o 4S&Aw 4S&rix s&j4S& $Jyv v- - I L III III III n y M - - 11 VOLUME VIII NUMBER 108. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 26, 1853. WHOLE NUMBER 1068. artfa. -P" t . . -. - - v-r-.jr3e;33s -iaji-ajawWMM --. - - .- . - - -- f n , ,s aa1 j -inii-.,... I WISULNU. it John a. axk. Or all amiisvmcnts for the mind, From logic dowti to fklting. There isn't one that you can And So rerjr cheap as "wishing ! ' A Terjr choice dii-riion, too, If we but rightly use if, And not. as wu are apt to do, Pervert it and abu.se it. 1 a common wih, indeed My pur.- was notnetbiiig fatter, Thut I might cheer the child of need, Ami not my rtd to flatter; That I might make oppression reel, A ouly t,cV can make it, And break'tb tyrant' rod of hteel, A only gold can break it ! 1 wiU that iytnpatliy and lore, And every baman paasion . That Uaa lU origin above, , y ii ; Wunld come, aod kepia fashion ; That Scorn, and J.-aJoony, and Hate, - f-i " And erery basa emotion, iiWert inrlwd; flfty.fatboata de'p, .t!;s,Betfc wares of tcan ! . J Ub-Hat frieod were always true, And aiotivea always pore ; ?, v. I wUhthe f4 wn? not so few, 2ft jl wink tiw bad were fewer ; i.lKH fifat.raow usr V.T heed their pious teaching; 311 wti-h Ibat firact Uiog waa not i5 ii Swdjffcrral froa preaching ! ii-l wUkr-tbat nodest worth might bo A ppra bird with troth and candor; " " : 1 wwdi that innocence was free ! iC' From treachery and slander ; vl lah hat taen their vows would mind ; aa?.'w. Thar womea ne'er were rovers; ,it"wlab'ltliat wires were always kind, fiU ''Andbusbandaalwayi lovers! I wkb in fine that joy and mirth, And rvcry good Ideal, Way came, erewhile, throughont the earth, To be the glorious Real Till God shall every creature bless With, Lis nnpremest blessing, Ajnd hope be but In happine.-s. "' And wishing be poascsMiig ! A REMARKABLY VICIOUS WHALE. "he tdgartown Gazette publishes the following particulars relative lo the attack upon and final capture of an whale by a boat's crew from the ship Hector, of . tiew Bedford, furnished by Capt. Thos. A. who was first mate of the Hector at the irae : In October, 1832, when in lat. 12 S., Ion. 80 W., the ship r.inetj' days from port, we Tttised a larjre whale. The iovful cry was 5ven of "there she blows !'' nnl every- ihtng on board at once assumed an aspect of busj preparation for the capture. The boats were lowered, and the chase com menced. When we got within about three ships' length of him he turned anil rushed upon us. He struck us at the same mo ment we fastened to him. He stove the boat badly, but with the assistance of sails, which .we placed ,mder her bottom, and constant baron fsh13 kept above wa ter. The aptain, Joh l O. Morse, came tO Our nggiatnp T' him he had belter keep clear oTthe whale, but he said he had a very long lance and wanted to try it upon the rascal. Capt. M. went up to the whale, when all at once he turned upon the boat, which he took in his mouth, and held 'right up on end' out of the water, and shook it all to pieces in a momeut. The men were thrown in every direction, and Capt. Morse fell from a distance of at least thirty, feel into the water. Not being sat isfied with total destruction of the boat, he set to work and chewed up the boat kegs and. lantern kegs, and whatever fragments of the boat he could find floating on the water. At this stage of the fight I told Capt Morse that if he would give me the choice of the ship's company I would try him again. It was. desperate work to all appearance, and up to this time the vicious fellow had had it all his own way. The captain was in favoi of trying him from the hip, but finally Consented for us to attack him in a boat. With a picked crew we again approached the whale, now lying perfectly still, apparently ready for another 'attack, as the event proved. Seeing our apporach, he darted towards us with his tuoulh wide open, his ponderous jaws coming- together erery moment with tremen dous energy. We gave the word 'stern ail.'Wbihwas obeyed in good earnest. A we passed the ship, I heard the captain exclaim uhere goes another boat.' She did go, to be sure, through the water, with all speed; but fortunately not to destruction. The monster c based us in this way for half a mile or more, during most of which time his jaws were within six or eight inches of zhe head of the boat Every time he brought them together the concussion could e heard at the distance of at least a mile I iateaded to jump overboard if he caught the boat, . Told Mr. Mahew, third mute, who held the steering oar, that the whale vouJd iarn over soorr to spout, and that ' then would be our lime to kill him. After '-becoming; exhausted he turned over to tpout, and at the same instant we stopped ihe boat and buried our lances deep in hi5 life. " One . tremendous convulsion of his frame followed, and all was still. He never troubled us more. We towed him to ship, tried hiro out, and took ninety brcels of oil from mm. : W hen we were cutting him in we found two irons in his body marked with the name of the ship Barclay, and belonging to the mate's boat.1 ' We afterwards learn ed that three months before, when the same whale was in lat. 5 S, Ion. 303 Vf., be was Attacked by the mate oL the ship. Barclay, .who bad a desperate struggle with him, in which be finally lost bis life -Capt Norton, at the time of the adven 4 una' with ihht whale, had 'seen some ser vice,' but he freelf confesses that he never before nor since (though 'be has had the buttons bit oiT hisshir by a4wbale) has he come io contact with ituc! an ugly custo mer as this 'rogue whale,' as bo was term ed in sailor parlance. He seemed possess ed of the spirit of a demon, and looked as savage as a hungry hyena. Our