. . ... .-. ......... . .... .-..-..-, ,. ... . , . . - I 5 .Lmi t: , y -4 .- "ivy. l"6 J A" -TV. ' - ' ,- , .Wl i- V- -Zl-x "UV 1 y v r yf ijfa'S'fe'V 'V v i VOLUMEVIII NUMBER 132. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDyW MORNING, XS.NU ARY?24, 1854. WHOLF NUMBER 1 03 1 . X v ii r TUi.tthCrY-XLN DOLL All MAu. Vrittea for tbs New York "Spirit of th Times," in:-the Statw'of Maine 1 rhnncecf to halt u an oat t-ihc-wny- lavrrw in- thowparia in the b (IMm wf.whirbj daring the eveiiing.s. I hsrl thtivMibMtnien of ihs Ibllflwiu iory celalrd. . It may Wive rl a porfiot of jtior rntder good -iritjaod fc.t wrhe it oat for you. fl ;:;Sjeaktngfpi ibofatrt'- rfcmarxed the, fead inu lnlkf r of, tlie evrHinff 'jeuki(ig pf Iter rtsruuid me rf a mare I knewa loiiy lime 'hjjo -iwfaettlhreS niMttte nags' wcrnV o yhniiy a iv h.r e about nowaitnya.1 H TbefA-WTM a btsfcksaiith hi ihn totrn where the lived who wa t very fair judge of ,a. (mn itni who generally owned a -rusher lwr thuae tiiars though almost his entire for - tune wai ordinarily tnveaU-d i hf crab.' He aold tiM blt nmie7one lay. and kept hi '"tsye ofen" faf ariother b?ai. when-the' right kind of aa Biiwriaf rbighl fall in hi way, ' - It ebaneeiLaanq alWrward tht ihereeamc No the doort hj liuje shop. oi day a grey is Are ii lotig Vaivbodied wench the owner T -of whira iloired to -have -her shod. The blacknatlli looked iolicr mouth (nm horeemro I omeinnra win.; ana men n- irttu ner aoric. He tM4 in froiit of her, and then beside her and thea examined her feet and then went ta work to hoe her. - -Hw old ia she V he ffeed quietly, as he - iproce"ded ta pare and trim her hnnls. 'Nhie years come spring.' said the owner. Tlie -bJacksbiiUt looked in her mouth again, and said Yv-syou can warrant tK 'it.' - "Warrant J Well, she's a good beast, any "hVw,K responded the oiner. - fs she soutidT -fc -fAs a fresb hickVy out. - ittdr i v "Aa a coa?et sheen.' Majbe yoo'd aell her?' continued the blacksmith, slowly, as he finished her last fooC Ycm,' replied the owner, handing the blacksmith a dollar lor his job 'Yes. I'll sail ber. How mad) money cah down V ' Forty -fi re d o 1 1 a rs. ' 'Frve-utid-lWiy ! She must be a good 'un, then. ' : 'She is a good one.' - Say forty! stranger, and I'll ventur to Jake hrr." The bargiiio was closed, (he stranger whIIc d away with his old saddle on his arm, and ! the grey mare walked into the blackxmiih's iiule shed -stable, ft was a heap of money tor him to put into a single horse, but he Jhtrught she had some good points in her itnakitig-up. notwithstanding the fact that ishe hadn't been over led. of late, or loo care 'fully groomed. r A little care and grooming very soon de-v-lod her. more satisfactorily, and the rur--chaser chairtuwg to be a dozen miles from .hotne, one night, "hurried up her ciikes" o:i his Way1 back, and led a noted three minute peltVr straight into town, like open and shut ! 'Well done! Well done, old Thirty-nine." said the black-miili. enthusiastically, as he npplied two huge siraw wliisps to her reek ing sides nor I efl her. while a pingle hair was turned upon her body. ' Well done, old 'omanl 1'Jl take you round W ttnut Hill, and will see about this.' And he did take her there once, twice, thrice fifty t.mes ; but he said nothing, only that 'the mare whs a good creetur to draw.' and he was content with her. At the end f four or five months, the old man Utk a leather pouch, shut op shop, him! rode hi grey mare into Btwton hailing at the old Eastern Stage House, in Aiui-street Here he remained, quietly, lor three or four days, scarcely showing himself, and never speaking ol bis mare. One evening he overheard some of the 'boys' ia the bar-room 'talking horse.' and lie listen, d earnestly. - ' G?' said one of them. 'I rather think he can in tw- fifty, ure J i.;H-sa' roared the rest, (for three-min-. Ule horses, even, were not very plenty at that .periadV - - - ij- Oo ! I'd lilt? t march him agnint some- thtng' that "eaa . Your wigglers nnd rnckera atid runders a- not the thinsf. Give me a square trotter, and I can just leave him ! r tnafs aiv 'Ken you.? aVed a voice near by mod estly. I', ;- , . The eotnpiy turned about, and saw' an unsliorn, rough-visitged' man. sitting in his shirt-sleeves, to whom the young buck did not reply, at all. jC':- Oor hhieksmith (for it was he) continued to smoke his 4pe The boys put their h-nds "together for a I irk and die (bremost asked . 'Perhaps you've got a horso that you would like ia exercise a little 7' jj,,; Yas.' respimded the rade-dressed strang- rH-dou!t aaind a little exercise for the old -snare uuf you doat bate nothiuir on it, I Why, jes. Just for the name of the thing, well giGve hundred or so.' 4Five "hundred wAo T exd iimed the green "hisj. jumping from hi-chair and smashing his : pipe at , the same moment. Five hundred dollars tn be sure.' O gitaoutl You're jokin'.' -No we can't trot Tim" short of that ; it wouldn't pav.' War. now. look KrA "nitiiir I'll lell eon what fll dew ll trot hose agin boss, your'n gm mi-e. tI hare .o, sir. that won't do.' 'But. frm haadra ! Come, say fifty. : Thai's enousrh; railly.' 3ut there was ne other wny, nnd the blark amirh ptaced his msney at last in the land lord's ha .d. which the sharper's instaDily . .covered. , '. D-i you know him V they asked as the old . ,yrelw moved elf. 'No.' said the host. 'He has just come in rom'Ssderoi he aye.' . hQtkanunrt!vrT qnickfy arranged. ;and the afiemon but one following was ' agrrtf ttnon;; (or tbe trot over the Upper 'MiU3Da-dU"JBeryhody had heard . 