V X i r-rtiro j r.Tvsis.'.-,- uuHuvri'incigriu snia yoinpany paasea X an arder, ft tbelrlate meeting In Charlotte, by -which the "whole of Iho Capiat) Stock subscribed by individuals called for, and fails due as follows, viz: 10 per cent, on l he-1st March ne, and 10 per cent, on ihe 1st May next. ' Intetest will be Tcquir ed by said ofder If payment be delayed twenty day after therlnstalrnenta become due. CYRUS P. MEN DEN HALL., f SJec'r At Treasurer. Jan. 12 127,4tw LARD. SEYKRAL ricks?cs of No. 1 N. C. Lard, jus received and for Sale low, by Dee. 20 J. H. PLANNER. 15 REGS EXTRA FINE,. C. LARD, FOR sale by " C. DcltPK A CO. Oct. 22. J. E. HALL, CO .MISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington N- C. Office in rear of Mc.Milian, Davis & Co'b Store. Every attention pai l to the sale and purchase of produce, and liberal cash advances made on consignment. Refers to Capt. Gilbrri Put'er, E. P. Hall. Stoic N. C; O. G. Parslcv, Bank ; McMill-n, Dm it Pre't Branch Bank l'res't Commercial Co. Ian. 21 131-tf FOR RENT. IWfLL rent at public auction, on ilie 2jth in rtunt, un css previously rented private1', the Wharves and Buildings on the west side "I the river, -.immediately opposite the town of Wil mington, and adjoining ahe depot of the Wil mington ar.d Manchester Rail Road. Tliis prop erty lius the track of the rond running through Us entire IeiH;ih, parallel with the river, and at such convenient distance from the front of the wharves as to afford me greatest facility for the storage and shipment of produce from or on (he road. O G PA US LEV. Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 21 1 53. 131 3t FOR RENT. rP'HE Store ur.Jcr the 01J Commorci.t Hotxl, Doek street : newly fitte d up, n'.plvt.i CHARLES I). ELLIS. Jan. fc FOR RENT. MTII".1re Drick Dwelling, on Second Street, in present occupied br Mrs, Wi. H. ijppiTT. For particulars apply to . It. U. RANKIN. September 3, 1353. 73-if. WHEAT, HICE. CORN & PEA FANS, "UST in store and for sale by Oct 4. J. M. robin: iON. FITZ-GREEN HALL EC KS' rpOKTlCAL Works, new and only edition ; con -L tatriiog many Poems now first collected; one vol. 12 ntty, price SI. " Ha Heel is one of the brightest s'ars in our A-meric.-n Literature, and his name is like a House hold word wherever the English language is spo ken." Received and" for sale by Jan. 2(5. S. W. Will TA K Ell. ASSORTED PRESERVES. DOZEN, very fine, for sal bv -20 Jan. C. DuPRE & CO. CHARLES R. B0NNELL, General and Commission Merchant, C.'ijn, iicc , and Sacni S'ores and Mrrchsin-lizf. gciura'tu. Office No. 55 NorMi Front street, Philadelphia. References. "New York, Mejsrs Al'en & Pa.son ; Piiiladel phin. Thos. Allibone, Esq., Prest. Bank of Penn sylvania; Baltimore, Thomas Whitridge 4. Co., Wilmington. N. C , Messrs. De Rosset & Brown, and Dr. T. U. Wright, Pre-t. Bank of Cape Fear; Charleston, T. S. d T. G. Budd, and J. Bonncll. .Ir; Savannah. VV. B. Giles & Co.; New Orleans, G. W. Oliver Co. Jan. 12 127-Smc TAYLOR'S INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Bl'OADWA V, (Cor. of Franlin Street, NEW YORK. IS completed and opened for travellers who de sire agreeable and attractive accommodations. It is conducted upon the principle of the best Eu ropean Hotels, the meals being served in the seve ral apartments, or at the tables in the saloon, at the option of guest s. The Hotel and Furni'ure combine elegance with comfort, and is designed .n well for the convenient reception o( travel lers by the late trains. JOHN TAYLOR, l'ro,ni,!,jr. Jan. 2G. PLl vc- N0TICE. THE subscriber having purchased the interest ofJarob Loeb in the stock and fi.vurcs be longing to (he firm of J. LOEB & CO., hereby notifies all peisons indebted to said firm, to set le thei r respective bills with the subscriber, as re alone has the right to receive payn.ont of said debt, and give reci ipts for the same. HENRY MAYER. Jan. 26. 133 3t. REMOVAL THE s ibscribeTs have removed their Stock io the Old Stand of C. B. MILLER, Market D ck, North side, two doors from tho Corner, where they will continue to offer for sale a large and extensive Gr.NEIlAL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WcCALEB & GILBERT. Jan. 2G. 133-tf. FOK GEOItCKTOWX, S. t'.. C0.1WATB0S0' A.D TIIE PEE DEE RIVER. THE Steamer M"jor Win. Harnett, Capt. C. Gilbert, will sail for the lab.ve places iih dispatch. For frriht r passage, spplv to the Captain on board or to ' T. C. WORTH. Jan. 25. 133-.I. THE MARION STAR PUBLISHED at the C. H , S. C. is offered to the Merchants of Wilmington as an adverti sing medium. The Star has an extensive circu lation in the Districts of Marion. Hoi ry, Williams bur, Darlington, and Marlboro', and the adjoin ing Counties of North Carolina, and being situa ted on the line of the Wilmington and Manches ter Rail Road, in daily communication with Wj mington, and in the first District through w hich the Road passes in South Carolina, the Merchants of that place will find it to their interest to avail themsH Wes of the use of its advertising columns. Address V. LITTLE, Preprietor. Jan. II. 132-51. r DANTCINGSCII00L. JOHN WORD has the pleasure of announcing to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Wilmington, that he will commence his Dancing Lessons for young La'iies, Misses and Masters, at the Mozart tlali, pq Tuesday 31st instant, at 3 o'clock P. M. H, also, will commence his Lessons for Gentlemen at 9 o'clock. Days ol. Tuition, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat urday. - Private classes will be attendi d to. Jan. 24. , Herald copy 3t. 132-4t. NEW ARRANGEMENT. THERE having heretofore been a good deal of just complaint on the part of the travelling pub Jic, on accou'tt of the absence of a general through ticket from Weldon and Wilmington, nonnward -Th Mail Line takes great pleasure in stating tliat the grounds of complaint have been removed, and on jittd after tho 1st February, Passengers can get Tick ets af VVeJiionfor Petersburg, Richmond, Washing ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York City; and at Wilmington to the four lasi named place, and vice versa . Two Trains will continue to run daily as hereto fore, feayiay WeWon,at 3J P. M. and II P. M. The following are the rates or h are : From Wetdon to Petersburg, Dou'-'-dov Richmond, - F -out Weldon fo Washington, - Do. tlv.- Baltimore. , From Wilmington io Washington Do. - 5 do.