams'i Summer Prints; Robe Cal icoes ; Black Lawns, f-c. Msy 5. HE TRICK A RYAN. MOrSEJS CQMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK RtfOt. THIS Is a Purely Vegetable Compound, scientifi cally prepared trom the best Roots and Herbs of the Materia Kedica, and has gained an unrivall ed reputation for the following effects, viz: PURIFYNO THE BLOf, and thua curing all Humors, Sores, Ulcers, Cutane ous F.ruptions, Canker. Scald Head, Ac. Regulating and Cleansing the Stomach k Bowels, thus It cores Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costiveness, Piles, Ac. Strengthening the Digestive Orgs tie, thus causing the food to nourish snd support every part. REGULATING THE SECRETARY ORGANS, and. bv enabling them to perform their proper func tions, preventing and curing Bilious and otherpain- lul diseases. Strengthening ind Quieting the Herroni Srsfefih thus allaying Nervous Irritation, and curing all dis eases oi tne Nerves. It is nnrivailed in the cure of all FEMALE DISEASES, as Weakness, Irregularity. Obstructions, Ac. It ia pleaaant to take; aird safe In all caaea : act ingin harmony with the restoring powers of nature it never injures but always benefits and cures, as thousands of voluntary ceriincates from the best authorities testify. Prepared by C MORSE d C0..2I Maiden-Lane, N. Y. Sold by Druggistsand others throughout thfi and other countries. S. B. f J. A. EVANS, Agents, Wilmington. N. C. sept. 30. 83-ly-c TO THE PUBLIC. 'THE Subscriber has leased for a ter n of years, J- or 11. w . Brown, Esq., his nre-proof store, with his wharves, and is now in a condition to take es pecial care of. Spirits Turpentine and other Naval Stores commlted to his care. The Warehouse is well known to be the best and safest place in town for the storage of Bacon, Lard. Corn, Peaa, &c The lower wharves have oa them four larse new sheds, where Spirits can be safely kept from the rain and aun. Lie la prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of or xl nee seat to his care- He will also male advances when reauired. - He begs to refer u. the following gentlemen: Rf w. Brown, Jonn Dawson, o.u. parsley, and xnos. H. wngnt, csara. - - MILES COSTJN. BrowKa wharf WBmlngton, N.C Sept. 1? .. .: v....' - : 77. ARRIVALS - - AT THE HAT EMPORIUM. NO I Granite Row; Front Street?" We have now . open an elegant assortments of 'Misses, Boys, nd Infants Hsts. to which the attention of those wlahina- to purchase la most resnectfullv solicited, please call and make selectlona from the largest and beststocKoi Asnuarena nm ever onerea , in mlngton. . , C" MYERS; Hatter: X'l' HICKORY, - -W TDERS 111 MON , AN D WALNUT TIM BER; far- nlahed to order, by -! ;V PICfiLES, &c. " - V 3l'ST received direct from W. Underwood at Co.s 1 0 doaen Pkklee or all kinds j -i : . . . , , d-; Genuine English Pickles 2 do. Pure Lemon Syrup, eery superior t y ,, 1 2 do. . English Mustard, pt. buttles; -ia. -4. do. PeperSaocet . . r , - 4 do. Underwood's Relish j -! 2 do. Walnut Catsup j . -4 do,. Tomato Catsup f . 4 .. ,- 4 do. French Mustard t ' ;,r 2 do. Mushroon Cauup - Jo' n Boll, Camp Harry, Quin Worcestershire, Ar ch Ty and Lemon Sauces. ' For aale low, by. . J . 20 9. v , . .i c,j, W, C. HOWARD. -i BUGGEYS- : : ) V a Ftoru Buggeysi ' : ri " X 1 Jenny Llnd " n ' Jt received and foraeleby ' -DIBBLE & BROTHERS. ' Jan Llr 1853. v ..-i , .- - .33. Orders will be sken for any kind of Carriage, to Wmade at our Factory in Klnston. . and delivered rnere--'- - . CAUTION ! CAUTION!! THE Genuine Gold Bar, or Grand Da& Tu-Ut Tobacco can be had. of, -the subscribers at the Fruit Depot. The Counterfeits on the above Brand are very Inferior WILKINSON & ESLER. June 16, 40. DISSOLUTION. THE CopaHnarsliLc?, heretofore existing under the firm of Kllis, Russell & Co. Is litis day dis solved by mutual consent, Mr. C. D. Ellis having withdrawn. Russell dt Brother are authorized and will attend to the settlement of the bu&iaess pf the late firm. , - CD. ELLIS, H. P. RUSSELL, May 2d, 1853. JOS. B. RUSSELL. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Ellis & Russell, ia this day dissolv ed by mutual censent. H.P.Russell will attend to the settlement of tbo business. U. D. ELLTS. May 2d, 1853. H. P. RUSSKLI- PORTE M0NNAIES. A Handsome assortment, trom lb cents to s s. n Just received at S. W. WHITAKKK'S. June 2. 38. MUSTARD. BEST French Mustard, in jars; and pure dry, in cannisters, for sale by June 2. FREKMAN & HOUSTON. WANTED. "I fti CfI FEET of White or Post Oak LUUiULHJ Plank, 14, 21, or 28 feet long, 14 inches or upwards wide, and 2J inches thick, for which I will pay 20 per thousand. Msy 24. GEO. S. GILLESPIE. BLANKS. THE foftbwlgg Blanks sre printed and kept con stantly fot sale at tue Office a(Th Commercial. . iCO-MMEftCIAL. Snipping Articles Rates of Freight on W. Bills of Lading. Do. . Letter Sheet. & R. Rail Road. Do. on Line Boats. Bijjs of Exchange, bound and In sheets. -Do. Domestic. Negotiable Noteson the - several Banks. Do. oh all the Bank. Crew Llats. feeaJPfcrreaV -Cheeks on all the Banks. Charter Party. Manifests of all Hinds. Entries Merchandise. Do. Ballast. Bill of sale of Vessels MISCELLANEO VS. Warrants, with and with Bills of Sale. Do. of Negroes. Bonds for Negro Hire. Mortgage Deeds. out judgment. Negro Passes. Warrantee Deeds. Bonds for the Delivery of Property. COURT BLANKS. Yen. Exponas. Subpoenas Connty and Ca Saand Boni. Superior Court. Alias Vend. Ex. Jurors Tickets, County Fi Fa. and Superior Court. Writs. All kinds of Blanks and Job Work, executed to order with neatness snd dispatch. SE6ARS AND TOBACCO F superior brands ond quality, and at various prices, by WILKINSON & ESLEK. 21 May 3. PURE MEDICAL WINES & LIQUORS. DARK and Pale French Brandy ; Port, Made-Ira and Sherry Wines, all of superior quality. .S. B. A J. A. EVAiN.S. Jan 15. 129 . , NOTICE. THfe subscriber, respectfully informs the public, that he is now tranascting the Auction business on his own account, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. M. CKONLY. Stock, Real Estate and Negroes, bought and so d on s commission ot 1 per cent either at private or public aale. Jan 8. 1853. 1-6. CANDY ! CANDY ! FINE and Common. For sale in any quantity he . WILKINSON A ESLER. May 1 21 NOTICE. THE subscriber having received letter testamen tary, from the last Court of Pleaa and Quarter Sessions, on the estate of the late Jamcs Bcrch, hereby revests all persons indebted to his testator, to come forward aad rrorte payment, and those having claims against said testator are notified to present them within the time prescribed by Isw, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. JOHN D. BELLAM Y, Executor. Feb IS 142 tf NOfiCE. THOSE persons who have placed papers in the hands of the lata J amis Bcbch, acting Consta ble, are hereby requested to present the official re ceipts now held by.fherV, and receive their respec tive claims from the subscriber, who as the execu tor of thciate James Burch, is desirous of closing the business of the estate. JOHN D. BELLAMY, Executor. Feb 15. M2-tf CtiARtESTON AND FLORIDA STEASt PACKETS. UNITED STA TES MA IL LINE. Semi-Weekly. " ' COKWXCTrKOWITHTHBH. TOBK STtAalll EACH WAY. THE CAROLINA, L. M. Coxettor. master, will leave every Saturday Af ternoon-, at 3 o'clock, touching t Jack- annviUe.PtcoIataand Palatka, on the St. John's River, returning, will arrive In Charleston on Wed- The FLORIDAtC?harlea Willy, master, will leave on TNtesday Afternoon of, each week, at same hour, and, in addition to the above ports, will stop at Black Creek ; returning. Win arrive en Saturday Morning. Due notice wJU always be given when the Carolina makes an extra irH to St. AughsSne: It is only considered necessary-to say that these boats have been built especially for this trade, and are comma n ded by the most experienced navigators. - Fare to JacksonvUlern-.-.-. 8 5 ' 1 Vara to PilatkB-. i .. . . .'- - . 10 - ? . For Freight or Passage, apply on board, at South- era wharf, or to " " f Ea8t BaT SE-iw ' -JZZ - t42-6mcI F5TT57 t TGUNNF (JLOTH.t ; , 20 BALES;1 For sale by, V,' , -"1 -.