w. - - ,".jc: iifiP-BOVEDjEMTILipB'. SUBS l ri v il u lv - TO TUB AGHifUlIUtiaii t,UMiiumwr Vntu' i i'PL'Mi'iiilai'th Auricullyvrai". cowiv4 . jl unruly ' is respectful uucuicu iujus f in lesthnony In reference to the oetion and dura bility of OHAPPELL'S i M PRO V Kl FKttfi LI rv '-i ZElL its uniform-g d qualltyj and, its efficacy in JX --.p, omoliaz Uw gro wt ot any crop.- Tun result i -Tba experiments forJhe past 2 years .which have been kiodlv jdrmsn a o Ty m. iuuy v m taulishesaZf thAtvts bat Blatcd,i regard l Its so. - " periority as rvsuritst oi ne son, no uiejaeis : . jrfoed in his letter should alone convince any iniel tisjeot mind of its unfailing efficacy and its udapta. ' lion to any and all cmi v --' - ." ' -.. ii i with snob, evidence as .Are, present below, "- from gentlemen of the highest, respectability, that "f1 ha enabled us to otercome the prejudices which " Jiave exlgtcd.Jnhe minds of some of -the, farming I? community against., all "artificial manures," and "fc.the' result his. been, nat:the derfwnd for our Ft r " Utiaer.-he pasreason,; was much greater than ,r';' -" we could possibly supply, and we-have yet to hear of one sinslc coinpiaint of.ils aeiiun from any of " th so to whom we sold the past year. iiiThis article having been so fully tesied for the ,past fivejears, and with such favorable results, we 1? bow offer 4l to the, 4?rrcTifturaiist of the country ' ""OS. the cheapest,, most ccrtaio and durable manure ' i -for any crop or any solli One adv.miage we can promise in. the use of 'our Fertilizer, ihat by u 'v equal otiibant of outlay pf$iet Fertilizer upon an " acre of ground, we can give a, large crop of grain, and leave the gtoaad in a ,wft$ better condition for after crops jhnn can be obtained, from the use of Guano or an; other manure. As a top dressing upon .Wheat and 5rass, we would stale that from a number of testimonials in onr possession, of which the limits otahis .adver tisement will not aamit, we can witn inef-uimoii confidenco recommend Its use upon the above crops. If intended to-be used it should, heapplied as tarty in. the season as the weatlier will permitxo certainly secure its disaeiotioia by ia AJareftramd April rains, and tire results of the applicatroawill fully repiy trie farmer for his uutlay.in the iocreas ed erop, end will very largely increase the gowth of clover anil after crops. "';.Ss:t Upon Cora it shoulJ be applied broadcast, be'orc harra ing, and if preferred mall portion may be itd In th h ll. We hazird motninz io Slatfna tha , aopl ed upon Corn, should lie weather pr1rJ ravora'i e, the increased yieiu woum aouo-y repay the firmer for ou l.iy, :ind if two oarrels. (6W) lUa.) he u-ei io tile acr-, til it liis g ojnU ill need no otier manure for a full rotation nf crops. The s.in iui m- o! nio is ad . .inemi nine are form ed fro n iV.-quei'! in:e c -urse win firmtrs who have used ih Ko niizur lra nnir:"er o;" trasi.is past, with utiv.ifi in success, andiiave volun ar' trfS'iQf'd io its effi icy, iu reb coil ili in n all t.:at 'has been stated i.i ri i to i s siii).i-r q-i 1 . 1 1 --s. H ivin -eceiveJ a nii.nber of ir)qi!ie rt '.iuvc to the action of our Fertilizer mixed win Pe:uviJn Guino, we would siv, -e liave alAtiys pieVr.cd, in the trial of the eflicjcy t.f our Keri iizer. ii a o ing used alette, as we i)eire it to ' rest upon its oicn viei its" wi hout any possijlt or apparent help trum any oiiier ntinu re ; but we have no douoi 'Ha' a combination o; Gjano and Fertiliser wculJ prove hfsfh! avaniaseous to toe Iji mers in a combin.i'ion o;' tills U:oJ we would recom mend the u-e o!" i&0 liis. (iaano nil 3'JO lbs Fcr (iiiaer, beinjt confident tliai tnianniouni of tne two articles in combination, wouidp: od jce a much lar ger yieldhan if 40 lbs. beaf Peruvian Giiaiio'tild been used. By using Guano mixed in this way, the use of plaster with tftM article niav be dispens ed with, as the Sulphuric Acid in l lie Fertilizer would unite with tiie Ammonia and o: her voi.ai le salts in Guano, and convert. ng iliem into bul Sjhtes, thereby preveming their escape into :ne air, secu res to the farmer all of the k osi valuable con3titiieni s of ihe laiter article. For t lie conven ience of persons who wish to life the Feriilizer mixed in this way, we will furnish it mixed with Guano in any proportion nnmed. charging the cost of Guano, and ihe cost of barrels, laoor, ,Vc At present prices ofGuano'we will furnisli it mixed in ttie following p'-oportlons and price?. Ooe-fotMii Guano, Ferl.lizer 8iS per ion. One-third Guauo, Fe ti'lzrtr 32 per ton. One-ha f Guano, one-half Fertilizer 36 per ton. WASHINGTON CiTV, Jan. 27ih, 1533. P. S. CkappeU, Esq. Dear sir: I am now in my fifth wee; oi confinement to my room with a severe fiaciu'e of the siiouldcr. occasioned by i fall upon tne icy p.iveinentof this city. ue:o.e 1 re ceived vour fivor of uie 20:h of Dc-. This will ac count for tny a ooarcn! neglect in not resounding to your request alluded to io y ur last Icier, and even now 1 a hi wriiing witu much d.iiiciji'v, and separated irom my memoran 'a. lean oniysjeak in general terms of tne unfading ejflcacy oi" yo. r Fertilizer ss us"d by me me 'ai two year. 1531 and '5'-. The last year's uoplira' ion morf tuuu re alized the best i in oresiinns produced uy the first fear's use of It. On Corn, in 1851 , planted in driP, one-half of which was enriened uy the application ' i of 200 lbs. best Peruvian Liuano. and the other w ith ' 400 lbs. of your Fertilizer, ooiil applied in uie d i i. not only was the Corn 9 barrels per acre ) best where the Fertilizer was used, out The same ground feeing put in Bjrley last soring, ( 153.) was a-ainj dressed with 200 lbs. of Guano per acre, eq aliv distributed over the previously guanoed lanu, and j that on which the Fertilizer was applied