s .- .. '. . -f.r.V : J AALJb Li Jdr- :; 3b ses;- a?"., PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY ITC-HAS LORING? WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 17. 1853: V;o1':8:N0i 79'r iVrrHOEE'NGK 11S9: P'B'ii PBOSPEQTS ' r 'The, aparalfel4:d"8nccei which lias atten- Jed.tUe estrneiion of Copper ore from the J v. Hiwaaeeaa.f eevral other aiin siiuaied on clocktowicreejt PoliC Co.;tTeuneee, ha very naturally (riven rie to great eicitemwul iwHmonjf the laiufowners irrthe adjoiiinjf eoun jAjies of State, well a those of Georgia ; r:uiicKUi me present itiuc me vujiti ton ,n prevailing m unerokee, iviacoi, jacKsou f'itfiud Hnywrooil cornities to ait -:extent which J'.oblil:l'3darAiiig.-Tif;ihe 'epWemuj were a lobeJiVe trlKrie8 of the aforesaid hficijvyiatuable:! r8. ha, although tfte. noi'ohni'M. 'been d.5btel-tY the less ' f'ftiiftii j er'fz'wha woulA Hot be enoviti- vfe?a bvn-irilvXire.IriiT ii "Docket foil ofrock.'" lo those Tannd at ltcktriwrt oo the exit I'a&t ; '-. aid iw , r Lecauae oo deitifi(iUAeir:lt veiVMtt'-g5-?&eJ the country until a. few. weeks since, -. --'" wtten Mr. Wm- L. Faber. a. roir.eralorist of' ? f - -ciiiderable repuHlion. and a Alituiiif ; eebjprofesston' undertook to mvesujraie V;' ;.',vorae of the pr Aspects. Threo"fife'Atf ibisr w learn that the in Sr'dicatloo for-opper are-rreji rftore promiNrg .ii''Jrrthes.ctrntrti? than in the jjiastern por 5bnr ofhe JiHtef that ricfjer ores, and. much f.", wore extcjistVe veins are. to he found, while "0he'fa'cjKic"tl smelling the I we;b the pot are inga I a rty fa vorab I e. f ;; 'it'T-S e V pra I yei n; w liich T allhuugh differing v-':ia chiniqter Jlroni those at Ducktown. are ofii Hch and Tally as -thick as the latter. raii tbrpo" the above named counties, and .:- VL-ave been traced for thirty, sixtj', and even .Clfaare'ilet'f.'and it is certain that in .v aoina oar Is ther contain riches which wi 1 Sreali2e immeiw" fortunes 10 the owners, if S Hh'c prbperfeourse is pursued to obtain them ; f -hat. sur.h prospects, -it must b undersiood. f arerfew and far'boiween." Mr. Faber be J3l:jftre thajfprhaps 10 per cent, ol the nu teroaslocaliiies already discovered will re jnaheraiejhe' pefona who may open mine J?on'thera j and that one per cent, will be of ,TJbe.lucrative kind just mentioned. J:Sfj"V3Beide the praspects for copper, there arc - -y;'i;dirBtions of lend and silver, tin, cobalt, and chrome ; not to mention iron ores, mang iuese fyajad ;jold which have long been known to .'?Vf?.CXist;iii''the coantry. A lead mine, unless . J abounding-in nvtru silver than could b; ex '&cpect&ii.aai be aV.jvbfitable basiness in .:tUe parts for some years to come ; but co . f jbalt and chrome are not to be passed unno 'liced ; and jespeclally a tin mine wotold be a ftperl&ln firtuno In the i owner, m tin ha vine; :. ever been IbUTid. in any quantity on this hcra- We-knaw riotwhat the future m ay hrtng ; .blit if Mr. Fiber's very mOilecate esiimate CrijtbouW be realised, the western part of North lCarofihaia destined to he the richest miiifnir vdwlrict i the Uniied States ; and we eineere i 1": My hope that mtr citizens will proceed with -l 't'ntrgy j.o deVflope their propeels; and thai 0: ;:.if possible "ifZAouf the aid of speculators. : jwho are art to do the greatest injury to the icounlry: vhUe they fill their own pockets. Jtiy'We woatd auet to all persons intending vto"testihir proant-ets bv sinkio shafts fir drfvinjf tanneja, the good policy of eonsultiog i lSo. :carapatehl person, as to how and where to! c heifin; Ihetr ojWir.Uins ; h. hy so doini; they - raay save much tim'j anJ unnecessary ex- -'-Sfuce writing the above we have sen our Aiend'R j. Smith. Esq.. who has just re tkuraed from' Yancey, and he inform us that cppe?