1YILMINGT0N FEMALE SEMINARY: - - - : ' : THE MISSUS KlWXETr:-: : " DaOPOSK to op(cn A FKMALKSKMINARY - BKit nextf oo ihe lot and iiv the house now occ pied by Mr. J oh Scabbjbo', on . Market Street. : : near - the Marble boilding, residence of. J on A. 4 Tartoa, Esq , and -immediately opposite ihe rel- . oenc of Uis Wm.J. I' iic t, un 01 tnem nai uiu ' charso of WOOOVILLE SEMINARY, Chncka ' tuck. Vs.. for the last fire years j and the mner,.a :rra,l.ifVnf..th- "BUCKINGHAM FEMAUK U'JLl.Klil ATK IiS l i l U l b, - oa own, since -' she loft fha tosrttotcf, acting as Principal Assistant ia tha Female School conducted ojr me iter, wm -.'A. C--r. in IsU of Wizhl county, Va. 3f Their espe-lenee and success heretofore, justi V' fies tha belief that they will, meet lhes reasonable --czoeMationa of those 'who may patronize their tbbxs aa SKSsios ormt months: -First CHasa --, l J Fourth Class 86 ; ; Second Glass - 12 j Latin or French 10 isThlrd Class - 10 J Incidental Expenses 50 cts. ; DRAWING AND PAINTING, with all otl.er t' t branches, usual in a First Class School, except ,MUSlC,wM be taught. If necessary .a TRACHKR U MUaiU WlliOO mgagea. a aeaucuun win : hd made for absence bv sickness, if of more than 1 on month's duration, - Five dollars will be ro ;quLrcd to be paid In ; advance of each Scholar in ': ; the IsVtJnd and 3rd. and S3 for lhe4ih classes. Forfnnher narticulars, apply at he office of Dr. Fihksvj or ro Taos. F. Gacse. Esq , oral the v' office Of P. Gacse, Esq. Vif -yf REFERENCES : S.fler; J.C-Blackwell, President of the Bucking ' liant Female tllegiale Institute ; r' U-b't. H.iVVhti field, and Win. H. Day. Etqrs., -: .A'tornrys t L;.w( Srniihfield, Va.; lie. John (i. W hitneld, NorfiMk -'f Iter; AV. A. fTotker, Isleof Wright county, Va.; 1H. Rev-M : I anghorne. President eif ihe V ir inU Conference of the M. P. Church : DHLH. Htion. Esq , Nansemond county, Va. -September 13, 1S53. 77- 4 1. l RAHNWEILER & BROTHER RESPECTFULLV .be? leave to announce to their friends and numerous customers that ; they hare received and are constantly up' nins a splendid assortment of FALL AND VVINI'KK GOODS, and will continue to receive nt intervals throughout the season, a rich and varied stock of all the newest designs and p inerns nmongat - which irnr hk classed ihe follow ing : 5 '-; Rich Pluid-aud Broctn e- Sills ; f:'cravl Blark ) O'Jxrman., Brocade and Plaid Spun Silks, vctc style Satin de- Chains, Cashmeres, Muslin dt Laincs, tad all the 'moat recent articles ol bailits drivs -poods wtlh a masnifirent assort mrnt of Em - broideries, Gloves. Hosiery and other 1'anry Goolx ; SBonittU. Ribbons, FUncers and Feathers are all ol : Ihe iatsrt F EACH IMPORTATIONS nnd sur- ; pass la point of taste and elegance any assortment erer before exhibited to this city. CIXJTIIS, CASSIM KRES & VKSTINGS. -;A larae assortment in great vniiety; Kerseys , Xtnd Linseyt for Servants ; Domestics, Osnaburgs, j i . o l . - . . . r . 1 1 i i . jxkc ofrniu n nil aastniiin in 01 1111 anv.o iw.i-, usually classed under t- - MKIX'S WK.AR. i BOOTS, BUOES, II.T.s AXD CAIV. :Aa : elegant, assorimen-. of Philadelphia male shoes for toadies. Misses and Children .Also a fine SKr,tmen' ai Boots and Shoes, Hat.-i and Cips for " 'JUen and Boys. b'-CARPETS AND Olf. CLOTHE. CjVelreta. Brussels and three lngriiin - 8DPERIOK siaih: ci-otiiin;. A splendid assortment of superior ma nufict tired Clothing campnsing the greatest variety and Iarge stock erer brought in this markn, manti f ictured under the especi il dirrciion and care of Air. iiBiK , daring his absence North, this Sum- '" Ttie atlention of Country Merchants nnd "r is respectfully solicited ns gr. at inducements - will be offered to buyers of Wholesale bills. XU 4e Brother feci great security in oHerinc tlieir stock 19 the public, as at once unsurpassed in pint of siyle and etejanec and possessing as itd es, advantages of havinv been purchased previuus to the rise of goods 81 ihelSorih, the same advantage ' is price will be given to their friends, as availed of by themselves. The ooemnff of Rich Paris Cloal.s and Mantillas. will fa mftd libout Ortnbrr t;t. I - September 13th, 1853. SACR SALT. SACKS Liverpool Salt daily expected to K vvf arrive. For sate by by ADAMS, CRO. & CO. Sepvltf- VEMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. VE3JPTT Spiri's Barrels, to arrive For J sale by ADAMS, BRO. s- CO. , Septw 10. 7G. Imrgeistock of FURNITURE7 .-. 0 - -""w THK suoscrioer would rc- m 5 Jspeclfully invite llie attention fcj tj " ujuf the public, 10 his very large T , and complete assortment of Furniture now being received and recently selected by himself at the Manufactories: duung the present month, h: 8 stock 'will be complete and consist 'in part of the fol lowing art Icier. fr." Fine Sets Drawing Room Furniture, in Dam ask and Hair Cloth ; Sette Painted Chamber Fun iture. u r , J . , . j t.