at the I time of corn planting the previous surinsr. Like the corn, le barley was best xcere the Fertilizer had been used, and when the same land was tinobed up in September, for Rve, the part whereon ihe Fer tilizer had been used in 1S31, was to the line thick ly set with white clover of tpontaneous growth, whilst the guanoed part showed b it here and there a sprig oTthat valuable grass, and my corn ground lying over for Oats and Bailey, which save last year 230 barrela from about 26 acres, showed a good set of white clover in October. In a cut of four acres, which the pat years pro duced IH barrels per sere, one acre through the middle was guanoed with 300 lbs o best Peruvian Gusno to the other three acres Fertilizer was ap plied, two barrels or 600 lbs., to the acre, nnd in every other respect all treated alike. cores of persons examined the corn at every Mage, from planting to gathering, and no one could mark ihe place where ihe Guano was applied, unless pointed out by myself, whilst tne gigantic growth and white clover marked the effects oi ihe Feriilizer upon the other acres. On the adjoining field of eight acres, the hands, in sowing the Fertilizer, made a mis take and towed one land over twice that is with 1200 lbs. of l'ertil'zer; the gaowth of the coin stalk was not perceptibly greater, but uher. the Corn teas gathered, the difference was as 7 to 5, at leatt in ia vor of the double sere that is to say. it required 7 tows where 600 lbs. had been used to load a fou r horse wagon, whereas five rows did the same from the acre which received the double dressing by mistake. I might fill many pages in detailing facts as to my einet ience in the use of "Chrppe!Ps Fertilizer," were 1 differently situated,' but for rennons stated above, am unable to do so at present. I have heaid some favorable accounts of fields of Wheat besides my own, on which your Fertilizer wa used at ttie last seed time, and I have lit' le doubt that next harvest will put to rest all doubts and prejudice against your Fertilizer preparations. By way f backing up my confidence, so often expressed, It may not be oat of place here io state that my ar rangements for spring and summer crops look to the use of 150 barrels of Feriilizer nod Phosphate of Lime, three-fourths of the former L e.,' 120 of ths Fertiliser and 30 of the latter article specific orders for which will be given as required. ' 1 fear you will have great difficulty in decypher ing this letter, and 1 am not sure it will be worth the troable, but yon can make any use of it, or any portion of L, you may think proper, or pats it by altogether. I shall be glad to have a copy of vour pamphlet, and wishing you every success which year untiring teal, in so noble a cause merits, I subscribe myself, Yours faithfully, -f THOS. AP.C JONES -' Extract of a. Letter from. Com. Janet Doled . PROSPECT HILL, ( VeO Jane 4th, 1853. "lam very glad to hear of the Increased demand foryeur Fertilizer.' I am more and more satisfied with Its superiority when compared wiih Guano, as regards durability or the effect on succeeding crops.' The Fertilizer ia tnwnparo6y euperior to Gaanfls even when 300 lbs. of. the best are used sgsiast 600 lbs,, of the Feriilizer. " ; -; "In haste, with great resfect. your obd'r. setVt.. THOS. AP. C. JONES ' '.!' JIONTROSS, Westmoreland co., Vs., Aoril 11th. 1853.3 Mr. P. Stock Ion CTuippaZZ Dear sir In answer to yours of the 8t h tost.. In regard to ray Wheat I can only say at this time, that, on corn ground, when last in cultivation (1351) did not produce -, more tnan one hef barrels of corn to tne acre, I : fal lowed It up in September 10 or 12 inches deep, harrowed It, sowed white blue stem wheat at the rTte of H bushels per acre; used 280 lbs. CkappeU e ;rertitzernia Guano, mixed half and half each per acre, and from prosit appeareatee cill make 25 bueh f oU of Wheat per aere. fowed first week In Octo- ber. Youra respectfully, - JNO. GOODING. . -- - Frieeof CftAPPELL'S IMPROVF.D FERTIL : lzer pes Tb, or s per Barrel centals. tC001bi.-i .'AH orders should be ii - cd f o " ' " P.-S TOUKTON ; .i il'i'KLL, Chdmlst, :. OfBCOrlS Lbmbsrd ti... Assembly Duilding, Be- twedti Hanover and Charles; Baltimore Aldt ''i AessTsrUovt (i,CoNew Vor.k Mojrton, Bo'ok tsr&, 'o j Iti' hmond.' Va -Wotklns & Morton, Peterrbor, YaTjvT; Mi MeComatlt & Co . Alex andra', Yo.; james MeGuire,. ?ederR-kbrgYVa i Samuel Oliver & Sons, Kewbcrn, N.C. -- Joly7tb.lS53 ' - . " ' 43-6m-.;- T "" TOJCnAVELLERS. v M vVRnro receiving lae stpply m. Sole Leather, iron frame, wood foho frlX.Uand Lndlet'Trunhe ; Get pet Bags. a- lise, India Hubbcr Life Prt rcrvr r. , xc. ' -May3i KAUMWHLKR& BRO. r SUGAR AND COFFEE. H UST Received ocr schr- Adell, from New York, "J 10 bbt A. Clarified Soear: 10 bajis Java Cof- fee; 10 do. low by Julv 16. LaeuyratJo? WdoRTo to. Foreaie , 52 JUST RECEIVED FROM i. YORK. PER SCHR WM. U SMITH. rf f'i LBS. of prime, extra, and ro. I Z)mKj( White Lead; 5 000 lbs Zinc While, in Oi! ; 1 case of Prtiss- Blue, in Oil ; 2 cases of Chrome Green ; 1 ' " Paris " r ' " Chrome Yellow, Also 60 bbls fine Linseed Oil, Bar Umber, nnd Tena De Sren na gound in Oil. For stile cheup oi Drug and Chemical Ware Rooms. June 9. 37 LABOR IS MONEY. JUST received from the manufactory, 75 boxes ExrelsiorF.miilv Soap, two-thirds the quantity and half the labor will do the same washing as any other Soap hard, soft or salt water may He used with success. In whole or half boxes. For sale hw S. M. WEST. Feb. 24. 145 SHINGLES, OF all descriptions, as called ff.r, hv May 24. GKO. S. G4LLF.SPIE. HICKORY. PERSIMMON AND WALNUT TIMBER, fur- JLinisnea to order, ov jiaiay -.'4. GEO. S. GILLESPIE. JUST RECEIVED. KFRIGKtlATOIlN, Water Cooh r and Show- rV erBiilis. F' r sale by J. D. LOVE. May 17. 