A" esTffiarjoxKHw own physician. T'HIS U th nty work treaitntf on -Private Die ..ettaes, common to MALE and FEMALE, and that contain ttrtfpea fur the care f the a inc. It give th symptoms of rh different Alien, fol lows them up. in their difFerearaiaav who reel pea written In plain ENGLISH, for their eare. Prom this worif the unfeJrtunat can lea in their precise situttioa, tafca their perse M aad imkcwi a preac rip it o, (which eon be p located at any Ding Store) and by followiag Implicitly the instructions, be cur ed and save etpoamre. " The author of this work, a Uta Prwfeaaor iaoneof thaleadiaa; Medical College of Philadelphia, has, per hips, had more practice in the cure of Private Disease In different stages of Society, taan any other Physician in the country. It coataina a beautiful Lithographic Figure of a Female.' showing th fermaljon of tha' Generative Organ, w"lh tfoper explanations, Ac. Address HUOBRS de to.. Publishers, Post paid, Philadelphia, Pa, Prlc?l per copy Freeof Pos Se. 1 March 25. 4-3mc. pm AND SUMMER GOODS. H'HE eahscrtber directs the attention of the pub-J- Uc generally, to hi wall aelecnd atock of SPRING AND SUJ1MER GOODS, Consisting of Black and Colon d Silk. Barege, Barege de Laincs. Silk Tissues, colon d Jaconets, White do , Silk. Crape and Straw Bonnets, Ribbons -t ail style. Children' Flat, colored and whiia Crane SAawle, Silk and Lace Mantillaa of all de scription, a general sonrnent of Embroideries, Paraul.and vertoua other articles not necessary lw Mimlioa). To be Mid cheaper than they can be bought aay were else ia town. A call i only ne--ary. - S. HOFFMAN. March 25. t -.. 4 3t. BILES CHOICE HAY. 1 CVw B-l-ES Hay 4.000 lbs. choice Hama; J. A. 20 Tata good retailing Butter; 20 barrel l-'Uh. Matters and Trout-, iur aaie by March 25. , W. M. SHKUWOOD 4 CO. UMBRELLAS. FF"r".nrpty of Silk and Scotrh Gincham Umbrcrlta receirrd dirrct from ihe tnanufar-t-r. Alia, 50 dozen aaaorted qualitie, rh ilc aale and retail trade; the largeat t ck in the Stat.-, may be aeen at the Kmportum, No. l.Gtin ite Row. C. M V Klt'S. March 21. CJxNLEV, KIRK & CO. DEALERS IN BUTTKR, Che. Lird, and Smokrd Proviaionr, Prk. Beef. Bean. Pa. and Dried Fruit'. 233 and 235, FKONT STHEET, Corner of PKCK SLIP, NRVV VORK. March 25. 4-lyc. POTATOES. -I r BBLS. Prune eating PuUtora Just receiv- J J ed, by L. N. BARLOW. March it. Ne. 3, Granite Row, CHANGE OF BUSINESS. AVING aold our entire Stock of Confection ary, we have opened at the same place a hand H some assortment of U pkotmlcring Good; Paper tUuigiagt, Win-do r Shades. CurMtns and r ur, tfiaUrtc, Feather Bed, PUloirt, Cuthions, Lounge. de d-e. Having superior workmen from the North, we will fit up Private Hoaves, iiutcis, Roardinic Houses, Steamboats, Rail Road Cars, Ac, in fact every thine in the line of Business, and endeavor to give satisfaction. At toe same time would return our sincere lhaaks fur the very liberal patronage we have bad for the last seven years, and shajl endea vor to merit a continuance in our new Business. WILKINSON A ESLKR, March 13. 1-tf. Market Sirret. Daily Journal copy. PICKLED HERKINGS. - BBLS In Store, for sale by March 25. ADAMS, BRO. A CO. 50 WESTERN BACON. "VT OW landing front hr. Araminta, 35 hhds. of La aaperior Western Sides. For sale by March 25. T, CAB.G WORTH. FANCY HATS. ! HITE PEARL and Nanken Fancy Trimmed j Hats, now wpen, at the Hat Store. w March 14. C. M VERS. a c a iTd . ! JOHN WORD Respectfully informs the inhabi taotaof Wilmington, that he wilt commence hi DANCING LESSO.S tor the Second Session, n Tuesday 14th int., al 4 o'clock P. M. A nlghi School for Genlleuien of the same evening at 9 o'clock. Mirch9. Her., and Jour, copy 2t. 151-tf. INFANTS n AIR AND STRAW BLOND EDGK CAMILLAS, Hair and Pearl Corontta, Chipand Coberg Plceadilies; beautiful shape. tened this morning al the F.mporium, Granite JbW, Ks. iU 1 CSV O. M.rch21. TI.E CHEAPEST WAY TO BUY! THE anbacribrr having located himself in the City of Near Vork. a a General Purchasing n. I Commission Agent, oflk-ri his service in the t.iirchase of Dry Goods, Groceiit s, Hardware. c, Pianos. Books, Clathing. Farming Tool and lne 4'leuients, Machinery and every thing else d.-t-ired 4,t to be had in this Market. He hak had 25 years experience in business, hss noUrinf to tell, and irua TaBtees satisfaction in all cast-a. Tccsia: Cath in atvancs, or City Jitfertnce. He will buy wlw-ntv-r desired, on time. All erder will meet prompt attention. Commission from 2 lo 5 per cent. He btva the honor of referring in North Carolina, to N. W. dr. J. W. Wo'idfin. Ja. W. Osborne, John Bax ter, and Henry W. Millet. Esqrs. In New Vork, W. and J. T. Moore Co.. Rankin, Puryea dr. i Co , Bates. Taylor A Co., Meliua Counter or Shcr w uod, li M. Brace i Co.. Brings. Westvoti, Stark -weal her, Wilcox, Nichols and Scbieffelin Hjines t Co. J.4.-AL EDNKV, Office 175 Pearl-t , March 25. 4. t7 . F.. 19th stre. t. NOW LANDING Fntm Sfkrs. Be, W. H. Smith anH Airv I ml La r K HBLS. Rectified W hUkey ; J5 bbls. Gin: 15 i O dov; Apple Brandy; 20 bbls N. E. Hum; 2 4bla. Holland Gin; 60 do. Mess Pork; 5 hhda. N. 4). Sugar; 50 boxev Candy, assorted; 25 boxes .Smoked Herrings; 25 do. Raisins; oO Ploughs, Points, Bar, e. For sale al the loweat market lricc.ey ZENO H. GREENE. ' March 25. N. C. T. coT- L EVENING LESSONS fN FRENCH, OERM AN, GREEK a-so LATIN. 'I 'HE subscriber proposes to form EVENING A' CLASSES for inattnctioB ia the above language-, for tha convenience of those whose engage ment mighr -prevent their .attendance during the day. Having studied French and the classical Ian guegea ia Europe", and speaking the German as his native ton;ne, he feels confident of being able to impart a thorough knowledge of then to such gen tlemen as may fevor him with their patronage. Forrccaas, etc. apply lo the subscriber, at his rrid"noa on Prince street, two doors Kt of the "Journl"Omse. JACOB'LOEB. Wil niagtoa, Mtrch?3. ' 3-tf. ." notice.' T BV virtoe of a deed of Trust executed to me n th 20tfc ln4 I will expos to sale at public act is, owThrdafi he 30th day of March, at 10 o'clock, A. M..at the store on Market Street, lately aeewpted by L, K. WILSON, the KNTIRE BTOCK of FANCY aad STAPLE DRY GOODS therein, with Sheet, Hats, Bonnctr 4c. Also four Coarttcrs. Desk and Show Caret ; also at ear aatiwaa m Horae, Bridle and Saddle. tjT ( ae atora wUi ke rented out UD'ii 1st Octo v ?. ,ie-r.rX' " f i-a.i. v otj.-x , Assignee , ,Mareh 23le44. 