- . ; .1 u..1. C' - -,.?AU OMCHwIrUF, oocrci.ore uiiu ,.ii ; i 60 sofas and Tete a Tetes : 1100 Bareaua; " 1UU wasn Stands, maruie ana plain ; 100 Rocking Chairs ; 75 Nors- vdo. , f-r1 123 Tea snd Dining Tables ; - 73 Centre, Card and Sola do. 100 doz. Chairs, cushioned, cane and Windsor ; '250 Bedsteads, in mahogony, walnut manle and Avardrobes. mahogony and stainca ; Office Furnlmre t f Children's Chairs j - Ottomana. foot Stools ; r A fina saOrtnient4f Looking Glasses ; 2 Teapoy's Whatnots Hal iStands ; ASel lees. Work Tables 1 Work Boxes. Paper Hangings j tvinaow Shades, etc. pc. Ijiw'tiu riis Piano Fobtks, and in fact al most snjr snicle that may be desired, in complete ly ftirnishing Dwellings, Hotels, Offices or So ciety Rooms Front Street. - j J. D. LOVE. Wilmington, N. C, Sept, 9, 1S53 76., V-Cvi v.. U. H. copy.) TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. REV;WM. H. BOBBITT, will open a School la the town of Wilmington on the first Mon day in Ociober next.' A Circular contaibins terms &c, can be found either at the store of Wilkinson A Eelcr, or at G. . jri. jlo iter's ' ; ' - Aogust 9. it t a: - 62 12t. CORN AFLOAT. 1 A rf BU S n ELS. for sa le b v . X 4UU s -FRKEM AN d HOUSTON Sept. 3. 73. BEESWAX. -VjrAX wsnled, lor which the highert caih pri W are paid by W. c. HOWARD rite July 28. 57. a VA HOUSE-and Lot situated orrSnrrev St f -f'J; J near mV Teidence-AliQ rune on Qoctn St. - v-v i ; JAMES CASSIDEV; Sept. 10, - - 76-3i. VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE . " ' FOR SALE. TI1K subscriber offers for sate that most desirable DVVFLLING AND PREMiS- .KS, situate ai ihe on h-W'esiern inicrsec- lion of Third street with Red Cro s street, ihe Lot fronting 100 feet on Red Cross, and 200 feet on Third. The Dwelling House, Kitchen. Smoke-House, Stables, and all the other uut-ltoufrca on the pre mises, have been built within a lew years, of choice maierials, in the best manner, and nearly all of them covered with lin. The Dwelling House is capacious, handsomely finished, and moist conveniently planned, and all the other build ings arc judiciously arranged, and well filled up. There are few Lois in Wilmington so desirably located, and I he improvements on w hich n'e so admirably adapted lor a family residence. Third street on the entire Kaslern line ol this lot, is 99 feet wide, and depurates it from that on which a new Cpiscopal Church is about to he erected. Persons dtciring to purchase, can ascertain terms of sale by application to the subscriber, or M I. iN. Aixnx, l-.-rq., or M. Cbonly, ana tne too- scriber will eherriullv accompany any such who wish to inspect the premises. II. It. IMAUiM. Sept. 8, 1S53 '3-tf. FOR SALE. THE Houso and Lot on cond sireet, between Nunn and Church directs. Appiy to C. & D. DuPRIC. 8. "5-tf. FOR RENT. THK UiTge Crick Del!in2. on Scrond . . - : j i .. i - ij or particulars apply to It. U. HANK1.V. 53. 7i-tf. September 3, 1 nousEs FOR SALE. i OFFER for sale that splendid Dwelling n the summit ol Market Street, with all necessary uut-!j uilotnL'S at inrlie d and at prcsi nt oe enpied y S. P. Poilev. Ksq The Lot is on the corner bf .Market and Eighth streets i.c U0 feel on .Market, by 330 feet back. A rare opportunity is herei'lTered to any one desirous of possessing per haps the most commodious situation in town ALSO, Three Lots on Chisnnt Street, two of which are improved, are oltWcd separately or together, al a very moderate price. .Apply 10 P. W. FANNING, or, M. CRON LV. .August 23 1 ." 53. - ca-tf. FOR SALE. A HOUSE and Lot on each 4th and 5tli Streets, North of the old Poor House square. A ppl v to U. F. MITCHELL. n. coif. -Aeg FOR RENT. A Comfortable duil.inson Orange street, between second and iliini striets, till 1st. OctoKer next. Apply n. Ma July 7. tf. OEORGE HARRISS. FOR SALE. ONE fine two story brick dwelling Houuc and Lot, on .Second street, next to It. G. Rankin's residence. Possession given the first Oct. next. Also, 1 will sell, the large three dlory Houj and t.ot on Doi k stre t, where 1 now reside y or terms, apply to S. M. WEST. July 1C. ')l-tO. FOR SALE. THK House and E01 occupied by ihe sub scriber on Foul I, between Nun and Ann Streets possession given 1st October. Ap ply at the lee llou-e, SILAS II. MARTIN. June 23. 18 S3. 4 I. FOR SALE, A NUiM HER OF VALUABLE BUILD- IN G LOTS, north of the W iliiiinuinn & Raleigh Rail Road, and iyins, principally. east of the Gaston Mills, and Fillv aw's Distillery. P. K. DICKINSON fe CO. July 28, 153 i. 57-2m. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE rpH E siibsctiber oilers for sale the following prop L ert y, viz .- C JAIMI.Ht JAI, STEAM SAW M 11,1, Now in complete order, lying on the opposite side of tii" liver li ot it and within the limits ol the town of Wilmington; attached lo the Mill is a Water Lot. 1 10 le-t front on the river, running back 430 feet, adjoining which is a wharf 300 I eel front, run ning back 10 the Mill Timber J'en. 750 feet on the river, 200 feel deep. 90 a cres of clea red land, be ginning 430 leel from the line of ili-j Mill property, adjoining the c:i usewa ojipoMie the Depot of the Wilmington and .Manchester R. R. Co , running with the causa way to Alligator Creek, dtsiuno one half mile. ONE HOUSE AM) LOT, Corner of Fourth nnd Nunn Street'. ONE Til ACT OE LAN I), Lying on loth fides of J tnupitiL' Run, about IJ ini;es from town, containing lu00 aere-s. 20 LIKELY N'EGIM) Kl:LLOW, All accustomed to Mill woik tntse N" eg roes at e all young and valuable. Till: IJUIG KATE HEATH, 1 y 0 tons n irthen, coppered and epper fastened. Three fo irths of the New Yolk packet schoor.r IRA BREWSTER. IlltIO CAPE ITAR, 200 tons burthen, 3 years old and rece.ifly zinced. Mvh'ialth beinj; bad, and anxious to leave for the South this fali. will dispose of the above prop cety on the most favorable terms. M. COSTIN. Wilmington, N. C.,26th,Ju!y l53. 