ENilUI.l,Y REFRnSHI XO FO t THE LANGUID AND AVFLlVTEb. JR. RKSTON A CO., South aid "I ' street, two doors below Kahnwetler dfc Bra's. Flag Stall, and Gew-Giw Box, and mrarly tJppcait Cason A Moore'. S. & D.TeHer1, and Joh Daw Mn'i Rag Emporium and "Commercial" shaving Saloon, eery raodrat.y ooYrs ta atl persons la a low lau ef mind and hciih, the following Drag and Medici aca, in bonk or by the gallon t j Marrett pBle, Aagustia, Brow a, and 1793 Bran ny ; 'v. ' Sever. Brands of Palo and Brown Sherry ; Wine, tjou kind tf Madeira, " do ; Pert. Old Reeian. Pert, Cooking M ine; While Frene-vi Brandt, for Fruits ; -. Pure Holland Gin -for washing the throat, re luoving atl rottgnncss. ote. The very brsl brand of Champagne i U. Slates Champagne and Longworih'a, Snork ling Catawba. Purler and Ale, and Apple Branny, grown grey br age; Irish Whit key, Mnnongahela, ami "Bloc Bain;" Cherry Boanee, Olark Berry Bounce, and Gin feer Bounce; and various Cordial, Ac. Besides, an article never before brought here " East India Ale," a niild .Ale, in Part boitlra fine ionic, fcnl highly recommended for delicate people. Dvc.1. no. RICE! RICK I! CASKS fresa beat, jtisl received bv L. N. ii tRI.OW. 20 Dec. I. No. 3 Granite Row. scnooL BOOKS. f . A ttCJ K adJtiional sunply received i hi? morn J. in. Wc beep on hand at all ii nt, full a, (korioieni of School Books, and veil I htm at pub. hs' piicr. S. W. WlllTAKER. No. 1. 110. IRE'S DICTIONARY. DICTIONARY of Aala, Manufactures and fY M inea, containing a clear exposi'ion of their V'incipteaand practice, by Andrew Ure, M. D., F. R. S. f-te. Illustrated with nearly sixteen hundred Knjrvini un Wood. Keprinted from the foorih edition. Corrected and grraily enlarged, in 2 vol-. Received and for ale al S. W. WHITAKKK. Dec. 1. lia STATIONERY. LARGE additional supply of Stationery and Blank Books received thi morning, at Dec. I S. W. W HITAEKU'S. LATEST PUBLICATIONS. ROMANTIC incidents in he lire of the Q. tens of li ngland, by the author ol SiandfUid Hall, Amy Lawrence, etc. Charles Auchcs-er, a memo rial. The OM Doctor or Stray Leaves from my Journal, by n eiirrd Physician; Lady Lea's Wid owhood, from """Blackwood's Majixine; Fern Leaves, handsomely DounJ. Preeivrd this morn ing at S. W. WHITA K ER'S. Dec. 1. J 10. PORT WA RDE YS S A LE. N Thursday morning. 29th inst at 1 1 o'clock -S ai i he tidying t-olt, adjoining J. Cassidey's Slop Yard, we will tell under inspection of Port ardens, The rondemned Sail, Rig' ing Ac. of Schr, C. 11. ItOGKRS. RANKIN & MAUTKX, Auctr's. Nov. 29, 1S53. ('uuinal copy 2t ) K9.lt. NeCALEB & GILBERT A'lfCULD respectfully inform their fri-n"a and i lie public generally, that they have taken the m in- on the coiner of Market and Second streets, under the Carolina Hotel, where they intend keeping on h md a general assortment oi goods adapted to the town and country trade, and would be happy lo wait on all who may favor ihem wiih their patron age.. Orders from ihe country will meet with dis. r-cn. AJiods sold by us will be taken back if loyGr: not prove satisfactory. The following will comprise a part of our stock, viz : Domestic Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hard ware nnd Cutlery, Nails and Axes, Glass. Earl hern and Sionc ware, Willow ware, Cradles Camagt s, Cnb and Basket., Wood ware of all kinds. G roe. He and Provisions of all kinds.a variety of Fruits, Nuts Candies, Confectioneries, dec. A full sypply of the best brai'da of Flour and Buckwheat, will be constantly kept on hand ; also fresh country ground Meal an Hominy :i.ay be li.id at all time. NOW i: ECEIVING, per schr. Charles Mills, a lot of city mess Pork. Fulton Market Beef, whole and half bb's., best -q ii r II t v Goshen Butler, boxca of A. No. 1 Cheese, best in market, c. A. B. McCALEB, ) II. D. GILBERT, i Nov. 39 101- :m HOUSE FURNISDIXG GOODS. 1 tm A 11-4 and 12 4 Linen "Shcciins-s: Bleach JU red and Brown Cunon Sheeting, all v idihs. Pillow Cae l.im n and Cotions; Bh-ach- t .1 and Brou n Table Damasks and Ditto in t'l.ith.", all f iv.es and qualities; I imn i-nii Cotton Diapers; lied Ticks; Furni'ure Diniiiys dec. For nlcby Nov. 73. JAMKS DAWSON. SACK SALT PLf( SACKS Liverpool e round Salt, now lund- - v y vy from schr. Souiherncr, for sale by Nov. 23 FKtF.MANA HOUSTON. G. W. CR00M, IN SPECTOHOF NAVAL STORES AND PilOVoSIONS, Wil migto!, N. C. respectful ly inform Makers and Dea'ers in the above arti cles, 'hat he will "ive prompt attention to all busi. tie?a in ihat line entrusted to him, and solicits a share of public pal ronaar, pledging hitr.st II to us every proper clioil lo deserve ii. J ill v In. 4? Gin -w B. F. GRADY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT iyjL.r.GTOX, A", c. J, "Liberal cash advances made on conin meni of Naval Stores, Cotton, and otner produce. J, JfOJiiee at the Store of .Messrs. Grady & M.mik, North Waier street. N uv- 3. S8-3mw G EN PL EM EN'S Soft Bla k, and Drab Fur T Hats, for Travelling or Business Hais, various shapes and style ; also lincCips of every d si rip lion. Persons wishiu; anything in toy line ran not fail lobe suited by L'Uing me a call at the lla' Store, No. 1 Granile Bow, Front st. C, MYERS, Hatter. Nov. 10ih 102 ALWAYS ON niND, T'HE best stock of Umbrellas kept in the State. Pcr-oiis wishing lo purchase al wholesale or retail, can sjvc money bv calling at the Hat and Cap Store. Oct. 8. C. M VK..S. 83 FINE SILK AND GINGHAM UM BRELLAS. IT is well understood in this coiiimunity ih.it the finest and best made Uuibrcll is, at the lowest prices ate sold at the Hat Stoie, where at all times may be found the most extensive assortment often u in the Suite. A call is requested front all wishing to purchase. C. MYEBS. Nov. l'th I0"2 W. II. GAUTIER, a E N E R A I. AG E N T l'OK THI3SAI.K ot CJOUNTRYPKOUUCB WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov 10. l02-3m. BOY'S BLACK AND PE .RL OPERA HATS, new style, Store. Oct. 1. for sale al ihe Hat C. MYKHS 65 Assorted Preserves, very fine. Forsale C. DuPRE dc. CO. 94. Ocl. 22. MOLASSES. 