wtirww. r - -j stvaaaw. '- m .wwMMyiaawaiaa t y dssmtxtd. WILMINGTON. K. Cr TUESDAY JANUARY 54, 1854. From tit Macon RepNice I THE WIDOWED INEBEIATES LAMENT. I'm thinking- on thy smiles, Mary v Thy bright and trusting mile , . k " In the morning of our youth and 9nfS ; Ere sorrow came or guile s .. . -. f',..- ;' When thine arms were twined about my Deck, And mine eyes looked Into thine, . And the heart that throbbed for me alone, Wm melting cloae to mine. . I see fall many a gmile, Mary, . On young lip" beaming brignt r And many an eye of light and lore, Is flashing in my sight ; Bat the smile is not br my poor heart, And the eye is strange to me,.. And lonelinses comes o'er my aoml When memory turns to thee. I'm thinking on the night Mayr The night of grief and shame ; When with drunken raring on my Hps To thee I homeward came. " ;:" :-t Oh ! the tear was in thine earnest eye, And thy bosom wildly heated, Yet a smile of lore was on thy cheek, Tho' the heart was sorely grired. But the smilo soon left thy lips, Mary , And thine eye grew dim and sad, For the tempter turned my steps from the And the wine- cup drove me mad. . v From the cheek the roses quickly fled, .r And the ringing laugh wss gone, Vtjy Yet the heart still fondly clung tome, c And still kept trusting on. v Oh ! my words were harsh to thee, Marf, For the wine-cup made me wild, And I chid thee when thine eyea were sad, And cursed thee when they smiled ; God knows I loved thee even then, Bat the Are was in my brain, And the curse of drink was in my heart, To make my love a bane. T'was a pleasant home of ours, Mary, In the spring-time of our life, When I looked upon thy sunny face, And proudly called thee wife ; And 'twas plesant when our children played Before our cottage door, But the children sleep with thee, Mary, I shill never see tbcm more. Thou'rt resting in the church-yard now. And no stone is at thy head, z But the Sexton knows a drunkards wife - Sleeps in that lonely bed ; Aad he says the hand of God, Mary, Will fall with crushing weight, On the wretch who brought thy gently life To its untimely fate. But he knows not of the broken heart, I bear within my breast ; . v'-' Or the heavy load of rain remorse, That will not let me rest ; Ji He knows not of the the sleepless nigh la, When dreaming of thy love ; I seem to see thine Angel eyes, . Look coldly from above. s I have raised the wine-cup in my hand, And the wildest strains I've sung; 'Till with the laugh of drunken mirth, The echoing air nas rang ; But a pale and sorrowing face looked out From the glitterring cup on mey I And a trembling whisper I hare heard, That I fancied breathed by thee ! V Thou art slumbering in the peaceful grave, And thy sleep is dreamless now, But the seal of aa undying grief Is on thy mourner's brow ; J And my heart fa chflf asthfaef Jiary, For the joys of life are fled, And I long to lay my aching breast With the cold and silent dead GOING BAIL. Lawyers frequently eu bjectj persons who offer themselves for bail to unnecessary bad 'gering. A care of this kind oerarred in Su perior Court Chambers, New York, not long ago. Old Mr. Jacob Abrams, a man worth a quarter of a mUlia of money, offered birn-st-lf bnil for n Jew far-dealer, who had been arrested under the Stillwell fid. The amount of hail required was $1500. Counsel : ' What does your property con sul of, Mr. A brums V Ahrams : 5 Sir. I'm wHling: to swear that I am worth more than 81500, over and above nil. I thii k his honor, the Judge, will tell you that that is sufficient, without going into r:irlicul.ir.' I'om.sel : 'No sir. it is not sufficient. We have a right to know what this property is.' Abrains: 'Very well, sir, I've got your own bond and mortgage on the houat you li-e in. for eight thousand dollar, and 1 con aider it wort nib. 1 1 the amount of the bail.' I Much la u enter, in which the Counsel ioined.1 Counsel : 'We do not wish to ask any more question. Mr. Abrams. To the Judge. We are satisbed with the bull, your honor.' This is a true incident. Mr. Abrams had just taken the bond and mortgage from nn insurance company who wnnted the cash for it. A HINDOO CAVILLER SILENCED. As Mr. Thomas was one day addressing a crowd o( Hindoos, on the banks of the Gan ges, he was accosted by a brahmin as follows : ' Sir, don't you say that 1 he devfl tempts men to sin V ' Yes,' answered the missionary. ' Then,' said the brahmin, 'certainly, the fault is the devil's; the devil, therefore, and not man. ought to suffer the punishment.' Just then observing a boat descending the river, Mr. Thomas directed his attention to it, and said ' Brahmin, do you see yonder boat 7 Yes.' ' Suppose I were to send some of my friends to destroy every person on board, aad bring rae nil that i valoabie in the boat, who ought to suffer punishment ? I, for instrurt- lnwem" or ,hey rr doi" ,te wicked net V Why.' answer the brahman, yoo ought all to be pot to death together.' , ' Ay.' replied Mr. Thomnt, ifyou atidthe devil itti j together, you and the devil frill be punished together.' Music rather Unfit a man for wreatline wuB.neworia, It xfteB, the? hearti aod " upirKn. Bhevr ii a flaireolet- &3 StauBten m viwtby ATioleitt rto, ind snd tainf accompanied r by , thooan td !igrhinAbotit 1500 feet of roof of the Inatitutioo for he'Je.r-aad PmVo4 tbc Sliod w-ert'Wloirajff COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. " Locate 187 BaIUre-fc. BaIU-M.rr, W rVKHR ostensible object ot t''r bialnl sd ia the v-rioa. ",.11. Cn.ts. UsiMlawwanv, MtI,Dla,vdi from S lo 8 .i ina " .. . r. - i . and the Coo Terms ior " -77 - - wees. ..u.tlna iJmm ! O. K. CHAM BERLJiy, will meet whhpremp.aHen tion. 35 All CJ1I " " 11 tea., 1 Jaly If. . - I3-Ir -48.w-lr WniSKEY. - erk BBL.S. iastreeelvcd. 