- X. It, PLANNER . - THE NORTH- CAROLINA- : I j f MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPLY, RALEIGH, Jf. C. - THE above Company hr a been in operation since the let of April, 1843, under the direction of the following Officers, via i - -w ''. t ' Dr.ChaiieaE.Jonhson,Presiaetit, rf . Wm.D. Haywood, Vice President,"- " , James F Jordan, Secretary, - Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, . r .t Pnrrtn HnlhM iltnrlMir. Dr. &,Bi Haywood,. . Conswfoion. f J. Hersman, General AgenLS " " f - This Company has received a charter giving " vantages to the insured over any other Compan The 6th Section gives the Husband the privr . to insure his own tile for the sole one of his V and Children. re from any claimsof the rer .enja ives of the husband or any of his credit . ' i Orgaalxtd'on parely mutual prtnoir the life members participate in the rchol ot the a is which arejleclared annually.. Besides, tha piicant for ife, when the annual premium la over A may pay one half in a Note. ' .r-r5?"'! sWtkgr All claims for Insurance against thef npany wifl oe paid within ninety days after proofl the death of the party is furnished. X - j Ht . Slaves sre insured for one or five ye4 , atrrates which will enable all Slaveholders to at . tire thia class o properity againat the uncertainty f life. Slave tn sura nee presents a new and? teresting feature in the history of North Cardiff . hich wiU prove very important to the Southern tee." The last four months operation of t Company shows a very large amount Of businsC -more than the Directors expected to do the first ar having already issued more than 200 Policies , . Dr. Wm. W. Habbiss, Medical f a miner, and Agent, Wilmington, N. C. t "' ' ' All Communications on business o he Company should be addressed to JAS. P. JOBlbAN.Sec'y. Raleigh, Feb. 12, 1853. 141-if. FORMODENTi QTRANGK Indeed, that so few realize how es- kJ teclial to ioinale beauty, and are a fine set of p liished teeth ; sianly jelegance, thing contribu- tes more toward it: nothing detracts more essen tially from it, than neglected, tftid consequently discolored and disfiguring tecth They are as es sential to health aa to beauty, Mr it is impossible to inhale through "decoyed or usjblean teeth, with out ntiecttng the lungs ana siojnacB jreouenuy to i U PCUIIU3 I. 11 II 1. .11 W 111. I 1 ll( F 1. . I . 1. J " 1 ...a evU the formodenla. Messrs'. Hazard tf Co., are satisfied that ihev furnish atf ot ce the most Dcr fectly, safe, elegant, agreeable, efi'cctua!, and with al cheap preparation known for Cleaning and pol ishing the tee in, hardening the oums, purifying and perfuming the breath, fn Its present improv ed state it has received the approbation of. every one who has used it, and isf ust what it assumes to be No Lady or Gentlemffn should be without it. Having been appointe4aele agent for thia State. I will make a liberal discount to Merchant? or Druggists, ordering by the gross or dozen For sale by the box, Address orders to atNo. 3 Granite Row, jXHEO. AMBROSE, Front Street. J Wilmington, N. C. March 25. C 4-6m c . . , -f ...... -.. .1 "MAN KNOIY THYSELF." AN invaluable Bok for 25 cents. "Every Fami ly should havrf a copy." Six th ousand cuj essold In less than three months. A new edition, re ied and improved, just iasued. Dr. Htrnter'sf .cdical Manuel and hand Book for the Afflicted, Mbntaining an outline of the origin, progress, treatnjent and cure of every form cf dis ease, contracted by promiscuous sexual intercourse, by self-abuser by sexual excess, with advice for their prevention, written in a familiar style avoiding all medical technicalities, and everything that would offend the earif decency, from the result ot some twenty years successful practice, exclusively devo ted to the curd of diseases . f a delicate or private naiire. , To which isftdded, receipts for the cure of the above diseases and a treatise on the causes, symp toma aud curef the Fever and Ague, for twenty five cents a copy -six copies one dollar ; will be for warded to an$ part of