Vo?V'8-NO;:48.;V- WILMINGTON. N. C. T&URSDAY MORNING JULY 7, 1853 WHOLE NO. 1108 - ISfUSTKI-AVtiGiiLtOJliHEUCIiit, ,v f Via Pbliaaedeery:,TvESOAv TmrasDAr and jsat- - mot c 9d per annum, payame in 4i cases io an- ' '' Vinci!. .. 'i.' !- . . liY,f lIOMAS LOaXSG Editor and Proprietor. ?J,-lCrec.-B,rii't and Market streets, tMRATWS OF ADVERTISING TA atirl t insertion :0 50 I I ear. 2 months, S4 00 .-'-.rV-gXftts2!i.i 00 I - ' 6 8 00 ?llriTJoaili,'i 2 SOU'" 12 " 12 00 'Tad lines or less make a square. If an advertise iiient exceeds tenjines.the prieo will be in propor- : '.Wa;itt":i. -" r'Alf (d vertieements are payable at the time oftheir 'itf wfa with yearly . advertisers, will be made '.an -the not liberal terras. n tfanfar of vantracts for yearly advertising ;CwIlf o pervniUe L .Should elreumstanaes render a 'S'iii; t b'ti or an unexpected removal nec- oA.easaTyi a eh irjo according io the pnbliahed- "terms Itwill beat option, of the contractor, for the time The privilege AnniardvertlseTS is sirtCTry j ited le their own--troraCUaie- omeinesa; ana an advertisements for the benefit of other persons, as ; .,n it 4sartfBimntB Vint immediately connec- ;r,.,'cd with their 'own easiness, and all excess of ad Vertisements in length or otherwise, beyond the " - l - - - .t ... ; 1 1 k.. .kn - ftf ihd nnjit r5itp v.- .' . N advertisement is included in the contract for -";:.Jhe sale or rent of houses or lands in town or cogrt- r"i. .v. ..l klu sF nairiwa whplhf r the v. rff Ot-lUI IIIO OtIX Wl . v.. .&. ---- :..i.iannii1br theadvertriser or by other per- . -w " " rrt J4 K Ka tArm to i" f . , - "tn.-- a ' "j adverllsementsioserled in thetrv-weefcly Com faereW; are aatitled to one insertion in the Weekly rt'.JOBrCARD AND FANCY PRINTING, w"V-tHtfl In snnerior style. -v? AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. ' i ... A Ybrfc Ttfessrs. BaowsA DbSosset : Boston-' PaDaiCK Kf ddkb. t BUSLNESS CARDS. : JOSEPn R. BLOSSOM, -General f ommissioa and Forwarding Hcrehant, Prompt personal attention iven toConsign ', -. . ments for Sale or Shipment. f iAberal Cash advances mad-eon Consignments lo :''t : . - - me or lo my Nete York friends. -: Wilmington, Jan. 3ft 1853. 135 r . . 0t W0RTIL coaHissios asd porwardisg'mercuani, WILMINGTON, N. C. : Feb. 19. 1A53. 143'y ii MiOTLLUM A. GWYER, ' -iBetteral : asent, .Forwarding aoJ Commissioa 'y ? MERCHANT, . ?Ttaie pleasnlre in infomiins my friends, that I am -V Prepared to give ail bsiness entrusted io me cm nt and personal attention. I haven wharf lor iNaral Stores, with ample accommodations, P'" 'iHpaserand Warehouse. Consignments of Waval ' rStnrror sile or shipment ; and all kinds of coun- 'try produce solicited. Cash advances ma le on con- , : April 13, 1352. la GEORGE MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCEfl --Kn rj,nstan'ia nn hand Wines, rcas i,ujur5 ';- sPritvisims. Wood and Wdlow Wire l-'ruit vConfeaiontries . f-c. Snlh. t ront street. OT. 18.1832 109 S. B. & J. A. EVANS. t-WBOhESAL.F: 4- ItETAIT. ORUGGISTS. ' WILMINGTON, N. C. t Will'kftop alwavs on hand a largo and very He-t stock of Drags. Medicines, Chemici.U, Pamts. ons, Ulass, Surgical Instruments, Patent Medicine?, "vperfumerv, Ac, at low prices. . Jai -18, 153. ' . 'y-- J. S. BANKS, " ' CBHSISSIO ASD FORWARDING Mtr.niAST 42-12-mc. Jane 22. HATHAWAY & SON, - : CO M MISSION MERCHANTS. ' - : WILMINGTON, IN. C. -f: Hathaway, J - L. Hathaway. , Pb. J5-18S3. 0fe JAS. H. C1IADB0URN & CO., General Commission Merchants. :-;WILMlGTOM. N. . ' jAtlCHAinou.T. Geo. Ciiadboubn. Jan. 1,1853. IL RUSSELL & BROTHER, GENERAL COMMISSION MRIiCHASTS - . ' , L.iiwrai cuu au. . v. t - n.i siam.. rrottoo. ana otner nroauo-c. "-.J. 1 - I General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON. N. L. STRICf Rttentton given to piocntingh reigh ndparchs.singCargoeforvessei t V' ltErBR TO f-.j.E.Pa Hall.Esq. I K O .O .Parsley ,15sq . vJ A.'PTior.Esi. . .Vilmtogton . . BUimr. Ksa . . I . JUessrs. Ballard & Htintlngt on, J ?";iMcssra.Tookcr,Smytlv& Co., ew y ' c- 1 Thompson ft Hunter, S i.-Aiex'r.HerrOH Jr . .P hiladelp h i a 'ork. : -XI ..... W!llna.b ttlM.'f J. "r ' Hi r . uiicr,r,Hi. 123-tf. SrfisAIOSEPH H. FLANNER ?.'ficneral Commission Merchant. May9th1852. l7"!?"!