Ssr ' US' - - ; f v H ; p W m Pf 'i H M nil i.- ii i i- uwi H. iii i ii i if i i ir ir r rrf n i ill ill ) . f ft -y t 4.4- ... .. j t' VUMfilXNUMBER 1 3. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, 15, 1854. WHOLE NUMBER ; "TOPS 1ND BOTTOMS;" aiHUB,WAT 'SOL SOLD V HIS DADDT. ' fir KED ALB EX. ..Solomoi my son. Aod he casa verjaicklj 4 forward, to use ft sailor phrase, for the old man catch eJ him up in the hay lofi a ' chuckin ' dice 'ttifiim, an older brother, and he knew he ;$" goner. . ' What am you doin' here?' asked his A.plajn of Sieaz,satd Sol, gathering jp wnai constituted me bank.' . iSieeat - And -what's that sonny V 4JWhj, yoa see this 'ere board, with 1, 2, 4, vO. painted on? Well. .Itm said he wouldn't bet on any-other figure than 5, if ll t a - m -a . . - . . q iet mm aouoier ana l inrows tnree sixes every time and puts, him to perfect smash-. Old Mr. Science didn't quite understand this answer, but he reckoned to himself the little rascals had Teen 'ere gambl n ' and a'winnin one another's money.' ' Jimjsaid he, jest tote yourself in tu the house, an stay there till I come ; and you, aoiomon, go ana cut me a willow brancn, directly." i What fort' asked Sol. I'mgOin'to give you a lickin my son. What sez the Srripter 1 Spare the rod and spile the child, and if I sb.ou.ld do that thing. you'd continer to go on in this wick ed way ontil you'd come to the gallus.' Daddy,"aid the youngster, putting both hands. in his trousers pockets, there's no use-talkin to me in that solemn strain, for 1 Jell you I'm bound to be a gambler gal lus;or? no g&llus f Now, there's Nancy Smithy the female I set up with, she sez as how I'm a fam, and don't all lambs gambol f Hold yer tung, you dratted skunk, you'r ignorant as a hoss ; an' ifyou don't take waroin, jfou'll come to nn dreadful end sure as you're a human be in' Solomon ; I say,' them gamblers have dealin's with the deril,vand if. you should go down to New York, with ten dollars in yer pocket, they'd win -all from you in a day I'll bet they wouldn't.' ' Besidesj'it they couldn't get it no how else, ; they'd cut your throat with a banana, and then chuck you, down some of those hundred foot pits?' .'.Who's afraid 7 I'm a tea pot if I don't think 1 could beat the captain of the hull crew to shivers with these 'ere dice. Why 1 cen throw .three . sixes a dozan times hand runnin' and, daddy, I can tell you how many spots is on the top and bottom -without lookin' ! 4 And let me shake 'em up and kirer 'em over? 'Yes, daddy,' ., And you tarn yer back and shet yer eyes? Edzacily.' It can't be done,' said the old man sol emnly, the thing's impossible.' Angels co aid n't do it I couldn't do it.' 1 Well, I kin said Sol, with a grin. 'Silence! you dratted villain; don't I tell you nobody could.' What'il yer bet?' Me bet ? an old man almost in my grave, Wnd a deacon'al that ! What would sister Crump say I wonder, if she should hear of such a thing V ' No dad,' said Sol, ' I didn't mean to say you wouldn't; but 1 tell you what I did uaeaa. , You see I've got five dollars in sil ver, and I want five mors to buy a watch. Now,, if you'll give me five I'll do this trick I'll give you five if I don't.' 'And did you say I should shake the things,7 asked Mr. S. Of course,' nodded Sol. The old man scratched his head and THE TRI-WEERLY COMMERCIAL. Is published every TvsaoAr, Thvkdat and Satusbav -at SS per lamm, payable Vnallcaaea in advance. BV THOMAS LOaiNG EoiTua andPaoratx roa, Corner Front and Market Street, W1LMIK6TOX, It. C. R XT ES UK ADVKKTISI X G. 1 Sqr. 1 inaertion SO 60 I t aqr. 2 month, 4 00 1 . 76 1 3 - 6 00 t " 3 " I 00 1 1 " 6 " 8 00 t " I monih, 2 sOl 4 12 ' 12 00 Tea linaa or lesa make a square. If an adver tisement, exceeds ten linea, the piice will be in proportion. All advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisera, will be made on the most liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should circa. ustances render a change in buaines., or an unexpected removal necessary, a charje according to the published terms will be at the option of the contractor, for the time he has advertised. The nrivilete of Annual Advertisers is strictly Lfimitcd' to their own immediate business; and all advertisements lor tue oeneat oi outer persons, as well aa arl advertisements not im'iiedtatsly cen nected with their own business, and all excess of advertisements in h-ngih or otherwise beyond the limits cnjafeJ, will be charged al the usual rates. No Advertisements Js included in the con ract for the tale or rent of houses or lands in town or country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. Thce are excluded by the term "immediatt 6une." All advertisements inserted in the tri-weekly Co nimrcial, are entitled to one ieserlion in the Wccklo free of chars. JOB, CARD AI KASCY HRIXTI.VG, EXECUTED IH SUPERIOR STILE. AGE1T8 POJl THE COMMERCIAL. A'eis York -Dr. Gtoioi Bettwes, No. 538, Broadway, or orders may be left with D. C Kasc mast dt Co., No. 17i Front street, corner of Bow line Slip. Boston Chaslbs Smith. o.G, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. K. Cobsj. Baltimore Wm. Eg. PsAKaand Wm. Thomson. BUSINESS CARDS 0. L. FILLYAW, PRODUCE BROKER, COM HI SSI Oil AD FJRWEDIU SERCOm, wimivgtoy, pt. C. September 20th, lr63. 8-lr-e. RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATB ELLIS. B OSS ELL & CO ,) i EXE HAL COMMISSIOS MEKCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on con-Mgnmentsof ftaval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. May 3. 