V - - : : sss sf. VOLUME VIII NUMBER 105. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1853. WHOLE NUMBER 1065. THE JOURNEYMAN'S SECRET. From the Diary of n Journeyman Printer. "You can take this case," said the fort traan ; '-here is a stick here is some copy ; end if you would like a quiet and steady partner, you will find tbis geiuleman siill nough in all conscience." The "partner" merely looked up t.n.l T.jintJy smiled in acknowledgement of the foreman's compliment, and kept on with his work, while the foreman turned away to attend to something else. We worked on steadily until dinner, as We were in a hurry to get the paper up. without exchanging a word or even a look In the afternoon " 1 had more leisure to study the physiognomy of my neighbor He was a young man, of ab-iut three or four and twenty, with handsome features irid a rather intellectual cast of counte nance ?--,His face was quite pale, ai:J the raven darkness of his hair, eyebrows ami eyesmade me immediately come to the conclusion, after thoroughly studying his physiognomy, that he was a hard student during his leisure hours, or that, depriving himself of recreation, of books or other ources of enjoyment, he spent all his wa ging hours at the case. The latter sup position time proved correct. As day after day passed by I became more acquainted with him ; and I found him to be a singular character. Beneath his stand, he had constructed a kind of closet, which contained a spirit lamp, a mattress with bedding, a few cooking utensils, and a small stock of tine plainest kind of food. When the hours for meals arrived he would light his lamp, and put ting some food over it to cook, would work until al the rest of the hands had left the office, when he would sit down to his fru gal repast. He worked incessantlj' dur ing work hours, hardly leaving the office, unless to purchase food, or some errand of that kind. Morning, noon and night, when I returned from my meals, 1 invariably found him at the case, working away wi:h all his might, as if some great issue de pended upon the improvement of every minute. I supposed he slept upon the cot which he always kept in his closet : but as he was always at work when 1 left a! night and when I returned in the morning. I could not positively assert that he did so I was not long in discovering that there , was some mystery connected with him and that his intense application to labor was not promoted merely bv a desire to make money; for if there is anything in j -phrenology, judging from the formation of his head, he was the very one whom 1 j would have selected from a score for a j spendthrift. Occasionally his check would j flush, his eyes light up, ami a happy smile ; overspread bis features -jnhen the snide; would go away, his ej-es would fill with tears, while air expression of sadness al- j most despair would seat itself upon his countenance. I have been tempted a thou- ; sand times to ask him th cause of tins. but as he appeared so cold and isolated I refrained from doing so, as it is not pleas ant proffering sj-mpathy unasked. ''Well, how do you like your neighbor?" -asked one of the journeymen of tne. as we were descending the stairs one evening. 'I can hardly make him out," said 1 ; 'he appears to be a strange sort of a being You are better acquainted with him than 1 ; how do you like him V 'For my part, I hate him, and what is more, he has not a friend in the whole of fice. That fellow has been here for three months, and he has hardly spoken to any one. A man who makes such bills as he does, and hoards up his money like a mi ser 1 have very little friendship for. We wouldn't any of us care so much if would be a little sociable, and spend a dol lar, or even a dime occasionally ; but no every five cent piece he gets he hangs on to as if he was afraid the eagle would spread his wings and fly away with it, do ing him out of a five-cent piece. But he can't stay here long. We've insulted him n dozen times; and heh?.s less spunk than 1 think he ha if he don't resent it some day. VVe'll get him into a quarrel then, and have him discharged." "But," said I, "do you know anjihing about his history ? He may have some all-absorbing end to accomplish, which is the cause of his untiring assiduity You should have a little charity for the fellow, and taking Crocket's motto, 'be sure you're right before you go ahead.'" "No, we know nothing of him, and if circumstances are as you suppose, it wdl be his own fault if they are discovered too late, for we have tried often enough to -scrape an acquaintance with him. You had better not take up on his side if you io not wish to incur the dispieasure of the -whole office. Good night" I bad some charity for the fellow, and was resolved to see him righted should he get into difficulty. I soon saw that he was very unpopular, and that, as I felt rather disposed to make allowances for him, 1 was considered as his friend. Many were th: iokes cracked at our expense. "I say, fellows," said a rowdy looking customer, who went by the name of Zeke, do Quakers ever have camp meetings " "Yeg," answered the other, "they have a camp meeting over there in Quaker cor ner every night. Thar fellow camps out upon the" floor every nap he takes." "Well," said another, I've heard of board ing at the market house and sleeping on the bridge, but 1 never saw an illustration of it before." "Wonder if they wouldn't take in board ers?" asked the first speaker. I'll see if they don't wan't the rules and regulations of the House printed. If they do I'll board out the bill." I glanced at my neighbor to see how he bore this ridicule. His face was flush ed and his hps firmly compressed, as if to choke down the rising indignation. But he said not a word. I fancied, however, A i J g; COuld not SO on in this way Sffr' fr aS SOtMlke a quality i