'ft- LITER COMPLAINT, DYSPASIA. Ja - tiu CXirnnic or A'ertou nihility, Dis :'a;syf the Kidneys, and ptl-Ittiiease . i .. prising J i rum u. - - cri ,k- Pimf the Stomach, Swimming of ne "ea, flurried and Difficult Breathing, Fiut'ettng at ne rl'uhokmg or Suffocating ',OBh.tln 1 n4m.s . Vision. Dots fcr V eb JL'ErTtL aishu Fever end DaM Pn lnIhe !7J HmJ Acidity of 'he Stomach, Naoaia, Heart .Deficiency of Perepiration.Yello -new oi ite un rd Eyes, Pain in the Shift Back, Chest, Limb, , e.,Saddert Flushcof Hoof, luirmngintaeFl sh, ? im-o.ir.lnrrsof ev:l, and great depressions , Of Sp irits, can V - ' ' CELE3IMTLD G ERMAN t BITTERS, P UPABEDBY OR: CM. JACKSON, " S ' No. 1 20 Arch street. Philadelphia. " Their power over the above diseases is not excell e d If equalled, by any other preparation in the Uni 7 tad States as the cures attest, in many casca after akilfulphysicianshadfailed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids 7 Possessing great virtues in the rectification of dis ' - eases of the Liver and lesserglands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and affections - of the digestive organs,they arc; withal, safe, cer tain and pleasant, 'i v " ltfiAO AND BECO.WINCED. - The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," says of Dr.' IIooflano'b German Hitters. - '"Jtisseldoni that we recommend what arc term r: ed Parent Medicines, to tho confidence and patron- 4og of our readers ; and therefore when we recom- mend Dr.'Booftand's German Bitters, we with itto be distinctly understood that we arenot speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and ihcn forgotten after they have done ftheir guilty race of mischief, bm of a medicine long established, universal y prized, and which has met the hearty approval of the faculty itself." .Seott's Weekly," said, Angs 25 : "Dr.Hoofland's -Serman Bitter, roanoactored by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended, by some of the most prominent members of thefaewlfyns an article of much effica cy in casca of female weakness. Persons of debili tated constitutions wi8 find these Bitters advantage ous to their health, as we know from experience the salutary effect they have upon weak systems." - MOSE EY1DENCK. J. G. MooreEsq , ofCthe Daily News, said, Oct 31. - "Da. HoonAHO'lGKRHAN Bitters. Wearetry ing this renowned medicine for a stubborn disease of the bowels, and cab with truth testify 10 its efficacy. We have taken the Contents of two bottles, and we have derived more benefiCYrom the experiment than we derived previously from years of allophatic treat ment at the hands of our first physicians." Hon. C. D. ilincline, Mayor of the City of Cam den, N. J., says : -Tj:-'&y' i. "Hooflakd's Gibm asts Bittjks. We It a ve seen many flattering notices of this; medicine, md the source from which they ca mo induct tl us to make inquiry respecting ita merits. From inquiiy we were persuaded to use it, and nrnst say we found it specific in its action upon diseases of the liver and digestive organ, and the powerful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration, is really surprising It calm 8 and strengthens the nerves, bringing the in in to a state of repose, making sleep refreshing. if this medicine was more generally used, we arc satisfied there would be less sickness, as from the stomach, liver and nervous system, the great major ity of real and imaginary descascs emanate. ' Have them in a healthy condition and you can bid ' defi ance tOJidemicsTgenerally. This extraordinary medicinerwe would advise our friends who are at all indisposed; to give a trial it will recommend it self. It should, "n fact, be In every family. Noother medicine can produce such evidences of merit." For sale wholesale and retail at the ;- V?.. GERMAN MEDICINE STOttE.". No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth. Phila delphia, and;Dy respcctabkdealcrs generally through out the country. Sold in Wilmington by S. B. & J. A. EVANS, in Fayetteville by S.J. HINSDALE. -V Jane II. 38-3mf LIVERPOOL SALT. S OCtVl SACKS Liverpool Salt, in halfbleached saeks daily ex reeded. For sale br May 7. ADAMS, BROTHER A CO TOWAGE ! TOWAGE I ! STEAMER Sam Bcary, A. M Guth rie, master ; Steamer Calhoun, Jos. Snrfntrs, niasttr, are ready at all times for business. Ordcts for Towage wiVI have prompt attention if left at office of Agent. GEO. HA Kill SS. June H . 33-tf. JUST RECEIVED. CRACKERS in bbls. and l.n.xcs ; Raisin? in i andbo.xe8; Matches, Veatt Powders, Can dy, Starch, Ink, Nails, Axcp, Coopers tools ot every kind, Smoked Herrincs, Shot and Powder Paint Buckets, Broom?, Cocoa Dippers, Demi johns, &c. For sale by ZF.NO H. GREENE. June 13. N. C.T. copy. 41. TEA! TEA!! CHOICE article of Green and Black Tea, loose, or in packages, for tale hy A I.. N BARLOW, -r-Aug. 16. No. 3, Granite Rowf JUST "RECEIVED FR03I N. YORK. PER SCIt WM. If. SMITH." OH OOO LBS of prime, extra, and Ur-1 VjWVJV White Lead; AX a uw ids z,inc White, In Oil ; 1 case of Prnss. Blue, in Oil ; 2 cases of Chrome Green 5 1 " ' Paris " . 