1 ' - , . . . i' ? r ' ' "i it 11 9 WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1854 VOLUME VIII NUMBER 136. WHOLE NUMBER 1035. 1. I" ; If ; 11.11 lit A l-Hli 4f I mi r U II WIS 4 ' . I V il . I I Jl ? Ill III II I ; - V I II I 111 111 III, il I III III 111 II ftTiN h, . J U II Ul II I j I II I .11 1 1 1 . i f I MHS'CEIUUiOT, BETTER THAN DIAMOND3. I was standing in the broad, crowded street of a large chj. It was a cold win ter da j. -There had beea rain, aiid al though the sua was shining brightly, yet the long icicles -hang from . the eaves of the house, and the wheels rumbled loudly ts the j passed over the frozen ground. There was a clear, bright look, and a bold, bracing feeling in the air, and a keen west wind that quickened every ptep. Just then n poor, iil-clad child and her clothes were wcant and threadbare, she had no cloak nor shawl and her little bare feet looked red anJ" suffering. She could not have been more than eight years old. She car ried a bundle id iier cand. Poor Htllejsh - vermg child ! f, even I, who could do nothing else, pitied her. As she passed, her feet, slipped on the ice, and shi fell withm cry of pain; but she held her bun- uic tigutiy in ner nana ana jumped up and although she limped badly, attempted to run as before. "stop, l.ttJe girl, stop, said a sweet voice ; and a lady in u shawl, with furs around ner came out or a jeweler's store close by. " Poor little child," said she, "are you nurtf Sit down on these steps and tell me.'1 How I loved her and how beau tiful she looked! "Oh, I cannot," said the child, '! cannot wait, I am in such hurry. I have been to the shoemaker's, and mother must, finish this work to-niht or she will never get any more shoes to bBd.f "To-niffht !" said the beautiful wo- man, "to-night r' "Yes-" said the child, for the stranger's kind manner made her bold yes, for the great bull to night, and these satin slippers must be spangled, and" 5 N. The beautifurwomctn took the bundle from the child's liand and unrolled it. You do not know how her face flushed and turned pale: but I, yes I, looked into the bundle, and on the inside of the slipper saw a name a lady's name written, but I shall not tell it. AnJ where does your mother live, dear little girl So the child told her where, and then told her that her father was dead, and that ner little baby brother was sick, and that her mother bound shoes that they might have bread, that sometimes they were cold, and that her mother sometimes cried be cause she had no money to buy milk for her little sick brother. And then I saw that the lady's eyes were full of tears, and that she rolled up the bundle quickly, and gave it to the little girl, but gave her noth ing else no not even one sixpence, and turning away, went back into the store from which she had just come out. As she went away, I saw the glitter of a diamond pin and a handsome carriage rol led off. The little girl looked after her for a moment, and tnen witn ner utile bare feet colder than before, ran quickly away. I went with the little girl, and saw her go to a narrow damp street, and into a small dark, room, and I saw her mother her sad, faded mother, but with a face so sweet, so patient, hushing and soothing a sick baby. The baby slept, and the mother laid it on her lap, and the bundle was unrolled. A dim candle helped her with her work : for though it was not night, yet the room was very dark. Then, after a while she kis sed her little girl, and bade her wann her poor little frozen feet, over the scanty fire in the grate, and gave her a little piece of bread, for she had no more ; and then she heard her evening prayer and folded her tenderly to her bosom, blessed her and told her that the angels would take care of her. And the little child slept and dreamed oh ! such pleasant dreams of warm stockings -and new shoe but the mother sewed on ftlone. And, as the bright spangles glitter ing on the satin slippers, came there no repining at her heart ? When she thought of her child's bacold feet, and of the scant morsel of dry bread, which had not satisfied ber hunger, came there no visions of a bright room and gorgous clothing, and tL table loaded with all that is good and nice, one little portion of which spared to Ber would send warmth and comfort to her .humble dwelling ? Ifauch things come, and others of a pleasant cottage, and one who had dearly , loved her, and whose strong arm had kept want and trouble from her and her babes, but .who could never come back if these '- thoughts did come reptningly, came also another ; and the widow's hands were clasped, and her head bowed low in deep contrition, as I: heard ber say, "Father, forgive me, for tbou doest all things well, and I trust in thee." Just then the door 'ppend, and some one entered Was it an angel ? Her dress was of spotless white, and she -moved with noiseless step. She went to the bed where the sleeping child Jay, and covered U with soft, warm blank ets Then, presently, a fire sparkled in the grate, such as it had never known before. Then she passed gently before the mother, And drawing the unfinished slipper from her'hiad, placed there a purse of gold, and said in a voice like music, " Blass thy God,-Who is the God of the fatherless . and the widow" and she was gone ; only as she went out, heard her say " Better than diamond- Belter than diamonds." What CffuU she mean 1 I looked at the mother. " With clasped hands and streaming eyes, ' she blessed her God who had sent an an gei to Comfort her. So I went tosv bright ' room,' where' there Iras music and dancing ; and sweet flowers j and I saw young hap py faces and beautiful, women richly