l"1 11 -a V N" i i - -il i :n " ' i r WILMINGTON, K. C: THURSDAY JANUARY 19. 1854. ONE SHORT YEAR. In one short yew, 0 who cn tell What changes time will bring 1 The mo will shine a brightly then, The birds xs sweetly sing ; The flowers unfold their petals fair, And all without bo gay, But those we lore so dearly now, May then hare passed away. The young may now dream goldea drem The future has In store ; But e'er one year hath passed 1 away. Ti.ir hlinsful dreams are oer, tZ wron2S To steel the youthful heart, And mae the spirit bow beneath Their earth-depressing; arx. The changes vast of one short year, Bo strangely they do That we can scarcely deem tbciu. aught But one short mournful dream. In one short year all that we lore, May then hare passed away : And we have gone the way of eartn, To realms of brighter day. as izimiTtmtmmm A letter from Washington, in the Peters- Tons which hung over the f1 ccremonj of her recent arnaS Lieutenant in the Nuval service. She state, that some months since she was conducted o a house in this city, and there marnedja her supposed husband, b7 a person o hi V an Episcopal clergyman that Tings lire exchanged, and for a short ihey lived together, when he was suddenly call ed off to" the Pac.fic Doubts hav. been raised as to the legality of the marriage, and she entertains a dark suspicion that there has been an imposition practiced upon her Immediately on hearing the lady's narrative, Secretary Dobbin, with that en ergy and uprightness of character for which heis justly distinguished, peremptorily or dered the lieutenant to report, in person, to him, at as early a period as possible, dej. daring, with emphasis, that if it did turn out to be true that he had practiced a fraud upon the poor gill, his name should be stricken at once from the roll of the Navy. CAPT. INGRAHAM AT ALEXANDRIA A letter from an officer of the U. S. sloop of war St. Louis, dated Aloxandria, Egypt, Dec. 1st, says : Our reception, here was of the most gratifying character, owing chiefly to the feelings 'of respect and admiration which the gallant act of Captain Ingraham at Smyrna, and its decided endorsement and vindication by our government, have inspi red throughout the East. Two public de monstrations of respect to that commander, to our country, and to it flag, have alrea dy taken place here since our arrival The first was in the form of a serenade on the first evening; the second at the theatre, to which we were iuvited, for the express pur pose, as we afterwards understood. On the first occasion, Mr. Jones, latflf consul, briefly returned thanks to the crowd for the compliment. On the second, the respect paid to. Capt. Ingraham and to the flag (one of which had been prepared, and wa. ved from the box of a party of gentlemen.) was acknowedged by Captain Ingraham and Mr. DeLeon, the new consul general, who was conveyed to his post by the St. Louis, simply rising up and bowing to the audience. Upon the whole, these demon strations were so significant and so respec table in their character, as to induce the mention of them." From the Neic Haven Palladium. OUTRAGE. A e learn that a gros outrage was com mitted in State street last evening by eight or ten ruffianly fellews, to the great terror of a pcor widow woman and her children temporarily living there. We give the sto ry as it was told to us, without vouching for its truth in every particular though vre have no doubt that it is substantially true. It appears that an Irish woman nd three or four cnilJren were living In a cellar in East street, and suffering from the cold and want of food. Her husband was dead and the little money left by him was kept from her by some person assuming to act as the representative of the husband's interests. A suit was brought, and the money, a mere trifle, obtained. The reason given by the woman for her bad treatment and ne-lrct was, that she had declined going to the confessional for a year or more. Her bro ther, not long ago, left the Romish Church and that fact may have lessened her zeal in the faith. Through some connections, the suffering condition of this woman came under the notice of Mr. Gilbert, proprietor of Gilbert's Hotel, and he took her and her children to a chamber in State street, oppo site the market of Messrs. Todd & Carlisle w1?hCf,?il , fami1?' and warined hem uri luel of his own Aim UKi- ,ho S KK S, n? f lhe Children entered the Sabbath School at the North Church and the mother, we believe, attended ser' v.ce during the day. La evening nearly a dozen full grown men. if they desert the name of men, entered the chamber of this poor woman, and threatened her life unless she returned to her church and the other influences from which she had esca ped, and through fear of her life asisTtl ted, she yielded. How much credit ito be given to her statements under such cir cumstance.,the public must judge 3,1 Mr. Gilbert and others were it fhe rooi immediately after these brave men ha! left, and found the woman and chUdren ap pareotly in the wildest fright. The police were soon at hand, and hU ?" Pu.Ce seeking for the ruffians, and we trust that rFZJ , u "uccessiui in tindmg them. uy, wu. uave to oe taught that such pro ceedings will not be tolerated here for an instant. The affair ha. a very bad look as it now stands. What can be said from the ra vt8,lfevireJieVeU0f iU US,V is. yet to be seen. A FEMALE SENTENCED TO JAIL. rfrTbM?rt.Doi,S1 convicted at Norfolk of violating a, utute of ViririnUu bj keeping school for colored chiUren! has been sentenced to one mornhVimori. onnwnt in jail: Judge Baker, in pJW sentence, stated that he did not perceive a single jnitigating circumstance in her caw but. owing to the fact that the offender wJ a female, he would not enforce the ricid Denaltyof the law. She wai accordingly committed to the charge of the jailor, who took herio prwonui - . . . ' " i mifAftf unii. rMXEGE. located lllB-SKa"- imiEc .ad suum Jilwnicrff IN will most wlili prompt attention. WHISKEY. V ,JJ CiCZf BBLS.isst received, foreale by SOU - FREEMAN A HOUSTON. Dee. 22 119 fO-PARTNERSDIP NOTICE. THE Subaeribera have ihia dajr formed Co ' PartnerahiD aider the name and tyl of AMR8 P. GILLESPIE A CO., for the purpose f carrying on a GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. j an co t. iiiL.ue.orir., GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. Wilmington, Nov. 6. 