60 HHDS prime swet Cuba Molasses, dally. expected, ov. 1. For sate bv J. I1ATAAWA A SON TO ARRIVE -Vr ScAr. Sidney Price and Ckuf. Mill. Of ITBLS. Apple, fine ; 10 do. Florence Mill 0J Doublo Extra Flour. bWs. Hiram Smith's Mill Double F.xira do. 15 Kegs of Goshen Butter; 12 Boxes Enzli.h Chi esc ; 2 j 'do White do prime. By Gr.O. II. KELLF.T. Nov. 22. J.Il.fc N.C.T. copy. 107. A STORY FOR MOTHERS. IRVVtE or The Bended Twig, by Cousin Cicely. j Received and tor sale at Nov. 19. S. W. WHITAKER'S. FERN LEAVES. BKAUT1KUI, adition of Pern T .p. vfn from I fanny's roruoito. Heceived and for sate by 8. v.. WHITAKER. 102. Nov. 19. TO ECONOMISTS WE are sellitg Dress and Fsney Goods st ereatlv reduced prices. HFDKICK ft Rk. 7 Nor.istn- 1U R. K.7TROY. - MOLASSES. : OH HHDS. SWeet Molasses, now hndlna, for CV s,le by FREKMAA & HOVSTON Nov. 29 . ....i ' 109 FRESH SUPPLIES. PRBEMAN A Houston are now receiving in J. siora large additions to thci r stock of Groearicf and Provisions. Say Cheese, Butter, CraeKers. Flour, Sugar, Coffer, Beef, Pork, Molasses, Salt W hlskey, Fish, Bacon. Lard, Soap, Candks. Oil Paints. Gbts. Nail, and s varh-ty of other articles in their line of busings, nrnl which are fler.-d for ale ia lot a lo suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. Nov. 29 109 AN OWNER IS WInTED T70R Buzsv, wtihotti mark, ie tivtd fiom New ork. per schr. T. A. 'aid Nov. 29 FilEKMAN HOUSTON. PRINTED FRENCH USLIN le Lanes; Plain M.de and Hissh Coli mi red Ditto ; Frem-h n n.l F.nelisli Meri- ooei-, every hade ; I'lald Mcrinojs and Raw Silk, do. Muslin De Baizes, For sale by Nov. 29. JAMF.S DAWSON. TALMAS AND LADIES CLOAKS, BLACK and coloured, i.f the very latest French Pailrn ; Iridic black and coloun d CU-tTik for Cioa'ks, and i'rimiuin for ihe same. Received andforsileby JAMES DAW'SOV. Nov. 29. 109. PURE GOLDEN FLAX, I II IS II Linen and Richardson's celebrated Heavy Family Linens, Biids Kye Diiprs, Napkins and Doyins, Scotch anil Kiusia Diaper, Brown Hollands and xlate colon d French Linenr. Receivcxl lo-day, and lor sale by Nov.-. JAMF.S DA W S ON STEEL MIXED, CADET Mixed t.nd Oxford Grey Cassimere, a Urge assort ivtnl ol long ami tquare Bay State ShawU; fine Mirino do, assoiied colour-", Real Sh kcr Flannel and Shaker Knit Shirts and Drawers ; Ladic French Corsets, Cotton Furni ture Fiiner; Paris I'laid Salin Quadrille Orrssei" and Rich Winter F.ngli.-h and French Prims Forsalcby JAMF.S DAWSON. No. 29. 109. CUT VELVET, PLUSH and Satin Vesting; KnslUli Black Crape; While .S.uiti, all grades; Belvidetcund F.xhibiiion fine Woolen Shawls. Heceived lo-day, andforsaleby JAMES DAWSON. Nov. 29. Iu9. IESlfAND prime. JUST IS TIME. Of "I BAGS Green Rio C iree ; ZJ IS kegs of fresh Goslxn Uuitit; 25 boxes Chece; 15 libls. of Kxtra Florence Mills Fluur; lo boxes F.nalis- Cheese; 10 bbU. of Mercer 1 Potatoes ; 40 " Apple; Low for cash, at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. Nov. 29. 1 6. J.. II., N. C. T. and Spirit of the Alje copy. V. C. HOWARD, "iF.NF.RAL Commission and Forwarding Mi r- VJ cjant, Wiimingion. N. Liberal Cash adttftieri made on Consignments. 109-tf Nov. 29 CtKRIAGES! CARRIAGES! THE subsciiher has just received, and will cominue to receive weekly, . from Messrs. Dunlnp & Co., their woik, wmcn ne oner tor saie tow lor uasn orap proved p ier at 90days. viz: 1 Carriages. Rocka way. Biiiriiiea, Jenny Lind Waggons, Sulkies, dir. All of VuiUap d Co' irorA- sold by me vananted for 12 month OiJe f r work will be made up in bcit manner. W. C. HOW A U D. Nov. -t9 i09 if SUPERFINE LONDONBROWN CLOTHS; West of England B'uedo.; Kiollcy' celebrated French Plack Cloths ; Piano and Table Covers; Bed Blankets; coloured and white Negro Blanket and very heavy Negro Kersey., u arranlcd hall wool Forsalebv Nov. .9. JAMF.S DAWSON. SAXONY, WELCH, OF all qualilii s, and Patent fine W hiie Flannels, all warranted not lo shrink ; Ladies Merino V est ; coloured Vtlvel Itibbon; Mourning Plaid French Merinos and Black Hall' Mourning, all Wool Do Lanes ; Orleans Cloth, Tainise and Wid ows Cloth. For ale by JAMES DAWSON. N. v 29. 109. MOURNING COLLARS AND Undersleevcs ; Linen Habits and Slerves; French Worked Collars; Quihed Galons; French Bombazines ard tine lo superfine Black S Ik Warn Aluua-. Received lo-d.iv and lor sale by JAMES Nov. 29. DA WSON. 109. FINE PLAID LINSAYS, PUIM'KD Dniijgeis; Heavy Woolen tioe and half Hose; Thick Woolen Shirts lor Negroes: ery heavy all wool Twilled Blankets, and Crib and Cradle Blanket; Georgia Kerseys and Plains. Just received and lor sale at the lowest prices, by Nov. 29. JAMES DAWSON. BUCKWHEAT. 50 New BAGS Extra Quality, Freh Ground, from Wheat, received lllis llav by L. N. BAb LOW, No. 3 Granite Row. Nov.2(i IUS FOR SALE. rrCA3KS new Cron Rice. Apply to J RA N K 1 N dr, M A RTI N. Nov.2G 3t-l03 ROUGH RICE. BUSH ELS for sale by RANKIN & 4,c OU Nov. 26 MAKTIN. 3i-108 NORTH CAROLINA. JAMS, Sides, Nov 2J Shoulder, and I.nrd. For sale RANKIN & MARTIN. 3t-108 NEW CHEESE. r): BOXES New Dairy (.'hees., of an exlra qunl- mJ ity, just rect ived and for sale by; L N. BARI.OW, No. 3 Granite llow. 103 Nov. 26 FLOUR. SMITH'S double Extra, I T I II A M SMI I H'S double Fayetteville n FuiHilv and Superfini , for sale by Nov. iti. FREEMAN ifc HOUSTON. ,)f FIRKINS best Goshen Butter; 100 boxes J Cheese premium Ch esc. Forsale by Nov. 26. W. M. SHERWOOD & CO. BUTTER. " Qf FIRKINS No. 1 Goshen Butler. superior article for family use. lor sale hy Nov. 26. FREEMAN dt HOUSTON. SACK SALT. CfYfi SAr:KS Liveipool ground Salt, to arrive, Jv fJ for sale from vessel, by Nov. 26. FREEMAN St, HOUSTON. M0LASSKS. HHDS. hourly expected, for sale l y tv Nov. 22. FREEMAN fc HOUSTON. 108. SPERM CANDLES. FEW boxes pure S'perin Candles, Judd'a and r o hers make the best articles iranufnriurcd. for sale by Nov. 26. FREEMAN A HOUSTON. Iu8. CHEESE. Qnri BOXES snd 20 casks Cheese, for sale bv FREEMAN 4 HOUSTON. Nov. 26. 