J HAVE thia day associated with me in business, .1 my Brother, B. CWorjk, shd would solicit for irVe new fi'in, a continuance of the ptrooag here loToce so Ubcralljt bestowed upon myself. " . . .:,s;sr(,,T.c. WORTH. The undersigned have this day formed a Copart nership under thselyie of T. C.4 0. O. Worth. :r the transaction of ih tor warding and commis sion buain say . 'v -, We arocc4pfia2.ha fireproof bre't afore sad pi ink wharf Id front, owned, and formerly occupied by 11. W. Ursva. h w-Hl fa hi naval atece. wharves and shed, immediately bt low Ann street, and are am . I prepared to rceiveand forward. sell or store, ny aiaoeat of merchandise entrusted twour care. Canst advances nsadeoa Cotton, Naval Stores or Other produce. T. C. WORTH, ) B. G. WORTH j Jan. 3 123-3m SELECT LIST OF NEW BOORS V" ESTER DAY'S packase of New Books: Yale College Scrapes, 25c; Mysteries nnd Miseriesof New Orleans. 25c; Valdey. or Scenes off Lotg Isl anJ, "25c; Jack Junk, 25c;al? the .Magazines tor Jan uary .'34, etcepi Harper's Harper's expected about i!ic 19th of January. Dec. 3t S. W. WHITAKER. SPIRITUALISM YET AGAIN. FREsH supply of .ludse Edmond's celebrated l. book on Siiitual kappings just received and for sale at the New Uouk Slore Dec. 31 J.T. MUNDS. A LARGE supply of mosi beautifully executed Bl ink Checks on the Stale, (.'ape Fear an.i V'oui'iirrci il Bunks ; a lot of rery fine Bill Paper 'and Commercial Note Paper; Bills Lading; Dra per's. W hitney's, ami Nock's Patent Inkstands, and teci Pens of the best branJ. just received and for s lie by J.T. MUM' US. Dec.ol I-'.' NOTICE. HHR Subscriber respecrfutry elves notice that all JL accounts will be ready for collection on and nf Icr the lit Jan.; settlements are earnestly solicited us money must be had. GEO. MYERS. Der.3l J.; - 122 JUST RECEIVED. 1 I xBBL New Leaf Lard; 1 ' 51 bbls- do do; o keg Dutch Herring; 100 do. Eggs; 15 kegs Goshen Rutter extra quality; 100 Kegs smoked Salmund; I bbl. pickld do; bags H. S. Flour; 25 bbls. extra brand do; 'Low tor cafh at the Family Grocery. Dec 31 GEO. MYERS. TO TURPENTINE MAKERS. TURPENTINE Axes and Cooper.' tools of ev ery kind; a large and complete assortment al wviys on hand, and for saleat the lowest prices 1 y ZEMOH. GREENE. lBec.31 N.C. T. copy 122 BLANK-bWRS AND STATIONERY. 1 Q"C,-f FRES H supplies eeeivid aln osl every 1 0J- week throughout the year. Now on hand : The largest Day Books, Journals, llecords. Invoice Bocks, Coidi Book, &c; the smallest pass Books; all the intermediate size. V'l.ili'H'S and descriptions of Blank Book; Checks .n Cape Fear and Commercial Hanks; Letter Kooks, Letter Presses. Oil Paper, Bill Books. Drafts, Notes of Hand, Bills of Exchange, Receipt Books, .AccounisCurrent Paper, Cargo Books. Time Books, Memorandums; Folio, Bill, Ruled, and Plain Pa j r; Cap, Bill, Ruled snd Plain Paper; Letter, Ruled and Plain I.ong Bill Paper ; Deed Pnpcr, Non Paper, a very large assortment ; Sermon Papt r, Tis sue Paper, Perforated Paper, Patent Letter Clip?. Drapery, Whitney's, Fry's and other patent ink stands; Magward Noyts Warren's Congress, Arnold's London, Davids Jt Blank's, and Harrison's Columbian Inks; Black. Blue, Carmine. Red. Ja pan an I Copying Inks ; Steel Pens of all the most approved brand; Gold Pens from thn e dfl'.reni manufactories; Paper Cutlets, Paper Wiighls. Bill Files, Book Rests. Paper Cleaners, Ivory :md I'earl FoMerx, Bi l Heads, Calendi rs. Office T pe, Pen Racks. Holder, Blotting Paper. Rollers, Desk Pads. Wax, Wafers. Notarial Seal", Gum Labels. Wriiins Desks. Porif.lios; Po ks for keeping Hank Bills and Paper in, 4c. Any anicli s wanted in the counting Rooms may be fi. und in our as sortment. We h ive received Invoice of n large lot of HI ink Books and S tationi-ry. mostly ntm'c to order, on ti hr. D. G. Slurgess, daily expected. Jan. 3 S. W. WHITAKER. AUCTION SALES; BY M. CROSL Y A UCTIONEER. ON Thursday the 12th of Jan. next, sold at Lxchan'c Corner, at 12 will be o'clock M.. that di birab'e House and Lot on the North fide of Maikel street, six doors ibeve Fiont street, at present oci up;ed lyMesr9. 1 let! ticket K ,i:nasa Dry Good Siore, on the first floor, and above by Mrs. Blank as a Boarding Hous-e. S ale positive. Termsensy, and made krjownnt a!e, J:in 3 123 ts JUST RECEIVED A LARGE and complete supply of FHF.SH SEEDS, comprising every variety usually call el for, raised and put up by the United Society of Shakers, at New Lebanon, N. Y. Orderifrom our r uniry friends pron ptly filled. S. B. dt J. A. EVANS. Jan 3. 1 24 JUST RECEIVED. A OF. ERA L nnd splendid assot imer, 1 of PF R j FUMERY and FANCY ARTICLES, tuiia Uo t.. Fall Trade-. TOILET SOAPS and LU BIN POWDERS; 30,000 HAVANA CI i.AHS. A f.i-th and lareeanpply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, nnd CHEMICALS. 100 ozs. of French srd F.neii-h QUININE. For sale by C. 4 D. DcPRE. J.n.4 124 $30,000 WANTED. T'HE Cape Fear nnd Deep River Navigation Company are desirous of borrowing 1'hiriy Thiusand Dollars for the purpose of completing their improvement. According to the provii-ionsof the smended char ter, passed kt the last session of the General As sejnbly, the Company wi'l issue coupon bonds of not more than One thousand dollars, or lcs than Five hundred dollars payable in the city of New York, five years after date, and bearing interest semi-annually at the same -place. Ample and un doubled security will be given. Those wishing tn loan any portion ot said sum iv-illiplensc address Ihe Treasurer at Pittsboroufh. Chatham County, N. C. by ihe 20th Jnnunry . 154. HENRY A.LONDON'. Tioas. C. F. D. R, Kav. Co. Jan. 3 123-lm c PERSONS wishing to subscribe to any of the fallowing Magizines and Papers, can get them at the ou 'lis tiers' prices, tree of portage, by leaving heir names at the New Book Store under Manches ter Hotel : Harper's Magazine; Peterson's National Magazine; 'ft idey'fe Ladies' Book ; Graham's Magazine ; Arthur's Home Magazine ; Putnam's Magazine ; G lea son's Pictorial ; Saturday Evening Post ; Arthur's Home Gazette ; Vlag of our Union, Ac; These arc received regularly, and most of them ,fir January are now to be had of Jan. 3 J T. MUNDS, BLANKS. TH E following Blanks are printed and kept con stantly fof sale at the Office of 'Fht Commercial. COMMERCIAL.. Snipping Article. Jlills of Ladipg. 