. w v .TP IJlv Bodi of trie Wilmington GaaLigiil Co, .: - X wilLbc re-opencd -on 'the: Jfitu-inst., at the - " : Comrfiercial Bank. and remain open for the space v -of Twenty Days, for an increased anbscnptlon to 'th Capital Stoek of said Company, thc;artJotint of v-:-.. -fifteen if-nsrf?d dollar. - ' '- -'- ; ; "- - By order of h Board of Directors. ' - ''..';. A I6tb, 1853. . 'ri 64 3- ' r '.". - ' - 1 " ' - " TKfttJENT obcriber8to tho capital stock ' r JJ 0r thcWilmireton Gas Light Co., are hereby r- 'notified that in default of immediate payment of . instalments now .due.their stcck will be disposed '-6t In accordance with the provisions of the charter of laid Co.'jW.s ' x- '"":. .By order of the Board of Directors, -;,:.'?" i- - " ,r"L.t . I1.VL.L., ore y, r2j;ABgu8t 16Uvl853. ... 65-3t. SiMr -FRESn ARRIVAL'S. OMOKED Beef and Toneues. Butter and Cheese . -. . tO Soda, Cream and Sugar Crackers, at --iVWsii ' ' L. ."V. BAltLOVV'S, g'A B g'J. , , -- - No. 3, Granite Row. CTEIT WDEAT FLOUR, IN.wholefcbl. and eighth bags, just received, fnah,ti: L. N. BARLOW'S, sjV. IAbit. IS:'?5 No. 3, Granite Row. W?f rbtii Schr W'. Brown, Ij P. Smith and :-'liri?,-'!'--y minta. '' iVjAf V BOXK.1? Xo. 1 and pale Soap, ri-.C-tv Whl huses do. do. J',. "'"2ft ..do. .Adamantine Candies; c-'- fj1 20 d . Stewart's refined Candies: .'T.' - IS libfs. Crushed and Cofliie Sugars ; 320 do. tJiaer vinegar very superior; he9 Pork; Double Rectified Whiskey; Eastern Pickled Hrrins;s, and for ZBNO H. GKKENE. N. ;. T. copy. 63. do. do. do. sale by . Ang. 16. FOR SALE . A HANDSOME pair oi Bay Horse, very genllein haintss, nnl true to the draft ; both g"Od Bh'jev Hois. s. ortl M ii ' ilor-ait uiorely because the owner has no use lor -icvi'lhein. i Inquire of ANDERSON & 6SAVAGF.. vS'ZAagnat 13. (Journal copy.) 54 if. -f .-" DISSOLUTION. lyfTHK Cooartnership heretofore existinsr under A the firm and stylo of SAMUEL HOFFMAN & BROTHER, is this d:ty dissolved bv mutual von8cnt.--. iSeliaman Homnan will conunue the .. bnsinAsa At thn. nlH ctnnH A il U f. L. HOFFMAN, 'Aug.ll. SELJG.MAN HOFFMAN. 'v . NOTICE, .i -Ail persons havinsr claims of iinst the firm of "Sarmuel Hoffman & Brother, are hereby requested -,V'to present them for payment, and all who are in Ilebted to the said firm will please come fortvard '.i-j'linil settle up in full with the subscriber. : - SELIGMAN IIOFF M A N . 'i. Aug. 13. M-:i SOFT HATS "YF everr description. White, IV ror travelling or business Hats : alwnys on hand. - .August 13. nrl and Black. A l'u 1 supply C. M ERS. 64. 53LJMBRELLAS & AVALKING CANES, AT the Hat Store, August 13. C. MYERS. 64. .. . GOLDEN CHOP. , . . jT REKN TEA at the Fmir Depot, l v :-:X:Aug. 13. WILKINSON oV l-.S Ll'R. T"iviI' n BBLS- pore Sperm Oil, for sn'e by w Aug. 13. FREEMAN f- HOUSTON. V.' mr' TP i M JT'llK Yearly Session of this Institute closed on 1 T l?.J.. 411,1, r I.,l ,.: r .u echbol will be resumed on Monday the 3d day .t -i October. L. MEG IN v. EY. Prin-ipal. Vi;;-... j-..- MRS. RA NN ICY, FJrat -Assistant, and Prin. of Primm v De ptrtmenf sQAkgus 4th, I3i 3. ' CO-Tlis-if. lUST RECEIVED. 'irpHE. Latest Styles of Ladies Bir S it'.n Gai- .:" - - . .: 1 Tf'.Jk ters ana sups. ' ,flrten. fancy Colors and Eronrci Mo. do. S A -general- assortment of Ladies. .Misses and -Chtfdrsns Gaftcs, Slips and B ots. Also; a fine article of Gents Pat Leather Heel .tParnps and Gaiters. Sian of the Birr Bo". - . G. 4- C. BRADLEY ct. CO. July 21; 51-lm. j!e- i . t, . Medical Institution of Yale College. rjAHE Coyrse aof Lectures commences iinrruaiiy on - j-' ---L the last Thursday in Septenrder. and continKcs -. four motths. - , Besjamij Silliman. m. d. ll. d. Professor F.me- rltna of Chemistry a nd J ha rm a cy . f ' Eti Ives. m. , d. Professor Emeritus of listeria Medica and Theraputrics Johathai Kkisht, m. d. Professor of l he Princi P'es an practice of ;Surgery. "Tihotht P Bkebs, m. d. Prolessor of f)bs:eirics. , 'CnA-aiLKS Hooxeb. M . ld Professor of Anatomy arid PhydologyJ -r- Usnii Btossnsi. d. Professor of Materia Medi ci and Therapeutrics. f -WoTHiioTOif Hooker, m. d. Professor of t he " J'Theory and Practice of Physic. BsKJAMift SttLlMAN, Jii. m. d. Professor of Chemistry and Phermacy. ;f Dn occount of previous enjrasrements o Prof SiLUJtAB, Ja. the Lectures on Chemistry, during .y. '. the eBSulng errn, will be given by i'rof. John A. , PoaTK.:;- . Lecture fiC8, $G3 50 ; Matriculation. $o ; Gradua-r'Vtion,l5JH.TT"- CHARLES HOOKER, . " ' Dean of the Kmmltv. - KeWHaven, July 27. 1853. 64-3 1 p. -SiSHSAYE YOUR RAGS, - A lbeIIto A ILK IN SON & ESLF.R, and get Cash for them, at the Fruit Depot. " . A ag. 13. C l. FOR CHILDREN. ' -have Xhe crying Babies, India Rnbber Rat- " VV tlfea, Toys, Balls, &c, at the F ruit Depot. . Aug. 13 : v . ' WILKINSON & ESLER. .SJTJST. RECEIVED ' r- . Per Sckr. T, A. Ward and Ii. IF. Bnncn. V( KEGS Prime Goshen Butter ; O J 20 boits Cheese ; i?l - Star; Adamantine Candles - 'AJso. Yeiliw Sugar; Java, Laguira and RioCof- fee K our, in bbl. end half bbls. and bass, Hiram Smiths Venice; Merrick, "Central City," and other - , family brand.- , - ' Fatten Market Beef, Smoked Beef Tongues ; : A few bbl. A. No. I Extra large Mackerel, and ' -r Corneeticot River Shad, at the "Original' Family " Grocery. . - GEO. MYERS. .-A.ugafel3. . 