ICET 1CEJMCEI!! Ieo-nsvoicrtce of t. e Increased ;price of ICE 111 ih North,' the subscribers find themselves com-(-: pelted to advance ihe pTiccJierc,- commencing-? on THCRSDY15ili Sspterober. as, follower 100 lbs. and over, U -,'--' -l centper ibj. ,- 5 - - ; -1 - n , . t 4 - and ndVr, v - -r " : i This coarse Is neccaar? to; prevent -toe treat.f; ' lt anJ ih nnhlfe ma v rest satisfied that we will , vVSeglem ber I 5ih-.lS53.' - ' 78 3t- .- TlXECS?oMrotrGoslicri Buiter," Tof sale by 0.'VJ!;iBEiW- & HOUSTON. -. Sent JS'fi-V-ic-i e'- ' .73.- Kept. IS." HERRINGS. now landing, for ' cOUmIc by .freeman k HOUSTON. Sept. 15 73. XJIESS PORK. .- : rf 1 FC RBLS.Citynnd Plated Mess Pork,, just a i. Ml received, and for sale b v ' jSepnt5s;j fREEMAIVf & HOUSTON. I fYHj COXES cw Cheeee.jiist landed, for sale i jHl VfUbr;. FREEMAN A HOUSTON. .:V:Sept..l5V-:vir: 73. "kt fi it " act -m 3 a.iii- MLi . ' : 300 Satfes Liverpool ground Salt, for sa'c bv -r 11 r. r. hi ' or HOUSTON. 73. KAHNWEILER & BROTHER 'ypESPECTFULLY bes leave in nn.ioiit.c; to " 'JL. their' friends and uumerous custuiners iliut ? 7-lher , have received and are constantly nncnin a j splendid assortment of FALL AND WIN I'l-'.R uuuub, and will continue to receive at lnu-rv lhronghout' the seison, u rich and varied stocv , ef all the newest designs nnd pmerns amon;sl I . tvptcB roiy he classed the lollo ing - Rich Plaid audBrocate Silks; Elegant Iilark I O'UmaAy Brocade and Plaid Spun Si'kg, neic slyU ' '-ofSatin do Chains, Cashmeres, Muslin dc Lainc., : una ok ioe mi recent articles oi uadiea oress -"; aroods wtth a magnificent assortment of Em- ' broideries. Glaze. Hosiery and other Eanry Goudc : jaanneu, tttooans. f lowers and feathers arc all oi ; lh latest FttKNUH IMPORTATIONS nndsur- V: -pass fit point of taste and elegance any assortment , i . ever before exhibited in this my. 'CfcOTHSs,- CASSIMEItt: v; V F.STI XCJS. ' i,.A Targe assortment in great vmit-iv ; Kerseys ' and LAnaeys for Scnants ; Ifotnes'.Us, Osnriburgs, j . ' Blue. Stripes and an assortment of nil such -."..VBuaBy-elassed under ! -ii- - MKft'SW KAll. j Z'"---j DOOTS, SHOES. HAT? AND CAP. : 'Aa --'elegant assort mem of Philadelphia mate' 4loea for Ladies. Misses and Children A !so a fine ; iimtimtnt m Boots and Shoei, and f' sfor JtTeit and Boys. . 'Kept. 15. 7 3 V CARPETS AND 0ILCL0JHS. VELTET, Brussels, Three Ply and Ingrain. Fur sate cheap bv rt.vr -. - ' K.UI.NWKH.K1U BftO. SUPERIOR MADE CLOTHING "ivA Splendid usortnicui ef supe. i..i r,. uiicune.l iA:-CjOtbing camprisiog lliu greatest variety iii'.d ? Ltpl titan tr v(r hrnn'o h t I o r h i s rn :i r ! I t . . t i : - fact a red tinder the espeti il direciion nnf carcoi ' v'Mr. t. B. K , during his absence North, this um- tncT. k ; v ;. , ---iv.Tbe attention of Country MercJiants and l'lant respectfully solicited as great inducements w'iW bo offered to buyers of llliolesale bills. . " IC A Brother feel reat security in oilurin their stock to rhe public, as at once unsurpassed in point ot bi yio ana elegance -anu possessing as h aoes, . advantages of Jiaving been purchased previous to ,'ihe rise of goods at the Ninth, the same advantage In price w;ll be given to ihcir friends, as availed of s, ; y themselves. -,The opening of Rich Paris Cloaks and .!anXillust will be made about October 1st. - -r-e.v- - ' KAUNWEILEU 4 BRO. -.' -September I3th, 1853. iiKAflNWEILER & BR(J BEaiEAVS TO, ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR : . -. Tit Exhibition of PARIS G:iDI)S iriu DCiovai me uri ui ociooer, consisung in RICH PARld CLOAKS, MANTILLAS and : ' .' BONNETS, &c, &c. i 1 ne cniiro assorimem oein? oi i-aris .iianuiaciiire 'iil and just received direct, they will comprise all the ' novelties or tlie present season. V Sept. 15.'. ' 73 -: . TEAS. HYSON and Black Teas, fresh Imported, in small packages, for sale by J SP 13- - FREEM A N & HOUSTON. ENGLISH GLUE. '"f'HHDS. Prime English Glue,just received and rl rlat sale of . " ADAUa, UKO. & GO. v.; ,Sept:13. ' f y ' 77 f AYILMINGT0N.FE3IALE SEMINARY. . - - .. . THIS MIS8f! I'lSJfEY BROPOSK to open A FK M ALE S E M I N A R Y Jo. Wirminstton. on MONDAY. 3d OF OOTO- ! "f"5BER tesfin the lot and in the house now occu-: - pled by Mr. Johk isCAnBOBO , on .Market Street. Ji'ttwr tits Marble building, residence of Johs A. ! .-7t.- oa, Esq., and immediately opposite the resi- ' i ler., f Dr. Wj. J. Pbice. One of them has had ; ' Charge pf WOODVILLE SEMINARY, Chticka "iHick,V.i forth last five years ; and the other, a i -V graduate of the "BUCKINGHAM FEMALE i UUbLKlilA 1 6 lia 1 1 1 i i f., nas Dten, since he left the Institute, acting as Principal Assistant yljn th Female School conduct. -d, by the Rev, W'm. i A. Caocxaa. in Isle Of VYt2ht county, Va. Their expe-ienee and auccess heretforo, justi-i i fiea the belief that, tney wm meet -tne reosonaoie . nwtlkllnn f lltnoA - H f aYI fl V tinl mnlVP I 4i scnooi. - , -. . ... I ; tkbms rxa siessioif oftivb months ' First Class 513 I Fourth Class S G 12 I Latin or French 10 10 I Expenses 50 cts. Neeond Class y n'hird Class - DRAWINO AND PAINTING, with nil other vi unyiiva Htuai au g- iicb . uimoo w ' i MUSIC,will be taught. If necessary.a TEACH ER yOP "MUSIC will be engaged. A deduction will be made for absence by sickness, If of more than one' month's da ration. ' Five dollars will be re v onirwit In ha naid Jn advance of each Scholar in v:;ui it,"Jndand na, ana tor tne 4tn classes. For furtner narilcuiara, apply at tne othce ot Or. C. FjsHBvt or Io-Thos. F. Gause, Esq , or at the rVoffic of 6. P. Gacsb, Esq:-y-irJ1V,REPERENCES : p 5 Rev. J. C. BlackwelL President of the Buckinz- ham Female Collegiate Institute ; y - Kob'U U., vvhitneld, and Wm. H, Day.Esqrs., Attorneys at LawSmithfield, Va.j.. ?R1I John Q. WhUfield, Norfblk ; : lie, vy.' A. rocer I sleof Wright county, Va.; Rer. M I.