1863- ,100-tf. CRYSTAL PALACE CLOTHING, AND MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. KAHNWEILER 4 BRO. beg leave to announce in their numerous friends and citizens in the vicinity, that they will open, cn or about the 20th Inst., a branch Kstabiionment, on mnrnci umi, imitniiia MiMin e Hail, wnerc wi oe iuu du cu n- sianily on hand, an elegant and rich assortment of Gealtftncn's Uoods lor iireoring .n (juh.i, -un.i-i- Ol the most recent importations from Pans and London, which will be mado up in the best and most tasteful manner to order. K b Bro. have secured the services of a Practi cal Cutter, having been engaged in his profession for fourteen years in Pans, snd being awsre of the great need of such sn establishment in tbis city, they feel junt pride in being able to offer to Gentle men, GARMENTS of rvery description, equal in taste and fit to any establishment of the kind, Norih. ALSO, will be keDt constantly on hand, a rplendid supply of superior mada CLOTHING, cut arid trimmed In the latest fans sir ie, an oi wnicn win oe soia at the lowest possible price and ONE PRICE ONLY. Oct 11. . 89. JUST RECEIVED. A SUPPLY of Cox's Geletinet babbitt's Yeast JA. Powders; Preston's Eztractsof Lemon, Vanil la.&c. for sale low, by S.B. J. A.EVANS. Dec. 18. 118. TOOL CHESTS, T7URNISHED complete for gentler URNISHED complete for gentlemen and boy X just received at the Hardware Store store. June 18. J. M. ROBINSOT. DENTISTRY. Da.T. B. CARR has returned from the Nrth with a largely increased stock of Teeth. Instruments. Ac Having consulted msny eminent Dentists, he has perfect confidence irr the superiority of Allen's Pa tent mode of inserting teth with artificial gums Full sets inserted immediately after the extraction of the teeth, and remodelled after the gums have healed without additional charge. They can be worn without pain, and removed from the mouth by the wearer, and are cleaner and stronger than teeth inserted in any other way. and are vcarrantcd to give perfect satisfaction. All other operations per formed in the most approved manner. Reference to individuals in this place now wearing teeth with th patent improvement. Oct 4-w-tr tf 86 W. M. SHERWOOD & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mer chants Wilmington, N. C. All consignments of Naval Stores, together with Cotton, Bacon, Laid, Corn, Meal, Klour, Ac, sbsl secure the highest marker price. Dec. 13 H5tf 27 DOZ. ASSORTED BROOMS, FOR sale by C. DrPRE CO. Oct. 22 On FIRKINS best Goshen Butter; 100 boxes 6U Cheese premium Cheese. For sale by Nov. 26. W. M. SHERWOOD CO. LOUNGES. XirHY not buy a Lounge of VV WILKINSON & ESLER. Upholsterer. Jan. 7 MOLASSES. orime sweet Ct 1 Df H H D S . prime sweet Cuba Molasses in x tJj strong package; P.Brown. For sale bv ig packages, just landed from Brig S. Dec. 8. J. HATHAWAY A SON. JUST TO HAND. 1 Oil BOXES Raisins; 50 boxes Cheese ; 25 1 UU small E. Cheese, 10 boxes eah extra; I bbl. Cranberries; 1 do. Shell Bark's; "500 Coaco Nutts; lOOOIbs. Siewarisbfst Candies: Applet, Beets, Tarnips, Onions and Irish Potatoes, New Buckwheat in bbls., boxes and bags. Hiram Smith Floor in bbl., half do. and bags ; 100 boxes New Scotch Herring ; 500 lbs. 'Codfish, and for sale low for iherash, at the original Family Grocery, Front Street. GEO. MYERS. Dec. I. 110. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, FROST STREET. ACCOUNTS made at this Establishment prior to the 1st Inst., are now due, and settlement is earnestly dctirta ythe snbscriber. Jan. 7 J.D.LOVE. CIDER AND APPLES. Q"V barrel Marshall's Cider and 15 barrels A p CKJ pies in fine order, just received per sehr. H. Ha Hoc it. -0raieby j.B.rLAnnwt, Dec. 20 118 POCKET DIARIES, T?OR 1854. Various sizes for sale by X J.T. Jan. 5 MUNDS. 124 DRAWING AND PAINTING MATERIALS. DRAWING Paper, all sizes, also by the gord ; Tracing Paper, Mouth Glue, Bristle Board. Monochromatic Boon, Faber's Polygrades; Pen cils, I, 2.3 and 4; Stumps, Crayons, Crayon Ho d ers, Dividers, Protractors, Scales, Parallel Rul. s. Pencil Powder, M. H- ano is. a., camera Hair pen cils. Pencil Rubber, Drawing Cards. Drawing Hooks, Water Colors Newman's Reeves on. For sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. Jan 5 124 GENERAL ORDER NO. 1. LL persons having claims against steamer r -Spray." S. H. Martin dtCo or A. H. Van Bokkrlen, prior to first January, will please I tart same at Head Quarters, South W harves. A. H-VANBOKKELEN. Jan. 5 124-lm JUST RECEIVED A ''ARGE d complete supply of J'RESH SEEDS, eomprisingevery variety usually call 1 for, raised and putuplythe United Society of ,"V!? N?w Lebanon, N. Y. Ordcrtfrom our country friends promptly filled. t. S. B. J. A. EVANS. - , 134 WHISK RV AT) BBLS now landing. Dec 7 Aan a-HAKTin. 9 117 $30,000 WANTI7TI TS" Fe" eep River' N,viM,.. According to. the nravisinna m .k. . : . . Ur. bum) it .i.. i... -"wnaeo enar the last ana ilim nf .l- . r veTnH0?' thouwnd do.lar'oT1 ie than wWpCjii0"" r Portion of said sum Plttaboroasbw Janaary.1864. Jaa.3 av. c ? t t ( . ,i-ta Chatham r7 . 