0a. Letior Sheet. Crew List. Price Current. Checks on all the Banks, 'charter Party. -Manifests of all kinds. Entries Merchandise. Rates of Freight on W. t R. Rail Road. Do, on Line Boats. Bills of Exchange, bound and in sheets. Do. Domestic. Negotiable Noteson the several Banks. Do. on all the Banks. Do. Ballast. Bill of sale of Vessels MISCELLANEOUS. Warrants, with and with-1 Bills of Sale. oat judgment. Negro Passes. Warrantee Deeds Do. of M'cgroee. Bonds for Negro Hire. Mortgage Deeds. Bonds for the Delivery ofi property. 1 s . COURT BLA NKS . VeB. Exponas-. iSabncena Cbnntjr end Ca Sean Bone. I Superior Court. Alias Vend. Ex. 'Juror Tickets, County PI Fa. and Superior Court. ! WHts. AUkiBOSof BUnkaand Job Work, eaeouted-ta order with neatness and dispatch. CUT VELVET, PLUSH and Satin Vestlngs; F.nelish Biaek Crape j White Sstie, all grades; Belvidere snd Rxhibitior fine Woolen Shawls. Received to-day, sad for ealebf JAMKS DAWSON. GQLDSBOROr v FE U ALE COLLEGE. THE first session of this Institution wilt cont inence on Monday, the 1st May, ISM, an. derthe control of the loiUwing faculty, und with the annexed expenses. THE FACULTY. Rev. J A MES U. ORE ST, Preiclc,.t, Profess or of Ancient Languages, Experimental Sciences and Mathematics. Mr, , A. M , Professor of Modern Langua ges. Mr. , Profcasor of Jluie. Miss EmUf W'tbb, MUs At. B. Sta-nmire, and 31 is 6'. A Brtni, Assis ants in the various depart ments. Thecxcrcics of the School will be divided into three parts, Primary, High School, and Collegiate. The Primary will prepare for the High School and Collcuiate. The High School will cinb-aee a se lected part of the Collegiate course. The usual reports will be made to parents on the Primary course. A a'uicnT passing the high course ill be e;i!fled to i certificate of scholarship A stu dent who his taken the Collegiate course will be entitled to a diploma. COUUSE OF STUDIE.5. C llrgiate Classes. I.aiin All ihe course be low VirifilanJ ihrouuh Bucolics. Gruek All he course below the Anabasis, in clu iin lh Gospi 1 ol John. 1 ailieiHalici", .Algebra, Gcnmerry, Ti inonic try, die. Modern Languages: French, German and Italian. OI ndorfti cinplete system, nnd one author in caeh lansuajc. Literary: HiMory, Bi t any, Chmiistry and Attruncmy atid Knglili com position. on M A m cnta t. Music. Drawing, Painting, XVrn!le-oik and Embroidery, PRIMARY Smith's Grammar complete ; do Geography do ; Davie' arithmetic do; Hand' a Scrie? d; Good rich's f. alio Lessons; do Greek dj ; Dvies' Kl mentary Alehra; Olendorfs primary system in French, German and Italian. The ornaments' branches in ly be pursued in the Primary depart ment, being regarded as the accomplishtn' n's and not the esscn tials of an d icat ion. EXPANSES. Boaid per session. '10 no extras. Tuition Primary dcpartminl 7 to 15 Hiah School, 15 to 20 Colhgiate, 20 The ornament il branches extra, unlers the whole course is taken, hen 100 will covi r the entire expense of board and tuition persesrion. The Collctjiale course will require four years, j but students who are pi r pa red can join advanced I classes. j c nine it. The students may tit tind whatever church the parents prefer, always accompanied by a teacher. I vistroHS. I Visitors shall bo received in the College only in j the prudence of a teacher, and visirs shall he re j turned only nndi r the same ree triction, w hich d jes ' nol ipi''y to p.trcnis of guardians. ' n.'MESTIC. j The science of Cookery, Ilonsc-kctpinji and I Mantua mak ing, ill form a part of the entire ! course. ACCOMMODATIONS i 150 -t udonts can be comfortably accommodated in t lie College buildings. supervision. The sludenis will he un lerrlie immediate super vision of the President. ho will reside in the Col lege, and will be Ts.-isted by the professors, teach ers and Board of Council. BOARD OF COUNCIL, KinitRD Washington, William K. Lane, William T. Duxtuii, Yvait.min Thompson, .TilIIN C. Sl.oCL MB, W. S. O. Andrktvs. The blanks in the Faculty will as a sulcciion is m i le t'rotii the be filled as soon numerous appli- cauls. For further inf.oin lion address any of the Board ot t'otincil. Goldsboro', Dec. 24, IS53 J. II. Brent, or 120-ly CHERRY PECTORAL For the rapid Can of C01GRS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. Ai.iong the numerous discoveries Seirnee has made in this generation to facilitate the bu.-inc of liie increase iiscnjoymcnt, ani even prolorg the term of human existence, none can be namid 'f more re il value to mankind, than this contri bution f Chemistry to i he HcalingArt. Avast trial of its virtues throughout this brroad country, hns proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine, or combinai ions ycl known, can ho surely conlrol and cure th-i uumcrous varieties of pulmonary disease uhich have hitherto sw ept frun our midst thousands and thousands every yiar. Indeed, there is now abundant refson to believe a Remedy has at length been fuund which can be relied en, to cure ihe 11101 dangerous aflections of the lungs. Our space here will not permit us to publish any proportion of the cures affected by iis use, Lut we would pre-icnl the following, and refer further in quiry to my American Almanac, which the agent below named, will always be pleased to furnish freo. wherein are full particulars, and indisputable proofs of thest statements : Office of Transportation, ) Laurens R.R., S. C, Aug. 4, IS53. S.C. Ayes. Dear sir, My little son, lour vears old, has just recovered from a severe attack of 111 alignant dcailet Fever; his throat was roitcn, and every p rion that visited him pronounced him a dead child. Having used your Cherry Pec toral in California, in the winter of 1650. for a se vere attack of Bronchitis, with entire success,! wa induced to try it on my little boy. I gave him a tca:-poonful eyery three hours, commencing in th ', morning, and by ten o'clock at nitjhl I found a deoidod eh inre for ihe bet ter, and alter three days' use he was a le to eat or drink without pain. Its use in the above named disease will save many a child from a premature grave, and relieve the anx iety of many fond parent. For all affections of the throat and lungs I believe it (he best medicine extant. A feeling of the deepest gratitudeprompts me in addressing you these lines. But for your important discovery my little boy would now have been in another world. 