3-t. SEYMOUR'S Celebrated Galvanic Abdominal Supporters. ' I H IS U ta certify, that C. A D. DuPre, Drug X. Uta af WUmiagtoa, N. C, are my sole agents for iheaeTril-e;aoiSfawierafor this place aad vicloltfiT' ' K- SEYHOUR. We most respectfully eB the attention of the Medical Profession ef tha Stata to an examination pf th above Suppoctqra.M i f C. dt D. DaPRE. .Matchy---V?:" ... 4' f M . MCANDr-! CANDY rr r , ' KECE1VED thUday ai No. S, Granite Row. direct from tha marAfactoryr r H IfrOOpoandafreahCaady ia25ib.'ioxeai . . fiOO . - V- , aaaorted for retailing ; 300 -m-'K : j?.!. Gam drops ofvarloas flavors! IWvti!,JallyCakea. - . For safe TbT T: L. Pf. BARLOW. UareH 23. tsaras-at ftM CHAMPAGNE. v r err BASKETS Geaalne Heidslck, la q'oarts and OU pints, for aata by RANKIN A. MARTIN. March ll-:!."1 ' f'v 7 - 't-- tTf BAB-REL3 Mass Ponr, just received, aad OU tot .hT BAN UN MARTIN. .11 .Mk 4 '- "EAT, DRliffliBfi;MEI(RY,w rPHB aubaer1-,Wury1thankfoi r?tlt liberal .X patronage heretofore beat owed upon Mm by hi fricBda, and atl desirous of. btafhing good ar ticle In hla trade aw. who Wale a ad retail price, beg lea to to Inform t hem that, lie haapcrfccied arrangementa fur procuring a conatani anppiy ot the eery but GrvczrUa, at h very lowest prices ; and that Ma Mock la now tirig replenished with floods scieciod with great care, and shipped un der hi per to not aunerriaion Beiw-ing that a perianal inspection will be hla higheal commenda tion, he aoiicits a visit from lliosr dearruus of ae IcctinK from ibe following, anions other articles. GKO. MVS RaS. 2C0BBLS. OK SCGAR. Crushed, Powdered, Granulated, Coflce -crushed, Clarified and Porto Rico 100 BAGS COFFKE. Java, (old) Laygulra, Jamalra, and Rio. FLOOR Hiram Smith. John Rice, iiliam . Fareiteviile In bbls. and half bbU. and ba. frtth. TKAS. "Id Hyeon, Vuun.' Hyson, lmcrial. Sourtron?, and Oolong. CANOLKS. Jtidda' patent Sperm, Sperm, Ad amantine, and Tallow. VVI,EJS and UlftUORS Otard, Cotrnnc, Do poy dr, Co Howard :h.-nipngne, o 1815, and A. Sic net to Brandies; Old laderi. Sherry, Port. Muscat, and Malaga Winet Monongnln.la, Ry, Irish, and Semh Whiskey; Holland Gin, V oifes Schnapp. and rx.tilfd Wine, Heid.ick. I., rube, Star, alt of the first qirality ; Vounger'a Ale and London Porter; French Cordials; Bottled Otard Brandy, Cognac, Madtria, hetr, and Holland Gin. CKACKKRS. Sola, Butter. Pilt, Sugar, Pic nic, Lemon. Milk. Walnut, Oy.ir. with cery va ticty of Crackers. , . IMCKLKS and PRF.SF.RVF.S. Pickle Hy the Hnrtdrcd J r, sallon, half gallon, quarter-gallon, ft Pint; Pjckolilla Can hupa,Mutrd.aii' ea White Wine and Cider Vinegar, Olires. .Spanish ail French: Capo Preaervrd Peach, ftumce, Pint Ai.nU tina.T f Dimtun. CHron; thr fa- onto Freth. 1'eae.Ut, in cirs; Freih. 1'tae.Ua. in cirs; buojicr, cnvtu Oyste-. SUNDRIES. GohfR Bullrr, frrh weekly; Smoked Beef Bcf Tongues. Fulton Market Bef, Salmon, Mackerel, Codfih, Herring. Clue'e, Kn glishand lmi;ati n; Bao n. Pofk, Stuart S rnp. Sperm and Whale- Oil, Fruit in every variety, Nuts, Siuart'a C'onf. riioncry. all vaii. lie ; .Mar ket and Clotbea Baskets; Wash Tubs, sll it inds ; Brasa hooped Bucke t, Common Bucket!", Brooms, Trays, Sifters, Kceleri, Cup Tubs, :-crubs, and every variety of Wood and Willowware. Spiced, Cloves, Nutmegs, Cinnamon. Pepper, Ging-r, Mace, Chocolate, Isinglass, Gelatin, Macaroni, Ver-nicelli. Raiin, Currants, Citrons, Prunes; a varinv of Ladirs' cy Baskets, The atteni ion f SmoAere, is rrqiitfird to ihe Segar Department ; including all of thr bttt branr1, vht : ftfonar, Horn eta Principe, Sullave, Lug on, Itio Hondo, dc- Every variety of Groceries that can be procured, warranted fresh and good. Wholesale and retail, at Ihe lowest CASH pri ces, at the Original Family Grocerv of March IS. 6F.O. M VERS, Front Si. THE TRUE MASONIC CHART, OR HEItOGLVPHIC MONITOR- CONTAINING all the Emblems explained in the Degree of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master, Past Mauler, MoM Excellent Master. Royal Arch. Royal Mas ter, and Select Mas'er; designed and duly nrrang el, agreeably to th- Lectures, by R. W.J remv L. Cras. O. L. Far sale hy J. T. MUNDS." March 7. - ISO BOOTS AND SHOES 1 UST Received, a lull assort tuent. a i O. t C. .1 BRADLEV'SCO LEATHER For Sale; Manufacturing' and Repairing; Oil Stand sign of the Bit BtOT, 3Irk.:t S:recl March II. 15i-lm. OFFICE W. AND R. R. R. COMPANY pm "iTl T" 1 WiuufOTosi, N. C March 9tn. 1334. o N and alter Saturday next, l i- morning passen ger train will leave al b o'clock. JOHN NIJTT, March 11- 152 Sr. Agent Transportation. NORTH CAROLINA HAMS. pzr LBS. verv fine, for sale by JJJKJ March 18. C PiiDBE A: CO CHEESE! BOXF.S, Cheese, mid cheap by CHEESE !! just rcerivrd snd will be C. DuPRE A CO. I. 75 March 19. HAY. BALES No. 1 Nonh River, for sale by FREEMAN A HOUSTON. 150 March 9. PRINTED FRENCH LSI. Yrusr.i Dc l iYJL Coloured Ditt anea; 1'Uln Mode ana n urn o: French and English Men noes, every shade ; 1'lald Merino-sand Raw Silk do. Muslin De Baizes, For sale by Nov. 29. JAMES DAWSON. ALUM SALT. Cl 1) t USHKLS, wlllch will le so cheap for dc CO. 149. sJWUcash. b ' C. Di-PRl- March 4. WANTED. 1 Ai"i Cril FEET of White or Post Oak LUUaUvA Plank, 14, 21, or 28 feet long, 14 inchesor upwards wide, and 2 inches thick for which I will pay 920 per thousand . May 24. GEO. S. GILLESP!E. PLANTING POTATO ES Ci( liBBLS. jnsi, received and for sale by ZJI 4. II . PLANNER, Jan. 19 No. 25 South Water street COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE." THE Undersigned h tv-e this day formed a Co partnerahip, under the name of COTIN, GREGG dt CO., for the transaction of tne Lum ber Business. III.ES COSTIN, J. ELI GREGG. ALFRED SMITH, J. G. LITrLEFlKLD. : March IS. I5t-if. " LADIES' RIDING HATS FOR SALE at the Emporium, No. 1, Granite Row. C. MYERS. Mareh 16. 154. FINE AND FANCY WALKING CANES FIN E assortment ofimponed Walking Canes, just received, aad for sa'e at the F.mporium. March 16. C. M VERS. STILL ARRIVING Per Schr. It. II Drown and I. P. Smith. "1 BAGS of green Layguira Coffee; I. v 25 do. of do. Rio, superior; 3 hhds. prime Porio Rico Sugar; 25 bbls. It. L. A A. Stewart's C yellow Jo. -10 bbls. Fresh Soda Crackera. Low for cash si GEO. H. KKLLEY'S. March 14. J., 11 , T., and S. of Age copy. 153. NO. 5, SOUTlFsiDE MARKET-ST. GROCERY NOTICE. We have now on hand almost everything in our line, which We will sell wholesale or jetailt All kinds of Preserves, all kinds of Pickle, art kjnds of Cheese, Peach, Dam s n, Stnwbem, and Raspberry Jams, and Marm alads Tamarind, irt glass jars; English, French, sad Pink GcHatine; whole, half, and quarter boxes Raisins t TJIma Prune, in gloss barrels; Abdala Fijs, in square boxeai Wliiea, Urandi-s. Cham pagne, Cherry- Bounce, fiUek Bony, and Ginger Bounce; a fine assortment of Cigars; some hand some Pipes, and great many other article; a large assortment of beautiful BASKETS, worth lacking al even if you don't buy. Dally expected, twenty barrel, Apples, Oranges. Lemons and Con fectionary. RES TON & TOWNSHEND. Mirch23. 