rv - . ... av, .. jtj, ....,, h'l iiwiJ..ui, ii-ani. --''r'-'rr,T .. - trnti ifen finMV PIT ! v,tr it- VM.kav J art rveeivcd cn4 foe kfi l4 site by h. albacrlbar. fresh .i-.pUea of. Mm. K ship I D,e. ,f AH" ' f?5V5 Dr. Valentin' tcmre ,',,yKYn els of PineviO. A NEW PIECE OF MUSIC JUST .Mir, SrbtXtiscne. Bravnra. by Herman USchrclner. The ale mcce tft music took the first prtae .t the Kew Y-rk Mu-iral F.K For sale by J-T; ,U Ds, A lew doors bdovc Drown m .nnucrsun r, April I?- V PROPOSALS? V FJ& adding onertrrry toth "nmcaHornt" I ' i K,eho w,1tlnToof,1nclidiitCTp-ii'r j WMeret. T-nlkrer.., etc, all complete, will J i S. W. WHinCKR'S. GLEASON'S' PICTORIAL, FLAG of or Ulinn. Saturday Poti, Saturday Mail, Home Oaxme and Marion Star, all beaulifnl Dumber, received this week and for sale by ' J. T. MUNDS. , A fw doors above Brown At Andirscn'sf Arll IV 13- MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. VLU ABLE Standard Work and Latest Pub lications of the dav. loo numerous to men- lion, how opening and lor rale at RECEIVED PER SCDR. WM. SMITH. COPYING PRESSKS ; Letter B-oks; Dm y pt-ning Brushrs; Metallic Dimpcmr; Oil Paper; Copying tuK from 6 manufactories; Flack, Btue Red and Carmine Ink, frtn 8 man ufartoriia ne (the best) anew aniclu in ihls nsrert-t-t ttn an Innmnernble wrtmenr I'm Uier; Pea Uacka;iuk Tray; Bill Kilcs Pape W.iUta; Tin Catfr; Uultrrs ; Lencr Mir; Wax; Vfoc ; Office Tape; Knclpe Ciwt; Post. Office , and Oi-livery B xes ; Ivury Kolderc; Snd Utxer; Drapet' I'tK-ni, and more ilun tweruy-five difiorenl styles Ink yiyncr; Kj ders and th r Pencil; Pa:cn" Prnpelline Pen-i-il; Gold Pens; Gold and silver Capes; die, Acat S. W. HITAKKlt'S. April IS v . 13 PAPER. WKwonld ciil rwrii' nlar aiieni'Ktn to the very ftno stoek of Letter, Cap, Polio, Bill, Nte, I-egai Cap, Kutriift Tiiie, Aeroni urren', ;md oiher Paper. Kovukipea. Al. Wrapping Ppii-irii-l)r of siaes and qualities Wrap ping Twine, Twine Coxes, Heels. &e April 15. ..-' S. W WUITKF.R. .e until the 3)ih ina and plana apply to .April 11. ' April. Pot peeiBca- C. D.-KLT.1S. n-st. FRENCD CONFORHATER. JUST received , fro the Impartcru, a French Confwriaater. for taking i h tu: nn l imprct !-iNlOvlh lted, onosf llie hi mi so -ciyful -rk-ing1ti.THoefi ever iovenied. (ienih fucn w bo have uevur had the e ilifci iin of u e;irinp a u ell filtiAI Hal, can now enjoy ih it luxury ly callin:; ni the flat mni Cap Kmpori .m. No. I, Granite Rw. . , C MVKICS, Pmprieior. Aprill5. 13. BOlTS Pancy Style. Trimmed Leghorn, ("an ion, and Pedal Braid Hats. forale ni the l-'.m-poriant - C. M VKltS. April 15. 13. MISSES TRIMED CORONETS, AND Zeriina A'ew Style, also low -Miced Trimmed and antrimnud flats, for rule ni iu. Kmporiun.. C. MYK.ll'. April 15. 1. INFANT'S HATS. A LARGE assortment ol the most Fashionable Style and Materia la, a ew rl-aen very low Priced. Por sale at the I'mporiuHi, April 15. C A1TKRS. BY CALLING A T the Cheap Family Grocery, ynn Zl.Hiat llianjiisi recefved ncr afihr. A. ill find J. Dl Kpnet. 30 t)JX4 nf Sic jrart 4 Bmsings' hard Candies; - 40 bet Ohio Grit Grind ! nt s ; 1 dozen Cranks for do. 2 Chfrtt of-extra Green Tea. My son and im perial; 4 DbU. of that prime Fulton Market Beef; 4 halfbbls. - do. do do do Those persons who are wearing out their grin der on the tutfbcel ol our uiarki, will do well to call soon and gtt reli f hi GKO. H. KKLLF.V'S. April 15. J. H. A. N. C. 1 - copy. 13. "COFFEE AND SUGAR. OH B IGS Rio C HVe, now landing; 25 barrel jJ clarified and cru-hej Sutrir; 25 bbls. M. O. Saga? ; 3 da. freh ground Flour. For salv by" April 15. ZKNO H. GllKKNK, . N. C. T copy. SCHOOL BOOKS. TyrO'V opening the largest stock of School Booka ll.we have ever I school, at April 15. IIALF UMBRELLAS, Gipghams Umbrellas, S. W. WHITAKF.R. 13. LADIES' SILK 33 LACK Blue and Green XJ 50 dozen tesofled prices. Koiporium. April 15. t or fate i the C. MYElls 13. ALL THE WAY BY EXPRESS. RKSTO.N AND TOWMSHKND have jnt re ceived by Kxpreaa. several csfcs of Kbit's Boston Crackers, and a Urge assortment of Krp hit Dabbv s ConA.ctionary from Ual'iniore. Afnti rS 13. FWXITURE. TT A VRjnst received, additional supply of Pur JX nitureaU kinds and for sale ch up Ur - -i'-v.-,' . ' i" far ike ('aire mf ' rorais. olis iioirsexess, rrox- IIIITIS, R0I P, ASTHMA, WHOOP- ixk rorcii axi) roxsrupTiox. . Jyj A COLD, WITH HEAD CHE AND SO.CP..VKSS OP THE BOD V. rake the CireT PrcToni nn golnj to b d. ;.nd wrt p up warm, ro sweat dnrfng the 1lit. FOR A COLO AO D COUGH, fake it ntornina. noon, and evetiins, according lo direction on ihe bottle, and the difficulty wilt mn.n he removed. .one will king rt-r rrouj this tmnble whenhey and h can be so readily cured. Persons afflicted wi.ha seited cough, which breaks them ol their rest at niifht, will find by taking the Cherry Pecto ral on going to boil, they m iy be sure of sound, un hraken sleep, nni cjnaequeul refrerhi.igrL'st. Great relief troui sujirina and an iiltim ue cure, is siTor. ded t. thius-in ls w.loare thus atSivied, by this iAi vnluable remedy. Fw 't ugreeable eff ct in these cases, runny find themselves, imwi ling to for go ita use when the necessity for it has ecard. TQ SIGES AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS; thU roruj iv W invjlu tb'.e, as by ita action on the throat and lungs, as when taken in suiull tti inti ttes, it n moves all hoard nrr in a f w hur, and wonderfully Incnusit the power and flexibility of the vuico. AS r.lM V is ;en rnUy relieved, and often whol ly on -e J by Cherry Pectoral. Bit th-re are se j:3js s i iSsiiii iri! at lo yieM ?n irtly tt n me!i ;ine. Curry Peeler it will cure them, if they can b cured B t VOHITIS, or irritation of the lltroMt and j;ipr o . ti'n of ihj lu;i.'8, ni iy be cured by t.ikitig Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent do s. The unj.tm.'ort ibl o-presston i t')n relU vid. FOR C lOili'. G.v.; m i.i..-lic; of antimony, to bd followed by large an J frcqui nt doscf of the Cher ry Pectoral, until it subdue the di-tase If taken in season, it w II nut fail to cure WHOOPING COU JiH may he broken up and soon eur.