1353. muttered to himself It can't be wicked to try, for it ain't betting, and the boy can't do it,' cause it's impossible. Besides it will drive all them nasty notions out of his head, and hell- never do so no more. Yes,' I'll humor him this wunst -! tow Solomon ! Yes. sir.' What did you say was the trick V "Why, you take these 'ere dice and shake em yourself, and I'll tell you how many spots there is on the top and bottom and won't look! If I don't you can have my; Ifive dollars; and if I do you must give me your five.' Wellj. sonny Til do it. Give the things to roe.' ' ' Then they be,' said Sol, handing the iice to his daddy ; 1 now put your five dollars-in this pile 'long with mine so all will be fair yptf know.. ' I j will and the old man laid a ragged Indiana V. amongst Solomon's silver, and put the dice in his hat. After shaking them a good ten minutes, he dumped them to the floor and said he was ready.' Wau a spell,' said SoL, makin' believe he was puzzled ; all right, I guess theres just twentyone. The old man -raised the hat counted both. ends of the dice top and bottom; and of course there was just twenty-one. BIess the Lord f said he, 'the child has done il-slick and sure. But U waa't fair I declare to natur it wan't. If you'll do it again I'll give you another five dollars, and get you e w pair of breeches besides. l)Vell, -diddjt go-ahead ; but I don't think I a gues again, no how; That's right shake em heap, hain't got' no ob jection whatever: . All right V Yes. ' - Well, .there's 'X ifcrfQtyone 'speu there this time too.' . - , ... , Up comes the hat There's three sixes daddy, tbat's"eighteen. Tarn 'em over three aces ; that makes we4t-one again The-old man held up his hand and groaneL.,v ; , ' . tf , Mereilul Jb.gypt I did yoo ever t No 1) ?OTJn:iSo,omoB mJ sonlidtr was it 5Poter .. said Solomon, gatherinr up his daddy's dimes, 'done I I don't tike to tell jroa how ;ha -Srf dooa but f asideY yoo, , were ,done'' jjbtiirar . 1Xrk CHARLES R. B0NNELL, General anil Conamtotlon Merchant, Cotton, ft ice t and Naval Slvrcs and yterckandizt reiurrallif. Office No. 55 .V nh lr.nt street, Philadelphia. Rcftnncri. New York, Messrs A Men fc Pnxon ; Philadel phia. Thos. Alliboae, Fsq., Presi. Bank of Penn sylvania; Baltimore, Thomas Whitridre & Co., tVilmincon. N. C , Messrs. De Rowel Sc. Brown, and Dr. T. H. Wriabi, Prext. Bank of Cape Fear; Charleston, T. S. f- T. G. Budd, and J. Bonnell, Jr.; Savannah, W. B. Giles St Co.; New Orleans, G. W. Oliver f Co. m Jsn. VI 127-tmi- J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WIL.MIXCTOX. M. C. J. Hathaway, J. L. Hathaway. Fob. 15, 1353. 31. JAMES AMBCBCON. IDWAHDIAXOI. ANDERSON & SIVAUE. GESER.(L COM fSSIO. MERCHAXTS, WILMINGTON W. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Ocu Tl . 94- GEO. HARRISS, General Commission Mcrchanl, tVII.MIVGTON, x. v. STRICT attention $iven to procuring Freight and purchasing Ca rgoes for vessels, llcrca to K. P. Hall, Ksn. 1 O. G. Parsley, Ess. I I A Tavlnr. h'.an C Wilmington. ew York. J. D. Bcllamr, Kvq. J Messrs. Tooker, Siuyih t Co., " Thompson & Hunter, Alcx'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs. Williams dc Butler, ) rUm. -H. F. Baker. Ksq. Charleston, S. C. Jan. 2. 1353. 123 if. jr H. DOLLKCR O. POTTLR. DOLLNER & POTTER. GEXERAL COMMISSION MERCHAXTS NEW YORK: Liberal Cash A-loan-e made on all Continmenl , Aprll30, 1853. 20-ly-pd. BUSINESS CARDS. . DnPRE & CO. VHOf,ESAI.E AWD RETAIL, GROCERS Corner Front and Irlnce9-treeta, WILIINGTON, N. C. c- Dcrxc. n. b. bakes. W. C. HOWARD, GKNRRAL Commission and Forwarding Mer chant, Wilmington. N.C. Liberal 7ash advances made on Consigsmenls. Nov. 29 109-tf J. E. HALL, COMMISSION MKaCHANT, Wilmington. N C. Office la reir of AIcMiiian, Davis & Co' Store. Every attention paid to the sale and purchase of produce, and liberal cash advances made on sonsirnments. Refers to Capt. Gilbert Potter, K. P. Hall. Prc't Branch Bank State N. C; O. G. Parsley, Pres'l Commercial Bank t McMillan, Davis A Co. Ian. 21 131 if D. CASHWF.Lf.. J. A. PARKER. CASHWELL & PARKER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. Office formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. A. Gwyer. March 23. 3-lyc. DR. GEORGE BETTNER, OF NORTH CAR.OLINA. OFFICE, No 638. BROADWAY, OB AT TBS PRESCOTT HOUSE -NEW YORK. Eeo. 16. 112 Ire. ROUNTREE, WATSON & CO., General Commission Merchants, TS Soatn St , New York. Ltiberal A-ivemceo Mid on. Consignment. . . IVVVTIIS, a. C WATSOST, W. M. WIOOIX. August IS, 1HS3. - 69-1 v. GEO. U. KELLY, C0UMISSI0N MERCHANT. Next door to A. A. Wannet's,on North Watersu willattendto th sale of all kinds of CountrvPro ioce, such ar Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon. Lard ,te ind Will keep constantly on hand a fall anpplyof i Groceries. Ac. r--', Kererenees. ' WinosBalLofWayn, JaoVIcRae, Wilmington W. Caraway. -- Oon. AU ."eRae. K; P. Halt, Wilmington, Wihty A. Watsei. " jDes.l3.I85g 7.