108. J. R. RESTON & CO., NO. S Market, below From, have on hand vari ous articles useful f r housekeepers, such as plate Wsrmers, Jelly Strainers lelly Moulds. Tin Pans, all sle. Coffee Pols, ditto with Biggins, Pudding Boikrs, Cleaver. Cook's Knives, Bread Knives, Ladles, Oyster Knives, Towel Stands, Knife Powder, Liquid for renovating Furnhure, Brass and Silver Powder. In short, many con veniences worth looking No landing, everything fresh in the Grocery line among other matter, Iresh Quinces lor pre serving. Nof 26, 108-C Mov. 29, 153. ItiMsv f fc iUiA4ifMlolO tar It stands nr-eanK nonl for its cHratlvs powers in nil he dis eases forwhicti II Is rccomtnendeal. call- wf-- FrmaleCompIalala- Oi' mess are Pao lapsus Ctsbi, or Fatlinf of. the Womb; Klosi Al hm, or Whites ; Chronic lodamma . lion and Ulceration -f the Womb; loci iental Hemorrhage, r Flooding f Paia ul, Suppressed, and irregular Menstrua on. dkc, with all their accompany evils, (Cance. excepted,) no matter how severo or of how Jong landing The Carholicon far surpasses other remedies, in bring more eertain, tessezpensive. and leaving the system in a better condition. Let all Interested in such a remecdy call and obtain a pamphlet (free containing airple proof, from highly respeciabl sources, of tti4 happy reaull of ils use together with letter from first-class experienced physicians, who have used it in their practice, and f peak from 'heir own observations. acreactvccs. Prof. Dba inr, M.D , Baltimore, Md. J. C. Orrick, M. I)., " P. B. Pcckham, M. D, L'tiea, N, T. D. Y. Foote, M, D., Syracuse, N. V. M. II. Mills. M. D , Rochester, N. V. L. D. Fleming. M. D.,Caoand ligua, N. V W . W. Reese, M. D., City of N. Y. W. Pre-icoli, M.D, Concord, N. H. J. P. Newl md, M. D.. Utica, N. Y. Pamphlets c in bo had erati at the Store of S. B. A J. A. EVANS, Druggists Who cjale and Retail Agents'. Wilmington, N. C. An.i of tnal of Iha leatinj Druggists in the State. Letter ndilressetl to Mcrt Reach qT Droier.ton, Agents at Setrbemj C. If., S. C, by A'er. C. S Heard, of same Slute. Gl ss" Sfbkvos, Jan. 3ih, 1833. Messrs. Reach A Buownso.v S irs : I send for mnther bottle of your " Marchixi's Utatine Ca rholicon" M y wile has been afflicted for eleven ycars. and a variety of means has been resorted to for relief, l ut none was obtained until I received this medicine from joii I' influence seem al most m lsrteal : there was a m inifest improvement from the d iy it was taken. As there are a greal msnv females in our country laboring under the affliction for which your medi cine propose a remedy, I foci it a duly lo recom mend it lo all such. (Signed.) OtoroH S. Heard. J. B. M RCHISI A CO , Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 Broadway N. Y. Nov. 19. 106-lyc STEAM BOAT FOR SALE. THE subscriber wishes to sell hit en ire interest in the Steumer-' AL- llCE," being! of Ihe Bom. Terms made easy. Nov. 8. JAMES E. METIS. 101 -if. HOUSES FOR SALE. OKFER for4le that splendid Dwelling n ihe sum nil of Market .Street, with all necessary out-buildinKS attached nnd at present occupied oy S. P. Polley, Esq The Loi i on the corner bf Market and Eighth streets size 100 feel en Market, by 330 feet back. A rare ou-ortunity is here offered to any one desirous of possessing per haps the mosi commodious situation in town ALSO, Three Lots on ChesnHt Street, two of which arc improved, are offered separately or together, at a very moderate price. Apply to P. W. FANNING, or, M. CRON LY. Aug-nt 23. 1553. 68-tf. FOR SALB. THE House and Lot occupied by ihe sub- ; .. I.- . u v- , 4" hi r- 1 1 i iu r-uuii, ut-iM ecu (iun ana Ann Streets possession given 1st October. An- ply at the lee House, SILAS II. MARTIN. 41. June 25, 18 53. FORSALE. THE House and Lot on S cond street, between Nunn and Church sireets. Apply C. & D. DuPRE. 75-tf. Sepi FOR RENT. THE lare Brick Dwelling, on Second Street, at present occupied by Sirs, Wm. H. Lippitt. For particulars apply in R. G. RANKIN. September 3, 1333. 73-tf. FOR RENT. 4 Comfortable dwellings in vicinity of Dry Pond. i H iujc with necessary out houses, on 4th street near ihe residence of Wm. Sutton. Esq. 1 House and Lot near the Bpalist Chiirih. on Front Street, formerly occupied by Wm. Hunting ton, Esq. 4 Houses n i.ir the Rail Road on 5th Street front 1st October next, for ooe year. For terms apply to GEO. HAltaiSS. Sept. 15. 7?. VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale that most ricirable DWELLING AND PREMIS ES, situate ai the Norih-Western intersec Third street with Red Cro.s street, the Hon Loi fronting 100 feet on Red I ross. and 200 feel on Third. The Dwelling House, Kilchen. Smoke-House, Stables, and ail the other ou'-hoiises on the pre mises, havo been built wilhin a few years, of ehoicn materials, in the best manner, and nearly .l of them covered with tin. The Dwelling House Is capacious, handsomely finished, and most conveniently planned, and all the other build ings are j'idiciouly arranged, and well fitted up. There are few Lots in Wilmington so desirably located, and the improvements on which arc fo admirably adapted for a family residence. Third street on the entire Eastern line of this lot, is 99 feet wide, and separates it from that on which a new Episcopal Church is about to be erected. Persons desiring to purchase, can nseertain lerms of sale by application to the subscriber, or N. N. Nixoi, Esq., or M. Cbosly, and the sub scriber will cheerfully accompany any such who wish to inspect the premises. II. R. NIXON. Sept. 8, 1SS3. 75-tf. 1,000 SACKS SALT, FOR sale by C. DtPRE & CO. Oct. 22. FRENCH CHINA DINNER and Tea Sets, and Fnnry Ware has anived, and ia now open. For sale at No. 2, Granite Row, by ALEX. MacRAE, Ja. Nov. 6. 100-1 m LARD AND BACON. 5EBLS. N. C. Lard ; 1,000 lbs. do. Bacon. Forsale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM. July 14. N. C. BACON AN LARD. 5A(i LBS. Hams, Sides nnd Shoulders N, wlUVlc Boon: 10 kjs of Lard, inst receiv ed per Pail Road. Oct. 8. For sale by J. HATHAWAY ft SON. EMPTY SPIRIT CASKS: looiy JUST received per chr Dolphin, for sale JAM ES H. CHADBOURN A CO. Nov 22 107 SACK SALT. rnA SACKS daily expected. For sale by OUU RUSSELL A BRO. Nov 22 107 WESTERN SIDES. 