27 tf. ir - - - - kausT k i-ifiji v i:u i"i:t)i BALTIMORE AND 1 Ii 1 LA DE LP II I A- O cz BBLS. Silvers Eire Proof Paint, all coloi? ; casks Spanish Hro n ; j 10 dy. Veneti in Ked ; , 5 d. Yellow Ochre. For sale by U. &. V. DuPKK. : Druggitiia and Chelllits, ' Wilmington, N . C. ; J une 9. "s Sine Landin from S 'inciters L P. Smith u -id . rsaf Joseph Henry. BBLS.ptire Genesee Flour; tL50 do. Mi ss Pork ; V!5 do. CofTee and Porto Rico Sugars; 100 kegs Nails : 50 bbls. Vf hiskey, Gin, Rum and Brandy. For sale very! w, by ZKNO 11. GREENE. July 2. -x N. C. T. copy. 47. LEMONS WILKINSON & ESLER. T7OR sale h f , X' J i lunc 21. UMBRELLAS & WALKING CANES 1 N every variety at the flat Kmpoiium, No. 1. 1 Granite Row, C MVERS, Halter. Granite Row June 10. 40. FRESH ARRIVALS. Per Sdu . L. P. Smit. 10? BBLS. extra' Hiram Smith Flour, (fredi round) 10 dOvJo. Family do, do. 100 bags do, do do. do. 20 hall' bbls xtra;faniily do. 5 kegs fresh prime May Butter. IHannly do. Oo. I.cw fjr fas! at GEO. H. K EL LEV '.S. Ju!y 2. J. it:: N. C. T. copy. IN STORE. 1 CZ I Bbls. of primeWew Orleans Molasses; I i " iifcr.llent Honev 15 boxes fresh Sodo Crackers ; 5 " ' Sugar 50 bao-s of prime RiLaguira and Java Coffee 100 " Table Salt 20 boxes AdamantitjeJCandles ; 30 " Calgates No. f and pale Soaps ; '0 bbls. of Crushed and Brown Sugars; 5 doz .i nrinie Piekles, Ac. &c; 4000lk8.N.C. BaconIIams, ides and ders. as times are hard, ill bo. sold low eash at J GEO II. KELLI Julv 2. J. It; & N'. (y. T. ropv. Shoul for the Y'S. 47. CLEGG ON GAS LIGHTING. A Practical Treatise en t he manufacture and dis tribution of Cpal-Gas, its introdulion and pro gressive improvement. Illustrated by engravings from working Drawings, with general estimate. For sale at S. W. W 11 ITAKER'S June 23. 45. ;LAMP OIL. GALS best quality Sperm Oil, for stile lowbyj- 'W. C. HOWARD. 160 June 23. 4b McGUFFEY'S ECLECTIC SERIES, OF Spelling and Reading Books, a full supply just received and for sale at June 23. S. W. WHITAKEK'S. PANAMA HATS7 MEN'S andBoy's Panamas, various grades, for sale at the Emporium. C. MVERS, Proprietor. June 23. ' 43. 5 DO YOU BUY rpEA, Imported by the Pekin Co. If you do not X you should, as you will save tweniy-five per ct. and get a very superior article, put up in qr. ind half lb. packages, and only for sale in Wilmington. 5y WILKINSON fc ESLER. June 21. 43. POPULAR EDUCATOR, NO. 2, price 12 cents. For sale at JuneaS. S. W. WH ITAKER'S. GUNNY BAGS. 49C00 NEW Gunny B June 21. :gs. for sals by W C. HOWARD. CIDER VINEGAR. BBLS. Pure Cider Vinegar. For sale by June 21. VV. C.HOWARD. 10 NOTICE. THE undersigned, o committee appointed by the County Court of New Hrnover, will con tract for the building of a BRIDGE, furnished with a draw, across the North East branch of Cape Fear River at Hilton. For particnlars address T. H. WILLIAMS, 1 a S. D. WALLACE, g ALEX. McRAE, g WM. A. WRIGHT, , B. O. FENNELL. J March 26. -tf- NOW LANDING, From Schr. It. V. Brown. OK BBLS. Mess Pork ; -C-t25 " Genesee Flour; 20 " N. E. Rum ; 42 boxes Soap j 5 cases Negro Brogans ; 60 bbls. Rectified Whiskev. For sale by ZENO H. GREENE. NCT.copy. 41 June 18. B OYS' Canes and Belts for sale at the Empori um, r: MYERS Pronrielor. June 30. 46. flv CIRCULAR SAWS. rTtHB subscriber has just completed his arrange Xmentsrfor supplying the best CIRCULAR 8AWS made, and for keeping a stock on hand of all sixes, up to 60 Inches. . :- --"sJ ';-. 1 Every Saw warranted, and sold at Manufactur er prices. 4 r -. J. M. ROBINSON. Wilmington. Pit v., Jane uth. 1853 - .-39. i' in : : lR0F,fALEX:;C ; BARRY'S . Titopheroua. or iedicoied. Compaztnd, FOR BeoBtlryTtrg, CuTling. Preserring, Restoring, and Strengthening the Hair, Rerjevrnrg' Dis.as esof the Skin, Curing Rheuuistie Pains; and. Heal ing Hxternat Wounds. Bounded by nogeusrapbi cal lines, the reputaiion of. Bbt' TaicopMsave pervades the Union .1 li sales of this article of late years have increased id a ratio that- almost ex ceeds belief- Professor tiASr, after a careful ex amination of bis salts' book, finds, that the number iHT bottles dciif erett to orders tn q aantii ies of from half a gross upward, dm ir g rhe year IL52, was with in a i rifle of 950.000V - ' , "'-r It is unnecessary to present at length f heeTidenp es of the wonderful propei ties Of the Trieepherous, when thp-: pubiie have furnithd sm-h an indorse ment as this." 'The cheapness of .he article and the explanations given of Its chtmicai action upon the hnir, the scalp, and in all cases of superficial irrita tion, first rtcommcrrdi-d it to the attention of the people. This was all that the invmtor desired. Every bottle advertised itself Thecffects of the fluid exceeded expectaiion. It acted like a charm. The ladies would not be without It. Country dealers In every section of the United States lound ihy must have it; and thus was built up a wholesale trade of an extent hitherto unheard of as regards ar ticles of tois kind. The highest point has not yet been reached, nnd it is believed that the sales this yenr will be a million and a half of bottles. Depot and Manufactory. No. 137 Broadway, New York. Retail price, 25 cents n large bottle. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. Sold by alLthe principal merchants and druggists throughout the United States and Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Great Kriiain, France, &c. For sa e by C. & D. DuPRE, Wiiminpton . Mav 21. 1853. 