mntum TlLMIXGTOX, . C: FEBRUART2. 1301. THURSDAY 27. From tAe f " QM BED1NI. THE POPE'S MJtiu scn-er, ,u --o- Dt hl9 troo en the United Slates to P -.i- Havin !d.Biai"LX;n people. . Having RCter to tne - . h his charac becoe fully acquanued lh o ,er in Europe, we er hV, Career, and to rJ to ni w'i information 'n eeeive him with just ' "r.rnhnt on wnicn ue nrhich he .1- that measure o .? him lo be serves. We li ""VV- we did not wishto -eeAin safeguard of so- good order willing the p-ibhc C,1Ct-V, know his Character and his fitness should know n enef t0 a free peo- X wuotgov rnmentTehad ever held in ionSd looked upon as htgh treason to ak of him as a Catholic ,g lo do. Th. . great prm l l "!?. hia couim, is nol thai 01 ine t feces belrei C.tholic an. which is oonoxiuus - -0. ' Not at all- It is because he rcuresenu European Despotism in lU worst rrp eH " wnant form. U '8 because h i he arch enemy of Republican liber throughout the world, whose hanJ. are - ' i3...;,h .1, crushei and bleeding DOW run k , . . victims he has immolated on the tArtnn altar of them of lib- . i- .t t HIUI in'."" - "his because the blood of Italian martyrs who. goaded to the last extremity iy mu tyrants and oppressors, resolved to be free j u'r die in the attempt to liberate themselves j and their fellow-countrymen, cries front j their graves, moistened with ihe tears of! their exiled brethren. It is this, and not Uca ise he is a Catholic, that has aroused the indisnant feeling against Bedifii. The demonstrations of violence have not -r .iin hopn made bv American born gen-citi- Ton Thv have been bv men d riven from their European homes by the kind of tyranny he upholds and defends, ?.nd for which he is reav to do the bidding of his master tyrants, whatever it may be. These bodies of men have been largely composed of Catholics, but such Catholics as are loval to Republican institutions and the bud of their adoption, and nence tneir testation of this Nuncio. Some of most noted demonstrations against tie the him have been made by men in communities where the Catholic religion is near or quite nurtl tn the Protestant in point of num- . - i herd. Such is the case in Baltimore. I In Wheeling, Virginia, five out of the eiirht persons engaged in posting up hand- i v.iiij Against bim wpta Unman Catholics. It should also be' added, that they were j KepuDiicana. uunng ine Italian struggle , During the Italian struggle for liberty, in 1849 and 1850. he was the emenv of the rjeorjle as he is now. During that period, he was the man so it has! been repeatedly charged, and still remains j uncontradicted who ordered to execution i a large number of persons who had es- I poused the liberal cause. Nay, not only ' condemned xhem to death, but actually , flayed them alive, and indulged in sundry other acts of cruelty, which only a devil, could devise. That is the charge. It has ! been made over and over again. It is ! thrust in the face of the Nuncio, wherever he goes, and we have publications in which j names, dates, and other specifications are ' advanced thus: ! Ho. Date- 1. May 23. 1849. 2. June 7, 3. - 4 t ;i i. 5 .. G. " 7. July 24. -; S. Aug. 8. Name. Y'sofAsre. i A. Burtolotii 21 I C. Mariani L. Praii O. Lanzoni 23 ' 21 i 45 i N Siinariorfji 26 23 21 43 48 19 22 50 40 40 40 33 39 27 21 20 25 23 28 R. Germani L. Ri.-.el Ugo BuMi G. Lieraglii S. Contoli G. Pinochi G. Scrosta S. Plazzi G. Gorini T. Gorini C. Scrosta G. Baldini S. Migani O. Gaiti A. Tacconi N. Maretii B. Rizzt F. Lofenzini A. Tacconi G. Seleri A. Guerra B. Caravita G. Grazia G. Moolanri D. Bertoni A. Cagnazzi C. Mootanari C. Gulmaneili L. BiiruffalJi P. Zdppi B. Colli G. Lamberti A. Poggiuli J. Mirri C. Cassolinn G. Contavilli D. Folli L Lamberti A. Cazziari S. Borgbi G. Aibertazzi (J. Furo:fi F. Mita P. Meluzzi 9. 10. 11. 12. 3. 14. 15. 16 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Sept. 1, ' 13. 27, 8, 30, Oct. Dec. 28. 24. 25. 26. Jan. 20, 27. - 2S. Feb. 21, 2y. Mar.28, 30. 31. il 32. 33. " 28 28 25 23 30 30 25 27 31 27 23 23 23 22 1850. ol. 35. 3U. 37. 38. 39. 40. II. 42. 43. 41. 45. 46. 47. 48. 40. 50. April Sept. o. 6. u u 11 21 21 28 25 21 23 31 21 32 23 20 22 9i u il II (( A. Garotti w o nave said that the execution of all and the extra torture of some of these per sons, is said to have been the handiwork of Monseignor Bedini. Here is a list of fifty victims, and yet, it is said, they are not all toij. Such being the character of the man, what should have been the course of our Crovernmem the President and members of the Cabinet in regard to him . If he presented any mesaages, letters, or evi dence of -.uthority from the Pope to our Government, ahouU bV not have been told "Wo, sir, your master has mistaken ' Hlkas-bJ selecting you, the execu tioner of the frjends of liberty, to come to this counUr, sent an obnoxious man, and offered a direct insult to our Government and people. V shall exercise , the Tight reserved for ever independent nation, and cCuato recogntjf you bmciall, or receive aHy cornmitntcaiiooa through jrouxhaadaj Retim toujour spriest-ridden, king-ridden . . , ... a . ' 1 i 'a, L k mmw A n country, ann ten mem tnai wucu descend to receive a Nuncio from let Jinn be one that ha not earned the exe cration of the world by his cruelty towards republicans. We will not receive the sworn enemy of our institutions in any of ficial capacity. n -rir This should have been the language of our government to such a man Now what do we see instead ? The Freeman s Jour informs vs that Hbe President has ten SSirfyand propriety of WJJ bim as the Pope's Representative.