V. ; MV J. B-rf Auc. O Monday, March 13. 48'4. at 10 o'clock, a Exchange Vsief. -will behold' . .-, ) Ont --d Crtoveflhe Ra4Road Brf!e, en ho westsida mI KiMKIsLtreet,. U OO by ICS fe. The house is novcaiiie.l- by Hr. Veafa. O.ie rlus d -Loioon w side F n:th street, ad;. lining the above LU bounded by Fourth Rladon Ktrects., Occupied by'Mr E. Mayers Lo T6 by 165 text. ' -- One .l-iuf and L.ot,on west side Fourh street, ns( 'to"fhi boe-laiaty oeeupwd by'Tb- H . Lane. -Lot 66 by 163 fret.-; And one full Lot Nh lf lieuses on it, a corn Mb-wnde-d' by Fourth, FJ Th ard Bladen Streets t lotofj on Fourth and Fifth streets, by 330 en Bladen Street,. X - . H-'XKyo,-' - OhHmM an Lot -on .Corner of Third and Old axta, Booadatv-Sum lit,6fi on Thhd Si reel by .110 feel on Old North Boundary Street Occopivdby Mr.H.chey-: . ThahotVfMsf 1 sold So a divi'lon. Sale poslive'.. All persons who wish to purchase will plae call and examine the premise. . . S M. WEST, AncV. March 2. " 149-ta. t HAY! MAY!! 1 .BALES superior Bay, just received from 1 1 Schr. H'w Smith, from N. York, far sale fiy ; - T. C. WORTH. March 2..T ";.- 14 TO Jnr TOWN AND COUNTRY PATBOi!J2-l?,ow receiving Jny Sprimt Stock of Groceries; a part of which has just ar tired. per Schr. A d DeROsSETt 22 bag Orera Kio Cu I lO-mntfe oi Ol4 Go Java da t 25 box- prim Qheeserf Iv-finUuSot Extra Goshen But ter ; 30 boxe? Stewart 4 Buesings Hard Cwndies ; 2 bbls. be .amp OH; X doxen gallon Jar IMckl. assorted; 2 doarn half gallon do. do. 2 dozen quart Jars do. do 2 bbis. large No. I Mackerel; I bbl. lirge Salmon; '4 dozen of J. W'. CoHn's Timber Axes. Low for eaah at 3 KO. H. KELLKY'S. March 2. 143. Vou Hcr.N.C. Tc! ,S.of Age copy. EVERY BODY CAN HAVE BUCK ttHKAT CAKKS.- We have just re ceived from New York something new: Buckwheat Flour with the raising ingredients mixed trilh the Flour, so that adding a tilt If cold vtater they are ready for use ; no bait nor Pow icr of any kind bfinp neccsrarv. For rale bi March 2. W. M. SHERWOOD &. CO. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. T' HE subscribers having received the Agency of 1 the K.lCKEK.BOCKKlt LIFK INSUR ANCE COMPANY", ol the City of New York, are now prepared to takf risks on the live: of white or col ored persons residing in Wilmington or its im mediate vicinity. Those wishing to havo their own or 1 halves oi their slaves Insured, by calling on the Bubeeribets they can have ail the information ne cessary r and by reading a lew hints contained in the Pamphlets which we have tor distribution, ihry will It-arn that it is the duty of every poor man to have tiis Hfe fnsn red, not only for the pui pose ol giving trim credit fn the business circle, but for the ftill greater consiiieration. ol leaving hU family in eumwteM circumstances. McCALEB & GILBERT. Feb. 38. 147 3ine. FRESH PEACHES. JUST received slot ol "FRESH PEACHES" .in 1 pound Canisters Also a variety of Pre serves in Jars, for sate at the orialnul Family Gro ctry. GEO. MVERS. Feb. 2a 147. FROM PARIS. "WONDER OF THE AGE. JCST received from Paris, Robe de Cnambre and Haste, the back, front, and Sleev s all in one piece f W is the most approved and comforts bi fit to the figure that can be preduct.-d. MademosclU DURAI v D invites the ladies of Wilminsion and Country 10 call and ..amine for iheinelves. two doors below the late residence of Mrs. SHAW, on 2d street, where she is in readiness 10 receive them M'LLE. DURAIND. Feh.-8. 147-tf . . W 1854." SPRING STYLE DRESS HATS! NOW READY. Attention is called to the new Style f Hat now ofllr. d for Spring j wear; Or beauty of materials and tyle of fin- ish. they snrpass any former effort; opened this dav and for sale at the Hat and Cap Store. Feb. 23. C. MYERS. THIS DAY RECEIVED. Qf"0 BUSHELS Meal and Hommnny, fre?h OUU ground, from ths Gotdsboro' Mills, and for ale by W. M. SHKRWOCD i CO. Feb. 23. 145. T. M. CHATTERTON, S. T. HEWETT. Cn ATTERTON & CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BROWN'S BUILDING, WATER STREET, WILMINGTON N. C. Uo!! Advances made on Consignments. Feb. 2. 136-tf. NOTICE- ALL persons indebted to us for Goods purchai ed previous 10 the 1st January. 1-54, are res pect folly requesti-d to call and settle. Feb. iS. HKDR1LK t RVAN. FRESH ARRIVALS. THE Subscribers hnve ust received a lot ol Cruhdv Clarified, and Granulated Sugrrs, and few barrels of the handsomest Porto Rico .-ugar in market- ALSO, half bbfs. of Fulton Markei Beef; Mackerel in 8ll) bbls. and kiU; Goshen But ter of the pure Simon Blue; 40 bbls. of nvw Flour; 1U bbls. of Mes Pork, all uf which we offer to the public,! the lowest market price. McCALKB A GILBERT, Feb. 23. Market-it , near the Dock- NEW AND FRESH. JUST RECEIVED Per Scr. LIZZIE RUSSELL, from Baltimore. aCASES,(2 dozen each,) whole and half Cans tpiced Oysters. 3 d. haw1 and Quarter crnllon Jars, assorted Pickles; 2 do. Tomato Catsup ; 6 dox. Cant fresh Asparagus ; Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, and Peaches. Also, di-eut from the manufactory : 100 lbs. Gam Drops; 30 do. Port Wine Drops; 25 do. JeHy Cakes, for sale by L. N. BARLOW, Feb. 23. No. 3, Granite Row. ! MOLASSES I 0LASSES ! ! HHPS, best quality Cuba Molasses, for 'ale MU in Jets to salt purchasers. 80 bbls. Dwilllers' Glue. For sale by Feb. 23 WM. A. GAYER. WE ARE NOW READY, TO CoBirat ioirany kinds of Work in upholster ing bosiDcss. WILKINSON 4 ESLF.R, IVtMr. IS-.-- . . Upstairs I W ; TO HIRE FROS about the 1st March to ibe 1st January next, a blacksmith, and a negro Woman The wonvaa is wHl acquainted with general housework, is a good Seaetstress, and a very kind and otten'ivc Drte. Apply to SaU'L CANNON. Feb. 7. - ' ' . I33 w4t. : FURNITURE. 1 UST received and for salt low for cash, by S. M t WEST. "25 do. Chairs, assorted kiads ; - . Kocklng Chaira assorted kinds; '6 , (jniidreo's do do Fine Mabogony do Wash Stands, do Toilet Tables, do llSflalF . Al At 2- SO ' FIm Bureaus. do 40 ' Fine Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, assorted " . . f . kinds; 1 Fine Chamber Set. assorted kinds; 10 Bedsteads. d 60 "Lookinj Giase.-' do 400 : Doa. QiasaTuiBblcrs, - do -ia Fire-proof Iroa Chests, Patent Locks, said to be ths best bow ia use. vCaUandezaminsir yonrsdrcs. PLCIUGHS! PLOUCRS!! OHO pLOOGHSsllkUdsanJ castinrs or ike wWsib. Just received and for sale by : v . ZENO H, GREENE. Deo. IT.',- t - R.'CT.eopfvZp' HI. TOWING BY STEAMER CALHOUN ORDERS for towln.bv STEAMER t" CALHOUN, wilt Mvt OAMatiom ii Jiisu at tbo office or ..: - v ; , 3 . - , (5(rn ttlBDle1' Nov. 18 -40B rtELOWER SEEDS. - A SUPPLY of Flower Seeds, of choice varieties, il For sole by S. B. si J. A. EVANS. Jan. 19 : v- i:xiiibiiion pi ts. 1 OTf E i-. he.ebv kIvc. that te rVi-tI Pot i. s- hc tenia in on.