m ii : i. . I t .1- WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDA? MORNING, MACH,14 1854. VOLUME VIIINUMBER 153. WHOLE NUMBER-1052 ,,:f, ...... ,- ..v , .. , - - - - ..... - - . ; MISCELLANY. A MAGAZINE STORY. ES TELLE; OR, A PEEP BEHIND THE SCENES. His rising heart betrayed rlemorse for all the wreck it made Her talc untold her troth too deeply proved." Btros. 'You here, mon ami! Who would expect Ho find you id such a place as this V The scene wa the cemetery of Pere la Chaise; the exclamation occasioned by the rpreseirtre of a young man whom I encounter 'eJ sUdJenly in n shady spot, cioscly border ving on the tomb ot Abelard and Hi-loiie, where I had been ei.iHdi.ig in Rcnlimrilal mood tr at least half an hour. Now. theie waa no doubt he had aa much right in the burying ground as I. The pleasant May breeze was aa tree for him as fur mc ; the sundhine was common properly ; the eoft 'willow leaves had not opened IhemscI vrn ex flusivtly fir my enjoyment; nor had the svente' violets blonrni-d for me. alone. Nor fhou'd I have exclaimed thus, hud I met him anywhere ele in possession of these sweet spring privileges; but here in Pere la Chniir tliiil wa tl:e wonder ! and therefore I ex claimed Who would expect to find you in such a place as litis V He smiled not the smile that electrified the audience every evening in the theatre, hut a melancholy smile, .tinctured with satire. thai I should share the common prejudice that comic actors nmt be comic fc Hows. ' Pardon me.' I said, answering this look ' I am aware I have no right to inquire ; but confess a god of mirth is not often seen wan dering among the tombs !' ' Not often sought there, at any rale,' said D . But do you think this phrce sad V 1 On the contrary to me it is cheerful as the gayest promenade in Paris. .The dead are so cared for, their tastrs so minutely consult ed, their tombs so prettily decked, and one's thoughts are pleisanlly sobered down, hut by no means oppress d. as in our English burying grounds.' ' Ah ! everything is sad in your country,' said the Frenchman, raising his eyebrows piteously. ' While here,' I aiiJ. laughing, 'only the comic actors are so." T D passed his arm through mine. ' You shall see why,' he said, briefly ; and led me back ulong the narrow path by which he had come. Presently we stood beside a tomb, hung with wreaths of everlasting, and planted with choice flowers. On the simple cross, of purest marble, was written : " EstellK de C Aged eighteen years." The words. 1 To my daughter,' were also inscribed below; arid among the garlands were nianv in which the words. ' A ma F'ille.' Iiad been interwoven. O e. evidently fresh ly placed among the rest, bore this mono, R. grets cternels,' in bhick and white im mortelles. I stood looking Rt this last resting place of some cherished child, who had jupt budded into womanhood, to be culled by death, and wondering how many thero were in the cir cle that once idolized her, who still brought flowers to her grave, when D , laying his hand lightly on my arm pointed to a feat near us. He was in one of those moods when the soul, too weak to bear alone the sorrow that wt-ighs it down, turns to the first comer and fi.tds relief hy the mere utterunce of iu woe. ' Sit down,' he said ; ' I will (ell you her lale.' "V ou knew her?' I asked. -Or she would not he theie,' he replied. His voire was brokn. I Ji.i not look at him, but waiied till his emotion had passed aivay. Presently he continued A y ear ago she was pure and h-auii!ul as an agel. We met, we loved, aud she is there!' You were faithless 1 I asked, reproach fully. 'Faithless!' he repeated. 'No; men are not faithless to women like Estelle. especial ly when they Rtoop from a high-born sphere to love one infinitely below them. Unwor thy ss I was of her innocent love, I returned it with as sincere a passion as my soul is ca pable of. How olten have these quiet ppotd witnessed our glad meetings; how olteo has the solemn shade of cathedral pillars, or the glitter of.a masked ball, concealed our love from those who watched over her. Enough! she was mine mine for ever, as I fondly thought ; but love had mingled poison with his svreets. Can angels fall, and forget the heaven they have lost? Estelle's remorse was stronger than her love; the one would have given her immortality the oiher plan ted death in her bosom. Suddenly I lost sight of my beloved. In vain I sought her in our former haunts ; -she no longer visited them ; in vain placed letters in the httnds of our amjidanle : she never came to receive them. Fool that I was to doubt her! to fancy anything could shake her faith, or make her false to her vows of constancy. Had she not sacrificed all lor me? forgotten family and parents, nay heaven itself? and yet I mistrusted her ! 1 ceased my inquiries I sought to forget bcr. One evening I was disturbed while at dinner, by the announcement of a stranger. It was the medical adviser of Estelle's fami ly. He came to tell me that Madlle. De B was dangerously ill; and in conse quence of mental aberration, as hci friends supposed, bad for many days been calling on my name, and entreating thai she might see me once more before she died. By the doc tor1 advice, and as a last resource, her pa rent had consented to this strange request, and now sent to invite my presence in their house, hoping the sight of me would be suf ficient to dispel the dying girl's delusion. There was an intelligent look in Dr. L.'s face aa he told me this, which gave me intuitive confidence fn him, and convinced me, when I afterwards recalled it. that he had a strong suspicion of the real late of the case, which was doubtless confirmed by ray overwhelm ing g'ief. I flew to the dwelling of m' beloved ; and the doctor insisting that only he and 1 should enter ihe sick room, scarcely a moment elaps ed ere I stood in her presence. ' Her open arms received me, ber eyes flashed with the same pleasure as of yore ; tjut oh ! bow changed Estelle, Estelle.' The unhappy man bent his head and sob bed aloud. did not attempt to comfort htm ; I knew remorse was mingled with his grief, and that it was better so. 1 fie went 'on alter a while At seven o'clock I was compelled to be at the theatre, to perform in the first and last pieces. It was within half an hour of the time. " -She suffered me to go with difficulty.' 