;w'-Mt iiT.if It, 4 , - - fit - ---- " ylVg: 11 ij' VOLUME IX NUMBER 10. WILMINGTON, N; C, SATURDAY MORNING.ARIL 8, 1854i WHOLE NUjVlBERilOGS ,' News. ARBIVAL vOF STEAMER BALTIC tt?B pAY&4ATElt FROM EUROPE. Tie Cza?t uuLl Jbfsal War to be For yiaVf trdared Movements of the Differ 'ad J?led$Ntlrdky f Prussia Eng. -JiiMkumd French Friendship Troops from England Passing Through Franc. Ta 'king of the. French and Turkish Loans, fyc f Ntw Vosk, April 4. The steamer Bal lo has arriveti, brinfring Liverpool date of 'iliursdaj, March 23. She arrived out on Iffe previous Sunday-, having been deiatneJ wo days in an ice puck, which took her 300 miles la the south and west. In the " channel she pawed the Sarah Sands for Liverpool ; nd on the 25th, in laL .50 30, t Jon 3, sne passes 1 a steamer, supposed to be ttte Atlantic, bound east. -'I 'be Euro pa arrived out on Tuesday. THE EASTERN QUESTION AID WAR. - The official and finaLrefusal of the Czar - accede. to the demands of the Western Powers was hourljr'expected It is alrea d j known that he has refused their de mands. As soon as the official document is received, it. will be communicated to both Houses of Parliament and war finally ueciarea. The Paris correspondent of the Times says the Czar's, refusal was telegraphed from Berlin on the 18th to the French go vernment, and as soon as it was known the -British Minister sent the facts to Sir Cba's Napier. Admiral Napier's fleet arrived at Wing-oe Sound in the Baltic omhe 15th uh. The Admiral arrived at Copenhagen on the 29ih in a steamer. The allied fleets were still at Besika Bay, but would soon re-enter the Black Sea. No further fighting was reported either in Europe or in Asia. On the Danube af fairs are unchanged. It was reported that a Russian convoy of treasure had been captured near Kars, in Asia. GREECE. The Greek insurrection had now entirely subsided. The destine in the funds is considered as owing to the unfavorable character of the secret correspondence in which the designs ol Russia upon Turkey are clearly expres sed, and the continued drain upon the bul lion in the Bank of England.. The rumors of the -failure of a large Australian bouse were current in London. Lord Gilbert Grosvenor is dead. A debate htrd occurretl in Parliament on the treatment of colored subjects of Great Britain by the United States. The laborers' strike at Preston bad led to serious disturbances, and many arrests had been made. e- The depression in the London and Over pool Breadstuff market is said to have been caused by the strong desire to sell, in view of large receipts shortly expected to arrive from the Baltic. The first division of French troops had left for the sent of war. i be steamers in which the v emb irked left Marseille on Sund.ty aftenuon. Prince Napoleon, it was said, would leave for the East on the Gth of April. AUSTRIA. Austria still remuincs in her neufrial po sition. Sle ias not signified her intention one way or the other, but is evidently pre paring for some ulterier movement, as she is raising large armies. She will not sanc tion the Czar in retaining bis position in the principalities. Much excitement prevailed all over Germ.iny. SPAIN. Spain continues in a very precarious state, and there are still uppreheusiuos of a revolution. GREECE. The Greek insurrection has not yet been quelled. IRELAND. Irelund and Scotland remain quiet. BUSINESS CARDS. , FRANCE. ihe first division of the French troops, the Austeriitz of 100 guns, and three other French ships, have gone to join the Brit ish fleet in the Baltic. Gen. Carrobert had sailed from Mar seilles for Turkey. The French loan had all been taken up. PRUSSIA. Baron Mantenffle had made a communi cation to the Prussian Chambers, strongly urging .the neutrality of Prussia. AUSTRIA. Austria gives no further indication of her jtolicjn'but seems to lean towards the Wes tern Powers; SWEDES AND RUSSIA. .Up to March lOih, Russia had not re cognized the neutrality of Sweden. Russia has prohibited the export of gold. Exchange on London had declined to 2s 10J. ENGLAND. England and France continue their war like preparations on an immense scale. In the English' Hooac of Commons the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Railroad bill bad been defeated without a division. Prussian bills were unsaleable in Lon don The impression prevails that the Bank of England will advance the rate of in terest, but the committee separates to-day without resolving on anything definite. The Globe, says the Turkish Loan of 2,000.000 sterling was taken by the Roth schilds to-day at 84. The stock is to be reimbursed at par 15 years from the date of issue. These terms exact nearly 9 per cent. The Paris correspondent of the Times says that 3000 British' troops were to pass through France to embark at Toulon or Marseilles, and the first detachment was expected in Paris in a week or ten days. Lord Raglan was expected in Paris on the 1st April. The publication of the secret corres pondence which took place between Rus sia and England some years back had in creased the good feeling of France to wards England. The Dauish ministry retain office. Benjamin Elkin & Son, of London, hare failed. ..... Arrests have been made at Preston of the delegates and committee men of the workmen, on the charge of conspiracy. Heavy forgeries have been committed on the Havana agent of the San Fernando Bank at Madrid. PABMj iMarch 21, p. m All the securi ties have fallen in consequence of lb de cline in the English funds. I nrce per cents. 