- - Baltimore, From Weldon to Philadelphia,-. Do-- do- New York. From WUminglon to Philadelphia Do. da. New York- S2.50. j,50 7,00 9,00 11.00 12,00 10,00 12,00 14.00 15,50 For fartber information and for Tickets, apply to Mr. SiD. JrVALl.ACK, the Ticket Agent, of the Wilmington and RaWigh Rail Road at iVilining ton,or.F. SIMEONS, Agentvat Weldon: , "r JS Pi DA RRACOTT, ? f S9 A"1 " Line. FURNITURE iWAREHOUSE, ; k CCOXtHTS made at this Bsta vUshwem prior XX. to the 1st inst are now due, end- aotttenient it eeriiertlr desired by tft an&acrt ber f -an.7 J.D.LOVE. AUCTION SALES; B Y m. croxl. y, a vc tioneer -VT 7 steamer ZEPHYB for Sale. THE. handsome Iron tStramer Ze phyr will be sold at public Auc tion on Tuesday. the21st of February. It not sooner diSDosed of ar nrivnt Sne was built by Harlan & Hollingsworth, of Wilmington. Del., in 1852, and has been running only about five montns. She is 130 feet in length, and 204 feet in breadth, has two engines of most approved patent, of 100 horse power, cylinders 14 inches 4 fen stroke, high pressure, draw s about 24 inches water, and mukts 14 miles er hour. She is handsomely fitted up and furnished for passengers, end is an elegant Steamer. Any further information desired will be furnished ' . J- & D. JIcRARA CO. Jan. 19 130-ts CHEESE. 1 OH BOXES for sale by 1 JJ FREEMAN .4 HOUSTON. Jan. 19 13Q FRESU GARD EN SEEDS. VTE hrtve received our spring supply of Fresh l Garden Seeds. For sale wholesale nnd retail. by S. C. A J. A. EV ANN. 130 Jan. 19 FLOWER SEEDS. sin Li ot t low cr ee8, or Imiee v nr.'ies. F or sale by S. B. & J. A EVANS. no Jan. 19 MOLASSES. "I CA HHDS. prime new Cardenas Molasses -l J V now l.indinL' Ir in the In i!r John Hathaway, for ssle by J. HATHAWAY d fcO. Jan. 17 129 NOTICE. t; II E Subset ibcr re.-prc fully gives no'ice that all accounts will be ready tor collection n aril at ter the 1st Jan ; tci tleiwents ate earnestly solicited as liuru' must be had. GEO. MVEKS. Dec.1 122 BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. A LARGE iissortin; nt fruni the Bible Secirt) it J list received at Jan. 14 S W. W HIT A K ER'S. NAILS. KEGS, assorted sizes, for ealc hv Jar. 11 FREEMAN A HOUSTON. PLANTING POTATOES. I'tll.S ji.s" re riv.-d r.nJ for saie by J. H. FLANNElt, ) No. 23 South Water street 200 200 Jan. JUST TO n.AND. HiU.S. No. 1 MacUrelon retail; 1 bbl. ' Siiluion 3 23 kegs Goshen Butter; 50 boxes euia New Prunes; 50 boxes and -5 holt boxes Raisin- ; 8 oaekacs extra I utter, direct Irom Goshen thr.t wi II exceed an)lhing ccr brought to litis market ; 23 bbU. Flour, 20 half bids : 23 iioxes A. M. Candles; 50!J Codfish ; 2 '00 extra H ni,s ; At the Original Family Grocery, Jan. 14 GEO. M VERS. IS II IDGEM A 7 'i: II 1 7 R E A .V 1 1 1 '; . 1 7 'UK R PROOF PAINT, DV iHV and in Oil eh aper and superior to any it'll, r Paint in ue, for sale l.v Jin. !l FREEM.vN i HOUSTON". EXPECTED PER schr. Fannie Mitchell, fiom Portland; 23! bands Potatoes, " I bales Hay. 20 b i.xes Codii -h: 31Sdo. Smoked Hi rrini: ; 57 empty Spi. ii Bane 10 bbls. Sit 'ar Houte f-yrups. For sa'e hv Dec. 29 " RUSSELL A BltO FOR SALE OR RENT. A IIOl.SE and. Cot situated near ine ii- i niint. in and Ral. iel) Rail Kod Lcpol, suitable for a sn:al! lamily. j For terms apply to J L. NLA in. j Jan 12. 137 tl" STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL f WILL sell low, and on neemntno 1 term5, the l-.njtne and Maehinerv of Mill 14 ir.ch Jilim- the (Jape Fe ir Mnm cylinder, 2 feet s' roUe feet long main shaft b a w ; three 32 inch I. o'l. 30 10 I 6 inches 1. -'he power oi tnis entne is i-s. una . c. " a new extra cylinder :ind log cceiing, and all the appliances neccs-aiylor the lull cqiiiir.t Ii operate at once. . i o . iu.. d res? incr Machines. Jointers com p i Jan. U. t-. 1 .V l.o i.e. i 131 tf 21 JUST RECEIVED. 1 V 5i bbls- do do; 5 krL's Dutch Heriint;; ll0 do.. Eggs; 1 j kes G sh'.m Uuticr extra o lalitv; 100 Kegs smoked S al:n nd; 1 bbl. pi k:- d do; 2") bags EL S. Flour; 25 t.hls. extra biand d ; Low tor cash ai the Fimily Grocery. D.q 31 ' GEO. M YE If JUST RECEIVED, PER schr. tunas Mnith : ii boxes superfine Loaf Nuga'; 20 bags lust Rio Colli.; 10 ' Green extra ; 10 I.a:;uvra; 10 bbld. sujic.fmc Collee 6'ugir; 10 " Porto Riro ; 10 St. Croix granulated ; Just in time For Chiistmas and for sale cheaa by Dec. 24 W. M. SHERWOOD & CO. FRESH ARRIVALS. PE It schr. Marine, Alba, and CM. ,'miih. 2 0 hags Green Rio C'oH. e ; 20 I. bis. C. Yellow Sugar; 10 " Collec do; 0 " Ls'gt Red Onions; J 5 Qui nt uls Cod li.-h ; 5 Bbls. liriino io. 1 Molas At GEO J fn. 10 N. C. T. and S. H KEI.I.EV of Age copy 12ti BOOT AND SHOE STORE. GEORGE R. FRENCH, at his eld stand on Market stnet, beys leave to return his thanks to his old friends and cusiomers for the liberal patronage heretufore extended to him, and to inform thi m that his sioek of Hoots and -hotS. including everv vari ety in his line is now as complete and as extensive as at any former period. His stock of Gentbmcn Boys m l Children's 13.) its and Shoes embraces eve ry vari'-ty of styl, fashion and quality that can be desired, or that is usually called lor, including a line assoi tint nt of Ladies. Misses and Gentlemen's Over Shoes. He w luld pnrtieularly invite the attention of the Ladies to his extensive assortment of Ladies and M isses Leal her, Morocco. Enameled, Bronze, Pal. Leather, Goat Skin, black and white Kid and a va riety ot fancy colored Baots; Shoes and .Slippers. Also, black, brown, blue, purple and vaxiegatt d silk Gaiters, a new and handsome article, with and with out heels. Ladies fancy Gai ters at $1 - pair. Also, Sole Leather, Calves' .Skins, and Shoe Find ings. Please call and examine. Mr Frunch would also inf inn hi friends rtr.s! the public, that' he is State Agent for the sale of Davis' Pain Killer anj Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by either who I sale or retail. Nov 40 . 102 NEW YEAR'S NOTICE FOR 1851 rlt. RF.S'i'O.N' 4 Co. are ecciv ing a n entire new supply since Christmas, of everything in their lini :--Fresh Boston Butter and W'a ter Ci ackers ; Milk, Sod, Lemon, Win", Pilot and Fancy Crack ers; New Buckwheat in bags and boxes; a fresh lot of Stuart & Minde's Confectionarics ; a few small boxes of Turkish Candy: Cooking Prunes and Prunes in glass Jars; Rai-ins in quarter and whole boxes, also Lager Raisins ; a few boxes of Lemons; a fresh supply of those fine Raspberry, Blackberry. Strawberry, and Peach and other Mar malades and Preserves; Ginger. Nuamquat. and Citron; another lot fresh Yeast Powders and Ex tracts; Bay Rum for head ache and barbers' use. by the gallon, quart or pint, cheap ; a few very large garden heeUBarrows and other wooden ware; besides n barrel of Gibraltar Honey, very fine for Bronchitis N. B. We can boa?t of having the cleanest set of customers in town, judging from the Soap, hav ing sold but two boxes this winter. ! Jan. 127 MORE FLUSH TIMES. RECEIVEDr bjr ExpreSs and for sale by Jan.