'Tor sale br OU - " FJIEEM AN HOUSTON. De,.l2 119 CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THK Sabacrtbers have this day formed Co. .. Partnership ui der the nam and style of JAMES Pr GILLKSPIK &OO., forth purpose of earrrinf on a UKIMKKAL AGENCY ABU COMMISSION BUSINESS. . i JAM KS P. OILLESPIR, ; GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. Wilmington, Nov. 6, 1851 100-if. CRYSTAL PALACE CLOTHING, ANDMERCHANT TAILORING . f ESTABLISHMENT. KAHNWE1LEU 4 BKO. beg leave to snnouace t their numerous friends and citizens in the vicinity, that they will open, en or about the 20th iasu, a branch Establishment, on Market street, neat to the Masonic Hall, where will be found con stantly on hand, an elegant and rich assortment of Gentlemen's Goods lor wearing Apparei,consui I" f -.. . ol the most recent Importations from Pari aod London, which will be made up in the best and moat tasteful manner to order. K. Bro. have seeured toe services of a Practi ! r?niti-r havlnv been entrrifjrdln hia nrofeaaton for fourteen years in Pans, snd being swsre of the great need of soch sn establishment in this city, they feel jut pride In being sblc to offer to Gentle men. GARMENTS of rvery description, equal in taste and fit to any-establishment of the kind, North. ALSO, will be kept eonstantly on hand, a splendid aupply of auperior mad? CLOTHING, cut and trimmed in th latest Paris atyle, all of which will be sold at the lowest possible price and ONE PRICE ONLY. Oct II. 89 JUST RECEIVED. A SUPPLY of Cox's Geletine; babbitt' Tsast Powders ; Preston's Extractsef Lemon, Vanil la. Ac. For salelow.by S.B. A J.A.EVANS. Dee. 18. H8. TOOL CHESTS, TURNISHED complete for gentler URNISHED complete for gentlemen and boys X just received at the Hardware Store iware Store. June 18. J. M. ltOBirnatW DENTISTRY. Da.T. B. CARR has returned from the North with a largely increased stock of Teeth, Instruments, Ac. Having consulted many eminent Dentist, he has perfect confidence in the superiority of Allen's Pa tent mode of inserting teeth with artificial ums full sets inserted immediately after the extraction of the teeth, and remodelled after the gums have healed without additional charge. They can be worn without pain, and removed from the mouth by the wearer, and are cleaner and stronger than teeth inserted in any other way, and are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. All other operatioae per formed in the most approved manner. Reference to Individuals In this place now wearing teeth with the patent improvement. Oct4-w-trtf 86 W. Sf. SHERWOOD & CO. 1 T7HOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mer VV chants Wilmington, N.C. All consignments of Nsval Stores, together with Cotton, Bacon, Lard, Corn, Meal, Flour, Ac, shal secure the highest market price. Dec. 13 115-tf 27 DOZ. ASSORTED BROOMS, FOR sale by C. DvPRK A CO, Oct. 21 OTk FIRKINS best Goshen Butter; 100 boxes AKJ Cheesi premium Cheese. For sale by W. M. SHERWOOD A CO. Nov. 26. LOUNGES. WHY net bny a Lovnee of WILKINSON Jan. 7 ESLER. ' Upholsterers. MOLASSES. 1 nr HHDS prime sweet Cubs Molasres in X OU strona package, just landed from Brig s P. Brown. For sale bv Dec. 8. J, HATHA WAV. SON. JUST TO HAND. -I rvA BOXES Raiains; fiV boxes Cheese ; 25 1 UvJ smalt K. Cheese, 10 boxes ah extra I bbl. Cranberries t 1 do. Shell Barks; 600 Coaco Nulls ( 10O0 lbs. "Stewarts best Candies; Apple, Beet, Turn ipa, Onton and Irish Potat les. New Buckwheat in bbls., boxes ond bag. Hiram 8mith Floor in bbl., half do. and baas; 100 boxes New Scotch Herring t 500 lbs. Codfish, and for sale low for the eash, at the original Family Grocery, Front Street. GEO. M VERS. Dee. 1. " HO. CIDER AJiD APPLES. Qf barrels Marahall'a Cider and 15 barrels Ap fcvl pies in fine order, just received per schr. H. HaHock. For sale by J.U. FLANNER. Dee. 20 118 POCKET DIARIES, T7OR 1854. Vaiious sizes for sale by MCNDS. 124 Jsn.B f GENERAL ORDER NO. I. A LL aersons bavins LL persons having claims against steamer . or A. H. Van- AV. "Spray," S. H. Martin A Co Bokkrlen. prior to first January, will please lean same at Head Quarters, South w narvrs. A.H. VANBOKKELEN. Jan. 6 T- 124.1m .JUST RECEIVED A LARGE aad eomplete'sapply ef FJtKSB f SEKDS.comorialmeeverr vsrlety usually cstl ed for, raised and put upby the United Society of Shaken, at New Lebanon, N . V. Ordertfrom oar country friends promptly filled. Vi ? da. B.-J. A. EVANS. Jan 5. 124 WHISKEY. A f BBL nowHandia ttANriN'dyJIARTIN. Dec.lt ? 117 $30,000 WANTED, THE Cap Fear and Deep River Navigatioa Company are desirous' of . boritfwing Thirty Thousand Dollars for the purpose of completing their improvement. ' '' , According to the provisions f the amended char ter, passed at the kit sessioa of the General As sembly, th Company will Issue coupon bonds of not more than One thousand doUrsor less- than Five hundred doltara-payablsuininw eityof New Vort, five years after date, and bearing Interest semi-annually at the same place. Ample cad un doubted security will be given, 1 Tboae wishing to loan any portion of said sum will please address the Treasurer at Pittaboroagn. Chatham County, N. Ci, by the 20th January. IS54. r HENRV A. LONDON. Trsas. C.F.AD. Jaa.3 - R.Nav.Cw' - - 413-laa-e SASH, BUND AND DOOR FACTORY, I'HEsabsrriber is prepared to fill all orders for Sashes, BHadao Doors, at the ahorteat notice. TVe work will he- well ex oca ted. with the - be of m.tori.ila Ha wia alao kaesc aaasisstlv On hand a rood sapply of all the sites most commonly used; will ba thanklal 10 tboae disposed t saeeorage borne maoufaeiarca, Call and .examine my work sotor sannlrtg oitersrMi a T insv ALL seeoantsdua s;esmr pry." S. H.