'You will come back will you not?' she asked, as I held her once more in my arms. I shall not sleep till I have seen you again.' ' I promised, and tore myself away from that clinging embrace. 1 reached the thea tre, I dre-sed, and played my part. Yes, played it, laughed, jested, mocked Rt love, and was cheered, doubly cheered ! The ap plause delayed me. Impatient to have done. I hurried on with my part ; the piece seemed the livelier for it the ipplause became great er. In the interval between the pieces I rushed out of the house, and flYd along the streets, towards Estelle's home. I knew 1 could not reach ii if mattered not. It seem ed to me some miracle nm't be worked in my favor; that so::iv one would meet me with news of her ; that lime itself would stand still in my bthiih. The night air. the exercwe. recalled mn to my senses; I stepp ed, and conscious of my madness, retraced my steps. ' Enough ; it was over at last ! both pieces; and at midnight I n ai ed her house. 1 had rushed Irotr. the stage without changing my dress ; 1 knew she would not reproach me lor such hasl. The entrance door stood open ; the con eicr;e was absent. 1 remember even then nothing, as I flew by. how her candle was dying iilfuily away in the socket. There was no one on the stairs as I hounded uj ilieni no one watching in the ante room he side her bed room door. The silence that reigned in the house was frightful. I enter id, gasping and horror struck ; 1 knt:vv not wl . L iiiT la ers were buriiimr beside her C'Hir.'l ; t '.vn prtets kneeling in prayer but she h id ! !"-!! iicr promise ; she slept be fore 1 came m-ver to wake again. I was one of I hose who followed Iter here. The white garland lay upon her coffin ; I alo.ie knew lhal he who slept beneath it had oo right to bear lhal snowy wreath." Dublin Magazine. A STORY OF REAL LIFE We take the following from the Wash ington Star of the 20ih ultimo: ''There is at present in the Arashington Orphan Asylum an orphan child, the daughter of a married couple of the name of West, both of which illfated pair were the victims, about twelve months ago, of want and misery The woman fell down dead in our city, as she was begging from door to door for relief, and the husband hd lowcd her a few days after to their last resting place, having been conveyed to the alms house, where he died. Their sole companion, a daughter, five years of age, was placed in the Orphan Asylum, and has now been serif for from England by the sister of the mother. It appears that they were very highly connected, the unfortu nate man having been an Episcopalian minister of the Church of England, and the sister of the wife is married to a colo nel in the British army." SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. formerly contnclcd by (iuy C. lllc!ihis. rpHE public are hereby inloniied, that 1 have Sash, HI lids and l)oi s. m.mufai i u red hy the New Haven Coin., ana am prepared to nil. in orarrs in the above lir.r. The quality of the work ol the Mew Haven Com. is well known in thismarket. Builders and all persons in want of the above articles, are requested to send in their orders, and they will he ro nptly tilled. Terms invariably cash on delivery. H M. A. GWVKR. Gentral Agent Committteii and Forwarding Mer chant . April 18. 15 CHKESE. BOXKS for Rile by Kit KP: MAN & HOUSTON. 100 Jan. 19 130 SAII, BLIND AND D00K FACTORY. p II K uhseri!er i.i prepared to fill all orders for 1. Sasho.-", lllin.ls or Doors, at the shortest notice. The work will be well exeeuted. with iho besi of materials. He will a'so keep consta ntly on hand a sooj supply of ail ihe ize.-. most commonly used; will be thank fa I to iho-e disposed tu encourage Ii one manufactures. Call ami e. inline my work before sendine your orders IVurth. S. P. IVEY. . Wilimngton, V. C , Jan. 12 1851 12 7-3m DR. GEORGE BKTTiNER, OF NCKtTH CAROLINA. OFFICE, No 538, BROADWAY, Oil IT TUB PRESCOTT HOUSE - NE 'V YORK. Eeb. In. 142-1 ve. T. V. WORI II, Gcueral Commission Merchant, iv iii mi ve rox, v . c. TTSUAL. advances ma le on consignments ofCot- J ton, Naval Store and otner produce ' Panieular attention given by G. VV. Davis to pur chasing caros, procuring freight for vessels, &c. JjO.41 i MORSE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT. THIS is a Purely Vegetable Compound. cientifi 1 cally prepartd 1 rom the beot, Roots and Herbs oi me .Materia Kedica. and na gained an unrivau ed reputation for the following effects, viz : fUKIFYlXG THE BLOOD, nd thuscuring all H u mors. .Sores, Ulcers, Cuta ne ous Kriintions. Canker, Scald Head. ic. Realating and Cleansing the Stomach k Bowels, thusit cures Dyspepsia. Indigestion, ostiveness. rues, e. Strengthening the Digestive Ortrans. thus causing the food to nourish and -tupportevery part. REGULATING THE SECRETARY ORGANS, and, by enabling i hem to perform their proper func tions, preventing andcuring Bihous andotherpain. ful diseases. Strengthening and Quirting the Nervous System, thus allaying Nervous I rr: tat ion, and curing all dis eases of the Nerves. It is unrivalled in the cure ol all FEMALE DISEASES. a Weakness, I rregulariiy.' ibstruciions, 4 c. 1 1 is pleasant to take, and safe in all eases ; act ingin harmony with ihe restoring powers of nature it neverinjures but alwayi benefits and cures, as thousands of voluntary certificates from the best authorities testify . Prepared by O. MORSR 4' CO. 2 1 Maiden-Lane, N . Y. Sold by Drnsgisir ind others throughnutihisand otherconntries. S. B. d J A. R VANS, Agents, Wilmington. N. C. -sept. 30. 