1 am yours, with great respect, J. D. POWELL, Supt. Trans. L. R. R. Rock Hill, (Somerset Co.,) N.J. July 21, 1852. Da.J.CAvxa, Sinccyour medicine has be come known here. It has a greater demand than any cough remedy we have ever s ld. It is spo ken of in terms of unmeasured praise by those who nave used il, and 1 know of some cases where the best they cn say of it, is not too much for the good it has dona. I lake pleasure in selling it, because I know that I am giving my customers ihe worth of their money, and 1 feel gratified in seeing the benefit it confers. Please send me a iuriher supply, and believe me Yours, with icspect, JOHN C WHITLOCK. P. S. Almost any number of Certificates can be sent yon it you wish it. Windsor, C. W., June 26, 1852. J. C. Ar. Sir: This may cuitify that I have used your Cherry Pectoral for upwards of one year; and It is my sincere belief that I should have been in my grave ere this time if I had not. It has cared me of a dangerous affcotion of the lung', and I do not overstate my convictions when I tell yon it is a pricel-s remedy . Yours very respectfully, D. A. McCULLIN, Atwrney at Law. Wilksbacre, Pa., Sept. 28. 1850. Da. J. C. Atkb. My dear Sir, Yoo r medicine is much approved of by those who have used it here, and lis composition la such as to insure and maintain Its reputation. I invariably recommend it for paknonary affectiona, as do many of oar prin cipal physician". I am yoor friend, CHAS. STREATER, M. D. PIKFABFD Aire SOU. It JAMBS C AVKB, Practical and Analytical Chemiri, Lowell Massac basetts. Sold in Wilmintrlon by S. B. A J. A. EVANS. e4l.4fayeyle, fcyS.J. H JNSDALL, and by Dragglsts generally. Sept. if, ic&J. --tag- "TOR FniLADELPIHA; nEROWS line. TH E reeNr AT packet sehr. Henry Nutt, ino. Oirweodv master, will sail as above. For freight cr paesagr, apply to 3 i - GEO. IIARRISS Jsa BOSTON AND WILMINGTON LINE. T II F. fine Sehr. Cyras Chamberlain. Cap', flawes, will ply regular between this md Boston. For .reight apply to RANKIN & MARTIN, Alien ts at Wilmington. II. C. TI1ACHER, Agent Boston. Sep. 29. 94 VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. THE -ubcriber olibrs for aale that most desirable DWELLING AND PREMIS ES, situate at the Morth-Western intersec tion ot I hird street wiih Rid Cro.s street, the Lot fronting 100 feet on Red Cross, and 200 feet on Third. Tne Deviling House, Kitchen. Smoke-House, Sia lics, anJ ill itio other oui-liouses on the pre niscs h ivo been built wi.hin a few years, of choic'i m nerials, in the best manner, and nearly a'l of ihoiti civered jvith tin. The Dwelling House is capaei.u, hands auiely finished, and mi-t c i iveniently planned, and all the other build ings are judiciously arranged, and well fitted up. There are few Lots in Wilmington so desirably located, and the improvements on which are so admirably adapti d for a family residence. Third street on the entire Eastern line ot this lot, is 99 feet wi le, and sepjra'.cs it from that on which a new Rpiscopal t'hti reh is nljoui to be erected. Persons desiring to purchase, can ascertain terms of s tie by application to the mibscrihcr, or N. X. X'lX'i, Esq t or M. Csonly. and t lie sub scriber will cheert'tilly accompany any ueh who wish to inspect the premises. II. II. NIXON. S.-pt. 3, 1 53. 75-tf. N. C. BACON AN LAKD. l-nnl.B. H i.us, Sides ini .Shoulders N. iOi'Uc tl : , i : IJ . of L.ard, just receiv ed per Kail Road. For stile by Oct 3 J. HATil.i WAY & SON. iCT RKC KIVKI) I'llOM BLTIM0RE AND PHILADELPHIA. O - B IJLS. Silvers Fire Proof Paini , a II coloi s w20 casks Spanish Br n : 111 do. V enet it, n Yellow O. R d ; d, hre. I 'or sali I ; C. vV D DePRE, Drug:;isl and CI.eodsts, Wiliuincron. N . C. MESS bbls Mess Pork, PORK. 20 j net received frcm Ral.i- more, lor n le bv Nov. 6. J AS. H CHAD BURN & Co. LARD. ' BARRELS. 3 Tin .St.inds. Dec. 17 RANKIN & MARTIN. 117 HUE CASKS on hand RANKIN A MARTIN. 117 Dec. I 7 NOW'S YOUR TIME. 7450M N. V. per shr. L. P. Smith 4 Ben. 1 45 boxes ada . t ;and.es ; 10 biixeg sperm di; 10 kegs ot best G jshen Rut-cr ; 25 boxes of prime thecse; 20 Stewart, Bassing 4 Co , hart! nsi-'d C'pri'it'j Low for Co h, at GEO. H. K EL LEY'S. Dec. 17 117 Weekly J , II . N.C T. and Sp'i of A. copy. NOTICE. I HA VE appointed Air. S. W. Whiting my Agent and Attorney, and he is authorized to attend to anv business belong inn to the Estate of Louis D. Henrv. d jceas d durin? ill v absence. Persons i in ebteii to 1 lie r.statc arc rcquesieo 10 tiune ; ment to him. M M HE N RY D I I I I4 4w KOU RENT. 4 Cimfor table dwellings in vicinity of Dry Pond. I II uie with necessary out houses, on 4th street near the residence of Win . Suitor. Esq. 1 House and Lot near the t'.patist Chur. h. on Front Street . formerly occupied by Wm. Hunting ton, Ksq. 4 Houses 1 ;ar 'he Riil Ro:ul from it October next, for o.ie on 5th Street your. For term sddIvio GEO.HAARISS. Sept. 15. 