-lar tla Av Ov .taJ A. ai. T-aLkUIenv,Jre(ow to first Jaaaary atebowbeiag made oat. aad will ba prsianiad uanuftkiat tf Mt said on'- r. 1 vtlPKlf I : ta TWef if Bed Ulaaketai feloued oijdj 4 N.rriankMd rn haaryc era .jk.ars . -t aaM " THE. KOr.TirCAr.OLlNA rnimr"tVKmiirw fCrWTnV77r v - fF 2 abeveComoanvhrabeen inooerallonslncf .t.rl... i.aiuhI AMtri " s-X the lstbf April, 1 84 under the directionoLtlia ,BrhjiKMahaen,rresiaent, f . ? m aa.Uwy wor, VicoPresMaat, James K. Jraoa, earetafr, f , Was. H..JDes, Treasurer, . , VT. K.-UarwoxKh TL" TbiaXotnpany hssr esoJrod e charter giving ad vantages totne ntrrei-oTant otnercompany. The 6th Section gires the Husband the privilege to tcsar his own life for the sole use of hi Wife and Children. frt from any elaimsof ibe reprseanta- ives of. the husband or any of bis creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members sartlcipateln the vhoit of the profits which aredeetared annually Besides, the applicant for life, when the annual premium 1 ovcr30 may pjy on eaM in a ruie. AD claim Tor insurance sgainst the Company will oepaid within ninety days after proof of the death of the party is furnished. Slaves are insured tor one or fit yeara, at rstes which will enable all Slaveholders to secure tbla class of properity sgainst the uncertainty of life. Slavs insurance presents new snd interesting feature in the history of North Carolina .which will prove very important to the Southern States. .The last four months operation of this Company shows a veryl arge amount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already issueo more tnsn zuu roucics. Dr. Wm. W. HAsaiss, Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilmington, N. C. Altommiinicatlonsonbusiaesaof the Company should be addressed to J AS. F. JORDAN, Sec'y. RsUigh,Feb. 12, 1853. Ml-if. EMPTY BARRELS. Of PRIME S Spirits Barrel jsst rscslved jrs an4 for sail asl b Dee. 17 ADAMS BRO. A CO. JUST RECEIVED T?ROM New York and Baltimore r A 20 bags Laguyra C flee j 40 bags Rio Coffee, extra : 25 mats oM J s vi Coffee 70 drums Fresh Figs ; 40bb!s. and boxesCacksrs frssh 1 4 kegs Malaga Grapes ; 5 boxes Fine Lemons ; 10 bbls. extra No. 1 Mackerels CO boxes new crop Raisins ; B cases preserved Ginger ; 8 boxes fine Citron ; 40 boxes Fresh Buckwheat 1 5 u Rice Flour. The above gooda will be sold oa tha bast term far Cash. C.DvPREACO. Dtc8 113 NOTICE. " LAND Warrant, No. 66.749 for 40 acrss of land. Issued teCasandre E. Mclver wst lost in Wil mington about 20(h Oct. la at. The Warrant had been aaaigned in Blank, and was in readiness for ale, but the public are notified that a caveat ha been filed in the land office to prevent ita being located, and it will be of no use to any one. Ap plication will be mad for a rrnswai or the same. NATHAN BRANSON, Guardian. Dec. 2? 119-w LARD! LARD. 0I1! Lard, eh I Lard, ohl oh. Lard! oh. Lard I oh. Lard ! Just raesived, thirty-five kegs very whitsN. C for sale by J. It. RESTON, A Co. Dec. 10 114 CIDER. orv BBLS joit received per aehr. L. P. Smith, QUEEN K. 113 iCAJ and for sate low by KU. H. Dec. 22 N. C. T. copy COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. IUTE the undersigned, entered into Copart- VV nership on the 1st of October. 1853. under the stylo snd firm 0 TA VLOIt 4 PKTTF.WAV.lor tho transaction of a GENERAL GHOCEHi RUai N ESS. We have token the store formerly occupied by S. P. Gause, next North o El'is Mitchell's Grain Store, and hope by cloae attention to busiress, and sniail profits, to secure a liberal share f patroaaee. A. D. TAVLOR. J AS. T. PETTE V AV. Wilmington, Oct. 22, 1853 . 94-3m. FINE PLAID LINSAYS, PRINTF.DDruffetsi Heavy Woolen Hand half Hose; Thick Woolen Shirt for Negroes: very heavy all wol Twilled Blanket, and Crib and Cradle Blanket; Georgia Ksrsrysand Plains. Jost received sad for sale at the lowest prices, by Nov. 29. JAMES DAWSON. "MAN KNOW THYSELF." AN InvslaabU Book for J5oems. "Evtr Fami ly should have s copy." S ix thousand copies sold in less thanthree months. A new edition, revised and improved, just issued. Dr. Hunter's Medical Manuel and hand Book for the Afflicted, containing an outline of the origin, progress, treatment and cur of every for re of dis ease, contracted by promiscuous sexusl intercourse. by self-abuse, or by sexual excess, with advice for thvir prevention, written ina familiar style svoiding all medical technicalities, and everything that would offend the ear of decency, from the result of some twenty years successful practice, exclusively devo ted to the cure of diseases if s delicate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the cure of the above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp toms sud cure of the Fever snd Ague, for twenty five cents s copy ; six copies one dollar ; will be for warded to any part of the United States, by mail, free of postage. Address, postage pair), Cosden 4 Co., Publishers or box 196, Post Office, PhUadetphie. "This is, without exception, the most comprehen sive and intelligible work published on the class of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical tetms.it addresses Itself to the reason of its readers It Is free from stl objectionable matter, snd ao pa rent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in the hands of Ms sons. Th author has devoted many yssrs to th treatment of the venous com plaints treated of. and 'with too little breath to pun? end 'too Utile presumption to impose,' he has offered to the world at th merely nominal pries of 25 cents, the fruitsof some twenty years most successful prac tice." Has ii "No teachei or parent should be without the knowledge imparted In this Invaluable work. It would ssvs years of pain, mortification and sorrow to the youth under their charge.' Pkoflk'sAdvo CATS. A Presbyterian clercyrnan in Ohio, in writing of 'Hunter's Medical Manuel, says s "Thousands of our youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions. have