1 ""urer t m CoMtKN.C, by the 20th HlTNOV 1 ;mEnFi:;i: LoLtii t sqmK CLOTHS j Wart 9t England Blue tfo t BJoBrrf eclabraied French Plack rCIotna ; Piano and Table Cwmi B4 BlanketafcCOJoareo' and whlf NgT Blanksu and very Jiaavjr regr JtcracvsY warranted half wool. . For sale by , ' Nov. 29 ,t . , ff. JAMK&XM:WSOW. , T US' NORTH CAROLINA" MUTUAL LIFE lASURAKCECOJJP'Y, j ' ' 1 RALEiqH. H. . TAR above Company hrabean inoperarloBsiticc the 1st of April, 1 843, under I he direction of the foUowinv Officers, vU s ur.tynaries K.Jonhson.PresMenf, , win. tj. naywooa. vice president, Jamea K. Jordan, Secretary. . Win. H. Jonea, Treasurer Petri n Basbee Attorney, Dr.CharleaE. Johnaon, 1 ,. , Dt. Wm.H.McKeeJ i Medical Board f Dr. R.B. H.nmMt'l Consultation. J. Heramao, General Agent. This Company has received a charter giving ad vantages tethe insured over any other Compaay. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for I he sole us of his Wife and Children, fret from any claim rof the rep resent a ives of the husband or any of hie creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life memoersparticipateln the whoit of the pronts which areiectared annually Besides, the applicant for life, when the annual premium is over $30 may pjv one half in a Note. All claim for insurance againat the Company will oepaid within ninety days after proof of the death of the party, is furnished. Slaves are insured forone or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of properily against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and inieresting feature in the history of North Carolina. which will prove very Important to the Southern Statea. The laat four months operation of this Company shows a verylarge amount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already issued more than 200 Policies. Dr. Wn. VV. Habbisb, Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilminpton, N. C. A II Communications onbusinessof the Company ahould be addressed to J AS. P. JORDAN, Sec'y. Ralelgh,Feb. 12, IS53. 141-if. EMPTY BARRELS. 300 PRIME S Spirits Barrel jast received and for sale b Dee. 17 ADAMS BRO. A CO. JUST RECEIVED FROM New York and Baltimore : 20 baga Laguyra C flee ; 40 baga Rio Coffee, extra : 25 mats old J a va Coffee ; 20 drums Fresh Figs; 40 bbls. snd boxes Crackers fresh ; 4 kegs MaUga Grapes ; 5 boxes Fine Lemons ; 10 hbls. extra No. 1 Mackerel j (0 boxes new crop Raisins ; 5 cases preserved Ginger ; 6 boxes line Citron ; 40 boxes Fresh Buckwheat ; 6 " Rice Flour. The above goods will be sold on the best terms forCash. C DePttE A CO. DecS 113 NOTICE. LAND Warrant, No. 66,749 for 40 acres of land. Issued to Casndre E. Mclver wsv lost In Wil mington about 20th Oct. last. The Wsrrsnl had been assigned in Blank, and was in readiness for sale, but the public sre notified that a caveat has been-filed in the land office to prevent its bring located, and it will be of no use to any one. Ap plication will he made for a renewal of the same. NATHAN BRANSON, Guardian. Dec. 22 119-w LARD! LARD. oh! Lard, oh I Lard, oh! oh, Lard 1 oh. Lard I oh, Lard I Just received, thirty-five kegs very white N. C, for sale by J. R. RESTON. A Co. Dec. 10 114 CIDER. BBLS just received per schr. I.. P. Smith, and for. ale low by ZKNO. H. GREENE. 20 Dec. 22 N.C. T. copy 113 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. WE the undersigned, entered into a Copart nership on the 1st of October. 1853. under the style and firm of TAYLOlt A PETTEWAV, for the transaction of a GENEHAI, GROCERY BUSINESS. Wehaveuken the store formerly occupied by S. P. Gause, next Nerth o Ellis Mitchell's Grain Store, and hope by close attention to busircss, and smaii profits, to secure a liberal share of patronage. A. D. TAYLOR, J AS. T. PETTE ATAV. Wilmington, Oct. 22, 1853 . 94-3m. FINE PLAID UNSAYS, PRINTED Druggets; Heavy Woolen Hose and half Hose; Thick Woolen Shirts for Negroes: very heavy all wool Twilled Blankets, and Crib and Cradle Blankets; Georgia Kerseysand Plains. Just received and for sale at ihe loweat prices, by Nov. 29. JAMES DAWSON. "MAN KNOW TDYSELF." AN invaluable Book for 25ccnls. "Ever) Fami ly should have a copy." K ix thousand copiea sold In le.s thanthrce months. A new edition, revised and unproved, jusl issued. Dr. Hunter's Medical Manuel and hand Book for the Afflicted, containing an outline of the origin, progress, treatment and cure of every form ol dis ease, contracted by promiscuoussexual intercourse, by self-abuse, or by sexual excess, with advice for their prevention, written in a familiar style avoiding all medical technicalities, and everything that would offend the ear of decency, from the result of some twenty years successful practice, exclusively devo ted to the cure of diseases i. f a delicate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the core of the above diseases, snd a treatise on thecauses, symp toms aud'eure of the Fever and Ague, for twenty five cents a copy ; six copies one dollar ; will be for warded to any part of the United States, by mail, free of postage. Address, )0lsge paid, Cosden f Co., Publishers or box 1 96, Post Office, Philadelphia. "This is. without exception, the most comprehen sive and intelligible work published on the class of diseases of which it trents. Avoiding all technical tetms.it addresses itself to the reason of its readers. It Is free from all objectionable matter, and no pa rent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in the hands of his sons. The author has devoted msny years to the treatment of '.he varioua com plaints treated of. and 'with too little breath to puff,' aud 'too little presumption to impose,' he has offered to the world at the merely nominal priee of 25 cents, the fruitsof some twenty years most successful prac tice." He-bald. "No teacher or parent ahould be without the knowledge imparted in this invalusble work. It would save years of pain, mortification and sorrow to the youth under their charge.',--Pon.K'sABVo- A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing of Hunter's jneaicai oianuei, says : - i nousanas oi our youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, nave