dres--ed, and sparkling with jewels ; but none . jbal i kne w, un til one passed . tne whose dree of simple 'white, with only a( rosebud oa her basotn, whose Toice--:' was- like - the sound of a silver line , Jfo spangled slip per, was glittering 6n feet foot ; but she moved las one that treadelh upon air,' and thevdiviqe... beauty of holiness had so glori fied lier face that I felt as I gazed upon ber that she was arrange! of Jod. SUTTEtt A!U tHEESET 1 BOXES New Cbaesvaad fcegs (um Go she Bolter, jus receives br ..'tfe ;I-N. BARLOW'S. i TIIE TRI-WfiEKLY COMMERCIAL. Is publivtkej -every Tmiiir, TmitnAt and Satsibat st 85 per annum, payable in all eaves in advance. BY THOMAS LOIUNG Edito and Piofiii- TOI, Corner Frout and Market Streets, WILMIKftTOX, K. C. ' It.VTES OF ADVERTISING. I Mr. 1 iaacriion SO 50 I I sur. 2 uionihe, S4 0i t ' t " 75 I 1 ' 3 ' 5 00 I " 3 " 1 00 I 1 "6 " 8 f0 1 " 1 month. 2 60 1 ' 12 ' M 00 Ten lines or less make a square. If an adver tisement exceeds ten lines, the piice will be in oronortion. Alt advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion. ' Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on the moel libtrul terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly, adverllsins will ba permitted Should circn.W8tanceS 'render a chanzt in buaines?, or an unexpected removal aftsssary, a charge accord. ft lu rBTwMihefl ( .terms writ be at ine option oi tne contractor tor thetimo he hasnavcrtwctl. The privilege of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to their jwo immediate business; und all advertisemi nis lor tlte benefit f orher persons, as well as all advertisements not immediately con nected with their own business, and nil excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the us ial rates. No Advertisements is included in the con ran for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town or country or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by th! advertiser or by other persons. Thee sre excluded by the term "immediate business " AH advertisements inserted in the tri-weekly Co mmercial., are entitled to one iescrtion in Ihe Weekly free ol" charge. JOB, CAII AND FAXCY PRINTIXG, KXKCOTED LI SUPERIOR STYLE. Arrival and Departure or the Mails under the new Arrangement, which went into operation, 1st March. 188. The Mail from the North is due every day at 9 A. M., and at 9 P. M. Closes at 1 P. M., and at 9 P. M. precisely. The Mail for the South closes at SJ A. M. The Mail from Onslow Court-House, Sneads Kerry, dec, is due every Monday at 5 P. M. Closes every Thursday at 9 P. M. The Mail from Long Creek, Black River Chapel, fcc., is due every Thursday at G P. M., and closes same night at 9 P.M. The Mail from Fjyetteville, via Elizebelhtown and Prospect Hall, &c , via Wilmington and Man chestar liailroad from Robinson's Post Office is due every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1 P. M , and closes same days at Si A. M. The mail from WhUeville, Columbus county, per Wilmington and Manchester Railroad is doe at 1 P. M ., and closes nt P A. M. every day. "An extra Package will be made tip for Let ters going North of Richmond, Va., w hich will be kept open until 7 A. M. All other Letters must be in the Office at the hours above-named, or they will not be Mailed until next succeeding Mail, AGEJITS FOR THE COMMERCIAL.. Nets York Messrs. Biov.t A DbRossct. Boston Cwabls Smith, No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. K. Cohkx. Baltimore VVm. H. Peaks and Wm. Thomson. BUSINESS CARDS. HENRY NUTT, FACTOR A.D FURWABDIMi; AGENT, Will girt his personal attention to business entrust ed Is his care. Sepl. 8, 1353. 75-1 f. 0. L FILL YAW, PRODUCE BROKE II, COSdlSMUN AND Pl)RWRDlMJ MERCHANT. WltiMIYGTOS, W. C. September 20th, li63. 80-ly-c. WILLIAM If, PEAKE, COLLECTOR AJiD ADVERT! Sir C AGIST Fr Country Newspapers throughout the United States, Basement of Sun Iron Bo laings, Baltimore street All business emmsied to his ears transacted promptly, op :oeral terms. sept 7 95-f J. D. LOVE, MAN UFACTURER ASU DEALER 1JS CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, dec. &c. Front street, South of Market, BROWN'S BUILDINU, WILMINGTON, N . C. Sept. 16, 1852. 79-y-c S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, WIliJIISGI'ON, n. c. WILL fell or buy Real Kstate and Negroes at a small commission. ALSO S Strict attention given to the sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. Office second door, South side of Market street, on the wharf. June 12, 1353. 33 ly. . C. FREEMAN. QEOROt. HOUSTON FltEEMAN it HOUSTON, MERCHANT3 AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. D. C FREEMAN b CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITS FRONT STREET, NEW VORK. P SEEM AN AND HWSTOS, WILMINGTON, N C KEKP constantly on hand a stock of Flour, Corn, Pork, Bacon. Salt, Co fee, Sagar, Mo lasses, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuf, Candle; Soap, for eign and Domestic Liquors and Wines; Iron, trails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, Hals, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Agricultural Implements, and va riety of other articles, suitable for familyand plan tation use and ihe retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. The senior partner D. C. Kbeemay, Is located in the city ;of New Vork t the junior partner, Oeo. Houston, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, wiU be made on consignments to and from either place. All business entrusted to them willreeeive proper atteniion; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled. Sept. 9, 1852. 