4he jUter bet s before the next evening, and ha road Was lined with pedestrians and car fiagrei,, ,Tb Jtalbnging party Hvcd in - CbaHestoaru, and the herve they had named . was the crack of the' lime; so the, eared to 'ilhing uhnut what was td.tret against him, 'jjaod asked tin qoesifons.' T -"' The d4y was elearand cool, and the black -Salirft bad been opoii' Jbe ground fall two . hoars. Hi irry mare stood at the roadside, tt wretehed harness, and worse" gig ( thb' k helarjwasVtnastreBg;)fand see V fJ tn-" tn eompaay gntJiered, she bad a-Jtswej eaoved and burT-fed (be Wins? 'in itv ray4 gll-men She Wr Itrr prws- fions met-kty, hnwrvor. and the blacksmith lwWrf sleeves, eaid nothing, , - i n . i ni inB,roaaueni ioekey,wba was t drive his eoasetusrJ i r yf Ov ihe back side of thi hill - thsra is a very , enod piece id Weil "kr road,-a tn k tone. when. a horse pa rot le tdvraje 1 4rr wettW.- v. .- . j -.. - , . -4...- : ' . - - . &bed be liere iii time, natv. no iloi.'t if. t u givin' yerself any extratrnuble aboot h t, aaoWj cause f y.it'i'll hev your hands 'i'till, I'm iliinkii,' bye and b-e. Wot d' yer give for thai Vre skillet you've got on yer head V That's my riding cap. awney.1 Edartly Ant! them silk fixius arVi thn rayther cosily T Where'a.your horse. Time's up. f Out the' way there with that old crow-bait, snouted one of the last boys, hauling up. at this moment, nnd seeking tn get the place occupied by the blacksmith's team But there stood ll e mare, with her head drooping almost to ber feet, seemingly jaded and woe-begone, whea the blacksmith hopp fd into he gig. looked at his watch, and suid ' 'Ere we are. then, Mister. ' ' But where's the horse that you are going to trot 7' Hre she is.' - Well, I don't trot" with no such skeleton as that, mind you.sait his opponent, 'nut by along chafk,JJ ' '' vt,X -Aai -fanourtirv..ir-.eMeot.:wen"t up from the crwd. who were in extacies! The blacksmith insisted, however. He wjuiu trot his mare, or claim tlie money And the animal were duly railed to the start, mile heats. Irom the crossing, best two in three. At the word away they wen! ; the horae fairly leading the way. The marc kept be hind up to the hall" mile post. It'll away on the third quarter, and the horse came into the post, a splendid winner, in 2:42 the mare barely saving her distance, coming home at a ha!!-ga!iop and half trot, amid the yells of the crowd. The blarksniiih hud a ' friend' in that con gregation. who had a pile of the ready-.' To rte sure no one knew this, and he was ev idently a rash man. He took all the side bets he could muster, at big odd, ngainut the flaare. She blnwed bdly. at the stand, and the blackxmith looked haggard and ear nest. The crowd roared ugatu, at the see ond start, but that roar was brief, this time. ' Now go ' Thirty nine ' screamed the blacksmith, as thev went away on this heat. And she did go. Instantly taking the pole. he stretched right along, passed ihe half mile mark, finished the third quarter without a mis-step, and came home five leujrllis ahead in 2:40 Money begin to change hand, again! Bu.1 the horses came up for the third heat, and at the word now go, Thirty-nine,' the mare nude an awful gap bet ween herself a. d her competitor. The mare led the way ye. every loot of it! Irom the start; and dlst.tneiiig her rival, unused the winning port, well in hand, clear down in the tan tu-. She was go -d 'un,' added our nnrraior. - And what became nf this beast V we asked. ' Oh, he sold her lor a thousand dollars, hrCurtr he left Boston. She went Souih. hu died soon afterward. She cost him ( with h- r new set of shoes, valu- d nt oue doll.r,) forty dollars. Hecallelher 'Thirty-nine. THE r til-WEEKLY lOJIMEiitlAL I i.uolisned every I'vssdav, Thuicbav aod satpbdat ui a per isnQfii, psysDis oancaaeB in advance. BV THO.V1 AS L.OIIING Editob and Psosbib tob, Corner Prent ml Market Htreets, WILMIXSTON, H. C. OF ADVLKTISINe. 1 inacriion ii &U l 1 sqr. i month, $4 00 I ' 75 I t " 3 5 U0 3 1 00 I I " 6 " 8 DO t month, 2 60 1 ' i " 12 00 t sqr 1 ' 1 " t " I'en met or less make a square. If an adver- tisetneot exce a ten Macs, me puce win oe in proportion. Alt .iJveriiscuienla ,are payable at ihe time of ttieir insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made n the i oust liberal terms. ti traasfer of coniracin for yearly advertising will be permitted Should circu.iisiancea render a change in business, or an unexpected removal necessary, a charge according to ihe pit dished terms will be at ihe option ot the contractor, for the time he has advertised. "The privilege of Annual Advertisers is str'ctly limited to their rwn immediate tmlne and all advertisem nis tor the benefit (dottier persons, aa well as all advertisem- nta not Immediately con nected with ihuir own bc.uint sa, and alt exeeas of advertien.eniB in '.i-ngth or otherwise beyond Ihe limits Tjicd, will be charged at the usual ratea. No Advertisements ia included in the con racl for the sale or rent of houses or lnds in town or country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the properly is owned by ih! advertiser or by other persons. Thee are excluded by the term "immediate bus i nets " ll .idverusementa inserted in the tri-weeklv Commercial, are entitled to one iessrtion in ihe Weekly free of charge. JOB, CAitn AND FANCY PRINTING, KlfeCingD 181 SIJPJtKHia a TILE- Arrival and Departure of the Malls under the new Ar-ranemeiit, which 4weut Into operation, 1st March. . The Mail from ihe North is due every day si 9 A. M., and at 9i P. M. Closes at 1 P. M., and at 9 P. M. precisely. The Mail for the South closes st 8 A. M. The Hail from Onslow Coun-Houac, Sneads Ferry, 4c., ts doe every Monday at 5 P. M. Cloaes every Thursday at 9 P. M. The Hall from Long Creek, Blsck River Chapel, Ac, is due every Thursday at 6 P. M., and closes lame nieht at 9 P. M. The Vf .lit f rem PjvetUville, via Elisebethtown tod Prospee Hall, &c , via Wihninflon and VI a n chestar lta1ead from Robioson'a Post Office ia due every Tedav, Thursday and Saturday at 1 P M , and closes same days i 8J A. ftl The mail from VVhilevllle, Columbus county, per Wilmington end Manchester Railroad ia due st 1 P. M.. and clows at 8J A. M. every day. TSTAn extra Package will be made op for Let ters gamp North ol Kiehmend, Vs , which will he kopi open until U.n All omsr issuers rami or la thaiMSceat the hoars sbove ntneA wr they will not be Mailed until next succeeding Mail, AGENTS FOR THE CQMMEWCIAL. New York -Messrs. Biovs A DiRoi.it. Boioii-CHnmSaiTH. No-. 