.-sr.. v -. v - - I. I f .i -f. 1 TPCSDAY, MARCH U1S54.: 'CI&ijniEIF.'C CILERY. . :'-W Carried vat last, Two natives of th: SiaenadJsle -wew "joined is wedlock in Onr citjT on Tuesday of lat weekl Th happjgroour ba bat feted -with the tornb of fifty winters, while the silvered locks of the bride teU that she also has passed the merfdiah of life. The history oftbeir Jove is not without its ro , mance. In .their young days, in old Ire land, they were betrothed, but the purse j)K)u4 :parents of the girl prerented -her " naotials with the choice of her heart and forced her to wed with age and wealth. "''. Her layer left the home of bis boyhood, and sought La this country br distance and ab sence from his heart's IdoL to forget the faith of huT strong affection. Devoting himself to business in a Southern city t jie found in his activity and' bustle a 'partial relief. ' Wealth' came to him. and at last he wedded. , In the meantime reverses of for tune came to the family of the girl " At one fell swoop," . father and husband lost their wealth. The latter died, and the wid ow followed, her father to America, who obtained raiDloyment in this city. VDu ring the epidemic of last summer, im wife of the merchant died, and recently on a nor thern, tour, he found in tLisjbity the betroth ed of his young dajrv--rlt is needless to say, tnat DOtO. Deing iree, arrange men is were speedily entered into for a fulfilling nf the "ancient contract" and that this time the penurious:' parent found no objec tion to the nuptials, which were duly cele brated as above. The happy pair are now on their way to the South, the home of the groom. Mr Buchanan's Residence in London Some of our quid nuncs are often curious to know what our representatives at for eign courts do with all the money they get from the government. An item has just come to our knowledge, in regard to a por tion of the expenses of the American min ister in "London, which will show "how the money goes." He lives in a respectable and decently furnished house, No. 56 Har ley street, for which, including a stable, he pays an annual rent of 93,581 bO I iow much it will cost him to live a glance at the proportionate prices of all articles of house-bold consumption, will show. I ne rent alone is more than a third of the sala ry attached to his office. ROMANTIC AFFAIR. Yesterday morning, a Spanish boy about eighteen years old, named Joseph Ed wart Ene Pobalo, passed through this city en route for Washington city, in charge of Adams & Co.'s Express Company Mes sengers. The story of his history is essen tially romantic. It appears that some ten rears ago, while bathing on the coast near the city of Campeachy, Mexico, he, with five other boys, was stolen by a gang of French pirates, who kept them tour years, and then sold them to a merchantman, who kept them two years, took them to the city of New Orleans and there sold them to a Louisiana planter, for the term of their minority. Their owner was about to resell them to a shipmaster, to make sailors ol ihem. when the boy Pobalo made his es cape, and worked his way to Lafayette, Indiana, where he attracted the notice of a gentleman who corresponded with the Mexican Minister at Washington, regard injr him. The minister became interested in the story of the boy, and wrote to have him forwarded, that he might restore him to Lb parents, if they were living. The boy vet will probably reach the Mexican Minister this evening, and be sent home, if there yet remains a home for him. The superentndent3 of the various railroads over which he has travelled since his his tory became known, have given him free passes, and hotel keepers have declared his bill settled on sight, buch is a very good condensed novel. Cm. Cm. COLUMBUS MURDER FULL PAR TICULARS. It becomes our painful duty, says' the Columbus Ga., Times, to announce the death of another citizen by violence. Al exander Mark Robinson, was on the 27th of February, shot down in the streets of Columbus, while in the discharge of his duty as deputy sheriff of the county of Muscogee. On the night preceding, Da vid Wright, of this city and a man named Jack Boyd, of Macon, had committed a misdemeanor, and warrants were issued for their arrest About 8 o'clock on the even ing of the 27th, M. Robinson accompanied by Messrs Claghorn, MorrellanJ Gammel, of the city police, proceeded to execute the warrants. They found Wright and Boyd in front of the "Pleasant Hour," and Ro binson advanced to them and declared them his prisoners, whereupon he was in stantly shot down and died in the course of two hours, in the office of the Times and Sentinel where he was removed by his friends. The slug penetrated the right side just below the lower rib and lodged in the wall of the abdomen. David Wright was pursued and arrested, and is now lodged in jail. Wright and Boyd have hitherto committed homicides. P. S. A party pursued Boyd on the morning of the 28tb, of Feb. and after a tedious chase, overtook him. He too now i in the custody of the law. HOW TO INCREASE TRADE. The Woonaockct Patriot, in a well writ ten article under the above capU'on, has the following among other excellent remarks : 'Advertising, when followed svstematical ly and liberally, has never failed', to bring a rich reward. A tingle s lie secured by an advertisement, has ol ten paid for a whole years advertising; and all who have adver tised judttiously, have realized profits many time beyond the outlay, and made sales ana secured patrons they wou'd not other wise have had. In the language of a suc cessful merchant who has tried it : There u no belter investment for those who are in business, and wish to extend it, than the money invested in advertising." A gentleman complained to old Bannis ter that some malicious person had cut off his horse's tail, which, as be meant to sell hinjj would be a great drawback. '-Then " said Charles, "you must sell him whole sale." "Wholesale 1 bow so V "Because you cannot re-tail him." 1 will never marry a woman who can't carve," aid M. "Why not V inquired his friend" " Because she would not be a help meat for me." WILMUfCTCr::. 