14. y : VSSREADAND BELIEVE, rpilXyw have a good Ciaar lor only four dol-V.;- - X "lara per le thousand and also linpt.rted and - V Domestic. CJgara oi difitrant brands and qualities, ; which we ara anxious to ell at low p rices, nt the , ; Fruit Depot WILKINSON 4 ESLER. 64. MOLASSES. T II HD 3. of prime' Sweet Molasses, now ian - 4 -VdiBij from brig KHayden. For sale by AaS.lXT. 64 STRAW ':. HATS ! STRAW HATS! ! EANAMA,Leghorrii Canton. Cava coa, Senet, Pedal Braid, and Palm Leaf Hats, nt any price. Call and examine ihettock at the Emporium. -Attsn-r 1.3.---S4. ' FOR SALE THE House and Lot' at precr nt occupied oy Mr. U. UKectir, betonsiosr io airs, h-lBKf atbicjc. tor particulars apply to ' v --i- THOS. IV. BilOVVDi. August 16. - ' ' i ' 6-3t FOR SALE, A NDMBF.R OF VALUABLE BUILD ING LOTS, north of the Wilmington & R.aleich Rail Road, and fvinz. principally", east of the Gaston Milts, and Fillvaw's Distillery. P. K. DICKINSON & CO. July 28, 1953. 57-2m. FOR RENT. FROM this date until 1st October, a large Dwelling House on Front street, known as the Huntington House. For term.--, pply to S. M . WEST. July IS. 51-lm. FORREyT MA Comfortable dwelling on Orange street, between second and third streets, till 1st. October next. Apply t July 7. tf. GEORGE HA KR ISS. FOR SALE. ONE fine two story brick dwellinsr House and Lot. on .Second street, next to l . L. Rankin's residence, l'ossession piven I h first Oct. next. Also, I will sell, the larsre three storv Hous and Lot on DocV strctt, u here 1 now reside. For terms, apply to S. 31. WEST July 1C. 51-tO FOR SALE. n THE House and Lot occupied by the sub ss: 'St scriber on Fotirt, between Nun and Ann ZjltiLStreet9 possession given 1st October. Ap ply at the Ice H uii.-e, SILAS ri. MARTIN. 41. June 23, 19 T3. HAY AND OATS. T, Ti K EE S Prime Eastern ilav SOfl husb- r els Oils. iu?t received ner Bri Alh.-rl Ad . in 3. Fur sale by Ana 13. ad.ams, b:;o & CO. WHISKEY. I ( H B L S Cincinnati Beriified, Powell and II 'i ' Dexter brano-. for sale lv A. is I. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. TO IMfiENTS AND GUARDIANS. lEV.vM.H BOBIMTT, will open a S(i. lA ;n thf town of Wilmington on the first Mon day in Oe!.;' er nex. A-1 1 i rc u i a r c n I a i i j i n :z ei ! Iier at the store of W H. Kelley's. Ausus-i 'J. ti rnr iSte.. ran be found ilkinsion it. Ksltr, or at G 62 12t. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS KKi'L'CKI) I'KI' ES T MlitOUGIl I ICKETS to Baliimor. -SI 2.1 (- M.i'ii lo.:it " " t IMnl id. iph;a mi York M. Cars 1,-ave "t A. M. and 2 P s . A''cn'. W. it I) W U CE. i; ;h It. G2-1 LOST, th ro;ttl b.'twe Wlii Hall a v. i Indian aw ii on h.- IPoh I". n doi Saiiuii 1 v. i n h. i . .A n lers lr4T I I K on I In J i :i ! n ru-. un:- .o'e i! tv .! ill r-. dat.-d e .. Hun'. Ki.f r 'A ,Lnllo-l Hlinl for -rv Nov.'iirier, I -' .', an.' liirs. d ited Keiley. tor i " -'. a d for Sixiv-f. t in' five ill M ,r h, l-5i 01 ..'oil lis, da;e.i tile loih N diawn on I'r Vii;j,,ni S loll lrs, dal-'d the Is! Jan.. oir torewarn ail peri-ons Ifm tra' and the io ikers 'i-mi p ivin tie iri for said not.s. a n v ore ".xci pt io vvuotii tiiey are mule pay i J J. D. LU July 2G. 'HEIGHT NOTICE. 7 R F.l GUT will herea'ler be rcetived on the Wil x. mingtonand Mam i ier B.eit Ir.iin 1 1 to 'l WILLIAMS, .igcnt. o'clock. T. II July -Id If. MOLASSES, o,,d sweet article, (or sale by FREEM AN f- HOU STON . T N Ba: -L A ii if. reis. a 13. HORSE FOR SALE. A SPLENDID HOiisli. hriiMit bay. J- "-" liob-iail. S ye irs o'd. 1 7 j ' t C ' fine sivle ami aeiion, w rj hand- hi'h, ot :nn d perfectly sictric ami rery Just in De recti lirim'sL ivi ry o tables. W.C Jn v - lr. I!. II. HOU . i; D. 30 tf. BEESWAX. TAX war, 1 1 d, lor w hich the lushest cash prices W. C. HOW A K I). paid by J:: A CARD. SCHR F.IN I LI ICR MANN I. respect fi . 1 1 v a n - I 1 nounces in his pain in iri'nera1!. iliai h.-hs re AL I N S T ' I ("1 IONS ;i I r s a nd : !' nn bi ic m leeni eu nis M Ij " 1 1 -hi- residrn f e on M a r- kct street, forme; ty occupied by Mr. Jatni Daw son. H i fa ther, 1 itel v from Germany, will, at tin same time, attend to the i nst 1 net io n on ail Wind j and StrYntr instruments, and hopes, l.'y sti ict at tention, to merit a share of paironuge heretofore soHherally enjoyed by his son. Arranaemenis have hlo been made to instruct scholar- at thoir reidenccs. il desired. July 26, 1852. 36. OI'KR'i; tl' X. C. It July If R. CO. OTIOF.. t ilv last ui.etin,' of ilie Hoard of Directors, the following resolution was j. iss edr fic'olre'l, I'hn 'h conformity with tiie resoi 11 1 ion 1 lopied bvllie Stockholders, reqiirinj the Direct ors so 10 do. the Treaurtv be iii-nueied by pu'ilic advertisement, to notify all delinquent, that inter est fro n til.; due upon whieii the ijame was due, will he demanded upon all monies unpaid upon an I alter the 1st day of October r,e- CYRUS l M KN DEN HALL, Sec'y & Treas. N. C. R. R. Co. July 23. 57-4 t-w VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE r Vy H IC subscriber oilers for sale the following prop--1- eriy, iz : CUMMF'RCIAL STEAM SAW MILL, Now in conitilete order, lyinsf on the opposite side of tne river I'lotn and Within the limits of the town of Wilmington j attached to the Mill is a Water Lot, 190 teet front on the river, running back 450 feet, adjoining which is a wharf 300 leet front, run ning biek to the Mill Timber Pen. 750 feet on the rier, 200 feet deep. 90 seres of cleared land, be ginning 450 leet from th line of lh ,- .Mill property, adjoint ng trie cause wa y oppo-i tc the Depot of the Wilmington and .Manchester R. R. Co , running with the ciustway to Alligator Creek, distance on h .If mile. X JC IIOUSIC AM) LOT, Corner of F'ourth and Nunn Streets. OMi TRACT OK LAND, Lying on both sides of Jumping Run, about 1 miles trom town, containing P'OO acres. 