- US-It. y ;.4W. JH.' SHERWOOD & CO., WHOLES ALK Groeera and Commission Mar chants Wilmington, K. Cijev -" AH consignments of Navsl Store itejett"rh Cotton, Baoon, Lard, Com, MfJvKlor.iSie,bal soearo toe bighsst oatKoi pneo. --g D. C. FRBfiatSI. OEOHOE HOCSTON . iitKEMAN a Houston, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. D. C. FREEMAN CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITS FROST STREET, NEW YORK. P BEES AS AND IMiJSTOS, WILM1XGTQ5, S. C KEEP constantly on hand a stock of FVour, Corn, Pork, Bacon. Salt, Coffee, Sagar, Mo lattee. Tobacco, Cigar; Snvf, Candles, Soap, for eign and Domestic LtiqUors and Wines; Iron, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, Rats, Boots, Shoes, Lea'her, Agricultural Implements, and va riety of other articles, suitable for familyand plan tation use and the retail trade, which they will disposeofin lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable t CTms for cashtorln exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. Th senior partner D. C. located in the city lof New York y the junior partner, Geo. Hopst, ia Wifmingtoa. If desired, advances, wli be made on c itinisnments to and from either place. 'All business cat -listed to them will receive proper attention; and orders for Goods will be promptlyand carefully filled. Sept. 9. I857. , 76-f. JAS. H. CUADBOURN & CO., General Commission Mcrchaitts, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jas. H. CKAOtKDia. Jun. I, 1 35 i. Geo. Chaososbk. C. & D. DuPRE. WHOLE SALE AND HETAL DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Paints, OH, lye Stalls, Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, fancy Articles, dtc., MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C Prescriptionscarcfully ;o.npounded by experi enced persons. March 28. 1353. WiLLUM A. GWYET, General lent;Forwar iingi Cmmi&iion Merchant I take pleasure in informing my friends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficieotand personal attention. I havea'wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodatiosf, Spirit House, and Warehouse. Consig-nmeaia of Naval Stores for sale or shipment ; snd all kinds of coun try produce sulicited. Cash advances mad on consignments. April 13, 1853. 15. T. C. WORTH, Genera! Commission Merchant, W I IjW l N(TO N , N.C. SUAL advancra made on consignments of Cot ton. Naval Store and other proaace Puitieuiar attention given by G. W. Davis to pur chasing ctrgoes, procuring freight tor vessels, Ac. Jn41 128 HENRY NUTT, FICTHR AM) FOKWABDHi; AG EST, H'illgite his personal attention to business entrust ed to his core. Sept. 8. 1353. 75-tf. JOSEPH H. PLANNER, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. May 9th, 1833. 87-ly-. I. VESSEL. H. B. El LESS. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALE G ROC F. IIS, Nrfrtli Water Street, Wil mington, N. ;., intend to keep st the above standa genera I assort mnt of Groceries, Liqnors, and Provision at wholesale and to carry on a Genera ICommission Business. s kfk cues : R. P.Hall Pres'l Br'ch Bank ofthe Slate O. G. Parsley, Pres'l Commercial Bank. Wil P. K . Dickinson , F.sq . Poppc & Co. N .. . Dollner A Potter. iWew rK. Jan. 20 18F-3 131 T. C. & B. G. WORTH, C011 MISSION ASD F0RVRDIG MEBfnNT5, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jin 17 125-c GEORGE MYERS, W1IUESILR hd RETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand, IFmes, Teas, LAouors, Pr:roisions, Wood and Willow Ware, Fruit, ConfccHonarits, 4-c. South Front street, WILMINGTON, N . 'J. Nv. 18, 1852. 109. J. D. love; - MAXlFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, dec. Slc. Front street, South of Market, BROWN'S BUILDING, WILMINGTON. N . C. Sept. 16, 1852. 79-y-c Dm. 12 COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (SCrCESSORS TO THOS. ALIBONE k CO.) General Commission Merchants, No 32, North Wharses. ind C,3 Nm-th Water Sts. PHILADELPHIA. J . HABVBV COCH1AK, W. 8. BDS8BLL. Liberal c iah advances made on consignments. July 30th, 1853. 56-tf. JAS. F. GILLESPIE. GEO. S GILLESPIE. JAMRS K. GILLESPIE COM PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. Particular attention paid to the receipts and Sale of Naval Stores, Timber, Lumber, Corn, Bacon, Cot ton, dc., fc March 30. 6. S. M. WEST, Anttioneer and Commiision flerthaat, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL sell or bay Real Kstate and Negroes al a small commission. Aii'f: Strict attention ivento the sale of Timber.Tur penttne, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. OTice second door, South side of Market street, on the wharf. Jena 12. 1853. 33 ly. A. H. VANB0KKELEN. Geaeral Agent, Commiuioa ini fervrarding Sertaant, WILMINGTON. N. C. Particular attention given to sale and parchsse f Naval Stores. June 1, 1853. 123-ly. CUNLEY, RIRK & CO. - DEALERS IN BUTTKR, Cheese, Lard, and Smoked Provisions, Pork. Reef, Beans, Pea, and Dried Kruit. 233 and 235, FRONT STH EKT, Corner of PECK SUP, NEW YORK. March 25. 4-lyc. WILLIAM n, PEl.RE, COLLECTOR ISB 19TEBTISIK6 ISEKT- Far Con a try Newspapera tarongliotit the . Halted 8Ute, Basement of San Iron Bo lOings.Baltirnoreatreet - AH basiaess scUsted tohia ear transacted promptly, o lioeralterms, r jHT : -f ' J, Ci LATTA, f . COMMISSION MERCHANT 4-GENERAL AOS NT. - . wilmusoton; n.. ctx WtLatfWSOJTi ESIElt, ?i UPHOLSTERS & PAPER HANGERS, KEEP Otf HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, Mattresses? Feather Beds, Window Curtains and JFixtures. All work in the above line done at shortest No lice. Wilmington, N.C, Market St.- March 18. - JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, General Commisuon aid Fonrardiog Merthanl- Promnt personal attention given to Consign ments tor Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cash adeances made on Consignments to me or to my New York friends. . Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1853." 135. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AN Eleeaat Edition of Bills of Exchange, print, ed in Go many, in Books of 10 q aires and in sheets, just received and for sale at the office of The Commercial. MOLASSES. Q"l HHDS. very p'fme molasaes, for sale for U cash by C. DuPRE & CO. March 18. L pillNTING ESTABLISHMENT FOR SALE. BY agreement, to close the affairs of the "Wil raingtnn Free Press" establishment, all the type, fixtures. Press, good will, etc., of too Wilmington Free Press newspaper. Apply at this office or to EDWAtll) CANT WELL, Mortgagee. Jan. 10 N. C. Statesman copy 126-tf CABINET FURNITURE. HENRY W. KINGMAN, late partner of Phklpb A KinoM ai, respectfully an nounces to his old Customers, and the Pub lic generally, that he has now r n hand, a larqe and Extensive Assortment of, all kinds of warrantrd mide CABINET KURNITUUK, Chairs, Beds snd Matresses, whit h he offers at Wholesale and Retail, at unexcep'ionably low prices. No pains will be spared to give aaiisfaction to all who may favor him with their order.. I1KNRY W. KINGMaN, March 19. l-3mc. 434 Pearl St., N. V. HENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, PURELY VEGETABLE JN ITS COMPOSITION. THIS in valuable Cordial, is extracted from Herbs and Roots, which have been found after years of experience, by the roost skillful Physicians, tu be possessed of qualities most beneficial in the dis eases lor which it, is recommended, and hence whilst tt Is presented lb the public, as an effica cious remedy, it is also known to be ol that charac ter on which reliance may be placed as to iia safety. In cases of Iinpotency,.iloeuiorrhages, Disordered Sterility. Menstruation. or Suppression of the Men ses, Fluor Albus or Whites, or for DEBILITY arising from any cause, such as weaknessfrom sick ness, where the patient has been confined to bod fur some time, for Femalessfter Confinement, Abortion or Miscarriage, this Cordial cannot be excelled in its salutary effects: or in loss r Muscular Energy, Irritability, Physical Prostration, Seminal Weak ness, Palpitation of tho Heart, Indigestion, Slug gishness, Decay of the Procreativa Functions, Ner vousness, c, where a tonic Medicine is required, it will be foundequal, if not superior to any Com pound ever used. TO FEMALES. Henry'sInvigoratiogCordlal, is oneof the most invaluable Medicines ta the many Complaints to which Feinalas are subject. It assists nature to brace the whole system, check excesses, and creates renewed health and happiness. Less suffering, disease and unhappioeasamong Ladies would exlat, were they generally to adopt the use of this C r dial. Ladies who are debilitated by those obstruc tions which femalea are liable to. are restored by the use of a bottle or two, to bloom and to vigor. YOUNG MEN. That solitary prsctue, so fatal to the existence of man and it is the young who are most apt to be come its victims, from an ignorence of the danger to which they subject themselves, causes NER VOUS DEBILITY, Wcskncssol the System, and Premature Decay Many of you may now bt-suifltring, misled as to the cause or source of disease. To those, then, who by excess have brought on thcmsclve Premature lin putency. Involuntary Emissions, Weak ness and Shrivelling of the Genital Organs, Ner vous Affections, or anyother consequences of unres trained indulgence of the sensual passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing the felicities of MARRIAGE. lessening both mental and bodily captr-ity, Hold! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a Medicim that is purely Vegetable, will sid nature to restore those important tunctions to a healthy state, and will prove of service to you. It possesses rare virtues, is a general remover of disease, and sir'ungtbener of the system ASA TONIC MEDICINE. it is unsurpassed. We do not place this Cordial on a footing with quack medicines, and, as is customa ry, append a long listof Recommendations, Cer tificates, 4c, beginning with "Hear what the Preacher says." and suchlike; it is not necessary, for u Henry's Invigorating Cordial," only needs a trlnl to prove that it will accomplish all we any. THE GENUINE " HENRYS IN VIGOR A- TIS.G CORDIAL," is put ap In 8 ox. Pannei Bottles, and is easily recog nized by the Manufacturer's signature on the table of each Bottle, (to counterfeit which is forgery.) as well as his private Sesl on the cork of each Bottle. fSoldfor2 per Bottle; Six for 3; 16 per dozen. Prepared only by S. E. COHEN. No. 3 Frsnklin Row, Vine Street, below Eighth, Philadelphia, Pa., TO WHOM ALL ORDERS MUST BK AD DRESSED. For Sale by all respectableDruggisis 4. Merchants throughout the Country. Oct. 29. 97-I2ro-e. NEW ARRANGEMENT. THERE having heretofore been a good deal of just complaint on the part of the travelling pub lic, on account of the absence of a teneral through ticket Irom Weldon and Wilmington, nortnward. The Mail Line takes great pleasure in stating thai the giounds of complaint have been removed, and . on and alter the 1st February. Passengerscan get Tick ets at Weldon for Petersburg, Richmond, Washing ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York City; and at Wilmington to the four last named places, and rice versa. Two Trains will continue to run daily ss hereto fore, leaving Weldon. at 3 P. M. and II P. M. The following are the rates of Fare: From Weldon to Petersburg, 50. Do. do. Richmond, 3,50 F -out Weldon to Washington, 7,00 Do. do. Baltimre. 