- Ne cessity forsooth I Is it necessary to de grade our country and insult a Republican people ? Is it possible that - he has been il rfifioo-nized ? We know he is in Washington that he has visited the Pres ident that he was the chief attraction at Mr. CampbeU'a levee on this night week that he was there arrayed in the trappings of his station or office ; magnificent dia monds glistening from his hands and breast, with massive gold cross, and other evidences Of his vast importance to the political fortunes, of somebody who wants the Catholic votes. Soon after this, we see in the United States Senate, nil the leading aspirants for Presidential honors, leJ on by Mr. Cass,'who is understood to have been requested so toby the President, asking for information and correspondence, which will show him to be an authorita tive embassador, or messenger. The grave Senators vie with each other in the advo- rar.v nf his cause. Thev bow to the bid ding of their country's enemy in the hope of "raining the anti-republican vote of the friends of Bedini. Their de gradation is most humiliating to nil friends of liberty throughout the world. The paltry truckling to one who insults the moral sense of the people is degrading lo ai American Senator, and like other move ments of the kind to obtain popular favor, will be very likely to react and arouse an opposite sentiment strong enough to defeat the olject they have in view. WHISKEY. " CY B DLS. just received, for sale by ZUU FREEMAN fc HOUSTON. Dec. 11 119 CO-PARTiNERSHIP NOTICE. TUI B Subscribers have this day formed a Co- J. Partnership m der the name and style of JAMES r. GILLESPIE & CO., for tha purpose of carrvins; on a GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. JAMES V. GILLESPIK, GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. Wilmineton, Nov. 6, 1857- 100-if. PORTRAIT PAINTING. TR.M lutlon, Portrait Painter, moat respect lJl fully aaoonnce to the citizens of Wilming ton anJ surroun linz couatrv. that lie has taken rooms over the store of Mr. Azostini, on Market street where Lad cs and Gentlemen are invited to call and examine hia Paintings. Persons wishins Daguerrco ypes copied, ean nave it done by htm as true as n takeu iroin tie. Dec. 17 17 G0LDSB0R0' MILLS. nHK Sub -fibers are azea's for the above mill JL and are daily receiving Meal, Hominy, Horse i Peed, Pea, Meal, Peas, Corn f-c., freshly ground ; from new corn, and tiuperlor lo any in market ' sold cheap for cash. 1 W. M. SHERWOOD &. CO. I Dec 22 H9 barrels. O 3 Tin Stands Dec. 17 LARD. RAN KIN MARTIN. 117 CRYSTAL PALACE CLOTHING, AND MERCHANT TAILORING US TA UI.1SIIMBNT. ! T"A1 'AHNWE1LKR A BRO. beg leave to announce IVto their numerous friends and citizens in the vicinity, that they will open, cn or About the ZsW inst., a branch Establishment, on Market street, next to the Masonic Hall, where wilibe found con si antly on h.ind, an clean ni nnil rich aKsnrtmcni of Gentlemen's Goods for Wearing Apparel, consist ing of CLOTHS, CASSIMKRRS, V IJSTJXUS, f-c. ol the most recent importations from Paris and London, which will be made up in ihe best and most tasteful manner to order. K. & Bro. have secured the services of a Practi cal Cutter, having been engaged In his profession for fourteen years in Paris, nnd being aware of ilie great need of such an establishment in this city, they feel jut pride In being able to offer toGenile men, GA 11M FNTS or very description, equal in taste and fit to any establishment of the kind, North. ALSO, will be kept constantly on hand, a plendid supply of superior mada CLOTHING, rut and trimmed in the laftest Paris style, all of which wilibe sold at the lowest possible price and ONE PRICE ONLY. Oct 11. 8A- WHISRKEY. BBLS. superior Whiskey, Tor sale by Jan. 20. T. O. & B. G. WORTH. 50 BLACK! BLACKER!! BLACKEST!!! BLACKING. We have 44 gross best Black ing which will bo sold cheap, in lots of half dozen and upwards. li is wsrrented to be a superior srticle, and make the blackest black of any in Wilmington, as many of the black boot blacks can testify. V. M. SHER VOOD & CO. Jan. 26. '33. CORNICES AND BANDS. rUST Received and for sale by WILKINSON ESLER, Upholsters. 133. Jan 25. BUFF LINEN. FOR Window Shades i made tip and p .it tip by WILKINSON & ESLER, Upholsters. Jan. 26. 133- TOOL CHESTS. FURNISHED comp!eteforgentlemenndboy June 18. J. M. ROBINSON. DENTISTRY. n T. R. CARR has returned from the North with a largely increased k nf Teeth. Instruments, dtc. HnvlfKrminanitt mnnv eminent Dentist, he has pcrieci connaence in ine supcriurn - - - tent mode of inwrtlnir teeth with artificial gums Full sia inOTti f mmrilinlrlu after the extraction of the teeth. nH remodelled after the guma have healed without additional-charge. They can be worn wiihont n.-in nnd removed from the mouih by the wearer, and are cleaner and stronger than teeth inserted In anv other way. and are warranted to eive perfect sniiafurtion. All other operations per formed in the most approved manner. Reference to individuals in this place now wearing teeth with tne patent Improvement. Oct 4-w-tt If . 86 Y. M. SHERWOOD & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mer chants Wilmington, N.C. All consignments of Naval Stores, together with Cotton, Baeoav, Lard, Corn, Meal, Kkiur. e., shal secure the highest market price. Dec. 13 118-tf JUST BEfSIFED. ' AVVPLTt CmrtC - tat KaWtt Yeast Powders i Presto'al..aisof Lemon, Vanii la.dxc. For saJlw,b , - ? 