-, and ttwt ? eshirHtt.m -if 1834 U Ih-u ait anive sod brill rant lat .r rtH- p,-t jeaf i. . l.i. . - . . In hf -vr l lp.i-i.in-B'n of Art, Sculptun, JMbcftinery. Minrrolotical UebiuU, Har Product, and Atunufaclmtd Artie-n't'irtvi ol Hi-exIiMttr-n re mh, or l U- worth) 01 ihc mo.-t carfful exHiiiini" i-n. IN :st ULPTCRl-:. The Coloswil Eque iri;.n -lame rr WshtitgtnnV'y Mafot-rteti, tin' Am Zon. by Ki-f. 'ir Saviour un l his Apiil' by t'horwlsil n. and upwnrd ut ihier hund od ori -in il w.irk- in marblt and in broriXr, by ilie lirri ur:Uts of this cintry rtnd Europe. IN PAIN V,!.G. The Ga lerv contains over ih hnndred painMnga by the pria ipal artui u boih heiiilspliercs It ix byjitr the'Tucst cxienlve ever openi to the American pnbiie. THE MINERAT.OGlCAL CABINET, Organ ised hy Pwfe-r illiiuao. and t-olU ciod. rroni ve ry part of ths United Ntate and t-".uropc, exhibiis the vast miner.it resource of the world, and is one of the finest in this eounlry. THE MACHINE 4 RCA DE Contain- upwards of three hnndred m ic nitres in motion, many of which arcamon; the most wonderful specimens ol human Ingenuity. THE AGiKJULTURAL DEPARTMENT. Organized t.y Col. B P.Johnson, cniains hun dreds of MtecWns of the most curious and vlua Sle implement used in this peculiarly American branch of Indnstry. , THE GOVERNMENT OF THE U- STATES Has cout:!buted In-lrumenis from the Ciast ur veypfflce. snd .he arms of ihr Vionr Trfwushthekin lness of FORM 1 GOVERN MENTS, the choicest productions of the Royal Facfrksof EtiTopr. srehere cihihited Porcelain from Set rc and I rf den Anctnl Arm ond Armor from the Toxttr of If don, ( the liisncvi iniereft. Aloeutc from the Horkmtops of Ike Vatican, together nh counilesa 01 jcn lr'in Tdbkkv, Japaw,"vsia and The Holt La no, E ovst, the DirrcaaxT Cooxtbiss or Kcaopc, Nobtm and oiiih Amebica. Allihcscare c-ootained in a Building of one quailed beauty, and -f diminsiona far eseeeding any other in the Uniied Slales Circulars, wiih fuiihrr particulars, v ill be fur nished on applicaii-n to the Secretory i.l the As soctaiion. Crystal Palace, New 1 ork Feb. 21. Hi-linc. FOX & POLIIEMUS, 59 Broad Street, Comer of Beaver, N. York, Offer for sxle rhe following heavv U"tton F:iliric: NEW-ENGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK-22 inch. all numbers, hard and soli; also all the varioits widths of Canvass inanulactured at this es tablishment coinprising every variety known to the trade. and offered ai the lower! rales. UNiTKD S I'ATES PILOTDUCK Woodberry and Mount Vernon Extra. A full assortment of tftu superior fabric WILf IMANT1C COTTON DUCK 16, 18, 20 snd 22 inch, al: number, haid snd soft. Tl is fab ric was awarded the highest Premium at the Lon don Woild's Fair, also at our own State Fair. SHIP AND BEAR MARC DUCK Pliin and twirled, manufactured by the Greenwjnd's Com pany, a superior nriicle for light sails, tenls, vwnln-it. &c; also. Mount Vernon Twill d Ravens. Howard Ravens, Pioneer and Phcsnix Mills; Light Cotton Ravens, plain 22 to 27 inch; Heavv, do. do. COTTON .SAIL TWINE A full assortment. TAKPAtLlfSS, HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, dec. , PAPER FLLTING A to Tl inch, made very heavv. expressly for drier lelts. CAR COVERING Cotton Canvass, all widths, from -iO to 130 inches, and all numbers, made ex pressly for covering and roofing railroau cars, is perfectly and permanently water-proof, and mre enduring than the ear its If. ENAMELLING CANVASS 30, 3P, 40, 45 and 50 inch plain and twilled, in every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description. Sfsmless Bans. wocn whole, all size, in bales of 100, 200 and 300; combining Mrtngih. uiilny and cheapness, for grain and meal are unsurpass: d. Also, heavy Cotton Sacking, 40 inch Canvass. 3 thread Warp and Filling, heavy twilled, do. do ,20, T2, 40 and 44 inch. WOOL SACLS Woven whole all izts, a new and dei-irabte article. Feb. 21. 1-14-lj -c. BELLS! BELLS 7 ! BELLS!!! "Ml K Subscribers manufacture and kcrp ci-n- In ..n I, ,,,A I -1 rir 1 HMnrnii-fil ill' tl 1 1 suitable for Churches, Acadmier, Factories, Stea- n, . : ..... ... . . J ! i V. tl,..,. (m. niers, naniaiions, eie., momi'to 1111 mtn ei&Llisli neni hns been in operation Thirty year. , - . j . . i in nn o .i i- .. ; enn IH each; and its patterns and proecss -? uianti- facture oprlccita, togeiner it n recent improve ments, ili.il its Bells Iwivean unequalcd reput.ition for volume-of cound and quality of tone. They I . .I... A i,. il... L-irl lr.,.,tii,n. ( A Silver Mdal)of ihe World's Fuir in New York over all Delia :rom mis oouniry ir r.urope. nav lllg fli IO' - ... v. " . in immediate connection with rentes in all direc tion, Cltner liail lloau, nnai or iviver, anu uiii hoursfro.il New Voili, we can cxt cute order n ith dispatch- Address A. M ENEELY'S SON. W-st Troy, Albany Co.. N. Y. Feb. 21. 144-lyc. PROSPECTUS. THE HOLY BlBLlilN SKfARATE VOLUMES : OH 1 II ; BDI k OP BOOKS M ITS SlSlY SIX PARTS. edited an. I Publihe-I by T II. Stocitos, Balti more, Maryland. Firmerly Editor of ihc "Chbistian Wobld," - Bi blb Alliance. Ac The First Volume ol the Divine Library or Cy clopedia oi Inspiration will be put to press, as soon ss tlte Su'Mi-rtption shall wirrant. This will be T HE BOOK OF GENESIS : The First in Order, and ceruinly One of the First in 1 in -porunce. oi sll the Holy Books the Fount iin Head of Revelation The Volume will consist of Two Parts: The Fitst Part will contain (he Sacred Text alone According to the Authorized English Ver sion : in Paragraph Form : in proper Prosaic and Poetic Sty -: with the Various Renderings at the loot of the Pa-fr: the Chapters and Verses neatly indicated in ill.- Margin : and the Letter Press in unerowdcr! and unbroken beamy with neither pictures, maps, or notes, to break the even flow ol Inspiration. The Second Part will consist of an Appendix designed to concentrate the most valuable human intelligence ia relation to the Book of Genesis including an Original Dissertation: an Original and Compiled Illustrative Apparatus, both Litera ry and (If practicable) Pictorial : and a Prepared S Indent's Memorandum. For copies in stiff paper binding, suitable for mailing, the prices will be: 1. For the Whole Volume Text and Appendix both 50 cents. 