... ; f-ll t 1111 P-1 v I aT sits if" Ate . 1 1 i 7TJ .tn VOLtJiMB IX NUMBER 1 4. WILMINGTON, N. C., TUESDAY. MpftNING,tAPRIL 18, 1854. 1 t"T. WHOLE NUMBER 1 066 'MISCELLANY. THE CHRISTIAN AND INFIDEL FAMILY. IT GIlKT THORBCBS. AlxjDt rtre months after I came to New Yorkj there arrived from England a man by ihe name of Willium Canrer. He en tered as a journeyman blacksmith in the same shop where I was at work, in Libert y street,, opposite Little Garden street. Hu craft was to make horse-shoes and borse naiti ; mjr'crafl was to make house-nails. We both wrought fof the same employer He had a fine woman for a wife, and three young: children. They were both mem bers of n independent congregation in the town of Lowis, from which they brought certificates, And juiued themselves wiib the same Church in New York. As Willir.m was a great talker, a great radical, and as hot as the iron which he hammered, he was soon laid held of by the pure Democ racy, and honored with a silling in the walls of St Tammany. At this tune (1.796) there came into the city a man : who was blind; he had once been a'preacher of that gospel he was now laboring to "destroy- 1 heard two or three of his lectares. He sa.id that he professed tojreaeh the gospel for three or four years after be was convinced that religion was a cheat and the Bible a compound of lies. Observe "here, this inan had the modesty to rail against hypocrisy. 1 heard him relate the following circifmstance : said he, '-some lime- after I became a preaeher of infideli tyItw conversing with some oae on the subject, when, in order to giwe weight to an assertion I bad made, I expressed uiyelf thus; 'I as firmly beliere the fact, as I be lieve that I shall see the stm shine to-morrow.' .This was at 10 o'clock p. m. ; hut he never again saw the sun. Before he awoke, the sun shone on every bill; but with him there was darkness in nil Tit's bor ders! He died in Philadelphia, about three years thereafter, as blind in body and mind as the Devil himself could wish. Elihu Palmer was his name. He mentioned this awful phenomenon in one of jiis lectures, that he might explain away the judgment like aspect of Heaven, and" account for it from natural causes. Some of his disciples perhaps were satisfied by his explanation ; bat he was not satisfied himself. Palmert" the blind leader of the blind, held his lectures on Deism in what were then known as the Assembly Rooms, in' Wflltaoi street, just where Cedar street now opens going down into Pearl street. Ce dar street terminated in William street at that period. " But we return to William Carver. He was led by one of those hoary-headed in cendiaries (who woiship the Devil in Tam many Hall at the present day) into thi3 Dungeon of Despair. He drank deep of their col l and cheerless do -trines, and soon came forth a flaming infidel. He now tur ned his back on the Church, and set his face towards the City of Destruction ; and like all free thinkers, who never allow any one to think freely but themselves, and he compelled bis wife to follow. She, too, joined him in his downward much. - The Children were young, so the father and mo ther let them all go the Devil in their own way. :This then was the beginning of sor row. For several years af'er this, William and I wiought in the same shop, and our families grew up within three, doors of oue another.' L warned and expostulated with him in vain. . Oae-day he brought into the shop an armful of books, magazines, tracts, mis sionary journals, &c, and among them a fine edition of the Bible, printed in Oxford. He threw them on the hearth and com menced blowing the bellows. 'What are you about, William t said I. ' To make a fire of them," says he. By begging, coaxing, and a three dollar bill, I secured the lot, and saved them from the flames. Having gathered up my purchase, says I, u William, mark my words : Before twen ty years you will become a beggar, and your children vagabonds on the face of the earth." It is a remarkable coincidence in the or derof providence, that rny coining ia con tact with Carver brought me also in close communion with Thomas Paine , Carver, his wife, and Paine being natives of the saraelown in- Eiiglar.d ; and Paine and I boarding wiih Garver at the same lime. Thus, white we four joined in . social con verse for hours in the winter evenings, I learned -Paine's history from his cradle, and, aslouc intimacy continued more or lessl traced him to his grave. I think also that Providence has. lengthened my days that 1 might tell to generations yet to come what i; saw with mine eyes, heard with mine. ears, and felt when conversing with this enemy of men. rejuQ '.to William. Having now commenced the downward track, he began to neglect bis business (some time previous he did business for himself, and was pros pering) in bis xeal for propagating his se w priaciplea. In the shop, in the street, and at eyery comer, you might find. him pour ing.out his new light ; and so vulgar and so brutish was the language in which be blasphemed (everything Which society in geoeral holds sacred, that moderate men " of. any; principles got disgusted, shunned his shop and his company, and his worldly circumstances fell into decay. He remov ed above the shipyards, think. We did not meet for twenty years. But while I kepi store in the meeting-house in Liberty street, in 1828,-he came in one morning about ten o'clock, and asked for twenty five cents with which lb buy hi breakfast. At first I knew him not. ...He looked so poor and heart-stricken that I -could not refrain, a tear