-av -f4- - a-. -. f'r- UVElF C02JPL aim; dyspepsia. Jaundice CJhrohic or Xertrw JJzbtlily, Dia ease oft A e Kidneysand.ulL . Diseases - .truinsjrom a disoitltreS Li per. or? :'-. .. Stomach, such a T'-1 ' . fS CotiapatiOD, ioward Pitea, Fullness of Blood joj the Head. Acidity ot hw wuhcu, nausea, burn. I)w2ut for Food. Fuilnt-es or Weight hi the . . L',M,luinlt. iSlnkiriir or KiuUcril!!? i ihe-Pit of the Stomach, kwunnuug of the Head, - Hurt ied and lilficuU Breathing, tFlUUe.ing at th i . .t..Lii. ror Suri'.vcatinn Sensations when lr and Byes, Pstain the Side, uaciw? i.ncst, inline. 1 . ' . . , c bk.i nri H. r.r.uiV.r.c , SI:.?' " f k tt;rnllv eoird hv CELEBRATED - GERMAN BITTERS, PUEPARBOBX DIt. C. M. JACKSO.V, No ixu Area street, I'unaaeipuia rht liitfrtrs are wurihv the attention of invalids : ( Poaaeasiff'r sreat virtues in the reciliicuii'on of dis-I ruses of tho Liver and lesser stands, exercising the iii03l searching powers' in, weakness :ind aflec tions of thedigostivti orgaris,they arc, withal, ute, cer v taTa and pleasant. - ' READ AND BE CONVINCE D. The ''Philadelphia Saturday Gazetio,'' says of Dr. ttoortAKD's Get man Birtirs. lItJ8 seldom that wi recommend what arc tei ut d "Patent Medicines, to the confidence and patron age of our readers 5 and therefore when we reconi- niend Dr. Heofland's Uerman tsiurrs, we wi(n a to be distinctly understood tlat we arc not speaking of - . . . . " . .1. J U .. . nnlaJ " K .... I the hearty opprovafofihe faculty itself.' "Scott's Weekly," said, Aug. : "Dr. Uooiland s ; German Bitters, luaBulactuttd by Dr. Jackson, are j now recommended by some of the most tironiinent j cv in cases of female weaknei-s. Persons ot debili uicin.i " - j - tated constitutions will Sod these Hitters advantnge ous to their health, aswefetiow from cxpetience the salutary eilect thev havfe.upan-Avc:ik sysums.:' MOSE EVIDENCK. J. G. Moore. Ksq , Of theDaily New., said. Oct 21. "Da. Hoofland'sGkbmas Brrrr-ns. V eate try iag this renowned medicine fbt a etfebtiorn disease of the bowels, and can with truth testify Itrita efficacy. V'o have taken the contents of tw bOttles2.und wo have derive 1 more benefit from the experiment than we derived previously from j ears of aliophatic treat ment at tiie hands f our first physicians." Hon. C. 1). Hi:i !ia., Mayor of ihe CityofCain- oen.iM.J., says: rm ''Ho ifln: s ut RM ne ijitteks. vv e have seen rainy II nt'Jiinir notices of .this niedicine, ind tho source from which they came indue nl us to lutkke inquiry respecting ils merits. From inquiry we Wire persuadei to use it. and mi.M say we found it specific in its actijn upon diseases of the liver and digestive orean. and the novverlul ii.tluenceit exerU upon nervous prostration, is really surprising li t, calms and strengthens thcaerves. bringing-themi'rr- t j a state of repose, making sleep refreshing. if this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would beless sickness, na front tbo stomach, liver and nervous system, tiie great major ity of real and imaginary deseasts emanate. Have them in a healthy condition ar.d yo-.! can bid defi ance to epidemics generally. This extraoidinary medicine wc would advise or fiiends who are art all inJisposed, to give a irial-jt win recommend In self. Itshould, 'n fact, be in every family. Noothef medicine can prodm e such evidences ot merit." -b For sale wholesale and retail at the GERMAN 31 1'DICife, NTOUE. No. Arch street, one doorbelow Sixth. Phila delphia, and ny riFpti-tub-cdeaers generally through out the country. " Sold in Wilmington bv S.t! &J. A. EVANS, in Fayetteville hy S. J. 1IIN&PALK. June 11 V 3A-3m LIVERPOOL SALT. SACKS Liveipool Salt, in half bleached siiwUs dailv expected. For sale bv ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. 2900 May 7. TOWAGE I TOWAGE ! ! STEAMER Sam Beary, A. M Guth rie, master ; Steamer Calhoun, Jos. I m,,4-r 2it Springs, master, arc ready at all times lor outiness. u rue is ior lowage win nave prompt attention if left at office of Agent. GEO. HARRIS'S. June 11. 38-lf. JUST RECEIVED. CRACKERS in bbls. and boxes; Raisins in J and I boxes ; Matches, Yeast Powders, (Jun Aft Starch, Ink, Nails, Axes, Coopers tools of every kind, Smoked Herrings, Shot and Powder, Paint Buckets, Brooms, Cocoa Dippers, Demi johns, &c. For sale by ZENO H. GREENE. Sane 18. N. C.T. copy. 4 1. TEA! TEATT A CHOICE article of Green and Black Tea, loose, or in packages, for sale by L. N. BARLOW, Aug. 16. No. 3, Granite Row SOFT HATS every description, YVhite, Pearl and Black V tor travelling or always oi hand. business Hats. A full supply C. 1 Kits. 64. August Id. JUST RECEIVED FROM N. YORK. PER SCHli. WM. If. SMITH. OA ClifCX LBS. of prime, extra, and No. J, 6VJ3VJUV.; White Lead ; " 5 000 lbs Zinc W hite, in Oil ; C I case of Pruss. Blue, in Oi! ; j '? 