6 ' Chrome Yellow, Also 50 bbls fine Linseed Oil, Bar Umber, and Tena Po Sren na gound in Oil. For sale cheap at C. & D. DtrPRE'S, fVbrown's - ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. rpHIS ESSENCE is a preparation Of unusual -a. excellence. In ordinary diarrhoea, incipient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions, so common, it is of ineetima Ms value. Doting the prevalenceof epidemic cho lera and summer complaints of children, it is pecu liarly ffiCac lous ; no family, individual or traveller should be without it, as it enables the system to re sist the influence of incipient disease, which lurk in a changing climate. Caotio.n. Be sure to get the genuine Essence which is prepared only by F. Brown, at his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner o Fifth ana Chesnut street. Philadelphia, and for tale by al the respectable Apothecaries in the United States Sold In Wilmington by S. B. & J. A. EVANS andC. fc D. DnPRK.' Jane 16. 40-ly-c CnEESE. 1 Of) ?XES new Cheese, just landed, for sale e . f FREEMAN A HOUSTON. oept. 15. 7g PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. npHE undersigned have thisday associated with foi b.a8ine8S. Thomas W. Plavsb. In r bun?wnibe '"nsacted under the name of MacMILLAN, DAVIS & CO. e.'. , , MacMILLAN A DAVIS. September 1st, 1853. 73-lm.; TBI? a 1 , 71 day closed .nH I-n. ni, tA Uavi are this "ZiAd' "n?..wi". in a few davs.be rnad fnr settlement. Ait persons indebted to us will olaase ir elslm. nr. .V' , 8ame 5 hav- -- r-- ... lorpaymrnt. -R.,-mk la-.MACMILLAN & DAVIS. 73-lm. V. -'"-"1 iuv.iiou auu nan Darre n ..il b - : 7Pn 11 r sale ZENO IT Jaly 28. GREENE. . C.T. copy. 67 NC. BACON. JO8T received, a lot of superior North Carolin Hams. . For sale by :. Jolr 23- ZENO H. GREENE. BACON. A LOT of enr superior North Carolina Bacon last received and for cal iu, k- Atag.ir. JH.' FLANNEIL GUNNY BAGS. 2r)finr ? Bags, new and second hand for male by Aog. 13. KREEMAN A HOUSTON. 200 tKf Sc HERRINGS, Codfish. For nln hw - Mept-2. RUSSELL 4k, BRO. IT. A -II5IUPGJU, f 1 ' . - . JBALTDir LUCIt : LNTIRSIARY,. No. OUTII GAV ST." : fOppofi.'" '' Jtanpe JimUimr ami PndJJiecT) MIK ..ltt.kiLTnUiN'G&lKDICALOlt.SUitGl- Jl CAL AID, by applying to Dr. fl.'i may secure SKILLFUL TREATMENT AND ADVICE, w hlle nit communications will be sacredly shield ed by tbejiirof profcssiortal honor. - . '-Aware of the difficulty with the public to dis criminate, in a nevspaper advertisement, between the genuine and skillful physician and the spurious pretensions of the designingand dangerous Quae, Dr. H. will cheerfully give, when applied to, such private references as will fully saiistv all who re quire his services. ' BEWARE- OF NOSTRUMS ! A void the Patent Elixirs, Compounds and Cor dials, advertised to cure ail persons under variel forms of disease. As the constitution and habits ot individuals differ, REASON TEACHES the same remedy cannot be suited 10 all alike, and that disease can only be safely and effectually eradicat ed by a judicious application of proper remedies. ATTENTION INVITED. A practical experience of over 25 yars enables Dr. H. to insure a sound and speedy cure in a cer tain class of diseases, which have 100 long been yielded by regular Physicians to the hands of quack ery, lie may be consulted confidentially, cither in person or by letter. Persons at a distance cured at home by address ing r, User to DR. GORDON I1ARR1SS, Balti more, Aid. All conmtiniea.iionf confidential. Remedies sent by Muil or Express toanypartof the United Staler. July9: 5itl y4ilZlr noT i siiTFpnbsWATE of lime. THIS valuable fertilizer has been used for several years in England and other parts of Europe, and next to Guano, holds the highest rank in pop ularity, and the extent to which it is used among farmers. Its introduction in this country has been more recent; but the progress it has made in the estimation cf the public has not been less marked or siiccetul than abroad. It is now extensively used throughout the Northern States, after a full trial and Investigation of Its merit; and it is rapid ly becoming, like its predecessor, Guano, a favorite manure at the South and West. It is composed of crushed or ground bones, de composed by the addition of about 1-5 their weight of sulidiuric acid, diluted with water, to which is ad led a due proportion of guano and sulphate ol ammonia. The latter is the active and one of the moat efficient agents in the best Peruvian Guano. It is suited to any soil In which there is not al ready a full supply of the phosphates, which is sel dom the case. All crops are benefited by its appli cation. For sale in large or small quantities, in barrs of 150 lbs. each. No charge f r packages. All bags will be branded "C. 15 DcBurg, No. 1 Super-rhos-phnie of Lime." Also Agricultural and Horticultural Implements of all kinds Field and Garden Seeds in great vari (,,yIS, J Peruvian Guano, Bone-dust. PlaetLr of Paris, Pottdrelte, Ac. it. L. ALLEN, (lnte A. B. Allen & Co.) IS.) and l'Jl Water-street, New York. Sept. 17,1353. :p- dvektis i :.m N T. GOOD MEDICINES. STABLER'S DIARRHOEA CORDIAL Is a pleasant Mixture, compounded in agreement With the rules of Pharmacy, of therapeutic agents, lon known and celebrated for their peculiar effica cy fn curing DI ARRHG3A, and similar affections Of the system. In its action, it always nauseaand produces a healthy condition of the Liver, thus re moving the cause at tho same time that it cures the disease. . STAIII.KR'S ANODYNE CHERRY EXPECTORANT li confidently recommended to Invalids, as unsur passed by any known preparation, for the cure of CoB"h Hoarseness, and other forms of Common Colds; Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Consumption