56 tf scnooL. E. P. McGA RY will resume the dutie of YTRS. lVx her School on Monday 3d of October. She return" thanks to her friends for their natronace, and solicits a continuance of the same Aug. 25. 70 2,n. NEW MUSIC. A PACKAGE of Latest Published Songs, Polkns, l v Scottisches, Ac. received this moraine and for sale by Aug 25. S. W WH1TAKER. 69. HORSE FOR SALE. A SPLENDID HORSE, bright bay, bob-tail, 8 yeirs old, 17 hands high, of ne style and action, warranted perfectly Venue and very Jast. Cdin be seen at Mr. It H. Grini'sLivery o tables. W. C. HOWARD. July 2 39-tf. MOCKING AND CANARY T) IRD CAGES, for sale at 13 WILKINSON Aug. 25. F.SLF.R. 69. SOUTHERN ESTABLISHMENT OF UPHOLSTER Y. rp HE undersigned have opened in the SECOND J. s TORY over the CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT S'lOKE, a lars;e and h-indsome assort ment of ihe following Goods, consisting in part of Rich Damat-k, Turkey and Locc Curtain; Cor nishes, Bands Loops, Tassi Is, Cord, Shades, and A inoow Fixtures of various kinds ; Paper Hang ings; Firescreens; Lounges ; Ottomans, &c. ore. We will aiso make Hair, Moss, shuck, or Palm Leaf Mattrasses; Cut and Fit Carpo; Hang Pa per; Trim Windows; Repair Sofas, Chairs, Mat trasses, &c. Having superior workmen, we will furnish the best of stock, and do any kind of work in the above business, and shall be pleased to have those wishing uny thing in the above line to call onus, as we feel confident wa can please. WILKINSON. ESLF.R& CO., Up Stairs, over the Fruit Depot. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 8, 1853; 76. LARD. 5 BBLS. Prime N. C. Lard, for sale by RANKING MARTIN. Sep, I. 72-3t. Sept. m r.FOR NEW YORK;, x; v THE fast tailing packet .schr. Jtarin. ,l..lowell, master will hafr ucsnatch as shore' For freight or passage apply to - -. - - GEO. HAltKlSS- 13. r No. I9j; North Water Si. Sept FOR PHILADELPHIA. ' HEROXS LINE. ' - . THE schr. Henry Nun, ohn Horton. mas ter, will have despatch as above. For freight iOr passage apply to " " GEO. HARRISS. JSept. 13. No- tg -North Water St. FOR NEW YORK. REGULAR L1SE. TH E regular packet schooner-Wake, A. Brizirs. master, will have despatch si n above, for light freight or passage apply lo GEO. HARRISS, Sept. 13. No. 19i, North Water St NEW YORK AND WILMINGTON. THE new clipper Schr. ' T. A, WARD Hoff, master; and the Sehr. DACOTAH, Aiankin, mister, are now plvinz rcgularl between the pons of i"ev York and Wilmington For freight or passage apyly lo KKhKMAS & HOUSTON', South Wuter street Wilmington : Or to D C. FREEMAN & CO , July 9. 1S4 Front street, New York. VENETIAN RED. and brilliant article, in half hbls., for FU E E Si A N & HOUSTON. 73. A PURE XV sale by Sept. 3. DR. HARRIS, GRADUATE O K V A MHHIOGli, CLASS 1824. H3" FOUND Eli OF TflEjS BALTIMORE LOCK INFIRMARY. No. 3 1 SOUTH GAY ST. (Opposite tlic Exchange Jiiiditng mid P.isl Office) 1 HUSK It K.U U I R I N G Al E lil CA I. OR S U Kil CAL AIO, hv anplyin? to Dr. H., miv seeurc SKILLI-UL TREAl'.MENT AND ADVICE, while all communications will be sacredly shield ed by the A: ;ts ol proU s-lonal honor. Aware of too li mrn I ty wt'h the public lo dis criminate, in a newspaper advertisement, hetuecn the genuine and skilliul physician anil he spin loos pretensions of the dcsigning:inl dangerous Quad; l)r H. will cheerfully ivu, when npplieil to, stieh private references as will fully -iitislv all who le quire his services. BEWARE 01' NOSTRUMS! Avoid the Patent Elisir, Coniponnds and Cor dials, advertised lo cure all persons under tarie I forms of dis: ase As the constitution and habits ol individuals differ, REASON TE ICHES the same remedy cannot be suited to all alike, anu that disease can only be safely and effectually eradicat ed by a judicious nnplicaiiun ol proper remedies. AT it NITON IN VI Tijn. A practieul experience of over i'i yeiirs enables Dr. II. to insure a sound and speedy cure in a cer tain class of diseases, which have too k,na been itlded ny 'eirular Physicians to the hands of quack ery, lie may he consulted confidentially, ci'her in person or ty let ter. Persons al a distance cured nt home hv address in" a letter to D.i. CORDON HAUili'aS, Balti more, Mil. AH com oi u o : o i i m .- confidential. Reanedies sent by .Mail ur Hx;res lo any part of the Unit id States. July iy. 53-ly 4S-ly-c. JUST hr. T. A. RECEIVED Ward nni R. IP. Per Broirn 3UI KEGS Prime Gosh n l.'utter : 'it I boxi s t 'hee si : VO ' Star Adamantine ( 'nndles. Also. Ye law Sugar; Java, J.aguira and Bio Cof fee; F our. in tb!s. and halt bbls. and bags, Hirnni Smith.- Venic ; Merrick, "Central City," and other family brands. Fulton Market Beef, Smoked Beef Tongues; A few bbl--. A. No. 1 Extra large .Mackerel, and Cor necticul River shad, at the '-Original'' Family Grocery. GEO. MYERS. August 31. Ii4. SCHOOL. MR. GEO. W, JEWETF will o en a Schiol in this piooe on the first Monday of October nexr, comprising all the branches of an English and (.'lassie. il fldti aiion, usually taught in the Academies and High Schools of New England, where he has been lor mm;; years one of the most successful teachers. He h is nso h id mtn-h expo, iene- in the prepara tion of TeacliL 1 8 I ir Common Schools. Reference. S . J ewe i t. Sept.G. 71-tf. PARTNERSHIP rA 11 E u mlersig red h.i v e ill if NOTRE. da v tissoe ialrd with -V Iheoi in h;imes, Thomas V . Pi.aver. In future, r he I usiness u ill he ir.infaeitd undirihe name of MacMILLAN, DAVIs & CO. .Mac MILL AN & DAVIS. Septembe- 1st, 1S33. 