-,'.fifVer'' in Yancey. Watauga. xS;?and, Ashe counties, is of a more malignant i:T?4fypfthanlhe yeW fever iii New Orlems. i'Wtnd.on the increase ! He inlorm us that a A :vein- (?J h;ia been discove red in the vicinity K.ff.Burnsviire so he has been informed. ROAD A'CCIDEXT. Sept. 11. The jury who - luvesttiraied the recent accident on the Oim- K eaand Ainboy railroad attribuieit to tle WJtsignjpn the part of some person recently dis ji'ehargetl 'front the service of the company. j.:t-'.The company oner a rewnrti of 10 000 lor v.r,t ite arrest and conviction o: the tiuthor tl ihe ;;?Otrage.TCo5iMtable8 .have gone to Morris CJ town f arrest the parties supposed to bu im rliented in Ihe outrage . Facte anont Camphine, Fluids, etc. ; jrir."EviMertam,' ;Of Brooklyn, has taken p. the,4roubIeto keep a record of deaths, inju ; rie, &e, .reported in the New Yoric papers 5?;ld have been cause by the use of camphine, l: borning fluid, rosin oil, and eirnilar prepara- ; tinna,' durino; the year ending August 3lst. 1853; Prom this Vrecortl we learn that 10 peraone-" were biirned to death by camphine, vfAe.ii New? York, 4 in Brooklyn, and 5 in ;therlaee8 while by the oame cause 14 were' badly injured in New York. 9 in Brook . 4yn,' and.5 in other .'places. Several of the vrperson,; reported injured, were so severely ; burned that it is probable they died. In sev ; rat case! honsee were aet on fire by the ex- ; r 'pIo3j6n,jf MriMenatft proposes to collect all '.'- the records within his reach, bearing on this tnatler.-with the view wi aubmitunjr them to j! vHhe? next Legislature. -The use of these cx- ploaire,? fluid la as dangerous as the use ol .- gu.i powder.', and ought to be regulated by . :;.ila Sf ' Tfc .-.- ' "-r,v;i1CRIMj3 IN MEXICO. Vi Tbe New Orleans Bee says that the Mex rrVcaa bewepapera .. ' absolutely teem with ac 1 ,'tonnts of the murders and robberie commit 'r.ted . by;lbe": Indians in Coahuila. Durango. " '.&nt other Statcs.HThese barbarians assas einate all .the' nj en they can find unarmed, :.; ateai the eaitle, and "earry off the women and ""cbildrcif.'In aorae instances Ahey have beat---.;' ;n the. troop 'senf .against them, while in iJ others they have been worsted, and forced to deliver up their captives and plunder." y-:Ct'nlAtltr. the president. ;'VTli letter wbich Gen. Cass is reported to-r;-- have, written to President, Pierce is said to be ;' tnoat cordial iHe assure,: him of his high rpersocal and tpoliticat regard, and declares --- no President ever bad to many difficulties to encounter ; that "his coorae has been wise. ' juln ions and patriotic; And that the writer 'j will accept no position under thegovernmcrit. -"but as Senator the President curt rely upon i his eartiest nod hearty support of ihe ndmin- i-itr.Ation. Secretary McClelland received a - letter of like tmporuj' . - 7. MOCKING . AND. CANARY IllD CAGESVfbr asle.t' - . v. - - B i -V WILKINSON dt SLFR,1 BUSINESS CARDS. C. Sl D. DuPRE. W H OLE 8A1E AN METAL DEALERtJ IN Orugs, Alcctlciues. Chemicals, lutucs, Oil, Wye Stuns, Class, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, fanry Articles, &c, JlAttKkT STttKKT, WILMINGTOS, N. C. PrescriptiotiecarcfuHyoinpounded by experi enced uersoos March S, 1853. S. B. & J. A. EVANS, WHOLESALE d- RETAIL DRUGGISTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will keep always on hand Int-aod very screci stock of Drugs, Medicines, ( hrdcal, Psint Oils, (ilass, Surgical Instruments, Potent Medicines, perfumery, tc , at low prices. Jai 18. lt)53. . 130 CQCIIRAN & RUSSELL. y;ixssaiis:jB Taos, imm wit ) General Commission Merchants, Xo. 31, AW . Wharves, and e3 Jforlh Wale r St s PHII.AUJiLPllIA. f. I1ABVEY COCHBAN, W. S. BCiSILL. Liberal cash advances July rjtb, 1S53. mad' n consignments. 58 tf. GEO. il. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nextdooi to A. A. Wannet's.on North vValcrst wiliattend to the sale ol" allkinds of Country Pro, duce, such as Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacoo. I.ard.ic. ind wa.lfcewi cO-rivati1ly o-n -hand a 'fiill aupjily of Grocci ies .'c. References . WillctHall.of Wayne, John McHae, Wilmington W Caraway. Gen. Alx.. MeRae. " R. P. Hall, Wilmington , W7iley A. WalKei , " Dee. 13, iS52. tt5-l v- miTTictLn COMMISSION Al JiliOHAN T , WILMINGTON, N. C. RtKI tl TO E. P. Hall.Ksq Pres't Br;mth Slate 1 I banU, Thos.ll. Wrishi, K., Proa' i Bank Wilming ton, N. C. U8-lf (jape r ear, O.G. Parsley, Esq. cinl Bank. Dec. ID. 1S52 I I Prcs'i Commcr- I AVILLIAM If, PEA HE, COLLECTOli JSD ADVtKllM.