forbearance is u cannot hold out against everyimng. i saw that a storm was gath- ering, and prepared to act my part as a man when it burst forth. It was Saturday afternoon; the hands were ranged round the "stone." with their bdls in their hands, waiting to be paid off "Quaker" happened to be at one end of the "stone," ami immediately opposite stood 'Zeke." As usual, "Quaker" was the'-oh served, of all observers," and sly whispers, which were answered by a titter or a nudge of the elbow, passed round the j:roup. As the foreman paid "Quaker" the amount due him, he gave him a new quarter dol.ar to make out the the chanire. Thi.s did not escape "Zrke's eye. and he said in a tone loud enough to be heard by all : ' If that eagle on that quarter had life, and I were a State prison convict. I would n't swap places with it, for my confinement would be far more preferable to being squeezed to death.' This was the hair that broke the camel's back. With the exclamation, ' You d d scoundrel !' he made one bound, and with a stunning: blow, brought ' Zeke' to the floor. Then jerking ofThis coat. and plac ing himself in a fighting altitude, lie turn ed to the astonished group with ' corne on now, cowardly ruffians. If j-ou cannot let me alone peaceably, will make you do it by force. 1 have borne your insults long enough, and if you have any more to offer come on with them !' This challenge was sufficient. Coats came off and sleeves were rolled in a min ute. I saw that my friend would be pt to get the worst of the fijht. and forcing him in a corner. I exclaimed, 'Gentlemen, one word, if you please. It would be cowardly for yuj all to attack this man ; I will not see it done And if yon will at tempt it I have something here (tapping my breat significantly) that wiil stop it lie is not to Id.-iine : he has only resented an insult which any of you would have done. You have all insulted him because he has conducted himself stran.ir'-ly ; let him explain his conduct, and perhaps we can make up our quarrel. He owes you an explanation if not to you. he certainly does to me. A :d now. sir. said I, turnin? to him, ' I demand it uf you iis a light " j He hesitated a moment Come, iy inenti. s im l, - let ns nave it, wnatever n is. and at once put an end to this quarrel ' : Well, "-critletiien.' h,- said. -1 am not i ' disposed to lay my private affiirs open to : the public gaze, but I suppose 1 must do it ' for once. You must know. then, that from my earnings 1 must not only support mv- self, but my mother, two sisiers and three Ismail brothers, who reside in a distant state. J coulu earn enough at no.ne to support them well, hut my reason for coin ! ing here is this: ):ie of my sisters, who is a beautiful gul of sixteen, and the pet of lhe family, has been blind from birth. We had no hope of her ever acquiring the (acuity of sight, and were content to abide by what we thouL'ht ;i dispensation of Providence. But recently have seen n ; case similar to hi rs a young man who i was restored to sight by an eminent phy ; sician of Paris. I have corresponded with i that physician, and he has high hopes that in my sister's ease he can effect a cure. j This, gentlemen, is what I have been la boring for since 1 have been here to raise funds sufficient to take her to Paris. 1 love that sister as I do my own life ; I have labored day and nisrht have depriv ed myself of many comforts, and borne your taunts and jeers for her sake. But 1 can bear it no longer. If von are men you will desist; if your do not I warn you of the consequences !' ' Zeke' had risen to his feet and heard all my friend had said. As he listened to the 'Quaker,' I could 6ee the moisture coming into his eyas ; and when he had fim.hod, he stepped forth and trrasjj'ng- lhe ' Quaker's' hand, while the tears trickled down his face, he said with emotion. m a voice quivenn '.My noble fellow, we have wronged you deeply, and I for one ask j-our forgiveness. Had you told us what j'our object was we would not have placed a single obstacle in jour way.' ' I forgive j-ou freely, sir I forgive you Jill,' said Quaker' ' Anil how much have you to raise yet, I asked, ' before you will have the requi site sum V ' About one hundred and fifty dollars. If I have my health, and continue to make good bills, 1 shall be ready to start to Eu roDe in about two months.' ' You won't have to wait that long,' said Zeke,' laying the money he held in his band upon the stone, ' if my week's wages, every cent of which you're welcome to, will help you along. Come, boys,' he ad ded, ' how many of you will follow suit?' 1 Well, there's mine,' said Jim, laying an X upon the pile, ' and mine,' and mine and mine,' said a dozen voices, as eacli had deposited an equal amount, until they had made quite a pile of bank bills. ' There, stranger, take that, and may God prosper you,' said 1 Zeke,' tendering him the money. 'No, gentlemen,' answered the 'Quaker' 1 thank you for your liberality, but I can not take your money. lam no beggar; all I ask is that I may be allowed to do my work without being disturbed.' 'But you must take it,' urged 'Zeke,' growing warm, 'we owe it to you, and you shall take it. We've done you a great wrong we've abused you and we have no other way of making amends. Be sides, if you won't take it, it will be spent before Monday morning, and I know that for my part it will be much pleasanter to commence the week with the consciousness of having Appropriated my money in a sen sible way than with the foggy head, aching limbs, and empty pocket, which always follow a 'free and easy.' Still the stranger hesitated. 'Take it take it for your sister's sake,' said two or three voices. 