64 fr. Sic ; four and halves 91 f r , 10c SECOND DESPATCH- FURTHER INTERESTING NEWS. New York, April 4, 5 p. m. The steam er Baltic arrived here at 4 112 P. M., this aferpoon, with three days later advtees frorai Europe. Her dates are Liverpool, March 22. "TBE EASTER Jt QUESTION. TllB Czar of. Russia positively rejects all propotfU tons of the Western Powers, and war is now considered as inevitable. There is nothing new from Constantino ple. The combined fleets rou!d soon enter the Blcck Sea. V ? , . Thirty thousand troops were at Odessa, and ' another corps of seventy tboiJsand Wert; about establuhing .theTJttsdvest. Se. bast opbL , Over one hundred t hoosahd men are said to b on the march between Odes sa and Moscow, .t : .The warlike preparations made Eng.. tend and France had : created thai wildest excitement among the. Turkish troops, and spriog -will usher in voxon- the most gigan-nc-scaleV-4 , -v r - . The- continued snow-' and icein Asia still checksoperations in hat quarter. Toe Russians ate represented as receiv iog giea fetofor-ceiaenta. THE Tiki WEEKLY COMMERCIAL. puliatirj evrjr Toscdav, Tuvkoat and Satdbdat at S3 per aonuui, payabla la all cases in advance. BV THOMAS LCKUNG-Kdit, a BJ Paopi ron, Curiter Kroi.t and Maiket Streets, wimmiToji, r. c. K ITES OK AJUVKHTISIXG. . 2 luuntha, 3 4 00 00 8 00 12 00 Jf an adver- the piicc will be ia at the time at all 1 qr.-I Inaeriiun SO 50 I I gijr 1-2 7a I I 3 ' I 00 I t "6 1 - t wonlh, 2 SO I '- U Ten line or leva uiakr a aqitare tisemcnl eicecda lea line proportion. All aJvenisemenla art rayabl their insertion. Contracts w ith yearly a.lvertifera, will be made tn theinwsl liberal terms. So trrv.fer of contracts for vrarly adverilslns will be permitted. Should circumstances render a change ia business, or an unexpected removal necessary, a charge accord. nr to the au -Usbed terms will be at the option wl the contractor, for ih ttmn h has adrenised. The nriflleie of Annnal Advertisers is strict! litnirrd tM their own immediate business ; and .idverttscmrnis tor the benefit of other persons, as well as all advertisemcnisnot im nedtately cen necied with ihrlr own husim ss, and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at (he usual rates. tin AJertiscneats is Included in the can ran for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town or coontry. or for the sale or Wire f negroes, wheth er the properly ia owncd by th advertiser or by other persona. Thee are excluded by the term "immediats bwiit " Alt adveniseinenls inserted in the tri-wcekly Commercial, are cnlitlej to one lesertioa in the Wetklu free of chars". JOB, CARD AND FASCY PRIWTINC, EISCMrEB 11 SUPERIOR ST1LK- AG EN I'OIt TUG COMMERCIAL. New mrk-Dt. Gsoaes BTTnsa, No. 538, Brutdway, or ordors may be left with D.C. Kaaa was & Co., No. 17i Front street, corner of Bow ling Slip. flaton Cmaslss Smith. .S, Central Wharf. Ph.Uitdtlph.ia 'S. K. Combs. Haiti mart Wit. H. Peaks and War. Thomsok. BUSINESS CARDS. . C. rSESMAN. eCOROE HOUlTOS fltKEMAX Ji HtUTlW, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. . C. FttBBHAX ak CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITS KHOXT STREET, NEW VORK. FIKE113 1XD flftUSTO.1, W1LSIR6T09, !l. C f'EKP constantly on hand a stock sf flr, IV trix. Pork. Baton. Salt. Cafe. Sarar. Mo- lama, Tobacro, Cijar. Snuf, CandUtJSoap, 'or tign and Itomtslic l.tquora and lilacs; roa. Sail; Paint; OU; CUat, Domestic; Hal; Boat; Shot; Lea ker, AjtriemUurat ImpUment; sad va riety of other articles, suitable for family and plan tation ase and thermal! trade, which they will dispose of Im lots to snil dealers or eonaaanere on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Ne va) Stercr or other produce. Tbeaeaioff partner D. C. Passat ax. Is located in the city of New York ; the junior partner, Geo. Hovsto, ia Wilmington-. If desired, advances, will be made on conslga'nents lo and from either 1aca. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention : and orders for Goods will be nrwnotlr and earefullr filled Sept. 9. 1832. 7-f. D. CA4HWRLI.. J. A. PARKER. C. SAW ELL & PARKER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. Office formerly occ spied by Mr. Win. A. Gwyer. March 23. 3-lyc. DR. GEORGE BETTNER. - OP NORTH CAROLINA. OFFICE, Ho 538, BROADWAY, OS sT THK PRE3C0TT. UOUiE-NE YORK. Eeb.16. ' 142 lye. - WtUttJISOjr & ESLEH, UPHOLSTERS k PAPER DANGERS, KEEP ON HANt AMD MADS TO ORDER. Mattresses, Peatka Bd Window Curtains and Fixtures, All work In the ahoro tine done at shortest ff o- W i Un inc ton, N. C Market St. JAS. D. CIIiDUOURNt CO., Geacral Con mission Merchants, WILvMiMUrOM. N. C. ias. H. Cnoaonau Gsu. CaADaoaaa. Jan, I, liii. . -. , .... ; 4i. C.