1 f IIHDS. expected, per brig Buena Vista. For I J sale by RUSSELL ft BRO. Nov. 23 107 FRESH AND FINE. JUST received, by the schr. A. J. DeRosret : 2 bbla. W. B, Whale Oil; 10" Fresh Sagar Crackers; 10 Soda w S " of HI am Smith's best Family K touts 12 Hit , do do do 10 boxes fresh Buckwheat Flour 10 i Kega do - . do 30 Bags do - do Low for Cash, at QUO. H. KELLEY'S. Nov 22 H., and N. e. T. eopT ,s W m i r I'riti '' . s. 3 3 Ot s ''l V6n PiILADCLPEIJL' I t-: ml t lhr 4 ' i I f? .twm C.mML A. Sieelrrmn, alU hv hJm For nafit fi eight or pa have despatch as above. ssa go, apply t o , . Ike Is ' ' - - UKO. IIARK13S. F0K PHILADELPHIA. THE Packet Scht K. t. B. Wale,. lam. S. Little, nrssKer, wilt har despatch as hove For light freight or passage, apply to . GEO. H ARU1SS. - FOR NEW-ORLEANS. . THE Pael Sthr. Sidney Price, Capt. SS. C- Ganrfr; nta-te,, n 111 have despatch as labove. For light frciahi or passage, apply - GEO. HARRIS Dec. 1. ---w;. ,..-. . .:,-. - IMtV FOR NEW TORK: SCHR. Southerner, Blakeman, will bav quick dispatch for the above port for ; light freight or passage apply to Nov ,23 JOS. H- FLANKER, FOR BOSTON. SCHR. Elbin Lawyer, Rouse, will have quick dispatch for the above port. Apply io J. H. CHADBOURN & CO. Nov. 29 FOR NEW YORK REGULAR LINE. THE regular packet aehr Adeline D.. John Potlger, master, will have dispatch as above. For light Irelglit or passnge npf ty 10 ov. 29 GEO. HARUISS. FOR BOSTON. SCHR. Empire, Hopkins, will have de spatch as above. FoT light freight or pas saee apply on board or to J AMI'-3 tt. "itlAuauu ivi- ac v. 2 107 Nov FOR KENNEBECK, ME. 8CHR. Convert, Brown, will have dis patch as above. For light freight or pas- esge apply to . ..... . . r... m n n 'IT' II -r t .-i Nov. 22 I0-7 FOR NEW YORK. THE A. I. fast soiling Schr. Dolphin, Lord Master, will have despatch as above. ,Eor freight or passage apply to J. H. FLANNER, 25 North Water Street. Nov. 22 107 FOR BOTON REGULAR L1SE. THE A No. 1 schrVB. Chamberiin, Harris, master, having most of her cargo engaged will saifwith despatch. For light freight or passage npply to RANKIN ft MARTIN. Nov. 22 2t-103 FOR BOSTON. THE fine brig Mary Lowell, Capt. Peterson will sail in oil next week. For Rsht freight or pas sase apply to RANKIN & MARTIN. Nov.2i 103 FOR BATH, ME. SCHR. Westport. McCobb. will have freight or kdispatch as above. For light passage, apply to JAMKS tl. UHAl"UUUlll S UJ Nov 22 107 FINE WALKING CANES. EBONY, Rosewood. Malacca. Gutta Percha and Whalebone Canea, with Gold and Silver. Ivory nnd Pearl heads a full and handsome assortment. Call and examine them al ihe Hat .ttore Granite Row. C.MYERS. PLANTATION HATS AND CAPS. WOOL and Glazed Hals ; Cloth and Plush Caps a lull stock for Negro wear for sale low. by the ease or dozen, al the Hat Store. C. MYERS Nov, 10th 102 20 NESTS PAINTED TUBS, COR sale by C. DuPRE A CO. 1 Oct. 32. BOSTON AND WILMINGTON LINE. T H E fine Schr. Cyrus Chamberlain. Capt. Hawes, will ply regular between this ,-tnd Hostoru Kor reight spniy f o RANKIN A MA3TIX. -Agents at Wilmington. Fl. C. THACHER, Agent Boston. Sep. 29, 94 FLOUR. 40oB BBLS. best brand. For sale by ct. I. C. DuPRE & CO. NEW CROP. C CURRANTS, Citron and Kaisins. for sle nt the J Fruit Depot. WILKINSON A ESLKR. Nov. 15th 101. 15 KEGS EXTRA FINE N. C. LARD, L, OR sale by C. DuRPE s CO. L Oct. 22. TusiMfECElVEI). BAGS Rio Cetfec; JJ 25 bb!s. Coffee Sugars ; 10 hhds. Porto Rico do For sale by ZENO. II. GREENE. Nov. 10. N. C. T. copy. 102. FOR. SALE. THE linck Building on Front Street, near Dock Street, nt present orcupi d as an Ice House, for which purpose it is belter adapt ed than any building in the Southern States i ft on Front St., running back 05 feel: 3 stories with granite front, nnd in ihe centre of the town. If not wanted aa an ice House can De hnisnea as two Stores of large size and a Hall the largest in the place. A lot 14 feet on Dock street, running bark 33 feet to rear end of above building, will be sold in con nection, if desired. To a person desirous of making a good investment or of conducting the Ice business, this isan excel lent opportunity. If not disposed of before Thursday. 15th Decem ber, will then be offered at public sale to highest bidde'r. For terms 4c. apply lo A H. VANBOKKF.LEN, or SILAS N. MARTIN. Nov. 19. 109-ts. NOTICE. TTAVINu changed my business an i sold my AX stock of goods, I hertby give notice to all in debted to me, that i heir accounts are made out and ready for settlement, and respectfnlly request their immediate attention. W. C. HOWARD. P. S. Also, all indebted to the late firm of HOWARD Sl PEDEN, who do not pav up by 1st of January next, will find their accounts placed in the ha rids of officers for collection. Nov. 19th, 1853. . W. C. HOWARD. byTexpress! LUPIN'S Bombazine black Canton Cloths; Bis choffsaup'r Black Silk Cheniizettee, Collars, Ac. cheap, HEDRICK A RYAN Nev. I8:h IC5 SHAWLS. 1 Of Long nnd Square Bay Stale Shawls, just lUUreceived HEN DR1CK ft RYAN. BACON. A LOT of very superior North Carolina Bacon, just roceived and for sale low, bv Auj 11. I. II. FLANNER. TURNER'S ALMANAC. THE North Carolina Almanac for 1854. received and for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. Nov. 19. 106. SCENES AND SKETCHES ON THE CONTINENT. OCRNES and Sketches in Continental Europe. emoraciog aeifcripiiora or f ranee, foitugal, Spain, Italy, Scicily, Switzerland. HeUium and Holland, together with interesting notices of their rrincipai cities ana l owns, ci relully prepared from the best and latest sources, bi Roat. Sears t Illustra ted with numerous Engravings. Reoetved snd for sale at S. W. WHITAKER S. Nov. 19. 