9,00 From Wilmington to Washington,..' I X) Do. do. Baltimore, li,00 From Weldon to Philadelphia, 10,00 Do. do. New York, .14.00 From Wilmington to Philadelphia .--14.00 Do. do. New York, 15,50 For farther Information and for Tlcketst, apply to Mr S.D. WALLACE, the Ticket Agent, of the Wilmington and Raleigh RaU Road at Wilming ton, or J. F. SIMMONS, Agen, Weldon. B. F. DARRACOTT, - Through Agent, Mail Line. Ian. 24. i3iTr. WHEEL BARROWS. A " FEW jest ia Store, and for sat, hjr J.X. April S. J. M. R081NSON. ROOT AND HERB BITTERS. ANOTHER Invoice of this in valuable. Spring and Snwmer medicine. Just received at L.N. BAKLOW, ' April 8. No. 3 Granite Row. Front st. . Oc.M863. INDIA RUBBER BEDS AND Cushions for wrtohr - ' -WILKINSON k ESLKR, AarilS. vi- - Upholsterers. FANCY GOODS. A LARGE variety eoaatantlr hand, mnA for sale by . V i.T. MUNDS. April . 19. mox bedsteads, r-;;- TTOLDIND, proof again st canker, kntyea. and r ermia, far sato by ' , - - . , JipntaV - BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DR, JOHNSTON Proclaims 10 the afflicted, far and aear, that he has discovered the most cer aln. speedy andefficacioua plan for treating parflc ulsr disease that has ew been pnseoi. d to ih world. By hi plan, foandedon to the Hospiuilsof Europe and America, he will tenure ' A CURE IN TWO DA YS, OR NO CHA ROBK No Mercury or Nauseous Drug Used. I Pains In the Loins, Constitutional Debility. Jm poteney, Weakness of the Backend Limbs, affec tions ot the Kidneys, Palpitation of the; Heart, iir"?eKS3r' wour trritahUIt.. Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose, or Skin t and ail those serious and melancholy disorders arising from the destruc tive habit of Youth, which destroy both body and mind, those secret aid solitary practices mom foul to their victims than the song of the Syrens to the mariners of Dlysses. Wlghlrog thtlr most brilliant hopes eranttcipaUoaSfireadeftag marriage, Ac., im possible. YOUNG MEN, .-. Esprelarly.who have become the'vietlms of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destraettve habit which aonnsUy sweeps to an untimely grave Jhousands of young men of the most exalied talents and brilliant intellect, "wtw might otherwise harvs entranced teniag Senates with the thnaWIersef sloqueBce, or waked to ecstacy the Uving lyre.jnay .eXl with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, being a war. ot physical weakness, should im medi ately consult Dr. J and be restored to perfect heslth. He who places himself under the ears of Dr.John ston may religiously confide in his honor as s gen tlemen, and confidently rely upon his skill asa phy sician. OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St. 7 DOORS FROM BALTIMORE St., (east side.) UP THE STEPS. CS-BE PARTICULAR In observing the NAME and NUMBER,or you will mistaVc the place. DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London ; graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life haa been span I in the hospitals of London, Par- I ia, Phlladelpbta. and elsewhere, has enected some ot the most naionisntng cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing in tho head and ears when asleep, great nervonsnsss, being alarmed si sudden Sounds, and baahfuuless. , with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured imnicdimely. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses al those who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgences,! bat se cret and solitary habit which rules both body and mind, unfitting them for liiher business or society. Tnese are some ofthe sad and uetaiicboly effects produced by early habits of youth, vix: Weakness or the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart. Dyspepsia. Nervous Irritability, Derange ment of the Digestive Functions, General Debili y, Symptoms of Consumption, d&e. MsKTALir. The fearful elKcu on the mind are much to be dreaded ; Log of Memory, of Causing of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Fort bdii.oo .Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust. Love of Soli tude, Timidity, dtc ; are some of th evils produced. Thousands ot persona, pf all ages, can now judge what ia the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pal and emaciated, have a singular apnearance about tl.e eyes, cough and symptoma of Consumption. DR. JOHNS'IXtNS IN VIGOR A TING REM EDY FOR GENITAL DEBILITY. . This grand snd important Remedy has ;estorei2 strength and vigor to thousands of the moat ner vous and debilitated, many of whom had lost all hopes, and been abandoned to die. By its complete invigoration of the Nervous System, the whole face, ties become restored to their proper power arid functions, and the fallen fabric of Ufa raised un in beauty,' onsistency, snd duration, upon the ruins of nemaetatea ana premature decline to sound and pristine health. Un, now nappy have hupdreds of intsguMea youins oven made wno have been sud denly restored to health, from the devastation a of those terrific maladies wnich result from indiscre tion. Such persona, before contemplating MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sounj mind and body ar the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the pros pect hourly darkens to the view tlx-mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melan cbolly reflection, that the happiness of another be cornea blighted v ith our own. Let no false