8.B.4W.A.EVANS. De:t8. ' - 118. LOUNGES. TTTHYnat bu t a uounee or ' WILKINSON 4 it Jan. 7 . RSTjER, Upbolaterera. ? - JUSTTO flAND. i ' 1 HA BOXES Raisins j 50 boxes Cheese I 25 1 KJJ small E- Cheese, 10 boxes cash extra I I bbL Cranberries t I do. Shell Barks; BOO Coco Nntta ; 1000 lbs. stewana oesi osndtea i app'"i B. II (for tha cash, at the original ?HyOrcerT, rroat 8treer. - -; v w "GEO. MYERS,. Bnii. Tm h. uaiona ana irisa r oratw Back wheat in bbls., boxes and bags, U Warn Smith Flonr In bbl.. half do. and bags s 100 box Near SeatMt rmI.. t utm tha. Codfish, and tat sale low Hir jcui auiiUai Jiitvnit m CLOTHS ytX Of Egtadlii(Hfc H.iolly ceUbra letf Freflcfr P lack Cfc b Piuo& TMeCrf -9el iketi colonrei Tt6 white NaTi3iakeldycry hajr Ntgt Kenej, warrant hU ooiLFakK by " r T4,t 39. , -?AJKS DAWSOri. ntTVAL LlFEI.XSlKAMECOJjr'Y, r :- RALEIQH. N. C. 'pHE aboy Cooapanyhrabeea iooperatlanslncr AtMiHM Aprtiittiid, untfertoeetreetionoi ta following Officer, vlt t ' " Dr.ChreE.)nb80!i',PreBiaent, Wai.OHrwood, Vice Prefldent, . -JamaK.Jtdi.tiecretarv. ' '- - Wm.H. Jnca, Treasurer, Pcrrio fiusbte, Attorney. Dr. Chariea K. Johnson, 1 " .. , J J Wo h iw..irr ( Mtdical Board of ffr. R.B.Ilaywooa; S . CaftauAi. 7 J. Heraman. Ganeral Agent. This Company hai received a charter giving ad vantages tothe insured over any other Company. The 5th Section giye 4he Husband the privilege to insure his own lite for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any claimrof the representa ives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members participate i n the whole of the profits which are declared annually. Besides, th : applicant for life, when the annual premium is over S30 may pjy one half in a Note. All claims for insurance against the Company will e paid within ninety days after proof of the death of the party isfurnUhcd. Slaves are insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of properiiy against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature in the history of North Carolina. which will prove very important to the Southern States. The last four months operation of this Company shows a veryl argeamount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having aireauy issuea more man duv i'oiicics. Dr. Wm. VV. Harriss, Bledical Examiner, and Agent. Wilmineton, N. C. AH Communications onbusincs sof the Company gaouiu oeaauresgeu to JAS. F. JORDAN. Sec'y. Ralcigh.Feb. 12, 1853. 141-tf. EMPTY BARRELS. Qfn PRIME S Spirits Barrel jast recsived uuu ni for sale b Dec. 17 ADAMS BRO. & CO. JUST RECEIVED 17 ROM New York and Baltimore: . 20 bags Laguyra Ctffee; 40 bags Rio Coffee, extra : 25 mats old Java Coffee; 20 drums Fresh Figs ; 40bbls. and boxesCiackers fresh j 4 krg Malaga Grapes; 5 boxes Fine Lemons ; 10 bbls. extra No. 1 Mackerel ; (0 boxes new crop Raisins ; 5 cases preserved Ginger ; 6 boxes fine Citron ; 40 boxes Fres-h Buckwheat ; 5 Rice Flour. The above goods will be sold on thsbest terms forCagh. C. DvPREACO. Dec8 113 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. WE the undersigned, entered Into a Copart nership on the 1st of October. 1853. under the style and firm of TAYLOR PKTTKWAY. for the transection of a GBNERAIi GROCERY BUSINliSS. We have Oiken the store formerly occupied by S. P. Gause, next North ol Ellis dt Mitchell's Grain Store, and hope by close attention to buslress, and email profits, to secure a liberal share of patronage. A. D. TAYLOR, JAS. T. PETTE A' AY. Wilmington, Oct. 22, 1833. 94-3m. FINE PLAID LINSAYS, PRINTED Druggets; Heavy Woolen Hone and half Hose ; Thick Woolen Shirts for Negroes: very heavy all wool Twilled Blankets, and Crib and Cradle Blankets; Georgia Kersrysand Plains. Just received and for sale at the lowest price", by Nov. 29. JAMES DAWSON. "MAN KNOW THYSELF." AN invaluable Book for 25 cents. "Ever; Fami ly should have a copy." Six thousand copies sold inlersthnnthrce months. A new edition, revised and Improved, ju! issued. Dr. Hunter's Medical Manuel and hand Book for the Afflicted, containing an outline of the origin, progrefs, treatment and cure of every form cf dis ease, contracted by promlscuotissexual intercourse, by ielf-abuse.or by sexual excess, with advice for their prevention, written in a familiar style avoiding all medical technicalities, and everything that would offend the ear of decency, from the result ol some twenty years successful practice, exclusively devo ted to the cure of diseases cf adelicate or private nature. To which ia added, receipts for the cure of the above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp toms aud cure of the Fever and Ague, for twenty five cents a copy ; six copies one dollar ; will be for warded to any part of the United States, by irnil, free of postage. Address, postage paid, Cosden d Co., Publishers or box 196, Post Office, Philadelphis. "Tliis is.wllnout exception, me inoti comprenen- sive and intellifiible work published on the class of diseases or wnicn It ireais. volume an teciinicai addresses itsell to tlir reason ol Its readers. It is free from all objectionable matter "and no pa rent, however fastidious, can oojeel to placing it tn the hands ol his sons. 1 tie ouinor nas devoted manv years tothe treatment of '.he various com plaints treatea oi. ana witn too nine Dream to pun,' and 'too little presumption to impose,' he has offered to the world al the merely nominal prlee or 25 cents, the frultsof some twenty years most suecesslulprac lice." Htn.ALD. ''No teacher or parent snouia oe witnoui tnc knowledge Imparled in this invaluable work. It would save years of pain, mortification and sorrow to the youth under their charge.'' Tioflk'sAdvo A Presbyterian clergyman In Ohio, in writing of 'Hunter's Medical Manuel, ss ys : l nousands ol our youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin andfearfuleonsequen innn themselves and their posterity. The con stitutions of thousands who are raising fsmilieshavs been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or the cure. Any thing that can be done so to enlighten and influence tne public mind i ,.hk. and ultimately to remove this wide spread source of human wretchedness, would confer the greatest ojessmg " Christ on the present and coming generations- Intemperance, (the use of intoxicating drinks,) though it has slain thousands upon thousands, la not a ureater scourge to the human race. Accept my thanks in behalf of the afflicted, and belleveme, vour co-worker in tho good work you are bo active I. A in ' One copy will be forwarded (srcurelyenveloped and postage paid,) on receipt of 25 cents, or six COPieS lor l. nuuirro, COSDEN Sl CO., Publishers,196, Philadelphia. Booksellers . Canvassers and Book Agents, sup plied on the most liberal terms. June 2. 