106. NORTH CAROLINA C ASSISE RE- O BALES FYie, Oassi meres, tnanuiaelored at Sa- Jteov.N.C. thiee goods of the kind mad in America; cheap, tlr.UKiCK UT Ar. Not. 19th 106 N T , : - TAHHN CY. MISTAKE, k FROM oar office, mho Ihe 1st Ins., smslfaox boat 3 ft. long. 16 inches wide, and $ inches deep, marhed "Charles-florin r, Freeporl. Maine, ear of 3V D. Oalton, No. 1? Merchants Row, Agent for the Portiand and Kcnnebaak Rail Road Co., Boston." Any information will bethsnkful ly nreiyed,ad if returned, we will pay all ex. penses. '-v -- JU 4k 1. McRAR dt CO. r NOV-8. -w ; j - e.N- A0La. HAIR, SHUCK & SI0SS MATTRASSES ON hand and mads to rder, at ' vT 4AV4LJCINS03I OESLER'S. Oct 27 . ; ; t , up stairs. LYELL'S GEOLOGY. APPI.ETON ft Cn's Be edition yf LyeiFsPYin Clple of Geology, illustrated wfih Maps, Wood ,-uta, and Plates: received and for sale by S. W. WHlTAKER. -Nov. 10th-;- ftR'tf .v . .102 SEGARS! SEGARS! OF all grades, qualities, prices, Ac, at ihe Frail Depot WILKINSON A ESLER. Oeti 6 - EMPTY SPIRIT DARREIN. A f EMPTY Spirt's Barrels to arrive. For JU sals by ADAMS. BRO. CO. Sepi. IV. 76. FEMALE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. MURFHEESiORO,' N. C. Rav. M R. FORY, A. M , Fsisjcipal, Afoura Science and Moral Philosophy. Mas E. de LANCEY FOR Y, AssisTANTpaistci- pal French, Italian, and Belle Leltre: Rev. i. II. LAND, A.M., Lalin Language and Literature. Rav. J. R. GARLICK, A. M . tUtory. P. S. HE vSON, A. B., Ma' hematics and Natural Science. Ma. M. C. B BCOCK, Organist arid PianUt. Miss A. PRRKINS.ffeAer EnglUu Miss SUSAN I. BAKER, Mitstc, Plana d Vocal. Miss M. E. ELDREDGK, Music, Piatrm, Vocal, and Guitar. Miss CAROLINE ROBINSON, Music, Piano and Vocal. Miss C. D. SMITH. Primary Department. Miss IULIA RUGKtt, OH. Holer, Monodiromalic Fainting. Urainng, and Jrnamcnlal If ranches. Rav. J R. GARLICK. A. M.,nd LADY, of Va Conductor of the Da neslic Department, M a.H I Lf ,, of Va., Matron and Sursc. The Institution is located in one of the most healthful sections of Eastern Carolina. The Institute has a Library, a Heading Room, and n Cabinet of Miner..!. The Chemical, Astro nomical and Philosophical Apparatus is not sur passed by that of any similar Institution in the South. The Literary Society of ihe Institute sus tains a Monthly Periodical, v. hlch Is read at the regular meet i ties of ihe Society. Ex tensive cour ses of lectures are delivered, accompanied with ex perimental illustrations. The Music Department is furnished with ten new snd very superior In- stuments, and is conducted by a gentleman Tea cher, aided by Four lady colleagues. Al usical soi rees are held monthly. There Is aUo a large and valuable Organ for daily religious sciviccs. The Bible is regularly -studied:, ana throughout (he whole course, regard is had to the moral culture of the Student The young ladies do not visit the stores nor Poet Office, but muko all purchases through the agency of friends. All letiers receiv ed pass through the hands of the Principal, and where there is suspicion of a ch&destine corres pondence, the tetters are sent unopr ned to the Pa rent or Guardian. The Students do not go abroad without a proper attendant. 1 hey are not allow ed to visit, nor to receive calls, nor lo attend any exhibition without permission from the Principal. They attend divine service on the asobain al such place as the Parent or Guardian may direr!. To prevent rivalry In dress, a simple uniform is pre scribed. There are two seasons comn erririg on the 2d Wednesdays ol October nnd March. The vacation is from the last Thursday in July to the 2d Wednesday in Octiber. Students can enter at nny lime and are charted accordingly. No deduc tion for tuition will be made after entering, except in c-.scs of nro rrcted illness, when one half the bill will be deducted. Parents and Guaidians are earnestly requested not to bring nor remove young ladies on the sabntn. To those living near the railroad., Murfrcesboro' i rmst accessible by the way of Baykin's Depot, on I ho S-jiboard md Roanoke Road, 12 miles from the Institute, where a regular conveyance will al ways be found. Hates ef Board and Tuition for a Session of Vive Months, Payable one hall In Advance. Elementary Arithmetic, Oram mar, Oeogra phy, Writins, Ac S10 00 15 00 Higher English. F raced, Latin Greek, and Italian, each, Drawing and Embroidery, each, Painting. In Water Colois, Painting in Oil Colors, Music, Piano, Guiur, and Seraphine, each, Music, Organ, Use of Piano, and Seraphine, eoch, 00 6 00 00 00 9 2 00 00 25 3 00 Use of Guitar, Use of Organ, Scientific Lectures, School Room Expenses, and Vocal Ma sic. 2 00 00 7 1 50 2 CC Board in the Institute, not including the pri vileges of the Bath Room, per moi th, 8 00 Washinsr, per month, 1 00 Application for Admiss on can be made to the Principal, by Letter, or, onthe premises of the Institute. Oct 13 9.0-3m-w-c 500 1 d5z7assorted WOOLHATS"; L?MBRACI.G very variety of slyleand qnalily, -J at rery low prices by ihe Cose or Dozen. Those wishing to purchase mil find my assortment or thy an examination. C.MYERS Halter. Novhh 101 TOWAGE ON snd after this date all vessels towed in harbor by Steamer Sam Beery and Calhoun, will bo charged S4,L'0. UKU. 11AK.RISS, Agent. Nov. 8th, 1853. 101. 1853. GENTS DRESS HATS. 1853 F ALL Styles of Moleskin, Beaver and Cassi mere Dress Hats ; a full assortment for sale at the Hat and Cap Store; No. 1 Granite Row, ad joining McRae'a Crockery Store. u. Ml WIS, Uatter. Nov. 8th 101 MESS PORK. bbl Mess Pork, just received 20 from Balti more, lor sale by No 6. JAS. H. CHADBURN & Co. FIRE WORKS. 1 CYl ROXES Candle or Fire Crackers. 1 JJ 100 do. Sky Rockets. 1C0 dos. Roman Candles. 1U0 " Wheels, Serpents, Ac, Ac. Country merchants and others can be supplied ai tne lowest prices at tne emit uepot. WILKINSON 4- Nov. 13th ESLER. 104 SEGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF, ,F Best Quality always on hand, at Fruit Depot. W IL-K-lPtSUiX Ot btl,t,K. Nov. 15th 104 WE ARE NOW READY. 'pO Contract for any kinds of Work inupholster- loa business. WILKINSON A ESLER, Nov. 13. Upstairs JOHN HALL, PRODUCE BROKER. Office op rtalrs, In E. P. Hall's Brick Uu tid ing, North Waier Street, WILMINGTON N. C. November 6, 1855. 100-lm. P0RT0 RICO SUGAR. 1 CT HHDS., a superior article. For sales bv X J Cel. 22. RUSSELL A BRO. WHEAT, RICE. CORN & PEA FANS, JUST in store and for sale by Oct 3. J. M. ROBINSON. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. GEORGE R. FRENCH, at his old stand on Market street, begsp. leave to return his thanks to his old friends and cut-lomera for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and to inform t hern that his stock of Boots and Shoes, including ever vari ety la hi line is now aa complete and a extensive as a l any former period. His stock of Gecttlecaea PtoysandChildron-s Boots and Shoes embraces eve ry variety of styfc", fashion and quality that can be desired, or that ia usually called lor, including a fine a asm Meat of Ladies, Misses and Gentlemen's Over Shoes. - " - He woald particularly invite the attention of the Ladies to hi exUmaivo aasortment of Ladiej and Misses Leather, Morocco, Enameled, Bronze, Pat. Leather, Goat Skin, black and white Kid aad a va riety of fancy colored Baota; Shoes aad Slippers. Also, black, brown Jblue, purple and variegated, silk Gaiters, anew and handsome article, withand with out herds. . Ladies fancy Oaiters at SI s naif. Also, Sola Leather, Cslves SkJasand Shoe Find ings. Please call and examine. t ' Mr. French woald also inlbna his friends and the pablic, that bets State Areat or the sale of Davis" Pain Ciller and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by either wholesale or rUii. - Nov 43 102 ,CARTE2,S ?AM2 FIXTURE. ttS. . THE GREIT PCRIFIEB OF THB BL06D. Sot a Particle of jBcrcarjr ia it- An infallible remedy for Scrofula, King' Evil, Rheumatism. Obstinate Cuts neoos Eruptions, Pim ples or Postules on the face, Bioiehes, Uoils.C hron ic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Teller, Scald Head, Enlarsenien t a nd Pain of the Bonesand Joint s. tub bom Ulcer. Syphilitic Disordera, La mba go,' Spi nal LkMBpuims, ana an uisea sea arising trout an la. judicious use of Mercury, imprudence io Lite, or lm purity of the Blood. This vsluableMiidicine which ha s become celebra ted for the number of extraordinary cures effected through inagen:y,has Indueed the proprietors, a I the argent request of their friends, to offer it to the public", which ihey do with the utmost confidence in ils virtues and wonderful curative properties. Thefollowingrertificates.ielertedfrom a large num ber, are, however, stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors : and are all from gentlemen well known in their localities, and of ihe highest respectability, many of them now residing in the ritv of Richmond, Virginia. F. BovoBN,Eaq,.ef the Exchange Hotel, Rich niond. known every where, says ho has seen the Medicine called Carter's Spanish Mixture adminis tered In over a hundred cases,iu nearly all the disea ses for which it is recommended, with the most as tonishingly good results. He sa y ii is the mosi ex traordinary medicine he has ever seen. i Ague and Fever Great Cure.--I hereby certify, that for three rears I had Ague and Feverof ihe most violent descrip t iou. I had several Physicians, took large quantities of Q.uinine. Mercury, and I believe nil the Tonics advertised, but all without any per manent relief. At last I tried Carter'sSpanUn Mix ture; two bottles of which effectually cured me, and amhaypy to say I have hid neither Chill or Fe vers since. I consider It the best Tonic in the world and theonly medicine that ever reached m y case. JOHN LOXGDEN. Beaver Dam. n?ar Richmond, Va. C. B.Luca, Esq., now in the city of Richmond, and for many years in iho Post Office, has such con fidence In the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Span ish Mixture, that he has bouglitupwardof50 bottles, which he has given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luch says he has never known it to fail when taken ac cording to directions. Dr. Mi.xgb a practising Physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, In the city of Richmond, says he has witnessed in a number of instances theeffects of Carter's Spanish Mixture which were most truly surprising. He say in a case of Consumption, de pendent on the Liver, the good effects were wonder ful indeed. -. Samuel M. Driskeb, of the firm of Drinker tf Morris, Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of 8 years standing, by the uc of two bottles of Car ter's Spanish Mixture. Great cure of crofula.--The Editors of the Rich luond Republican hud a servant employed in Ihei press room, cured of violent Scrofula, combinod with Rheumatism, w hieh entirely disabled him from work. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure of him, and the Editors, in a no lice, say they "cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted with any di-case ol ihe blood " Still another cure of Scroful-t I hud a very val uable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter'a Spanish Mixture. 1 consider it a truly valuable Medicine. JAME M. TAYLOR. Conductor on the R. F. ft P. R. R. Co., Richmond Va- SALT i;UEUMOF2Q YEARS STANDING CCKKIf. Mr. John Thompson, residing in the city of Rich mond.was cured by three bottles of Carter's Span ish Mixture, of Sail Rhciiiu. which he had nearly 20 years, and which all the physicians of ihe city could not cure. Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in the city of Richmond, a., and his cure is most remarkable. Richard E. W est. ol Richmond, way-cured of Scrofula, and what Physicians cullod confirmed Consumption, by three bottles ci Carter's Spanish Mixture. Edwi Bcstov. Commissioner of the Revenue, says he ha seen the :ood eltuct of Carter's .Span ish .Mixture in a numoer oi Aypuintiu cases, and ys it is a perfect cure tor thai horrible disease. Wm. G. Hahwood, of Richmond, Va.. cured of Old Sores d L leers, which disabled him front walking. Took a few bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, and wasenaohd to walk without a crutch, in a short time permanently cured. Principal Depots at M. WARD,CLOSE& CO., No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York. T. W. DYOTT c SONS', No. 132, North 2d Street, Philadelpnia. BENNETT f- BEERS, No. 125 Maiden Street, Richmond, Va, And forsale by WM. H LIPPITT, Wilmington and by Druggiais generally. May 12. 