73. WnEAT, RICE. CORN & PEA FANS, TUST in store and for salebv J Oct 3. .I.'M. ROBINSON. JUST RECEIVED, )ER sehr. tonns Smiih 6 boxes superfine L if -4 : ugar 2U b ias best R:o C ffee : 10 ' Green extta j 10 " Laguy rn ; 10 bbls. superfine Cofiee S'ugnr ; 10 '- Porto Rico; 10 " St. Croix granulated ; Just in time For Christmas nnd for sale cheap by Dee. -'4 W. M. hHERWOOD & CO. FOR SALE. H E House and Lot on P ront street, the Baptist Church, lately occupied , near Wm tin nil nut on. Lut no teet on r rn til n n 1 n hark I i I tect to oec ina street, ana suffi ciently large for two building Lots. I lie House is in Food order, with M necessary out-houses attach ed, and a fine well of water. If not previously dis p sed of at prite sale, it will be sold at public auction on the 3d day of Janu ire. 1854. For terms apply to GEO. HARRISS. Dec. 0 H3 LAFARGE HOUSE, NEW YORK ; Broadway, bclwen Amity ant Blceckcr Sretts 'pHIS House combines in all Its apointtnents ev il ety modern convenience and luxury, and is furnished in a style of unsurpassed elegance. The proprietors will spnre no efforts in ministering to the eomlorts of their eiictts, ond making it wor thy the patronage of their friends ond the travel line public. It will be open for the reception of guests about the 9th of Jan 11 ar v. WRIGHT, LAN1ERS fc Co. (S. Lanier & Son, formerly of Macon, Geo.) Dee. 29 12t-6m-c UMBRELLAS. rl,HE assortment of Umbrellas at the Hat and 1 Cap Store is at nil times kept complete, and all wi&hins to purchase have only to call to be satisfied that they can there find thf beat assortment of w II made and durable Umbrellas in the State, and that they can purchase them to better advantage than elsewhere. C.MYERS. Dec 31 122 PLANTATION HATS AND CAPS. GREAT inducements arc now offered to those wishing to purchase Hats or Car, s for Negroes. The assortment is yet good, but must be closed ofi to make room for spring pmehnses. Merchants, Planters, and all others wishing articles in my line cannot fail of bring suited amongst the sxtensive assortment shown them. A call is solicited. Dee. 31 C.MYERS. SOFT AND FANCY HATS. GENTS soft, brown, fancy trimmed Hats. ali Julien and other styles, at the Hat Store. Dee. 31 C. MYERS. Halter. NEW B00fiS-BY EXPRESS. THE Sword and the DislafT. or Fair, Fat and Forty, a story of ihe Souih at the close of the Revolution, by the author of The Partisan. Thia is said to be one of the most interesting books out. The Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi, a series of sketches by Joseph G. Baldwin ; this book is declared by high authority to surpass the best of Irving's or vy il. is s works toe grcatett book of the season. Busy Moments of an Idle Woman, a book full of humor and interest Anti-fanaticism, a tale of the South, bv MIjs M Haines Bubb, inscribed to Miss Caroline Lee Hentz; this is a capital book, which we warrant to please. Headtey's Second War with England ; Czar and Sultan; Life of Napqleon i Fern leaves and Lin e Ferns: Just received and for sale at the New Book Store by J. T. MUNDS. Dec. 29 121 SIR PRANCIS DEAD'S WORK. A FAGGOT of French Sticks, or Parte ia 1851 V A Fortnight in Ireland, 60c; for sale by Oac.3l S. W. WHITAKER, SILLIMAN'S VISIT TO EUROPE IN 1851,2 vote. t2.50: pee. 31 ! tecelTed and for aale at S. W. WHITAKER'S?. - V ataV i-ff 41 A THEIaree Brick Dwelllnr. on Second Street, at present oceapled by Mr, Wat. H. 'LirriTT. For uarticuiara aonlv to " R. U. RANKIN. Septemher 3, 1853. 73-tf. SPERM CANDLES. A FEW boxes pars Sperm Candles, Jadd's and other's make the best articles manufactured for sale by FREEMAN HOUSTON. Nov. 26. 108. PLOUGHS! PLOUGHS'! Of PLOUGHS, all kinds anJ castings for the XUU same. Just received and for sale by ZENO II. GREENE. Dee. 17. N. C.T. copy. 117. LARD AND BACON. EBLS. N. C. Lard ; 1,000 Ibe. de. Bcon. Forsaleby JOS. tt. BLOSSOM. 5 July 14. . YANKEE NOTIONS. FRESH importations of Apple-Pea.ets, Beel Mauls md Stake Mallets, Wooden Spoons,and everyarticle suitable for the kitchen ; also all kinds of Rood things for the palate. Fresh supplies weekly, at GEO. MYERS Dec. 1 Opposite Granite Row, Front st. D0MESTICG00DS. w F. have just received a large supply of Domes tic Goods, among which are Bleached and Brown Sheetinga, Bed licks, mattooro otripes, Shectina Stripes, Apron Checks dir.; also 300 pieces besi American Prints, bought sirv-e the de cline in price, and will be sold l a small advance Dec. 20 H ED RICK A RY'AN. BLAIR'S RHETORICT- UNIVERSITY edition received and for sale by J.T. MLWDS. Dec. 22 "9 LARD. SEVERAL packages of No. received an. for sale low, by Dec. 20 J- 1 N.C. Lard, just H. PLANNER. WE ARE NOW READY, I'O Contract lor any kinds of Work inupholster X ina business. I LK1 A SON & ESLK K , Aov 15. Upstairs NEW CHEESE. ;)T BOXES New Dairy Cheese, of an extra qual JJiO ity, just received and for sale by L.N. U.Vllt.OW. No. 3 Granite Row. Nov. 26 108 STEEL MIXED, CADET Mixed and Oxford Grey Cassimeres, a large ass'iri ment ol long and square Bay Slate shawls ; fine Merino do., assorted colours, Real Sinker Flannel snd Shaker Knit Shiits and Drawers; Ladies French Corsets, C 't ton Furni ture Frinjes; Paris Plaid Satin Uuadrillc Dresses and Rich Winter l-'.nglUh nnd French Prints. For sale by JAMES DAWSON. Aov. 21'. NORTH CAROLINA CASSIMEUE. 3 BAL KS Fries, Cassimeres. manufactured at Sa- lm V (-. . ihe hesl !oods ot tne Kino inaae in America; cheap. Nov. 19ih 111 iDRICK & RYAN. 106 AN F.W supplv of Srvord. and loaded Oti'ta Percha nn.l M .laeea Canes, iusl received and for sale by C. MYERS. HI Dec. 3 WHISKEY. 250 m'LS j FEMAN HOUSTON. Dec. 22 1;9 MULLETS 1 just received and 25 X BBLS No for sale by GREENE. 119 ZENO II. Dec. 22 N T. C copy M ATTR ASSES hand and made to order, of anv size and qual- y. y W1LK1ASON & ESL.t-.it. 120 D EXPECTED PER sehr. Fannie Mitchell, from Portland ; 231 barrels Potaroes, 73 bales Hay,20 b x--s Codfih; US do. Smoked Herrini; ; 57 empty Spirit Barrels 50Dec?29 HU'e ""TiusSKLLBRO. SILLIMAN'S VISIT TO EUROPE, XN I 851, with illustrations; published by Putni.m & Co., 2 vols , l,25 per vol : received nd for ?ae t S. IV. "HI I AnI'.H 9. ' Dec 29 121 FIFTH VOL. GLE .SON'S PICTORIAL t EMBRACING from July '5! to January '34, just J to hand ny express; price J ; the 5 vols for 12,50.at !. W. WHITAKEll'S. Dec. 29 I'-1 FROM THE METHODIST BOOK CONCERN. BASCOM'S sermons. mu.Iin bound, fl ; Deem's Home Altar, muslin. 