rj&tS,i we-S iil J V -WILMINGTON.; yyUESDAYV APRIL. 18, 1854. t : JbUqrihff urterestiog aketcK ojrfcdpeech en to him inltbarenygti Abe eremng of tha 15th inst t in wbicfi. e ffires a brief and auikirtg- review of bia glorious admtn Wtrattorso fortunate to the welfare of the country: , , . ,, - . Mr. Fillmore snid, on risings that he telt exceedingly embarrassed in being called - On: for the first time in hi life, to address art audience like the one before hiin, and that be aineereljr hoped there was no 'chiel' present Haifa notes but that what he should utter might be forgotten with the occasion.? He was at a loss to understand what motive could have prompted each' a great and unexpected expression of regard .on the part of tlw citizens of- Kentucky. If tie were in the actual possession of 't;.e -mower which it was once bis fortune to " wield, or eren agairseeking that position .-he-Blight bee an object for .auch 7a manifes tation; but here t arn, said hef neither hol ding nor' seeking ofjfcei'witb, nothing as a private or public- rnatri whicb, in rny own estimation, afaouldcalt forth such a testi , monial as lhS jTo nothing, said he, can 1 attribute if but real Kentucky hospitality; which Seeks an object 'whether worthy or not,and lavishes upon ih&t object its own generosity Mr. Fillmore said it wag Bis iMisforTfine-rto bej-without bis solicitatioi., a d certainly against his wishes, called, to the administration of he government, . tie had not even sought thejiomination for the Vice Presidercy, ahd ""none could be more surprised than he when he learned that he was nominated. ' It waa. only ten hours be fore Gen. TaytorV death Jhat Jie had any thought that bis illustrious friend was m danger. The, knowledge came upon him like a peal of thunder frdnfa clear r ky. He felt wholly unprepared or the great re. sponsibilkies about to deirolve upon him. Though he had been for many years a pol itician, he could aay that the ooly sleepless night be ever passed on, account of politi cal anxiety was that oh. "which Gen. Tay lor died His sleeplessness arose from hU deep feeling of the .weight of the duties unexpectedly devolved upon him. He re viewed during the Eours of that night bis own opinions and life He was sensible that he bad drunk In with his mother's milk and had cherished with his youth up a feeliug, even a prejudice, againt slavery. He endeavored to look upon this whole country, from the farthest corner of Maine to the utmost limit of Texs, as but one country, the country that had given him birth. He saw in ibe gathering clouds in the Northland in the Sou'.h a storm which val likely to overwhelm him, and, he fear ed, bis country also, but be took the con stitution and the laws as his only guide. He well knew, that by so doing, he must lose the friendship of many prominent men of the country, especially in bis own State, and encounter their reproaches, but to me this Was nothing. The man who can look upon a crisis without being willing to offer himself upon the altar of his country, is not fit for a public trust. On the night of Gen. Taylor's death, the members of his cabinet presented to me their resignations. I declined Xo look at thera, first because I deemed it respectful to the honored dead that I should not con sider by what means I should carry on I he government until he was decently interred; and secondly because the avalanche of res ponsibility had fallen upon me unprepared, i desired at least a few hours to reflect on what it was my duty to do. Here was a cabinet selected by Gen. Taylor, several of them my personal friends, whom I would do anything miy power te servehort of endangetuig the peace or my country, i knew, however, that their policy was not such ns I cotild approve. I saw that the executive power of thejrovernment and the legislative were 1ft opposition to each other and that, while this state of things contin. ued, peace could never be restored. The fjuestionVthereforeV" presented itself to me shall l retain this cabinet or select a new one? The latter course, was adopted ; but you can scarcely conceive the difficulties of the position in which this decision pla ced ma. .4 AVhen our Presidents are elected, they have three" or'fotir months, before ta king their offices,' to select men suitable to aetas bead -of departments, but this duty came upon me in half a day. I requested -ibe member nf the Taylor cabinet to stay thirty dayJ and to give me an opportunity to Tookr around and select their successors ; but jlhey... respectfully declined. Tbus, while " jheatonn, was eomingv'up itv'tbe NoTan4;invthe South, I was-suddenly called ifl administer the government