6, Central Wharf. 1 fhuatlelpKut F. I'orin. Baltimore Wa. H. Peaks and Wat. Taoaaoa. BUSINESS CARDS. CHARLES R. BONN ELL, General awd Coaamlaisa Merchant. Cotton, RUe , and Naval Starts nnd Merchandize eenerallf. Office No 55 North Free at reel, Philadelphia. RiifereHcrs. . New York, Messrs A I'en dr. Pax son Philadel phia. Taos. Allibone, Fsq Prest. Bank of Penn sylvania; Baltimore, Thomas Whit rid e dtCo., Wilmington, N C r Messrs. Ds Ueeset dt Brawn, snd Dr. T. H. WrUht, Prel. B ink of Cape Fear, (Chariest oa. JF .s. P.O Budd, and J. Bonn ell, Jr.; 3 v a a nth, W. B. GilM eV. du.i .New Ortaaaa, G. W. Oliver 4 Co. Jan. 1-2 127-Sme rr J C,E0?n?RELLY : ' COMMISSION MERCHANT. rTexidoOf taA.A:wBUt't.sslfrtk W.tr t- wlU attend tothesalsafaltklada of Caoetrr-Pro, iuce.sBcb as Corn. - Feaa. Msal. Bacon : Lard . e- snd wilfkeepeonstsntlyea band a -fall sapsly ef Groceries .e. - - . - erereneesf -- j Will e HaBfWs yne Joh n fcRsP,- WHmlagtoa w uaraway . -1 , ea. aix.. nenee: " BIP.Hafr.XvTtmhstenUej 4rJf V J AS. H. CIIADBOURN & CO, General Couiuiission Merchants, lVltiHlMU't'0, N. t. J as. H. Chadsoobs. Gso. Chamoiis. Jan. I.135J. ' 123. RUiS&LL & BROTHER, (latb cllis, bdsssll it CO ,) iENERAL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WIL.MINGl'UN, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on conaignmentaof Naval tnres, Col ton, and other produce. May 3. 1853. . & D. DuPRE. WHOLE 0 A LB AND AETAL DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Dye Stuns, Glass. Perfumery, cigars, Oid Liquors, Fancy Articles, dee., MAItKKT STKKKT, WILNINGTOS, W . C. PrsserlptioDSCarefullysompoundsd by expert sacee (tersoas. March 28. 1853. , . ; WILLI1M A. GWYE2, -General A'CHironrarJing 4 fommission fltrrhant I lake pleaaure in inlorming rriy friends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and personal attention. I have aiwhaif for Naval Stores, with ample accom modal loss, Spirit House, and Wa rehouse. Consignments of Nsvsl Stores for sale or shipment ; snd all kinds of coun try produce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. April 18, 1853. 15. GEORGE MYERS, WlhLKSlLti AND RETAIL GROCER Keep constantly on hand, Wines, Yea, Liquor, Provision, Wood and Willow Ware, Fruit, Confectionarie,e. South Front itreit, WILMINGTON, N.C. Nsv. IS, 1852. 109. S. B. & J. A. EVANS, WHOLESALE AID RKTilb DKUGISTS, IVILMINGTO.V, N. C. Will noep always on hand r largeaad very select stock of Drug-, Medicines, Jhemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, hurgieal Instruments, Patent Medi cines, Perfumery, dtc, at low prices. Jan. 18, 1853. 130. JOSEPH n. FLANNER, General Commission Merchant, tVIIiMISGTOS, N. C. May 9th. 1853 8T-ly-c. J HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. J Hathaway, ' J. L. Hathaway. Feb. 15. 1853 31. COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (srjncEssoits to Tims alibone 4 co ) General Commission Merchants, 'o 32, North Wharte. and 3 North Water St. PHILADELPHIA. 1 habv sv cochbam, . W. a. BCJSBLL. Lnier.i' c ifh idvancca made on consignments. July 30th, 1853. 68 if. PORTilAIT PAINTING. '. t mil m, Prirrralt Painter, most respect ed aniounccs to th ciiliens of Wllmlne- VI t n ill ti"r urt ii-ij ctamry, th-n ae has taken ro m over the tore ol" Mr. Agostinl, on Market street where Lid es and Gentlemen are invited to c-.lt andexaotine his Paintings. I'er-ons wishing Dnguerreo'ypra eopied, can nave it done by him as true ns if lakeu from ile. Dec. 17 117 WILLIAM n, PEAKE. COLLECTUK AND DVI.UT I M i L AGI M For Country Newspapers throughottl the United States, Basement of Sun Iron Bu luinys, Baltimore street All business er.. rusted promptlv, on !btral terms, sept 7 to tits cars transacted 95-r J. D. LOVE, MANUFACTURER ANO HEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, fcc &C Front r.treet, South or Market, Bttoww's BUlLDIMO, WILMINGTON. K. C. Scpl. 16, 1832. 79-y-c S. M. WEST; Auctioneer and Cummiuion Merchant, WIL HING I ON, N. C. T I L L tell or buy Real Ksiate and Negroes at VV a amall commission. also : Strict attention given M the sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. O.fiee second door, south side of Market street, oa the wharf. June 12, 1853 . 33-ly. B. c. FREEMAN. GEOHOB HOOBTOW. fiii:eian & Houston, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C- D. C. FREEMAN A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1T FRONT STREET, NEW VORK. FREEMAH ARB fl'lCSTUS, WILMINGTON, S C KEKP constantly on hand a stock ol Flour, Corn, Pork, Bacon. Salt, Co fee, Sagar, Mo lasses, Tobacco, Cicara," Snu", Candles, Soap, For eign and Domestic Liquors and Wines i Iron, Nail; Pints, OUs, Glass, Domestics, Hats, Boots, Shoe; Leather, Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for familyand plan tation nae and the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers oa reasonable terms for cash, or In exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. The senior partner D. C. Fbeem ah, is located In the city of New York j the junior partner, Gso. Hocstom, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, wilt be made On consignments to and from either place. All hn-if.jas entrusted to them will receive proper attention-;' and "rders for Goods will bo Tomptly and carefully filled. Sept. B, IS52. - . 