in an early stage, and f..r the relief of the Patient of that fatal disease. It combines, in a scientific manner, remedies of- lon esteemed value, witn outers 01 moie ilckiu discovery; and besides its soothing and ontc quali fies. cts through the skin gently, and with great efficacy, for the cure of this class of diseases. The valuable Medicines above named have re cently been introduced, with the approval ofa num ber of the Medical Profession in the City of Balti more and elsewhere, and in practice have succeed ed most admirably in curing the diseasesfor which they are prescribed. They are oflered tothe Coun try Practitioner, as Medicines which he can in all respects dcp nd upon, ns prepared in agreement with the experience of some of the most learned and judicious Physicians, and strictly inconformi ty with the rules of Pharmacy, and as especially serving his convenience, who cannot so readily as the City Physician, have his own prescriptions com nou nded bv a practical Pharmaceutist. See the descriptive Pamphlets, to be had gratis of all who have the Medicines forsalc, containing recommendations from Doctors Martin, Balteell, Addison, Payne, Handy, Love, &c. Doct, S. B. Martin sayf : ' I do not hesitate to recommend your Diarrhaa Cordial and Anodyne Cherry E.xpectoranl, Csic. Doct. John Addison says; "It gives me much pleasure to add iny testir. ony to that of others, in Tavor of the extraordinary efficacy of your Diarr heea Cordial. dc; and of the Eiycclorant, "1 have no hesitation in recommending 11 as a most valua ble medicine," &c. Dr. It. A. Payne says he lias usca 1110 j'larruva Cordial in his practice '-with the nappiest etiect, nd thinks it one or the most convenient ana cm- . V. ,.n) fn swir nrifiiajinn ' ' clent combinations ever iiiiuif ." Doct. L. B. Handy writes, "i nave aaministcrco your Anodyne Expectorant in several cases of Bron thinal Affection, with iho most happy results, and from a knowledge of its admirable effects, 1 can, with the greatest confidence, recommena 11, vc. nt vv s T.ove writes to us that he has ad ministered the Expectorant to his wife, who has had the ISronchilis for fourteen years, ana mui biie mi recovering from her long standing malady. It has n a few weeks aone ner moc tu i..-.. ... .v.- medies she has heretotore usea unaerauie im.-uu.iu counsel. . , . Sixteen of the best Apoinccnrjcs unu s um -centists in the City of Baltimore, write, "We are satisfied the preparation known as stabler t Ano dyneJlxptctorant and Stabler' Diarrhea Cordud are medicines of great value, and very efficient for the relief and cure 01 tne aiseacs ur nni. ..icy are recommended ; they bear the evidence of skill and care in their preparation and style of putting up, and wo take pleasure in recmiouu. .s Twenty-seven 01 mw u"i ,lk . j W u 1 I V.rrrinia .tlH North ants, residents 01 xuaryiuuu, tarolina. who have sold and also used these tncdi- AinM thpmselvcs. sav. "From our own experience and that of our customers, wc do confidently re commend them Pro Bono i-uoiico. ..ev er known any remedies used for the disease for .i.:k hou or nreseriDea. iu ue ou , inici.i, uuu . 1... on tire satisfaction to all. wi.. .t,A..nn!iMs of recommendation from mem- r .h. Medical Faculty, Pharmaceutists of III Ot lOUCV all, that the afflicted, j .u. . l. .r nf a nttlereni eiamp nuu eniss from the "daackery" and "Cure Alls" so much im J .nh Por sale by Druggists, Apothecaries and Coun try Stores-keepers generaH,. . Wholesale Drugeiets, 120 Pratt street, Baltimore. For sale in Wilmington by C. & D. DoPRE. June 21. 42-ly-c PICKLED HERRING. f A BARRELS Halifax Pickled Herrinff for f r sale b ANDERSON SAVAUh. ,nly21. 54. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. A f( EMPTY Spirits Barrels, to arrive. F ffctNJ sale by ADAMS, BRO. d CO. For Sept: 10. 76. SACK SALT. CHA SACKS Liverpool ground Salt, daily UUU oected to arrive fnrlhv ex. Sept. 3. FREEMAN 4 HOUSTOPT, P.ADUA .K-Sli h Efficient to satisfy KilinA nrp trorthy of trial by r PHOF. LEX; C. BARRY'S. Treopfttrottt.jtrAletfic&ied ConrKttwj": EOR Uea atiry ingj Curling. Preserving, Restoring, and Strengthening the Hair, Relieving Dlseae-. taof iho Sirtn, Curing Rheumatic Pains, and HeaJ fng 'Kitrrnal: Wounds Boundtsd by no-geographical fines, the reputation of Babbv's TbicopmcsouS pervades, the L nioai The- saics of thl orticU of late years have increased in a ratio ; hat almost ex ceeds oelief. - Professor Bab v. after a careful ex amination of his salts' boob, finds that the number of bottles jdelivertsd to order, in quantities of from iinlf a gross upward, during the yearlb52.Wa with in a trifle o 950,000. ,-. , -. 