&.0aPIlE. WHOLC S1LI HD NITAU DEALS ft S IN Drugs, Medicines, Cbeaaleala. I'alwts OH, ltr tttafis. alass. Perfumery, Clears, 0!4 LJouors, Knney Articles, e., MA RKKT-STREET, triLHINOTOSr, W. C. reacrlptlonorefully :ouapoaadei by experi vnceo persona. UntehtS, r3S3. WiLLIiM A. GVFYEi, CcBcrtl lalf (HirariiagfcfcQimUuoa lerehut 1 takn utesure in informing tay friends, 4rat I m prcp-tred to glvtall business entrusted to me fficleni a'a.l personal aitentionf 1 h4vaiwhatf for Vasal Stores, with ample aecaiamodatlwaat, Spirit House, sad Warehouse. Consiviaments of Naval Gloria fur sale or shiputem sad all kinds of coun try pr- luee solicited. Cash advancts made on c nlnmi-nts. April 18, 153. IS. TrcrwoRiii, General Coottuitsioo ilferchanf, rn,itvtJTos, w.c. USUAL advmcrs utadon consi;ninents of Cot ton, NaVsl :itre and other produce Pjliteular aituntiou given by G. W. Davis I. por cha sing cargoes, procuring trcights fvrvensels. Ac. J.a4l IM UEiVIaY NUTT, FACTIJK 4D FORWiRDHi; AGEM, Will git kU pernnt attention la basin tntrnal d tm hi ear. Sept. 8, 1863. 7s-tf. JOSEPH II. FL INNER, General Commission Merchant, WII.MJXOTO.V, May 9ih. I8S3. 87-ljre, KILCBS. PRODUCE BRtkKERr ' C01IISSI8S 1 F8EWlBDl6 IE.i01l5T, vVIIMISrGTOSfr N. C SeptewberaOth, li53:1 . 80-lr-c. - w. n. wiaaiNS. 69-1 v. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Ccicral ComaioiL ki4 Fonrardias Screiint. Pnnnpt pcrsoual attention given to Consign w; - aaettta forSaleor Shipment. Liberal Cah a&eano made on Consirnment to ate or to my New Yurk friend. Wilmington, Jao. 30, 18S3. 3S. ROUNTREE ,WATS0N & CO., General Commission Merchants;, TS South tit , New Vork. - L iiral Ade tares M ute on lntignmenu j. d. a.Mf.vrnsa, a. e. WATsoar, Angus i&, 1R53. GEO. II- KELLY. COMMISSION MEfeCHANT. Nextdoot toA. A. Wannoi's, on North rVatcrt. willattendto the saleofalf kinds of Country Pro aucc,suerua Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon. I. ard ,4c and will keep constantly on hand a full supplyof Groctries. c. Referosices. Wille Hall. of Wayne, Jno dcaae, Wilmington V Caraway. ' Gn. Alt.. McRae. K-1'. 4 li, VViltitingtoir, Wiley A. Wsltei . Dec. 13. 1852. 115-ly. " W. C. HOWARD, GKNRRAL Oramission and Fwrwjrding Mer chant, Wilmington N. C Liberal 'ash advances made on Consignments. Nov. 29 103-tf I. WC88KU. 11 WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MKRCHANT8ANO WHOM? 8AL.fi OllOOKttS, North Water trcei, Wil- mincton. N. :.. tntenil la ke si 1st lanTit stand genera I assortment of Groceries, l.iqaors, I saa i-rovisions at wnoicaale and to earrv on a Genera ICommiaaion Business. - acpaa Kir a : K. P.Hall Pres'i Brch Bank ofi he. State. O. G. Pars lev. Pres'i Csmmercial Bank. P. K. Dickinson , F.sq . Dollnrrdt P.Mter. l'tork. Jan. 20 18:3 I 131. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, G8BIISSI01 4SD F0RW1RDING MEBrnXKT!1, irL.mxaro.w, .v. c. Jan IT 1?5-c W. M. SnERWOOD k CO., WHOLES A LP. Grocers and Commission Mer chants Wilmington. N. C. All consignments of Naval Stores, together with Cotton, Bacon, Lard, Corn, Meal, Klesr, etc., shal secure the highest market price. Dec. 13 115-tf GEORGE MYERS, WHILES ILK AND RETAIL GRHCER Kttpt constantly on hand, Wins. Ta. Liquor; Pnninon, Wood and Willow Ware, Fruit, Confetionaries,c. South Front street, WILMINGTON, N.C Nov. 13, 1853. 109. jTd. love7 AtAXVFACTURER ASD DEALER IS CABINET FURNITURE, BED8TFADS.CH.AIR8, MATTRESSES, dec. dec. Krent street. Mouth or Market, SBOWn's BtriLB-INU, WILMINGTON, M. C. Sept. 16. 1852 ?9lrJc J. E. HALL, COMMISSION MRHOHAVr, Wilmlntton. N C. Offlee In re-r of McMilian, Davis & Co Stove. Every attention paid to the sale and pnrehase of produce, and liberal cash advances made on sonrignments. Refers to Capt. Gilbert Poter,'E. P. Hall. Pre't Branch Bank Slate N- C O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Hank; McMillan, Davis A Co. Ian. 21 131-tf COf IIRAN k RUSSELL. (SCrCESSOhS TO TBOS. A Li BONE k CO ) Genera! Commission Merehanls, .Vo 32, AsrfA llWru. wd 3 Korth Waltr St. PHIUAOECPIIIA. I. IAI1IT COCRIAS, W. S. BOSSSLL. Liberal sh advances made on consignments. July 30th, 1333. Mi-tf. u. tiea. March 13. 1. J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT GENERAL - :' " .. " AGENT. . WILMINGTON, N. C. . ;r; ilTlLLIAlI 0, PEA&G. For Com try Vewspewrafmrtt 't . AlTsilCe4 BsseiMstt of 3 on Iroa B ijltrgf.BititmoresTradi All oasJessa c:n'f Uf, crjr. transacted pitmptlvi m Uoefuam:i-r2V, DOLtsNRr. U. PUTT1H. Jf DOLLNER k POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK : Liberal Cosh A loanr mad on all Consi?nmnt, April 30, 1853. 20-ty-pd. C. DuPRE k CO. tVHOI.EsAI.E ANDiteTAHi GROCERS Vomer Kramt and Irlnvs9 streets, WILMINGTON, N.C. C DCPBg. . B.'BAKER. J. HATHAWAY k SOY, COMMISSION MERCHAMS, WILiMlSIGTO.V, ft . C. J. Hathawav, J. L. Hathaway. Jebl 51 83. 3 L JiMUAMlttUH. BBWAftDSAVAOC. ANDERSON k SI V AGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON N.C. Liberal cash advances made on consign mints. " Oct. tt. " 94- GEO HARRISS. Commission MerebanL Freight General WII,MIXGTON. N. V. OTRICT attention given to procuring O and pnrchaaing Cargoes for vessels. Rsrsa ro . K. P. Halt, Kj. 1 0. G. Parsley, Esej. i f ; A. Taylor. Kaej. - f 1. D. Bellamy. Kso. j Wilmington. Messrs. Tooker.Bmyrh A Co., - .. . " Thompson dt Hnnter, J "ew or' Aiea'r. Uerron,4r. Philadelphia. Meaara. Williams fc Bailer, s r Jan. 2. 18S3. 123-tt RUSSELL & BROTHER. . ; (UATB SLLIS. nVSSKLL A CO ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .WtLMISOTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignmcntsaf NavaMtorcs, Cotton, and other produce. May 3.18a3. ' . - CHARLES R. BON NELL, General sn4 Coaaaatafdon Vlerehant, Gdtn; Mies, and Natmi Stores and. Merckandixt i". : -i-v i 5i&4-e r'snmutitfr - ... -' 0BeNo.5,Norh Vroot stveer pbiladelpUa. a v .t-.U.. ?JEMrtm$s - ? - . ,Nevs Tork, Messrs Alea efc Pagson t Pbllndet. abiavThoau AUibane, Faej rssfc Bank t Penn aylvafltaf Baltimore, Thoeaaa .. Whit ridge dtCb, IV ilmington, N. C, Messrs. Do Soaset db Brown, sad Dr. T, H. Wright, Preat. Bank or Cape Fear; Chsriastosi, T. 8. 