j . 'i. : !. A . -- II 1 I. " -1 1 I t f 1 1 1 I .. -ft ft i: 1 -V . Ill jfV '-"V ... fIU I ; yv. . .. V -V rv '-y. "A 1 II. Ml "..:nVl - IM Ell II..-- Ill . H I It r I I 7IIUI 1TIV1 ' il ' III - -111 ... I i ' Ml 111 I 111 Ml 111- Ml il II 11 niW Jill's ! i: - U ; - I n n k W M H L i-r S' HULL -. BL U- It JJJV IIL' J 11 M, lv 1 , H. JU t ILL El L VOLUME IX NUMBER 8. WILMINGTON, N..C, TUESDAY MORNING, ARIL 4, 1854. WHOLE NUMBER, i 000 MI STJliLLANY. a p.ur 0. .but now 1 1 j i j ' hi . A BARD IN TltOUBLE. A (Ihmnvitive specimen of the genus ho mo, jejojcinir in the corapouivl ;inpe!!arion of Patrick Terence McSwiichei, was placed in the dock of the Bclfiist police office, on Wednesiilaj week, charged by No. 5 4. dth annoying I he public by his disorderly condtict. and singintr sonrs in an uproari ous manner in HercuU's-placc, on the pre ceding night- Judging from the outwurtl "rfian be seera.d to have recently been a principal in some -glorious row," in which he brfd unfortunately corne oil second best, Yot besides various cuts and scratches on ii s face, his right visual oran was most iriuihematically encircled with a halo of black, yellow and purple tin!., vicing in lustre with the colors of the rainbow, an 1 ds D0se ' O tavern o' war," such u barbar ous looking proL"icis, illat niusibe rnnked tilon-side human noses ! Why, in all so her seriousness, to do it anything like jus tice, it should be classified with cases of the ihird variety, according to in. rules of Dr. Hutron It was none oi'your Roman, nor ydur Grecian, nor aqoilme. noses, nor yotir Jong, nor your sh; rj), n -.r j our flar, nor your pug, nor cocl:. iur nnvihmg b j t its own original style, just as if, by way of improvement. Prometheus had tri(d his hand a second time when moulding this 'hapless son of cl.iy":r It was of a bright fiery appearance, having small blue spots adorning the extremiiy, and pulled up a la pincushin to amazing dimensions, as if proud that its owner was one of the ouM ! stock." .Moreover it seemed as acting from j the dictates of prudence it had-.piietly s:ep ped aside from its natural position to avoid ! cojiision with some post or wall, and had taken up i's residence on the larboard'1 . -i i-,- .!..-! ... 1 - .J , - .1 . side Oi Ills CtieeK. aim was ucimiiiiini in remain there, at least till the danger of its being br .ken had passed away. This un doubtedly w.is a very prudent cour.-e. Then the dress of rl.e prisoner was unique as his tout ensemble was attractive lie w.is encased in about three-tenths of an ol i black coat entirely minus the collar, a red wai.tcoat, not encumbered wi:h buttons. but t irli 1 1 v laced with twine, and trousers that had once been blac k, variegated with iron eo! .red .pots ot the leers there was a deep r ni. w as he walked, allowed til. unrestr iin garment to fhip at pleasure, giving ooc h of him the appear nice of a sort of wing. Alercurv. whilst t iie other presented aca! and dignified rigi l;'V- Altogether the prisoner was a rca an.? in sit is. and in deed he seemed to know i'.. The constable having stated his charge, the prisoner was asked what he had to sa . and wiih the utmost coolness, and amid.-t the irrepressible merriment of the court, he replied in the following pompons style, which was sadly out of keeping with what his external appearance seemed to indi cate : Your Worship (bowing) Not having had the pleasure of a previous acqu nn tance, von no doubt evince a li te curiosity, as a gentleman naturally would, on being thus so abruptly and inform ally brought in contact with another( laughter) to know who and what I am ; but before 1 enter in to particulars, allow me to apologise lor reluctantly appearing before you this morn ing with such an apparant disregard to the .luiies of the toilet (surveying himself) I la. l.a. ha ! (Great laughter.) liench Apologies.sir, from -'gentlemen" j of your status, are quite superfluous ; and as to the question of curiosity, I assure you I evince not the least. (Laughter.) Bench But who are you. then '! Prisoner Patr ck Terence M'Switcher, the cosmopolitan bard, or non-pensioned : laureate, sir. at your service (bowing.) , whose repuJation is more extensive than Ins j resources (laughter) and whose living ' inspirations, if I err not, will aitnm a higher ; seat in immortality than the poor so.i!. which poured them forth. (Continued j laughter.) Bench May I ask, what works have ; yon published ? j Prisoner My published effusions, sir, lire chiefly confined to ballads of the Alex- j andrian order, the most popular of which j tare, "Whew 1 your sowls to glory," and! "Molly but you're long a coming" bursts ' of laughter) both of which I have been l informed have been translated into the i Scandinavian, Double Dutch, anil verna cular. (Laughter.) I have a variety of man- . viscrip poems, ballads, &c, but they are i intended to be brought out posthumously ' (Loud laughter.) I may therefore well ex . claim with the satirist of old 1 "Exegi monumentuiB perenniusa ere." ' or with his more amorous countryman "Jamquc opus perfeci Nomenque erit indeiibile tnostrum." J3encn Oh, you know something about Latin, 1 perceive 1 Prisoner (stroking his beard) Rather. (Laughter.) Bench But you cannot be permitted to annoy the public by bawling in the streets. Prisoner I was singing, not bawling, and only doing that in the high way which manv of my contemporaries particularly Moore and Words worth still do in their garrets. (Tjoud laughter.) May I be per mitted Id interrogate the constable? Bench Certainly 1 The consiable was then called upon the table, anJ the prisoner, in the most ludi crous manner imaginable, drew himself up to his full height (about five feet four inch es) to question