Said I, Willianv has it come to this He answered that he had not cent, a friend, nor a child to help him ..in the.world. JL asked for his- wife. .Dead.,- ;ic,;inqaired for his, children by -name. His sons were killed In Canada; his daughters went on the town Said I, William, these three young men behind th counter are my sons ; jay three daogh Oers young women, are, with their mother. Neither of them ever gave me a sore heart; ind;wcrei taj armsf cat irfJVftom nayahoul- dn-s, they would ttrive who should bo first to feed one, witli a spoon. Your children and mine were brought up within three doors of one another ; what should make them to differ ?' "I fcan't tell," said he. - Says I, "You remember the day I paid you three dollars and snatched your. Bible from the fire ? "1 do; and your prediction is fulfilled To the letter," said he. .Having.parted with your Bible,w I con tinued, uyuu turned your back on the church. Your children were left on the Sabbath to wnmter like stray sheep; they soon fell into the snares of the destroyer, I led mine to church, where they were not exposed to evil precept and ex-iinple, till they were old enough to judge for them selves. Now ihey walit in the ways of wisdom, which , are pleasantness and peace." He literally groan?d in spirit, and ex claimed, uOh ! could I recall the last thirty-three 3'ear3 of my life, 1 never would re nounce my religion." Said I, uVou ought to publish these sen timents with your name." He said ii was now too late ; he felt that he could neither recant nor repent. THE TRMVKERlTcOMMERCIAL. I publiaiej every Tcesdat, Thursday and Saturday ;u 33 per annum, payable 'null cases in uavatn-r. BV THOMVS LCKIING Editi andPopeiE- TOR Corner Frot t til t nket Streets, WILMINGTON, I. C. CARDS. D. C. rSCiiaArJt. QEOHOP HtHHJTOTt KU4-:t2MAM A HOUSTON, MEROHAXTS AND FACTORS, V I L 1 1 SGTO.V, H. C. D. C. PKEEMAV 4c CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITS FKO.VT siTltliET, VORK. R 1TES Utf AUVtltTISIXC. t sqr. 1 Insertion $0 50 I 1 9ir. "2 mo;iilis, $4 00 I t " 7j I 1 - 3 5 00 1 " 3 " 1 00 I "6 ' 8 CO I " I month, Z iO 1 ' 12 ' 12 00 Ten lines or less make j square. If an aJver (isemeol exceed ten lined', ilie iicc Mill be in proporiion. All a.lveniscinenis are payable l ihe lime of itieir Fnserlion. Oomracis with yearly advertisers, will he made n the most libvral terms. No iran.-tfrr if contracts for yearly advertlsin; will be ft'-rniitti-d. bliould circii.natanccu render i change in bujines, or an unevpci ted rem ival necessary, a chirge according to (lie pu' limited term- will be at the option ol the co n'.rac t or, f r thetiiitc he has advtrtist d. The privileae of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to their jwn immediate business ; and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons, is well as all advertisements not nn nediatety con nected with their own twisinrs.", and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits encased, will be sharped at the us ial rales. No AeUeriisements is included in the con mil for the sale or rent of hvuxa or Hadi in tewn or country, or for the sale or hire of njroes. wheth er ihe nroer'T I owned by th: Ivertiser wr by other persons. Theie are cscludod by ih term "immediaU business All advertisements- Inserted In the tri-weekty Commercial, are entitled to one iosertlon in the Weekly free of charee. JOB, CR1 A'l I'tXCYPRIMTISG, KI8CIJTE0 IS SL'PliKlllB STYLE. aubih Koa rar? cuhurikjiai,. Virt..nr ttrrtmrzm R ITTK P a Nil Bro idway, or order may be left with D C Kree- m ft. 'o , No. 17i Kronl street, corner or Bow line; Slip. tfxtm-OHAHCjSmTit, No. 6, Central Wharf. P;iil4dclpkiaS. K. Cohij. Hullinort VVm. H. PsACcand Wit. Thomson. BUSINESS CARDS. 0. L FILLYAW, PRODUCE BROKER. AND FilRWlKDIMi S1E8CD1ST, WltiMIVGTOV, N. C. cptembcr20th, 1.-53. 9-lr-c. RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LiTC BLLIS. HOJSCLL ife CO ,) 1EXERAL. COMMISSIOH MERCHANTS. WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberat cash advances made on conignmentsof Naval Store, Uotton, and other produce. May 3, 1853. CUARLES R. B0NNELL, General and f'ommlsston Metcliatit. ColU,Ricc a4 Niril Stores and Mcrchandizf gcwra'ly. Office No. 55 .Yorth Kront s'reet, Philadelphia. Refercncrs. New York, Messrs Al'en & Pajson; Philadel phia. Thos. Allibone, Fsq., Presi Bank of Penn sylvania; Baltimore, Thomas VVhilridse & Co., Wilmins'on. N. C , Messrs. De Rosset & Brown, and Dr. T. H. Wright, Pre-t. Bank of Cape Kear; Charleston, T. S. f T, Q. Bndd, and J.Bonnell, Jr ; Savannah, W. B. Giles & Co Sew Orleans, G. VV. Oliver f- C. Jan. 12 127-nme J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WIL.MI.VGTOX, N. C. J. Hathawat J. L. Hathaway Feb. 15, 1853. 31. JAMES AKDKBSOR. BDWA B D 8 A VaOB . ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL. CO.t fISSIO. MERCHANTS WILMINGTOiV iS. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Oct. 27. 94 GEO. DARRISS, Coraniissiou Merchant, Krelgbl (ieueritl WtLMINGTOX. It. C OTRICT attention given to procuring O aad purchnsinj Cargoes for vessels. tiers ro K. P. Hall, Eq O. U. I'arsiey i. A. Taylor. J. D. Be) lam Messrs. Tool er, Smyth &. Co., 1 v Thompson A Hunter. S 1 ew Alcx'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs. Williams & Bailer, ) rhra., o H V. Baker, Esq. Charleston, S. C, Jan. 2. 1853. 123 tf. I TO Esq. "I ey. Esq I r. Esq f ay, Ksj. J Wilmington. York. jr H. DOLLNER G. POTTtH DOLLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. NEW YORK : Liberal Cash Advun-ee made on all Contirnmcnis. Aprll30. 