'I accept it, gentlemen, said the Quaker, !as you say, for my sister's sake,' and I hope to be able some day to return it, prin cipal and interest.' Quaker left for Paris shortly after, and in a few months we had thesatisfaction of hearing that his sister was completely res tored, to sight, and that they were oo their way home. I have heard from him several times since. His Mines have been drawn in plea sant places,' and he is now a judicial func tionary in a neighboring State, (Kentucky.) As a woman was walking, a man look ed at and followed her. "Why," said she, "do you follow me?" "Because I have fallen in love with you." "Why so? My sister, who is coming after, is much hand somer than I am go and make love to her." The man turned back, and Sctw a woman with an ugly face, and being great ly displeased, returned and said. "Why did you tell me a story ?" The woman an swered, "Neither did you tell me the truth, if you are in love with me, why did you look for another woman ?" ' Is there much water in the cistern, Bid dy ?'" inquired a gentleman of his Irish girl, as she came up from the cellar. "It's full on the bottom, sir, but there's none at the top," said Biddy. MEDICAL AND SUKMICAL INSTITUTE. .,. 10, SOCTIl riiKlKIUCK STHEKT. BALT1MOHE. MAKVL.tM). DR. Smith has for ninny jtars r! vnt d his whole a itniion la the in atinn.i of Pnvaic Com plaints, in all tln-ir vaiitil oiol cianplicati d forms. Hiscn-at siiccv-tw in those lonjr scindine and diffi cult casi-s. such as were (oniieiU consid'tttd incur able, insufficient to commend him to the nul lic as I worthy ol Hie t xl nj-ive ir.lninaire he has received i Within ihe lat cirriit v ''?, Ur ; has treated more ' t linn 211, "iiit' c:i.-i s ol I'uvate Complaints, in th lr : Mirtererit tonus and stages ; a pr.ictier. winch no i doubt exceeds rhut of all oiIi t physicians now ad ! -riisinir in rialiimure, and nvt a simile case is : known wh-re his directions were srrieti; followed, ao l medicines taken at reasonable tin..-, without eiici iina radical and perm inent cure ; lh-rclorr, persons afflicied with diseases of the above nature. I ' no matter how (litfii-iili or lon; Elandine the case 1 in;iy bi," w ould do well to call .in tJr. Soiiih .at his '.fiiee. So, lb, suii'Ii Kri'dci iek St , and ifnoli lllc j in illy relieved no reiounci utit n will be required for ! his serviet s. His m dicinets ate tree from Mercury ! and nil mineral poison; pi t up in a neat and com i p.ict lorm, and may be taken in a public or private i house, or while i r.i i -ilimr, w i ho u i exposure or hi n ! druner trom business, ai d: e.vcepl in eases of vij- ' nt t rili uiiation. n change of rii. t is necessary, i STK1 ' I'U itK S . Dr. Smith has discovered a new method hy which he can cure the worst form ol s'l ici.ire and that without pnin or inc mvenii m e to the patient, li.i'ation ol tile uretha, or prostrate y I a tul, or neck o i he bladder, i s omcliincs misiakei: I" r strictures bv a neral piactttioners or charlatans. Yor.(r MUX and others alllictcd wiih Seminal Dcl.jlity, wheth er originating from a Ctilain I Ust ructire Habit, or from any other cause, wit h train of bodi.y a nd men tal ev:is whit h follow, win n ncL-lecled. should make an early application, thereLy avoiding much t rouble nri'l .i : i: ; l n', as well as expense, liy his improved i;n tli"d of treatment. Dr. S. can safely Guarantee a speedy und pe.lect cure in all casts ol thia com plaint. TO FEMALES. All i!iseaes p euliar to Kemales (as also Sup presfions, Irregularities, &c.) speedily mid effectu ally remove I. Theeflieacy of his remedies, for the cure of the above affections, have been well tested in an extens ve practice for the last tw Ive years. Persons at a ditnce may consult Dr. S. by a k tier, post-paid, describing (rase, and have medicine securely put up and foiwa tiled to any part of lhe Unie d St lies, alwiys accompanied with full and explicit directions for use (Join to unica tions con sidered strictly confidential. Office arranged with separate apartments, so that patients ntver see any one. but lhe doctor himself. Aitctiiiance d a) ly , from J in the moi ninir III! 5' at niyht. rS . 1! - Persons afliieied with any of the above complaims. will d wi II to a .'oid the vaiious .SOS'l'tUMS AXIS SI'ECIUCS. advertised by A poi m-earii s arid Dt ugfjists as a cer tain cure for any a nd evei y disease. They are put up to sell, but not to cure, and frequently do much more harm than uood t heref 1 e avoid them. A word to the wise i sufficient. Address D'X. J. 15. SMITH 16 South Frederick .-t., i!altiniore. Md. Oct. 13. 90-ly-c. CRYSTAL PALACE CLOTHING, AND MERCHANT TAILORING ES TAIJ LI SUM E NT. KA H ,W i: I LK ' 1IKO. beg leave to announce to their numerous fiiindsand citizens in the i ici nit y, that i hey wi II open, cn or about the 20th in-'., a branch Kstabll-hnient, on Market street, nc.M to ihe .Masonic Hull, where will be found con aiantly on hand, an elegant and rich assortment of tirm .i men's Cooils for Wearing A pparel, consiu- t nor of CLOTHS CASSJMEHKS. VESTIXGS, f-c. ol the most reci nt importations In in Pans and London, which wiil be made up in the best and most tasteful manner lo order. K. A Bro. have secured the services of a Practi cal Cutter, having been cngasxl in his profession lor lout teen yea rs in Pans, and being aw are of lhe ureal need of such an establishment in this ei'y. they feel jnt pride in heingruMe to offer to Gent le men. li.AUM l-TST-S of very descripl ion, r qua 1 in i.tste and lit to any establishment of the kind, otih. ALSO, ill be kept constantly on hand, a splendid supply of 6u peri or mad j C LOTH I ? G. cut and trimmed in ihe latest Paris style, allof which will be sold at the lowest possible price anil ONE PRICE ONLY. Oct 1 I. 89. SALT, AFLOAT. 1 C() ) f5LTSHKLS Turks Island, and 200Sacks vJV ' Liverpool Ground Salt, on board Schr. V iCOTAFi, for sale hv Oct 15. FREEMAN if- HOUSTON. '1 am a man. and deem nothing which relates to mvi foreign to my feelings. ': HEAD ! ! ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD. A Vigorous Ilfe or a I'remature Death. KISKELIX OX SELF Pit ESERVATIOX. ON liY 'ZS CKNTSi. 'PHIS Book, just published, is filled with useful X information, on the infirmities and diseases of ihe Generative System. It addresses itself alike to VOUTH, MANHOOD andOLD AGE. To all who apprehend or sutler under the dire con sequences of early or prolonged indiscretions to all who feel the exhaustive effects of sedentary and beneful habits to all who in adition to declining physical energy, are the victims of nervous and mental debility, andof moping and melancholy de spondency. Dr.K. would say BEAD THIS HOOK. The valuable advice and impressive warning it gives, will prevent years of misery and suffering, and s ive annually Thousands of Lives. Parent by reading it, will learn how to prevent ihe destruction of their children. SZj'A remittance of 25 cents, enelossd in a letter, addressed to DR. KIN K F.LIN, PH1LAD ELPHIA, will eniure a book, under envelope, per return of mail. fj-Dr. K. fifteen years resident Physician. N. VV. Corner of THIK.D and UNION Street, between Spbcce ynd Pine, Philadelphia, raty be consulted confidentially. He who places himself under the csreof Dr. K. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ' f-Personaat a distance may address Dr. K. bv letter (post-paid,) and be cured nt home PACKAGES ..f MEDICINES, DIRECTIONS, if-c, forwarded, by Sending a remittance, and putun secure from DAM AGK OR CUHiOSITV. 0"B"rtksellers, NewAgem, Pedlirs, danrass ers, and all others supplied with the above work at very lowr ates. I""e 2- 34-1 y-c. SALT. rlO S ACKS f Salt, daily expected, for sale NtJU by J. HATH A WAV & SON. Oct. 4. S6. PURE MEDICAL AVINES & LIQUORS. DARK and Pale French Brandy ; Port, Madei ra and Shetry Wines, all of superior quality. S. B. A J. A. EVANS. Jan 15. 129 75 BOXES Underwood's Pickles, all kinds, for sale y c rjaTRE & CO. Oct. 22. 94. THE TRI-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL. Is nablished every Tobsdaf, THtrefc-DAr and Satvioat at to per annum, payable in all cases in auvanee. UY THO.V1AS LORING Editob and PaoPBtE- TOB, Corner Front and Maiket Streets, WILMINGTON, H. C. R ATES Of ADVERTISING. 1 insertion $0 50 I 1 sir. 2 months, . " 75 1 " 3 1 sqr 1 ' 1 " 84 00 5 00 8 00 "3 " 1 00 I 1 "6 " - 1 month. 2 SO 1 12 ' 1 12 00 Ten lines or less mate a square. If an adver tisement exceeds ten lines, the ptice will be in proportion. All advertisements are payable al the time of their insertion. Contracts wiih yearly advertisers, will be made on the most liberal lenns. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising wiil be permitted. Should circu.nsianccs render a change in business, or an unexpected removal necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be ai the option ol-lhe contractor, for the time he has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advert isers is strictly limited to their own immediate business; and all advertisemi nts lor the benefit of other ptrsons, as well as all advertisements not immediately con nected w ith ihcir i.wn business, and all e:;c ss of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the usual rales. No Advertisements is included in the contact for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town or country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the properly is owned by the advertiser or by oilier persons. These are excluded by the term ''immediate business." All advertisements Inserted in the tri-weekly Co nmercial, are entitled to one ieserlion in the Weekly free of charge. JOB, V A It It AND l'ACY l'RIN'TIXO, KXKCUTED IX SIT li III OK STYLE. Arrival and Departure of the Mails under the new Arrangement, which li cut luto operation, 1st .March. lt5'i. The Mail from lhe North is due every day at 9 A. M., and at 9j P. M. Closes at 1 P. M., and at i) 1. AI . precisely. The Mail for the South closes at 6$ A. M. The .Mail from Onslow Court-House, Sneads Ferry, &c, Is due every Monday at 5 P. Al. Closes every Thursday al 9 P. M . The Mail from Long ("reck, Black River Chapel, &c, is due every Thursday at (j 1. M., and closes same niaht at 9 P. M. The Alaii from Fayetteville, via Elisebethtown and Prospect Hall, &c , via Wilm i nirlon and Man chestar Railroad from Robinson's Post Office is due evory Tuesday, Tl ursday and Saturday ut 1 P. M., and closes same days at A. M. The mail from Whi:evil!e, Columbus county, per Wilmington and Manchester Railroad is due at L P. M . , and closes at Ef A- M . evei y day. IjffAn extra Package will be made up for Lel 'rrs going North of Richmond, Va , which will he kept open until 7 A. M. All oilier Letters must be in the Office at the hours above named, or they will not be Mailed uniil next succeeding .Mail. AGENTS VOH TIIC COMMEIRlAh. Xcic York -Messrs. Brows & D eRoss et. Huston Frederick Kidder. I'iiltidelphia S. K. Cohen. italtimore - m. II. Peake and Wm. Thomson. BUSINESS CARDS. JAMES ANDERSON-. EDWARD SAVAOB. iki-wionxr . c ur tiip GEXEItAL COMMISSION' MEIiCIIAXTS. WILMINGTON in. C. Liberal ca?h advances made on consignments. Oct. 22. 94- Eo7iiTrtRiss, (jieneral lomiuissioii Merchant, iv 1L, mini; ton, n. c. OTRICT attention given lo procuring Freight IO and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. Refer to K. P. Hull, Esq. 0. G Parsley Esq. vilmi ton. 1. A. Taylor, Hq. f " J. D. Uellamy, Esq. J .Messrs. 'l ooker, ftin ih & Co., ) - ' Tiumipson iSi Hunter, J Alex'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia. e w York. .Messrs. Williams & UuUcr, H. F. Baker, Esq. Charleston, S. C. Jan. 2. Ib33. 12J-tf. C. D ii PRE & CO. WHOI.KSAI.UAN'U HUT AIL CROCHKS Corner l'ront and I'riuccss-sli ects, WILMINGTON, N. C. C- DUPRE. D. D. BAKER. HENRY MTT, FACriiU AM) FUKU AliDlMi AGENT, M il! gire his personal attention to business entrust ed to his core. Sept. 8, 1S53. 