delica cy prevent you, but apply immediately, and aave yourself from the dreadful c.nsequencc. of this ter rible malady. IVEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS immediately cured and full vigor trslored. Q-ALL LETTERS MUST BE POST PAID. Remedies sent to anv part of the country. TO STRANGERS. DR. JOHNSTON, of the Baltimore Lock Hos pital, whose long residence in this city, standing as a gentleman of character and responsibillt v, exten sive practice in ihe various Hospitals of Europe snd this country, snd skill and experience to which thoussndsean testify, as well as hi ability in the Surgical department of his profession, as evidci red by reports of his operations on fhe Eyes and De formed Limbs, published in the Baltimore Sun and other papers, in the years 1341 2, by which Die blind were made to see ana the lame to walk straight, ren ders him worthy of all confidence upon the part ol those who need his professional services, snd who would shun the many trifling and ignorant preten ders advertising themselves as Physicians. CrTo those unscquainted with his reputation, Dr. Johnston deems it necetsary to snv that his credentials or diplomas always bang in his office. Q-OFMCE, No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK St., East side, up the steps. - Oct. 13. 90-lyc.' OFFICE W. A$D M. R. R. CO. WILMINGTON. N. C, 17lh MARCH, 1854. NOTICE is hereby that the Stock of the nnder named delinquent subscribers to the Cspital Stock of the Wilmington snd Manchester Railroad Company will be snid st Public Auction, at Ex change Corner, on Mondiy the 24 in April, 1854, agreeably to u Section if- ol the Charter of said Company, unless the instalments due thereon shall be paid previous to the dsy ol sale. John A. Taylor, fort era trod e, N. E. Brickhouse,.... John H Hill, -- I sham Peterson, .... James Knight, .- Alex'r May,- F. C. SIngletary, James G. Burr.--' S. Kahnweiler, C. H. Dudley, T. L Guess, T. S. Csflps, T. C. Craft, T C. 'Vorth. John D. Love. W. C. Howard,- Wm. J .- Love, Jrn. T.O. Love, Wm. B. Jones,--.--"--James H. Pritcbeit,.. Sam'i H. Firth.- 60 shares. 2 " 3 ; S ......5 I ......2 3 . . 1 3 m J - ---.I 1 .....f . .....1 ......5 ......7 ......5 f,s 3 ......3 By order of the Board of Director. ' JNO, MacRAE, Jr.Txeas'r. March 18. . l-ta. - DR. LANGLEVS . - ROOT AND HERB BITJERS. ; The GretU Spring and Summer Medicine, COMPOSED OP 8ars pa rill. Wild Cherry. Teilnw Dock. Pricklr Ash. Thoronghwert and Dandeiioa. THIS Invaluable Compound has been before the public for the past three years, during which time -arlr TOREK HUNDRED THOUSAND BUTTI.KJS have been Sold, thas provtng it the saosCl popular meatrine 01 tne age. Tile medicinal Vir tues ofthe best Roots are so eomk banded as to act ia concert with nature, tt axlway doe Mod, and never doe hurt, fo short it UM for g mnd in all efuaoie. . . Price 37 eents for a quart bottle. - For sale, Whole! and Retail, at No. 3. Graniae mT. . - i a.- Pi, BARLOW. Fen. 18. 144-2me. : NORTH CAROLINA HASIS, Kfinfi lB. wrf fine, for sale by r . UvAAJK March ia . v C. PuDRJ2dtCO ffFZ BOXES.' Cheese; uSt receive! anrflt k sot a encan p,, ff C: DnPILK at XSO- SALAMANDER SAFES. THE name of Salamander was first spplied to Wilder s Patent. ana Introduced by the subscri ber in 1840, wno in. 1844 ssrelMSH the liget 'to snenufaeture. The saperfority of Herring's (Wild ers) Salamander Safes over all others induced ma ny to infringe upon the patent right by using the composition others more cautious, and to svsds a lawsuit, made an inferior article. Imitating the ex terior tai form; '-style, color of paiotinc, and attach ins: the name talmander." Improved fcaiamaa' der," "Fire Proof Salamander," "The Genuine Sal amander," &, and have succeeded la balm Inx off some of the SDorioos Sslamandersa inc. Tboae wanting the original SabjmandeT,mai caution to see that they have uporrtlienv-n metal plate -suas ..Herring, Maker," sU sucn netng the genuine (Wilde r's Pateut) Salamander, or Her ring's Improved Patent Champion Safe, which re ceived the medal at the Great World's Fair, and which have never failed to preserve the contents in case of fire. Purchasers can velect fr- m the largest assortment in the world by colling at the salerooms of SILAS C. HERRING. 135, 137, and 139 Water, cor. of Pine Streets. N. B. Chilled Iron safes with powder proof locks manufactured r Tpstss'ly for banks, jewellers, brok ers, and others requiring- security from rogues. Bank vault doors on band, and made to order. All the most celebrated locks or sale at manufacturer's prices. Second hand safes for sale a', leas than half Dries. - 1 AGENTS FOR HERRING'S SAFES : John Farrel, Philadelphia, Pa.j O. McCAND LISH. Richmond, Va 5 Henry H. Ullams, Char lesion, S. C4 Filbricr Bell. Savannah, Ga ; Geo. W. Sixer New Orleans, La Wm. V. Moore dt Co., Mobile, Ala. Feb. 7. . 