been led into the habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin andfearfulconseqnen ccs upon themselves and their posterity. The con st 1 1 u tions of t ho usa nd s who s re raising families ha ve been enfeebled, if not broken down, and ihejulo not know the cause or the cure. Any thing that can be done so to enlighten and influence the public mind as to check, and ultimately to remove this wide- apaead source of numan wretcneaness, would ooyter the greatest blessing next co the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and corning generations Intemperance, (the use of Intoxicating drinks.) though St has slain thousands upon thousands, is not a greater scouree to the human race. Accept my thanks in behalf of the afflicted, and betieveme. your co-worker in the good work yon a re so active ly engaged in." One ropy will be forwarded (sr eurelyen veloped and postage paid.) on receipt of 25 cents, or six copies for !. Address. COSDEN A CO.. Publishers,196, Philadelphia. Booksellers Canvassersand Book Agents, sup plied on the most liberal terns. June 2. . 34-1 y-e. A FRESH SUPPLY OF Drawing and Sketch Books juat received and an2for sale at the New Book Store. DeeJ J-T- MPNPS. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. T HA VBrhia rfav aaanciated with me in easiness 1 my Brother. B. G. Worth,.and would solicit or the new omt, a eon Unas nee of the patronage a ere tofors so Ube rally bestowed upon myself. '.T,C."vRTH. The undersigned have this day formed a copart nership onder the style of T. C.A B. O. Worth, ir the transaction of the forwarding ad eomsriis aloB bashaessv "-'-'. - - iWsarn occapying' the 'fireproof brick store and r J In front, owned, and formerly occupied r ?vw-- Bwa. BawlI as his naval atora wharves Isajjasdlstely below Ann street, and are o receivearid forward .sell or atom, VT -"T""' ne&anJise entrusted to or care, if anal i . - . WWCWQ VVIIUB. W WW . . , 4 . 4 nuni njf : I23s TVORVhsni Xted Knives wi Spoona and For tJL u.i.t i j I Cnivea aad Forks, ivorv hand- oai Forks, In-eeta er bybe oos. a plaLed with three elsiss of pnr to last as Ions? na tn "otri. Stiver, warrant! habitaat" without changing color. For sal at the Hardware s:ore af f .r -- . - Nov 3 JJM.BOBINSON. , : C LOTUS i ADD CASSI3IER ES. ITT E sell Black and 'Broad Riaih. mmA 1 VV Cassimsres, made' by n celebrated -ffMeZen, w hie h, ate auperier in point bfserviee and beaut. 4aany other goods sold. We buy this portion of oursioea directly rromtne tmoorter, and cnnseil cheap. All clotbaaold by ua Warranted. Nov. 8. HEDERICK A RYAN. CHEAP GROCERIES. AT 1THOLB9AI.fi AND KETAIL,, Sorlk Water Street, WHaungUm, NerU Carwlina 1T7E, the undersigned, have just returned from VV the Northern Cities. and while there selected a stock of GOOD FAMILY GROCERIES, which we are able to sell very low for cash. We wish our friendsand acquaintances to call and examine ovir stock before purchasing elsewhere, we feel assur ed we can sadply them at a very low rata. Wa are now receiving our stock, and will be ready lor customers on the zatn instant. TAVLOR dt PETTEWAV Wilmington, Oct. 22, 1853. 94-3m UPHOLSTERING. T1TE have now on hand a large assortment of VV Paper Hangings. Fir Screens, tc. ALSO, Are prepared to mike all kinds of Mattrosses, Cushings, Lounges, or doany kind of work in the above line. Our stock of Curtains Damask and Lace Shades, Cornices, 4-c, 4c , is complete, and would advise those wishing such, to rail and examine, before purchasing elsewhere, on WlLKlKSON A ESLER, Oct 6 Up stairs, over .the Fruit Depot. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS AND CONSIGVEES OF PRODUCE. Take notice that on and after November 1st, shipping wharfage wiB be charged on all produce rent to ano shipped from my wharves ; and landing wharfage on all produce discharged thereon. consigned to other psrtie. . Nov 1-98-rf WM.-A.-aWVERL 10 TUBS EXTRA BUTTER, J UST rdceived and for sale by Oct. 22. id DcPRE 4 CO. F. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. THIS ESSENCE is a preparation of unusual excellence In ordinary diarrhoea, incipient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions, so common, it is of ineaiima blc value. During the prevalence of epidemic cho Icra and summer complaints of children, ii is pecu liarly "fficacious ; no family, individual or traveller should be without it, ss it enables the system to re sist the influence of incipient disease, which lurk In a changing climate. Gactiox. Be sure to jet the genuine Essence hlch is prepared only by F. Brown, at his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner ol Fifih snd Chesnut street. Philadelphia, and for sale by si the respectable Apothecaries in the United Ststes Sold in VVilmineton by S. K. A J. A. KVANS andC.ot. D. DuPRE. June 16. 40-ly-c DR. HARRIS, graduate: op cahbiiidgu, CLASS 1824. fT3-FOUNDER OF TIIEZ BALTIMORE LOCK INFIRMARY. No. 31 SOUTH GAY ST. ( Opposite Ike Exckape Building and Post Office. HOSE REQUIRING MED1CALOR SUKGI A (JAL AlU.by applying to Vt. H., may secure SKILLFUL Tttr.A IM K1NT AN U AOVIUK while sll communications will be sacredly shield' ed by the .Gzis of professions! honor Aware of the difficulty wiih the public to dis criminate, in a newspaper advertisement, between the genuine and skillful physician snd he spurious pr.trnsions of the designing and dangerous Quack Dr H. will cheerfully give, when applied to, such private references as will fully mi.lv all who re. quire his services. BEWARE OF NOSTRUMS! Avoid the Patent Elixir, Compounds and Cor dials, advertised to cure all permits under raried forms of disease. As the constitution snd habits ol individuals differ, REASON TEACHES the same remedy cannot be suited to all alike, and that disease can only be safely and effectually eradicat ed by a judicious application of Drover remedies. ATTENTION ISV1TIJD. A practical experience of over 25 years enables Dr. H. to Insure a sound and speedy cure in a cer tain class of diseases, which have too long been yielded by regular Physicians to the hands of quack ery. He may be consulted confidentially, either in person or by letter. Persons at a distance enred at home by address ing a letter to DR. GORDON HARR1SS, Balti more, Md. All communication confidential. Remedies sent by Mail or Express to any partof the United States. July 19. 