the United States, by mail, free of postage.?. Address, poMnge paid, Cosden f Co., Publishers or box 196, Post Office, Philadelphia. "This is, without exception, the most comprehn eive.and irvt;lngible work published on the class of diseases of which it treats. - Avoiding ali technical tei ins. it addf 9es itself to the reason of its readers. It is free from 11 objectionable matter, and no pa rent, however fastidious, can object to placing it In the hands of his sons. The author haa devoted many years to aha treatment of '.he various com plaints treated of, and 'with too little breath to puff,' and 'too little presumption to impose,' he has offered to the world at the merely nominal priee of 25 cents, the fruits of 8oue. twenty years most successful prac tice." I It a a l d . i No teacher 4sr- parent should be without the knowledge imparled in this invaluable work. It would save years pf pain, mortification ami sorrow to the ycuth undec their chsrge.' Prefix's Advo cate. Jhs A Presbyterian flergyman in Ohio, in writing of 'Hunter's Medicqjl Manuel, sys : "Thousands of our youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, have beeaj led into the habit of self-pollution without realities the sin and fearful consequen ces upon themselves, and their posterity. The con stitutions of thousands who are raising families have been enfeebled, if at broken down, and they do not know the cause or the Cure. Any thing that can be done so to enlightenw and influence the public mind as to check, and ultimately to remove this wide spread source of human wretchedness, would confer the greatest-blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present fa nd coming generations Intemperance, (the f 9 of Intoxicating drinks,) though it has slain thousands upon thousands, is not a greater scourge to tjje human race. Accept my thanks in behalf of uhe afflicted, and believe me, your co-worker in the1' good work you are so active ly engaged in." One copy will befforwarded (securely enveloped and postage pald5 on receipt of 25 cents, or six copies for 1. A .resa, COSDKN dc CV . Publishers, 196, Philadelphia. Booksellers canvassers and Book Agents, sup plied on tne most literal terms. June 2. 34-Iy-c. ' - .- f ',,-,"1 sm a man, and dWem nothing which relates to man foreign to my feelings. READ!!! Y0UO AND MANHOOD. A. Vigorous lAfeST a Premature Death. KINKELIN ON SEJF -PRESERVATION. ONLY 26 CENT. THIS Book, just put IL&ed,-Unfitted with useful information, on the infirmities and diseases of the Generative System.? It addresses itself alike to YOUTH, MANHOOD ind OLD AGE. , To all who apprehend Or suffer under the dire con sequences of early or prolonged indiacretiona to all who feel the exhaustive effects' of sedentary and beneful habits to all who in' adition to declining physical energy, are iha vlctfras of nervous and mental debility, and of moping aad melyicho.y de spondency. Dr.K. woutH eay--j" o"; . . . READ T15IS BOOK. , ; The valuable advice and tmpreesive. warning It gives, will prevent years. f misery; ant suffering, and eare annually Thoujpfii of Lives. . Parenu by reading if, ill learn' Jiow to prevent the destruction of theirrlaldreir. ,7" - - . -. - ; rVA remittance of 25 cents, enclosed In a letter, afldreaaed 10 DR. K1NKF.LIN.PHILADELPHIA. will ensure a book, under envelope, per return of msiu r.. - - - rjDr. K- fifteen yeers resident Physician. N..W. Co-ner of THIRD at, i UNION Street,' between Srsoca yndPijr,Pt4AcsLrMfA,tnay be consulted confidentislly., .v J ' , . He who pieces hims-T i:nder the caic of Dr. K. msr religiously coafibV ..i hie honor as a eentleman. and confidently rely p' 1 his skill as a physician fT Persona ar a-dk ce may . -address Dr. K. by letter (post-peidjand cured mt horse- rf-c.. forwarded, bv . in a remittance. and pat op securefrornBASI ' . .-. Oft CUBIOSITV. - : !3rBoorkseUer .ws Aeents, Pedlars, vsnvass- era,andallotb - ppiied with the above work at very tow rates. C5C0 CHALLENGE.; - . VTEVER concerns the health and faapi l Lss of a people la at ail times ef the mi si ' -.ia imponaBce.