75 c; Bishop Andrews' TreatUc on Family Govtrrmenl, muslin, 30 c; Wesley's Sermons, 4 vols , thcrn, 2,b5 ; Method ism in'Earnest, by Cuugln y.mnslia, SI; Cau? luy's Revival Miscellanies, muslin, SI; Caiechi.ms ! and 2- f.inle Hvrnns : Tracts ; for sale at Dec. 29 S. W. WHITAKER'S. MISCELLANEOUS. rnrsss: a e UOIteee cscrnpes, d c. Long- lift-Hows' HvDerion : cloth, SI; Brian O'Lynn. 5'c; Spirit Rappings Unveihd, cloth, 75 c; A Facgott of French Nicks, cloth, 91.25; Mysteries and' Miseries ol New York, 25 c; Appleton's Me chanic's Mscnzine lor December, 25 c; 2nd vol. Appleton s Magazine, cloth, S t,50 ; Yankee Notions for December 12 c ; Putnam, Graham and Uodey yl654' 25e. each, A FRESH SUPPLY rV Drawing and Sketch Book just received and V and lor sale at tne ivea Book Store. Dec. 29 J.T. MUNDS. G0LDSB0R0' MILLS. THE Subbcribers are agents for the above mills, and are daily receiving Meal, Hominy, Horse Feed, Pea, Meal, Peas, Corn 4-c, freshly ground from new corn, and superior to any in marltei . sold cheap for cash. ...r . r-n W. M. SHERWOOD & CO. Dec 22 Li? NEW CROP. itntiiXTS Citron nnd Raisins, for sale a I the I "?r,V' ivil VINSON A F.SLI R. 104. Nov. 15th . JULIEN HATS. i,it mnCt rni-v Hat: a very neat -m T I - - . .. I. h.ii .lvi nnd'satin-trimmed, for sale ot the Hnt and'Cap Store, Granite Row. .IVpiis i 'i w. . - - ..,n nnnrrD DAflU6 BIBLES ANU rnaifin vv.a, )RESE STS for the HIW. itl salebv J" l" ' ,i9' Die. 22 GIFT BOOKS. . ,..,rwn ,..i received and for sale si'Lr.nii"'"""" j ,j. MUNDS. bv 119 Dec. 22 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. I r a .4 nii t ijiatu""-' -. lU"4.cd and Brown Cotton Sheetings, al Td and Brown Table Damasks and Dit.oi n Clolhs, all s"xcs and qualities ; Linen and C otton Diapers; o"j.nS-i,.. S.n.cnrt Dimitva dtc. ot sale by i.i r : 1 1 . I " o ak i . npns a iiu a- Bed Ticks Dimityaotc. tot sale by Nov. Ii JAMES DAWSON. FOR SALE. the House and Lot on Secoadstreet, between Nunn and Church streets Apply , v . oc u . u u r iv r.. ' O . r . a i a-ii. RICE! RICE!! 2Q CASKS fresh .iuiRf!ovv. OeC i No. 3 Granite Row, KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE. THAT the North Carolina Family Floor is as acuiA the Hiram Smith as a thousand can testify who have used it, and eel Is for two dollars ess on the bairel, besides. 20 bbls. No. 1 eating Potatoes. 10 oois. ipsi recciveq aoa tor sate by Dec. 15 W. M. SHERWOOD CO PRINTED FRENCH MUSLIN De Laneei Plain Mode and High Celoared DUtoi French aad Eaelish Meri noes, every shade i Plaid Mexinoes and Raw Silk do. M asliat Ua ktaizes, rerNwsy Nof.. JAMES DAWSON. xflE Puraim - - A PLEASANTcooipanioa for spar boa ra. This t. we think, is the most charming book for child ren ver pablisbed. It is ill net rated with w two hundred original designa, aaui contains th stories of Little Freddy and his Fiddle, The Wood sawyer's Son, Little Lizze and the Fairies, The Seven Bays snd the Monster, Tony the Sleepless, The Ozre's Three Visit a. The Dos' Christinas Visit. The Fiah ermaa and the Flounder, Ac. tc; received and for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. -A Vleefc8-'-" 118 2; CIDER AND APPLES. Of", barrel Marshall's Cider and 15 barrels Ap J pies in fine order, just received per sehr. H. Hallock. Forsaleby J. II. FLANNER. Dec. 20 118 FIRE CRACKERS CURRANTS, Citron, Raisins, Shifted Almonds, Lime Juice, Rose and Peach Water; all kinds of Extracts and fresh Nuts are received this day by L. N. BARLOW, Dec 17 No. 3 Granite Row. GROCERIES. GROCERIES No. 3 Granite Row, Front st. is always supplied with a largcand we! I selected stock of Fresh Family Groceries, at wholesale and retail. L. N. BARLOW. Dec. U7 WHISKEY. A f BBLS now landing. RANKIN 4 MARTIN. 117 lec. 17 NEW AND FRESn. JUST reccivt d and now landing from sehr. Chas Mills, from New York. 10 bbls. white and liht brown Sugars; 3 " Fulton Market Beef (extra ;) 10 boxes Poland Starch; 30 whole, half and qr. boxes Raisins, (new crop;) 5 boxes Pepper 6a i ce ; 25 boxes Prunes (Glass Tops j) 250Cocoanut ; 2 casks London Porter (pis.;) 3 bbls Sugar House Syrup; 2 ' No 1 Mackerel; All of which are warranted to be of the best qual ity. For sale low bv L.N. BARLOW, No. 3 Granite Row. Dec 1 110 m)C FIRKINS best Goshen Butter; 100 Nxe Cheese Dremium Cheese. For sale bv Nov. 26. W. M. SHERWOOD & CO. RICE. OA CASKS New Crop just from mill. RANKIN fc MARTIN. Dec. 17 IIS VALUABLE TURPENTINE ASD FARM1SG LANDS FOR SALE. 1 OFFER for sale my lands in Bladen county, ly. 1 ing on the North West Branchof Cape Fear Ri ver, 33 miles from Wilmington. From this point said river is at all times navigable. There are two valuable farms adjoining ca h other. I will sell either jointly or separate!) . The two farms contain 4,203 acres; a portion of this land ia very superior low ground on the river. The Turpentine lands are very fine; 20 Taiki of Turpentine llorit can be cut on said lands,. There arc two very comfortable Dwelling Houses on these farms, situated in a heal thy location, with good water. Persons desirous of seeing the lands will find a gentleman on the premises ready to show them their location; or they can apply to the subscriber in Wilmington. A liberal c:idit will be given to the purchaser. THOS.C. MILLER Dec. 15 ll6-3w MOLASSES. 1 OflHHDS. prime sweet Cuba Molasfcs in A 'J i stron? packages, just landed from Bri:; S. P. Brown. For sals by Dc. 8. J. HATHAWAY & SON. MISS LESLIE'S WORKS - THE Behavior Book; a Manual for Ladies; Pen cil Sketches; Complete Cookery; Mote Re ceipts, received anu tor sale at Dee. 20 S. W. WHITAKER'S. N. C. BACON. lbs. Hog Round, for sale by ANDERSON & SAY S,0H0 D.ec 1 AGE. 110 FINE WALKING CANES. EBONY, Rusewood. Malacca. Gutta Percha nnd Whalebone Canes, with Gold and Silver. Ivory nnd Pearl heads a full and handsome assortment. Call and examine them it the Hat Store Granite Row. C.MYERS. SACK SALT. 0 Wl SACKS ground Salt, now on the war ( Ajvfrom Liverpool, and daily expected to arrive, for sale by Dec. 15. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. BY EXPRESS. ODD Fellows' Offering, for 1854, one of the most beautiful annuals everpublished : a worthy Gift Book for the Brethren of the Order. This volume rnninim literarv articles of great merit, and has i-ix most elegant colored engravings, illustrating anhnrHinme and three encamtment Degrees two and the Degrees of Rebekah; also four steel engravings. The Brethren of the Order may feel proud to pre sent such a book to their wives uni families. For sale by J.T. MUNDS. Dec. 20 J13.. . BACON. CinilR superior lots of North Carolina Bacon. O just received and for sale low, by Dec. 20 J.H FLANNER. MOURNING COLLARS AND Undersleeves; Linen Habits and Sleeves; French Worked Collars; Quilted Cairnr-; i.