him. Prisoner (with arms a kiaibo) Turn round, Sir! and behold the man whom the -resiliency of your conscience is endeavor ing to immolate. (Laughter.) Is that so? Constable (as tonishftd) 1 don't know 'hat you mean. , Prisoner Precisely : in that case, tlien, you must, be grossly ignorant ha, ha, ba ! -th-; Cotistable (laughing) May be not so much asyou think. .,Pn?orier-r--VVctI, ihen let us see. May i l: ask; baveWou. ever - studied human -nature, i.wrietheppradtically or metphy icali f i'XV&nghterf ' Constable (hesitatingly) Metterfisctlly ! (Loud laughter ) Prisoner What? eh? etterfiscally, you said O learned functionary! your knowledge. I perceive, of human nature is co extensive with the profundity of your acquirements in Mciterlisics. (Great laugh ter.) Constable You are humbugging me now. With ail j-o.ir larnin may be I'm as cute as you. You are asking unfair ques tions. They have nothing 10 do with the c tse. Prisoner Come, ans wer me agaiu ! you say I was singing in the streets; what were the peculiar sensations you first ex perienced when the fortissimo passages op erated upon'tbe tympanum of your auricu lar oigan (Loud bursts of laughter ) C.mstabio (sarcastically) All 1 know about you is. that you're a common ballad singer, and the most troublesome about Smi'hfieM. (Continued laughter) Prisoner Go down, Sir! (Laughter) i B'tich (:o prisoner.) You must be im j prisoned forty eight hours in the Hous . of ! Correction, iiUSlLS!S tAUDS. JAS. il. CIIADBOURN & CO., .can al lo!uiisioii $i .'reliant vn.ili .;ii)"ii. x. c. J as. II.J.'haob.iub... Geo. Chad bo r r ?f J uii. 1 , 135 J. 1 .J L & D. DuPRE. WHOLE -SALE AND l( ETA L DEALER.. IN Prugs. Sli-iJU-iiics, Cliemirals. ..inTs, Oil, I) i ?tufli, .iiiiss. Perfumery, Cigars, O.a liiquors, l''nn-v Afiiclcs, Sic., VlAllKl.l' siTUKKT. V I Ij 1 l N il T t S . N . C . "rescrifjtijn.- urcfnll) j.npaundeJ by c;xperi pnece ti-i sons. M .i rcli '5, t 3 "3 iVlLLIlI A". H WYK.V, uLitcrtii I lfdrvv.irJi:ig4,t'ominiSNioa Merelitmt I i :!! i:s i.-'ir! in in r 1 1 1 1 ii my fr i'nd-, hilt I mi f e ; j i ii-d 1 1) i vij ;d 1 hi i nrss u n I rusted lome nllijien i an t p r- i n , I n n n u in . I Inven wharf lor .1 v :i I Si iTi-s. wiili a iijile ai'c-o:iiiiioil.ii!of , Spirit il n-ii' ani V iroli an - . (JiMiciirnnic nts of Naval vt t s for sale or ship ami : nd all kinds of can n- Prisoner Wo mc wi; It the senti I'll cany a letter to that constable'; and brothers ? (Great laughter.) Bench Removed hiin. B If ml Id jour Worship favor nee of iranspoi ion, and father Citron. TJE TiJI -WEEKLY ( 0MJEsiIAL Is 1)11 lil.s la I i'Vi.TV I'uEtfDAV, 1'HL'RtDA V Ulld Satl-isda v at S3 per annum, payable in all cases i 'i livance. BY I'll U .U AS i.O:tl. G ICditi r and Pbopkie TOR, Corner 1'i oi-t airl "M uket Street.", WILMIVCTOX. N. C. try ;ir I tz- on -i ntv., Apnl 19. ;HT:il liciut!. C is!i advancis mode on 0. L. FILLYAW, PRODUCE BROKER, COIDIISSIM AND F0RWIK01G ME ECU ANT, IVUiWISTGTOJI, f. V. Sept ember 20th, 1 r 53. 8 '-1 v-c JOSEPH li. BLOSSOM, General Cominissioa and Forffardiag Merchant. Prompt personaf attention given to -Consignments for Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cask adrancss made oa Consignments to vie or to mn New York friends. Wilmington, Jan.'30, lS-,3. 13'. R0UNTKKE, WATSON & CO., General Commission Merchants, TH Smith St , Sew York. L:i;ral Adeanr.es Mide on Consignments, j. d. n H'vrmt, a. c. watsjm, w. h. wjggim. Angus' -5. IS33. 09-1 y. (JE0. II. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next dixit to A. A. Vannet's,on North Vnteist. willattenil to the sale of all kinds of Oountrv Pro duce. nneh a? Corn, Peas, Meal, Uacon . I.ard ,4c.. jpd will keep constantly on hand a full sup pi y o f Groceries. llefernecs . VVillef- Ha 11. of Wayne. Jno ilfllae, Wilmins-ton W Caraway. ' Gen. Alx. . MeRac . ' B P. il ill, Wilmington , Wiley A. WatKei . ': Di-c. U, 1332. I lo-l v. v 1 rjsi;. -' Ion. P t',r asinif li ,n 1 r. Nav . 1 1 : r : . M' S lii.ld - u.l C-l :!,; ;n I i.i I her ill in. i y i l n hy ' i r i j i . i;ir Iri. i S i'. n-iianiilC'; Is of Cot p. O'l lift: i . W . Da vis In j 1 1 1 1- ul lor vessels. 1 G r.i'-cr..l Nov. -20 W. C. HOWARD, Mc r- lon N. C. anees ma !e on Conig?iin(nls. IOU-tf RXnUAF, Cninmission and Foiwaruin cian', Vv iloiin ;as!i ad Ficr il'iV.' iJEV.iY NUTT, IK AND F:iKWllU'. IG!-:.T, vice his io.ifr dUrn'ijri to cd Is 'tis core. amines entrust- ..-pi. l-')3. r vti:s i si;r. 1 uisi.r:ion 1 " 7.3 1 1-3 " 1 f'J j I 1 ' 1 m mil), l iu I I Ten lin or le s maUi a Mene-ni excei.d.s icn fines OK A 1 V fcKTISI NG. $it 51 i 1 sijr. '2 months, "6 .. u in 1 1 u re. If an II. S4 Cm 5 en S oo l uu a.lv, r- iiro. all r:i n. Mice l il Ire in is are payable at ihe time of a.lvc i titers, will lie made lverii?c icir iiiM 1 1 : o n . i -on r if 1 s il li i i arly n : !i . : i ! S ! ; a i 1 1 r in . i N tri-i r .i" c muaeii for vcarly adverllsiny '' .. j : ; . r : ; i i 1 1 ,i at hi circu ,ii vt uncc rf'.der . i i !i i,-i;i i;i r.' S". or au unexpeei rd rem .vai j ;n .a s-jn , a ehire aiejr lin ; to Hie pu'li-lied j ierni5 ivi!l he at ihe option ot I lie e o n ' rac t 1 r, fir j the time be 'las advertised.. j 'I'lie privilege of Annual A-.lvrr Ucrr is strictly j ! i 11 1 i : ; d I ) iludr ivvn imllie.'iati lei-inesf; and all i.Im riiseil!" 0' lor (ilC henifit of other pirions,) as well .1 - ni i.l vert ise : m m 3 ,. aim nedialely eon- j neeted wi'li 1 heir own biisim fs, and al 1 u -i ci ?s of I 1 U rr'.ii 1..1 n" in le 1 11 11 r 01 !ier " isc bey 'n I I he limit eni-ieJ, w i I be charged at the nsaal rales. No I e: li-em Us is iru Indcd in ihe eon raet Tor ih sale or rem ol houses or I mill in town er ronnlry er f r ihe sale or hire -if n'rocs, wheiii T the in ip- r'' i t'tini il bv ih atveriier or liy ,,ih-r piT-s.ina. Th-e are ixeltidcd by ihe lerm i( imntcd'.alt business 15 Ml 1 I .