been led Into the hsbtt of self-pollution without realising the sin aadfearfuleensetiuen era upon themselves and their posterity. The con stitutions of thousands who are raising familleshavs seen enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not knew the esaae or the cure. Any thing thatean be done so to ehfightea and inflaeae the pebtte mind as to cheek, and ultimately to remove thia wide spresd source of human wretchedness, would confer the greatest blesslag next to- the religion of Jesus Chris', oa the present snd coming generations- Intemperance, (the as of intoxicating drinks,) though it hassUin thousands opoa thousands. Is not a greater : c owe to the hems a race A crept my thank tn behalf f the afflicted, and bclievetne, your co-worker la the good work you are so active ly eneaged in." - Oae copy will be forwarded (securely en vsloped snd postage paid,) on receipt of 25 cents, or six copies Corel. Address, JOSDKN A CO.. Publishers,! 95, Phitadelphls. , Book-wliers Canvasseraand Book Agent, sup plied on the most liberal terra. J"P , , 34-1 y-e. C " A FRESH SUPPLY - OF Drawing and Sketch Book a just received and an2for sale at th Ne-a Book Store. Dec, y - ... . J.T, MPNDS. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. I HAVE this dy associated with me In business my 8rother. B. G. Worth, aad would solicit ar Nh new fim, eoarJnaatsea of the Msjeaage her. . -f T.O, WORTH. The anderslgaed have this day formed a copart nership a nder the style -of 1. C- B. G. Worth, lot th traasaeooa of .lhelorwardiag and eommls sloa baalness. -r-2 4 fr -4. " -W Wears eccupyia the awordo brick atasa aad-4 IPk fnk srnea. aad formerly oceqpied ""T snnaaiiasary ,su:lowAnatral M are amply Prepared to reeeiveana f orward.acU eaata far agioant f ercasadiat cntrastra aaaajr esrsJ -.v ?" td Coteai Nevsl r "a ar pesaseavj. ghSlMUyfCSLTa. 4 - BS " W- Z" fTORrhSBL XslvMSsdrerki, tvory haad Xisd Knives ifhow.Farksv or ty tbc duav Spoons sad Fo. V plated with thn slate ( pare atler,wsrranita rp last aa kmg aa tbe tdat ia babhawt without ehanaina ealor. For sate t I tha Hardwsreatorc of- .. :J ? I a a am Ji . ." . isstAfiisaMAa CLOTHS ABU ; CASSI3JERES. 1ITR tell BlseUid rawy Broad do.ha ed M Asan aasimereajnade by. he celebrated XtlUtn. nicn are ausertar in nolnt 01 service and beautv. to any other goods -soldU e fcsy' this oonlun of orStock directly Iromthe Imoorter, and can sail cheap. All cloths sold by an Wsrranted. Nov. 8. HEDKRICK St K.TAN. CHEAP GROCERIES. AI WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, Sorlk WoUt Street. ,11'Umtngton, North Carolina WE, the uadersrgnedV have- jaet- returned from the Northern Cities, sad while there selected atoek of OOOD PAMILV GROCERIES, which m AM toaeil ver low for eash. We wish our fnendssnd acquaintances to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel assur ed we can sadply them at a very low rate. Wa are now receiving our stock, snd will be ready for customers on the JBth instant. TAYLOR. A PETTEWAY. Wilmington, Oct. 221853. 9-3m. UPHOLSTERING. E have now en hand a large assortment of Paper Hangings. Firescreens, ore. ALSO. Are prepared to-make all kinds of Mattresses, Cushlngs, Lounges, or doany kind of work in the above line. Our stock of CurtainsDamask and Lace- Shades, Cornices, f-c, dc , is complete, and would advise those wishing such, to rail and examine, before purchasing elsewhere, on 1 WILKINSON & F.SLER, Oct 8 1 Up stairs, over the Frnlt Depot. NOTICE mo SHIPPERS AND CONSIGNEES OF I PRODUCE. Take notice that on and after November 1st, shipping wharfage will be charged on all produce sent to and t hipped from my wharves; and landing wharfage n all produce discharged thereon, consigned to other pan ie . Nov 1 95-tf WM.'A. QWVER 10 TUBS EXTRA BUTTER, JUST rdceived aad for sale by Oct. 22. s x, tC.,DePRE CO. F; BROWNE " ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER T'HIS ESSENCE is a preparation of unusual L excellence In ordinary diarrhoja, incipient cholera, in short, In all cases Of prostration of lie digestive functions, so common, it. is ot uiesttma ble value. During the prevalence of epidemic cho lera and Summer complaint of children, it la pecu liarly "fficacleas fwofamilv. Individual or traveller should be without it, aa it enables the system to re als! the influence of incipient disease, which luru in a changing climate. Cautiom-. Be sure to get the genuine Essence which is prepared only by F. Brown, at hia Druif and Chemical Store, N. E. corner ol Fifth, and Chesnot street. Philadelphia, and for sale by s the respectable Apothecaries in the United States Sold in Wilmington by S. B. Sc. S. A. EVANS andC.dt D. DuPRE. June 16. 49-ly-c DR. HARRIS, GRADUATE OP CAMBRIDGE, CLASS 1624. XCjrFOUNDEUi OF THEa BALTIMORE LOCK INFIRMARY. No. 31 SOUTH CAY ST. ( Ooposilt the Exchange Ruildinr and Post Office. ' I WiOSK REQUIRING MKD1CALOR SURGI A CAL AID, by applying to Dr. 11., may secure SKILLFUL TREATMENT ANO ADVICK whil ail communication will be sacredly shield ed bv the .Csis of professional honor. Awsre of the difficulty with the public to dis criminate, in a newspaper advertisement, between the genuine and skillful physician snd 'he spurious nrvtensions of the designing and dsnrerous Quack Dr H. will cheerfully give, when applied to, sacb private references aa wilt fuuy aaitstv all wno re quire hia services. BEWARE OF NOSTRUMS! Avoid the Pstent Elixirs, Compounds and Cor dial, advertised to cure all perwrt under variei forms of disease. A s the constitution and habits ol individuals differ, REASON TEACH KS the same remedy cannot be auited to all alike, ana that disease can only be safely and effectually eradicat ed by a judicious application of proper remedies. ATT liN TION INVITED. A practical experience of over 25 year enables Dr. H. to Insure sound and speedy cure In a cer tain class of disesses, which have too long been yielded by regular Physicians to the hands of quack ery. He may be consulted confidentially, either In person nr by letter. Persona st s distsnee cured at home by address ing a letter to DR. GORDON HARR1SS, Balti more, Md. All communications confidential. Remedies sent by Msil or Express t any part ot the Uaiied States. Jaly 19. 