- 1 take li for granted thai person will do all la their power, 10 save tl 1 of their children, and that every pctsua will, aver to promote their owa haa It a at alt tacr i feel it my duty, to solemnly assure j onr ORMS, according to the opinion of th. celebrated Physicians. are ihenrimarrraascfl T va. ev 1 i. . tha nc large msjoritr of dUeases to which children J adults are liable t If yoa have aa sppetiie cen luaUvchfngeoJUle. from, one -kind of lood to an '.Tier, Bad Breath, Pain la the Stomach, - Pit king at the Nose, Hardness and Ful'ness of ihe Belly. Dry Cough, Slow Fever, PuUe Irregular re member that all these denote WORMS, arfrj yau should at once apple the remedy .-- 4 ', ; ; HOBENSACK'S WORM SY&ttt - Aa article founded upon" Scientific Principle,' ' eompootided wits purely vegetable substances, be- . ing perfectly safe when taken; andean b given to the most tender Inlamrwlth-detidcd beneficial efleet, where IJohcU Complaints emd Diarrhaui have made' them weals and debilitated the Turtle propeitlcaof mv Worm S.rnn nr. .nK rhnf It ainnin IiKa... equal ia the catalogue of medicine. In giving leao ' and strength to tlie Stomacbwhich it n Ufalliable, remedy for those afflicted with Dyspepsia,-,. the aatonfsbing cure performed by this Sytep after -Physicians have failed, ia the best evidence ef Ha superior efEcacy over all others.'; 1 -: - - - , -- ''''-"'- ., . i rnr ta nr tt'nsM i his is the most difficult Worm to destroy of all that infests the human system, it grows to an al- 1 most Indefinite length becoming so coiled snd fat- enedinthe Intestines' and Stumsclt aflectieg rtwr healthjto sadly aa. Co, eameif. Vitus Dance,- Fits, dee., that those jfHicted seldom if ever suspect thai t ' It Is Tap WVrro hastening them td an early grave. In order to destroy this Worm. t.iu' . .-i . . Mjmxum treatment mosf be pursued, it would therefore be--proper to Lake'fi to 8 of my Liver Pills so ss to re-s, move nil nhclAMtnn. rhu iha U'irm Sn..,n . act direct npoib the Wormwliich must be taken in ' doses of 2 TS-blespoonfuUs 5 times a do) ; there di rections followed have never been knoun to fall in curing the most cbstinnte case of Tape Worm, HOliENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. "T No part of the system is more liable to disease than the LI VF.R, it serving as a finerer to purify the blood, or giving the proper secretion to the biles sothutany wrong action of the Liver a fleet a ah . zither lirini.rlrr,t n.H. f tV.A .. j i . ....,.... u. IUC BTBiciii. tnu resuias. variously, In Liver Complaiat, Jaundice. DiDen- .ia, cic. We should, therefore, watch every symp. torn that might Indicate a wrong action of the Liv. er. These I'M being, composed of ROOTS 3c PLANTS furnished by nature to heal the tick: Namely, 1st, An ,i EXPECTORANT, wbicn sag mcnts the secretion, from 'the Pulmonary mucus membrano or promotes the discharge of aecretcd) ' matter. 2n3. An ALTERATIVE, which changes in some inexplicable and insensible-manner, the certain morbid acton of the system. 3rd. A TOTS. 1C which gives tone and strepgih to the nervous system, renewing health end vigor to all parts ot the body. 4th, A CATHARTIC, which acts iw perfect harmony with the 'Other Ingredients, And operating on the Bowels, and, expeliia'g the,,wJiohs mass of corrnpt and, vitiated matter, end purifying the blood, which destroys disease and restores health. f;- r..v . ,r. T& FEMALES. " You will find these Pills an invaluable medio! a e in many complaints to which you sre subjict. Ia obstructions cither total or oartial. thev ha tM. I found of inestimable benefit, restoring their func tional arrangements toaneaitny action, purifying the blood and other fluids so effectually to put tv flight all complaints which mti arise from female irree-ularities, aa headache, giddiness, dimness ef sight, pain in th'e side back, die. None genuine unless . signed J. N. Ilobrnsack' all others being base, Imitation. '; dT'Agents wishing, npw supplies, snd Slot Keepers desirous of becoming