29-6m-n CHERRY PECTORAL For the rapid Care ot" COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, AST n MA, AND CONSUMPTION. "And by ihe rtrer, upuii the Our.k thereof sha rroic all trees for meat, ir.'iose leaf shall not fade and the fruit thereof shall be for meal and the Uaf thereof for eaunic Here was hope for and every year adds the sick recorded long ajo, new proof to the assurance that lliese promises shall not fail As medical Science discovers and desianaies the remedies nature has given, one by one, the diseas es ihst afRict our race yield io the control of art. Of nil the maladies we suffer from, none has carried more victims to an untimely grave than ons-ump-tion of the Lmms. Subjoined we give some evi dence lial ihiH too may be cred, and that Pulmo nary Complaints, in all ihcir forms, may beremov od l. Cherry Pectoral. Sp.,ce vv illjnot perm i t us to publish here any pre tortion of ilri cures ii has effected, but the Agent below named, w ill furnish our Circular, free, where in are full particulars and indisputable proof of these laeis. Sufferirs: read a ml j udsie for yourselves. For Injiuenia and Whooping ough. N vshville, Ten.v., June 2(3, 1S51. Sir: 1 have repeaudlv. used yourXJhtrry Pecto ral for Whooping i ,'oni; h and Influenza and have no hesitation in pronouncing it a complete remedy. Four of mv childn n l.ave been airlifted with these diseases, and the free use of ihe Pectoral has al ways uff-ii'di J utmost ins'iint relief. We aest me truth of the above statement. M. McGlNTY, Editor of the Nashville Whig. J. M. ZIM M E It M AN, Druggist. For a ( on sumptive (Sough. Pi-tsiii-fg, Pa., Ked. 25, 1S51. Dear ir: Forili ee yeai e I have been afflicted w ith a Con. 11. to dati -.-mij! Ihnt I frequently des paired of ritoverv ; nuieli of ilie time i was obli ged to s-it i. pall niylit in my chair, as mv cough would suffiicate me whin 1 laid down. Having used maiiv remedies without much rclir-f, i at last tried : le ht . v Pcei oral which under Providence has cured nie altogether. JAMES M'C AND LESS. 'Phis ts- one of the numerous Curei of Aalhnia ichich hate been wcndiied to Cherry Pectoral. Albany. N. Y., April 17, 1843. Dr. A vca. Lowell. Dear ir: 1 have for years been afrlicied vviih Asihma n the worst lorm, so that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the tune, being unable io breathe on my bid. I had iriud a g eai many medicines, to no purpoee, until my Physician prescribed, ns a n ex periment, your Cherry Pecioru!. At first it seemed to make me worse i but in less than a week 1 beian to expel ience the most grati fying relief from its use; and now, in four weeks, the d'sea?e is entirety removed. 1 can sleep on mv bed with comfort, and enjoy a state of health which 1 had never cxpectid to enjoy- GEORGES. FARANT. Commission nnd Forwarding .Merchant. From the President of Amherst College, EDWARD HI ICiiCOCK, M. D., LL., D.,&c. J.C. Aveb. Sir: 1 have used your Cherry Pec toral in my own case of deep-sealed bronchitis, and am satisfied, from its chemical constiiution. that it is an admirable compound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial difficulties, if my opinion, as to its superior character, can be of any service, you are at liberty to use it as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK. Amherst, Sept. 12, 1849. Among the other distinguished authorities who have lent their names to recommend this prepara tion as t he best known to ihem for affections of the lungs, are : President Perkins, Vermont Med. College. Prof. illiman. Vale College. , Prof. Valentine Mott, New York. 1 Prof. Cieaveland, Bowdoin Med. College. Prof. Butterfield, Ohio Med. Colloge. Canadian Journal of Mecical Science. Boston Med. & Surg. Journal. Charleston, S.C, Medical Review. New Jersey Medical Reporter. Hon. Henry Clay, U. S. Senator. Hon. Geo. P. Marsh, Am. Ambasador toTurkey. Gen. Emanuel Bulnes, President of Chili. Rt. Rev Ed. Power, Lord Bishop of Torcnto. Rev. Doct. Lansing, Booklyn, New York. Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Also, many eminent personages in foreign coun tries. Not only in the more dangerous and distressing diseases of the Lungs, but also as a family medi cine tor occasional use, it is the Bafest, pleasantest and bes in the world. PREPARED IT J. C- AVEB, CHIJtrBT, LOWELL. MASS. Sold by C DpPRK and S. B. & J. A. EVANS in Wilmington, N. C June 11. 1853. 38-3m FOR SALE. A New Turpentire Still and fixtures about 15 J barrels capacity, weighs about 22C0 lbs., war rented in perfect order, has neveT been in use Apply to WM.A. GWYER. Juns 11. 39-tf. C. DnPRE & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GROCERS Corner Front and I'rlncess-streets, WILMINGTON, N. C. C. DUPRE. 0. B BAKER. I FEMALE SCHOOL. MR. AND MRS. G. M. L. FINCH will open, in the town of Wilmington, on Monday the ira oi uctooer ensuing, a hrst class Female School. circular containing terms, course of instruction, and other particulars, can be found at the store of Ellis & Mitchell. May 14. ?6-6m-e. BONNETS. A Splendid assortment ol open Straw, Silk and il Crape. Just received per Adams A Co. Ex prejs, for sale cheap by . Apri!23. KAHNWEILER&BRO. JUST RECEIVED PER SCHR. ELOmsR. e; BBZ.S.A. No. I Mackerel extra large, and tz bbli. salmon, fersaieoy - - -. . C. DvPRE dk CO. 'Jane IS... , . t A9. t? O (ID rMED I Cl?rES.:.; STABLER'S DIARRU(EA CORDIAL Is a pleasant Mixture, compounded in agreement with the rules of Pnarmacy, f therapeutic agents, long known and celebrated for their peculiar effica cy in curing DIAKRHCEA, and similar affeciion? of the system. In its action, ii always nausea and produces a healthy condition of the Liver, thus re moving the cause at the same time that it cures the disease. STABLER '3 anodyne Cherry expectorant Ii confidently recommended to Invalids, as unsur passed by any known preparation, for the cure cf Coughs, Hoarseness, and other forms of Common Colds; Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Consumption in an early stage, and for the relief of the Patient even in advanced stages of that fatal disease. It combines, in a scientific manner, remedies of long esteemed value, with others of more recent discovery; and besides its soothing