- Lanahorne, President, of the - Vfr- 'ipinia Conference of 4he M. P. Church - ? t. r- Dan'l. H, Hauon, Esq .Naosemond county, Va. r-FOR rent. ; ? fl-:.l'"4 Comfortable dwellings in vicinity of Dry -f ra pond. :. - " 'fjillrlrti Hotise with necessary Ottt houacsiK4th street' near-tne residence wf Wni. Ssuttrw, Km, : " I HuMand Lou nojr the ilnnlist -Church., on Front Street, funneriyoeeopied by AVni.-.Himiing;. ton, Fsu. .' 4 Houses near tb. Rail "TLo id on 5th Street f from tat October ext. for one year. For terms apply to ; GEO. HARRISS. . Sept. 15.' V " 73. Herald eopv till 1st- Oct. FOR RENT. THE largest part of tlio House now occu pied by Mrs. K. P. McuAKr. t'ossession .given first October, f "or particulars Inquire on the premise!'. Sept. !3. 7-tf VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE por SALE. THE Subscriber offors for tale that most desirable DWELLING AND PRKM1S- tS, situate at the Jorth-Western intersec tion of Third street with Rid Cro.s strret, the Lot fronting 100 feet on Red C ross, and 200 feet on Third. The Dwelling House, Kitchen. Stiioke-Iioti6r, Stables, and all the other oui-houtcs on the pre mised, have been built wiihin a lew years, of tlioicfi materials, in the best manner, and nearly I nil of them covered with tin. The Dwelling . House is capacious, handsomely finished, and utobt eonveniuntly planned, and all theother build- ings are judiciously arranged, and well fitted up. There ure few Lots in Wilmington so desirably located, and the improvements on which are so i admirably adapted for a family residence. Third j street on the entire Kastern Una ot this lot", is 99 feel wide, and sepuralcs it from tliut on which a . new Episcopal Church is bout to be erected, j Persons desiring to purchase, con n'-rrrtain j terms of s tie by application to the subscriber, r N. i. NX"K, l.tq., r M. t'sosLy, nr.d the stth ! scriber wi li elier-n ti My iiccoinpntiy uny tuch who 1 wish to inspect the nremises. j II. Pv. NIXON, j Sept. 8, If 53 73jJ- FOR SALE. Till", limine nnd Lot on .S. rnnd .t reef, Nunn ;ind l.'htireh irictn. Appiy C. & D. Del1 KK. :-tf. FOR RENT. "O l!iick DwellinL'. Second -iiii !:ir I iri ni i(-eiipit i tiy Mr-, W.m. II. l'"or particulars nppiv tu R. G. 'RAN KIN. L I PPITT. September 3, 1 153. HOISFS FOR SALE 7 J l f . Mini. till i U k ;t X sum nil i Ulli-bllilillP. oy S. p. I'j l)f Ma ik el : l)r salt1 ih. i. splenitis Dwcllin" 1 i. Market Str; i. with all n- c jsaltai-htd "Tid at piiM nl oic upiid lev. Kmj The f.oi is cn ihe corner nut i'.i'iiiii sin els fci.i- li'O feel cn Market, by 'S'-iO feet back. A rare (pi.ortunity is here oflbrod lo j.i y one deai rou s of posM ssi riL' per haps the most commodious situation in town ALSO, Three Lots on t'hesnul Street, two of which tiro si improved, ate oll rod separalcly or together, at ri very i:ioJei;ile ti'iee. Apply to P. W. FANNING, or, M. (JRONLY. August 23 1-53. G3-tf. FOR SALE. A HOUS I '. and Lot on each Streets, North of the old 4th nnd 5th Poor House siiuare. Apply to 15. K MITtMIF.LL. 66-tf. At 1'. FOR RENT. A ( 'o'lif 't table ' !et ween second Get ' r next. 1 1. il w l!i nu on Oral 2c si and t hi rd tluets, I i II eel, 1st. A pply to Gr.o'ini: II Ait:: iss II I V FOR SALE. ONE fine two story brick dwelling House fc-ftfjw and Lot. on .Second street, t:t-xt to 11. G. ?-aJj2 it a n l i n's residence. Possession given the first Oct. next. Also, 1 will sell, the l.ire three story House tind Lot on Dock strcit, wheic 1 now reside. For terms, apply to S. M. W EST. July 1G. Bl-iO. FOR THE H')ii.e and Lot occupied by lite sub scriber on Fouri, between Nun and Ann Streets possession givi n 1st Oc lobe r. Ap ply at t he 1 ce House, SILAS II. MARTIN. Jan.- J.V IS .'3. -It. FOR SALE, A NLMPIUI OF VALUABLE BUILD ING LOTS, north of ihe Wilmington & .ttaleigh Rail Road, and lying, principally, east ot the Gaston 31111s, and t III v a w's U 1811 llery. P. K. DICKINSON & CO. July 23, IS.', . 57-2m. Tlour 44TTIRAM SMITH"-rcst-in bbls. and half 11 bhls.; also, Kayetleville and Genesee Flour iut received, for sale bv Sept. IS. FRKEMAN & HOUSTON. LOST, between While o N ihj ro id Hall and Indian Welh. tin the 23 of June, one Note drawn on ;bulon Hunt for seventy dollars, dated the 19th 1 November, 1352, and one .. Hunt. Dr for Ten dol l irs. dated the Sth March, 1K53. one on Samuel Kelley, for five dollars, dateel the 15th November, IS52, ard one drawn on Dr. William S. Anders, for Sixty-four dollars, dated the 1st Jan., I S4 7 . 