--..k ii.,n,K., n.. ami nne to sunernnc duih S-lk Warn Aloacas. Received to-dav and for sale by Nov. 29. JAMES DAWSON. 109. PURE GOLDEN FLAX, UISH Linen and Richardson's celebrated 1 Heavy Family Linens, Bitas r.ye via per, Napkins and Doylas, Scotch and Bursts viapers, rown Hollands ana staie coiorcu r :.. Received to-dy, and for sale by v4.cr.v Nov. 2y. jA.ur.o u""i" CRACKERS. JUST received per sehr. L. P. Smith, s tresti lot of Butter, Cream. Soda, Sugar, and Fancy Crack ers, and whole and half bbls. and bags double extra flour; atso ou oags '"" "V, sale by D.itibu Dec. 17 FOR SALE. THE House and Lot occupied by the sub scriber on Fourl. betwern Aun and Ann lilisLstreets possession given lsl October. Ap ply at the Ice lloure, SILAS H. MARTIN. 44. June 25, 18 33. BUCK Wn EAT. BAG8 Extra Quality, Frei-h Ground, from tJJ tew Wheat, received this day by L. N. BAH LOW, No. 3 Granite Row. Not. 26 108 GOSHEN BUTTER. Qpv FIRKINS just received, and for sale lew, Cf bv FREEMAN HOUSTON. Dec. 15. 116 COR1W SHELLERS AND STRAW CUTTERS. A LOT of each, just received, among them is a new style and much approved Straw Cutter. For sale by ZENO H. GREENE. Dec. 17. N- C. T. copy. 117. TALMAS ANDliADIlLMiiaST BLACK aad coloured, of ihe very latest French Pattern t Ladies black and coloured Cloths for Cloaks, and Trimmings for the same. Received and tor sale by JAMES DAWSON. wov. X3. 109. FOR SALE 1 EC SUPERIOR N. C. Hams. RANKIN di MARTIN. 117 Dee. 17 SPIRIT RAPPINGS UNVEILED. AN expose of the Origin, History, Theology and Philosophy of certain alleged communications from the Spirit World, by nasaae of Spirit Rapping , Medium Writing. Physical Demonstration, Ac. with UloaUatiOBS ; price 75c; received sod for sale by Dec. 2 S. W. WHITAKER. MAHOGANY AND ROSEWOOD WRITING DESKS. AT t3, 4.00, 4.50, 5JMJ, 6JJ0 6,50 and 7 50. ; also sat assort meat ot Wood aad Cloth Desks t l,50 aad ; for sale at S. TV. WHITAKER!. - " ' 120. HERE IS YOUR REMEDY ! ifolIowav'sOiataaeat most mi rati Ions cmr email (jcx. after 43 years jafTerlag. Extractor aietterfrom Mr.Wni. Galpin.of 70 St.Mary'satreet,.V;ymouth,daledMay 15th 1S51 To Professor Hollowat: Sir Auheageof 19, my wife (who Isnow 61) caughla violent cu4d, which settled in herlegs.and erer since that time they nave been more or tesssorr and r really infLmied. Heragonies were distracting and for months togcthershewasdeprived entirely e rest and sleep. Every remedy that mediealmen ad vised, wa tried . but without effect, her health sul fered severely, and the state of her legs wasterrlble I had often read your sdvertiscinems, and advised her to try your Pills and Ointment; and as a last resource, after eve i y other remedy had proved use less, she consented to do so. She commenced six weeks ago. ind strange to relate. is now in good health. Her legs aie painless, without eeamor tcary and her sleep sound and disturbed. Cotikl voo have witnessed the sufferings of my mifaforthe last forth three years, and contrast l hem with harprceenl enjoyment ol health, you would indeedfeel delight ed in having been the meansofso ; really aJeviatitg the sufferings of a fellow creature. (Siuned) WILLIAM GALP1N. A Person TO years or are cared of a Bad Leg of 31) years standing. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abbs, Buildero GaeOvensof Itu ihclitTc ,ncar Huddcr field, dated May 3Isf, 1351. To Professor Hollowav: Sir I suffered fora period of thiity year si roll) a bad leg, the result of two or three different accidents at iheGas Works, accompanied by scorbutic symp toms. 1 had recourse to a variety of nicdicaladvice without deriving nny bine fit and was even told t ha t ihe leg must be amputated, yet, in opposition tothat opinion, your Pills nd Ointment have effected a complete cure in so short a time, that few who had not wiinesed il would credit the fact, (Signed) WILLIAM A BBS. The truth of this statement Can be verified b v 1 W. P. Englar.d, Chei.iist, 13 Market street. Hud- dersneld. A Dbeadful Bad Breast CuitoisOxt Mostii. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turnr aI Pen hurst, Kent , da led December I3ih . 1S50. To Professor Hollowav: DearSir My wife had sufTercdfrom bad breast more thin six months, and during the wholeperiod had thebest medical attendance, but allto no use. Having before healed an awful wound in my own legs by your uni ivalled medicine. I determined aain to use your Pills and Ointment, and therefore gave them a trial in her case ; and fortunate it was I did so. for in less than a month a perfect cure was effec ted, and benefit lhal various other branches of my fa mil v h ive derived from their use, U reallv aston ishing. Inowstronglj recommend tbem toall mv freinds. 7 (Si-ned) FREDERICK TUnXKR The Pillsshoiild be used conjointly withtheOint ment In the most of the following eases : BajLegs, Chilblains, Gout B-idBreasls, C happed Hand , Gladulli rS wsll Burns, Corns fiofi) in. Bunions, Cancers, Lunibairo UIIC ' I lHUOi(l,l VUIHI IILK U (I IIU toesindeai.d S tifl Joints, flies, Coco Bay. Piles, Rheumatism :i. nli.,niia-i. Scalds, Chiego-foof , Flslu.'as l-'l.i.,. ' Sore nipples, sore throats, kin disease s Scurvy, Sore Heads, Tumors Ulcers, Wounds, Yaws. ' Sold by the Proprietor. 244 Strand (nenrTemple B;ir) London, and by ull respectable vrnderi-of Pat ent Medicines, throughout ihe British Empire, and by t nose of the United Slates in pot sand Boxes, a 37J cents. 