- M. WEST, - Auctioneer and feOMlHIiSSION MERCHANT, ...y-V: y WILMINGTON, n. c. ; f"ITILL eli or buy Real Estate and Negroes at YV small commission. -. Strict attention civen to the sale of Timber,Tnr S: Ve,uin0T"rf a' any kind of Country Produce. ?r-Pr . Oflice second door, Sooth sido of Market street, the wharf. -Jane 12,1852 3Sly PENTAL NOTICE. DR. W. M. SHERWOOD, formerly of Duplin, and practical Deciist for the last 7 years, informs his friends r ' M i!,..mIiI;. ....rtlli. that h hi. Instpn in - Wilmington, on Kroni sireei corner oi uninge, -where he is prepared to attend to all calls in the line .ot his profession. ". Rooms expressly for the recep tion of Ladies.' Hats induced to hope that thelik eralpairouagoformerif.exiended to him may be rt;e iMiattedby the ciihens of Wilmington and vicin-iir?- v--."--'-Oct-..lr-e-'-'- --. lyHVANBORIlELEN, S. OENERAL. AGENT. COMMISSION ' AND FOR VTA RD1NG MERCHANT. ; r WILMINGTON, If. C. Particular aiteatlon given to aale and parehaaa ?&t Naval Star.- : . r, - . - - I ... Jan 1.1653. W-u' -12S-lf. IUSINESS CAItliS. C.&P.BuPRE. ATIOLE SALE AND RETAL DEALERS l lrugs, ftiediciues. Chemicals, Haiuts, Oil, Dye Stufis, Glass, lerfuaaery, Cigars, Old liquors, fancy Articles, &c, fllAltK bT ST11EKT, WlliMllGTO.V, N . C. Prescriptions carefully ju.npounded by eapeTi ?nced persons. Marches, 1852. ' ANDERSON & SAVAGE GENEKAt; COM!WIsSIOjr MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N C. JAMES ANDERSON. e6VARD "feAVAGE. July 1, 1S52. 46-I2oi. .A. ADAMS H. U. ADAMS, BROTHER & 6. - (Late Barry, Bryant & Adams.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS Julr 1. 1852. . 123 GEO. U. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. rextdoor to A. A. Wannet's, on North Water 8t Will attend to the sale of allkinds of Country Pro, ince. such a? Corn Peas. Meal. Bacon, Lard, Ac.. ind willkeep constantly on hand a full supply of Groceries, Ac. References. WilreeHall.of Wayne, John lcRae, Wilmington W Caraway. '' Gon. Alx.. McRac. " R. P. Hall, Wiliriington , Wiley A. WalKei , ' 1 Dec. 13, 1852L 115-iy. MILES C0STIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. BEFKR TO E. P. Hall, Esq., Prcs't Branch STaie 1 Bank, Thos. H. Wright, Ksq.. Pres't Bank ! Wilmi ng tcn, N. C. Cape Fear, f O.G. Parsley, Ksq., Pres't Comfner- I cial Bank, , Dec. 19. 1852 1 18-tf. TiiOS. F. GAUSE. Commission Merchants Auctioneer, Oflice in Hall's upper building, North Water Street. Where he will be happy to attend to all orders in either branch of his business1. Wilmington, N. C. Dec. 23, 1?53. 119-tf. WILLIAM n, PEARE. COLLECTOR AND ADVIiRTl Slf li ACFM For Country Newspapers tlrroughcut he f fnlted States, Basement of Sun Iron Du !aings, Baltimore street All business er'.rusted to promptly, op U'ocrul terms, sept 7 his ca're transacted 95-f J. D. LOVE, MA SUFA C TV RE R AND HEALER IX CAB1NE1' FURNITURE BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &c. &c. Front street. South ol Martct, cuow.v's Bt'ir.niNU. wii.minoi-on, n. c. SepjJ bJ852. 7a ;c GEO. 0. VAN AMR INGE, IIKOKCR, AM MiaiCA.VTll-EAGEST, VVI t. M I N OTD N, N. c. PAUTICCLAR attention p:iid to the purcliasc or sdleuf ail d.scriilioiis ol MeTrhanditse und Pro iluce, and on which one per cent commission will be charge Any business iniruled to.liim w ill re ceive prompt and personal ultcnlion. Hi desk for the present is in the office of Air. Win. A. Gwyer. Keferences ; .Messrs. E!!!p, Itussell 5. Co., i Ailiiins Bro. & Co., Wilmington. " I. II. Blossom, Esq- 3 Anirust 14. . . . . e5:"c D. C. FHEEMAN. GKOHOE HOfSTON. Fltl'.EMAN & IIOliSTOM, MEIUJHAN'TS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. 1). C. FIIEKM.W At CO. CO M M IS S ION M E R C H A NTS , ITS FHONT MrilKET, NEW YUIIK. FREEMAN AND noi'STOX, WILV;1XGT0', N C KEEP constantly on Ivind a ftock oi Flour, Corn, I'ork, Bacon. SaU, Cofee, 'j.!far, Mo lasses, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff", Candles, Soap, f-'or-tin and Domestic Liquors and Wines; Iron, Sails, I'aints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, Hals, lioots, Shoes, Leather, Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable fur familynnd plan tation use and the retail tr. de, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. The senior partner D. C. Freeman, is located in the city ;of New York ; the junior partner, Geo. Houston, in Wilmington. It desired, advances, will be made on consignments to and from either place. All business entrusted to them will receive nrooer attention; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled. Sept. 9. 