63-ly 48-ly-c. HAIR, SHUCK & MOSS MATTRASSES UN hand and made to order, at WILKINSON 4' RSLER'S. Oct 27 up stairs. SEGARS! SUGARS! o Fall crades, qualities, prices, Ac, at the Fruit Depot W I L. K. I rv SCJ.N dt ESLKR. Oct. 6 CiiEESE. 250 BOXES superior Cheese, for sale by Dec. 1. FREEMAN fc HOUSTON. "Ism a man, and Jeem nothing which relstes to msn foreign to my feelings. " READ ! ! ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD. A Vigorous llfe or a Premature Death. KNKELIS ON SELF PRESERVATION. ONLY 2 OKJITX. THIS Book, just published, hi filled with useful information, on the Infirmities and diseases of the Generative System. It addresses itself dlike to YOUTH, MANHOOD and OLD AGE. To all who apprehend or suffer under the dire con sequences of early or prolonged indiscretions lo sH who feel the exhaustive effects of sedentary aad beneful habits to all who in edition to declining physical energy, are the victims of nervous and mental debility, sndof moping and melancholy de spondency. ur.K. would say READ THIS BOOK. - The valuable advice and Impressive warning it gives, will prevent years of misery and sufiering, sna savsannuauy laousanasot uvea. Parent by reading It, wlH learn how to prevent tne aesiruction 01 ineir ennaren. 13rA remittance of 25 cent; enclosed in a letter, sddreseed to DR. KINK EL1N. PHILADELPHIA. will ensur s a book, under envelope, per return of malt. XSrDt. K. fifteen yesr resident Physician. N. W. Comer of THIRD and UNION Street, between Spaces yndPtxs, Philadelphia, may be consulted connaenttaiiy He who plaeehimelf under the care of Dr. K. may retigiouvly confide in hi honor aa a rentleman. and confidently rely upon hi skill ss a physieisn. S3rPersons at a distsnee ma? ad-tress Dr. K, by letter (poat-paid,) snd be carad at home. PACKAGES f MEDICINES. DIRECTIONS, f -c, forwarded, by sondings vemttunce.and pat up secure from DAMAGF OR CURIOSITY. lBooksllers, New Agent. Pedlara, Canvass ers, snd all others senpHed with the sbove woikat very low rates. J'n t. J4-ly-c. FLOUR. ' . best brands. For tale he C DuPRE A CO. A " BBLS sA-ZOct I. IN STORE, CoJJ SO bbls Mallets; 25 boxes Chewing Tebaeo; - , . lObbta LorilUrd' Snufft aQ,000 Cisars, various quaiitis. . Foraalebg - ZENO H GREENE. Dc-3 N.C.T.eopy i lit FOR aiLBi JUl THE House and Lot eccapled by the sab 1 I senberoa Foart, between Nsa and Ana J l g.... r - given 1st October. Ap ply at the lee House, 4aae28.ltge.v- 5 V: . .. , 44. - IfATTRASSE ffc5i"j fir tTYti band and made to order, of an size and haC ; ( llaroeitaaoea af "ArpleaPvaov, Beet Mauia aad Stake MsDetat Wooden Saoona, aad verrartlele suitable for the kitchen t also all kinds Wllaalusb.Badale; llarness, and Trbsti HE sabbet rpecuily inform. PM" thai be has recently raeeivoddditlosr u - Is stock of Saddle and HaraeS JioaaUaaa dbe N latest attd moat imoravod otvlc. aavd is -oastaaly manuiacturina.at hia store oa market reel,ery descriptioa ei artidein the above line. Krowa Ws experience la tbe business, he feels confident that he will be able to sive eatirr utlafactiot) t u aljwbo may favor him with a call. Hahss now en h snd, snd willconstauil keena laraesasortmenj o, . ... .. Coacw, Chr a4 Suttem Harness. ldv"s SadUrs Bridle. Whips, c., GeiUtemen'i SdddUt, Whips Spars, 4 . ; - allofwhichhe will warrant to be of the W best materials aad workmanship. H f has also a farm. asMirt meal orTraaka, Valises. Saddle and Ciraet RaxK. Satchels Kancv Trunks. e -n4 another articles ssuaHy kept in such establishments, all of which he ofiere lowfor CASH, or on ahori credit to prompt custo mers. - - Saddles, Hsrness.Trunks.edie I Bag s.Ace msde to order. ! " In addition tothe Above the subscriber always keeps on hand a large supply of String I weather, no nas now, ana wuixeopthroagn tneseaooo geva assortment or ny Hfctts. All are invitee to call and examine my uoons, whether lit want ornot, as I take pleasure ittaht-w mimy assortment to all who may ravor ane witn 1 call. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold atafairpriev topersons buying tn manufacture. Also. rVhlra at who ranle. .ltkindsof Ridine Vehttles bought and sold on i . n . . . iunr v n. 8 1853. . , SASH,BL1ND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by liny C. HolcJikit pHEpubUiare hereby informed, that 1 haveb X uppoin edagant lor the sale of VVIadeW Sa beet Sash, Blinds and Doors, manufactured by the New Ha VcnCo-.and am prepared 10 lillitlloruersln the ibove line. The quality of tbo wotkulthe New Haven Co. la well known in this market. Builders and all persons in want of the above articles, are requested to send in their orders, and they will be promptly .... . m 1 ; 1 1 . ,. " J I nlieo lermsiavariauiy casu un ueuvery . WM. A. GWVER QeneraArenlCommifion and For ar ding Mer chant. April 18. IK LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE. itih subscriber would re spcctfully invite the aitentloi of the public, to his vety laigi and comphie assortment of r urniture now being received and recently selected py himsrll at ih Manufactories: duiine the present month, his stock will be complete and consist in part of the fol lowing articles. Fins siets Drawing Rvom Furniture, in Dam ask and Hair Cloth ; Setts Painted Chamber Fun itur. 50 siideboards, Secretaries snd Book Cases; 60 Sofas and Tele aTetes ; 100 Bureaus 1 100 Wssh Stsnds, marble and