1 2 cases of Chrome Green ; 1 " " Paris 5 " ' Chrome Yellow, Also 60 bbls fine Linseed Oil, Bar Umber, and Tena iW Sren na gonnd in Oil. For sale cheap at .' C. & D. DuPRE'S, X F, BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GLNGER. rrtHIS ESSENCE is a preparalion of unusual JL excellence. In ordinary diarrhoea, incipient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration -of the digestive functions, so common, it is of inestinia -bio value. During the prevalence of epidemic cho lera and summer complaints of children, it is pecu liarly efficacious ; no family, individual or traveller should be without it, as it enables tbesystem to re sist the influence of incipient disease, which lurk ' in a changing climate. - "' Cactioj!. Be sure to gel the genuine EssAicc, ' which is prepared only by F. Brown, at his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner ot Fifih and, Chesnut streets, Philadelphia, and for role by nl the respectable Apothecaties in the United States SoW in Wnminztonbjr-B.& J. A. EVANS andC.& D. DaPRE ':y- June 18. 40-ly-c C ' - . - - MOLASSES, IN Barrels, a good sweet article, lor sale by Aug. i3. ; . "FREEMAN f-HOUSTON. ;S0AP AND CANDLES. BOXES No. i. and Pale Soup ; 50 20. Tallow Candles, warranted to keep hard. -; Por sale by July 28. XKiSO a. filllilift K. N. C. T. copy. 57 SHOT. 1 LBS., assorted sixes, for sale by July 23. FREEMAN fc HOUSTON. ! FOR SALE. "A t-ARGE BOW WINDOW. Apply to ,", , C. MYERS. ":. , U!L7- Graoite Row. j-. A-MHDS0MB LIGHT -fLB'i , 69. NOW LANDING ! Ol J Cure Gecesee Flour; - - 2$ I Crarkeia Fresh. FoVsaUj bvXeStOW4rU a"rteJ hard Candies -rorsaieDy ZKhinn nttDrvc ZKNO H OR Cr-VL' ept. b. jy, Q.T-copy- - : - 74. M0LASSFS - 'Ti H3DS. of prime Sweet Molaaaen. now l.n HATHAWAY A SON. .Adj. 13. ' The r power.pyerirje above ai8ca&3i9 not txcen-; , VnnWP rill,'! ti V PFi TlliM rVJ ed,if equa!ied,byanystWprparauuni. theUni- i AN0D1NL illLlUil LAI ted Sl!.tes.as th.e cure attest, I ii many cases after : i confidently recommended to Inva.ics, as unsur ' -.b-iifni ulivuVJnni had la i fed. r,fiao,t i,nv Umin preparation, for the cure of i no n-jsiTums ui mo uuj.iu.u i, ii ihev are nrescrtbed. tuy are onerru n brief tiertod and Iheaforaoiten alter cuey have done ; frw prnr.,i,inor ns Medicines winch he c ihei goHty race of nrischitf, but of a medicine long i ,s l!e d p,,,, n? prepared in aj L'SiaDUSnCU. UlliVCisai J ijw.i,iu uivi, uuc it,,, rt. 64 1 AI DICJXUS WIPOUKEA CORDIAL is a pieasam niivmir, -uip. ,7..7tVir, with the rules of Pnarmaey, t tlicrupcunc agents, in L nmvn r.nH clchrnled lor tneir peculiar tmca- v fn ...irino D1ARKHG3A, and similar affections of the svstem. Ia its action, it always nausea and produce's a healthy condition of the Liver, thus re movma the cause at the same time that it cures tho STAMPER'S :,wha It iiarfrnra?. and other forms oi Common Isolds: Bronchitis. Asthma. Croup, Consumption in an early stage, and for the reliei 01 me f aticnt even in advanced stages of that fatal uiseasc. It combines, in a scientific manner, remedies of Ions esteemed value, with others of more recent discovery ; and besides 1 1 s toothing and tontcquali ties, acts ilirouizh the skin gently, and with great cfiicacy, fur the cured' 'this class of diseases. The valuable Medicines above named have re cently been inndnced, with the approval ofa num ber of the Medical Profession in the City of Balti more and el-cw here, and in pnicuce have succeed , m0st admirobly in curinsthe disersesfor which I . . . J . . . 1 " ' ran In all ;rcement . t .. i nirtnnfint BlilTll' Ol U It.' IIIUM lnillt'O ;,i,ticious Phvsichins, and strictly in conformi- wJjtl . ruV- of Pharmacy, and as especially perv: convenience, who cannot so readily n's -,... .;,':,., i.-,.-,. i.u own nrescrlntions com. pounded bv a practical l'lir.tmacf uii.t. See the deseriptivf Pamphlets, to be had gratis . . r -.11 vil.n h:ivc the Medicines for sale, containing i i-nriir, inenflti 1 !ns 1 1 -Jin r. tors M anin, lhi'tzell, : ' I do not hesilate to : Cardial and Anodyne s ; 'It jjives mo much ny to thai of others, in ejj'.i-iny of your Diurr- Adtlison, Payne, llan.ly. I l)oct, . B. Via rim says recommend your Diurrhtn Cherry Kx;o 'r:ni! Sc. Dcct. Join. Ad.liM.n tay t.ifasttre to ad-t my eti- ' l.tv.ir f i In: v: ; ao.-ilina' y Co ,;.,. : and ot tin r.xi'trlnrant, " 1 nave no l.o.-na:ioti in rcc inniendii-.g it a a most valcia- ile medicine." ev e. ir. l. A. Pa nc as he has- used the ih rJLVrciVf i:i hi- t.MeH.-e -with Hie Happiest . licet , and cfli- ifeient cotuliinations ever ollcred to our profcstion. : Doct. L. I!- 1 1 and v writes. 'I have administered . "your Ani'd'ne Expectorant in several cases of Bron "cllinal Alieetioii, iiih i lie ''-'' !nij)i renults, and from a Unov.-.ede i.l" its c!nUrublc t ti. ets, 1 run. with the 2reatc Du:t. W. S. I, t conhdence, recoiittin nu :i, ct.. me wti'es to us ih.i: he has ad ministered the lZxprstorant to ht wile, wlio lias lino the ftronrhU; for fourteen years, and that she i last recovering from her long standing malady. It has in a few weeks done her more trood than all t'he re medies she h is heretofore used under able medical COOnsll. . ni i,S4stcrn of the beft A notheeartes and Pharma ceutists in the Citv t-f Baltimore, write, "We are aatislil the prep:. ration known ns Mabur Any dynt llrpeclovm! and Stuhler' Dmrrhrca orriu. Vmedicine.- of nr.-iil value, und rrry rfF.ncnt for the relief and eurcoi the diseases lor which they arorco.inm nd. d ; they bc.r tli- evidence of skill and care in li eir prt p nation an.! si le ol put tin;? np-nnil we l:.k.