2. For Ibe First Part the Sacred Text alone 25 cents 3 For the Second Part ihe Appendix alont 25 cents. 4. Five copies of the Whole Volume for tl. 5. Five copies of either Part, alone, for $1. Subscribers are requested to forward their names at once. An Alphabetical list of them wil! iccom pany ths Volume. It is expected that they will be so much pleased with the first issue, as to desire its successors : but there will be no obligation be yond the single subscription. Succeeding Vol umes will vary in price, according to the number ofpagra no one costing more than the first; some, not mo'c than a half, third, or fourth as touch. . Subscribers will be informed, by Circular, of the readiness of the Volume for distribution : and then be promptly supplied, on reception of pay mcnt. No money desired until the Book shall be ready. Explanatory Papers may be had. on application (pot paid.) by persons wishing further informa tion of the plan. Address, aa eariv as practicable, T. H. STOCKTON, 63 Lexington-st., Baltimore, Md. Publishers of Newspapers, inserting this Pros pectus (wiih these additions.) and sending marked copies of it will be furnished with a copy of the Book free of postage. Clergymen, Colporteurs, Booksellers, Postmas ters, Periodical Agents, nd a.l Friends of the Bi ble, are requested to take an interest in this work. Packages of Circulars supplied to such person, nn application, for distribution. 3P"Mny eprass a readiness to buy the Book as soon as out: but the Editor cannot publish without a sufficient subscription in advaors. STIt is expected that this wilt prove' the most convenient Bible tor Families, Sunday Schools, Bible Ciaases, a of Private Readers especially in valids and aged persona, or all who need small, aeat, light volumes, with large open print. Fob. 21. 144-tf. JUST RECEIVED. Per Schr. W. H. Smiih. i OA BAGS Rio Coffee; 100 hers Shot j 500 lbs. f dVS Bar Load ; 28 boxea assorted Caad; ST boxes soap, 30. s, rate aao loner ; z mis, uracK rl Wbax4o Forwleky -, 35ENO H. GREENE. Feb. ft, ' N. C.Tel, copy. 144.- VlJlimSG POTATOES. : aim a nnr a Vloa. mA tHnft Km! mr4mJUA ez pouai www S.H- t 1" t- OU tide just recciVed per Albert Adrna otB Koston.aaa tor fare 07 .- . Feb Zir V V. 4L SJBE&WQQp CO. kTUStl?l Lowest riarw a one riio fVl ljoloi.ro Ditto, Frf.ehood -KilUnVHal J sii oorr shsttvrl f.afdJlerJMO 00 Row 8Uk Nov9. - rAMS DAWSON. DR. LANGLEY'S-- ROOT AiVD HERB BITTERS, Tke Great SpfirtS and Summer Medicine. O.VI POSED OF iantlita -Wtlrt OhY-l 'Hok-fPrkskiy - A-h 1 hrnchwrt oni-Dandelion THIS inv.ilitiib'e Compoundilas ben before the X public fbr the ptst -three years, during which nme n srlv THUKK HUNDfSED THOUSAND BOTTLEH h ve been sold, thus proving it the moat popular medicine ot -ihe-vaite. -The. medicinal vir tues of the best Ke rrs are so com ottruled as to act in concert with nature, it always does good, and never do s hurt, ia short it is safe for all ages and in nil climates. Pri. e 37 4 cents for a qua t bottle. For iki, Wholesale and Retail, at No. 3. Granite Row, by L. N. BARLOW. Feb. 9. !44-3me. HISTORIES. BANCROFTS, 5ib vol ; Frost's Pictorial Uni ted St .ies, and Napiers Peninsula War, just received ard for aale by . J. T. MUNDS. Feb 16. '-.:... 142 LADIES' Bool's. . 50 ?RS. Ladies Kid Lace Boots thin antes: B. 50 " French Morocco Lace Boots ihin soles; 50 pro. Ladies French Morocco Lace Boots -thick soles; 60 brs Ladies Kid Mo rocco I.aee Boots thick soles A first rale article, received this day and for sale by Feb. 16. JONES & GARDNER. SALAMANDER SAFES. ' tHE name of Salamander was first applied to JL w iwers I'atent. an. introduced by the subscri ber in 1340, who in :844 purchased the rigr.t to manufacture. The siipetiotiiy of Herring's I Wild er's) jntamnnder .'Safes over all others Induced ma ny to iniriitge upon ihu patent right by using the composition ; others more cautious, and to evnde a lawsuit, in ide an inferior artii-le, imitating the ex terior in form, 'style, color of pain tin r, snd stiach inz ihe nam? autitiandor.'- Improved "-ataman-der," "Fire Proof Salamander," "The Genuine Sal amander," dec. tf-c, and have aucceeded in palm ing off ome of the Sjmriou Satamanders aa genu ine. Those wanting the original Salamander, man ufactured by the subscriber, should take the pre caution to ace that they have upon them a metal plate 'Silas C. Herring, Maker," all such being the genuine (Wildei's I'atent) Salamander, or Her ring's Improved Patent Champion Safe, which re ceived the medal at the Great World's Fair, and which have never failed to preserve the contents in case of fire. Purchasers can select from the largest nssonment in the world by celling at the sale rooms of SILAS C. HERRING. 135, 1 37, and 139 Water, cor. of Pine Streets. N. B Chilled Iron safes with powder proof locks manufactured expressly for banks, jewillcr?, brok ers, and others requiring security from rogues Bank vault doors on hand, snd made to order. All the most celebrated locks for sale at manufacturer's priecs. Second hand safes for sale a, leas than half price. AGENTS FOR HERRING'S SAFES: John Far-re!, Philadelphia, Pa.; R. McCAND t.ISH. Richmond. Va ; Henry H. Williams, Chat it ston. S. ".; Filbrirt A Hell, Savannah. Ga ; Geo W. Sixer New Oi leans, La ; Wm. V. Moore dt Co., Mobile, Ala. Feb. 7. 136-3mc WANTED. -1 nN ff( FEET of White or Post Osk I UU,UUW Plank, 14, 21. or 28 feet long, 14 inches or upwards wide, and 2) inchea thick for which I will pay 920 per thousand. May 24. GEO. S. GILLESPIE. PLANTING POTATOES. OfV BBLS. just received and for sale by -ovv j . 11. FLANNER. Jan. No. 25 South Water street POSTPONED. al m vi v o THE S.-.1 rf Schr. DRESDEN, aJvertired to he sold on Saturday 25th instant. Is postponed until further notice. S. M. WKST. Feb. 25. 145-lt. NOTICE. V ilt firait Av ds,f Ufaaroh iui.rf. mt f Ks laSia I f r-Wa v H- mA I shnll hi.e oui until the first Monrlav in Feb- Feb- V ruary, a. v. iuo, an 111c 7lavco w iuiikiiik h the estate of the said dee'd, and RENT THE : LANDS of said deceased until the first of January, A. D. 1835. Bonds with good security will be re quired of those 1.1 ring or renlirg, to be approved by the subscriber JAMES ROBESON, Administrator, (with the will annexed) of Jsmes J. McKay, dee'd. Elizahethtown, Feb II. 140-ts. REMOVAL AND NEW FIRM. FAUST WINEBRF.NER, . r-v nwm - . - i ow . re-w k.1 1 . H A VING associated with them WM.M.CAR- under the firm of Faust, Winebbssbb Sc Co And have Removed to their New S Story Brown Stone Store, No 45 North 3d Street Kust aide above Market. Philadelphia; erected on the lol formerly occupied by the Old City Hotel, where we are pre pared to show a very full assort men t of Uariwarc fntiery. Gun, Rifle Turpentine hi n, (lackers. And all other g oJa usually kepi by Habdwabs establishments, we respe-ctty solicit a visit from ou friends and buyers generally. Philadelphia, Feb. 14, 1834. 