34-ly-c. MULES FOR SALE. I" WO likely young Mutes, well broken and gen . tie, three years old nest spring. FA"PLy0'D J-n.7 PLOUGHS! PLOUGHS!! Ctfn PLOUGHS, all kinds and castinxs for the ' same. inotrffr.eived and for sale by ZENO H. GREENE. N. C.T. copy. U7. Dec. 17. DOMESTIC GOODS. w E have just received a large supply of Domes tic Goods, among whicn are tsieacnea ana rJl?.. sTnnSu' Aoron Checks Ac.; also 300 pieces best American Prints, bought since the de- and will be sold at a small advance H ED RICK RYAN. Cline in jjiiw Dec. 20 WHISKEY. A f BBLS now landing. 4U RANKIN 4r MARTIN. Deo. 17 LLL CIDER AND APPLES. CtC barrels Marshall's Cider and 15 barrels Ap- CJ plea in fine order, jast received per achr. H HaUock. For sale by . J, a. PLANNER. Dec. 20 U8 GENERAL ORDER NO. 1. ALL noraons having claims against steamer Spray. S. H. Martin dfcCe., or A. H. Van- Bokkelen. prior t first January, will please leave same at txead wiuarters, outn wnarvea. A. EL VAN BOKKELEN. Jan. 5 124-lm JUST RECEIVED ALA RG E sad complelst sspply , o t FRESB SEEDS, eomnriainirersrv variatvnanallvesll d for, raised and pat op by the United Society of Shakers, at New Lebanon, N. Y. ; Orderafrom our IVOR Than died Knives and Vorks, ivory band led Knives witKoat Forks, ia seta or by tha Am.. Spoons aad Forks plated with three plates of par Silver, warranted te Usr a long as toe "oldest law habitant witboat changiag cslor. ' For sale at the Hardware store of ; ; ; Not - J J. M. BOBINSON. CLOTHS ADD CASSIMERES. W sell Blsek and Fancy Broad Cloths and Cassimerer, made byihe celebrated NelUten, which are superior in point of service and beauty, to any other goods sold. We buy this portion of oaf Stock directly from tha Importer, and caaell cheap. All cloths sold by us Warranted. Nov. a HEDERICK dt RYAN. SYRA AND OTHER POEMS. BY ALICE CAREY, in I vol. 12 mo. cloth, price 78 cts. "Alice Carv's Book is full or beautiful thoughts : There is draught after draught of pure pleasure for the lover of swoet tenaer ranties, ana imagery whicfl captivates while it enforces truth." A'tc York Com icr and Inquirer. . . . ... r t m . rr r. r. . r-. Korsileat o. v, iti.uai.mvs. Jan. 24. - 132. BLAIR'S RHETORIC. UNIVERSITY edition received and for sale by J.T. MUNDS. Dec. 22 119 UPHOLSTERING. WE have now on hand a large assortment of Paper Hangings, Fir Screens, &c. ALSO, Arenrenared to make all kinds of Mattrasses, Cushings, Lounges, ordoany kind of work in the aoove line. Uur stoca ot curtains uomasK ana Lace- Shades, Cornices, f"C., dc , is complete, and would advise those wishing such, to rail and examine, before purchasing elsewhere, on Oct 6 Up stairs, over the Fruit Depot. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS AND CONSIGNEES OF PRODUCE. Take notice that on and after November 1st, shipping wharfage will be charged on all produce sent to and shipped from my wharves; and landing wharfage on all produce discharged thereon, consigned to other pnrtie '. Nov 1 97-tf VV31. A. GWYER. 10 TUBS EXTRA BUTTER, JUST rdceived and for sale by Oct. 22. V. DuPRE A CO. F. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. THIS ESSENCE is a preparation of unusual excellence. In ordinary diarrhea, incipient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions, so common, it is of inestima bie value. Duting the prevalence of epidemic cho lera and summer complaints of children, it is pecu liarly efficacious ; no family, individual or traveller should be without It, as it enables the system to re list the influence of incipient disease, which lurk in a changing climate. Cautioh. Be sure to get the genuine Essence which Is prepared only oy F. Brown, at his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner ol Fifth and Chusnut streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by al the respectable Apothecaries in the United States Sold in Wilmineton by s. H. dc J . A. kvains andC.Jt D. DuPRE. June 16. 40-ly-c DR HARRIS, OH ADUAT 12 OF CAMBRIDGE CLASS 1824. 3-FOUNDER OF THEj$ BALTIMORE LOCK INFIRMARY. No. 3 1 SOUTH GA V ST. ( Opposite the Exchange Budding and Post Office. HOSE REQUIRING MEDICAL OR SURGI JL CAL AID, by applying to Dr. II., may secure SKILLFUL TREATMENT AND ADVICE while all communications will be sacredly shield ed by the .lis is of professional honor. Aware of the difficulty with the public to dis criminate, in a newspaper advertisement, between the genuine and skillful physician and the spurious pretensions of the designing and dangerous Quack Dr. U. will cticcriutiy give, wnen appnea to, sucn private references as will fully satisfv all whore quire his services. Avoid the Patent Elixirs, Compounds and Cor dials, advertised to cure alt penont under varied forms of disease. As the constitution and habits of individuals differ, REASON TEACHES the same remedy cannot be suited to all allCc, and mat disease can only be safely and effectually eradicat ed by a judicious application of proper remedies. A practical experience of over 25 years enables Dr. H. to insure a sound nnd speedy cure in a cer tain class ol diseases, wnicn nave ioo iun uccn yielded by regular Physicians to the hands of quack ery. He amy be consulted confidentially, either in person or by letter. Persons at a distance cured at nome oy address ing a letter to DR. GORDON HARRISS, Balti more, Md. All communications confidential. Remedies sent by Mail or Express la any part of the United States. July 19. 