136-3mc. FOX & POLHEMUS, 59 Broad Street, Corner of Beaver, N. York, Offer for sale ihe following heavy-Cotton Fabrics: NEW-ENGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK-22 inch. all numbers, hard and soft; also all the various widtha f Canvass manufactured at this es tabttehmcnt comprising every variety known to the trade,and offered si tho lowest rates. UNITED STATES PILOTDUCK-Woodherry snd Mount Vernon Extra. A full assortment of this superior fabric. IL 1MANTIC COTTON DUCK 16, 18, 20 and 22 inch, all numbers, hard and soft. This fab ric was awarded the highest Premium at the Lon don World's Fair, also at our own State Fair. SHIP AND BEARMARK DUCK--Plain and twilled, manufactured by the'Greehw jod's Com pany, a superior article for light sails, tents, awnings, 4c; also, Mount Vernon TwiH d Ravens. Howard Rsvees, Pioneer snd Phenix Mills t Llghtton Karens, plain 22 to 27 inch; Heavy, do. do... COTroNSAlL TWINE A full assort menu TARPAULINS, HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, drc. PAPER FtLThNG 30 to 72 inch, made very heavy, expressly for drier felts. CAR COVERING Cotton Canvass, all widths, from 30 10 130 inches, and all numbers, made ex pressly for covering and roofing, rnilroso cars, is perfectly and permanently watef?so4r and more enduring than the ear its If. , . . -. . ENAMELLING CANVASS 30,38,40,45 and 50 inch plain and twilled, in every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of ever description. Seamless Baps. woen whole, ail si xe, in bales of 100, 200 and 300; combining strength, utility and ebenpnees, for grain nnd meal areunatirnasaed. Also, heavy Cotton Sacking. 40 inch. Canvass. 3 thread Warp and Filling, heavy twilled, da. do., 20, 22, 40 and 44 inch. WOOL SACLS Woven whole all sixes, a aew and det-irable article. - , Feb. 21. ' " 144-1 v-e. MISCELKAIV AMERICAN TRAVELS f:. The late celebrated Mt Clajr wai a. raar of great resolution and considerable' waring-. -He once lold iWlkwit7 amecdot to a -friery) of oura : ... " ... - ; Travelling, ia earlj manhood, - ia a pub lic conrejance in the foutheastem atates, bm found himadf intfie company of itree btb 4 . er persona, consiatinr of a young;' lad r ami tiro. iiwk mguui linmiuw SMUMnKi,iwi - , , , , - .. -. . , ufactur. d by the subscriber, should take the pra I centleanan, her huabaod,'aod Of alt todlTld- uai momed p tn a cloak" urn od count e- naryjo wa concealed, an4 -wboappearetl 3 to be indulging' in a lete-a-teta wuisMot w Suddeolx :aviii& . brawny. KeMocktan ' got into tb coacb, anowking a eigar, andr frowned fiercely around, aa mucb As Itx saj : "I'm half- boraf, half alligator ;nbo -a yallow flower of .tb foreaValt brimioD fortis." In fact, he looked aa anvairn . meal-axe, and puffed, forih.feujei Tolumea, of smoke without reference to lie company within; especially of the ladj who raani-,",'0 festcd certain limed ajrnptom of aonoj-' ance. Preaenily, after aoroe; whispering-,' . the gentleman with her, in the politest at- cents, requested the stranger not to smoke,;' 4 as it annoyed his companion. 'The"" fellow answered : " I reckon I've paid my placed ?t IH smoke as much aa I Jam please;' and hell shan't Blop me no how.M With that f be looked dangerous and rolled his eye round as fiercely as a rattle-snake: It wn evident he had o- objection to a quarrel, ' and that, if it occurred, it was likely to lead to a deadly struggle. - The young man who had spoken to him shrunk back and was silentS9' . - b- - : "Clay felt his gallantry aroused. - lie considered for a moment whether he should f interfere, but experienced natural reluc tance to draw upoh himself the brutal rio.. , Unqepfhis gfgantiot( adversary., In ibat . . Ia'w4es9 . cpun try he knew' bis life might be ,T sacrificed unttyengedw . He knew himself physically unequal 10 the contest, . and ha " thought, after air, k'.wasrbW.DvjBmesa ., qulidtically "tolaki up inoihe mahs;quhr-" ret" ! Peeling pity for the insulted find dis gust toward the insolter, be'determinied toi' take no notice; -when, very quietly 'indeed, ?? the-ctoakeidffigiirein the corner assbmesl an optfght position, and IheT mantlewaaV suffered to full from it itbout" effort : - or exciuraent The small 'bat -; ainew'jnc.jx of it, man at plainljrdjessed .-iit--ri' fortu eo tightly-buttoaed frock coat, . with- nothuTg if remarkable about bit ;ppeajance;vaf 1 seen, and a pair 6X. bright gray ejesaoughtjAf ihe fierce optica of. the feioeK)ia Kentucky tan. wniiout a word thialayJBzara," passed his hand beneath .his collar at. the a t a - ... " nOOP IRON AND NAILS. 7 tpHE aubscriber will be constantly receiving cos- X siarnnienia of these articlee, of the beat quality and offers them at lowest market rates juabf tl BUUSSUM. March 23. 6-tf. FURMTURK WAREHOUSE, FRONT STREE T. K CCOUSTS made at this Establishment prior ix. to the lstinst., are now due, aad settlement is earnestly desired by the subscriber. Jan. 7 "3. D.LOVE. NOTICE. THR subscriber, respectfully informs the public, that he is now ran icting the Auction business ea his own aacouat, snd hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of that palronace heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. Stock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought and sold on s commitslonoi 1 per cent either at private or public sale. ko. - VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. MTU E Subscriber offers for sale that most desirable DWFLL1NG ANDTRKMIS ES, situate at the North-Western intersec tion of Third street with Red Crots street, ihe Lot fronting 100 feet on Red Cross, and 200 feet on Third. The Dwelling House, Kitchen. Smoke-House, S tables, and all the other uut-ltouses on the pre mises, have been built within a few years, of choice materials, in ihe best manner, and nearly all of. them covered with tin. The Dwelling House is capacious, handsomely finished, and most conveniently planned, aad all the other build ings arejudlcidusly arranged, and well fitted up. There are few Lois in Wilmington so desirably located, and the improvements on