4 T, O. Badd, and Bonoell, Jr.i Savannah, W. B.GUes s C04 New Ortesns, O. W, Oliver 4C.- tnM. l t - M S. M WEST, inctioorer and Commission merchant, WI I.MINGrtl.V, N. C. WILL eli or buy Real Kstatc and Ncgrovs at a small comiiiiaMun. also : Strict attention given t-i the sule of Timber, Tur pentine, Tjr, Ht any kind of Country Produce. O-Bce second Jjor, South side of Market street, on the wharf. Jnne 12. 1853. 3' ly. A.llTviVB()KkLENl Gsneral Agent, Commission anJ Forwarding Merthant. WILMlvGl-UX, N. C. Partieulu attention given to sale and purchase of .Naval Jane 1, 153. 123 ty. CJNLEY, KIRK k CO. DEALERS . IN BUTTER, Cheese. Lard, and Smoked Provisions, Poik. Meet", Bean, Pea, and Dried Kruii. 233 and 235, FHOiNT STl( EKT. Corner of PKCK SLIP, NEW VORK. March 25. 4-lyc. JAS. F. GILLESPIE. GEO. S GILLESPIE. iAM l CiII.t.K.lIK i CO.. PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. Particular a'ti mion paid 10 the reeeipts and Sale of Naval Start, Timber, Lumber', Corn, Bacon, Col ton, de.. f-c. March 30. 6. nENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, PURELY VEGETABLE IN ITS COMPOSITION. 'IMIIS in valunble Cordial, is extracted from Herba 1. and Kojts, which huve been found after years of experience, by the most skillful Physician, to be possessed of quaiilic-s most beneficial in the dis eases tor which it, is recoiumendctl, and hence whilst it'is prcs- ntid to the public, us un offici cIuuk remedy, it is also known to tx ol that charac ter on which relimcc may be pint-i d us ti iissafety. In casesof Iinpotency, Ifoeniurrhpi'S, Disordered Sterility. Mrnstruatlon. or Siiiircaiun ot the Men ses, Fluor Albusor V hitt-s, or lor DEBILITY arising from any cause, such as weakness from sick ness. where ihe ontivnt has been confined to bcii for some lime, for Femalcssi'ter Connnemenl, A bortion or Miscarriage, this Cordiul ennnot bo excelled in its a ilutary rirccts: or in lows of Muaculat Knergy, Irritability, Physical Prostration, Sroiinnl Weak ness, Palpitation of lh Heart, InJigustion, Slug gishness, Decay of the Prucreativc Funeiions, Ner vousn ss. Ac.', wh'-re a tonic Medicine is required, it will be foundequal, if not superior to any Com pound ever used. TO FEMALES. Henry's In-vigorming Cordial, is one of the most invaluable Medicine in the many Complaints U which Keioalas are subject. It assists nature to brace the whole system, check cxcescs.and creates renewed health and happiness. Lesa suffering, discareand unhappim.'ssaraong Ladies would exist, were they eenerally 10 adopt ihe- use of this C r diai. Ladies who are debilitated by those obstruc tions vt hich females arc liable to, are restored by the use of a bottle or two, to bloom, and to vigor. YOUNG MEN. That so'itary practice, so fatal to the existence of man and it is the young who are most apt to be come lis victims, from an ignorence of the danger to which they subject themselves, causes NERVOUS DEBILITY, Weakness of the System, and Premature Decay Many of you may now bt-auffurtng, misled as to the cause or source ot disease. To those, then, who by excess have brought on themselves Premature Im potency. Involuntary Seminal Emissions, Weak nessand Shrivtlling of the Genital Organs, Ner vous Affections, or anvotlie'r consequences of unres trained indulgence of the sensual passions, occa sioning Ihe necessity of renouncing the felicities of MARRIAGE. lessening both mental and bodily capacity, Hold! Henry's Invigorating 'Cordial, a Medicine that is purely Vegetable, will aid nature to restore those important unctions ma healthy state, and will prove of service to you. It possesses rare virtues, is a general tetaovcrof disease, and strengibener of the system AS A TONIC MEDICINE. it is unsurpassed. We do not place this Cordial on a footing with quack medicines, and, as is customa ry, append a king liM of Recommendations, Cer tificates, 4c, beginning with "Hear what the Preaches says." and such like ; it is not necessary, for Henry's Invigorating Cordial." only needs a trial to prove that it will accomplish all we say. THE GENUINE "HENRYS INVIGORA TING CORDIAL," ia put up in 80a. Pannel Bottles, and is easilyreeog nixed by the Manufacturer's signature on the lable of each Bottle, (to counterfeit which Is forgery,) as well as his private Seal on the cork of each Bottle. 3r$old for S2 per Bottle; Six for S3; SI6 per dozen. Prepared only by S. E. COHEN. No. 3 Franklin Row, Vine Street, below Ei-bth, Philadelphia, Pa., TO WHO ALL OftDi-fRS MUST BK AD DRESSED. For Sale by all respectableDruggists &. Merchant throughout the country. Oct. 29. - 9T-12m-. CIRRIAGES. 