53-ly 4S-ly-c. I1AIR, SHUCK & MOSS NATTRASSES ON hand and made to order, at WILKINSON d ESLER'S . Oct 27 op stairs. SEGARS! SEGAR! Full srades, qualities, prices, A at the Fruit A ESLER. KJ Depot WILKINSON Oct. S CflEESE. BOXES superior Cheese, for sate by Dec. 15. FREEMAN A HOUSTON. 250 "I am a man, and deem nothing which relates to man foreign to my feelings." READ ! ! ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD A Vigorous Mfe or a Premature lteath. KtNKELIN ON SELF PRESERVATION. ONLY CUNTS. 'fHIS Book, just published, is filled with useful X information, on the infirmities and diseases of the Generative System. It addresses itself alike to YOUTH, MANHOOD and OLD AGE. To all who apprehend or suffer under the dire con sequences of early or prolonged indiscretions to aU who feel the exhaustive effects of sedentary and beneful habits to all who in edition to declining physical energy, are the victims of nervous and mental debility, anduf moping and melanchoy de spondency. Dr.K. would say READ THIS BOOK. The valuable advice and Impressive warning it gives, will prevent yeara of misery and suffering, and save annually Thousands of Lives. Parents by reading it, will learn how to prevent (be destruction of their children. TrA remittance of 25 cents, enclossd in a letter, .ddressed to DR. KINK ELIN.PHILADELPHI A, will ensure a book, under envelope, per return of mail. TrDr. K. fifteen years residentPhysician. N. W. Ccner of THIRD and UNION Street, between SrsucE yndPiss, Philadelphia, may be consulted confidentially He who placeshimself under the csreof Dr. K. may religiously confide in his honor aa a enileman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. JT Persons tit a distance may ad Iress Dr. K. by letter (post-paid,) snd be eured st home. PACKAGES f MEDICINES, DIRECTIONS, 4c forwarded by s ndlng a remittance. and put up secure from DAM AG FOR CURIOSITY. rBooksellera, News Agents. Podlars, Canvass ers.sftd all others supplied with the above woikat very lowrates. Jane t. J4-Iy-c. FLOUR. a g- BBLS. best brands. For sale by 4Joet. I. C. DmPRE A CO. IN STORE. OCA SACKS Salt 50 bbls Mullets; 25 boxes Chewing Tobaeo; lObbla Lorillard's Snuff; 50,000 Cigars, various qualities. For sale by 2ENO H. Dec. 3 N. C.T. copy GREENE. Ill FOR SALE. jjujs THK House snd Lot occupied by the sut ;f 1 scribe r on Fourt; between Nan snd Ann jLlaJLstreets possession given 1st October. Ap ply st the Ice House, 91 SILAS H. MARTIN., BIATTRASSES : rN hsnd and made to order, of any size snd qoal- J Ity.by ; WILKIN SON KSLEK 120 I. t YANKEE NOTIONS. I7RESHi0iportatlona- of Apfde-Pea.eis, Beef V Mauls sad S taks Mslleta, Wooden Sn ooaa, sad t very article saiuble for the kitchen ialso,sH kinds f irood things forf lb pslst. ,,: Flash supplies was, Opaoaita Orirtsr,Prita. ' ' AT TH K vVHasiagsaH saddle Usrnsss, a rr; l: JnlaJiufaetorjr.- ' THE sabserlber respecuully Uformsthe P" ih.ihrli. reeenttv received addmoas lo -pirn stock of Saddle sad Harness Moantlngs, latestand most improved style, usa ts description ol articlcin- the above line - Froo 1S exeriracf in the business, he feels eenndsnnnst he will h ikU .mir,. fij t iatactlOO ItSIIWDH mayfavorhiiu with a call. HehssBw on hand, and willconmHil lirnrauorimenio Otcy, Gig a ttd SMey Harness, LaJ)' SaAdUt. Bridles. Whips, S-c. Gentlemen's Saddle t, Wktfs Spurs, 4-c. tonsil of which he will warrant to be of the Ibcst materials and workmanship. He has also a lrrr a IMIrl mpnl nfTrUlikS. Valises. Saddle and f!raf Kara. Satchels Fancy Trunks. Ar . nA n mho. articles usually kept in such eslabliihmenia. all of which he offers lowfor CASH, or onshortcreditto prompt custo mers. Saddles .Harness, Trunks .edical Bags. die. Ac made to order. Inaddition tothe above the subscriber always keeps on hand a larire smodIv of Striuc Ieatlier andhas now. and wiJlke-jp through theseaaonagood assorimentoi i- ly nfi-tla. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods whether In want ornol, as I take pleasure in shew ing my assortment lo all who may favor me witn a call. Harnessand Coach Trimmings sold a t af airprice toperaons buying to manufacture Also. Whirs ai wholesale. Mlkind80f Riding Vehicles bought andsold on commisMons. JOHN .UUPtuuM. jin. 8 1853. 39 SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted bv Guv C. Holchkis rrHE publirare hereby i nformcd, that I havebeec .a. appoin ed ajrent fm 'he ol indow sain Blinds and Dor hf! 'ew Hs venCo..and am reptrsdto fillallorde -sintheabovs line. The quoli y of the workot th New Hsven Co. is wcllknov. , jilders ana ail crsonsin want of iti,- ji.ovr iriiclct.are requested to sendin their orders, and they will he promptly mica . i crmsinvariaDjy casn on aeuvery. WM. A. GWYER GeneraAgent Commission and Forteardinsr Mcr chan l. April 18. IB LARCE STOCK OF FURNITURE THE subscriber would n ffk japcCtluUy invite the attention hA. aw) of the public, to his very iatgi-1 and complete assortment of Furniitin now bein received and recently selected by hinipell at ih Manufactories : dm ine the present month, hiss tot k will be complete and consist in part or the lol lowing ariicks. Fine Sets Drawing Room Furniture, in Dam ask and Hair Cloth ; Setts Painted Chamber Fun iture. SO Sideboards, Secretaries snd Hook Case j 50 ofas and Tete a Tetei ; 100 Bureaus; 100 Wash Stands, marble and plain ; 100 Rocking