7f.-f. H. DOLLNF.R. Q. POTTER, JT. DOLLNER & POTTER. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK: Liberal Cash Advances made on all Consignments. April 30, 1353. 20-ly-pd. J. WE3SEL. H . B. EILER8. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water Street, Wil mington, N. C, intend to keep at the above stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wholesale and to carry on a General Commission Business. REFERENCE '. K.P.Hn'l Prns'i Br'ch Bank of the State O Pnrslpv. Pres't Commercial Bank. Wil P. K.Dickinson, Esq. r i-oppe . , New York . DollnercV Potter. Jan. 20 1853 131. WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH DEALERS IN :onIectIonnry, Frxilt, Nnts, Toys.FancyAr tides. Pcrtunaery, Tobacco. egars, &c, WHOLESALE AND RE I AIL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON N.C. Nov.30.lP52. ,10-tl NOTICE. THE undersigned having been appointed at March Term of the County Court of New Hanover, a Committee to ascertain tor what sum the present Jail can be sold, and to advertise for plans and estimates for the building of a new Jail, h?reby give notice that they will receive bid9 for the present site, and alsd proposals, accompanied by plans and specifications for the erection of a new building. Address. W. C. BETTRNCOURT, ) T. H. WILr.IAMS, Committee. S. D. WALLACE. Wilmington, K- C-, March 26 4-tf- WASTE NOT WANT NOT. WR bay Gotten or Linen Rag of any color. May 10. ' . WILKINSON fr ESLER. BUSINESS CARDS. N. T. UARR1SS, AUCTIONEER ; AND ' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. RErkas to Dr. Johk D. Bell-amy, John A. Tavloo. Esq., Geo Bos Habriss. Esq. April 16, 185'3. H-ly. MISSES' FLATS. A LARGE supply on hand and for sale Iswe than they can be obtained lw-where. C. MYERS, Hatter. Hay 38. 32. I AM READY to furnish to order 1C0.0C0 feet best quality Yellow Popular Timber June it. OEO. S. GILLESPIE. BUTTER. Jtino-7. - VV. C HUWAKU. COAL! COAL! PERSONS wi'sWg Coal wrll send in their orders and ect their supply for the season, aa we will discontinue out Coal Yard after the stock on hand is disposed of. RUSSELL & BUO. May 5. 22 SEGARS AND TOBACCO F superior brands and quality, and at various Vprices, by WILKINSON & ESLER. May 3. 21 PURE MEDICAL WINES & LIQUORS. ARK and Pale French Brandy ; Port, Madei ra anJ Sherry W ines, all of superior quality. S. B. & J . A. EVAiNS. Jan 1.. 129 NOTICE. THE subscriber, respectfully informs the public, that he is now trumisoting the Auction business on his own account, and hopes by strict at'.ention to business, to merit a continuance of that patronage heretofore solibernlly bestowed upon him. il. CRONLY. Stoc, Real Estate and Negroes, bought and so d on a commission ol I per cent either at pinace or public sale. Jan 8, 1S33. 126. CANDY ! CANDY t T7INE i3 Common. For sale in any quantity WILKINSON i ESLER. 21 by May 3. NOTICE. HOSR persons wlio have placed papers in the A hands of the late J amEs Burcii, acting Consta ble, arc hereby requested to present the official re ceipts now held by them, and receive their respec tive claims from t lie subscriber, who as the execu tor of thclate James Burch, is desirous of closing the business of the estate. JOHN' D. BELLAMY, Execinor. Feb 15. 142-if CHARLESTON A.M FLORIDA STEAM PACKETS. UNITED ST A TES MAINLINE. Semi-Weekly. COSsSCTI.N'a WITHTHEM.YOBKSTEAMEESEACHWAV ftTjsTH K C A ROLl N A , L. M. Coxetter' tisSp. master, will leavo every Saturday Af--a?feSwgtlg ternoon, at 3 o'clock, touching at Jack smiviilc, Pioolata and Palutka, on tlie St. John's River, ret urning. wil: arrive in Chaileston on Wed nesday. The FLO II IDA. Chailes Willy, muster, will leave on Tuesday Afternoon of each week, nt same hour, nnd. in adihtion to the above ports, will stop at Black Creek ; retun ing. w ill arrive ri Saturday Morning-. Due notice will always be i;ivcn when Ihe Carolina makes an extra trip to St. Augnet'ne. It is only considered nece?sirv to say that theso boats have been built especially for this trade, nnd are comman ded by the most experienced navigators. Fire io lacksonville 9 8 Fare lo Pilntba 10 For Freight or Passage, apply on board, at South ern whart, or to JOHN W. CALDW ELL, East Bay. Feb 15 142-5n.e GUNNY CLOin. BALES. For sale bv Z.KJ J H. PLANNER. March 31 BLANKS. rp 11 E following Blanks are printed nnd kept con--L 8tamly for sale at