141-Zmc. NO I K E BY RESTON dr. TOWNSHEND EXTENSION AND ENLARGEMENT ok nc-iM ess. WL. S. TOWNSHEND having puichased the interest of N. C. Dickinson in the Firm of J. R. UKTON CO., the business wiil be conducted under the title, f Rcston 4 Towitsh bud. There will be no change, no winding up of accounts. only an enlargement and increase of Capital, and extension of business, as they are making arrange ments to conduct it In ail Ha branches both whole sale an! Kctail. Hopins ihe very liberal patron age which hus been bestowed on the old, will be continued to the new firm, we are very respect fully to the public. j. . tetv 1 ur . Feb. 14. W.L.S. TOWNSHEND. HATS AND CAPS. Tl It EN'S and Bovs H.itsand Cansof ev 1 JVI nrv eilour and slvle. at low fiaures, fur sale al ih Hat Store. 4 Feb. 14. C. ill T KKo. UMBRELLAS. OIZES from 24 to 36 Inch's, assorted co- lors. Also, Buggy Umbrellas. Feb. 14. C.MYERS. MOURNING COLLARS AND Undersleevest Linen Habits and Sleeves; ClmIi VUnrh J7i t 'nllara Q nillKit Ralnnsi Freryh Bombazines and fine to superfine Black Silk Warp Alpacas. Received to-day and for sale by JAMES DAWSON. IX or. Z. iov- DENTISTRY. Da.T. B. CARR has returned from the North with a largely increased stock of Teeth.' Instruments, die Having consulted many eminent Dentists, he has perfect confidence ia tbo ooperiorlty of Allen's Pa tent mode of Inserting teeth with artificial gams Full sets inserted immediately after the extraction of the teeth, and remodelled after the game have healed without additional charge, i hey eaa be worn without oaiswand renVed from the monh bv the wearer, and are cleaner and at roarer than teeth insetted in any other way. and are learranted to give perfect saiialaetlon. All other operations per formed ia tbo most approved manner. Reference to Individuals in this place now wearing teeth with the patent improvement. Oct 4-w-tr tf - - 86 EAGLE FOUNDRY. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. 1HE Subscriber Is now manufacturing Portable and Stationary Sieara ENGINES and SAW MILLS of any required power, of the bett materials and wurkaaanshtp, and warrantee equal in perform uce. to aov manuiacturrd in this count rr. aad noon the most favorable terras. Front those engaged in lumber getting, no wouui a ax a call and examina tion of hia Engines, assuring them they shall be fiillv eooal to what is represented, and reirard Seine had to material and workma nsh ip, and plan of con struction Inferior to none. , - Ho also eontinaea to naaaufacture his Improved Tobacco, Flattening Presses, Mills, dtc. Mill Machinery and other Castings, furnished and fined nu in the best srvle. Rsference ( Mr.JosB Ciabk, Wilatangtoo, at Messrs. f. aVk VJCkino . vo. -..;... - PHILIP1 KAHU PronHsto I Feb. IK. - : " -;U--:-."5 JUCTRnCTlYEIhr -M as flenr'a Sftf CTtrtrti Xt-fw KimrmwA rwW m nx and nlesB.iai anrhf etrlo ssf ku. . .... ' . ' T . . . . ' stoess nat. (or axas a ute aw bbo lb biwto. Fvq, 2i- ? - C. JtYSJtS. OB X DUATE 41P CANBI1QB. CLASS J824. 4 - , ICSrFOUNDER OF THCzx BALTIMORE LOCK LNFIlliJARY. 5 Ss. 3I SOUTH CAY .Oppontttk Exekampt Buxldmfrnd Post Office. ".MK "''''Re M F.D1CALOR SUKGI sf-'.LL.rI,L T-f-KAT AND AbVleU WP. " emmuaiealions will be aaeredly shield od bjnhe .fffilaruf ptb-oAtmi h..n,.r ' Aware ul the diffieolty wiih the public to dis criminate, in a newspaiwr advertisement, betweeo Ihe genuine and skillful nit e stela n and he snurions pretensions of the deslvninand dangerous Quocjr - wm eneennny glvewnea sppitro to, tacs private references treili fuIlyeaHatv h re quire his services. BEWARE OF NOSTRUMS! Avoid the Patent Elixirs, Coiwpoonds and 3or dial, advertised to enro tdt perm- under wariei forms of disease As the constitution and habits ol individuals differ, REASON TEA HKS the same remedy cannot be suited 10 all alike, arm that disease can only be safely and effect Hy eradicate ed by judicious application of proper rtmediss. ATTKSTION IXVl-flSD. -A -practical experience' of over 26 years eosbleS Dr. H. to insure a sound and speedy cure ia a cer tain class of diseases, which nave too. long been yielded by regular Physicians to the bonds of quack, ery. He nay be consulted confidentially, either in person or by letter. " Persons at a distance cured at home by address ing a letter 10 DR. GORDON HARR1SS. Balti more, Md. All communication confidential. Remedies aent by Mail or Express tssny part of the United States. July 19. 53-ly 48-ly-e. COMMEhCIAL COLLEGE. located 17 Halt Imorc-st.. Baltimore. Md '"I'HK ostensible object of Ihu. Institution is 10 J. afford individualsan opportuniny of obtaining a complete Mercantile Education. Course of study Hook Keeping, by double entry, as practically used in 'he various departments of Trade snd Commerce, including Wholesale, Retail, Commis sion Manufacturing, Shipping, and Steamboating, Individual Partnership, and Compound Co. Busi ness. Also, Mercantile Calculations, Practical Penmanship, and familiar Lectures on Commercial Law. and the usages of Trade. Students brin? tsught individually, can rntir College at any time, and ihe Course if usually completed in from 5 to 8 weeks. Terms lorsn unlimited course of instruc tion. 435 All communications addressed to O. K. CHAM BERLIN, will meet with prompt attention, irculars mailed to aay part of ths Union when de sired. July 19. 53-ly - 48-w-ly-c. NOW LANDING, ClVitBLS. very superior N. O. Syrup; iCXjyj 1000 Sacks Liverpool Salt, for sale and lots to suit by T. C. & B. G. WORTH. Feb. 14. 