-l. HI M Vvr Country Xewspajiei s tin et.gI.Lt t h c United Slates, Basement of Sun Iron Bu Idings, Buhimorc street All business t rlrusttd to his care transacted promptly, or libera: tcims. sent 7 95-f J. D. L0Vfc MANUFACTURER AXU HEALER IX CABINET FUKMIIRE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MA'ITKESSES, t&c. &c. Ki oitt street, Mouth ot Market, BltOW.t's Bl'ILDlNG, WttHINGTUN, N. C. S e pt. lo. 1852. 79-y-c GEO. 0. VAN AMKINtJE, UROKEIt, AND M KKCAXTILli AG I2NT, WILMINGTON. N. C. PARTICULAR attention p:tid to the purchase or sateof all diseriplions n' Mcrchtindise utid I'ro .luce, and on which one per c'eVit coDimisbion will be charge.). Any btis-iness ini ruted to him will re ceive prompt and personal attention. Hi desk for i he present is in the office of Al r. Wni. A. Gwycr. Kepcresces : Messrs. Ellis, Uusnell di Co., 5 Attains Uro. &fo., Wilmington . " J. R Blossom, Esq. ) Aitnt 14. 1952. b5.-c 0. C. niEEMAS. CEOKGE llOfSTON. lltiCtiMAX & IItl T)?, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS,. WILMINGTON, It. C. I. C. FRKEMAV & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1T5 1'HOJiT SsTltliliT, NEW VORK. FREEMAN A.D HlHSTUN, WILMINGTON, N. C KEKP constantly on hand a stock ol Flour. Com, Pvrk, Bacon. Salt, Co fee, Sagar, Mo lasses, Tdbaccv, Cigar. Snltjf, Canities, Svaj, For eign and Domestic Liquors and Wines; Iron. Sails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Asricullural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable fur ItttiiiH and plan tation use and irvt retail trade, which thty will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Siores or other produce. TIip senior partner D. C. FSsirtAjr, is located in the city Vf New York ; the junior partner, Geo. Hodston, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on consignments lo and from either place. All business entrusted to them will receive proper atteniion; and orders lor Goods will be promptly and carefully filled. Sept. 9, 1852. "6-f. H. DOLLNER- O. POTT L R jr. D0LLNER & POTTER. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK : Liberal Cash Advances made on all Consignments. April 30, 1853. 20-ly-pd. I. WESSCL. H. B. EILER8. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water Street, Wil mington. N. C. intend to keep at the above stands general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wnoieswe ana to carry on a GencralConiniission Business. iirtacNcc : E. P. Hall. Pres't Brch Bank ofths Slate. J O. G. Parsley, Pres'l Commercial Bank. Wi! P. K . Dickinson , Esq . J Poppa A Co ) N Vofk Dollner t Potter. ) Jan. 20 18N3 131. WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH DEALERS IN Confectionary, Fruit. Nuts, Toys', Fancy-Articles. lerlHraery, Tobacco, --esars, kc., WHOLESALE AND R E l AIL, MARKET STREXT. WILMINGTON K.C. Nov. 30. 1852. vt0-tl N. T. flARRISS, AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C. Raraas to Dr. JohH D. Bellamt, John . Tatlob. Fsq., Geogoc Haksiss, Eeq. April 16. I53 14-1y. C. DuPRE & CO. WlfOT.ESAJ-E AND llETAIt, GROCERS Corner Fro" "d Ti-i'ees-8ireet, WILMINGTON, N. C. C- DUPRE. D. B. BAKER. H WAND OATS. H BLKS PrirnaKatern Hav? 200b"sh I" ? ets 0-a. iust reelvn" ner Brly ' At er Adams, i Far sale by ADAMS, BRO. & CO. BUSINESS CARDS. DENTIL NOTICE. DR. W. M.SHEKRWOOD. formerly of Duplin, and practical Demist for the last 7 jears, inlomis his friends and the public generally, thai he has located ioWil mington.on Front street, corner of Orange, where he is prepared to attend to all calls In the Uneol bis profession. Kooms expressly for the reception of Ladies He is inaucea to nope mat the liberal patronage formerly extended lo him may be con tinued by the citizens of Wilmiogton and vicinity. Oci. 2. ly-c. A. II. VANBOKKELEN. General Agtnt, Commhsioa and 1 otwardiiij fceitbuut, WILMINGTON, JT. C. Partiealar attention g)cn to sale and purchase of Naval Stores. Jnae I, 1353. 123-ly. JOSEPH li. FLANNERr General Commission Merciiant, WILiMIXOTOS, X. C. Mae 9th. 1353. S7-ly-c. HENBY NUW, FACTOR AD FORWAKDIMi AG EST, Will gice his personal attention to business entrust ed to hi care. Sept. 8, 1S33. 75-tf. ROUNTRIE, WATSCN & CO," Genera) Commission Merchants, 7S iouth St , Xew Vorli. Liberal Advances Made on Consignments, t. V . ROCNTREE, B. C WATSON, W. H. WIGGINS. August i5, ih53. 69-ly. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, and forwarding Merchant Grneral fommission Prompt personal attention given to Consign ments tor sale or shipment. Liberal Cash adtances made on Consia-nments to me or to mi Areu Yi.rtc friend. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1833. 135. T. C. WORTH, SSIfl.M WD "flilWiRDl.Su MERCHANT, tVILMIXCTOX, X. C. 17, 1S3J. 143-ly. COM HI Feb. WILLI AM A. GWYEi, General Igeui.ForwarJiiiga, fommisMon .Merchant I take pleasure in informing ray friend?, iliat 1 am prepared lo give n?l he'ness entrusted to me efficieni and personal aneniion. I have a' vvliai I lor (Naval Stores, with ample accommodation.?, Spirit House, and W arehouse. Conpiunrnents of Naval Stores for sa?e or shipment ; snd all kinds of coun try produce solicited. Cash advances made on cons-ijnmonis. April 18, 1353. 15. GEORGrTMYERS, Wa.UES.UB AND KbT.UL UKiiCER Keeps constantly on hand, H'ine. Teas. Liquors, Provisions, Wood and WUtotc Ware, Fruit, Confectionarie, tf-c. South Front street, WILM1GTHN, N. -Ji. Nov. iS, 1652. 109. S. B. & J. A. EVANS, WHOLEXlLB AD IIKTilt DUPLGISTS, lliMIGTOV, M. C. Will Keep always on hand t large and very select stuck of Drue-, MfJicines, .hcmieuis, I'air.is Oilr, Glass, ur'ital Inst nonenis, P.itent Medt- ciB.cs, IVrfmiiery, &.C., al lov f.iict?. Jnn 1?, 1853. 130. J. S BANKS'. Crtl.l!SMON IND FHUWAKDl.Mi M! UCiiAXT, VILllG10N, N. C. June 22. 4'.-12m-c. J. IIATUAUAY & SOX, COMMISSION MERCIIAN 1 S, WILMINGTON. N. C. . Hathaway, J. L. Hathaway. Feb. 15, 1833. 31. J AS. R. CHADBOURN & CO, Geueral Conimisslun Mcrcbaiits. WILMINGTON. N. C. Jas. H. Chadboubn. Geo. CMaobjcbn. Jun. I, 1353. 123 RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATE ELLIS. RCSSELL Co ,) JENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on enignments ol Naval M ire, Cotlo i, and oihcr produce. May 3, 1353. GEO. HARRISS, General Couimissiou Mcrchau(, wtiiMisarox, n. c. OTR1CT attention given to procuring Freight O nd purchasing Cargoes for vessels. KeFEj TO E. P. Hall, Esq. 1 V- AG -Ur.SleyL-Fifq !Wilmington. i. A. I aylor, K-q. j " J. D. Bellamy, Esq. J Messrs. Tooker, Smyth & Co., 1 - vl. Y 'ork. 1 OOllipsoil uc liumri, , Alex'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs. Williams at Butler, H. F. Baker. Esq. Charleston, S. C. Jan. 2, 1853. 121 tf. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON N. C. w ILL sell or buy Real Estate an id N cgroes at a small commission ion. ALSO Strict attention ?iven to the sale of Timber, Tur penttne, Tar, or any kind of Couniry Produce. Office second door, South side of Market street, on the wharf. June 12, 1953. 33 ly. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS and Fire Screens; Cornifee, Bands, Gimps, Cords and Tassels; D'Laincs, Dam asks, Turkey lied Cslico and White Muslin l.'ur lains at all prices ; Piano and Ta'dc Covers; Oil Cloths for floors and tables; Mattings of nil widths Red and White, 4, 5 and 6 4 wide. For sale cheap by KAHNW FILER BRO. June 3 1. " 46 FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. BBLS. Superfine Fayettevi'le Flour, just re- (v 'cetvea anu in store. For sale by July 16. W. C. HOWARD. SUMMER HATSA FEW LEFT YET. MV Stock is still complete of Drab Beavers and Casstmercs, Soft Low Ctowns and fashionable shapes; a ereat variety of Felt Hats r every shape ; also Straw Hat of every style tnd description and st II receiving. Gentlimen i e bot to call lo be Gtted and suited at ihe Em tio lum. Granite Row. July 26. - C. MYERS, Proprietor. GUNNY BAGS. CC(f 2 bushel Bajs. new and second band, for sale by A nr. 13 FREEMAN & HOrSTONV EXCELS0ROR UBOUR, . rAVJNQSpapTor saliva le VruYi Denot.-hr July t. , - s VIL8:iN"SdN 4 KsLEKv LWn l LIME 1 1 LIMB !! nf) I BL; Liacolnville White Lump; also UJJ calcined Piaster, Plastering Hair, aud Kire Brick, Hydfuulic Cement, 1,000 bbls. time&c, for sale by J. C. 1,IJ. WOUD, AMly a lSj2..