plain ; 100 Rocking Chairs; 75 Nurse do. 125 Tea end Dining Tsbles ; 75 Centre, Csrd and Sols do. 75 Toilet ao. 100 doz. Chairs, cushioned, cane and Windsor; 250 Bedsteads, in mahogony, walnut, maple and iron; Wardrobes, mahojony and staioea; Office Furniture; Children's Chairs I Ol tomans. Foot Stools ; A fine assortment of Looking Glasses ; Teapoy' Whatnots Hat Stands ; Settees. Work Tables t Work Boxes. Paper Hangings; Window Shades, Ac. dc. A raw vbby rts Piano Fobtks, aad in fact al most any article that may be desired, in complete ly furnishing Dwellings, Hotels, Offices or So ciety Rooms Front Street. J. D. LOVE. Wilmington. N. C, Sept, 9, 1S53 76., IPROF. ALEX. C. BARRY'S Tricopherout. or Medicated Compound. FOR Beautifying, Curling, Preserving, Restoring, snd StrengihenioEthe Hair. Relieving LHseas- eaof ihe Skin, Curing Rheumatic Pains, and Heal ing Kxternal. Wounds. Bounded by no geographi cal lines, the reputation ol Baibt's Tsicormaous pervades the Union The sales of this article of late yvars nave increasea in a ratio mat aimoat ex ceeds belief. Professor Babsv. after a carelul ex amination of his salt a' book, finds that ihe number of bottles delivered to order, in quantities of from half a gross upward, during theyesr Ib62, was with in a trifle of 950.000. It is unnecessary to present at length the evidenc es of the wonderful properties ol the Tricopheross, when the public have lornif bt d rurl-an indorse ment as this. The cheapness of .henrtleie and the explanations given ot its chemica action upon the hair, the scalp, and in all cases of superficial irrita tion, first recommended it to the attention of the people This was all that the Inventor desired. Every bottle advertised itself The effects of the fluid exreeded expectation. It acted like a charm. The ladies would not be without it. Country dealers in every section of ihe Unite" states found th y must have it; and thus was built up a wholnsale trade of an extent hitherto unheard of aa regard ar ticles of this kind. The hicheal point has not yet been reached, and it la believed that the sales this venrwill be a million and a half of bottfra Depot and Manufactory. No. 137 Broadway, New York. ReiaM price. cents a large bottle. Liberal dtacouut to purchasers by thequanti'.y Sold by all trf principal merchants end druggists tnroagnout tne uniiea oiates ana wsnaaa, Mexico West Indies, Great Britain, France, Ac. For sale by C. & D. DuPRE. Wilmington, May 21. 1853. 29-6m-c SMOKED BEEF. and F. M. Beef. Smoked Tongues OMOKED O Ma ckerel, Ac, received this day by L.. N. HAKIAIW, Dec. 17 No .3 Granite Row. NEW DRY GOODS STORE. MARKET STREET. SEXT TO HKSSKS WllalXSOft ESLER. IHAVK now on hand and for sale, at the very lowest market price. full assortment of fancy and domestic Dry Goods, vizi Ladies Cotton, Flannel, Cashmere, Merino and Silk Hose; Glover of all qualities snd styles; Children's worsted Boots. Boas, Leggins, Habits, Hood, Hats, Sus penders, Comforts, Scarfs, Ac; Merinos; Cobergs; Black Alpaccas; raw Silk Pliids; Mouslln de Laines; Persian Cloths; Csshmeres; Calicoes: Ginghams; Bleached Shirtings end Sheetings; Brown Shirtings and Sheetings; Oxnaburgs f t "an ion Flannels ; Table Linens; Towellings, Nap kins; Blue Detnimst -Striped Shirtings; Bedtick ings; Plnid Linseys; Marlboro Stripes; Kerseys; Kentucky Jeans ; Satlnert- ; Cassimere, Cloths, Ac. Ladie white and colored kid Gloves ; Gents colored kid snd buckskin Gloves. I would most respectfully invite the attention of the Ladles to my assortment of French worked colored Embroidered Hsndkerchiefs ; Dress But tons; Silk Gimp; Braids; blsck Velvet, for trim mings, Ac - H.iv'vj hOw s complete assortment of Dry Goods fullw invite Dttrehsaere to ex- amine my stock before buying elsewhere, ss ! feel confident they win be well paid tor taeir irouore. Come and decideor yourselves. Oct 6. L. F WILSON. WE ARE NOW READY, TO Contract for sny kinds of Work in upholster in; business. WILKINSON a ESLER, Nov. 15. Upstairs NEW CROP MOUSSES. 1fZf HD.?, prime new crop Cardenas Molasses. now landing from brig Ell. n Hajdn. F01 sale by HATHAWAY dfc SON. Jan. 3 123 SPIRITUALISM ;YET AG AIN. AFRESH supply of Jud;e'Ednvood s celebrated book on Spiritual Rapplngs jost received and for sale at the New Book Store Dee. 31 J.T. MPNDS. JENNY LIND TOBACCO. RECEIVED this da v, another invoice of that superior Jenny Lb Twiet.by DoetT 4 - ? ' LW.B1RLOW. SCDIEDASI AR0SIATIC SCHNAPPS. THIS Medicinal Beverage is maaNfactsred by Dboltbo Wotra, at Schiedam, la Holland, and is warranted not only purs from every Injarious property and inid)eai,batof ibesbestsoariry. -Thenablie are eaatieaed aeainst aav swriout imitation which, an nnscrppuloas capidity aaay io tmdpesw' . ftpap aiaaa aniess thn nam .of jpdol nhn Wwlfaison the ue. wax. and cork. . - , r 1 so Miami, ana) oy us ootuw w jac a v- 1 mat P.inl RiMMaf. 3em ?-m - V V. I "5Dr?IYBsl Front s. -'. All -Ji UCRIIXEA1V IXA' 8101 U&trt riekl -SMtisV W JUST raoeived aad for saktow let eaeaV by . M doaChatrs,asawtfllB(st - a nurttm viuHrsaaaatra iimii ; vkikum as 00. . , i Jf ine m shogon : . 2 Wash Stand, Wail Mtartd. " do jr p-TUet Tables, f ' " fsVttmt, -W '. . Wswfcevoao, -- 40 Fine Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, assorted kiadst 1 Fl Chamber Set, assert d kinds 1 10 Bedsteads. do' 60 Lsekmg G la see. do IDO- lmc. trbHtwTsmblers, do 2 Fire-proof Iron Chests, Patent Lock, said te be the best now tn ttoe. Call and examine for yourselves. Nov.-Wb - ' 104-tf SPIRIT BARRELS. ) Sptrlr Barrels, juat received per schoooei AJKy ' Victory, and lor sate by Nov. 8. 