-.-r-1 -einunt-s inerlej in the tri-wecMv ( ,,,,., ,.-r are infilled I 1 one ieserfion in ihe Wet-kin free of chnrire. JOB, ( Altl) AM) l'AMA i:i;r.i;,iu) i si; p i; w i u JOSEPH II. FLW'XKR, Clciirral lommivsiou Mcrchunt, VI1,HI Sii I'O.V, . c. Mar !)ih, l.?33 K7-Iv-c. I. WCS.Sla.. H . R . t; I L KRS. WKSfiL k i?li:rs. mil mission i !: in; n nts a nd wiioi.p. -'S.AI.K fl'tO ;K:tS, Vortu Wafer Street, Wil ninirlon, N. intent to keep .11 the above, stand a genera I a sori men 1 of G-oceries, Liijuors, and Proviion at wholesale and to carry on a Genera 1 'om ni5 ssior Kitsini ss n k F E 11 f. v c E : K.P.IInll Pres'i Itr'eh I! nl; ufdic State. O.G. Parsl.-y, Pre-'i C Jniniereia 1 l!an P K . Dickinson . F.50 . DollnnA Porter. C u ',rK Jan. 20 1 3"-3 13 1 T. C. ft B. (i. WORTn, coinnssm nn forwirdixg merchwts, Jit. '7 WIL. ! G7X .V. C. V, V. t W. M. SIIKRW00D k CO., 7 M 1. Fv A 1 . l. liufi:" a mi i "o 01 ission hams v ilnii iii'inn. 7v (" A !1 eonsi2r.meTiis nf Naval Stores, tojefher Willi C HI. 'n. r.aenii. I. a d. 'm ti.'Menl. Fl ur, Ac . shnl secure ill higher! market prije. Dec. 13 1 15 rf PiMVTINC, STYLE VtiliXTS IMH TMIi CDJIHUKUAIi. .Veic Yurk Dr. Geuiige I'.ettses, No 'iA. Broai.vav, or ordnr mav he left wi h D. C. Krsf man Co., No. 175 l'tml street, corner ol How- li ur lip. Ilosloii Oh abi-k- Snrii. No. l'.Lil,id'jlij!iin--. K. i.'ohkn IS Jti nore Wm . li. PeAKE.ind Wa. Tiiu( 1 J e ni ral W Iu r f. ii:o:jk mykrs, Wil ILI'SlLi: AU RI Tl L (JUii C. I'HtC.MAN. OCOliOE lloLStO i- iti:i:Ai v & Hnt'srov, MERCHANTS AND FACIURS. 1I.M1NGTU.V, N . O - i) c. Ki!i::;MA & co. COM 1 1 SS ION M E RCH A N I lis I'iioxt' srmi:r, .m:iv voitic. R Kct. c in.it jjithj on hiind, H'mcs. Te,is. Liquors, I'r ir.;0),.4. If ( ,nd Witloir li'ir.:, I-'ruit. IO'i rertionarie.s.if". Stut'i -Vont sf reel, WllilllXUI'OS, N. J. N'ev. 1?, IS jr. 109. J. D. LOVE, VASi rxCTl llLl. ASH in: ALE! L CAB1XKT FUli.MTL'RE," P.COSTF. M'S CHAIRS, M ATTUKSPHS ic. &e. I l''iont tri ct. South of Market, j BlllVV' BL'il.Dl Mi. WII..MINOTON. N C. I Sept. 1 G, 1332. 79-y-r I J. IIAUi, COMMISSION M K't' : If A N I', Wilmin.ion. N C. O.Tljc in ru-r of AleMilian, Daiisii 1 ttie irash FREEMAN AND IHilSTON. WILMINGTON, N C "BKP cons'amly nn h arid a stock ol h'iour, 'orn. J'or.':. Hirjn Sa't, 4 .'off, Sticrar, Mo lasses, Tobaaa, Ci'jnrs. Snuff', Candles. Soni, 1'or ciirn and Ilomcstlc Liquors and Wines; Iron. Stiils, I'. lints, (Jits, Giiss, Domestics. Hats, l rj!s, isliots, Lea'her. Azri:uUurat Implements, ami a va rieiv of 01 her arti. li s, suitable for '"tnnily.ind plan tation use and die n mil 1 n tie, which they will di-musc of in lols 10 !jt deulers or consumers on reasonable terms for ca.-h.orln exchange for N a val Stores or other produce. r V7 Oo's Attire. Fvorv attention paid t of prod'iee, and libi'lal ' son si 1; nine n ! Refers to -1 'apt. Gilbert Pot tor,- F.. j Pre'i Branch Bin!; State N t ' ; O. O 1 Pres't Commercial "ni.k ; McMillan, i Co. sale and pnehase advances made on P. Fla Parsle Davis Ian. 21 131-tf COCHRAN k RUSSKLL. (surcEssor.s to Tims, libim- & co.) (Hcncral Coniniiion Mcrehanfs, Vo 3', -Vjr.'i Wharrcs. md i3 Xnrt't ti'a'er Sts. PII 1 1 .A I K I il'II I A . J II A R V F. Y c o c H n A N , be ! Tiie -cniorpartner D. V,. I'beem n-. is located in the city "of New Vork ; the pinior partner, Gf.o. Houston", in Wilmington. Jf desired, advances, will be made on nsi jn nents to and from either o'ace. AU business entrusu d to tlnrni will reecive nrooer attention: and orders for Goods will promptly;! nrl carefully filled. S e p t . 9. 1 352 lfiJ" D CVSIIWF.M,. J. A. PARKER. CASH WELL & PARKER. C O M MISSION M E R C II A N T S , WII.M I.NG TON. N C. Office formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. A. Gwyer. March 23. 3-lye DR. (iEORGE BETTNER, OK NO ITII CAROLINA. OFFICE. No 538 BROADWAY, OR AT TH--. PRESCOTT HOUSE -NE V YORK. E.-u. DJ. lyc. ; VII,KI,NSONT & I2SI.i:it, ! UPHOLSTERS & PAPER HANGERS, , KKEP ON HAND AND .MADE TO ORDER. Mtftr.'ss:.-!, Feather Beds. Window Curtains and 1'i.clures j A'l work in the above line done at shortest No ! tic". Wilmington. N. C Market St. j Marcel 5. l. J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION ML lie HA A T 4. GENERA L AGKST. WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 1,!P53. 85-1 y- A IlTvANB JKKELEN. Gcaeral Agent, Commission ani tonTarding Merchant, VVIIiMINC; TOX, N". C. Particular attention given tosale and purchase of Naval Stores. June 1, IS53. 123-lv. WILLIAM n, PEA RE. COLLECTOR HQ ADVERTISING ACtNT Vor Coutitry Newspapers throughout the United States, Basement of Sun Iron Bu laios, Bait 1 more street All business entrusted lo uis care transacted promptly, on liberal terms. se?l7 gs-f S. M WEST, . -ABttionwr and Commission ifierthant, WIIiflNG TON, N. c. WILL fell or bur Real Kstate and .Negroes al a sinitl commission. 0 - also : . Strict atietionjrten to the sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or a,ny kind of Country Produce. OB 9eon4 door. South side of Market street, oa' the wharf. Jdne 12. 1953. S3 ly. W. S BCiSELL. .ih.'r 1! e is'i 1 lv July 3.1 h. ll'ji. II. DOLLNM inccs inide on consisnnienis .-S-if. (i. roT'i'tR. jr DOLLNER & POTTER. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS N E'.V VORK : Ij'.'ieral Cis'i A lein-es mi le on all Consignments. April 30. 1333. 201y-pd. C. I) PRE & ( 0. IVIIOIiKSAl li AXI) KUT.llli GROCURS Ctornei Kio'it a-'d li im ess-stieets, WILMINGTON, N. C. C- DITRE. r. E. RAKER. J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION A! CHAN IS. WILMINGTON. N. C. J. IlATtAWAv, J. L, Hathaway, Feb, 13, 1S53. 