76-f. C. DnPRE & CO. tVHOI.ESALEASDnGTAIL GROCERS Corner front and Friiieess-streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. c- pcrnt. D. B. Bah. CHARLES R. B0NNELL, . General and. Commission. Merchant. . Catlo, Rice, d Nacal Stare and Merchandize -t; generally. Office N. 5o North Front street, Philadelphia. Refvtnon. New York, Messrs Al'ea & Paxson ; Philadel phia. Thoe. Allibone, Fq., Prest. Rank of Penn sylvania; Baltimore, Thomas Whitridge A Co, Wilmineton. N. C, Messrs. Ije Rosset & Brown, and Dr. T. H. Wrixht.Prast. Bank of Cape Fear; Charleston, T. 3. T.G. Baddr and I. Bonnell, Jr.; Ssvaanaa, W. B. Giles 4b Co.; New Orleans, a. W. f Urr - Ce. Jsa. 12 127-6 me ?-M:.'s. ?; :' ' U T.C,5Y0RTH, Genenl Commission - Merchant, WIlinmuTun, n . c. rTSUAL, advanae maae an caoaigramezua of Cot. U tea. Nasal Store sod otberproduce PatUealar attenttoa O"" w- Davia te pnr- chaalax irargrnv pr"tiBS trelgata for veaaefcve. Jan.J - 183 BUSINESS CARDS. JAS. H. CH1DB0URN & CO., General touimivsion iJercbauts, IVILMiafCTOM. N. C. Jas. H. Chadocb. Geo. Chaobocbs. Jun. 1, 1353. 123. RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATE ELLIS, BDSSELL iV. CO ,) SEXERAL. COMMXSSIOX MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignmenlsof Naval -tres, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1853. "cT&1TiiiipreT WHOLE 3 ALE AND R ETA L DEALERS lit Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, t'aiuts, Oil, !e Studs, ulass, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, Fancy Articles, c., A1ARRKT STREKT, ;- ? - W f 4 M1 W ST O Sf , SI . C . Prescriptions 5"arernlly :oni poinded hy espcri tnceo iicrsons. March 28, 1S53. General igeni ForwarJingi Commission Merchant l take pleasure 7n informing my friend?, th.it I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and pcrsonafattention. I have a'whaif for v.i I Stores, wjih a.nple uccomtnodatios?, pirii H unc, and vV irehonsc. Oonsianmente of Naval Storrs for sale or shipment ; snd all kinds of coun try produce solicited. Cash advances made on con-jnmi-nis April 18, 1353. 15 GEO. II. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next dooi to A. A. VVannet's.on North tVateist. willattend to the sale of all kinds of Country Pro duce, such ar Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon . Lard ,4c. i n dwillkeep constantly on hand a full supply of Groceries. tc. References . Willes Hall, of Wayne, Jno VieRae, Wilmington VV Caraway. ' Gen. Alx. . JIcRae. E P.H ill, Wilmington, Wiley A.WaUei, " Dec. 13. 1852. li5-ly. GEORGE MYERS, WffUESlLE OD RETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand, H'tnes, Teas, Liquors, Provisions, H ood and Willow Ware, Pruit, Confectionaries,tf-c. Sout'l Pront street, tYlliHINGTOX, N. 'J. Nev. IS, 1852 109. S. B. & J. A. EVANS, WHOLESALE AND RET II. D Kit GISTS, H ILMISGTOV, N. C. Will Beep always on hand a lame and very select stock of Drug', Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Glass, burgical Instruments, Patent Medi cines, Perfumery, die., al low prices. Jan. IS, 1353. 130. JOSEPH II. FLAN NER, General Commission Merchant, WIljMI VGTON, N. C. May 9th, 1 33 S7-ly- J HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANl'S, vVILMI.VGTt., N. C. J. Hathaway, J. L. Hathaway. Feb. 15. 1853. 31. W. C. HOWARD, GKNERAL Commission and Forwarding Mer chant, Wilmington IS'. C. Liberal Cash advances made on Consignments. Nov. 29 L?-Jf J. C. LATTA COMMISSION MERCHANT 4- GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 1, 1853. ' es-ly- A. H. VANB9RRELEN. General Agent, Commission anl Forwarding IBerrhant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Particular atteniion given to sale and purchase of Naval Stores. June 1, 1S53. 123-ly. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, COMISSIOJ AND PURW4RDIKQ MEKCHNSTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 7 125-c JAMES ANDEBSON. E DW A BO S A VAOE . ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Oct. 21. 94- "GEO. HARRISS, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to procuring Freight and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. Rcrsa to K. P. Hall, Ksq. 1 O. G. Parsley, Esq. ) I. A. Taylor. Ksq Wilmington. J. D. Bellamy, Ksq. j Messrs. l ooker, Siuyih & Co., " Thompson & Hunter, Alex'r. Ilerron, Jr. Philadelphia New York. Messrs. V illiums 6l Butler, )f ,..,,A c H v. R,b k"n ( Charleston, S C. Jan. 2. 1853. 123-tf. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Gmcral Comoiis&ioo and Forwarding llerchant Prompt personal attention given to Consign ments tor Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cash advances made on Consignments to me or to my New York friends. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1853. 135. WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH SEALERS IN 3onlectfonary . fruit. Nuts, Toys,PaucyAr ucies, feriumery, Tobacco-segara, Sic., WHOLESALE AND RE I AIL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON N.C T.30.ifl5a. iQ-ti R0UNTREE, WATSON & CO., General Commission Merchants, 78 South St , New Vork. Liberal Advances Made on Consignments. J. o. aoe rase, . o August 25, 1853. WATBOH, H. wioeiNS. 63-ly. f. WEiSEL. H. B. EILER8. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water Street, Wil mington, N. C, intend to keep at the above stand a genera I assortment of Groceries, Liqaors, and Provisions at wholesale and to carry on a General Commission Business. sirtiiiGi : E. P.Hsll.Pres't BrehBank ofths State.) 0. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank. Wil P. K. Dickinson, Ksq . ) PoppedkCo. . Dotlner A Ptntar. New Fork Jaa.20 1853 131. COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (SUCCESSORS TO TEAS. ALlfiONK t CO.) General Commission Merchants, JVe 32, North -Wharves, and 63 Worth Water Sts. PHIt,ADKt,PlIIA. 