'K - . It is unnecessary to present at length the evidenc es of the wonderful propeitire oi the tyrfcopherous, when the public have ioiniflnd turban indorse ment as this. The cheapness of .he article and the explanations given of its chemical nction upon the hair, the scalp, and in all cast s of superficial irrita tion, first recommended it tothe attention of the people. This was ail that the invtntor-desired. Every bottle advertised itself The effects of the fluid exceeded expectation. It at ted like a charm. -The ladies would not be without it. Country dealers in every section of the United States lound they must have it; and thus was built op a wholesale trade of an extent hitherto unheard of as regards ar ticles of this kind. The highest point has not yet been reached, and it is believed that the sales this year will be a million and a half of bottles. Depot and Manufactory. No. 137 Broadway, New York. Retail price, 25 cents a largo bottle." Liberal discount to purchasers by thequantity. Sold by all the principal merchants and druggists throughout the United Slates and Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain, France, &e For sale by C. & D. DuPUE, W liming ton, May 21, 1853. , , : 29-6m-c "MAN KNOW THYSELF" AN invariable Book for 25 cents. ;JJ Every Farni Iv ohouid have a copy." v-i jg&z Six ih oueand copies sold in Icssthantbreemomlts. A new edition, rcvuid and improved, jQyf issued. Dr. Hunter's Medical Manuel end hand Book for the Afflicted, containing tn outline of tho. origin, progress, in ptim nuand c tuc. of. every. fortrj-cf dis ease, contracted by promiscuous sexual intercourse, by self-abuse, or bj sexual excess, with advice for their prevt ntion, written in a familiar style avoiding all medical t. (-finicalities, t.nd cvrrytlJng that would (jfiend the cur of decency, from the result ot some twenty years succosful practice, exclusively devo ted to the c i re nf diseases f 11 d.-licate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the cure ef tho above diseases, and a treiiti.-e on I he causes, symp toms ami cure el the Fever and Ague, j"i,r twenty five ernls a copy ; si x Ci.pii s one dollar ; will be for warded to any p. til ol the I'tiit'd blatcs, by mail, free .f por-t iie. Address. poMnpe pair1, Cusdt n ip Co., Publi.-lu-is 01 box I Ob. I'osl Office. Plliladehihia. "This is, without ixciption, the most comprehen sive and intelligible wot k puluis-ludon the class of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding nil technical teims.it addresses itself to the rtuson of its readers. It is free from all objectionable matter, and no pa rent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in the hands of his sons. The author has devoted many years tothe treatment of '.he various com plaints treated of, and 'with loo little breath to puff,' and 'too little pre.-imirtion to impose,' he has offered to the world at the meiel v nominal Drier ef 25 cents. thcfruitsol some twenty years most succcstlul prac tice." Herald. "No teacher or parent should be without the knowledge imparled in this invaluable work. It would save yeurs of pain, mortification and sorrow to the youth under their chatge.'- PrcrLE's Advo cate. A Presbyterian clcrcvman in Ohio, in writing of 'Hunter's Medical Manuel, seys : "Thousands of our youth, by evil example nnd the influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin andfcarfulconsequen ces upon themselves and tlx ir posterity. The con stitutions of thousands who are raising fatnilieshave been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or the cure. Any thing thatcan be done so to enlighten and influence the public mind as to check, and ultimate ly to remove this 'wide spread source of human wretchedness, would confer the grealesi blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the pres. nt and coming generations Intemperance, (the use of intoxicating drinks,) though it has slain thousands upon thousands, isnot a greater scourge to the human race. Accept my thanks in behalf of the afflicted, and believeme, your co-worker in the good work you arc so active ly engaged in.'' One copy will be forwarded (srctirely enveloped and postage paid.) on receipt of 25 cents, or six copies for SI. Addreps, COSDF.N A, CO.. Publishers, 19G, Philadelphia. Booksellers Canvassers and Book Agents, sup plied on the most liberal terms. June 2. 34-1 y-e. FLOUR. 44TTIRAM SMITH" fresh in Ibis, and half 1 1 bbls ; also, Fayetteville and Genesee Flour just received, for sale by Sept. 15. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. W R PEPPER, Commission Merchant and Forwarding Agent AV. '21, High. Street, Portsmouth., Va.. WILL sive his personal attention toallconsign mcnts of Tobacco, Wheal, Cotton, Flour &c, whethe-for sale or shipment, and is prepared to make liberal advances when required. Particular attention paid to the Receiving and Forwarding Goods. All orders for Merchandiseof any descrip tion punctually attended to, and filled on thebest terms. REFERENCES: David S. Reid, Governor of State of N.C. U. M. Saundrbs, Raleigh, " S. H. ItOGEBS, " " Maj. C. L. Hijjton, " Pebbin ISvsbee, " " Rich'd I. Wynne, Hyde count-, " Yabdobouch &. Stbotmeb, Louisburg, " R. M. H yman. Warrenton, " R. Nichols, Hillsborough, ' Bland & Dunn, Greenshorough, " Col. Andrew Joyneh, Halifax, J. F. Simmons. Weldon, " Alex. Mc It ae, President W. & R. R . It. Co. Jno. W. Pugh. Gaston. N.C. David McUaniel, Rocky Mount, N .(.Carolina. M. Weston, Henry Mobdecai, Edgecombe, L.H. 15 WhitakebA Son, Endfield, " A. W. Vanable, Granville, " D. E. Young, Henderson, " W. H. Weston, Gaston, Sept. 6. 74-3m. CLEGG ON GAS LIGHTING. . . .1 r ... .1 : m. t rr.t .n 'Trent me on Hie manuiatiuic anu u. A tribution of Coal-Gas, its introdution and pro gressive improvement, Jilustrated Dy engravings from worKHig urawings., 'A,! . y . t . I, rr,Mirft I not 1 m ft I A Fnr sale at s. TY. VY11I I Afccft Junc23. 45. HERRINGS rvBBLS. Halifax Pickled Herring, ju - i J ceived, and for sale by July 26 FREEMAN & HOUSTON. JUST RECEIVED, i -rtRf.S. Fayetteville Flour, trom ew nea. ... . 