2() I.IKUIA NKGKO FICLLOW, All accustomed to Mill woik these Negioes are all young and aiuable. Till: BRIG K VTK IIICVTII, PJ0 t ins nartiien, coppered and copper fastened. Tdrne fo-irths of the New Yoik packet schaone IRA BRKWSTF'.R. IIRIt; CAl'R FEAR, 200 tons b irtlien, 5 yejri old and jc-cu.ttly zinced. My h-'illu brjin-i bid, and anxious to leave for the South this iali. will dispose of the above prop-ec-ty on the most favorable terms. M. COSTIN. Wilmington, N. C, 26th, July 1553. 66-tf AUGUST 13th, 1853. FALL. STYLE GENTS D II ESS HATS. NOW ready at the Hat and Cap Emporium, IVo. 1, Granite Row; for beauty and style of finish ibey cannot be surpassed. C M YEUS, Hatter. . August 13. - 64. . .. - i f if r.-ifv .. 'ifEv THE regular poketJScbr. Monterev, - jpTP aotner raasicrr wilt have dispatch for the mX43Zm -above port. , I or light fi eight or p:tssas apply l o J. H. KLANN'KH". Aoar. 16 25 Vorth-Water at. FOR BALTIMORE. . THE Packet Schr. A ra minta, Andrews, master, wilt have dlsn&fch for above port. For freight or passage apnlf to Auj. 16. RUSSF.LL Sc BRO. FOR NORFOLK. THE Packet Schr. Mary Isabella, Captain Sumner, will have dispatch forabove port. Fur freight, apply to . AuiT 13. RUSSELL & BRO. FOR NEW YORK. IlRGULAll LINK. THF. fa?i sailing regular packet Schr. Mary Powell, Coffin, iiias'er. will have quick dis patch as above. For Ik'hf freight or pas sage, jpply to master on board or to GEORGE HARIUSS, Aur. 13. 1'Jj Aorth Water St. FOR PHILADELPHIA. IIEROS S LISE. (IE fast sailintr regular Picket Schr. .lolin Potis Brown, Collett, Mas'er, will have- on ick dispatch as above. For iin it freight or passage, apply to master on board or to GEO. HAilRISS, Aug. 13 No. 19J North Water Street. FOR FREIGHT OR CH1RTER. JEX SCHR. AGNES H. VVARD, Watts. Ap ply to Captain on board, or to RANKIN & MARTIN. C3-3t. FOR CHARLESTON, S C. TH E fast sailing Schr. Kmma A Hennins, J apt 1'iyljr, will liave despatch lor the at eve port. I or Ireiaht, apply to For freii A u 11. KUSSICLL iV BRO. FOR NEW YORK. UK UCLA It Z.A'. THE tasi sailing; regular packet Schooner a'e. Brinf-!, m i-ier. wi'l have quick -patch as above I' or ij . freihl or Millies. f.l -s.il'c a ppl to Aui; 6 G.CORGIC H W I .N TED. i s-el i o l"ad u iih ! ; ; r f- ! F RE E.MAN & -. for Boston. lIt)L"- TON. YORK AND WILMINGTON. THE new cippcr Schr. ' T. A, WARD." It. It', o.as-er: :ind the Schr. DACO I'AH," i inkin. iiinti", are now plv:ni reyal irly herween the pons of New VoiU and Wilmington. F"or lrei"lit or p.isae api !v to F BE I- MAN & HOUSTON, South NVaier sin el W ilminulnn : Or to D. FREEM AN i i 'O , 1 Front -In ei. Ve.v V. rk. I ' H !C ;;.ih ijh a n.l ia -ton Road is now compU t 1 ed to rt'i l ion, and in fine order, and the loliow- tn r nerir, i neu i chi c. n le' tor tin I'asscnEi r Trains has been pin into operation : rive R ilei.'h at A. M. arriving at Weldon at 1 o I r.i'. el K . M . io tin!'' to (Mn'vcl with tin day err-iiu'. Port-month, and Wilminir- r.s f ir P. n. Ri turnini.' . E .: i, -Arrive a Pa -sit jer - Leave 'rain In tali IL'h : S Will ill . I. ion : f; on i I ',ti n l; ' ii HJ P. M r tli" arrival of m at 3J. P. M. in I r enabled to take break-i-i c i in Pe i-T-i iir'. Rich--in 'i',h. or W i I in i nirt on, or nts ai-d Siip)0 r to Rali ih . C'Tiir from an points on. nr on i t . i i.l. :.n,l f'onl the Al'at; nd ;liis the most contfortabte !at in K il :.'h. : II ,,,nd. Norfolk, 'iri , ta-t at if.isc I'. i so a - .- h i 'i l'a-i .,1 il-e U litis rua rl o n n I rv. w i .nn! f , Offie. June : - ri G. !rond Com:ary. 2t. -ll-iii. Contincrcial fiai-k of iV ilinii:toti, ) August 9th, 1 553. $ Dl VI D F.N I ) oi four (4) pi r cent on the capi tal slock of this Bank, has been declared by A the Board of Director-!, out of lhe profits ot the last six month, payable to Stockholders, on and after Wednesday the 17th instant. P,y crder ot the Board T. SAVAGE, Cash. Au--. 11. 63-3 w. STAVES AND II E A DING. pill', S.U 1 next si bscri:.er wishes purchase durins the i) White Oak Barrel no;, i'm. 17.".' Slave. be h i.l , a ,i v i nc, I'ers in' to : An '. also ." ) 00 A -h Bo i! o,od 4 i il I : v . 11 ilr u i ! i f tin y can ! P i y : on ' i r in r price n-i w ish . n to i;o ntraci c i n do so by a ppl y ,e hfie. " A. MORGAN.' 11. 6 J-4 m-p. N. C. BACON. 1 l V 1 N C. HAM.-, for .