a"'"' .' WIT? W jfa'W - ---.?, Y ii i ii i tiii in ii i in ill ill iii.w in v 'Ill X7 VOLUVIEaVIIrrWUMBER 117. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1853. WHOLE NUMBER 10?! a . . III 41 . ll .U r. j1. am. "IS n r.K Ml- il ' JUJJ ' -. -v- y ' ' CONGRESS. The following Sliliiijf Com mil tees were appokUeJ Momlay last :, ; . " .. ? 6ESTE. - On 7' Fiireign Jtetaliov Mprc. Msmn, (chaTrman.7 DougfaM. Slidcll. Claylou. VVtl-l-r. and Everett. On Finance Mcesro. Homer (chairman.) Bright 'Gwin. Pearc. Norria. and 'Badger. On Commerce Mcnn. Hamtia. (rliair man.) Ddge of VVidrotif in. Stuart. St ward, Clny. and Benjamin. On Manufactures Metsn. Wriuht. (cliair m.in.) AIIpii. Fish, Butler, and Uixon. On Agriculture Alcoar. Allen, (ch;iir man.) Hunter,' Wade. Thompson of New Jrr-ey. ;iod Morton. On Militant Affairs Messr. Shirlils. rhftirmarc.) VVellc-r. Filzpa.rirk. Dawson, -J')ln?on. nod Jone orTenncsaee.. Ott Militia. Mpjm Hifer. f rftnirman. ' ?;tr'zlrVjtairs--'rfmT: Gwin. (rliair iiiith.) M-.li'iry. Brodhead. Fish, Tiiompson Wiv J--rey. :inl Bell. Ow Public Lands Messrs. Dodge of Iowa, (chairman.) Stuart. Johnson. Foot, Walker, and Claj ion. On Private t.tnd Claims Messrs. Pettil. (chairman.) Sebasiian, Benjamin, Allen, and Thompson ol Kentucky. On J-tdian Affairs Messrs. Sebastian. ( jlinir-rnati.) Walker. Adams, Cooper, Rusk, ami Tomha. On Claims Messrs. Brouhead. (chair man.) Clay. Chase. Prait, William, and Wade. ' On iierolutionary Claims Messrs. Walk er, (chairman,) Toucey, Ccopcr, Evans and Dixon. On the Judiciary Meeor. BuIi-r. (ch;iir rann,) Toucry, Bayard. Ge'er. Peiiif.. and Too nib. On the Post Office and Post Roads jleisr. Kusn. (chairmnn.; Urodneau, tiam lin. Moriin. Adams, ami Smiih. On Roads and Canals Mefsra. Bright, (chiiirman.) Slidell, Wright, Da w n. Chase, and Jnoes pi Tennessee. On Pensions Mcpsra. Jones of Iowa. (chairman.) Clny. Fool Williams, and Sum ner. On the District of CiAninbia Messrs. Norrhj. (chairman.) Mason, Dawson. Wright, and Pratt. On Patents and the Patent Office Messra. James, (chairman,) Evans. Stewart, Seward. Chase, and Thompson of Kentucky. On RetrenchmevlMtsen. Adams, (chair man,) Toucey, Fish. Fiizpatrick. and Badger. On Territories Mrgsra. Douglass, (chair man,) Houston Johnson, Bell, Jones of Iowa, and Everett. To Audit and Control the Contingent Ex cuses of the Senate Messrs. Evans, chair man. J Dodjre of Iowa, and Foot. On Public Buildings Messrs. Bayard, frlnirnian. I James. Hunter. Badyer. Thomp son f New Jersey, and Pralf. On Printing Messrs. Mallory. "chair man. Hamlin find Smith. On. Engrossed Dills Messrs. Fiizpatrick, chairman. J Petlii, and Wade. IS TUF HOl'SE. Com m illee on Elect ions R ic h ard II . S t a n ton of Kentucky James Gamble ol Fcmw) I vania. Presley Ewing of Kentucky, James L. Seward of Georgia. Orsamua 13. Matte son of New York, Nathan T. Stralton o'.' New Jersey, Edward Dickinson of Massa chusetts. George Bliss of Ohio, and Samu l Clark. of Michigan. On Hays and Means George S. Houston of Alabama, George W. Jones of Tennessee. Harry Hihbard of New Hampshrre. Alex ander H. Stephens of Georgia, John S. Phelps oT Missouri. William Appleton of Maisa.chusett. John C. Breckinridge of Ken tucky. Solomon G. Haven of New York, and John RoKhins ot Pennsylvania. On Claims Alfred P. Edgerton ol Ohio. John Letcher of Virginia. Joshua R. Gid dings of Ohio, Carllou B. Curtis of Pennsyl vania. Daniel Mace of Indiana. John G. Miller of Missouri, Thomas Ruffin of North Carolina," Charles Ready of Teotiessee. and William W. Boyce of South Carolina. On Commerce Thomas J. D. Fuller of Maine. John S Millson ol Virginia. John Went worth of Illinoi. Tappan Wentworlh !' Massachusetts. William Aiken of South Carolina. Aaron Harlan of Ohio. George W. Morrison of New Hampshire, William Dun bar of Louimna. and Reuben E. Fen.oa of New York. On. Public iMnds David T. Disney of Ohio. Williamson R. W. Cobb of Alabama, Henry Bennett of New York, Bernhart Henn of Iowa. Miliitn S. Latham of California, Isaac E. Hiester of Pennsylvania. Hestor L. Sievei s of Michigan. Sanuiel Caruthers of Missouri, and Edward A. Warren of Arkan ts. On the Post Office and Post IfoadsKd son B. Olds of Ohio. Paolus Powell of Vir ginia. Charles W. Upham of Massachusetts. Daniel T. Jones ol New York. Wiley P. Harris of Mississippi, Ben Edwards Grey ol Kentucky, Asa Packer, of Pennsylvania. Jes se O. Norton of Illinois, and James A. Mc Dongal of California. On the District of Columbia William T. Hamilton ol Maryland, Wm. O. Goode ol Virginia, Richard Yates ol Illinois, John G. Davis of Indian, David A. Noble ol Michi gan, John Dick of Pennsylvania, William S. Barry of Mississippi. Wm. Cullora of Ten K'see. and John J. Taj lor of New York. On the Judiciary Frederick P. Stanton uf Tennessee. John S. Ca6kie cf Virginia, James Meacham of Vermont, Origen S. Sey mour of Connecticut. Samuel W. Parker ol Indiana. Hendrick B. Wright of Pennsylva nia. John Kerr of North Carolina, Francis B. Culling of New York, nnd Henry May of Maryland. On Revolutionary Claims Rul'us W. Peckhaia rNew York. Augustus Drum p'' Pennyfvanra, Moses B.' Cofwin 'of "Ohio, Joha M. Efliotl orKentucky. Jacob Shower of Miiryhimf. Siotv H, Roger of North Car olina. John' F SnoIgras8 ol Virginia. Sam uel L. Oocker of Massachusetts, at.d Nor nMin Efddy 31" Indiana. Oa, Public Expenditures William H. Kurt r of Pennsylvania. George Haalinga of New York. Alexander C. M. Pennington of New Jereyfc Psoir!i Brooks South Ciurplina. Jama C. Allen of Illinow. Robert Jj' f4 Tenoewe. Davi.l Staart of MhWg-Johtr . Goodrfchr of ' Massachu setts uad DeWitt 'of Massachu setts. On Private (.acu.-Juniun Hill yef of Georgia, .Jane H. Lne, ol Iodituit. i Jame Abeccroaibie of Alabama. Henry A. ' MMenbtfg Htfr Pennajlvanw, 8amn-l A. Smitfr 'oT;Tetrriste1gTheodore O. Hont f LoaisIra'. Chartea Hughes of New York. Matthias H Nichols ol Ohio, and Thcodorkk R Weatbot)f)rtTJrf; ; 1 On Manufactures. itha MeTS'air of Peon- y I vanisv Tluw Drts eiliidtt IsWlt Jofeu 1 It b'rmnkUm otJkiarvlaml Hiraar Wallbridg of New YfH. Samoel MayaH of Maine: ol" Illinois. James nud' Caleb Lyon New York. On Agriculture . Joba L DaWfeO?