3. SOMETHING NICE ftr:THE YOUNG. At 44an and Abroad, ar How to Behave,, by Mrs. Kaaoera. . " Politenes is to do a nd fay, i - Tha Undear fting in he kindett way." Pleasure and Profit, or Lessons e the lord's Prayer, in a series of sionea, by Mr. Manners. w The Pet Bird and other stories, by Coaain Alice. The Illustrated .Boost ot Songa, for children, a verr nica thing, " J - Preny Poll, a Parrofs own History, with Wattr liona, by Harriaaay Weir. ' Cat and Dog, or Memo! re of Poaaad tb Cap. tain t story fougded on fa Jnrt received, and foraaJa.a'1 1 S. W. WHITAKER'S. March 33. 3. OflVr for aaletlie Hllw1ae lieavjr Cotton FabrlUKt TVTTV-KftGLAPmtJOTTO.H AILWCK-TJl irt iach.aH mimtwrrs hard and autt ; also ait the rarioiia widths of Caovaaa rnanvlsciurod afthiaea tabli.hnunt coiopiisHtg every variety known to the trade.and offered at the iowert rac. UNjTKD 3 I' ATEsi PI IOT OUCC Wood berry and Mount Vernon Extra,. A full assortment of this superior fabric Wll 131 ANTIC COTTON DUCK-16, IS, 20 and 22 inih, al" nuiubcr. hard and soft. Tl is fab ric was awarded the bij;heat Premium at the Lon don Worid'e F..ir, aUui t ouf own Stale Fair. SHIP AND BKAR MARK DUCK- Plain and twilled, manufactured hy the Greenwod's Com pany, a sufwri r article for light sails, tents, awnines. tc; also. Mount Vrmon Twill d Raven. Howard Ravens, Pioneer and Pttcenix Mills t Lightton Havens, plain 22 to 27 inch t Heavy, du. do. COTTON e- AIL TW IN E A full assortment. TAKPALLINS. HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, Ac. 1'Al'fc.K n.LU.-iu-wi. a inch, made very k twa vv. exprrs y 'or nrirr icita. CA COVF.R1NG Cotton Canvass, all widtha, from 30 to 1 30 in-hee, and ail number, made cx- prrsly for covering and roofing railroau can, is perfectly ati permanently water-pruol, and more nilurin' than thu i ariiai-lf. KNAMKLLING CA . VA SS 30, 38, 40, 45 aud 50 hu h plain and twilled, in every varii ly. BAGS AND BAGGI G Of every description. -anil. i" Bac. woven whole, all size, in buies of I0U, 2U0 and 300; combining alrtnth, utility and cheapnesr, lor train amliwal are unourpassed . Alao, hravy Cotton Sacking, 40 inch Canvas. 3 thread Warp and Filling, heavy twilled, do. do , 20, 22, 40 and 44 inch. WOOL SACLS W't-vrn whole all ilzt a, a new and derirable at liclc. Feb. 21. 114-1 -r. "MAN KNOW THYSELF." AN invalunth Uook loi "5 cents. . "Kverj Fami ly should ha a eopy." Six th nisiid cop it s a-ld in lers than three man tha. A new edition, nvi.v-d and impioved ju! issued. Dr. tinnier' Mctllcal Manuel and hand Book for the Affiwied, corHaiiiinj; n outline of the origin, progros. trratni-nt tmt tit e of every lorm f iiit--ease, coDti acted ry proinlscii(tisexiial i.urrcourte. by elf-abue, or by sexmil exerts, wi:h advice for their prevention, written in a familiar s'yic avoiding all medical t; chnicalitir ,und ever) thing that would offend ihe ear tif decncy, frmi the resoli ol some twenty year aucceful pruetiee. exclusivity devo ted lo the cure of diacaai-s i a d-Ucate or private naiutc. To.whicli is added, receipts for ihe cure of the alove diseases, anti a ireatie on the causes, syinp- atoms ami curf th rrver and Ague, f-r iwcnty- fiveccnta a copy ; six copies one dollar ; will be for warded to any part of the United stales, by mail, free .f postage. Address. poflage pan", Cosdt-n d Co., Publishers or box 196,1'osl Orlice. 1'liiladelphia. "This is,wilhoin exception, ihe most comprehen sive and intelligible work publishe d on the class of diseases of which it tre.l. Avoiding sll technical tcims.it addresser itself to t lie reason uf its reader. It is free from all objectionable rnaiter and no pa rent, however fastidious, can object lo .placing it in the hands of his son. The author has devoted many years lo the treatment of 'he various com plaints treated uf. and 'with too little breath to puff.' and 'too little presumption to impose,' ''c has offered to the world at the merely nominal priee of 25 cents, the fruitsof some iwcnt years most suecesrfuiprac lice." HraALD. -No teacher or parent shouts' be without the knowledge imparted in this invaluable wotk. It would save yei-rs of pain, uioriifiea lion and aorrw to the youth under their charge.'' I'xi ru't.lpvo CATC. A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, ia writing ol 'Huntei's Medicn1 Manuel, svs : "Thousands ol our youlh. by evil example and the influence of the passions. have been kd into tile habit ol self-pollution without rra-ltzing the sin a nd fearful conse-quen-cea upon themselves and int ir postetiiy. The con stitutions of thousand, who are raising familict have been enfeebled. If not boken down, and they do not know the cause or ihe cure. Any thing that can b done so to enlijjhtrn and influence the public mind as lo check, and ultimately to remove thia wide spread source of human wretehedness, would confer i he greatest blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the pres- nt and cominjr generations-: Intempersnce, (the ue of int'-xicating drinks.) thoueh it has slain thousands uun llkousanris. isnot a irreater scource to the human race. Ari-epi my thanks in behalf uf the aftWted, ana! btlieveme, your co-worker in th good work you are so active ly enlaced in.'' One copy will be forwarded (s cutely enveloped and poatare paid.) on receipt of 25 cents, or six copieafortl. Address. COSDKN A CO.. Publisher,! 96, Philadelphia. Booksellers Canvassers snd Book Agents, sup plied on the most liberal terms. June 2. 34-ly-c. SALAMANDER SAFES. THE name of Salamander was first applied to V ilder's Patent, ant. introduced by the subscri ber in Ib40, who in 1644 purchased Hie tignt to manufacture. The superiority of Herring' (Wild er's) Salamander Safe over all others induced ma ny io infringe upon the patent ri(;ht by using the composition ; others more cautious, and lo evade a lawsuit, m ide an inferior artielc, imitating the ex terior in form, ' style, color of paintinS, anJ attach ing the nam; alamandor.'