5. CJ Her R nover condensed hist- the thing suits this fast age gives the salient points what mora is needed (t) Result,. "iQulf of Mexico small ship young man very interesting very romatic black' gloss - curls aqnaline features florid complexion commanding figure- eyes of fire born on the sea no parents black cloud pipe all hands to quarters -etorm coming on very dangerous all hand to tHe pumps' there goes the jib masts cut away storm clearing all bands pumped monster ship in the dis tance very suspicious black flag skull and cross bones pirate sailors fearful young man determined bound to die or perish in" the attempt canned to the teeth address to the sailors great enthusiasm r-flag of the free die for our country pirate approucnes nunarea guns pirate captain big whiskers crew all "'fiends call for a surrender yoongman scorns broadside female shrieks on board pirate ship beauty in distress' young man vows veogeaneeH-young man's ship- sinking- flag, shot off, nails it to the mast crew 4eave in boats board the pirate terrific combat seven pirates attack boatswain boatswain kills two with chaw of tabacco throws others overboard sharks around vessel young man kills pirate captain pirates give in shout tremendous victory young maQ rushes into cabin finds young lady, nearly dead brings her to fails in love papers discovered young man son of nobleman young lady rich heiress tells her story was stolen away by gipsies sold to pirate captain heaven sent young man preserved falU on her knees young man embraces her sailors get drunk marriage at sea life on the ocean wave shipin port young man pro moted land of liberty Yankle Doodle FINIS. A LOVE LETTER From a Tailor to a Mantumaker. Remoant of my hopes. May I be ripped from the borders of your esteem, and never be buttoned to the loon of your kindness, but I am strancrplv seamed to the hem of vour beauty, may I never loose a thimble full of your favor, but you have so entangieu tne thread of my undcrstnnding with that pretty out side of yours Ods bodkins! 1 am yours, every stitch of me. Wherever you go, you are my north, and my needle follows you; blunt not therefore, the point of my endeavors, but let me baste myself to your kindness, that 1 may set the tighter to your affections; I love you beyond measure, but yet it is so hard lo cabbage onte sweet look from you that 1 almost des pair of having enough to finish my suit. Pray, put a favorable construction on this and for the same, I shall always sit cross legged for your sake, being my dearest little flouncer. A COMPROMISE. A yong Irishman named Mahon, yesterday led to the-bymenial altar a widow Mrs. Fenerty, in order to escape a prosecution fbr larceny. It ap pears that Mahon, while courting the widow, slip pod his hand into her bosom, and took a pocket book containing $20. He delayed saying any thing about returning the money for three or four weeks, when she demanded it, and he refused. She then put him in jail. Mahon finally consen ted to marry tho prosecutrix, by so doing, preven ting her becoming a witness against him, she settling costs, jail fees, Ac. Mayor Volz released him on his own recognisance, and sent .him in company with a police officer, attended by her family, to the Rev. Father Garland's residence, where the marriage ceremony was performed. Pittsburg Gax. td. In the early part of Mr. Fox's1 political career, when he shone like a meteor in re gions of fashion, and was involved in its vortex, he told a low fellow whose inso lence had provoked him "that he would kick him to hell." The reply was, "then if you do, I'll tell your father how you are spending his money." WHAT A GLUTTON CAN EAT. The Toledo Blade relates that a glutton of that place, named Erastus Jones, on a wager, swallowed at one time, a peck of batter baked in cakes, a pound of butter and a pint of molasses ! and closes with an N. B, that Mr. Jones .wishes to obtain board in a private family. com parative!eli G I ON. Statistics, carefully prepared, demonstrate that scarcely one-fourth of the inhabitants of Philadelphia are regular church goers. In Boston it his been ascertained that one half of it citizens are stated worshippers. Rev. H. W. Beecher says that out of a pop ulation of 125.000 in Brooklyn. 50,000 do not attend on public worship. "Ah !" said Seraphina Angelica, speak ing on some subject in which her feelings were warmly enlisted, "how gladly 1 would embrace an opportunity !" "Would I were an opportunity !" interrupted her bashful lover. A PROFITABLE BUSINESS. A beggar boy in'Cincinnati was searched a few days rince, and in his pocket was found between seventeen and eighteen dollars in dimes, half-dimes and coppers all or which he had collected by begging in the course of the day. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, RALEIGH, N. C. THE above Company h? been in opera tionsince the let of April, 1848, under the direction of the following Officers, riz : . Or. Charles K.J onhson, President, Wm.D. Haywood, Vice President James P. Jordan, Secretary, Wra. H. Jones, Treasurer, Pen-in Bnsbee, Attorney, Dr. Charles E. Johnson, Dr. Wat. H.McKee, lir. R.B. Hsvwood, Medical Board of Cunrultalim. J. Hersman. General Agent. This Company has received s charter giving ad vantages tothe Insured over any other Company . The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own tile for th sole use oT bis Wife and Children, free from any claim sof the representa tives of the hasband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members articipatein the nhole of the profits which are declared annually. Besides, the applicant for life, when the annusfprsmium is over30 may py am half In Note. . . - All claims for insurance against the Company will oe paid within ninety days alter prool or tne aeatn of the party is furnished. -? Slaves are insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of properity against the uncertainty of life. Slav insurance presents a new and interesting feature in the history of North Carolina.which will prove very Important to the Southern States. The last four months operation of this Company shows a veryt argeamount of business) more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already Issued more than 300 Policies, f Dr. Wm. W. Haskiss, Medical Examiner, and Agent, Wllmincton, N.C. ' - - All CommanlcaUoos on business of the Company should be addressed to - - ; J AS. F. JORDAN.Sec'y. Raleib,Fcb. 12, 18S3. . . 