1. SAT tlU. OVJ 15 " Cider, and White Wine Vinegar. Lemon Syrup, Stoughtons Biturs, Raisins, Crack les. Matches.-Pepper, All spiie, Ginger, eic. cic. Kor sales low, by S ept. 6. N. C.T. copy.' 74. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE rpH E subscriber oilers for sale the following prop jLerty, viz: COMMERCIAL STEAM SAW MILL, tvt... ; ,lo,. f.rrler Ivinrutl thaOODOSite Sid c . I , .. ri r tnm nnd within the limits of the town ., . ,,,h.H to ih Mill la a Water Lot. 190 fe-t front on the river, running back 450 fopt.Rriioinins which is a wharf SW teet tront, run ning back to the Mill Timber Pen, 750 feet on n. ?nn fpii riccn. 90 acres of cleared land, ginni'np 450 feet from the line of tho -Mill PPfV .mininir em.sewav oDDositc tho:Depot 01 m Wilmington and Manchester K.tt. Co., running with the causeway to Alligator Creek, distance one half mile. HQlJSE AWJ1jOTf Corner of Fourth .yd Nunn tteets T.vlntr nn both sides of Jumping Run. about 1 miles from town, containing 1000 acres. on I lKPl.Y NEGRO FBLLOWH, AU accustomed to Mill woik tnese Negroes areall saroatke and valaaoia. T rur.- nuin E1TR If RATH. . i. .-- - , too-,ntirthen. coDDcred and copper fastened, Three fourths of the New York packet schoone IRA BREWSifctt.. f BIG CAPE FEAn,; mn ir.. Knrthnn. 5 years old and recently zinced " jjy health being bad, and. anxious to leave for the South this tan. wiu uibiiobb w uh bouio cety on the most uvoraoio 1"rB,T-mjpOST1N- - wstmintrton.N -- Mtfc Jnlr 1853.-- . 56 If TJIK ub9cTibr.r ?vinsrrccivcA W;tt(?rMe"slw'n- X tafy, from the last Cloerl of Plea and Qnarterf Sessions,on the oarate of hJ&; fate 4asb Kcacn, hereby rcquesis all persons indebted to His testator, to come forward, andr rdako' payment and those having claims against said testator are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will he 'pleaded in bar of their recovery. , v JOHN D. UKLLAM Y, Exccnlor. jFeb lS ..ix-'Sj.f-'Mt-f -; - - 142-tf HANDS -WANTED. Or 15 able bodied laborers by the month or vfof the bafanee of the year. Apply to 5 - JOHN McRAE, or O. G. PARSLE Y 153-tf. March 21. SASHvBLliND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. Hatch kis; THE publicare hereby informed, that 1 havebeer nppointed agent for the sale of Window Sash, minds and Doors, manufactured by the New Ha ven Co., and am prepared to fill al iorders i n the above line. The quality of the work ot the New Haven Co. is well known in this market. Builders and all personsin want of the above articles, are requested to send in their orders, and they will be promptly filled , Termsinvariably cash on delivery. WM. A. GWYER. General Agent Commission and Forwarding Mer chants April 18. 1 5 coRTiwiiipr THE undersigned have formed a co-partnership under tha name of PARSLEY, McRAE & CO., for the transaction of the Lumber businesp. O. G. PARSLEY, JOHN McRAE, WM. G.JONES. A'ilming.'on. N. C, Feb. 1. 12-tf OflCET " THE undersigned having been appointed at March Term of the County Court of New Hanover, a Committee to ascertain lor what sum the present Jail can be sold, and to advertise for plans and estimates for the building of a new Jail, hereby give notice that they will receive bids for the present site, and also proposals, accompanied by plans and specifications for the erection of a new building. Address, W. C. BETTENCOURT, J T. H. WILLIAMS, Committee. S. D. WALLACE. Wilmington. N. C. March 26 4-tf. C00PERS"VANTED. TO make Sp rits Turpentine Casks, to whom steady employment and liberal wayes will be given. J. R. BLOSSOM. March 8. 151-tf. SMITH VILLE WALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY, WILL commence its fourth session in the new building, 15th of February and close its scholas tlc year 15th Dec 1S53. Organization and charges as heretofore. Mr. Murphy excepted, whose servi ces, if necessary, will be supplitd by a competent Assistant. For particulars address the principal. JAMES H. BRENT, Smithville, N. C. Weekly Journal, Fayetteville Observer, and New bern an, insert C mouths and send bill to Principal, immediately. Dec 30 ' 122-12m. PLEASE TARE NOTICE, rPITAT we have superior Teas of all qualities X from 50cts. to 1,51) per lb., imported fresh, by the Pekin Tea Company, which Teas arc celebra ted throughout the country, for their superior fla vors, and are sold only in Wilmington, at 25 pel cent less than other Teas, by May 17. WILKINSON & ESLFR, Agt. KID GLOVES. 20 DO,., assorted colors, No. I.at75 cents French Working, Cotton Flouncing Thre ad mbroidering Silk and Braid. ja:t-i; May 3. HEDRICK & RYAN. OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," AT THE Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. THE subscriber respectiully infornisthe public that he has recently received additions to iiia stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, die., the latest and most improved style, and is constanly manufacturing, at his store on market street, every description of articlein the above line. From his xpenence in the business, he feels confident that e will be able to cive entire satisfaction to all who nay favor him with a call. He has now on hand, nil wiuconstanti Keen a large assortmen t o Cone 1, (It? and Sut&ei llurntss, Lady's Sadillfs firidUf, Whins, dc, Gentlemen's Suddlct, Whips Spurs, pc. "6&!5nll of which he wil best materials and 5 has also a large as 11 warrant to be of the d workmanship. He ree assortment ot rruiike. a uses, Saddle ana Carpet Hairs, at cue is 'anty TrtiUKs, &C, and all other articles usually cptin such establishments, nil of which he oners low for CASH, or on short credit to prompt custo mers. Saddlcs.Harness.Trunks.odieal flazs.