1 forewarn nil pcrfons from trading for said notes, and the makers from paying them to anyoneexecpt to whom thevare in adepayable. J J. I). LUCAS. Jidy2u. 5)-if. STAVES AND HEADING? rPHE Subscriber wishes to purchase during the JL next six months, 175.000 White Oak Barrel Staves, also 50,000 Ash Bbl Heading, if they can be had of good quality. He will pay considerable advance on tormer prices. Persons wishing lo contract can do so bv apply ing to me here. A. MORGAN. Aug. 11. C3-4m-p. -MUSIC SCHOOL. MRS. II. WHITAKER returns her thanks to the citizens of Wilmington for the liberal pat ronage she has received from them, and solicits a continuance of their favours, Her next Session will commence the 1st Mon day in October, her terms will be as heretofore. Lessons on Piano S20 per Session of 5 months. ' on Guitar 820 " " ' " A Inrse lot of Piano and Ggi tar Music constantly on hand and tor sale. Also Pianos and Melodians. H. WHITAKER. August 30. 71-lm. W. R. PEPPEIi, Commission Merchant and Forwarding Aget.t -V. 21, tA Street, Portsmouth, Vtt.. WILL give his personal attention toall consign ments ofTobaeco, W heat , Cotton, Flour- etc., whethe- for sale or shipment, and is prepared to make liberal advances when required. Pariicular attention paid to the Receiving and Forwarding Goods. All orders for Merchandiseof any descrip tion punctually attended lo, and filled on the best terms. REFERENCES : David S. Reid, Governor of State of N.C. R. M. Sacndebs, Raleigh, S. H. Rogers, " Maj. C. L. Hinton, ' i I I I I .MiHto j .Sept. 3. p n i he i'ss.ti v j Pbbhix Bcsbke, " ' Rich'dI. Wynne, Hyde" count-, " Yarbobol-gh & Stuotuir, Louisburg, " R. M. H vman'. Warrenton, " It. Nichols, Hillsborough, ' Bland & Dunn, Greensborough, ' Col. Andrew Jo-rxEH, Halifax, " J. F. Simmons. Weldon, ' Alex. McRae, President W. A R. R. R. Co. Jxo. W. Pcok. Gaston, N.C. David McDaxiel, Rocky Mount, N .Carolina. M. Westo;t, " Hexit Mobdecai, Edgecombe, " L. H. B. Whitakeb A Son, Endfield, " A. W. Vanablk, Granville, D. E. Youjio, Henderson. '' XV. H. Weston, Gaston, , p!6 . 74-3m -.. .? i . -"-.S1. ..... , r FOR JSEW' york;; Sthr, DACOTAir, Mankind now iondinirl ET'x or iietW ireiijni or passage, aprriy t - . FUEEMAX At, HOUSTON &ent. IS-''" ' " ' . - " - ?? 8 , 'FOR NEW:tURK.Vr-T- . The A . I. -schr. A N fc SUSAN". Cant Sljere, will ha vcquiclc dispatch for tieabov portii hot frugitt or passage, apply to ' 15. y J J. H. FLANK EU. -Sept FOR BOSTON. . Brix ABBV JONES. UollriniC '.master. , will bedispatehedimmediatety.: Korfreight .or P0S8UEV. onrifv t 1 r i . Sept. 15. PKEEMAN & HOUSTON. FOR BOSTON. Schr. BEN FRAN KLIN, Cap-. Giles, will have quick dispuich jr the above port. For fi eight or passage, apply lo " . 15, J. H. CHADBOUUN & Co. Sept FOR PHILADELPHIA. Schr. MONTEREY, Capt. Sotners. will have qxick dispatch for :h above port. For alight height or passaffe. nDDrv to . 1 Pt 15. J. H. PLANNER. FOR PHILADELPHIA. iieko x s lise: THE fait sailing Packet achr. JOHN P. BROWN, Henry C'ollett. rruister, will ha ve dipauh us above. ,For freight or Dassae. apply to GliO. HAllKlSs. Sept. 15. ' 7S for Baltimore" REGULAR LLE. ,.TX THE superi.M- fast sailing regular Packet SMMScbx. M.IKY ISABELLA, tonters, mas A-5jfatcr, will n ive tlispati-h fjr the ab-wu port. Por fieicht or passage, apply to Sept. 15. RUSSELL A BUO. FOR NORFOLK. THE superior fast siiiing Sehr. AltA- Ai i xr i, . j . . 1 1 t ai . jUiiim i a. jeiiuicw s, mutier. win nave: ui- 'patch tor i he aim ve noi t. for iilit tteitli oi piissj." , , ppiy to Sept. 1... RUSSELL & BHO. REtirLA II LISE j,--. TH fui i.i'Jna P-' ket sehr. Mau'nr. J. '"jjiPP. I'o'.v 1 1 1, ui is: , .., will have iKspate-h as, s.sTfitdiou' 1 ' 'i" ! i e i:!il or p i.-sai; c apply t Gi .o. II A it ISS. Sept. 13. No. lDfJ North Water St. j FOR PHILADELPHIA. I1EKOVS LISE. THE senr. Henry Null, .'ohn II ot ton. mas- : rV ter. wilt hive riesaalch j above. For fieight I sd&ior passive apply to GEO. IIAKRISS. I Sept. 13. No. : J North Water St. i FOR REf NEW ilm; YORK. LISE. -rr-s 1 lie. rcf il la i nae W -I sehonner Vvnkp KW i Hrii'gs, master, will have despatch . jhuv for lizht f i;;ht or pa--ai.'e apply GEO. IlARtass, No. 19i, Notth Water St. Sept. 13. NEW Y0EK AND WILMINGTON. THE new copper Schr. ' T. A, WARD, II dt', master ; and t!.e Selir. ' D A CO I'AH, Manlvin. mast,", tire now plvinz rejjularl between the pons of Xuw 'ork and Wilmingion For freiuhl or passiire apvly to F U KK M A N & HOUSTON, South VViiter street Wilmington : Or to 1). ( FREEMAN & CO., July 0. IS4 Front street, New York. HAMS. LO T of Cincinnati Supeiior Suytir Cured I I Jill-', f if sale l.y ept. ).-. F.IEEM N He HOUSTON. A BEESWAX. W T A X w i it ed, iiir which t he hishcM c i&h rric r virepii! hy W. C. HOWARD. July 23 57. V ALI A Bi E PROPER i V F0RSALE rp H I ', subscriber oflt rs for sale I he following proji X inly, i. : CUM.MlOKt IAI. STEAM SAW .MILL, Now in complete order, lytnuon Ihe opposite' sidf of the river from and within ihe limits oi the town of W iliuii gt on ; a 1 1 cell' it to ihe Mi d i- a Water Lot, I'.M le t front on the i i v. r, rur;ii'i: b ick 450 fci t, adjoin i n' which is a uli.ul .t'P te.