- Improved Salaman der," -'Fire Proof Salamander," "TF Genuine Sal amander," Ac . f-c, and have succeeded in palm ing off onie of the spnriouv Salamanders aa genu ine. Those wantin: i lie original Salamander. man ufactured by the subsciiher, should take the pre caution to see thst they have upon them a metal plate -'Silas C. lb tring, Maker," rll such being the genuine (Wildei'a i'ateui) Sal inlander, or Her ring's I mproved Pa lenl Cht.mplon Safe, w hich re ceived the medal i th Great World's Fair, and which have never failed to preserve the contents in case of fire. Purchasers ea n select ft m the largest assortment in ihe world by calling at the sale rooms of sIL.AS C. HERRING. 133, 137, and 119 Water, cor. of Pine Slreeis. i. B. Chilled Iron safes wiih powJir proof locks manufactured expresly for bnt.ks. jewellers brok ers, and others requiring security from rogues Rank vault doors on hand, and made to order. All the most celebrated locks '"or sale at manufacturer's prices. Second hand sufi s for sale a', less than half price. AGENTS FOR HERRING'S SAFES: John Furrel, Philadelphia, Pa ; It. Mc AND LISII. Richmond V ; Henry H. WillUuis, Char leston, S. '.; Kilbricl" A Hell, Savannah. Ga ; Geo W. Sizer New Oileant, La ; Win. V. Moore & Co., Mobile, Ala. Feb. 7. 136-3mc. NEW ARRANGEMENT. THERE having heretofore been a good deal of just complaint on the part of the travelling pub lic, on account of the absence of a senernl throush ticket from WelJon and Wilmington, nortnward. The Mail Line takes great pleasure In staling that the pounds of complaint have been removed, and cn and alter tha 1st February PaSiengerscan get Tick ets at Wcldon for Petersburg, Kichmond, Washing ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New Vork City; and at Wilmington to the four last named places, and rice versa. Two Trains will continue to run daily as hereto fore, leaving W'eldon. at 31 P. M. and II P. 31. The following are the ratea of Fare: From Weldon to Petersburg, t2.50. Do. do. Richmond, S.frfi F-oni Weldon to Washington. 7,00 Do. do. Baltlmre. 3,00 From Wilmington to Washington, 1 1,00 Do. do. ..Baltimore,-, -12,00 From Weldon to Philadelphia, 10,00 Do. do. New Vork, K.00 Fr m Wilmington to Philadelphia - 14.00 Do. do. New York, 15,50 For further information and for Tickets, apply to Mr S.D. WALLACE, the Ticket Aw", zi .c Wilmington a.nd Raleigh Rail Road at Wilming ton, or J. F. S1MMOM3, Agen'. at Weldon. B. F. DARRACOTT, Through Agent, Mail Line. Ian.24: 132 lrr. JUST RECEIVED . FROM NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE. Qi A BAGS Rio and Laguyra Coffee ; 1 0 Pocket old Gov. Java do. 30 bbl-whit and yellow Sugar; 3 do. S. H. Syrup; 2 do. Pulton Mesa Beef, (choice ) 1 do. Pickled Salmon ; 40 whole, half and quarter Boxes Raisin 19 boxes Babbitt' a Soap Powder ; 5 do. P. dr Merrill'e Yeast Powder; 25 drums new Figs; 5 q'tla Cod fieri, (large ;) 3 GroaarCoa Gelatine,. (a superior article ; 15 bote Colgate's Soap; 20 do. Sperm and Tallow Candles; 15 do. Lttnon Syrup; 10 da. aaaorted Chocolate; 5 do. No. I ground CofRre, put up express ly for Family use. For sale low for cash, by Lt. N. BARLOW, March 4. No. 3. (jni-ite Row. RUM. GIN, AND BRANDY. B B LS. Domestic, for sale by Fob. IS. FREEMAN HOUSTON. 60 : PLANTING POTATOES BBLS. Yellow and Piak Eye, a splendid ar JJ tite jut reeetvedV per Albert A dacha from Boston, aad for tale by . I- . Feb. 2L f W. M. SHERWOOD CO. 1 i FLOWER SEED&S I A SUPPLY of Flower Seeda, of cnoica aariatloa. rl F or sal by S.B.4J. A. EVAN3- Tan. 19 130 x TUE Schooner S. K POTTKR U offer -Ja . a - eo. ir sate, irrig at or cuartcr. , or terma, Urch $o; RiXKIiV it IlARTin FOR PD1LADELPHIA.C HERON'S LINK. , . THE Packet Schr. Marv D. Scull JL.C Thonipson, Martyr, will ite dispatched as above. Fur fniL'hl or Dassaee. sddIv to March 30f-: - GKO. HARWI3S. FOR FREIGHT tik CHARTER. THE Schr. A-leiaid. Captain Smith. 1800 , barrels, or 125.000 feet Lumber. Cos t wise sSw freiuht oref. rrcd. for terms, apply to March 30. 43KO, HARRISS FOR NEW YORK. THK A. 1. Schooner HARKIKTBAL LOCK, POW, Master, will have dla ch fortheabore ooru P or neat ir-tant passage, apply to Match -P. J.U. PLANNER. ,5. FOR NEW YORK, THE fine fast tailing pew Clipper Sjchr. WM. A. ELLIS. JOiVES, Maater, will have ouiek disoatch for above port. For light frrijrht or passage, liaring eioqnrnt accorn raodations Apply to T.C.WORTH. Ma cb.23. FOR HAfANA. THE Brig Ellen Hayden, will sat' for thi port in a few days, ror passage ap ,plv to March 2 .. J. HATH A W A l 4" FOR NEW YORK. RE'ilIf.AR LINE. . THE Itecular Packet Schr. BEN, C, kZOLL, Mister, will h ive dispatch as above. .For light rrcignt or passaec appiv io March 25. GEO. HARRISS RELLST BELLS ! ! BELLS! ! ! rll E Subscribers manufacture and keep con stantly on hud a largo assortment of Bells suitable for Churches, Acadmles, Factories, Stea mers. Plantaiions, etc., mounted with their im proved tlanpinzs, the most efficient in use. Their establishment ha been in operation Thirty years, h iving turned out nearly 10,000 Bdlls averaging 600 lbs each; and its pnttcrns and process of manu facture to perfected, together w ith recent improve ments, that its Bells have an unequaled reputation for volume of sound and quality of tone. Thev have just re ceivi d Jan. 1854 ihe First Premium (A Silver Medal) of the World's Fair In New York, over all Bells from this Cuntfy or Europe. Hav ins n lafcc assortment of Bells on hand, and being in immediate connection with reutes in all direc tions, either Rail Road, Canal or River, and but 4 hours from New VotK, we can execute orders with dispatch. Address A. MENEELY'S SONS, W-st Troy, Albany Co.. N. Y. Feb. 21. 144 lyc. K DVERTISRMEST. GOOD MEDICINES. ANODYNE CHERRYXPECTORANT FrCu.!;ht Celris, Brnnchit'.s, Croup, tf-c. STADLER'S DIAKRUffiA CORDIAL. The valuable medicines above named, are not empirical, but are prepared in agreement with the experience of soineof ihe most learned and judi clous practiln ners, and are not secret, fuiiher than is necessary to protect ine pi- tirioi ai.a iik n who use them freni loss aid inioiiion, at- tin component parts have been made known, confiden tially, from time lo time, lo perhaps 500 PHYSICIANS! In Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia, Ohio, and other places, all of whom, without a single ex ception, have approved of the formula, and moat of them acknowledge thai they are the b.