73-lm. THE Books of M acM illan & Davis are this day closed, and will, in a lew days, ready for set ; lenient cooie forw; 1 na claims All persons indebted to us will please rd and settle tile same ; and those huv prosent them lor payiio nt. MacMILLAN fc DAVIS. September a, ISjs. 73-im. W. R. PEPPER, Commission .Merchant and Forwarding A gent A". 21 llih SI ret t, Purlsni'ivth, in.. vv TILL "tve his personal attention to all eonsiirn- m on t s o: I'obacco, W lu at , Cot t on , Flou r- & e.. hethe- fur sale or shipnu nt, nnd is prepuriei to make liberal ad vauci s when required Particular attention paid to the Receiving and Forwarding Goods. All or.lers f ir M.rcli indise'ofi,ny descrip tion iunct ually a 1 ti nded to, u no tilie d 011 the best terms. PEFERENCES: David S. Rf.id, Governor of State of N.C. R. M . Sacndeks. Raleigh, " S. H. Rogbks, " Muj. C. L. Histon, " Prrbin Busber, " " Rich'd I. Wysxe, Hyde count", ' 1 arborocgh & Strotmer, Louisburg, " It. M. H vmas. Warn nton, " R. Nichols. Hillsborouah, ' Bland it Dunn. Greensborough, " tnl. Andrew Jovneb, Halifax, " J. F. Simmons. Weldon, Alex. McRab, President W. & R. R.R. Co. J.so. W. I'uoh, Gaston. N.C. Davio McDasiel, Rocky Mount, N ..Carolina. M . Wehton. Hcvtr Mordecai, Edgecombe, ' L. H. B Whitakeb A Son, Endfiold, A. VV. Vanablb. Granville, " D. E. Ynuso, Henderson, " W. H W eston, Gaston, " Sept. 6. 7i-3m. FOR SALE.. A HANDSOME pair ot Bay Horses, very gentle in huinetg, and true to the draft ; both good Busjgy I lorsi s, offered for sale merely because the ownc has no use for them. Inquire of "ANDERSON & SAVAGE. August 13. (Journal copy.) 54-:f. JUST RECEIVED. fTt BBLS. Fa yetteviile Flour, from Ntw Wheat J) 15 " Cider, and White V ine Vinei-iir.-Lemon Syrup, Stoughtons Bitt.rs. Km sins, Craek ers, Cheese, Soap, Candles, Matches, Pepper, All spice, liingtr, otc. ate. r or saies low, oy ZENO H GREENE. Sept. 6. N. C . '1'. copy 74. HEAD QUARTERS, 4th BRIGADE. Smithville, N. C, August (lh, 1853. THK co ninindani! of Regiments constitut- ingsaia tsrigaae are nereny requested to have their Respective Commands at the following limes and places, n rmed and equipped as the law directs, for review and inspection, vix : 44th Re-iimeni at Carthage, Moore Co. Tuesday, I Ith October. 31lh Regiment at Summerville, Cumberland, Thursday, 1 Sin October. 33rJ Regiment at b ayetterille, Cumberland, Saturday 15lh 32d Regiment at Clinton, Sampson, Tuesday, ISth October. 41st Regiment at Elizabethtown, Bladen, Tues dar, 20ih October. 85 ih Regiment at Whiterille, Columbus, Satur day 22d October, ' A. D. ilcLEAN, Bri. Gen'l, ih Brigade, N.C M. . August 30th, 1383. 70-inv. CHAPPELL'S IMPRDVEI): EEKTILfZER; i.'f SIIRTI rilTRV vnirnrr ait v. "TO JHif AGRICULTURAL COMUUNITF. rrjHB AT TEN HON of the Agricultural com 'X tnaoHtr" U respectfully directed to the follow ing testimony in reference to trie action and dura bllltyot UHAl'l'KI L'S IMPROVED FKKTIL!- Zfcll, MS untlorm g;Kd quality, and it effieary in promoting tue growth of any crop. The result of the experjiiienta lor llie part 2 yeara which have been kinaiy furnisht 4 as by Com. Joneo, fully cs lablishes oil that we hove slated iti regard to its su periority as a renovator of the soil, and the facts glaled in his letter should alone convinee any intel ligent mind of its unfailing t fficacy and its adapta tion to any and all crops. .'. It is with such evidence as we present below, from gentlemen of the highest respectability, lhat has enabled us to overcome the prejudices which i have existed in ihe minds of pome of the farming community against nil "artificial n anmes." and the result has been that ihe demand for our Fer tilizer, the past season, was much greater lhan we could possibly supply, and we have y t lo hear of one single complaint of its action fiom any of those to whom we sold the past year. This article having been so fully tested for the pasl five ears, and with such tavonible re.-nlts. we. now offer it to the Agriculturalists of the country as the cheapest, most certain and durable manure for any crop or any soil. One advantage we cun promise in the use of our fertilizer, il at ly an equal amount of outlay o! the Fertilizer upon an acre of ground, we can given larger crop of grain, and leave ihe giound in a much be'ter condition for afier crops, lhan can be obtained from the use of Guano or any other itnnute. As a top dressing upon Wheat and Grass, we would state that from a number of testimonials in our possession, of which the limits ot ihis udier-iiscm-ntwill not admit, we can with the utmost confidence recommend lis ue upon the above crop. If inie-nded lo be used il should be applied as early in the season as tlie weather uill permit, to certainly secure its dissolution by the March and April rains, and the results of i he application will fully repay the farmer for his outlay, in the increas ed crop, and will very largely Increase the g-owth of clover and alter crops. Upon Corn it should be applied broadcast, bc'ore harrowing, and if preferred a small portion may be used in ihe hill. We hazard nothing in stating tha', applied upon Corn, should the weather prove favorah e, the i ncrcasi d yield would doubly repay the farmer for his outlay, nnd if two barrels, (tiOO lbs.) be used to the acre, lhat his ground w ill need no otlier manure for a full rotation tf crop.