- tdeasure in rr commending them " - Tventv-wv, i. of the most respectable Merch ants, residents of Marvland. Virginia and North Carolina, who have so'ld and also used these medi cine themselves, say. "From our own experience ' and that of our rus'umcrs, we do confidently re commend them Pro lh.no Publico. W e have nev erknoVn any remedies used lor the disease for whiclt, they are prescribed, tot.eso tniunii, una i to eivC'Su'eh entire satitfaetion t. all." ' The above notices of recommendation Irom mem bers of the Medical Faculty, Pharmaceutists of hirh standing, and Merchants of the first respec lability,' should be sufiieicnt to satisfy all. that ' ,k.almAitlrinn nrr irurthv of Iriolbv the afflicted. nnA thBf- lhpv ire ot a clliereni siaiop tiuu ims, from the "Quackery" and "Cure Alls so mucli im posed UDon the public Por sale bv Druggists, Apo itliecai ics and Conn- try Stores-keepers generally. f & Wholesale Druggists, 20 Pratt strict, Bultimore. i',Ml1n W i'uiiii' tn I v C. & D. DtPRE. June 2 1. si. 42-ly-c 'if GUNNY DAGS. 4,000 J New Gunny Bags, for sale by uno 7. w. huiv aiu. JUST RECEIVED. "T EFILIG F.llATORS, Water Coolers nnd Show- XV er Paths -c :. . F r sale by D. LOVE. May 17. 27-tf. jus l KUCIil VEI) FltOM BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. OfZ BBLS. Silvers Fire Proof Paint, ahcolors ; rZffJIO casks Spanish Brown ; V 10 do. Venetian Red ; C 5 do. Yellow Ochre. For sale by I C. & D. Dui'RE. Druggists and Chemists, ' June 9. Wilmineton. N . C. from Sshooncrs Ij. Jn$nh, Henry. P. Smith and i P.BLS. pure Genesee Flour ; OU50 do. Mess Pori ; 25 do. Coffee and Porto Rico Sugars ; 100 kegs Nails; 50 bbls. Whiskey, Gin, Rum and Brand v. For sale very low, bv 7.ENO H. GREENE. July 2. N. C. T. copy. 47. LEMONS l) OR sale by WILKINSON & ESLER. une 21. . . ,-..".TiT UMBRELLAS & WALKING CANLS TN every variety at the Hat Emporium, No. 1, ; I r.r;in:f.. lLaw a. MYERS, Halter. June 10. -10. FRESH ARRIVALS. Per Sckr. L. P. SmitA. "I BBLS. extra Hirom Smith Flour, (fresh JL J ground) 10 do. do. Family do, do. 100 bag- do. do do. do. 20 half bbls oxtra family do. do. 5 kegs fresh prime May Butter. Low for cash at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. July 2. J. H. & N. C. T. copy. 17. IN STORE. Ifl Bbls. of prime New Orleans Molasses; I " " excellent Honey ; 15 boxes fresh Soda Crackers ; 5 11 " Sugar 50 bags of prime Rio, Lag uira and Java Coffee; 100 " Table Salt; 20 boxes Adamantine Candles; 1 it) " Calgates No. 1 and pale Soaps ; 20 bbls. of Crushed and Brown Sugars; 5 dozen prine Pickles, ie. &c; 4000 lbs. N.C. Bacon Hams, Sides and Shoul i dors, as times are hard, will be sold low for the icash ot GEO. H. KELLEY'S. i July 2. J. H.&N. C.T. copy. 47. BACON. C HHDS superior Bacon Shoulders, just received eJand for sale by RUSSELL & BRO. July 16. NEW BOORS. AUGUST Ui. RECEIVED this morning, per Express, a pack ace of the latest publications, too numerous to mention here. S. W. WHITAKER. AugL6. 6 NOW "LANDING. From Schr. R. IV. Br oxen. OT BBLS. Mess Pork; Genesee Flour : 20 AT. E. Rum ; 42 boxes Soap ; 5 cases Negro Brorans 5 60 bbls. Rectified Whiskey. For sale bv - - - ZENO H. GREENE. June 18." N CT.copy.'" 41 BOYS' Canes and Beits for sale at the Empori um. -c- MTERS, Proprielor. " Jane 30. . . - - - - rrViJOF.VALEtV BAIifcY'S f t TricophctvV9 r Altdicaled.Qafuund 17011 Beautify ing, Corline, Preserving, lUatftring, . . and Strengtheniug the Hair, Relieving; Uneasy ca of Uve, Skin, Curing Rheumatic Pains, and Heal ing K&ternai .Wounds. Bounded -by ao georaphl cal linctt. thn lpiiulalion of BilRT's TaicoPMBBOVS pervodt s the Union Jl'he sales if ibis article of lata year have increaeed iu a ratio .that almost e cetds bUef.. Professor ".ffARBirJ after a -careful ex amination of is tads' bock, had a that the number uf bottles delivered to order, in quantities of from half a prof-s upward, duiirg the year lt52, was with in a Itifte of 950.C0O. , It is unnecessary 10 present at length the evidenc es of the wonderful ' proi et tit t ot the Tticopberous, tvheti 'the ublie Jmve lLmisLi d n: I an indorse ment as this.1 'I he cheapnet-s of .be article and the explanations given of its cheuiicai action upon the hair, the scalp, and in all cases of supeificiul irrita tion, first reccmicir-did it to the attention of the people. This -hbs all'that the inventor desired. Every bottle ndvertircd itself Theeffecls of the fluid exceeded expectation. It a U d like a charm. Tho ladies would not be without it. Country dealers in every section of the United States iound they must have it; and thus was built up a wholesale trade of an extent hitherto unheard of as regards ar ticles of this kind. The highest point has nut yet been reached, and it is bein vtd that the sales :his yi';ir will ee a minion ana a :iau 01 Lotties. Depot and m anuiaetory. rso. a tiroadway, i.ew York. Retail price. 25 ct'.nl s a large bottle. Iiteial discount to puiehi.sets by thequantity. Sold by all the piineipal liieicharts and druggists throughout the United States and Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain, France, &c. For saie by C. & D. Del' Hp:, iln.inpton . May2l,lfe53. 