141. in "M1N KNOW THYSELF." AN invaluable Book for 25 cents. "Evei) Fami ly should have a copy." Six thousand copies sold in less than three months. A new edition, revised and improved, just issued. Dr. Hunter's Medical Manuel and hand Book for the Afflicted, containing an outline of the origin, progress, matin, nt and eu:e of every form cf ia ease, contracted by promiscuous sexual intercourse, by elf-sbuse,orby sexunl excess, with, advice for their prevention, written in a familiar style avoiding sll medical technicalities, snd every thing that would offend the ear of decency, from the result ol some twenty years successful practice, exclusively devo ted 19 ttje cure of diseases f a delicate or private nature. To which ia added, receipts for the cure of the above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp toms aud cure of the Fever and Ague, for twenty fivecents a copy ; six copies one dollar ; will be for warded to any port of the United States, by mail, free of postage. Address, postage paid, Cosdrn d Co., Publishers or box 196, Post Office, Philadelphia. "This is, without exception, the most comprehen sive and intelligible work published on the class of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding ail technical tetms.it addresses itself to the reason of its readers It is free from all objectionable matter and no pa rent, however fastidious, cso object to .placing it in the hands of his sons. The author has devoted many years to the treatment of .he various com plaints treated of. and 'with too little breath to puff,' and 'too little presumption to impose, he has offered to tne worm at tnc merely nominal price of 25 cents the fruits of some twenty years moat successful prac tice." Herald. "No teacher or parent should be without the knowledge imparled in this invaluable work, it would save years of pain, mortification and sorrow to tne youtli under tnelr cnarge.' I'ttriK t Advo cate. A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing of Hunter's Medical Manuel, siys : "Thousands of our youth, by evil example and ihe influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin and fearful consequen ts upon themselves and their posterity. The con stitutions of thousands who are raising familiet have been enlecolerj . it not DroKen aown, nnd they do not know the cause or the cure. Any thing that can be done so to enlighten and influence the publir mind as 10 check, and ultimately to remove this wide spread source of human wre-tehc dn ss. would confer the greatest blevsing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and coming generations- Intemperance, (the use of intoxira'ins drinks.) though it hat slain thousands upon thousands. Is not a greater scourge to the human rate. Accept my thanka in behalf of the afflicted, and believeme, your co-worker in ths good work you are so active ly engaged in.' One ropy will be forwarded (securely envelCDed snd postage paid,) on receipt of 25 cents, 01 six copies for St. Address, UOsijf.N ct uu., t-iiDiisner,i9b, Philadelphia. Booksellers Canvassers snd Book Agents, sup plied on the most liberal terms. June 2. 34-ly-c. NEW CHEESE. BOXES No. 1 Cheese, just received bv L. N. BARLOW, 25 Feb. 16. No. 3, Granite Row. JUST RECEIVED. THE FOLLOWING BOOKS, vii: The Lofty and the Lowly, or Good in all and none all gnoo. by M.J. Mclntoth. Meagher's Speeches on the Legislative Indepen dence of I reia nd ; with introductory notes, Ac Busy moments of an I tie Woman. The Sword and the Distaff, or Fsir, Fat and For ty, by Gllmore Sim ma. The Wigwam and the Cabin, by the same Author. The Popihar Papers, reprinted from ''Putnam's Monthly;" Illustrated. Table Talk on Books, Men, and Manners, from Sydney Smith and others ; Edited by C. Evelyn, (loidcn Dreams and Leaden Realities, by Ralph Raven; with an introductory Chapter, by Francis Fogie, Sr., Esq. Alexander Menxikofl, or the Perils of Greatness, by Gustav Nieriiz. An Attic Philosopher in Paria, or a Peepatthe World from a Gam t. Being the journal of S hap By man. From the French of Entile Snnvestre. For sale by J. T. MUNDS. Feb, 19. 144 COPARTNERSHIP. THE Undersigned have this day formed a Co partnership under the Firm of CHATTER TON A CO., for the transaction of a Grocery and Commission Business. T. M. CHATTERRON. S. T. HEWETT. Feb. 2. . . 136-3a. NEW ARRANGEMENT. THERE having heretofore been a good deal of just complaint on the part of the travelling pub lic on account of tbo absence of a general throogh ticket from Weldon and Wilmington, nortnward The Mail Line takes great pleasure in stating that the ctoonds of complaint bars been removed, and on and alter the 1st February, Passengers can gel Tick ets at Weldon for -Petersburg, Richmond, Washing ton, HalUmore, Philadelphia, and New York City; and at Wilmington to the four last named places, and rice versa. Two Trains will continue to ran dairy so hereto fore, braving Weldon, at 3 P. M. and li P. AI. The following are the rates of Fare : From Weldon to Petersburg, 30. Do. do. Richmond, 3,50 F.-om Weldon to Washington, "7,0 Do, da. " Baltimore... 8,00 From WllmingtOM to Washington,--ltjOO Do. - do, Baltimore. ........ 12,00 . - Ftohl Weldon to Philadelphia,-. -10.00 f Do-- do'" -.- New-York... I2JJ0 ; FroasTVUmlnatoa to Wraosphlat. 1430 Da. do. ' New Tot I, ...... 15,50 lnIorrma4io and for Tickets, apply t0 Mr S, DXWALUACK. tl.K Ticket Agent, of the WilmLarin and Raletgta RaU RW at Wihaiag too.0. F.-SrMMONS, Ageo3.awidr.-r, . TtuoBgh Ami, Ia! flia. JLtp.V 133 In. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. " SCHR. WM. SMITH from New York, has ar rived, aad Isvdisekirgfojr at ay wharf - Coo igoeea wlfl pleass attend to :heir Goods. March . T.C.WORTH. FOR NEW YORK. ejfl THE fine fast saiuno Sr-br. WiSBirT. fflVGr "ritb. Master, will have qnt k dis 3kvasv patch for above port. For light freight or asev D5l oa board, or to T, C. WORTHS W March Z i:,"'v-; 1 148. FOR NEW YORK. . JiEGUI.AK LINK. THE reltfolat Packet Sehrl WAKE. iacacs Kaiodswjnastrr,' will h?v quick isnaieh as abovev f or llertt freight or passage apof r to -t : r.GKO.. HARRIS'. March 2 148. FOR NEW YORK, GA R DNEft J!KK" te-. will havodisj. tishl freight or paa :eo. ha rris THE Packer--chr.ABDNEnPIKK. A. w.i aABiHEB. naasie natch aa above. For sage apply to ' GE March 2. . 148. FOR BALTIMORE. -E-j. TH E A. I. Schr. VENLOO, Rosa, will jyatJhave dispatch as above. For light freight Ssabsor passage apply to JAS. H. CHADBOURN & CO. March 2. 143. FOR WISCASSETT, ME. THE A. I. Bark CHEROKEE, Corriir, .will have dispatch a above. For light pfrciirn: or passage apply to - JAS. H. CHADBOURN dt CO. March 2. 148. FOR BALTIMORE. THE A. I. fast sailing three masted Schr. J. H. CHADBOURN, vviNBieHt, master, will have dirpatt h as above. Fi r lisht freight or passage having superior accommo dations apply to JAS. H. CHADBOURN & CO. 'March 2. 14. FOR PHILADELPHIA, HERON'S LINE. THE Packet Schooner C. A . HF.CK- SCHER, Stvsbs, master will have dis patch for the above port. For freight .r passase. apply to GEO. HARRISv Feb. -.'8. 