70-1. a. DOLLHItt O. POTT LB it D0LLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. t . NEW tUilK : Liberal Cash Advances mad on all Consignment: April v, km. . WKeSGt - . H. . CILERS. WESSEL & EILERS. OMSHsiSlON.M IvRCHANTSANU WHOLE- W3ALE GROCERS, North Water Street, Wil mington, pi. ty.t Intend to keep at the above stands geasrslaaswiroeai of Groceries, Liqaor, and Provisions at wholesale and to carry on a Genera ICommiasioa Bosinesa. lriiiici: E.P.HaU-Prea'i Brcb Bank oft ha State. O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank Vfil P. K-Dtckiasos, Esq. -t Douaersb eisv. --- -. . J.t-I853 j.,..-: . : - flENRT NUTT, ' PCT08 1SD FOnWISBIlC 4COT. I WiUgiss his psrermat attention ts hsstiuss entrust " wcwumaa.'. sf. .,-t U. Ja-HLLIAU: , rRQDUcn broker: iswttwtm a 4 a siain Vi4J a.ni imam i a i.jtt a.A. im . , ivii.BiiniTua-.ii.yU.i .a.,. l-aAahaW22Ji-JhI3. -T7 t.. ,M-U-4. wriTH&saRBr GKNFRAL Commissisn and Forwarding Mer caant, vvilmlftgtoa f. C " ' Liberal Cash ad va aces mads on Consignments. Nov. 29 id$'tl J, C, LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT GENERAL. AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 1 , 1863. ' 85-ly- A. fl. VANBO KftELEN. General Ageat, Commission tad fenrtrdiog Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Particular attention given to sale and purchase of Naval Siorea. Jane 1, 1853. 123-ly. T. C & B. G. WORTH, WILMINGTON N, C, Jan. 7 125-e JAicca Aancssoa. ' invito bavos. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. ;Xrf GENERAL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - WILHINOTON . C. Liberal cash advances mads on consignments. Oc t. 22k 94- GEO. UARR1SS, Couiciissiou Merchant, General . WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT iitentioo given to procuring Freight and purchaaing Curgoca for vesaela. Ksrsa to K. P. Hall, Esq. ffTkl?- Wilmington. J. D. Bellamy, Ksq. J Messrs. Tooker, Smyih & Co., ) vr. Thompson Hunter, JINewr- Alex'r. Herron, Jr Philadelphia, Messrs. Williams & Butler, H F. Baker, Ksq. Charleston, S. C. Jan. 2. 1853. 123-tf. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, braeral Commission anil Forwarding. Jierenaat. Prompt personal attention giveu to Cousigu- ments for Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cash advance made on Consignment to me or to my New York fricttd. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1853. 13S. C. DnPRE & CO. W HOLESALE AND KETAIL GROCERS Corner Front and Priuceas-slreeis, WILMINGTON, N . C. C DCPRE. D. B. BAKES- WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH DEALERS IN Confectionary. Fruit. Nuts, Toys, Pane j Ar ticles. Perlumery.To'jacro e;ars. sc.. WHOLESALE AlSli IttS t AIL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON N.C asv .30.1852 10-tl R0 UNTRUE, WATSON & C0-, General Commission Merchants, 78 South St , New York. Liberal Advances Made on Consignment. I O. BOGKTRXE, B. C. WATSOW, W. M. WIOOIXS. Augus' iS. 1853. 69-ly. L!V "a l'J,Si'LAINT, DYSPEPSIA Jaundice, Chronic or Nervuut Djbilitp. Dis ease of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a disordered Liiver or Slomwh. such as Constipation, inward l-iles, Fullness of Blood to toe Head, Acidity of the -stomach, Namea, Heart burn, idagust for Fod. Fu lines a or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking- or Flattering it the Pit of ihe .Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Jhoklng or Suffocatink Mentations when in a lying p.is'ure. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs uefore iheslght, Fever snd Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency uf Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, pc., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the FI sh Constant Imaginings of evil, and great depressions of Spirits, can be eB'ectually cuicdby DR HOOFLANOSS CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, PR SPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON. No. 1 20 Arch street. Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excell ed, if equalled, by any other preparation in the Uni led stales, as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physician had failed. These Bittersare worthythe attention of invalids Possessing $reat virtues in the rectification of dis eases ot the Liver and leaser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive orgaho, they are, withal, safe, cer tain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. The-'Puil-idelphia Saturday. Gazette," aays of Dr. Hoon.AKD'8 German Bittera. . 