53-ly 43-ly-c. HAIR, SHUCK & MOSSMATTRASSES ON hand and made to order, at WILKINSON 4- ESLER'S. Oct 27 up stairs. SEGARS! SEGARS! OF all grade Depot qualities, prices, fec,, at the Fruit WILKINSON & ESLER. Oct .6 X- CHEESE. QCn BOXES superior Cheese, for sale by C'JU Dec. 15. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. ''I am a man, and deem nothing which relates to man foreign to my feelings." READ ! ! ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD. A Vigorous l,lfe or a Premature leath. KINKELIN OS SELF PRESERVATION'. ONLY 23 CENTS. THIS Book, just published, Is filled with useful information, on the infirmities and diseases of the Generative System. It addresses itself alike to YOUTH, MANHOOD and OLD AGE. To all who apprehend or suffer under the dire con sequences of early or prolonged indiscretions to all who feel the exhaustive effects of sedentary and bencful habits to all who in adition to declining physical energy, are the victims of nervous and mental debility, andof moping and melanchoiy de spondency. Dr.K. would say READ THIS ROOK. The valuable advice and Impressive warning it gives, will prevent years of misery and suffering, and save annually Thousands of Lives. Parents by reading it, will learn how to prevent the destruction of their children. UrA remittance of 25 cents, enclossd In a letter, addressed to DR. KINK KLIN.PHILADELPHI A, will ensure a book, under envelope, per return of mail. j3rDr. K. fifteen years resident Physician. N. W. Corner of THIRD and UNION Street, between Spsucb yndPisa, Philadelphia, may be consulted confidentially. He who placeshimself under the csreof Dr. K. may religiously confide in his honor ss s gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skin as a physician. fPersons at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter (post-paid.) and be cured at heme. PACKAGES of MEDICINES, DIRECTIONS, dc, forwarded, by sending a remittance.aad pot up secure from DAMAGE OR CURIOSITY. f-Booksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvass ers, and all others supplied with the above work at very low rates. June 2. 34-ly-c. FLOUR. 40 BBLS best brands. For sale by C. DuPRE Oct. I. & CO. FOR SALE. THE House snd Lot occupied by the sub scriber on ! oart, between Nun snd Ann .Streets possession eiven 1st October, in- ply at the Ice House, SILAS H. MARTIN. June 28, 18 53. 44. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. I HAVE this day associated with me in business my Brother, B. G. WoUh, and would solicit or the new firm, a continuance of the patronage here tofore so liberally bestowed upon myself. ' . T. C. WORTH. The undersigned have this day formed a copart nership under toe style of T. C. B. GL. Worth, for tha transaction of the forwarding and eonmaaia sioa boaineaa. . . ; . We are occupying tha fireproof brick atore and plank wharf in front, owned, and formerly accopied by SU W Brawn, aa well aa hia naval store wharves and shed, immediately ,below Ann street, and are amply prepared to receive and forward.aell er store, any amount of merchandise entrusted to oar care. Usual advances madeon Co rton. Naval Stores or i - - i -- H nrftailii m 5 ; OUR0OTTO lSJTaPLBASE,n iit i-.: ?--iVAT-rnJaV- - r ?' C TYUaalagtoa saddle. Hartteaa, aa4, fr JLiwii" .;.;. fMaamftetoryv -: , , t THE aabactiber raspaeUslly in forms the pmblic -L that he has recenUy received additions to ! stock er Saddle and Harness Mounlings, dte., the latest and nott iraprored style, and ia constanly maCMt&etnrina:, his store oa market street. vary deecriptton of artlclein the above line. From hia experience in the bnsiness . fee feels confident that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to a 1 1 w bo may favor him with a call. He has now on hand, mna winconsianii Keen a nrx uionnen i o Concv, Gist and Sultey Hornets, LMdy'i Saddles, Bridles. Whips, ..Gentlemen's Saddlet, Whips Spurs, pe. fe-allofw V Jbest in 5 has ala which he will warrant to be o f thefe inks, Tf materials and workmanship 1 1 so a larcre assortment of Trn Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Fancy Trunks, dec , and ail other articles usually kept in such establishments, all of which he offers lowfor CASH, or on short credit to prompt custo mers. Saddles .Harness, Trunks, edical Bags. made to order. Inaddition tothe above the subscriber always keeps on hand a large supply of String Leather, and has now, and willKe?p tlirougu ineseason a good assortment of l'Jy Nc-tts. All are invited to call and examine my Goods, whether in wantornot, as I take pleasure in shew ing my assortment to all who may lavor me with call. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at af air price topcrsons buying to manufacture. Also. Whirs at wholesale. Allklndsof Riding Vehicles bough t andsold on commissions. JOHN . CONOLEY . j a n . 8 1853. 