-. The sanguine opinions advanced above are form ed from frequent intercourse with farmers who have used the Fertilizer for a number of seasons past, with unvarying success, and have voluntarily les'ified 10 its efficacy, thereby confiiming all thai has been slated in regard lo its supciior qualities. Having received a number of inquires relative to the action of oui Fertilizer mixed with Peruvian Guano, we would say, we have alwas ptelerred, in the trial of the efficacy of our Fertilizer, its be ing used alone, as we desire it to 'Tent xipon its aim met its," without any possible or appareid help from a ny other manu re ; but we have no doubt tha' t combination of Guano and Fertilizer wenlj prove highly advantageous to the farmer. In a combination of this kind we would recom mend the use of 100 lbs. Guar.o v ith 300 lbs. Fer tilizer, being confident that this nmount of the tuu articles in combination, would pi oduee n much lar ger yield than if 40o lbs. best Peruvian Gunno'ad been used Bv usinir Guano mixed in this way, the use of plaster with that article may be dispens ed with, as the Sulphuric Acid in the Fertilizer would unite with the Ammonia and ot In r volai i le salts in Guano, and convert irg tin in into Sul phates, thereby prcveminj; their escape into the air, secures lo the farmer all of the n o.- valuable constituents of the latter article. Forthe conven ience of persons who wish lo use .v. Fertilizer mix-d in this way, we will furnish il mixed with Guano in any proportion named, charging the cost of Guano, and the cost of barrels, labor, &c. At present prices of Guano, we will furnish tt mixed in the billowing proportions and pricrr. One-fourth Guano, Feitilize.r .cH per ton. One-third Guano, fertilizer Al per ton. One-haif Guano, one-half Fertilizer 36 per ion. WASHINGTON CITY. Jan. 27th, 1553 P. S. Chappell, E?q. Dear sir: lam now In nay fifth week of confinement lo my room with a severe fiactureof the shoulder, occasioned by i fall upon the icy p-ivoment of this city, before 1 re ceived your favor of the 20ih of Dec. This will ac count for my apparent neglect In not responding to your request alluded to in your last letter, and even now 1 am writing with much difficulty, and separated Irom my memoranda, lean only speak in ceneral terms of the unfailing efficacy of your Fertilizer as used by mc the last two years, 1 S3 1 and '52. The last year's application more thnn re alized the best impressions produced by ihe first vear's use of It. On Corn, in 1S5I, planted in drill. one-half of which was enrh lied by the applieat ion of 200 lbs. best Peruvian Guano, and the other with 400 lbs. of your Fertilizer, both applied in thedrill, nol only was the Corn (9 barrels per acre,) best where the Fertilizer was used, but Ihe same ground being put in Barley last spring, (1952) was .again dressed with 200 lbs. of Guano per acre, equallv distributed over the previously guanoed land, and that on which ihe Fertilizer was applied at the lime of corn planting ihe previous storing. Like the corn, tke barley was begt icere the Fertilizer had been used, and when ihe same land was stubbed up in September, for 11) e, the part whereon the Fer tilizer had been used in 1S51, was to the line thick ly set with white clover of spontaneous growth, whilst the guanoed part showed but here and there a sprig ol that valuable erass, and my corn ground lying over for Oais and Barley, which gave last year 230 barrels from about 2f) acres, f bowed a good set of white clover in October. In a cut of four acres, which the past year- pro duced 1 IJ barrels per aero, one acre through the middle was gir.inoed wi:h 300 lbs o; fu st Peruvian Guano to the other iluee acres Fertilizer was np plied, two barrels or 600 lbs., to the aire, and in every oilier respect all treated alike. rnre of persons examined the corn at every lago, fnm planting to g-.iiheiing, and no one could m -rk tin place where"! he Guano was npplied. unless pointed out by myelf, w htlst the gigantic growth and u hite clover marked the effects ol the Fertilizer upon the oilier acres. On ihe adjoin ng field of eight acres, the h uids, in sowinsr (he Fer ilizer. made a mis take and sowed one land over twice that is. with 12i)0 lbs. of Pertilizer; lite gaowth of the corn stalk was not perceptibly greater, but icher. the Corn icas gathered, the difference was as 7 to 5, at least in fa- 1 vor of ihe double tiere that is to say. it r quired I 7 row where 600 lbs. had been used lo load a four- horse wagon, whereas five ro-s did the same from the acre wnic-h recrived (he double dressing by mistake. I might fill nianv pages in detniling facts ns to my expei ience in the u.-c of "Chappell's Fertilizer," were 1 differently situalt il, but for reasons slated above, am unable to do so at present. I have heard some favorable accounts of fields of When! besides my own, on which your Fertilizer wa used ul the last seed time, and 1 have little dotibl that next harvest will put to rest all doubts and prejudices against your Fertilizer preparations. By way of backing up mv confidence, so often expressed.it may not be out of place here to slate thai my ar rangements for spring and summer crops look io the use of 150 barrels of Fertilizer and Phosphate of Lime, three-fourths of ihe former i. e., 120 of the Fertilizer and 30 of the latter article specific orders for which will be given as required. 