8-ly-c P PER HANGINGS. Shades and Curtain Lace and Damask made and put up bv WILKINSON S KSISR, Nov. 15. Upholsters. PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT FOR SALE. BY agreement, to close the affairs of the "Wil miogton Free PreV' establish 'nent. all the type", fixtures. Press, good will, :tc.. of tha Wilmington Frae Press newspaper. Artplv at this office or to , EDWARD CANTvVELL, Mortgiree. Jan. 10 N. C. Stdtesni in copy t""1' TOWING BY, STEAMER CALHOUN ORDERS fortowingby STEAMER f AI.HflllN. will hiure attention if Aleft at the office of GKO. IIAHRTSS. J05. Not. IS, THE TRI-WEERLY COMMERCIAL. It published every Tuesday, Tkdmoay and Saturday ac $3 per annum, payable In all cases in advance. BY THOMAS LOWING Editob and Propbib ro, Corner Front and Market Streets, W1LMIXGTOH, K. C. KATES OP ADVEKTISIXG. 1 sqr. 1 insertion SO 50 I 1 sqr. 2 months, Si 00 1 ' l " 75 1 ' 3 " 5 00 t " 3 " 1 00 I 1 " 6 " 8 00 1 " I month, 2 50 1 ' 12 12 00 Ten lines or less make a square. If an adver tisement exceeds ten lines, the ptice will be in proportion. All advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion. Coniracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on thciuoet liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should circuusiances render a change in business, or an unexpected removal necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at ihe option ol the coniruetor, for the time he has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate business ; and ail advtrtiscnn ni for the benefit of other persons, as well as all advertisements not immediately con nected wiih their own business, and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits en paired, wi:l e charged ni ihe usual rates. No Advertisements is ineluded in the conTact for the sale or rent of houses or Innds in town or con n try . or for l lie sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. The-o' are excluded by the term "immediate business " All advertisements inserted in the tri-weekly Co nmcrcial, are entitled to one ieserlion in the Weekly free of chtirse. JOB. t VRD AND FANCY PRINTING, EXECUTED IS SLWUlllR STYLE. AGENTS l-'OU THE COMMEKCIAL. -Veie York Messrs. Brown-& De Rob bet. liotton Chahlbs -Smith, Nio.ti. Ueniral Wharf. Piiiladelpiia S. K. (,'ohes IJaltimore Wm. tl. PeAKEand Wm. Thomson. BUSINESS CARDS. D. C. FUEKMAN. GEORGE HOUSTON t'iti-:E1IAN HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, SV I L M I N G TON , N . C. I. C. I' It Eli. MAN & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 173 1UNT STitEET, NKV VOltK. KRI.EMAS AND Ili'liSTON, VILMIGTON, Ji C ' ElCP constantly on h ind n stock ef Flour, IV Corn. I'ork, Baron. Sa.'l, Coffes, Sagar, Mo hisses, 'fobacco, Cigars, Snulf, Candles. Soap, 'or- tisn and Domestic liquors and Wines; Iron, ails, 1'aint, (Jits, (rlast, Umcsttcs, Hats, tsools. S.'iocs, litatlier. Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitablejor Tamil) and plan tation use and ihe retail ir.'ole, which they will disnoi.c of in lots to suit deulcrs or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. The senior partner D. C. Frbeman, is located in the ciiy of New York ; the junior partner, Ceo. UoesTON, tn Wilmington. It desired, advances, will be made on e irniunments to and from either place. All business entrusted to them will receive propor attention; and orders for Goods will be proinptlva nd carefully filled. Sept. 9, 195'. t-t. J. ). I, ATT A. COMMISSION' MERC HAST f GESERAL A tr fc . . WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 1.1S53. 85-ly A. H VAVBOKRELEN. General Agent, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON. N. C. Particular attention given tosaleand purchase of N.ival Stores. June 1, 1553. 123-ly. HENRY NUTT, FACTOR AM) FfJUWARDIJili AGENT, Will girt his ptrsial attention, to business entrust ed la his care. Sept. 8, 1353. 75-tf. WILLIAM n, PEARE, COLLECTOR AND ADVERTISING AUtNT. l"or Country Newspapers throughout the United States, Basement of Sun Iron Bu '.dings, Baltimore street All business entrusted to his care transacted promptly, on liberal terms. sept 7 95-f V. C. HOWARD, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Mer caant, Wilmington N. C Liberal Jash idvances made on Consignments. Nov. 23 109-tf S. M. WEST, Auctioneer aud Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON. N. C. w ILL ?ell or buv Ileal Estate and Negroes at a small commission. A LS I : Strict attention given to t lie sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. O fiee socond duor, South side of Market street, on the wharf. June 12. 1353. 33-ly. 0. L. FILLYAW, PRODUCE BROKER. COMuISSlll! AD F0RWIBDJ3G MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. September 20th, 1:53. 80-ly-c. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, r.f.nirnl Prim mwcinri ari l FnrW:. nlinf Mf mil 8 fit U Uirim twtu iiiiaoiuu saui --a Prompt personal attention given to Coiisigu- .v Siia ab Uhinmpiit. Liberal Cash advances made on Consignment to tn or to my iicw in Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1853. 3B. WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH DEALERS IN rrfuI'cctIonary . I'rult. Nuts. Toys.Patiey Ar- ' icles. I"eriomci-y , uuirao scgars, otc. WHOLESALE AS D RK l AIL, MARKET 8TRECT, WILMINGTON N.C -;t.30,I852. .10-tl R91INTR EE, WATS0Ni" CO., General Commission Merchants, Tf ruttiSt , New York. L'btral Aleance Mde.au Consignments. 