1853. 20vly-pd. C. DnPRE k CO. VTIIOT.ESAI-E AMD RETAIL GROCERS Corner Prent ai4 frtncess-streetB, - WILMINGTON. N.C. C DUf 18. ' P. B. BAKER. D. CAJ5HWELL. J. A. PARKER. CISHWELL & PARKER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, vVrLMINGTON. N. C. Office formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. A. Gwyer. March 23. 3-lyc. DR. GEORGE BETTNER, OF NORTH CAftOUVA. OFFICE, No 538. BROADWAY, PRE3COTr-H008B-NKW YORK. Et. lft. - i 142-lye. ROUNTRElCWATSON f& ;"co7 General Connission Merchants) -- -.tH.tafew Yark, ; , . ir LiUral Advance MuU tm Comsimment f, . aomrraca, . . a"ATif , w. a. wiaatx. Auttat 24,1353 --.; . fiS-if. riEEJUS AND linUSTUX, WILMISGTOPI, SI C KEKI constantly on hind a stitck ! -'lour, Corn. Port.; Vacon. Sail. Cofc, Sagar, Mo 'astcs, Tobactf, Cisars. Sitaf, Candles. Soap, Wir1 tiq and flonxeslic Mqturra and lima,- Iron. Nail; PainJ-i, Oil, (Ha, OtmcslLce, Hate; Boot, Sioes, Leather. Azr 'u-.uUwai Im.picm.enJs. and a va riely of oilier arlii-lcs. suitable, for I'tunil) and plan tation use nnd the r. tail trade, which thry will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or eonsniocrs on reasonable terms for carfv, or in exchange for Ni val Store or other produce. Tha senior nan ncr P. C. Fseemak.Is located in thecilyf iVew Vork ; Ihe junior partner, Geo. dustT'iN, in A'ilmin'jrton. If desired, advances, will be made on o-ii jnneni to and ffom cither place. All b.iinos entrusted to ihcin will receive proper aiten'ton; and orders for GooJs will be iromptiyanti circiuit iitieu. -Sepl.ft. 13.V' 7fi-f. UPH0LSl ERSr& PAPER DANGERS, KEEP 0 HAND AND MADE TO KttER, Mai tresses, Ftathtr Bfid, Window Curtails . ' - and Fixtures. " " A?l work In the ariose Hno done at shortest No- lice. Wiliulngion, nr. v II arch 13, . -; . Market Si. 1. JOSEPH BLOSSOM, CfBcrsl Comufsalon aai Forwardiaj Berchaat Prompt ei-ual atteutton given to Consign ments Ibi-Saleor Shipment Liberal C ash adcances made an. Coasirnmenls to me or to ma New Ynrk friend. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1853. 135. G W. C. HOWARD, JAS. H. UIADBOtKN & CO., lieucrul Comuiission lerchauls, V1 f ,M I VCTil .V . N . C. Jaj. H . Oh ds me5. Geo. Chads F.t- Jua. 1, H5J. l-i C. & D. DuPRE. WHOLE 3ALE AND HETAL D E A I- E It I t N lrtijs. Medicines. Ciieinicals, Paints, OH , j Oje Stud's, Glass. lerl"umery, Cigars, i Old liquors, fr'aury Articles, Sjc., I MA UK IT STltKfr, V 1 L. SI I N i T O N , N . C . 'rescriptiont -arcfull) :o npjunJed by espcri- i rnced iersons. March 28. IS53. wTiI uF A. G WYE ?, General lg:;ai ForwarJiiig&l'ommisiioa Merchant I take i i sure in inlonninii in y friends, lllut 1 lot prepared lu give (ill hu -i n ms en: r ttsti d to inr efficient anJ p rrs o.i il aifention. I h ive a whatf Toi Naval Stores, with a itple acconiii)odjtios, -Spirit ll 'use, and V irohouic. Consignments of Naval "ton s for sale or shipment ; snd all kinds of coun try pro loco solicited. Cash advances made on coninin nis. April IS, 1353, 15. T. C WOR i n, (ieueni! 0:11 nissioii Merchanf, IV I !, I I V C TO N , X . c . USUAL advincrs madron consignments of Cot ton, Naval Store and other proluee P ifticul.ir iitienrion given by G. VV . Davis to ptir asing c irgojs, procurioj Ireighu for vesi Is. Ac. J-n4l . 128 KNKRAL Cmmlssin and VrwardHig Mcr e ant, WiJoiington N. C. - " Liberal Jash aduooes made on Consig inents. Nov. T.i - 109-tf J E. HALL, , COMMISSION MKIO H.V.X't", Wilmington. N C. O.Sccln reir "of Mciliam l4.vls"& Uo' Store. Kverv attfniton paid lo Ihe sale and purchase of produw, and libttal cash advances made on sonsipninenis. Itefers to Oapt. Oilhert Poller, K Pre' l Bran ell Bank Stale N. C ; O. G Pres't Commercial Bank ; McMillan, Co. Ian. 21 " " P. Hall. Parsley, Dais A BALTIMORE t0Ck HOSPITAL. DR, JOHKSTOIf Proc&Ima ta iheaaUcterf, far and ner, that he has discu vend the most cer ain. t pertly andjefficacious plun for treating partic ulsr diseases lht has ever beensmaelitt d to the world. By his plan, foui-dedon oburvatmni Am tnthe Hoepitaisof Kuropo and America tte viB tenure A CURE IN TITO DA YS, OR SO CltAnGE. I W mercury or Nauseous Ornga Uk4. Pans in the Lotos, C maiituiionsl Debility, Im potencyj Weakness of. the Back and Lira ba, aflec tions of the Kidneys. Paioitation of ih. ur. - I31-tf GEO. H. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Piei l doot to A. A. Wannei's,on North vVatcrst. willattend to the sale of all kind? of Country Pro duce, such asCorn, Peas. Meal, Bacon . Lnfd , Ac. ind will keep constantly on hand a full suppl j of Groceries, Ac. Refer -nces . Wil Hall. of Wnyne. Jno IcRae, Wilmington VV Caraway. ' Gen. Alt . Millie. K. P. Hall, Wilmington , Wiley A . Wal - ' ' Dcc.U,lS52. 115-ly. W. M. SHERWOOD & CO M er T"T7 HOLESALE Groecrs-and Commission V V chants Wilmington. N . C. All conaianments of Naval Stores, together with Cotton, Hocon, Laid, Corn, Meat, Klour, &c , shal vunr th highest market price. Dec. 13 - 1 15-rf BILLS OF EXCHANGE. F.lesrant Kditf-m of Biils of Kxchange, print ed in Get tinny, in Bo-ls of tO qnives nnd in flhet ts. jut received and for sale at the office of 'l'ie Cumtne) cial. A N rv. MOLASSES. Qf HU DS. very p-iuie Moiases. for nle for JU cash hy C. DuPRK i CO. - March 13. 1. HENRY NUTT, FiCrilK A.D FUltWA8DI?ifJ AG EST, IVillgirt his pernari.ti allinlion to buni'ie entrust ed t his vc re. Scpl. 8. 1S53. 