31. JAMES ANDEReuS. EDWARD SAV'aGE. ANDERSON k SAVAGE. GENERAL COM MISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON i. V. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Oct. 2.'. ; HENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, ! PL RELY VlUiETABI.E IX JTS COMPOS1TIOX. ' ' I , III S invaluahle ( rordi il, i exiraeu il from Herbs ; 1 am1 Roots, which have heen found at'er ii-ats of experience, hy Ihe most skillful Physicians, to j be possessed of qualities most btneficial 111 the i'is eases :or which i', is recommended, and hence whilst it ispres ntid 10 t fie public, as an t ffica- cious remi d v , it is also known to be ol that charac ter on which reliance may be placed as to jissafety. 1 n cases of Itnpotency, lloemori hajjes. Oisordertd S tc 1 i i- y . Al t nstr nation or Suppression ol ihe .Men ses, Kiuui Albusor hues, or lor DEBILITY arising from any cause, such as weakness from sick ness. where the patient has been confined to bed l..' some time, for Females al ter Confinement, A horti.-n ! or-Miscarriage, this Cordial cannot be excited in i's s ilirarv etleets: or in loss of .Muscular Kncrjry, 1 I n itaiiilit), Physical Prostration, .Seminal Weak ness, Palpitation of the lleirt. I nd ijesti-m , Slur-aisnnes-. Pecay of ihe Procieaiive Kunciions, Ner- , vuiism ss. t-c. . wli rea tonic M ed ci ne is 1 cqu ; t i d , ; it ill be foundeti ial, ii not superior to any t'uni- ! pound ever iw?d TO FEMALES. Xtenry't Invigora'ing l.'ordtal, is one of the mo-t ' invaluable Medicines in the many Complaints to ' which I'Vui ilas are subject. It assists nature to brace the wfi lie system, e-h- c U excesses, and ere a tes ; renewed health and happiness. Less sulferin', dfscaseand unn ippln- ssamon Ladles woul I exist ; were niej ' 'Hy to ttdoi the use of this C r ! dial. I. aeit-s who -ire debilitated by those obstruc Hons w hu h teuiales are liable lo. are restored t . the use ut a botll.- or iwo. to hlotm and lo virzor. YOL Xti MEN. That s.i'itary practi. e. s fatal to the existence of : man and it is 1 he young who are most apt to b -: eoiue its victims, from an iejnoienee of the danger to which itn v sul'ject themselves, causes XEItrOL'S DEBILITY. 1 Weakness ol the System, anil Premature Decay ! .Many of you may now besuriurin;, misled as 10 ihe ; cause or source ol disease. To those, then, who by I excess have brought on themselves Premature Im potence, 1 nvol .nlary M-mintil I Omissions, Weak nessant! S hrivi ling of the Genital Organs, Ner ! von s A flee lions, or unv ot her conseqiienet s of u nres ; trained indulgence of ih sensual passions, ocea i sionin " the in cess it v of re no 11 nei ng 1 he lelkitk i of i MA It HI A i E. j lc ssenintr both mental and tmuily cap u iiy. Hold! Henry's Invisroru tins C irdial, a MeJicin : lhai is pari I) Vegetable, will aid nature le restore lh se j i input tant tunci ions lo a he . I thy st.i te, a rid ill prov e o! sei vice 10 you. It possesses raie yiituts, is a ' gtneial rciHoverof disease, and sin. ng rlier.tr ci ( Lc 'system ! AS A TOXIC MEDICIXE. i t is unsurpassed . W e do not place 1 his-Cord la I 011 j a foot ins with quack medicines, a nd , ns is c u stoma -: rv. append a long list of Recommendations, Ci t I lifieatcs, Ac., lciMnr.in; with 'Hear whai the Pieachei siys.,: and sucliliKt1; il is not necessar)', for ' Henry's Inv i2oraiiiii; l'orilial." only needs a ' trial to p rove I tm I it wiil ace. implish al! we sn v. THE GENUINE ' HENRYS INVIGORA TING CORDIAL" : is put np In " Panne! Bottles, and is easily recoj ! ni.i d by the Manufacturer's Mi;n.:ture on the laDic ! of each Bottle, (to counterfeit which is forgery.) as well as his private eal on til? cork of each Bottle, i fjSold for per Bottle; -Six for Ss ; SIG per ! do'en. I Prepared only by S. COllKN. No. 3 Franklin Row Vine Street, below Kichlh, Philadelphia, Pa., ! to whom all o:ti)i:ifs must bi: au- J DRK.SSFD. For Sale by nil respectable DriiL'gists A. Merchants throughout the country. ! Oct. '29. S7-i ::n-c. OFFICE W. AND M. R. R. CO. WILMINGTON, .N . C, lTt't MARCH, i6jI. . ! OTIC is hercliy thai tile S tock of the under named delinquent subseiil cis 10 the Capital Slock of the W ilminyton and Manchester Railroad Company will he sold at Puhlie Auction, at K.x chantre Corner, on Mondiy ihe 24 1 li Apiil, 1S5J. agreeably to ".section 12' of ihe Charter of saia Company, unit s ihe instalments '!ue th-ron ahall be p. tid pn vious to rue day ol so it John A. Taylor, Pol ler Strode. N . K. Brickhouse, TJC- l'ebiiiiy, CO shares. . . 2 " -3 " GEO. HARRISS, General CojiuuisMon 31 or chant. (VII.MIN'GTOM, N. V. wjTRICT attention given lo procurinar Freight i-J and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. ItEFEa ro K. P. Hall, f'.sq. 1 0. G. Parsley F.sq lj.Wi,nii ton. 1. A. l aylor. l-.sq j J. O. Bellamy, K.sq j Messrs. l ooker, Siuyih & Co., ) v... Thompson & Hunter, J Aew York Alex'r. Herron, Jr Philadelphia. . ii-: . t: , ir. I J ... I . - MeSSrS. Ullll.llHOW UHlltl, ( Ch..Blnn H F. Baker. F.sq. Jan. 2. 1853. S. C. 123 tf. RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATE ELLIS. RCSSELL Sl CO ,) mENERAL CO MMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash ndvances made on consignments!) Naval store, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1853. WANTED. 2Anrj LBS. Beeswax, Cor which the highest . J i 'W'aiarket price, will be paid in cash. March 9- T. Cdc, B. G, WORTH. CLASSIC and HISTORIC PORTRAITS, V JAMES BRUCE. Just poblMbed, and for sale at S, W. WHITAKER'S. March 4- ,149- B0VS AVALE1N0 GAXES. C. MFER'S.. B' FANCY assortment, for sale, at lht Ha nd n Cap bmportum. John H. Hill,- Isham Peterson, 5 James Knight, I Alex'r May, 2 F. C. Si:,,.elary, 3 J::U!. s G. Burr. 1 Kahnweiler, 3 C. H. Dudley, 5 T. L Guess, 1 T. J. Capps, 2 T. C. Cialt, 1 T C. 