1. D. aJUNTBSB, B. C. WATIU.1, W. U. WIOOISS August lb, 1053. 69-ly. I. WE3SEL. B. B. EILER8. WESSEL Sl EILERS. COMMISSION M KltCH ANTS AND WHOLE WSALK GROCERS. North Water Street. Wil mingion, N. C, ln,leod to keep at the above stand general aseortinen lot uroeerles, uiquors, and Provisions at wholesale and to carry on a Genera iUommiutop uueincss. iPlirsol K. P.Hall.Pres't Brch Bank ofthe State, i O. Q. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank. Wil P. K. Dickinson, Mq - ) Jan.SP 1853 131. T. C.'&B. G. AV0RTH. C011I SS10.I AM FOSWA tBISG SERCHSSTJ, wtUMiixuru?it-&. t. Jin,. T 125-c BUSINESS CARDS. J AS. H. CHAD BOURN & CO., General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON. Tf . C. Jas. H. Chadboobs. - Gso; Chadmiis. Jun. 1,1353. 13. RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATB BLLIS, BCSSBLt. & CO.,) JESERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, NVC. Libera cash advances made on consignments of Naval stores, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1853. C. & D. DuPRE. WHOLE SALE AND RETAL DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Dye S tufts. Gla-s- Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, I' atiry Articles, Ac., MARKET STREET, W I Ii M i N ii T O N , N . C . rescriptionscarefully-'ompounded by experi enced persons. " March 28. 1853. WILLIAM A. UWYEit, General Asent-Porwartliagi Commission Merchant. I take pleasure in informing my friends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and personal attention; 1 have a' wharf for Navnl Stores, with ample aecommodatioss, Spirit Husc, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment ; end all kinds of coun try proJucc solicited. Cash advances made on concinmi'nis. April 13, 1553. 15. Gm u. kelly7 COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nex t do"t to A . A . Wan net's, on Nort h iVa u-1 s t. willatnmii to tlie fair of ail kinds of Countrv I'ro iuce,.siifh Corn, l'etis, Meal, Hacot) . I.arii , it, ind wii i U' c i-oiict , nit ly on hand a f u 1 1 ti ppl y f Groceries. Ac. tl.-lr r.'nces. Willes Hall, o 1 vv.-i ) :ie , J no doilae, Wilmington W Caraway. ' Gen. Alt . MeRae. " K P. rla.ll, vVilmington . Wiley A . WalKei , ' ' Uec. I J, 185. 1 15-1 y. GEORGE MYERS, Wil JLESlLlfi AD RETAIL GIJUCKR Keeps constantly on hand, U'tne. Teas, Liquors. Provisions, H ooi and WUloit n are, truit, CuiiJ'cctiontirUs, tf-c . Souti Front si reel, WILMINGTON, N. ' j. Nsv. IS, 1852. 109. S. B & J A EVANS7, WHOLESALE AND KETUSi DltL'tGlSTS, Wl LMINOTON, N. C. Will keep always on hand 8 lartr and very select stock of Drug', Medicines, Jhi-nucals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Suriciil ! nt rumrnis, Patent Medi cines, Perfumery, die, at low prices. Jan. 18, lboJ. HU. JOSEPH H. FL INNER, General Cosuaiissioii Merchant, Wilmington, n. c. May 9th. 1853. R7-lv e. J. HATHAWAY & sON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. J. Hathawat, J. L. Hathaway. Feb. 15, 1333. 31. JAMBS ANDERSON. BDWA (ID S VAOE. ANDERSON & SAVAGE, QESERAL COMMISSION' MERCHASTS. WILMINGTON rt.O. Liberal cash advances mude on consign inents. Oct. 22. 94 GEO. HARRiSS, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. rjTRICT attention given to procuring Freight J and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. Ktna to K. P. Hall, Ksq. 1 ? ?T"Xth' Wilmington. I. A. Taylor. Ksq. " J. D. Bellamy, Ksq. J Messrs. I ooLei, bmyiii dc Lo., ? N York ' Thompson Hunter, Alcx'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs. Williams &, Butler, ),.,,... o H- K. Baker, Ksq. i Jan. 2. 1853. 12 Mf. COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (SCr.CESSORS Til TnOS. AUBUaE & CO.) General Commission Merchants, So 31, North Wharves, md ii3 North Water Sts. fHlliAUISLl'IllA. 1. ItADTIT COCHBAH, 1 W. S. BU4BELL. Liberal cish advances made on consignments. July 30th, 1353. 53-tf. H. OOLLNER G. POTTLR. Jf DOLLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK: Liberal Cash Adea.ncs made on all Consignments. April 30. 1853. 20-ly-pd. C. DnPRE & CO. WHOLESALE ANI RETAIL GROCERS Corner front and Irlncess-streets, WILMINGTON, N. C. C. DUrrtE. D. B. BAKER. J. D. LOVE, MANUFACTURER ASD DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &ofec. . Krout street, South ot Market, bkown's bpildi.vg, wu.mi.vctox. n c. Sept. 16, 1852. ' 79-y-c MESS PORK. p?f BBLS City Mess; 100 bbls. Plated Mess; JJ 50 bb Is Rusty do. For sale by Feb. 15. FREEMAN fc HOUSTON. VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. THR Subscriber offers for sale that most desirable DVVPLLING AND PRKMIS- ,E"?. situate at the North-Western imcrotc- tion of Third street with Red Cro.-s street, t lie Lot fronting 100 feet on Red Cross, and 00 feel on Third. The Dwelling House, Kitchen. Smoke-K ouse, Stabics. and oil the other out-houses on the pre mises, have been built within a few years, of choice materials, in ihe best manner, and nearly all of them covered with tin. The Dwelling House is caDacious. handsomely finished, and most conveniently planned, and all the other build ings are judiciously arranged, and well fitted up. There are few Lots in Wilmington so desirably located, and the improvements on which ae so admirably adapted for a family residence. Third street on the entire Eastern line of this lot, is 99 feet wide, and separates it from tliat on winch a new Episcopal Church is about to be erected. Persons desiring to pnrehase, can ascertain trma of sale bv anolicaiion to the subscriber, or V M Nixmr. Kaa.. or M. Cboklt, and the sub scriber will cheerfully accompany any such wo wish to inspect the premises. ,T zl. R. IX' N. Sept. 8, 1853. '5-tf. NOTICE. THEsubseriber.respeetfull informs the public, that he ia nowi ranasctiog the Auction business on his own account, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a coh'ib"' iwroiMgc nereloiore aonoerauy Bcawwcuayvu mm. o ..V Da.tr.t.t. mr,A Tftrrtvlt twvno-br nrA Rtli on a cornmlsBion ot 1 percent either at private or pnoucsaie. Ja,8,l853. 