- of Pennoylvittiht, FuytMte Mc.Vlntleu ol' Virgin-ia,- Willie Allen uf tltiiiUi. Richard C Por-yi-ar of .Vorth'Gitfdriim, William D Limlfny o Ohio, SnrntH-l Clark of Michigan, Wil liam Murray of. New Y-rk. 'Jidui P. Cook of lowa.-and Samuel Lilly of New Jersey. O Indian Affairs. James L Orr ol South Camlinn. Ben C Eattirtn of VVwnn sin, Galusha A Grow- of Pennsylvania. Ed-wa-d Ball of Ohio. Augustus E Maxwell of Florida, Daniel B Wright of MiM-i'pi. All red B Gri-enwd ol Arkansas, Bet;j imin Pringle ol New York, and Milton S Latham of Caliloriiia. On Military Affairs. Thomas H' Benton of Missouii William H BUsel of. Illinois. Chniles-J Faulkner of VirginM.'i'Thenwa M Howe of Pt-nnsvlvaiiiw. Wm RSinilJfif At " .. . .4 . . iy..., - i .vifc- n'.ti se'.ts, James A McDou4ntt ol Galiiiirrmi. Enieron Etheriilge of Tennessee, and Josh ua V ansa tit ol Maryland. On the Milit ia. Elijah W Ch stain of Georgia, Jared V Peck of New York, Wm Everhart of Pennsylvania. Zedekiah Kid well of Virginia. William R Sapj of Ohio Samuel P Benson of Maine, John B Mary of Wisconsin. Edward Wade of Ohiot and James Maurice of New York. On tiacal Affairs Thomas S Borock ol Virginia, Moses McDonald of Maine. George W Chase ol New York. William S Ashe ol North Carolina. Thomas B Florence of Pennsylvania, Felix K Zalicoffer of Ten nessee. Charles Skelton of New Jrrsey, Al fred H Colquitt of Georgia, and Augustus R Sollers ol Maryland. On Public Buildings and Grounds. Burton Craige of North Carolinn, Nathan Belcher of Connecticut. John L Taylor ol Ohio. Lawrence M Keiit of South Carolina, and Ebe.nezcr M Chamberlain ol Indiana. On Foreign Affairs. Thomas Ii Bayly of Virginia. Sampson W Harris of Alabama. Joseph R Chandler ol Pennaylvinia. Colin M Ingersoll of Connecticut, Gilbert Dean of New York. Thomas L Clingman of North Carolina. Wilson Shannon r.t Ohio. William Preston ol Kentucky, and John Perkins of Louisiana. On the Territories. William A Richard son ol Illinois. John McQueen ot feoulh Car olina. John L Tnylor of Ohio. David J Bai ley oi' G. orgia, William Smith of Virginia. E Wilder Farley of Maine. Wm H English of Indiana. Phillip Phillips of Alabama, and Alfred W. Lamb ol Missouri. On Re wlutionary Pensions. William H Churehwell of Tennessee, Henry A Ed mvindson of Virginia. Israel Washburn of Maine. Peter Rowe of New Yrk, Ner Mid dleswarlh ol Penns) Ivauia. Andrew Ellison of Ohio. Jamei J Lindlev oi Missouri. Smith Mill, r ol Indiana, and Thomas T Flagler of New York. On Invalid Pensions Thomas A Hen dricks of Indiana Christian M Straob of Pennsylvania, Russell S igo ol New York George Vailol New Jersey. James a L-nris-mn ol Kentucky. Andrew Stuart of Ohio, Wm B W Dent of Georgia. J Wilev Ed mmids of Massachusetts, and Wm M Tweed of New York. On Roads and Canals. Cyrus L Don ham of Indiana. Georse Read Riddle ol Delaware. Lewis D Campbell of Ohio. James T. Pratt of Connecticut. William A Walker of New York, David Ritchie o. Pennsylvania. Henry M Shnw ol North Carolina. Leander M Cox of Kentucky, and Wi'liam Barksdale of Missiwppi. On Patents. Benjnmin B Thurston ol Rhode Island. Samuel A Bridges of Penn sylvania, Andrew Tracy of Vermont. Bihop Perkins of New York, and Clement S Hill of Kentucky. On Rfvisal and Unfinished Business. Williamson R. W. Cobb of Alabama. John McNair of Pennsylvania. Andrew Stuart of Ohio, and Alvah Sahin of Vermont. On Accounts. Carlton B C:irtis of Penn sylvania. Andrew Oliver of New York, Ed win B Morgan of New York. Thomas Rit chey of Ohio, and O R Singleton ol Missis sippi. On Mileage. Andrew J Harlan of India na. William H Willie of Pennsylvania. Da vid A Reese of Georgia. Harvey H Johnson of Ohio, and James Knox of Illinois. On Engraving. George Read Riddle of Delaware. Mike Walsh ol New York, and George A Simmons of New York. On the Library. Thomas H Benton of Missouri, Joseph R Chandler of Peiwisylvu. and Charles J Faulkner of Virginia. Joint Commille on Printing. William Murray or New York, Richard H Stanton of Kentucky, and Samuel L Russell of Penn sylvania. On Enrolled Bills. Frederick W Green of Ohio, and Alexander De Witt of Massa chuselts. On Expenditures in the State Depart ment. -Daniel Wells ol Wisconsin. George Vail of New Jersey. Samuel L Crocker ol Massachusetts. Samuel A Smith of Tennes see, and Thomas T Flairlcr of New York. On the Expenditure in the Treasury De parlrvenl. Davio Stuart of Michigan. Tho mas W Cummins of New York, M'irdecui Oliver of Missouri. Michael C Trout of Penn sylvania, and Edward Wade of Ohio On Expenditures in War Department. George VV Ki:tridsre of New Hampshire, John'AVheeler of New York. Ner Middles w.irth of Pennsylvania, Davw Carpenter of New York, and Elihu B Washburn of Il linois. On Expenditures in the Nary Depart ment. Fayeiie McMulJen of Virginia, Tho mis Ritchey ol Ohio, Charles W Upham of Massachusetts,' James F Dowd. ll ol Alaba ma, and Alexander C M Pennington ol New Jersey. On Expenditures in the Post Office De partment. Samuel Lilly of New Jersey. Smith Miller of Indiana Samuel P Beiison, of .Maine. James L Seward , of Georgia, ami James Abercrorubie cl'Alabnuia. On Expenditures on the Public Buildings. Henry A Edmundeon of Virginia. Mike Walsh of Ne w York. Al v It Sabin of Ver mont. Michael C Trout of Pennsylvania, and Thomas W Camming of New York. WAITED. I fI fl FEKT o White or Post Oak 1 UU,UUU Plonk, 14, 21, or 28 feel long, 14 inches or upwards wWe.sndii inches thick, for which I will pay S20 per thousand, lis? 2'4. . GEO. S, GILLESPIE. CARRIAGES. 1 six seated UARftf AGE. 1 1 Paneled Quarter Rockswty. 1 Quaker RoeVaway nd seversl right Boggles ;., iriia rnhd Tot iaXe ?ot vat u i 1 1 si I oiBBLBRq n -1,000 SACKS SALT,- v.'i FOR ssteb. . ?; M piptfKB. CO , SILT! SALT 1 f SALT! !1. f 1 OPiriSACitS Saltlarjssn4 Ja Wardsr. J a Jiri sals b; v ZENO. H. GREENE.. 