441-if. , J. It REST0N & CO. JUST BKCKIVED, splendid Nova Seeds Sal mon, in Tierce sad Kitsi and fresh Craft Jan. 23. 134.: uto complaint; dyspepsia. Jamdice. C&ron ic Or jtfervou Debility. Vi ease of iMeJiidney; and alLhse&M '-arising from a disordered lAver or : . Sfomar&Tsuch as "... Const! pat ia, inward Piles, Fall oess of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn. Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sou Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or S uffbeating Sensation when in a lying pos'nre. Ditnnem of Vision, Dots or" Web before thesight, Fever and Dull Pain In toe Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness Of 1he Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, BackUhcst, Limb, f-c, Sodden Flushes of Heat, Band n gin the Ft-sh Constant hnaginiarsof evjl, and great depressions of Spirits, can be eBeetualty cuiedby DIfc HOOHLAtND'S- CELEBRATEIV GERMAN BITTERS, FREPAHEDST OR. C. N. lACKSOBT, No. ISO Arch street. Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excell ed, if 'equalled, by any other preparation in the Uni ted States.as the curesaiteat, in many cases after skilful physician had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids Possessing great virtues in the rectification of dis eases of the Liver and lesrer glands, exercising the niost searching powers in wakness and affections of the digestive organs, they are, withal, safe, cer tain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," says of Dr. Hoopland's German Bitters. "It is seldom that we recommend what are term ed Patent .Medicines, to the confidence and patron age of our renders; and therefore when we recom mend Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, we wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums or tne day, tnat arc noisea uDOUl ior n brief period and th forgotten after they have done their guilty race of niiscnf' or a medicine lone nnnuusned, Universally prized, and which has met the heart v aDuroval of the facultv itself' "Scott's Weekly," said, Aug. 25 : "Dr.Hoofland's ierman Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent inen.V'1 of the faculty as an article of much effica cy in cans of female weakness. Persons of debili tated con- :utions will find these Bitters advantage ous to .heii calth as we know from experience the salutary enectlhey nave upon weaK systcme." MOXE EVIDENCE. J. G. Moore, Esq , of the Daily News, said, Oct 31 'Da. Hooplaho'8 Gzbmav BiTTras. Wearetrv ing this renowned medicine for a stubborn disease of the bowels, and can witn truth testily to its efficaej'. We have taken the contents of two bottles, and we have derived more benefit from the experiment than we derived previously from yearsof allophatic treat ment at the hands ot our hrsi physicians." Hon. C D. Hincllne, Mayor of the Cityef Cam den, N. J., says : "Hoof-land's Germans Bitteks. We have seen many flatlarins notices of this medicine, ind the source from which they came induced us to make inquiry respecting its merits. From inquiry we were persuaded to use it, and nr.st say wc found it specific in its action upon diseases of the liver and digestive organ, and the powerful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration, is really surprising It calms and strengthens the nerves, bringing them in to s state of repose, making: sleep refreshimr. If this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would be less sicfiness, as from the stomach, liver and nervous system, the great major ity of real and imaginary deseases emanate. Have them in a healthy condition and you can bid defi ance to epidemics generally. This extraordinary medicine we would advise our friends who are at all indisposed, to give atrial it will recommend it self. It should. 'n fact, be in every family. Noother medicine can produce sucn evidences ot merit." For sale wholesale and retail at the GERMAN MKDIC1NK STORE. No. 120 Arch street, one doorbelow Sixth. Phi la dclphia.snd'.by repectob'cdealcrs generally through out me country. Sold in Wilmington by S. B. A J. A. EVANS in Fayetteville by S. J. HINSDALE. June II. 3S-3m SUPERFINE LONDON BROWN CLOTHS; West of England Bluedo ; Riollry' celebrated French Plack Cloths Piano and Table Covers; Bed Blankets; coloured snd white Negro Blankets and very heavy Negro Kerseys, warranted nan wool, f or salt by Nov. 29. JAMES DAWSON. EMPTY BARRELS QfV PRIME S Spirits Barr.ls just received tvv ant tor sal c b Dee.U ADAMS BRO. fc CO. STEAMER SPRAY for SMITHVILLE THE Steam la "Spbat," will be placed permanently on her old route, in command of such officers as will insure her the full confidence of the travelling community. A. H. vanuukk.kl.kn. Feb 4. 137-tf. JUST RECEIVED. 40 BBLS. Planting and Eating Potatoes. For sais cneap uv uvr t u. Feb. 4. 