-d by the ue ol Chenv Peelt-ral. TilE I V FLUi-:Z V i speedily renit.vod by this rem iXioi-iou instances havn bet n noticed whera wli-tle fi.uie.t were protected from uny seri ous ; iih i t :n while ih:ir neijtiburs uiihout the J.ierry Peel jral, wjre su;R ring from lhe dis ease. Hepjat ;d inttancJS are repjrleJ here of patients wh' ll ivc been cured from LiVF. I COMPLAINTS by this remedy, so ma ny th it l lera cjn he no question ot its h-aling piw er oa thcsedi.tas -a. It ah mid be preseryinirly Ink en until the p.ilrt in thj side and oilier unpleasant yniptotus cease. FO C CO.VSIJ MPTIO.V in its earliest staces, it should be taken un.ler the advice of a good Physi eiau it possible, anl in every cj witu a core u I re gard to tb prialed liirec'ion-t on the bottle. If ju iicioits.'y used, and th pitienl is can fully nursed meant iiiiu, it will seldom fail to subJtie the diseas '. Foi settled CO.SUMP riOM in its worst form, the Cherry Pectoral should be given in doses adapt ed Co what th patient rcquieis aid tan bear. It always attords istime I cTief, and rot unlrrquenlly cures tho;e who aii considirrd pan all cure. Theie arc many thousrsnds scattend allovtrthi! country, who feel and say that they owe ihcir lives anil pri sent health to the h try Perioral. This remedy is offered to the con -nmnii y with the confidence we feel in an article which seldom fails o ret'lzethc lia,it-t eH'ects that can be de sirel. So wide is the field of its usefulness and s numerous I he cases of its cure, th it aim ev ery suriion )f lhe country abounds in persxns, publicly known, who have been restored Ironi alarming and even desperate disea -es of the Iy ngf. ay Us use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of it s kit, r , is too apparent to escape observation, ar.d where its virtue are known, the public no Ion: r hefitt le what anti dote to cni,loy for the dis'res-in' an I dingcrous allectionn ot the pulmonary oifians, w hich nre in cident to our climate. Arid not only in formida ble attacks upon toe lungs, btil for lhe ntildi r va rietiesol Colt s. C'otigl , Hoarstms. etc., and tr Child ren it is the plrasanlest and safest tifdi cine thai cm be oblaiutd. iSo family should be without It. and t h Re w ho have ucd it never will, ra cpa srn and solo sv jam e c avp.r, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell Massachusetts. Sold In Wilmington by Dr. A.O. BH ADf.F.Y, .nd in Fa vetteville, lv S.J. HINSDALE, and by Druggi-ts generally , , - ' I April 13. 1854. U-3mc. ( FOR SALE BY S. M. WEST, AUC'T. ON Monday April i4, IS."4, at 10 utlaclt at Exchange Corner, will be sold that fine lare Hotue and Lot situate on the corner ot Second and Mulberry streets, known as the Ber nard House. 1 arms al sale. April 13. RICE. I UST received from the Mill 6J cna';s Ireth beat i Rice, now in store and lor sale by S. 51 April 13. ORDERS FOR UP COUNTRY LU.VIBtUl, Shingles. ,c.c , promptly aitrnded lo. by JAS F. GILLKsPIE dt CO. March 30. 6. BACON SIDES 5HHDS. Western Sides, now landing, by LUSSELL f- March 30. IMPROVE YOUR MIND AND HEART BV reading any or all of ihe following good hoots, which may be found at the ttore of J T. M Uis DS : In lhe Wurld but not if the World; Fooi-Prin's the Cteatur ; The i-"epMlchrr tf our Departed; Mawkci'a Ki rleet on on the Holy Scripture; Christ Knocking at the Door ; N w JM ennel of Oe otioi s ; The Bards .rf the Bible; The Christian's InMiuclor; Mennjir of Somnv-rBeld ; . Barnes' Family Prayer; -The Bethel Flag; Kascoiu's Cross of Christ ; Summer on Bapti-ui; Tlw Divine Economy of lhe Church ; Devotions for 'he Sick Room ; Barnes' IN". on lhe New Testumenl ; The .Alysleries open, d by Dr. Stune; Tho.Corncr Stone, hy Abbott; Incidents in a Pastor' Life; A selection from the correspondence of Dr. Chalmers ; Mammon, by Harris, -te., &c. Hook Store n-'xt to G & C. Brad'ev Co, by April'!'. J. T.AIUNDS. CVANCV l French Drap d Etc; LINEN DRILLINGS, and Plain, nil kind-; Double Twilled Italian t.'lo:h ; Silk warp Cashtnaret of a itter1or q lahl v ; Stimoier Ctssi Pteres, tpc; .hirls and M.irt Collars; Cntvats; Fancy l.inen Cambric Pocket Handkerchiefs, and plain do ; Knith half H se, fanev and plain; Biolley';. celebrated F em h Ittack lotha and Cas simeres For sale at lhe lowest Pliers, bv April I. JAMES DAWSON. NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS!! .VI RCH 2. Just Kecrived at S W. Whilaket's. Duma-Last and bt si work. Aiasaniello lhe Fish erman of Naples: Will Crittenden or the Star of Cubi.a Romanee, by Edward i. H mdiboe; Th Lover upon Trial, a new Novel, hy Klizabeth M. Stuatt; M.ircaret or the PrrjmJice at Home and its Victims, an Autobiography; History of the French Protestant Ucfuuecs from th.- Revocation of the F.dict of Nantz to our own d i ys. by M. Chas. Weirs; Piofessorof History in the Lyon Bona parte, translated frtim the French, bv Henry Wm. Herlett.in two volumes. Just received tin I for ialeal S. WHITAKER'S. March 30. . 6. F bv April 13. S. p kr yash, BI. WEST. 12 tf. MRS. KING, 273 King Street, betw een Wentworth and Society -. Streets. CbarleMon. S. C. MANUFACTURES in very superior stylr, Wigs, Taupeee, Plain Bands and Curls, Ear Rings, K i cart Pins and Bracelets, and all kinds of aory Hair Plaiimg. Oidrrs thankfully received by Mail or otherwise. Charges moderate. Ad dress as above. April 13. 12Jyc. ROLL BUTTER. A Oft LBS. choice Glades Batter. For sale low. fkVby W. M. SHERWOOD fc CO. Aril 13. 12. SUNDRIES. TTAMS. Sides, Poik, Beef and Lard, expected 11 pr Schr Sidney Price, from New oik, fo sole by - RUSSELL dt BRO Apru 0. -- - , . FOR PLANTATION USE. BLTJE Denims, Cotton, Oznabargs, Brown and Btue Dnlb, Planters Duck and Linen Osna burgs, cmtp.' II ED RICK A RYAN. April g. 9. DAY! HAY!! QS BALES etsected per Schr. C. C. Stratton, OU from Philadelphia. For sale by April 6. . - -RUSSELL if- BRO. 1 2-fir. WEST. 1-2-31. f -r 6ale BRO. 6. EMPTY BARRELS. TCA SECOND hand Empty Barrels, daily ex KJ peeled, and for sale by March 30. RUSSELL A BRO." Bills of German 141. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. TTkAILT EXPECTED, a superior lot of jl hxenanse. in Books and in Sheets, Edition, at the office of the Commercial. Feb. 14. - FISH! FISH! ! QA BBLS. No. 3. Mackejal, 10 halfbbls. do., Cwtbbbk Herring, 10 half do. do In store, lor sale by - RU iSELL BRO. AprilS. ' - . 9. FILES! FILES!! FILES!!! JUST received fall assortment of Butcher's ireauXas Saw flic. . Also, the double ling extra Mill Saw File. ; : J. at. ROBINSON. AprUS. . - 'J HAY. I HO BALKS prime N. vAJ fronvGatf stias R. Ur now landing ,v ironvun st rew.-j ror.arr oy 3PHI U. FREEMAN At HOUSTON. - BY EXPRESS. RECEIVED this moraine, ppl ery rich Plaid Somnver SiUs; Ginghams MoT PTrnU-d French Jaconetts; Black net Mills t Mourning Collars; Chimin, and Undersieeves t Children's Gms Merino Veatn, ell sixes from No. Iwp t eU WW ditto; Fringed and Damask Bordered Linen Towers; a beaattfal article of printed Linens for Soy's wear, dte. ore. For sale JAMRS DAWSON. Aprils. r".v- BAC0 SIDES AND CANDLES. 6HHD9 Slrlee f 50 boxes Adatnantine Candles, erpseied per ticbr HK. Weatern nmBjrttiooEeforak bf 1 - April 6. - r , 3 RPaaKLl. 