V, V QH DOZEN assorted style and auaBUes, Ml aes Flats, at ib Emporium i , a March 21. a MTKR'S. UMBRELLAS. A FINE supply af Silt and Scotch Gingham Umbrellas received direct front the manufac tory. Also, SO doaen asaorted qualities, 'or wh-We. sale and retail trade; the largest atuek 1n the State, may be aeea ac I be Emporium, No. 1, Gren- INFANTS HAIR AND STRAW BLOND EDGK CAMILLAS, Hair and Pearl Coronet a, Chipand Cohere Piecadilies : beautiful ahapea. epened this morning stthe . Emporium, Granite HOW. tJ. jM I KIVW.' March 21. 2. - - - STEAMER SPRAY FOR SMITH VI LLE AND ORTON. STEAMER SPRAY, Copt. JOHN , B. PRICK, will ply between Wil mtamoatand Sodthville. landina - injrtoo and Smiihville. landing at Ortoa. aa follow : Leave Wilmington, Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day, and Sunday Morning a. at 9 o'clock. Leave Smiihville, Tutsday, Thursday, and Sal arday Afternoon, at 3 o'clock,' and Monday Morn ana, 8 o'clock. fy Passage One Dollar, Children and Servants -hall price. FREIGHT at customary ratca. Apply to Captain on board, ot lo A H. VaBOKKELEN, No. 5 South Wharves. JI arch 13. 1-tf. HONEY. I TAKE thie method of informing the rommo nity, that 1 always have a No. 1 article of Hon ey on hand by the retail; good for Coughs, Colda. and Burnt, Scalds, and many other diseases that poor hn inn n nam re la subject to, at March 21. 2-tf. GEO. H. KELLEY'S Jour., VV. Her. copy. RUM. GIN, AND BRANDY. BBLS. Domestic, for ante by Feb. 16. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. 60 PURE FRENCH BRANDY, TJORT and cherry Wine in bolt. Is, warranted -I pure, for sale by L. N. BARLOW, Feb. II N 3, Granite Row, Front-st. FLAT ADRIFT: A LARGE Flat was taken up by the subscriber, in Brunswick River, on the 16th of February last. 1 he owner ia requested to prove property, pay reasonable charges lor taking up, and receive the Fl .t on application to JOHN ROSEN, R. R Brigde, Brunswick River. M arch 21 . ?-3tp. CORN AND OATS. 1 FLC BUSHELS Flint Corn, 6f 0 do. Oats, Ji tUU 100 do. Rough Rice. For sale by March 21. W V VER. FRESH AND PRIME. PER SCHRS. W H. AND L. P. SMITH. C BAGS prime Green Rio Coffee ; O 25 bbla. C. Yellow ugar ; 15 boxes Colgate's Pale Soap. Low for cash, at G Eli. 11 KELLF.Y'S. Jour, W. Hhr., N. C. Tel., S. of Age copy. March 21. 2. OFFICE W. AND M. R. R. CO. WILMINGTON, N. C, 17th MARCH, 1B51. NOTICK ia hereby that the Stock of the under named delinquent subscribers to the Capital Stock of the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Company will be sold at Public Auction, at Ex change Corner, on Monday the 24th April, 1854, agreeably to "Section 12" ot the Charter of said Company, unless the Instalments due thereon shall he paid previous to the day of sale. John A. ray lor, .....0u snares. Porter Strode, 2 " N. E. Uric k house, John H. Hill, ishain Peterson, James Knight, Alex'r May, F. C. Slngletary, James G. Bnrr. S. Kahnweiler, C. H. Dudley,-. T L Guess, T. J. Capps, T. C. Craft,- T C. Worth,4- John D. Love, ...3 . -5 5 1 - 2 . 3 -1 -3 5 I 2 1 . 1 5 -7 5 -3 3 5 -2 W. C. Howard. Vtn. J. Love, I r, T. D. Love,, Wrn. B. Jones,- J amps H. Pritchett, Sam'l H. Firth, By order of the Board of Director JNO 31 ac R A K, March 18. Jr. Treas'r. lis. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. HAVING sold our entire Stock of Conlectlon ary, we have opened at the same place a hand urnit assortment of Upholstering Good. Pager Hanging, Window Shade. Curtain and J-ix tures, Mattresses, Feather Beds, Pdloxit, Cuthions, Lounges. fc f-c. Having superior workmen from the North, u-e will fit up Private House, Hotels, Boarding Houses, SteambonU, Rail Rood Cars, Ac, in fact eviry thins in the line of Business, and endeavor to give satisfaction. At the same lime would return oar sincere thanks fur the very liberal patronage we have hd for the last seven years, and shall endea vor to merit a continuance in our new Business. WILKINSON & ESLKB, March 18. 1-tf. Market Street. Daily Journal copy. FANCY HATS. WHITE PEARL and Nanken Fancy Trimcd Hats, now open, at the Hat Store. March 14. C. MYERS. MEDICAL HOUSE, A. 16, SOUTH FHED BRICK STREET, BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. Established in order lo afford the Afflicted sound and scientific .t.edical Aid, and for the suppression of inackeri. DR. 1. B. Smith haa for many years devotedhis whole a a en i ion to the treatment ol Private com plaints, in all their varied and complicated forms. His great auccess in those Ions standing and diffi cult cases, such aa wore formerly considered incur able, ia sufficient to coniuii'nd him to Uie public as worthy of the extensive patronage he has received. Within the last eight years, Dr. S. has treated more than 29,500 cases of Private Complaints, in th- ir different forms and stages; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of ail other physicians now ad vertising ia Usliimore, and not a single case is known whsre bis directions were strictly followed, and medicines taken at reasonable lime, without effecting a radical and perm ment cur-; th-rcforr, persona itflinted witb diseases of the abuve n.iture, no m itt.-.r luw dirti titit or ion standing thu case may be," would do well to call on Dr. Smith ,at his offire.No. 16, South Frederick St.. and ifnotinec tutlly relieved no remuneration will be rrquirrr! for ijs services. His medicines are free from Mercury and ajl mineral poisons ; put up in a neat and com .pact form, and may be taken in a public or private house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, and except incases of vio ent inflammation, no change of diet is necessary. STRICTURES. -Dr. Smith has discovered a ,new method b y which be eaa cure the worst form of stricture and that without pain or inconvenience to the patient. Irri'atlon of the uretha, or prostrate g taod,or seek of the bladder, ia sometimes mistaken ,1c r stricture by general practitioner or charlatans. YOUNG MEN and others afflicted with Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or front any other cause, with train of bodi.y and men tal eviia which follow, wlmn neglected, should make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and eatferingv as weil as expense. By bis improved method of treatment, Dr. S. can safely guarantee a speedy and perfect , cure in all cases ot this com plaint. ' - TO FEMA LES. All diseases pcu!iar to Females (is also Sup presaions. Irregularities, Ac.) speedily and effectu ally remove J. The efficacy of bia remedies, for the care of the above affections, have been well tested ja aa extaos v practice for tha iafct twelve years. Persoas at a distance may .consult Dr. S. by a fetter, poat-patd,4escTibinf ease, and have medicine ffcara'T PW and forwarded to anr Part of the ilBl.l.e1iii,,e,.,wy,,cco'nnn wlln ft" nd explicit directions for use. Communications- con sidered strictly confidential. Odj.ee arranged with aeaarateapanaiaaia, so that patients merer see aay one bat the doctor blmseif. Atteadaacedaily.flrom 8 ia the tnotning till 8 at night. N- BPersons afflicted with sny'of the above eoaaplalnta.