1. simr ooesiAs,- - ' W. . atSELL. - .Liberal cash advaacea made on eaaalcnmeata. Jalr 30th, 13S3. s8-tt. H. BOLLKEK Ov fOTTIiSr ,r DOLLNER & POTTER. QBXERAbjCQMMlSSlUN MISBCBANTS, r Ltberml Cash Aebajuu muds, on Q Cwuirmstntt. LIFER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Dsbihty, Dt eae of the Kidney, and air JJuiease arising from a disordered Liver or Slunuirh. such a Constipation.inward Piles, Fullness of Stood to the Head; Acidity of the Stomach, " burn, Aiisgoatfar Fo, Fail neaa or Woiahtia the Stomacb?sour Eructations, Sinking r Kluttcriag st the Pit of ihe Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurriednnd Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at Ihe Heartrohokingor Suffocating Sensations whenin a lying posture? Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before thesight, Fever and Dull Pain in the H-ad, Deficiency of Perspiration. Vellownesa of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, cf-c, Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burningin the Fl sh Constant Imaginings of evil, and great depressions CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, 1K SPARED BY H. C. M. JACKSON, No. iitO Arch street. Philadelphia. Their power over the above diabases is aoti sxcell ed, if equalled, by any other prepMi theUni led States, js the curcspttest, in many cases after skilful pliy8ieians had failed. These Biltersare worthy the attention of IovaUds Possessing great virtues in the rectification of dis eases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising ihe most searching powers in wiaknessand affjctions of thedigeative organa.tliey arc, withal, safe, cer tain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. The-PnHidelphia SaUtrday Gaaelte," says of Dr. Hooplavd's German fitters. 'It is seldom that vj recommend what are term ed Patent Vledieines, to the confidence and patron age of our readers; and therefore when we recom mend Dr. Iloofland's German Bittcrx, we wish It to be distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done their guiity race of inisciii(-f, but of a medicine long established, universally prized, and which has met the hearty approval of the faculty itself.'' "Scott's Weekly,'' said, Aug. 25 : ''Dr. Hoofland's ermaD Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now 'ecommended by some of the most prominent men.'K'a ot tne iaculty as an article ot mucnemca- cy in c j os of female weakness. Persons of debili tated eon - 'utions willfind these Bitters advantage ous to Jieii calth as we know from experience the salutary effect they have upon weak systems." J . G. Moore. Esq , of the Daily News, said, Oct 31. 'Ds. Hooflaxd's German Bitters. Wearctry- ng mis renowned medicine lot a stubborn disease ot the bowels, and can with truth testify to its efficacy. We have taken the contents uf two bottles, and we have derive j more benefit trom the experiment than wederived previously from yearsof allophatic treat ment at the handa of our first physicians." Hon. C. D. Hincline, Mayor uf the Cityef Cam den. N. J., s.tys : 'Hooplakd's Giisaxs Rittess. W ehave seen many tUnering notices of this medicine, ind the source from which they camo induced us to make inquiry respecting its meriis. From Inquiry we were persuaded ;o use it, and trr.st say we found it specific in its action upon diseases of the liver and digestive organ, and the powerful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration, is really surprising It calms and strcngtl.cns the nerves, bringing the m in to a state ot repose, making steep refreshing. If this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would be less sickness, as from the stomseh, liver snd nervous system, the great major ity of real and imaginary deseases cmtnate. Have them in a healthy condition and vou can bid defi ance to epidemics generally. This extraordinary medicine we would advise our friends who are at ail indisposed, to give a trial it will recommend it self. It should, "n fact, be in every family. Noother medicine can produce such rvidenrtsof merit." For sale wholesale and retail at the GERMAN MEDIC1NK STORE. No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth. Phila delphia, snd by respectab'cdealers generally through out the country. Sold in Wilmington by S. B. ft J. A. EVANS, in Fayetteviilc by S. J. HINSDALE. June II. 3S-3m PAPER HANGINGS, Shades and Curtain Lace and Damask made and put up hv WILKINSON F.SIF.R, Nov. IS. Upholsters. PURE GOLDEN FLAX, RISH Linen and Richardson's celebrated Heavy Family Linens, Bitds Eye Diapers, apkinsand Doylas, Scotch and Russia Diapers, Brown Hollands and slate colored French Linens. Received to-day, and for sale by Nov. 29. J A M ES DAWSON. SMOKED BEEF. JUST received another lot of New Smoked Beef, do Tongues, by L. N. BARLOW, Jan. 14 No. 3 Granite Row. SEGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF," I ,F Best Quality always on hind, at Fruit Depot. WILKINSON & ESLF.R. Nov. loih 104 FINE HAIRt MATTRASSES, IXTADE is order. 