'It La seldom that w recommend what are term ed Patent dedicinea, to the confidence and patron age of our readers; ond therefore when we recom mend Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, we wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not epeaking of the nostrums nf the day, that are noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done their guilty race of mischief, feat of a medicine long established, universally prized, and which has met the heart y approval of the faculty Itself," Scott's Weekly," said, Aug. 25 t Dr.Hoofland'a rman Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now 'ecommended by some of the most prominent men. s of the faculty as an article of much effica cy in Ct a of female weakness. Persons Of debili tated con, "'utiona will Snd these Bitters advantage ous to .hell calth ss we know from experience the salutary eftecujhey have upon weak systems." MOSE EVIDENCE. J. G. Moore. Esq , of the Dally News, aald,Oct31. "Da. Hoovlako's Gebmait Bitters. We are try ing thi renowned medicine for aatuboorn disease of tne ooweis, ana can with truth testify to its emcacy. We have taken the contents af two bottles, snd we have derived more Benefit from the experiment than we derived pre vJoasly from years of aliophatic treat ment at tne nanoa ot oar nrst pnysictans." Hon. CO. Hinetlne, Mayor of the CitvefCaat den.N. J., savsr "HoorLAVD'aGianA aa Bittsbs. Wehsve seen many natterine notices of this medicine, ind the sovree from which they came induced lis to make inquiry respecting itp merits. From inquiry we were persuaded so use It, and m'.rt say we found It specific in Its action upon diseases of the liver and digestive organ, and the powerfuHnflaeneeit exerts uiioneeryoes prostration, is really surprising It calms and strengthens the nerves, bringing tocm in to s stste of repose. maklns: sleep refreshing. If this medicine was more seneraliv used, wr are sat isfied there wonld be less sickness, as from the stomach, livcrand nervous system, the great major ity of real and imaginary deaeases ennste. Have them ia a hnalthy condition and you can bid defi ance to epidemics penerailv. This extrfeordlnarv meotcaie we would advise ear tnends who are st all Indisposed, to give atrial it will recommend it self. It should, "nfaet.be in every family. No other medicine eaa prednee such evidences of merit." For sale wholesale and retail ai tne - GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. Ne. 120 Arch street, on door below Sixth. Phila delphia, sad byrepeetabedealefs jrenerafly through out lh eoontrv. - Sold in Wilmington oy 9. a. at . a. ktahs. la FayettevUle by 8. 3. HINSDALE. Janell- - aa-sm GOLDSCORO' MILLS. THE Kubs'-rilfars are agents for the above mills, aad are daily reeaviaMea4, Hoastavv, Horse Feed, Pea, MeaJ, Peas, Cora cfn, freshly froand front aew eora. and superior to any ia market sold cheap fay easn. . vV.II.SHEEWOODsyefX). Dee 22 119 ,.-a a,, :-",.. PRINTE9 FRENCH - It YDSLIN Ds Laaes : Plata Meda and High I ITA Celonree Ditto 1 Froneh anaU KaaHsttHert aees, every shade? piald werlaees ana Raw ou so. aosna us 0alss: rst saie y . , Nir. 2S.--.-.-y, JAMES DAWSON.' PIAPES HANGINGS. Shaeeshnaf Cartala . Lacs and JJsmask made and pat sp bv . ,. jftt'i lis 't 0 --y "ITfaeiiteffcl5 ..-."IIIJIICJU- llbUSE, A. 16, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. BALTIMORE. MAKVLD.- -Established in order to afford the Afflicted tvund and scientific ,,cdical Aid, . andfor the suppression of . Quackery. DR. I. B. Smith baa for many yeara devoted his whole a;tention lo the treatment ot Privatet om plaints, in ail their varied and complicated forms. Hisgreat success in those long standing and dtffi cutt cases, such aa were inrmeriv considered Incur able, is snfheient lo commend him to the public" ss wonhy of tita extensive patronage he has received. Within the last eight years, Dr. a. has ires ted mere thsn 29,500 eases of Private Complaints, la their (Ufiereat forms and slagea ; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of ail other physicians now ad vertising in Baltimore, and not a single eaae is known where his directions were strictly followed, and. medicine taken at reasonable time, without effecting a radical and permanent cure ; therefore, persons afflicted with diseases of the above nature, ' no matter how difficult or lon; standing the case maybe," would do well to call on Dr. Sroith.at bis office. No. 16, Sooth Frederick St.,and if not effec tually relieved no remuneration will be required for ow htticcsi ru reecucioes are iree from ate rcarV ana bu mineral poisons put ap in s neat and com I pact form, and rosy bSiaken in a public or private noase,or wnue iraveiung, wiinout exposure or hin drance from business, snd except in cases of vio ent Inflammarion, no change of diet is necessary. STRICTURES. Dr. Smith has discovered a new method by which he can cure the worst form of striclure and that without pain or Inconvenience to the patient. Irritation of the uretha, or prostrate glands.or neckof the bladder.is sometimes mistaken lc r strictures by general practitioners or charlatans. OUNG MEN and others afflicted with Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and suffering, as well as expense. By his improved me mod nt treatment. Dr. S. ean sately guarantee a speeqy ana plaint. perfect cure in all cases of this com-J TO FEMALES. All diseases peculiar to Females (as also Sup pressions, Irregularities, dtc.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for the curs of the above affections, have been well tested in an extensive practice for the last twelve yeara. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. 8. by a letter, post-paid, describing eaae, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded to any part ot tne United States, always accompanied with full and explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. Office arranged wilb separate apartments, so that patients never see any one but the doctor himself. Attendance daily,from 8 in the morning till 9 at night. N. B. Persons afflicted with any of the above complaints, will d" well to aoid ihe various NOSTRUMS AND SPECIFICS, advertised by Apothecaries snd Druggists ss s certain-cure for any and every disease. They are put up to sell, but not toeure. ana frequently do mtlci, more harm than good therefore avoid them. A word to the wise is sufficient. Address PR, J. 8 SMITH, 16 South Frederick,!., Baltimore. M J. Oct. 13. 90-Iy c. HENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, PURELY VEGETABLE IN ITS COMPOSITION. TMIIS invaluable Cordial, is extracted from Herbs JL end Roots, which have been foond after years of experience, by the most skillful Physicians, to h.4 possessed of qaaUties most beneficial in the dis eases lor which 1', Is recommended, and bence whilst it is presented to ihs public, ss sn effica cious remedy, It Is also known to be ot that charac ter on which reliance may be placed aa to ita safety. In cases of I m potency, ifoemorrhagea. Disordered Sterility, Menstruation, or Suppression of the Men ses, Fluor Albus or Whites, or tor DEUILITY arising from any cause, audi aa weaknessfrom aick ness. where the patient haa been confined to bed for some time, for Femalesafter Confinement, Abortion or Miscarriage, this Cordial cannot be excelled in its salutary effects: or in loss of Muscular Energy, Irritability, Physical Prostration, Seminal Weak ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Slug gishness, Decay of thv Procreative Functions, Ner vousness, Ac, where a tonic Medicine ia required, it will be foundequal, if not superior to any Com pound ever used. TO FEMALES. Henry'slnvlsoraiins Cordial, is one of the most Invaluable Medicines in the many Complaints to which Feiualasare subject. It assists nature to brace the whole system, check excesses, and creates renewed health and happiness. Less suffering, disease snd enhappincss among Ladies would exist, were they generally 10 adopt the use of this C r dial. Ladies who are debilitated by those obstrue- ions which females sre liable to, are restored by the use 01 a bottle or two. to bloom snd to vigor. YOUNG MEN. That solitary prSetite, so fatal to the existence of man and it is the young who are most apt to be come Its victims, from an ignorence of the danger to which iney suntect tnemseives, causes NEK YOUS OEUILIT Y, Weakness of the System, and Premature Decay Man v of van mav now beaiifferin . misled aa to the cause or source of disease. To those, then, who by excess have brought on themselves Premature lm potency. Involuntary Seminal Emissions, Weak neasmao a nn veiling 01 tne uennai urgana, ner vous Affections, or an votrter consequences of unres trained indulgence of the aensnal passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing tne leucines of MAKtllAUH. lessening both mental and bodily capacity. Hold! Henry's Invigorating- Cordial, a Medicina that Is purely Vegetable, win aid nature to restore those importantiunctions to a healthy state, and will prove of service to yon. it possesses rare virtues, is a general remover of disease, and strengthener of the system - AS A TUNIC MEUICINE. it is unsurpassed. We do not place this Cordial on a footing with quack medicines, and, ss is customa ry, a poena lone list of Recommendations, fjer tiheates, Ac, beginning with ' Hesr what toe Preacher says." and stfch like; ills not necessary, for " Henry's Invigorating Cordial." only needs trtsi to prove mat it wmaeeompiisn au we say. THE GENUINE " HKNKYS INVIGORA TING VOR DIAL. is eat up in 8 ox. Pa one 1 Bottles, and is eeeilyreeoir nixed by the Manufacturer's signature oa the table of each Bottle, (to counterfeit wtucn la forgery,) a wen aa his private seal on tne cork ot each tsortie rrsoid tor si pet koiusj ix ror aj ato per doxen. , . . - Pyen-redonlv bp S. K. (JCI H KIN . no. J f niliin Row, Vine Street, below Eighth, Philadelphia, Pa., DRESSED. For sate or all respects oieuruzgisis A. Merchants throughout tne country. Oct. 29. st-t.w-c. UPHOLSTERING GOODS. j m. y .yty - , - idcii n-Bi--a f-nrtalna. l.areanu uinui ,La L Bands. Loons. Tassels. Shades, dtc. All work In abovstine done st shortest notice. WiLsUNSON ej" ESLER, over the Fruit Depou Oat 27 PURE MEDICAL WINES & LIQUORS. DARK and Pale French Brandy t Port, Madei ra aad Sherry Wines, all of superior quality. & B J. A. EVAN a. Jaa 15. '29 CARRIAGES. Iaix seated CARRIAGE,' t Paaeted asarter Roekaway, 1 Quaker Roekaway aad several light Baggies jnst received Snd for sale by - sept zr-u, wipv w..,.w. . JUST RECJ21YED EROMacbr. CIm. MBIs, S9 bbla. ApptesSpit saahnrr, Greealags, aid win Poaad Seeta, e Aet also Onion, Potstoes, Tornine. Beets. Ae Craaberrisa. Call sad examine a t the Faaaily uracsry f . usu. ss 1 sUUFiVTeat st .jDwaviwr: : -'let fftie TTTE have aew ana band Window Shade, Car. w sauia-ywancssHMis. aasaeis, saa axti eg vartoBS alads taJsa. yattrasses a hand and ataas ts ercc m sy else saeai ; 3 N. C. BACON. O fl M lbs. Ha Round, for aale bv OvUUU ANDERSON dt SAVAGE. D.ee 1 110 SAyI SALT . .-v - QiV - SACSS groaad Salt, aew oa the wa j&JJJ frosa Liverpool, aad dally expected f. arrive, for sale by Dec. 15. FRERst AN 4k HOUSTON. BACON. JOME soperior lata of North Careliaa Baeea. iust received and tut sale lew. b Dee. A tV FLANNER. MOURNING COLLARS AND Underaleevesi Linen Habits aad Sleeves i French Worked CoUara j ' tssilted Gatonsi Freaeh Bombazines and fine to superfine Black Silk Warp Alpaea. Received to-daysnd for sale by . JAMES DAWbON, Nov. 29. " 10. PURE GOLDEN FLAX, , IRISH , , Linen snd Richardson's ,slhrted Hi,f r.milr -LiasBau.J31tdS Kra Dta iters. Napkins and uoy las, Scoica ana ixassia uispers. rowa Hollands and slate colored French Linens. eeeived to-day. and for sale by '! . Nov. 29. JAMES DAWSON MORSE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT. THIS is a Parelf Vegetable Compound, scientifi cally prepared Irom the best Root a and Herbs of the Materia Kediea. and hss gained an anrlvall ed reputation for the following effects, vis : PURIFYING THB BLOOD. and thuscariagall H