readers may imagine the effect such an encounter would have upon a crew of .green hands.' During the frightful chase of the boat by the whale their faces were of a livid wbke, and their hair stood erect. On their arri val atthe first port they all took to the mountains, and few if any of them have ever been seen since." " Capt. Norton informs us thai a whale waa never before known to attack a boat before being struck. In this c; se the whale had evidently experienced much trouble from the irons left in his body, and took the first opportunity which presented for re venge. Taken altogether, wc think this will rank high among the whaling storien of our day." THE TRAVELLER'S STORY. A party of travellers were seated around a bliizing fire in a tavern upon the Alle ghany mountains. The coach had broken down, and perforce we were detained until next morning. We had finished a sub stantial Virginia supper, and each one, with his teet on the tender, and a cigar in his mouth, ruminating upon the storm without and the warm cosy comfort with in. Each one in bis turn told a story or related an anecdote ; and at last the joke came round to a hollow-cheeked individu al, who, until then had remained silence. "Gentlemen,'' said he, fixing a piercing grey eye upon one of the party a Span iard who uninvited, had drawn his chair up to the fire, -'some ten years ;igo I came near being n.urdcred in this very house." this moment the Spaniard got up and was going out of tne room when the nar rator arose, and locking the only door in the room, took the Spaniard by the arm, leading him up to an old picture, surmount ed by the English coart of arms, in gilt work, ran his fingers along the motto: " Honi soit qui maly -nse." said, displaying at the same a butt end of a large pistol -Evil to him who evil thinks " The Spaniard smiled, and said he did not feel well, but the stranjrer swore that no man should leave the room until lie had finished his story. Requesting us not to be amazed at his conduct, he proceeded : ' Some 3'ears ago, (said he.) I was trav elling over these mountains on horseback, and 1 stopped at this very house. The landlord was extremely obserpiious in at tending to my comfort, and, aficr supper he requested me lo join him in a bottle of wil e. Nothinlohf-1 consented, and be fore midnight four empty bottles stood on the table end, and he was acquainted with all my business. " 1 very imprudently remarked, in the course ot conversation, that I had u very large sum of money in my valise, and he politely informed me that he would take c ne of it unul morning. Although some what intoxicated 1 did not approve of leav ing it in his charge, and 1 took my valise in hand and retired to bed. After I had undressed, I placed my pistol under my pillow, and carefully, I thought, examined the room, I laid myself down, and sunk in to a fitful sleep. " I suppose it must have been two hours after when I awoke, aud collecting my scattered senses, I endeavored to thir:k what 1 had been about. 'Suddenly 1 detected a noise under my bed. What was my horror when 1 observ ed a smill piece of carpet, stretched along my bed-side, move as though something was under it A cold perspiration started from every pore; but, thank God, I had presence of mind enough to prepare for the worst. Grasping a pistol in my right hand, and hiding it under my bed clothes, I feigned to be asleep. " In an instant afterwards I saw a trap, door, which had been concealed by a car pet: cautiously lifted up, and beheld my landlord with a dark lantern in his hand, directing his glittering eyes towards me. Still I moved not; but as he turned his back to put the lantern on the floor, I fir.'d and " You killed him, did you !" shrieked the Spaniard, almost jumping from his seat '; Silence ! till I have finished it 7" said the stranger, nd again he touched the butt end of his weapon. "The instant thati' fired, the villain fell. I started up, and merely pullii g my overcoat on, snatched up the lantern that he had dropped, and crept cautiously down, with my valise in my hand, to the stable It was a bright moonlight night, and I soon saddled my horse. 1 galloped ten miles, when I met a party of wagoners, and in their company 1 returned to the house ; but despite our rigid search, not even as much as the vil lain's body could be found. But if 1 can once put my hands upon him, if it costs rne my life, he shall die the dog's death " The stranger arose and caught the Span iard by the throat. Tearing open his shirt collar, he showed the marks of a wound on his neck. We neod not sa' any more Three weeks after that Joseph Gomez was hanged in the city of Cumberland, upon his own confession of having murdered no less than five travellers in that very room. THE THIEF AND THE DUKE. The great Duke of Marlborough, pass ing the gate of the Tower after having in spected that fortress, was accosted by an ill looking fellow with, " flow do you do, my lord Duke ? I be lieve your grace and 1 have now been in every goal in the kingdom ?" " 1 believe, friend," replied the Duke, with surprise, " this is the only goal I ever visited !" "Very like," replied the other; "but I have been in all the rest 1" COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. WE the undersigned, entered into a Copart nership oa the 1st of October. 1853. tinder the style aod firm f TAVL.OR.4 PKTTBWAV.for the transaction of a GGNEBAb GROCER) BU! WKSS. We hate Ukea the stora formerly occupied by S. P. Cause, neat North o RDia A Mttehe0a Orafa Store, and hope by close attention te bnaireaa, uaA sm ail profits, to secure a liberal share af patronage. . A: D. TAYLOR, 3 AS. T. PETTE VAY. Wihnlncto,Oer,tf, 1851. " 4-3m. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, A. 16, SOUTH ftBORRICK STREET BALTIMORE. MARVUAD. pR. Smith has for many ytars drvottd his whule a tentton to (tie treatment of Privaie Com plaints, in alt tnt-lr varied and complicated forms. His great success In those long standing and diffi cult cases, such us were l"rmerlv considered incur ible, is sufficient lo com mend him to the public as worthy of the ext- nsive patronage he has received Within ihe la--t eiglit years, Dr. S. has treated more ihan '.9,5110 cases of Private Complaints, in th lr different forms and t-taues; a practice which no doubt exceeds tht of all othur physicians now ad vertising in Kaltiniore, and nut a single case is known where his directions were strictly followed, and medicines taken at reasonable lime, without effecting a radical and permanent cure; th-refore, persons afflicted with diseases of the above nature, no in-uter how difficult or Ion;; standing the case may be," would do wHI to call on Dr. Smith, at his office. No. lb. South Frederick St . .and if not efft c mally reti. ved no remuneration will be required for his services. His medicines are Iree from Meicury and u II mineral poisons; put up in a neat and com pact form, and may be taken in a public or piivate house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, and except incases of vio ent infl im nion. no change of diet is necessary. STRICTURES. -Ur. Smith has disovered a new method by which he can cure the worst form of stricture and ipat without pain or inconvenience to the patient. Irrigation of the uretha, or pfosirale gland, or neck of Ihe bladder, is soinetimesinisLaken Icr strictures by general practitioners or charlatans. YOUXG MEW and others nfflieied wiih Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain OcstructiTc Jlubit, or from any other cause, with lioin of bodi.y and men tal evils which follow, when nejrlected, shotdd make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and suffering, as well as expense. By his improved method of trciiiitietit. Dr. run safely guarantee a speedy and peiftct curt in all cases oi ll.is com plaint. TO FEMALES. All diseases p' cu'iar to Females (.is also Sup pressions, Irregularities, &c.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for the cure of the above atfeciions, have been well tested in an extens ve practice for the Ian twi Ive years. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. . by a letter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine securely put up and fotwaided lo any part of the Uniied St ites. alw.iys accompanied with full and explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. Office arranged with separate apartments, so that patients never see any one but the doctor himself. Attendance daily, from .J in the morning till 9 at night. . B. Persons afflicted with any of the above complaints, will d well to a .'uid the various WOSTtUMS ASI SPEC I h ICS advertised by Apothecaries and Drugpisis as a cer tain cure for any and every disease. ') hey are put up to sell, but not to cure, and frequently do much more harm than good - theref Te avoid them. A word lo the wiso is sufficient. Address Dit. J U. SMITH 16 South Frederick ,-t., i'allimore. Aid. Oct. 13. 90-ly c CRYSTAL PALACE CLOTHINgT AND MERCHANT TAILORING ES TA HE J MIME WT. I " A H W K I L E 1 1 & BRO. beg leave to announce IVto ihcir numerous friindsnnd citizens in the vicinity, lhai they will open, en or about the 20th mM., a branch Ksiabli-hui. M, on Market street, ne.vt to the .Masonic H all. here wi II be found con stantly on hand, an elegant and tich assortment of ieni ernen's Goods lor Wearing A ppard, consist ing of CLOTHS CASSIMEIiES. VESTIXoS. rfV. ol ihe most recent importations from Parts and London, which will be made up in the bost and most lami fiil manlier to ord r. K. St Bro have secured the services of a Practi cal Cutler, h iving been engaged in his prolesion for fourteen j ears in Paris, and being ovtarrofihc 2 real need of null an ts'nHMiirt-ni in this ciiy. they feel ju-t pride in beinanbl to offer to Gentle men, GA 11 M r'.T- of very description, tqual in i.me and fit to anv establishment of the kind, North. ' A I. SO, will be kept constantly on hand, a splendid supply of superior mada C I.OTH I iS G. cut and trimmed in the latest Pa ris si ) le. all of which will be sold at the lowest possible price and ONE PRICE ONLY. Oct II. 39. ''I am a man. and deem nothing which relates to ma-i foreign to mv feelings. ,: READ ! ! ! Y OUTH AND MANHOOD V Vigorous I, lie or a Premature Death. KI.KEI,I. OS SEI.rPKESEHVA.TiOW. ON l,Y 25 CKSTS. iHIS Book, just published, is filled with useful . information, on the infiimiiies and diseases of ihe Generative System. It addresses itself alike to VOUTH, MANHOOD and OLD AGE. To all who apprehend or sutler under the dire con sequences of early or prolong d indiscretions to all who feel the exhaustive i fleets of sedentary and beneful habits to all who in ad it ion to declining physical energy, are the victims of nervous and mental drbiliiy. andof moping and nielanc lio.y de spondency. Dr.K. would say lti:.tl) THIS BOOK. The valuable advice and impressive warning ii Hives, will prevent years of misery and suffering, and save annually Thousand.-1 of Lives. Parent by reading it, will learn how to prevent he destruction of their children. HjA remittance of 25 cents, enclossd in a letter, addressed to DR. KINK ELIN, PHILADELPHIA, will ensure a book, under envelope, per return of mail. 3jDr. K. fifteen years resident Physician. N. W. Corner of THIRD and UNION Street, between Sfsuce ynd Pine, Philadelphia, may be consulted nnnU.,I,li. II., He who praceshimself under the care of Dr. K.J may religiously connue in ins nonor as a ueniieman, and fconfidtiwly rely upon hff'skill as a physician. " 5LjTl'efjf7SlLat a.disiance may address Dr. K. by letter (poll'pWtl,) and be rured"at home. P Ap,P:S of MEDICIN ES, DIRECTIONS, if-c, forwarded, by sending a reinittance.and put up secure from DAMAGKOR CURIOSITY. JjTBooksellers, News Agents. Pedlars, Canvass ers, and all others sunplied with the above work at very lowr ales June 2. 