39 sashTblind AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. Jlolchkiss rrHE public-are hereby informed, that 1 havebcei JL appoinied agent for the sale of Window Sash, Blinds and Doors, manufactured by the New Ha ven Co., and am prepared to filial loraers in the. i bo ve line. The quality of the work ol the New Haven Co. is well known in this market. Builders andall personct n want of the above articles, are requested lo sendin their orders, and they will be promptly filled l crmj lnvanaoiy casa on aeuvery . WM. A. GWYER. General 'Agent Commission and Forwarding Mer chant. April 18. IS LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE. TU h subscriber w ou Id re g ttenilon Wegk ety laigc 1 spcctfully Invite the of the public, lo his v and complete assortment of Furniture now being received and recently selected l-y lumscll at tin Manufactories : duiing the present month, hisstock will be complete and consist in part of the fol lowing articles. Fine Sets Drawing Room Furniture, in Dam ask and Hair Cloth ; Setts Painted Chamber u re. 50 Sideboards, Secretaries and Book Cases; 50 Sofas and Tele a Teles ; 100 Bureaus; 100 Wash Standa, marble and plain ; 100 Rocking Chairs; 75 Nurse do. 125 Tea and Dining Tables ; 75 Centre, Card and Sola do. 75 Toilet do. 100 doz. Chairs, cushioned, cane and Windsor; 250 Bedsteads, in mahogony, walnut, maple and iron; Wardrobes, mahogony anastainca; Office Furniture ; Children's Chairs; Ottomans, Foot Stools ; A fine assortment of Looking Glasses ; , Teapoy's Whatnots Hat Stands ; Settees, Work Tables ; Work Boxes. Paper Hangings; Window Shades, &c. dc. A few viiy fink Piamo Fostes, and in fact al most any article that may be dt sired, in complete' lv furnishing Dwellings, Hotels, Offices or So ciety Rooms Front Street. J. D. LOVE. Wilmington, N. C, Sent, 9, 1SB3 76., SMOKED BEEF. and I'. M. Beef. Smoked Tongues OMOKED O a Mackerel, &c, received ihis darby L.. it. BAKLUIT, Dec. 17 No, 3 Granite Row. NEW DRY GOODS STORE. MARKET STREET. NEXT TO MESSRS. WILKINSON 4 ESLER I HAVE now on hand and for sale, at the very lowest market prices, a full assortment of fancy and domestic Dry Goods, viz: Ladies Cotton, Flannel, Cashmere, Merino and Silk Hose; Gloves' of all qualities and styles; Children's worsted Boots, Boas, Leggins, Habits, Hood, Hats, Sus penders, Comforts, Scarfs, &c; Merinos; Cobergs; Black Alpaccas; raw Silk Plaids; Mouslin de Laines; Persian Cloths; Cashmeres; Calicoes: Ginghams; B lea cited Shirtings and Sheetings; Brown Shirtings and Sheetings ; Oxnaburgs ; Can ton Flannels ; Table Linens; Towellings, Nap kins; Blue Demims ; Striped Shirtings; Bedtlck lngs ; Plaid Linseys; Marlboro' Stripes ; Kerseys; Kentucky Jeans ; Satinctte; Cassimeres, Cloths, &c. Ladies white and colored kid Gloves ; Gents colored kid and buckskin Gloves. I would most respectfully. Invite the sttention of the Ladies to my assortment of French worked colored Embroidered Handkerchiefs ;. Dress But tons: Silk Gimp; Braids; black Velvet, for trim mings, fcc. Haviug now a complete assortment of Dry Goods I would most respectfully invite purchasers to ex amine my stock before buying elsewhere, as 1 feel confident they will be well paid for iheir trouble. Come and decide for yourselves. Oct 6. L. F. WILSON. WE ARE NOW READY, TO Contract for any kinds of Work in upholster ing business. WILKINSON & ESLER, Nov. 15. Upstairs. NEW CROP MOLASSES. 1 Cf HDS. prime new crop Cardenas Molasses. A wU now landing from brig Ellen Hayd.n. For aale by HATHAWAY & SON. Jan. 3 123 CORN SHELLERS AND STRAW CUTTERS A LOT of each, just received, among them is a l new style and much approved btraw Cutter For sale by ZENO H. GREENE. Dee. 17. N- C. T. copy. 117. NORTH CAROLINA CASSIMERE. 3 BALES Fries, Cassimeres, manufactured at Sa lem, N.C.; the best goods of the kind made in America; cheap. H EDR1CK A RYAN. Nov. 19th 108 BLANKS. THE following Blanks are printed and kept coo -L stantly fot ssle at the Office of The Commercial. COMMERCIAL. Shipping Articles Rates of Freight on W & R. Rsil Rood. Do. on Line Boats. mils or Lading. Do. Letter Sheet. Crew Lists. Prices Current. Checks on sll the Banks. Charter Party. Msnifests of all kinds. Entries Merchandise. Do. Ballast. Bills of Exchange, bound sad In enecta. Do. Domestic. Negotiable Notes on the several Banks. Do. on all the Banks. BUI of sale of Vessels MISCELLANEOUS. Warrants, with and with out judgment. Negro Passes. Warrantee Deeds. Bills of Sale. Do. of Negroes. Bonds for Negro Hire. Mortgsge Deeds. Bonds for the Delivery of j property. I COURT BLANKS. Von. Exponas. iSnbpcenas County snd ca btiod Bontf. Superior Conn. Alias Vend. Ex. Jurors Tickets, County Kits. f and Superior Court i Writs. Allklads of Blanks and Job Work, executed te raer wits aeatneas and dispatch. JU9T RECEIVED FROM BLTIM0RE AND PHILADELPHIA. QprB8LS.SU vers Fire Proof Pais t , all colors tJ2Q casks Spanish. Brown ; 10 do. Venetian Red ; & da. Yellow Ochre. For sale by C.dfc D. DuPRE, Druggists and Chemists, Jan. 9. Wllmington.N.C. BUTTER AND CHEESE. OKK EGS Prime Goshen Batter t 150 boxes 1 prime Cheese. For ssle bv ZENO H. REENP W. C.T. copy. 117- Pee. 17. QrX QUARTER, and Half bblaw sxtra fine Fallen aarKet Beet, fox sale by - - QStJBL 4v - V K ; ; C DP& CO. BANCROFT'S HISTORY U. S TITS voL 5tl vol. aa lssasr stahHsbed. Received :CRNrnjRe. JUST received end lot ak to for en si. WEST.:- - - 2S dox.Ca.alr, assorted xlaast $ Rocking Chaka assorted kinds t .iVfcCildrB's I -oo S Fin Mabogoay do 2 Wash Stands, do 2 Toilet Table, 4o 2 " Dinner, do do 20 Fine Bureaus, do 40 Fine Mahogany and Walnot Sofas, assorted kind; F1ie Chamber Set. assorted kinds ; A) Bedsteads. do 60 Looking Glasses. do 100 Dox. Olass Tamblers, do 2 Fire-proof Iron Chests, Patent Locks, said to be the best now in use. Call and examine or yourselves. Nov. 15th 104-tf SPIRIT BARRELS. ZCr Spirit Barrels, just received per schooner CJJ Victory, and for sale by Nov.8. 