102. ."for. 10 N. C.T. cjy. Elihu B Washburn DoWdell of Alabama, MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, .V. IC SOUTH FREDERICK ' --STREET. BALTIMOUE. M Alt V LAND. DR. Stirrahasfer assay years devottd his whole a icniionJo the treatment of Private Com t Is in la, in.afl ibcir varied and coinplieafcd forme. Hisarsst anicees ftiftuse kng standing acd diffi cult cases. siM'U a wera former r considered Incur able, is sufficient to ouainend hiui ts tbe public as worthy of .1 he exit osi ve tronage be ham received. Within ihe last eiglit yeats, Pc &-bas treated more than 29,500 cases of Private CorupJiiints, in tb.ir itiffeieitl forms and taes; a prdCtii-o wuich no .loubt exceeds tht of ail other physicians now ad-v'-riising in I la hi more, and not a sinsle case is known where his directions were strictly followed ind medicines taken at reAeuitable time, without effecting a radicul and permanent rure; ih-refore, persons afflicied with diseat-ts of the above n.iture, n j in liter how ditfu-tili or ionir rtanding the case may bp," would do welt to cull on Dr. Smith, at his office. No. 16. 5outh Frederick St .and if not effec Hi t II v rt-iis ved to rtninieratlot! wii be required for i hi.-i sertjtcs. uuditiiii t ai Irt-cXrom ilercurjt-l pjiwil jriii, (nu ii.ay je in a iati.ic or private I, usn, or v, (-; if ,v.-USng, wiihoui exposure or hin drance from bufrlntts and except in cases of vio ent infl imation. no change of diet is necessary. STRICTURES. Dr. Smith has discovered a new method bv which he can cure the worst form of stricture and that without pain or inconvenience to the patient. Irri'ation of the urefha, or prostrate gland, or neck of the bladder. Is sometimes m1s:aken l.r strictures by general practitioners orcharlatans. YOUNG MEN and others afflicted with Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodi y and men tal evitwhteh follow. "when neglected, should make an early alicatMn thereby avoiding much trouble and sunVring, as weH as expense. 'By his Improved method of treatment, Dt. S. can safely guarantee a speedy and perfect curt in all ctfrs ol this com plaint. TO F&MAEES. All dise ies pcu'iaf 10 "Females (as also Sup pressions, Irregularities, dec.) speedily and effect u ully removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for the cure of the above a&ucliune, have been well tested in an ex tens ve practice for the lafct twelve years. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. JS. by a letter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine securely put -up and forwarded to any part of ihe United Si He, nlw.iys accompanied with full and explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. OiJicc arranged with separata apartmeots, so that patients never see nay one but ihe doctor himself. Attendance daily, from - in t lie moioing till 9 al nig.llt. iV. B. Persons afflicied with nny of the above complaints, will d- well to a ;oid the various KOSTRCMS ASD SPEC If ICS. advertised by A nofheesries snd Drtigpists as a cer tain cure for any and every disease. They ore put up to sell, but not to rare, snd frequently do much more harm thun good therefore avoid ihcm. A word to ihe wise is "utiitient. Address Dlt. J. 15 SMI TH 16 South Kredeiick .t., Ualtimore. Mil. Oct. 13. ,90-ly c. UPHOLSTERING GOODS. PAPK.l Hangings, Curtains, Lace and Damask Bands, Loops, 1'asscls, Shades, dec. All work i n above Ii ne done at shortest notice WILKl.NSO.V 4- ESLF.R, O.r: 27 over the Fruit Depot. SALT. ' Silt, d lily expecud, forsals J. HATIIAWAV & SON. 86. z.rr sacks by Oct. 4. PURE MEDICAL WINES & LIQUORS. DARK and Pale French Brandy; Part, Madei ra and Sherry Wines, ail of superior quality. S. B.4J. A. F.VAN6'. Jan 15. 129 H EN R YS I NY I G OR AT IN G CO RDIAL, PURELY VEGETABLE IN ITS COMPOSITION. THIS invaluable Cordial, is extracted from Herbs anJ Roots, which have been found after years of experience, by the most skillful Physicians, to be possessed of qualities most beneficial in the dis eases tor which i', is recommended, and hence whilst it is prrsi nttd to the public, as an effica cious remedy, it is also known to be ot that charac ter on which reliance may be plartd as to lis safety. In cases of Impouncy, lloenion hages, Disordertd Stetiihr, .Mi nstruatiun. or Suppression of the Men ses, Fluor Albus or Whites, or tor DE.IJILITY arising I'rom any cause, such as weakness from sick nes., where the path nt has been confined to bed for some time, for Femalesafter Confinement, Abortion or Miscarriage, this Cordial cannot be excelled in iig salutary effects: or in loss of M uscular Energy, Irritability, Physical Prostration, Seminal Weak ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Slug gishness. Decoy of the Procreative Functions, Ner vousness. Ac., where a toxic Medicine is required, it wiil be found equal, if not superior to any Com pound ever ssed. TO FEMALES. Henry's Invigorating Cordial, is one of the most invaluable Medicines in the many- Complaints to which Fetoalas are subject. It assists nature to brace the whole system, cluck sxcetsca.and creates renewed health and happiness. Less suffering, disease and tmh ippin'-ss among Ladies woul.l exist, were they trenerally io adopt the use of this C, r dial. Ladies w ho are debilitated by those obstruc tions which females are liable to. ore restored by the use of a bottle or two, to bloom and to visor. YOUNG MEN. That so'itary practice, so fatal to the existence of man and it is t he young who are most apt to be come its victims, from an ignorence of the danger to which i hey subject themselves, causes NER I OUS DEBILITY. Weakness of the System, and Premature Deed y Many of you may now be suffering, misled as to the cause or source of disease. To those, then, who by excess have brought on themselves Premature lm potency, Involuntary Seminal Emissions, Weak nessand Shrivelling of the Genital Organs, Ner vous A flection?, or any other consequences of unres trained indulgence of the sensual passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing the felicities of MARRIAGE. lessening both mental and bodily capacity, Hold! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a Medicine that is purely Vegetable, will aid nature to restore those important I unci ions to a healthy state, and will prove of service to you. It possesses rare virtues, is a general remover of disease, and strtngthener of the system ASA TONIC MEDICINE, it is unsurpassed. We do poi place tbisCprdial on a footinn with quack medicines, an j.'as Is Customa ry, append a long M"t of RfccommentfaTWnSjCer- J tincares, ec., oeginmng wim --near wnat tne Preacher says." and such like; it js no necessary, for Henry's Invijroraring Cordial. onf y needs a trial to prove that It will accomplish sRw say'. THE UESVISB " ITBRYS IXZGOnA- ; 77-vt? conmAtr: f.A .V- is jUiit up ln'6z.Tanpet:Bots,andUajfedg ntxad bv the Manufacturer's fcinnnture on he la We of each Bottle, (t9 oatfnterreTt which Is forgery) as well ssms private orai on iiic corn oi eacn ooLS-ie, 0-Soldt'or2 per Bottle; Six for S3; 316 per Row, Vine Streer,'besW Klgbth; Prrlladelihia, Pa.k 1 1 wrtltoi r.ii ua.ir.iu -jauar-aK n U-z DRKSSKI. -f.irfsls bv-all epMfWeDr05ii Merchants ihwselKrtt'As-cdBtrtrF? " Oct. 29. , 1 ' J : Vr4tiWf1 ...... IVAFAuJV.irt-!.- ON to4itcr tbls4iai l ss44 towt 4a MMaux n Kteaoter HaM. Beery sod ..allMta. wil bscharssd si, oa. Nov. 8th, 1853. , t .r 101. r W. U. G1UTIER, ft I - y ry r n js r. wjs-ss f wmi" for tHEs Ai.ust cnVHraxvnobtjjd mm. ju s l-m a a wia. . S. . . . . I Nov 10. i.,t -f-,r-t - i i.s - ROY'S CLACH 1NIPEAIII Ocul. ..rt .i. 5 t)A DOZ. Assorted Preserves, very fins. ; Pot Sals THE TRI-WEEKLY COMMEKCIAL Is published every Tuesday, Thitbcoav and Satcsdav at to per snnotn, payable in all cases in advance. BV THOMAS LORING Editos and Pbopbis- TOS, Comer front and Market Street, WILMfSGTO, !5. C. R ATES OF ADA'ERTISIXC:. 1 sqr. 1 insert too 56 60 I 1 sjr. 2 months, 4 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 l ' -2 ' 75 I 1 "3 1 " 3 " 1 00 I 1 "6 i " 1 month, 2 60 I I li Ten lines or less make a square. If an adver- tisement exceeds ten lines, tne pi Ice will be in proportion. All advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on the most liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should circumstances render a change in businee., or an unexpected removal n-c s -Xj- iTt ac ordins th paftif&hed terms will be at the option ol ihe contractor, for the time he has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to theirown immediate business; and all advertisem nts lor the benefit of other persons, as well as all advertisements not immediately con nected with their own business, and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the usual rates. No Advertisements is included in the contact for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town or country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. Thee are excluded by the lerm "immediate business." AH advertisement Inserted in the tri-weckly Commercial, are entitled to one iesertion in the Weekly tree ot charee. JOB, CARD AND I'ASCY PRIMTIVG, EXECUTED IX SUPERIOR STYLE. Arrival and Departure of the Al alls under the new Arrangement, which 4wei:t Into operation, 1st March. 185 2. The Mail from the North Is due every day ai 9 A. M., and at 9 P. M. Closesatl P. M., and al J P. Al. precisely. The Mail for Ihe South closes at 8$ A. M. The Mail from Onslow Court-House, Sneads Ferry, dec, Is due every Monday al 5 P. M . Closes every Thursday at 9 P. M. The Mail from Long Creek, Plack llivcr Chapel, &c, is due every Thursday nt (j P. M ., and closes same night nt 9 P. M. The Mail from K.ivcttcvillr, via Elizrbcihtown and Prospect Hull, &c , via Wilmington and Man chestar ItailroaJ from Kobinson's Post Office is due every Ttu-duy, T- ureday and Saturday at 1 P. M , and cl se ;imc days t FJ A. M. The mail from W'hiieville, Columbus county, per Wilmington nnd Manchester ttailrnad ia due nl 1 P. M., and clofrsnt f A. M. evctv day. An ex'ra Package will be made up for Let ters going North of KichmnnH, Va .which will be kept open until 7 A. M. All oilier Letters must In; in the Office nt the hours above nnmi d, or they will not be Mailed until next succeeding Mail. AGENTS FOR THE CO.MMEKCIAL. New York Messrs. Brown A DiRocset. Boston Chablsj smith, .No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. E. Cohen. Baltimore Wm. H. Peake and Wm. Thomson. BUSINESS CARDS. JAMES ARPIItuX, KDWAI D S WAGS. ANDERSON & SAYAGE. GENERA L. COMMISSION MRU Lit A .V TS, WILMINGTON n. C. Liberal cash advances made on consign nu nts. Oct. 2?. 94- GEO. UAIUiISS, General Commission lirrchaiit. WILMINGTON. N. I. s TRICT a u en t ion given io procarins Freight and purchasing Carrots for vessels. Kirn ro K O P. Hall, Kq. "1 G. Parsley, Esq. I ...... Imington. I. A. Taylor, Keq J. D. Bellamy, Esq Messrs. Tooker, Smyth &. Co " Thompson de Hunter, ew York. Alcx'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs. Williams & Butler, ) n. , h l' Rob. fan t.nori eston.S. C. iati.2. 1853. 123-tf. C. DaPRE & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GROCERS Corner Front and Frincess-streets, WILMINGTON, N. C. C DUPHE. n. B. BAKER. HENRY NUTT, FiCTOR AM) FOBWsBDlKU AGENT, Will give his pergonal attention to business entrust ed to his care. Sept. 8, J653. 75-tf. 0. L. FILL YAW, PRODUCE BROKER, CuMBISSlOX AND -F0RW1KDPG MERCHANT, WlhMIVGTOS, Si. C. September 20th, K-53. 80-ly-c. General Commission Merchants, T8 South St , New Y'ork. Liberal Advances Matte on Consignments. J. D. lOl'STWI, B. C. WATSON, W. H. WIGGIXS. August 25, 1833. 69-ly. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, General t'ommi&sion and Forwarding Merrhant. Prompt persual attention given to Cvnsigu- .. meats for Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cash advances made on Consignments to m or to my New York friends. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1853. 135. t."cT worth; COMMISSION AND FORWARDING BERlillNT, WILtMINGTOX, H. C. Feb. 17, 1653. . 143-ly. COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (StfXESSOliS TO THOS. A LIB ONE & CO) General Commission Merchants, No 32, North Wharves, and 63 North Water Sts. PHIIjAOKLuPHIA. i. habvcy cochbah, W. 9. BV-4SSLL. Ltberal eashsdvanees made on consignments. July j0th,tJ8S3. - 68-1 f. - ' ' S. M WES1V ' Anctionrtr aod Commission Jlrrehanl, ' WllMINGTON, N. V. T 71 LL sett or buy tt.es! fcUtate snd Negroes al jm ajsmall conimission. ALSO : Strletsttentlon given to the sale of Timber, Tur peotiac. Tar, er any kind of Country Prodaca. j Office second door, South side of Market street, n the wharf. Jjioe Zr lSS34if s s f General Agent,, CammUsion aai Forwardiis iLw5ffij. !r:ii Psritcnfar SttemioB given to sals and narchase ZQMMISSJQNJUEICUAJ)T4 QEJfKBALi I Sf5h STE41H5E MattLBjiig; tftttSUfi i ' -rte,'fflaster ; Bteter Calhoon Jos :jt tr1rr-) master art resfr al an ttasst f or business '-Orders- foe -Toags wilf have preagHttestUMi.if keA-mt aj&eel nAsnr, -n?rmi-:t kt GF.O.-HAItRISS. ' Jsnell. 3S-f. BUSLNESS CARDS. JAS7 H. CHADBOURN & CO , General Commission iJcrchanls, WILMISGIOS. H. C. Jas. H. Chadsjbix. Geo. Chadboubn. Jon. t, 135J. in. RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATS ELLIS, BOSSBLl. & CO ,) iEXERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances mads on consignments ol Naval stores, Cottoo, snd other produce. May 3, 1853. C. & D DuPRE. WHOLE KALE AND F. ETA L DEALCRcS I N Drugs, medicines. Chemicals, Paints, Oil, lire Stnfls, Glass. Perfumery, Cigars, OZd Liquors, Kaney Articles, Sic., - s MAtitCKT STRKKT, fflLMIStiTOK, !. C. Prescriptionscarefully :o.npo anded by experi enced persons. March 28, 1853. Wlliam a. g w yex , Szneral AgenLForwardiugi Commission Mcrehant I take pleasure in informing my friends, that I am prepared to give nil business entrusted to me efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodaiios, Spirit House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval -Storts fur sale or shipment ; snd all kinds of coun try prol-ic-j solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. April 18, 153. 15 GEORGE MYERS, WiUlKSALE AND RETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand, M ines, Teas, Liqnors, Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware, fruit, Confeetianarits.'C. South Front slrett. WILMINGTON, Nov. 13, 1852. 109. S. B. & J. A. EYANS, WIIOLES.lLE AXD RKTlIb I) IIL I GISTS, W ILMINGTON, N. C. Will Keep always on hand s large and very select stock of Drug, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Glass, Surgical Instruments, Patent Medi cine, Perfumery, &c, al low prices. Jan. 18. 1333. 130. JOSEPH II. FL INNER, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N V. Mv ilth, 13V3. S7-ly-c. J. HATHAWAY & SON. COMMISSION MEUCHAN 1 S. WILMI.VGTO.V, N. C. i. Hathaway, J. L. Hathaway. Feb. 15, 1953 31. GEoTu. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. NcAidoot to A . A . Wannet's, on North vVaterst willattend to the sale of all kinds of Country Pro, duce.sttch a? Corn, Peas, Meal, llucon. Lard,dtc. ind will kecpconsiantly on hand a full supply of (J roceries .o.c. References . WillciHaU.ol Wayne, John SleLlae, Wilmington W. Caraway. - Gen. Alx. . Meitae. K. P. H ill, Wilmington , Wiley A. WalKei . ' ' Dec. 1 1. 1852. 1 15-1 y. MILES C0STIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT. WILMINGTON. N. C. ItKt'r.tl TO E.P. Hall,Ksq .Pres'l Branch Stale ") Bank, ThOs.H. Wright, Ksq., Pres'l Bank ! Wilming- Cape Fear, f ton.N.C. O.G. Parsley, Esq., Pres'l Commer- I cial Bank. . Dec. 19. 1352 116-lf WILLIAM II, PEAKE, COLLECTOR AND ADVERT! G AGI NT. For Country Newspapers throughout the United State, Basement of Sun Iron Bu luings, Baltimore street Allibuslncss en: rusted to his cars transacted promptly, or liberal terms. sepi 7 95-f J. D. L0YE, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, die. &c. Pront street, Mouth of Market, BROWN'S BUILDINO, WILMINGTON, N. C. Sept. 16. 1852. 79-y-c geo. o. Van amringe, BROKER, AND HI UKCANTI L.E AGENT, WILMINGTON, N . C. PARTICULAR attention paid to ihe purchase or sale of all descriptions of Merchandise and Pro duce, and on which one per cent commission will be charger. Any business intrusted to him will re ceive prompt and personal attention. His desk for the present is in the office of Air. Wiu. A. Gwycr. Rkfebesces . Messrs. Ellis, Russell & Co., ) " Adams. Bro. & Co., Wilmington . " J. R Blossom, Ksq. J August 14. 1952. -'c 9. C. FREEMAN. GEORGE HOCSTON. PltEEMAN & HOUSTON, MfiRCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. D. C. FREEMAN b CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITS FRONT STREET, NEW VORK. PBEESAN AND HQUSTOX, WILIlSGTOil, H. C KEKP constantly on hand a stock of Flour, Corn, Pork, Bacon". Salt, Cofee, Sagart Mo lasses, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff", Candles, Soap, for eign and Domesliei Liquors and Wines ; Iron, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Leather, AsricuUural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable tar fomilyand plan tation use and the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots lo suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores of other produce. The senior partner D. C. Fbsbmas, is located in the city "of New York ; the junior partner, Geo. Hoostos, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on consignments to and from either place. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled. Sept. 9. 1852. 