87 cenls and il F0 cents eneh, Wholesale by the principal Dru? housesin the Union, and by Mcsts. A. B. f- D. S i nils. New York. nnd S. B. Jt J. A. EVANS, Wilmington. N.C. Thercis ery considerable savingin takinglhe larger sizes N. B D r'iciionMoriliejrnidancrof.iatieBira affixed toinc i po lor box. FEMALE C0LLEGIITE INSTITUTE MUHFRi:i:sBono n. c. Rev. M R. FORY, A. M , FstscirAL, Nut lira , S itnccs and Moral Philosophy. M it 6 E. de LANCEY FO IV, Assistant Princi pal. Freiic'i, Itilian. and Idles Lctlrci. Rev. it. II. LAND, A.M., Lnlia Language and IMtrKitare. Htv. J. R. GARLICK, A. M , JJisfety. l. S. HE N SON, A. B., .WaAeo2ie and Natural Sciences. Mb. M. C. B VBCOCK, Orgrant'st and Pianist. Miss A. PERKINS, Higher English. VI iss SUSAN J. BAKER, Music, Piano f- Vocal. Miss M. E. ELDREDGE, Music, Piano, locu, aiirf Guitar. Miss CAROLINE ROBINSON. Music. Piano and Vocal. MissC D. SMITH. Primary Department. i Miss IULIA RUGER.OiX aJcr, Monochromatic Painting. Dratcinr,and Ornamentul Branches. Rev. J. R. GARLICK. A. M ., and LADY, ol Va., Conductors of the Do nestle Department. M as. H I LL, of Va., Matron and .ure. The Institution is located in one ol the most healthful sections of Eastern Carolina. The Institute has a Library, a Reading Room, and a Cabinet of Miner ds. The Chemical, Astro nomical and Philosophical Apparatus is not sur passed by that of any rimilar Institution in ihe South. The Literary Society of ihelnstituteaus tains a Monthly Periodical, which is read at the rueular meetings of the Society. Extensive cour ses of lectures are delivered, accompanied wiih ex perimental illustrations. The Musis Department is furnished with ten new and very superior In stiinicnts, and is conducted by a gentleman Tea cher, aided by four lady Colleagues. Musical Soi rees arc held monthly. There is also a large and valuable Organ for daily religious services. The Bible is regularly studied, and throughout the whole course, reard is had to the moral culture of the Student. The young ladies do not visit the stores nor Post Office, but make all purchases through the agency of friends. All letters receiv ed lias's through the hands ot the Principal, and where there Is suspicion of a clandestine corres pondence, the letters arc sent unopened to the Pa rent or Guardian. The Student do not go abroad without a proper attendant. 'I hey are not allow ed to visit, nor to receive calls, nor to attend any exhibition without permission from the Principal. They attend divine service on the Sabbath at such place as the Parent or Gtnrdian may direct. To prevent rivalry in dress, a simple uniform is pre scribed. There are two seasons commencing on the 2d Wednesdays o' October nnd March. The vacation is from the last Thursday in July to the 2d Wednesday in Octcber. Students can enter at any time and arc charged accordingly. No deduc tion for tuilion will be made after entering, except in c',ses of pro'rscted illness, when one half the bill will be deducted. Parents and G uaidians are earnestly requested not to bring nor remove young ladies on the SabSath. To those living near the railroads, Morfrc-sboro' is most accessible by the way of Baykin's Depot, on the S:a oard and Roanoke Road, 12 miles from the Institute, where a regular conveyance will al ways be found. Kates of Board and Taitiou for a Session of Five Mouths, Payable one half ia Advance. Elementary Arithmetic, Grammar. Gcogra- Dhr. Writins. 4c. 10 00 Higher English, 15 00 Frer-ch, Latin: Greek, and Italian, each, 7 00 Drawing and Embroider? . each, 0 00 Painting, in Water Colois, 9 00 Paintin? in Oil Colors, 12 00 Music, Piano, Guiur.and SeraphSne, each, 2 CO Music, Organ, 25 00 Use of Piano, and Seraphine, each, 3 00 Use of Guitar, 2 00 Use of Organ, 1 00 Scientific Lectures, 1 50 School Room Expenses, and Vocal Magic, 2 00 Board in the Institute, not including the pri vileges of the Bath Room, per moi.ib, 8 00 Washing, per month, 1 00 r Application for Admiss on can be made to ihe Principal, by Letter, or, onthe premises of the Institute. Oct 13. 9.0 3mow OVERSEER WANTED FOR a Rice Plantation. Apply to T. D. MEARES. Dec. 19 Journal copy li4-9t NICE PRESENTS FOR THE LADfES. AN additional assortment of band wme Reticules just received, at ericas varying from 2 lo7, st Dec. 24 S. W. WHITAKER'S. SUPERFINE LONDON BROWN CLOTHS i West of Eagland Blede. Rioliey' celebrated Fresch Plack Clothe ; Piano and Table Covers j Bed Blankets; celoared sad whit Negro Btaaketa aad very heavy Negro Kerseys, mrrtaws ani wssi. oricy Nov. JAMES DAWSON, GLEASONS PICTORIAL. T7B have few setts of Gleaaos FVtorttaL hand. VV eoiBeiy boaed. This would aaak a beautiful presem for ta ttoitgays- , DK. Z S W. WHITAKER'S, m i iiM-rs.''it t ur.M "i ii -mi lramcw tmr TUECEK1T riRlFIER OF THE BLOOD. M a Parlidf of Ktrtirj fa it . - An infallible remedy for Scrofula, King's EtJ?, Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pim ples or Pustules on the face, Blotches, boils, Chron ic Sore Eves, Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Head, Enlargement and Pa in of the Boncsand Joints. ftttib born Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spi nal Complaints, and ail diseases arising from an in -judicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, of J to purity of the Blood. This valuable Medicine which ha become celebra ted lor the number of extraordinary enres effected through itssgensy. has induced the proprietors, a t the urgent request of their friends, too tier it to the fiublic, which they do aiih the utmost totfidence aits virtues and wondetful curatire propel iis Thefollowing certifies tes.ielectrdfroni alarce num ber, are. however, stronger testimony then the mere word of the propriefors ana are an irom gcnnem. n well known in their localities, and of the highest respectability, ninny of then now residing in the' citv of Richmond, Virginia. . 4 1, . K. BovDE.v,Esq,.ol tho Exchange Hotel, Rich mond, known everv where, says he has set n H e Medicine called Carter's Spanish Mixture adminis tered in overa hundred cai-es,it. neaily nllthedisea ses for whii-h it is ncotnniended, with themost as tonishingly good rcsulfs. Ht ssysit is the mosici traordinary medicine lie has ever seen. A"ue andFevcr Great Cure.--I hereby certify, i that tor three years I hnd Ague and I everof ibe ruoal . violent descriptiou. I had several Phyalcians.took large quantities of Quinine. Mercury, and I btllive all ihe I onics advertisrd, but all without any per ! manent relief. Al last I tried Carter'sSpanishMix i ture : two bottles of which effectually cured me, and Market street. Hud- I 1 am havpy to sav I have had neither Chills or ee vcrs since. 1 consider il the be Tonicin the world. I and theonlv medicine that ever reached inycase.. ; JOHN LONGDKW, ! Beaver Dam. n. ar Richmond, Vi- ' C. B. Luc k, E.