-will W weil to a raid the virions .JOSTRXTJUSAAlDSPRClfJCS. advertised by Apothecaries and Druggists aa a cer tain care for any and every disease. $ They are put up ta sell, bat nor to rare, and frequently do much mora harm tbaa fod ihevef.ara avoid thetn ' A word la the wise is safficient.' Address OiU J. Bi S3UTU 16 Soath. Frederick at,;-j. . Bakimare. M1. Oct. 13. 90-ly-e. CABINET CFURNITURE.r TJimitY W, KINGMAN, late partner of A.JL IMKLPa & KfuM ajt, reapectrutijr ati nonncea to bia old Customers, and the Pub lie generally, that he ha a aovr on band, a tarxttnd Extensive Assortment of alt kinds of warranted rnjde CABINET FORNlTUtJK, ' Chairs .Bed ana Mairesses. which he offers' at 'Wholesale and Retail, at unexcep' ionaMy tow prices. Ne pains win be spared to give satisfaction to iH wno may favor him with their ordera. HENRY W. KINGMaV. Starch 19 I-3ine. - 434 Pearl st.,N.Y. A CARD. 1M1E Public are respectfully informed that 1 . cease to have any connexion with the Golda boro Female College. A. F N. ROLFK. March 18. -3'- A CARD. THE Public are respectfully Informed that I cease to have connexion with the Gold-boro Female College in the Professorship of Modern Languages. R. H. NEYILLE. March 18. 1 3t- "EAT, DRINK, AND BE MERRY." T'HK subscriber, truly thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him by his friends, and all desirous of obtaining good ar ticles in his trade at wholesale and retail prices, Iwk. lmwp m inform fl-m that he hns perfected arrangements for procuring a constant supply ol the very best Groceries, at the very lowest pricea ; and that his stock is now Leing replenished with Goods select od with great care, and shipped der his personal supervision Believing thai a personal inspection will be his highest commenda tion, he solicits a visit from those desirous of se lecting from the following, amonir other articles. GEO. MY. KKS. 200 BBLS. OF SUGAR. Crushed, Powdered, Granulated, Cortee-crushed, Clarified and Porto Rico. 100 BAGS COFFEE. Java, (old) Laygulra, Jamaica, and Rio. -, FLOUR Hiram Smith, John Rice, William i. Fayetteville. in bbls. and Im If bbls. and bag,.rft. TEAS. Old Hyson, Young Hyson, imperial, Souchons, and Oolong. CANDLES. Jndds' patent Sperm, Sperm, Ad amantine, and Tallow. WINES and LIQ.UOR-S Otard, Cognac, Du poy dr (Jo Howard Champagne, o 1S15, and A. Siirnette Brandies; Old Maderia, Sherry, Port, Muscat, and Mai a en Wines; MonongahJa, Rve, Irish, and ticoth Whiskey ; Holland Gin, Wolfes s'chnapp. and bottled Wines, Heidsick, Bonche, Star, all of the first quality ; Younger's Ale and London Porter ; French Cordials; Bottled Otard Brandy, Cognac, Maderia, Sherry, and Holland Ciin. CRACKERS. Soda, Butter, Pilot, Sugar, Pic nic, Lemon. Mi'k, Walnut, Oyster, with every va riety of t -rockers. PICKLKS and PRESERVES Pickles by the Hundred Jar, gallon, half gallon, quarter-gallon, cr Pint; Pickolilla Catchups, Mustard, Sauces White Wine and Cider Vinegar, Olives, Spanish and French; Capers. Preserved Peach, Quince, Pine Apple, Ginger. Limes, Damson, Citron; the fav orite rreih Peaches, in cases; Lobster, spiced Oyster. SUNDRIES Goshen Butter, frefh weekly; Smoked Beef, Beef Tongues. Fulton Market Beef, Salmon, Mackerel, CodfUh, Herring, Chrepe, En glish and Imitatif n; Hirtm, Pork, Stuart's Sj rvp. Sperm and Whale Oil, Fruits in every variety, Nuts, Stuart's Conf clionery, all vaiit tits j Mar ket and Clothes Baskets; Wash Tubs, all kinds; Brass hooped Burkctn, Common Buckets, Brooms, Trays, Sifters, Keclers, Cup Tubs, Scrubs, and every variety of Wood and Willowware, Spices, Cloves, IS'uttnegs, Cinnamon, Pepper, Gingir, Mace, Cliorolate, Isinglass, Gelatin, Macaroni, Vernice Hi. Rnivins, Onrrants, Citrons, Prunes; a varlfty of Ladies' larcy Baskets, The attention of Smokers, is requested to the Scgnr Department ; including all of the best brands, viz : Monar, Hornosa Principe, Sultanes, L,ugon, Rio Hondo, d-c. Every variety of Groceries that can be procured, warranted fresh and good. Wholesale and retail, at the lowest CASH pri ces, at the Original Family Grocery of March 13. SEO. M VERS, Front St. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE Undersigned hive this day firmed a Co partnership, under the name of COTIN GREGG & CO., for the tr-- nfact ion of the Lum ber Business. MILES COSTIN, J. ELI GREGG. ALFRED SMITH, J. G. L1TTLEFI KLD. March 16. 154-if. LADIES' RIDING HATS POB SALE at the Emporium, No. 1. Granite C. MYERS. 154. r Ro Mareh 16. FINE AND FANCY WALKING CANES A FINE assortment of imported Walking Cane jnt received, and for sa at the Emporium. March 16. C. MY KltS. STILL ARRIVING Per Schr. It. IV. Brown and I. P. Smith. "I BAGS of green Layguira Coffee; 1 v." 25 do. of do. Rio, superior; 3 hhds. prime Porto Rico Sugar; 25 bbls. R. L. A A. Stewart's C. yellow Jo. 10 bbls. Fresh Soda Crackers. Low for cash at GEO. H. Kf.LLEY'S. March 14 J., H , T., and S. of Age coyy. 153. BOOTS AND SHOES. JUST Peceived, a lull assortment, at G. A C. BRADLEY'S fc CO. LEATHER For Sale; Manufacturing and Repairing; Old bland sign of the BIG BOOT, Market S:reet. March 11. 