4fc BUO. . " THE MEDICAL MAGNET," OR EVER V ONE HIS OWN PHVS1CIAN. THIS is the only work treating on Private Dis eases, common to MALIC and l"E 1 ALE, and that contains R t lpes for the cure of the same. It gives the symptoms of th-; difTerent diseases, fol lows them up in their different stages with recipes, written in plain ENGLISH, for their cure. From this work, ;he unfortunate can learn their precise situation, take their pencil and make out a prescrip tion, (which can bo procured at any Drug Store) and by following implicitly the instructions, be cur ed and save exposure. The author of this work, a late Professor in one of ?he leading Medical Colleges of Philadelphia, has, perh-ips, had more practice in the cure of Private Diseases, in different stages of Society, than any other Physician in the country. It contains a beautiful Lithographic Figure of s Female, showing the formation of ths Generative Organs, with oroper explanations, c. Address HUGHES &, Co.. Publishers, Post paid, Philadelphia, Pa. Price SI pcT copv Free of Pos tage. March 25. 4 3mc. JULLIEiVS MUSIC for the MILLION. CONTAINING The American, Qttadiille; Echo Du Mont BI inc. Polka; Targ. t Gallop; At lantic Gallop ; Crystal Pwutain. Polkn ; Paul and Virginia, Song; California, Quadrille ; Forget Me Not. Song; Great Exhibition, Quadrille; Picto Le Grand, Quadrille; English, Quadrille; Prima Donna, Waltz ; tne whole for 91 . For sale at April 13. S. W. WHITAKF.R'S. PLANTER'S NORTHERN BRIDE nHK Fifth supply of this last and most popular A. work oi Mrs. Heniz. Received this morning, both paper covers and bound in Muslin. For sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. April 13. 12. STORE TRUCKS, Of various sizes, tor sale by J.M. April 6. ROBINSON. 9. ACC0RDE0NS. A LARGE assortment received, and f -r sale by J. T. MUNDS April 8. 10. 1 JKJV new N. C. Lard ; -4 CANAL BARROWS. OR SALE, by March 30. J. M. RO IN SON. REMOVAL. THF, siihsrriber having fitieJ up the store form erly occupied by lledrick fc Rvan. in a neat and taMeful inanoer. with ihe vi-w of rendering it attractive find pleasant to visitors, soiiciis the at lentlonof the public generally t' his la rre and ex tensive stock of BOOK'S, STATIONFHY, FAN :Y ARTICLES. PI .TURKS, AND PAPER H ANG I GS, which he ill take pleasure in show ing t those who m iy fivor him with a call, pledg ing himself to furnish all articles in his line upon as re tsonable terms as any other establishment of the kind in the sit uthern country. J T. MUNDS, Next door to G. 6 C Bradley's Hoot and Shoe Store, or t ll side of Maiket strict, etc. March 2S. 5. GRACE GREENWOOD'S WORKsT RECOLLECTIONS of my Childhood; Haps and Mishaps or a Tour to Europe; Greenwood Leaves 1st and 2d Series at March 4. S. VV. WHITAKER'S. F0RKEW Y0Ri ,i ,JEX : THR AI. fait sailing Scljr. ALARIC Loviiar Matter, i'l fl3veriepatcbf as above. , For li"hl frci"hl or Difuae, ai- Plf to ' . J. H. PL ANNER , -' April 13. 25 North Water sL V F0R FREIGHTER CHARTE , S"Htt.-K. R. BENNETT Woan, Master 2,800 bbls. farthen. FBri'ierB.s, apply la GKO. llARRLSSW A pi. 13. V 12. FOR NEW YORK. - .REGULAR LINK. .... THE Resulnr Packet Sclir. Marine, J. , P. Powell, Masttr, will ha re . dispatch as .fbove. Porlight freightorpwsage.apDK UfcU.tlAlHiiaa. AprllJ3. . ' :. '.. v ' .- li- . FR PHILADELPHIA HERON'S LINK. THE Schr. H. E. Wcs'on , Master, will sail as above. .passage, apply to April 13. ntT3 - JWt, - RteC . bbwBK . TsV I io J. S. Maloy.J For fieiuhl ot GEO. H ARRIS S. 12. N. C. TTAMS, Sides and Shoulders on 11 sale by April 6. BACON hand, and for RUSSELL & BRO. 9. NOW LANDING FROM S HR. LIZZIE Kissi-.LL. ijf BBLS. Kccnfied Whiskey; 13 bbls. Old Rye .U Whiskey. Kursa,ebVo April 6 NC-.T- copy- - SPRING STYLES. K'A HNWEILER & BKO , bea leave to an n, ii. ncr il.r.i their first cxhibilion will lake place this morning of ifce newest and latest styles of Spring Goods, just received per Adams & Co.'s Kx- icaious iu men- isl UNITED STATES MAIL LINE JO nev YoitK Via Norfolk. THROUGH IN TWENTY-POUtt HOTJRS. PASSENGERS front Georgia, Somb Carolina, Ac , taking the Manchester and Wilmington RAIL ROAD nd Seaboard and Roanoke- JLAIL fiQAD.to Norfolk, Va., will meet the large ktti Commodious Steam Shins'JAMESTOWN and ROAN43KK at Norfolk every Wednesday morninl a I eleven o'ciock ana iuiuruay evening after Ihe arrival of lhe Southern Cars with U. Slates Mail, and arriving In New York early the next day. Passage, and oFare State room included to New York, S3.0I j StprgePssage. 4. Returning these Ships leave Newr'T.irk f-r Norfolk every Tuesday and Saturday aferooon. J.-M. SMITH a RrtO. March 7. v ' 150-3me- pres : A larae assortme, too tiou. Please to cull and examine M.irch 7. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. AVI NG sold our entire Stock of Confection ary we have openrdat the sa me olace a hand some assortment of V (tholstcrtng Goods. I'agtr Han"inss. Winc'oic Shad. Curtains and f i.r lures, MuUrwss, Feather Reds, Pillows, Cushions, l.ounset. dj-c tf-c. . Having superior workmen from 0e North, we will (it up Private Houses, Hotels. Boardins Houses, Sieymbonls. Hail Road Cars, &c, in f ict every thins in the line of Bminess, and endeavor to give satisfaction. A I the same limo would return our sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage we have hid for the last seven years, and shall endea vor lo merir-a continu 'nee in our new Business. WILKINSON A ESLER, March 18. 1-tf. .Market Street. Daily Journal copy. IVERTISICMRNT. GOO D M ED J CINE S. STEAMER SPRAY POR SMITH VILLB AND ORTOPT. STEAMER SPRAY. CaptiJOHIt B. PRICE, will ply between Wil- mingtonand Smithvlile, lanairg at Orton. aa follows I . Leve Wilming-on, Tsesday, Thatsday Satar day, and Sunday Mornings, at 9 o'clock. Leave Smlthville, Ttrrsday, Thnrsday. and Sat urday Afternoon, at 3 o'clock, and Monday Morn Ins, a i 8 o'clock. - fPassasc One Dollar, Children and Servants 1all price. ""HEIGHT at customary rate. Apply te Captain on board, oi to X AH. VasBOKKELEN, No. 5 South Wharvre. Marcfc I8.-- I-f. WANTED. 1 Ci nrffRKV of White or inches or upward wide, and 24 inches thick which I will pay $20 per thousand. May 24. GKO. S. GILLESPIE Post Oak B. for HAY; BALES No. 1 North Rhrer, for sale by FREEMAN HOUSTON. 