and" fontcquali ties, acts through the skin gently, and with great efficacy, Tot thoTure of this class of diseases. The valuable Medicines above named have re cently been introduced, with the approval ofa num ber of the Medical Profession in the City of Balti more and elsewhere, and in practice have succeed ed most admirably in Curing the diee.isesfor which they are prescribed. They are offered to the Coun try Practitioner, as Medieines wh'rh he can in all respects depend up-n, ns prepared in agreement with the experience of some of the most learned 4nd judicious Physicians, and strictly in conformi ty with the rules oi Pharmncy, and as especially serving his convenience, who cannot so readily as the City Physician, have his own prescriptions com pounded by a practical Pharmai eutist. See the descriptive Pamphlets, to be had gratis of all who Ivave the Medicines for sale, containing recommendations from Doctors Martin, Balizell, Addison, Payne, Handy, Love, &c. Doct, S. B. Martin snys : I do not hesitate to recommend your Dinrrhaia Cordial and Anodyne Cherry Frjicctorerrrt,'' &c. Doct. John Addison says ; "It gives me much pleasure to add my 'esti ony to that of others, in favor of the extraordinary effcary of your Diurr her.a Cordial. q-c.;and of ihe Expectorant, ! h ivi no hesitation in recommending it as u most valua ble medicine." &c. Dr. R. A. Payne says he has used the Diarrh&i Cordial in his practice '-with ihe happiest , ffect, and thinks ii one of the most con enient and elti cicnl combi nations ever offered to our prolession." Doct. L B. Handy writes, "I have administered your Anodyne Expectorant in several cases ol Bion ehinal Affelion, wi;h the most happy results, and from a k nowiedu'e of its admit able clTi-CM. 1 can, with the greatest confidence, recommend it,"&e. Doct. W.S. Love writes tons that he has ad ministered ;he Expectorant to his wife, who has had the JJronchil Us for fourteen years, and i hat she is fast r covering from her long standing mal.idy. 1 1 has in a few weeks done her more (food than all the re medies she has heretofore used under able medical counsel. Sixteen of the best Apothecaries and Pliarma ceuiista In ;he City of Baltimore, write, "We are satisfi' d llie prrp: ration known as fabler's Ano dyne Expectorant and Stabler' ' s Diarrliaa Cordial pre medicines of great value, and very ejflrient for i he relief and cure of the diaea-es for wnic h they are recommended ; thev bear the evidence of skill and care in their preparation and stvleol putiini; up and we take ple asure in recommending them " Twent v-seven of the most respectable Merch ants, residents of Maryland, Virginia nnd Nonh Carolina, who have sold and nl-o used these medi cines themselves, say, ' From our own experience and thai of our cus'omers, we do confidently re commend them Pro Bono Publico. We have nev er k no v n a ny remedies used lor ihe disease for which they are prescribed, to be so efficient, and to ;ive such entire saiitfaetion to all." The above notices of recommendation from mem bers of ihe Medical Faculty, Ph irmaeeui ists of high standing, and Merchants of the first re.-pec- tabilily, should be sum- lent to sansly all. thai lhe.HemedieinC8 are vorthy of trial by the nfllieted, and thai ihev ore of a dillerent stamp and i 1 iss from ihe "Quackery" and Cure Alls"' so much im posed upon ,,'ic puMie. Por sale by Dru'gi-H, Anothecat ics and Cottn iry Stores-keepers generally. K. H. STA RLKK & CO. Wholesale Druggists, 120 Prati street, Baltimore. For sale In Wilmington by C. & D. D uPRE. Juno 21. 42-ly-c OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," AT THE Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. THE subscriber respect! uily informstiie public that he has recently received additions io . is stock of Saddle und Harness Mountings, vVc, the latest atid most improved style, and is lonslanly manufacturing, at his store on market direct, every description ol articlein the above line. From his experience in the business, lie leels confideni that he will be able to "jive enure satisl action lo all who may fa vor him with a call. He has now on hand, and w illconstantl keen a larite assortmen i o Cotter;. Got and Sitfleii aratss, Lad if s Sa-ddlrs, Bridles, W.'ups, dj"c-- Gentle men's Sa-ddlct, Whips Spurs, dv. all of which he will warrant to be of theSf3 best m i terials and workmanship. He fti' has also a larce assortment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Mags, Satchels, Kancy Trunks, etc., and all other articles usually kept in such establishments, all of which he offers low for CASH, or on short credit io prompt custo mers. Saddles,Harne8s,Trunks, :J ion 1 Bags, &c.iSiC, made to order. In addition tothe above the subscriber always keeps on hand a large supply of String Leather, and has now, and willkp-;p through theseason a good assortmcn t of l"'ly NL-tts. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods, whether inwantornot.as I takepleisureinshw ing my assortment to all who may favor me with a call. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold atafairprice topersons buying to manufacture. Also, Whips at wholesale. 'Vllkindsof Riding Vehii les bough t andsold on commissions. JOHN .CONOLEY. jan. 8 1653. 30 WAY FR RIGHT NOTICE. FROM and after this date all freight shipped by Brother's Line, to or from Wilmington will be charged to Shippers or Consigneee at Wilmington JOHN BANKS, Agent. Nov 2. 99 tf JUST RECEIVED. A SUPPLY of Cox's Geletine; rtabbitt's Yeast Powders; Preston's Extracts of Lemon, Vanil la. &c. For sale low, by S.B. 4 J.A.EVANS. Dec. 18. U8. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE and complete supply of FRESH SEEDS, comprising every variety usually call ed for, raised and put up by the United Society of Shakers, at New Lebanon, N. Y. Orders from our country friends promptly filled. S. B. fc "J. A. EVANS. Jan 15. 