152-lm. DENTISTRY. Da.T. B. CAitR has returned from the North with a largely increased stock of Teeth. Instruments. A-c. Having consulted many eminent Dentists, ho has perfect confidence in the superiority of Allen's Pa tent m xle of inserting teeth with artificial gums Full sets inserted immediately after the extraction of the eeth. and remodelled after the gums have healed without additional charge. They can be worn without pain, and removed from the mouih by the wearer, and are cleaner and stronger than teeth insetted in any other way, and are tear ranted to give perfect satisfaction. All other operations per formed in the most approved tn innrr. Reference to individuals in this place now wearing teeth with th' patent Improvement. Oct 4-w-irtf SS T (Tr IT lOHNWORD Respectfully informs the inhabi V tants of Wilmington, that he will commence his DANCING LESSONS for the Second Session, on Tuesday 14th Inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. A night School for Gentlemen of the same evening at 9 o'clock. March 9. Her., and Jour, copy 2t. 151-tf. ICE! ICE! ! ICE!!! THE "WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE TS now open the public miy depend on h I their wants supplied all seasons of the ye reasonable rites. aving year, at Orders from the conntry addressed to 'Wilming ton Ice House", will be well packed and promptly forwarded. March lO'Iel80' P: OFFICE W. AND R. R. R. COMPANY 0 V tutivei-os, N. C. March 9th, 1854. N and after Saturday next, the morning pas sen ger train will leave at 6 o'clock. t JOHN NUTT, March 11. 152 8. Agent Transportation. NORTH CAROLINA HAMS. enrvn lbs- fine. r UKJWJ March 13. C. PuDBE&CO CHEESE! CHEESE I! I7f Bt CWW. just received and will be 1 said 'cheap hy C. DaP-RE CO. March 18. 1. MOLASSES. very prim M slat, for aale fo O rt.DDL' M. or Hhds sansaH Kv march 18. . ' I. NORTH CAROLINA LARD. 1 C KEGS prima N. C. Lard, for sal by lV March 18. C. DnPRF. S CO. FOX &'PCLIIELUS,'. " $9 JfroOd Street; Carrier, of Beavet;N. York, Oflefftt salwtha ftrfluwfnff heavy Cotton Fabric? NF.WKNGIMnCOTTOJf SAlLJUCiCrT22 Inch.all numbers, bajrd and soft also all the rarion widths of Canvass manufactured atlhis es ublisiitcnt comprising every variety koowo to tha trade and offered at the lowest rates.-; . f. . r UNITED STATES PILOT DUCIC Woodberry aad Moant Vernun Extra.' A fun assortment of tnls superior fabric . . . . WlLJ J JI ANTIC COTTON DUCK-16, 18, 20 and 22 inch, alinuntbcrs, hard and rofuThis fab ric was awarded tha highest Premium at -the Lon don World's Fair, also at our own State Fair. SHIP AND BEAR MARK DUCK--plain and twilled, manufactured by the Green wod'a Corn' pany, a superior article for lightsaila, tents, awnings. Ac-i also, MounuVernon Twill- d Ravens. Howard Ravens, Pioneer add Phcanlx Mills f Lightton " Ravens, plain 22 to 27 Inch; Heavy, do. do. COTTON SAIL TWlNEw A full assortment. TARPAULINS, HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, dtc PAPER FfXTING 30 to 72 Inch, made very heavy, expressly for drier felts. CAR COVERING Cotton Canvass, all widths. from 30 to 130 inches, and ail numbers, made ex pressly for covering and roofing raiiroau cars, is perfectly and permanently water-proof, and more enduring than the t-aritsrlf. ENAMELLING CANVASS-30, 38, 40,45 and 50 inch plain and twilled, in every variety. .i.tuoiuuMu-ui every description. Seamless Bage, woven whole, all size, In bules of 100, 200 and 300: combining strength, miliiv nH clieapnesa, for grain and meal are unsurpassed. Also, heavy Cotton Sackimz. 40 inch thread Warp and Filling, heavy twilled, do. do., 20 22. 40 and 44 inch. ' WOOL SACLS Woven whole all fixes, a new and det-irable aiticle. 21. 1 14-1. v-c. ALUM SALT. Ei Vi BUSHELS, which will be sold cheap for JyJKJcaab, by C. DcPRE & CO. March 4. 149. "MAN KNOW THYSELF." AN invaluable Book for 25 cents. "Ever)Fami ly should have a copy." Six thousand copies sold in less thanthrce months. new edition, revi.-ied and improved, lu.-t issued. Dr. H unter's Medical Manuel and hand Book for ine .-rnicted, containing an outline of the origin, progrets. treatment and cute ol every form cf -is- ease, contracted by promlscuoussexual intercourse by self-abuse, or by sexual excess, with advice for their prevention, written in a familiar style avoiding all medical technicalities, and everything that would oltend the ear ol decency, from the result ol some twenty years successful practice, exclusively devo ted to lite cureoi diseases I a delicate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the cure of the ar.ove diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp toms and cure ol the fever and Asue, lor twenty fiveccnts a copy ; six copies one dollar ; will be for warded to any part of the United States, by mail, tree ol postage. Address, pot-tage pair, Cosden tp Co., Publishers or box 196, Post Office, Ptiiladelphia. "This is, without exception, the most comprehen sive and intelligible work publish d on the class of diseases ot which it treats. Avoiding till technical teims.it addressee itself to the reason of its readers. It is free from all objectionable matter and no pa rent, however fastidious, can object to .placing it in the hands of his sons. The author has devoted many years to the treatment of '.he various com plaints treated of, and 'with too little breath to puff,' and 'too little presumption to impose,' he has offered to the world at the merely nominal price of 25 cents, the fruitsof some twenty years most suecesMuIprac tice." HrBALD. "No teacher or parent should be without the knowledge imparted in this invaluaMc work, it would save yenrs of pain, mortification and sorrow to the youth under their charge.'" Pxe-PLi'sApvo c ATE. A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing of 'Hunter's Medical Manuel, says : "Thousands of our youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin a nd fearful con sequen ces upon themselves and their posterity. The con stitutions of thousands who are raising families hove been enfeebled- if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or the cure. Any thing thl can be done so to enlighten and influence the public mind as to check, and ultimately to remove this wide spread source of human wretchedness, would confer the greatest blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the pres.nl and coming generations- Intemperance, (the use of intnxicaiins drinks.) though it has slain thousands upon thousands, is not a greater scourge to the human race. Accept my thanks in behalf of the afflicted, and bclieveme, your co-worker in th good work you are so active ly engaged in.'' One copy will be forwarded (securely enveloped and postage paid,) on receipt of 25 cents, or six copies for SI. A ddress, COSDEN & CO.. Publishers, 196, Philadelphia. Booksellers Canvassers and Book Agenta, sup plied on the most liberal terms. June 2. 