-ale l.y I ) f July 2 i. W.'C 1IOWA11D. mi II ARRIS, CKADL'AIU Ol'' A l It It I I) G "C , CLASS i21. Zroi :Dt:n or Tin: BALTIMORE LOCK INFIRMARY. No, ;j 1 sotrni c;a v vr. 07"'.'7-- Iiu: E f 'i'l "i' Hwi i m 11 r.'l I'osl Office) 1 HO-SE RI OUI RING M ED1CAL OR SUttGI 1 CAL Ui), in' applying to Dr. II., miy secure SKILLFUL TREATMENT AND ADVICE, while all communications will be sacredly shield ed by the .IC-ris of pro es ional honor. Aware ot toe difficulty with the public to dis criminate, in a new - pa per advertisement, between 'he genuine and skilifui physician and he spurious tin-tensions of the designing and dangerous Quack, Dr II. will cheerfully give, when applied to, such iiriv'ate references as will fully salistv all who re quire his services. BEWARE OF NOSTRUMS! Avoid the Patent Elixir. Compounds and Cor dial, adverti-ed to euro all fierxm.s under rariel ftn-ins of disease. As the constitution and habits 01 individuals differ, REASON TEACHES the same remedy cannot be suited to all alike, ana that disease can only be safely and effect ua II v eradicat ed by a judiriou. application ol proper remedial. AT I CNTION IN YITiCD. A practical experience of over 25 years enables Dr. H. to insure a sound and speedy cure in a cer tain cias of diseases, which have loo long been yielded oy regular Physicians to ihe hands of quack ery, tie may De consulted confidentially , either in person or by letter. Persons at a distance cured at home by address ing a letter to DR. GORDON HARRISS, Balti more, Md. AM communication? rovfidenticd. Remedies sent by Mail or Flxpress to any part of the United States. July 19. 53-ly 4-ly-c. IIUM1!CL'S PKBMIUM ESSENCE OF COFFEE. T7FC are prepared to supply dialers with his VI excellent article, a f factory prices. Aug. 13. FREEMAN tf- HOUSTON FRESH ARRIVALS, Per schrs. IV.ii? Jlnaitai. R. IF. Brown. Smith and jMarii Powell. L. P. 1 1 . ii.ui-5 ureen uio t.ottce. I.iguvra 20 bbls, Genesee F'lour, in Fxtra family F'lour, ) iO hah" bbls. ' " " F icsh Grou nd. 20 " ' Hiram Smith's F'lour, 10 bbls. 10 fresh Pilot Bread. 5 " " Soda Crackers, 2 " Lamp Oil. i0 " Steward's A C. C. Sugar, 10 " " ' Yellow 20 boxes Candies, Stewart's, Passing & Co.'s Hard, I bbl. and 2 half bbls. J, Dili's SnufT, 100 bass fresh ground family Flour, Low for cash at GEO. H. KELLEVS. Aiifi. 13. J IliiNCT copy. , 64 B RIDGEWATER F"IRE AND: WEATHER PROOF PAINT, dry and in OiL fnr aale by Aas.13. FREEMAftf HOUSTOlC AU2. 11 r: A .i-V-j.l ii NEW July 9 th;ii!i' tif Miif.lri'r on !!. mil 11 Miu'wi-l fm r;:y- itl chappell's 7W r-- IMPROVED FEBTilIZER. . r-suuiSiiruTK-FOiiGUAAU TO Ttlfi AGKH (.U'l'KWi LU.idJMiV; -FHK HTK.i'.ni ili--.!,. 1...f . t- .. ii. aflutilty" is r-'n.iect-ulfy dir. t i. l to tiic I ..II., ia-jjlesliin.iny in reforenc t thn anion o-nd jii.'i Wltiy of CH A1'IE1 -l.'-S UIPIloVi Kl t i ll.t ZER, its uniform g .td quality-,-.! ciU ii . tlicai y in prcniotibg ihe gr rvvm of any cop. The resuh ot the esperiments lor ibe pasi 2 wars which have been Kln?ly furnish, d u bv Com Jones, fuISv is tatlishes all lliat Ice have stated in regard to i'V su periorityasa renovator -of the .oi', a rui f he Jiicfs elated in his letter should alone-convince any inlet ligent mind of its unfailing ciBvacy and its adapta tion to any and all crops. 1 1 Is vi'ilh sitch eviienert as we present below, from gemlemen of the highest respectability, that has enabled us to orercome the prejudices which have existed in the minds of some of the funning community against all "artificial icnmnts." ano the result has been th t t he dem i r,d foi our K. r niizer, tne p is t se i.-n, wn intic h ere iter than we could possibly stinply.and e hav e d to hea. of one single eompl iint ot its a. i..n fnmi any .. those to whom we ihc i a i nur. Phis an ic!t having been s l'u lv ie-ied for t he past five ear, and i:n -ueh !.iv "i ..!.,!, r.-.-!!;.. ue now offer il lo tile Ari oituiah.!. ot lh.: ccniry as the cheape-i. m ist certain and durable manure for my crop or any oil. On- ad . -i uiajc we cm promise in lhe u.. of our F'ei t i iz-r, thai : an equal a.uount of outlay of the FVi n li.er upon an acre of around, we can nive a larger crop ol if lain, and leave the mund in a much beitcr condition for after crops, ilian can be obtained from the use of GuatU) or any other manure. As a top dressing upon Wheat and Grass, we would state that from a number Of 'testimonials in our possession, of which the limits of this adver tisement will not admit, we can with the uimosi confidence recommend its use upon the above crops, if intended (o be used it should be applied as tarl'J iv, ?fweaun as the teeallur uill permit, to enainly secure its dis-o!ution by lii Aran., ant. April rains, and the results of tho application uill fully rep iv the fa rmcr for his out lay, in the increas ed crop, and will very largely it. crease lhe g uwth of clover ann a'ter er .ps. Upon iorn it should be applied broadcast, I c ore harrow in?, and if preferred a small portion may be u-ed in ilv- hill. We hazard nothing in slatini; ill.: , applied upon Coi n, should the w.-atmr prove l.ivorali e, the increased yield would daubiy tia ihe farmer for hi outlay, and if two burn Is, njijit las.) be u-ed io lhe acre, thai his giound will need ;io uthec manure for a full rufatimt uj' t:rops. I'he sa n j ui tie opinions ad v a need above arc forni- d from fr. .ueui intercourse wi'h farmers w ho have used tlii Fertilizer I'-.r a nun:' er of seas-ms p ist . with unvarying success, and h ive voIu m.u . ; v j i' - iiioi in i is cmcae y , 'iiereuv r oi. i ; 1 1; i : ti l: iiu i.u lias ht en stated in rci; i rd to its 8Ufe,i..r q.i ilt'i. s. 1 -in.. -"eeeived a nuoiber ot' inrpinn-s relative i i ill. a.-tion of our Fertiiizer ini.ved with I'crnvi m tin. in. i, we won Id say, we have always pie', rred. to the trial of the etlieacy .-I our Fertilizer, ii -inir n-(! ufvne. as w.: deireii iu rrt ttfn ii., .tun ma its." wiihiiat anv prsible or ajm rc 1. 1 I'.irn any other minii'e; bin wi hive nn duut" ifi.ii a o ubinat'on ol Guano and FVr.ili7i.