-i li on', i u li ning hick to tlie .Mil! I i in b i . i"' l- . t on the river, 2ll0 ! e t dei-ji. '.kiocre.- ol eieiwed land, le einning 15il iet;t ini.ti the- lineol lii : Miil property, adjoining the causeway opposite I lie Depot of the Wilmington and Manchester U.K. 'o . running with ihe c nisew.iy to A Hi gat or (J reek, dtst.'i nci one half mile. ONK HOUSE AM) LOT, Corner of Fourth and Nunn Streets. ONE Tit ACT OK LAND, Lyini; on loth sides of Jumping Run, about 1J miles trom town, containing loOO acres. 2( EIKEEY XEORO I-'i;i.l.OW, All accustomed to Mill woik these Negroes aieall young and valuable. THE Hit IG KATE HEATH, 190 tons burthen, coppered and copper fastened, Th tee fourths of the New York packet schoont IRA BREWSTER. HK IG CAPE FEAR, 200 tons burthen. 5 years old and recc.itly zinced. My health hiin bad, nnd anxious to leave for the South this fall, will dispose of the above prop- eety on the most favorable terms. M. COSTIN. Wilmington. N . C, 20ih. July 1553. 5f. tf A CARD. II ERMANN L SC H R LIN ER rcFpc ci fully an 1 JL nounces to his patrons, liiencis and te public tn general, t ha l he has re-com men i ri his MUSIC AL 1 N ST R L C'l ION S a t his residence on Mar ket street, forniei ly oi cupicd by JM r. James Daw son. His father, lately from Germany, will, nt the same lime, attend to the instruction on nil Wind and String Instruments, and hopes, by Uriel at tention, lo merit a share of patronage heretofore so liberally enjoyed by his son. Arrangements have also been made to instruct scholars at their residences, it dcsiied. July 26, 1852. EG. HEAD QUARTERS, 4th BRIGADE. Smithvilie, N. C, August 2(lh, 1853. TH E co-n nu ndants of Regiments constitut- ingsaid Brigade are herehy requested to have ihcir Respcctiyf! Commands at the following limes andpiaces, n nned and equipped as the law directs, fir review and inspection, viz : 44th Regiment at Carthage, Mooro Co. l.., v.. I ucsuay, 1 nu ejciooer. 31th Regiment at Summerville, Cuinberlar d, i mirsuay, utn ejciouer. 33rd Regiment at Fjyetteville, Cumberland, Saturday 15th. 3id Regiment at Clinton, Sampson, Tuesday, 13th October. 41st R-igimentat Elizabethtown, Bladen, Tues day, 20ih October. S5(h Regiment at Whilevillc, Columbns, Satur day 22d October, A. D. McLEAN, Brig. Gen'l, 4th Brigade, N. C. M. August 30th, IS53. 70-lm. scnooL. 1 Til. GEO. W. JEWETT will o Schsol in ivi this place on the first Monday of October next, comprising all ihe branches of an English and Classical education, usually taught in the Academies and High Schools of New England, where he has been for mmy years one of the most successful teachers. He has also h id much experience in the prepara tion of Teachers for Common Schools. Reference. S. Jewett. Sept. 6. 74-tf. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have thisday associated with them in business, Thomas W. Plaveb. In future, the business will be transacted under the name of MacMILLAN, DAVIS & CO. . MacMILLAN & DAVIS. September 1st, 1953. 73-lm. THE Books of MacMillam & Davis are this day c!osed,,and will, in a few days, b? ready for settlement. All persons indebted to as will please come forward and settle the same; and those hav in claims, present them for payment. : ' . MacMILLAN & DAVIS. . September 3; 185s. 73-1 m. .HOLLO WAY 111. Of a Uisordered Liver and Hud Digestion WCSW of a Letter from Mt.R v IT r-h.. mist, 7, Preji-ot street, LIverptl, dtittd Gil! June 1 85 1 . -. "... ' ' To" Profeatsor Hollowav i - Sit r 1 Oar Pills and Oinlmcnthneifctnoi't In hlirlt. esruo-otUalo list of Propiietary Midicinei, for some yoars. A custijmer, to nhont I tun refer for any Inquiries, desires me to let you know the par ticulars of her case. She had bi en troubled for years with a disordered liver, and bad digcMion. On the last occasion, however, the viiuh m e cf the nt tack wa880.alarining, and the inflammation se t in so severely, tha t doubts were entertained of her not being able to bear up under it ; fortunately she was induced'tptrjr your Pills, and she infotmt me that afwr the affit, nd each succeeding dose, she had great relieKi fche contiuucd to taue them, and nl-though-sbo Bsed only three boxes, :J.c it- now Inrtie enjoymemof perfect health I cculd h;.e rrntyou many: ..outre cases, but the above, from the teterity of the oae,and the speedy cure. I think, speaks much Jnfav? Of y.ourasionishini: Pille. (Signed) - R. VY. KIRKUS. A Extraordinary Cure nf Rheumatic Perer, tn Dieman' Land. Copy, of "a Letter inserted jn the Hobai t Town Cou ri-r of the 1st of March, 185 1 , by M aj. J. V ale h . Margaret'MeCbnriigan. J9 years of uge, residing at NewToWpad. been sufl'ering front a violent Rheurofitie Fevcf for tipwaids of tvvo months, which httd entirely deprived her of the use ol her limbs. During this period she was under the care of tho most eminent medical men in Hobart Town, and by them her case was considoicd hopeless. A friend pre ailed upon her to try Hollowaj's celebrated Pills, which she consented to do. end in an incredi ble short space of time they effected a perfect cure. C' e of a Pain, and Ttsshtnrss in the Chr-st and S.'o- ma h of a Per&n 84 yea if of ac. From Messrs. Thew sSr Son, Proprietors m the Lynn Advertiser, who can vo.'ich foi t he fo!!fv irgst a le nient, Aug. 2nd, 1851. j To Professor Hoi.lowav : I Sir I desire to bca r icftiinon v to the "ord ( fleets j oi i-iouoways rins r or some year i sullen d se verely from a pain and lightness in the stomach, which was also accompanied ty a shortness of breath, t'nat prevented me from walking about. 