1 fear you will have great difficulty in decypher ing this letter, and I am not sure il will be worth the trouble, but you can make any use of it, or any portion of i'., you may think proper, or pass it by altogether. I shall be glad to have a copy of vour pamphlet, and wishing you every success which your untiring zeal, in so noble a cause merits, I subscribe myself, Yours faithfully, THOS. AP. C.JONES. Extract of a Letter from Com Jones. Dolfd PROSPECT HILL, (Va.) June 4th, 1653. "I am very glad lo hear ol" the increased demand for your ' Fertilizer.' 1 am more and more satisfied with its superiority when compared with Guano, as regards durability or the effect on succeeding crops. The Fertilizer is incomparably superior to Guano, even when 300 lbs. of the best are used against 600 lbs., of the Fertilizer. "In haste, with great respect, your obd'i. serv:l., THOS. AP. C. JONES." MONTROSS, Westmoreland co.. Va., April llth, 1353. xrr p. Stockton Chappell Dear fir: In answer to yours of the Silt inst., in regard to my Wheat I -ran only say at this time, that, on corn ground, ?whcn last in cultivation (ISsl) did not produce rmrp than one half barrels of corn to the acre, I fal lowed it P ln September 10 or VI inches deep, K.rrnwed il. sowed white blue stem wheat at the rate of 1 bushels per acre; used 280 lbs. Chappelfs Fertilizer and Guano, mixed halfand half each per aere. and from present appearance tcill make 25 bush--i. nf Wheat per acre. Sowed first week In Octo ber Yours respectfully, JNO. GOODING. p'rlceofCHAPPELL'S IMPROVED FERTIL ixer. stSO per Ton, or S3 per Barrel contain ugSOOIb. . - AH orders shoo .u 'ressealo P.STOCKTON A P PELL. Chemist. Office 134 Lomlwrd jt.. mbly Boilding, Ee- - tween Hanover and L... s. 8a . 'AoKSTt: HovftfeOo., New rk; Morion, Book erF..'a i Richmond Vm.r , kins & Morton, i-eter-bntg', v.,- T. m; McCorma, k s to , Atrx aneirla, V-i jiinei MeQuir rredt i J.-ksbUrg; Va t oaimiei uitrer cc 90ns, rtewocrn. t; July7th;T8S3 - J Cm-e; CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE, Til S U Ul: .IT PURIFIER OF THE BLOCD. Sot a ParMcic of 3!crciiry in it. An infallible remedy fo'r Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions t Pim ples or Postules on the I'ice, Blo'ches, Boils, C'hron ic ore Eyes, Ring Worm. or Teller, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bonesand Joints, Stub born Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spi nal C omplaints, and all diseases arising from an in judicious use ol Mercury, I n prudence in Life, or Im purity of the Blood. This valuable Me licim: which ha s become celebra ted for the number of extraordinary cures effecled through inagetiry, has induced Ihe proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its virtues nnd woudeiful curative properties. Thefollowing certificates. selected from a large num ber, are, however, st longer testimony than the mere word of the propiietors : and a re all from trentlemen well known in their l i-nlitics, ami of the highest respectability, m i ny of thrm now residing in the citi of Richmond. Virginia. F. Boyden , Esq,, of the E xchonje Hotel, Rich mond. known every wheie, says he has seen the M edicine called Carter's Spanish Mixture adminis teted in over a hundred cases. in nearly nil the disea ses for whirh it is n commended, v it h t he most as tonishingly good results. He'saysit is the most ex traordinary medicine he has ever seen. Ague and Fever Great Cure --I hereby certify, that for thn e years I had Ague and Feverof the most violer.t h scriptioti. I had Several Physicians, took Inige quantities of Q-nnine. Mercury, a nd I believe all ihe : onics advertisi d, but all without any per manent relief. Al hist I tried Ca i ter's Spanish M ix ture ; two bottles of which efF ct ually cured me, nnd 1 a in hiypy t o sa y I h a ve h id neither Chills or Fe vers since. I consider it the best Tonic in theworkl ttnd theonlv medicine that ever reached in v case. JOHN LONG DEN, Beaver Dam. nar Richmond, Va. C B I.t-cK. E-q., now in the city of Richmond, and lor many yours in ihe Post Office, has such con fidence in the astonish ng efficacy of Cut ter's Span ish M ixture dial he has bough I upwards of 50 bottles, which he has given a way to the afflicted . Mr. Luch sa '. s he has never known it to fail when taken ac cording to oirertions. Dr. Min-ge a practising Physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, in the cit of Richmond, say? he has witnessed in a number ol ins anees theefi'ects of! Ca iter's Spanish Mixture win. h were most truly sir.-piiinsr. He says in a case of Consumption, de pendent on the Liver, the good effects wercwonderr ml indeed. Samcel M. Drinkeh. of the firm of Drinker u Me-rri.-. Richmond, was cured of Liv. r complaint of 8 years standing, by the use of two bottles of Car lei's Spanish Mixture. Great cure of ciofula --The Editors of t he R ieb mond Republican had a servant employed in the! press room, cured of violent scrofula combinod with Rheumatism, w liirh entirely disabled him from worn. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure of him, and the Editors, in a no tice, say they ''cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted wiih uny disease ol the blood " . Still another eure of Scrofulj I had a very 'Val uable boy euied of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mixture. 