151. STORE FOR RENT.:,- THE STORE at present occupied by lhe subscriber, will be for rent on Monday next. J. r. uunus. March 7. , 150. Hpaasj 150 , Mirchv9. WALUM SALT, XV. c:C( EUSHELS, which will be sold cheep for Ok iUcash, by C. DcPRE k CO.. war a . " . a I vsar I tim Wf vf7H(lavrBk v, r invivivMiw w ew"t " FRESH ARRIVALS, v K THE SnbtbeM:hftTr ithttceive. iut ' Crashed, Clarified, a4 Granalatcd Segats, ami . a few barretsoc the handsomrM Port RLce bsga in market. ALSO, tntif bbh)..of Fahon Mark i Beef; Mackerel fn 8fb bbls. tfftd lit, Goshen Bbi- " .u .r.L...... Gl . . Mlkkl. If . . ... . w -w. ..... ,w vfMfvn ffff - - U.W f Hiurf " 10 bbls. of Mess Pork, sllvf which ws ofler o the public, at the lowest market prices. r -. : s M6CALEB GILRERT. Feb. 23. - r Mafkeuat, near the Duck. - t t-f,,,-, .. ii . -s-fi - SPRINCT-GOODS, 1854. TMIR enbscribef reBpeclfnlTy snnonDCea tlvat bis' , f Spring Slork'i now corflpletf, . compnainX a a ttracti re -eariet jr, THE WHOLE ttisQ NEW, to which he, Invites the at tentlon-oSf buy. rr. S Ich Summer S ilks Primed and Praih Bs- .,' rexej Tisanes aud Grenadines f Primed Frehrrr ... i;ajubrics; Swie 51 asllns v.Jaconels-aril Organ', die; Figured Twisted aiilk Dresses and Llaekdo.f Flotinccd Quadrille Ores; ea, and plaid , and . -plain Chally Bcrsge de L nee IP laid and plain Ging. hams and thambrays and Linen Lnslresj Sum mer Bombaanes of ihe celebrated maaufarlBrS of ' Pjtnrlr, Lopln dt Co 1 Plain Block 8Mks rnaap lactured expressly for the retail MFri erf on ttfjfh largest establishments in New York, tkeyae ricti r lustre and the most durable made! Arm tire, SeiiO De Chere, plain, colored and brocade Silk jf white Craps Shawl, plain and fig a red Jn every . variety ' of pattern and price, swne very rich Lace and Paris embroidered Silk Mantilla t Parasols r Alex-' -ander Kid and Silk Giovea ; a hrf e assortmenf . of Maalin Collars and Under tloeel AJaHe ., TIIE CRE IT PDBIFIER OF THE BLOOD. Not a 1'ariiele of Mercury. in it. An infallible remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism. Obstiur.te Cutaneous Eruptions, Pim ples or Postules on theface,BlotchcsrBoils,Chron lc Sore Eyes, King Worm or Teller. Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Boncgnnd Joint s. Stub born Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spi nal Complaints, and all diseases arising f roin an in judicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Lile.br I m purity of the Blood. 1 hlsvalu able U ;dicme which ha occotnecel. Dra- h?. , h(J eslrflne drought which pervaded :he aliuos ted lor the number of extraordinary cures edected 'hro 3 Washerwoman's Klshts Convention. A CONVENTION of washerwomen look place at Reseon tfe Towiishcnd's, No. 5, Market St., for Ihe purpose of inspecting their "Patent Wind mill Revolving Clothes - Drying Machines." And such a (owerlul drying Lffi-et was produced upon the committee i-y the machines, that they could on ly pass the following resolution : Iteaoived, Thut the machines ore the greatest irn provciweni of lhe age, especially for persons with small yards and large families. After which, the convection immediate y vilttd NOW LANDING, yff BBLS verv sup. rior N. O. vV- 1000 Sacks Liverpool ShIi. for sal lots to suit by l-et. 14. T. C. & B. G. yrtip ; and in WORTH. 141. STORE FOR RENT. O THE-S:ore under Holme's Hotel, latelj occupied b the subscriber as s Bo.k S lore, fur terms, &.c, apply lo J. T. MUNDS. ch 28. H. and J. cony. 5. SHINGLES. F various descript ions, at retail, for sale, by March 30. JAS. F. Gl LLES PI K & JO. Ma. jSTAItlflOR's ANODYNE CHERRY EXPECTORANT Fur Coughs, Calif. Bronchitis, Croup, if-c. BELLS! BELLS!! BELLS!!! rHE Subscrilierg iiitinufacture and keep con stant Iy on h to d a laruo assorimcnt of Bells suitable for Churches, Acadmirs, FacJorirs, Stea mers, Plantations, etc., mounted with their im proved Hangings, the most efficient in use. Their establishment has been in operation Thirty years having turned out nearly 10.000 B.;IIb averaging GOO lbs each ; and its patterns and process of manu facture so perfected, together v iih recent improve ments, thai its Bells have an unrqtlated reputation for volume of sound and quality of lone. They have ju.-t received Jan. lbS4 the First Premium ( X Silver Medal) of the World's Fair in New Vork. overall Bt lis from this Country "or Europe. Hav ina a large assortment of Bella on ham), and being in "l mined i ate connection with r. ties in all direc tions, cither Uail (load, Canal or River, and but 4 hours from New York, we can est cute orders with dispatch. Address A. MENEELV'S SONS, W-st Troy, Albany Co., N. Y. Feb. 21. 144-lyc. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE LNSURANCECOMP'Y, RALEIGH. N C. I-'HE above Company iK'sbeen in operation -since the 1st of April, 1 843, under the directionof the following Officers, viz : Dr. Charges E. Jouhson, President. Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, " Jauiei F. Jordan. Secretary, Wm. H. Jones. Treasurer, Perrin tiusbee, Attorney, Dr. Charles K. Johnson. i)r. Win. H. McKre. Dr. R.B. Havwood, J. Hersm in. General Agent. This Company has received a chi rter giving ad vantages to the insured over any other t Company. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own lile for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any cluin.sif the representa tives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members participate in the tcliole of the profits which are declared annually Peebles, lh- applicant for life, when the annual premium is ovcr$30 may pay one half in a Note. All claims lor insurance against the Company will .e paid within ninety days after proof of ihe death )f the party is furnished. Slaves are insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of properiiy against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature in the history of North Cnrolina. which will prove very important to the Southern States. The last four months operation f this Company shows a veryl arge amount of business more than the Directors expected to do th first year having already issued more than 200 Policies. Dr. Wm. VV. Habbiss, Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilmineton, N. C. All Comm. inicatlona onbusincssof lhe Company should be addressed to JAS. P. JORDAN. Sec'y. Raleigh.Feb. 12, 1S53. 141-tf. .Ifedicat Hoard of Consultation . HAMS AND LARD. LBS. OholceoW N. C. Hams; 15 bbls. Cans new N. C. do., for sale by RAJVKIN-A MARTIN. March 4 149. BOOKS, STATIONERY, MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ARTISTS MA TERIALS. Ac. O W. WHIT AKER, bavin i returned from the O. Northern cities, is now dally expecting per Schrs Marine. Wm. Smith, Sidney Price, Alaric and Elouise, a large end varied assortment of Booka, comprising the pa tlications of all the best publishing houses in the United State. . Stationery from the best Stationery Manufacto risf houses In Mew York, and rotten up express ly for the Wilmington market. Sheet Hoato the latest and most popular. Also. a variety of old Marie, Instruction Books for Piano, Gaitar. Violin, Plate, fttoJedeon, Klage lett . Aeeordian, Fife. Ac' ' Mnsieal Inatrbraentaj of both foreign nd Amer ica Hmmutmetmnvfr-'i -.