1YJ Jan. 7 WILKINSON A F.SLF.R, Upljolsterers. MORSE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT. THIS is a Purcif Vegetable Compound, scientifi cally prepared I ram the best Roots and Herbs of the Materia Medica. and has gaincdan unrivall ed reputation for the following effects, viz: PURIFYING THE BLOOD. and thus curing all Humors, Sores, Ulcers, Cutane ois Eruptions. Canker, .Scald Head, die. Rcgolating and Cleansing the Stomach & Bowels, thusit cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costiveness, Piles, Ac. Strengthening the Digestive Organs, thus causing tho food to nourish andsupportcvery part. REGULATING THE SECRETARY ORGANS, and, by enabling them to perform their properfunc tions, preventing and earing Bilious andolhcrpnin fui diseases. Strengthening and Quieting the Nervons System, thusallaying Nervous Irritation, andcuringall dis eases of the Nenres. It is nnrivalled in the care of all FEMALE DISEASES, as Weakness, Irregularity. Obstructions, &c. It is pleasant to take, and safe in all cases ; act ingin harmony with 'he restoring powers of nature it never injures but always benefits and cures, as thousands of voluntary certificates from the best authorities testify. Prepared by a. MORSE T- JU..Zf Maidcn-L.ane, n. Y. Sold by Drugglstsand othersthroughoutthi onntries. S. B. 4s J- A. EVANS, A set Wilmington. N. Hand othercon cnts, sept. 30. 85-iy-c N. C. BACON. lbs. Hog Round, for sale by ANDERSON A SAVAGE. 110 8,000 D.ecl SACK SALT. 0VV"i SACKS groond Salt, now on the way jJJ from Liverpool, and daily expected to arrive, for sale by Dec. 15. FREEMAN dt HOUSTON. BACON. lets of North DOME superior Carolina Bacon. O just received and for sale low, by Dec. 20 J.H.FLANNER MOURNING COLLARS AND Dnderaleetes ; Linen Habits and Sleeves; French Worked Collars; Qnilted Galons; French Bombaxlo.es and fine to superfine Black Silk Warp Alpacas. Received to-day and for sale by JAMES DAWSON. Nov. M. 109. SAXONY, WELCH, OF all qualities, and Patent fine White Flannels all warranted mot to shrinks Ladies Merino Vests; coloured Vehret Ribbons t Moormlng Plaid French Meriaoe and Black Half Mourning, all Wool D Lanes i Orleans Cloth, TmbIm sod W14- ra blotter roraale&r' DAWSON. 1854i-EXCEIiSI0B.r, 1854. G. MFEJIS. aBfaww and delF in Hata, Cay vCaaea, ami Waahreiiaa, tto.V Granite Rew, Front at. ; v Ja.7 ' - f5pr MEDICAL HOUSE,, , A. 16, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE. MAUVLAND. Established its order to afford the Afflicted sound and scientific .Medical Aid, and for the suppression of , Quackery. . DR. t. B. Smith has for many .years devotedhis whole attention to the treatment of Prival e com plaints, in ail their varied and complicated forma. Hia great success in those long standing and diffi cult cases, such as were formerly considered incur able, is sufficient to commend him to the public' as worthy al the extensive patronage he has received. Within ihe last eight years, Dr. S. has treated more than 29,500 cases of Private Complaints, in thtir different forms and stages; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of ail other physicians now ad vertising in Baltimore, and not a single case is known where his directions were strictly followed, and medicines taken at reasonable time, without effecting a radical and permanent cure ; therefore, persons afflicted with diseases of the above njture, 'no miiiurnow difficult or long standing the case may be," would do well to call on Dr. Siuittit.hia office. No. 16, South Frederick Suand if not efiee tually relieved no remuneration will be required for his services, iiis medicines are free from Mercury and all mineral poisons ; put up in a neat and com pact form, and may be taken in a public or private house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, aod exespt- incases of vio ent inflammation, no change of diet is necessary. STRICTURES. -Dr. Smith has dis.overed a new method by which he can cure the worsi form of stricture and that without pain or inconvenience to the patient. Irritation of the uretha, or prostrate glands, or Deckof the bladder,issomelimesmis:aken icrstrictures by general practitioners orcharlutans. YOUNG MEN, and others afflicted wiiti Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, er front any other cause, with train of bodiiy and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and sunei ing, as well as expense. By bis improved method of treatment, Dr. S. can safely guarantee a speedy and perfect cure in all cases ot tbis com plaint. TO EE MA EES. AM diseases peculiar to Females (as also Sup pressions, Irregularities, &c.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for the cure of theabove affections, have been well tested in an extensive practice for the last twelve years. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. S. by a letter, post-paid, describing ease, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded to any part of the United States, always accompanied witn full and explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. Office arranged with separate apartments, so that patients never see any one but the doctor himself. Attendance daily, from 6 in the morning till 9 at night. N. B. Persons afflicted with any of the above complaints, will d- well to a oid the various NOSTRUMS AND SPECIf ICS. advertised by Apothecaries and Drtigpistsas a cer tain cure for any and every disease. They are put up to sell, but not to cure, and frequently do much more harm than good therefore avoid ihem. A word to ihe wise is sufficient. Address DR. J. B. SMITH, 16 South Frederick st.,- Caltimore. Aid. Oct. 13. 