'N orth. 1 John D. Love, 5 W. C. Howard, 7 " j Win. J. Love, Jr-, 5 1: T. D. Love, 3 " : Wm B. Jones. 3 ' i James H. Piitchert, 5 " ( SamT II . Firth. 2 " i By order of the Board of Directors. j J NO AIacRAL, Jr. Treas'r. ! March 15. l-'s. ; CARRIAGES. 1 six seated CARRIAGE. I 1 Paneled Q.uarter Rockaway, 1 Q, ta'ier Rockaway and severallight Buggies iust received and lor sale by Sepl27-tf DIBBLE & BRO. ASSORTED TOBACCO. " f BOXES Tobacco, which wiil be sold at fac O' ' tory prices, for cash by March 4 C. DcPRF. &. CO. CORN AND OATS. 1 AfVl BUSHELS Flint Corn, 600 do. Oats, L OLV7 100 do. Rough Rice. For sale by March 21. W. A. GWYER. FRESH AND PRIME; PER SCHRS. W H. AND L. P. SMITH. Qpr BAGS prime Green Rio Coffee; J 25 bbis. C. Yi'iio w n gar ; 15 hoses Colgate's Pale Soap. Low for cash, at GEO. H KELLKVS. Jour , W. Hhx., N. C. Tel., S. of Age copy. hi arch 21. 2. HONEY. I TAKE this method of informing the commu nity, that I alvays have a No, I article of Hon ey on hand bf ih retail; good for Coach's, Colds, and ButAs, Scalds, and many other diseases that poor rmma Bat are is aabjeet to, at Narcb 2L 2-tf. GEO. H. JCEtLETW Jour., W. Her. copy. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DR. JOHNS I'ON Proclaims to the afflicted, far and near, that he has disctrvertd the most cer ain. speedy and. efficacious plan fcrr treating panic ulsr diseases lh a has ever been pres. pud to ihe woild. By his plan, foui dedon ohservittons made tn the Hospitalsof Europe and America, be ili ienuie vs-' A CURE IN TWO DA YS, OR NO CHAfiGEx f Xo Mercury or Xnusriius Drugs Used. Pains in the t.ins, Constitutional Debility, Jm potenc y, Weakness of theBackand Limbs, afil-c lions ot the Kidneys, Palpitation of the 'Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous irritability. Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose, or Skin; and all those serious and melancholy oisorders urisinafrom the destruc tive habits of Vouth, which destroy bold body and mind, those secret aid solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens to the mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes orantlcipations, rendering marriage &c im-po-siblo. a ' '' YOUXG MEX, Especially, who have become the victims of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructrve habit which annually sweeps to an untimely "rave thousands of young itieti of the mot exalted talents arid brilliant intellect, who might stherwise have entranced lis tenini; Senates with the thunders of tlo.ii;. n-e, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may cafl wiUi 'full confidence. MARRIAGE. .Married pc'sons, or those contemplating ;nunia"e, being awar. ot physical weakness, should immedi-' ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. He wha.p!accs himself under the care of Dr. Jol.n sron may religiously confide in his honor as a eir. tleman, r?'id confidently rely upon hisskil! asa phy sician. OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St.. 7 DOORS FROM BALTIMORE St., (east file,) LP THE STEPS. J3-BK PARTICULAR in observing the NAME ;:nd NUMBER, or you will mistake the place. DR. JOIIXSTOX. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London; graduate from one oi i!ip most miiiLnt Colleges ol the United Stales, and the greater pari of whose life has bei n spent in the hospitals of London, Par is, Philad' Iphia. and elsewhere, has eflectc-d 'some of the most astonishing cures thai were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head nnd cais' v hen asleep, rreat neivoiiM-.sss, being Mlaritn d at sudden sounds, and bashf.i.m ss. with freaucnr ; blushing, attended sometimes with dtranimti.t ' j mind, were cured immediately. 1 TAKE PARTIC ULAR XOT1CF j Dr. J. addresses all tnose who have injurei! ( '.l- selves by private and improper indulgences, t hi A i J ere I and solitary ha bit w hich rules both body and mind, unfiiiin them for cither business or society. ; Titesc are some of the sad ard inelanchoiy etleets i produced by early habits of youth, viz: W eakness j of i he Buck and Limbs, Pains in ihe Head, Dimness of Sjyht, Loss of Museul ir Power, Palpitation of i the tijart, u spepsia, . ervous 1 mtability, Deran ! mentol the Uiiiestive r unctions, General i . S viii pi1 uis 01 l. onsumplion, &,c. M CNT.MLV. I he fearful t IF. cts on ihe .niiul are much to be dreaded ; Loss of Memory of('niiir" , of Ideas, Depression of S i i its. Kvil-Korcbodin. n ' Aversion t" Society, Self-Dist rust. Love of S.ili ' li'il". Timidity, dec , are some of the evilt, produced. Thoustincs of persons, of all net's, can now jud"e wh it is the cause of their declining Uealth. Losin" their vigor, becoming weak, pale and eniaciriic.f, .have a ini;iilar apuearance uboul the eyei ccii h ' I and symptoO'.S k L'onsiiinplroil. OR. JOH.S J'ONS A VIGOR A TING REM- V l-.lt f l ej. i.llj Ml Ii J Ij I 'l' 1 Ttii s -rrand and important Rt medy has .rsurcd I ttunjjili and vis:or to thousands of ihe inosi ner- , vmi s and detiilUated . many ot whom hud losi all ; hopes, and been abandoned lo die. By iis complete ! invigorulion of ihe Nervous System, the whole j lacu lies become rcstured lo their proper pwer and functions, anil the fallen fabiic of life raised up to beauty, onsistency, and duration, upon the ruins of an i uiaciateti and premature decline lo sound and ; pristine h.ialrh. Oh, how happy have hundred? of niisiotidcd youths been made vvh.i have been si.d- denly restored to health, from the devastations j. tho.,e terrific maladies Tvnich result from imiisi t lion. Such persons, before coniemnlatin" I MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sound mind and body are the J most necessary requisites to promote connubial I h i,.piness. Indeed, without these, ihe journey : throuL'h life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the pros ' peel hourly ilarkens to the view the mind becomes ; shadowed with despair, and fillet! wiih Hie nitiin I eholly re flee i i m, that tfie happiness of another be ! comes blichted v it!i our own. Ler no fa.'jt di !i.