-- .v-' -.tAalattfALftcerialaoi lhe beat tjnalili a very ftaamt esevrtment . . AOJS. MOURNING GOODS. BLACK and half Mourning Genadines and Twisted Silk Dresaesr Black and half Mourn ing Berares, some very fine ; Piaid and plain Tis snesf French and Knsfish Lawns and Muslins, a large assortment ; Ginghams and Calicoes, new est patterns; Bonnet Ribbons; Mourning and half mourning Slimmer Silks; Maltese Lace Col lars and Underslceves to match, and a full and reneral assortment of all the fashionable styles of Collars, Underslceves and Chimizcttes to be worn this Summer; Pans; Leve Veils; French Lawn Handkerchiefs: Lupins Summer Bombazines and Challvs; the verv best quality of Kid, Black Net -nd Black Silk Gloves; Black and Steel colored Parasols; English and Italian Crapes, dc. die. For sale at the lowest prices, by April 1. JAMES DAWSON. TELL YOUR READERS IHAVEyust received from Fayetteville 13 bbls. of extra Family Floar, fresh. Low for cash, st Ap.il 4. GKO H. KELLEY'S. . J, H.. and N. C. T. copy. rIiotTndWgenot ! OR Persecution in the Age of Louis 15th . Re ceives, and for sale at April 13. S. W. WHITAKER'S. STACLER'S DIRRII(EA CORDIAL. The valuable tiudieiric? above named, ate nut empirical, but are pieparcd in asm nienl with the iXjeii nee of stone of the most lea r red and judi cious pi.ictiiium is, ii ml ore not ecett t. fui ihei thai is necessary topro'ecl the prtyritiois i-rd iht st who use them from lots ai d iui osilii n, n tl. component parts have been made known, confiden lially, from lime to time, to perhaps 500 PHYSICIANS ! In Maryland, Viigini i, Llistrict of Columbia, Ohio, and oilier places, all of whom, without a single ex it ption, ha Vt-npproved of lhe formula, and most of them neknowleiiire that they are thv b -st remedies that they have ever known f r the cure ol i lie dis eases for w hich they arc recommend d Our confi d ncc in the excellence of mese medicines, id led to our desire to avoid the just prejudice of ihe nit d ic il profession against secret und quack ntstiunis. induced us to adopt thiamin 'id course. We sppeno a few of lhe notices we have received from pliysi eiar. viz : From Dr. Wm. II. Farrow, of Snow Hill, Alary land. ClEtTLEJtfiN-l have frequently in my practice prescribed your "Stablcr'a Anodyne Ch r:y Expec torant" and Oiarrhoji Cordial. w,th treat sntisfac tion to myself, and to the entire relief of such dis t aseases as they proiVss to cure. I considei them happy com'.'ina ions of some o'' our nio-l v.tlu ililt and safe therapeutical ag.-nis. and musi be ol in finite worlh to the afflicted atid mankind at large, in furnishing lhe ineuicul profession willi these active und concentrated preparations, so t'o-ivenient tor t.dtninistraiioii, and of a standard quality, you have rendered 111, in un eminenl service, and I call do no less thin e mitstly rccoiiim- nd th.se pre,ia rations to practitioners, and especi illy in the coun try, where the impurity of coui:iutci.il Drugs is out: of the greatest obstuc :.s to ;:tt success of lhe Physician. Ooct. W. Love writes to us th it he h is adminis tered the Expectorant to his wife, who has had tile Bronchitis for fourteen sears, aid that she is last recovering fiotn her long standing molsdy. It ha in a few weeks done her more tjoo 1 thin all the remedies she has heretofore used under able medi cal counsel. From Dr. H. P. VVorthington, Laurel, aid. "Alter s:veral months' use of your Kxneclurant, both in in y own family and in genir.il practice, 1 am confirmed in the opinion expressed of it, when first made acquainted with the recipe. For am: 1 thank you for so convenient and elegant a prepara lion .the Wild Chi;y." From Geo. Gerry. M I), of Somerset Co , Md. 'Having exammed the component partsof Sta bier's Anodynj Cherry Expectorant, also of Sta ll lei's Diarrhoea Coidial. and having used them in practice, 1 feel no hesitancy in recommending them." From J. E M irsh, M. D , Kent Co , Md. "I have made free use ul )our Di in htca Cor dial in my family. It gives me much plcusure to add my testimony to that of others, in favor of its efficiency.'' From Samuel M trtindal Md. "I hive much pleasure infivorof your valuable have, at er an extensive use my expectations." From Dr. Daniel W.Janes, Somerset Co. Md. "1 have given your Expectorant and Diarrhoea Cordial a fair trial, and am delighted with -their effects, never having had them to fail in a single instance. I shall take pleasure in recommending them. We have been favored wiih a written certificate, cheerfully aiven by numerous medical gentlemen in Maryland. Virginlu and Ohio, which alone should convince the mot t doubting that these are really Good Medicines; after siatin; thai they are ac quainted with the composition ofvboih the Expec torant and Cordial, and that they have adminis tercd them to their patients, they testify -'that they are remedies of great value, safe, efficient, and well worthy of the patronage of the profession and the Public, that thev are more teliable than any other proprir tary medicines with which we are acquaint ed." ic. ' ' The above notices of recommendation Irom mem bers of ihe Medical Faculty, Pharmaceutists of high standing, and Merchants of the first respec tability, should be sufficient to vatisfy all, that these medicines are worthy of trialby the afflicted, and that ihey are of a different stamp and class from the "Quackery" and "Cure Alls'' so much im posed upon the -public. See the decripiive Pamphlets, 'o be had gratis of all who have ibe medicine for sale, containing re commendations from Doctors Martin, Ball sell. Ad dison, Payne, Handy. Love, &c. Por sale by Druggists, Apoilfecanes and Coun try Stores-keepers generally, at the low price of Fiftr cenis pet bottle, or six bottles for $?,50. i. H. STABLER CO. Wholesale Drogvisis, 120 Prati street, Baltimore. For safe in Wilmington by C. & D. DcPRE. Jun. 5 124-ly-c through itstigen ;y,has induced the proprietors, a 1 the orient request of their friends, to ofler il lo the. public, which ihey do with the utmost confidence in its virtues and wonderful curative properties. Thefollowing certificates, teJrr ted from alarue num ber, an , however, stronger testimony lhan the mere word of the proprietors : and a re all trom gentlemen welt known in their I icalitles. and ot the highest respectability, ninny of them now residing in the citi of Richmond, Virginia. F. Bovdes . Esq.. of the Exchange Hotel , Rich mond. known cverv where, says he has seen the Medicine called Carter's Spanish Mixture adminis tered in over a hundred cases, iii nearly sill the disea ses for which it is ri commended, with ihe moit as tonishingly good results. lit says ij is the most cx -I raordina i y .medicine he has ever seen. Aette and Fever Great Cure.