90-ly c. HENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, PURELY VEGETABLE IN ITS COMPOSITION. riMUS invaluable Cordial, is extracicdfroui Herbs X and Roots, which have been found after years of experience, by the most skillful Physicians, to be possessed of qualities most beneficial in the dis eases for which it, is recommended, and hence whilst tt is presented to the public, as an effica cious remedy, it is also known to be of that charac ter on which reliance may be placed as to its safety. In casesof Impotency, noemorrhnees. Disordered Sterility, Menstruation. or Suppression ofthe Men ses, Fluor Albusor Whites, or for DEU1L1TY arising from any cause, such as weaknessfrom sick ness, where the patient has been confined to bed for some time, for Ken.sleeafier Confinement, Abortion or Miscarriage, this Cordial cannot be excelled in its salutary ;frects: or in loss of Muscular Energy. Irrtlabiliiy, Physical Prostration, Seminal Wenk- c9, j .ipiiaiiuu ui me raeart, indigestion Slug gishness, Decay of the Procreative Functions Ner vousness, Ac., where a tonic Medicine is required it will be foundequal, if not superior to any Com pound over used. TO FEMALES. Henry'sInvigora'ingCordlal, is oneof the most invaluable Medicines in the many Complaints to which Femalas are subject. It assists nature to brace the whole system, check exeef ses.and creates renewed health and happiness. Less suffering, disease and unhapptnessarnong Ladies would exist, were they generally to adopt the use of this C r dial. Ladies who are debilitated by those obstruc tions which females are liable to, are restored bv the use of a bottle or two, to bloom and to vi"or. YOUNG MEN. That solitary practkc, so fatal to the existence of man and it is the young who are most apt to be come its victims, from an ignorence of the danger to which they subject themselves, causes NER VOUS DEBILITY, Weakness of the System, and Premature Decay Many of you may now besufforing, misled as to the cause or source of disease. To those, then, who by excess have brought on themselves Premature Im potency, involuntary Seminal Emissions, Weak ness and Shrivelling of the Genital Organs, Ner vous Affections, or anvother consequences of unres trained indulgence of the sensual passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing the felicities of MARRIAGE. lesseningboth mental and bodily capacity, Hold! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a Medicine that is purely Vegetable, will aid nature tc restore those important functions to a healthy state, and will prove of service to you. It possesses rare virtues, is a general t era over of diseae,and strcngthener ofthe system ASA TONIC MEDICINE, It is unsurpassed. We do not place thisCordialon a footing with quack medicines, and, as is customa ry, append a long list of Recommendations, Cer tificates, tic, beginning with --Hear what the Preachet says." and such like; it is not necessary, for -Henry's Invigorating Cordial," only needs a trial to prove that it will accomplish all we say. THE GENUINE "HENRYS INVIGORA TING CORDIAL." is put up in Soz. Pannei Bottles, and is easily recog nized by the Manufacturer's signature on the table of each Bottle, (to coanterfeit which is forgery,) as well as his private Seal on the cork of each Bottle. Q-SoldforS2 per Bottle; Six for S3; 16 per dozen. Prepared only by S. E.COHEN. No. 3 Franklin Row, Vine Street, below Eighth, Philadelphia, Pa., TO WHOM ALL ORDERS MUST B K AD DRESSED. For Sale by all respectableDruggists 6V Merchants throughout the country. Oct. 29. - 97-12m-c. UPH0LSTRIN6 GOODS. PAPER Hangings, Curtains, Laceand Damask Bands, Loops, Tassels, Shades, etc. All work in above line done at shortest notice. WILKINSON f- ESLER, Osi 27 over the Fruit Depot. PURE MEDICAL WINES & LIQUORS. DARK and Pale French Brandy ; Port, Madei ra and Sherry Wines, a II of superior quality. B.A J. A. EVANd'. Jan 15. 129 carriages! 1 six seated CARRIAGE, I Paneled Quarter Rockaway, I Quaker Rockaway and severallight Baggiea just received and for eale by Sept 27-tf DIBBLE & BRO. JUSTRECEIFED FROM achr. Chas. Mills, 50 bbto. Applea "Spit xenburr. Greenings, r aldwin Pound Sweets, e.v also- Onions, Potatoes, Turnips, Beets. -? Cranbertiea. Call and eaamineat trie Fantiry r0f GEO. MYERS, Front at- Pee-1, no NOWOltf IT AM. mi " IT rrt- ,r"T an nxtares ef various kinds also Mattrasaoa n hanA rat nuAtnau ISSJLEsW BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. TR. JOHNSTON Proclaims to the afflicted, far -L und near, that he has disco vend the most c fj f L a".J Bffica plan for treating partic msr diseases ii,t has yr "bee. present! to ihe world. By hu Pian, fon,,d.on obaervauons made Wthe Hospit.Lof Europo d Amlric"? he wiS Ar IV TW DA YS, OR NO CHARGE. t X . u'Za W "." irruaouny, uisuases of the Head, Throat Nose, or Siin; and all those serious rt,lhla,n.ChfJ',,80rder9 "i8'nfrm the detune! tiye habits of V outh, which destroy both body and mind, those secret aod solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens to the mariners of Olysses. blighting their most brilliant hopes oranucipation., rendering m.rriageAc, i,- YOUNGMEN. Especially, who have beeame the vtotims of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit whuh annually sweeps u. an untimely tbxjano, of young men of the mot exalted talents and brilliant intellect, whj might otherwise, have entranced lis tening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waited to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with'full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, uemguwur-oi :iyicai weaKnesj, suooiu immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. fe-who places himself underthe careof Dr. John ston may religiously confide in his honor as a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon his skill asa pby. sician . OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St. 7 DOOKS FROM BALTIMORE St., (east side.) UP THE STEPS. PARTICULAR in observingthe NAME and NUMBER, or you wiH mistake the place. DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London; graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United Stales, and the greater part of whose life has bet nspent in the hospitals of London, Par is Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has effected some ofthe most astonishing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears w hen asleep, ereat nervoiifnsss, being alarmed st sudden sounds, and bushfulness. with frequent blushing. attended sometimes with derangement' mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICP Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured t i selves by private and improper indulgences, tht 1 1 cret and solitary habit which rules both body and mind, unfitting them for either business or society. These are some ofthe sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of .Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derange ment of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, &c. Mkstally. The fearful effects on the mind arc much to be dreaded ; Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Soli tude, Timidity, dec, are some of the evilsproduced. Tfiousands ol person, of all agea, can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emaciated, have a singular appearance about the eyes', cough and symptoms of Consumption. DR. JOHNSTON'S IN VIGOR A TING REM EDY FOR GENITAL DEBILITY. This grand and important Remedy has restored strength and vigor to thousands of the most ner vous and debilitated, many of whom had lost all hopes, and been abandoned to die. By its complete invigorution of the Nervous System, the whole faculties become restored to their proper pswer and functions, and the fallen fabric of life raised up to beauty, eonsistency, and duration, upon the ruins of an emaciated and premature decline to sound and pristine health. Oh, how hap.-y have hundreds of misgtiHlcu you ins been made who have been sud denly restored to health, from the devastations those terrific maladies wnich result from indistr lion. Such persons, before contemplating MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sounj mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgriinnpe, Ihe pros pect hourly darkens to the view the mind becomes shadowed with despair, ami filled with the melan cholly reflection, that the happiness of another be comes blighted w ith our own. Let no false delica cy prevent you, but apply immediately, and save yourself from the dreadful consequences of this ter rible malady. WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS immediately cured and full vigor testorrd. fj-A IjL LETTERS MUST BE POST PAID. Remedies sent to anv part of the country. TO STRANGERS. DR. JOHNSTON, of the Baltimore Lock Hos pital, whose long residence in this city, standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, exten sive praeiice in the various Hospitals ot Europe and this country, and skill and experience to which thousands can testify, as well as his ability in the Surgicaldepartment of his profession! as evidei eed by reports of his operations on the Eyes and De formed Limbs, published in the Baltimore Sun and other papers, in Ihe years 1341 2, by which the blind were made to see and the lame to walk straight, ren ders him worthy of all confidence upon the part ol those who need his professional services, and who would shun the many trifling and ignorant preten ders advertising themselves as Physicians. Or 1 o those unacquainted with his reputation, Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say that his credentials or diplomas always hang in his office. OOKKlUKjKit. 7 SOUTH Kit KDK KICK St., East side, up the steps. Oct. 13. 90-ly c. VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. MTHE Subscriber offer a for sale that most desirable DWELLING AND PREMIS ES, situateat the North-VVestern intersec tion of Third street with Itcd Cross street, the Lot fronting 100 feet on lied Cross, and 200 feet on Third. The Dwelling House, Kitchen. SmoVe-House, Stables, and all the other ont-houses on the pre. mises. have been built within a few years, of choicn materials, in the beat manner, and nearly nil of them covered with tin. The Dwelling House is capacious, handsomely finished, sad most conveniently planned, and all the other build ings are judiciously arm nerd, and well fitted up. There are few Lots In Wilinlngtoa a desirably located, and the improvements os which are so admirably adapted for a family residence. Third street on the entire Eastern line of this lot, is 99 feet wide, and separates it from that on which a new Episcopal Church is about to be erected. Persons desirins; to purchase, esai ascertain terms of sale by application to the subscriber, or N. N. Nixon, Esq., or M. Cbonlt, and the sub scriber will cheerfully accompany any sach w'jo wis a to t aspect toe presn ises. u. it. nix.' Ci. Sept. 8, 1S53. C5-tf. NOTICE. THE subscriber.respectfujly Informs the public, that ha is nowtranasetinz the Aactioa business on hia own account, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merii a continusnee of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon Mm. o al. fJUONLY. Stock, Real Estate and Nerroes.boucht and sold on a commission oi 1 per cent either at private or Jan8.1S53. , 126. SHAWLS. Long and Square Bay State Shawls, jas received HEN DR1CK & RYAN. 100 NORTH CAROLINA BACON. SEVERAL lots tor sate lowtoieJoae consign ment". ' ment Jan.l Ji FRE EM AN A HOUSTON. , : MATTRASSES.. , SERVANT'S Mattrasaea bsnd-st only - , WILKINSON KSLKR, -. Jaaj "-!. a-,' ..-r"vi.:' 5 .3 aJpiiussssra. GENERAL ORDER NO. t. . ilLL aceoaatsdoa ateaaajr "P7' r.2iAi h. sBafcaw, previous a . a m Ualw fcsT saw Wkmm SBsmtfMta' . , i.y jfscivury or i(rwteoua Drugs Used I Pains in the Luins, Constitutional DeUUiv. l"m. potency, vveakne.