137. UPHOLSTERING I N all-branches, and stork on hnd, by WILKINSON dt KSLKK, Fe 2. Upholsters. UR MOTTO IS 4 T0 PLEASE" AT THE Wilmington gaddlc, Harness, aud Trunk Manufactory. THE subscriber rcspcctlully informethrpublic that he h is recently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mounling,dcc, the latest and most improved style, andis constanly manufact urine, a this store on market streetTevery description of articlcin the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that hcwlll beableto elve entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. He has now on hand, and wujconstaiitly keep a iarjee assortment of Conch, Gig and SulJtey Harness, Lady's Saddles, Bridles, Vkips, d"-c., Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips Spurs, pe. ")a!lof whic 1 Jthe best m: 'THe has al hich he willwarran it to be oife-J manship. l rtment of materials and workm Iso a larire assort Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Hags, atcnels, fancy Trunks, Otc, and all other ar tides usually kept in such establishments, all of which he ofierslowfor CASH, or on shortcredit to prompt customers. M iddles, Harness, Trunks, Redical Bags, die. c.,nuoc to order. Inaddition tothe above the snbscriber.-ilways keeps on hand a large supply of String Leather, and Has nowr and win Ke?p through tne season a eood assort men I of Fly Nc-tts. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods, whether in want or not, as I take pleasure in shw- Ing my assortment to all who may favor me with a call. Harnessand Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons ouying to manufacture. Also. Whirs at wholesale. Allkindsof Riding Vehicles bought and sold on eomrmsfftons. JUnn J tOflOLKr. Feb. 7, 1854. 138 AUBURN STILL FOR SALE. jn, THE Plantation of the subscriber, w7near Raleigh, and on the Central Rail 3 Road, is not yet disposed of. A deicriD- I tlon has already been given but no one will of course make so important a purchase without visiting the premises. Apply to Wm. R. Pools, Esq., who lives near the place, or to the subscriber. T. LORING. Wilmington, N. C, Ian. 23, 1851. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Gt-ORGK R. PRPNnH .1 hi. old stand on Market street, beesfi leave to return his thanks to his Vs" old friends and customers for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and 10 inform them that his stock of Boots and Shoes, including every vari ety in his line is now aa complete and aa extensive ss at any former period. His stock of Gentlemen Boys and Children's Boots and Shoes embraces eve ry variety of style, fashion and quality that can be desired, or that is usually called for. includine a fine assortment of Ladtes.Miases and Gnttemen's Over Shoes. He would particularly invite the attention of the Ladies to his extensive assortment of Ladle and Misses Leather, Morocco, Enameled, Bronze, Pat. Leather, Goat Skin, black and white Kid and a va riety of fancy colored Baota; Shoe and Slippers. Also, Macs, orown, owe, purpte ana vsnegaiea sue trailers, a new ana hioukiucuuck, wuaura wiia nut heels. Ladies fancy Gai tera at SI a pair. Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find ings. Please call and examine. Mr. French would also inform his friends and the public-, that he Is State Agent tor tne aaie 01 uavi Pain Killer and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by either wholesale or retau. Nov 40 - 102 WniSKKtiY. fZ- BBLS. superior Whiskey, for l by OUL Jso.20. . T. C B. G. WORTH. CORNICES AM BAJTO& JUST Receisad and for sale by WILKINSON A ESLER, Upholsters. TALMAS ) ;iD LADIES CLOAKS, Tkr.anftT and edSAnfwd. of the war latest Freed JJ Pattern t Lades black snd coloured Cloths for 1 trie k a. and Trirnminrs for ine same, ivccejveo and for sal by w JAME8 DAWSON. i Nov. 29. 109.' PITCH. TWVYBbXS. fke quality, for sale by 0JJh , J. U. FLANNER, Jan. 3. 25 North Water St. DR. 1 B. MARCHISI'S CELEBRATED CATUOLICON, For therelief S cure of Suffering Females. It Hand pre-eminent for its curative powers in all the dis eases for which it is recommended, call Female Complai all. Of tnese are Pao- NNunn UtsiI) or Kim D. Ill nf. I fl . a I I I a. g v. ... v Womb; Foua A i hua, or Whites; Chronic Infiamma lion and Ulceration of the Womb; Inci lental Hemorrhage, r Flooding ; Pain ul, Suppressed, and .rregular Menstrua. on, dtc, with excepted,) no all their accompany evils, (Cance. matter how severe or of how long standing. The Uatholicon Tar surpasses oincr rcmcaies, in being more certain, lessexpensUe.and leaving the system in a better condition. Let all Interested in such remeedy call end obtain a pamphlet (free containing ample proof, from highly respcctabl sources, of the happy results of in use together with lettersfrom first-class experienced physicians, who have used it in their practice, and sppak trom their own observations . acrKRaxcrs. Prof. Dbsunr, M.D., Baltimore, Md. J.C. Orrick, M. D., P. B. Peckham, M. D, Ulica, N, V. D. V. Foote, M. D., Syracuse, N. V. M. H. Mills. M. D , Rochester, N. V. L. D. Fleming, M. D.,CanandaijMia, N. V. W . W. Reese, M. D., City of N. V. W. Prescott, M. D., Concord, N. H. .J. P. Newland. SI. D., Utica. N. Y Pamphlets can be had gmtieat the Store of S. B. & J. A. EVANS, Druggists Wholesale and Retail Agent. Wilmington, N. C. And of most of the leaJing Druggists in the State. , , Loiter addretd to Meter: Beach if" Brotenson, Agent at Seteberry C. If., S. C, by liev. C. S. Beard, f tame State. Glkxn Spbixos, Jan. 9th, 1S53. Messrs. Bbch &. Kiowmos Stss : I send for another bottle of your " Marchini's Utarine Ca tholicon " My wife has been nfflicied for eleven years, and a variety of means has been resorted to for relief, hut none was obtained until I received this medicine from jou. lis influence seems al most magical : there was a manifest improvement from the day it whs taken. As there are a great many females in our country laboring under the afOiciionfor which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel it a duty to recom mend it to all such. (Signed.) Clocgh S. Biaib. J. B. MAR'MIISI & CO., Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 Broadway N. V. Nov. 