1 consider it a truly vj luable Medicine. JAME M. TAYLOR. Conductor n the R. F. & P. II. R. Co., Richmond SALT r.UF.l M OF20 YEARS STAXDRG CURED. Mr. Johj Thompson, residing in the city of. Rich mond, wai cured by three bottles of Carter's Span ish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which he hud nearly '0 years, nnd which all the physicians of the cltv could not cure. Mr. Thompson is n well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va.and his cure is most remarkable. 4 Richard E. est, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula, and what Physicians called confirmed Consumption, by three bottles ef Carter's Spanish Mixture. .. Edwin Bcrtov. Commissioner of the Revenue, says he has seen the good effects of Cal ler's Span ish Mixture in n number of Syphilitic cases, and savs it is.a perfect curef ir that horrible disease:' W M. G Harwooh, of Richmond, Va.. e-ured of Old Soies and Ulcers, which disabled him .from walking. Took a few bottles of Carter's Spanish M ixtur.'. and was enanled to walk w ithout a crutch, in a short lime permanently cured. Princ pal Depots at M. W ARD, CLOSE & CO., No. 9'A Maiden Lane. New York. T W. DYOTT & SON.?, No 132, North 2dt Street. Philadrlpnin. BENNETT d- BEERS. No. 125 Maiden Street, Richmond, Va. AnJforsalcbyWM.il LIPPITT, Wilminrton and by Ot ttggisis generally. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Located 127 llaltlmore-st., Haltimorr, Sid. T HE osiensib'i: eibject of this I n-lit it tion is to affrd individualsan optiort nninv of obtaining a complete Mercantile Education. Course of study Hook Keeping, by double en i r , as practically used in ihe various departmi nts of Trade and Commerce, including Wholesale, Retail, Commis sion M an nf act u ring, Shipping, and Steam boat ing, Individual Partnership, nnd Compound Co. Busi ness. Also, Mercantile Calculations, Practical Penmanship, and familiar Lectures em Commercial Law, and the usages ol" Trade. Students being taught individually, can enter College at any time, and the Course is usually completed in from E lo 8 weeks. Terms tor an unlimited course of instruc tion, 435 All communications addressed to O. K. CHAM BERLIN, will meet with prompt a tt en lion. Circulars mniledto any p trt of the Union when de sired. July 19. 53-1 y- 49-w-ly-c. RYDER'S PATENT PURCHASE LOG CARRIAGE. JUST received one of ihe above Wagprns. and forsaleby DIBBLE & BROTHERS. I n our absence inquire of '1. C. WORTH. We are using one of these Waggons and cun re commend them io our friends with confidence. July 30. D. & B. STAVES AND HEADING. THE Subscriber wishes to purchase during ihe next six months. 175.000 White Oak Barrel Slaves, also 50,00U Ash Bbl Heading, if they can be had of good qualit y. He will pay considerable advance on lurmer prices. Persons wishing lo contract can do so by apply ing to me here. A. MORGAN. Aug. 11. 63-4m-p. MUSIC SCHOOL. MRS. H. WHITAKER retarns her thanks to the citizens of Wilmington for the liberal pat ronage she has received from them, and solicits a continuance of their favours, Her next Session will commence the 1st Mon day in October, her terms will be as heretofore. Lessons on Piano $20 per Session of 5 months. " on Guitar 82J " " - " A latge lot of Piano and Guitar Mosie constantly on hand and lor sale. Also Pianos and Melodians. H. WHITAKER. August 30. - 71-lm. OAKUM. Cit BALES superior Oakum. -For sale by Aug. 4. W. C. HOWARD. SACR SALT. fiTi SaCKS Liverpool giotmd Salt daily ox- uW pected to arrive, for aate b-y , Sept. 3. " FREEMAN 4- HOUSTON, Mavl'-'. 25-1 VC r THE ROAD TO HEALTH 1 UULLU ir Al 'S 1 IJLL.JS. ' , r(UREf a Disordered Liter and Bad Ck stiott J . V . m . . . r . . a . . . . .. s ,.(ii tii xi .,. lit, ft. ji r . . , i u ii . i mit, , Preico tat reef, IJvorpool, dstcd fih Jiim Io rrfiitfeor Iiouowav t ' " "'.;" ' , j . S'ii : YonrPillsartdOiniaiVnlharosttHlht hiali- estononr sale list of Prumbt-ir &! dl Ir.ef . fot some yenrs. A ciiKome r, to whom I rsnref r fof any inquiries, desires inr to In yoiil.h W tin p' tieular of her case, she bad b. r n trouLii a far years with a disoidcrtd liver, nd bnd dirrnlon. On the last occasion, however, the vltnk in . nf rhr. . i- tack wassoalatmiiig, and Ihe inflammrjiie.n stt in so severely, thai doubts were entertulned of lici toi being able to bear up tinder it ; fortiinnuiy t-hr ; a induced lolry your Pills. and rh intntiuv m. ih.i nfter the fiist. and each succeediRi; nUtre, fht tjld greatrelief. Slie continued iw lakf ihein. and al though she used only three tox s, he Is low In fha fni.ivmrni of nerferi henltb I iniiUluKrriiitM.. many more cases, bul the above, fro rM the streritv -nf the attach: and the speedy cure. I shink, speaks jmtt-tt infav of your astonishing I'ills. ? .. Ait Extraordinatu Cure t f Rk'walie lrir tun uicwan t lsi-ntt. . . - vujij wi I. i.e,,c (iir,,ti,i an in- ijui'o.,(r tttTI ? rier ot l lie l.t ct nlarcli. IHiil.bv Kin. J 1A t, ' Margaret McConnican la venrh of ace., rr.titinc a . Ktau. Tawh kn. 1 -,.