-. Cont rat tors and Buikirs. PURKl 2DICAL WINES & LIQUORS DARK, :id Pale French Brandy 5 Port, Madei r4 and cherry Jnes, all of superior quality. . i. B. 4 J, A. EVAi&'. '-: ,129 Jan 15. N0TICE. 5 'criber.respectlully informs ihe public, is aowtraniscting the Anetiou business account, and hp s by strict ut'.ention to ' merit a continuance of t oat patronage oliberIiy bestowed upon him. il. OttONLY. i! Estate and Negroes, bought and sold .esion. of 1 per cent either at private or j,T- - 12s. ryBffsu ' 1 -titait on htsowi business, : heretofore Stock, I on eoii) public s- Jao8, - rr ?V NOTICE. MHOSE persoM wba bavc placed papU in the JLItandsol ine tote James KuireH, act tftg Uin3ra ble, are hereby requested 10 present the official re ceipts now held by theni, and receive their respec tive claims from tits subscriber, who as the execu tor of thclute James Kurch, is desirous of closing the business of ihe estate. JOHN D. BELLAMY", Executor. Feb 15. . l-tf BUTTER. KR vsa e by July 16. P.utter, received per sehr. Adell. For IV. C. HOWARD. 52 FL0UR7 QC BBUS. Canal yioui J& Sueo'a, forale by July 16 CanalFlour, just received per Ann W. C. HOW A 11 1. 52 SPIRITS "TURPENTINE CASKS 07 ll 1 nevv iU1 second hand, on board tchr. A. I WT. Ward, for sale by Juiy 16. K-iKKAI & JOCSTON FiSESU FAtili.Y 1 UST received and now GROChRILS. Ijudin" fiom virions J vessels; Fine fresh Buit'er; tl .Vmith and Houi - ton MoKir. tn bbls., hall bbls. and bags; Fulton Market Beef; Suyar and 'leas; laye anj bunch Raisins; Almonds; Kng:Ish Walnuis; Prunes; Pecan Nuts. A now lm ol iianiisom-j vVater Cool ers ; and Austin's patent Ice Frei zers ; Lenin syrupy N. O. J4o!a.ses and Syrup; bardioes, in third, halt and whole boxes'; Rio, JaVa aril La guira Collec; beside. some boxes of Whtu'. Hom inony ; and every kind of Hud Cac$. C Do PRE & Co., Corner of Princess and Front-sis. July 19. 53. BLANKS. Til E following Blanks are printed and kept con stantly fol sale at the OtBce of The Commercial. COMMERCIAL. Shipping Articles. BilU of Lading. Itates -A Freisht on W. & R. Riiil Road. Do. on Line Uoats. Bills of Kxchange, bound and in sheets. Do. Domestic. .Negotiable iNolcson ibe several Banks. Do. on ull the Banks. Do. Letter Sheet. Cre"fe- Lists. Prices Current. Checks on ull the Banks Charier Party. .Manifests of all kinds. Entries Merchandise. t). Ballast. Kid of sale o; Vessels. MISCELLANEOUS. Warrants, with and with-iBills of Sale. out judg'tfiehl. I Do. of Negroes. Negro Pusses. Honda for Negro Hire. Warrantee Deeds. ; Mortgage Deeds. Bonds for the Delivery or' Property. I C O UR T 13 LA NKS. Vcn. Exponas. Subpoenas County and Ca Hp and Bonr. ! Superior Court. Alias Vend. Ex. Jurors Tickets, Co inty Pi "Fa. and Superior Court. Writs. All kinds of Blank and Job Work, executed to order with neatness and dispatch. LIBOR IS MONEY. T b)A J Excelsiot F.i nily Soap, two-thirds the quantity and half the labor will do the same washing asanv other Soap hard, soft or salt water may he used with success. In whole or half boxes. For sale by S. M. W EST. Feb. 24. 145 SHINGLES, IV ell inscriptions, as ealled for , bv GULLESP1E. lay 24. GEO S. HICK0IJY, DERSIMMON AND WALNUT TIMBER, fur- JT nished to order, by My 24 GEO. S. GILLESPIF. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. 10 idosen Corn Brooms : ti do. barrels Covers ; 4 do. Draw Buckets; 10 nesls Cedar Tubs ; 20 do Measures; 2 dozen Step Ladders, all lengths; 2 do. Cocoa Dippeis; 4 do Whists; 4 do. Dusting Brooms ; 10 do. Painted Buckets j 20 nests Flour Puils; 2 dozen Well Buckets; & nests Painted Tubs; 1 dozen Churns, assorted sizes ; 4 dozen Bung Starts: 4 do- Hearth Brooms 4 do. Scrub do.; & JJatent lee Creem Freezers, new pattern, freeze in 5 minutes ; 2 Chamber Setts, very handsome. For sal 0Wi Dy W. C. HOWARD. June 9. 37- THE SORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, RALEIGH. N C. IHE above Company hosbeen in operatlonsince Ibe let of April, :849, under the direction of the following Officers, vis : Dr. Charles K. Jonhson, President. Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F- Jordan. Secretary, Wm. H. Jones. TKcSUrer, Perrlo Busbee, Attorhey. Dr. Charles K. Jolinson. ) Dr. W m. H. McKee. . Dr. R. B. Havwuud, S Medical Hoard of Consultation. J. Hersman, Ut rerul Ager.t. This Oonipiiby has received a charier giving ad vnulauCs rblliB insured over any other - lompany The 5th Se-tion gives the Htis'bat d the privilege to insure his own iite for ihe sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any elainof the representa ives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members participate in tbe vhoteol the profits which are declared annually. Besides, the applicant for ife, when the annual premium is over30 may pay one' half In a Note. All claim! for insurance against the Coihpahy will oe paid within ninety days after proof of the death of the party is furnished . Slaves are insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to ertire this class of propt-rit v oca:nst the oneiiirity of life. slave insnrance presents a new and ltteresiine feature in jhe history of North Care-lir a. vhtch wilt prove vefv important to ine Soothe l. St.ites. Thel.i foor moniia operation t-f this Ooropariv how a verv large amonnl of hu iness-.mr t..ha". the DtfwcA.0: exo-ctrd to do bf f.;t year-havins ?,T-dv Issued moe than 2"'0 Polirirs Dr. W W. II nwist-"I dt'-nl Extrtniner, and Apnt. Wi njtnptonj N .-C ; .-- -. Al ?5(itBnii.inic;iUonsrtnbtJsineSof the Company shoa'd be stAtresfl i - - ' "" " ; . ; - , - , iSB,..JORDAN.ierv. ' Rlegh.Peb. 12, 1SS3. . . - 141-tf. " TO THE PUBLit; C rPUE Subscritier has leased for a 1cr.11 of year, JL ol R. W. Brown, Esq., his fireproof store, will, his wharves, and ts now in a condition to take es pecial care of Spirits Turpentine and other Aaval Store continued to his care. Tb Watchouge ts welt Known lo be ihe best and safest place lo town for the storage of Bacon, Lard. Corn, Peas, dec. The lower wharves have on them four large new sheds, where Snirlis can be safelv Itent from th fain and sun. lie is prepared to receive and hio. or sell, all kinds of prjduce sent to his care, lie will also make advances when required. He begs to refer t. the following gentlemen.' R, W. Brow n, John Dawson, O.G. Parsley, and Thos. li. w right, fcsqrs. MILES COSTJN. Brown's wharf Wilmington, N. C. Sept.l? 77. TO TRAVELLERS. iwharo receiving a targe sibply of aw L.eainer, iron name, wood lolio anil Ladiet' Trunks ; Caipet Baas. Va- list, liutia Uubber Life Preservers. & c May 31 KAHNW K1LKR & BRO INSTALMENTS FOR WILHlXCTdJI AMI TOPSAIL SOl'AD P. R CO AT a meeting held by the Board of Directors on tho22d ult., the lollowing ordtr was pnsecj; Ordered, Thai an ins ahrient of twenty percent, on the Capital Slock ol" the Wilmington & Topa-1 Sound Plan Road Company, be paid on the flrl day of Match next; and that an instalment of ten per cent, be faynM; severally on the firM day ol April, yi ay. June, July, AtigtiFt, tsrptenibcr and October liiercalt r ; and tl.e last inrtslincnt of eight per cent, on the tirst day of November following And it is ordered further, That Intereet be char ged iu all eases ol deferred payment. NICHOLAS N. NIXON", President. Feb. 1. 136 DISCOUNT NOTES. HLANK .N'OTKS for discount at the. soveral JJbanksin this place, and a handsome edition I usliirin'tetl o-l nates embracing a 1 1 1 lie bank ,f or sale at lite 'Jtnce ol t rie Commercial . Oct. 26. 89. GLUE. URLS. t by J line 5. s uperior, just received ntid for sale ADAMS liitO. fc Co. PHILADELPHIA C0NFECTI0NABIES 3tc. . JUS r received t su;-;i ior ! t of those for R,lngS Port Wine Drops. Brandy Drops, Cordial Drops Jfi'.iy Rings, Apple Paste. n9:irteJ Gum Drops and Fine Almonds. Also, 30 boxes H ydrauhc Press tyandies; i boxes and half box?s Colgate- No.'''l S ap- For sale by C. DrPtlE tJc Ck, June IS. 41 'f: F0RM0DENTA. STRANGE indeed, that so lew realize hows, es tciitial to .emuie beauty, and manly elegance, area tine set of pilUhed teeth ; nothing contribu tes more toward it ; nothing detracts more essen liully from it, than neglected, and consequently diseoloied and du figtiring leclli. They are OS es sential to healih us to beauty, for it is impossible to inhale through decayed or unclean toeihr with out a flee ting the rungs and eic-much frequently lo a serious extent. In ofl'erinu as u remedy for, this evi' the Formcdcnla, Meters. Hazard f Co.. .are sal is lied thut they lurnish at ot cc tlto most per atotc the i most per- Lblt. eticctualf and with-ftl n lor c eaning Ttnd pol- lectty, sa'c, etcaani agtcca al cheap prepaiation Unnw isliing the teeili, hardening the -Jums, pnrifying and perfuming the breath. In its present improv ed sta: e it has received the tipiirobationofi every one who