106 lyc Throw physic to dogs. - PUL VERM A CHERS Hyd. Iro Electic Volcanic Chains. Producing Instant re tl f trom the mot acute pain, and permanently curing all Neuralgic Diseases, RHEUMATISM, painful and ncelted joint, neu ralgia, of face, deafnett, blindnes. St. Vi Uttdance, pilpitntiont of the heart, periodical head ache, vain in the ttonach, indigestion, dyspepsia, uterine paint. These chains were first introduced in the city of New York less than one year since, and after'be ing subjected to the most thorough trial in evcr hogpital in the city by Drs. Valentine Mott, Posy Carnochan, and Van Buren, it was discovered thai they posers strange and wonderful power in the relief and cure ot the above claps of (lift net , and they at once recommended, through the papers of the city, their general use, and their ale and the success that ha attended their uc, is unjiaralleled. Previous to their introduction into this country, i hey were nsed in every hospital in Europe, and are secured by patents in France, Germany, Austria, Prussia, and England; and also in tho United States. 'Think close and ponder well." The principlet upon which it is claimed that the Chains produce their marvelous cures arc, firxt thai all kbbvoos dibabs are attended and pro duced by a deficient rupply of nervous fluid and an agent that resembles cloesly electricity orelec tro magnetism ; snd second that t he electjo mag netic chains, by being worn over and upon the part and organ diseased, furnirh to thcexhausted nerv ous ytem, by it powerful Mimulatinjcr effects, the tnrvous fluid which is required to produce a hcal hey action through the entire yiim. Nodisgust ing nostrum is allowed to betaken while using the chains, but a rigid observance of the genera! laws of health are required. Brisk friction upon the part diseased odd much to the effect of the chains, by incrraing their mngnetic power. lOOt) DOLLARS will be given to any person who will produce so many well authenticated certificates of cures both from intelligejitpatients and scientific phyricions, as have been affected by Pulvcrmachc's Electro Chains. They never fail to perform what ihey are advertised to do, and no person has ever been dis satisfied who has given them a trial. In l""etnale Diseases, more than one hundred permanent curr of pro lapsus uteri have been effected within the last year by the use of these chains. By applying one end of the chain over the region of the abdomen and t e other upon the spine, just above the hips, the usual severe symptoms incident to that disease arr at once removed. Mode of Use. The chain should be moistened before use with common vincg.tr, and then one end of the chain should be applied directly to the sent of the pnin or disease, and the other end opposite to ir. Call upon Dr. Evans, and obtain a pamphlet (gratis.) He will also explain their mode of use to all who may desireit. Physicians are respectfully invited to call and investigate theirmcrits. Card to Ladles. Ladies who are enciente are requested not to wear them but a few moments at each time of applying for by long use miscarriage is frequently produced. Dr. D. llovey, agent for Greenfield; Hillyer Wood, Norhampton. J Steinert general agent, 568 Broad woy, N. Y. For sale in Wilmington, y S. B. &.J. A Evans. Nov. 10th ly-c SACK SALT. 1 f tf SACKS SALT, large ize. For sale LiJKJJ by ADAMS, BRO. dc CO. Jan. 23. Journal copy. 134. J. E. HALL, C6 MISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N C. Office in roir of McMillan, Davis & Co' Store. Every attention paid to the sale and purchase of produce, and liberal cash advances made on sonsignments. Refers to Capt. Gilbert Potter, E. P. Hall. Pre't Branch Bank Stale N. C; O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank; McMillan, Davis A Co. Ian. SI 131-tf WHEAT, RICE. CORN & PEA FANS, TUST in store and for sale by J Oct 3. J. M. ROBINSON. ASSORTED PRESERVES. On DOZEN, very fine, for sal? by 4J Jan. 26. C. DoPRE dt CO. CHEESE ! CHEESE!! CHEESE!!! A f BOXES New York State Cheese, just re 4v ceived and for sale by Jan. 23. W. M. SHERWOOD CO. ALSO. HOURLY EXPECTED by Schr. Elonise 15 Firkins, 10 Tabs Chenango County Batter. We will warrant this Butter to be superior to any now in this market, and is obtained direct from the Dairy. ... W. H. SHERWOOD A CO. Jan. 28. S . 134. FOR RENT. THE large Brick Dwelling, on Second Street. St present oceeoied by Mrs. War . IL LirjTT. Fsr particulars apply to September 3, 1853 73-tf. , NOTICE. ALL Persona having a.e tiled accounts" at the Hat Store, are requested to settle ibe same aamediately, moi very much oblige the. Proprietor, i C. MYERS, Ns. 1, Granite Row. Fsb.ll. . . HO. BUFF HJSEN 0UY4SHADES, LACEsndiDsHisslt' Curtains, lriiirFUtBrts, TriiDiHgs,4e.Forsfcib!r , ' y WILKINSON & ESLER, Upholsters. MATTRASSES o N hand and made to-order-, of any sire snd qual ity, by - WILJCINSUXM KaLhll. Dec. 24 120 FOR SALE. 50 BBLS. Glue, suitable for Distillers ; 60 do. best iteetified Whiskey; 100 bags Prime Rio Coffee ; 500 new Spirit Barrels. Jan. 23. WM.A. GWYER. JUST RECEIVED FROM PUILAD'A "I CASE Sulph. Quinine, BOoxs. Calomel, 1 10 ozs. Sulph. and Acetate Morphine, 25 ozs. Cinchonia, 6 ozs. i'alnrlne, ' 25 ozs. Blue Mass, 10 ozs. Chloroform, 19 bbls. Epsom Salts, and a choice collection o Chemicals from the La oratories of Poms & Weight man and Chas. Ellis. Ftr sale cheap at C & D. DuPRE'S, Drug and Chemical Store, Market st. June 9. 