34-ly-c. SALT. SACKS of Salt, daily expectrd. forsale 'JJJ by J. HATHAWAY & SON. Oct. 4. S6. PURE MEDICAL WINES & LIQUORS. DARK and Pale French Brandy; Port, Madei ra and Sherry V ines, all of superior quality. 5. B. A J. A. EVANS. Jan 15. 129 75 BOXKS Underwood's Pickles, all kinds, for t sale by C. DcPRE &. CO. Oct. 22. 94. DISCUSSIONS ON PHILOSOPHY AND Literature, Education and University Reform, chiefly Irom the Fdinburg Review; corncled. vin dicated, enlarged Id Notts and Apendices : By Sir William Hamilton, Bart, with aa Introductory Es say, by Robert Tnrnbull, D D. Received and for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. Nov. 12. UPHOLSTERING GOoDs! PAPER Hangings, Curtains, Lace and Damask Bands, Loops, Tassels, Shades, die. All work in above line done at shortest notice WILKINSON d ESLER, Ocl 27 ov-rthe Fruit Depot BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! INTENDING to change my business, I offer for sale my entire stock of Groceries, Provision. Skip-Chandlery. Dry Good, Ctitlhing. Hard-ware IIolLow ware. Wooden and Willow-marc Merchants are invited to examine myStoek, and all persons in want will do well to give me a call. My stuck is FRESH and NEW, aai was purcha sed before the advance to Goods !a August last. Oct 29. - - Yt.C, HOWARD. CARRIAGES. 1 six Beat ed CARRIAGE. 1 Paas'ed (leaner Rockaway, 1 Q taker Rockaway and revera! light Kaggttf jest received an4ror aaJeby f " : " 8epitT-tf DIBBLE BRO. 1 ME IRI-VVlEKLY COMMERCIAL. Is published every Tdudav, Thubedav and Saturday at S3 per annual, payable in all eases in udvance. BY THOMAS LORING Eoiroa and Pbopbib- TOR, Corner Front aud Market Streets, WILMISOTOS, N. C. KATES OK ADYKKTISlAG. 1 sqr. 1 -1 " 1 insertion SO 50 j 1 sqr. 2 months, 4 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 2 3 75 1 3 00 I! 6 12 I 1 month, 60 Ten lines or less make a square. If an adver- tisemtnt exceeds ten lines, the pi ice will be in proportion. All advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion. ' Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on the most liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should circumstances render a change io business, or aa unexpected removal necessary, a charge accordiOir -to the pot.lished terms will be at the option ol the contractor, for the time he has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate business; and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons, as well as all advertisemenis not immediately con nected with ihcir own business, and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the usual rates. No Advertisements is included in the con rod for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town or country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by ihe advertiser or by other persons. These are excluded by the term "immediate business." AH advertisements inserted in the tri-weekly Commercial, are entitled to one iesertion in the Weekly free of charge. JOB, CARD AND FANCY PRINTING, EXECUTED IN SL'PttKIOR STYLE. Arrival and Departure oT the Malls under the new Arrangement, which iwent into operation, 1st March. 1852. The Mail frin the North is due every day at 9 A. M ., and at 94 P. M. Closes at 1 P. M., and at J P. M. precisely. The 51ail for the Seuih closes at 8$ A. M. The Mail from Onslow Court-House, Sneads Kerry, &e., Is due every Monday at 5 P. M. Closes every Thursday at 9 P. M. The Mail from Long Creek, Black River Chapel, &.C., is due every Thursday ai 6 1'. M., and closes same niaht at 9 P. M. The Mail from Eaycttcvillr, via Elizebelhtown and Prospect Hall, tic , via Wilmington and Man chester Railroad from Robinson's Post Office is due every Tuesday, Tl tirsday and Saturday at 1 P. M-, and closes same days .1 Si A. M. The mail from Whueville, Columbus county, per Wilmington and Manchester Railruud is due at 1 P. M ., and closes at 8J A. M. every day. Cir""An extra Package will be made up for Let ters going North of Richmond, Vn , n hich will be kept open until 7 A. M. All other Letters must be in the Office at the hours above named, or they will not be Mailed until next succeeding Mail. At ENTS FOR THE C O.H MERCIAN. -Vcur York -Messrs. Brown & DeRoscet. HoHon Frederick Kidder. PhUcutepfiia S. E. Cohen. Baltimore W m. H. Peake and Wm. Thomson. BUSINESS CARDS. JAMES ANDERSON. EDWARD S WaGE. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GESEKAL COMMISSIOW MERCUASTS WILMINGTON v. C. Liberal cah advunces made on consignments. Oct. il. 94- G(KilARlilSS, General CouiuiKsiou Merchant. WILMIMUION, N. C. OTRICT attention given lo procuring Freight O and purchasing Cargoes for visscls. Kefe ro K. P. HuU, Kq. 1 O. G. Parsley, Ksq. I ..... I A 'I....!..- i.'.r. nington. J. D. Bellamy, Ktq. J I . I . luiifii i . - H- I .Messrs. TooUer, Smyih & Co., ) " Thompson & Hunter, j New York. Alcx'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs Willla..,s& Butler, t c !larlcston S. C i. ioj. 123-tt C. DuPRE & CO. WHOLESALE AND RUT A I L GROCERS Corner Front and Friiicess-sli eels, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' C DUPRE. - D. B. BAKER. HENRY NUTT F C l'llli Al) FOIUUKDIM. A GEM, Will give liis personal attention to business entrust ed lo his care. Sept. 8, 1S53. 