29-6m-p CHERRY PECTORAL For the rapid Cure ot" COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. ",1ji by tt:c rirer, v on the bunk thereof slia jroic till trm for mrot, irluue leaf sliall not Jade and the fruit tlut-fif shull be for meal and the Icof thereof for n cd icin e ." Here svas hope for the sick recordfd lonjr aiio, and every year adds new proof to the assurance t tint these promises si. ail not fail. As medical Scier.ce discovers and designates the rcmcdus nature has niven. one by one, the diseas es thai afiiiet our race yi Id to the conrrol of art. Of all the maladies we sutler from, none has carried more victims to an untimely grave than t onsump t ion of the Ltins. Sulofined we give some evi dence that this too may be cured, and that Pulmo nary Complaints, in oil iheir forms, may bercmov od by Cheuby Pkctohal. Spate wiiljuo: permit us In publish here any pro nation of the cures it has 1 lleclcd, but the Asjetil below named, will 1 uruisii our Circular, free, where in are fuil pirticulars and indisputable proof of ilice 'aetf. SuM'.reis: read a ml j inli'c for y ou rsel vce. h'ur lr.ft.unza uvd Whooping Cough. A v eh vi llc, Tens., June 26, 1S51. Sir: 1 have. repeuttdH usid your Cherry Pecto ral ior Whooping Congh and Influenza and have r.o hesitation in pronouncing it a complete remedy. i Four of my cliildr. 11 have been afflicted with these diseases, and the licence of the Pectoral has al i way s uff'.ided almost instant relief. We attest tin-ti'ith ol the above stalement. M. McGl.VI'Y, Editor of tlo Nashville Whig, j J. M. ZIMMERMAN, Druggist. ' for a Consumptive Cough. I I'msBCHO, Pa., Fed. 25, 1S51. I Dearir: Kor three yiuitl have been afflicted i with aCou-h, so dist ressing t hat I frequently des- paired of recovery ; much of the time I was obli I eed to til up all nrght in my chair, as my cough ! would suffocate me when 1 laid down.' Hating used many remedies without much relief, 1 at last tried the Cherry Pectoral wli'tch under Providence has cured me alio.' e (her. JAMES M'CANDLESS. 'J'tiit is cms of the T.umerovs Cures of Asthma xrhich hare been accredited to Cherry Pectorai. Albany, N. Y., April 17, 1343. Dr. A veh, Lowell. Dear jir : I have for years been afflicted with Asthma n the worst form, so that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to breathe on my bed. 1 had tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until my Physician prescribed, os an ex periment, your Cherry Pectoral. A t first it seemed t o make me worse; bin in less than a week 1 bewail to experience the most grati fying relief from ils use ; and now, in lour weeks, the diseue is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed vv iih comfort, and ei jo ) a state of health which I had never expecud 10 enjoy- GEORGES. FA II ANT. Commission and Forwarding Merchant. from the President of Amherst College, EDWARD Hl lCiiCOCK, M. D., LL., D.,ic. J.C. Aver. Sir: 1 have used your Cherry Pec toral in my own ca.-eof deep-seated bronchitis, and am satisfied. Irom its chemical constitution, that it is an admirable compound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial difficulties. If my opinion, as to its superior character, can be of any service, you are at iberty to use it as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK. Amherst, Sept. 12, 18-19. Among the other distinguished authorities who have lent their names to rt commend this prepara tion as the best known to them foraffections of the lungs, arc : President Perkins, Vermont Med, College. Prof, silliman. Vale College. Prof. Valentine Mott, New York. I'rol. Cleaveland, Bowdoin Med. College, "rof. Btmerfield, Ohio Med. Colleg. Canadian Journal of Alecical Science. P.oston Med. & Surg. Journal. Charleston, .S'. C, Medical Review. Ne-.v Jersey Medical Reporter. Hon. Henry (May, U. S. Senator. 1 Ion. Geo. P. Marsh, Am. Ambasador to Tut key. Gen. Emanuel Bulnes, President of Chili. Rt. Rev. Ed. Power, Lord Bishop of Toronto. Rev. Doct- Lansing, Booklyn, New York. Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati, Obio. Also, many eminent personages in foreign coun tries. Not only in the more dangerous and distressing diseases of ihe Lungs, but also as a family medi cine lor occasional use, it is the safest, plcasantest and best in the world. PREPARED BV J. C. ATEB, CHEMt8T, LOWELL, MASS. Sold byC. DuPRE and S. B. & J. A. EVANS in Wilmington, N. C. June 11, 1853. 38-3m. FOR SALE. A New Turpentine Still and fixtures about 15 barrels capac ity, weighs about 22(0 lbs., war- Tented in perfect order, has never been in use Apply to WM.A. GWYER. 39-tf. J una 1 1 . WANTED. 1 HO (Cl FEE T of White or Post Oak IUU,UUU Plank, 14, 21, or 28 feet long, U inches or upwards wide, and 24 inches thick, for which I will pay 820 per thousand. May 24. Lv8 iG ILLESP1 E FEMALE SCHOOL. MR. AND MRS. G. M. L. FINCH will open, in the town of Wilmington, on Monday the 3rd of October ensuing, a first class Female School, circular containing terms, course of instruction, and other particulars, can be found at the store of Ellis & Mitchbll. May 14. 26-6m-c. BONNETS. A Splendid assortment ol open Straw, Silk and xi Crape. Just received per Adams Co. Ex prejs, for sale cheap by April 23. KAHNWEILER&BRO. JUST RECEIVED PER SCHR. ELOUISE. cr BBLS. A. No. 1 Mackerel, extra larg, and y 2 bbls. Salmon or saieoy S afra ia5 AsF DoPRE & CO. - - 40, - Jane 16.' rpUK subscriber having received letter istamcj dL aryrfron the lait jUoiirt of Picas and Unarter Sessions, on the ,etate of ha: lata J'sTt Bxtuch, hereby reqoeats an persons indebted fo.tria testator, taanm forward and make navmeht. aad those havinff claims asaioat said testator are notified to f present them svitltin the time--prescribed by law. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of. their rceovtry. x JOfl.N D. fiEULAMY, Executor. . Feb 15 H2 tf HANDS WANTED. 1) Or 15 able bodied laborers by the month or & For 'the balanee of the year. Apply tn ' JOHN WtRAE, or O. G. PARS LEV. March 21. 153-if. SASH, BL.1JN D AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. Hulcltkiss rPHE public are hereby informed, that 1 have beer. A appointed agent for the sale of Window Sash, Blinds and Doors, manufactured by the New Ha venCo..atid am prepaTedto fillallordcrs-in the above line. The quality of the work ol the New Haven Co. is wellknownin this market. Builders and all personsin want of the above articles, are requested to send in their orders, and they will be promptly filled , Tcrmsinvariably cash on delivery. Wll. A. GWYER. GcncraiAgtnl Commission and For ir'arding Mer chant. April 18. IB CO-PARTNERSHIP. HPII E undersigned hav firrriBd n co-partnership X under the name of PARSLEY, McltAE A CO., for the transaction of the Lumber business. O. i. PARSLEY, JOHN McRAE. WM. G.JONES. Wilmington. N. C, Feb. I. 12-tf. NOTICE. THE undersigned having been appointed ot March Term of the County Court of New Hanover, a Committee to ascertain for who t sum tho present Jail can be sold, and to advertise for j plans and estimates for the building of a new Jail, i h-rebygive notice that they will receive bids fori the present site, and also proposals, accompanied by plans and specifications for the erection of a new building. Address, W. C. BEI' TEXCOURT, ; T. H. VVILI.IAMS, Committee. S. D. WALLACE. ) Wilmington, N. C. March 26 4-tl. COOPERS WANTED. Ts, make Sprits turpentine Casks, 10 whom steady employment and liheru! waves wi!l be civen. J. R. BLOSSOM. March 9. 151-tf. S.M1THVILLE MALE AND FEW ALE ACADEMY, 11 'ILL commence its fourth session in the new 1 building. lotii of February and cioseits seholas- lie vear 15th Dee l-'53. Orcanization and charges j as luretofore. Mr. Murphy excepttd, whose servi- J ees, i f necessary, will be supplitd by a competent! Assistant. For particulars nddrt ss the principal. JAMES II. I! RENT, i Srnithvillc, N . C. j Weekly Journal. Fayetteville Observer, nnd New- hern un, insert G mouths and tend bill to Principal, immediately. Dec 30 122-1 2m. ! PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, HMIAT J. from we have superior leas of nil qualities 50 ets. to 1 .5 J per lb., imported fresh, bv tho Pckin Tea Company, which Teas ate celebra ted throughout the country, for their superior fla vors, and are sold only in Wilmington, at 25 pel cent less than other Teas, by May 17. WILKINSON & ESI.FIt. Ag't. KID GLOVES. DOZ.. assorted colors, No. 1. nl 75 cents French VVoikinc, Cotton Flouncinir Thre a d 20 Embroidering Silk ar.d Braid. Mav 3. HEDRICK A. RYAN. OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," AT THE Wilmington saddle, Harness, and Trunk .Manufactory. r",HE subscriber rospectlully informsthe public -JL thai he hasreccnlly received additions 10 uis stoi k of Saddle and Harness Mountings, &c, the latest and most improved style, and is conslanly manufacturing, at his store on market street, every description of urticlciu the above line. From his experience in the business, he fuels confident that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. He has now on hand, a nd u ill con st a nil keen a larjje assort men t o Cnacij, dig and Suftsit II iriitss, Is'idy's Saddles, Bridcf. W.ups, tf-... Gentlemen's SaUdlct, Wiiips Spurs. H-c. all of vvhichhe will warrant to be of the best materials and workmanship. tl4 has also a lari'e assortment of Truii kg. Valises, Saddle and Carpet Kags, Satchels, fancy Trunks, &t, and all other articles usually keptin such establishments, all of which he oflers low for CASH, or on short credit to prompt custo mers. Saddles .Harness, Trunk s ,odiea 1 Bags .dtc.cic., made to order. In addition tothe above tiie subscriber always keeps on hand a large supply of String Leather, and has now, and wi I ike op through the sea son a good assortmen t of l'"ly Notts. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods, whether in want ornot, as I take pleasureinshaw ing my assortment to all who may favor me with a call. Harnessand Couch Trimmings so4d ataf airprice topersons buying to manufacture. Also, Whips at wholesale. llkindsof Riding Vehit lesbough t andsold on commissions. JOHN .CONOLEY. jan. 8 1S53. 3'J WAY FREIGHT " NOTICE. FROM and after this date all freight shipped by Brother's Line, to or from Wilmington will be charge'd to Shippers or Consigneee at Wilmington JOHN BANKS, Agent. Nov 2. 99-tf JUST RECEIVED. A SUPPLY of Cox's Geletine; Habbitt's Yeast Powders ; Preston's Extracts ol Lemon. Vanil- la.&c. For sale low , by S. B. & J. A. EVANS. 118. Dec. 18. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE and complete supply of FRESH SEEDS, comprising every variety usually call ed for, raised and put up by the United Society of Shakers, at New Lebanon, N. Y. Ordersfrom oar country friends promptly filled. S. B. & J. A. EVANS. Jan 13. 