34-1 y-e. " HAY! HAY!! "I rf BALES superior Hay, just received from I V W Schr. Win Smith, from N. York, for sale by T. C. W ORTH. March 2. 143. DR. HARRIS, GRADUATE OF CAIHUIIIDGU, CLASS 1824. rr3 ROUNDER OF TIIEjZ BALTIMORE LOCK INFIRMARY. No. 3 1 SOUTH GAY ST. Opposite the Exchange Budding and Past Office. IMIOSK REQUIRING M ED1CA LOR SURGI X CAL AID, by applying to Dr. H., may secure SKILLFUL TREATMENT AND ADVICK while all communications w ill be sacredly shield ed by the .Ggis of professional honor. Aware of the difficulty wi;h the public to dis criminate, in a newspaper advertisement, between ihe genuine and skillful physician and : he spurious pretensions of thedcsigninganddangCrons Quack Dr H. will cheerfully give, when applied to, such private references as will fully eotisiv all who re quire his services. BEWARE OF NOSTRUMS! Avoid the Patent Elixirs, Compounds and Cor Jials, advertised to cure all persons under varied forms of disease. Aa the constitution and habits ol individuals differ, REASON TEACHES the same remedy cannot be suited to ajl alike, and that diseat-e can only be safely and effectually eradicat ed by a judicious application of proper remedies. ATTENTION IN'VITED. A practical experience of over 25 years enables Dr. H. to insure a sound and speedy cure in a cer tain class of diseases, which have too long been yielded by regular Physicians to the hands of quack ery. He may be consulted confidentially, either in person or by letter. Persons at a distance cared at home by address ing a letter to DR. GORDON HARRlSSj Balti more, Md. All communications confidential. Remedies sent by Mall or Express la any part of the United States. July19. 63-ly 48-ly-c. FLOWER SEEDS. A SUPPLY of Flower Seeds, of choice varieties. F or sale by S. B. A J. A. EVANS. Jan. 19 130 NEW ARRANGEMENT. THERE having heretofore been a good deal of just complaint on the part of the travelling pub lic on account of the absence of a reneral through ticket from Weldon and Wilmington, nortnward. The Mail Linetakesgreat pleasure in stating that the giounds of complaint have been removed, and en and alter the 1st February, Passengerscan get Tick ets at Weldon for Petersburg, Richmond, W ashing j- ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and rvew York City; and at Wilmington to the four last named places, and rice versa. Two Trains will continue to run daily as hereto fore, leaving Weldon. at 3 P. M. and II P. M. The following are the rates of Fare: From Weldon to Petersburg, $2,50. Do. do. Richmond, 3,50 F -om Weldon to Washington, 7,00 Do. do. Baltimore. 8,00 From Wilmington to Washington, 1 1,00 Do. do. Baltimore, 12,00 From Weldon to Philadelphia, 10,00 Do. do. New York, li,00 From Wilmington to Philadelphia. 14,00 ' Do. do. New York....... 15,50 For farther information and for Tickets, apply to Mr S.D. WALLACE, the Ticket Agent, of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road at Wilming ton, or J. F. SIMMONS, Agen'.at Weldon. B. F. DARRACOTT, " Through Agent, Mail Line. Tan. 24. 132-lyr. HAMS AND LARD. IrfVl LBS. Choice cud N. O. Hama 1 15 bbls. ,OUU new N, C. Lard ; 4 Cans new N. C. do., for sale by RANKIN MARTIN. Hatch 4. - ' . - 149. THE TRUE MAS0NICHARTK; OR HEROGLYPH1C MONITORS i piONTAINlNQ B tha Emblems, explained ia V tha Deo-reea of En lex ad Apprentice. Fellow Craft. Master Mason. -Mark Maater, Paet Master. Most KxceJlent master, Koyu Arca ttayai'maa-j ter, and Select Master; deaigaed and duly arraag- ei, agreeably ta tha Lactates, by R- W. Jeremy, u. -roes, u. u. or sate ay j. i vja U it us. March 7. 150. - A Ofl &LS. for Distillers' use, for Bate! ,y - - ; FKEEMAN e HOL HOCSTON. t itaaircB . 1 ;SPRIN(JSTYIBONNETp TUST received, a large and handsom assort a raenv psr Adam & Co.'s Express.' - Fr sale siiren I. STORE FOR RENT. THE STORE at present occupied by the snbscriber, will be for rent on Monday next, - ' J. T MJJNDS; March 7. . . i - . 4 - ISO. , . PLANTPiti F0TAT0ES. f BARRELS this day received, and lor sate OKJby W. M. SHERWOOD at CO. March 7. , 150. WANTED. a ff( LBS. Bees wax. for which the highest V(UUU piarket price, will be paid in cash. March 9. T. C. dt B. G. WORTH. FRESH CRACKERS. OA BBLS. Batter, Soda, Milk, Sugar, and Pi CJ lot Crackers, jas: received by L. N. BARLOW, March 9. No: 3, Granite Row. HAY. 1 fC BALES No. 1 North River, for sale by lOU FREEMAN & HOUSTON. March 9. 131- PRINTED FRENCH MUSLIN De Lanes; Plain Mode and High Coloured Ditto; French" and English Meri nous, every shade; Plaid Meriaocs and Raw Silk do. Muslin De Baiies, For sale by Nov. 29. JAMES DAWSON. DR. LANGLEyS ROOT AND HERB BITTERS, The Great Spring and Summer Medicine, COMPOSED OF Sarsajarilltt, Wild Cherry, Yellow Dock, Prickly Ash, Thorouglnvort and Dandelion. THIS invaluable Compound has been before the public for the past three years, during which time nearly THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND BOTTLES have been sold, thus proving it the most popular medicine of the age. 1 he medicinal vir tues of the best Roots are so comfounded as to act in concert with nature, it always does good, and never dot s hurt, in short it is safe for all ages and in all climates. Price 37 cents for a quart bottle. For sale, v hoiesale and Retail, at No. 3. Granite Row, by L. N. BARI.OW. Feb. 18. 144-3inc. PLOUGHS! PLOUGHS!! 200 PLOUGHS, all kind.-tand castings for the same. J ust received and for sale by ZENO H. GREENE. Dec. 17. N. C.T.copy. 117. LADIES' BOOTS. 