has used it, and is just what it assumes to be No Lady or Genttcinan should be without it. Having been appointed sole agent for this State. I will make a liberal discount to Merchants or Druggists, ordering by the gross or dozen For sale bv the box, .Address orders to at No 3 Grar.ito Row, THKO. AM BROSK, Frc.nt sJir-ci. WiIinin-not(fcrN.C March " 34;fn c W I L M 1 N G T O N ' MARBLE AND STONE YARD.1 iMlK Subscriberhaving accepted the agcncyoli scverailarge ;stabishmenis at the North, Which j will turnish him an unlimited supply of finished or nniinishek, forciguand domestic MARBLE ef all qualities, is prepated to fill all orders for su FI, : MOXUMBSITS AND TOMB STONESJ and every other article in itve line Of the bcsfaieSs at reasonable rates. " SCULPTURING, LETTERIX'G OR CARVING Executed at- wellaa can he done cither North or South. The best efererlce cart be glveh, if required. JAS.McCI.ARANAN. March 3. J 40-t f. WANT 1 ( (( MO UK TO SELL or LES. ' i i 1 W,WVA -ana .si-aars ol La J usi ii' ine's ilrand, anJ oilier n.ipular brands, will, li urc very fine nt the Fruit Deno-. June 30. WILKINSON & ESLER TOWING BY STEAMER CALHOUN OKDEUN for towingby STEAMER I C4LHOUN, will have attention ill Sleft at the office of GEO. HARRISS. , 10&; i Nov. 16. MORSE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT. r"pHIS is a Purely Vegetable Compound, sr.ientift I cally prepared from the best Roots and Herbs of the Materia Altdicn. and has gained an nnrivall ed reputation for the follouinu effects, vizj PURIFYING THE BLOOD, and thu cttring all H ttmors. Sores, Ulcers, Cutane ous Ei options. Canker, Scald Head, c. iesnlatitg and Cleansing Ine istou.acfi & Bowels. ; thukit cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Cosilveness. Piles, Ac. Strengthening the Digestive Orgaca, thus causing the food to nourish and support every part. R EGC LATINO Ttt E SECItETAtlT ORGANS, nd, by enabling them to perform ihcir properfunc tions. nreveniing andcuring Bilious and olhcrpain itil dtfeasos. sirrngtnrning and Quieting the Xenons System, tliun idaying Nervous Irritation, and curingall dis eases of the Nerves. Ill unrivalled io the cure of all FEMALE DISEASES, as Wo-afencs. 1 rregularity. Obstructions, A c. It is nfeaant to take, and safe in all cases; act ing in harmony with t he restoring powers of nature it never injures but always benefits and cures, as thousand of voluntary certificates from the beat authorities testify. Prepared by C. MORSE 4- CO.. 2 Maiden-Lane, K. Y. Soldby Drnegistsind others thronghout this and otherconntrie. S. B. d J A. EVANS, Agents, Wilmington. N- C. sept. 20. 81-1 y-r FISH. TTJtjf rplved per sehr Eloulce, and for sale l"v ' half bbls No. 1. Mackerel ; 5 quarter bbls Vo. I do ; 10 onc-M'zhih hi Is. No. 1 do.; 2Df 0 lbs 'od Fish. Mackerel and Salmon at let oil, by W. C.s HOWARD. Ji1v in. z '.-?'t -.. -f . 53. FAYETTEYILLE FLOUR. Ij j K'd.S. F'ctffviil8 Flc, r'rfirrd per amer Fanny Lutterlob, for sste low by Jnne 28 GOLDEN - CHOP. 8EFV TEA w thi t-'fi- Pmwi, tr . "OT Any 11." WILKINSON ESLERJ. THE TRIYEEia.V CllILliCLlL Is publishctf eerj ;Tt?ssDAr,rTHcstPA"an4: Satusdat t 35 per annum, payable in teases' in aaraoce. . ... 4U- y'-- 1 :f. j .- ,UV; THOMAS JLO R I N Cf pito and P 0 e ' ' Camcr Frost and Maikfct Streets, 4 .. .6,-1 - ' ...w--. . . R ATES OK ADVKRTIS1XG, tlsemeot exceeds tea lines,-lac nice wi!f be in proportion. -" -"J'V T " . A I! sdvoniscrnenls are Payatle at ' the' ilaic of il-.elr insertion. , f-T: ... , . Contracts with yetfry'varerilmat ri'U" lVinaC cn the most liberal terms'. ' - i V . . No transfer of contraci for" ; yearly i ndvcrilslna will be pcruntied, Should circuaisunces rendt r n change in business, or .an uoexpccied removal necessary, o chjrge according ( t he published terms will be at the ofHion;ox;the coatrattor. for the tuneit has,dvrtlsca' I 'i ke privitesenaf AnauaT" Advertisers ja. tHci1v limired to their otvn ImmcdJate' t-usicsi ood oil advertisements for the benefit f other ptrsons. as well as all advertisements not immediately rn nocted with their to wn byshiess, and jtll exes.of ar!voril.err.cat8ia lenffihot utfaerwisc beymd tho hmiis engaged, will be charged at the os.al rates. Io Aa.