75 if. JOSEPH II. PLANNER, General Commission Merchant, PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT FOR SALE. BV ar;ement, to close thf atTiirs of f lie "Wll mingnn Kree Press" establUhuic-nt. all the type, fixlures. I'rtss, ijood will, etc., of I lie Wilmington Froe Press newspapers Apulv nt iliis office or to Kfr.VARI) CA.VTA ELL, Morfonpeb. Jan. 10 N. C Statesman copy HV.XHY W. Phelps & M vrii,)ii(ui'o., 9ih. 1353. C. 97-1 v c. CABINET FURNITURE rf nt r of A lly an tc Pt.h fl I. WE.SSKL. It. B. KILEItS. WESSEL & EILERS. riOM MISSION MKRCII ANTS ANI WHOLE w SALE GllOORltS, North VVater Street, Wtl- I ninglon, N. intend to keep at the nhovt slanda ;enera I assort m-n i of Groceries, Liquors,! and Provision at wholesale and to carry on a ! GeneralConimiasiori Buinrfs. ! RKFRRGSCB : E. P. Hall Prcs't Brch (iink of' he Slate O. G. Parsley, Pres't CTiinercia I Bank . P. K . Dickinson , Esq r .. r. r - DollneiiV Potter. Jan. 20 133 W! ork . 131. T. C. Si B. G. WORTH, COMMISSI UD FliRW I R 1) I G NERtnXSTii, WILMINGTON. N. C. Jan 17 GEORGE MYS, Wil ILKSALE AND RETAIL liROCKR Keeps constantly on hand, U'tne. Teas. Liquors, Prtivisions, H oo-i and Witloxe Ware, Fruit, Conjertionaries. f'c. South. Front sU-eet, IVIIiMINGTOV, S. 'J. Nev. 13, 1852. 109. J. D. LOVE, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS CHAIRS, MATTRESSES. Slc. Slc. Front street. South of Market, BROW!' BCll.DING, WILMINGTON. N C. Septals. 1852. 79-v-c C0CnRAN& RUSSELL (SCrtJESSOhS Ttf TH!S. ALI8UNE & CO ) General Commission Merchants, No 32, North UTiarvcs. in l W North Water Sis. PIIIIiAOELtPlIIA. J HABVEY COC H BAM, W. s. a UdSELL. L'beral cash advances made on censisninents. July 30ih, 1333. 55-if. JA3- F. GILLESPIE. GEO. S GILLESPIE. JAMES V. GItL.KPIE te CO PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. . WILMINGTON, N C. Particular attention paid lo the receipts and Sale of Natal Stores, Timber, Lumber, Corn, Bacon, Cot ton, f-c. March 30. 6. w S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, WII.MINGI'D.V, w. c. ILL tell or buv Ileal Estate and Negroes at a small commission. Strict attention givento the sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. OS ;e second door, South side of Market street, oa the wharf. June 12. 1S53. ' 3 ly. A. R. VAVBORRELEN. Gsaeral Agent, Commmioa aai Forwarding iUerchaut, WIt.!lfIIGTOX, BT. C. Particular attention given to sale and purchase of Naval Stores. Jane 1, 1853. 123-1 jr. CtfNLEY, KIRK & CO. DEALERS IN B OTTER, Cheese. Lard, and Smoked Provisions, Pork. Beef, Beans, Pea. and Dried Fruit. 233 and 435, KKONT STKEET.Corner of PECK SLIP, NEW YORK. JIarch2S. 4-lyc. wTlliabTdV PEARE, COLLEyTOr IXD ID! EM1SIKG AGENT Fvr-CoBiitrj Wewpper throughout the United State. Basemcnr of San Iron Bw Mings, Baltimore street AH aasioess ecrmstcd to his care transacted prompt Iv , ob aeral terms. t 7 95-f J. CTL1TTA, COMMISSION MERC HAM T f- GENERAL --. Y-r-U-A OBStT ' if& s-ijrVt - - WILMINGTON, N C ' KINGMAN, late pr Kisgbas, rejin'cl fu nount e to his old Ciisicmers, ttnd th lie eneralU that (tr h is now ' n hand, a lare and Extensive Assortment of nil kind . warrant! rf nude CABISVET KlTRNITl'UK, Chitirs. Beds and M.-itrcssrs, whii h he offers at Wholrsnleand Retail, at u nexeep' ionably low prices. No pains will be spared to L-ive pftiisfaclion to all who may favor him with their nrder.. 1 HENRY W. KINGMaV, j March 13. l-3ntc. 431 Pearl st., N. T. ! HKNRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, ! PURELY VEGETABLE IN ITU ! COMPOSITION. j rJ,HlS in valuable Cordial, is extracted roni Herbs ( X. and Roots, which have I'een louud al'iar years ! of experience, by the most bk i tit u I Physicians', lo ; be possessed of q utilities most beneficial in the tlis i eases or w htth i1, is recoiniuended, and !ii-n.e : whilst H U pres ntid to the public, na effici uious remedy, it is also known to be ot ihulchaiac j lor on which reliance may be placed as to itssaletr. j In cases of Impotency, I loeiiiorih-iges. DtOldered I .Steiiii; y. Menstruation, or Suppression ol ihe Mcn I ses, Fluor Albus or hites. or lor I DEBILITY arising i'rom any cause, suclt as weaknessfroin sick i ness. where the patient has been confined to bed fur I some time, for Ki-malesafter Confinement. Abortion ! or Miscarriage, rhis Cordial cannot be excelled in i :. .1... . ...I ..... i l . , I,M B'tlUIISIJT CUCIS i Ol 111 tUftS Ul .IIUCUIUT lltT), Irritability, Physical Prostration, .Snninal Weak ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Slug gishness, Decay of the Procreative Functions, Ner vousnt 68, Ac., where a tonic Aled cine is required, it will be founderjual, if not superior lo any Coin pound ever used. TO FEMALES. Hrnry'slnvigorating Cordial, ib one of the most invaluable Medicines ia the many Complaints to which Foin.ilas are subject. It assists nature to brace the whole system, check excesses, and creates renewed health and happiness. Less suffering, diseareand unhappinessanioii Ladies wuuKl exist, were they generally 10 adopt the use of this C r diul. Ladies w ho are debilitated by ihose obstruc tions which females are liable to, are restored try the use of a bottle or two, to bloom and to vigor. YOUNG MEN. That so'itary practire, so fatal to the existence of man and it is the young who are most apt to be come its victims, from an ignoreace of ihe danger to which they subject themselves, causes NER VO US DEB I LIT Y. Weakness of the System, and Premature Decay Many of you may now besutforinir, misled as to the cause or source of disease. To those, then, who by excess have brought on themselves Premature lm potency, lnvoh.ntary Seminal Emissions, Weak ness and Shrivelling of tile Genital Organs, Ner vous Affections, or unvolher consequences of unres trained indulgence of the senraal passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing the felicities of MARRIAGE. lessening both mental and bodily capacity, Hold! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a Medicine that is purely Vegetable, will aid nature to restore those importantlunciions to a healthy stateand will prove of service to yon. It possesses rare virtues, is a general remover of disease, and sm itgthener of the system AS A TONIC MEDICINE it is unsurpassed. We do not place this Cordialon a footing with quack medicines, and, as is customa ry, append a long list of Recommendations, Cer tificates, 4c, beginning with "Hear what the Preacher says." and such like; it is not necessary, for u Henry's Invigorating Cordial." only needs a trial to prove that it will accomplish all we say. THE GENUINE 'HENRY'S INVIGORA TING CORDIAL," is put op in 8 oz. Pannel Bottles, and is easily recog nized by the Manufacturer's signature on the table of each Bottle, Xto counterfeit which is forgery.) as well as his private Seal on the cork of each Bottle. 5-Soldfor2 per Bottle; Six for 3; 16 per dozen. Prepared only by S. E-COHEIV, So. 3 FriakJin Row, Vine Street, below-Eisrhlh, Philadelphia, Pa., TO WHOM ALL ORDERS MOST BE AD DRESSED. For Sale by all respectable Druggist dt Merchants throughout the country. - Oct. 29. S7-I2ib-c. INDIA RUBBER BEDS AND Cushion i for sale br , WlLKCiSOJ KSLEO, . AprilQ. Cpjiolatercrs. IRON BEDSTEADS, FOLDIND, proof against canker, knives, and .. vermin, for aale by WILKINSON A ESLER, AprilK . Upholsterers. ROOT AND HERB BITTERS?7" . A NOTHER Intoice of this ln-rdoabla'rinj A Dill 3. No. 3 Granite Saw. Front L)Bpepy, ivcrvoas irritability, Diseases of the ncau, tarojt, Aose.or and ati thosa serious and uielunc-holy disorders arising from the destruc tive habits of Youth, which destroy both body and mind, those secret aid soltury practices mora fatal to their riutims than the song of theSyrns to the mariners of Ulysse?. blighting their most brilliant hopes or a atl';tjation, rendering toarrUge-dke. in-poiblt,- ,..w M - , YQUNCtMEN. ' Espceialiy, who faave become the victims of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive, habit, wtiicto innuaily sweeps to an untimely t; rave thousands of young"men of the mot exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise? have entranced h trni og Sena tea .with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstaey thV living lyre, may 'cull with'full confidence. - MARRIAGE Married pernru, or those contemplating marriage, being awar- ot pnysicut weakness, hoold immedi ately consult Dr. J,, and be restored to perfect niiiii. t ' " He who places himself under the care of Dr. Johnston-may religiously confide-in his honor na a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon bisskijl aaa pny--sieinn. , - OFEICE, ICo. 7, SOCTH FREDEttfCK St. 7 DOORS KKOM BALTIMORE St., east side,) UP THE STEPS. O-BE PARTICULAR in observing the NAME und NUMBER, or you will mistake the place. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of surgeons, London; graduate from one of ihe most eminent Colleges ol the United States, and ttte greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Par is. Philadelphia, nnd elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears vhen asleep, srreat ncivoutr.sss, being alarim d st suddin sounda, and bashfuirtess. with frequent bluslilng.aitended somi times with (itrungcn.ini of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. " Dr. J. addresses all tnose wholiave injured them selves by private and improper indulgence, that sc. cret and solitary liubit Hliich rules both body and mind, unfitting them fori ither business or society. 'Uiess are some of the sad ar.d melancholy effects producrd by early habits of youth, v-tz; Wajknes of the Hack and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dim nets of i'htLossof Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derange ment of ihe Digestive Eunclkins, Goneraj Debili'y, .Symptoms of Consumption, &c. MtsTAiLT. The fearful eth cts on the .ulnd are much 10 be dreaded ; Ijs of Mt nn.ry. of Couslna of loess, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodition Aversion t" Society, SieLT-Distrust. Love of Soll mrte. Timidity, die ,re sonic of the evils produced. Thousanus jf peron3, of ail ages, can row judge what is the cause of their declining health. Losing theif vigor, boeoining weak, pale and 'emaciated, have a fingular appearance about the eyes, cough ard symptoms of Conautnp'tion.' DR JOlfNSlON'S INVIGORATING REM ED Y FOR GENITA L DEBlLi TY. r.'C if Thts grand and impormnt Rtttirtiy has .esiorec J strength und vigor to ttionsands of "the m.ist ner- voiis and debHituied. many of whom dad lost all hopes, and been abandoned to die. By its complete itivigoraiion of the Nervous System, the whole facu lies become restored to their proper'pawer and functions, and the fallen fabric of life raised up to beauty, onsistency, and duration, upon the ruins of an en;ac'ated und premature decline to sound and pristine health. Oh, how happy have hundred of misguided youths been made who have been sud denly restored to health, from the devastations of tho.