37 STEEL MIXED, CADET Mixed and Oxford Grey Cassimeres, a large assortment ot long andjequarc Bay State Shawls ; fine M crino do., assorted colours, Ileal Shiker Flannel and Shaker Knit Shirts and Drawers; Ladies French Corsets, Chiton Kurtii ture Fringes; Paris I'laid Satin Quadrille Drcgce and Rich Winter English and French Prints. Forsaleby JAMES DAWSON. XX of. ivy. KNIVES, FORKS, &c. IVORY hindled Knives and Forks, ivory hand led Knives without Fork, inets or by the do-.. Spoons and Folks plated with three plates of pure silver, warranted to Ia6t os long as the ''oldest in habitant" without changing color. For sale at the Hardware s:on of Nov 3 J. M. BOB1NSON. UPflOLSTERING. WE hnvc now on hand a larsrc assortment of Paper Hangings, Fir? Screens, etc. A LEO, Arepreparcd to mike all kinds of Mattrasses, Cushings, Lounges, or do any kind of work in the above line. Our stock of Curtains Damafk and Lace- Shades, Cornices, if-c, f-c , is coniplctr, and would advise tlusc wishing such, to rail and examine, before purchasing elsewhere, on WILKINSON & KSLER, Oct 6 Up stairs, over the Fruit Depot. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS AND CONSIGNEES OF PRODUCE. Take notice that on and after November 1st, shipping wharfage will be cliirged on all produce sent to and shipped from my wharves; and landing wharfage on all produce discharged thereon, consigned to other pnnie . Nov 1 9?-tf WM. A. GWYER. F. BROWN'S ESSENCE .OF JAMAICA GINGER. THIS ESSENCE is a preparation of unusual excellence. In ordinary diarrhoea, incipient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions, so common, it is of incstimu ble value. Dutingthe prevalence of epidemic cho lera and summer complaint? of children, it is pecu liarly efficacious ; no family, individual or traveller should be without it, as it enables the system to re sist the influence of incipient disease, which lurl in a changing climate. CawtIos. Be sure to jet the genuine Essence which is prepared only by F. Brown, al his Drue and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Fifih and Chesnut street?, Philadelphia, and for fnle by al .the respectable Apothecaries in the United States Sold in Wilmineton by S. B. & J. A. KVANS andC.dc D. DuPRE. June 16- 40-ly-c "I am a man., and deem nothing which relates- to man foreign to my feelings." READ ! ! ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD. A Vigorous Life or a l'remature Death. KIXKELIX US SELF PRESERVATION. ONLY 25 CENTS. rrHIS Book, just published, is filled with useful JL information, on the infirmities and diseases of the Generative System. It addresses itself alike to YOUTH, MANHOOD and OLD AGE. To all who apprehend or suffer under the dire con sequences of early or prolonged indiscretions to all who feel the exhaustive effects of sedentary and beneful habits to all who in adilion to declining physical energy, are the victims of nervous and menial debility, andof moping and melancho.y de spondency. Dr.H. wOUM sav READ. THIS BOOK. The valuable advice and impressive warning i: gives, will prevent years of misery and tuftermg, and save annually Thousands of Lives. Parents by reading it, will learn how to prevent the destruction of their children. C3"A rerhiuance of 25 cents, enclossd in a letter, addressed to DR. K1NKELIN, PHILADELPHIA, will ensure a book, under envelope, per return of mail. jDr. K. fifteen years resident Physician. N. W. Corner of THIRD and UNION Street, between Sriuci yndPixe, Philadelphia, miy be consulted confidentially. He who placeshimself under the care of Dr. K. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. fj"Persons a t a distance may address Dr. K. by letter (post-paid,) and be cured a t homo. PACKAGES of MEDICIN ES, DIRECTIONS, dc, forwarded, by sending a remit tance, and put up secure from DAMAGE OR CURIOSITY. jj-Booksellers, News Agents. Pedlars, Canvass ers, and all others suDplied with the above w oik at very low rates. June 2. 31-ly-c. TAYLOR'S INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, BROADWAY, (Cor. of Franlin Street, NEW YORK. IS completed and opened for travellers who de sire agreeable and attractive accommodation. It is conducted upon the principle of the best Eu ropean Hotels, the meals being served in the seve ral apartments, or at the tables in the saloon, at the option of guests. The Hotel and Furniture combine elegance with comfort, and is designed as well for the convenient reception of travel lers by the late trains. JOHN TAYLOR, Proprietor. Jan. 26. 133 lyc. FOR SALE. THE House and Lot occupied by the sub- IllilLStrnpts possession riven lat Otiohpr An. ply at the Ice House, SILAS H. MARTIN. June 25, 18 53. 4). VVTM. SDERW00D & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mcr chants Wilmington, N. C. AH consignments of Naval Stores, together with Cotton, Bacon, Lard, Corn, Meal, Flour, dec, shal secure the highest market price. Dec. 13 115-tf JUST RECEIVED. A SUPPLY of Cox's Geletine; Babbitt's Yeast Powders ; Preston's Extracisof Lemon, Vanil la. &c. For salelow.by S.B.& J.A.EVANS. Dec. 18. 118- JTJST RECEIVED FROM BLTIM0RE AND PHILADELPHIA. Qr BBLS. Silvers Fire Proof Paint, all colors wts20 casks Spanish Brown ; 10 do. Venetian Red; 5 do. Yellow Ochre. Forsaleby C. & D. DcPRE. Druggistsand Chemists, Jan. 9. Wilmington, N.C. TEAS! TEAS!! HYSON, Imperial, Gun Powder, and Oolong of the besL nualities constantly on hand at L. N. BARLOW'S, Feb. II. No. 3, Granite Row. JUST RECEIVED. 