--I hereby certify, that for three years i had Amie and Feverof the most violent description. I had several Physicians, took fire qu intities of Quinine. Mercury, a nd 1 b, lleve all the 1 onics adverlisi d, but all wiihout any per manent relict. At last I tried Cat ler'sSpanish Mix ture; two bottles of which eff dually cured me, and I amhiypy to say f hive had neither Chills or Fe vers since. 1 consider il the best Tonic in the world andthconlv medicine that ever reached my ease. ' - JOHN LONGDEN, Beaver Dam. n.'ar Richmond, Va. C. 15. Luck, E-o.. bow in the city of Richmond, and for many years in the Post Office, has such con : Jidenee in the astonishin" efficacy of Carter's Span j ish Mixture that he has bought up wai dsofoO pottles, ! which he hasgiven away to tin-afflicted . Mr., f.m h j say s hr has never known it to fail when taken ac i curdinjr to directions, I Dr. Mi nob a practising Physician, and formerly j of ihe City Hotel, In the'eitybf Richmond .aayc- he I has witnessed ins number of instances tliecfferitt of Cartel's Spanish Mixture which wt re most truly surprising. He says in n case of Coiittuipl i n.tle" pendent oti the Liver, I he good effects were wonder ful indei d. S ami el M. DrtiNttEn, of ihe firm of Drinker if Metri-, Richmond, was cured of Liv. r complaint ol S years standing, by the uj of two bottles of (Jar en's Spanish Mixture. Gre.it cure of erofula The Editors oftheRich luond Republican had a servant cmployid in ihei press noiii, cured of violent "-crofula..$ombinod with Rheumatism, vt hit h entirely disabled him irom worn. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure of him, and lhe Editors. in a no lice, say ihey "cheerfully recommend it to al w ho are HtHieted with any disease of the blood " Still another cure of Scrofula 1 had n very val uable boy cured of Scrofula by Cartel's .S'panish Mixture. 1 consider it a iruly valuable MctjUcinc JAM Eii Al. TAYLOR. Conductor on the 11. P. & P.R. R. Co., Richmond Va. SALT I.ULUM OF 2Q YF.ARS STASD A G CUllKD. Mr. John Thompson, residing in the city of Rich mond, wis cared by three bottles of Carter's Span ish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which he find ncurlv 20 years, and which nil the physicians of the city could not cure. Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va., and his cure is most rcmaikable. Richard E. Wet, of Richmond, was cured ol Serolula. and what Physicians culled confirmed Consumption, by ihicc buttles cf Cartel' Spanish M ixturc. Edwi Bohtov, Commissioner of the lleienue, says he-has seen the sond eHeets of Carter's S'pnn iri Mixture in a number of Syphilitic cases, and says il is u perfect curefor that horrible disease. Wm. G Haowooo, of Richmond, Va.. mred ol Old Sores and Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a few boliles of Carter's Spanish M ixtur j, und was enacted rr walk without a crutch in a short tin e permanently cured. ' Principal Depots al M. WARD,CLOSE& CO. No. S3 Maiden Lane, New York. T W. DYOTT .fc SONS, No. 132, Nortlj 2d Street, Philadclpnia. BENNETT tf. BRERS. No. 125 Maiden Slreet. Richmond, Va. An 1 lor sale by WM. H Ll PPITT, Wilmington and by Orusgistssenerally. phere RESTON A TOWNSHF.ND hive about 5,000 lbs: Bac n.and clarified loaf and blown Sugar ; and also. a case ot "English Chcdder Cheese' which needs no inspcciion. April 8. 10. DRAB BEAVER AND FRENCH O I VLh LtiiKa 11. A is, now opening 4 case O Spring style Drab Beaver Hats, light and fine, also, a few cases extra Moleskin French new si le April 8. C. M YERS. HOUSE KEEPERS, vou will cheap Family Grocery Store 23 boxes of Wm. Colgate,, & Co., pale Soap ; V5 do tlo No. I do. 20 do Extra Excelisor Sonp ; I dozen boxes of Babbitts Potash for Soop; 1 bbl cr WashineSoda. Call soon, low for cash at GEO. II. KELLEY'S. April P. J. H. A N. C. T. copy. 10. YTTASH1NG time is fast npproachine; V V find by culling at the STATIONERY. dec; Jaconet and Swirs Plounelnrs, Cambric nf! Swiss EdrJo.cs. Real Brassets, Thread and real s Valeneen traces, Hobmn ,aee ana UoUon urec- of all kind-w All Of which will b sold st fh low ; -est prices by JAMES DAWSON, - ' Al arcti W. ' - ' " f r r'" 1 '' 1 ' r r- May 12. 15 lye . , M D , Chesapeake City in adding my testimony Cherry Expectorant. 1 , found it to answer all BONNETS. CASES Ladies'. Bonnets,, assorted aaali- tiei i Mlsaca lionneta and Plata p Infants Bo-fa Straw Hata.. Par ule HEDttICK eVRYAN. Hats . Genu and clwp,1jr;r tjrU. PRINTS. F. NGLISH, French and American, white goods a of every kind and quality ; French Corsets ; a large assortment of Ribbons and Dresst Trim minus, and Buttons 5 a fun One of Goods for Chil dren's Spring and Summer Clothing ; Bonnets of the latest style ; Hair, Cloth, Grass, Rope and Corded Skirta. - For sale by Aprtll. '. JAMES DAWS tTi. WHITE GOODS. A VERY larse and extensive variety ot eve ry tx. kind of White Maslina, including. Jaoonetis, Mb'1. Nansook. Mediq.m. Book.- BiMops and Vle tona Lawns,PUid, Stripe Plain artd Pignred Swise and Cambric M aslins,- which will be old t the lowest price, by JAMES DAWSON. THE TRUE MASONIC CHART, OR HEROGL-VPHIO MONITOR: CONTAINING all the EmSlema explained in the Degrees of En'cred Apprentice, Feliow Oraf:, Master Mason, Mark Master. Pnsl Master, Most Excellent Master, Royal Arch. Royal Mas ler, and Select Master; designed and dulyarrang e I, agreeably to th Lectures, by It. W.Jeremy, L. Cio-ts. G. L. For sale by J. T. MUNDS. March 7. 150. smi; ARRIVING Per Schr. Ii. V. Brotcn and J.. P. &milh. 1 ( BAGS of green Layguira Coffee; I V 25 do. of do. Rio, superior ; 3 hhds. prime Porto Rico Sn-ar; 25 bbls. R. L. A A. Stewori'sC yellow do. 10 bbls. Fresh Soda Crackers. Lowforoaehat GEO. H. KELLEY'S. March 14. J., H T. and S. of Age copy. . 153. NK5, SOOTH SIDE MARKET-ST. ft ROCERY NOTICE. We have now on hand VJ almost everything in our line, which we will sell wholesale or retail : All kinds of Preserves, a. I kinds of Pickles, all kinds of Cheese. Peach, Dam son, Strawberrv, and Raspberry Jams, and Marm alads Tamarinds, in glass jars; English. French, and Pink Gellatine; whole, half, and quarter boxes Raisins: Ulma Prunes, in gloss barrels; Abdala Fins, in square boxes; Wines, Brandies. Cham pagne, Cherry Bounce, Black Bouy. and Ginger Bounce; a fine assortment o Cigar; some hand some Pipes, and a great many other articles; a large asortmenl of beautiful BASKETS worth looking at even if you don't buy. Daily expected, twenty barrels, Apples, Oranges. Lemons and Con fectionary. RESTON & TOWNS H END. March 23. ' 3 TT7 E are constantly receiving fresh supplies, and V are a! wa vs prepared to serve customers. Now on hand seine of Ihe most beautiful blank Check. which we would be glud to have mcrchunta rail and see. J. T. MUNDS. .AprH8. 