129 BARGAINS. WE are offering Extraordinary Bargains in Sum mer Goods. Persons desirous of sivins twenty per cent in prices, can do so by calling on us May 17. HEDRICK & RYAN. CAROLINA HOTEL. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE Subscribers having formed a co-partnership under the style of Wood 4 Vincent, wi.l heie after have charge of the well knowp establishment heretofore conducted by R. B. Wood, who takes this opportunity to return his thanks to the public for the constant and liberal patronage he has received. The firm will endeavor to improve the manage ment of the concern, and by mutual exertions will strive to render the Hotel still more worty of public avor. R. B. WOOD. N. B. VINCENT. JuneS. .. 37-tL GILL NET THREAD. A LL pure flax, Nos 20 and 30, for sale by A Jintl. ,, FREEMAN HOUSTON. : . : - MEDIC AU'AND . - : ' SURGICAL INSTITUTE, : ' No. 1 &JSO UTH FILED UlilCK XTIlEET. . BALTIMORE; MARYLAND. ; - - BR. Smith hus for many year devoted his whole attention to rite treatment of PrivuieComplaltts, in ail their varied nnd complicated torois. His great success in those longstanding -and -difiieulf-'easesy each as werefo-meriy considered incurable, is tsufli cicat to commend him to the ptiwiie as worthy vf the exteoeive patronage he has received. Within the last eighi years, Dr. S. bas treated more than 29,500 cases ol Private Complaints, in their differ ent forms and stages ; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of all other physicians now advertis ing in Baltimore, and not a single case is known where his directions were strictly followed, and medicinestakea at reasonable lime, wiihooi effect ing a radical and permanent cure; therefore, per-' sous afflicted with dr9eses of the above nature, "no matter how difficult or long standing the case may be," would do well to call on Dr. Smiih, at his of fi.ee, No. 16, South Frederick Si., and if not effec tually relieved no remuneration will be required for his services. His medicines are free from Mercury and all mineral poisons ; put up in a neat and conf pact foim, and may be taken in a public or private houre, or while tiavelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, and except in cases of vio lent infiamation, no change of diet is necc-sary. STRICTURES. Dr. Smiih has discovered a new method by which he can cut e the worst form of stricture and that witnotit pain or inconvenience to the patient. Irritation of the ureiha, or prostrate gland, or neck of the bladder, is sometimes mistaken lor strictures by general pracli'ioners or charlatans. YOUNG MEN and Others afflicted with Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain ftettmclirc Habit, or from any other cause, with iralrt of bodily and mental evils which follow, when negh eted, should make an early application, thereoy avoiding much r uble and suffering, as well as expense. By his mproved method of treatment, Dr. S. can safely guarantee a speedy and pcriecl cure in alt cases of this complaint. TO FEMALES. All diseases pecnliar to Females (as also Sup pressions. Irregularities. &c.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy ol" his remedies, for the euro of the above affections, have been well tes ted in an extensive practice for the last twelve ears. Petsons at a distance may consult Dr. S. by n letter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded to any part of ihe Uniti d States, always accompanied with full and e pliei-ulreeiions for use. Cooint'intcstlons con sidercd r-t icily confidential Odice arranged with separate apartments, so thai patients never see tny one but the doctor himself. Attendance daily, from o inthe morning till 9 at night. N. H Persons afflicted w ith any of the above complaints, vm do well lo avoid the va'ious SOSTRUMS AXD SPECIFICS, advertised by Apothecaries and Drugsisis as a Cer tain cure for any and every disease. They are put up to sell, hut not to cure, and frequently do much more harm thm good tiierefote avoid thrm. A word to the wise is surii Ment. Address DR J.B. SMITH 16 South Frederick St., Baltimofc, Md . Sept. 7. 73-! y- e $500 CHALLENGE. WHATEVER concerns the health and happi ness of a people is at all limes of ihe hios valuable importance. I lake it for granted that every person will do all in ihcir power, lo save the lives of their childitn, and llvii eveiy person vvli endeavur t promote their ovv n health at all sacri fices. 1 feel it in v duly to solemnly assure yoj i ha ' WORMS, according to the opinion of Ut most celebrated Physicians, are the primary caust e ot a large majority ol diseases lo which children and adults are liable ; if you have an appetite con tinually changeable Irom one kind of food to an other, Bad Breath, Pain in the Stomach. Picking at ihe Nose, Hardness arid Fullness of ihe Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever, l'nl.-f Irregular re member that all these denote WORMS, and you should at once apply the rentedv : HOUESSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No patt of 'hefv.-tem is more liable lo disease than the LIVER, it serving a a filtertr to purity ihe blood, or giving llic proper seen lion to the biiej so'hatany wrong action of the Liver affects the other important pans of i lie system, and results variously, in Liver Complaial. Jaundice, D)!-pip-i.i. tic. We should, therefore, watch every rjntp tool tli.it might indicate a wrong action of ''he Liv er. These fills being computed of KOOTe ,V PI.ANT.S furnished by nature to heal the sick: N mely, 1st, An KX PECI OK A N'T, which aug ments the secretion Irom .lie pulmonary miicur iii c v lib; a lie or promotes the diseh.iige olse.itltd maiur. 