-r w uld prove hijlilv a-i van mucous to tne I. inner. In a corr.i)ina: i-in of th:s kind we would reeoin meinl ihe it -c of 100 lb-. Guar.. i w iih ?t'0 lbs F. r tie.er. beini; cioifiilcni tl.ai ih. iitu. i.iii of the two iiii.-le iu com ii n a' t":i . wuld prndaee ,' intieh l;ir jcr vie'.i i ban if 40' la, be.-i Peruvian tit.iino 'xad ..ecu ti--ed Bv usinrr Ouae.o mi.d in this way, the ue of pi i : er with I h it ;n tide in n fe .li-ji.'ns-. 1 1 wil'i. il ihe Salphillic Acid in the FVril-l7.tr would unite with the Ammonia a nd o 1 h ( r vol a 1 1 Ii 1 i!t- in liuniio, and ronvirl.nfi them into Snl ,iia te . 1 r. v pri 1 n 1 i 111; 1 i.c , 1 escape into the a i r. sec 11 re s t o ! lie r no r a M 1 t il-e no.- valuable c-. 111 i t ue n! s 01 1 lie i a ; 1 1 r a 1 i i ie F"or t he conven ience of nei-on wi: i!i to in" ihe tr'ei i li.c 1 1 1 1 . iri 1 Ii is vt 1 v . w c -.v i i I laioii-ii it ;n i... -I w il !. I i I I 1 1 o 1 ;l ;. y COS! of Gil t 11" p-.i air I ' s in : n name ,.1 1 !'! III. osl of ii-iiTt Is. laoor, A. c 1 11-1, we will ! a r n 1 -!i it A 1 present if O nix One One One in in,- 1 ,1 1,,-a i 11 p. op -n reus uno prices, -fourth Oirinn. ; Feit 7.' r ff l- p.-r ion. -ttiird G-i-hio, f c'.e t i I i . r Ii 1 per ton. -Il a f Gu a no. oi;e-li a If' l-'e r- i I '?. r 'u'j per ton. W s ( 1 1 G 1 IN ( TI'V. Jan. 27tli, lb r.i P. S. Oiiaijc':, Ei. D'-ir sir: I am now in my fifth week 01 con linemen I 10 nn roor-i witii a severe 11 act urc of 1 he should, r. oceaionrd bv fall upon ill.' ii-v pavement of mis city, tit Ion I re ceived your favor of 1 he 20: h of Dee. This- w ill .. count for my apparent neglect in not rt -. po rid 1 ng to your request alluded to in your lasi iel't-r, ano even now I am writing with much difficulty, and st panned irom my memoranda lean onlys.eak in ueneral lerol of the un failing ejjicucy of your Fertilizer as usi d C y me the bi two years, 1S"1 and '52. The las! year's application more than re alizej the he.-t impression produced by the tirl Vt-ar's use of it. On Corn , i n 135', plan t ed n d ri I1, one half of which was enriched by the application of 200 10s. best Peruvian Guano, and the other with 400 lbs. of your Fertilizer, bo: Ii a ppl icd in thedtiil, not only was ilic Corn (9 barrels per acre ) be.-l wucro the Fertilizer was used, but the same giound Ix irtg pil in Barb-v last spring, (lt!5J) was ajain dressed with 20u lbs. of G uaoo pi r acre, eaaailv di ribtttid over t he pn v ion.-' y euanoid land, and i-idcrable I that on w Inch the FVriilizer was apilbtl at iin tunc of corn planting the nn-viou siiring. Like the corn, tke barley tra be.: true I lie Fertilizer hud been uied, and when lhe same l.tn ( was snibbii! 111. in September, for Rie, the purl whereon ihe FVr tilizerhad been used in hiol was 10 1 he Ii ne th i .-1, -ly set with whi'e clover ol .portlaneoa- urow ih. whil.t lh.- guar, i d ! irt -li.nto I but lnrr.-i!;d 11. r.. a sprisr o! tnat valuable L'rass. and nil corn ground Ivnig over lor Oats and Bailey, which gave I.1.-1 year 230 barrels from a'. out -(i acres, showed a good set ol w hite clover in OcTobt r. In a cut of four acres, which ih- pa.t year-- pro duced II.J barn Is per acre, one acre through the middle was guanoed with 300 lts o brrt Peni.-ian Guano to the other th'ee acres Fertifl.cr was ap plied, two ba-rels or 600 lbs., to the aire, and in every oilier repeet ud treated alike. cores of persons examined the corn at every -tagc, from planting to gathering, and no one could mark 1 he place where the Guano was applied, unle.-s pointed out by myself, whilst the friantU proirlh. ar.d w 1 1 ' t clover marked the effects ol the Fertilizer upon ihe other acres. On the adjoin ng field of eight acres, the hand, in sowin? lhe F'er: ilizer. made a mis take and sowed one land over twice that is with 12n0 lbs. of Pertilizer; thegaowth of the corn tt.dk was not-percetitiblv greater, but vhrn the Corn i.-js yat'iered the difference w as as 7 to 5, at Ica.-t in Sa vor of the doub Ie acre tha t is to say it required 7 rows where 600 lbs. h id been used to load a four horse wagon, whereas five roAS did the same from the acre wnich received the double dressing by mista kc. I might fill many pages in detailing facts as to my expel ience in the u.-e of 'Cha ppeil's Fertilizer," were 1 differently situated, but for reasons stated above, ant unable to do so at present. I have heard some favorable accounts of fields of Wheat besides iny own, on which your FVrtilizer wa- used at the last seed time, and I havelitile doubt that next harvest will put to nst all doubts and prejudices against your F'ertilizer preparations. By way of backing up mv confidence, so often expressed, it may not be out of place here to slate that my ar rangements for spring and summer crops look u the use of 150 barrels of F'ertilizer and Pho-phate of Lime, three-fourth of the former i. e., 120 of the Fertilizer and 30 of the laner article specific orders for which will be given as required. 1 fear you will have great difficulty in deryphcr in" this letter, and I a n not sure it will be worth the trouble, but you can make any use of it. or any portion of B, you mav think proper, or pas it by altogether I shall be glad to have a copy of vour pamphlet, and wishing you every success which your untiring zeal, in so noble a caue m rits, I subscribe myself, Yours faithfully. THOS. A P. Ci JONES. Extract nf a teller from Cum Jones DeUd PROSPECT HILL. (Va.) June 4th, 1S53. " I am verv slad to hear of the increased demand for your ' Fertilizer.' 