129 BARGAINS. WE arr offering Ewraordinary Bargains in Sum v mer GoodS. Persons desirous of saving twenty percentin prices, can do so by calling on us May 17. HEDRICK A RYAN. CAROLINA HOTEL. CO-PAUTNERSHIH NOTICE. rHE Subscribers hav.ng formed a co-partnership under the style of Wood ek Vincent, wiil heie atter have charge of the well known establishment heretofore conducted by R. B. Wood, who takes this opportunity to return his thanks to the public lor the constant and liberal patronage he has received. The firm will endeavor to Improve the manage ment of the concern, and by mutual exertions will strive to render the Hotel still more worty of public nvor. R. B. WOOD. N.B.VINCENT. June 9. 37-tf. GILL NET THREAD. ALL pure flax, Nos 20 and 30, for sale by June 2. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. HUM MEL'S PREMIUM ESSENCE OF COFFEE. T 7" K are prepared to supply dealers with this v v excellent article, at factory prices. Aug. 13. FREEMAN f- HOUSTON. CAGES. CANARY and Mocking Bird Cages, by W. C. HOWARD. July 19. , 5g. PICKLED HERRING. TfA BARRELS I HS sale bv Halifax Pickled Herring, for ANDERSON SAYAGK. - 54. y July 21. ;-: Dir. J..B. aiucnisis - ELEBMfKDCATHOLlCOiV,. For th& relief & cttre;6f Sciffering;Fema!es; It stands pre-eminent for Its curative powers in all the dis eases for -which-It ia recommended, call ed Ft male Complaints. Of tneae are Pao lapso3 UtbIj or Falling of the Womb; Fuoce Al hus, or Whites; Chronic Inflamtoa lion and Ulceration of the Womb; Inci dental Hemorrhage, or Flooding; Pain ful, Suppressed, and Irregular Menstrua- lion fcc, with all their accompany evils, toancer excepted,) no matter how severe or of how long stand. The Catholicon far surpasses other remedies, in being mure certain, lessexpensive. and leaving the svstem in a better condition. Let all interested in I such a remedy call and obtain u pamphlet (free) containing ample proof, from highly respectable j sources, of the happy results of as use together with letters from first-class experienced physicians, ! who have used ii in their practice, and speak irom ! their own observations. I REFEBENCES. Prof. Dunbar. M.D , Baltimore, Md. J. C. Orrick, M. D., I P. I'.. Peckham. M. D. Utiea, N, "S . i D. V. Foote, M . C, Syracuse, N. V. i M. II MiiU M. D . Rochester, N. V. L. D. Fleming, M. D.,Canandait'un, N. Y . W . VV. Reese, M. D., L'ity of N. Y. VV. Prescott, M.D, Concord, N. H. J. P. Newland, M. D.. Utica, N Y. Pamphlets can bu had crari at th More of 1 ff- 1 1.' r 1, B. & J. A. EVANS. Drusisls Wholesale and Retail Agents. Wilmington, N. C. most of the leading Druggists in the And State I Letter addressed to Messrs Pearh f- Tiroirnson, j Agents at Scvberry C. H., S. C, by Iteo. C. S. 7ieard, of same Stale. j Glenn- SpniKOS, Jan. 3;h, loo3. ! Messrs. Beach & Uhownsom Sins : 1 send for ! another bottle of your " Marchisi's Utaine Cu itholieon" My wife has been nfflictcd for eleven ' years, and a variety of means has been resorted to ! for relief, hut none was obtained until I received ' this medicine from you Ls influence seems al- most mimical : there was a manifest improvement ! from the day it was taken. j As there are a great many females in our country laboring under the affliction for which your inedi ! cine proposes a remedy, I feel It a duly to re-jom-j mend it to oil such. (Signed.) Olovgh S Beard. J. B. MARC HIS I & CO., Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 Broadway N. Y. A uir. 13. 66-3ui. "I am a man. and deem nothing which relates to man foreign to mv feelings." READ ! ! ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD. A Vigorous Life or a Premature Death. KI.KKLI. ON SKL f PllKSEU VA 7V O.Y. ONLY 25 CENTS. 'PHIS Book, jufct pul lished, is filled with useful L information, on the infiimitks and diseases of ihe Generative System. It address-fs itself alike to YOUTH, MANHOOD and OLD AGE. To nil who apprehend or suffer under the dire con sequences of cally or prolonged indiscretions to ail who feel the exhaustive effects of sedentary and beneful habits to all who in adition to declining physical energy, arc the victims of nervous and mental debiliiy. andof moping and inelanchro.y de spondency. Dr. K. would say It 10 A 1 THIS BOOK. The valuable advice and impressive warning it 1 gives, will prevent years ol misery and sullonng, I and save annually Thousands of Lives. Parents by reading it, win learn now to proven-: the destruction of their children. ClrA remittance of 25 cents, enclossd in a letter, addressed to DR. KINK ELIN, PHILADELPHIA, will ensure a book, under envelope, per return of mail. Jj'Dr. K. fifteen years resident Phvsieian. N . VV. Conner of THIRD and UNION Street, between Spbcce yndPiNE, Philadelph 1 a, may be consulted confidt nliallv. He w ho placcshimself under the care of Dr. K. may religiously confide in his hor.or as a senilcman, Hnd confidently tely upon hi.- skill as a physician. fjPcrsons at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter (post-paid,) and he cured a t home. PACKAGES of MEDICINES, DIRECTIONS, rf-c forwatded. by sending a remittance, find put up secure from DAMAGE OR CURIOSITY'. Booksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvass ers, snd all others siwplied with the above wuikat verv low rates June 2. 34-1 y-c. HERRINGS. 70 el 1 . Halifix Pickled Herring, just re ceived, and for sale by July 26. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. NOTICE. AT7E, the undersigned, have tills day formed a V Co-partnership under the style and firm of McCO.VNELL it lOWMsllll), for the purpose of furnishing WOOD-GAS LIGHT throughout the United States of America, by virtue of n Patent granted to Dr. Wm. P. McConnell, for the purpose of generating Gas, and the production of Tar, Coal &c. WM. P. McCONNKLL W M . L. S . TO W N S i 1 END. May 26. 1S53. 35-tf JUST RECEIVED FROM PHILAD'A I CASE Sulph. Quinine, 50 ozs. Calomel, I 10 ozs. Sulph. and Acetate Morphine, 25 ozs. Cinehonia, 5 ozs. -S'alarlne, 25 ozs. Blue Mac, 10 ozs. Chloroform, 19 bbls. Epsom Salts, and a choice collection o Chemicals from the Labratories of Poms & Weigfit man'and Chas. Ellis. For sale cheap at C. & D. DuPllE'S, Drug and Chemical Store, Market st. Jime9. 37 PROF. PINNEY'S FRENCH BOOKS, INCLUDING 1st Book in French, Practical Grammar, Reader; all on the Allendoff System, with various improvements, received and for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. August 19. AT COST. THEballance of my stock of Missesand Infants Hats, I will sell at cost, to close them out. July 26. C. MYERS. N. C. BACON. C. HAMS, for sale by 1005 July 23. W. C HOWARD. FRESH ARRIVALS. SMOKED Beef and Tongues, Butter and Cheese Soda, Cream and Sugar Crackers, at L. N. BARLOW'S, Aug 16. No. 3, Granite Row. WHISKEY. I AABBLS Cincinnati Rectified, Powell and -L VJU Dexter brands, for sale by Aug. 13. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. NOW LANDING From Schr. R. W. Broicn., L. P. Smith and Ara minla. BOXES No. 1 and pale Soap, JJ 12 half boxes do. do. 20 boxes Raisins ; 26 do. Adamantine Candles ; 20 do. Stewart's refined Candies; 15 bbls. Crashed and Coffee Sugars ; 20 do. Cider Vinegar very superior ; 25 do. Mess Pork; 25 do. Double Rectified Whiskey ; 30 do. Eastern Pickled Herrings, and for sale by ZENO H. GREEN E. Ang. 1. N. C.T. copy. 65. TOBACCO AND CIGARS . P all qualities, for sale low, by J Is. N. BARLOW, Ang. 16. No. 3. Granite Row. LARD. fycKEQS, a superior article, for sale by I O July 2G. FREEMAN HOUSTON. Vr" " MKDICA1,AND . : U RCHIML INSTITUTE,- A'o, IC, XOUTil 111 11 1) mi I CK&Ttt JZE T ' - UAUIMOBK, MARYLAND. DRSmth Itaa fur many years devoted bis hole ' attention to ihe Meauovnl of Private Coanplaitit, in ail their vttried and complicated forms. ' His gnat success in ihoc longstanding and difficult care, each as were fo. mcly considered incurable, is iui-ciei-.t to coiiiruand him to the puUie as worthy ol the extuaive patronage he has received. Within , ' the liMt eight years. Dr. H baa treated more Ihsa 29,500casfs of Private Comptaintr, in their diCai- . cm f..rms and stages; a practica which no doubt exceeds that of all other physicians now arfvenis. . iogin Baltimore, and not a ingle ease is-kaown . wiuve his ilireciiona were ' Strictly followed, tird medicineitaken at reasonable time, trithout effect ing a radical and permanent cure; therefore, per sons aiHiclod with disease of theabovenature, "m matter how difbcult or long standing the case may -, be," would do well t call 00 Dr. Sui it h, at bis ef ' fice, No. 16, South Frederick St., and If not etTee tually relieved no remuneration will be required foT his services. Hi medicines are free from Mercury : and all mineral poisons ; put apin a neat aedcom paci fonn, and may be taken in a public or private home, or while 1 lavelJing, without exposure or hitfr d ranee from business, and' except In .eases of vio lent inrlanmtion, no change of diet is necessary . . J STRICTURES. Dr. 3' nihil has discovered a new ineihod by which he can cure the: worst form M .,' strict ore and that witnout pain or iaconvchfence io; the patient. Irritation of the urclbo, r prostrate gland, or neck of the bladder, is sometime mistaken : lor strictures by general piactiiioarrs or charlatans. ' YOUNG MEN : , - , and olhers afflicted with Seminal Debility, whetT"- " er originating from a Certain Deetructit Habit, ot' from any other cause, with train of bodily arte! mental evils which follow, when neglected, ahoahl make an early application, lliereoy avoiding mnch . : r jiibie an J sunetma, as wen as pense. jiy his mproved method of treatment. Dr. S. can safety I guarantee a speedy and perfect cure in all cas.sof this cooiiiluint. TO FEMALES. v r - All diseases peculiar to Females (ns also Sup pressions. Irregularities. &c.) speedily and efTccw ' ally removed. The 1 flicacy of his remedies, for the cure of the above affections, have been well tes ted in an extensive practice for the lost twelve" years. ' - .' - ' - - Petsons at a distance may consult Df; S. by a Ictter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded to any part of the United States, always accompanied-with full and : explicit directions for use. Communications con- sidered strictly confidential. Office arranged with separate apartments, so that patients never see tny ' one but the doctor himself. Attendance daily, from S in the morning till 9 at night. ... w N. B Persons afflicted with any of the above t complaints, will do well to avoid the various , , . XOSTHUMS AND SPECIFICS, V advertised by A pothecarics and Druggists as a cer tain cure for any and every disease. They sre put , up to sell, but not to cure, and frequently do much more harm than good thcrefote avoid them. ; A word to the wise U sufficient. Address DR J.B. SMITH 16 South Frederick st.,-'. BstWrroTc, Brdv Sept. 7. : 75-ly- " $500 CHALLENGE. YX'HATEVER concerns the health and hsppl- ! W ness ol" a people is at all times of the pion i valuable importance. I take it for giantcd that every person will do all in iheir power, to save tlra lives of their children, and that every person will; endeaver tj promote iheir own health at all tacrl- fiees. 