Agents must nddreas the Proprietor, J. N. Hobensack, Philadelphia. Pa Forsale by C. DcPREand WM. H. LIPPPITT Wilnlington, and by every Merchant and Drtiggiat in the County and Slate. Price each 25 cents July 28. I2m 67 libers I K Kl friends and patrons, begs leave to inform them ibaf he is receiving a fresh tock of Groceries, selected personally from New York and other cities, an rcFpectiuiiy solicits a visit from those dtsiteusoi selecting from the following, among many other aii iv sv Teas of the finest crades Old H vn'n .Ann Hysons Imperial? Oun Powder! Pou-Knn. i. long; and Old English Breakfast. Black. Wi.ves abd LiQL'oas. Oiard Duput & CoC If 45 Cogniac Brandies; Old Madeira; Sherry t Port -Muscat; Malaga; and Cbampaigne Wines, in all varieties f. Heidsick; Bouche; Stair t Spaikilng Hock, d bottled Liquors of every variety f Schiedam Schnapps, old ; Government Java 1 La guayrsf Rio and St. Domingo Coffees Crushed Powdered, Loaf. C. Crushed, Clarified and PoMq Rico Sugars. Flour Hiram Smith. Cosiillia. dnd other fancy brands, in barrels, hslf barrel aad bags, fresh weekly. Candles Potent ; Sperm 1 Ad omantino and Tallow Candles of all Kites, Crsk ers Sdda; Butter; Pilot; Pic Nir ; Lensta: Milk: Tea and Boston Crackers. ' W. pnderwood A Co. PickleS ; Preserves ; Jel lies; lama; Fresh Lobster: Salmon j Pieofilla Catsups Alustard; Sauces; White Wine and Ci der Vinegar; Olives; Spsnfch and French. Cafe Ac. deeii Sundries. Goshen Butter, fresh weekly Smoket Bcef; Tongues Fulton Market Beef Salmon f Mackerel; CodFiah; Herring 1 Engllh Pineappte and Goshen Chrese; Bacon; Pork; S,nWw.l1S2.r,P5Su" House Molasses; ipeim and Whale Alia; Olive Oil; Colgate's Pale Ne. 1 snd Fancf-Sospsr. -Nuts of all dcsct1ptions-Alm. onds ; EnglUh Walnuts t Pecan r Butter and Hs tel. Conffctionarieapf ali kind Seine lory mm'g Lovers, that wfll convey their sentiments, without giving utterance to s syllable; these are called coa versatlon kisses. Fresh Peaches j Brandy Peach es: Preserved.: Ginger ; Ginger Wine;,; Nue-a KxtMctfof every variety; French Mustard; Horse KadiahrV Bay -Rum ; Cloves Nutmegs; Cinnamon; Pepper; Ginger; Mace ; Chocolate 5 Islngglaas: Gaiatlne ; Macaroni; Vermacills; RaU sins; Currants fpitron ; PrBfe; Flg; Buck wheat ;Veast Powders; Cream Tsrtsr; Sep. Csr. Soda; Sal Soda ; aleratus ; Thompson's Cele- w3'? Bdh?g IPi i Sasssfras ; Soap ; Wood and Willow Ware, in every variety ,: Fa mcv Bird Cages 100 bbls. Pfanting Potaioea. 1 2 or bbl ; 70,000 Seara, somef the best fan p, 5' Tobacco of all kinds ; 50 bbls. Domestic Liquors -London Porter and Scotch P AU.-' ' Come one 1 Come all M ani. xatniaer The above will be sold wholesale or retail, -rv low, . Hslf pipe of that excelleatOia. i Dnpuv dc. Col Brandy, Old. Many articles that rtanot Uesa merated, I - would be happy tb chow; those v bo may favor me with a coll. T-t " - , UcipectfuUy, aEC-SlVUftSC March 30. - - -:ff " . t ' r.i ij.'.,a INSTALMENTS FCRW11SJXST8S 1XD TOPSilt SOCSD fjt tp AT. a meeting held, by tfci, Board . & J)kfiiora on thc22J uit.lbeloilowiBorder.was passed.; Ordered, Thai an lns'alnient of twenty percent.' on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington A Top fail Sound Plank Road Company be-pa W en tha Brap day of March next and ha ea iestahneut of fear per cent, be payable severally en .the ifirtt day t ef A prU. May. Jane, .July, August. September, end ' October titereafter; snd the lost instslment or eight per cent, on the first deyjof November fol'owin j;- And it i ordered further,- That lev rest be vhar zed in ali cases ot deterred pa v men j. s . NICHOLAS N.N1XO ., preiUeni; -.Feb. t. . , -.: J . 138 4 - . j 1 ' f ' "" i' "" ' 1 - ' irr .GENTLEJJEN.Ui:' JUT Received "new-atyhiVvatir. . Dtp j'Tce. Broad Cloths, Cahmerce, Catnie:aiiad fan ey Linen Platdsexpjesly k'e ,1 f this nibtket rot sate rneap, oy ' t 1 GROCERIES! GROCERIES! FRESH ryiir. subscriber, truly thankful for tho X patronage he retofore bestowed UDort him ,2J.!yv ;;May H. vWtLKINSXJN ES ESLER. May 24: GEO. S. GILLESPIE. March 31