-14 J. T. MUNDS. v y 1 1,000, SACKS SALT, FOUaalebjr,. Ojt. 2 V m C. DgPAF, 4 CO. FOR NEW Y0RK4 THE Resular NewJacket Schiv Aliia, David HofF, Masicr. "For freight or pas sage, annly to GEO. HAKRISS Jan. 28. - 134. FOR FREiGIIT OR CIIARTERT MSchr. ALCVONA, carries 90 thousand feet Lumber or 1,400 barrels Naval Stores. P.r ter s, apply to GEO. HARRlsS. Jan. 29. 134. FOR NEW YORK. The ISesular Packet Schr. M ARY POVV F.I.r. I".. Davit, Master. For freight or Ssati passage, apjjiy to GEO. HARRI-SS. Jan. 23. 134. ri? nrrsT tnni mtii a' ii l I HILj.IUIjIjI III I. THE Brig Horace G kSeuv, Capt. Smith, j ,vhas most of h, r i-'ato t ngaeed. and will I sail early in ensuing week. For freight or passage, apply to HANKIE & MARTIN. Jan. 23. 134. FOR BOSTON. Brig Manzepille, Captain BAILEY, will KTCf s;iil with despatch. For freight npp'v to iwS Jan. 2?. RANKIN & MA11TIN. FOR NEV YORkT TJ Tiie A. No. I fast s.ii!inr Schr. ALAR SjjisfixJji I';, J- C. Louvinier, will have ciisjiateh ssfe. tor the above Port. For freight or pas sage, a:-iily to J. H. FLA NER, Jan. 26 25 North at. r sin c t. 10R PHILADELPHIA. iff;iiiu.s lav;. THE Keg"lir Paekit Schr. Leesbckg, lames D. Goporut, Master, will have despatch as al'iiii1. For liht freia!it or apply to GEO. HA Mill Vs. 3(i. " 133. vinr i aiii' i. V7 : tj L till lUlilt. fc Til E Schr." WAKE, Capt. I'.KIGT;, tS; v i I m et will) Dispatch for th.; above ort. fur lijjht Inih! or p-issage Apply to GEO. HARRISS. Jan. 24. 132. FOR NEW YORK. THE tine new Sihr. Southerner. Blake- j in it), m i-ter, w lo lnvt quick ucspalch lor I above port. For liyhi f'tiiihi or passage, apply to j. 11. FLAN.E:t, i Jan . 2 1. N oi ! Ii v aler reel. 10,1 PHILADELPHIA. 'I' HI". Fine New Capt. F.MHcun.i), '(lrr. Fi;t!i will hive is Hariitt, quh-k des- p:.u-h for i he aOjve I .rt. For li::hl iTei: ht or passage Jan. 24. :l'i Iv to J . II. FLAN.NEK, 25 North Wa:cr St. 132. FOR PHILADELPHIA. 1 ::o. s L.vy;. THE Packet .-ehr I .eesl.ti ri . Godfiev. i4 -y&paage. apply to GEO. II A it Ill's S. Jail. -.-4. 13J. BOSTON AND WILMINGTON LINE. I tl k line ft. nr. cyru- i liamberl.nn. f.'ap' . H i es, will pi,- r. e i; ! . i r 1 ( t w t en this .;nd Boston. For reijhtapp'v to K V.Vk'I.N .t M RT I N, Ag.'ii's at Wilmington. H C. T 1 1 ACH E R, A''-'ri I! os ten . iep. "0. S4 mivkutisi: J (J O I) M U D VI'.NT c i .v ; STAI1I. Hit'S ANODYNE CHERRY EXPECTORANT l-'vr C' g.'S. CM. ,. -A. .., Croup, (v:. STABLER'. DIufirnaM CORDIAL. The valuable ni.dicinc above named, are not enipii l .il, but are lepaied in agreement with I he ix'itil nee of sein e of the inu.-t leal r.rd and judi cious p ract it ii .nt i s, a ml a re not see ret, 1 u i I her than is m Ctssaj y to protect the p i . .pi it loi s and those who use them l"r..u loss and imposition, as the component parts have been made known, confiden tially. Coin time lo time, to ptrhiips 500 PHYSICIANS! Iu M iryland, Vir'ini i, District o: Col nib i l, Ohio, and oi h. r p.'.n es, all of w h im, witii nit a single cx-c- pi ion, ha ve approve 1 of the !u inula, and must of I ; i l- 1 1 io Knowledge iiiai i.iev air in.' o.'si remedies lli.it they have ever known tor he euro of lb eases lor hi. h tlu v a:t rt ? 'lnmu.d d. Our confi d. nre in th . 1 1.' se mi dic;t .dJc to i-ur d;trr t ie . ! . i ..fe - sioii n. .i aci tl us to : a ft w of t ie n ivi-id ihejttst pK-judite ..f the m-d L'.d'.st seeiel .ind quark Host, l: U.S. ..it lliiscaii 'i l course. W e append ices w.- haw rectivtd fim liy.-i- clars, )?. ; From Dr. Win II F Snovv lii 1, Marv- land. Ge-.-tlem I have fr jq a.' n ly in my practice pre -en tied your Stablcr's Anodyne Ch: I ; y Expec torant'' a ni Dijnhnci Cordial, with great sat i.-tac-tion to myself, and to the entire relicf.of such dis taseas- s as they piofess to cure. 1 cor.sidei them happy eonil. ioa i.ns of Rome of our most valuatde and sate therapeutical ng.nis. and must bent jn finiie w ..ii h to the afflicted and mankind at large. In lu I i.ishuig the medical profession with thc-c active and concentrated preparations, so co'ivenient or ..d ministration, and of a siandalU quai.iy. you have rendered lllcin an emin. m serv ie'. , a nd 1 call do no less than earnestly Hconiini nd these prepa rations to practitionc t s, and especi ill v in the coun try, w het e the impurity oi mmmcicial Drugs is one ot the greatest obstac s.s to the success of the Physician. l.'o.'t. W. Love wiiies to us tii .t Ik h is adminis tered the Expt etoran t to his w i:e. who has had tlx lironchitis for foui ti en iirs, aid that she is fast rccovi rlns ft om her long stanilir g malady. It ha. in a few weeks done her more t'ooi lllari nil the remedies she has hert tofore usi J undtrablc medi cal counsel. Fiom Dr. H. P. Worlhinglon. Laurel. Md. i . ter s 'verai monuis use oi your r..xiectoranr, i I ! ' pass J a n both in my own lamilyand in general practice 1 a-n confirmed in the opinion expressed of it. when first made aecpiainted with the recipe. For one! tiiank you f r so convenient and eh gant a prepara tion of the Wild Chei : y From Geo. Geiry. M. D. of Sotr.erset Co , Md. 'Having examined the component parts of -Sta bier's A n.'dyna Cherry Expectorant, als,o ot Sta pler's Diarrhoea Cordial, and having used them in praclic.-, I feel no li-sitancy in recommending them.'' From J. E Marsh, M. D. , Kent Co , Md. "I have made free use ot your l'i m hcea Cor dial in my family. It gives me much pleasure to add my testimuny to that of otl.eis, in lavor cf ils e flic it ney.'' From Sainutl Martindul", M D.,Cht saj eake City .Md. ' I h'ive much pleasuie in adding my testimony in I ivjr of your valuable Cherry Expectorant. 1 have, ;.f er on extensive use, found it to answtr all my expectations " From Dr. Daniel W. Jjnes, Somerset Co. Md. "I have given y ur Expectorant and Diarrhoea Cordial a fair trial, nnd am delighted w i ih their clTects, never having h id theni lo fail in a single instance. I shall take pleasure in lecommending them. We have been favored with a written certificate, cheerfully given by numerous medical gentlemen in Maryland, Virginia and Ohio, w hich alone should convince the mo.