75-tf. 0. L. FILL YAW, PRODUCE U HOKE II. cianiissiux a.d Fuiuvihimti mlkcdam, WILM1XGTOS, N. C. September 20th, U53. 80-ly-c. R0UXTREE, WATSON k CO., General Commission Merchants, 78 South St , New York. Liberal Advances Alude on. Consignments. J. D. BOUNTHEE, B. C. WATSON, August 25, 1R53. W. H. WIGGINS. 69-ly. J0SEP2I R. BLOSSOM, General Com mission and Forwarding Merchant Prompt personal attention given to Consign ments tor Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cash advances made on Consignments lo me or to my Au York friendJ. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1353. 135. T. C. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, tVILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 17, 1S53. 143-ly. COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (SITCESSOKS TO THOS. AL1B0NE & CO ) General Commission Merchants, Xo 32, Xorlfi miarres. and 03 Xorlh Water Sis. PHII,ADIiL.riIIA. r. HARVEY COCH BAN, W. S. BUS8ELL. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. July Will, 1853. 58 tf. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. w ILL sell or buy Real Kstate and Negroes at a small commission. A LSI : Strict attention given to the sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. Office second door, South side of Market street, on the wharf. June 12, 1353. 33-ly. A. II. VAXB OK HELEN. General Agent, Commission and Forwarding merchant, WILMINGTON. K. C. Particular attention given to sale and purchase of Naval Stores. Jun? 1, 1S53. 123-lf. J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT f GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 1. 1653. 9-Vly - TOWAGE! TOWAGE!! STEAMKRSamBeary, A.M Oath fie, master ; Steamer Calhoun, Jo Snrinvn. master, are -ready at all times for business. Ordets for Tiwrag will hair prompt attention if left a t office of A fern. --. ! ,'fiEO. HARRISS. Jant 11 ,38-lt. BUSINESS CARDS. JAS. II. CHAHB0URN & CO., General Commission Merchants, ' WILMINGTON. N. C. Jas. H. Ch adboubn. Geo. Cuadbuubn. Jun. I, 1353. 123. RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATE SLLIS. ICSSKlL & CO ,) i EXE It A L COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WILMINGTON, V. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments of .Naval Stored, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1353. C7&D. DuPRE. WHOLE SALE AND R ETA L DCALEHH IN Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, l'aiuts, OH, Lye Stufls, Glass. Ierfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, fancy Articles, Stc., Al A UK KT STftKliT, WILMINGTON, N . C . Prescriptionscaref ully ,'o.npounded by experi enced persons. March 28. 1853. WILLIAM A. GWYET General Agenl:Forwarding&romniission Merchant I take pleasure in informing my friends, that I wii prepared to give all business entrusted lo me efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Vuval si lores, with ample accommodations, Spirit flousc, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment ; snd all kinds of cotin ry projuco solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. April 13, 1853. 15. GEORGE MYERS, WIULES1LIS AXD RETAIL uKOCER Keeps constantly on hand, H ines, 'Veas, Liquors, Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware, EruU, Confectionaries, $-c. South Front street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 13, 1852. ' 109. S. B. & J. A. EVAN'S, WHOLESALE A.D RKTlIb URI'IGISTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will Keep always on hand a large and very select stock of Drug'", Medicines, 'Jhemiials, faints, Oils, Glass, Surical Instruments, Patent Medi cines, Perfumery, &c., at low prices. Jan. 18, 1S53. 130. JOSEPiriLUNERT General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. May 9th. 1333. 87-1 y-c. J. HATHAWAY & SON COMMISSION MKRCHAN I S. WILMINGTON, N. C. J. Matmawav, J. L. Hathaway. Keb. 15, 1853. 3L GE67U. KELLY7 COM MISSION MERCHANT. Nexldoot to A . A . Wannet's, on North vValerst- willattend to the sale ol all kinds of Country Pro, iuce, such as Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon . Lord, 4c. ind will keep constantly on nand a t uii supju j ot Groceries ,fcc. References. WllIctHall of Wayne, John tfeRae, Wil mingtor. VV. Caraway. lien. Alx -. Il rlla c . E. P. Hall, Wilmington , Wiley A. WalKei , ' ' Dec. 13, Ilo-ly. MILES COSTIN, C O M M ISSION MERCHAN T WILMINGTON, N. C. RKKKR TO E. P. Hall, Ksq.jPres'i Branch State "1 Bank-, Thos.H. Wright, Ksq., Pres't Bank ! Wilming- Cape rear, ( ion,N.C. O. G. Parsley, Ksq., Pres't Commer- I cial Hank, , Dec. ID. 1352 118-tf. WILLIAM II, PEA RE, COLLECTOR AND ADVhRTIMf ( ACI M- For Country Newspapers throughout the United States, Basement of Sun Iron 13 u iuings, Baltimore street All business en: rusted to his care transacted promptly, op liberal terms. jept 7 95-f J. D. LOVE, .1 1 A X CfAC 'PURE H AXD HEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &.C. &c. l'"ront street, South of Market, BHOW.v's BUILDING, WILMINGTON, ti . C. Sept. 16, 1852. 79-y-c GE070. VAN AMRINGE, I1ROKEK, AXD MEUCAJiTILE AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. PARTICULAR attention paid to the purchase or sale of all descriptions of Merchandise and Pro duce, and on which one per cent commission will be charge i. Any bo iness intrusted to hint will re ceive prompt and personal attention. His desk for lhe present is in the otiice of Mr. Wm. A. Gwyer. Uepebences .' Messrs. Ellis, Russell & Co., ) " Adams, Bro. & Co., Wilmington . " J. R. Blossom, Esq. ) August 14. 1852. 