101 UA?KI!v M AtCTIIv, DU. J. B. IIARCHISI'S tCLBBRATED dTllULlCOK, For the relief fccari f Offering Females it (land pre-enn-nt lor its carattve powers 10 all thje dis eases for which it is recommended, cell ed female Complaint! Of ineve are I'ao lapses Utcbi, or Falling ol the Voml) ; Fi.oca A l K 11 s , or vvhites; Chronic InAVimma rion and Ulceration f the vVomb ; Inci lental Hemorrhage, r Flooding ; Patn ul. Suppressed, and rregular Menstrua. on dec, witn all tneir accompany evila, (Csrw. excepted,) nt matter how severe or of how long standing The Catholicon far surpasses other remedies, in being more certain, lessexpensie.and leaving the system fa s better condition.. Let ail Interested in such a remeedy call and obtain a pamphlet (free containing ample proof, from highly respect a bl sources, ot the happy results or ts use togetner with letters from first-class experienced physicians, who have used it in their practice, and speak Irom their own observations. - crciiscci. Prof. Dbeiinr, M.D , Baltimore, Md. J. C. Orrick, M. D., " P. B. Peckham, M. D, Ctiea, N, V. D. V. Foote, M. D., Syracuse, N. V. M. H. Mills. M. D , Rochester, N. V. L. D. Fleming, M. D.Canandaisua, N. T. W . W. Reese, M. D., City of N." Y. W. Precott, M. D., Concord, N. H. J. P. Newland, M D.. Utica. N. Y. Pamphlets can be had emti at the More of S. B. St J. A. EVANS, Druggists Wholesale and Retail A cents. Wilmington, N. C. And of most of the leading Druggists in the State. Letter addressed to Messrs. Beach tf- Brownson, Agents at Newberry C. I., S. C, by Rev. C. S. Beard, of same State. Gliik Spa mac, Jan. 3ih, 1853. Messrs. Bbach dc Kbowhsos Sissi I send for another boti le of your ' Marchisi's Uiarine Ca tholicon" My wife has been nfHicied for eleven years, and a variety of means has been resorted to for relief, but none was obtained until I received this medicine from jou lis influence seems al most mngical : there was a manifest improvement from the day it wa taken. As there are a ere at many females in our country laboring under the affliction for which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel it a duly to recom mend it to all such. (Signed.) C lough S. Bbabb. J. B. MAR.CWSI Sl CO , Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 Broadway N. V. Nov. 19. 106-lyc FOR SALE. THE DWELLING HOUSE on Front street, at present occupied by Mr. Geo. H. Kelley. For particulars, apply to T. VV. BttOWN. Nov. 17. 105-tf. T. r MATTRASSES OF Prepared .Shucks, Moss and Curled Hair on hand and made 10 order, up stairs over the Froit Depot. Nov. 15. 104 JUST RECEIVED FR0H" PHILAD'A "I CARR Sulph. Quinine, 50 02. Calomel, 1 10 ocs. Snlph. and Acetute Morphine, 'iS ozs Cinchonia, 5 ozs. i'alarlnr, 25 osa. Blue Ma?, 10 ozs. Chloroform, 19 bbls. Rpsont $u!tf, nn.l a choice collection o Chemicals from the Lahratories of Poms St Weight man and Chas. Ellis. For sale cheap at O. & D. DuPKF-'S, Drug and Chemical Store, Market st. June 9. 37 TO TH E I.AOIUK. Me'lle. DURAIND, FANCY DRESS MAKER, From Paris, and Lite from Piilatelvtia, L F.SPKCTFULLY inform the LADIF.S of lV Wilmington, and vurroundinsr country, thai she intend openiog her Katablisbtnenl about the 17th uf the present in.inlh, on Second street, two doorsSouthof Mrs. Shaw's late residence here .he will be In readiness to attend to sll those who may honor her with a call, and to w horn she prom- irs trie nisrnest satisfaction a he will receive con nanily Iroin Paris, the latest and most approved tasnions of UKh.sKS. ."sue hopes, witn a desire to please, .to merit a share of patronage here. Oct. 2. 85-tf WILMINGTON WARBLE AND STONE YARD. IHK -Subseriberhaving accepted the agenev ol severailarKe wtabUehmenisat the North, which wilifurnish him on onlmiiledsopplv ot finished or nnfinlsbck, foreigaand domestic MARBLE of sll qualities, is prepared 10 fill sit orders for MtiNUBIEKTS AND TOMB tsTONES, and every other article in the line of the business at reasonable rates 8CULPTURING. LETTERING OR CARVING Kxecated ss wcims ean re done eunsr XNorth or Soth. Thcbesl efereneccan betclven, if required. JAS -McCLAK.AP'AN. March 3. . ; ' , . i 149-tf. COR W ' SHELLERS AND STRAW CUTTERS A Lor preach, jnsi received, smonjt them is s new style and much approved Straw Cotter For sal by ZKPiO H. GREEN F.. Dec. 17. IN- U. T. copf. 117. TALMAS AND LADIES CLOAKS, BI.ACC and coloured, of the veijr latest French Pali ern ; Ladies black snd colourrd Clotjji lUf Cioaks, snd Trimmings fo; the same. Received ana tor'.; by AMES DAWSON." Nov. 29. 109. FOR SALE. 150 I SUPERIOR N. C. Hama. RA.NK1 & MARTIN. DCC. I , , . . , ;. . 117 MULLETS 25 BBLS. No. just received and for sale bv ZKNO H. GREENE. N. T. C copy 119 Dec. 22 . FAYOTirriLKE FLOUR. yT BBLS. fresh iroahrf, for sale by " J D ' - ANDERSON SAYAGE. Dec. - " 110 JUST RECEITED. A FULL assortment of Preston & Merreli't Ex- fi rraci and Veast Powder, l.ime Jeire, af-e ; also Swmborn'a pa ten a regard Welaiine.a new and n- 1 parlor article, at L. ft. Bit 8 LOWS,. Uec. 8 4 Unoue Jtsw. STEEL MIXED, riADET MiasdSnd Oxfarri Grev CiulaurM. a w lw(( s.n nenl ot loaf; aad sqaare Bay Slate -Shawls; fia Merino do., aaaettevl cploart, Rest Uh ker Flaanef sad. baksr Kait .tihirU sad Drawers Ladies French Corsets, Cat toa Faral tar Frios Parts Plaid Satin Qaadrilie Dreae ad Rich Wmmp Kagttake and French Prims. Foraaleby. '"" JAMES DAWSON. - 'XtaeV a".1" uv"(rs-j- film. NCSTH C ARO UNA CA$SIMKR 6. J BALKS fWA.CasshBefe. ttsaatiraeasred at a Jlem, N. C. s Ch best eoodrof the Ma snade Aataa; " ' EDRICILeVRTAN z 7. - f-n a 7 waaatarotf, j,m We wlfwsW aa asaaeie, loeent la nm jaw oaisraar wveaiHCi.aye) blrwda hrj been la town aorit, the air la- r ki,1? -fmflea' ln 'hebnek rfx.rn.of the store t. - tit ewe nT Inrta had wot the r-owtt of tiia , eustr saaglr store with bonding; mntrtM. . hrsioesa Hscfcler' Ullrd with ,mr of ln . r (,ir lb ," 23 a 27 h.r. 2 VO 1 M) 2 Nr . per bbl : fiuh, ern n., 9lii It Ueeta by talc. .0. I - Z W a Z 1 : i it vra '. x t 00 a 6 00 i 3. I 16 a tTKJCK, per lb. nuau, tr--. ir I II srra, 13 13 1 14 .AILS.pclkrc ,IW I, a ftU a H a Id till.. D. I uail aV h- r ' It'. fHt,,. i I 'IS l I fc- ?st bush lasvft a;. 