1 six seated CARRIAGE. I 1 Paneled Quarter Roeksway, 1 t -taker itoekaway and oeveraHight-Bsggies just received and for sale by Septz7-tf PIBBLK dc BRO. March 9. WANTED. : km wax. for i ' market briee will be paid in cash O rafVs Bees wax, for which the highest - T.C. , B. O. WORTH . UJillTSELLAS. ,f FINRsopply of SUk na tscoten utngnam J. Itobreltia received direct fronf the raannie lory;. AJo, SO doxen assorted quautievr wmo- saio. and tetau trate; ins ihi w State, naajy be seen at the Kmporisr, No. l.Oran- to perfect March 21 INFANTS HAIR AND STRAW BLOND U DOR CAMILLAS, Hair and Penri Conmels, XU Chip and Cobertf piecaamea ; neaniuoi saapes, onetted thUatribf l Orsi", Granite - 1 BALTIW0REL0CK HOSPITAL. DRi JOHNSTON Procloia to the afflietetf, far and near, that he has disovevte) (ho most cer aio, speedy and.etficacioue plan tor treating pai tic ulsr diseases that has ever been pr senna to the "ld. By his plan, foui.aed on obser va lions made tn the Hupitaiof Kurope and America he- ill tenure v. A CURE IN TWO DA VS. Oil Xts r.it nlrsie I No Mercury 'or Nauseous Drus Used. 1 H H.inal. Ik. I t . ... . . .J I . tira uoius, wniiiiiaitunai LcL.llity, Jm- potency, Wciikrwi'sor the Backend Limbs, affee lions ot he Kidneys, Palpitation of ihe'Heari, Dyspepsy, Nervous irritability, Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose, or Stln; and all those seriu and melancholy disorders arising from the destruc tive habits of Youth, which destroy both body and mind, those secret aid airlit iry practices more fatal to their victims than the song sf the Syrens to ihe ma rini rs of Utysse. blight iog thir imiBt brilliant hopes eranUcipations, rendering miriiage.dic. Itn poiblt;. 0 . YOUNG MEN Efpeelally, who have become the victims of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely eraje lljousands of young men of the mjt exalted talents and briili-int intellect, wh might thrwbn have entrunced lis tening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, pr waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may cull with 'full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married perpiL, or those contemplating marriage, being awar ol physical weakness, should imuu-di. aiciy consult Dr. J., and be restored health. lie who places himself under the ore of Dr. John ston may religiously confide in his honor hs a een tlemun, und confidently reiy upon hisskill asu phy sician. OKK1CE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK -St 7 DOOKS KROM BALTIMORE .-it., (ea8t sij'e ) UP THE S-lgfS. &HK -PARTICULAR in observiogthe NAME and NUMBER, or you will mistake till place. DR. JOHNSTON. Member of Ihe Royal College of Surgeons, London; graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges ot the United States, and the greater port , ol whose life has be n spent in the hospitals of London, Par is, Phil.d. iphia. and elsewhere, has effected 'some of the mosi astonishing cures thai were ever known; many trotibUni with ringing in the head and ears' v-hen asleep, ereat neiounsss, being uLirmrd nt sudden sounds, and bushfj.oess. with frequent blushing, attended somAinies with derangt u tnt ' mind, were cured ioimediauiy. TAKE PARTICULAR NOT1CV Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured l. na selves by private and improper indulgences, thi 1 1 cret and solitary habit which rules both body and mind, unfitting litem fureirhcr business or society These ate sotiie of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habit of youth, viz.- Weakness of ihe Rack and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the lljart, Dyspepsia, Nervoualrritability, Derange ment of the Digestive Functions, General Debilfy Symptoms of Consumption, &c. Mkntaulv. The feurful eir. ct-on the mind are much to be dreaded ; Loss of ftl mory oi Caustn" of Ideas, DepresMion of Spirits, Evil ForeboditK.n Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust. Love of Soli lude, Timidity, etc , are some of the evilsprodueed. liwtisanu ot person3, of all ages, can i-owjude what is the cause of their declining health. Losing rheir vigor, becoming weak, paic uiui emaciated, have a singular appearance about the eyes, courh and svmptoms of Consumption. DR. JOHNSTON'S IN VIGOR A TING HE If. KDY FOR GENITAL DEHILITY. This grind and important Remedy has .estoreO strength and vigor to thousands of the most ner vous and debilitated, many o! whom had lost till hopes, and been abandoned to die. By its complete iavigoration of the Nervous System, ihe whole facu tics become restored lo their proper power und functions, and the fallen fabric of life raised up to beauty,-onsistency, and duration, upon the ruins of an emaciated and premature decline to sound and prUiipe huulih. Oh, how happy hove hundred of misguided youths been made who have been sud denly restored to health, from ihe devastations f those terrific maladies wnicu. result from ioois ' tion. Such persons, before eonieinDlatin" MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, wiihout ihcse, ihe journey through life becomes a weurv jdlgrimncc, ihe pros pect hourly darkens to the view the 11. ind becomes shadowed wiih despair, and filled with the melan cholly reflection, that the happiness of another be comes blighted v itii our own. Let no false deli'-n-cy prevent you. but apply immediately, end save yourself from the dreadful ensequencus oi this ter rible mnladv. WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS immediately eured and full vjj,or ieslord. Q-AIjU I.K1TKKS JHIjSTBE POST PAID. CHEEKY KECYOBAIi For .be t -re mC Remedies sent to anv iinrt of the countrv. TO STRANGERS. DR. JOHNSTON, of the Baltim ire Lock Hos pital, whose long residence in this city, standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, exten sive practice in the various Hot-pitals of Europe and this country, and skill and e.rp. rienee to which thousands can testify, ns well us hi ability jn ihe Surgical deptirimcnt of his pr.jfesHuit, as uvidc- eed by reports of his operations on the Eyes and De formed Limb, published in the Baltimore Sun and other papers, in the yenrs 134 1 2, by which the blind were made to tee and the lame lo walk straight, ren ders him worthy of all oonfidence upon ihe part of those who need his professional services, ard who would shun the many trifling and ignorant preten ders advertising themselves as Physicians. 