75-tf. 0. L. FILLYAW, PRODUCE BROKER, COMMISSION A.D FURAVihDI.U MtliCDANT, WIIMINGTON, N. C. September 20lh, lr63. 80-1-e. rountreeT watson"& CO., General Commission Merchants, TS South St , New York. Liberal Advances Made on Consignments . 1. D. ROUNTKEE, B. C. WATSON, W. H. WIGGINS. Augus- 25, 1853. 69- ly. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant Prompt personal attention -given to Consign ments tor Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cash advances made on Consignments to me or to my Wew York friends. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1833. 135. t. c. wortd coMmssios iD piirwaedjsg' mebciunt, WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 17, 1853. M3-ly. COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (SITCESSORS TO THOS. AM80NE 4 CO ) General Commission Merchants, Wo 32, Worth HTiarTcs, and 63 NViA Water Stt. PHILADELPHIA. I. HARVEY COCHRAN, W. S. RUSSELL. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. July HOth, 1353. 68-tf. K S. M. WEST, " : Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, V WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL sell or buy Real Estate and Negroes at a small commission. ALSV : Strict attention glvento Mie sale of Timber, Tar pentine, Tar, or sny kind of Country Produce. Office second door, South side of Market street, on the wharf. June 12, 13S3. 33-1 y. A. H. V1NB0KKELEN. General Agent, Commission and Forwarding merchant, WILMINGTON. N. C. Particular attention given to sale aad purchase of Naval Stores. Jane 1, 1853. 123-ly. J. C. LATTA, COMMISSIOW MERCHANT GENERAL AGENT. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 1.1853. BS-lr - TO WAGE! TOWAGE ! ! STKAHKR Sain Beary, Aaf Oath r rit, master; stealer JalhoRB, j0 oBrta, 'aaeatery ara'eay at aH Uaaea fw bajdnesa. Ordeta rTewageariU aava prompt artentioa u leu at odea or Af eat. j. . - -j GEO. HaREUSSC Junell, 3tf. BUSINESS CARDS. JAS. H. C1IADB0URN & CO., General Commission Merchants, Jas. H. Chaoboorn. Geo. Chadsovrn. Jun. I, 1853. 13. RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATB ELLIS, RUSSCLL ft CO ,) iEXERAL COMMISSIOW MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments of Naval itores, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1853. CT&D. DuPRE. WHOLE SALE AND BETAL DEALEHlS IN Drags, Medicines. Chemicals. Paints, Oil, Dye Stufls. Olaaa. Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liiqaore, "aucv Articles, die., MAKKKT STRKKT, WILHINCTOX, N . C. Prescriptionscsrefullyuoiapounded by experi enced persons. March 28. 1853. v1luam a. wye, General Ajcat-Forwarding t Commission Merchant 1 take pleasure in informing my friends, that 1 am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and personal attention. 1 havea'wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodatioss, Spirit House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment ; end all kinds of coun try proJuce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. -4priU9, 1S53. 15. GEORGE MYERS, WIDLKSUt! WD RETAIL UROCER Keeps constantly on hand, Wines, Teas, Liquors, Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware, fruit, Confectionariesc. South front street, WILMINGTON, N. . Nov. 13, 1852. 109. S. B. & J A. EVANS, WIIULliMLE A0 KET1 lb DRl'lGiSTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will Keep always on hand s large and very select stock of Drug, Medicines, Jhemuals, Paints, Oils, Glass, .urgical Instruments, Patent Medi cine, Perfumery, c, ot low prices. Jan. 18. 1853. 130. JOSEPH H. FL INNER, General Commission Merchant, WIIMINGTON,N. C. Mv9ih. 1Sj3; !c- J . HATHA WAY & SON, COMMISSION iMEUCHAM I S. WIL.MI NGTON, N . V. . IIatmawav, J. L. Hathaway. Feb. 15, 1853. 31. GEO. U. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. NextJoot to A. A. VV unnet's, on North Water st willattcnd to the sale of all kinds of Country Pro, duce, such up Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon . Lard,c ind willkeepconstantly on hand a full supply of Groceries c. Reference. WillctHalLofWayiic, John dcllac, Wilmington W. Caraway. ' Gen. Alx. . McRae. E. P. Hall, Wilmington, Wiley A. WaUei, " Dec. 13. 1852. 115-ly. MILES C0STIN, G O M M I S S I O N MERCHAN T . WILMINGTON, N. C. BfiPWt TO R. P. Hall.'Rsq., Prcs'l Branch Slate 1 Bnnk. I Thos.H. Wright, Ksq., Pres't Bank ! Wilming Cape Fear, fton,N.C. O.G. Parsley, Esq., Prcs'l Coiimcr- I cial Bank. j Dec. 19. 1S52 1 18-tf WILLIAM H, PEAKED COLLlil'TOIt AM) tiDU RUM.' G ACI M- for Country Newspapers througliotit the Unite it States, llasetnent of Sun Iron Ba iaings, Baltimore street All business er. rusted to his cire transacted promptly, op liberal terms. " - : - sept 7 95-f MANUFACTURER AWD DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTE.WPBPPf'rTri ESSES, &c c. Ki out street, South of Market, BHOWN's BClLDIXli, WILMINGTON, N. C. Sept. 16, 1852. 79-v-c GEO. 0. VAN AM RINGE, BROKER, AND MERCANTILE AG EST, WILMINGTON, N. C. PARTICULAR ultention paid to thepurcUase or sale of all descriptions of Merchandise and Pro luce, andv.njvhich one per cent commission will be charge ). " Any bdsiness intrusted to him will re ceive prompt and personal attention. His desk for the present is in the office of Mr. Wni. A. Gwycr. References : Messrs. Ellis. Russell & Co. Ellis, Russell & Co., ) Adams, Bro. & Co., ' J. R. Blossom, Esq. ) Wilmington. August 14. 1852. 65.