the Office of The Commercial. COMMERCIAL. Shipping Articles. Bills of "Lading. Do. Letter Sheet. Crew Lists. Prices Current. Checks on all ihe Banks Charter Part y . Manifests of all kinds. Entries Merchandise. Do. Ballast. Rates -.if h reight on W. & R. Kail Road. Do. on Line Boats. Bills of Exchange, bound and in sheets. Do. Domestic. Negotiable Notes on the several Banks. Do. on oil the Banks. Bill of sale ol Vessels MISCELLANEOUS. Warrants, with and with-iBills of Sale. Cut judgment. Do. of Negroes. Negro Passes. Bonds for Negro Hire. Warrantee Deeds. (Mortgage Deeds. Bonds for the Delivery ofj Property. i COURT BLANKS. Ven. Exponas. iSubpcenas County and Ca Sa and Bont. Superior Court. Alias Vend. Ex. (Juror Tickets, County Fi Fa. I and Superior Court. i Writs. All kinds of Blanks and Job Work, executed to order with neatness and dispatch. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Ellis, Russell & Co , is this day dis solved by mutual consent, Mr. C. D. Ellis having withdrawn. Russell fc Brotherare authorised and willatteni to the settlement of the business ot ihe late firm. C. D. ELLIS, H. P. RUSSELL, May 2d, 1353. JOS. B. RUSSELL. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under ihe firm of Ellis &, Russell, is this day dissolv ed by mutual censcnt. H. P. Uussell will attend to the settlement of the business. C. D. ELLIS. May 2d, 1S53. H. P. RUsSkLL. PORTE M0NNAIES A Handsome assortment, from 2a cents " Just received at S. W.WH1TA to S3. A K PR'S. June 2. 38. MUSTARD. T) EST French Mustard, in jars; and pure dry, in aj cannisiers, tor sate oy June 2. FREEMAN A HOUSTON. WANTED. or Post Oak lVAJ,VJUV Plank. 14, 21,or2S 28 feet long, 14 inches or upwards wide, and 24 inches thick, for which I will pay 420 per thousand. May 24. GEO. S. GILLESPIE. BUGGEYS. Q DRIP Front Puggeys; 1 Jenny Land Just received and for. site bV DIBBLE & BROTHERS. Jan 11, 1853i S3. 1 Orders will be akeri for any kind of Carriage, to be made it ear Factory la Kips Ion, vtA delivered her, SHOT. QOf C assorted sizes, for sale by JJJKJ KitKEMAiM & HODS & HOUSTON. Julie 38. WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. A GENUINE article, and superior to any other jLj. muve m ue, lor sale by :by June FREEMAN & HOUSTON. - WINES. A FEW dozen bottles old Madeira, Pale and Xi. Brown Sherry, for sale by Jne 2. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. JUST RECEIVED. QC EOXES Sassafrass Compound Soep; CO 8 bbla. large Ko. 1 Mackerel; 1 do- rNew Salmon ; 50 boxes pew Herring; . 10 hegsektra new Butler; 200'lbs. smoked Beef; . 25.Reerroiu8t i19 luirirarrrrSnflth'a Floor, and half boxca Castile Soap ; 2000 lbs. N. (J: Bacon. . Low at the original Family Grocery GEO. MYERS. June 14. 39. BROTHERS LINE. THE New Steamer "Douglass" having been added to this Line, and now having two light draft Steamers and four Tow Boats, all in good or .der,lhe Proprietors are prepared to transport freight to Faycttevitlc and the intermediate landings, with as quick despatch as any other Line. J. S. BANKS, Asrcnt. June 22. 41 if. NOW LANDING P. BBLS. double Rectified WhisUv, ') 10 ' old Mononaahela -m For sale very low fnr cash by " ZENO II . UREEN E. June 2 N. C T copy. 35 FLOUR. HBLS.and hall bbls. Canal Flour, dilleunt brands, for sale by 60 June 2. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. SHAD. No. 1 tohud. for sai A FEW bbls. e low. t o clot e Juno 19. F R E F. MAN & HOUSTON. DISCOUNT NOTES. LANK NOTES for discount at the several banksin this place, and a handsome edition Ustprintedof note embracing a 1 1 the bank ,for tale a l t he Office of The Commercial . Oct. 26. S9. NOTICE. THOS E indebted to Wilkinson & Esler, w i! Iconfer a favor by callingand settling, as their bills are now reuiiy at the FUUIT DEPOT. GLUE. superior, just receivi d anil for sale ADAMS BUO. & Co. BBLS. X,J by June 5 . 35. DOUBLE REFINED SALERAIIS. CJAIALL package, in box 8 ot tv Inf. fro !bf. r to li, for sale by FREEMAN & HOUSTON. 35 J une 2. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF TNFANTS Hats on exhibition and for sale ai 7: JL Ilf and Cap Empoiium. C. MYEKS. 32. Miy 28. JUST RECEIVED. PLAID Ginghams; Summer Prints; Robe Cal icoes; Black Lawns, dc. May 5. HE 1RICK & RYAN. COOL Sunmrr Hat can be obtain' d at C. M Y il KRS' Hal und Cup Empotium. May 23. 