-1 doubting that thtsc are realty Good Medicines; after staling that ihcy are ac quainted with the composition of both the Expec torant and C itdial, and that they have adminis tered them to their patients, they testify -'that they are remedies of great value, safe, rricient, and well worthy of the patronage of the profession and the Public, that thev are more reliable lhan any other proprietary medicines with which weare acquaint ed.'' &c. The above notices of recommendation from mem bers of the Medical Faculty, Pharmaceutists of high standing, and Merchants of the first respec tability, should be sufficient to satisfy alf,4fhat these medicines are vrorthy of trialby the afflicted, and that they are of a different stamp and class from the "Quackery" and '"Cure Alls' so much im posed iinon she public. See i he decrfptive Pamphlets, to be had gratis of all who have the -medicine for sale, containing re commendatiootJfrom PoeAors MartinBaftfelL. Ad-' dieon, Payne, Efandjf,LB,'o. Por salely Draagista, Apothecaries and. Coun try Stores-keeper gfneralty. at 4he low rrce of Fiftv cents per botle.Hf at fcotle fotitJoQ,xr " v r HSTABtKR JpO. ' -Wtoleealnrngsietl, ' Pratt ireetr Baltimore. M Vtrs-ilc in Wilmington by C"D. DcPRE. Jan. 5 124-ly-c HERE IS YOUR KE!JEDY I ! Iloliown v'sOintment a most mlraotiouscnr of Had f jcgs, after 4 3 yearstift'crlnfr Fxtractof alettetfrotn Mr.W'm. Gilpin of i0 St.Mary'sstreet.W-eymooth.datedMa 15thli33l To Professor Hollow Ay : " Sir Attheage of 16, my wife(who isnow &1 caughta violent cold .which settled in be i lege Mr.d ever si nee that time they have been more orfesssore andgreat.'y intiamed: Hei agonicsweredistractirfc and for months together she wasdeprived en! i rely o rest und sleep. Every remedy that medit a I men ad vised, wastried, but without effect . hirhettlth fill, fered severely, and testateof herlegs waneirible I had often read your adveitiscmt nis, ai.d advistd her to try your Piils and Ointmeni; and as a last resource, afterevery otliei reiiw dj had p oved use less, she cons?nted to do to. She commenced six weeks ago, ind strange to relate. is now in good health. Her legs are painlc-ss, withoutseam orscar,' and her sleep sound and .t dial urbf d. Could von have witnessed the sufferings of my w ifofor the jast forth three years, and con trust them wit U hat present enjoyment bl health .you would ind d feel delight ed in ha ving been (hp means of so really allevinlirc the sufferings of a feliuw -creature t'S inner)") WILLIAM GA1.P1V A I'erson 7) years or nse c.uretl of a Had l,cf of years standii g. E Copy of a Letter from .Mr. Win. Abbs. B tt ilde r o Gat Ov-eMsof Ituihclill'e.near Huddersficlc Jated May 3Lt, leol . To Professor Hcll. wai : Sir I suffered for a period of t hii t y yeai;lnnia bad leg, the result of two or three diiieie'nt accidents ' at the (Jas Works. accoinpanii d by seoi I utic symp toms. 1 hnd recourse to a i,n it I v of mcdier. la dviee ! w nhoui deriving any benefit and was even toid tha t I he leg must be a inpulated. yet . in op posit iop I o t ha I opinion . our Pills and (Mnttmnt have eti. et. d a coinpleie cure in so short a tine, t hat f, w who had no t wi t in sed ii would credit tin fact. (Signed) 1 1 . LI A M ABBS. The truth of thi - statement can lie verifi. d by .1 W. I. England, Chemist . 13 Muil.il surd. Hud-dtrsfi.-ld. A Dbeahh l Bad Breast Cttitu is- One Month Ex ti a el u( a Le! tci 1mm M r. Fn del irk Turner . o Pen hut st . Kent . da ted D'-nm 1 e r 1 2t h . 1 c-50. To Piofe.-sor IIolloway: Dear Sir My wife had suffered from badbrcasl more til in six months, and during the w hole perio d had t lie best modi -a 1 at tendance, bin a II t o no use . II aving before Ilea led a n aw lu I wound in my own legs by your unrivalled mi dicinc. I detei mintd again to u.-e your Bills nnd Oint mei: t , and then fore nave them atria lid hercas; and foi tunal i 1 1 was I did so. lor in less than a month a pel feci cure was effec ted , nnd benefit I hat various other bra nehr s of my fa milv h a ve derlvi il Trein i In i i use, is really aston ishing. I now - t rongl reeo n mend t f t m t o a 1 1 m v freinds. (Sign, d) The Pills sin mi nt In the tm I" U I'.D I' M I C K TV R NER. n Id be useil conjointly wit h t he Oint -si of t h t follow ing ease : Ba 5 Legs. Bad Breasts , Burns, Bunions , Bite . f M 's pii toes i nd s.t it d lib --. Seu.'d.s. Sore Nipple s , Scurvy, Chill. laics, ( happed Hand Cot ns (-oil) 'aneei s. Contra etc ' a r. d S - iff Jo i;its, n-ii B.i v . Chi ,-foot. -Sore Throat f . Sore Heads, Wound . Gout . Gla.'itlt i i tj w e I ings. Lim.ba' Pil s, li he unia t if - m F.I phamia i f I istu:as -"Skin diseases. Tumors. Va ws. L leers. Sold by the Proprietor. 2 I 1 Strand (neai Temple Bar) l.onJ n, and by all respectable vender ol Pa t ent Medi i ne-i. t hr iiighout the British Em pi re. and by t. lose of th': United States in potsand Boxes, a" 3TJ -cct s.ST -ent sand ?1 :: 0 cents eae h . Whilesale by'the prin-ipal Druar houses in the Union, and by! Messrs. A. B. f- D S i nds.New Vm k .a nd ' ! S. B. A J. A. EVA VS. Wilmington .N. C. j Tn ere is - i v n jidera bji- 1 1 v ing i n t a k i n i- the i larger sizes I " lt ' ir -et Ions lor t he gu Idnnr i o fpa t Ir tit : a j affixed to ie jiolor box. CUT VELVET, and Saiin Vesting?; English Black Of. US 11 I "rane; White Satin, all gradi s ; l! ividi 1 c and :-. n i oi ' ion nne vvooitn cnawis. ncecitro to r'av and for sale by JAMES DAWSON. Nov. 29. I CD. BUTTER AND CHEESE. BOXES New Cheese, and 13 kegs fine Go--C 'J shell Butter, jus', leeeivcdby I. . - . HAULriwcs, Jan. 11 No. 3, Granite How. MORE HOTCOHN. DO, just received, price 1 .2?; also 1 doz. very handsome v hound, gitf. S2. 3 Jan 11 S. W. WHITAKEIt. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE roR sai.i:. Tyl E subscriber oilers 1'or sal- Thro. Slrt ? or. M irket street ; me orcupitd by G. li. French, on by J. R ivc,t jfi Co.. and the other bv T. 'l.Hjwry; a's the propctty occupied hv C Du Pre A to., ari l ..ih. is, al the corner of Ft..n; and I ri net ss st reels, and i . ler.d i r g on Print t ss stret t towards t hit river. A lot i n Front st rt el ru n nirig to the river, i:n ItiJing n wli.i:f kr.cv. n ;.s tiu Beany Whirl'; a Lot on the corner ot Fronl nnd Ann streets, his la'e residence, now occupied by Mr. Frrgu-on; a Lot on the eo i ner of Tin i d and Xunn st' rcets; The Palo Alto House ami Lot, a Lot on Fourth streel c.y ending to Boundary, am: hal! a L"t on Bon nd : r a Ijoin n g t he same , two s'uall lots with dwellings near ihe Old Poor llou-e, on l!oiiiidarv Mitel ; also a summer rc-i dent;t: on Masonb-'ro' Sonrol, and ahoui iLluaercs of land near Elizibcth Kiver in Urutiswick c oiitily. The a!)oe propr rty, or such portion thereof as sleil I not lie ot hei w ise disposed of p rev ions to I hat lime, u ill be soltl tit (tutilic auction in Wilming ton, on the stctiiJ .Monday in .March next. DA.VL H. BAKER. Jan. 12 127 ts ) ci kly Jour ami Fayettevillc Oi s'r copy till sale DiilED FiilTT. BBLS Dried Apples. 