1 t in 84 yea rs of age, and not wit h standing my ad va n eed slate of life, these Pills have so relit ved inc, that 1 am desirous that others should be made acquaint ed with their virtues. I am n w rendered by iheil means, comparatively active andean lake exercisf without inconvenience or pain which I could notdr before. (Signed) HENRVCOF. North st, Lynn, Norfolk. These Celebrated Pilh ore Wonderfully Effieaeiuu in the foil, '? a V'Oiphiints. A gue, A sih. n si, Bilious Complaints. Kloti hi r on the skin, Bowel complaints, Colics, Const jj a t ion ol lilt Bowels. Consumption, Debility, Dr psy, Dy srnlei y Erysipelas, Fema le 1 rrct'daritii s . Fev, rs of a II k ind Fits, Gout. Headache, Indiacstion. Inflammation Jaundice, Liver Complain t , Lumbago. Pi N . i ;,, u -niatism, Retention of L'rine, Scrofula or Kinn s Evil. Throat. Stone and Gravel .Secondary .Sy mp toms. Tic Dotiloureax. Tumor?- Ulcers, Af lections, Worms of ail kinds. Weak n s-s fit in what ever cause, etc . .Sold at the establish mcnt of Professo t Hollow a y, 224. Stra rid. (near ihe Temple 1'ai ) London, and by all respectable Druircists and dealers jn medicines throughout the British Em pirr, ar.d 1 v I hose of the United Stales, in pots and boxes, nt j"' cents. S7 cents, and Sl.SOeach. wholesale by the piineijal Drue houses in the Union, and by Messi s. A . H . cS: . Sands, New Yotk York, tied .SB Sc J . A . EVANS, W ilminc. ton. N C. There is a conaideniblesavin by inking !h lame sizes. V. B. Direct ion for the cn id n n i c o f pi; t !e r tf i n e vrv disorder are aflixed in cat h box . Fe"l 17 1 13-lyc WILMINGTON INSTITUTE. T1 HE Yearly Session of this Institute closed on Friday, 20th of July. The exercises of tho school will be resumed on M n tin v (lie 3ii duy o Oclobcr. L. M Ed N K V, Principa l. MRS. RANNEV, First Assistant, and Prin. of Piiiei.iv Pi tianmeni August 4ih, 1?33. C(t-Ths-tf. JUST RECEIVED. BBLS. Fayelti villc Flour, Im m Nt v I,. r. t ('id' r. and White Wine Vinci-nr. Lemon Syrup, Stoughtons IJitt rs, Raisins, Cr;i( Iv ors, Cheese. Soap, Candles, Matches, Pepper, All spice, Gingur, v -. ifc . For sides low. by .l-'.NO H. liKKKVI-:. Sept.b. N. C . T. copy . 74. LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE. Uh t" OE suDscriber would re- kHpcctiony inviie i nc ci ion ion lot' the public, to his very lame and complete assortment of Furniture now beins received and recently selected by himself at the Manufactories : dui Ins the present month, his stock will be complete and consist in pari i f the lol lowing articles. Fine Sets Drawing Room Furniture, in Dam ask and Hair Cloth ; Setts Painted Cnamber Fun iiure. 50 Sideboards, Secretaries and Be-ok Cases; nl) Sofas and Tctc a Teles ; 100 Bureaus ; 100 Wash Stands, marble and plain ; 100 Rocking Chairs ; 75 Nurse do. 125 Tea and Dinin" Tables ; 75 Centre, Card and Sola do. 75 Toilet do. 100 doz. Chairs, cushioned, cane and 't in.lsor ; 250 Bedsteads, in muhogony, walnut maple nnd iron ; Wardrobes, mahogony and stainr o ; Office Furniture ; Children's Chairs ; Ottomans, Foot Stools ; A fine assortment of Looking Glasses ; Teapoy's Whatnots Hat .Stands ; Settees, Work Tables ; Work Boxes. Paper Hangings ; Window Shades, &c. ef-e. A lew viav fine Piano FouTEs,-and in fact al most any article that may be desired, in complete ly furnishing Dwellings, Hotel?, Offices or So ciety Rooms Front Street. J. D. LOVE. Wilmington, N. C, Sept, 9, IS f .: (J. f. H. copy.) 1S53 76., COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. "Located 121 Baltlmore-st., Baltimore, Md. r"MIE ostensible object of this Institution is to X an rd individuals an opportumny of obtaining a complete Mercantile Education. Course of study Book Keeping, by double cn try , as practically used in the various departments of Trade and Commerce, Including Wholesale, Retail, Commis sion Manufacturing, Shipping, and Sieamboaiing, Individual Partnership, and Compound Co. Busi ness. Also, Mercantile Calculations, Praciical Penmanship, and familiar Lectures on Commercial Law. and the usages of Trade, students being tausht individually, can enter College at uny time, and the Course is usually completed in from to 8 weeks. Terms lor an unlimited course of instruc tion, S33 All communications addressed to O. K. CHA M BERLIN, will meet with prompt attention. Circulars mailed to any p irt of the Union when de sired. July 19. 