50 ?RS. Ladies Kid Lace Boots thin soles: 50 " " French Morocco Lace Boots thin soles; 50 prs. Ladies French Morocco 11 Lace Bouts -thick soles ; 50 urs. Ladies Kid Mo rocco Lat e Boots ihick soles. A first rate article, received this day and for sale by Feb. lb. JONES fc GARDNER. SALAMANDER SAFES. - THE name ot Salamander was first applied to Wilder's Patent, am. introduced by the subscri ber in IS40, who in 1844 purchased the rignt to manufacture. The superiority of Herrina's (Wild er's) Salamander Safes over all others induced ma ny to infringe upon the patent right by using the composition ; others more cautious, and lo evade a lawsuit, in tde an inferior article, imitating the ex terior in form, ' style, color of painlins, and attach ing the name 'balatnander,'' Improved Salaman der," "Fire Proof Salamander," -The Genuine Sal amander," lie, pc, and have succeeded in palm ing off some of the spnriou.. Salamanders as genu ine. Those wanting the oriyin.il Salamander, man ufactured by the subscriber, should Lake the pre caution to see that they have upon them a tin tal plate "Silas C. Herring, Maker," nil such b ing he genuine (Wilder's Piitent) Salamander, or Her ring's improved ratent cnampion oaie, wtucn re ceived the medal at the Great World's Fair, and which have never failed to preserve the contents In case of fire. Purchasers can srlecl frm the largest assortment in the world by calling at the sale rooms of SILAS C. HERRING. 135, 137, and 139 Water, cor. of Pine Streets. N. B. Chilled Iron safes with powder prooftocks manufactured expressly for banks, jewellers, - brok ers, and others requiring security from rogues Bank vault doors on hand, and made to order. All the most celebrated locks for sale at manufacturer's prices. Second hand safes for sale a, less than half price. AGENTS FOR HERRING'S SAFES: John Farrel, Philadelphi i, Pa ; R. McCAND L1SH. Richmond. Vn ; Henry H. W illiama, Char leston. S. C; Filbricl" fc Uell, Savannah. Ga ; Geo W. Srzer New Orleans, La ; Win. V. Moore & Co., Mobile, Ala. Feb. 7. 136-3mc. WANTED. 1 rVl" nnn FEET of White or Post Oak lUU.UUU Plank, 14, 21, or 28 feet long, 14 inchesor upwards wide, and 2j inches thick, for which I will pay $20 pcrthousand. May24. Uht;. s. utLLhsrib. PLANTING POTATOES. Ofl B8LS. just received and for sale by UV; J. ILKLAttlXKIl, Jan. 19 No. '25 South Water street REMOVAL AND NEW FIRM. FAUST & WINEBRENEK, HAVING associated with ihem WM. M. CAR TER, will continue the Hard-ware Business under the firm of Faust, Winkbrbxeb dc Co. And have Removed to their New 6 Story Brown Stone Store, No. 45 North 3d Street Enst side above Market, Philadelphia ; erected "on the lot formerly occupied by the Old City Hotel, where we are pre pared to show a very full assortment of Hardware. Cutlery, Guns, EiOes, Turpentine Ax es, Hackers, And all other goods usually Kept by Habdwabe establishments, we respect ly solicit a visit from our friends and buyers generally. Philadjlphia, Feb. 14, 1854. I41-2mc. NOTICE BY RESTON fc TOWNSHEND. EXTENSION AND ENLARGEMENT OK IIUiINESS. WL. S. TOWNSHEND having purchased the interest of N. C. Dickinson in the Firm of J. R. KEiTON & CO., the business will be conducted under the title uf R est on & Towns hesd. There will be no change, no winding up of accounts, only an enlargement and increase of Capital, and extension of business, as they are making arrange ments lo conduct it in all its branches both Whole sale ani Retail. Hoping the very liberal patron age which has been bestowed on the old, will be continued to the new firm, we are very respect fully to the public. -'- J. R. RESTON. Feh. 14. W. L.S.tOANSHEND. SPRING AND SUMMER SILKS. I UST received the Newest Designs out, by J KHAN W EI L K R . BRO. March 7. 150. NOriCE. ALL persons indebted to us for Goods purchas ed previous to the 1st January, 1854, are res pectfully requested to call and settle. Feb. 25. HRDRICK Sl RYAN. THE NEW MASONIC TRESTLE BOARD. Adapted to the Work and Lectures as practised in the Lodges, Chapters, Councils, and Encamptmcnt of Knight Tempters, in the U nited States of America, by Charles W. Moors. For sale by J. T MUNDS. March 7. 150 PLANTING POTATOES C f BBLS. Yellow and Pink Eye, a splendid ar--SVS ticle just received per Albert Adams from Boston, and for sale by Feb. 21. W. M. SHERWOOD A CO. JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE. OA BAGS Rio and Laguyra Coffee; XJ 10 Pockets old Gov, Java do. ; 30 bbls. white and yellow Sugars: 3 do. S. H. ffjmtp ; 2 do. Fulton Hess Beef, (chuice ) 1 do. Pickled Salmon ; 40 whole, half and quarter Bea Raisins ; 19 boxes Babbitt's Soap Powders; - . -5 , do. P. & Merrill's Yeast Powder -25 drama new Figs; 5 q'lls Codfish, (large;) 3 Gross Cox, Gelatine, (a aapetfor article ; 15 boxes Colgate's Soap;. v , i . 20 i do. Sperm and Taliaw Cadlea; 1E dow Lamon Syrapt . - 10.. dot. assorted Chocalate; . . 6 v do. Nov 1 ground Co gee, pnt ap express ly for Family a sc. 'For sale low for casa, y i.. rv. DSAUW, March 4. No. 3, Granite Row. FOR BOSTON. THE Briar TOM AH. CanL SIMS, hav- ,frtg most of her freight engaged, will have -dispatch. For freieht or aassaae. anelv ta March 23. . SANK1N d MARTIN. FOR BOSTON. THE Schr. ABB Y GALE. CaDL T1B- BKTT3, will sail daring tha next week.-- or freight or past age, apply to - - - unxin m uamiH, FOR NEW LONDON. THE Schr. DOLPHIN, Capt. LORD. " will sail on Monday next. - Far light freight ! or passage, apply to Alareh 23. RANKIN d MARTIN. FOR RICHMOND, VA. fi THE Schr. NORTH PACIFIC, Mabct. Master. Fur freight or passage, apply to TMTiMarch 23. GEO. HARR1SS. FOR PHILADELPHIA, HERON'S LINE. THE Pocket Schr. M. B. MlHnw Nichols. Master, will have ditoaich as . abjve. For light freight or passage, apply tlEO H i H ims March 23. 3'. FOR NEW YORK. REGULAR LINE. THE KeutiUr Puckfif S, hr AT.V.t HfT , Master, will have disnatrh lifrhl f r i i r h f nr nascsmrr nnnlu In March 23. HARRISS. FOR PHILADELPHIA, THE New Schr. BIARY MASHON, momentarilv expected, and will meet with dispatch. For freight engagements, appiy r. c, wuicTii, March 13 Walker's Wharf. FOR NEW YORK. THE A. 1. Packet Schr. SOUTHERN ER, BURR, Master, will have dipnch for the above port. For freight or pas sage, having superior accommodations, apply to J. H. FLANNER. March 36. 154. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. THE Schr. RACHEL J. MILLER, B. , E. PEACOCK, master, 2,300 panels capa city. Apply to GEO. HARRISS. March 7. 