-a-cy prevent you, but app'y immediately, nnd s.nc j yourstlt from the dreadful consequences ol thisiet I iible mnladv. IV ; A KXE S S O I ' THE OR O A XS I inn in dia tely c u red and I u 1 1 v i r i estortd . i 5 V.ALL LETTERS Ml.'sT BE POST PAID. Ren. edies sent to anv part of the country. I TO STJtAXGERS. DR. JOHNSTON, of the- Baltimore Lock H. s ! dial, whose long residence in this city, siandins as a gentleman of character and responsibility, e'xtcn . sive practice in the variou- Hospitals of" Europe : and this country, nnd ski.'! and e.p rienee to which j thousands can lesnry, us well us !iis ability in ihe ' Surgical department of his profession, as evide; red , bv reports of his operations on the Eyes and De- formed Limbs, published in t lie Baltimore Sun and ! other papers, in the years 1 34 1 2, by which the blind i were made to see and the lame to walk straight, ren tiers him worthy of all confidence upon ihe part ot I those who need his professional services, arid who I would shun the many trifling and ignorant prttcn i der3 advertising theinst Ivts us Physicians. ! fj-To ihosc unacquainti d with his reputation, Dr. Johnston deems it necc-fsary to sav thnt his I credentials or diplomas always hang in his office. 1 rs-OFl-'iCE.iVo. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK. St., 1 East side, up the steps. Oct. 13. SQ.ly c. I NEW DRY GOODS STORE. MARKET STREET. ! NEXT TO MESSRS. WILKISSUX & ESLER. IH AVE now on hand and for sale, at the very lowest market prices, a full assortment of fancy i and domestic Dry Goods, viz: Ladies Cotton, ! Flannel, Ca shin ere, M t rino and S ilk Hose ; Gloves I of all qualities and styles; Children's worsted ; Boots. Boas, Leggins, Habits, Hood, Hats, Stis ! penders, Comforts, Scarfs, &c; Merinos; -Cobergs; ! Black ALjiaccas; raw Silk Pliids; Mouslin de Laincs; Persian Cloths; Cashmeres; Calicoes: j Ginghams; Blenched Shiriinss and Sheetings; Brown Shirtings and Sheetings ; Oznahurjs ; t.'an ; ton Flannels; Table Linens; Towellings, Nap jkins; Blue Demims ; Striped Shirtings; Bedtick I ings ; Plaid Linsey s tr M arlboro' Stripes; Kerseys; i Kentucky Jeans ; Satinetts; Cassimeres, Clo'hs, j &c. Ladies white and colored kid Gloves ; Genrs i colored kid and buckskin Gloves, j 1 would most respectfully invite the attention of the Ladies to my assor'.ment of French worked i colored Embroidered Handkerchiefs ; Dress But- tons: Silk Gimp; Braids; black Velvet, fonrim I mings. .c. j Having now a com plele assortment of Dry Goods j I would most respectfully invite purchasers to ex- amine my stock before buying e'sewhere, as 1 feel j confident they will be well paid for llieir trouble. ! Come and decide for yourselves, j Oct 8. L. P. WILSON. V , For (ho Car of ( . t ' . . . COUGnS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, croip, ismiiA, wuoor Armin? the numerous discoveries Science lias madoin this generation lo facili'.ste the busincis of life increase its enjoyment, ani even prolong the term of human existence, none can be naimd of more real value to mankind, lhan this contri bution of Chemistry to the Healing Art. A vast trial of lis virtues throughout this brroad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine, or combinations yet known, con so surely control and cure the uiimerous varieties of pulmonary d sea'so which have hitherto swept from our inidit thousands and thousands every ytar. Indeed there is now abundant reason to believe a Remedy has at length been found which can be relied on, to cure the most dangerous affections of the lungs. O.i r space here will not pprmir us to publish any propoi t ion of the t ur s a lice ted by its use, but v e would present the f dlowing, and refer further in quiry lo my American Almanac, which i lie ageni below named, will always be pleased to furnish free, wherein are full particulars, and indisputable proofs of these statements : Office of Transportation, ? Laurens It,R., S. C, Aujr.4, IS53. $ J. C. Avek. Dear Sir, Sly little son, four years old, has j ust recovered from a severe attack of malignant Scai li t Fever: his threat was rotten, and every person that visited him pronounced li i ni a dead thild. Having used your Cherry Pec toral in California, in ihe winter of 1330, for a se vere attack of Bronchitis, w ith entire success,! was; induced to try it on n.y little boy. 1 gave him a teasp i.inful every three hours, commencing in t ho nioining. and by ten o'clock ut niht I found a decided eh m?c for the belter, and aticr three days' use he was able to cut or drink vtiihoui pain. I :s usr in the above named disease will save many a child front a premature grave, and relieve the ffnx iety of nfany a fond parent. For all affections of ihe throat and lungs I believe it ihe best medicine etant. A feeling of the deepest g ra t i t udc prompt s me in addicssing you these lines. But for your impoi tant discovery iny little boy w ould now have been in another world. I am vonrs, with irrcat respect, " J. D. POWELL, Supt. Trans. L. R. R. Rock Hill, (somerset Co.,) A'.J. July 21, 1852. Dn J. C. Aver, Since your medicine has be come known here, it lias a greater demand than any cnuiih remedy we have ever sold. It is spo ken of in terms of unmeasured praise by those