5"To those unacquainted with his reputation, Dr. Johnston deems it necersary to say that his credentials or diplomas always hang in his office. O-OFFICE.No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK St., East side, up the steps. Oct. 13. 0-ly c. OFFICE W. AND M. R. It. CO WILMINGTON, N.C, 17th MARCH, 1854. - NOTICE is hereby thai the Stock of the under nained delinquent subscribers to the Capital Stock of the Wiiuiington und Manchester Railroad Company will be sold at Public Auction, at Ex change Corner, on Monday the 24tli April, 1851, agreeably to "Section 12' ol the Charter of said Company, unless the instalments due theroon shall be paid previous to the day ol sale. John-A. Taylor, ......60 shares. Porter Strode, 2 " N. E. Urickfcousc, 3 ' John H. Hilt,. 5 " Isbam Peterson, 5 " James' Knight, I " Alex'rMay, 2 " F. C. Singlctary, 3 " Juincs G. Burr, I " S. Kahnweiier, 3 " C. H. Dudley, 5 T. L Guess, I " T. J. Cappa, 2 T. C. Craft, i T C. Worth, I John D. Love, -..5 W. CHowardr - 7 Win. J. Love, Jr., 5 " T. D. Love, ,.3 " ' Wm. B. Jones. . -3 ' James H. Priicbeit, 5 " Sam'l H. Firth.-- 2 By order of the Board of Director. J.YO MacRAE, Jr. Treas'r. ' March IS. - -- 1 -la. CHEESE.7 1 rn BOXES for sale by XJJ . FREEMAN & HOUSTON. Jan. 19 13!) HARRINGTON'S SKETCHES. PERSONAL Sketches of tils own Times, by Sir Jonah Harrington, For sale at March 4. - . S. W. W,BITAKER'S. - DR. LANGUEY'S ROOT AND HERB BITTERS, The Great Spring and Summer Jidedicine. COMPOSED OF SaraapnriUs, XTOd JCberTy, Tellear Dock;, Prickly - . -Ashi Tborougbwort and DsndtHoo. vr- ." THIS Invaluable Compound has bt-en before the public for the past three years, during which Ume nearly - TH REE HUNDKED THOUSAND BOTTLES have been sold, thus proving it the most pop alar medicine of the age. The nrtdiolnal vlr taws of the best Roots at so eomf ounded as to' act in sohcert With Batare. it alwava does wand- and J oever dors hurt, In short it is safe for aU ages and -o sahK-Wholesale and RetaiLst N. 3.iranitel "?Tkr-.xs." V P BARLOW.. J I 01K.HS. t50tl, H01RSL.ESS, THL0X t lHTIs, n,0i:p, ASTHMA, WHOOr- v .. . Among the numerous discoveries Sc-lenee lias made in this feneration to facilitate Ihe buMncrs of life increase its enjoyment, and urn prolong the term of human cxiicnre, none carr bs mum d f more real value lo mankind, thatt this coiliri b'liion of Chemistry 10 the Healing' A rt. A vusi trial 01' i:s- vinues hrooghiui ihis br road, conn 1 ry, has proven beyond a doubi, ihel r.v medicuie, or combinations yei known; ran.- sn sttrely control and cure the unmcroua varieties ,af pulmonary disease which have hithertt swep, front our midst thousands and thousands every '-ytari- "Iodt4d, there is now abundant reason to beiicvS a Remedy h u at length berTn found w hich darT'be ,rHi-d ', to cure 1 lie most dangerous affections of rh-,lfirc. Our space here w ill not permit ue to ptibli.-li any proportion of the cures a fleeted -by lis use, burwi;' would present the following, and refer fitrUicr in quiry to my American Almanac, winch tbi-jiffunf b.How named, will always t0 luVnird. to. farDish free wherein arc lull b irlicul-irs. and indif ratabte DrooTs of tlioe Haicmer.'ts : Office of Trans port at fon, .- "- . i J Laurens R.R., S. I'., An. 4, 1S53 i J. C. Aveh. Dear Sirjr My' little son, four" years old, lia. just recovered from a severe attack" of inatiirnunl Scailft Feven hisihroat wos retlcn. mil every pcr,on that visited hini., pronounced him a oead.thitd. Having used your 'herry Pec toral in California, in the winter of 1850; fur a se vete attack 0 Hronchiiis, with entire .8ccess,I wot induced to try If bri'iny little boy. I'pnvujiiro a leaj-poonfu1 every three hour?, commencing lr tho inos ning, and by ten o'clock at niuhi I f.oind a dechled rhanjrofor the better, and alter three days' u.e he was able 10 cat or drink wiihout pain. 1 ts ufr in the above named disease will save many a child from a premature grave, and relieve ihenni iety of mar y a fon8 parent. For. all aflVxtions-of thethroar t-hd lungs I believe it the lesi medicine. e.Mant. A feeling of the deepest gratitude-prompts me in adjre.'sinir you these lines. But for your important discovery my little boy would now havfc bren in another w orld. ' 1 am yours, with sreal respect, i. D. POWELL, Supt. Trans. L. R. R. Rock Hill, (6'omersel Co,) N.J. July 21, 1852. Da J. C. Aver, Sincoyour mcdieinrf has be come kryiwn here, it has a. greater demand than anv rough remedy we have ever sold. It it spo ken of in terms of unmeasured praise by those v. Ito nave es d it, and 1 know of -some cases where Ibu best they eOn say of it, is not too much tor the good it has done. I take pleasure in sellins it, because I know that I am giving my customers tberth of iheir money, and i feel gratified fr seeing