Chairs ; 75 Nurse do. 125 Tea and Dining Tables ; 73 Centre, Card and Sola do. 75 Toilet do. 100 doz. Chairs, cushioned, cane and Windsor 250 Bedateuds, in mahogony, walnut, maple and iron ; Wardrobes, maho ;ony and stalnea ; Office Furniture ; Children's Chairs ; Ot tomans. Foot Stools ; A fine assortment of Looking Glasses ; Teapoy's What nolo Hat Slsnds ; Settees, Work Table ; Work Boxes. Paper Hangings ; Window Shades, dtc. f-c. A raw vim nsa Piano Fostes, snd in fact al most any article that may be desired, in complete ly furnishing Dwellings, Hotels, Offices or So cicty Rooms Front Street. J. D. LOVE. Wilmington.!. C, Sept, 9, 1953 76., PROF. ALEX. C. BARRY'S Tricopherous. or Medicated Compound ', F'Ott Beautifying, CnrUng. Preserving, If c storing, snd Strengthening the Hair. Relieving Diseas es of the Skiu, Curing Rheumatic Pains, and Heal ing External Wounds. Bounded by no geogaphl caWines, the reputation ol Bobby's Tbicopmcbol's pervades the Union The sales of this .inicleof lots years have Increased in a ratio ihat almost ex ceeds belief. Professor Babbv. after a careful ex amination of his sales' book, finds that the number of bullies delivered to order, in quantities of from half s gross apwsrd, doling the year lb52, was with in a i rtflef 6W0G. It is unnecessary to present at length thcevideac es of the wonderful properties oltlte Trlcopherous, when the public have lumUhtd fuc-han indorse ment aa this. The cheapness of .he article and 'he explanations given ol Its chemicai action upotribe hairj the scalp, and in all cases of superficial, irrita tion, fitst ttcom mended It to the atieniiati of the people. This was all that the inventor desired. Every bottle advertised itself The effects of the fluid exceeded expectation. It acted like a charm. The ladies would not be without if. Country dealers in every section of the United States found th-y must have it; and thus was built op a wholnssle trade of an extent hitherto unheard of as regards ar ticles of this kind. The highest point has not yet been reached, and it is believed that the sales this year will be a million and s half of bottles Depot and Manufactory. No. 137 Broadway, New York. Retail price, 25 cents a Inrgc bottle. Liberal discount to purchasers by tliequanti'.y. Sold by all the principal merchants and druggists throughout the United states and Canada, Alexico West Indies. Great Britain, France, Ac. For sale by C. A D. DcPRE, Wilminpton, May 21, 1S53. 29-Cm-c SMOKED BEER SMOKED snd F. M. Beef. Smoked Tongues Mackerel, dec, received this dny by N. B A KLUVV, Dec. 17 No 3 Granite Row. NEW DRY GOODS STORE. MARKET STREET. REIT TO MESSRS. WILK1XS0.V & ESLEB. I II AVE now on hand and for sale, at the very lowest market prices, a full assortment of fanc v and domestic Dry Goods, viz: Ladies Cotton, Flannel, Cashmere, M erino and Silk Hose ; Glo ve of all qualities and styles; Children's worsted Boots. Boas, Leggins, Habits, Hoods, Hats, Sus penders, Comforts, Scarfs, Ac; Merinos; Cobergs; Black Alpaccas; raw Silk PI lids; Mouslin de .nines; Persian Cloths; Cashmeres; Calicoes: Ginghams; Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings; Brown Shirtings and Sheetings ; Osnahurgs ; an ton Flannels i Table Linens; Towellings, Nap kins; Blue Demims ; Striped Shirtings; Redtick ings ; Plaid Linseys; Marlboro Stripes ; Kerseys; Kentucky Jeans ; Satineti-; Caasimeres, Cloths. Ac. Ladies white and colored kid Gloves ; Gents colored kid and buckskin Gloves. I would most respectfully invite the attention of the Ladies to my assortment of French worked colored F.mhroidered Handkerchiefs; Dress But tons: SirkGimp; Braids; black Velvet, for trim mings, c. Haviug now a complete assortment of Dry Goods I would most respectfully invite purchasers to ex amine my stock before buying elsewhere, as 1 fe I confident they will be well paid for their trouble. Come and decide for yourselves. Oct g. L. P. VVILSOxN. WEARE NOW READY" TO Contract for any kinds of Work in upholster ing business. WILKINSON A ESLER, Nov. 15. Upstairs NEW CROP MOLASSES. 1 rXf HDs. prime new crop Cardenas Molasses, i- vV7 now landing from brie ElU n Havd.n For sale by HATHAWAY A SON. Jan. 3 123 SPIRITUALISM YET AGAIN. AFRESH supply of Judge Edmond's celebrated book on Spiritual Rappinga juat received and for sals at the New Book Store' Dee. 31 J.T. MUNDS. JENNY LLD X0BAIX0. RECEIVED this day. a out her invoice of that superior Jenny Lind Twist, by Dec. 17 L.N. BARLOW. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS. f p HIS. Medicinal Beverage is manufactured by JL Udowbo Woum. at Schiedam, in Holland, and is warranted not on! v van from nverv injurious property snd ingredient.-but of thesbest quality. -iThe pabtie are aaationed against any spurious Imitation which an nnserapalons ewpldity msy fn t rod ncs. None genuine an leas the name of Udol pho Wolfs Is on the jog, wax. and cork. . Wholesale, and by the bottle or jog at the Origi nal Family Grocery of Dec I GEO. MYERS tfron'"'- BUCKWHEAT. fcTT BAGS Extra QasJIty. Fresh ISroand, from ota . C V new vv neat, veecivco low Say ny L. N. BAR WW,W tGranita lYar'.tS 1 UST reecJvedaad or sat low (or cask, by 8. X 29 a(n.v.uiiiBi.RvncQ .j.a.f . f, k- - K ock ing tJhalra assorted Kind s 6 5 2 2 2 20 40 Chtldrm'a do , do Fine M aboaon r ' do Wash Stands,- do - ToUelTsbles, do Dinner,- do do Fine Boreaua, do Fine Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, assorted kiods; 1 Fine Chamber Set. assort! d kinds; Bedsteads. do 60 Looking Glasses. do 100 los. Glass Tumblers, do 2 Fire-proof Iron Chests, Patent Locks, said to be the best now in use. Call and examine for yourselves. Nov. 15ih 104-tft SPIRIT BARRELS. -f Spirit Barrels, just received per schooner ifJ victory, and lor sate by Nov. 8. 