-n . I , .. . Rheumatic Fever for iipwa ids of two months, whk-h ' had entirely deprived her of ihe one of Jicf limbs During this period she was under ihe rare of ihe most eminent medical men In Hobatl Town.'and hr them her case was considcted hopeless. A frlenil pre nilcd upon her lo try Hollouay'a Celrbraleo Pills, which she consented fo do, end in an incredi ble short spnee of time they effected a rerfct i cure. CureoJ a Pa in aid Tigk&trss in tie Ctesi t.vd Sto mach of a Person 64 vears of an. From Messrs. Thew & Son, Proprft tors ol lh Lynn Auveru.tr, who can voitCJUOr tn IOllOWJi Stgtr- w,,,.nt A HIT 9nil 1 1 -su1. . . r To Professor HoLLowav s- , Sir I desire to Vear tft-limon v to ihrgoed effects of Holloway'sPiflsFor some years 1 u.Ierrd se vprelyfrom a pain and tightness in the siomat-h which was aW accompanied by a shortness o breath, that prevented me from walking atom. 1 am 81 yearsof age, and noiwithsfanding my advan ced statu of life, these Pills have so relieve d nie,ths( I ant desirous that others should be made acquaint ed with iheir virtues. I am n w rrnelcnd by thelt means. comparatively active and can lake exercicr Without inconvonience or pain which I could notdr -jbefore. - (Signed) HENRY COE. ' . North tf. Lvrin.Norfwlit j .Thtr Celebrated Pillf ore H'ondrrfnlln TSff;. ' in the fidloiciiig Cimplnivts. Ague, Asih ma, Bilious Complaints, Blot c lie j on tfca skin, Bowelcomplainls, Colics, Constipation ol thti Bowels. Consumption, Debility, Drepsy, 1) fentery Erysipelas, Female IrrrplnritiVs. Frvi is of all i,indi Fits, Gout. Headache, Indigestion, irflnn-mntion Jaundice, Liver Complaint. Lanibngo, Piles, II ben -matism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula orKinci's Evil, C mu . i. I L I l. r. LSore Throat . Stone nnd Gravel. Scrot.daiy ,S'mp fonts. Tic Douloureax, Titmors Ulcers, Venctonl Al fections, Worms of all kihds, Wc-akne ts fr in what ever cause, Ac . frl &SoA at the esiublislim'cnt cfProfessoi Hollowav, -224. Strand, (near ihe Temple Bar) London, and by All respectable Druggists and dealers in medicines througnout the British Empire, ar.d by tlioreot" the United States, in pots and boxes, at 37 cents, tt cenis, and $1.50 each, wholesale by rhe prrhelpali Drug houses in the Union, and by Mes-sra. A. B. A D. Sundp, New York York, and i S. B & J. A. EVANS, Wilmington. N.C. There is a considerablesaving by taking the large sizes. N.B. Direct ions for the guidn ncc of pa tier Is in every disorder arc affixedincachbox. Feb 17 143-Ive A CARD. HERMANN L. SCH REINER respectfully an nounces lo his patrons, friends and the publle in general, thai he has re commenced hia 5ILSIC AL INSTRUCTIONS at hi- residence on Mar ket street, formerly oici pi d by Mr. James Drw son. His father, lately from Germany, 'a ill. al lite same lime, attend to the instruction on ail Wind nnd Siring Instruments, and hopes. I y Mrirt si lent ior, to merit fr share of patronage heretofore so liberally enjoyed by his sort. ;. Arrangements have also been made to instruct, scholars nt their residence, it drain d. gj July 26, 1S52. t(S. FITS, FITS, FITS. 4 PERSONS who are laboring under ihisdistrcssing : malady, will find the VEGETABLE EPILEP TIC PI Ll.S to he the only rentedv ever discovered for caring Epilepsy or Falling Firs. These Pill possess a specific uction on the nervous system j and although they nre prepared especially for ihr purpose of curing fits, they w.ill be found of especial benefit for all persons afflicted with weak nei ves. or whose nervom system has been prostrated or Rhstie red from any cause whatever. In chroniccomplninrs, ordis- eases oflong standing. superinduced by nervousness. they are exceedingly beneficial, t nil directions ac company ench box. Price $3 per box, or two box.e a for $5. Pcrsonsoutof thecity, enclosing a remit tanee, will have the Pills sent them through the mail, frei of postage. Forsalo b v SF.TH S. HANCK.No. lOpiBaliimore street., to whom orders from allporra of the Union must i 1 1 I I 'j sscd, post paid. ,i -Dee.23. 12C-lye STATE LOTTERY AGENCY 0F E. Ar- CARfi d SON, 138 Pratt Street, llaltiu-ore, Maryland. t liolce Selcelion or chemei for September. - - 8503.302. MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY , Class 43. f 'Wednesday, Sept 21st. 1853. SUHKWh. 1 prize of $39,000 1 prize of In 8,000 1 1 " 10 '-. 750 I 132 U5 " f'.t - 100 I Certificate of 26 Whole Tickets, " . Half " " .f Quarter " 4,000 360 $150 00 75 00 37 50 18 75 OuaTter $2,50. Kighih TickeisJO. Halves iS. IT4i.OT4. MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, Class 256. Monday, September 2Clh, 1853. SCH EM K. 1 priae of $9,000 2,000 1,000 200 100 i I pfize of I " 10 " 10, , , $3,00(5 1.251 ' 1 I 10 10 0 150 ,i j. - . wo V. :ooo;, . 10 w LOTTERY", 400 50 i Certificate of 26 Whole Tickets, Half " Quarter " Tickets $3. Halves $1 $33.447. MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED Class 44. " Wednesday, Sept. 28tb, IP63. SCHEME. 1 prize of $30,000 I 1 prize of 1 " 6,000 I 1 1 " 1,500 1 25 25 " 345 I 400 Certificate of 25 Whr fuTit keta " " On-irtcr " 700 150 $125 0O 62 60 31 2 Tickets 10 HsIvsstB. STATE AGKNCY OF E. N. Carr f Son. EXCMA'SOE BBoazaa Asrt. Lottkbt Aomts. I3S Pratt $U Baltimore. Md, LOST. ONtherotd between Whit Hall and India Wells, on the 23 of Jane, one Noto drawn m Zebulon Hunt for seventy dollars, dated the ISIth November, 1852, and one Z. Hum, Dr.ldr Ton dot Urs. dated the 6th March, 1663, one on Samaef Kelley, for five dollars, dated the 16th Norember,.,' 1SS2, and one drawn oo Dr.. William S. Anders, for Sixty-four dollars, dated tbo 1st Jan., 1847- I forewarn all persons from trading lor said notes, : and the miter a from paying them to any en except to whom they are roadepa yablo. :, -t'-t.:-...:-.:. '".. J J. D. LvtAS lJy2. '"- - - a9-f . .,

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