-'e terrific maladies wnich result from, indiscre tion. Sucli persons, before con rerapiatinjr MARRIAGE. Six-old reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed,' without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the pros peel hourly darkens lo the view ihe mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melan choly reflection, thai the happiness of another bo comes bliuhted v ith our own. Lei no false delica cy prevent you, but npp'y immediately, and save yoursell from t lie dreadful c. nsequeuces of this ter rible malady. WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS immediately eurednnd full "ipor teuton d. rALL LKTTIiKS MUsTBE POST PAID. Remedies sent to an-v part of :hr country. TO STRANGERS. DR. JOHNSTON, of the Baltimore Lock H.-a-piial, whose long residence in this city, standing as a gentleman of characier and responsibility, exten sive practice in the various Hospitals of Europe and this country, and skill and expt rience to which thousands can testify, as well a? his ability in the Surgical department of his pr. fesMon, as evidosed by reports of his operations on the Eyes and De formed Limbs, published in the Baltimore Sun and o:her papers, in the vears 1341 2, by which the blind arere made to see and the lame la walk straight, ren ders him worthy of all confidence upon the- part ol those who need his professional services, and who would shun the many trifling and ignorant preten ders advertising themselves as Physicians. JjfTo those unacquainted with his reputation, i ur.jonnsionaeems.it necefsary to eav that hts j credentials or diplomas always hnngln his office. ; I-OFEICE, A'o. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK St., Kast siae, up me steps, Oct. 13. 30-fy c. SALAMANDER SAFES. THE name of Salamander was first applied to Wilder's Patent, en introduced by the subscri ber in 1840, who in 1844 purchased the rlgnt to manufacture. The superiority of Herring's (Wild er's) Salamander Safes ova all etfcs ln4eed ma ny to inl ring upon (be patent rtgbt ay using the composition ; others more cautious, and to evsde a lawsuit, made an inferior an We, imitating the ex terior in form, '-style, color of palmios and attacfe lni4h nam Salamander,'' Improved Sslasaoa- der," "Fir Proof Salamander," -The Gen tuns Sal-. amander,"&C,4-c., and have succeeded,, in palm ing off so me of the spnrious Salamanders as geno me. Those wanting the original 3!amandeT,maii ufactnred by (he subscriber, should taka the pie catttlott to see that they have epon tneut' ibSb1 plate -"Silas C. Herring, Maerytsn swen btlng the genuine (Wilders Patent) Salamander, or Her ring's Improved Patent Champion Safe, which re ceived the medal at the Great World's Fair, and which have netrer failed to preserve the contents ia case of fire. Purchasers can m4cci ff m the largest iissoriment in the world by caUiag atths sale rooms of SILAS C. HERRING, 135, 137. and t39 Water, cor. C Pina Strtsets. Si. B Cbillodlcon safeawiih powder proof locks manufactured expressly for banks, jeweller, brok ers, and others requiring seifity from rogue. Bank vaalt door on band, asdntade to order, . All theVnobt celebrated locks for sale at manufaetarer's prices. Second hand snf for sale at less than half price. ' '' -i' '' ' AGENTS FOI1. HERRING'S SAFES: John Farrel. Philadelphl t. P s R: McCAND-' f.IsH. Kiclimond. Va ; Henry H. Wllltame, Chs lestcn, S. Oj Kilbrick M. Bell, Savannah. Ga t Geo. W. Sixer New Orleans, La ; Wm. V. Moore & Co., Mobile, Ala. Feb. 7. - 136-3me. . FxTtPOLIIESliJS, o9 Broad Street, Owner of Beaver, N. York, Offer for sale 1 he follou in hcavv Cotton Fanrtci': TVTEW-ENGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK22 IA inch, all numbers, hard and soft t also all the various widths of Canvass manufactured at this es tablishment cotiiprisingvery variety known to the trade, and offered an he lowest rates. UNITED STATES PI LOT DUCK Woodberry and Mount Vernon Extra. A full assortment of this Mitnerior fabric. WIU1MANT1C COTTON DUCK- 16, 19, 20 and 22 inch, alLnuiiibcr.. bard tnd soft. Tliis fab ric was awarded the highest Premium at the Lon don World's Fair, also at our own State Fair. SHIP A.ND BEAR MARK DUCK- Plain and twilled, manufjctnred by the Greenwod's Com pany. superior artiele for tight sails, tents, swnings. Ac.j also. Mount Vernon Twill d ftavenn. Howard Ravens, Pioneer and Pbcenix 41 ills; Lighlion Ravens, plain 22 to 27 inch; Heavy, do. do. COTTON SAIL TWINE A full assortment. TAUPAULINS, HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, Ac. PAPER FI LTINGjO to 7i inch, made very hi'avv.express.'y for drier felts. - . CAR COVERING Cotton Csnvass, all widths, from 30 10 130 inches, snd all numbers, made cx- I pressly for covering and roofing raiiroau cars, is peneciiy ana peiiaumiy wiia-piuwi,. ami umiv enduring than the cor itself. ENAMELLING CAN VASS-30, 38, 40, 45 and 50 Inch plain and twilled, in every variety. BAGS AND BAGGI.VG Of every description. Seamless Bogs, woxen whole, nil size, in bales of 100, 200 and 300; combining strength, utility ar.d cheapness, for grain and meat are unsurpassed. Also, lies vy Cotton Sacking, 40 inch .Csnvaii. 3 thread Warp and Filling, heavy twilled, do. do , 20, 12, 40 and 4-1 inch. WOOL SACLS Woven whole all slzts, a new and desirable article. , Feb. 21. 114-ly.r. MISCELLAISX. e(jropan sczxti :.rti : ' Dbahatis Pe'h Soh as. H d m i ft n Be a rt fin t ' job Lion. French Imperial EagIe.tv"J' ! Enter Bear and Xiori. ' Xagfe iodrg'a lit. tie abore. -' " " ' M ' ; v-- BEAav-AiW a growl the Bear jr Ueh 1 Leu dit ide Turkey between ot. We can make a splended partition. Yoo can take tbe lep and the win, ntid I tan, take the lack and breaaL'Vrid mo'"fofth.-; matsaytoul1- ' ;-; LioH--ConBider Bear,e6nsldrj VI intuit ':: bare ihe whole of the Turkey or 'none. I - candoi consent to difliteiirJ'11 T-k Eagle Aloft. "Aiot ij:,Tirkejr to ...... ;-.r.