the benefit ii confers. Please send me a iurthcr supply, and believe me Vours, wiih leppen, JOHN tJ WHITLOCK. P. S. Almost nnv number of C rtificotes can bu sent you it oi it-h it. Windsor, C. W., .Tunc 26, 1S5 . J. C. Atii. Sir; 'I'll. s may certify that 1 have used your t herry I'eeioial for tipwnids of one year ; and it is my sincere belief that I should have been in my vravu ere iln." tioie ii I had nut. Ii4vas cured nie of a dangerous nflVetion of ihe lung', and 1 do not overstate my coistictions uhm 1 tell you it is a priceless remedy . Vours very respectfully, D. A. McCULMN, Atorney nt I.nw. Wilksborre. Pu., ent" ZS, 1PB0. Dr. J . C. Aver !l y dear JS Ir, Your medicine is much approved of by iliose who have used it hen', and its composition is such as lo insure and maintain its reputation. 1 invariably recommend ii for pulmonary Directions, as do many ol our piin oipal phjsicinns. 1 am your friend. f.H.i-S. STREATKR, M. D. PKEPARFD AND EOLD BV JAMEB C AVfll. Practical and Analniml Chemist, Lowell iMasxachiiseila. bold in W iliTiinjton by S. B. & J . A. EVANS and in Fayetteville. bvS.J. HI.VSDAI.L, and by Druggists trencrally Jan. 5. 1854. 1 ?4-3m r. JSOBLEf SETLMKNTS. l 1 : i; , John Mitcjll.tf Jitff, lie 8th, after -Ktwklng'tftfYtprs't the -Tabernacle for theit 'Often avowiyf ct a rtleif rv mination to do all ifisjr'coja dlasoly tre Union, and for iheir infulaous abuse of the South says ; ' 'y.r.S' "The Sooth, meanwhile, does hot trouWo itself moch; there may be some" irritation; there which is nut ural enough, but rery I'U-f " lie juneasiness.. Thejf,-,-kno w . well , I be ijieaning-, and the no-meaning; of all . this AmiI. :-Tbev feel lhat the. Union" isafe enhugh. Every foreign emigrant I knoVu by mstlnct lhat the Union tnust be prcserr-, eil. tliA.t this great refuge. froni thejturmoil Of an oMr'orid jFOnhiJiigio its ruin and its, new st,rtn'bjrih4( musta '. 'rsainniified' ou t lie basis o;iven Hjjy Hs immortal rotlntlers.'T If any real danger, tlierefore," menace' the' Health ol our nt!rpteri molaerf we advertise ourselves as Union Dodcrri, ..We cari pro-, mise' ilic professional services of some mil- ' lions, a whole faculty foreign ' doctors,, who have won their . diploma- in a hord Psdhool ni have a dear iniereet ia ' the , pa-. peuL - 'i'hey wUl not itve to see ftelorn. iO pieces and stripped,. naked to her ene"-- im-'8;.' . k ; -: ' --. '"'."V". . "I'rf 'seeking a shelter and rt "home in the ?vew AVorld, we have hatf the august irri ago of Xhfi Grea t Republic -moving hefot-e, tra off" a pillitr of fire, guidinc us from, it'll'" . Ihe Pbaroahs 0 a radiant promised Innd. Aii3"our causund watchword ur not Mas-. sachusetis against Carolina, or Kennjcky against OLiouut Amencu agairiat. tt world." . k who aiu5 tiieVkiexds of the peovle . Hear what Kfehard Cobdcn, member of Paffiamertf, and JEngland'8 greatest - bene-' lac tor. at ihe pyesent day, if not Jng'' land's greatest titan, says on this subject.. 'Every'da y's experience tends more and more to confirm mS in the opinion,' that the tcmprrance caufe lih jtfthe foundation, if all . soci.il and political rrform It is vain to cent hy extension of tho Franchise, or Free Tratle, or by any other" means, to elevate. -the liilioiin masses ifiiless we can impart to fhctn habits-ff BoblSty mid ' enconotnyV In fact, theirdf s'tiriy is hi their own hands, and they wjll as a clas'be elevated or depressed in the" social srali in proportion! to the extent of their viriuesof their vice?. Thry arc Uw.njfore the irvert ftxtds of te working miliop sirho are laborinrrn the taut?. of bmpcrahe ; amj it is a gratifying; fact, that the ablest "and moil persevering yof iTs advocates have been found among .their ranks." fj.th: FURNITURE WylREIIOUSK, FRONT STREE 7V ACCOU.N'TcJ made at this Establishment prior 10 the 1st inst., are now due, and settlement is ournctly desired by the snbscriber. Jan. 7 J.D.LOVE. NOTICE. THKwtbscriber.respectfulIy informs the public, thai he ie now nmscting the Auction business on his own accmint. and hopes by sttct al'cntion td l)ii8incg?, lo uierifa continuance of that patronage heretofore so liberally Destowed upon him. M. CRONLV. Stock, lira Estate and Negroes, bought and sold on a commission ot 1 per cent cither at private or public sale. Janfl.IS33. 126. VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. Til E S ubscriber ofTerx for sale that most desirable DWKLLINO AND PREM1S- .E-S, situate at the North-Weslern intersec tion of Third strfct wiih Ued CroiS street, the Lot fronting 100 feet on lied C ross,1 and 200 fect on Third. The Dwelling House, Kitchen, Smoke-House, Stables, and all ihe other out-honses on the pre mises, have been built wiihio a few years, of choico materials, in ihe best manner, and nearly all of them covered with tin. The Dweliing House is cTaacioir, handsomely fiui'-hed, and tr.ott conveniently planned, and all the other build ings an; judiciously arranerd, nd well fitted up. There are few Lots in Wilmington so desirably located, and the improvements on which are so admirably adapud for a family residence. Third street on the entire Eastern line of this lot, is 99 met wide, and separates it from that on which a new Episcopal Church is about to be erected. Persons desiring to purchase, can ascertain terms of sale by application ti the subscriber, or N. N.Nixox, F.sq,"or M. Cbokly, and ihe sub scriber will cheerfully accompany any such w'jo wish to inspcrt the premises. H. It. NIXr ft. Sept. 8. 