150- BELLS ! BELLS!! BELLS M ! r II E Subscribers manufacture and keep con stant ly on hand a largo assortment of Bells suitable for Churches, Acadmiee, Factories, Stea mers, Plantations, etc., mounted with their im proved Hangings, the most efficient in use. Their establishment has been in operation Thirty years, having turned out nearly 10,000 Bells averaging 600 lbs each ; and its patterns and process of manu facture fo perfected, together with recent improve ments, that its Bells have an unequalcd reputation for volume of sound and quality of tone. They have just received Jan. 1854 the First Premium (A Silver Medal) of the World's Fair in New York, over all Bells from this Country or Europe. Hav ing a larsc assortment of 1'clU on hand, and being in immediate connection with routes in all direc tions, cither Rail Koail, Canal or River, and bnt 4 hours from New YorK, we can execute orders with dispatch. Address A. MF.NEF.f.Y'S SONS, Wvst Troy, Albany Co., N. Y. Feb. 21. 144-lyc. OVERTISHMEN'T. GOOD MEDICINES. STAIII.EH's ANODYNE CHERRY EXPECTORANT Eur Covght Colds, Bronchitis, Croup, 3pc. STABLER'S DIIR"RH(EA CORDIAL. The valuable medicines above named, are not empirical, but are prepared in agreement with the ex eri.nce of sonieof the most learned and judi cious practitioners, and are not secret, fur I her flu n is necessary to protect the prcprieiois ui.d f- who use them frrm lots nr.d impof-nioii, o- 1 1. . component parts have been made known, confiden tially, from time to time, to perhaps 500 PHYSICIANS! In Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia, Ohio, and other places, all of whom, without a single x ci ption, have approved of the formula, and most of th'-iii acknowledge that they are the b.-at remedies that they have ever known for the cure ol the dis eases for which they are recommend d. Our confi dence in the excellence of these medicines, iddcd to our desire to avoid the just prejudice of the med ical profession against secret and quack nostrums, induced us to adopt thiscaadid course. We append a few of ihe notices wu have received from pnysi clars, viz : From Dr. Wm. II. Farrow, of Snow Hill, Mary land. Gentlemen I have frequently in my practice prescribed your'-Stablcr's Anodyne Cherry Expec torant" and Diarrhcei Cordial, with great satisfac tion to myself, and to the entire relief of such dis easeascs as they profjss to euro. 1 consider them happy combinations of some of our most valuable and safe therapeutical agents, and must be of in finite worth to the afflicted and mankind at large. In furnishing the medical profession with these active and concentrated preparations, so convenient tor administration, and of a standard quality, you have rendered them an eminent service, and I can do no less than earnestly recoiuiiif nd these prepa rations to practitioners, and especially in the coun try, where the impurity of commercial Drugs is one ot the greatest obstue'es to ths success of the Physician. Doct. W. Love writes to us th.it he has adminis tered the Expectorant to his wife, who has had the Bronchitis for fourteen years, and that she is fast recovering from her long standing malady. It has in a few weeks done her more goo J than all the remedies she has heretofore used under able medi cal counsel. From Dr. H. P. Worthington, Laurel, Md. "After several months' use of your Kxpeelurant, both in my own family and in general practice, I am confirmed in the opinion expressed of it, when first made acquainted with the recipe. For one I thank you for so convenient and elegant a prepara tion of the Wild Chert v." From Geo. Gerry. M. D. of Somerset Co., Md. "Having examined the component parts of Sta bier's Anndyna Cherry Expectorant, also of Sta b let's Diarrhoea Cordial, and having used them in praclic, 1 feci no hesitancy in recommending them." From J. E. Marsh, M. D., Kent Co , Md. "I have made free use of your Phrrhaea Cor dial in my family. It gives me much pleasure to add my testimony to that of others, in favor of its efficiency. From Samuel Martindal0, M. D., Chesapeake City Md. "1 hive much pleasure In adding my testimony in favor of your valuable Cherry Expectorant. I have, aft er an extensive use, found it to answer all my expectations." From Dr. Daniel W. Janes, Somerset Co. Md. "I have given your Expectorant and Diarrhoea Cordial a fair trial, and am delighted with their effects, never having had them to fail in a single instance. I shall take pleasure in recommending them. We have been favored with a written certificate, cheerfully given by numerous medical gentlemen in Maryland, Virginia and Ohio, which alone should convince the mott doubting that these are really Good Medicines; after siatinj that they are ac quainted with the composition of both the Expec torant and Cordial, and that they have adminis tered them to their patients, they testify -'that they are remedies of great value, safe, efficient, and well worthy of the patronage of the profession and the Public, that thev are more reliable lhan any other proprietary medicines with which we are acquaint ed." 4c. The above notices of recommendation from mem bers of the Medical Faculty, Pharmaceutists of high standing, and Merchants of the 6rst respec tability, should be sufficient to satisfy all, that these medicines are verthy of trialnf the afflicted, and that they are of a different stamp and class from the "0,uackery" and "Cure Alls' so much im posed npon the public. See the decriptive Pamphlets, to be had gratis of all who have the medicine lor sale, containing re commendations from Doctors Martin, Baltzell. Ad dison, Payne, Handy. Love, 4c. Por sale bv Druszuta. AootheeariMi and Coun try Stores-keepers generally, at tha lew price of r uiy cesva per oo 1 1 le. or ni Potties lor 8J.6U. r. U. STABLER CO. - Wholesale Draggl.ts, " 120 Pratt meet, Baltimore. Far al la WilmiagtoB by CUtfc D. DcPRE. . ., . :,&--eXl'"'- " 124-ly-e Marco za, to to BOY'S WALKING CANES. FANCY aaaortment, for sale, at tha Hat and Cap Emporium. c. MYER'S. FOR SALE. T .j ? t srrro vnnD.fRviHBn. . mm i iia ivuaai cajicba, BELONGING TO THE WILMINGTON AND RA LEIGH RAILROAD COMPANY. rvOMPKISING tha Line of Mail Steamers now KJ employed between Wilmington and Charleston, S. C, will aa sold by a action, in the latter City, on 1 huraday, tba I3cb day of April next, vis : I-. o r fi 8t O 4 o - O 2! C M O o H H n g 2 2 m P 2 : H : : : 5S M o o '-" H CO oa a. co O fe a 3 o oa oo o Burthen-. Length - Breadth Beam Drafl Water J Ci a J. U3 rf O CZ? ZZ Diam. Cylinder - Length cf Stroke Diam. Wheel Face of Wheel V. OS 2 o ra zz 4 n l- -s J 3 3 o o 3 p 2. 2. 