28 ' SHAWLS - 1Q0 Lows' and Sonar Bar atate isha wis, jus received HENDRJCK fc RYAN MEDICAL HOUSE, A. 1G, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. Established in order to afford the Afflicted sound and scientific . dedicat Aid, and for the suppression of Quackery. DR. 1. B. Smith has for many .years devoted his whole attention to the treatment of P rival o com plaints, in all their varied and complicated forms. His great success in those long standing and diffi cult cases, such as were formerly considered incur able, is sufficient to commend him to the public as worthy of the extensive patronage he has received. Within the last eight years, Dr. S.has treatedmore than 29,500 cases of Private Complaints, in thtir different forms and stages; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of all other physicians now ad vertising in Baltimore, and not a single case is known where his directions were smelly followed, and medicines taken at reasonable time, without effecting a radical and permanent cure ; thsrefore, persons alSicted with diseases of the above nature, ' no m titer how difficult or long standing the case may be, would do well location Dr. Smith, at his office. No. 16, South Frederick St., and If not effec tually relieved no remuneration will be required for his services. His medicines are free from Mureury and all mineral poisons; put up in a neat and com- -pact form, and may be taken in a public or piivate house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, and except incases of vio ent inflammation, no change of diet is necessary. STRICTURES. Dr. Smith has discovered a new method b v which he can cure the worst form of stricture and that without pain or inconvenience to the patient, lrri'ation of the uretha, or prostrate glands,or neckof the bladder,is sometimesmisiaken Icrstricture8 by general practitioners orcharlatans. YOUNG MEN and others afflicted with Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily a nd men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should mnke un early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and sutfciing, as well as expense, liy his improved method of trcaiment, Dr. S. can safely guarantee a speedy and perfect cure in all casts ol t L is com plaint. TO FEMALES, All dise.ies p 'culiar to Females (as also Sup pressions, Irregularities, &c.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for the cure of t hen bo ve affections, have been well tested in an exteosi ve practice" for the last twelve years. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. S. by a letter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded to any part of ihe United St.ites. always accompanied with full and explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. Office arranged with separate lpnrtmcnts, so that patients never see any one but (he doctor himself. Attendance doily, from S in the morning till ft nt night. S. B. Persons afflicted with any of the above complaints, will do w II to a ,'oid the various NOSTR&MS ASD SPECIf ICS. odveniei J by A pothec;iries and Druggists as a cer tain cure for any and every disease. They are put up to sell, but not to rure. and frequently do much more harm than good the retire avoid them. A word to the wis is sufficient. Address DR. J. C. SMITH, 16 South Frederick st., Baltimore. Md. Oct. 13. 90-ly-c. HENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, PUREE Y VEGETABLE JN ITS COMPOSITION. 'TMHS invnlual.le Cordial, is extracted from Herbs -L and Roots, which have been found afier yea is of experience, by the most skillful Physicians, to be possessed of qualities most beneficial in the dis eases lor which it, is recommended, and hence whilst it is presented to the public, as an effica cious ri'inedy, it is also known to be of that charac ler on which reliance may be placed as to its safety. In casosof linpotcncy, Iloemorrhages, Disordered Sleridiy.Mt nsiruation. or Suppression ofthe Men ses, Kl uor Albus or bites, or for .DEBILITY arising from any cause, such as weakness from sick ness. where the patient has been confined to bed for some time, for Femalesofter Confinement, A bortion or Miscarriage, this Cordial cannot be excelled In its salutary effects: or in loss of M uscular Knergy Irritability, Physical Prostration, Seminal Weak ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Slug gishness, Decay of ih Procreafive Functions, Ner vousness, Ac, where a to.vic Medicine is required, it will be foundequal, if not superior to any Com pound ever used. TO FEMA LES. Henry'sInvigoraiingCordlal, is one of the most invaluable Medicines in the many Complaints to which tf etnalds are subject, it assists nature to brace the whole system, check excesses, and creates renewed health and happiness. Less suffering, disease and unhappinuss anions Ladies would exist. were they generally to adopt the use of this C r dial. Ladies who are debilitated by those obstruc tions which females are liable to, arc restored by tho use of a bottle or two, to bloom and to vigor. i uuiu jvtj.y. That solitary practice, so fatal to the existence of man and it is the young who are most tapt to be come its victims, from an ignorence of the danger to which they suhjVct themselves, causes Weakness of the System, and Premature Decay Many of you may now besutforing, misled as to the cause or source of disease. To those, then, who bv excess have brought on themselves Premature lm- potency, Involuntary Seminal Kuussions, Weak ness and shrivelling ot trie Uenital Organs, Ner vous Affections, or anyother consequences of unres trained indulgence of the sensual passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing thefelicities of MARRIAGE. lessening both mental and bodily capacity, Hold! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a Medicine that is purely Vegetable, will aid nature tc restore those important functions to a healthy state, and will prove of service to you. It possesses rare virtues, is a general remover of disease, and strengthtner of the system ASA TONIC MEDICINE, it is unsurpassed. We do not place this Cordial on a footing with quack medicines, and, as is customa ry, append a long list of Recommendations, Cer tificates, Sic, beginning with "Hear what the Preacher says." and suchlike; it is not necessary, for ' Henry's Invigorating Cordial," only needs a trial to prove that it will accomplish all we say. THE GESC'ISE 'HENRY'S INVIGORA TING CORDIAL," is put up in 8 oz. Pannel Bottles, and is easily recog nized by the Manufacturer's signature on the lable of each Bottle, (to counterfeit which is forgery.) as well as his private Seal on the cork of each Bottle. C3rSofdforS2 por Bottle; Six for 43; 316 per dozen. Prepircd only by S. F.. COHEN. No. 3 Franklin Row, Vine Street, below F.ishth. Philadelphia, Pa., TO WHOM ALL ORDKRS MUST'BK AD DRESSF.D. For Sale by all respectable Druggists A Merchants throughout the country. Oct. 2a. 07-12m-c. UPHOLSTERING GOuDS. 1 jAPKll Hangings, Curtains, Laceand Damask I Bands. Loops, Tassels, Shades, dec. All work in above line done at shortest notice WILKINSON d ESLER, Oot 27 over the Fruit Depot. PURE MEDICAL WINES & LIQUORS. DARK and Pale French Brandy; Port, Madei ra and Sherry Wines all of superior quality s. b.a j. a. Evans. . Jan 15. 129 CARRIAGES. 1 six seated CARRIAGE, 1 1 Paneled Quarter Rockawsy, I Quaker Rock away and severallight Buggies just received and for sale by Sept27-lf DIBBLE at BRO. NOW ON HAND. WE have nov on hand Window Shade, Cur tains, Cornices, Bands, Tasaeiv, and fixtures of various kinds ; also sfalluases so hand and made to order, of any tM and qoafiry. WILKINSON ESLER. 3- Jan 7. j; - .. tfpfaotrtarecsv JUST TO HAND. 2TYVN- c- 400 Ma. Komeagey'a JJJ S adages , kbL, Cranberries i , 200 lbs. Smoked Beef; 25 boxes Cheese; 2T bbls. as Hf ted aiuzar; 20 bags Ria and lava Coffee, f Iaw fbrCash at the original Grocery. " ' Jan. 31. .,1 . SB. MYERS. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DR. JOHNSTON Proclaims to the afflicted, far and near, th it he has discovered the tuost c ain. speedy and efficacious plan for treating partic- Btsr aiseasea in t nas ever Been presented to the world.. By hie plan, founded on observations made uj nis pun, 1 ospiialsof E tn the Hospiialsof Europe and America, be will lenure - A CURE IN TWO DA YS, OR NO CHARGE. No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs Used. Pains in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, lui potency, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, affec tions ot the Kidneys, Palpitaiion of the Jlearl, Dyspepsy, Nervous irritability, Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose, or Skin; and all those serious and melancholy disorders arising from the destruc" tive habits of Voulh, which destroy both body and mind, those secret aid solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syruns to the mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes oi anticipations, rendering inariiage,&c., im possible. YOUNG MEN, Especially, who have become the victims of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the mo.n exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senates. with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or those contempla ting marriage, being aw are ot physical weakness, should immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. He whojilaccs himself undurthe careof Dr. John ston may religiously confide in his honor as a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon hia skill asa phy sician. OFFICE, "o. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St.. 7 DOOKS FROM BALTIMORE .St., (east side,) UP THE STEPS. O-BK PARTICULAR in observing the NAME und NUMBER, or vou will mistake ihe place. DR. JOHNSTON Member ofthe Royal College of Surgeons, London; graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and lie "renter part of whose life has becnspnl in the hospitals of London, Par is, Philadi iphia. and elsewhere, has effected some ofthe moat ustonishing cures that were ever known; many irouoiea wini ringing in the head and ears vpen asleep, ureal nervournsss, being alarmed ot sudden sounds, and bashfuiness. wiih frequent blushing, attended sonu times with derangiuur.t ' mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICP Dr. J. ;.'.dres3es a!l tnose who have injured tl selves by private and improper indulgences, th -i i cret and solitary habit Mhich rules both body und mind, unfitting them for either business or society. These are some of the sad ar.d melancholy effects produerd by early habits of youth, viz: Weakntss of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the He-ad, Dimness of .Sifht, Loss ot Muscular Power, Palpitation of the He-art, Dyspepsia, Nervous! rritability, Deranse mentof the Digestive Functions, General Dcbili y, Symptoms of Consumption, &c. ' Mentally. The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded ; Loss of Memory, nf Causlni? of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, I'.vil-Furcbodiuon Aversion ! Society, bell-Distrust. Love of Soli tude. Timidity, die, are some, of the evils produced. Thousanasol persons, of all ages, can rowjudge what is thecauseof their declining health. Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emaciated, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of Consumption. DR. JOHNSTONS IN VIGOR A TING REM EDY FOR GENITAL DEBILITY. This grand und important Remedy has testored strength and vigor to thousands of the most ner vous and debilitated, many of whom had lost all hopes, and been abandoned to die. By its complete invigoration of the Nervous .System, the whole facu tics become restored to their proper power and functions, and the fallen fabric of life raised un in beauty, onsistency, and duration. upon the ruinsof an emac:atea ana premature decline to sound nnd pristine naltn. un, now happy have hundreds of misguided youtns oce-n made who have been Slid denly restored to heahh, frcni ihe devastations those terrific maladies wnich result from indis' lion. Such persons, before con te-inpla tins MARRIAGE. Should reflect thnt a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial Happiness. iiiaee-a, wnnout these, the journey . u i j luitrrimage, tne pros pect hourly darkens to the vi.-w- the n,ind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with the nicLn cholly reflection, that the happiness of another be comes blighted v ith our own. Let no fnlsedcli-n-cy prevent you. but app'y immediately, and save youiseirfrom the dreadful e.netqucuces of thi ter rible malady. WEAKNESS OP THE ORGANS immediately cured and fuli vjgor icstortd JjT-ALL LETTERS MUST BE POST PAID. ivemeuics sent to Uuv part of the country. TO STRANGERS. DR. JOHNSTON, of the Baltimore Lock Hrs pital, whose long residence in this city, standing us a gentleman of character and responsibility, exten sive practice in the "various Hot-piluls ot Europe and this country, and skill and experience to which thousands can testify, as well as his abiliHy in the Surgicaldepartmeni of his profession, as evide, eed by reports of his operations on the Kyes ond De formed Limbs, published in the Baltimore Sun and other papers, in the years 13-11 i, by which the blind icere made to see and the lame to walk straight, ren ders him worthy of all confidence upon the part oi those who need his professional services, and who would shun the many trifling and ignorant preten ders advertising themselves as Phvsicians. fjTo ihose unacquainted with his reputation, Dr. Johnston deems it necet-sary to sav that his credentials or diplomas always hang in his office. O-OFFICE.N... 7 SOUTH FREDERICK St., Etistside, up the steps. Oct113. 90-Iy-c. MATTR ASSES. SERVANT'S Maitra'scs on hand, ot only $1,50. WILKINSON & ESLER. Jan. 7 Upholsters. WANTED TO PURCHASE. 1 O fYY1PPOSUUM Skins, also Oner, X U jvA.' Minx, Fox. Raccoon and Muskrat Skins. Bring them lo ihe- Hat Store, No. 1 Gran ite Row, Front i tr- ct. and receive the Highest cash prices paid for shi ping Furs. Jn 7 C. M VERS. STAT10AE1.V. FRESH upfly of Blank Books, Memoran dums, Pen. Pencils. Quills. Pen IL-irks. Filp. A If dia I! ubber, Wufeis, dec. Ac. Just received b S. hr. Wari.;; m, ar.d ior sale by J. T. MUiNDS. Feb.lt. no. NEW DRY GOODS STORET i MARKET STIIEET. NEXT TO MESSRS. & ESLEB. I HAVK now on hand and fir sale, at (he very - lowist market prices, a lull atEortmentof fancy and domestic Dry Goods, viz: Ladies Cotton. Flannel, Cashmere, Merino and Silk Hose; Gloves or an qualities and styles; Children's worsted Boots. Boas, Leggins, Habits, Hood. Hats, Sus penders, Comfort, Scarfs, Ae.j Merinos; Coheres; Black 41-iarcas; nw Silk Pliids ; Motislin de Lames; Persian Cloths; Cashmeres; Calicoes Uinghams: Bleached Shinintra and Sheetings ; Brown Shillings and Sheetings ; Oznahurgs ; Can ton Flannels ; Table Linens; Towellings", Nap kins; Blue Demims: SlriDcH Shininirs: BediieK. ings; Plaid Linseysi Marlboro' Stripes ; Kerseys; Kentucky Jeans : Satinettr: C-i 4inierr. C1iiiK dte. Ladies white and colored kid Gloves ; Gents colored kid aDd buckafeln GIovm I would most respeetfally invite the sttention of in. euie. to my aaaorunent f French worked colored Embroidered Handkerchiefs; Dress But- lui.Bi oiih. uirap; srataaj black Velvet, for l rim mmii, e. Haviug now a complete assortment of Dry Goods I would most reapectfnlljr invite pnrchasers toex am 25 mT t' ck befor "Oyinsr elsewhere, as 1 te ...uucu. eucjr win ue wen pauiJor their trouble uueciaeior yourselves. Oct S. . L; P WILSON. r HERRINGS. PBJ- Eastern Henings, on board Brig Albert Jrtams. from Boston, for sale by 225 Feb. IS. FREEMAN HOUSTON. sAX0NY WELCn. (jJtH qealilies.and Patent fine White Flannels V afl warranted not lo shrink; Ladies Merino Testa coloered Velvet Rihbons; Uoamtnsr Plaid tfeB1fMrtof4Btaak Half ilourniBH, aU r!f 5 STteans Clotn, Tarme ana la- ows Cloth. For sale br JAMBS DAWSON. 109. MISCELLANY.- A SOCIABLE BEAR. The following curious circumstance, which is said to be trne iq ererjr particular, is related in "Lloyd's Scandinavian Adveh' lures:" ' ' ' ' ;'Two women, with four children, wertf fending their cattle at a shealing far froin. home: It was the dufjr of one of tbt wo man to tend the caltle in the fore?, whilst the other occupied herself with. "."household matters, and in looking after the ehildrer? 