-C . C. FHEEMAN. GEORGE HOUSTON. KIIKEMAN b IItUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. I. C. FREEMAN & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IIS FRONT STREET, NEW VORK. FREEMAN AND BllUSTOK, WILMINGTON, N C KEKP constantly on hand stock ol rtour, Com, Pork, Bacon. Salt, Coffee, Sagar, Mo lasses, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Candles, Soap, for eign and Domestic Liquors and Wines ; Iron, Wails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable fur family and plan tation use and the retail tr:ide, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. The senior partner D. C. Frbehab, is located in the city of New Vork j the junior partner, Gao. Houston, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on consignments to and from either piaca. All business entrusted to them will receive orooer attention; and orders for Goods will be promptly a no c-irciuiiy micu. Sept. 9, 1852. 76-f. U. DOLLNER G. POTTLB. Jr D0LLNER Sl POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSIOW MERCHANTS, NEW YOKK : Liberal Cask Advances matl an all CansigwmenU. April 30, 1853. 20-Iy-pd. I. WESSEL. B. B. EILERS. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water Sutet, Wil mington, N. C, intend to keep at lbs above stands general assortment of Groceries, Liqaors, sad Provisions at arkioiaaale and ta earrjr a General Commission Basioess. lirimci : E. P.Hall.Prea't Brch Baak ofta State.; O. G Parsley, Prea't Commarcial Baak. Wil P. .. Dickinson, Ksq. Jan. 20 183 131. WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH BULlil ll aafe-tlaaa ry , Fralt. Wta, Taya.Vajacjr Ar- ,WHOLESALK AND RS f Alls, ' " MilKST STREET, ' 'v WILMINGTON TT ' " Nov. 30, 183?, I0-tI L1VEK COIIPLALNT, DYSPEPSIA. Jaundice, Chronic or Wercuus Debility, Dit east of the Kidneys, and all Diaeate .arising from a disordered Liter or Slumiirh. such as Constipation, inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nau-xa, Heart burn, Disgust for Food. Fullness or Weight in the Stoiu.ich, Suur Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering st the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurrud and Difficult Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying pos'ure. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before thesight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, if., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the FI sh Constant Imaginings of evil, and great depressions of Soil its, can be etf- dually ruied by DR HOOFLAN UN CELEBRATED HERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON. Na. ISO Arch street. Philadelphia. Their powvr over the above diseases la not eaceil ed, If equalled, by any other preparation in the Uni ted ."Mates, as tlie cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Hitters are worthy the attention of invalids Possessing ifreat virtues in the rectification of dis eases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness nd atiociionp of the digestive organs, they are, withal, sate, cer tain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," says of ! ur. nooFLAND s uermun Hitters. 'It is seldom that wu recommend what srs term ed Patent. Medicines, to the confidence and patron age of our readers; and therefore when we recom mend Dr. Hoofland's German Bi;tt rs, we wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not Epeaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and then forgotten afttr they have done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long established, universally prized, and whirh has mcl the hearty approval of the fuculiy itself.'1 "Scott's Weekly," said, Aug. 26 : "Dr. Hoofland's ierman Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now 'ecommended by some of the most prominent men.-v.s of the faculty as an article of much effica cy in ca "s of female weakness. Persons of debili tated con -lions will find these Bitters advantage ous to .heii ealth. as we know from experience the salutary etlecttlu-v huve upon weak systcnii1." HOXE EVIDENCE. J. G. Moore, Esq , of ihe Daily News, said, Oct 31. 'Dr. Hooflakd's German Bittbbs. We are try ing this renowned medicine for a stubborn disease of the bowels, und can with truth testify to its efficacy. We have taken the contents of two bottles, and we have derived more benefit from the experiment than we derived previously from ycarsof allophatic treat ment at the hands of our first physicians." Hon. C. D. Hineline, Mayor of the City of Cam den. N. J , says : "Hoofla vd's Giumass Bitters. Wchave seen many fl.itt'.rhf notices of this medicine, ind the source from which they came indue d us lo mnkc inquiry reupccting its merits. From inquiry wc were persuaded ;o use it, and m.s t say we found ii specific in its action upon diseases of the liver and digestive organ, and the powerful influence it exerts upon n rvons prostmion , is really surprising It calms and strengthens thf nerves, bringing them in to a Ftate of repose, making sleep refreshing. If this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would be less t-irkness. as from the stomach, liver and net votis system, the great major ity of real and imaginxiy det-cuFts rmumfc Hnvc them in u healthy condition and you can bid defi ance to epidemics generally. Thi extraordinary medicine we would advice our friends who arc at all indisposed, to uive a trial it w ill recommend it self. It should, "ti fact, be in every family. No other medicine can produce such Lvidenoip ol merit." For sale whole sale und retail at the GERMAN MF.DIC1NK TORK. No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth. Phila delphia, and byreepectab d-alcrs generally through out the country. Sold in Wilmington by S. I! A J A. EVANS, in Faycttcvilic by S. J. HINSDALE. June II 38-3m "MAN KNOW THYSELF." A N invaluable Book for25cet.ts. "Even Fami- Iv ohonld have a copy." Six th outtand copies sold in lets thanihree months. A new edition, revised and improved, jurt issued. Dr. H timer's Medical Manuel and hand Book for the Afflicted, containing on outline of the origin, progres-s. lr atment and cute of every form of dis ease, contracted by promiscuous sexual intercourse. Dy sen-aDuse, or by sexual excess, with advice lor their nrevention. written ina familiar sivle nvi.ii'ino all medic I technicalities, and everything that would offend i he ear of decency, from the result of some twenty years successful practice, exclusively devo ted to the cure of diseases f a delicate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the cure of the above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp toms aud cure of the Fever and Ague, for twenty- five cents a copy ; six copies one dollar ; will be for warded to any part of the United States: by,, mail, free of postage. Address, pot tne pair1, Cosden dr Co., Publishei s or box 196, Post Office, Philadelphia. 