101 RANKIN A MARTIN, DR. J. B. IIARCIIISI'S CELEBRATED CATUOLICON, For the relief & care of Suffering Females. It r lands pre-eminent for its curative powers in all the dis eases for which it is recommended, call ed Female Complaints Of tnese are Pao Lxrscs Utsbi, or Falling of the Womb; Flovi Al bus, or Whites; Chronic Inflamma lion and Ulceration of the Womb ; Inci lental Hemorrhage, r Flooding; Pain ul, Suppressed, and rresrular Mmstrua on. oxc, with all their accompany evils, (Cancc. excepted,) no matter how severe or of how long standing 1 he Catholtcon far surpasses other remedies, in being more certain, lessexpensive.and leaving the system in a belter condition. Let all interested in such a remeedy call and obtain a pamphlet (free containing airple proof, from highly respcctabl sources, of Ihe happy results ol ilj use together with lettersfrom first-class experienced physicians, who have used it in their practice, and speak Irom iheir own observations. R SFEBEKCCS. Prof. Dbsiinr, M.D , Baltimore, Md. J. C. Orrick, M. D., " P. B. Peckham, M. D, Uti. a, N, V. D. V. Foote, M. D., Syracuse, N. V. M. H. Mills. M. D., Rochester, N. V. L. D. Fleming, M. D., Canandaigua, N. V. W . W. Reese, M. D., City of N. Y. W. Prescott, M. D., Concord, N. H. J. P. Nswland. M. D.. Utica. N. Y. Pamphlets can be had gratis at ihe .More of S. B.& J. A. EVANS, Druggists Wholesale and Retail Agents. Wilmington, N. C. And of most of the leading Druggists in the State. Letter addressed lo Messrs. Beach f- Brownscm, Agents at Xevibcrry C. H., S. C, by Rev. C. S. Beard, of same Slate. Glbwx SmiNaB, Jan. 9ih, 1853. Messrs. Beach At Kaowwsow Stas : I send for another bottle of your ' Marchisl's Utarlne Ci tholicon." My wife has been afflicted for eleven vears.and a variety of means has been resorted to for relief, but none was obtained until I received this medicine from you. lis influence seems al most magical : there was a manifest improvement from the day it was taken. As there are a great many females In our country laboring under the affliction for which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel It a duty to recom mend it to atl such. (Signed.) Clough S. Beasb. J. B. MARCH ISI & CO., Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 Broadway N. V. Nov. 19. 106-lyc FOR SALE. THE DWELLING HOUSE on From street, at present occupied by Mr. Geo. H. LKellcy. For particulars, apply to T. W. BROWN. '. 17. 106-tf. No MATTRASSES OF Prepared Chucks, Moss and Curled Hair on hand and made to order, up stairs over the Fruit Depot. Nov. 15. 104 JUST RECEIVED FROM PHILAD'A 1CASE Sulph. Quinine, 50 ozs. Calomel, 10 ozs. Snlph. and Acetate Morphine. 25 ocs. Cinchonia, 5 ozs. i'alarlne, 25 ozs. Blue Mass, 10 ozs. Chloroform, 19 bbls. Epsom Salts, and a choice collection o Chemicals from the Labratories of Poms & Weight man and Chas. Ellis. For sale cheap at r.. &. D. DuPRE S, Drug and Chemical Store, Market at. June 9. 37 WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. 1He .iih.rtl.r)ili.ll,ir..i..M.H Ih. .... nl A several lareeestablishments at the Norfh. which willfiirnish him an unlimited supply of finished or nnfinishek, foreign and domestic MARBLE of sll quail ties, is prepared to nil all orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, snd every other article in the line of the business at reasonable rates. SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING Executed a i vcllas can be done either North or South. The best -eferencc can be given, if required. JAS . McCLARANAN. Msrch 3. 149-tf. TALMAS AND LADIES CLOAKS. BLACK and coloured, of the very latest French Pattern ; Ladies black and eoloured Cloths for C ieaks, and Trimmings for the same. Received andforsaleby JAMES DAWSON. Nov. 23. 109. FOR SALE. 1 Cn SUPERIOR. ?J. C. Hams RANKIN A. MARTIN. Dec. 17 117 FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. rye BBLS. fresh ground, for sale by I O ANDERSON & SAVAGE. Dec. 1 110 JUST RECEIVED. A FULL assortment of Preston & MerrelTt Ex tracts snd Yeast Powder, Lime Ji'ke, f-c ; sUo Swinborn's patent refined Gelatine, a new and su perior article, at L. N. BARLOW'S, Pee. 8 3 Granite Row. "STEEL JMIXED, CADET Mixed snd Oxford Grey Cassimeres, s large assortment ol long snd square Bay Slate Shawls; fine Merino do., sssorted colours, Real Shiker Flannel and Shoker Knit Shirts sad Drawers ; Ladies French Corsets, Cat ten Fsrni ture Fringes i Psris Plaid Sstin QusdriUe Dresses and Rich Winter English and French Prints. For sale ay JAMES DAWSON. No. 29. 109. TOWAGE." ON snd after this date all vessels towed in hsrber bv Steamer Sam. Beery and Calhoan. will ba eharvea 4.00- . GEO. HARRISS, Agent. Nov. 8th, 1853. . 101. TOWING BY STEAMER CALHOUN I HS!Jk ORDERS foi US-CALHOUN, sBawMwdilefi at tha offi fortowingby STEAMER ill have attention u office of GKO. HARRISS. 10. Ns 1 16. WESTERN SIDES. 1 ft HMDS, expected, per brisBaena VIsts. Fa XV sale by RUSSELL A BRO. Nov. 22 10? GARDEN SEEDS. GARDKN Seeds iostieceived from PhUsdelphia. A large supply of Garden and Flower seeds, for ale at . D.DvPRE S aJaa. 1 t ; f . Drug aadCasmUal Store. FU CASrs on haad. . RANKIN MARTIN. O? haad aadssad as rer, ?aa aisaaad aaaJ 2m&JiS i. '.ASa ' svsoi .Frsasl SialUns UL Messenger ., Decerned ' RAIL svOAD LYBJCa. , r h Am Cvmin' Tkrvngh the Rye." If an engine meet aa engine " Coming round a enrre," ' If they smash track, train and tender. What da they deserve i Not a penny's paid to any So far as we observe, j ( ( 4 , But all acquit the engineer, ''. ' : When " coming round the enrve."" " ' ' If an engine meet a steamer " Coming through the draw," If they crush or drown Use public, Need we go to law 1 If the engineer was careless P'raps he's rather raw They don't discharge an honest fellow, " Coming through