76-f. H. DOI.LNBR O. POTTtH. Jr D9LLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW lORKli Liberal Cash Advances mads on all Consignments. Apntsuaaj. - zw-iy-pf. f. VESSEL. ' H. B. EILERsT WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSKW MERCHANTS AWDWHOLE SALE GROCERS. North Water Street, Wil mington, N. C, Intend to keep at the above standi general assortment of Groeeries, Liquors, ad Proviioaist wteotesals said ta crtf oas GeneralUowmissioD Businecs- : miiii" " i PvtTall.Yreit BHeh Bank oft hs State: 5 - 'J O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank. Wil P. K. Dlekinspn.-F.sq. Jaa. 301853 .Sft Atl. HnyiLEINSON &ESLEEi tUsMi7It.N-ts4Toys',F.r,Ar-t icles4 1erfery. Tobace. ekrstc j m IM' -,iita,siargTfe"TalatTl;! I -WILMINGTON N.C ' -!fv . 0,1 852. .Ifl.tt LIVER COM PLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. Jaundice, Chronic or AW row DMlily, Dis ease f the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a disordered IJrer or Stomach, surh as Constipation, inward files, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Mouiach, .Nau-ea, H. art bunt, Disgust for Food. Pullness or Wciuht in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurri d and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Chokingor Suff jcailns Semati.-ns when in a lying pjs'ure. Dimness of Vision, Dots r W ebs before thesight, Fevrr and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellow nets of the Skin and Kyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, dc., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burnirj. in the Fl eh Ci nstant Imaginings of evil, and great depressions of Spiiits, can be cil- ctunlly cutcd by DR HOOFLAM)' CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, PIIEIMBEDBY lR. C. M. JACKWIS, '; No. tit4-Areti street. IHUnUelpkla. Their powerover the above diseases is not excell ed, it (quailed, by any other preparation in the Uni ted States. is the cures attest, in many cases after SKiiiui pnysician nnd talkd. These lintersare worthvihe atteniion of invalids fossesing-jreat virtues in the reciibcation of dis eases of the Liyer and lesper elands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness-and arl -ctions I ol ttie digestive organ, they are, withal. gMle, eer- . tain and pleasant. RF.AD AND BE COW1NCF.D. i The Puil idelphia Sjuirday GazeltD," says of Dr. HiornxD's German Bitters. i 'II is seldom that w - recommend what are term ed Patent ,I edicincs. to the confidence and patron age oi our reaners; ami tneretore wnen we recoin mend Dr. Hoofland's German Uitt rM. w-n wlxh ii to i be distincllv understood Hint we are not sneaking of I thenoMrumaof the day. that are noised abontfora ! brief period and ihen forgot ten after they have dom inejr gtiitiv race oi uusctiur, oui oi a medicine long ,,.-.,.1,1;. 1. .j : , .: , i , i coiduupuru. uui v ei sai y Jiutu, U1JU Allien lias lilei the heart y approval ol the luculty itself. ' -ocoti s eeKiy," said, Aug. : "Ur. llootland's ; 'rnian Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now -ecom mended by some of the most prominent j meii.-. of the faculty as an article of much effica- cy in c.i -s of female weakness. Persons of debili- : ialed.:on 'utions will find these Bilters advantage ous to .heii enlth ns we know from experience t he salutary ellcct thev have up-n weak systi in-.'1 MO'SF. EVIDENCE. J. G. Moore. Esq , of the Daily News, said. Oct 31. Da. Hoofland's German Bitters. We ar" try ing this renowned medicine for a Muboorn disease of the bowels, and can with truth testify to its efficacy. We have taken the contents uf two bottl. s, and we have derive! more benefit from the experiment than we derived previously from j t a is, of alioptritic l real - j mcnt at the Hands ot our first phyncian.." i Hon. CD. Ilineline, Mayor of the City of Cam- i den. N. J., says : "'Hooflasd's Gibm ans Bittess.-- "e h ivr cecn ! many fl ittcrina notices of this nxdieine, ind the ! source from which thry came indue d us to make inquiry rci-prcting its merits. From inquiiv we were persuaded ;o use it, and m-.Ft euy e found it 1 specific in its action upon diseases of the liver and digestive organ, and the powerful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration, is really snrprifin" It ' calms and strengthens the nerves, bringirg tin in In ; to a state of repose, making sleep refresh ins. i If thi medicine was more generally iifrd, we are j satisfied ihcre would be lees t-icknrss. ns from the I stomach, livcrand neivous system, the great major I ity of real nnd imaginary descant s t inmate. Have them inn healthycordiiion and yon can bid defi 1 ance to epidtmics genertilly. This extraordinary i medicine we would adt ise our friends ho arc nt nil 'indisposed, to give atrial it will recommend it- self. It should, 'n fact, be in every family. Noother I medicine can produce such evident 1 1 ot merit' ' For sale w hoi. sale art) re lit it at t lie : GERMAN MEDIflNK -STORE. No. 120 Arch street, one donrbelow Sixth, Phila ' delphia.r-nd by'respectab i dealers generally ihrouth- out tne country. Soldin Wilminjrfon bv S. B. A J A. EVANS, in Kavenevillc by S. J HINSDALE. Ju::ell. 33-3m "MAN KNOW THYSELF.' AN invaluable Book for25ecr.te. ' Lwrj Fami- . ly fchould have a copy." S ix th ousand copies sold in lets than three months. : A new edition, revised and improved. ju.t issued. Dr. Hunter's Medical Manuel and hand Hook for the Afflicted, containing an outline of the origin, , progress, trtatment and cu.e of ev ry form f !is- ; ease, contracted by promiscuous sexual intercourse. 1 by self-abuee.or by sexual excess, with ndvice for their prevention, written in a familiar style avoiding all medical technicalities, t.nd everything that would 1 offend the ear of decency, from the result ol rome , twenty years successful practice, exclusively di vo ted to ihe cure of diseases f a delicate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the cure of the ' above diseares, nnd a tn;!i ti.-e on the" causes, symp toms aud cure of the Fever and Ague, for twenty five cents a copy ; six copies one dollar ; will be for- warded to any part of the UjiiteU Stales, by mail, free of postage. Address, postage pair1, Cosden if 1 Co., Publishers or box 196, Post Office, Philadelphia. 