1 am more and more -atisfied with its superiority when eompired with Guano, as regards durability or the effect on succeeding crops. Tho Fertilizer is incornvarably superior to Guano, even when 300 lbs. of the best are used against fiOftfbs., of the F'ertilizer. "In haste, with great resoeet, your obd't. serv't.. THOS. AP. C. JONES." MONTROSS, Westmon la-nd co.. Va., Apri! 11th, 1353. 2(1 r. P. Stockton Chappell Dear sir: In answer to yours of the Sth in-t., in regard to my Wheat I cnnonlys?v at this time, that, on corn sround, when last id Cultivation (1B31) did not produce more thai one half barrels of corn to fie acre, I fal lowed it up 'n September 10 or J2 inches deep, harrowed it, sowed white blue stem wheat at the rate of 1 ,bushela per acre; used 2s?0 lbs. ChappeU's Fertilizer and Guano, mixed hnifand halt each per acre, and fVom present appearance icilt make 25 bush elg of Utieit per acre. Sowed first week in Octo ber Yois respectfully, JNO. GOODING. Price of vH APPELL'S IMPROVED FKRTIL err, S?0 per Tou, or S3 per Barrel coutain ug 300 lbsv . .-T-f ja,gi gfe.v. -5s-fc.-wve----r -.-. --3F-- All of iers Mi I ;e mi dressed to ' " - . PVS I'O :KTt ; OH.H'PKLL, Ch-mlst; Office 134 -Lo-tttjTTdX'- ' Asenily Building-,-Be-r , Hween Hstmvfr an I 'sir ls.. 6."i!rir.Te, Md. . " Agsmtsj tldiii Jfc'-J:s-. v Y-ok-j Morton, Bout nr : ."..-; tf -hiinrt - Va "Vatbtn Uotfon, ''ct- r bi s-, Va U MitV " " k r Co . Ahx "id ia. Vh.j J f in MeGritr-,- b-rit ksbiir j, Va : July 7tb. Is53 CARTER S SPAMS'i 4r 6l!t-C r i via- ' " A. . V Till; liiii.l ! I'l iLli OF Mi!. Kl.fl! b ot ii rariifle ttf i.'fnur? in it. An infaftjM. rem-dy for S'crofuln, Kinp't Evil, Rlu uinaii-ni. Oi.sti 1 mc 1 'u'niit'iiiif Ki upturns . Pim ples or Postal,-.- on ihe face. Biou'i, Ihit!, C'hi on tc Sore Ey.-s, Bin:; Woui. or Tetter. Scald Head, F'nlar iiin-nt and Pain of the Bonesan I J oini s. stub born Uiceri. Syphilitic Disorders. Lumbago, i?pi na.1 Cornji! lints, nd all diseases arising from an in judicious tise of Me!rcury, Imprudence in Lile, or Im uurity .f lhe Blood. This v-i I u 1 ole Medicine which has Secr-rfre celebra ted for the niliibor of extraordinary cures cffccled lltrousrh its ay.-n :y. has induced the proprietors, at ihe Client request of their friends, tootKr it io the public, w V H" wilh tf.c utmost co-ifi i- nce in us virtues and wo-nf tut curative pr pc u-s Thefollowinj cei ti fira ICS. St 1-cti d from a large niiiu ber. ar. . h iw.-ve,-. -t , r tesiiniony than the mere w-ii d of 1 he prop, ieiijrj; : j n, j ., re nj in,.. 1 nt leinen well known in 'heir I liitji ami of the highest respectabilii y, 111-1 e y of them nuiv residing in the cit v of l ieb in on 1! . i in 1 n F. Boyden . E - .. ot til.- F.-ehane Hotel, Rich iiioihI. known every whe;e. snvs h-' has seen the M dieinc culled Ciirter" Slants, 1 Mixture adminis teted in over 1 hundred ea-e-.ii, nearly all tile di sea s' s for which it is n com.nendi d. v illi 1 hi to'.isiiintiiy jod r-sulfs. Ht savs it is tin IllOt aS-.T most ejri 1 ra it it i na t y medicine he has 1 vet s i n. fAS Ague and F'ever dr.-ii Cure - -I herehv ceijify, that for three vcar J had Ayreand Fevcrof the most violent di seiiptioii. I had S' vcr.-l P h ysicia rsook lurji1 li'i.iiiii'i- s of O 11 11 inc. M.-rciiry. and 1 bfclleve all tiie nnirs ativi 1 ii.-. d. hut ,-illwi hout any per inanent relic'. A I las' I tried Caili 1 S pa niffb Mix t ue; two b ililes of winch eti' ctilaily cured jne,and I inn Invpy I ' ";iv I hiveh id neither ChKtfaor Fe v . is loiice. 1 eon - i.l. -1 i : he be-i Tunic in the world and theonlv im .linm- ihut ' ver n uehed figyease. JOHN LONSDEN, P. Tver Dam n ::r i ichmond. Ya. 1' B Lick. IC ... now in ilu- city of Richmond, ind hi 111 my y. ais in ihe Po-i Ollice. htyiviich con- liOenee i'l life . s : II i sh ' n I t'.ieaey of (.'.-lifter's Spail- i-ii Mixture 1 li.it he has bought upwards.4fS0 boltli s, iii' ii tie lias ;-v. n tiway in the atHicK ig.AIr. Luch si - In h is ii.-ver know n it to fail whim taken ac- ( onliu!: 1 o .: ue. tioi.s. 'f Dr. Minok ..f the City H a practising Physician, ad formerly h. i. in tiiecityot Rieiirnond.sa v he h is wi messed i :i a n u i libel oi i nst: i n cesthe effects of Cai t, r. Spani.-h Mi.vtuie wlni h vv. lef most truly s:t p: i.-in--:. He s;y in a case of Consjnmntioii, tfe- pi i;ei it; up. lhe i,.',er. ip- -'on I'M in 1 ,! t fleets ere wonder- S a y, f it! !i-n. . . M. h Drinker, ef tle frni i.CDrtnker if - n :. w a . in t ,1 oi Liv. r eomplaint of ' V the live of two boUk-8 ol Cai- . a l - te: s ;i..:i.-li .W xtiir. . tir. ,: i in. nd Ift l-n-.-s r-a Willi K'l. it I ilia fr Ki'itorifcf ihefih h t tiij.l iyedin thei a ; . :i r;i e i n l ad a si r va i.ii. eii.i d of violent t iotiila cotnbinod inn -i 1 1-in. w hi' Ii t niirt !y disabled him irom w .. r!i. I .oiit. ot i artei-.-. Spanish rtli.vtuic 10 ol e a ie rice i e a re lice, s iv ii'.. y --ehi . ! arc eliliel, d wilh any Still a not be- cure , ua hie boy cu red of I him, and the JSditors. in a no :iv i r i oiiiiin ted.lt lo all who di-ease ot ihe blood " l Scrofula !d a very val erof,da bv Citrter's Spanish ii ix t tire. 1 eon-i !i r it a truly v i lufble Medicine. JAME-- M-tSTAYLOR on. in. tor on 'h U. F. it PR. BX'o., Richiiion,! SALT i.UIil M OF 20 YVA7tS$STA.0 . ( Cl RED Mr. Joir-.