101 RANKIN A MARTIN, DR. J. B. MARCMISIS CCLBBRATED OATIIOLICON, For the relief & cure of Suffering Females. It t lands pre-emi- nent for us cm.iuve powers in all the dis eases for which II is recommended, call ed Female Complaint Of tnece are P bo lapsus Utbbi, or Falling of the Womb; Fi-ocb Ai bus, or Whites; Chronic lnflamma lion and Ulceration f the Womb ; Inci iental Hemorrhage, r Flooding ; Pain iil. Sum rested, and .rregular Menstrua on die, with all uieir mpuny evils, (unare. excepted,) no matter how severe or ot how long standing The Catholicon far surpasses other remedies, in bcina more certain, lessexpensive. and leaving the system in a better condition. Let all interested in such a remeedy call and obtain a pamphlet (free containing atr-ple proof, from highly respectabl sources, of the happy results of .ts use together with lettersfrom first-class experienced physicians, who have used it in their practice, and speak Irom their own observations. refbbcces. Prof. Dbnnnr, M.D , Baltimore, Md. J. C. Orrick, M. P., " P. B. Peckham, M. D, Utica, N, V. D. V. Foote, M. D., Syracui-c, N. V. M. H. Mills. M. D , Rochesier, N. V. L. D. Fleming, M. D., Canandaigua, N. V. W . W. Reese, M. D., City of N. V. W. Prescotl, M.D, Concord, N. H. J. P. Newlnnd, M D.. Utica, N Y Pamphlets enn be had ernti at the .tore of S. B. ct i. A. EVANS. Druzglals Wholesale and Retail Agents. Wilmington, N. C And of most of the lea ling Druggists in the State. Letter addressed to Messrs. Beach Broirnson, Aeents at Netcberry C. U., S. C, by Rev. C. S. Beard, of same State. Glex Spbixgs, Jan. 3ih, 1S53. Messrs. Beach A Bbownson Sibs : I send for another bottle of your " Marchisi's Utarine Ca tholicon" M y wife has been nfflicied for eleven years, and a variety of means has been resorted to for relief, but none wns obtained until I n-ceived this m-dicine fromjou Its influence srems al most nngical : there was a manifest improvement from the day it was taken. As thereare a ureal many females in our country laboring under the affliction for which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel it a duly to recom mend ii lo all such. (Signed.) C lough S. Reabb. J. B. MARCHISI &CO . Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 Broadwsv N. Y. Nov. 19. 106-lyc FOR SALE. TfTE DWELLING HOUSE on Front street, at present occupied by Mr. Geo. H. .Kelley. For particulars, apply to T. W. BROWN. Nov. 17. 105-tf MATTRlSSES OF Prepared .Shucks, Moss and Curled Hair on hand and made to order, up .lairs over the Fruit Depot. Nov. 15. 104 JUST RECEIVED FROM PHILAD'A 1 CASR Sulph. Quinine, 50 ozs. Calomel, 1 10 ozs. Sulph. and Acetate Morphine, 25 ozs Cinchonia, 5 ozs. Salarlne, 2 t ozs. Blue Ma.-s, 10 ozs. Chloroform, 19 bbls. Rnsom Sjltf, and a choice collection o Chemicals fro:n the Lahratories of Poms A Weight man and Chas. Kills. For sale cheap at C. & D. Dul'RE'S, Drug and Chemical Store, Market st. June 9. 37 TO THE IADI ES. Me'lle. DURAIND, FANCY DRESS MAKER, From Paris, and laic from Philadepiia, T) ESPKCVFULLY informs the LADIKS of t Wilmington, and surrounding country, thai she intend opening her Kstablixhinent about the 17th .f the present month, on Second street, two doors South of Mrs. Shaw's lale residence where she will be in readiness to attend to all those who may honor her with a call, and to whom she prom ises the highest satisfaction. She will receive con 4ianly from 1'arU, the latest and most approved fashions of DdKSSKS. She hopes, with a desire to please, . to merit a sha-eof patronage here. Oct. 2. 85-tf W I L M INtiTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. 1AH R Subscriber having accepted ihe agency ol severallarge .-stablishments at the North, which willfiirnisli him on unlimited supply of finished or nnfinishek, fureignand domestic MARBLE of all qualities, if prepared to fill nil order? for WONTJMRNTS AND TOMB STONKS, snd every other article n the line of the business at reasonable rates 8CULPTURING , LETTERING OR CARVING. Executed as wellas can be done either North or South. The best iferencc can be given. If required. JAS . McCLARA!"AN. March 3. 149-lf. con N SHELLERS AND STRAW CUTTER. L'vr of each, just received, among iheni is a . new style and much approved Straw Cutler For sale by ZK.NO H . GREENE. Dec. 17. N- C. T. copy. 117. TALMAS AND LADIES CLOAKS, BLACK and coloured, of the very latest r-'rene'-Pattern; Ladies black and coloured Cloths fu :inks, and Trimmings for the same. Received sndfor sile by JAMES DAWSON. Nov. 29. 109. FOR SALE. 1 f SUPERIOR N. C. Hama. 1 OK t RANK1 A MARTIN Dec. 17 117 MULLETS BBLS No. 1 just received and for vale by 7L'Mn 11 HDrt'lUL 25 Dee. 22 N. T. C copy 119 PAYETTEYILLE FLOUR. 75 BBLS fresh groand, fr Bae ,v ANDERSON A SATAGE. 110 Dec. 1 JUST RECEIVED. A FULL assortment of Prfrston A MerreH's Es fl tracts snd Yeast Powder. Lime dee, 4c ; also5 Swinborn'e patent refined Gelatine. a new and sn. perior article, at L. N. BARLOW'S, Dee. 8 3 Granite Row. t STEEL MIXED, nADET Mixed snd Ob lord Grey Uassi meres, a vV large assortment ot long and square Bay Stale snawlai fine Merino ao , sssoriea colour, ueai Sh.ker Flannel and Shaker klait Shirts sad Drawers i Ladies French Corsets, Cotton Farnl tni Friniresj Paris Jlid Sails Qoadriil Dresses nd Rich Winter Earliah sad Crenels Prims. For sale by '.JAMES DAW No. 29. 