1 "This is, without exception, the most comprehen- I sivc and intelligible work published on the class of I diseases of which it treats. Avoiding nil technical , teinis.it addresses itself to the reason of its readers. 1 1 is free from all objectionable matter, and no pa rent, however fastidious, enn object to placing it in the hands of his sons. The author has devoted , many years to the treatment of ' he various com-j plaints treated of. and 'with loo liitle breath to puff,' and 'too little presumption to Impose, he has offered to the world at the merely nominal priee of 25 cents, the fruits of some twenty years most successful prac- I lice." Heba ld. j "No teacher or parent should be without the knowledge imparted in this invaluable work, it ' would save years of pain, mortification and sorrow . to the youth under their charge.'" PsirtE'r A dvo c ate. ; A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing of 'Hunter's Medical Manuel, stys : "Thousands ol ' our youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollu- 1 tion without realizing the sin and fearful consequen ces upon themselves and their posterity. The con- j stit utions oi tnousacds who sre raising fa millet-have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or the core. Any thing that ean be done so to enlighten and influence the public mind as to check, and ultimately to remove this wide spread source of hum in wretchedness, would confer the greatest blessing next to the religion of Jcsas Christ, on tbe pres. nt and coming generations- Intemperance, (ihe use of intoxicating dunks,) thougn it nassiain tnotrsands upon thousands, Isnot i . "'"'V r "'tr . f""i" j - thanks in behalf of the afflicted, and believe me. your co-worker in tne good wore you arc so active ly engaged in." One copy will be forwarded (securely en velfped and postage paid.) on receipt of 25 cents, oi six copies for 81. Address. COSDEN (c CO.. Publishers, 196, Philadelphia. Booksellers Canvassers and Book Agents, sup plied on the most liberal t rms. June 2. 34-lr-e. MORSE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT. THIS is a Pareln Vegetable Compound, scientifi cally prepared from the best Roots and Herbs of the Materia Xedics. and has rained an unrlvall ed reputation Cur the following rfierts, viz : PURIFYING THE BLOOD, snd tuns earing sll Humors, Sores, Ulcers, Cutane ous Rrnptloas. Canker, Sestd Head, c. M'BiaiiBf asd ucanui tbe otooach Bo we it. thus it cures Dyspepsis, Indigestion; Coslivenoss, rues, c. " Btrengthenlog the Digestive Organs, thuscassing the food to nourish snd support every RCGCLATIHO THE 8ECRETABV OHGAHB, snd,ty enabtlns them to perform their proper fone tias,prev eating aod earing Bllioaw aawistaieTpal. ful diseases. , . - -- . . v ... SlRBstbraits "d ftnicllBgtie Jmmj item, thasalUylng Nsrvoas I rriuiion, snd earlagsll dis eases of tks Nerves. IfHt Mrlvlledl the eatvef fall -,,t fi-RMAI.R niS(CARl?a s Weaken, InreeuUrilf.Obstrsetlons.dLc. x ft ispleasant to take, and sale la- art cases t aeT lagin hansoay wit th restoring owsrsorcatue it asver ijes but always bencfiisaod eures, as tnoasaadiof volaatary eertlficates from lh teat aa foe lea testify? , Prepared air rt vx -j SoJrt bw Drng'Istsand others throughout this and othereoantries ST. B: d S. A. KTAN8, Arear, apt. 30. 83-Iy-e BALTIMORE LQCK5 IIUSliTAL- DR. JOHNSTON Proclaltnl ftf the iffilcicd, far and near, that tie hsstfrseoveri m taa most t-iio, vpeedy and atficacious-plsa lot Uealing panic ul ir diseases thu bas ever been prrseimd to ihe world. By his plan, foot dedon observations faiade " in the Hospiulsof iMtrope and Amsrica b mill, A CURE IN TWO DA YS, OR NO CHARGE. No Mercury or Nauseous Dtugs Used. Pains io Ihe Loins, Constitutional Dclllitjr, Jm poteney. Weakness of the Bsck sad Limbs, a flec tions ot the Kidneys, Palpitation ot lbs Heart, Dyspepsy. Nervous, irritability. Diseases of tbe , Head, Throni, Nosi,or Skin; and an those serious and melancholy disorders arising from the destruc tive habits of Youth, which destroy both body snd mind, those secret and solitary practices more fatal to thrii victims than the song of ihe Syrens to the mariners of Ulysoes. blighting thiir most biillistii hopes oranttciputions, rendering manlage,dc., tm posiblc. . ?.,' YOUNG MEN, . 1 , :v T.ipceW.ly, who I sve beoioe ihe tietims cf Smio ry Vict, that dreadful and destructive habll whlcl annually sweeps loan untimely grave ihousnnds o.. young men of the muM exalted talents snd brilliant intellect, who might otherwise hsve entrsncrd lis- i tentng Senates witn the tnunoers ot eioqscnro, t.s waked to i-cstacy the living lyre, may call Ilh full cunfiiif-ncc. "' - MARRIAGE. . ! Married persons, ot those contemplating marriage, being awar ol pliysii-al weakness, should Immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be res tend to perfect ' health. ' --V k-.' Via. He who places himself under the earc of Dr Jol.n ston may reli'ioily confide In Ms honor "ss a frn- tlemnn, and confidently re If upon his skill sss phj-- i sicinn. . . - ',. , OFFICII. TCo. 7. SOUTH FREDERICK Sf..7 DOORS KROM BALTIMORE Sf.;-- (tmtt side,) ' UP THE STEPS. O-BE PARTICULAR In i obser inc the NAME and NUMBER, of you wilt , mistake ine piuce. I i rt DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London i t graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, nnd the greater pnrt of whose life hns been spent In the hospitals of London, par- a is, Philadelphia. and elsewhere, has .rlkcud some of the most astonishing cures that were ever tnowr; many troubled with ringing in the head1 and ears' when asleep, greai n;vusr.fs, t-fiog-arid si rudd n sounds, and bashfulness. with frequent bluthing. nttcr.ihd som-iimrs with doant n nt it' mind, were ru red immediately. "i rt .