'This is, without exception, the most comprehen sive and intelligible work published on the class of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical let ins, it addresses itself to the reason of its readers. It is free from all objectionable matter, and no pa rent, however fastidious, can object to placing it iu tne Hands ot nis aons. The autnor has devoted many years to the treatment of '.he various com plaints treated of. and 'with too little breath to puff,' and 'too little presumption to impose,' he has offered to the world at the merely nominal prieeof Zb cents, the fruitsof some twenty years most successful prac tice." Herald. "No teacher or parent should be without the knowledge imparted in this invaluable work. It would save years of pain, mortification and sorrow to the youth under their charge.'' PetPLa's Advo cate. A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing of Hunter's Medical Manuel, ssys : "Thousands ol our youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, have been led into tne nabit ol sell-potlu-lion without realizing the sin and fearful consequen ces upon themselves ar.d their posterity. The con stitutions of thousands who arc raising families have been enfeebled. if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or the cure. Any thing that can be done so to enlighten and influence the public mind as to check, and ultimately to remove this wide spread source of human wretchedness, would confer the greatest blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and coming generations Intemperance, (the use of Intoxicatinz drinks,) though it has slain thousands upon thousands, is not greater scource to the human race. Accept my thanks in behalf of the afflicted, and believe me. vour co-worker in the good work yoa are ao active ly ennaeed in.' une copy win re lorwarneo tsrcnreiy enveloped nd postage paid.) on receipt of 25 cents, or six copies for !. Address, COSDK.iv , tu-. ruDusners, iso, rniladelphia. Booksellers Canvassers and Book Agents, eun plied on the most liberal terms. Jane 4. S-Iy-e. MORSE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT. nr HIS Is a Purely Vegetable Compound, scicntifi- s cany prepared irotn me DCH itoots and Herbs of the Materia Kedics, and baa gained an nnrivall ed reputation for the followioa effects, viz : t-uiar r.Tfu l'UMS LSL.OOD, and thus curing all Humors, Sores, Ulcers. Catane ois Krantiona. Canker, Sea Id Head, c. Ef'nliting asd Cieaitiig ike Stomiek 4 Bowels, thus it cares Dyspepsia, Indigeatlan, Cosliveness, i lies, c. StrenstHentas tbe DIceatiTe Om. thaa causing the food to nourish and support every put. REGULATING THE SECIET11T nafiimi. and.by enabling them to perform their p roper func' tiona, preventin g and caring BUloaa and otherpaia V1 on Urethtiii ton qieUigtb HcrroBi Sy item, thus allaying Nanroaa riitaUon, and caring all dis eases of tha Nerves. ' It la nnrtvalledia theeareorall FEMALE DISEASES, as Weakncaa, Irragalarity.Oaalraetloas, at a. It la pleasant to take, and eafe la all cases ; aet Ing in harmony with the restoring powers of catnre It never injarea bat always benefits and cures, aa thousands of yalantary certifieaiea froaf tb beat aathontlea testify. Prepared by , O. MORSE 4 C0..2I Mstden-LaBe, N, Y. . Soldby Drvffglataand others tbrooghowt this anl athereonatriea. S. B. f- J. A. RT AN S, Afreets. Wilmington. K. C. sept, 30, tt-ly-C MEW AMI H.EMl GOCDa, JUST RECEIVED DUtVCT! WHICH the undersigned offers tut asle at wholesale aod retail, at the very low rsi isti a for cath or goou paper, to bis Tow a and Country friends. The folk v. ina eompris a pvnioa ot bis atoek, viz: ; . - - 100 bbl. Crushed, Pewdrt4- CraulaJd Bra Sugars . . ... , SO half bbls. St, CroLt Sugars, pat up expressly forma 5 hhds. Pono Rico Sugars 10 boxes Laaf Sugars 150 bags Rio, Lagusyra, Java and Mocha Coffee 200 boxes Colgate's Pale and S: I Soap , ' 20 do do Paarl larch f - ' 500 dox. W. Underwood St CVa.Piekle,Ctlaiip Sauces, Must aids, Ac. --?. 15 cheats Green and Black Tea, very Ana t '100 pkgs. Craekers and bread, all kinds 2CO,IUO fcegars, a: Baltimore pr era 20 boxes Saleratus, put upaxprcssijormy iradtr. 500 reams Wrapping Paper i 100 bbla Fayette viiu und Canal Floor' 20 boxes Candies, assorted. r Uw ,T ' ' 20 half bbla. Fulton Maikci Beef ' ' 5 do do do do Pickled Tongucsr 10 kegs extra Gcshen Batter 2(0 boxes Sperm, Adaatantiaa dk Mould Candlcr 5o boxes Tobacco, some very superior, 50 doxen nderson, Amulet A Goodwin's Ye I' low Bank . t. 50 boxes Fire Crackers ' r -m cases Preserved Ginger , 20 do Cinon ' 5( 0 lbs. Currants - . -r 1000 lbs. nlmonds.iti small bales 50 packages of Kaitlna f 25 jars fret-h Prunes 25 box.es Mustard' and 10 dox, i lb. bvtiles gen . uinc F.nglisdo 20 bbls Cider Vinegar; 10 bbls. White Wlusdo, 20 buckets superfine Olive Oil ' ;0 boxes Cauups, aaorica . . .. 