-st remedies thai they have ever known for the cure ol ihe dis eases for w hich they are recommend d. Oureonfi dnce in the excellence of these imdic'ne, tdded io our desire lo avoid the just prejudice of ihe mt-d-icl profession asainst sec.rci and quack nostrums, induced u to adopt thlscandid course. We append a few of the n trices w have received from ptiysi ciars, viz : From Dr. Win. H. Farrow, of Snow Hill, Mary land. UcNTLtxr.!-1 have frequently in my practice prescribed your '-Stnblcr's Anodyne Cherry Expec torant" and Ditrrhosi Cordial, with great satisfac tion to myself, and to i he entire relief of such dia tascases as they profess to cure. 1 consider theui happy couiluna Ions of some of our most valuable and safo therapeutical agents, and must be of in finite worth to the afflicted and mankind at large. In lurnii-luni; ihe medical profession with ihese active ml concentrated preparations, so convenient lor udminis:ration, and of a standard quality, you have rendered them tin eminent service, and 1 can do no less th-in earnestly recommend th.-se prepa rations lo piaciltioneis, and especially in the coun try, where the impurity uf commercial Drugs is one ol the greatest obsluc r.s to th success of the PhyMciun. Doct. W. Love writes to us th it lit Ins adminia tered the Expectorant to his wife, who has had the Bronchitis for fourteen years, ai d that ahe is fast recovering ftum her long standing malady. It has in a few weeks done her more good than all the remedies sh- has heretofore used under able medi cal counsel. From Dr. H. P. Worthington, Laurel, Md. "After several months' use of your Expectorant, both in my own family and in general practice,! am confirmed in the opinion expressed of it, when first made acquainted with the recipe. For one 1 hank you for so convenient and elegant a prepara tion of the Wild Cheny." From Geo. Gerry. M. D. of Somerset Co., Md. 'Having examined the component parts of Sta bier's Anodyna Cherry Expectorant, alio of Sta rtler's Diarrhoet Cordial, and having used them in practie,', 1 fel no hesitancy in recommending them." From J. E. Marsh, M. D., Kent Co., Md. "I have made free use of your Dfarrhasa Cor dial in my family. It gives me much pleasure to add tny testimony to that of others, in favor uf its efficiency.' From Samuel M utindal", M. D. .Chesapeake City Md. "I hive much pleasure in adding my testimony, infivorof your valuable Cherry Expectorant. I have, after an extensive use, found it to answer all my expectations." From Dr. Daniel W. J ones, Somerset Co. Md. "I have given your Expectorant and Diarrhoea Cordial a fair trinl, and am delighted with their effects, never having had them to fail in a single instance. I ah til take pleasure in recommending them. We have been favored with a written certificate, cheerfully given by numerous .medical gentlemen in Maryland, Virginia and Ohio; which alone should convince the moH doubting that these are re. Uy Good Medicines; after ataiing that they are ac quainted with the composition of both the Expec torant and Cordial,-and that they have adminia tcrcd them to their patients, they testify -i hat they arc remedies of great value, safe, efficient, and well worthy of the patronage of ihe profession and the Public, tha Lthev are more reliable than any other proprietary medicines with which we are acquaint ed," Ac. The above notice of recommendation from mem ber of the Medical Faculty, Pharmaceutists of high standing, and Merchanta of the first reapec tabllity, ahotitd be sufficient to satisfy all, that these medicines are vortty of trialhy the afflicted, and that they are of a different atarap and claaa from tha "anackeryv and "Care Alla'ao avoehim noaed nnon the public. See ihe decriptive Pamphlets, to. be had gratis of all who have the medicine lor aie, containing re commendation from Doctors fifartin, Bait tell. Ad dison, Payne, Handy , Love, : t Por aale b Drussrl-ta, Apothecaries aad Coun try Stores-keepers generally, at tha low price of Fiftv cent per bottle, or six conies tor a?,ou. r. H. STABLER A CO. -Wholesale Druggltta, 120 Prill street, Batiimore, For aale In Wilmington by C. & 0. DcPRE, Jan. : ;. 12-ly-c SOY'S TEA COLORED ALBONI LEGHORN HATS.-C.nlwo, Swiae, and Pedal Braid, and various other styles at the Hat Em porium. ... C. MVEtrS. March 33; ' ' ' ? ,'; -. 3 THE WORKING MAN'S WAY INTCE WORLD. "Being the Autobiography of a Jour neyman Printer. J its rabhsrted, and for sale al . . s ; J9. T. WHI TAKER'S. March 4 ; tf'-5'f' - - 149 - r - - BARRLNGTON'S SHETCHES. PERSONAL Skatchea of hia owavTiineavby Sir Jonah Barring ton. For sale at m .rch 4, . HlAKEivi.' G B A DU AT B O K C A M B IDCB, t3r FOUNDER OF TBEJga . BALTIMORE LOCK INFIRilABY. - ii Xa. a 1 SOUTH GAY T (OpponUUU EjrUme B4Ui.? in Pod ' Officii I 'HOSE REQUIRING M EDICALOR Jf OllOI A CAL AID. br aDDlrinr to Dr. H.. nit secure SKILLFUL TREATMENT AND ADVICE while alt communication wilt be aacrediy abteid ed by ihe Kia of profeesioaal honor. Aware of the difficulty with tha pabllc to dis criminate, in newspaper advertisement, between . l , 1 -.- u t ..." . tnc genuine ana skiiuih poysevian ana t ne spurious pretension of the designingand dangerous Quad Or H. witl cheerfully give, when applied io, aucb private reference aa wilt fully alll all w be re quire his service. r BEWARE OF NOSTRUMS! Avoid the Patent Elixirs, Comnounda aad Cor ilial, advertised to cur uLL perm. under torioi form of diteaoeu A the constitution and tlabils ot individual differ, REASON TEACHES the same remedy cannot be suited lo all alike, and that disease can bnlv be safely and effectually e radical. ed by a judicious application of proper remtdie. A practical experience of over 25 yesra enablea Dr. H. io insure a sound and apeeay cure in a cer tain class of disease, which have loo lone been yielded ny regular Physician to the hand a of quack ery. He may be consulted confidentially, flther in person or by letter. Persons at a distance cured at home by address ing a letter io DU. GORDON HARR1SS, Balti more, Aid. All communications confidential. Remedies sent by Mail or Express ta any part of the United Stales. July 19. 53-ly 43-ly-c. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. - . . , tt.lllinAimt. tla 1 1 1 more Hid liocaicu s . - -, rpHK ostensiblo object of tin- Institution ia to J. afford individualsan ttpportuniny of obtaining a complete Mercantile Education. Course of stud) -Book Keeping, by double entry, a practically used in the various departments of Trade and Commerce, including Wholesale. Retail, Commis sion Manufacturing. Shipping. and Stenmboaiing, Individual Partnership, and Compound Co. Busi ness. Also, Mercantile Calculation, Practical Penmanship, and lamiiutr Ucmrcs oo Commercial Law. and the usages of Trade. Sludent being taiii-hi individually, can rntrr College at any time," and the Course is usually completed in from to 6 weeks. Terms tor an unlimited course of instruc tion. S3 All communications addressed to O. K. CHAM BERLIN, will inert with prompt attention. ircnlars n ailedto any part of the Union when de sired. Juiv 19. 53-ly 48-w-lv-c DENTISTRY. Da.T. B. CARR has returned from the North with a largely increased stock of Teeth, instruments, Ac. Havini; consulted many eminent Dentists, he has perfect confidence in the superiority of Alien's Pa tent mode of inserting teeih with artificial gums Full sets inserted immediately after the extraction of the eeth. and remodelled after the gums bsve healed without additional charge. They ran be worn without pain, and removed from the mouth by the wearer, and are cleaner and stronger than teeth insetted in any oiher way, and are var ranted to give perfect satisfaction. All olher operations per formed in the tnntt approved mtnner. Reference jo individuals in this place now wearing teeth with the patent improvement. Oct 4-w-tr if 8S CORN AND OATS. 1 CTfl BUSHELS Flint Corn, 6 0 do Oats, i tjyjyj 00 do. Roush Rice. For sale by March 21. W. A. GWYKR. FRESH AND PRIME. PER SCHRS W H. AND L. P. SMITH. Or BAGS prime Green Rio Coffee; iy 25 bbls. C. Yellrtw ugarj 15 boxes Colgate' Pale Soap. Low for cash, at GKO. li KELLEY'S. Jour , W. Hhr., N. C. Tel., S. of Age copy. March 21. 2. HONEY. rTAK E this method of informing the commu nity, that I always have a No. I article of Hon ey on hand by ihe retail ; good for Coughs, Colds, and Burns, Scalds, and many other disease! that poor human nature ia aubjrcl to, at March 21. 2-if. GEO. II. KELLEY'S. Jour., W. Her. copy. HAY! HAY!! 100 BALES superior Hav, just received from Schr. W m. Smith, from N. York, for sale by T. C. WORTH. Mareh 2. 14. PURE FRENCH BRANDY, PORT and Sherry Wine in hot t els, warranted pure, for sale by (.. N. BARLOW, Feb. II. No 3, Granite Row, Front-sl. OFFICE W. AND M. R. R. CO. WILMINGTON, N. C. 17th MARCH, 1854. NOTICE is hereby thai the Stock of the under named delinquent subscribers to the Capital Stock of the W ilmington and Manchester Railroad Company will be sold at Public Auction, at Ex change Corner, on Mondiy the 24th April, 1854, agreeably to "Section 12" ot the Charter of said Company, unit s ibe instalments due thereon shall be paid previous to the day ol sale. John A. Taylor, 60 share. Porter Strode, 2 " N. E. Brick house, .--3 John H Hill, "-5 " Isham Pelerson, 5 " James Knight, 1 Alex'r May, 2 " F. C. Singleury,--... 3 " James G. Burr. I " S. Kahnweilcr, 3 " C. II. Dudley, 5 " T L Guess, 1 " T.J. Capps, 2 T. C. Craft, 1 T C.Worth, 1 ' John D. Love. 5 " W. C. Howard, 7 Wm. J. Love, Jr., 5 " T. D. Love. 3 " Win. B.Jones, 3 James H. Pritcheit, 5 ' Sam'l H. Firth, " Bv order of the Board of Director. JNO MacRAE, Jr. Treaa'r. March 19. 1-ta. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! THE "WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE" IS now open the public may depend on having their wants supplied all tcatons of the year, at reasonable rate. Orders from the connlry addressed to "Wilming ton Ice House", will be well packed and promptly forwarded. A. H. VajjBOKKELEN, Proprietor. March j0th,JJK;4. HI. STEAMER SPRAY FOR SMITHVILLE AND ORTON. STEAMER SPRAY. Capl.JOHN B. PRICE, wilt ply between Wil mington and Smithvitle, landing at, urton. as follewa i Leave Wilmington, Tuesday, . Thursday, Satur day, and Sunday Mornings, at 9 o'clock. Leave Smithviile, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat urday Afternoon, at 3 o'clock, and Monday Mora Ing, at 8 o'clock. t7Paasage One Dollar, Children and Servant halfprice. FREIGHT at customary ratea. Apply to Captaia oa board, ot to A H. VaxBOKKELEN, No. South Wharves. March 18. - .tf. DR. LANGLEY'S ROOT AND HERB BITTERS, The Great Spring and Summer M'tdoe, 'r-nuaetsentAti - ' W W K VrOCV KMP 8arsaparilU. Wild C berry. Yellow Dock, Prickly TAah, Thoroagbwort ari uaradelioo. v 1 HIS farvaluable Cotnpoand ha been befcrr .he pablicforthe past three yeara, during which rtm nearly THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND BOTTLES have beea sold, tha proving it tha moat popular medicine of the age. Tha. medicinal vir tues of tha beat Roots are so coorfoanded as load in ncn with Batare, It alwaya doeJ good. And never does hurt, ia short 1) Is aaJs for iff ages aad inallebWee. - Price 3?) cents for a ejoart bottle. f For satoyWholMab and Retail, at No. 3. Granita Row, by . L. N. BARLOW- Fab. t8. .fi.tU3m9. BOY'S WALKING CANES. AF ANCY mortntdat, for sale: at thy Hat and Cap Etforinmi;y jfCl MTER'8. JlOIlTITOIUCCd '.i ?S,JaVAAI AWiiAVVW. v?f I T.f TP.I 1 fif BOXESToaces which will be aoU jt U UJ torr prtcea, for cash by ,XJt'0sZZ ,j!3;BSA BELONGING TO THE WIXMINGTOW AND RA .. LIQH RAILROAD COMPAJ4V. - lOMPKISIff Gtbe x.ha of Mail aTleamera now KJ employed bt wetai'WIliTtlngttm knd Charleston a. mm o km by a action, to im utter city, on t noraaay, im imu day or April next fix: P 3 Q O " 2 o c- . - a - o St o - 2 a S S3 2 d 2 ? 5 f : ? 2? tn H w . . w 2 . q d oo o fBainaaa- ! - to J . 4 4 CO (T Length fBreadfh Beam Drafl Water-,. en ca oa Diana. CvBntler . Length ef Stroke ii . . . .. i . Diam. Wheel Face of Wheel- 3D 03 V. 05 2 o s e-g OS - bsh; a? a? -sq a ""a go. O o 0 t - j w 3 -3 O O 3 a. cd x 3Cwe-,3- P'2 2".Q-"5- S These Steamers are so well known to the .pub lic, aa aa'e. comfortable and rapid Vessel for the transportation of passengers, that further descrip tion is deemed unnecessary. All, but theC. Van derbiti. (which require aome inconsiderable re pairs lo her machinery,) are in first raie running order, and have been eouatantly kept staunch and in thorough repair, being now considered as good or better than when first launched. Particular information can be had at any time on application at ihe Company' office at Wil mington, N. C, or to .Edward Winslow, Esq., the Company' Ascnt in Charleston. The Steam ers will be open to inspection at Wilmington, till the lar of April, and afterwards at Chaileaton, till day of sale. ALSO. Will be