25-lyc. "THROW PHVSTC TO DOGS! PUL VERM A CHERS Hydro Elect ic Volcanic Chains. Producing Instant relltf from the most acute pain, aud permanently earing all Neuralgic Diseases, RH EUMAT1SM. painful and ncelled Joint, neu ralgia, of te face, deafness, blindness. St. Vi ustdanee, palpitations of the heart, periodical head ache, pains in the stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, uterine pain. These chains were first introdneed in the city of New York less than one year since, and after be ing subjected to the most thorough trial in every hospital in ihe city by Drs. Valentine Moil, Post, Carnochan, nnd Van Burro, it was discovered that they possess strange and wonderful power in the relief and cure ol the above class of diseases, and they at once recommended, through the papers ol the city , their general use, and their sale and tlje success ihal has attended iheir use, is unparalleled. Previous to their introduction into this country, they were used In every hospital In Europe, and are secured by parents in France, Germany, Austria, Prussia, and England; and also in the United States. 'Thi: k close and ponder well." The principle upon which it is claimed thai the Chains produee their marvelous cures are, first that all mebvous diseases are attended and pro duced by a deficient supply of nervous fluid and an agent that restmbles dor sly electricity or elec tro magnetism ; snd second that the elecuo mag neticchain, by being worn over and upon the part and organ diseased, furnith to the exhausted nerv ous iy:tem, by its p werful stimulating effects, the nervous fluid which is required to produce a heal thy action through the entire system. No disgust ing nostrum is allowed to betaken while using the chains, but a rigid observance of the general laws of health are required. Brisk, friction upon the part disrated add much to the effect of the chains, by increasing their magnetic power. ItJUO LHIliliAHS - wiH be given lo any person who will produce so many well authenticated certificates of cures, boib from intelligent patients and scientific physicians. as have been affected by Pulvermache's Electro Chains. They never fail to perform what they are advertised to do, and no person has ever been dis satisfied who has given them a trial. - In Kemale Diseases, more than one hundred permanent rates of pro lapsus uteri have been effected within the laat year bv the use of these chains. By applying one end of the chaia over the region of the abdomen and t e other upon the spine, just above the hips, the usual severe symptoms Incident to that disease art at once removed. - Modesf Use. The chain she aid be moiatened before are with common vinegar, aad then one end of the chain should be applied directly to the seat of the pain or disease, and the other end opposite to it. Call upon Dr. Evans, and obtain a pamphlet (gratis.) He will also explain their mode of ase to ail who may desire it. Physicians are respectfully lavited to call and investigate thelrmerit. Card to toadies. Ladies who are suciente are requested not to wear them but a few moments at each lime of applying for by long ase miscarriage is frequently produced. Dr. D. tlovey, agent for Grsen field j HillyeraV Wood, Novhampton it Sieinert general agent, 663 Broad y, N.Y. , , For sale In Wilmington, hy S-B. A J. A Evaaa. Nov. 10th ;,-,:vr ly-c BBCBIVBD FROM BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. Qr B BLS. Silvers Fire Proof PaUl, all colore tCOtt easka Spanish Brows t - 10 do- Venetian Red - " . i do. Yellow Ochre. For sale by " i i - . C.&O.D.PRE, Druggists snd Chemists, I am: 9. Wilmington, N . C. HEREUJCL Hi.owavVOItaleniot CWi at niliran '-- 1 4 a ye a r a-tsslarTa g. 4, ' of Had Lege, after Fxtsactof aletierftoat St. Mary'satreet.Weymooth; To sroJeeaorotiwTi , - u , Sir-A i the age ( 18, my 1f . A he, I J f. caught 4oleoi e-U.whith actttct. Hi eversmce lhf,the the havs beeamoM otfef"' ..fi. i.'R.K.rf : rli-,a 4nnlr rii disiraoL'." HUUlilCIUf ,,,-. . --- 9 ------- - 1 and fot months together aha was dtpi h i d ni I it Tf ri .nd aleen. Everv remedy that mi diis Irlitrt a .i m... .rL.it km wlihout efleer. hrhcaliii ui r j nl thr iaia of her lens w a, leitiVh 1 had often read your adveiiiseswsBis, at d, adtiw d bertolry yourPllls andOinin.nfi anda s Is't resourcc.afier every Oihetremrdi hsd pit vrd o leaa.aheeooartiud tede eon. ni.nted tlx wWke ago, d ay ang f relnir. health. Her legsaie psinWss wiifcoatsej tnoirsesr snd her sleep sonnd ard tdisjtvrl. ,taW y, haVewltnevatd the antTeriagsof n.y for '' forth three years, and central t hen. w l.fc bay m -enjoyment of hralih,yon weald taderd frrl delleji. ed In i h,tving been themeanaofaogrcaily alltviaiii ft the aaftertaga of a Cflfv. ere... rev - - ; (Signed) - . A Person to yearn of age eares of a Had ef 3 yeara station g. . ; C i . i.,..rr.im Mi. Wm. Abhs.BulMrre? GasOvensof Raahcllffe.near Haddersfieldai f1 May 3It, iP51.- " . ,. ,m r -1 , To Professor HoLtiwl! inVved for a neriodof tbirlv v atl f rein bad leg, Ihe result of two or three diflere nl a. We ' at the Gas Works. accompanied ty si-oil title-n tonis. I hadrecoarse toa variety vfinidrratrdtit without deriving any benefit, and was e lew told ih ' iu if a must b, amputated, rel. in orpwliion teth opinion, your Pills and Olntmtnl have efliemd r' complete cure in so shott a lime, ihal few who ha.' . . . .a it. ik T. mm 1 i e ' not witnessed it wouio erremnri.", - , c- (Signed) ii.i.iitai snno. Thetruth of thi statement ran be verifiid hy , - W. P. England, Chomii, 1 Jiar.ei aiircw r - dersfield. . . . . I DaEADrcL Bad bbbast titare ue a;ct . K- vtrri of a Letter trom Mr. Fn rleih k TatDe r.rf Penhurst. Kent.dated December 13th. If e. - To Professor Hollow a j - ; ' Dear Sir aiywllenaa suoerco iron, om orni more than six months, and d urban the w hole p ri 1 had the best medical attendance, but alllo bo use, - Having before heah a an awiui w ouno in my ew t io. i, vnnr nnrivaUed nudfelr.e. I detcimlnrd aiait to use our Pins and Oiaimeni. and the refore paie' them a trial if. her case; nid forlunalell was J dl. so. for in less thon a month a perfect cure was rf ted and beneHt that variooa mmi mitiif wt fanlilv have derived from beir ase.is really aslot ishin". I nowstionglyrecon-niri:dtlnmioalln:.i freinSs. ,.,rxn.r- i r-r.