109. NORf II CAROLINA CASSlJf ERE. ! Br ca a-: r. ..fori HMO Si St" i owxf,Bir"""-r. ,i, i- I I Olmm, N. C.i the best Kd. ol the Ud ?, J Anwicieheap. . HEDRiCKRVAN- -.TIIETWpOIJDOVVLS. , TwotM Owl. lived io domeatie' quiet-, m ibe onel window of an ancient ruin. They bad lived there for years, staring t the world with Urge round wondering eveny' t but-mingringrr)omore wiih it than was necessary their experience of it had mader tbem'-herrnita. If, at would occasionally happen, they ventured '-into, the sunlight,' (bey were blinded and bewildered by ike glare, buffeted and insulted by the smaller birds, who made game of them. -.And so they secluded ihemselves in their mossy' 6olitude,end lived " there in - plump, cosy, . downy contentment '-' A- few worms and mice sufficed for food; and tor .affection, each "sufficed to each. 3 T Ope night a Hawk, an old acquaintance, of i heir childhood, flew into Their nest. The meeting was cordial with the reminU cencea of youth. They talked of old times till the dawn was gray, and the twitter of ihe smaller birds rose sharp into the morn--ing uir. They marvelled, indexed, to see how the young Hawk looked, with his bright restless eje, his slim legs, and bar' red plumage, like those of ihe gay young: Bachelor. He told them , it was because -he had lived. And then he dazzled the old Owl with sparkling narratives of the other world, and raised strange longings-1 in his breast to see something of the varied t forma of life so eloquently described. ' 'Whenever I have ventured out by day light,' said ihe Owl, 'the other birds have mucked me ; so, thinking I was out of my" proper sphere, 1 returned to my home." 'That is because you have not boldly la--takeo your position,' replied the Hawk, . 'In .the world you must take what you w nt--no one gives. - When 1 make my appearance you should see how the birds rush to the nearest wood and and thicket, giving vent to their-scandalized lerrur in various cries!' V : '. 'Do they ever fly after you V 'Sometimes ; but that is only when I've got one of them in my talons." Comings here this afternoon, I carried off the wife of a most respectable partridge,' said the Hawk, with a libertine shake of the head. 'I wanted her, and so I took her. a The whole covey followed me, making an up roar like a village of outraged women ; They thought I wanted her for my seraglio. Not I I ate her.' HV As the Hawk said this,' the old 'Owl looked at him with envy and respect ; but his wife 'shuddered,' and thought the Hawk would be a bad companion for her lord. She was glad when he flew away, and devoutly wished he would never h fulfil his promise, of 'looking In upon them' some fine day. . The words of the tempter dwelt in ibe old Owl's mind. He was moody, taciturn, abstracted. Visions of the gay life led by Hawks tormented him. The ruin where he had spent so many happy years now seemed to him a monotonous prison ; nice and worms seemed now a monotonous reg imen ; his old wife 'twaddled,' he thought; and he himself felt old, as he thought bow much younger seemed his friend. The Hwk had been to Court, and, indeed, was related to the Emperor Eagle. Why should not he also, make a figure at the Eagle's Court T Why should he remain, the terror of mice, when be might " make the dovecots flutter 1 In this mood he saw ihe Hawk return, and gladly accepted the proposition to 'see life,' in his company; but, afraid of his wife's tears and reproaches, afraid of his own conscience, he dared not tell her of what he was about to do. He slipped away, leaving her dozing on her perch. She awoke to her bereavement It would be a long tale to tell how the truant Owl was. disenchanted by reality; how vain his efforts to become a young dandy like the Hawk ; how miserable the sunlight made him ; how the food disagreed with him ; how he went to the Court, and was haughtily disowned by the Eagle, and mercilessly quizzed by the courtier birds; how heartsick and feeble he returned to his old onel widow, to spend his days in such peace as remorse would leave him. As he flew homewards all the dear fa miliar scenes came shooting to' his mind, like a breeze from the sea-shore on a fever ish brow. The image of bis old and lov ing companion, with whom all joys and sorrows had been shared, became an alter nate anguish and alternate joy to bis trou bled heart, filling him with remorse and with hope. As he flew into the ruin a huge and murderous rat slunk away into his hole, licking his bloody lips.; As he flew up to bis nest a film overshadowed his eyes, for there, before him, lay the mangled body of his murdered wife. He had left her old and unprotected ; be found her a corpse. , r - SAXONY, WELCn. OF all qualities, snd Patent fine White Flannels, all warranted not lo shrink Ladies Merino Vests; coloured Velvet Ribbons; Mourning- Plsld French Merinos and Black Half Monrninjr, all Wool De Lanes Orlesns Cloth, Tamlse and vv Id. ows Cloth. For sale by JAMES DAWSON. Nov 29. . . 109. NOTICE. TH R subscriber, respectfully Informs ths publie that he is nowirviiasctlng the Auction business on his own account, and hopes by strict attention u . business, to merit a continuance of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon bint. - V. M. CKONLT. Stock, Real Estate snd Negroes. bought snd sold on a commission ol 1 per cent either at private or public aale. -Jan 8, 1853. , ; 126. 15 REGS EXTRA FINE N. C. LARD, FOR sale by C. DsRPK A CO. Oct. 22. - EMPTY SPIRIT CASKS: 1 f JUST received per ehr Dolthin, for sals A KJ by JAMES H.CHAD BOURN A CO. Nov. 2J - li7 HOUSE FURMSRING GOODS. 1 fA 11-4 and 12 4 Linen Sheetings t Bleach. I Jmi ed and Brown Cotton Sheeting, a widths. Pillow Case Linens snd Cottons I Bleach, ed and Brown Table Damasks and Dlt'e'o CMhs all sixes snd qualities; Linen sndt oti"" Dlaperst Bed Ticks i rural' ore tlmityAe. If'of smte by Nov.2i. JAMES DAWSON. PAPER HANG1N3S. Shades and Cnrtaln Lace and Damask "; " d P" ',. I- WILJtir'ViV mm T-r, -.iv. Nov. li. . Usholsisrs TOWAGE. ON ad after this date sll vessels. i.fTTTA towed In hsrbor by Steamer Sam T Z 'mm Htmrr mod Calhonn. will b charged Rtu, GEO. HARR1SS, Agent. Nov. eth, 1853. . ' - 101. T01YIN& BY STEAMER CALHOUN, .MSPS.BCORDRR8 for towlacby STEAMER '-'f C4LHOUN, will have attention U mmVU BUfl Sk B B m MfH.n , lisftattbs office of 4 - 16. - . -T- :;..--. GEO, HARRIS S. ....... . . 105. Nnv. WESTERN SIC f9 1 rHHDS.spete,(Jptrig Bnens Vista, "Fob. JLVJsaie x R.VS3KLL BRO. . Nov. 22 101