10 . SANDS SARSAPARILLA. IS QUART HO'WLES. For Purifying the Blood, and for the Cure of Scro fula, Rheumatism, Stubborn Ulcrrs, Dyspepsia, Sail Wieu ", Ferer Sores, Erysipelas. Pimple, liiles, Jfercuriil Diseases, Cutaneous Erup tions, Liter Cumplainl, Bronchitis, Con sumption, Female Complaints, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, q-c. IN ibis preparation all the restorative propr riles J. of Hie root are concentrated in their utmost strength and efficacy ; but white Sarsaparilla Root forms an important pari of its combination, ii if, at the same time, compounded with other vegeta. :)le remedies of gnat power, and it is in the ecu liar combination and sclen the manner ol its prep aration, that Its remarkable success in the cure of tliseusu depends. It acia simultaneously upon the stomach, (tic circulation and the bowels; nd thus ill rue processes, which are ordinarily 1 ho rcsull of three different kinds of edieinc, are carried on al the same lime, through the instrumentality of this one mondial agent which gently stimulates while it disinlicts and expels Irom ihe stomach and bo.vcls ah iliai is irritating, and at the same lime e -lores vi;or nnd tone. Many other preparations .mitate in nearing the name of Sarsaparilla, and in that iheir icst niblance ends, being often prepar ed from worthless and inert roots, and of course possess no healing or curative properties, and pa .ients in making choice of which ihey will -use, should take no other, but that one entitled io theii confidence, from the I org list of cui es It has ffeel ed on living witnesses, whose testimonial and residence have been published, Bnd who are sliil bearing daily icstlTiony 10 iis wonh. ASTONISHING CURE. Pattersos, N. Y ,-20th, 1S51. Me.-srs. A. B. dt. D Sasds: Gentlemen. Hav ing witnessed the most bVncficial effects from lhe use of your Sarsaparilla, it givs me pleasure to send you the following -statement- in regard to my son. In the spring of 1343 he 100k a severe cold, and after eight weeks of severe sillTeiing the dis ease settled in his left leg and foot, which soon swelled to the utmost. The swelling was lanced by his physician, and discharged Diosii proJuscly; after that no Iub than clevt n ulcers formed on the leg and foot at on lime. Wchad fivedifferent Phy sicinns, but none relisvcd him much ; and the last winter fount! him so cmaeinttM and low that he was unable to leave hi . ed. suffering lite most excrucia ting pain. Dunns this time the bone had become so much aflected that piece after piece came out, of which he has now more ihan twenty-five preserved in a bottle; varying from one half to one and a half inches in length. We had given np all hope of his recovery, butat ihis lime we were induced to try your Sarsaparilla, and wit h its use his healih and appetite began Immediately to improve, and so rap id was the change I'latlesj than a dozen bottles ef fected a perfect cure. With gratitude, I remain truly yours, DARIUS BALLARD. We the undersigned neighbors of Mr. Ballard, cheerfully subscribe to the facts of the above state ment. H. A R. S. Hayt, A. M Trowbridge, Gco.T. Dean, C. Eastwood. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by A. B it D. Sands, Drussisis ocd Chemils, 100 FuPon s'reei corner of William New York. Sold also by Drugaisis generally throughout the United States und Oanadas. Price SI per bottle ; six b .1 lies for S5. For sale by Dr. A. O Bradley, and Messrs. C. A D. DuPre, WTmingion, N. C. April 8. . 19-6m " EAT, DRINK, AND BE,MERBY.l L'HK subscriber, tmly thankful .foe the liberal; patronage heretofore bestowed upon him bv. ' his friends, and all desirous of obtaining good Bl' licles in his trade at whoUtsahv and reull ortce ' beg leave to inform them that1 be has perfectedy " arrangements for procuring a XoiwMaal supply rf ' the very best Groceries, at the ery lowest price f and 1 hat his slock Is now being ycplonUhed- arlHtii Goods sele ciod with great care,' and shipped n,r' oUr his pergonal supervision BelU vinif that ,m personnl inspection will be his highest eommenda lion, besflit-it a visil from tho. desirous Jf 'sCJ lecting from the following. 1010m other article G EO. M Y K tt." . 2C0 BBLS. OF SUG AR.-Crnsbcd, PowdercdT Granulated, Coliee-crushed, Clarlfiod and Potto ' Rico. v, , .- 100 BAGS COFFEVfJava, (old) Layulisr, Jamaica, and Bio. , FLOUR Hiram Smith, John RleeJ Wtillamv: havetleviHe in bbl. and half bbl. and b gm.fr eh t. TEAS. Old Hyson, Young Hyson, ImpsriaJ, Sotichonsr, and Oolong. CANDLES. Judda' patent Sperm, Sperm, AdJ ' amanline, and Tallow. W1M5S and LIQUORS Oiard, Cognac, Du poyiVCo. Howard Cht.mpngne, o 1815, and A. Sicnclte Brandies, Old Madeo-, Sherry, P.ff Muscat, and Malaga Wines; Alonongahela, lire, Irish, and Scoth Whiskey j Holland Gin, Wolfe' Schna p. and botikd Wines, Heldslck, Binchc, Star, ail of lhe first quality Younger' Ale end London Porter; French Cordials; Bottled Otard Brandy, Cognac, Madcria, Shtrr), and Holland Gin. C., CRACKERS. Soda, Bwtler. Pilot, Sugar, Pir nic, Lemon, Milk, Welnqi, Oy.tct. with every va' riety uf Crackcra. j . ' PICKLES and PRESERVES Pickle hy the Hundred Jar, gallun, half gallon, quarter-gallon, 1 f? Pint; PickohlJa Catchups, AJasfard.Saocea Whii Wine and Cider Vinegaa. Olives, Spanish ami French; CapeiB. Prcservfd Peach, Quince, Plnti' Apple, Ginger. Lime, Damson, "Cluon j -the fav onto Frtsfi. Pcac'tts, in eases; Lobster, Sjtictd Oysicr. . . ' . , ,- . '. ,. SUNDRIES. Gohen Bntlrr, frcsB" weekly Smoked Berf Beef Tongue. Pulton Market Ben, Salmon, Mackerel, Cdfib, Herring, Cheese, En gliahand lmi'siiu; Bacon, PnikvStHoriJa frup,, Sperm and V hale Oil Froits in ,ivefy. variety, Nui, Sieart'sOof'Ctionety. alfvailtlii! Mar- ket and Clothes Uaskeis; 4Vah Tub, a" kiuda ( Brass-hooptd Buckets, Common Bucket, Brooni. Tray, Sifters, Keelers,' Cup Tub, erubl, art" every variety of Wtvod and Wllfowware; ffpina, Clt.vcs, Nuunegs, t'lnnainon. Pepper, Gingir Mace, Chocolate, Isinglass, Gelatin, Aiaarunif Ver-nict IM. Raisins, Currania, '.'liron. Piuccs : m varletv of Ladles' tsiey Baskets,- ' 1 r' '5''et The attention f Smoktrw, k rrqnistitf K rlbr .d.,frnr f Irnfirl monl i m.