- TitiMPoN. re-iiiiii;r in toe city of Rii h monil. w as eund by tline bottle ofciCartei 's Span-i-h M ivtiire. of s in Kiiiiiiii. hi.hhe had nearly 20 yens, and which all the physician of the city eou'd cm cure Mr. Thompson Ii a well known merchant in the city of Richmoad Va., and his ctne is most remarkable. Riciiabb F:. Wr.T. of Rnhiriond, wa3 cured of Scroll. la. iind what Pin si iar.gnasalled coi.finued Consumption, by t h i ee bo I tics t:fi farter's Sparii.-h Mixture. i.. Ktnfix llt-Rr.iv. Cniiiiiii.-inrcr f the Revenue, s i y - in- ha- set n lile -. n H e (I.-, t of Carter's Span-i-!i .Mixture in a niiino. r of .Syphilitic cases and says ii i a p-ifi ct cure for ih.it hoi i ible disease. 'Am f 1 1, -.i: wool , ,.f l id rpond, i-Tfl.. run d of Oid Sores and L.ceis. wlm-h disabled him from w liking, 'l ook a few bottles of Carter's Spanish M i x i u r -. and w as en a oh d in walk w it bout a cl utch. in a sh no time permanently cured. --. Pi inc i .1 Depots at .M. WA '.I I vCf fVi K & Co., No. s: .f-.i-)eii I.;iiii .., ..v Yotk. "HrSi'e 1 W. DYOTT A SON.y, No. 132, North 2d S I re-- '. Phila.ie pnia . BENNETT i- BEERS. No. 1-5 Mafden Street, I! h hmond, V a. An -1 lor sale bv WM. H LIPPITT, W iTminton r-nd bv Di itgjiMs generally. May 12. 25-lys. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. , Iiocaltd altImoie-st.. Haitimore, Md. 'Pill', o-ten-ible object of ibis I n.-tit ution i to -L affjrd individual an opportunity of obtaining a complete Mercitnile ICducati m. Conrse of study - Book Keeping, by d-'U'ib cntrv, as practricatly used in the various lcj artnit tin d' Trade and t'ommetce. including Wholesale. Re'ail, Conh-)rti-sion Mannfietu ring. Shipping, and Steambnathsg, Individual Pai t nerhip, n c.d Coinpound Co. Busi ness. Also, .Meicantilo Calculations, Practical Penmanship, and fiimiliar Lecture; on Commercial Law, and the usages of Trade. . Students being taught in lividually, cart enter CoHeire at any time, and the Course i usually coin)leted in from E toS weeks. Terms tor an unlimited course of instruc tion, S3 All communications addressed to O. K. CHAM BERLIN', wflfmeet with proinpi attentiin. Circulars mailed to any part of the Union when de sired. Ju'y 19. 53-ly- 49-w-ly-c. AT COST. rr" 11 FC bal lance of my stock of Misses and Infants 1 Hats I will sell at cott, lo close them out. July 2C. C. MYERS. NEW B00?S. AUGUST Zlh. 1) ECF'.IV'ED this morning, per Express, a pack k. ae of the latest publications, too numerous to mention here. S. W. WHI TAKER. Aug. 6. 61. ARE YOU READY! '"PHIS Is to notify my friends and patrons that JL their accounts are now ready for settlement io the 1st insl., your attention to tiie same is earnest ly solicited, as money m net be had, in order to re pleni.-hniy itock of Grocei ies. Respectfully. July 2. GEO. MYERS. RYDER'S PATENT PURCHASE LOG CARRIAGE. JLST received t-m- of the above Wnpgr.ns. and for sale bv DIBBLE & BROTHERS. In our absence inquire of 'i . C. WORTH. We are tiding one of these Waggons and can re commend them to our friends with confidence.. July 30. D- & B. JUST RECEIVED FROM N. YORK. PER SCHR WM. II SMITH. Cif" Ntf LBS. of prime, extra, and No. 1 ZUKJy t White Lead, 5 000 lbs Zinc White, in Oil :" 1 case of Prusv. Bloc in Oil ; 2 cases of Chrome Green ; 1 " Parts . : 5 " " Chrome Tellow, Also 50 bbls fine Linseed Oil, Bar Ur.-.berj' ind fena Do Sren na sound in Oil. Fr.r V Ie cheap at - - . : ' -- ,C4 D.DcPRE'S, - - h, 1 . HERE IS YOUR REMEDY ! UoIIouray'sOtaliBCMt most mHacuIous cur kfiC Jad fg; tteF 43 yearaanCerlar. . F'xtraeii.f a JetM-r front Air. W m. Gal fn. of 70 St Mary's8freaVeymouth,(fatcdSIa 15th lg5I, To Plol ysur IltfLlAvAr: . '' - f"1 sir At theiige of ;1P,'tny,wife -(wb if now 61) caighta vio'em cold, which tt,fed in ht r leg a and eier rince that i inn-they nave ren liioreor t sort ..nd really infl .m. d. llci arjonii n were detracting ' a. d -or i.i 'iiib to' iln r sf e wndepiiicdrntirt Ij u rest and sleep. Every ri medv that lianlkal Ui n d visi d. was tried, but without H. d. b r hralllK uf- . -red seven ly, and ihr state of.Jef k a tei ribic. 1 hid often read your id vm firRtnenus, Oi d nd via. d . h r to try your Pills nnri Oinmuni; ar.dsa m loat , res ju ice. a f ' 1 t verj o he? remed ; hud p orrd iijeT " less, sl.e eoi-.ser.ted 10 do m. JHip I'titiimniifil ix weeks ai'n. ind sftarpe loprrinic I new In pr.rd e i!i h. Her teas n ie pa inks, will out tti tnortctr, and her sit 1 sound aid j din 1.1 1 d CouM.ytiu have wrtticf-ii d ihe isiif' ei nt4if my v i,a for the last forth Hi ret- yi are, a nd co fin ;sf IJjiciii v i j ft hai pr rent enjoyment 01 hialth.you oul jndci d ft et delight ed in having be. 11 the incar s oloe icatly alleviating the sutlerines of a fellow eierwfn'te iNianec) Will.lAltt GAM IN. A reitrvoi tO vests of age-.utt-l or a Ht Ix-c ot 30 years sfandli g. Copy-of a Letter from MrWin. .Abbs, Builder of GasOytBsot Ruhclirle. iitinr Uuddervficld. r'ated ciuy ,ur;. ir:)i, , To Professor Vein Sir I sufi'ercd for a fieri afieriod of th'rtv feau t om -a U".d legjf.io rrt:l'. of two or three different accidents -:t iheOns Woi ks .ftCCOhipaluii d by scoi butic P) mt touts. 