v ho nave us d it, and 1 know of some cases where the best ihey can say of it, is not too much lor the c;ood it has done. I lake pleasure in selling it, because I know ihat I am jrivinL' my customers th" w or t h of their money, and i feel gratified in -eeinir the benefit it confers. PRascscnd me a further supply, nnd believe me Vcurs, w iih tespecf, JOHN C WHITLOCK. P.S. Almost any number of Ctriificctes can be sint you H x on wish it. Windsor, C. W., Juno 26, 165?. J. C. A?er. Sir: This may ceitify that 1 have used your Chirry Perioral for upwards of one year ; anil it is my sincere belief that I should have 'm en in my grave ere this time if 1 had not. It has cured me of "a dangerous all'icl'ion of the Inn?", and I do not overstate mv convictions when I itll you il is a prit-clcs remedy . Yours very respect tub v, D. A. VcCULLIN, Atorney at Law. Wilksl.arre, Pa , Sept 23, 1650. Pr...I. C.Aveb. My dear Sir, Vour medicine is much approved of by those who h ive used it here, and its composition is such as to insure and main! tin its reputation. I invariably recommend it for pulmonary affections, as do many of our piin cipal phj sici.ms. 1 am your friend CHAS. STRF.ATER, SI. D. rBEr.ltlFtl AMD SOLD SV JAMES C AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell .Massachusetts. Sold in Wilmington by S. B. & J. A. EVANS nnd in Fayetleville, bvS. J. HI.NSDALL, and by Druggists irncrally Jan. 5. 18.'4. 124-3m c. MISCELDANY A LETTER FROM A CONDEMNED CRIMINAL. The following- -tetter from David Jew 11, who was executed ftt Pittsburgh recently, for murder, ha been handed to the'Phila delphia Ledger for publication by the per son towbom it was addressed.' The lett r is worthy of a pcrusaL - If contain a Val uable lesson. .-v,i&.A'.it, County Peiso, Pittsburgh, March", !354. . I I W. 1 1 . I - -1 . A-n IAG COUGH JUD..C0SSBM Wfrd FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, PR ON T S 'PRE E T. ACCOUNTS made at this Establishment prior to the 1st inst., are now due. and settlement is cnrnesily desired by ilie snbseriber. Jan. 7 J. D. LOVE. NOTICE. rVy II E subscriber, respectfully informs the public, - that h is now. r in i so ting ihe A uci ion business on his own account, and hopes by strict al'cntionto busings, to merit a continuance of that' patronage heretofore solibernlly bestowed Jpon him. iM. CICONLV. S lock, Real Estate nnd Negroes, bought and sold on a commission ol 1 per cent either at private or public sale. JanS.ie53 126. "valuable dwelling house FOR SALE. THE S ubscriber offers for sale that most desirable DWELLING AND PREM1S- ,ES . situate a l the Nor ih-Western intersec tion of Third street with Red Cro.-s street, the Lot fronting 100 feet on lied Cross, and 200fcct tin Third. The Dwelling House, Kitchen. Smoke-llouse, Stables, and ail ihe other out-houses on the pre mises, have been built within a few years, of choice maicri als, in the best manner, and, nearly kII of them covered with lin. The Dwelling House is capacious, handsomely finished, nnd most conveniently planned, and all the other build inps are judiciously arran?ed, and wtll filled up. There ure few Lois in Wilmington so desirably located, and the improvements on which are so admirably adapted for a family residence. Third street on the entire Eastern line of this lot, is 99 feet wide, and sep.ira;c3 it from thai on which a new Episcopal Church is about to be erected. Persons desiring to purehase, can ascertain terms of sale by application to the subscriber, or N. N. Nixos, Esq.. or M. Cbonly, and the sub scriber will cheerfully accompany any jnch w'jo wish to inspect the premises. II. 11. NIX"iV. Sept. S. 1 53. '.5-tf. TOWAGE. ON and after this date, all vessels towed in harbor bv Steamer Sam. Beery and Calhoun, will be charged 34,00. GEO. HARRISS, Agent. Nov. 8th, 1853. irjl. FOR SALE. The Schr. S R. POTTER, now in Wil mington, is for sale. For further particu lars, apply to MOLASSES. HHDS.vcry prime Molasses, for sole fo OU cash by C DuPRE & CO. March 18. 1. NORTH CAROLINA LARD. Lard, for sale bv C DuPRE & CO. "I ( KEGS prime N. C IU March 19. wilt end on earth,4 and before I leave, 'dear iVUrl have n ftttr words of adTtce 0 leave witlt oiK whom I loved a eutreffa:,; and whicji you appeared to be io rriej'tftid have acted as such during uy lotigiatid pawifuf incarceratibrtrfoi;luch I return Xo you, ' and your wifei jny roosfprofound thanks. I trust what "liuleJL have to ay to you; will not be deemed, wrong nor oulpQ place ; it may be a bcneflHo you inyeora la cotne, and you may profit by it, which I hope . you v. ill. Only look back tathe moruingr". ol ti c 5;h of July, 1852, arid picture to yoijrseif i lie huppy rnanVl was on thai glo i ions but uiilmppy day to !uie.' I left ray little family uinlcr the promise to" be back ajrain in the course'of an houftb accom n.iiiy them on a railroad excursion" ;. from' there 1 got m the company of some young friends, took ex social drink together, from that to another, and another, and yet ano- titer; I then forgot my promise to those l1" held most nei-.r and dear to me. And it lV to this blighting curse, and against its use, I wish to draw your attention. Yon are younger than 1 am, and 1 know you will bear with me in warning you from r.r, ever touching it. I know you are not. in the habit of it; but you are kind, open," generous and free hearted, and it is for this that makes me write to you on this occa sion ; and you will admit that no one knows jour generous disposition better than I do.' My first piece of advice to you is never to drink liquor in any way never do it from the time you read the last words of one who always was your firm friend, and.' thank God, you have proved the same to me. But, for