100 do Peaches, til: 20j lbs. Damsons reieived this da v by L.N. BARLOW. 1 To. 3 Granite Row. 5U0 Ja n . PRIMING ESTABLISHMENT FOR SAKE. BVagncmcnt, to close ihe affairs of the "Wil mington free Press!' establishment, all the type, fixtures. I'rtss, pond will, etc., of the W ilmington Free Press ntw spnpt r. Applvtitthis office in to ED W A R I) CAM'U ELL, Moiigag.-e. Jiin. 10 N. Statesman copy i'JC-tf WANTED TO PURCHASE". 1 ( V ( ATkf OPPOSUUM Skins, also Otter, 1 V,vAl Minx, Fox. Raccoon and Muskrat .Skins. Bring them to the Hat Store, 1 Gran ite Row, Front i tr et. and receive the Highest cash prices pai I for si i i pin" Furs. 7 CM VERS. JUST RECEIVED 500 LBS. Piime Feathers; 10 bbU. Glue ; 3U0 kegs Anils ; la boxes Tallow Candles; 10 bbls. .Machinery Oil ; 20 casks Rice ; li b i les Randolph V.irn ; For tale bv T. C fc B. G. Jan. 17 WORTH. 129 LANET0N PARSONAGE, V TALE, by the author of Amy Herbert, Ger ."A. trude, .fcc"., edited by Rev W. Sewell, H. D. Fellow of Extlcr Co!l ge, Oxford. At the New Book Store. J. T. MUNDS. Jan. 17 129 TperSI-andles. A FEW boxes pure Sperm (handles, Judd's and o.her's make I he best articles manufactured for sale by FREEMAN dj HOUSTON. ' Nov. 26. 103. GROCERIES. G GROCERIES. No. 3 Granite Row, Front sf. T is always supplied with a large and wellselected stock of "eresh Family Groceries, nt wholesale and retail. L. N. BARLOW. Dec. - 117 MEXICAN GUANO. eZf BBLS!- expectsdper schr. Araminta, from tValtirnore. - '- This Guano has been analysed by some ufthe most Experienced Chemista-Jin the country, and the? aJI concur a tiit ralrMsiOn lands warning time.' Thealso recomnren4, tlia'.niiiing of thi? with PertfyiaBf GuatfOfas th lattei isdeScient in Phosphates,' .The analysia may b aeen by apply ing to th andersgghcjil, who are prepared to furnish thisXfuanoinany quantities wanted. Jan 10. RUSSELL BRO. s -- '-' - V CHERRYPECTOBAL For the rmpMI Care ot COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, wnoopiNG-corcn, CROUP, ASTnMA, AND CONSUMPTION. Among the numerous discoveries S ( ii nee has m ide in this generation to facili.ate the business of life increase its ejijuyinen:, and even prolong the terrH of human existence, nr.ne can I e nam d f moru real value lo mankind, than this contri bution of Chemstry to the Healing Art. Avast 'rial of i;s virtues throughout this brroad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medic nc, or combinations j ef known, can so surely control and cure the numerous varictii S of pulmonary disease w hich have hitherto sw ept from our midst thousands and thousands every year. Indeed, there is now abundant reason to believe a Remedy has at length been found which can be relied on, io cure ihe most dangerous affections of the lungs. Our space here w ill not permit us to publish any proportion of the cures affected by its use, but we woul I rresent the following, and refer further in quiry to my American Almanac, which the agent j below named, will always be pleased to furnish j free, wherein are full p irticul.irs. and in lispuiable ! proofs of these statements: , Office of Transportation, : Laurens U.lt., S. C, Aug.4, 1553. J J. C. Aver. Dear .Sir, My litile son, iour years old, has just recovered from a s. vcre attack, of malignant sculit Fev r; his throat was rotten, and every person tiiit vi-iied hitn pronounced hiin a dead hih!. Having used your '"lurry Pee- . in Caliiornia, in the winter of I3.i0.for a st- vcru attack ot Bronchitis, wiih cmire success. 1 as intliiee.l lo try it on my little boy. I gave hi, . a tea: poonfti) cyi ry three hours, commenting in the iiiui ning. an.l by i. n o'clock at night I found a decided change for ihe tn tier, and alter three days' u.-e he was able lo cat or drink withnut puio. Its use in ihe above named disease will save many a child front a premmire grave, and relieve the anx i ly of many a fond pan nt. For all aff ctionsof ihe throat and lungs I believe ii the best medicine extant. A feeling of the d. e;u'3t gralittideproinpts me in addressing you these lines. Hut for your iiiipnitant dist ovtry my little boy would now have been in another world. I am yours, wiih gi t at respect, J. D. PO'A ELL, Sunt. Trans. L. II. R. Rock Hill, (Somerset Co.,) N.J. July 21, 1S.j2. Dh J. C. Ay eii, Siuceyour metlicin.: has be come known her.-, it has a greater domtind than any tough remedy we hue evcrsid. Ii is spo ken of in terms of n nmeasu red pi at si: by I hose who nave us d it, and I k n iw of some eases u In re il.e best ihcy can say of it, is nut too n.ucli for the good it oils d ine. 1 lake pleasure in si lling it, because I know thai I am giving my customers ihe worth of their money, and i feel gratified in seeing the bent fit it confers. Please send me a hinder supply, and believe me Vours, u iih n-spi et, JOHN C WI11TLOCK. P. S. Almost any number of C riifici.tes can be sent you it you wish it. Windsor, C. W., June 21, 133?. J. C. Aver. Sir: This may cetiifV tint 1 have ustd your Ch. rty Pce'oial Ht upwards of nne year ; and it is my sincere belief that 1 should h tve been in my grave ore this ti ne it 1 h iJ not. It has cared me of a dangerous affection of the lung--, and I d n t overstate mv convictions when 1 lell you it is a priceless remedy. Vours very respecilithy, D. A. McCULLIN, At.irncy ul Law W ilksbarre. Pa., Sept 23, l?5). Dr.J C. Ateb My dear Sir, Vour medicine is much approved of by those who have used ii here, and its composition is such as to insure and in lint.iin iis reputation. 1 invariably recommend ii for p ilmonary affections, as do many of our ptin cipal physicians. I am you r friend, CHAS. STREATER, M. D. PR Ef ART p AND SOl.n DVJAMES C AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell tM assacb uset ts. Sold in Wilmington by S. B. Sr J. A. EVANS and in Fayettevillc, by S.J. HINSDALL, and by Druggists generally. Sept. 17, 1833. 73-3m-c. a ok ijsb or rr FE3IALE COLLEGE. T' ' II I" firs, sessi'.n of this Institution w ill com mence on .Monday, ihe 1st May, I:-5-1, un der tho control of the loiluwiiig fjculty,; nd with the annexed expenses'. THE FACULTY. Rev. JAMES If. L'RKXT. PrtiJci.t, Pio.'css or of Ancient Languages, Expel imenta I .'tiencib and M aihemat ics. .Mr, , A. M., Prdftssorof Modern Langua- Mrs.