-ertisetneut J-imrtdetf lBiB eon, ct" for ihe bile or renfof houses OTi :,na ln ,ttw1 vT country, or ,r the tale or hire of negroes, whet h. er the property U owaed by ho advertiser or by "immediate business j , ,, . . - All advertisements inserted In the trl.weekty Commercial? asa entitled lo one lcscrtloo . to Ui Weekly frecofcbsrge, . ,, -- - JOB, CARD AND FANCY PniNTIltC, fEXECDTED IS SCPKfiltfK STTlfi: . Ai ilval aua lepartupc of the Mail Midst- Hie new An auement, xrlitrh iwent lto operation. 1st Match, 183 2.' - The Mail from the North U do every tiayac A. M and at Si P. M. Closes at I P. Uu4 t 9 r. M. precisely. j The Mail for ihe South closes nt Pl'A M Tha Mail from Onslow Court-Hous.-, Stieeds t crry, &c. Is duo every Monday at 5 P. M. Ctoaca every Thursday at 9 P. M;r The Mail from Long Creek, Elack Rivet Chspel. &e., is due every Thursday al 6 1. M end closes same ni?ht nt 9 P. M. ? The Mail from FayefeviU. Via El-zebethlown and Prospect Hall, via VVIlmlngton and Man chestar Railroad fronr JRobinron's Post f ffice i doc every Tuesday, TTt-nrsdny snd Suimday at i P. si., and closes same dnys .,i f J A. M. The mail from Whi;ei!le, Coiunibiiseoiintvrper Wilmington and Blancliesier Railread is dee at I P. A., and clm-f ot Ef A. Al. eveiy day. ; $j?An extra Package will be made up for Let ters going North of Richmond, Va , uhi-h will fx, kept open until 7 A..'M AU other Lttiets omisi txi In the Office ot the hoars above nurmd. or thty will not bo Mailed until Orsl succeeding Mail. AGENTS FOU THE COMMERCIAI7 A'ctc York -Messrs. BbownA DtRcwtT.' Iloston Fbedebick Ktocra. Philadelphia S. ;. CoaElf. liultimore Wm. H. PiAzaaod Wm. TuowoaT BUTTER. I Xi;ST landed per schr. WEk.-ew Bumr stlsby w c Howi AMgT. ' V tluv', 1 For RD. CI. 4 BACON AND LARD; i.vii ot liacon, mnnJv HntnS; H ..w Li'S..C. Lard. t-'..r .v. i.w ' BDT t a ( lv r J al j- -Jb. FREEMAN &HO"USTO?f. ".' BACON. N. LST received, a lot of superior North Carolina Hums. For salt by J u ly ri ZENO II. BAC0N7 GREEN R.H A ; I.Ol ot very suDcrior N'ortli fnr.,tin t.U' Si ri'flviH inrl f, t,l. I...., i... , - - .UVVO. An. nj I. H. FI.ANNER AT COST. 4: rpHEballance of my stock of Misses and Infanta , , wi" at cost, to close them out.?. - J"'" 2(i- C. MVKUjl. N. C. HAMS, 23. BACON. c. uiy for sale by '.; ' W. C HOWARD." f 40 BBLS. ASSORTED SUGARS - y nrvt f 1A j:-for sale by 1 una 16. DcPRE dt CO". ' 40. : V TOOL CHESTS, n ; I BURNISHED complete for gentlemen and bo vs.' , just received at the Hardware Store. - : j J?"!Lll- J- M- ROBINSON. w ;grain cradles; , ; A JKIrttrate article ready for use. For sale ot i (iionaigivarc oiore Ol - , Ju1- ROBINSON'.' . .7 butter! RECEIVED tl iaday, per Sehr. LA.MARTINE, from New: York, 10 kegs Ex-ra Butu-r. Ai'H.lL . , , C DcPKEACO. BACON. A Lot of 'Very Sorerior North Carolina ' Bacon , just received, and for sale-low, by ? K J. if. FLANNER: Aug. 9 " C-3t- WE HAVE RECEIAED ' ORANGES, Lemons, Candy, Raisins, Nats, Caa tile Soap. Bird Cages, Baskets,. Primes, Sm. King i ooacco, cuiirens' Chairs, Cradles. Wtlkiog Canes, Whips, Matches, and Preserved Ginger. For sale low bv. . ;- Aug. 6. WILKINSON 4s. F.SLER1 WANTED. v: A Situation io the country, by a nictical V.a. " gincer and Machinest, to takecbajge of. S. S. Mill Addi-ers A. D. Box 2S, Wilmington O flics.: August 9. , G2.-3fp. Tt BACC0 TOBACCO. O A T.OX E S good and clu-a p Chewing Tobaeee Ci) Snuff, In barrels and half barrrl. ForsaU by ' ZENO II. N..C. T. copy. GREEN July 29. 7 NOTICE TO ALL..: ;-." ALL pVsonB whose KM are yet cnpa?f ar. hereby notified thai I leav tn-monow (Wed-, nesday) rooming for ifaeNorib and -all accounts mu&l bereltlnf to-day. July 5, 1E53. 6. k2 Ck M VERS, Halter,: . NEW WHEAT FLCUK,: ; , IN lc!c LLIj. trd tit fth Iri trrtlrt4 fr.sl-.t M L -N. BARI.OWS. i Au--'. 16. --- , No. 3, Granite Row T . SAVE TCURRACSTT 4 NDKltoAILK!M'A l-M fc.lt, Srdt i Cash tot litfin at the Ft tit D rot. AW. It -"- - -A- v ' , "64. - . LARDXAND BA(;0N. , 5EB1.S. Ni C Larvl i LCtt H '. Tiefv " - J-'oraale brr'r ;JOS. It. ELQ&SO r July I. 1 sqr. 1 insertion' ?v wit eqr:x moeth.' St V.) t - " i t I - K ii 1-3 -' I -CO fl e o I " I month, 8 0 I?- li 5t,fi l Ten lines or less make a trantuel' 'it tr. "it .- . ' i r- i " i ... -r i'fe s. -