5 3 . ?5" 3 c -3 WX (a a . . zz These Steamers arc s i well known to the pub lic, as sa'e. comfortable and rapid Vessels for the transportation of patenters, that further descrip tion is deemed unnecessary. All, but thcC. Van derbilt, (which requires some inconsiderable re pairs lo her machinery,) arc in first rate running order, an.1 have been constantly kept staunch and in thorough repair, bcin now considered as good or better th in when first launched. Particular information can be had at any time on application at the Company's office at Wil mington, N. ('., or to Edward Winslow; Esq., the Company's Aji nl in Charleston. The Steam ers will be open to inspection at Wilmington, till the 1st of pril, and afterwards at Chatleston, till day of sale. ALSO. Will be sold, on the same day, that VALUABLE WHARF in the City of Charleston, heretofore used as the landing pi ice of the above named Steamers, fronting about 150 feet on Cooper river, and running bnck 216 feet to Wharf street, on which it fronts 03 feet. The terms will be made known at the sale, ....:U . I.. . I -...! 1. . nilltu win laKc (Miee m 11 o chick, l.lil., upon the premises, on the lav above ntmed. ALEX. McRAE, President. Jan. 3'. 133 ts. ME A L, H 0M0N YTADII OIlS E FEED. TH E Subscribers h ve been appointed Agents L for the GOLDSBORO MILLS, celebrated for making very supciior Meal, Hoinony, if-c. Families can ut nil times be supp.ied by calling nt our Store, North Water Street, one foor above Ellis & Mitchells. TAYLOR & PETTEWAY. Mareh 9. 151-Jni. COFFEE. 7- BAGS Java. Laguaya, Rio anJ St. Domin ' ' for sjle by March 9. FREEMAN HOUSTON. BEEF, PORK,' LARDliNDHlCONT ChVbiiAL tols tor 'sate oy Fit EE MAX & HOUSTON. 151. Match 9. UNITED MATES MAIL L1.E TO XEW VOKK via NKI'OL,K. THROUGH IN TU ENTV-FOUR HOURS. PASSENGERS from Georgia, South Carolina, &c , taki ng the M anche.-it r and Wilmington RAIL ROAD nd Seaboard and Roanoke KAIL ROAD to Aorl'olk, Vu., will meet the large and Commodious Steam Ships JAMESTOW'N and ROANOKE at Norfolk every Wednesday and Sat urday mornings, leaving ai eleven o'clock with U. Stales Mail, nnl arriving in N. Vork early ihe next day. Passage a nd Fare Stateroom included to New Vork, $8,04 ; Steerage Passage. 84. Ke nt nine these Ships leave New Vork r Narfolk every Tuesday and Saturday afternoons. J. M. SMITH A BHO. March 7. i50-3mr. CilARMING BOOKS. 'HEAVEN, or the Sainted Dead." Ninth Edi tion. " The Heavenly Reeoijniiion," or will wc know our friends in Heaven. Sixth Edition. The Heavenly Home." or the employments and enjo'. imnts of the Saints in Heaven. Reading the above Books will be pleasurable and profitable. v'ecrn recommend tip ni to our friends. For sale by J. T. MUNDS. March 7. 130. CRYSTAL PALACE! MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. 'PHE Proprietors i.f this establishment beg J- leave to inform the citizens of Wilmington and the surrounding country, that their first exhi- tion of SPRING GOODS will take place this morning. The stock compri.-es the most Fash ionable Styles of the present season : Consisting of tine French, Belgium and German Cloth; newest Designs ol French Cashimeres and splen did assortment of Vestings of all kind.. Also, a large assortment of superi ir Ready ma :c Clothing suitable for the present season, nil ol the best French Fabric?. Also, constantly kppt on hand a large assortment of genili men's furnishing goods. Second door below the Carolina Hotel. KAHNWEILER & BRO. .March 7. 150. SPRING STYLES. K'AHNWEILER & BRO, beg leave to an- - ll"UII1.L IIIU. UICII 1IICI I.AIIIWIIKII " i .l.: : r.u ... - I ..1., nf louce loin lliuiinuic Ol oew rpi hiiu iuh -i ci i v. Spring Goods, just received per Adams & Co.'s Ex press : A large: assortment, too teaious iu locu tion. Please lo call and examine. March 7. I5n. THE ARTIST'S GUIDE, AND .MECHANICS OWN BOOK, Embracing the portion of Chemistry applicable to the Me chanic Arts, with abstrac'.s cf Electricity, Galva nism, Magnetism, Pneumatics, Optics, Astrono my, and .Mechanical Philosophy, Ac, etc.; by J as l'llkington. For sale by J. T. MUNDS. March 7. 150. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AN Elegant Edition of Bills of Exchange, print ed in Getmauy, in Books of 10 quirea and In sheets, just received and for sale al the office of 77ie Commercial . SIIIEL'S SKETCHES OF THE JRISH BAR. Another supply, just received and for sale at 5. W. -WHITAKKR'S. March 4. 149. SUGAR. GO BBLS. various erodes, fr sa'e by FREEMAN t HOUSTON. March 9. 151. MOLASSES. Ir( HHDS. of prime new crop Cardenas, rJ.t now landing from Barque Saranac. For sale by i. HATHAWAY & SON. March 9. 151. HARPER'S FOR MARCH. R EC EI VED and for sale by March 7. . T. MUuo. JUST KECEIYED. Per Schr. IV. II Smkh. OH BAGS Rio CofTee ; 100 bags Shot ; 500 lbs. OU Bar Leads, 25 boxes assorted Candy; BT boxes Soap. Noti.PaleandToilet; 25 bbls. Crack ers: 50 boxes do. For aale by era, aw Dozes in, r ZKQ H GREENE. Feb. 21. V W.C-TeL copy. 141 HIEDSICK CHAMPAIGN. B ASKETS Quarts and Pin's, for ealn by Match 4. RANKIN & MARTIN. 20 THE GSE.1T fCSlFIEB OF THE BLOOD. Kot a rarllele -Cf Mm'nrT In it. : An infallible remedy for Scrofula, Klog'a Evil, Rheumatism, ObstinsteCutarreoas Eruption, Pim ples or Pustules on iheface.Bloiches.Boils.Chraa ic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or TetlerScald Head, Enjaftetnentand Pain of tha Bonesand Jolnts.&tub born Ulcer, SyphJIItiir Disorders, Lambago, Spi nal Complaints, and aU diseases arising from an in judicioasuseof Mereury,lniprudnet ioLil,r Ira purity of the Blood. , .-.' :-J - '.4 m.in.iuMdHiilnii which ha s become celcbrs" ted lor ths number of extraordinary eons effected through ltsagensy, haa tndueed the proprietors, a t tba argent reaaeal of their frlendstoolhr Jt to tha public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its vitiates and wonderful curative properties. The following certifies lea, selected from alarce num- . ber, arc. however, stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors i and are all Irom gentlemen well known In their localities, and of the highest respectability, many of them now residing in tha citv of Richmond, Virginia. F. lioYDKS,Esq,,of tho Exchange Hotel, Rich inond, known every where, says he has nvn the Medicine called Carter's Spanish Mixture adminis tered in over a hundred cases, In nearly all thedisea ses for which it is r eco ni mended, wl I h the mor as tonishingly good results. He says it is the most ex- -traordinary medicine he has ever seen. ; Ague and Fever Great Cure.