&c.&c made to order- In addition tothe above the subscriber always ecps on hand a large supply of String Icather, nd has now, and will kep through the season a good ssortmentot iriy IMetls. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods. whether in want ornot, as I take pleasure i n show ing my assortment to all who may tavor mc with a all. Harncseand Coach Trimmings sold atafairprice lopersons buying to manufacture. Also, Whips at wholesale. Allkindsol Hiding Venules bough t andsold on ommissions. JOHN .CONOLEY. Jan. 8 1853. 39 WAY FREIGHT NOTICE. T? ROM and after this date all freight shipped by X Brother's Line, to or from Wilmington will be charged to Shippers or Consigneee at Wilmington JUItiN d iN ft. o , Agent. Nov 2. S9-tf JUST RECEIVEIL A SUPPLY of Cox's Geletine: Kabbitt's east xlL Powders; Preston's Extracts of Lemon, Vanil etc. For sale low , by S.B.& J. A EVANS. 118. Dec. 18. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE and complete supply of FRESH SEEDS, comprising every variety usually call ed for, raised and pnt up by the United Society of Chokers, at New Lebanon, IV. Y. Ordersfrom our country friends promptly filled. 1 S. IJ. fc J. A. KVAftS. Jan 15. 129 BARGAINS. WE are offering Extraordinary Bargains in Sum mer Goods. Persons desirous of siving twenty percentin prices, can do so by calling on us may 17. HEDlllUK & K.1 AN. CAROLINA nOTEL. co- PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THHE Subscribers having formed a co-partnership J- under the style ot Wood Vincent, win neie- alter have charge of the well known establishment heretolore conducted by K. B. Wood, who takes this opportunity to return his thanks to the public for the constant and liberal patronage he has received. The firm will endeavor to improve the manage ment of the concern, and by mutual exertions will (strive to render the Hotel still more worty of public avop. it. k. wood. N. B. VINCENT. June 9. 37-lf. II UM MEL'S PREMIUM ESSENCE OF COFFEE. WE are prepared to supply dealers with this excellent article, at factory prices. Aug. 13. FREEMAN d HOUSTON. WANTED. 1 CC CC( FEET of White or Post Oak IVAAUVM- Plank, 14, 21, or 23 feet long, 14 inches or upwards wide, and2j inches thick, for which I will pay $20 per thousand. May 24. - GEO. S. GILLESPIE. : , MOLASSES. , r HEIDS. of prime Sweet Molasses, now Ian JjJSlng from brig B. Hayden., Por sale by - ( ' J. ilATHAWAY A SOS. Aug-u, ; ... - " , DR. j:iBVIARCnisrS:r ! CELEBRATED: CATIIOLICONF For tlie relief &cure;flf Suffering Females. - It rtands prc-emi. nent for its curative powers in all the dis eases for which it is recommended, call. ed -' Female CompJai Bis- Of tneso are Po lapsus' - Utsbi, or Falling of the Womi; Floci At. biis, or Whites; Chronic Inflamma tion and Ulceration of the Womb ; Iaci dental Hemorrhage, or Flooding; Pain ful, Suppressed, nnd Irregular Menstrua tion, Ac., with all their accompany evils, (Cancer excepted,) no matter how severe or of how long stand. ' TheCathoIiCon far surpasses other remedies, in being more certain, less expensive, and leaving the system in a better condition. Let all interested in such a remedy call and obtain a pamphlet (frf e) containing ample proof, frotn highly respect able sources, of the happy results of iu use together with letters from first-class experienced physicians, who have used it in their practice, and speal. trom their own observation. BiriltKCtt. Prof. Dunbar, M.D., Baltimore, Md. J-C. Orrick, M. !., P. 15. Peckham, M. D, Utira, N, V. D. Y. Footc, M. D., Syracuse, N". Y. M. H. Mills. M. D., Rochester, N. V. L. D. Fleming, M. D., Canandaigtta, N. Y. Vv . W. Reese, M. D., City of N. Y. VV. Prescott, M. D., Concord, N. H. J. P. Newland, M. D., Utica. N. Y. Pamphlets can bo had gratis at tho Store of S. B. & J. A. EVANS, Drnggists Wholesale and Retail Agent.. Wilmington, N. C. And of most of the leading Druggists in the State. IMter addressed to Messrs. Reach d Rrovvsov, Asrents at Xcvbeirry C. II., S. C, by Rev. C. S. Ilmrd. of same State. Glenn Spbings, Jan. 'J:h, 1653. Messrs. Beach & Kbownson Sibs : I send for another bottle of your " Marchisps Utarine Ca tholieon." My wife has been afflicted for eleven years, and a variety of means has been resorted to for relief, but none was obtained until I received this medicine fromjou. Its influence seems al most mncical : there was a manifest improvement from the day it was taken. As there are a great many females in our country laboring under the affliction for which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel it a duty to recom mend it to all such. I (Signed.) Clocgii S. Beabd. 1 J. B. MARCHISI & CO., Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 Broadway N. Y. Aug. IS. C6-3m. "I am a man. and deem nothing which relates to man foreign to my feelincs." READ ! ! ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD. A A'lgorous Ijife or a Premature Death. KIXKELIM O.X SELF PRESERVATION. ONLY CENTS. rr'HiS Book, just published, is filled with useful X Information, on the infirmities and diseases of the Generative System. It addresses itself alike to YOUTH, MANHOOD andut.l) AUK. To all who apprehend or suffer under the dire con sequences of early or prolonged indiscretions to all who feel the exhaustive citecis 01 seucntary ana beneful habits to all who in adition to declining physical energy, are the victims of nervous and mental debility, andof moping and melancholy de spondency. JJr.K.. would say READ.THIS BOOK. The valuable advice and impressive warning it gives, will prevent years of misery and suflering, and save annually Thousands of Lives. Parents by reading it, will learn how to prevent the destruction of their children. 0A remittance of 25 cents, enclossd in a letter, addressed to DR. KINK ELI N, PHILADELPHIA , will ensure a book, under envelope, per return of mail. lDr. K. fifteen years resident Physician. N. W. Corner of THIRD and UNION Street, between Spbucb yndPisa, Philadelphia, may be consulted confidentially. He who placcshim8elf under the care of Dr. K. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. Jj-Personsal a distance may address Dr. K. by letter (post-paid,) nnd be cured nt home. PACKAGES of MEDICINES, DIRECTIONS, dc, forwarded, by sending a remittance.and put up secure from DAMAGE OR CURIOSITY. ffBooksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvass ers, and all others supplied with the above work at very lowr ates. June 2. 3H..CJ NOTICE. 1 J fc., the undersigned, have tins day lormed a V Co-partnership under the stylo and firm of Mcl'ONNELL & TOWKSIIENI), for the purpose of furnishing WOOD-GAS LIGHT throughout the L nilcd hlates of America, by virtue of a l'atent granted to Dr. Win. P. McConnell, for the purpose of generating Gas, and the production of Tar, Coal &c. WM. P. McCONNELL. WM. L. S. TO W NS H EN D . May 2G. 1553. 35-tf JUSTRECEIVED FROM PHILAD'A 1CASE Sulph. Quinine, 50 ozs. Calomel, 10 ozs. Sttlph. nnd Acetate Morphine, 25 ozs. Cinchonia, 5 ozs. .S'alarlne, 25 ozs. Kluc Mass, 10 ozs. Chloroform, 19 bbls. Epsom Salts, and a choice collection o Chemicals from the Labratories of Poms & Weigh t man'and Chas. Ellis. For sale cheap at C. & D. DuPRE'S, Drug and Chemical Store, Market st. June 9. 37 PROF. "PINNEVS FRENCH BOOKS, JNCLUDING 1st Book in French, Practical Grammar, Header; all on the Allendoff System, with various improvements, received and for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. August 19. FRESH ARRIVALS. SMOKED Beef and Tongues, Butter and Cheese Soda. Cream and Susar Crackers, at L- N. HARLOW'S, No. 3, Granite Row. Aug. 16. WHISKEY. "I (( BBLS Cincinnati Rectified, Powell and X VJU Dexter brands, for sale by AugH. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. NOW LANDING rot Schr. R. W. It row n, L. P. SmUA an viinUi. Ara- BOXES No. I and pale Soap, tjVJ 12 hall boxes do. do. 20 boxes Itaisins ; 26 do. Adamantine Candles ; 20 do. Stewart's refined Candies; 15 bbls. Crushed and Coffee Sugars; 20 do. Cider Vinegar very superior ; 25 do. Mess Pork; 25 do. Double Rectified Whiskey 30 sale by Aug. 16 do. Eastern Pickled Herrings, and for ZENO H. GREENE. . N. C.T. copy. 05. TOBACCO AND CIGARS all qualities, for sale low, by L. IM. BARLOW. Aug. 16. No. 3, Granite Row. GLUE. TURPENTINE Distillers will find an excellent article of Glue, specially prepared for their use; together with a fuH-assortment of Bungs, assorted sizes, for saleby FREEMAN HOUSTON. Sept. 3. 73. LEMONS WILKINSON & ESLER. 52 T7OR sale by X Jt lune 21. JUST RECEIVED. REFRIGERATORS, Water Coolers and Show er Baths. For sale by J. D. LOVE. 31ayl7. 27-tf. FOR SALE. A New Turpentine Still and fixtures about 15 jl barrels capacity, weighs about 2210 lbs., war rented In perfect order, lias never been in nse Apply to - .WJH.A, Junslt.' GWYER. 33-tf. GLUE. . r '' 1 C( nr.n ttpcrfo, jnt reerivrd for ! V Jgnr S. - . 35, UIORSK FOR SALE. "7 A SPLENDI l HORSE, bright bar bub yeirs old, J71 Jad hlj-h, if fine st tie and action, warranted rri f,.i l - geiitto ,.nd teryjo4t. T G l seen t : r. H. ( . Gnnt'sLivtry &ublcs.v VV.C. IIOWAHD. CHERRY PECTORAL For the rapid Ce mt '. - ; .": " COUGHS COLDS, HOARSENESS, t BuoNcniTis, wnoopiNGoucnr CROUP, ASTIIJ1A, AND coNsunwioi::v Many years of trial, instead of impairing the 'J public confidence in this tmdiclne, has won -tor it an appreciation and notoriety by far exceeding tho' , most sanguine expectations of its friends..- Noth- r ing but its intrinsic virtues and the unmielakablrr '' be nefit conferred. on thousands of tuHeri-nr,.' could , L. originate and maintain the reputation it (njoys. , ; While many Inferior remedies thrust upon tho ".'' comrnunity, have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred bene-- fits on the'affiictrd they can never forget, and pro-. duced cures too numerous and too. remarkable to . be forgotten. r " - .. . . k-r ' While it is a fraud on the public to pretend thar any one medicine will lnlallilily xurc still Ihcro is abundant proof that the Cherry , Pcctoiul dors' i not only ns a general thing, but almost invariably' cure the maladies for which it is cmplo)ed. ; as limes makes tnerc lacls wider and belter known, this medicine has giadually. become the, ' best reliance of the afflicted, from the log-cabin of ' the American Peasant, 10 the palaces of European .' Kings. Throughout this entire country, in every. State, city, and indeed almost every hamlet it con-' tains. Cherry Pectoral is known s the tcrtrimc- ?' dy