65. -c . C. FKEEMAN. . GEOHUE HOUSTON. I'ltEEM AN & HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. l. C. FREEMAN & Ct). COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 173 FRONT STREET, NEW YORK. FREE51AS AND IIOUSTOR, WILMISGTOPl, N. C KEEP constantly on hand a- stack of Flour, Corn, Pork, Bacon. Salt, Coffee, Sagar, Mo lasses, 'Pobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Candles, Soap, ftr tisrn and Domestic Liquors and Wines; Iron, Xails, Paints, Oils, Glass. Domestics, Hals, Boots. Slioes, Leather, Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for family and plan tation use and the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. The senior partner D. C. Fbebman, is located in the city ;of New V'orlt ; the junior partner, Geo. Houston, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on consignments to and from either place. Alt business entrusted to them will receive proper attention; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled. Sept. 9, 1852. 76-f. U. DOLLItER G. POTTtR. Jr D0LLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK: Liberal Cash Advances made on all Consignments. April 30, 1853. 20-1 y-p d . F. WESSEL. H. B. EILEKS. WESSEL k EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water Street, Wil mington, N. C, Intend lo Keep ai me aoove stands generalassortment of Groceries, Liquors aod Provisions al wholesale and to carry on a General Commission Business. itrittNci : E. P. Hall. Pres't BrehBank ofths State. O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank. wil P. K. Dickinson. Esa . ) arpW 5 New York. WILKINSON & ESLER. " CASH DEALER 8 1 W Cfenfeetioeanr, Fralfc, irtrtTtyt.PaityAr tides. IerfaBsery,Tobaee. Se;ar. WHOLESALE AND RBI AILl . MARKET STREET, V WTLMINGTOS t Nor. 30,1352. -r t0-4 LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. Jaundice, Chranic or Net cava D -bility. Dia ease of the Kidneys, and alt Disuses arising from a disordered Liter or Stomach, stci as Constipation, inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to toe Head, Acidity of the Stomach, iNausea. Heart burn, Disgust for Food. Fullness or Weiht in the Siomacii, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Piiol ihe S.oniach.. Swimming of the Head Huriicdand Difficult Uieaihing, Flut.ciing at the Heart, ChoLing or Suffbcaiins: Sensations when in a lying pos ure. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before iliesiiht, Fever and Dull I'i.in in lhe Heed, Deficiency ol Perspiration. Yellow ness of ihe Skin and Kyes, Pain in the Side. Dack. Chest. Limbs. f-c. .Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Fl sh Constant Imaginings of evil, and great depressions of Spiiits, can be efrx-tually cuicd by on hooflan UN CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS. PR EPA It EI) BY DU. C. M. JACKSON. ' No. 1 2) Arch street. Philadelphia. Their powerover the above diseases is not excell ed, if equalled, by any other preparation in the Uni ted States, as the cures attet.1, in many cases alter skilful physician had failed. These Biltersare worthy the attention of invalids Possessing great vi i t ues in the rectification of dis eases of the Liver and lesser glands, ejeicising ;hc hiost searching powers in weakness and arf ctions of the digestive organs, they are, withal, sale, cer tain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," says of Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters. 'It is seldom that recommend what oro term ed Patent Medicines, to the confidence and patron age of our readers; and therefore when we recom mend Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, wc wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and ihen foreolien after they have done their guilty ruce of mischief, but of a medicine lone established, universally prized, and which has met the hearty approval of the faculty itself.'' "Scott's Weekly," said, Aug. 25 : "Dr. Hoofland's Jernian Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now 'ecominended hy some of the most prominent men. vs of the faculty as an article of much effica cy met sol female weakness. Persons of debili tated con 'ulions will find these Biiters advantage ous to .heii calth ns we know from experience the salutary efTeci they h.ivc upon weak systems." JIUiTE KV1UKMJK. J. G. Moore, Esq , of iheDaily News, said. Oct 31. 'Dii. Hoofland's German Bittebs. We are try ing this renowned medicine for a stubborn disease of the bowels, and can with truth testify to its efficacy. Wc have taken the contents uf two bottles, and wo have derived more benefit irom the experiment than we derived previously from yearsof allophaiic treat ment at the hands of our first physicians." Hon. C. D. Hineline, Mayor of the Cityof Cam den, N. J., says : "Hoofla xd's G r r m a xs Bitters. Wc hn ve seen many rUu.rin' notices of this medicine, md the source from which they camo induced us to make inquiry respecting its merits. From inquiry we were persimded ;o use it. and ni'.Ft cny we found it specific in its aciion upon diseases of I lie liver and digestive or;an, and the powerful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration , is really surprising It calms and si rer.gt liens the nerves, bringing them in to a state of repose, making sleep refreshins. If this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would be less sickness, as from the stomach, liver and nervous system, the great major ity of real and imaginary deseuets cinnnate. Have them in a healthy condition and you can bid defi ance to cpidi mies generally. This extraordinary medicine we would ad ic .'iir friends who are at all indisposed, to give atrial it will recommend it self. It should, 'n fact, be in every family. Nonthcr medicine can produce such vidrnci t ol merit." For sale w hol sale and retail at the GERMAN MF.DICINk ifTOBE. No. 120 A rch street, one doorbelow Sixth. Phila delphia, and by respectab dealers generally through out the country. Sold in Wilmington by S. B. & J A. EVANS, in Fayetteville by S. J. HINSDALE. June II 38-3m 'MAN KNOW THYSELF"- AN invaluable Book foi 25 cents. "Every Fami ly should have a copy." S ix th ousand copies sold in lefs than three months. A new edition, revised und improved, ju.