2nd An ALTERATIVE, which changes in some ine.vpliea'.ile and insem-ible mannei ihe ccr ain moroid nclon ol ihe system. 3rd. A 'IX)N 1C which rives tone and stri ng h lo ihe nervous system, renew ing lu all h and viirorlo all parts ol the body. 4th, A CATHARTIC, which acts in perfect harmony wii h the other ingredients, and operating on the Bowels, and expelling ihe whole mass of corrupt and vitiated mallet and purifying ihe blood, which dcjlroys disease and restores health. HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. An article lonnded upon Scicniilic Principles, compounded with purely vegetable subsiances. be ing perfectly safe when taken, andean be given lo the most tender I n tan t with devidi d beneficial effect where Poirell Complaints and Diarrhaa have made them weak and dt bililaied the Tunic properties of my Worm Syrup are such, thai it stands v ithoutan equal in the catalogue of medicines, in giving lono and strength to the Stomach, whiih nukes it an Inlalliablc remedy for those afflicted with Dyspepsia, the astonishing cure performed by this Syitip after Physicians have failed, is the best evidence of its superior efficacy over all others. THE TAPE WORM ! This isihe most difficult Worm to destroy of all that inl'esis the human system, it grows to anal most Indefinite length becoming so coiled and fast ened in the Intestines nnd Stomach affecting the health so sadly as to cause St Vitus Dance, Fiis, etc., that tt'ose ifflteted seldom if ever suspect lhai it is Tape Worm hastening them toan early grave. In order to destroy this Worm, a very energetic treaimcnl must be pursued, it would therefore be proper to take 6 to 8 of my Liver Pills so as to ref move ail obstructions that the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm, which must be taken in doses of 2 Tablespoonfulls 3 times a day; these di rections followed have never been know n lo fail in curing the most obstinile case of Tape Worm. TO FEMALES. You will find these Pills an invaluable medicine in many complaints to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or partial, they have been found of inestimable benefit, restoring their func tional airangeinents toa healthy action, purifying the blood and oilier fluids So effectually to put to flight all complaints which may arise from female irregularities, as headache, giddiness, dimness o( sight, pain in the side back, &c. None genuine unless signed J. N. Hobcnsack, all others being base imitation. EAgents wishing new supplies, and Store Keepers desirous of becoming Agents must address the Proprietor, J. N. Hobensaek, Philadelphia, Pa For sale by C. DcPREaud WM. H. LIPPPITT, Wilmington, and by every Merchant and Druggist in tne uoumy ano otaie. rnee each io cents. July 28. 12m 57. FITS, FITS, FITS. PERSON'S who are laboring under thisdistressing malady, will find the VEGETABLE EPILEP TIC PI LLS to be the only remed v ever discavered for curing Epilepsy or Falling Fits. These Pills possess a specific action on the nervous system ; and although they are prepared especially for the purpose of cjring fits, they will be found of especial benefit for all persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervou system has been prostrated or sha tieredfrom any cause whatever. In ehroniccompleinrs, or dis eases oflong stauding.superinduced by nervousness, they are exceedingly beneficial. Full directions ac company mch boi. Pn"ce3 per box, or two boxes forSS. Pcrsoasout of thecity, enclosing a remit tance, will have the Pillssentthem th ouoh the mail. free of postage. Forsale bv SETH S. HANCE. No. IO?, Baltimo-e s-reit.. ;o whom orders from allparts of the Union muoi be addressed. post paid. Dec 23. 120-1 ye COFFEE. BAGS Rio, Cuba and Java, in store, and for sale cheaD. bv 7.F.XO H. GREENE. June 19. N. C. T. copy. 41. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. JXTST Received new style Vesting a, Drap deTee BroadCIoths, Cashmeres, Caahmereua and fan cy Llnea Plaids, expressly selected for this market fot sale cheap, by KAHNWEfXER & BRO. April 2H. ' J& - f r DIL MSIiCIIlSPS UTERINE CATHOLIC ON JS respectfully of fered to tho-ciu-xens of Wilmington ' as a prcparutiun of eameat liunorianrn rr females, antf de- itnca 10 . become identified' widi iiit. Health . and - happi. neas of - -' --. FKMALKS. - -1 bis C-thoiieea -wi cure S3 per cent. X of ail chronic "dis. cases incidental t r thai respectable, fc-; ntaJc, married tftn. ; married, and atuul-i " ly lOiitia under the name ol - - ; . "' .: '. . '. 9 - FEMALE COMPLAWTS:; ' . Amonp these sre Prolapeue UUri, pt falllrg of die , Womb; Chronic Jjta-mmation andVlctruticn tfr the Wombi Incidental. Jfamtorriagrf or Flooding s Fluor Albus, or Wliilee : Vhiorosii PainfuJ,Ktiy- ': frrcssed, and J'regulor MenstruutUm, 4f-c., ;b sll " their accompanying evil,, Cancer exctptrd,) no ; matter how severe or of hr,w Icrg standi hp. MASY PROMSENT PHYSJCJASS In the city tf Nrw Voikrd oihcn pJaTs,'Ccdirg i themselves wiihout a remtdy infnvetorote t ares vl the above fcornplatDtr, nrtd having Jue regard for'y the welfare of theiT' paiiettrri have-rectii.n cr.dce) the use ef this medicine; and, Hiicr iinrgtir.g its : s- Iutary effects, are now manifesting ihtfr appro- '' baiioD, not only by reporting to it in their ih t I . mcnt cf all the diseases for wide hit is inundtc, ? but in 'ome instaucrs acrrpting the s r.tr of it to C facilitate its introduction into ir.orej gcntrul ssc Ly ' the Faculty. .-i, . i .. -V.V-'.'-' .- The Jr.fliicnce of this eompocition, cprn the fe. male coristiitiiion is of the most friendly kind t the ' mo t delicate and feeble fcmal, rici U l,ave no It ojs , in its use for ony length of ifmcr for.it contains no t. 1 meienry. nor any article wlilch eon .prove 1o any "' way injurious, being nio Je niiixly of vi f, table x- , tracts, and prepared so as to taste-like a plcscaht cordial. " : . 