-1 ud 1 f a nil of lltfi i Krmmttm. A viz: Mortar, Ifornosa Principe, Sultanet, Lug on f Rio Hunto, dV. - ' " Every variety of G merries that can be proenred warranicl fresh and good. . . . . Wholesale and retail, at the lowest CASH ptl'--ces, at the Original Family Grotrrry of ' " : March 13. GEO. MYERS, Front Sr. GRADUATK DP 4J A 91 B It 1 Dfi l CLASS 1824. siV ' SGrFOUXDEIl OF TflEst:', BALTIMORE LOCK INFIRMARY No. 3 1 SOUTH caY bt.,..,-..;. C Oppntifrike Exckanpe M m Mine and Post Office I HOSERKQUIRING MEDICAL OR SLRGf. X CAL AID, by applying to Dr. IL.may sreore SKILLFUL TREATMENT AND- ADVICK while all communicutitins will be sacredly shit Ij. ed by ibe .fSgl of professional honor. ! ' ' v-' Aware ol tlw difficulty wih the publicicr dit criminate, ins newspaper .advertisement, bet wet n the genuine'and skillful physician and 'he spurious nri'i Anri ina ni na niniAninttn an ,m Mimm abm m b. - Or. H. ll checrfnlly give, vrhen aprdledlo, wv private role ren ccs as will fully satlsl v , kit w h iv quire hi service. ' ; v :,' BEWARE 0O0STRUMS !, f"t Avoid the Patent Elixirs, Coni pound and Cor. dials, advertised lo core all per sort under raritl forms of disease. A a lhe von til tit ion and hitbiK oi individuals differ, f IE A SON TEACH F.! ibe same remedy cannot be suited la- all alike, nova, thai disease can only be safety and effectually erndlfaU etl by a judicious applicalien of proper wsuxfc. ATTENTION IXVITED.r A practical experience of over 25 years e'nablei Dr. ri. to Insure a sonnd and speedy cure In a ccr tain class of diseases, which have loo long been yielded by regular Physicians to the hands f 4urk cry. He may be consulted confidentially, cithrr in person or by letter. " - v ' . " - Person at a distance cored afbeeie by addre ing a letter lo DR. GORDON HAtUUSS; Bahl more, Md. , . , . All eomanicaifoaremjhfenT-1" 'ri : - Remedies sent by Mail or Krpresa te any parttTf ine UDiiea stales. -j i;; -i July lJ. 3-iy-3-Iy SCOTCH ALE. DOZEN (pints) Mnir A Son's celebrated sparkling Edinburgh Ale. surwrior lo nnv other aiticle of the kind in market For sale by AHI6. FREEMAN A HOUSTON. 40, CL0THS.CASSIMERES,0ZNABURGS PREN'CH DRILLS, &e.;-with every kind of L Goods for Men and Boy's wear. . AprilS. , H ED RICK A RYAN. SUPERI0R0LD WINES & LIQUORS. WE have now in More, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 saHon demijohn,- containing pure vA, Sooth-aide Maderia, Pale and Brown Sherry, Port, Burgundy; and othtrr Wises.. ? Old- Champagne, Otird, Seigoette and " Nash Brandy;, Jamaica Rum ; Antwerp Gin; Bourbon and Rye Whiskey ; all of which are warranted free from adulteration. For sale bv . April 6.; - FREEMAN A HOTJSTOW. MOURNING GOODS "P ilLtSH ttJiU M Mourning Ores Goods; i-i Collar, Uadcrsleevess flandkrohiei. Ac-m April . ; -- - . " HEDUICK sV RVAI. HERRING SPRING TRADE. V" O'-V open a large and extensive assortment of l Gents, Youths, Misecsand Infants Si raw and Summer huia. of every variety and price; sebc Ions can be made from a larger Sloclc and al lover prices than can be found elsewhere, inspection In vited. C. MYERS, Hat Emporium. AprilS. No. t, Granite Row. FIFTEEN TUCUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF BOOTS, SHOES, AND; BRO gans. Having purchased our entire' slock just from the manuutciorie, we nre prepared tn offer inducement to ihe COU&TRY MERCH ASTS equal to any establishment South of Boa ton. April 3. . JONES dt GARDNER. SERVANTS MATTRASSES AT 1 ,50, for sale by V WILKINSON dt ESLER, April 8. Upholsterers. ; i ' - . . -, 'PHOSE w ishing Paper hung in a superior mil ol nr, wm piease can at our store, see sam ples, select paper, and leave orders, and we will have it done in a handsome style. . - WILKINSON & ESLER, April 6. Upd ilsterr rs. IN STORE. Of HHDS. Prime retailing Molasses ; 3 boxes O W Adamaatine and Tallow Candles ; 25 boxes aasorted Steam Refined Candy; 15 bbU. Cider VinegMt 20,000 Low and MeJi-m priced Clears. Poraab-. by - ZENO H. GREENE. April 6. 2 CjjVfPy- 9- MUSLINS AND P1UNT&- Onn PIECES Printed Lawoa; 300 do. Sm- CUU mer Calicoes. essorNMf ' April 15. IVR OFFER FOR SALE THIS, Tl ,1 ORKrN--i-30bxea Superior Eating Cheese t 1VI f. c , r-kiA r?f.A . inii...! j . IV vkb . fwnfffftj- v-ff. ' , w wv. .viu.f. 10 do. Rio do: fcdo. White Coffee A I Sugars do. da. Crashed do; 40 barrela Genuine. Nova fl EfJRICKt TLX AW. S.'"V 48?! T COMMERCIAL C0LLEC.E: fxicated 1 91 Haitlaiore-st-, J4altlnaorr, Sid tie. oaitnaioic uohti ei mb iuhhiiiihi ii i. aft ird individnalsan opnoriBnlny of brainit. a complete Mercantile Education. .Cearre of ttutty Book Keeping, by double entry as practically used in tho various departments of Trade and ' Commerce, including Wholesale, Retail," Conrmls sion Mannfaciailng. Shlpping.Bnd Steamboailof', individual Panneckhip, and Compooad Ca.,LBt-; ness. Also, Mercantile Calculation. Practical . Penmanship, and familiar Irfciurrs on Commercial ' law. una in .f.;ct w s i.u.. 7i imsi.x. ocina; taaclit individually, ran enter College at any lime, and the Course la usually completed in from lo 8 week. Terms tor an unlimited conree of instruc tion. -13 A 11 comnMt alt-Brian addnrsard Us O. K. CHA M BERLIN, wiU meet wiih prim pi attention, irt u'ars B'-aihdto any part of th Union wlwn da- Jlyl9, S3-lr.43-w-ly.. DENTISTRY. Da.T. B. CARR bsavriomrd fn the North with largely increased stock of Teeth. Instrument. Ae Hatineonsnltcd many eminenr DentiX. he ha perfect confidence In the anperioriip f Allen's Pa tent mode of inserting teeth with artificial game Full sets inserted immeduUelg after lhe extraction of the eeib. and remodelled after ibe gams hav heak-d wiihout additional eharre. : They Can a worn witbonl pain, and feeaoved front lb aeoaufc bv the wearer, and are cleaner and airnger I baa lee in inseitnd In ny other way-and are tvarrmiUed u give perfect satisfaction: - All other eperti4na prr--Torme.l in ihe . most approved manner Reference to individuals In thia place Dtw wearies tec cb with the patt isnproveruent. -:-:-,-. -i Oct 4-wHtifv m-KJ(i si4c'e' 4t B4V rtwvvrr ..a.Lwv.'jra.A TA BAG" Java, Laguayra. Rio and ' go, for sate by- : Hfefc .v,.'- ?ritPtifiH A nn .- ACi--i-4. ;-a St. Pooiin- ' PRKEM AW HOCSTOWt K( BBLS. Expected per Schr-Cbav MilU, rrorri Soo-Ua Herrings. super jor fish for Piafltation ate, UWNewTflr,.P!alby , , - - n. 1 ihe park v uMok m.- . , 1 fk BOXES Hrssina Lemen, fn goad1 orders J. ii .1nt received hy - L. W. B A R LO W, - -. April 8. ?y . ii flo-X Granite Rv.i DDI'S PATENT LEATHER EELT& 1 USTapened a few verv fine Soy's Belts, new J etyleei aUo low priced sad etMawnort Bis. -H .