32. XFmE! LIjIE ! ! LIME ! ! ! fif( B BLS. Lincolnvillc White i, OvJV ijalcined Plaster, Plastering ump; I so I Hail and , Fire Brick, Hydrauli iCcment IUUU bbls Lime 1 fc .;! o is altb y J .C. & R . B . WOOD J i n t ractoi sa n dU uilde r Ajiril 3. IS52. VV I L M I N a T O N MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THK Subscriber having accepted the agency a f i, .ii-i . . .i X' .. severullargeestablishments at the North, wmcti .Mr -li-t o . I t iz ; I, .1 .i will furnish hm an unlimited supply of finished or , r -ii.- ii , iiiuur i- i 1 1 nnfinishtk, loreignand domestic MARBLE ol all qualities, is prepared lo till all orders for JIOSUMEXTS AM TOMB STONES, and every other article in the line of the business at reasonable rates. SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING. Executed o s wellas can be done cither North or South. The best cf.efdrencc can begiven, if required. JAS . McCLAIJA iv' A N . March 3. I J9-H. SILK, GINGHAM, AND COTTON UMBRELLAS, nF every variety of colors, size, style, and p:ice, a good article of Childrt ns Gingham L'nbrellss, Whalebone Ribs at One Dollar, at No. 1 Granite Row Front St. C. MYERS, Hatter. March 29. b TOWING BY STEAMER CALHOUN. ORDERS fortowingby STEAMER CALHOUN, will have attention it aln nt i he office of GEO. HARRISS. Nov. 16. 10I GLUE. 20 BBLS., for Distil ers use. For sale by May 5. FREEMAN &. HOUSTON. COFFEE COFFEE. 50 BAGS Rio; 10 do. Java; 20 do. Cuba. Just received and (or sale bv ZENO H. GREENE. Nay 5. N. C. T. copy. 22 MOUSE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT. THIS is a Purely Vegetable Compound, scientifi onllv nrpnarpd Imm lha best Roots and Herbs of the Materia Kedicn. and has gained an unrivall ed reputation for the following effects, vis : PURIFYING THE BLOOD. and thus curing all Humors, Sores, Ulcers, Cutane ous Eruptions. Canker, Scald Head, &c. Regulating and Cleansing the Stomach & Dowels. thas it cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costiveness, Piles. Ac. Strengthening the Digestive Organs, thus causing the food to nourish and support every part. REGULATING THE SECRETARY ORGANS, and, by enabling them to perform their proper func tions, preventing and curing Bilious 2nd otherpain ful diseases. Sttrngtutning and dieting the Ncrvons System, thus allaying Nervous Irritation, and curing all dis eases of the Nerves. It is tinrlvalled in the cure of all FEMALE DISEASES, as Weakness, Irregularity. Obstructions, &c. It is pleasant to take, and safe in ail case ; act Ingin harmony with the restoring powers of nature it never injures bat alwaya benefits and cores, as thousands of voluntary certificates front the best authorities testify. Prepared by ' - , O. MORSE d CO-21 Maiden-Lane N. Y. Sold by Druggists and others throughout thiftand other countries. S. B.f-J A. EVANS, A pen tsy. taaptrSlJ LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervmt Debility, Dig . ease of the Kidneys, and all Dintates ' arunng from a aiaordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, inward Piles, Fullness cf Elood to tne Head, Aciuny of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Uisgutt lor Fcod, Fullness or Weight In the Stomach, sour Eructations, Slaking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swiiriniiug of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Flutieiingat the Heart, Uhotung or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying pos ure. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs betore toe sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency ot Perspiration. Vellowners ot the Skin a.nd y!flPai.Mi1lheSAde' ackl, chest' yaand perfuming the breath. In its prejentirnprov 4c, iudden Mushes o Heet, Bumtr gin the KkahT ed s,raIe !t has received ihe apt robaticn of every CVnstnru Imaginings of evil, and great depression oi opiuis, can oe t-nrctualiy cuiea by - Dlt HOOFLANIP6; --J CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTOlS, PHICPAKBDOYUR. CM. JACKfUN, - c Mo. 1 'U Arch streeu PUilaue-i.lila. r Their po"Ww over the abuve diaea? es i--, t excell- ted states, ub the cures attest, iii many tt e alter I skilloi) physicians had failed. V These Bitters are worthy the attentit n of in valid PossesKtng great virtues in the rectlficatici of dis eases of the Liver and tester glands, excteL mg the most searching powers in weakness and aiLutions ot the dige&tivc organe, they aie, withal, s!e, cer tain and pleasant. ( READ AND BECO.WlMCEIf -The "Philadelphia Saturday "Gazettu says of Dr. Hoofland s (Jeiinan Bitters. t "It is seldom that we recommend whalFare term ed Patent ledicines, to the confidence nd patron age of our rtaders; and theiefore wheat we recom mend Dr. Hootlanu's Oermuti Bitters, Vve with it to be distinctly understooc' mat we are nofspea king of tlie nostrtiius el the day, thai aie noisdl about lor a biief periou and then toroticn after ttajytlave dom tliiir guilty race el miscliii f, but ol a medicine long established, i.niversa) y pi iz. .1, arid vufuch has met the hearty approval ol ihe laculty its4il'' "Scott's Vv eekly,'' said, Aug : Jbt. Hoofland's German Bittcis. manujactuicu by Br. Jackson, are now recurumciided by some ot tlie i4ust prominent meinbeis t the lacuity as an ailiclcf?f much effica cy in ease.- of tcinale weakness. Pejions of debili tated oontr.utiuns w ill iiud tlies-.- Liijters advantage ous l then health, as we know frost expel ieticw the Salutary eliect t hey have upon weaJt'ik) Sit Ills." AlOiXE EViDKNjSI. J. G. Mooro. V.m , of the Daiiypes, said. Oct 31. 'Dir. Uuoflasd's Gehman Bitkb. We arc try ing ihis renowned medicine lot fMStuboorn disease of the boWL-ls, and can with truth testify to its efficu.-y. W e have taken the contents uf Jwo bottle s, and we have deriveJ more benefit IromUe experiment than we ilerivid previously from ycata of allophatic treat ment at the iiundi ot our first rjhysicians.:' Hon. (J. D. Ilineline, Mayos'oi- the City of Cam den, N . J., sa j s : t ' 'Mo ifland's Gf rt.MAMS Bitebs. We hn ve se en many fl itt -rtn notices of tlaa medicine, md the s jun e from which lhey cami indue d us to make inquiry reinjecting its meri(. .' From inqu'uy we were persuaded io use it, an KP.Ft f-ny welound it specitie in its action upon fl ceases of the liver and diges-liv organ, and the powerful it tluence it exerts upon nervous prostration Jb ;tea'ly surprising 'It calms and s n ngtiiens Ute nerves, bringing them in to a state of rep:j"e, ming ,eleep refreshir' If this medicine wasHiiore ceneraily used, we are satisfied there wou!d feless sickness, as from the stomach, liver nnd nyvous system, the great niajot ity of rftal and i matibary deseasts emanate. Have them in a healthy aondition ar.d vou can bid defi ante to epidi micslgenerally. This extraordinary medicine t wuttja advise our friends who are at all indisposed, to sflve, a trial it v ill recommend it- self, liehoulj, 4 fact, be in every family. No other medicine can prvduce such evidences ot merit." For aale u holNalc and retail n I the GERMAN MEDICINE 6TORE, N. 120 Archfctrect, one door below Sixth. Phila delphia. and.ny rspectnb Edealeisgenerstly through out tne country, t Sold in Wilmijfgton by S. B. & J. A. EYAN?, in Kayettevilh? rjr . J HINSDALE. Juiii; II t. 3S-3m LIVERPOOL SALT. ' POOH SACKS Liverpool Salt, in half bleached tJKJJ sacs daily expected. For sale by May 7. ADAMS. BROTHER & CO. MANmNOW THYSELF." A: N inva u able Book for 25 cents. "Every Fami ly should heacopy." , S:x th ous.md cdpies sold in less than three months. I A i.ew ediiion. reyised and improved, just issued. I Dr. Huniei's .Medico 1 Manuel and hand Book for , the Afflicted, conjaftling on outline of ih; origin, progs. trtntmeptn'hd cu-c of every lorin cf riis . i i case, contracted tV promiscuous sexual inieicour?e. 1 "V 'C i-a ous-e, or ut sexuiu excess, wiui auvice lur , . jz- r, .: :. :j, ut LMrtciniuii, milieu ui B laf iui m o tou Line , ,, , , ;. u.:.. i .. ,u, ,u ii ll medical ti-ch nMSaalies, and every thing that would fr( ,h nf ,nm. twenty years succ4FSful practice, exclusively devo ted 10 the ci rc of diseases f a delicate or private nature. To which is ad JedS-teceipts for ihe cure of the above diseases, a nrflgs' treatise on the causes, syinp toins cud cure of tlritFever and Ague, for twenty five cents a copy ; six Copies one doilat ; will be for warded to any putt oClh. United Slates by mail, free of priM itt. - Address, poMnge paif1, Cosdeu f Co., Publishi s or bo196,Posi Office. Philadelphia. "This is, without exception, the moyt compreh'-n-sive and inteliiL'ihle wSurk published on the class of diseases nf which it treats. Avoiding oil technical teitns,it nddit-fcses iiscflTio the reason of its readers It Is free from all objectionable matter, and no pa rent, however tastidioiisean object lo placing it ia the hands of his son;The