the draw." If a steamer chase a steamer, " Running up to time," If they burst their pipes and boiler, Where's the mighty crime T Should a jury, in a fury,. Make thern pay one dime. Or send the officers to prison, " Running up to time V If they maim or kill a body, Or a body's wife, Need a body sue a body, For baggage, limb or life 1 If you sue for damages, For pay for what you lost, You get a broken neck or leg, And have to meet the cost. MISCEiLMNY, YOUNG AMERICA IN THE NEGRO TRADE. New Orleans. Jan. 17. Quite a laugha ble scene occurred on Saturday night at ttic First District police station, which (or a time, f yen caused oor friend, the deaf, nnd dumb jailor, to rt ltix the rigidity o( discountenance u lntii', and burst out into a mute laugh. Two small boys, apparently nbotH nine or ten yeursjofiiga. appeared at Ihe high consta ble's office, leading in a small iiecio boy, with his hands behind him.. The yaunfr de scendant of Ham could not have been more than ix yeutsof oge. The officer in etten da'.ce at the jail demanded of oar preeocrons young friends what they wanted. The spokesman of the party, who appeared to have a few days the advantage ol hia corn panion, both in age and wisdom, replied. 'We wants to sell this 'ere llijrrer.', "Where did you get the nigger?" inquired the officer. Oh ! we picks htm up in ihu street out here, running at large ; and wa wants to sell bios, to get some money for to go nod see the han- imuls what am come down to Canal street." returned Young America. "Well what do you ask Ibr him ?" inquiied the officer, "Ten dollars only." responded the young negro-dealer, with a cotiteroplous eorl e4 the lip. The officer told them that it wasa very low price, and he strongly suspected they had stolen the negro; nnd that he. would have to arrest them aa negro stealers. At this tho young dealers took fright, and away they scampered, leaving their property in the hands of the officer, who released the boy and had him returned home. From the Charleston W. Xeics and Southern L. Gz. LITTLE TOMMY. Last summer, while naseinir. rapidly op King street, on our way lo the rail ears, that were to take us to lite mountains, 1 saw a ittle boy seated on a curb stone. ,Ha was ap parently about five or six years old. and hia well combed hair, clean bands and, lace, bright though welt patched apron, and whole appearance indicated that lie was the child ol a loving, though indigent roolher. A we looked at him closely, we were struck with the heart-broken expression of bis coun tenance, and the marks of recent tears on his cheek. So, yielding to aa impulse which always leads us to sympathise with the joys or sorrows of the little ones, we stopped, and putting a hand upon his head, asked what was the matter? He replied by holding op bis open hand, in which we beheld the frag ments of a broken tin toy--a figure of a cow. Oh ! is that nil well, never mind it. Step into the nearest toy shop and buy ano ther" and we dropped a fourpence into his hand That will buy one, will it not T' r 4 Oh yes.1 replied he, bursting inie a par oxysm of grief, but (hit was little Tommy's, and Ae's dea d !" We gave, him the last piece of silver we possessed, hat had it been goid, ' wa doobt if he would have noticed it more"than. he did the silver. The wealth of the world coald not have supplied the vacnocy that the breaking of that toy had left ju his Utile on- sophisticated heart. , SLAVE PLOT IN KENTUCKY. We learn from the Louisville Courier, that Henry County, Ky., has recently been the scene of considerable excitement, arising from the discovery of a plot of some slaves to murder a family because they thought one of their number had been sold, and make their escape to Canada. The family which it was proposed to murder was Darned Hern don. One of the servants, suspecting that his master bad taken another off to sell bim, told his views to several others, and ir was agreed to throw a stone in nf ihe window and kill a little boy. The lady of the house, it was expected, would be alarmed and run out. and thee she was to be murdered. Tftis done, the negroes were to divide, one party to flee at once to Canada, and the others la remain until the return of their master, who was lo be killed, and the money which he was supposed to have received for the servant he bad taken with him, to be appropriated to Iheir ose. This scheme was carried out so far as to throw the stone through ihe window, but th boy at whom it was directed, escaped, and the hearts of the conspirators failed. PSTbo neighbors coming in and enquiring about tho atone which had been thrown, the negroes talked so aa to draw suspicion upon them selves, and being stoppea confessed tha plot, implicating a large number ef negroes and one w hite roan. Several ef the slaves eon cerned have been sold. ': IMPRESSIONS AT FIRST SIGHT. This subject at sapper table was getting ' talked over." when th lady who .presided "o'er the cup and tea," said, "sb alwaya formed an idea of a person at first sight, andj that idea she (bund was general! correct one." - - - - - " ', -Mamma," snid her youngest son, In a shrill voice, that altraawdj the attention or all P WeH, my dear," said the iohAwMlr, "what do yoa want?" . r t ( want to know," said Young Atactica, .'what yoa t houghs wbeav yow first saw me T' There was no answer ta this qoery) but we learn that a generaj Ulter prevailed, and tbat Charlis) was taken Into the kitchen im mediately by ih servant, v - fitz-cheen nmxcjLsrl FETICAL Works. aw asd sajy d,tif - raining assay Posses aw arss eaaeetsd aa vol. IX no-, prtest i. J. a - Halieek U s tha brig , f ,S, A uHliI.iterstar. s hia sMasatetik a Hoass-hS2wIrd-?r.' ia. E.gia