200 kegs pure While Lead 25 do Black Paint 1tff". '' r 500 lbs. Pure Verdigris .i' ""7 r : 10 bbl. Linseed Oil, raw one beifetA 200 coiL Manilla and Tared Hope " 50 bales superior Oakum 100 dozen Corn Brooms, assorted qualitisr' - 25 nests Cedar and Painlcd Tabs 50 dozen Buckets, Puils. Piggins, Af. 200 lbs. 20, 25 and 30 Gill Neil Twinu 40CO new 2 bushel Gunny Bags 600 Iba. Bagging Twine 300 Negro Blankets 50C.I yards Negro Kerseys Shirtings. Osnaburgs, Drills, Plaids, Bed Ticks Ac Ship Masters will find my slock romplele,, wtrli all Blocks, Rigging, Duck, Hanks, Hoop, Chains, Anchors, and in fact, every article required from keel to truck. Families will find every aiiielo wanted in Kitchen, Pantry, or for the table t be- I sides Flv Brushes, Mais, Baskets, Knife Boxes, Flavoring Extracts, Gelitlnc; Isinglass, Ac , ac ; in fact, you can find almost every article wsntco, and at the very lowest prices, at ; , , W. C. HOWARD'S,'' Oct. 1 South Walef-sl. - TIIK NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, KALEIOU, N. C. " THE above Company hrs been ineperatiottairire the 1st of April, 1843, under the direction.! Uia following Officera, viz t r Dr. Charles E. JomSson, President. ' Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan. Secretary, ;. , .-- .. ,Hj Win. H.Jones, Treasurer, Pcrrln Busbee, Attorney," Dr. Charles . Joknson, Dr. VVm. H. McKee, Medical Hoard af Dr.nttB. Haywood, JVHersman. General Agent. Consultation. . This Company has received a charter giving sd' vantages lothe insured over arTV other Company The 5th Section gives Ihe Husbfnd the privilege lo insure his own life for thu sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any claimsof the represents Ives of ihe husband or sny of his creditors. - Organized on purely mutual principles, the Mfe members participate f n the uhult of ihe profile which are declared annually. Besides, the applicant for' life, when the annual premium is over03O may pjy one half in a Kote. - ; All (flaims for insurance against the Company will oe paid within ninety days after proof of tha death of the parly is furnished, Slaves arc insured for one or Ave years, at rstes' which will enable all Slaveholders to secure thiw class of properity against the unetiainty of lifc. Slave insurance presents a now and inlereatin feature In the history of North Carolina. which will prove very important lo the Soiithe-n States. The last four months operation of ibis Coataaaf shows a very I argeamount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already issued more than 200 policies. r - Dr. VVm. W. Harriss, Medical Kxamincr, and Agent. Wilmington, N. C. All Communications on bnsincss of iheCompaayr should be addressed to JAS. F. JORDAN, See'y. . Raleigh.Feb. 12, 1853. 141-tf. PROF. ALEX. C. DARKY'S Tricopherovs. or Medicated Comjxjund. FOR Beautifying, Curling, Preserving, Ktsforinr, and Strengthening the Hair, Relieving- Dieaa- es of the Skin, Curing Rheumatic Paine, and Heal ing External Wounds. Bounded by no geographi cal lines, the reputation of Barry's Taicoraaaova pervades the Union The aalea of thia article of late years have increased in a ratio that almost ex ceeds belief- Professor Barrt, after a carelul ex amination of his sales' book, finds that tha numbea of bottles delivered to order, in quantities of ltvm half a gross upward, dating the year lb52, was with in s trifle of 950.000. lt is unnecessary to present at lenath iheeridere- es of the wonderful properties of tha Trlcophcrous. when the public have fuinishtd rnch an indorse ment as thia. The cheapness of tha article and tha explanations given of its chemicai action upon he hair, the scalp, and In all caaea of anpeifieial irrita" lion, first rtcotnmcr.di d it to the attention of tha people. This was all that the inventor desired " Every bottle adveniscd itrelf The r fleets of tLe fluid exceeded expeetaiion. It acted like a charm. The ladies would not be without if. Country dealeis in every section of the United State tound they must have It; and thus was built up a whoW-ssle' trade of an extent hitherto unheard of ss regards sr ticlea of this kind. The highest point lias not yl been reached, and il is believed that ihe salee this year will be a million and a half of bottles. Depot and Manufactory. No. 137 Broadway, Kew York. Retail price, 25 cents a large bottle.. Liberal discount to purchasers by tbe quaetHy Sold by all the principal merchants and rpffHM throughout the United States and Canada, Jsexico West Indies, Great Britain, France, Ac. For sale by C. & D. DcPRE, Wilniior'e". May 21, 165 2-6b- SHINGLES, V: OF all dracriptiona, as called fov.br ' May 24. GEO. 8. GILLESPIE- niCRORY, . PERSIMMON .AND WALNUT TIMBER,fur nished to order, bv May 24. GEO. S. GILLESPIF. BLANKS. rTAHR following Blanks are printed an j kept eon- . atantiy tof aaie at tne uinca si tM trmmsrctei. COMMERCIAL. Shipping Articles Rates of Frelrhf oa W. Kills of aaiatr. Do. Letter Sheet. Crew Lists. Prices Carreal. a tC Kail Hrmtl. Do.' Una Boats. Bills of Exeha9aboaa4 'ana in snsct . Do. . Domestic . Checks on ail tha BaakaJ Charter Party. Manifest of all kinds. Entries Merchandise. NcfotiaUa Kotcao tl a several imbks. . -Do. on all tha Banks.. Do. Ballast Bill of sale of Vessel MISCELLA NEOVS. Warrants, with and with- Billa of Sale. oat judgment. ' Do. of Weyroes. Nefo Pssses. - Bonds tor Nerro BTre. Warrantee Deeds. ) Mart gar e Deeds. Bonds forthe Delivery of - ' ,' Property. i t Ven.Kxponaa. . tSabpcnnaa Coan'y and CaSaaodBon?. " Suparior Court. , Alias Vaad. Ex. tiarora TlcJtrv- Caanry i Writs. ABkto-ss-Btanks am ioa vVorkV xeetr t. order with naalnsss and dispatel- - 'f -t. . HbUilLO. virtmvtnn . 1 C TTJBS extra ftps Butj.jut rrrrlrrd I v A V-OCU I, . c 7 A .(.