sold, on the same day, (hat VALUABLE WHARF in the City of Charleston, heretofore used aa the landing place of ihe above named Steamers, fronting about 150 feet on Cooper river, and running back 216 feet to Wharf street, on which It fronts 203 feet. The terms will be made known at the sale, whit h will take place al 11 o'clock, A. M., upon the premise, on the day above nmrd. ALEX. McRAE, President. Jan. 3 135-to. MEDICAL HOUSE, A. 16, SOUTH FHEHERICK STREET, BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. Established in order to afford the Afflicted sound and scientific . tied ical Aid, and for the suppression of Quackery. DR. 1. B. Smith has for many yeara devotedhia whole attention tothe treatment ol Private com plaints, in all their varied and complicated form. Hia great success in those long standing and diffi cult cases, such as 'were formerly considered incur able, is sufficient to commend him to tha public aa worthy of the extensive patronage he has received. Within the last eight years, Dr. S.has treatedmorc than 29,500 cases of Private Complaints, la their different forms and stages; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of alt other physicians now ad vertising ia Baltimore, and not a single case i known wharettia directiona were strictly followed, and medicine taken at reasonable time, without effecting a radical and perm tneml cure; ih-rulore, persons jfHictcd with diseases of the above nature, ' no tattler how ditfi :ull or lon standing the caae may be," would do well to call on Dr. Smith ,at hia office. No, 16, South Frederick St.,and if note flee -tually relieved nt remuneration will bo required for hi aervicea. Hi medicines are free from Mficury and all mineral poisons; put up in a neat and com pact form, and may be taken in a public or private house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, and except incases of vio ent inflammation, no change of diet is necessary. STRICTURES.-Dr. Smith has discovered a new method bv which he can cure the worst form ol stricture and trial without pain or inconvenience to the patient. Irritation of the urelha, or prostrate glands,or neck of the bladder,! sometimes mistaken Icr strictures by general practitioner or charlatans. YOUNG MEN and others afflicted with Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and suffering, as well aa expense. By his improved method of treatment, Dr. S. can safely guarantee a speedy and perfect cure in all cases ol tliis com plaint. TO FEMALES. All diseases peculiar to Females (as alsd Sup pressions, Irregularities, dec.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for the cure of iheabove affections, have been well tested in an exten ve practice for the last twelve years. Persons at a distance may conault Dr. S. by a letter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded to any part of the United States, always accompanied with full and explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. Oifioe arranged with separate apartments, so thit patients never see any one but the doctor himself. Attendance dai!y,from 6 in the morning till 9 at night. N. B. Persons afflicted with any of the abore complaints, will do well to a old the various NOSTRUMS AMD SPECIF ICS, advertised by Apothecaries and Druggists as a cer tain cure for any and every disease. They are put up to sell, but not to cure, and frequently do much more harm than good therefore avoid them. A word lo the wise is sufficient. Address DR. J. B. SMITH, 16 South Frederick st., Baltimore. Md. Oct. 13 90-tyo. MEAL. II0MON Y, AND HORSE FEED. THE Subscribers h ve been appointed Agents for the GOLDSBORO BULLS, celebrated for making very superior Meal, Homony, dj-e. Families can at all limes be supplied by calling at our Store. .North Water Street, one toor above Ellis A. Mitchells. TAYLOR 4 PETTEWAY. March 9, . l(L3m. COFFEE. BAGS Java, Laguayra, RJo and 81. Dotnin eo, for sale by - 75 Marefa. FREEMAN HOUSTON. BEEF. PORK, LARD AND BACON. SEVERAL lots for sale by FREEMAN V HOUSTON. Match 9. 151. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE TO REWTORK via NORFOImK. THROUGH IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS." PASSENGERS from Georgia, South Cirollns; Ac " takins he Manchester tad Wiluiington RAIT; HO AD and. Seaboard so Roanoke .RAIL ROAD to Norfolk, Vs., will meet tho targe and Commodious Steam feuips JAMESTOWN and ROANOKE at Norfolk every Wednesday and Sat urday mornings, leaving at eleven o'clock with CStatea Mau, and arriving In N. Vork early tha nest day. Passage aad Fan Stateroom included IO New York, 8,0ti Steerage Paswge. $4. Ra ta nine these Ships leave Nets York- Norfolk T-mmAw mm Satstntav afleraoona. 7 , j snJTa ao, March 7. iso- ittte. nnnn UaAaaaos. tor sale 30 cash if arch 18. IKG9 Pim nV.W,&J! , t -v JTEGS nan lUJiiafehla, s - t;r i! irarar, ca n.i J lfiiYiiJ. noieoold ItL C. Hama 1 13 Md. nesr N. Lnrf 4 Cans 'new W C. by t , . ; KANKJN er slAKTiri. - - - lli THE G1E1T Pl'KIFItlCFTflEELOtU. -- Kot Particle of Herenrj in it. An Infallible remedy for Scrofula. Kins Evil. Dlunm.li.lM riltM. i !..,. m. L'.irt,lUi,. UJh.. a HiMvwru,, WMM,av wwvhwwv u .piivv w pies or Pootulcs on the face, Blotches, Bon, Chron. e Sore Eves. Klnr Worm or Tetter. Scald Head. Knlanretneatand Pain of th Boneaand JoiatawSTUb born Ulcer. Syphilitic Disorder. Lusnbago, Spi nal Complaint. aad all dUeusesarlrlncfroui an in- judiciou use of Mercury, lot prudence ia LI le, or Im purity of the Blood. . ... . Thia valuable Medicine which habaeomeeekofa ted tor the aanabor of extraordinary e utv effected through itsagenry.has induced the proprietorsj at the argent request of their friends, to ofler r lo the publict which they do with tha an snoot eon fid esc to ho vlrinee aad wonderful curaliva properttta t neioiiuwing cert incaies, select eo Irom aiargenoiu ber, are .-however, stronger teaiimony than thasnero word of tha proprietor and are all front gentlemen well knowa la their localities, and ot the highest respectability, many of them now residing la th city of Richmond, Virginia. F. BoYor,Eqof the Exchange Hotel, Rich ' inond, known every where, aars he Has stn - th Medicine called Carter'a Spanish Mixlare adminia tered in over a hQndredcava,lb nearly all tha diaea aesfor whirh it Is r commended, with the Inosr as tonishingly good results. He says It la the aiosicx tranrdinary medicine he has ever seen. - Ague and Fever Great Cur.rherby certify, that for three rears 1 hsd Ague and Fevcrof iho moat, , violent descriptiou. I had several Physicisns, took ' large quantities of Quinine. Mercury, and I believe -all ihe Ionics advertised, but all Without any pet- . manent relief. At last I tried Carter' Spanish Mix ture: two bottles of which effect naif cured me-,nd 1 amhaypy to say I have had neither Chill or Fe vers since. 