1 fTl BOXES Cheese; 15 kegs Prune Orange i Uvi county, Nsw York Bauer ; 50 bbls. Fay etteville Floor ; 70 kega Nails; 10 boxes Turpen tine Axes; 20 dozen Hackers and Roundshaves, and a full assortment of Coopers Tools warranted. For sale by ZENO H. GREENE. Feb. 11. N. C. Tel. copy. UP. CHARLES R. B0NNELL, General and Commission Merchant, Cotton, Rice, mad Naval Stares and Merchandize gemerattg. Office No. 65 North Front street, Philadelphia. References. New York, Messrs Al'en & Pason ; Philadel phia. Thos. Allibone, Fsti, Presi- Bank of Penn sylvania ; Baltimore, Thomas WhitrWge Co., Wilmineton. N. C, Messrs. De Rosset At Brown, and Dr. T. II. Wright, Pre- Bank f Cape Fean Charleston, T.S.4f-T,G. Budd, and J. Bonnell, JM Savannah. W. B. Gile dt Co.; New Orleans, G. W. Oliver -Ce. ;- ' Jan. I? 127-eme raojuosBona- , FEMALE COLLEGE- THE first session of Ms IostitstioB will eonv mence on Monday, the 1st May, 1864, is. der the control of the ioilowing faculty, and with the annexed expenses. THE FACULTY. Rev. JAMES H. BRENT, Preider.t, Press or of Ancient Languages, Experimental Sciences and Mathematics. Mr, , A. M., Professor of Modern Langua ges. Mrs. .Professor of Music. Miss Emily Webb, Miss M. B. Stammire, and Miss S.A. Brent, Assistants in the various depart ments. Theexercises of the School will be divided Into three parts, Primary, High School, and Collegiate. The Primary will prepare for the High School and Collegiate. J no tiign scnooi win cmDrace a se lected part of th.c Collegiate course. The usual reports will be made to parents on the Primary course. A s'.ucn'. passing the high course will be entitled to a certificate of scholarhip. A stu dent whefhas taken the Collegiate course will be entitled to a diploma. COURSE OF STUDIES. Collegiate Classes. Laiin All the course be low Virgil and ihrouijh Bucolics. Groek All the course below the Anabasis, in cluding th" Gospel of John. Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonome try, &c. Modern Languages : French, German and Italian. Olcndorfs complete system, and one author in each language. Literary: History, Bot any, Chemistry and Astronomy and English com position. ORNAMENTAL. Music, Drawing, Painting, Needle-work and Embroidery, PRIMARY. Smith's Grammar complete ; do Geography do ; Davtet.' arithmetic do; Snnd' Series do; Good rich's LaliD Lessons ; do Greek do; Davies' Ele mentary Algebra; Olendorfa primary system in Krciiili, German and Italian. The ornamcnta' brunches may be pursued in the Priiniry depart ment, being regarded as the accomplishment? and not the essentials of an education. EXPENSK9. Boatd per Ression. 450 no extras. Tuition Primary department 7 to 15 High Sihool, 25 to 20 Collegiate, 20 The ornamental branches CAtrn. unless the whole course is taken, when StOO will cover the entire expense of board and tuition per session. The Collegiaie course will require four years, but students who are prepared can join advanced classes. chl RCTl. The students may attend whatever church th -parents prefer, always accompanied by a teacher. VI!TOH8. Visitors shall be received in the College only in the presence of a teacher, and viciis shall be re turned only tinder the same restriction, v hich docs not apply to paren'.s or guardians. DOMESTIC. The science of Cookery, House-keeping and Mantua making, will form a phrl of the entire course. ACCOMMODATIONS. 150Muden(s can be comfortably accommodated in the College buildings. SUPERVISION. The students will be under the immediate super vision of the President, who will reside in the Col lege, and will be assisted by the professor;, teach ers and Board of Council. BOARD OF COUNCIL, Richard Washington, WiL.Lt am K. Lane, William T. Dortch, WiiTMiN Thompson, John C. Sloci mb, W. S. G. Andrkws. Theblanksin the Faculty will be filled as soon as a selection is ma Je from the numerous appli cants. For further information address J. II. Rrcnl, or any of the Board of Council. Goldsboro', Dec. 24, 1353 120-ly PRIME NEW CROP MOLASSES. I1HDS- novr landing from Brig S. P. &(JJ brown, and for tsale by Feb. 7. J. HATHAWAY dt SON. PORTER AND ALE. T ONDON Porter and Scotch Ale, in quarts and jui pints, just receivea Dy l... r. isah luy, Feb. 11. No. 3, Granite Row. FLOUR. 1 CiTi BBLS. and lulf bbl.-. di.Tercnt jrad-s, for A VV sale by FREEMAN 4 HOUSTON. Feb. 16 112, NAILS. 200 KEGS, assorted Bizes, f r pb1 hv Jan. U FREEMAN fc HOUSTON". MORE FLUSH TIMES, ECEIVED by Express audforfale bv Jan. 14 J.T.MfJNDS. R JUST RECEIVED A LARGE and complete supply of FRESH J. A .5, compriBingevory vb net usua uvea all en ior, ruieea ana pui up oy tne unnen oociciy Shakers, at New Lebanon, N. Y. Order: from o I u r countrv friends nroinmlv filled. S. B. & J. A. EVANS. Jan 15. THE GREAT QUESTION IS settled, since the sale of North Carolina Flour in New York, that it is superior to mt of their fancy brands. We have ji:sl returned lrom Fny etttville, where, wn have purchased. immeUij ioly from the Inspector's roli, 75 bbls. of the most popu lar brands of NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR, ex pressly for family us, and ovnrv barrel warrant, d to be sweet and new. Those wanting a good arti cle are invited to call and examine our Flour. For salrt by W. M. SHERWOOD & CO. Feb. 7. 135. CUT VELVET, PLUSH and Satin Vesting; EnalUh Black Crape; White Sjtin, all grades; Belviderc and Exhibition fine Woolen Shawls. Received to-day, andforsaleby JAMES DAWSON. Nov. 29. 109. FEATHER BEDS, PILLOWS and r.nlmrs made to order, by WILKINSON 4- KtLI'H, Feb. 4. Uptiolsisrs. NEGRO PASSES. ANEW form of Passes, combining sanitary pro visions, approved by he Commissioners, ai d a number of others interested in the welfare of our colored population, is just issued at the office of 'ITie Commercial. STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL I WILL sell low, and on accommodating terms, the Engine and Machinery of ' the Cape Fear Meam Saw Mill 14 ir.cn., cylinder, 2 feet stroke; three 32 inch boilers, 30 feet long main shaft 10 feet 6 inches long the power of this engine is estimated at 60 hoise, has a new extra cylinder and log gecring, and all the appliances necessary for the full tqeij rrcnl lo operate at once. Also, 2 Stave-dressing Machines, Jointers, &c. complete. O. G. PARSLE Y. Jan. 21 131-tf JUST RECEIVED. E:(f LBS. Prime Feathers; OUU 10 bbU. Glue ; 3O0 kegs Nails ; 1 Tt boxes Tallow Candles ; 10 bbls. Machinery Oil ; 20 casks Rice; 6 bales Randolph Yarn ; Forsaleby T. C. A B. G. WORTH. Jan. 17 1M TOWAGE! TOWAGE! ! STEAMER Sam Bcary.A.M Gutb ric, master; Steamer Calhoun, Jot M Springs, master, are reaoy ai an iim..rA.kn.ini. Ordeis for Towacewill have prompt attention if left at office of Agent. y v GEO. HARRISS. June I 38-tf JUST RECEIVED. A New style of Gent's Soft Cloth Hats, Black and Drab, a neat and pleasant wearing style of bu siness Hat, for sale at the Hat and Cap Store. Feb. 21. C. MYERS. NEW AND FRESH. JUST RECEIVED Per Ser. LIZZIE RUSSELL, from Baltimore. 