-r-r. . (Signed) ir.r. ivojiru. The Pills should be used conjointly with Ibt OiM - ment In the most oi meiiiiu.m. Bad Legs. Chilblain. Oout. BadBreasts, t happed Hand, Corns (soft) - :? Cancers, Contrarte-d and ; Siiff Joints, .' Coco Bay, Chlrgo-foof . Sore Throats, Sore Heads, GladulaiSat) :; ints... ' f.iinilago. Piles, f Rhertnatlsir Eh-phsntiaslr Fist a 'as Skin disease' Tumors . ,' Burns, "' Bunions. -Biteel Mosqui. tncsand sand flies, Scalds. Sore Nipples, Scurvy, Ulcers, Wounds. Yaws. ..i.i hw the Pronrletor.244 Strand (nratTra rlr Bar) London, and by all respectaMevrndtrt ol Tsl' ent Medicines, throughout the British Fntpin , at rt by those of the Unitrd States .in potsand Pox is, r' 371 cents. 87 cents and 91 fOcents ear h, Wholei nle by the principal Drug hoiisesln Ihe Union, aid ty Messrs A. B. d D. Sands. New Yotk.aed S. B. & J. A. EVANS, W ilmington. N.C. There is very ;onslderallc savint In takirt tl ' larger sixes . .. , , N B. Dirnciionlorthegitldar.rofptit t u affixed to each polor box. HENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, PURELY VEGETABLE IN ITS . COMPOSITION. T'lIIS invaluable Cordial, iacxtraettd from Hcif A and Roots, which have been found aler yrai of experience, by the most skillful Physicians', l be possessed of qualities most beneficial in the i'l; -eases for which it, is recommended, ard In n i whilst it is prrsi nttd to ine public, as an mc , - clous remedy, It is also known to be ol that charm icr on which reliance may be piacia as to useaiet . In casesof Impotrncy, lloemorthages, Dirordeii Sterility. Mrmi rustlon. or Suppression oi the Mtu-' see, Fluor Albus or lutes, or lor ' JJtsUll.I Ii arising from any cause, such as weakness from s!rl - ness, where tne patient nas oeen cennceo to oea I- r some time, for Females after Confinement, A bonk ir or Miscarriage, this Cordial cannol be txcetUd iir its saluiary t fleets: or in loss of Muscular F.rerp; , Irritability, Physical Prostration, Stinlnal Wei ness. Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Sh i -gi si i ness, Decay of the Procreative Functions, Nc,-" vousrit ss, Ac., w here a toxic Medicine la reqnirri , it will be found equal, if not superior lo.aay. Coin.--pound ever used. TO FEMALES. 1 Henry's Invigorating Cordial, ii sir uf the mo invaluable Medicines in the ni.iny Coinplainis i which Fetnalas are subject. It assis e nature brace the whole systi m, cheek excesses, and rresii renewed health and happiness. Less sufTeiinj , disease and unhappincss among Ladies woi.KI exli, were they generally to adopt the use of this C i -dial. Ladies who are debilitated by those e bstrtir -tions w hich females are liable to, are restored Ly the use of a bottle or two, to bloom and to vigor. YOUNG MEN. That solitary praciltc, so fatal to the existence i f man and it is the young who are uiorl apt to In come its victims, from an Ignorence of ihe dangi to which ihfy subject themselves, causes NERVOUS DEBILITY, Weakness of the System, and Premature Decoy Many of you may now be suffering, misted as to th cause or source of disease. To those, then, who bv ' excess have brought on themselves. Premature lut potency. Involuntary Seminal Emissions, Weak'' ness and Shrivelling of the Genital Organ) Pfer vous Affections, or any other -consequences of unrrr trained indulgence of the sensual passions, ores' , sioning the necessity of renouncing Ibe felicities ol MARRIAGE. lessening both mental and bodily capacity, IIsAt' Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a MediciiK that i-r purely Vegetable, will aid nature le restore ihot--important lunctions to a healthy slate, and w ill pr f of service to you. It possesses rare virtues, U a general remover of dieae,and sirvngthecer of lie system ASA TONIC MEDICINE. it is ensnrpaseed. Wa donor place this Cordial a footing with quack medicines, and.sajs eu asm.-, rv, append a long list of Recommendation, Co tificates, Ac, beginning with "Hear what ilv Preachet says." and such Jjkei It ia not neeteean . for Henry's Invigorating Cordial." only net. da trial to prove thai it will accomplish all we say. 7VJS GENUINE "HENRYS IN VIGOR A TING CORDIAL," is put up in 8 ox. Pannel Bottles, aad la easily rree; -nized by the Manufacturer's signature on the lsb' of each Coflle, (to eoanterfeit wMeh Is fortcry.) a. well as his private Seal on the cork of each Bottle. rrSold for 9T per Bottle, Six for 3, M pes dozen. Prepared only by S. K. COHEN. No. Z FraaliTi. Row, Vine Street, below Eighth, Philadelphia, Pa., TO WHOM ALL ORDERS MUST BK AD DRESSED. For 8als by aU respectable Dra;glsts A Merchants inroeishetrt theeoaBiiy. Oct. 29. . VlAlm-e. W. R. PEPPER, , CommlssIsH Merchant and Forwarding Aget P WILL give his personal stlention taaneoBslgn ment of Tobacco, Wbeat.CeHton, Floor e. whethe- for sale or shipment, and ia prepared M make liberal ad va area wheat required. - Particular attention paid to the Receiving and Forwardini;. Goods. All orders for Merchandise of any descrip'' lion punctually el tended to, and filled eat the bcrt term. , ' - ' . . i BEFERENCESs t , David S. Rate, Governor of Slate of NC. R. M. S.nstis, Raleigh, T. S. H. Roocas, - Msj. C. I Htsrroar, - 4 , Paaata-Brsaaa, " -RtcH'n I. Wesme, Hydecoonf, - Yabsobocom dt STaoruEB. Louisburg, R. M.HvMAW.Warrtrnton, . " -.. . R. Nichols, UiMsboroagh, ' , , Blastb 41 Dosnr, Greensboroogh, ' " CoLAwoaaw Jontaa, Hafifsz, J. P. Simxobts, Weldon, ' , . . -. Alsjc. MeBit, President W. A R. K. R. V. Jno. W. Peea. Gaston. N.C. Davib McDabibl, Rocky MoanAXVearoKiasr. ' "M. Wasrosi, t , - " - i H!svMosDBCAi,Edgeeornre, ' L. H. B. WnrrAsEB A SoT EndfUkl, A. W. VaaaaLw, OroBviBe,, - . U.E.Yowne, Heatfawsa,. W. H. vVaTOi Gostonv Sept. fi - H-Saw j?r