-o., now In the city of-Richmond, and for many years in the Post Office, lias sut n con fidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Span ish Mixture that he has boughtupwaideoIBO botllee-.. which he has given a way to tin afflicted. Mr. Lueh says he has never known il to fail when taken ae cording to directions, Dr. Mimce a practising Physician, and fotmeTtjr of the City Hotel, tn the t-ity of Richmond, snjrs he has witnessed in a number ol instances I he effects of Carter's Xpani.-li Mixture hlih viere most truly surprising. He says ina case of Consumption, de pendent on the Liver, ihe good effects were woeder ful indet d. Samuel M. Drinker, of the firm of Drinker f Mcrris, Richmond, was cured of Liv.r complaint ol 8 years standing, by the u -e of two bottles of Car- , etr's Spanish Mixture. Great cure of Scrofula--The Kditors of the R Ich' tuond Republican had a servant employed in theit press room, cured of violent Scrofula, ccmbinode with Rheumatism, v hich en ii rely disabled him frena work. Two bottles of Carter's SpanUh Mixture made a perfect cure of him, and the Editore.in a no ! iicc,say they "cheerfully recommend ii to all who. : arc afflicted with any disease ot the blood " j Still another cure of Scrofula I hd a very vaP liable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish .Mixture. I consider it a truly valuable Medicine. JAMES M. TAYLOR. Conductor on the R. F. &. P. R. R. Co., Richmond' Va. SALT M1EUM Of 20 YEARS STAND J NO CURED. Mr. Johs Thompsow, residing in the cfty of Riel- mond, was cured by three bottles of Carter's Span-" ish Mixture, of Salt Rlietirn. which he hnd nearly 2U years, nnd which aH trie physicians of trie ctty could no cure. Mr. Thompson is a-well Irnown" merchant in the eiJy of Richmond, V-o., aad his- cure is most remarkable. Richard E. West, of Richmond, was corrd of Scrofula, and what Physicians called coifiinietf Consumption, by three bottles cf Curter's Spanish. Mixture. Edwis BesTON, Commissioner of rht lTeverrneV says he has seen the jjood efieefs 4 CtH'lei'k .Span ish Mixture i'ti a number of Syphilitic rasas, aad says it i a perfect curefor that horrible disease. Wm.G. Hab--ood, of Richmond, Va.. cured of Old Sores and fleers, which disabled bim from walking. Tuoka few bottles of Carter's Spanish,.. Mixtutj, and was ena oled to walk without a crufcliH in a short time permanently cured. Principal Depot u M. WARD, CLOS-EA CO., No. 83 Maiden LaneNew York. T. W. DYOTT & SONS, No. T32, North 2d Street. Philndelpnia. BENNETT if- BEERS, No. 25 Maiden Street4 Richmond, Va, And for sale by WM. H LIPP1TT, Wilmiri Jiorf and by Druggists generally. Mavl2. 25 lye. THROW PHYSIC TO DOGS! PUL VERM A CHERS Hydro Elcctic Volcanic Chains. Producing instant relit f from the most acute pain, and permanently curing all Neuralgic Diseases, RH EUM AT1SM, painful and ncelled joints, neu ralgia, of tie face, deafness, blindness. St. ft"-v ustdance, pit pitalions of the heart, periodical head ache, pains in Hie stomac'i, indigestion, dyfjiejsiu,. utcrir,; pa'ns. Thee chains were first introduced in the cily of New York less than one year since, and after be ing subjected to the most thorough trial in every hospital in the city by Drs. Valentine Molt, Foe Carnochan, and Van Buren, it was disco venrd thai they possess strange and wonderful power in the relief and cure ol the above class of diseases, snd they at once recommended, through the gapers of. the city, their general use, and their sale and the success that his attended their use, ismtpsr allsJ trti Previous to their introduction into thia cosntry, they were used In every hospital in Europe, and ar- secured by patents in France, Germany, A nslrla, Prussia, and England; and also in the United States. "Thiuk close and ponder well' The principles upon which il Is claimed ib'af ihe Chains produce their marvelous cures are. flp-l that all xebvous diseases are attended and pro duced by a deficient supply of nervous fluid snd an agent that resembles cloesly clectricitv or elec tro magnetism ; and second that the electro mag- nciiccii iius. oy oeing worn overana upon the pail anil lir ran Jiisa.Pfl. turn I.h la lh. ki,.tl ous system, by its powerful stimulating effects, the tnrvnus fluid which is required to produce a htal hey action through the entire system. Ndigssu ing nostrum is allowed to betaken while usinr the chains, but a rigid observance of the general Uws of health are required. Brisk friction upon the part diseased add-" aioch to ihe effect of lbv chains, by increasing their magnetic power. lOtM) DOLLARS will be given to any person who will produce so many well authenticated certificates of cares, bo. hi frm intelligent patients and scientific physicians,, as have been affected by Pulvermsehe's Electro Chains. They never fail to perform what I hey are advertlredto do, and no person has erer beendis- satisnca wno nas given inrm a trial. . , . In female Diseases. more than one hundred permanent cares of pro lapsus uteri have been effected within the last rear i .i. r . u . ; i, ' oy i ne use ui mere cnains ay applying ne end of the chaia over the region of the abdomen and' t e other upon the spine, just above the hips, the usual severe symptoms Incident to that disease are at once removed. , Mode of Vac The chain should be moistened before are wHh common vinegar, and then one ead of Ihe chaiar should be applied directly to the seat ef the paia or disease, end the other end opposite to It. Call upon Dr. Evans, and obtain a pamphlet (gratlf .T H will also explain their mode of as to all w no may deaire it. Physicians ar res peclf ally Invited to call and Investigate theirmerlte. Card to TLadlee. Ladles who are tneiasjm ar reqaested net t wear them bai a few moments at each Urns nf analvta for by long use miscarriage ia frequently produced. v. iimey, ajEeai tor ureeaaeid t lliuyer Wood. Norhampton J Steraart a-amral usaf. 56a Broad woy, N.Y. . P Kor sale la Wiiminf toa, by S. B. dt Jj. A Evaasv Nov. 10th - iy.c FINE BOOKS. rURasor ment of GHl Books of all kinds can- not be sernassedV. Dee. 24 SsW.WHlTASTER'S. BIBLES. AFRESH supply of Bible aad Prayer Books at the New Book 8ir. GEKTLESIEN-S DRESSING CASES

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