-t issued. Dr. H timer's Medical Manuel and hand Book for the Afflicted, containing on outline of the origin, progress, treatment and euie of every lorm of dis ease, contracted by promiscuous sexual intercourse, by self-abuse, or by Fexun I excess, wiih advice for their prevention, written in a familiar style avoiding all medical technicalities, nnd everything thai would offend I he ear of decency, from the result of pome twenty years successful practice, exclusively devo ted to the cure of diseases i f a delicale or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the cure of the above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp toms aud cure of the Fever and Ague, for twenty five cents a copy ; six copies one dollar ; will be for warded to any part of lhe United Suites, by mail, free of postage. Address, poslnce paif4, Cosden f Co., Publishers or box 19(i, Post Office. Philadelphia. "This is, without exception, the most comprehen sive and intelligible work published on the class of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical teims.it addresses itself lo the reaon of its readers. It is free from all objectionable mailer, and no pa rent, however fastidious.'can object to placing it in the hands of his sons. The author has devoted many years to the treatment of 'he various com plaints treated of. and 'with loo little breath to puff,' and 'loo little presumriion to impose,' he has offered to the world at the merely nominal priee of 25 cents, the fruits of some twenty years most successful prac tice." Herald. "No teacher or parent should be without the knowledge imparted in this invaluable work. It would save years of pain, mortification nnd sorrow to the youth under their charge." Picple's Advo cate. A Prrsbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing of 'Hunter's Medical Manuel, says : "Thousands ol our youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin and fearful consequen ces upon themselves and their posterity. The con stitutions of thousands who are raising familieshnve been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or the cure. Any thing that can be done so to enlighten and influence the public mind as lo check, and ultimately lo remove this wide spread source of human wretchedness, would confer the ereateet blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and coming generations- Intemperance, (the use ot intoxicating arinxs.) though it hag slain thousands upon thousands, is not a greater scourge to the human race. Accept my thanks in behalf of the afflicted, and believeme, your co-worker in the good work you arc so active ly engaged in.'' One copy wil! be forwarded (srcttrely enveloped and postage paid,) on receipt of 25 cents, or six copies for $1. Address. COSDEN fc CO., Publishers, 196, Philadelphia. Booksellers Cnnvassers and Book Agents, aup plied on the most liberal terms. June 2. 34-1 y-c. MORSE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT. TH IS is a Purely Vegetable Compound, scientifi cally prepared from the best Roots snd Herbs of the Materia Medica, and has gained an unrivall ed reputation for the following effects, viz: PURIFYING THE BLOOD. and thus curing oil Humors, Sores, Ulcers, Cutane ous Eruptions. Canker Scald Head, 4c. Regelating and Cleansing lhe Stomach k Boweli, thus it cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costiveness, Piles, Ac. Strengihetiins the Digestive Organs, thus causing the food to nourish and sopport every part. REGELATING THE SECRET ART ORGANS, and by enabling them to perform their proper func tion's, preventing and curing Bilious andotherpain ful diseases. Streigthtiing tad Qniellugthe Strvons System, thnsallayin Nervosa Irritation rand curing all dis ease of th Nerves. ua j, , nnrlvalled lo the core of all FEMALE DISEASES, t as Weakness, Irregularity. Obstructions, Ac. It is pleasant to take, and safe in all cases; set lnein harmony with he restoring owerf it never inj ores but always benefiw and enre. m thousand of volnntary certificate front the beat Minorities testify. Pwpjr-'.'55 & ' O. MORSE 4- COU2J Maiden-Lane, N. Sold by Prnglsfand other throoghogt this and otherco-atriei. - B. 4"t. A.KVAN8, apnts, - t. Wilmiacton. N. C. sept. 30, 85-Jje NEW AND FliEMl GOODx JUST RJZCE IVE I) DJItECTl WHICH the tijadersigned offers for sale al wholesale and retail, at the very lowest rates for cash or good paper, to his Town aod Country friends. The followins comprise a pvrlion ol bis stock, vizi 100 bbli. Crushed, Powdered. Granulated Bro. Sugars ' ' - ' 50 half bbls. St. Croix Sugars, put op expressly for rp v 5 111 hhds. i'orio Rico Sugars boics Lnal Sugars', logs Itio, Laguayra, Java d Moi ha Carles boxes Colgate's Pale snd No. J. fiiuau do do Pearl S is rch 150 200 20 500 dx. W. Underwood & CuV Pickles, Catsups, sauce?, Mustards, arc. ' 15 cheats Green and Black Tea, very fia 100 pkgs. Crackers and Bread, all tid 210,000 Srcgars, a: Baltimore prices 20 boxes &aleraius, put up expressly for my trade 500 (cuius rap piny I'aper bbls. Fayeiteville and Csnsl Flour 100 20 0 boxes Candies, assorted, very low hull bbls. Fuhon Market Beef do do do do Pickled Tongues, 6 10 kegs extra Ucfhen Duller 200 boxes Sperm, Adamantine & Mould Candler 5'l boxes Tobacco, some very superior. 50 dozen Anderson, Amulet A. Goodwin's; Yel low Bank 50 boxes Fire Crackers 20 cases Preserved-Ginger 20 do Ci'ron 51 0 lbs. Currants 1000 lbs. Almonds, lii small bales 50 packages of Raisins 25 jars fresh Prunes ' 25 boxes Mn surd' and 10 doz. J lb. bottles gen- ulnoKnglisdo 20 bbls Cider Vinegar? 10 bbls. While Wlneoo. 