3.--. 7 ' The Modls Operakdi of this rfmrdyi -in ilia cure of ihis class of diseases, is thrcngh -f he gen- a. eral economy of the ylttn, wi;h a fieculiar delcrv.: mini tion to rhe fi n ale nrpane. t ,f . -- ADDITION.L PROOF of, this Cuiholiron he :' i ing worthy of ihe Cinfiifi ncc of the-nfhJcUd. as a IscccESFPrr , safe and CHtAP t rliEr r, '-w(L e I found in f. e parnfdrlet, t' geiher w nh iR f-ortcpt ot j srrv.vio: s inuchir.tr she nature ond 'sj mpu 11 a f : i the diseasrs, to w hich the attention if Lucie, and lrncttionrr is respectfully invited. ; '- K-: The Ingirdicnte. as cettificd by hfghjrncdicai au- " tl'.itv, (see pamphlet,) are. Alt Veobtablb, and "j are not associated with any article Unfriendly la the animal economy. " ' , Prof. Dunbar. M.D., Baltimore, lid.' - -J. C. Oir;. k, M.D., " ' t - - P. B. Pc. kh.nn, M.I), Ltica, N, D. V. F.mie, r.!.D., Syracutc.N. V. '. "V -- : ' M. If. Mills. M.D., Rochester, N. V,""' T ! f, l) Fleming, M . Iv. Canondaigua, N. T'L ! W . W. Reese, M. D., City of JV? Y. , -W. Preseott, M.Q., Concord,- NH.V, '"-"-S 'J-' Pamphlets can be had graii nt the Drue Slore of " S. B. & J. A. KVAKS,gen.v" : Wilmington, N. C. V '-' centra! Depot, 304 Broadway, New York Mav 1G- ' 24 Sm-cl MfiTFrn nuiiviii " ,'"- v- ' P II E subscriber having received let tert test rfrnn ,;irr, irom the last Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, on the e.-tate of the late Jame Rn. hereby r, qn sts all persons indebted lo his testator, '- B 10 come forward and m ike payment, and thoa ' . having claims against said testator are notified to present ihem wjihin th" lime prescribed by-la w or -this notice will be pleaded in bar of their rr-r.r. :' JOHN D. BELLAMY, Executor. v,V Feb 15 142 tf HANDS WANTED 1 Q Or 15 able bodied laborers by Ihe month or or the balance ofthe jeur. Apply to - -. .1 . t JOHN McRAE. E. - -I . or O. G. PARS LIS K--153-tf, March il . SASH, ULliND - i AND DOOR AGENCY.'-i: Formerly caixhtrh fl by fJuy C. Ilolihkisa 1"H E public a re V-u by informed, that 1 havebtec ' appoin cdngei.i lor ihe sale of Window Sash, ' . tilinds and Doors. niannfactnrcd ty tho JVew lis-r . vcnCo..and am prepartiito fllal lotdcrs in theubove line. Thequaliiyol the work ol the New Haven1" ' Co. is well known in thi market. Builders and alt '. pcrse iisin want of the above articles, are requested : t sendin their orders, and they will he promptly filled . Tcr ni si n variably cash on delivery , v - '.' W?A- G-WYER. iM itiui,ij;ciiioi;mwun ana l oruaraiiig, flier' chant . ., . - . r .:' chant . April 18 . . : 15 - CO-PARTNERSHIP, t , a rTrlE undersigned have formed a co-partnership X under the name f PARSLEY, McRAE CO., lor the transaction ofthe Lumber business. if O. ii. PARSLEY, . JOHN' McRAE, . WM. G.VORES: - liming ;on. N. C, Feb. 1. : - 12-tf STEAMBOAT NAVIGATION . OF THE NORTH EAST RIVER B&Maw". v THE STEAMBOAT . (2&&aaco FAWN nnd I f.. I,. or. I JKSSSiBullHead.Temn7nJ?ffl: and King. WII leave for South Washington, week :'. ly. Freight for that point, or the way landings, will ' be receivi d nt my ureh.ouse. . ' '' It is hoped the public will sustain with their pat ronage this effort at Navigating the N. K: River. . ' . WM. A. GWYER, V Nov. 18. . l06-6me. X; COOPERS WANTED. rPO make Sp riis Turpentine Casks.' lo" whom V-'"1 JL steady employment and libcrapwsyes' will be' g'ven. J. R BLOSSOM.'. March 8. 15l-tf. y : SMITH V1LLE . . - MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY 'f.fM WI LL commence Us fourth session in the new ;j building, !5fh of February and close hs scholas tic year 15th Dec IS53. Organization and .chsrers f as heretofore. Mr. Murphy excepted, whoserettia ces, if necessary, will be supplied by a competent Assistart. For particulars address ihe nrfneioal. JAMES H. BRENT, SmitbvlUc, N. C. 1 v cckly Journal, Fayeiteville Observer, snd New -hernion, insert C mouths and send bill to Principal,. immediately. :.re-fT. .V..'e.( ; Dec 30 ' .I22-12m , PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, S THAT we have superior Teas "of all qualities from 50 cts. to 1,50 per Ib imported fresh, by -the Pckin Tea Company, which Teas are celebta- - : tea inrougnoui tne country, Jor their superior fla ' vors. and are sold only in Wilmington, at 25 pdv: i cent less than other Teas, by ' ; ".J-r- i May 17. W ILK1NSON & ESLER, Ag'U ;i ;t RID GLOVES. ij )f DOZ., assorted colors, No. I. at 75 cents -VJ French Working, Cotton Flouncing Thread f Embroidering Siik and Braid. '- -. ' " ' Ia 3. HEDRlCJC. & RYAN f Arrival and Departure ofthe Hails from this N Plaee y- ':-..V;j- The mail frm the North Is due- -every dsy ot A. M ., and 9 P. M. C lores at CAT M and 12f " M- precisely. . -u. t. x '; r ; The mail from the South, by etcamcrfrom Char- t leston, arrives daily aboht 8, A. It, Closes t 9 A.m. "v.- -- -i-'.v , The mail from Onslow Court House, Snesd's , Ferry, dec. Is doe every Monday at 6 Pr M. Clti'- i ses eveiy Thursday at 9 P. M. - ' ., The mail from Lnng Creek, Blsck River Cl spel , te., is due every Thursday si 7. P. Bl., and closes same night tt 9 P.M. , , . i, -- , , The mall from FayttrviUe, via Elizabeth .To vi a -and Prospect Hall. dc now stop st Bolinson's. -and all letters. &c, imeaded for Ibat.aa4av-aa-eel t " ' as for Whiteville, will have ia be In the Post Office by 9 o'clock, P. M., as the mail by the Wilmington and Manchester Road is closed at that hour. The tamt mail ia due bere aflO P- M V : - - V f-Amxtra package wili be made a p of Letters C going North af Richmond, Ya., w j be kept r Dntil.7A.M. All other Letters mcst be la tie " Office" the hoars above named, or they will not -be mailedaniB next ttiece drag -mail. . , - - -- j - -r.-j -it:: h;- --'. ! t .. t- t. V h I I- f -v f

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