- fesor of M usic. :44, iliss A. . Slwnmirc, and Assistants in ihe vatious depart- Miss Kmi!j II' M iss S. .1 Brent, inenls. Theexcrcis -s of the Seluol will be divided into three p irts, Primary, High School, and Collegiate. The Primary will prepare for the High School and Collegiate. The High School will cmbracca se lected part of the Collegiate course. The usual reports w ill be made lo parents on l lie Primary couitrc. A s'u'.cn'. passing the high course will he c.ilH led to i certilic He of scholarship A sin den! who h is taken the Cullegiate course w ill be entitled to a diploma. COUUSE OF STUDIES. Collegiate Classes. Latin All the course be low Virgil and through Bucolics. Greek All ihe course below the Anabasis, in cluding th" Gospel of John. M ithe. italics, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonome try, Ac. Modern Languages: French, German and Italian. Olendorf s complete system, and one author in each language, l iierury: History, Bi t anv, Chemistry and Astronomy and English com position. ORNAMENTAL. Music, Drawing, Puinling, Needle-" oik and Embroidery, p a t M a B Y . SiniilTs Grammar complete ; do Geography do ; D ivies' arithmetic do; Sand's Seiies di; Good rich's Latin Lessons; do (J reek do; Davits' Ele mentary Algebra; Olendorfs primary system in French, German and Dalian. The orn.niu nta' branches may be pursued in the Primary depart ment, being regarJeJ as the acc unplislioii nts and not the essentials of an education. EX PE Nets. Boa t d per session, 830 no extras. Tni'ion Primary department 7 to 15 High School, -9 to 20 Collegiate, -J The ornament il branches en'ra. unless the whole course is takerf, w hen S100 will cover ihe entire expense of boan' and tuition per session. The Collegiate course will require four Ve!,rs but students who are prepared can join advanced classes. CBi ncH. The st udents may attend whatever church the parents prefer, always accompanied by a teacher. VISITOKS. Visitors khall be received in the College only in the presence of a teacher, and visits shall be re turned only under the same restriction, w hich docs not apply to paren'.s or guardians. DOMESTIC. The science of Cookery, House-keeping and Mantua making, will form a part of the entire course. ACCOMMODATIONS. 150 students can be comfortably accommodated in the College buildings. SUPERVISION. The students will be under the immediate super vision of the President, who will reside in the Col lege, and will be assisted by the professors, teach ers and Board of Council. BOARD OF COUNCIL, Ru niBD Washington, W nxuM K. Lane, Wll.I.I AM T. DoBTCH, WHITMAN Thompson-, - John C. Si.ocumb, Vf. S. O- AXBMWJ. The blanks in the Faculty wilt be. filled as soon as a selection ia made from the numerous appli cants : . , - J For fnuherinfWmatien address J. H. Brent, or any af the Board of Council. " Goldsboro', Dec 21, 1833 - 120-1 y BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITALS TB, JOHNSTON Proclaim. lo th.retrf ftr jLland near, that he h is discovert tbe imL." I min. peetly and erncacious ptaa fur treatla aartic- oaa ever betea prrseo! (0 ,he i woila.Jljr hi' plan, foat.dedon observations mad. ; tniho Hospitalsof Europe and America, he will enure A GURE JS Tn O DA YS, OR A O CUA RGE. lu Mei cnrp r Naiwous Drugs Uel. Pains i.i the L 'ins, Constitutional DeUlii v. liu- potency, Wciknc-sui iln- Hack and Limbs, affec- ..o., w me ikKineys, raipitnun ot ihe Heart, )'PPy. Nervoua irritability. Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose, or Skio; and ah those serious and melancholy disorders arising from, ihe destruc tive habits f Vouth, which destroy both body and mind, ihoae secret a ad gjhl iry practice more fatal to their victim than the son? of the Sirens in the mariners of Uiys.blighiiaK tin ir most brilliant hopes or inticipatona, rendering imriiage.Ac., im- Kibio. : XOUSGMKS. Especially, who have become the victims of SUUa- rtj i we, mat dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an un timely grave thousands of .young men oi tne mm e.taifea Intents and brilliant intellect, wh might .it icrwiw have entranced lis tening Senates with th; thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecslacy the living lyre, may; call with full confidence. i , m. i ii ma an. j Mjrrial pcaona, ur those contemplating marriage, being awur, ot physical weakness, should immedi ately cansult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. lie whi places himself unde r ihe ci re of Dr. John ston may. religiously confide in bis honor aa a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon h skill asaphy- ' OFFICE, to. 7, SOUTH FFIEDRRICK St. 7 I DOOBS FKOM BALTIMORE Sr., (B,8, UP THE STEPS. &KK P A iniCULAK Tin ! observ ing Ihe SAME and X' UMBER , or yo wiM mistake ihe place. c: nu. joiixstox. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London; I graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges ot I ihe United States, and toe greater part of whose life has bei n spent in the hospitals of London, Par is, Philadelphia, and eleewliele, has tllet ted some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known: I ..ul.. i - .e . m my irouuieo niitt ringing in tne neaa and ears vhen asleep, grea t nei vuitsnsss, being .-.larmid at sudden sounds, and b ishlulness. with frequent blushing, a t tend, d so in - ii nu s w ith del ang n mi ' mind, were cured iinn i di.iielv. TAKi: I'AIITICL L.Ui XOT1CV Dr. J. addresses all tnose who have injured I ! selves by private an.l improp. r indulgences, t ht 3 - cret in 1 solitary h i bit hi. h rules built body and mind, unfitting them for i ither business or society. 7Vi tue some ol the sad at d melancholy ellects produced by early habits of youth, vi: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, I'tiirn in the Head, Dimness of sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervuuslrritability, Derange ment of ihe Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, &c. Mentally. The fearful tiicls on the, mind are much to be dreaded ; Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression ot Spirits. Evil-Forebodings, Aversion t Society, Self-Distrust. Love of Soli tude, Timidity, &c , are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons, of a! ages, can row judge what is the cause uf their declining health. Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emaciated, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough art! symptoms of Consumption. DR. JO.'ISSJ'OX'S IX V1G OR A TIXG REM EDY FOR GKXIl'AK DEBILITY. This grand and important Remedy has .estored str rgth and vigor to thousands of the most ner vous and debilitated, many of whom had lost all hopes, and been abandoned to die. Byita complete invigoration of the Nervous System, the whole facu tits become restored to their proper power and functions, ami the fallen fabric of life raised up to beauty, onsistencv, and duration, upon the ruirieof an emaciated and premature decline to sound and pristine h :alth. Oh, how hap .y have hundreds of misguided youths been made who have been sud denly resort d to health, from the di variations '" tho-e ten i fie maladies tvnich result from indist ' Hon. S jch persons, before contemplating MA Mil A (jn. Should rt fleet that a sounj mind and body are Ihe necessary requisites to promote connubial uippiniss. liueeu, without inese, tne journey thr ttrh life becomes a wearv pilgrimage, the pros pect hourly darki ns lo tiie view the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with ihe melin choliy ri flccii .n, that the happiness of another be comes blighted v ith our own. Let no false delica cy prevent you, but npp'y immediately, and save yourself from I he dreadful c- nst qucrtces ol this ter rible malady. H EAtiXESS OF THE OI!(,AXS immediately cured and luf vjpor 'cstoud . O-AIiL LETTERS MUST BE POST PAID. Remedies sent to arrv part of 'be euuntry. TO STUAXGEK'X. DR. JOHNSTON", of the Baltimore Loc k Hos pital, whose long residence in this city, standing as a g.nueinan oi cnaracier ruin tesponniiilit v, ex ten sive practice in the various Hospitals of Europe and this country, and skill and e.p rienee to which thousands ran testify, as well as his ability in the Surgical department of his profession, as evidereed by reports of his operations on the Eyes nnd De loi med Limbs, published in the Baltimore Sun and other papers, in the vear? 13-11 2, by which Me blind irere made lo set and the lame lo walk strutsit. ren ders him worthy of it i I confidence upon the part ol t.'.osewh) need bis professional oervicef, and who would shun the many trifling nnd ignorant preten ders advertising i In inst Ivt s its Physicians. 5""To ihos ii-iacquaintid Willi his reputation, Dr. Johnston deems it nctn Mty lo eay that his e r den tin Is or dlpiomns a I wa vs hang I n his office. OFFICE. No 7 SOUTH FREDERICK St., East 3ldc, up the sli ps. Oct. 13. 90-lyc. VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. , THE S ubscriher offers for sale that most l.-sirable DWELLING AND PBEMIS- JIhLes. situate at the North-Western intersec tion' of Third street wiih Bed Crocs street, the Lot fronting 100 feci on Red t- roes, and 200 feet on Third. The Dwelling House. Kitchen. Smoke-House, Stables, and all ihe otl.t r out-houfts on ihe pre-ini-cs, have been built wi bin a few years. Of choice materials, in ihe besi manner, and nearly -.11 of them covered with tin. The Dwelling House is capacious, handsomely finished, and most conveniently planned, and all thenther build ings arc j ud iciously arranged, and wi II fined up. There are few Lots in Wilmington fn desirably located, and t he improvements onwhich are so admirably adapted for a family residence. Third street on the entire Eastern line of this lot, is 99 feet w ide, and separates ii from that on which a new Episcopal i 'hurch is about to be erected. Persons desiring to purchase, can ascertain terms of s lie by application to the subscriber, or .. X. Xixox, Esq . or M. Cbosly, and ihe sub scriber will cheerfully accompany any such w'jo wish to inspect the premises. II. II. NIX" S. S pr. 8, 1;"3 '.3-tf. SHAWLS. 1 (( Lang and Square Bay Slate Shawls, jus I UU recei'v d H K.S D RICK tfc R V AX. NORTH CAROLINA BACON. s SEVERAL lots lor sale low to close eoni men ts. Jan. 11 FREEMAN fc HOUSTON. MATTRASSES. ' EU VA NT'S Mat trasses nn hard, at only I,50. W ILKINSON & ESLF.R, Upholsters. Jan MULES FOI! SALE. rIMV O likely young Mults, well broken and gen- X. il x. three yeats old nexl spring. Aaply lo F.J.tOlt tOD. 7 I2S tf NOTICE. ""pH I" subscriber, respectfully informs the public, L that he is nowtran iscting the Auction business on his ow n account, and hopes by strict- attentioDto business, to merit a continuance of that patronage herctofoie so liberslly bettowed upon him. M. CRONLi . Stock, Real Estate and Negroes, bought and sold on a commission ol 1 per cent cither at private or purl.c sale. JanS.lS53. 126. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. 1f 4 11-4 and 12 4 Linen Sheetings; Bleach cd and Brown Cotton Sheetings, al widths. Pillow Case Linens and Cottons; Bleach ed and Brown Table Damasks and Dittoin Cloths alt sires and qualities; Linen and Cotton Diapers; BcdTicksj Furni'ire &e. For aateby Nov. 2J. " JAMES PAWSOJI. CRACKERS. JUST received per schr. L..P. Smith, a fresh lot of Butter. Cream, Soda, Sugar, and Fancy Crack ers, and whole and half bbls. and baara double extra pfni.r; a! st, SO bafia fresh ground Bock wheat ; for sate br ' ' L. W. BARLOW. Duct M S ; " U7 LARD. 6BAttHKLiL Z Tin Stands. Dec. 17 RANKIN A MARTIN. 117 TIIE CRE.1T rUBIFIKR OF TOE BLOCB. Rot b Particle of MtrtBTj iir It. An infallible remedy for Scrofula," King' Eyily Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptiot.s, Pirn- piesor roatuics on tne face. UIoct)C, ttunr.nron ic Sore Eyes, Rins Worm or Teller, eald Mead, Knlargerneniaod Pln of the Bonesand Joints, iluk- . born Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, LamBsgo, Spi nal Complaints, and all diseases arising from an in judicious use of Mercury, imprudence in Liie,tfr Im purity of the Blood. ' TblsvaluableMediciBo which has become eel. bra ted lor Ihe number of extraordinary cures effected through itiagenry, has induced the proprietors, a t the argent request of their friends, to oiler it to tha public, which iheydo with tha utmost confidence in its virtues and wonderfal curntlre propertlre Thefollowingcertincatraelccutd from larae num ber, are, however, stronger testimony lhan ihe mere word of the proprietors : and a ra all Irom pent lemon well known in their localities, and of tho highest respectability, many of them now residing in the , eitynf Richmond, Virginia. K. BoTDBi,Eqef the Exchange Hotel, Rich , mond, known every where, says he baa art n lh . Medicine called Carter's Spanish -MUlare ndmlnis-" tered in over a hundredcates.iti nearly all the diaea aesfor whlrh it Is recommended, with ih moil . tonishinely ood results. Hi soys it is the most ex. I inordinary medicine he has ever seen. Ague and Fever Great Cure.--1 hereby ceriify, that forlhreerearal had Ague and Fever of ihe most violent deaoripliou. I had several Physicians, took large quantities of Viuinine, Mercury, and 1 believe nil The lonIceadrcrtid1 but nil without any per manent relief".'.