auihur has devoted many years to ther treittment of 'he various com plaints treated of, nnd 'with too little breath to puff",' and 'too little presumptiofr to impose,' he has offered to the world at the meieiy nominal prieeof 25 cents, the fruitsuf some t wenrr years most successful prac tice." Hebalp. "No teacher or brfnir?: should be without the knowledge impartednitbia invohtable work. It would save yei.rs tifjpainV mortification rd sorrow 10 the youth undeteir 'charge.'" Pxxple's Advo cate. A Prrsbyterian clerpyoian in Ohio, in writing ol 'Hunter's Medical Manuel, says : "Thousands of our youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of seif-pollu-lion without realizing the sin andfearful consequent ccs upon themselves and $uir posterity. The con siirutionsof thousjnds whoare raising families have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or the cure. lAny thing that can be done so to enlighten and influence the public mind as to check, and ultimately to remove this wide spread source of hum in wretchedness,, would confer the greatest blessing next tot. the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and 'Coming generations Intemperance, ('he use o!slntok.icating drinks.) though it has slain thousands upon thousands, is not a greater scourge to the litmtn ysce. Accept my thanks in behalf of the sJSicted, and believe me. your co-worker in tha good work you are so active ly engaeed in.'' One copy will be forwarded' (securely enreicped and postage paiJ ) on receipt of ,25 Cents, or six copies for SI. Address. -COSDEN & CO.. Publisher, 196, Philadelphia. j Booksellers Canvassers and Book Agents, sup- ! plied on the most liberal lermB.r June 2. 34-ly-c. TOWAGE ! TOWAGE ! ! STEAMERSomBcary. A.M XJath rie, master? Steamer Caiboun, Jos. Springs, tnaster. are ready at all thnes for business. Orcwts for Towage will have prompt attention if left at office f Agent. " OEO. HARRISS. June il. . . , . .. . 33-tf. JUST RECEIVED. CRACKERS in bb. and boxes j Raisins in i and i boxes; Ms.Khev Tea t Powders, Can dy, Starch, Ink, N1!s, Axes, Coopers tools of every kind, Smoked Herrings, Shot and Powder, Paint Backers, Brooms, Cocoa Dipp. Demi johns, &c 3 by ; - LXz IL C.T. copy. L F0RM0DENTA., JOTRANQK Indeed, that o few realize haw c- fcntiai to (emale beauty, and manly elegance, -area fine set of piliahed teeth i nothing ORiribu tes more toward It ; nothing detracts more era fi lially from it, than Deglecud, and eonstquenliy discolored and dungnring teeth. They are a Vsj' sential to health as to beauty, for it is imroasible i lo Inhafc through decayed or unclean teeth, with out affecting the lungs and stomach frequently to ' a serlnaa extent. In offering as a remedy for this evWie Formcdena. Alrssrs. Hazard f- Co., af satlFiied that they furnish atoiee (he moai per. feetly, aafe, elegant, agreeable, cllectual, and with al cheap ptepaiation known for r'eaning and pol ishing the teeth, hardening the tit mis, purifying one who has used It, and Is jost what-it assurors to be No Lady or uentkman thould.be wlthcut it. Having been appointed sole agent fur "'.his State I will make a liberal discount to Merchants or Druggis-.s, ordering by the grots or doxtn . - For aale by the box, Address orders to . " at Ko. 3 Granite Row, THF.O. AMBROSE, rnront-wr-ef...,.-, v . umlnjieii, n.C. , -"arenzu THE NORTH CAROLINA ' V MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, RALEIGH. N. C. . THE above Company hrs been in operation sinca the 1st of April, 1843, under the direction of the following Officers, via : Dr. Charles E. Jonhson, President. W.D. Haj wood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Win. H. Jones, Treasurer, Pcrrin Busbee, Attoiney, Ur. canaries K,. Jolinson, Medical Board, of Consultation. - Dr. W m. H.XrlcKee, Dr. R. B. Havwood, J. Hersman, General Agent. This Company has received a charter giving ad- Vantages to the insured over any other Company. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure nis own tile tor tne sole use ot Ins Wile and Children, free from any claimeof the repreeehta- ivea of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on nurelv mutual orinclnles. ihe life nu mbers participate in the uliole of the profits w hlch are declared annually Besides, the applicant for ife, whtn the annual premium is over J30 may pay one half in a Note. ' All claims tor insurance rgainsl the Cr.mpany win c paid within ninety days after prcol of hc death of the party is iurnishrd. Slaves are insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable nil Slaveholders to secure this class of properity against the uncertainly of life. slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature In the history of North Carolina. which will prove very Important to the Southern States. The last four months operation of this Company shows a very large amount of" business more than the Directors expected lo do the firer year having already issued more than 200 Policies. Dr. Wm. W. Harbisb, Medical Examiner, an Agent, Wilmington, N. C- All Communications on business of the Company should be addressed to . J AS. F. JORDAN, Sec'y. Raltigh. Feb. 12, 1S53. Hl-if. '1 um a man, and deem nothing which relates to man foreign to my feelings." READ ! ! ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD. A Vigorous Life or a Premature Death; . ar.vwifT.rv nv cKrr.A' UBKCPUi'irrnv ONLY 25 CENTS. '"F'HIS Book, just published, is filled with useful X information, on the infirmities and diseakes of ihe Generative System. It addresses itself alike to YOLTH, MANHOOD andOLO AGE. To all who apprehend or sutler under the die con sequences of early or prolonged indiscretions to all who feel the exhaustive effects of sedentary and ben ful habits to all who in edition to declining physical energy, are the victims of nervous and mental debility, and of moping and inclanchuiy de spondency. Dr.K. would say It BAD THIS BOOK. Tho valuable advice and impreeaiva wnrtdng it gives, will prevent years of misery and suffering, and save annually Thousand of Livts. Parents by reading it, will learn how to -prevent ;he destruction of their children. jfj-A remittance of 25 cents, enelofsd in a letter, rdurcssed to DR. K IN K ELI N, PHILADELPHIA.' willen.uroi a book, under envelope, per return of mail. ?HtDr. K. fifteen years resident Physician. N. W. Cu.i.er of THIRD and UNION Street, between Spkl-ce ynd Pine. Philapelpbia, may be consulted confidentially He who pleceshimself under the care of Dr. K. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon nis skill as a physician. rPcisons at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter (post-paid,) and be cured at home. PACKAGES cf MEDICINES, DIRECTIONS, dc . lor warded, by sending a remittance, and put Bp serine from DAMAGE OR CUKIOS1TY. rSfBooksellers, New Agents, Pedlars, Canvass ers, nnd allothers siftjvliel with the above work at very low rates June 2. ; 34-ly-. POPULAR EDUCATOR, 2, price 12J cents. For sale at nc IS. S. W. WHITAKER'S. i ji CHNNY BAGS. 4CfC NEW Gunny Bags, for sale by )V UlJ'june21. W.C.HOWARD. CIDER VINEGAR. inn BL3. Pure Cider Vinecsr. For safe by. IV June 21. W.C.HOWARD. WANTED. 1 1 nnfi Lbs. of wool, for which I win 1 vVJvJVJ; pay the hljrhest cah prices. May 24. OKO. S. GILLESPIE. f PORK ! PORK! ! TO BBLS. Mess Pork 22 Prime 2S " Rump For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM. 97. May :'51953- 7 NOW RECEIVING. FULTON Market corned Beef, inbb!sacd half bbls L,on Ion Porter and Scotch Ale, quarts and oints ; an assortment of Foreign Liquors and Wines; Flour; Sugar; Coffee; Pork Bacon; Lardi Bol ter; Crackers; Mulasses; Snuff) Nails ; Tobacco ; Paper: Spices; Fish, Oils; White Lead 1 Domes tic Liquors ; Soap; Candles say, a full assortment of such groceries and provisions as ate Required for fnmlly use or the retail trJe. V"- - Freeman a Houston. June 23. -' 43. NOTICE. TT7E, the nnderrigoed, have this day farmed m V Co-nartnershtp under the style and firm of McCONNELL St TOIVKBHESD, -for the norpoae cf furnishing V OOD-OA3 LIGHT throughout the United State of America, hf lnot of a Patent granted to Dr. Wm. P. MeConnelL for the purpose of generating Gas, and theprodnctioa of Tar, Coal 4c. WM. Li S. TOWNSHEJfD. . May 26. 1853. I, , ti-tt t:. y . . : . , DO YOU BUY TEA, imported by the Pekln Co. , If von do -l J.u in mrm rnntv-five vet not er. snd gt a very enperior article, put np In er.wl half lh. nackases. ana ontr w"L" "yTX'ai'i' WILKINSON & ESLER. June 2. , : N0TICR:;4f&r' r f g1 ' 1 J ' FROM nd after to-dsy.tMsV 24ih, LtisVy 1953.) the Steamer of the McteteT KSiSB Railroad Conrpany, will leave 'heW. &. K.RUroad wharf nt nine o'clock, insteadrcf half past nine, as fonnerlv." : . Mary tt.- j THOMAS B. TVlXtlAJI. - - 1 . - -i -