-j-. a--i TAKE PARTICULAR ,NOTlCV, 5 Dr. J. addresses all loose who have Injured I t sr Iv, s by private nnd improper Indulgences, tbr "i'-T cret and' solitary habit which rules both body' nodi mind, unfi ling them for t iiher business or society.,, . Thtft n i e siyine of the sad ard melancholy i ffetl producrd by early habits of youth, rfzr Weftknet of the B.u-k mil Limbs, Pains inihe Head.Diatneta !' -i,'l.t, Loss of Muscular Pocr, Paluitniion t.( the ll .'nrt. Dysjiepsia, NervousIrritaUHty, Dernngf menf oi ih: Digestive Functions, General i)tbitiH , Sympti nts of Consumption, cVc. v, V "Mentailv. Tho fearful elfi cts on the mind aie much to be dreaded ; Loss of Memory, ConrtiMm- of luirti, Depnssionof Spiiits, Evil-Forebodii.K,j Aversion t" 'oicty, Self-Dislrusl. Love of Soli tude, Timidity, &c , are some of the evils produced.5 Thousuncs of persons, of all meet, can cotv judge -what is ihe cause of their declining health. Losinic iluirviiror, becoming weak, pale and eniueiatidj have a "singular npnesrance about the eyes, cougU and svmpiiuns of Consomption. ,, - DR. JOHNSTONS IN VIGOR A TING REM . ED Y FOR GENITA L DEBILITY. J Thissrrndnnd important Rtiuedy Las titofrlt strt ngili and vigor to thousands of the nuist ner-. vou! und debilitated, many of whom had lost all. hopes, and been abandoned to die. By Itn eompleir in igoration of tho Nervous System, tne-wbi-. I:n ii i ics b come restored lo thiir proper po el ar-U, functions, nnd ihe fallen fabric of life lUIscd lip to beauty,- onsistency, and duration, upon ills tains of' an eiiiaciuled at.d premul ure decline to ttiuod trtdr pristine health. Oh, how happy hnve hundicds .of niisgi-ided youths been made h ho havvbevn t-hd' denly resioied to health, fiein the di vaslalii ns ' those terrific maladies (vnicli result from. Ind is ' tion. Such persons, before contemplating" " ".' MARRIAGE, s. Shr-uld reflect li.nl s sound mind and body tan, thar mo t necessary requisites to promote conniibjaj, hnppiness. Indeed, without 'these, the-jtismry-ihr. .u.h life becomes weary ptlgriinsga,jt sV.'prosQ pec t hum ly darkens lo the view the mind btconu a shadowed wiih despair, and filed with the melsn-! tholly rt flection, that the happiness of amihs!i h ' comes bhi; hied vilhourown. Let no false delic.., cy prevenl you, but apply Immediately, snd. save yoiit self from the dreadful cenftquenecs of this let-' rible mnladv. -t WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS immediate ly cured ar.d lull vigor lesiored. D-AI-L LETTERS MUST BE POST PAID. Ri medics sent to an v pai I of the country, " TO STRANGERS. ' DR. JOHNSTON, of tbe Baltimore Lock Hesv pital, whose long residence in this city, rtsnding ss a gentleman of character and responsibilltv, exten sive practice in the various " Hospitals ot tiusopm and this country, and skill snd exp rience to whi It thoueands can testify, as well ss bis ability in the SurgiealdepHrtmeni of his proftskion, ss evidci t d. by reports of his operations on the Eyes snd Pe formed Limbs, published in the Baltimore Son Mid o;hrr papers, in the years 134 1 2, by w hicb Ui blrna vere made lo see and the lame to walk straight. Ten ders him worthy of all confidence i ron the y.irt of those w ho need his professional wics,' S 4 bsr would shun the many trifling and Ignorsnt tirettn-,' ders advertising themselves as Physicians! tilt r' lTo those unacquainted with his rcptsU, Dr. Johnston deems it reeettsry to say Inst his credi minis or diploma slway hang In hr irlee. t rSrOFFICK, No. 7 SOUTH FRKDEUJCK St., East side, up the steps. Oct. 13. ' 90-f-e.- ' DR. UAHKlS; GRADUATE OK OAUBUIDGll, CLASS 1824. , tEj' FOUNDER OF TIIE8 BALTIMORE LOCK INFIRMARY," No. 3 1 SOVTn GATT.; ' " " ( Oppositetke Erehairge Buddisf and Ptt OJfiee"S rt 'HOSE REQUIRING ftlKDiCALOR SUUGI A CAL AID, by spplyinp lo Dr. II., may M-crntm SKILLFUL TRKaTMF.NT AND ADVICE, while all corrrmunieatlons will be sacredly shit Id ed by the .Egis of procssktial honor t.-njw -jrti. Aware of the difficulty with tho public to dis criminate, In a newspaper advertisement, between . the genuine boo skill tot puystclaii isatss spsrisn pre tensions of the designing and dasseroas Quad, ur tl. win cheerfully give, wtun applied t, tuck private references as-will faflysattsiv tfl" who te quire his servicesw a., u-i -- T BKWARE OF NOSTRUMS? v. Avoid the Patent RGsirs Cpmpeands and Cos dials, advertised to cure all persor s vndcr -xariei forms of disease.' As the constit ution ar.d habits of individuals differ, REASON TKAtUES-iW same remedy oanaoi h suUed to all sfcks, ana tbaf disease can only be safely and eflee-luallj' radi sl ed by a judicious sppliestlon of proper rtmcdit;- ATT TION 1XVJT1I A practical experience of orrr 25 ears t nablfs Dr. II. to Insure a soupd and speedy. cure In a cer tain class of diseases,' whieHhava toa losg been yielded by regular PJy ieiaas4at be aBaa afQaacJu cry. He may be eonsuuca conDCejatlaJiy , vithr rson or by letter. '--i' ' - in ne Persons at a distance en red at boasa bv -aaVlrMS. ing a Inter to DR. GORDON HARR1SS Balti more, Md. :i ' i- H--i spftfi fA ll1&Y. A communications eomfidetUiaL. v . . f Remedies sent by Mafl or Express' to anv pshot the United States ted .xr -x-r rsftwi-S no J aly l.u i ,,i $Wy 48-Jyw FRESH AltRIYJLSTK GROCERIES --"&stimkmdsfift!&t. " V 5f K6S Kawa Cashew SifSarv ?nt14 as OVJkat Btafa asaliad:Paefaa4 .-Basf Tatttses) SO boxes New Raislast drams Figs j Crsa. befrie, Carraats, Citraar trerf vsrfet y of Tjr. traeta for Fiacaria aastAXliCsadli.a boxes Tallow Csadlest ?0 Spctmj JOO peke of sssorted Crackers ; 60 bxe Csnf' t 60 ta. PatataesrC&bbi. Apples riaHeasnd Itesetsrai 20 boxes New Iaosf lapscssswwsot trd Ja. ported Liquors i 60 'oavlmported PotlrlLIniors and Wines; IW bejes Hosf Vretii i" It i ,W0 Segarat tfsawsandCatseaaia-tra aveffkiefy of Oracejcf rtAfipt&, 94 lU'Ptl tAPEffnANGlJISS,hsae.i n.f ,'Cn r Is In -id ATLaeaaod Dainast nswsapo'' v:-!hs . vVILKISQI dt F$l esa t Nov. IS. ' Ph4str. li f I

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