-. All'tei I tried Curler's SpanUhMix. tare; two bottlea of which eff dually cuied me, und 1 am haypy to eajr I hare had neither Chills or Fe--verssincetI consider It the bestl'onicin the world' and theonly medicine that ever reached my case. - 4 JOH.X LOXODEN, Beaver Dam. t?ar Richmond, Va. C. B. Luck, E?q.,- now in the city of Richmond, and formnny years in the Post Office, has such con- fidencein the astonishing efficacy ot Carter's Span ish Mixture, that he has boughlwpwardsol 60 bottles, which he hasgiven away to theafflicied. Mr. Luch aays he has never known it to fail when taken ac cording to directions, Dr. Mt.foi a practising Physician, and formerly ; of the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says he has witnessed in a number ofinsiancts the effects ef Carter's Spanish Mixture which were most truly surprising. He says in a case of Consumption, de pendent on the Liver, the good rffects were wonder ful indeed. " 4 Samuel M. Drimkeb. of the firm of Drinker f Morris, Richmond, was cured of Liv. r complaint ot 8 years standing, by the uve of two bottles of Car'" etr'a Spanish M ixture. Great cure of scrofula. --The Editors oftheRich tuond Republican hnd a servunt employed in thei press room, cured of violent ."crofula, cnmbinod: with Rheumatism, w hich entirely disabled him Horn work. Two botilcsof Carter's Spanish 'Mixture' made a perfect cure of him, and ihe Editors. in a no (ice, say they "cheerfully recommend ii to ull who arCafflicied with sny divease ot ihe blood " Still another cure of Scrofula 1 hud a very val uable boy cured of Scrofula by Carters 6'punitti Mixture. I consider it a truly valuable Medicine. JAMEK AI. TAYLOR. Conductor on the K. F. & P. R. R. Co., Richmond' , Va. SALT I.IIEUMOF2Q YEARS STAXDJA O CURED. Mr. John Thompson1, residing in ihe city of Rich mond, was cured by three bottles of Carter's Span ish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 years, and which all thephyslciana of the city could not cure. Mr. Thompson ia a well knewn merchant in the;city of Richmond, Va., and hia cure is most remarkable. It it u Ann EjWest, of Richmond, was cured of Seroltila, nnd; what Physicians called coi. firmed Consumption, by three bottles of Carter's Spanluli Mixture. F.d wis HenTON, Commissioner of the Rcenuc, says he has s c the good erleets of Carter's Span ish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic caaea, and says ii is a perfect curefor that horrible disease. - Wat. G. Haswood, of Richmond, Va.. cured "of Old Sores anF Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a few bottles of Carter's Spanivh Mixture, and was enabled lo walk without a crutch,, in a short time permanently cured. Principal Dcpotaat M. WARD, CLOSE & CO., No. 63 Maiden Lane, New Vork. T. W. DYOTT, 3k SONS, No. 132, Worth 2dv Street, Phibidclpnla. BENNETT f- BEERS, No. 125 Maiden Sireet; Richmond, Va. . And for sale by WM. II. LIPPITT, Wilniin jton and by Druggists generally . - May 12. - 25-lyc. THROW PVSIC TO DCGS! PULVkRMACFlERS Hydro Elcctic Volcanic Chains. Producing instant relief troni the motl acute paln, and permanently curing all Neuralgic DImsmi, 0 HEL'MATJSM, painful and ruelled jvinti, neu- Ai. ralgia, of Hf face, deafness, blindmt. St. l'i ustduncc, p-Upitiitions of the heart, periodical head ache, vains in the stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia,, uierius ains. These chains were first introduced in the city of' New Vork less limn one year since, and after be ing subjected to th most thorough trial in ever hospital in the city by Drs. Valentine Mott, Posy Cirnochan, and Van Buren, il was discovered ifat they poss. ss sirange and u onderful power in the relief and cure ot ihe a bore- eiass of rfiseorts. and (hey at once recommended, ihrnogh the papcta of' the city, their general use, and their tale and ibe success that has attended iheir nc, Is unparalleled. Previous to their introduction in'o iM country, i hey were used in every hospital in Europe, and are secured by patents in France, Germany, Austria, Prussia, and England; and also in the United' Slates. "Think close and ponder well." The principles upon which ii Is claimed ibcl il, Chains produce their marvelous cutis are, fir-l that all nebvods diseases are atltr.ded and fro duccd by a deficient supply of n rvous fluid ar.d an agent that resembles cloesly let tiieiti orelec t tn magnetism ; and second ihat Ihe cUcuo n.ag neiic chains. bybeing worn over nnd upon Ihe pait and organ diseased, lurnish io the exhausted nerv ous system, by it powerful stimulating el! c s, il c 1 rnvous fluid which is required lo produce a tnal hey action through ihe entire sj t ni . Nodif-gusi ing nostrum is allowed to betaken while uflng the chains, but a rigid observance of the g ncral" laws of health are reeulnd. Brii-k friction tron the part diseased add.-much lo the cfTtci of ll.a chains, by increasing their magnetic pow er. lOOO LMJLIjAUS will be given lo any person w ho w ill produce so many well authcntlcand ctrtificnies of cutra foil! frjin intelliger t patitnts and rcieniifir rhysirior,. as have been affected by I'd K ern.ite h ' Electro Chains. They never fail to perform what ihy are adveriied to do, and no person has ever been dis satisfied who has give n tin m a trial. In female Diseases, more than nne hutidred permanent corra ot pro lapsus uteri have been i fleeted within the laal year by the use of these chains By applying one end of the chain over the region of the abdomen t e other upon ibe spine, just abuse ihe hips,ibe usual severe symptoms incident lo thai diseaic are at once removed. Mode af Use. The chain should be moistrred before are ai Iih common vinegar, on J then one end of the rhain ho.ild be applied directly t the aratof tha pain or disease, and the other end opporile to Jf . Call noon Dr. Evans, and obtain a pamphlet (gratis) He will also explain their made of tm all bo may desire it. Physicians re resnect felly loviltd tocall ana investigaiethrlranrrits" ; " Card to Iidtea. Ladies who are tvcienU are ra.uestrd not to wear them bor a few momenta at each tfrne of applying for by long use miacarriage i. freenHy nrodneaaVi DrD. lloitey, agent for Greenfield t HiUyer 4. aSMtsjrw. bi NoTlot'h Wi,ml,Vt0".fcJr S.B.'diJ. A EnV. TOJUBPENTINE MAKERS. " nnURPENTINE Wand Cooper,' tool, of ev- T m larga and com pie i assortment ar wayaoo hand,i ia tmw aaioat tne lowest price ty ZENO H. GRKF.NK. Dee. 31 Ti. C. T. copy -- Itt v TOWAGE LT0 WAGE ! ! . STEAMEttSamBcsrT.A.M Calh rK rle, master; Steamer CalhoairJ Jaa ommSt Snrlnn- mnmlT ar rradv SI all times for basineaa, Ordeie for Tewara will bar prompt attention tf !& nsffinnr A t. js"-- GEO. HARRIS- Jamell 8-f. Y 5 " m'--.. .?' :

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