133. '.S-tf. ; MOLASSES. Q TJHDS. very p-iioe Mla.ses. for sals fo JU cab tr March 13. C. DuPRE cV CO. 1. 10 NORTH CAROLINA LARD. K KG S prime N. C. Lard, fo sale bv March 13. . C. DuPRE & CO. REMOVAL ANH NEW FIRM. '.JV KATJST 4 WINEBRE.NEH, HAVING associated with them ViM. M. CAR TER, will continue the HarUwew Business under the firm of Faust, WisranassEa & Co. And have Removed to their New 5 Story Brown Stone Stortv, No. 43 North 3d Street East side above Market. Philadelphia; erected. on rhe lot formerly occupied by the Old Ciy Hotel, -where we art pre pared to cbow a very full assort nent of Hardware, drtlery, Guni, Hifln. Tnrpcalinc Ai- " : . ct, flackers. And all other foods usually Kept by- Haidwiii eatablishrneuts. we respectly solicit a visit from our friends and buyers generally. - Philadelphia, Feb. 14, 1SS4. HI-2me. ME.L, CO 3J0NY, AND DORSE FEED. THE Subscribers h ve been appointed Agents for the GOLDSBORO MILLS, celebra ted for making 'very- saner! Meat, Homosr, 4-e. Famitiea can, at alt times tves applied by catting at our Store. North Water Street, oo oor above Kliis & Mltcherls. MOLASSES! MOLASSES! f r-ft HHD3. best quality Cuba aiolasses." for sale DJjn iota to sail purchasers. . . .. , - WobUr Disifliefsr Glwe.- Frs-lbr ; V - V Vs."-- , NEW ARRANGEMENT. . ". rp HERE having heretofore been s good deal of 1 just complaint on the part of the travelling pub lie, on account of the absence of a s eneral Fwoujtit' ticket iront H el Jon and Wilm'nion, norm ward.' The Mail ijne takes jrrcai pleasure in stating thai the Siounds of compl lirii have been removed, iimi on and ulter the 1st Euhruary, Paasengerscan tet Tick ets nt W'eldon for Petersburg, Richmond, Hashins ton, lii hi more, Philadelphia, and New VoikCityf und at W iltuington lo the ftur last nunted' place," and rice tcrsa. - . .- Two Trains will continue tn run'daily as hereto fore, leaving Wcidon. at 3f P. M. and II I. M". Th'-followir.-r are the rati s of Fare: . ' f From W'eldon to PetersbOrg,. 316(1. , Do. do. " Richmond, S.BO F'om IVeldon to VVamlngton,... ' .. 7,00 Do.t,, do. Baltimore. .rR,OU -, From Wilmington lo Washington,.. II J)0 :; Do. .do. Ilaltimors, I ,()(! , K.toro WeMon to Philadelphia,-, I0.WI Do. i do. New YoTkT...-.lv,00 From Vilmingtr5n to Philadelphia. H,00 -Do., do. ' New York, -..y.. 15,60 For further information and for Tickets, apply te Mr S. D. VVALLACE, Ihe Ticket Agent, of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road at VVilniiiiit ton, or J. F. SIMMONS, Agen'.at Weldon. JR. F. DARRACOTT, . . . u Through Agent, Mail UarJ. Tan,2i. "..'. : . y :-. . 133- Iyr. ' QFFICWIL. &JIAXi R. R. CO. WILMINGTON, N. C, Jan. 29, 1F5I. nONSlHNKI-a of n.iwr." a, l.Mtj?r..i..k. O arc hereby notified ihst, on and after Wednes daythe 1st Fcbrnary, Ic&l. ail freight wilt be de livered on. West side of the Cape Fear River, and thev are required to receive the same there. On and alter Monday, Ihe 30ih Ins., the psssen ger train will leava Wilmlngtch at 10 o'clock,' P. 31., instead' of 9, A.M., an at present, i- L. J.FLEMING, , . . S uji't. W. & M . It. Road. Jan. 31. - - U5-tf. Jan. FOR SALE. K F The Schr. 8 II. POTTER, naw In Vii- mineton, is for sale. For futthcr Darticu. .Mars, apply to - , 29. - ' RANKIN dt MARTIN. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! ; n THE -WILMINGTON rCK HOUSE". ' ''. IS now opn ihe public may depend dn bavine their wants supplied all season of the year, at reasonable rates. " , ---.' Orders from rhe conntry addressed roWInllnp ton Ice House", will be well packed and' promptly forwarded. - '.- ', ' ' A. H. VisBOKKELEN.Tfoprretor. March 10th, 1854. . - 152.' prFntlng ESTABLISCMENT f FOR SALE' BY agreement, to close the affairs pt the "Wil tningrnn Free Press" establishment, all the type, fix lures, press, good will, clc, of the Wilmington Free Press newspaper. Applv at this ofBe or to EDWAttD-CANTtVELL, Mortitsffee. Jan. 10 N. C. Statesman copy 126-tf , . CABINET FURNITURE. HENRY W. KINGMAN, late partner of (S Phclts Sl Kisomis, respectfuiij in-'Vh'1 -nouncea to Jlis old Customers, and the Pub fl lie eeneraliy, that he ls now r n hand, a lmrnd ' Extensive Assortment nf all kind- of warranted made CAB1KKT FURNITUUE. Chairs. " Eeda and Matresses, whkh be offers st Wholesale sn. Retail, at nnexeep'ionably -low prices. Na pains will be spared to give satisfaction ts all who ntjr favor him with their orders." V - , HENRY Wf KING Ma", j ' March IS. l-3mc. i 434 Pearl St., N. T.- LADIES' BOOTS. - " 60 ?RS. Ladles Kid Lace Boots thi a sole si 60. " . . French Morocco Lac Boots , thin soles : 60 pra. Ladies French Mororeo imce Boots inter soies ; ou pra tsdies n-ia mo roceo Lars Boots thick aoies. A Brat rata article,-., received this day andfpr sale by , Feb. IS.. JONEt A GARDNER. ... v : GARDEN SEEDS. V , ' GARDEN Seeds just received from Philadelphia. A large supply of Garden and Flower seeds, for sale st y- C.D. OcPRK'S - -Jan. 1? Prng snd Chemical S tors. .. , - ''TOWACR,,..- , wimH1m,' ON snd after this dato. all veaaola' V tfiZJ towed is harbor by Steamer Sam.. ' - maTi'"w d) Calhosn. will b charged M,tSJ..-.. aT-UW. UAiiKISS, Ageat. Nov.$lh,18oT . IPX. s -

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