amors, Sores, Ulcers. Cntane O'is F.ruptions. Canker, Scald Head, Ac. i Regalatiog and Cleansing the Slomacb k Bovela, thus it cares Dyspepsia, Indigestion, CostivenSss, Piles, e. . Strenrtbeniar the Digestive Organs. thjis-eeestni the food to nourish snd support every pan. v RECCL'ATIHQ THE BECRETAJIt ORGAMS sad, by enabling them to perform their proper fane tions, preventing and earing Billoua andotherpaia ful diseases. SlrtnthrnlB and Quieting the Nerrons System, thasallaylag Nervoua Irritation.andcnringail diftv eases of ihe Nerves. It is nnrlvalled In the cure nf all FEMALE DISEASES, as Weakness, Irregularity. Obstructions, Ac. It is pleasant to take, ana sale in all casea ; act ingin harmony with ae restoring powers of nature It never injures bat always benefits snd cares, ss thousands 01 voluntary eernncaies irom the beat authorities testify. Prepared by O. MORSE 4- C0..2rMsiden-Lsne. N. Y. Sold by Draggisteaad others throughout thisand othereonntries. 3. B. d J. A. EVANS, Agents, Wilmington. N. C. sept. 30. ea-iy-e RICE! RICE!? QA CASKS fresh beat, just received bv XAj L.N. BARLOW. Dec. 1. No. 3 Granite Row. JUST R EC EI V ED FROM BLTIM0RE AND PHILADELPHIA. Or BBLS. Silvers Fire Proof Palni, ailcolors y.C20 casks Spanish Brown ; 10 do. Venetian Red 1 5 do. Yellow Ochre. Fersaleby C.oY D. DrPRE, Dragefstsand Chemists, Jan. 9, rviimingtsn.N. LARD. 5BARt ELS. 3 Tin Stands. RANKIN A MARTIN. 117 Dec. 17 CRACKERS. JUST received per schr. L,. P. Smith, a fresh lot of Butter, Cream, Aicbv, Sugar, and Faa'cy Crack era, and whole and half bbla. and bags double extra Flour 1 also 60 bage fresh ground Buckwheat 1 for aale by L. N. BARLOW. Dsc. 17 117 1854. CM YER S. rrnps. Ci Raw, Front st. EXCELSIOR. manufacturer and dealer 1854. in Hats, rami Jan. 7 127 BUTTER AND CHEESE. QC KEGS Prime Goshen Batters 150 boxea CJ prime Cheese. For sale by ZENO H.GREENE. Dee. 17. N. C T. copy. 117. Vf QUARTER and HalfbblS extra fine Fulton J Market Beet, for sale bv Oct. 22. C DePRE A CO. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. GEORGE R. FRENCH, at his old stand oa Market street, begsfl leave to return bis thaaka to ntalaTT old friends snd customers for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and to inform tbemtbat his stock of Boots snd Shoes, including every vari ety la hia line is now as complete and ss extensive as at any former period. His atoek of Gentlemen rioysanaunlldren s is oats ana onoes eruoraces eve ry vsriety of style, faahion'aad quality that can be desired, or that ia uaually called for, including a fine assortment of Ladiei.Miase and Gent lemen's Over Shoes. ' He woaid flartientsrlv invite the attention of ike Ladies to ids extensive assortment of Ladies and Misses Leather, Morocco. Enameled, Bronze, Pat. Leather, Goat Skin, black and while Kid and a va riety of fancy colored Baots; Shoes and Slippers. Also, black, brown, blue, parple aad variegated silk Gaiters, anew and hand soma article, with and with out heels. Ladiea fancy Gaiters at SI a pair. Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find lags. Please call and examine.- Mr. French would also inform hisfriends snd the public, that he is State Agent for the sale of Davis' Psin Killer and Wright's Indian Vegetable PUU, by either wholesale or retail. , Nov 40 102 LfjiE. rn CASKS ob band RANKIN A MARTIN. 117 Dee. 17 DOMESTIC GOODS. WE have just received a large supply of Domes tic Goods, among which sre Bleached snd Brown Sheetings, Bed Ticks, Hailboro Stripes, Sheeting Stripes, Apron Checks dre.j also 300 pieces best American Prints.' bought sinee theds cline in price, and will be aoM at a small advance Dec. 20 HEDRICK A RYAN. ' RICE. Cirr C SKS now being seat at mill. ygUl I Half and Small Rice on hand For sale by RAMaUN MARTIN. inn. 10 m 4t N0WS YOUR TIME. FROM N. Y. per shr. L. P. Smith sV Ben. 45 boxes sda. Candles ; 10 boxes sperm dot i 1 0 kegs of best Goshea Batter i 25 boxes of prime Cheese ; 20 Stewart, Baasfag A Co , hard aesd Csndiwi Low for Cash, at GEO. H. K EL LET'S. Dee. 11 r , 117 Weekly Hi If.tr.T. an4 ;S' of A. copy. - FOE RENT. a THE large Briefc Owslllag. ea Seeead Street, at present oeeaplsd by Mrs, Wat. B. Ltverrr. Far paniealars apply RANKIN. .Spteaabr 3, 1811. EGEP IT EEFOEE TC PEOPLE. THAT the North Caronna Family Flsar is as good as the Hiram Smith as a theaeaad eaa Vatify whohsv aasd ft, aad sette tor two dollars ess os site bairel, sstdea. Z. B9a. vto.t ma Potateee. 20 bbks. jest reeefved swd for sale by '. .. -.i, ... u ctiruinn-m ... bll : v" n,.a au.vvi -1 WW4 j 4iy A Aw .aaMj-L '- Cfin ri-GC U3,Biladsaad ssiaaTs tevihs J arv- ast reeerv- s rw s"t t . ; 2--- - 7Koir.cEKi;i rreti t INewfoandiana aoe, aoout wuicu ne tens ;i m - . aa ' k a a . .11 good many flaiHiy storres, among which i the following- we ten n at a wna toiu tu us. promiain only that our friend ia a man of fair eharacfer fortyernity ar-d we be lieve the a'.orj ureelf. e epent several weeks during the last sdmovrin country village, accompanied b'hisdog Bonej-, an abbreviation of Napoleon Bonaparte, bis truejianae: Wow Bone is an educa ted, gentlemanly dog. conscious of bis own strength, end from verj magnanimity pnva no attention to small animals Hint di.i k and snarl at, or even bite him. He hail been taaehl to fetes, and carry, and it was onl necessary to point oat any article" to UUU liiafc u vwuiu inij buv w.uv. bring it along, and Boney would bring it. A small spaniel , about the, srse cf u eat was m the ilaily nabit oi imposing upon the, good natora of Boney, impudently at tackin hito, seizing him by the long linir . . asm a on His bind legs, ami 8naKing ana growl ing away as if be were really