53-1 y- 43-w-ly-e. FALL SUPPULX WE are now reeelvina a full assortment of GRO CERIES, PROVISIONS, AND OTHER GOODS, suitable for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE; and which we offer to seil for cash, or in exchange for Naval Stores, orother produce. Dea lers, in town or country, can be suppled on fairl terms ; and every article sold is warranted to be as represented, or it may be returned at our expense. We have now In store: Flour, Corn. K ice, Pork, Beef, Bacoc, Lard, Butter. Cheese, Crackers, Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, M .lasses,, Vinegar, Fish, Ci gars, Tobacco, Snuff, Candles, Soap, starch, Spices, Candies, Pepp,'Bockets, Broome, Whiskey, Rum, Gin, Brandy, Wines, Oils, White Lead, Nails, Shot, Lime, Hay, and a variety of other articles, lo all of which we ask the attention of purchasers. -Sept. 13. . FREEMAN HOUSTON- pWlKflf iTDWrdered Lutr a.d Bd Dilation -AlV 53tf- SSS : ff J J' V I Wi ' lCopyf a Letter from air.U. W.fCt.kt,;. Che- krt ' r7? I " ti , To-VrorHoLLow.v: sSferti ' :5i TUS C8E1T PURIFIER OF THE BLOfiO. Not a Particle of Mercury in it. An Infallible remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions. Pim ples or Postules on the face, Blotches, Boils, C hron ; lc Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Head, i Enlargement and Pain ofthe Bones and Joints, tub- J born Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spi- nal Complaints, and all dt'seasesarising from an in j judicious use of Mercury, Imprudence iu Life, or Im- ptiriiy of the Blood. j This valuable Me licine which hasbc-coiik- t ted for th.3 number of extraordinary cures cfJecteu through itagen;y.h.'i3 induced the proprietors, a I the urgent request of their friends, to otter it lo the public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its virtues and wondeiful curative propertf a Thefollowing certificates, selected from a large num ber, an , however, stronger testimony than the mere woid of the proprietors : and are all trom gentlemen well known in their localities, and of ihe highest respectability, many of them now residing in the .-. r I : -1 v -: cttv ot Uiclimond, Virginia F. BovDEN.Esq..of the Exchange Hotel, Rich mond, knowneverv where, says he has seen the Medicine called Carter's Spanish, Mixture admints tcied in over a hundred ea.-es,iii neaily all the disea ses for which it is n commended, with ihe most nt tonishingly good results. He says it is the niosi ex traordinary medicine he has ever seen. Ague and Fever Gicat Cure --I hereby certify, that for three years I h id Ayueand Feverof the most violent description. Physicians, took Inrne quantities of Quinine. Mercury, and I believe all the I onics urivci t isi d but all without any per manent relief. At last I tried Cat ttr'sSpanish Mix ture ; two hot ties of which t tf ct u ill y cured me. a nd 1 am haypy to say I hue hid neither Chills or Fe vers since. I consid. r it the best Tonic in the world and theonlv medicine that ever reached mycase. JOHN LONG DEN, Beaver Dam. near Richmond, Va. C. R.Lc-ck. E-q.. now in the city of Richmond, and for many years in ihe Post Office, has such con fidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Span ish Mixture that he has bought upwards of 50 bottles, whic h he has given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luch s-i s he has never known it to fail when taken ac eoreiinc to directions. Dr. M inge a pi.tctining Physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond , saye he his witnessed in a number ot instances thetliects of Carter's Spanish Mixture which were most truly surprising. He say s in a case of Consumption, de pendent on the Liver, the good effects were wonder ful indeed. Samuel M. Drinker, of the firm of Drinker (f- Meiiis, Richmond, was cured of Li v. r complaint of J 8 years slanding, hy the uc ol two bottles ol Car ter's Spanish Mixture Great cure of scrofula - -The Editors of the Rich tueind Republican had a servant employed in thti press room, cured of violent Scrofula coinbinod with Rheumatism, which entirely disabled him Ironi work. Two botilLSof artcr's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure ol him, &nd the Editors, in a no lice, say they cheerfully recommend it to all who are atliieted whh any disease of the blood " ; Still another ( ure of Scrofula I had a very vaT liable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish M ix t ure. I consider it a t ruly va I liable Medicine J A M E ' M. TAYLOR. " Conductor c n the R. F. & P.R. R. Cc, Richmond Va . SALT liHEVM OP20 YEARS STASOISQ CI RED. Mr. Jo us Tkom p.son, residing in the city of Rich mond, was cured by three bottles of Carter's Span ish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 years, and which nil the phj'sicians of they" city could noi cure. Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va.,yaBdhis cure is most iciuat ka hie. y, . Ritharp E. West, of Richmond, was cured of Scroltdn, and what Physicians called confirmed Consumption, by ihice bottles cf Carter's Spanish Mi xi a re. 4$-i Kdwix Burton, Commissioner ofthe Retenue, snvs he has seen the ;ood eliei-ts of Carter's Span ish .Mixture in a number of Syphilitic cases,' and says it is a perfect curcfor that horrible disease. U m. (i. IIarwdod, of Richmond, Va.. cored of Old Sores and Ulcers, which disabled Mm from walking. Took a few bottles of Carter's. Spanish M ixlur nnd was ena tiled to walk wit bout a crutch, in n short time permanently cured. I'liiiepil Dep-I!. at M. W A 111), C LOS E St CO., No. 83 Maiden f .urn , New Vol k. y, j T W. DYOTT vfe SONS, No Ji North 2d Street, Philadclpnia. T. BENNETT ef- BEERS, No. 125 Maiden Street, R ichmond, Va. y And for sale by WM. II LIPPITT, W ilminjton and bv Di legists generally. May 12. 