20 buckets superfine Olivu Oil . , -J" "20 boxes Catsups, assort) d , 200 kegs pure v hite Lead "" 25 do Black Paint fcs . 500 lbs. Pure Verdigris 10 b'ulg. Linseed Oil, raw and boiled 200 colli Manilla and Tared Hope 50 bales superior ilakum i... - t 100 dozen Corn Brooms, assorted qualities , 25 nests Cedar nnd Painted Tubs 50 dozen Buckets, Pails. Plggins, Ac." 200 lbs. 20, 25 and 30 Gill IWl Twino 4010 new 2 bushel Gunny Bag ;, 600 Ins. Bagging Twine 300 Negro Blankets -"ti;' 50C yards Negro Kerseya Shirtings. Osnaburgs, Drills, Plaids, Bed Ticks A t-, Ship .Masters will find my stock con lele,, with all Blocks, IMgging, Duck, Hanks, Hoop, Chains, Anchors, and in fact, every ariiclv requiredJroni keel to truck. Families will find every aiticU wanted in Kitchen, Pantry, or for the tablet be sides Fly Brushes, Mats, Baskets, Knife Boxes, Flavoring Extracts. Gelitine; Isinglass, &c , Act in fuel, you can find almost every article wanted, and at the very lowest prices, at . -t VV. C. HOWARD'S;! Oct. 1 South Waicr-at. THE NORTH CAROLINA : '- MITIAL LIFE INSUItANCE COMP'Y, RALEIGH, J.-C. feW THE above Company hps been Inopcratlonsihco the let of April, 1 84S, under ihe direction of lL following Officers, viz : Dr. Charles E. Jonhson, Preslncnf. Win. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F.Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. Charles K. Johnson,, i .. , . Dr. Wm.II.McKee, i Alplical Hoard or Dr. It. B. Haywood, $ Consultation. J.llersman, General Agent. This Company has received a charter giving ad vantages to i he insured over any other Company. The 5th Section gives ihe Husband the privilege to insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any claimsof the represent" 'ivesof the husband or any of his creditors. Organizid on purely mutual principles, the )if". members parlicipalein the ulwleot the profits which' are declared annually. Besides, th') applicant for life, when the annual premium is, over $30 may pa' one half in a Note. . All claims for insurance against the Company e paid within ninety days after proof of th dei' of the party is furnished. .. .. -, Slaves are insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure th)i class of properiiy against the un'-eriainty of life. , Slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature in the history of North Carolina. which wiil prove very important to the Soulhe'n States. . The last four months operation of this Compinv shows a veryl arge amount of business more lhar the Directors expected to do the first year havli.tf already issued more than 200 Policies. , - .. Dr. Wm. W. Habris, Medical Examiner, and. Agent. Wilmington, N. C. All Coinuitinicntlons on businevs of the Compam '. should be addressed to ' - - ,' JAS. F. JORDAN. Sec'y., Raleigh.Feb. 12, 1853. 'lNtf. P110F. ALEX. C7 BARIIY'S Tricopheroug. or Medicated Compound, , FOR Beautifying, Curling. Preserving, Kesforing, and Strengthening the Hair, Relieving Disr at es of the Skin, Curing Rheumatic Pains, and Hew ing External Wounds. Bounded by no geugraph: cal lines, the reputation of Babbv's Tsicorassors pervades the Union The sales of this article i' late years have increased in a ratio that almost ex ceeds belief. Professor Barbv, after a careful ex aminationof his sales' book, finds that the numUr of bottles delivered to order, in quantities of froi'i. half a gross npward, during the year lb52, was with in a i rifle of S50.000. ; - It is unnecessary to present at length the evidenc es of the wonderful properties of the Tricopherou, when the public have furnish d tuehan indorsi -ment as this. The cheapness of in article and li-' explanations given of its chemical action upon I A hair, the scalp, and in all cases of sopeificial irrii -lion, first recommended it to the attention of tl -people. This was all that th inventor desired - Every bottle advertised Itself The effects of the flu' ; exceeded expectation. It acted like charm. Tl. -ladies would not be without it. Country deah; -in every section of the United State lound lh- v must have it; and thus was built up a whoIsi trade of an extent hitherto unheard of as regsrds ai -tides of this kind. The highest point hss not y. r been reached, and it is believed that the sales tbit year will be a million and a half of bottles. . . Depot and Manufactory, No. 137 Broadway, Kew York. Retail price, 25 cent a large bottle. Liberal discount to purchaser by th quantity Sold by all the principal merchants and drnggln throughout the United States and Canada, Mexlc West Indies, Ureat Hrltain, ranee, or.- '. ' , For sale by C. Sl D. DoPRE. W Uminglon, May 21, 1653. 296m-c SHINGLES, FF all scriptioo, called for, by M. ' GEO. S. GILLESPIF. J May 24. IIICR0RY, pF-RSIMMON AND WALKUT TIMBER.fu -Mtly0 rder'br GEO. S. GILLESPIF. BLANKS. TH K fcHowing Blank are prin tad and kept cor. stantlv for sale at the Office of Tke Commercial . : COMMERCIAL.. Shipping-Article.- . ' Bills of Lading. Do. Otter Sheet. Crew Lista. Prices Current. ..... Checks on all the Bank Charter Party. Manifests of all kinds. Entries Merchandise. Do. Ballast. Rates of Freight on ot R. Rail Road, Do. on Line Boat. Bills of Exchange, boBtt and In sheets. Do. Domestic fCegotisbl Notes on tl.t everal Banks. Do. on all lb Banks. Bill of sale of Vessel MISCELLANEOUS. Warrants, with and with Bills of Sale. -out judgment. j Do. of Kef roa. "Negro Passe. i Bonds for Negro Hit. Warrantee Deeds. Mortgage Deeds, r ( Bonds for the Delivery oft Property. f ' '.. ' f COURT BLANKS. Ven.Eiponas. . , iSubpeenas Connty ar. CaSaandBonr. - 1 8perior Coart.' Alias Vend. Ex. I Juror Tickets, Coanty FiFa. and Superior Conrt. :'""vi;-'v ' 1 Writs. ' " ' - AllklndsorBlanksand Job warKr execated t order with neatness and dispatch. BUTTER. 1 ( TUBS extra fin Buttej. just received by A JQcU I. CPiPJU 4, CO. i r ,:7

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