which are so admirably adapted for a family residence. Third street on the entire Eastern line of this lot, is 99 feet wide, and separates it from that on which a new Rpiscopal Church is about to be erected. Persons desiring to purehase, can ascertain terms of sale by application to the subscriber, or N. N. Nixott, Ksq., or M . CsoKiY, and the sub scriber will cheerfully accompany any such who wish to inspect the premises. H. K. NIXON. Sept. 8, 1S53. '.5-lf. 10 NORTH CAROLINA LARD. KF.G3 prime N March 18. C. Lard, for sale by C. DuPRE dc CO. SUNDRIES. QC BBLS super Fayettrvllle Flour; &J 45 boxes Colgate's Pain Soap and No. I ; 20 bags green ! to Cones 15 Laguyra do.; 10 " ' Gov. Java Conor 20 boxes Stewart, Bussing dt Ce. Hsrd as- . sorted Csndiee; 20 boxes Adamantine Candler ; in Sperm do.; 20 - beat F.xcrtsior Soap ; 2" bbls. extra brown .-ars j 10 " Stewan's best ernh d ; 10 A. Coffre do ; 1 doxen boxes Babbitt's sxtra yeast Powders; 6 kegs of Salaratux; 3 do. of washing Soda. d e. Low for cath, at GEO. H. KKLLEVS. April 4. J , and N, C. T. copy. -8. MEAL, O0M0NY, AND HORSE FEED. THE Xabscrfbera B ve been appointed Agents for the GOLDSBORO MILLS, celebrated for making very superior Meal, Hemony. 4-c. Families can at all times be supplied by calling at ur.Str North Water Street, one r'oor above KBiaet Mitchells. . -TAYLOR PETTICWAY. March 9. 151-?m. SIOLASSES! UOLASSESI! fT( HHDS. beat a:aaUty Cuba Molasses, for sale uvj in lots to salt purchasers. M bbls. DlstiUers Glue. For sale by ( Fe.r. - : WJt, A. GWYER. . .. -- ,. TON snd JJrsd ta TOWAGE. harbor by 8teaner Saase aad Calhaaa. wiU he caargd. 4MT KO. HAHR1SS, agent. Nor.8th,lS&3. - CARRIAGES.- Isla seated 43AamAOfcV 1 Paneled Oaaner Reekasrsy. ' 1 ttnaker Roekaway and seversltlght Bsevtes jnat eeeeW aad far sel MTp Sens37-rf DIBBLE- at BttO. sm WANTft 2nrf l-BS. Bees aaa Tor-waieb the highest UUUsarJtetitrice. wul be-p incase. 5 ; back of his neck, and slowly' and delibei- atelv nulled forth ' Innrr sTtrmYw lrni -j i e 1 --.-.. , t and glittering knife from its sheath jn hoA singular plactC "Stranger," "he! said.tny, rT name is Col. James Bowie, well knowo ia Arkansas and Louisiana; and if you douT put that cigar out of the window ui a qoar er of n minuie, I'll put this knife through' 5 your bowels sure as death.' "" - Clay said he never forget inafier- life tho expreseion of the colonel's eye at that1 momencThe piedominant impression uada upon him was tho certainty of the tbreaf f being fulfilled ; and apparently the same) -1 c jiivk toiuipressed itt If ..ere long upon s tne onender durintr the two or three seeouda his yes met that of Bowie. He was tha weaker, and be quailed. With a curse he - ore the cigar from btmeatb hie teeth, and flung it. 6cowlki but downcast, out of Uie. coach window. .""' J-., Upon this, Colonel' James Bowie fts'tleli- ... beraiely replaced hl long knife in" its .ec centric hiding place, and without saying ar, word to any one,' or even TouckaEag a glance at any one, re-folded hid eloak .'a-, ' round him, and did not utter another sTlJa- ble to the end of the journey,'''-"" "" "'-i " - -' , iVete, (Quarterly Jievtrtc fvr Janvmry. NEVMODE OF FENClPiO. Z : It is said that a gentleman . residing iot .- Windsor, Vl, haa introduced into that re--gion a method of fencing, whichfor cheap ness or durability and efficiency, can hard ly be surpassed, lie procured stakes of a .. suitable wood, r feet in- length, and steeps the lower portion of thenj in a aolu-., tion of blue vitriol one pound of yitriol to forty of water. Tbia renders them "at- " most indestructible by the natural "process of decay. He then drives the stakes "4into the ground at a distance? of eight inches w apart, bringing ihe r tops 'ihto. a straight" line, and nailing upon them a narrow strip r- of board, using one nail for each stake.- Among the adrantageaof the fence thus jn jnade, apart from its cheapness, -it id saitf & that "cattle and sheep cann 'get through it, horses will not jump it, hogs will gr. st ii good distance round rather "than -climb T oyer it, and a lazy a man -can't' set in tho shade of tu. . - IKTRRESTINO TO POST MASTERS. ' v The House ' Committee on y postoffices and post-roads have 'unanimously, agreed, ' says the Star, to . report a bill increasing- -the compensation of the- Postmasters in the United Stater They are -now allowed ... commissions at the .following rates, rizj! On the first 91 00 per quarter, 50 per cent j j on the next 9300 per quarter, 40 percent", on the next f 2,000 per quarter, B6 per cent, ,. all over the last sum, 15 per cent. ; Under. the bill, as agreed upon by the' committee, their commission will be as follows ,yix ,. On the first 9100 per quarter, 60 per cent on the next $300 per quarter, 60 per cept ; T' on the next 2,000 per quarter, 40 per cent J ,,, on all over the last nib, 15 per cenl. Thn bill of the committee proposes to alios, lh' Posfmaster-GeneraF the .duwjretidnary'pow"' er of increasing the compensation ; at dim" iribntfng and separating of5cerM.7'nr ANOTHER PtANETDlSCOVERED: The Iondon Times smnoances tbal--i moat simultaneous discovery of another 2 planet, between Mars aad Jupiter; sbysc? tronomert at Bishop's and RadcJiSe.obeer?) hb , i ui,wB otMeTij Uia iiirenty, eighth planet now knowajo exist between ,, Mars and Jupiter, eight (or nine ) of which. . wenTdiscoyered by Mr. Hind. Mr. EahoV ' I PiW "urtronomer 'and jw itpoUierlbj ? - " ' sJfef .--5 r 35 Sal ' fir