1 feel it my duty to solemnly assure yea that WORMS, according to the opinion of iho . most celebrated Physicians, are the primarycoust . ot a large majority of dhiuut-s to which children and adults are liable ; if you have an appetite eon- -tinually changeable from one kind of lood . to aav other, Bad Breath, Pain in the Stomach, Picking1 at the Nose, Hardness or.d Fullness of th Bslly-j Dry Cough, Slow Fever, Pulse Irregular r.- ' member that all these denote WORMS, and you should at once apply live ri mtdv: - - ' . : . HOHEXSAC1CS LIVER PILLS. No part of the system is more liable, to disease than the LIVER, it serving as a filtertr to purify the blood, or giving 1 he proper secretion tha bile; so that any wrong action -of the Liver affects tho other important ports of the system, sod-results variously, in Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Djprp , sia, &c. W should, therefore, wiiii.li evry sywfp tout that mifcht indicate a wrong action of the Llv er. These Pills bcintf competed of " ROOTS &f r. PLANTS fumii-hed by nature ta heal the -sUks Namely, 1st, An. EXPECTORANT,- which aug. ; mcnts the secretion from the Pulmonary - iuucun membrane or promotes the discharge of sec! cud muitir. 2nd. An Al. 1 KKA I J V E. winch charges , in sonic inexplicable ami insensible manner tha -certain morbid acton of the systt nt. 3rd. A TON IC which uiyes lone and strength to rite "ncrvcua . ' svstem, renewing health and vigor to all parts ol the body. 4th, A CATHARTIC, which acts In . perfect harmony vv ith the other Ingredients, 'and operating on the Bowels, and expelling the whole -mass of corrupt and vitiated matter, and purilyVng V, the blood, which destroys disease- and icstores health. '.. - - j t ... . II OB EN SACK'S WORM SYRUP. V ' ' An article founded upon Scientific Principle-1, compounded with purely vegetable aubslances.. be ing perfectly safe whi n taken, and can be given to " the most tender I nlant with decided beneficial effect.- where lioveell Complaint and Diarrhaa have made them weak and di bihtated the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrii)) are such, thai It stands witbOHlaA equal in the catalogue of medicines, in giving tcno nnd strength to the Stomach; whit h mokes il m Infallible remedy for those afflicted with Dyrpejtio , the astonishing cure performed by this Syiup after ' ' Physicians have fulled, is the best evitkneo of lis superior efficacy overall others. , V TIIE TAPE Won Ml This isthe mostditficult Worm to destroy of all that infests the human system, it grows la an al- . most Indefinite length becoming so coiled and fast, ened in the In refines and Slomsch affecting the . health so sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance, Fits 1 &c, that those lfllicted seldom if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an early grave. .. In order to destroy this Worm, a very cnergetto treatment must bo pursued, it would therefore bd proper to take 6 10 8 of my Liver Pills so as to re move all obstructions that the Worm Syrup' may ; , act direct upon the Worm, which must be taken in doses of 2 Tableepoonfulls 3 times a day; these di- .-' rections followed have never been known to fail in :. curing the most obstinate case of- Tape Worm. TO FEMALES. w'f; T You will End these Pills an invaluable medicln in tunny complaints to which you are subject. In '; obstructions either total or partial, they have been ., found of inestimable benefit, restoring their func -1 ional at rongenients toa healthy action, purifying the blood and other fluids so effectually to pat to flight all complaints which may arise from female irregularities, as headache, giddiness, dimness of -sight, pain in the side back, dtc. '. " ' '" . None genuine unless signed J.N. Hobcnsacki' all others beintr baee Imitation. , ; ; - fAgents wishing new supplies, and Store . Keepers desirous of becoming Agents must address the Proprietor, J. N. HoberHtack, Philadelphia, Pa For sale by C. DuPREand WM. H. LlPPPlTT, . Wilmington, and by every Merchant snd Druggist in the County and Stale. Price each 25 cents. july 28. 12nt :p..H.r- - 40 BBLs7aSS0RTED SUGARS-- TrERY FINE -for sale by V June 16. C. DcPEE A CO. - . 40. TOOL CHESTS, ir T7URNISHED complete for gentlemen and boys, ljus, received at the Hardwao , GRAIN CRADLES f 4 A First rate article ready for use. Por 'sale at the Hardware Stojeof , ' ; ' 'w " June 21. - ROBINSON. COFFEE. Ct BAGS Rio, Cnba and Java, in store, and for JJ sale cheap, or ZENO B.GBEENB, June 19. N, C. T. copy. GENTLEMEN'S WEAH. TUST Received new style Vestnrg", I r dfTf J Broad Cloths, Cashmeres, Cashrt, -( -and faB i tnen Plaids, expressly selected for tl.ismtrket fKcheap.oV KAHNWE1LEH&ERO.; April 23. .16.- CONNECTICUT RIVEC. : rcn 1 article of COKECTlCCT SHAD, ii j. half bbla. or retail if yea want "something .t rood, try them. Also Pickled Salmon and No. 1,' Macaerei, bi Julylo. GEO. MYERS', r Front Sireer. torn I I t u : i -V