extant for diseases of the Throat ond Lungs, and in many foreign conntries, it la coming to bo ; ixtensivcly used by their most Intelligent Physi-.. cians. In Great Britain, France' and Germany. - where the medienl sciences have reached tbeirhich- - est perfection. Cherry Piclt ral is introduced, and - . . . . . , in coiifiani nee in 1 n ai inicf, - iiuinn nir, . jkimw Houses, Public Institutions, and 1n domestic piae- oice, as the surest remedy lhJr- attending Physi-V' nans can employ for the more dangerous affections' ! cf the lungs. Also in milder cakes, and for chil. ,' drcn it is safe, pleasant and effectual to cure. ' In fact, some of the most flattering testimonials' wo receive have been from parents who have-found If J efficacious in cases particularly incidental tochild." -hood. '" . ' The Cherry Pectoral is manufactured by a rae--' ; tical Chemist, and every ounce of it under bU own ; eye, with invariable accuiacy and rate.- Ifl.seal- ed and protected by law from Counterfeits rpnsr, quently can be relied on as genuine without adul- teration. " ' '. 5, ,.." We have endeavored here to furnish the commu nity with a medicine of such Intrinsic superiority and wort h ns should commend itself 10 their confi dence a remedy at once safe, speedy and eflectoal, -which this has by repeated and countless trials proved itself to be; and trust by great eare In pre paring it with chemical accuracy, of uniform strength to afford Physicians a new agent on which ihey can rely for the best remits, and the al- -Aided with a remedy that v. ill do for them alt that medicine can do. - ..i . PB EPA RED AND SOLD DV JAMES C. ATtl, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell Massnchuseits. Soldfin Wilmington by S. B. dc'J. A. EVANS,' nnd in,Fnyctieville, by S.J. HINbDALL, and by Druggists generally. t Sept. 17. 1853. 79-3m. VENETIAN RED. V; A PURE and brilliant article, in half bbls., lor' sale by Fit EEM AN & HOUSTON. - Sept. 3. 73. STAVES AND HEADING. Til E Subscriber wishes to purchase during tho , next six months, 175,000 White Oak Barn I Slaves, also 50,000 Ash Bbl Heading, if they can be had of good quality. He will pay considerable advance on former prices. ' ' . ';. Persons wishing to contract can do So by apply- : ing to ine here. A.MORGAN. Aug. 11. 63-4m-p. , ,. SOUTHERN ESTABLISHMENT OF ' UPHOLSTERY.'.- , V ; THE tin iersigncd have opened in thoSECOND ' STOKV over the CONFECTIONARY AN 1 FRUIT JSTOKI'., a large nnd handsome assort ment of the following Goods, consisting in part of Ri h Damask, Turkey and Lscc, Curtain Cor- : nishes, Bands Loops, Tassels, Cord,- Shades, and . Window Fixtures of various kinds 1 Paper Hang ings; Fire Screens; Lounges ; Ottomans, &c. dir. We will aiso moke Hair, Moss, Shuck, or Palm Leaf Mattrasscs; Cut and Fit Carpets ; Hang Pa-.', per; Trim Windows; Repair Sofas,-Chairs, Mat trasses, &c. ; - -. Having superior workmen, we will furnish lltsr best of stock, and do any kind of work in tlie' above business, and shall be pleased to have thore ' wishing any thing in the above line to call on us, as we feel confident wa can please. -.: WILKINSON, ESLER & COV -Up Stairs, over the Fruit Depot. , Wilmington, N.C, Sept. 8, 1863--aV-.--16.-'-' CRACKERS. - IN bbls. and boxes, Butter, Soda and Sngar, frf th for sale by FREEMAN & HOUSTON. Sep. 13- r. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. - Iocated 127 RalUmore-st.; Baltimore; Md nHK ostensible object of this Institution lata X afford individuals an opportuniny of obtaining a complete Mercantile Education. Course of study Book Keeping, by double entry, as practically used in the various departments of Trade and Commerce, including Wholesale, Retail, Commis sion. Manufacturing, Shipping, and Sieamboailng, Individual Partnership, and Compound Co. Busi ness. Also, Mercantile Calculations, Practical' Penmanship, and lamilinr Lectures on Commercial Law, and the usages of Trade. Students being taught individually, can enter College at any time, and the Course is usually completed in from 10 8 weeks. Terms lor an unlimited course of Inslrue tion. S35 All communications addressed to O.K." CHAMBERI.IN, will meet with prompt attention, Circulara mailed to any part of the Union when de sired. .... " i'" July 19. 63-lFr43-w-1yc- FALL SUPPLIES.-!! - - WE are now receiving a full assortment of GRO CERIES, PROVISIONS,' AND OTHER GOODS, suitable for the FALL, AND WINTER TRADE ; and which we offer, to sell for esh, or in exchange for Naval stores, or other produce. Pfi lers, in town or country,--can be; suppled .on fair terms; and every article sold is warranted to be as represented, or it may be returned af our expenee We have now in stores Flour, Corn; K ice, Pork, Beef, Bacon. Lard, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Salt.. Sugar, Coffee, Tea," Molasses,, Vinegar, Fish, Ci gars, Tobacco Snuff Candles. Soap, fetarch, Spices Candies, Peppr, Buckets, Brooms, Whiskey, Rum, Gin, Brandy, Wines, Oils, White Lesd. NanV, Shot, Lime, Hay, and a varleiyof other articles, to all of wst:i3?k ,he 'TRKEMKwro;: KOWliaANDINCf 1 1 5 F, em Sckoeners II. P. Psxa and Adeline D. . ern BBLS. pure Genesee Flour i : r OU 25 44 Crackera Fresh. s .v ; 35 Rectified Whiskers -": ' 20 boxes Stewarts assorted hard Candies 5 For sale by . ZF.NO II. GREENE. Srpt 6. TtlC.T eopy ; , 74. PJ' " nijtWWlirtili.fWlIMIItii iTiihuiihh iiyi.KX - . -at