1 consider ir the best Tonic in itls world and theonly medicine that ever reached tny caae-. JOHN LG-NGDEN, - Beaver Dam. n-ar Richmond, Va. C. B.Li'c. K..q., bow In the city of Richmond, and for many years in the Post Office, haa such con fidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carters Span ish Mixture, that he has bought apwardsof 50 bottle, which he has given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luc h aays he has never known it to fail when taken ac cording io directions, Dr. Misoi a practisine Physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, In the cityof Richmond, says he has wiinesscd in a number ofinsianccs that fleets of Carter's Spanish Mixture which were most truly surprising. HW say in a case of Consumption, e pendent on the Liver, the good efftcis were wonder ful indeed. -, Samccl M. DkriKKxa, of ihe firm of Drinker tp Morris, Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of 8 years standing, by the ute of two bottles of Car etr's Spanish Mixture. Great ctire of scrofula. Tlie Editors of tha Rich mond Republican had. a servant, employed ia Ihei press room, cured' of violent Scrofula, cembinod with Rheumatism, w hich entirely disabled him from work. Two bottles of Curler's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure of him, -and the Editors. In s no lice, say they "cheerfully recommend it ( al I who are afflicted with-any disease of the blood " Still another cure of Scrofula I had a very val uable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mixture. I consider it a truly valusble Medicine. - JAMEV M.TAVfiOR. Conductor on the R.F.&. P. R. It. Co., Richmond Vn. SALT nUKUM OF20 YEARS STASDIXO CURED.- -Mr. John- Thom rsoit, residing in the city of Rich mond, was cured by three bottles of-Carter's Span ish Mixture, of Salt Rheuaa. which Ha had nearly tii years, and which all ihe physicians of lbs city could not cure. Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in Ihe cily of Richmond, Vs., a as hit) cure la most remarkable. Rich abb F.. Wkst, of Richmond, was eared of Scrofula, and what Physicians called confirmed Consumption, by three bottlea of Carter' t Spanish Mixture. , , . Edwix BraToie, Commissioner eiftha Ravtnue say he has sees thm goocfenci of- Carter'a Span ish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic eases, aad sava it is a perfect cure for that horrible disease Wm. G. Hawoois. of Richmond,. Vs.. cured ol Old Sores and Ulcers, which disabled hin from walking. Took a few bottles Carter's Spanish Mixiurj, and was enaolrd to walk whhoat aerutch in a short time permanently cured1. ' Principal Depots at M. WA RD, CLOS tt 3k CO No. 83 Maiden Laae.New York. eT- Wi,P?V,& so:vs'- lV- 132,-North 2d Street, Philudelpnia. BENNETT if- B R ERS , No. 25 Maiden Strest. Richmond, Va, And for sale by WM. IF LtPPITT, WUmlnrton and by Druggists generally. May 12. 25 lye. FR ESR f A R RITA LS. ' THE Subscribers have just received a lot o Crushed, Clarified, and Granulated Sugsrs, ant! a few barrels of ihe handsomest Porto- Rico Sutra in market. ALSO, half bbls. if Fsllon Mark Beef; Mackerel in 8lh bbla. nnd kit; Goshen Bui w.r J,.,ha ?w SlnlOB B' 40 hble. of new Flour, 10 bbls. of Mess Pork, all of which we offer to tha public, at the low est matket price. v k oi ' McCALKB A GILBERT. l-tb.23. Market-! .near tha Sek. FURNITURE. UST received and Idr salt low for cash,! S Iff. WEST. - . . . J 25 doz. Chairs, sssorted klsds ;. 9 5 5 2 2 2 20 40 Rocking Chairs sasoried kind ; " Children's do do Fine Mahogony Wash Stands, " Toilet Tables, " Dinner, do da do OYtr do Fine Bureaus, do- Fine Mahogany and Walnut Sofa, s0rf(f slows J Fine Chamber Sst(asorttd lluds Bedsteads. do ' Looking Glasses. ga '" IJox. GlassrTombler. dot - ' 1 to AO 100 2 b ire-proof Iron Cheats, Patent Locks, sfd is be the best now in use. Call and examine for yeurselvrs. ' Nev. I5th , 104 rf CRYSTAL PALACE -j MERCHANT TAILOR IKfJT ESTA BLISHttfcNT. THE Proprietors 4 this oatablistifnenr beg JL leave to inforar tlm rii i-en- .jr vttmmtB and tho surrounding Co trnrry, fhat (heir nrf ini tio n of SPRING GOOtTS will take piaxa thia morning.. The sioek comprises the arioaf Fash ionable Styles of the present season r CoaaUiing of fine French, Belgiunr and Germ; rr Cloths; newest Designs of French Cashimefe ad spies. did asaortmenl of Vetting of ail. kind. Also, a large assortment of superior Keaay m:e Clothing suitable for the present season, sit ot the. best French Fabric. Also, constantly kept on hand a large assortment of gentlemen' futnWhiag goods. Second door below tha Carolina HoteL. KAHJvWElLF.Rdi.BRd. March 7. -J ' 160. SPRING STYLES. KAUnwtlLtfl. ft BRO, beg leave to an son ace that their first exhibition will take place this moral a f of the newest nd laieal styles of Spring Goods, just r sod red. per Adams Caw's Ex press: A large aseortruen tod tedious tosiri lion. Please to eah and examine. Mitthf,.-:-s.v - 's. . ..... ' ' ' 160. fHElOTISTS CU.DIVT ND" MECHANICS OWN BOOK. Embracing xV the portion of Chernlatry applicable to the lit chanic Art, with abstract of Electricity.. Galva niam, Magnetiem, Pneumatic. Optic. Astrono my, and Mechanical Philosophy, Ae.. e r y Jaa. Pilkiegion. For sale by i. T. JlfcNpS. .v March 7. - t . 15 ' . BILLS OF. EXCHANGE. , t AN. Elenat Edition of Bill of Kschange, print ed in Getmaay, ia Book of 10 quirr nd la sheets, just received and for sale at tha Office of Tm Commercial. SHIELD SKETCHES OF THE IRISH BAR. Another supply, just received snd for aalo at S, W. WpITAKXR'S. k March.- . : : ,'-,;. : - - . 4. , 1 CABINET FURNITURE. TTEWRY W KINGMAN, fate partner of (S fHBxrs as sviaaaiaa-, respeciiatiy sn- " ' noaacse to hie old Castonser, and lea Pas- il l He-generally, that h has now r a hand, a lorgaaneT Rxtnrio AooortmaU oi all klada of warranted ' mad CABiflET FORNITUUR, Chairs. Beds and Matresses.' wbkh he offers at IVbotesala and Retail, at umoxttpx ionably lom prices. Nopainn wOl by spared io give aariafactlo te ail who) may taro'r hlni wiih thefr orders; - ' - HENRY fT. riNGTAN-. JIsTchlS. tome. IJiPetjlstft.rt