147. FOR PHILADELPHIA. HERON'S LINE. THE Packet Schooner LlLLIK SAN DERS, Cobsoh; master, will have dis patch for the above port ' For freight or passage, apply to GEORGE HARR1SS. Feb 28. 147. FOR NEW YORK. THE regular packet Schr ADELE, Applegit, Master, will have dispatch as .above. For lieht freight or passage, hav- ne superior accommodations, apply to 8 J. H. FLANNER, Feb. 25. 25 North Watrr-sf. FOR NEW YORK. Schr. GARDNER PIKE, A. W. Crnm- ,ner. Master, will be despatched. Apply to March 2. UKU. HA II HISS. FOR NEW YORK, REGULAR LINE. THE packet Schr. MARINE, Jamesi1. Powell, Mister, will have dispatch aa -above for light freight or pasange. apply to 25. GEO. HARRISS. Feb. 4.UVERTISKMEXT. GOOD MEDICINES. STABl.tiK'S ANODYNE CHERRY EXPECTORANT Fur Cougkt, Colds. Bronchitis, Croup, tf-c. STAPLER'S DI.4RKH(EA CORDIAL. The valtinble midieines above named, are not empirical, but are prepared in acret inent with the e eti. nee of someof the most learned and judi cious practitit ners, and are not secret, fuithi' thi:n is necessity to piotecl the pntrittiiE trc these who use them frnm Iocs and fni oniiot . 0 the component parts have been made known, coufden tially, from time to time, to perhaps 500 PUYMCIANS! In Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia, Ohio, and other places, all of whom, without a single ti c ption. have approved of the formula, and inoet of ihein acknowle-usse in it they are the b.-et rem. dies th; t they h:iVe ever known for the cure ol the dis eases lor v hich thej uie recomniet d d Ourt-nnfi d-nce in tlto excellence of lut-ne ! die m s, .dded to our desire t-tavoiii the just prejuOKe ..f ihe rued tcil profession tiuaiusi secret end qu:iek n.-sirums. induced us to uitout thii-run 'id course. V 1: uppeno a few 01 the notices wb have received fr in ,-tiysi-ciars.viz .- From Dr. Win. H. Farrow, of Snow ilill, Mary land. OesTLEMKW I have Irequently in my p nctice prewribed your ' stabler's Anoilync L'h 1 I xpec-tor.-int" -ind Di-jrihce i ' 'oidia-. with creat H;ni-(ac-tion to myself, and to t he cniire relief of sm h dis a senses as they profess to cairn 1 ronsidei them happy combina ions of some 01" our most valuable and safe thertipeuiical g ms- and must be ol in finite worth to the afflicted and mankind ut large, in lurnn-hinif the medical profession with these active and concentrated preparations, so co'iveni nt lor administration, and of a standard quality, you have rendered them an eminent servic.., nnd I can do no less than earnestly recoiuiii-nd these prepa rations to practitioners, and especially in the coun try, where tho impurity of cotiimeiciai Drugs ie one of the greatest obsiac ss to v success gf the Physician. Doct. W. Love writes to us th.il lie has adminis tered the Expectorant to his wife, who has had the Bronchitis for fourteen jiuts, ard that she is fast recovering f torn her long stunning malady. It hai in a few weeks done her more good than all ihe remedies she has heretofore used under able medi cal counsel. From Dr. H. P. Worthington, Laurel, Md. "After several, months' use of your Expectorant, both in my own family and in general practice, I am confirmed in the opinion expressed of it, when first made acquainted with the recipe.. For one 1 thank you for so convenient andVelegant a prepara tion of the Wild Chei 1 y." From Geo. Gerry. M. D. of So.tjerset Co., Md. 'Having examined the component pirns of Sta bler's Anodyn Cherry Expectorant, also of S ta ble r's Diarrhoea Cordial, and having used them in practice, I feel no hesitancy in recommending them." From J. E. Marsh, BI. D. , Kent Co., Md. "I have made free use of your Diarrhrea Cor dial in my family. It gives me much pleasure to add my testimony to that of others, in favor of its efficienc." From Samuel Martiodal, M. D., Chesapeake Cit y Md. "l"have much pleasure in adding my testimony in fx vor of your valuable Cherry Expectorant. 1 have, after an extensive use, found it to answer all my expectations." From Dr. Daniel W.jnes, Somerset Co. Md. 'I have given your Expectorant and Diarrhoea rdial a fair trial, and am delighted with their effects, never having had them to tail in a single instance. I shall take pleasure in recommending them. We have been favored with a written certificate, cheerfully given by numerous medical ecntlem n in Maryland. Virginia and Ohio, which alone should -f convince the mot-t doubting ibat these are rea Hy Good Medicines; after staling that they are ac quainted with the composition of both the Expec torant and Cordial, and that they have admiaia tered them to their patients, they testify -that they are remedies of great value, safe, efficient, and well worthy of the patronage of the profession and the Public, that tbev are more .reliable than any other proprietary medicines with which we are acquaint ed." die. The above notices of recommendation from mem bera .of tho Medical Faculty, Phrmaceuiists of high standing, and Merchants of the first respec tability, should be sufficient, to satisfy all, that these medicines are worfAy of trial by the afflicted. Bad that they are of a different stamp and class from the "Qaaekery aad "Core Alls' so much im posed upon tbo public. - See fhe decriptive Pamphlets, to be had gratia of all who have the medicine for sale,' containing re commendation from Doctors Marti a, Babaett. Ad dison, Payne, Handy . Lovs, c Per sale by Dras;its, Apothecaries aad Cona try Stores-keepers generally, at the low price of Fiftr cents per bottle, or six bottles for ?,50. - E. H. ST A BLER SV CO. Wholesale Dragrtats, ISO Pratt street. Baltimore. J Foraaleln Wilmington by C.dt D. DePBK. JBB.5 t-iys Knn cir ry- VSwi.rotimmti: BELOflGIKG TO THE WltiffXrJTSjrfiA-4 ' LRIflrt RAILROAD COMPAWrk C3MPttISl.VGtbe ulno of Matt &um4n employed between Wilmington and Charleston, s. C will be sold bv soctiofl.ln'inelaftef' Cttf. tm TbiirsdaT, The 43th day of April nat viss- p 5 O O ft a o r- 73 2, ca O "V - c- a 1 o 71 to SB c 3 . & I I II . 5? vt S 2 w..: Burthen Length. 2 S5 iST -ii 1 Breadth Beam Draft Water- Diam. Ci lioder,. . Length ef Stroke - Diatn. Wheel - Face of Wheel S3 00 rr. 03 3 ; - OS -H 22. 0 3 3? s r?? 23 z, 2 1 o ra P-rc 9 -(5.5-3 . 