- w'-; -r1'-.. '..-' TEaemit Omne.- 1 ; -V- ' -...-. ) i - ft ; rt J ANOTnea SctafiEnter ' Tararirf ' a prouchea' Eagle,' seated -tnoxi arijold' Pfar)o-'1 leonic trimunhal arch. -v ' ' " r HOOP IRON AtyD NAILS. THE subscriber will be constantly receiving eon stsninents of these articles, of 'the best qoahiy and offers them at lowest market rates JOSEPH .H. BLOSSOM. March 2. &-tf. FURNITURE WAREI101SK, FRONT STREET. ACCOUNTS made at this Establishment prior 10 ihe 1st inst., are now due, and sctthtmcnt is earnestly desired by the subscriber. J5n . 7 J. D. LOVE.' OFFICE W. AND M. R. R. CO. WILMINGTON, N. C, 17th SIARCH, 1854. NOTICE is hereby that the Stock of the under named delinquent subscribers to the Capital Slock of the WUtoin;ton and Manchester Railroad Company will be -ld at Public Auction, at Ex change Corner, on Monday the 24th ' April, 1854, agreeably to--Section 12" ot. tha Charter of said Company, unless the instalments due thercoa shall be paid pr vious to the day of sale." John A. Taylor,-. ........ ...60 shares. Porter Strode, 2 N. E. BHckhouso,. 3 John H. HiM, .fr Isham Peterson,- 5 " James Knight, 1 Alex'r May,-'-..'- 2 " F. C. Singleiary, - 3 " m James G. Burr, 1 " m S. Kahnweiler, ..-.-3 " C. H. Dudley, 5 " - T. L Guess,--i 1 " T.J. Capps, T. C. Craft, I T C. Worth,-..---: -. .-1 John D. Love, 5 " W. C. Howard, "- , Win. J. Love, Jr.,.- .......5 , T. D. Love, f . 3 ' Win. B. Jones. 3 James H- Pritcbeit, - .5 Sain'l H. Flrtb. , 2 ' " By order of tlte Boird of Direciow. .' ' 1 , , JNO. MacRAE, Jr. Treas'r. March 18. l-ts. DR. LANG LEY'S . ROOT .AND HERB BITTERS, The Great Spring and Summer' Medicine, COMPOSED OF , - Sarsaparilla. Wild Cherry, Yellow Dock, Prickly T Ash. ThorotiRbwort and Dandelion. HIS invaluable- Compound has been before the public for the past three years,' during which Uf"? THRKK HUNDRED THOUSAND OKryi LKa hare been sold, thus proving it the most popular medicine of the age. The medicinal vir tues of the best Roots Sre so compounded as to act in concert with nutans, it always do' rood, and never dors hurt, in short it s safe lot all ages and in all cfintafea. Price 3?t cents for a quart bottle. ,r - For aalv Wholesale and Retsil, at No.3. Granite KeZrby. L. N. gARLOW. Feb. 18. . , , ; I4i-3oMr. wlJORTH CAE0UNA OAlISr &(ii(s'?set ofor sai by. JUUWT March 18. K ' C. P.DRE ATca CREESE ! : CHEESE 1 1 3 at BKU. t r-Xi'iUjoideheaflTT;. . n ikPiic no., rtVIUvaiarket prica. wjbJesh. - W Hert2ie.f!-.l -.j ; - " . - NOTICE. , TH E subscrlberrespoctftilly. informs the public, thai he ia now ran isetiog the Aoetlon business on his own account, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continunnoc f tttf patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon himi M. CRONLY. Slock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought and sold on a commitsionol 1 per cent either at privateer public sale. Jan8.1333. " 126. VALUABLE DWELLING ROUSE FOR SALE. .. THE Subscriber offers for sale that most lsirable DWELLING AND PREMIS ES, situates! the North-Western Intersec tion of Third street with Red Crocs street, the Lot fronting 160 feet on Red . ross. -and 200 feet on Third." .1 The Dwelling House, Kitchen. Smoke-House, Stables, and all the other oof-houses on the pre mUes, have been built wifhin a few years, of choicn materials, In the best manner, and nearly nil of them covered with tin. The Dwelling House is capacious, handsomely finished, nnd most conveniently planned, and all the other build ings arejudiciously srraneed, and well fitted tip. There are few Lots in Wilmington so desirably located, and the improvements oa which are so admirably adapted for a family residence. Third street on the entire Eastern line of this lot, Is 99 feet wide, and separates it ftora that on which a new Episcopal Uhnrcb Is about to be erected. Persons desiring to purchase, can ascertain terms of sale by application to the subscriber, or N. N. Nixon, Esq., or M. Cbonlv, and the snh scriber will cheerfully accompany any such who wish to inspect the premises. H. R. NIXON. Sept. 8, 1E53. :&-tf. r . .! . ... . ... bear A Imle 6by, cotarng up via one; of iu paws to the side of iU nose." ul "idf yur Highness; I-eaV Twlcey t1" Eagle Rolling its 'ty anif looking down scornfully. "I'll not plaj fcecond fid dle, to the Bear. I fight neither -under the ' sign Leo nor of Ursa Mojor,' y.j eonsteV Iation is Aqila. Umpb l" '' ' - ' ' ' Bear. "But I'll gire you A good tfice ' of the Turkey. Oh do help, wiU you. and Mosrow shall he forgotten." " - -v" Eagle. "Oh yes, you'll give the' drvn slicks td beat a Jmtfe to the Coss'aek. r Jt Tons hois Va.nl " - f Exit Bear' in search of Menchikbff, while the Eagle flies away to the Tuiller- . LOVING HOMES. A ." Nothing appeart to us so beautiful r.t, human' experience as the reciprocal ffec tion of parents and, children,, especially af ter ihe latter haveittained maturity, and, it may be', formed new relations" in life.' We hare seen the foTtng end loreldaughl er, after jshe Aad become a -wife and moth er seize erery opportunity of risiting the pa rental bom td lavishr her affectionate at tentions upon her parents and by s thooi sand tender and graceful kindneesr, as sure thetn that though hs,wa -an idolized wife, and a happy mother, her heart lill cluve with ever - strengthening', fenrer to father and mother, who watched-ovex ; her infancy and guided hefyoutlW j l. vhaa been our privilege -ia know?uctv &Jid aa wo have witnessed the outpouringX)f lova and happiness between thes devoted and glowing heart, 'we have.