3 CASES. (2 doxen each,) whole and half Cans tpiced Oysters, 3 do. half and quarter gallon Jars, assorted Pirkles ; 2 do. Tomato Catsap ; 6 doz. Cans fresh Asparagus ; Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, ad Peaches. Also, dl-eet from the manufactory : 100 lbs. Gam Drops ; 38 do. Port Wine Drops; 2Sdo. Jelly Cakes, for sa)e by L.N. BARLOW. Feb. 23. No. 3, Granite Saw. e?-;--Trrr-rf .1; ii ' ; 8AM HOUSTON. , So Cbon art leagued with free-soil men, Their views and thine harmonions bleod-L Yet call'rt thyself the SonOi'i fast friend. " - : 8am Houston, We do not wish thee harm or ill, s But the Nabraska KaBsaalirjI,c , , Will prove to thee a bitter pfil, Sam Houston. ' -,i v ' ' More hitter than the stnening blow You felt on bloody Jacinto, ' 1 t Ere gallant Sherman came you know- .:. S.tm Houston. To counsel thee in thy dismay, T "t: And by his valour win tho day, -Tkon els kadst lost some people say, .f Sara Houston, And so with Seward, Sumner, Hale, Thou trimmest now thy pliant sail. Blind following in their slimy trail, Sam Houston.; . . Their factious course we scarce rCan blime For nothern principles they claim ; But thou art of the South 0, shame 1 Sam Houston.- - -. What demon prompted thy old ago ; rf To cut fuch capers on life's stage,. V ; '. And war with thy own interests wage. . " Sam Houston ! Was it to gain flic northern Tote And northern free soil favour court 1 Alas, thou'It find thyself their sport, Sam Houston. While through the South thy nam will bo The mark for festering obloquy , :. Thyself condemned to Conventry, ; ; Sam Houston. Retire ! Perfume thy grizzly hair, Escort about the smiling f;vir; j Thy griin musUchios nurse with car, Sam Houston. For all the workings of thy brain. The Presidential chair to gain, Aud thy ambitious hopes are rain, Sam Houston. Xo Longer through the Southern land Cun you a Corporal's guard command, But art politically damned - : Sam Houston. . . QUILP. WASHINGTON NATIONAL MONUMENT. The Washington Globe, of Saturday afternoon, says : Tne contributions receiTca at tne monu- ; ment office, from the 2d Febiusry to the Sd of March, amounted, in the aggregate, to 7 011,74. Of this amount, $418 85 were from Ibo memburs of the Legislature of Massachusetts, Governor and Councillors, one day's pay each; Charles Sannders, Boston. $100; Robert 0. Winthrop, of the same city, S 100; operatives Bay 8tale Mills, La u renew, Massachusetts, 8525,52; members of the Massachusetts Mct-liniiich' Association, Bos ton, $04,78; Abbott Lawrence and John Wells, of Massachusetts, $500 each ; estate of Samuel Ap pleton, 1000; John P. Curbing, 600; Jonathan Phillip, $300; Joshua Bates, London, $1000; executory of Tlu.mas H. Perkins, 1000 ; opera tives of Lowell Mannbcturing-Comiiany, Lowell, 8190.13; from visitors at Monument Place, $200,- 50. The amount of extenditures for the month of February was 51,533,50. JUST RECEIVED FROM New York and Baltimore: 20 bags Lazuyra C tlue ; 40 bags Rio Coffee, extra : 25 mats old Java Coffee; 20 drums Fresh Figs ; 40 bbls. and boxes Crackers fresh ; 4 krgs Malaga Grapes ; 5 boxes Fine Lemons ; 10 bbls. extra No. 1 Mackerel; 60 boxes new crop Raisins ; 5 casts preserved Ginger; 6 bcxes fine Citron ; 40 boxes Freh Buckwheat ; 6 " Rice Kltfcr. Tlie above goods will be sold on the best term forC;.ish. C. DvPliE & CO. Per8 113 LIQUORS. ryr BBLS. Rcctifi'd Whitkey ; ""20 bbU. N. E. fJ Rum ; 15 do. (.'id Mononpah'-la VhiUov; 15 bbls. Apple Brandy; 15 do.. Rose Gin ; French Brandy, Holland Gin : ."Inlaga, Madeira, and Port Wines, just received and for sale by ZENO H. GREENE. Feb. 2. N.C. Tel. copy. .136. RUM. GIN, AND BRANDY. BBLS. Domestic, for sale by Feb. 16. FREEMAN dt HOUSTON. 60 CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THK Subscribers have this day formed a Co Partnership ui der the name and style of JAMES F. G1LLF.SPIF. dt CO., for the purpose ofcarrvine on a GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. - JAMES P. GILLESPIF, GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. Wiimintrton, Nov. 6, lf51. 100-tf. PORTRAIT PAINTING. VT R. Massaion, Portrait Painter, most respect iVJ. fully announces to the citizens of Wilming ton and .surrounding country, that he hss isken rooms over the store of Mr. Agnstini, on Market street where Lad rs and Gentlemen are invited to call and examine his Paiaiings. r, - Persons wishing; Daguerreotypes copied, can nave it done by him as true as if taken front ife. Dec. 17 117 ' BUFF LINEN. : v FOR Window Shades t made an snd p jI mp by " WILKINSON 6l ESLER, Upholster.. Jsn. 2tr. 133. LOUNGES. H Y not buy s LAnnge of . ' - . WILKINSON e ESLER. w Jan. 7 Upholsterers. GARDEN SEEDS. GARDEN Seeds iust leceived from Phlladelahf. A large supply of Garden and Flower seeds, fos ale at C. 4 D. DoPRE'3 ; - - . Jan. 12 utng and unemical Store. N. C. OASIS. v I QTn LBS- for fcmUy For sale by lOl'U W. M. SHERWOOD A CO. Feb. 21. 144. N. C. BACON. Sfinn lhm- Ue Rnd, for sale by ,UV.U ANDERSON 4k SATAGE. Dec. 1 110 FURNITURE. J W3FrTCei"ed iOT alloW fo' lUi: 3. ii, 25 doa. Chairs, assorted kisds; " r' -5 Rock ing Chairs assorted kinds ; ' 5 " Children's da - do 5 - FineMahoironT do' 2 Wash Stand v r do 2 Toilet Tables;-' do " 2 Dinner, ' do ' do r 20 Fine Kuresas, V do ' ' 40 Fine Mahogany and Walant Sofas, assorted kinds; , . - . - 1 Fins Chamber Set, assorted kinds; S3 Bedsteads. ": do 0 Looking Glasses. - do 400 Iox. Glass TsmMers, dd' 2 Fire-proof Iron Cheats. Patent f-rwV u iA be the best now In bm - . . . ... WWW III WB, Call and oaamlas for yoorselres. "' NoT. JSth - 104 tf l?OETilYir- f -I

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