5- T a n 3 3 X 2 2 c n c These Steamers arc si well known to the pub lic, as sa e. comfortable and rapid VesscU for the transportalioi- of passcnttcrs, that further descrip tion is deemed unnecessary. All, but the C. Van derltilt, (which requires some inconsiderable re pairs to her machinery,) are in first rate running order, and have been constantly kept staunch and in thorough repair, bting nuw considered as good 01 better than when first launched. Particular information can be had at any lime ' on application al the Company's office at Wil mington, N. ., or to Edward Winslow, Esq , the Company's Agent in Charleston. The Steam ers will be open to inspection at Wilmington, till the 1st of April, and afterwards at Chaileston, till day of sale. ALSO. Will be sold, on the same day, that VALUABLE WHARF in tins City of .Charleston, heretofore use-d as the landing place of the above named Steamers, front ma about 150 feel on Cooper river, and running back 216 feet to Wharf street, on wnicli it fronts 203 feet. The terms will be made known at the sale, whleh will take place at 11 o'clock, A.M., upon the premises, on the day nbove nnmed. ALKX. McRE, President. fan. 3'. 135 ts. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE- THAVK ibis day associated with me in business my Brother, B. G. Worth, and would solicit or the new firm, a corfUnuance of the patronago here tofore so iibe-ialiy bestowed upon myself. T.C.WORTH. The undersigned have this d:iy formed a copart nership under the style of T. C. A B.G.Worth, Tor the transaction of the forwarding and commis sion business. We are occupying the fireproof brick s'ore and plank wharf in front, owned, and formerly occupied by R. VV. Brown, ns well as his naval store wharves and shed, immediately below Ann stroat, snd are amply prepared to receiveand forward, sell or atore any amount of merchandise entrusted to our care. Usual advances made on Cotton, Naval Stores or other produce. T. C. WORTH, ) B.G. WORTH Jan. 3. 123 3m. TOWAGE. ON snd after thisdate. all vessels twed in harbor by Steamer Ssm. ieery uml Cillioun. will be charged 44.U0 GKO. H ARR1SS, Agent. Sih, 1853. 101. Nov MULES FOR SALE I ' v U likely youtis Vlules, well broken nnd gen y youtis Vlules, well b years old next spring - lie, turee j Aapty to F.J. LORD. 125- tf Jan. 7 FOR, S.LE. The Schr. S It POTTER, now In Wil mington, is for sale. For further particu lars, aniil t to J.n. .8. RANKIN ft MARTIN. KU R MTURK W IKEIIOUnE, f'Rf).T STftKR'r. VO OU T-S in ide :n this Kita ilish nent prio i i 'hrt 1st irijit , are now d ne. and scttlemen' - c 'tne-llv tie-ired bv th: sniiscriber Jan 7 ' J D. LOVE OF HE WIL & MAN. R. R. CO. '.VILHINGTON, N. C.Jan. 23. 1851. UlNSIGNEES of "Down" or inward freight, VJ are hereby notified that on nnd after Wednes Itv. the 1st Febrnnry. i 85 1 . a 1 1 freight will be de livered on W. si ride of the (-'ape Kear River, and ihev are required to r ceive the same there. On and nlier Monday, the 30ih inst., the passen ger train will leave v ilminten at 10 o'clock, P. M., instead of 9, A. M., as at present. J. KL.KMliU, Sup'l, W.4 .M. R.Road. Jon. 31. 135-tf. FINE PLAID LIN NAYS, PRINTED Drugveis; Heavy Woolen Hose and half Hose ; Thick Woolen Shirts for Negroes: "cry heavy all wool Twilled Blankets, and Crib sod Cradle Blankets ; Georgia Kerseysand Plains. J ust received and lor sale at ttie lowest prices, by Nov. 29.' JAMES DAWSON. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. 1 dm A H-4 and 12 4 Linen Sheetinga; Bleach UJ cd and Brown Coiion Sheetings, al widths. Pillow Cage Linens and Cottons ; Bleach ed and Brown Table Damasks and Ditto in Cloths ill sizes and qualities; l.inen and Cotton Diapers; BedTicks; Furni'ure Dimitysdic. For sale by Nov. 2. JAMES DAWSON. PLOUi.HS, CORN SMELLERS, AND Straw Cutters. Just received, a large aa rortment and for sale by j ZKNO H. GREENE. Feb. 2. N. C. Tel. copy . 138. WE ARE OPENING THIS DAY, CORNICES, Bands. Certain Piuv TaaselU, snd Lace, and Embroidered CurtaJae. Also, Shades, Paper Hanging. Ac. Feb. 16. WILKINSON ESLER. 1854. i"l MYERS. EXCELSIOR. 1854. m.inufactvrer and dealer in Hats, Caps. Canes, and Umbrellas, No. 1 Granite 127 ttaw, h ront st, Jan. 7 NOW LANDING. 1 C KEGS Prime Goshen Butter; 10 kegs Wes- a y tern Baiter. .: ror sale ay L. N. BARLOW, No. 3, Granite Row. 142. Feb.! 6. PURE FRENCH BRANDY, T30RT and Sherry Wine in boll els, warranted X pure, for aalo by L. N. BARLOW. Feb. II. No. 3, Granite Row, Freht-at. WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted the agenev ol aeveratlargejstablishments at the North, which will furnish him an unlimited aupply of finished or nnfinlaBclL, foreign and domestic HARBLK of all qaafttiea, is prepared to fill all orders for -, HOXDMEST8 AND TOMB 8TOWE8,, and evenTother article ia ihe Uae of tke basiaesa at reaaonabla ratear ' f 4 '4 ? 5 j- t i-v'-SCULPTOBINQ, t ETTERIKG OR CAR VI NO , Execotcdas wallas eaa bo done either North or SO fast. '":"""' ' ''" " V, i ?r The beat -eforenee eaa be glvea, tf roaalred. - -?ty" . ' .' ' JAS.MeCLARANAlf.' Harcl3. . U-4f. : Mr-t -- - - -r-.-" rm l-if- ' tl"' x - m I S ' --T,"' xTaw .-r - - 't s -i .ST----- T88 CffKlT fWIFftt CrTnEBtOCUr Rot a farileie ef Mertnry I It ' " Aa lnftHiol remedy- fot'JScyofala,' King's Evl', RheunutisnuObstluaie Cutaneous Eruptions, Pin -pies or PostuJeson thefade.BkKche Bdils.Cbrar -icaoreEyes, Ring Warmer, Touer. SceW Head,. Enlargement and Pain of the Bonctand Jolntstub bom Ulcers. Syphilitic DisordorB,'l.biiibago,8pl-" ' nal CompUiuta, snd all dseaaesArllag fristii aa lo-, ; : judiciouausaor Mercury, Imprudence in Lile4o(lm purity of the Blood. '- f : " 'J ' This valuible Madielne wbiich ha SbosMSte deietoa 3 . . ted lor the number, of extraordinary xqrrs.c'tiectcd. t through its agency, has induced the proprietors, at1 the argent request of their friendavtoOfleV JV,(e lie ,4-1 public, which Ahey do with the uimost confidence In lie vltlnca and wonderful curative nrooortlf B. "O"-' ThefollowingeertvfieatcB.ieiectrd from a largo aum- . -; bar, are. however, stronger tcatimony than the mere .', wonlAf L,MMIwUl..,..'..J.. i, n J . 1 ) well known U' their IbeallLiea! and' of tho highest respectability, many of ihein now residing in the. , city of Richmond, Virginia. v -s 3 ' F. BoTOEJf,K-q..of the Exchange listcl.ttleb inond. ksovn sverff wb.rs. uv, Hr -,na n ih. Molieine called Carter's ipanishUxtare aamlnia- tered in overs hsndred eawl.rlr aLtthe lise.?, , , ses lor whit-b ft la rrcomnendea.witn .the most as- , ' tonishingiy good results. H sayt It Is the niost tx-' : traordloarymediclnohahaaevaraeen-..' ;: ,.t l-t Ague and Fever Great Care.