23-Iyc. DR- HARRIS, G BAD U A T E OF C A M li ItlDG li, CLASS 1621. Z-rouxJEi or tiiex BALTIMORE LOCK INFIRMARY. No. ;t)l SOUTH GAY ST. ( Opposite the Ex'iauac Build in is and Post Offire) IMIOSE RKQUIRINGMEDiCALORSURGl JL C A I. AID. Ii v applying lo Dr. II., may secure SKI 1. 1. 1 I. I. TRK.AlME.NT AND ADVICE, while .,1! com -o ii ui.-a I ion- " ill be saen .!!y ahield c,l by the ,E?is ol uroli ionai honor Avvare ni vHilicuiiy vv-1 h the puiiltc 10 dis criminate, ina newspaper advert iseineni , between lliu genuine and skillful physician and i he spurious pretensions of the designing and dangerous Quack, Dr. H. will cheerfully yive, win n applied lo, such private relcrences as will fully saijslv all who re quire his services. BEWARE 0v NOSTRUMS! Avoid the Patent Elixirs, Compounds and Cor dials, advertised to cure . persons under varied forms of disease As the constitution and habits ot individuals differ, REASON TEACHES the same remedy cannot be suited to all alike, and that disease can only be safely and effectually eradicat ed by a jiteticious application ol proper remediej. AT I' EN TIO N I X V IT ED. A practical experience of over 25 years enables Dr. H. to insure a sound nnd speedy cure in a cer tain class of diseases, which have too long been yielded oy regular Physicians lo the hands of quack cry. He may be consulted confidentially, cither in person or by loiter. Persons at a distance cured a home by address ing a letter to DR. GORDON HARRlsS, Balti more. Md. All communications cmifidentiol. Remedies sent by Mail or Express to any part of the United Stales. July 19. 53-ly 48-ly-c. SOUTHERN ESTABLISHMENT OF UPHOLSTERY. rpHK unicrsigned have opened in the SECOND 1 STORY over the CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT STORE, a larse and handsome assort ment of the following Goods, consisting in part of Rich Damask, Turkey and Lace Curtains; Cor nishes, Bands. Loops, Tassels, Cord, Shades, and W'inaow Fixtures of various kinds ; Paper Hang ings; Fire Screens; Lounges; Ottomans, etc. dfce. Wc will aisomake Hair, Moss, ShucK, or Palm Leaf Matlrasses; Cm and Fit Carpets; Hang Pa per ; Trim Windows ; Repair Sofas, Chairs, Mat trasses. &c. flavin" sucenor workmen, we will furnish the best of stock, and do any kind of work in the above business, and shrill be pleased lo have tlveji-e wishing anv thing in the abovf line to call on us, as we feel confident w ran please. WILKINSON. ESLER & CO., Up Stairs, over the Fruit Depot. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 8, 1853; 76. CRACKERS. . TN bbls. and boxes, B titter, Soda and Sags?, fresh lfor sale by FREEMAN & HOUSTON. Sep. 13' 77 SCHOOL. MRS. E. P. McGARY will resume the duties of her School on Monday 3d, of October, -She returns thanks to her friends or their patronage, and solicits a continuance of the came. . .Aug. 25.- - - 70 2m. uuart:botti.i2i - - f or Purifying the. lilood,4tniifor Iheti rtcJScrCfuri Rheumatism, Stubborn V leers, Pysr ti tia. Sa t Rheumy Pecer Sores, JSrpifje.luPmpIt Bdes, AJercureal, DUtOsts, tutoneous . rupiums, er I itfrplaint, Bi cytr chttU, Ccrnswpption Pcmetls J t omjxamis, ijoss of Ajfe . ite, reitfralr UciulVff,, . - 4- - In this preparation-pre strongly: tc f.riltfut. it! all the Medninal pioptuics cf Sntst pajiH.i. t(U,L:r. d with the most effect unl aide, the n'or t a!i ta rj rl - ' dtictions. the most potent sirnpks of the vg ttb'O kingdom ; nnd the combination la su h fhet l . modiriesand improves ihe-oiher, producir g a. terr. pound differing entirely in its t baracti r ai.d prtif - . tits from any other picpamtior ard wV.nfafc d in li , operation on the system hen hborirg vrdet At-i ease. The many well aul heniicolef cure c of Sciif ula of the most malignai i character, have gtvtn 1: n wid-: and deserved celebrity. But it In noi alene in Scrofulo, rot in the Cass of disrnsfs to which II It1 longs, thai this pn paration has betn fcimd bimfT- . cial. It is a specific in many disi as st the f Lin, and may be administered wiih lavorabler relish, in all; and it has been so fully tesifd. not only by pa tients tin msclves, but alto tiy jphjsiciur, It ftns received their unqualified jet vremt ndalit r.s ard lb approbationof ihe public ; and hat cstablithf.4 on its own merits a reputation for value and iffirccy fatr -' euperior to the various corupoitr dsbcorlrtg thenoDwi oi Sarsaparilla. The following teBtln oniolb are -e-lected from among the multitude of those - we are : daily receiving; and for further ror.fii motion, the reader is referred to the Family Recipe arid Medical Alinannc, furnished gratuitously by all cur agents. - The following was sent to our Agent Metsra. Wi A. W aldron & Co.whjr are personally arr-tuainted' wnh ihe writer, e ;. - f: WATearoBU, N.r Y. , Sot. 2d, lgEOV " Messrs. SAHtis. GentUmen.