-Jelt tjbaty surel much of heaven might be enjoyed heer if all families were equally attached,; .n would that everry daughter .knewhnl pure joy she might ereate in , tha parenta) bosom by a constant .keeping alive of the spirit of filial devotion,.and seizing frequent opportunities to makjs it manifest .in littl acts of gentleness and. love, not withstan ding ihe child may have become Ta jjarenL The child, never grows old to'a" fond pa rent It is always the dear 'child, and never so .dear as when it keeps up 'the childish tonfidence and lore of -itfeatliesi yeariV . - - '- -r -i$iO PRINTER? THERE. 7;" The report of the Inspectora,pf,taJ Prisons in New York, discloses, the very gratifying fact, that of tha Jarge number of r.on victa no ' in the orisons of 'the Stale. Iheje is not a single printer,' whila nearly all the other occupations - are represenieut. This is a fact honorahle to' thif' crafty and affording evidence or M general gooa character of tbostf engaged m it " NORTH CAROtlNA LARD. Lard, for sale br C. DaPRKA CO. 1 rt KEGS prime ti.C 1KJ March 18. SUNDRIES. Qr B8LS. sup. r Fyetvllle Flour; &J 45 boxes Colgate's Pale SoSp and No. 1 ; 20 bags green Hlo Coffee s IS Lsgoyra do.; ,V " Gov. Java Coffee 1 20 boxes Stewart, Bussing dt Co. Hard as sorted Candies ; 2U boxes Adamantine Candle? ; 10-" Sperm - do . 20 best Excelsior Soap ; 23 bbls. extra brown Snpirs j 10 Stewart's best crushed; 10 " A. Coffee d.j. 1 dozen boxes Babbitt's extra yeast Powders; 6 Vegs of Sataratus; 3 do. of washing Soda, 4 e. ' Low for cash, at GEO. H. KF.LLEVS. April 4. J-, U., and W.jC. T. eopy. 8. 3IEAL, H0M0NY, AND HORSE FEED. THE Subscribers h ve been sppoiated axeftts for tha GOLDSBOao MILLS, celebrated for making very supeiior Meal, Hoombt, f-c. Families can at all times be supplied by calling at our Store, Jjjorih Water , Street, one Voor above TAYLOR dt FETTEWAY. , lil-3m. Kllis & Mitchells. March 9. - MOLASSES T MOLASSES!! C f BHDS, best quality Cuba Molasses, for sale 0J in lots to salt parchasers; - 50 bbls. Distillers' Glue. For sale by Ftb. 23. WM. A. GWTKR. N EW - ARRANGES ENT. PHF.RE having heretofore been a good deal of I inmt rnaiofalat on the Dart f the tsvellirur pab- li on Mmut oT tha abacnee of a seneral thronsh tivket trom Wcldoa and Wikningtoa, nonnwsrd. The Msit Line takesgraat plcasuraln staung mat tna giounds of complaint bava been renseved, and .ovj and slier the tst Febrasry , Passetigersean ret Tick ets at VVeldon for Petersburg, uicamono, vvssning ton, Baltimore, PhlUdelphia, and Jsew York: Ciiy and at WUmlngtoa-t the four last named places, and se versa. ?!. r Two Trains will continaa to ran daily as Sfcreto fbre, leaving Weldoo. at 3 P. M. and II P. M. -The following are the rates of Fare t ' -. , fr,.ni W.LIm ia Vamtmhrnr. -Jt- aiSO. ' Do. . do. - - Richmond, "-3,SO -F-oni Weldoo'"vVshlngtpa,'''7,fJO -T 4--- Do. -do. P " Bshltwoie, ; -.8,00 ) - - From Wilmington to Washlngtoa,.. 1 1 JJO '. . Do. do. . Baltimore. -'I1)0 -'- Frosa Wetdoa ta PtaUadelphlss-o 1 0,00 ; -Do. - do. - ftew York, - -. IJJO , , From vTllmlngtoa ta Philadelphia. 14,00 ." Do. . do. ' Kew York I5JjO For further Information sad for Tickets, spply la Mr S.D. WALLACE, the Ticket Agent, af tha Wilmingtoa snd Raleigh Rail Rosa st frYIUaJag ton, or I, ySlMMOfl Agea. at Waldoa; - d wr w a a a a rrvrt . laa.24. 'Through Ageac Mail Line. WflEEL BARROWS.; . ' ;: AFKWjast ia Store, sad for sale, br " " . April 6. v J. M. ROBIrVSOlT. ' FROM PARIS, r: WONDER OF THE AG Ft r JUST received front Paris; Rob de Chsnrbre snd Bask, tha hack, iraaw. aad Slewaea all ta ana piece it la tha most approved aad comfortable fit to the fiitHre that can be produced. Mademoaelle DTJKAIv d lavftas tha tadiaa af Wflannirtaa aad Country la call aad as sasiae for thsuisulvss. two doors below tha lata residence of Mrs. 8HAW. an td street, wkure she is In readiness to receive them. M'LLE. DUlilIND, Feb.ta. . w 1 . ... 147-tf. TOWAGE r (Ml at Ttr this Aum sll vessels - T 1 t towed la harbor by Steamer Ssme JT S R.. .ad Calhooa. will ba ehargd. ,Beery - Nov. 6th-, IBST. UfiO. GEO. M Altai 5s,ag' 101. ' . CARRIAGES. 1 six seated 'cABMjp ' - 1 I Paneled fta.rter Bekswy, - ' I Ctiakef Ooekaway aad severalllght Baggies ast receive! aoa tor "j -'' 't Sept 2T-tf..r DIBBLE URS. S. IL RELLEV, WOULD respeetfallr laforas tha Ladia 'f generally, that sba hmm received sad Iv jf now opening her stock 0 Spring MILLINEK V, consisting oftka latest aad asast beam if si styles Of Ptradsa tabkas la Silk sad Crsaa Hst. tha richest and haadsamest ever be Cora soared fa ibis place, sod every variety of fasfciaaaUe 8traw. Ribbons, Crapes, are. She rataraa (aaaas ta her CBstomers for their liberal patronage, sad jrill ba rrstrful for contlaaance othe same. IVIii IVB,HU,li: , J. ... . THE "WILMISGT03I JCK BOUSE".. 18 aw opew tha PabHe may depend raavlaa their wants asp-plied mM asasens as" (ha year, at reasonable rstes.4 ; . . .1 Orders froni ihe eeantry addressed kt WHmlag ton lea Hoose, will ha wall packed aad promptly forwarded. -v.. -. c , -i it' i f . - .A- B-VaaBOKXELEN. fraprieievv, BfarelilOta, ISS4. - , , ,f T ,s -eisW )fiff pmw&a&m v.Tjtn K v 5. j r 1-tt''- tA -" ' " "V- if- j - . :. . . T-- ... . A 'K. LOW LANDLVG , PROM THE SCHR. HUMMIWG BIRD. 5 BHDS. New Orleans Seear. kest I do. P.R4 IX bote. CbriVd 1 (0 P. R u Croix sod Gran aiated ; 30 Sacks Rla Cofiee 1 10 do. Lsgayra. A of which srS afisred aa a reasonable teima as are imsrket.ba : ' -W.lLaUWgOOiCPL . ' v- .in. it.r "V- tr.s'sj .'jai-sifi- X 23

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