--I hereby corlify, thai for three rears fh'ad Ago and Fever oft he most" '' Zl violent dcscripTfoo. ' I had several Physicians, took -. large quantities of Quinine. Mercury, snd J, b lisve.. all the 1 onics advt'rlisrd, bot all'wiihout' any' per- ' " manent relief. At laafltrled CarterSpanishMix-A : n tare ; two bottles of which effectually' cured me,nndf.t I am haypy t.j say I have had neither Chills or Fr- ' vers since. I consider il thebest Tonic la the, world and tbconly medicine that ever reached mycase. . fJOIIN LONGDEN.' Beaver Dam. near Richmond, Va.' tfi 1.0 "-tj C. B.Lccb, E-q bow In the, city of, Richmond, and for many years in the Post Office, has such eon- fidencein the astonishing efficacy of 1'artera Spaa-; ish Mixture thst he has bougMupwardsof 50 bottles, which be has given a way'to the afflicted.--'Sir. Lurh - " aays he"has never known It to fall when taken; acL? J cording to directions,. ... Dr. Mihoe a practising rnyaician, and rormerly of the City Hotel, In the city of Richmond, s.iyp ho"- has witnessed ina number ofinsiances tbeeffoeta of Carter's Spanish, Mixture which were -most truly" " surprising. He says Ina case of ConsoTrmii-tt.de- pendenton the L.lver, trie good effects were wor.dcr- ful indeed. - . ; Samoel M. Dbikkeb, of ihe ftfrrt. of Drinker-f- Morris, Richmond, was cured of Livr coniplafnt oi 8 years standing, by the use of two bottles of t Car- etr's sponisn Mixture. - ., ,.,! Great cure of crofula. The Editors of he, Rich uiond Republican had a servant employed Ip th'ef ' " press room, cured of violent Scrofula. -comtihod with Rheumatism, which entirely disabled hipvlrom work. Two bottltsof Carter's Spanish' Mixture nisde a perfect cure of him, and the Editors, ina po-..,,,' t ice, say they "checrfally recommend it t.all who are afflicted with sny diseeae-ot the blood" Still another cure of tjcrofula 1 had a vetyval uahte boy cured of Scrofula Vy Carter's Spanish' Mixture. I conlder It a truly valuable MMiein'e, ' - J.VM&V JITA LOR..,. .1 Conductor on the IX,'. I" - dt P. R. R. Co., liielimond 'VjLL.T PBEVM OF2Q Yf?ARS STAXDISti ' '. CVRF.D. - Mr. Jomjv Tm6Moi, residing in the city of Rich- raond, was cured ty ihrae bottles of Carler'a Span- .1 ish Mixture, of Salt Rlicuni. which he hn.rf nearly 20 years, and which all the phy'sicioba of ths city ' could not cure. Mr. Thompson Is a.vcll j(pawn merchant in the city of Richmond, Vs., and his oure is moBt remaikable. A'"' '' ' " "4 x '' Rich abo E. West, of IUchniond. was. cured. ; Scrofula, and what Physicians called coufirnied Consumption, by three bottles of Carter'. Spanish' Mixture. - . . f : 4 . ., . . , Edwix Buhtok, Commissioner of the Retcnue, says he has seen the good effects of Carter's. Span ; ish Mixture in a nuniter,of Syphilitic caes,nd, ' says it if a perfect enre'for that horrible disease. v . Wm. G. IIabwOod, of Rlcjimond, . Va..-iti'red oi Old Soxes and Ulcers, which disabled him f rota w.ilking. Took a few bo (tic's. Carter's Sponih Mixturj, and was enabled to walk without acrirtcV, " in a abort time permanently cured. , .... "... , . , Princip tl Depots at M. W A RD, CLOS E & CO.', No. 83 Maiden Lnne.New York. ' - v "K4 1 ) T. W. DVOTT fe SONS,.No. l3V Nbrtb;,?a.y Street, Pliiliulelpnia . . , t- ; BENNETT d- B RK.RS.Na, 25 Mbidci Sir'eetV' Richmond, Vu. . ', ... 4 i.- , ,,, ( And lor sale hy WM. H MPPITT, Wiliin;ton and by Druggieisgenerally. ' - . May 12. 25-Iyc. T,." FOlTsAllB:-" - " ill Til R House and Lol on S. cond ttrrr't.''' be-l wets N,unn and I'hurch ror l. Afrfi ,;, 10 C. at D. DtrPKE. Sept. 8. 75-tf. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. . . have recelv. 1) onr ntnim soddI of Fresh. 'E '. 1 Garden Si tds For sal m holeraie am retatL by SI B: J. A KVA-Nr. Jan. 19 - --M '. o , GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. - COIl March, received and for stile s A Keb. 28 -W. WHITAKRR'S. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALES' r , ) : r . ,V rHE subscriber .offers for ssle-Threo f lorra on Market street ; one occupied hv G. R. French, one by J. R Reston dt Co.i, an'dr.the other by T. I. Howey ;'also the properly pceupled hy Da- -Pre dt Co., and ethers, atthe corner of Front and' Princess streets, snd extending on Princess street towards ths river. A lot oa Front street running -to ihe river, including a wharf known as the Beatty Wharf; a Lot on' the corner ol Third and Aon streets, his late residence, now oct-pmcd by .. . M r. Ferguson ; a Lot on the corner of ..Third and Nunn streets; The Palo Alto House and Lot; a Lot on Fourth street extending to Boundary, and hall a Lot on Boundary adjoining The same 1 Two small lots with dwellings .near ihe Old Poor House, on Boundary street 5 also a sammct resi dence on Masnnboro Sound, and about lOJfP acres . of land near Elizabeth River in Brunswick county. r ;' , - The above property, or such . portion' thereof as . . shall not be otherwise disposed of previous 10 that time, will be sold ' at public a6etion la WJlmlag- ' ton, on inpsccoao sionday in Marcn next., , - DAN'L B. BAKER. Jaotl2 . .127-ta s e-kly Jour and Fayerieviile Obs'reopy iiilsala.n,t LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE. .ji.i'.j. THE subscriber wOnld rsfTJ j " ' Jspectfully invite the t(eoiion L3w W ' ' "" "' ' J of the public, to, bis very large fl and complete assortment of Fa'rnlto're new beiag received and recently selected by himself at the Manufactories: during the present month, h'.sstoek will be complete and consist in part of ths fol-" lowing articlea. v 1 ; . c 1. .j Fine Sets Drawlnff'Room Furniture, la Dam ask snd Hair Cloth ;' --n-. v.-ri Sctta Painted Cnamber Fari-Ifare.- - :- , , 60 Sideboards, Secretaries and Book" Cases y 60 Sofas and Tele a Teles 1 lOOBoresos; -.. rt-K.'t : 100 Wash Staada, marble aad plain t . 100 Rocking Chairs ; V - ' ' 75 Nurse do. '' "..-.!. j -j 123 Tea and Dining Tables, ; ., f . , 75 Centre, Card and Sola do. ' ' fc 'r 7$ Toilet '.".'j? t;5r,rAr.,.-,!-. 100 doz. Chaira, ensbioard, citae aad Windsor ; 250 Bedsteads, in nunotoay, waldnt, nipla and Iron; -' . .-T t j y . ,;. -. Wardrobes, mahogoaf and atslncri:' " Office Fornifarei " T ,- ' CkUdfcsa Chaira 1 Ottoouns, oot Stools r- 'J , A fine assortment of Loolrinf Glasses ' Teapoy's Wbamoio Hat Stands t" Settees, Work Tableau . . Work Boxee. Paper Hangings' " Window Shades, die. sf-tf, a ,-. A raw b rias Piavo Foana, and la fact al- ' rT".'."lre,I,n" may a eta I red, in complete ly fnratshier Dwelttoga, HtKkl,' Offieeo or 80 elety Ranw-Froat cVttect, . . , . i "f riovK ' Wdmiacto. NTC Sep'r, 4't R5J- V. 7 - MARSEILLES itts I LAUCESize, f6raaleby ' WILKINSON ESllERf, ttphoIirs. OATS and CAPS at. Cool, to close ihe Swwk: 1 - . . s . I a ' Br ht IS - r jr-i v. Jit vw Jul