-sof the Back and Limbs, affec. iiuiib ui cue n.innpvfl niKlu. r . MEWS, ARRIVAL OF STEAMER OHIO. $1,000,000 of Cold Come The . Bolivian Mecvluiion-i-Atslratiaj SfC New York, Jan. 29 .Thi it earner Ohio, from Aspinwall Jan oar j 11th, has arrived, with 800 passengers Jtnd sw 1,000,000 in gold. ' . . - " The U. S. sloop of war Albany sailed from Nary Bay for San Juan del Norle on the 17th all well. - The epeice bj the Ohio is consigned principally . as follows)- Adams & Co., $312,000 ; Burgojne & Plprne. $200,000 ; Exchange Bank, 8800,000 Wells, Ftj s & Co, $65,000- . ;, Panama dates are - of. the 15"thl The steamers Golden Gate and Cncle Sam left Panama on the 1st, for San Trancisco, with 1,000 passengers.. The English steamer Bogota arrived at Panama, on the 4th. with Valparaiso dates ofthe 15lh and Gallao of the 24th De cember. Business at Valparaiso was dull. Freights moderately actire nnd unchang ed. The revolution at Bolivia (before report ed) broke out at La. Paz and'ttended ta other places. Gen Belzus had precipitate ly left the capital, with a battalion of in fantry and some cavalry, td suppress the outbrenk. The revolutionists had appoint ed another administration and made arnica ble overtures to Peru. i A revolution had also broken out in the province of lea in Peru. Melbourne dates of November 2d had been received. . ; , The steamer Great Britain, from Liver pool AugUBt 1 lib, arrived at Hobson'" bay Oct. 16th. The quantity or gold, coming forward was very large and Under the ad vices by the Great Britain "was active nt an advance of 6d a 9d per ounce The mining news was very taVorable. A lair business was doing ot Melbourne, but pri ces had not improved and some articles were tending downward. Flour had slight ly declined. Best samples were sellins at 33 per ton. Coffee lower, with n heavy stock. Hams and provisions in fair de mand. American flour 3; Gallgo ami Haxall 3 5s a 3 10. TERRIFIC AND FATAL EXPLOSION. ' New Yokk, Jan. 29th. French's ballnnJ cartridge factory, at Ravenswood, L. I., exploded yesterday afternoon, by which nearlv twenty persons, mostly boys and rirls. were instantly killed. Upwards of 50,000 cartridges exploded, and houses for miles around were shattered and their win dows broken. , The mngazine, containing 300 tons of powder, narrowly escaped. The number generally employed was thirty. All inside the building nt the time were killed except two. Three girls belonging to one family were J?Iled. Thrfe bedies were all blown into frag ments, nnd mangled with pieces of timber, machinery, &c Another account stated that tho number killed, already ascertained, is only thirteen. Others were shockingly multilated, and some fatallity. The scene is terrible. Sonmelv frttcrmrnt hie-e'er that a walking stick can be found of tho building. Heads, limbs, and trunks of human beings are scattered in all directions. Cold Weather Hxtemtre Damage- to the Shljtpins; by lee. New York, Jan. 29.- The weather to day is extremely cold, and the river U full of drift ice, obstructing navigation, and do ing considerable damage to-, the shipping. The new clipper barque Grape Shot, ly ing on the East river, bound to Australia. was cut tnrougn ana atterwaras towed to Brooklyn, where she" sunk'.1 " Tv; The brig Lamarline, bound to Australia. also lying on the 'East rirefj 'lost both of her anchors, and was towed to the dock. A large schooner was driven frotn tier an chorage, and went ashore at Bedloe's is land, t : Boston, Jan. 29.--The weather7 is in tensely cold to-day. The thermometer be ing ten degrees' below arero. The ferry boats have stopped running and the harbor is full ol ami ice. PRINTED FREOT : ? AT US LIN De Lanes; Plain Mode and High noes, avers shSda t IMald Htiinon anal itaw Kilk do. Muslin Da Baizes, For sate by Nov.29. . JAMES DAWSON.' DOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. 1 (A 11-4 and U-4 Ltaen Sheeuaes; Bleach LJLjii ed aod Brown Cotton Snectiofa, al widths. Pillow Case Linens and Cottons i Bleach ed and Brown Table Damask and Ditto in Cloths ail sites and qualities Linen and Cotton Diapers; Bed Ticks; Kurnl'ure Dimltysdrc. Kor nleb, Nov. 29. JAMES DAWSON. CRACKERS. JUST received per achr. L.. P. Smiih a fresh lot of Batter, Cream, Sods, Sugar. and Fancy Crack era, aod whole and half bals.aod baas double extra Floor; also 50 bags fresh around Buckwheat; fur salbr L. N. BARLOW.- Das. 17 . ,, Ill NEW BOO RSIFRESH SUPPLIES!! kA LFRED BUNN in America ; . XX The Convent and the Mouse ; by H ra ; Dovecote, or the Heart of tha Homestead t Romantic Incidents in tha Uvea of the ttae a of England ; Venice ; the city of the Sea; by Edmund Flarr; A day In the C ystai Palace I - The Coaflict of Ages; by Edward Bceeber, D. Dj Mrs. Ben Parley, or ine Weal aod Woe of Social Ufa; by A. Maria Coffins j " - Homo Scenes and Hon Soaadsj by M. Stophena ; Hap and Mishaps of sTosrto Europe i by draco Greenwood t To life Uimns BIcBBUihss n, eonrpriaiac an authamie Barraliva of iboBoxr EapetfitiM ay V. H. SafTord ; Tackennans Month fa Eaelaaslr ' " a Baay Momenta of an I4n Woman .; w-' SpiriuRappiagaCnTeiledi .. Palpit Portislts of American Preachers - TnoSaoond War wit b stsgiaodt t --t-' -i Memoir of Rav.Dr-Jedaonfv, r.,J,-, ; , Dombeydt Son: by Dickens i , nM (Wrfield t hr DickeaiSi - ' AS iha above with shot aaoro. Joat Sfsalat lor sale at the new Book 8 tore, . , Jan. 24. T.niiu's. MSN'S Boys and CbHdren'. Bala and Caps, aaorted aaaiitiea and prices, tor sals s t the Hat and Cap Star o. C, U YEK. Jan-7 Upholsterers. ju. s j lmu 124-1 nt Jan. 7

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