7'4-fcO. J2. te LNtai'. fMi. I bb'n- r Narthcro, 14 m lb. 2a.s3i Pock, ftofitwie ler tht salttiac, a". ili.., 16 Mr a 17 M li mi r , Ot Ul sripr Bfl "621 Id. 1 16 a 17 rear, per busbel . , B. K. a ran A am. 9ansbarics J ana dii ieflag 9t 10 t:w. - -75 a vn ' DHCCt ) Pea Nats " 80 a I 10 7 a 9 J KICF.,pt tOwtba. ' osa 1, Cleaaew. 4 00 t 4 Jfr.. OUlt. prr hhl. ' Roaga rice oto. "'" BM lllc, 6 75 a 1 Se,. a 1 83 s t g, per lb. Vraas II a 14 prravsn 1 mi t iv STAVES. IM-I 101 W.O hhd. 20 00 n- , ' roueh. one. .." I.'rrsrfd, hhd roujjh, WMtiri Vi Per 100 lbs,. a try I aftw-j edoti an lei f 1Sv-f-fflO none. Ionia by keepiud the! a view just ahead of hirrt. Afrev.v A CAPITAL JOKE' - L Wd were n.ade acquainted, say the 'B-tf-. lioiore times, with a laughable nrrurreie tlmt happened to a yeoiig' married iriru.d ot ours, on ihe eveniiif of the Law Grey's hall. AlilioW'.i nraallr of' lem Derate habit, il et m he had iraallaiteouly become imboed . with martial and alcoholic spirit, and after having a glorious time with a lot of ""jolly good tallows,' (members oT ihe I; O. f-.HV we suppose.) he went hwne 10 his neglected spouse in nn awful oblivious state. His bo--sinees generally detain d hira until a-late hoar, and it appears that his wile,' before re tiring, whs in the habti ol preparing- a latich lor hi enjoyment aftt r the faiigoes of ihe Jay wore over. On the night io question. -besides tlii", usual supper, she left wueh. bowl filled wilh eaps ia st.irelt The lamp had long been extinguished when the stag gering husband returned, nnd, by mistake, when proceeding to satisfy hit hunger, stock his finger in tHe wrong dish 7 Ho worked away at his mouthful of caps very patiently, for some time, but finally, being unable to masticate them, he sang oat lo bis wile t 'Ole woman, where did you get voor cabba ges they are so confounded stringy, I can't chew them.' f.-fj ,i.ti "My gr.-icious," replied the good lady, "if that stupid fellow anil eating up ull my caps that I put in starch over nighi." ? ! We understand our Irieiid suddenly be--came an uiicosb promising advocate of the Maine liquor law. and joined: the teetotal so ciety at the earliest possible moment, . PERSONAL. ; Portsmouth. Jan 19 We are pleased to see among us Mr. W. C. B ttencourt. Col lector of the Port of Wilmington N C and Mr. E. D. Hall; Sheriff of the' county of New Hanover, which. Wilmington is the county seal of. They come upon a commis sion connected wilh the construct ion ol a new jm'I ; and vitit the Norfolk Jail., which has been highly spoken ol as a place of security and cnmlorl. ' Messrs. Hall and Betteneourt are : "deserv edly nouular men in their communities, both democrats, and clever gentlemen. Mr. Hall is a votinc man. compHraifrely : Mr. IJetleii- ronri has been identified witn the democratic pnrty in N. C through all its trials and it uggles in deleat up to the cuunination ol ts success. Globe. TRAGEJJYAT LEXINGTON, V V. The Siaonlon Spectator states that a ter rible tragedy is reported to have occurred at Lexington, Inst suadny mght.' The pee tu tor ay: , , " ' '., ' The accounts which have reached as are so vague and roMradictory that are are una ble to give the particulars. . This. much how ever is i rue: a Cadet named Blaeltburti was stabbed in the neck by a young man nnmrd Christian, a member of Judure Brneken hrnugh's Law Claas-and instantly killed. A lady if mixed up in Ihe unfortunate nflniriu some way. Younir Bluckburtt was from Jef ferson county. Cliriaiian wn immediately arrested." . . -, ? A disiingtttl)ed divine' was walking wilh a friend past a new church., in -which anolli er c'istjnguiahed divine is ihe sheperd. Said the Iriend lo D. D, looking tip at the spire, wbieh atn very tall and net jret completed, How mneh hitfher ie that going to-beT" ' Not much.' siiid the D. D., wilh a sly Inouh, ' lltey don'i own very far in that direction f t An eiderfy lady wriies W a friend :" '.A widower with tn children ha proposed bihIv 1 hive accepted. Thie is about the number I should have heew entitled lo. if I had been married at the proper lime j Instead of beinir cheated into a nonentity,! , Sensible to the - I. -t, . ABUNDANT. Wild pigeon are abeiidant in Loaisville, and sell at sixty cents prfdoien, ': . v PLENTY. :-'--f Venison is plenty at Buffalo. ' It is selling at a shilling per poon 3. ; , - fire. :i rr The Bapitst Chore!) in Ithaca. N. Y was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night. LUCY "STONE. ' ' This notorious personage realized $100 per night lor her ' lectwea iu St Louis." , TOWAGE- , r . ON snd after this dale., sll vessels. UtlA towed la barbor by S learner m. " and Cajhosa. will be charged 7toV QUO. HAfltireS, Agent, Nov.8lh.J86?. r.'Z:; J SIPU TOWING BY STEAMER CALHOUN f ffSZJS OkttUH fortiwiatby 8TKAMER m mi Jileft st th office af - 7 GF.O. UARRISS. Nov. la. m6. WESTERN SIDES: f f HHDS. expected, per brie Barna Vista lUsaWby ' RUtfSeLL A B Fes- BRO. Nov. n ' 107 GARDEN SEEDS. GARDEN Seeds iast leeeivsd from PhrWidelrbta, k la tx Sapply or Gardear- and Flower seeds, ios aalat C. D. DvPRK'A : Jaa.lt ' Drag awdCaeaiteat 8 tml. V CUT TELTEJVrlr?V PLUSH sbmI Satis ;Ytia Iish Black Crape; While Kativl craaVai RtiaWsean4 fUEbibtiloa flae Woolen Shawl. Received loeay. sndforaaleky : 5 JaalES DAWSON. Nov. 29. v;... 109. -A - I ' 7 I r ? RLAIU'S RHETORIC. 8 TTNlTEttSITT etHtloa received snd for safe by Dar i.t4...i.fi.., . r 'r K Jz J" i 1 - ' ' ii 5 S-V e:LARD: --v--.' O rceei v4 aa for aale low, by ." TT.'V"" ,jPesK-2A,.. L, i. H. FtANNER. - is scs3 cxTai rpnn. c. Linix 9 4 V&'k.??'?. MM tiisisjiMaa, V. -- .. . .