-Aboui thrct-months' since, the disease called "Ceard, or Barbel's Itch.' appeared on my face, and as it is of rareccci neBce ' no case as yet having come undir the ci re of ear Village Physicians, f found it very difficult even to stop the progress of the disease on iny face. although I tried remedies that had cuted from" the pimples on a child's face to the galled brecst of a canal huise; and even pulled out my beard on the side of my faee . arid-chin. A short time, a Irienc told ine that ' he hod it for two years, and tried diflerr nt remedies without success, b ut finally cuttd it in a hurt time,' by the use of Sands Saisapurilln. On i hi recom mendation, I bought one bottle, and finding I receiv ed benefit from it, i continued its ure until' I am now peifectly cured. J am led to bring this to your ro tiee gratuitously, from the fact, that the disenre js not named In the list of complaints for which ilU Sarsaparilla is a remedy and that you may be abU Confidently to recommend it for Fitch rarer, r.-- - Yours trulf. GEO. E. SCOTT. IREMARKABI.E CURE OF BROACH1TJS. New Vosx, Feb. 17.IE49. "'MessTs. Sands: Having sufftrrd many years with a disease of my throat, affecting the larynx, during which time 1 was treated by tne n est dis tinguished physicians in Europe nnd the United States, without receiving any permanent benefit, bot all the time my general health and strength drclir.J Ing, and the disease making fearful progress: caus tic applications were ttsi d, ard whatever i lse war thought most efficient for producing a ure; Lot I am confident the deplorable situation 1 was in.jha laryngitis being accompanied w th phthisis and great difficulty in breathing, would soon ha .'e ter minated my life, h;.d I not obtained relief ihiough themediutn of your invaluable Sarrapa til!a. I must saj' centlemen, when 1 commenced using theSaraa. pariliu I did not place much confidence. in it vir tues; and this will not surprise yon, when you are informed I had tried more ihan fifty dTffc re nl l one dies duiintt the past tour yrtus, wiihoot any mccttef but after-taking your Sar?r. uiilla a few vrctksc 1 was obliged nt last to yield io e vie. ric. " This inur vellous specific has not only relieved tut cured me ; and I therelore think it my duty, gentli men,' for the benefit of suffering humanity, to give you this a ties taiion of niv cure. Yours, very tru'y. 't D. PARENT. Consulate of France in the United State. The above statement and signatuie w ere arknow Iv r dgrd in our presence by Mr. O. Pari nt c 1 1 i.e. For the Consul Genernl of France, L I.ORG, Vice Consul. I Prepared and sold, wholesale and Jelail, Ly A. .ft & D. Sands. Drusgists nnd ( hemiets, HO Fulton St., corner of W'illiam, Ne w York Sold also by Diugeis'.s generally throughout the United Stater and Canaelas. Price $1 per botl lc ; six bottles. 45 For sale in Wilmingion by S. B. dr J.A. Evana June 5. 35-3m. ' STATE LOTTERY AGENCY 0F. f E. .V. CAR II d SON. J,138 Pratt street, Baltimore. Maryland Choice Selection of Schemes for September" $ss.. :so?. MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED LOfTERT. Class 43. i. Wednesday, Sept 21st. 1853. - SCHEME. 1 prize of $39,000 j 1 prize of Sli.OM I 0 - P,000 1 " 4,000 i 0 ' 750 j 132 " 360., 5 " j,. 100 Certificate of 26 Whole Tickets, SI50 00 Half " 7B 69 Qiiarier " 37 60 ' Tickets 10. Eighth ' 13 75 Halves S5. Quarter St,&0. 8174.9T4. MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTPmr- -zir- Class 25li. Jlonday, September 2Cth, 1653 SCHEME. 1 prize of t 1 " 1 10 10 $3,000 2,000 .1,000 : 200 . 100 1 prize of 1 10 10 10 400 50 Certificate of 26 Whole Tickets, "-Half " Quarter " Ticketa S3. Halves SI 20 00 10 00 50 8533,44 7. MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERV Class 44. " Wednesday, Sept. 28th, 1E53. SCHEME. I prize of $30.000 1 1 prize of" "f,5C0- i " 5,oco J i " aoo? i i, t - , . ,700 25 " 34') 400 ' - 150 Certificate of 25 Whofe Tickets 125 00" "Half - , k-r 62 60 " " Quarter " " . 31 24' Tickets SIO. Harvests. T' . STATK AGKiNCY OP . E. N. Carr fr Son. - Exchange Brokers ani. Lottkbt Aokmis. - 138 Pratt t.. Vultimore.Md. 0ARU3I. BALES superior Oakum. For safety 4Aj Aug. 4. - W. C. HOWARD.'. V - FTf vSTfits, fits;;. - PERSONS who are laborins nnd er this distressing ;. malady, witl find the VEGETABLE EP1LEP-' TIC PILLS to b ihe only remedv ever dlacorered for curing Epilepsy or Falling Firs. Thes Pill possess a specific action on the nervous system and ,.: r although they are prepared especially for the purpose . ' of caring fits, they will be found of especial benefit .' 1 for all persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervotf system has been prostrated orshatieredfiom ,4 . .nv r use whatever.- In ehrotuccomplainrs. or dia- - eases of long standing, superinduced by vervottanesa , they are exceedingly beneficial. Full dixecliotia e-" company each box. Price 3 per box, or two box 'l for 5. Peraonsoot of the city, enclosing a renrit tance, will bare the Pills sent them through fhe tnaiC'' free of pottage. Fof salebv SfcTH S. HANCE.Ke. -103 Baltimore slreI,. to whom orders frana alltwrrc . of the Union mnst'iei I lessed, postpaid. '' ; I i I - i " Si --SepteroMrj-! aJ-' .'. 77-41. 1F r-. v -5 -?e - i- a y - , ""V, A