1$ o happened, however, on the 3:1 of Inst September,lhat whilst one -cf the Wottiflrt, as usufwatched the cattle,' the other nb" sented rrerself jToir a shori'tirne on a visit o' a neigTiygreaTing the children allOffefter. s to themselves?'' She had not-been long; away, before" "ihejrz perceived two large brown ajnmals, "which' they took to be, cows, on'the outside of tho ! fence, border ing the patch of paatufeground conttguoutr to the hut. Allchildren are curious and indifferent to danger. Without considers tion, therefore, theylimbed over the fence, and made up to the creatures. When tha animals became aware of the near approach of ihe children, the large of 'he. two cotn pelled the smallrr to lie dwa at the - foot of a tall pine, an ! then crouched b' it side, as if to ; ru'.ect it fiora harm., , Where upon, the loaii of the chiklren Uiat of t'.vo years of age without hesitition, toddled directly up to the animals, and laid itself down likewise- with iisr head resting on -the belly of the larger one, humming nt the same time some ntirsery song, as if re posing on its mother's hip? The other chil dren remained the while the quiet specta tors of the scene. When, however, the eldest had reflected a little, and had come to the lonclusion that it was not a cow, but a bear as was ihe fad the child wan toying with, she became sorely affrighted. Meanwhile, the infant, who could not rev main long in the same position, presently rose from its hairy couch, gathered sciuu bnle berries irrowing. hard by, ot.d .gave them to his bed-fellow, the bear, who im mediately eat thern.out of the babe.' hand ! rhe child next plucked a sprig iroin ;i neighbors bush, and 'pffered it io the bea', which bit it in two, allowing the chi! 1 t; retain the one half." The Boston l'ei pants are mi i.. li iiiri- he discuvui til Stephens Were- ihi bruska bill ! 't says JJorafC Cirt t ! dun ! r ih;tii i!ir y v. . n. t!ii i Me r. Tiivii;li.-j acMi.i! uulhor ofthe .i Scventj'-otie btuJems i-;ulua!ed at the lato f'ojn menc'.'inciit of the Medical College at jY.ishvlile. CHERRY PECTORAL Por the rapid Core o- COUGHS C0IDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WH00PING-C01GH, CROUP, AST D 51 4, AND CONSUMPTION. Amona the numerous discoveries Sriinrp lits mirle in this feneration to facili'.ate tfp ltir,i--M of life Increase Us enjoyment, and nrn proh-r g the term of human cxiett-nre, none can Le nun id of more real value lo mankind, than lliia ceirnrl- bution of Chemistry to the Healing Art. Avast trial of its virtues throughout this brroud country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine, or combinations yet known, cun ro surely control and cure the uumcrous varieiies of Du'monatv disease which have hitherto swept from our uilj.-i thousands ond thousands every year. Irr!eel there is now abundant reason to believe a Itemed v has at length been found which can be relied on, to cure the inoM dangerous n (lections of the luri"S. Our space here will not permit ns to publish aiy proportion of the cures orleetcd by lis une, but v.ei would present the following, nr.'! refer further in. quiry to my American Ahri;ir..,e, v,irlj ,t merit below named, win aiwaya le pleased to furnihh free, wherein are full particulars, and indisputablo proois oi inen otuiciiici.iB ; uince oi i rnneport.n:en Ii IS53 ( ! son, f'ji Laurens K,R., S. C, Aup 4 r rt n r ... . '. J. ej . AiEn. u-eoi oir. luv ill!! mm. t..i.r years old, nas just recovere d from a sevctc aiiuck ot malignani ccaiiri r ever: his ihrost was r tten. and every person that isited Urn nionnnn-e.l him a rieatl i hild. Having used your f'lietrv Pi.c loral in California, in tha winter of 1S"0, f..r a se vere attack ot Lironclutts, wfth entire stit-crss.I u as induced to try it on my liitU; Lov. I t.u. l,ir-. a leafpoonfuJ eycry three hour?, comment ing hi th'. morning. and by ten o'clock atnfh? I fennd decided cbanyefor the belter, and siter th-ce day' e he was able io eat or drink without pain. lis use in the above named disease wil! save- many a child front a premature grave, and relieve th unx iety of many a fond pare-sat Kc.r all all". cihih f the throat and lungs 1 bcli-jvc it the best ineai Ine extant. A feeling of the deepest aratitudeprcinciif me in nddressintr you thec lines. But lor your HI! Xlfc-, ft important discovery rny h'.t'e boy would now liuv bcn in another world. 1 am yours, with treat respect. J. D. POWF.LL. Supt.Tians. L. R. K. Rock Hill, (Somerset Co,) N.J. July 21, if-i. Da.J.C. Aveb, Since your medicim lia- In -come known here, it ha-a greater demand than any cough remedy we have ever so'd l spo ken of in terms of unmeasured pnlse by those v.hi nave us d it, and I ' now of some cafes wlwrs Hn beet they can say of it, i not too much lor rl good it has dune I take pleasure in veiling ii. because I know that I am givins my cu"-liin- r the worth of their money and i feci gratified in piecing the benefit it confers. Please send me a further supply, and believe tnr Vours, wiih tcfpr, JOHN C V. HITI.OCK. P. S. Almost any number of Certificates can be sent you it vou wish it. Windsor, C. W., June 26, 1S5. J. C. Af kb. Sir: This may certify that 1 have used your t htrry Pectoiul fW upwards of one year ; and it is my sincere beliefth.it 1 should h-iv been in my irrave ere this lime ii 1 had u It has cured me of a dangerous nfl- ctiun of the lung', and I do not overstate my convictions ultra I tell you it is a priceless remedy. Vours very respectfully, D. A. JlcCCLMN, Atorncy at Law. Wilksbarrr, Pa., Srpl to. Ic50. Da. J. C. Avcb. Myflear Sir, Vour mcditino is much approved of by those who have used it here, and its composition is each as to insure and maintain iu reputation, i invatibly rtcemim n.l it for pulmonary auctions, as d-j many of our p:in cipal phjsicians. I am yoor friend. CHAS. STRF.ATKR, M. D. ricrAitD ASB SOLD BV JAMBS c. atib. Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell Massacbus'ii. Sold in Wilmington by S. P. A J. A. EVANS, and In Kjyetteville, bv S. J. H INS DA LI., and by DmegMs fencrally f Jan. 5. ISS4. 12--3sb c. f I- 5 r