1 had recoursetoa variety of medical odvlee withoui deriving-any Bent fit, and was even (old that the leg must be amputated, yet, in opposition lo that opinion, yotirpills and Oinlnu nt have fliclrd a compleiecttrein soahoit a lime, ihat f w who had not wimesvetfit would credit the fact, (Signed) . WILLIAM ARBS. Thetruth rof this statement can be veiified by f VfP.,Kngtaod, Chemist, 13 Market street. Hud dersfieid. Jr. A L BEAD Bad Breast Ccced in One Month. Extract af a Letter Irom Mr. 1'iedt ii k Tuiner.ol Pcnhurst,iCent, dated December 13th. lirEO. To Professtor Hoiloway: . , Dear Sir-feMy wife had suffered from bad brepst more than six months, and during the whole period had th. best medical attendance, bui nil to no use. Havirg before healed nnawlul wound in my own legs by your iniivalled medicine, I determined again io ur-e yourJPllls and Ointmcr.r, and therefore gave them a n i.-ftjU, her case ; and foi tunatrlt was I did sn. for in lesjthan a month a perfect cure was effec ted, nnd bonnSnhnt various other branches of my family have derived from their use, is really aston ishing. I no strongly reconiniend them to all my ller(Sii-'ocd) I- FREDERICK TURNER. The Pills should be used conjointly with theOinl ni; nt !n the tnoslxif the following eases: Ba . Legs, Chilblains, Gout, Bad Breasts, Chipped Hand, Gladular Swell Bums, Coras (soft) . lugs. Bunions. Cancers, LumLagoj Bile i 1 Mosqui- Contracted and Piles, tots and sand SifTJoints, Rheumatism, Hi. s, Coc Bay. Elephantiasis. Scald, Chlcgo-foot, F'istulos, Sore Nipples, Sore Throats, Skin diseases. Scurvy, Sore Heads, Tumors. Ub s, Wounds, Yaws. Sold by the Proprietor. 244 Strand, (near Trrnple Bar) London, and by all respectable venders at Pat ent Medieino. throughout the British Empire, and by te.ose of the United States, in potsand Boxes, at Mi cents. S7 ccntsond il fO cents each, Wholesale bv the piineipal llrug houee in the Union, and by Messrs. A. B. if- D. Snr.ds.New York, and S. B. & J. A EVANS, Wilmington. N. C. Tin n- is very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes. N. B Direct ionejor the gitidancr of patient r ars aflixed lo eacii pot or. fcox. F. b 15 H2-lyc FOR" AUGUST, 185$. BLLLETIN.OF MIRY LI XD STJTfc Ll.TTEBIES ;. .V. ( AIM S.OK RI'Ef'lAL STATE AGENTS. Bankers, Brokers, Bealeis in Specie r Bullion, For eign and Uouiestic Exchange. No. 138 Ii alt street. Ita 1 1 imorc, Maryland MARYLAND CONSOL. LOTTERY.' CLASS 13. Tuesday, August 16ih IS33. SCHEME. 14 Draw n Nitmbers in each Package of 26 Tickets I pi i., 1 do of 2l(,00i' 1 prize of 5.0m 2.550 750 2U 1 do '-" do SX-0 6t I.3R 2n do 20 ,!,, 400 100 70 CO 35 00 ' Milicaie of 2G W hole Tickets Do do Hall do Do do Quarter do 17 60 Tickets S5 - Halves S2.50 Quarters 81.25 iilll.'i.lSII, - MA II YL AN I) CONSSOL. LOTTEK.Y t LASS 3M. Monday, AiiBttst 22d, 1853.' 1 p: ize of A do 3 do ')0 d . S1V 00 3 01 0 1,750 'l prizes of 15,000 2,00C 1,310 i26 00 G3 00 31 50 15 75 do do 1 "00 I Cci :.,.-:.'c 2" Whole Tickets do do Halt do do do Quarter do do do Fighihs do Tickets 49. Halves 4 Quarters 1. . 8 I 51,933. MARYLAND CONSOL. LOTTERY.' CLA.-iS 33. Monday, August 29-.lt. 1853". 1 prie cf 1 do S-9.fOO i l.btO 1 prize sf' 2.5CO 200 io I d 20 do 30 do 20 do 1,000 20 do 125 12G do 60 Certificate of 25 Whole 'Tickets, Do do Half do Do do Quarter do Tickets S3. Halves SI 50. t45 eo 22 R II 2! STJvTE AGENCY OF y E. X. Corr f Son,,., Exchange Bbokebs am. Lottery AotxTi. 1 33 Pratt si.. Baltimore. Md FITS, ITI'S) FITS,- . PERSONS who arelaborina under this distressing malady, will find the VEGETABLE EPILEP. TIC PI LLs to be the only remedy ever discovered ;: for curing; Epilepsy or Falling Fits. Thea Pill-' possess a specific action on the nervous system ; ana I although they are prepared especially for ihe nuroose of caring fits, jhey will be found of especial benefit for all persons abided wilh weak nerves, or wltoss nervot;- system has been prostrated or shattered from : any cause whale ver. . In chroniccomplalnrs, ordis eases of long Etanding-.superioduced by nervousness,' they are exceedingly beneficial. Foil directions acrjr company t-nch box. Price S3 per box, or two bbxca for S3. Personaout of the city, enclosing a i remit , tance, viflha7e the Pills sent them through the mall, free of postage. Forsalc b v SKTH S.HANCE,N I Of , Baltimore street., to whom orders from all part j , of the Union must be addressed, post paid. -'.' Dec 23. 120-1 ft f F.BROWN'S ESSENCE OF -JAM AICA GINGEB.ijV 'piILSRSSKNCE la a preparation of nusta( . I excettence In ordinary disryhcea, Incipient cholera, in short, in all rases of prostration Of the d,gt-6tive functions, so comrnoo, it ia o' l"uto ble value. Doting the prevalence of epidemic ebaw lera and summer complaints of children, it is pecu liarly ' fficaciotis natamily, individual or traveller. should be withootic as it enables the system tore aist'the influence of incipient disease, which lark in a ctianinj climate. - V Cactio-. Be sore to ert the genuine Essence, ; which is prepared onlv by F. Brown, at his Drag and Chemical Store, -N. E. corner ot Fifin and y.;i) Chesnut streets. Pbiisdelpbis, and for aalo byat the respectablarApothecaiies in tho United Stat: f. Sold in Wilmington by S. B.&J. A. KVAN8 y andC& TT. DuPREV- - Jnna 16. , 4My- ij. TEA. 1 CHE 1 V- f best BaclrTea,jSs quality andJUrrort m - G inpowdr - - " 'V elowiiy ; - W. C, HOWAllD i. , - ,tt' , r-- 3, V For sale .June 23. T .- a 'Z - J- .--v-r ".iVJj. "i v-s -

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