eoineooiy, all whicn Boney bore with Cbmtian for bearance, netet eyen snowmg- nts ivorj-, but irdtting1 awawrlh dignified contempt from his pony assailanf. y One day our friend was walking out wllfi fits 3oT. wben lbe"littie spnnielprorr of ifinjpoftance, made his uscral aUncV upon Boney. " Fetcnv nim . arong, sain ,or friend, pointing to the srdbiel. No sooner said than done, Boney pounced upon him, and rolling him over and over without hur ting him, look him by the napeof the neck, and trotted along after his master with all the digrity of an animal conscious of be in in the iierformance of a pleasant doty. The little dog yelled, and howled, and strug gled, but there was no use in talking. Boney trotted around after his roaster, with thepaniel in his mouth, ns a cat may sometimes be seen carrying one of her little onee, greatly to the amusement of all the boys in the village. At length hw master ordered the prisoner to be released, when the little animal, thoroughly hum bled, drew a bee line Tor home, lie gave Boney a wide berth after that. Albany Register, BISHOP SOULE. It has been stated that this venerable ui d greatly venerated Minisier tvas again on l.i-i way to California. A writer in the South ern Christian Advocate rein tee the following amusing incident ol'thc Bisln pr " - 'We were deeply Interested, a few months ago, in rt stage-eoneh conversation with Bish- od &oolc. In which-that venerable and vrte- . .A .L. 1. it- ran leader gave oa wie irj u m "v"' horse 'Hero .' Whether 'ilero' will ever g t into print herealler, we cannot tell. He m worthy of n place in the picture which pos teritv will, some day or other look at admir ingly : the picture of the tile ol advenlarr. toil, nnd self-sacrifice gone through by the second race of American Bishops. On tli horse, Bishop Soulc made five tours of the continent, traveling in the saddle tventy-sif thousand miles! That saddle was no 'chnir of ease.' Among the many incidents and ac cidents hy 'flood and field' to whieli Hero wm party, one occur ted of somewhat laughable mm: Hem was a ihoroaajh -bred, and train .d 111 Vireijiia for the turf. Bishop Smiin was oahUfway to Augusta. Ga"., in attend the eesridnf ol the S. C. Conference. He reached the suburbs of the city nt a time when the 'races' were in lull blast. Passint? the course just as the excitement of the race" was at Hi height Hero.' lor?ettul lor Hie moment of the charge in Ins fortunes for iretful thai he curried a crave and reverend Bishop 'CVxavrreia el Casaris fortunes' suddenly sprung across the ditch, and was in the act of leaping tlie twnce. and taking part in the ignoble strife ol the as when his nin ter. by the most slrenueu 4-xereise of the power of jinnd and voice, succeeded in pre venting mm. ;4f a Methodist Bishop, nolens volens, had ridden a rare that day, nnd won the field, it would have been a new thine un der the eun-Hero is dead- bat Bishop S-nule 1 r . f is now pacKMig.up hc a accouu is 11 10 vm. lomia.M A CASK FORSYMPATH V. Some three years ago. says the Bostorr Post, a yoang man, aceorapHnsed by a young lady to whom ha was deVott dly attached, stopped at Springfield while on u traveHinu; excureion, and engaged a horse; and buggy at one ol the urery tables there, to he ab sent some days. Th stated nuvflber ol'dat a having gone by. and the young mnn Inning to appear, caused the owners of the team lo be alarmed, and they immediately issued a band bill, headed "Stop thiel!" In li e meantime the young man made his appear ance, and judge of his surprise to find him self at once seized by the officers of justice. He endeavored to reason and cxpo-tubite with Ihe owners of the horse nnd ca- rw trr, assuring them that he was wholly innocent of any criminal intentions, and eflered th-m the.full price of the rstaplishment t be re leased. Ail this proved unavailing to the hardened wretches. Rather than suffer the ignominy of a trial which would hva resul ted in the exposition ol the young lady ntid bis highly respectable connect ion", he gava an assumed name and plead guilty. He is now in our state prison, sick ami" emaciated, serving out his aenfeiicn. which expires in aboot twenty dajs. 'lie never disclosed the above facts until yesterday, nor would they even now ne known, oof for Ins being in such a debilitated state as to roake him feet alarmed lor his life. May hi- lelurav days be crowned with happiness. AN AFFECTING SCENE. ' A Tew days ago: ae Daniel Cullen w:i about to be taken from the jaj, in St. Louit, to the Slate penitentiary, to which he had) been sentenced lor 99 years for the 'marder- of his wife, an affecting scenic occurred Wbirhv is thus related: 'Shortly before tl.e arrival of the eo:ieh. a. woman, bowed and deerepid with yearennd bearing an infant in ber arm enTeml the office hesitatingly. Scanning, the laces of the crowd, her eye fell finally, upon Cullen. and wilb a shriekveT recognition, pain, and half joy. it appeared, she ran lo him and felh weeping on hss breast, ft rk his mother,, earns to. bid) him Jarewell. and show him his ra child, for the last time. , Tha seen. Wm aBariBg ooa. The man, jit first was asha med to give. war la his trClinffa. and for awhile - remoostraled srentlv arith U alt mother aa aha fondled, wifh hia. At Iasi however, nature cauld eoofain itself no lon-ger-ha fell back apsmUs seat aod cried like a ehUd. The marshail d jailor, with mil Ibeir tasadsarky whh reM .ef 4b . im& fottad a diEralt..jn mtiiz2 tbeir ostb fwapuosm ; Wbctf ibe ronve jaacB arrived, tl fcqoired b Utti tjerjoa ta part tic moft- yak.-vta Van 'aAa 1? A friend of ours, owns tx noble e sa ' SS asV "C aas.

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