mc to say that liquor drink ing is an evil, is what every man, woman and child will readily admit ; and to say tliat liquor drinking is' the cause of intern perance, is also saying" what noUving man' will deny; and intemperance produces,' either directly or indirectly, much the Iarg- -er part of the misery nnd wretchedness in our happy country. Its blighting wither ing curse is seen and felt in every trade of societj'. It makes the rich-poor, and the poor destitute. It separates the ties that bind husband and wife. It destroys the . natural affection existing between the pa rent and child. It brings husband and wife, parent and child, to an untimely, and, very often, to an ignominious death. But it is unnecessary for me to depict the evils1 attendant upon the use of intoxication li quors, 1 wish from my inmost soul that I could have looked with ihe same calm re flection on this evil, when I had my liberty, as I have since seen, and since studied. There are but few persons, I am satisfied,' but can call to mind in their own recollec tion, some frkvd seme laved acquantance, whose bright future has been hopelessly -blasted by the rice of drinking liquor. I will say no more to you on this subject, only remember this : How many sorrows and bow many tears. ' Which darken life's rougl imthwny lLoa doft bring ! (intemperance.) For closer than a brother dost thou clin To those fiail mortals once within tby power,' Who st i ire to shake thee off evade tliy string, ,nd 'scape the threatening clouds that arouud tlieo lower, W'hicli carkcr, gloomier groar with each succeed iY hour. I will say no more in regard to this, but my last word to you is, never never drink liquor, and you will be a happy man. Leave off running with fire engines, they are the means rbringing many a good! young man to shame and disgrace. Let your evenings be spent in the 60ciety of your wife and child, and my word for ir, you will be the happiest of the happy. I can aay no more, my heart is too full. Farewell, Billy, farewell. Ever and truly yours &c. " David Jewell., Jc 'OFFICE WIL. & MAN. R. R. CO. WILMINGTON, N. C, Jan. 28, 18&L C CONSIGN EES or "Down" or inward freight, J are hereby notified that, on and after Wednes day, the 1st Febrnary, 1S5I, all freight will be de livered on West side of the Cape Fear K'rv errand tbey arc required to receive the sanieihere. . . On and alter Monday; the 30ih Inst., the passen ger train will leave WUminstcn at 10 o'clock, P. M., instead of 9. A.M., as at present. L. J.FLEMING. Sap'tl W. & M. R. Rfiad. Jan. 31. 135-tf. Jan. 28. RANKIN & MARTIN. DR. LANGLES Hoot And herb bitters. The Great Spring and Summer Medicine, COMPOSED OF Sarsaparttla, Wild Cherry, YeIlow Dock, Prickly Ash. Thorooghwort and Dandelion. THIS Invaluable Compound has been before the public for the past three years, during which time nearly THRKE HUNDRED THOUSAND BOTTLES have beenfiold, thus proving It the most popular medicine of the age. Taa medicinal vir tues of the best Roots are so compounded as to act in concert with nature, it always does good, and never Aon hurt, ia short it is safe for ail ages and i a cUmaU. . . Price 37 i cents for a quart bottle. , For sale, Wholesito and Retail, sf If a. 3. Granite J.:. L TV BARLOW. Feb. 13. S- m RE 31 OV AL AND NEW FIRM. - FAUST & WINEBRENER, HAVING associated with them WM. 51. CAR TER, will continue the Hardware Busincs under the firm of Faost, Wisebheker & Co. And have Removed to their New 5 Story Brown Stone Store, IS o. 45 North 3d Street Kast side above Market, Philadelphia j erected on the lot formerly occupied by the Old City Hotel, where we are pre pared to show a very full assortment of Hardware, Cutlery, Gnus, Rifles, Turpentine li es, Hackers, And all other goods usually Kept by Habdwabb establishments, we respectiy solicit a visit from our friends and buyer "er.ZTittf. PnilafJ-ipriia, Feb. l 1SS4. CHEESE. 1 ff BOXES for sale bv IUU FREEMAN A HOUSTON. Jan. 19 130 14l-2mc. MEAL, II0M0NY, AND B0RSE FEED. THE Subscribers h ve been ?PP,0'n,cd .fl!n.t! for the GOLDSBORO MILLSelrtrated families """" - nnr above waier t TAYLOR PETTEWAY. MOLASSES! MOLASSES!! e?r HHDS. best quality Cuba Molasses, for sals i)U in iota to salt purchasers. ' ' W 50 bbis. Distillers Gins. For sate by Fab. 23. W31. A. aWTEBT, ear Store, Norm Ellis dt Mitchells. March 9. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE Subscribers have this day formed a Co partnership uider the name and style of JAMES F. GILLESPIE CO., for the purree of carrying on a GENERAL AGENCY AN1 COMMISSION BUSINESS. J AMES F. GILLESPIE, GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. Wilmington, Nov. 6, 1S53L 100-if. LIQUORS. " 7 ryzr BBLS. Rectified WMey; 20 bbU. IV. E. I t) Hum ; 15 do. Old Slononcah'la IWiitkev; 15 bbis. Apple Brandy; 15 do. Rose Gin j Frrrch Brandy. Holland Gin s Malaga, Madeira, and Port Wines, just received and for sale by ' J ZKN'O II. GREENE. Feb. 2. N.C.Tel, copy. 136. THE ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! 'WILMINGTON ICR HOUSE" IS now open lbs public may depend on having their wants supplied all tetuons of the year, at reasonable rates, ' Orders from the-eonntry addressed to "Wilming ton Ice House", will be well packed sod promptly forwarded. 4 A. H. VahBOKKELEN, Proprietor. March 10th, 18S4. .f..r-- ' ,-... &.Ut. PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT FOR SALE. . - . 1 BY agreement, to close the affairs of the "Wfl mingtnn Free Press" establishment, all the type., fixtures. Press, good will, etc., of the W i (minion Free Prese newspaper. Applv st this office or to EDWARD CANTWELL,MortiS?ee. fun'. 10 ti. C. Stetesaaan eof y- r-if

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