--I horeby certify, that for three years I had Ague and Feverof the most violent description I had several Physicians, took larae quantities of Quinine. Mercury, and 1 believe all the I onics advertised, but all without any per manent relief. At lust I tried Carter'sSpanish Mix ture ; two bottles of which off ctunlly cured me.and 1 amhaypy to say I huvchad neither Chills or Fe vers since. I confide r it the bctlTonidn th world and theonlv medicine that ever reached my case. JOHN LONG DEN,. Beaver Dam. nar Richmond, Vs. C. B.Luck, E.-q , now inlh city of Richmond, and formany years in the IrM Office, has such con fidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Span ish Mixture, that he has bonghtupwardsof 50 bottles, which he has given away to the afflicted. Mr Luch says he has never known It to fail when taken ac- cording to directions, Dr. Misoe a practising Physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, saye ho has witnessed in a number of instances thecHects of Carter'sSpanish Mixture whlih were most truly surprising. He says in a case of Consumpti. a, de pendent on the Liver, the good effects were wonder ful indeed. Samuel M. Drinkeb, of the firm of Drinker d Morris, Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of 3 years standing, by the ue of two bottles of Car eer's Spanish Mixiuie. Great cure of Serofula.--The Editors of iheRlch uiond Republican had a servant employed in thei press room, cured of violent Scrofula, comblnod with Rlieninniifin, w hich entirely disabled him Irom work. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure of him, and the Editors. in a no lice, say ihey "cheerfully recommend it ! all who are iitllie.led with any disease ot the blood " Still another cure of Scrofula 1 had a very val uable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Nj.anirh Mixture. 1 consider it a truly valuable Medicine. JAMEV M. TAYLOR. Conductor on the R. F. & W R. R. Co., Richmond Va. SALT I.I1EUMOF20 YEARS STANDING CURED. Mr. John Thompson, reiidintr in the city of Rich mond, was cured by three bottles of Carter's Span ish Mixture, of Salt Rlicunt. w hich he had nearly 0 years, andjA'liieh all the physicians of the city could not cure. Mr. Thompson is a well knewn merchant in the city of Richmond, Va., and his cure is most rem.iikablc. ; Richard E. West, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula, and what Physicians culled confirm d Consumption, by three bottles cf Carter' Spanish Mixture. Edwin Bltto.v. Commissioner rf the Rctenue, says he hns seen the good eliects of Carter's Span-i-h Mixture in n number of Syphilitic esses, and says it is a perfect cure for that horrible disease. Wm. G. Harwood, of Richmond, Va.. cured oi Old Sores nnd Ulcers, which disabled him front walking. Took a few bottles f Carter's Spanish Mixtur j, and was enaDlcd to walk without a crutch, in a short time permanently cuwd. Principil Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE & CO.. No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York. T. W. DVOTT fc SONS, No. 132, North 2d Street. Philndelpnia . BENNETT d;- BEERS, No. 125 Maiden Street. Richmom), Va. And for sale by WM. H. LIPPITT, Wilminjlon and by Drujigislsgenerally. May 12. 25 lye. COPARTNERSHIP. r w . t , r -w r j . .. i nr. unui rucncu nave tnia day lornird a formed n f -s partnership under Ihe Firm m of r:n a ttf ii- TO N A CO.. for the transaction nf rjr. .... .J tomiitission Ucsinees. T. M. CHATTERRON, S. T. HEWETT. Feb 2. 136 3m. FRESH ARRIVALS. THi; Subscribers have just received a' lot o J Crushed, Clarified, and Grunulated Sugars, and a few barrels of the handsomest Porto Rico Suga in market. ALSO, half bbls. of Fulton Marie Beef ; Mackerel in 8th bbls. and kits; Goshen But ter of the pure Simon Blue; 40 bbls. of new Flour; 10 bbls. of Mess Pork, all of Which we offer lo the public, at the lowest maiket prices. McCALEB A GILBERT, Feb. 23. Market-it , near ths Dock. THIS DAY RECEIVED. nn BUSHELS Meal and Ilommony. fresh JV)J ground, from the Gol lsboro' Mills, snd for eale by W. M. SHERW OOD CO. Feb. it. 145. FROM PARIS. WONDER OF THK AGK. JUST received from Paris, Robe de Chsmbra and Bask, the back, front, and Sleeves sll in one piece; it is the most approved and comfortable fit lo the figure that can be produced. Mademcselle OURA1 D invites the ladies of Wilmington and Country to call and xarr.ine for themselves, two doors below the late residence oi Mrs. SHAW, on 2d street, whjre she ia in rendiness to receive them. K'LLE. DURAIND. Feb. 28. 47.,f CLASSIC and HISTORIC PORTRAITS, IJY JAMES BRUCE. Juat published, and for -i J si sale at S. W. WHITAKKR'S. March 4. 140. THE WORKING MAN'S WAT IN TnE WORLD. Being the Autobiography f a Jour neyman Printer. Jost published, and for ale at . w. WHITAKER'S. March 4. 14 GRACE GREENWOOD'S WORKS. RECOLLECTIONS of my Childhood; Haps and Mishaps or a Tour to Europe; Greenwood Leaves 1st and 2d Scries, at March 4:' S. W. WHITAKER'S. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE- Located 127 Oaltlmore-st-. Haltimerr, H I ''''HE ostensible object f ibtk. Institution is to J. afford individuals opporloniny of obtaining a complete Mercantile Education. Conrse of study Book Keeping, by double entry, as nraeticsliy used in the various department of Trade snd Commerce, including Wholesale, Retail, Commis sion Manufacturing, Shipping, and Steamboating, Individual Partnership, and Compound Co.. Busi ness. Also, Mercantile Calculations, Practical Penmanship, and lamiliar Lectures on Commercial Law. and the usages of Trade. Students being taught individually, can enter College at aoy time, and the Coarse is usually completed in from E to 8 weeks. Terms tor aa unlimited eoctse of instruc tion. 35. All eoromunieatioas addressed to O. K. CHAM BERLIN, will meet with prompt snention. ireulars mailedto any part af the Uaioa when de sired. July 19. 53-Iy --43-w-lr-e. NOW LANDING, OHABBLS. very superior It. O. Syrup i vAJ 1000 Sacks Liverpool Salt, for sale and la Vols to suit by T. C. A B. G. WORTH. Feb. 14. H. HARRINGTON'S SKETCHES. PERSONAL Sketches of his own Tiroes, by Sir Jonah Barrlngton. For sale at March 4. S. W. WHITAKER'S.