with out a eabinei?jand without time to select one DUi thank God, I was not long in this situalioiL -l' was so i fortunate as to obtain a cabinet, the members of which and myself always agreed in opinion ; and, in all our acts, we acted together . In that cabinet your own honored Kentucky was honora ry represented. Stilt,-said Mr. Fillmore, the great difficulty remained. The ques tion arose, what was to be done,? In Tex as and new Mexico a civil war was threat ened. Texas made preparations to take possession of New Mexico. He felt it his duty to maintain the taws of his countiy. One of those laws required that the people of the. Territory of New Mexico should be protected. As a means of protection be immediately ordered k portion of the army and munitions of war to the frontier of Tex as to do duty there. The army i was put ia motion, and then, and not ull then, did Congress act upon the subject Texas and New Mexico acquiesced in the action of Congress V . .. ,.. ;; Mr Fillmore epoke of the adoption of the compromise measure of 1850, and es pecially of the fugitive slave: law.. This aw, ha said, had some provisions in it to .which , he had objections. He regretted J the hecessity of its being passed l all ; lknl the constitution required the giving up f fugitiv slates, and it was not for him SO decide whether this Was a wise provis ion of the constitution- it was a bargain it ura a compact f be had sworn to mau laiff it, acid h would da so to his last hour. When the bill cams to him. from the two houses, in thejnidst of ;burry sjicoafu skm and di&cukies he examined iu and a doubt came up4n b nund whether it was Hnot nnconsthutional, Vt "denying i ght f habeas corDU La thejugiti ve slave. He referred 1 be question to our accomplished Kentucky lawyer his, Attorney General who gave his opinion that the a violation of the constit.rjon ; and ttere-, upon, said Mr. FUlmore, r g jw tuVe 'to the bill, .""JjykiST dowr upon my devotel head, as 1 knew 4 should, 'the vials of wrath from aoa ism and freesoiliam. Mr. Fillmore regret led, that be bad felt called on to say so m,h nf himself, and went on to speak Of those who stood by fcim in the great strug gle of 1850. He saw mat no wuum & lv name in that connection many Jiving persons, not whigs merely but democrats, as true patriots as ever lived. This work nf nar.ification. said he. waibv. no means the work of one man. or five men, or ten men ihe crisis was one in which the true patriots of the nation, no matter what they had been called, whigs or democrats, or any other name, rose above all personal and partizart considerations, and looked only to the good of the country. He re ferred beautifully to the noble parts taken by the illustrious dead; Mr. Clay, Mr. Web ster, and the. late Vice President King. The speaker said that though he had, by his- efforts in behalf of the- com promise, lost for a time the confidence of a portion of his fellow citizens, and especially in his own State, he loved that State as a dear moth er, and was unwilling to believe that he i had Droved a recreant son. He trusted that the excitement of the moment would pass awny, and that she would at last see that he had ai Feast acted .with honest in tentions if he had not acted the better part. But fellow citizens, said he, let me refer to yoiir own State. When the gathering tempealof fanaticism, abolition fanaticism, was rolling up from the North, an equal violent tempest of fanaticism, secession fa naticism, was rolling up from the South ; and where then did the State of Kentucky stand ? She stood like a rock amid the surges of the ocean she stood firm and unshaken, the pillar of the constitution. His eulogy of Kentucky was exceedingly handsome, and this portion of hi speech, like nil the other portions, was received wiih the most enthusiastic applause. Few public speakers ever made so fine an im pression upon a Louisville audience as he. FOR SALE. The Schr. S It. POTTER, now in Wil mington, is for ale. For further particu lars, apply to Jan. 28. RANKIN & MARTIN. "MAN KNOW THYSELF." A N Invaluable Book for 25ctnts. "EvetyFami- Iv should have a conv." Six thousand copies sora in los luan'hree moHtns. A new edition, revised and improved. jut issued. Dr. Humer's Medical Manuel and hand Book lor the Afflicted, containing an outline of the origtn, ! progreta. treatment and cme of every form of dis ! ease, contracted by fironiiscuousaexual intercourse, ; by felf-abuce, or by sexual execsa, with advice for ' their prevention, written fn a familiar styie avoiding ! nKmedic.il technicalities, and everything thai would : offend ihe ear of decency, from the rexult ot some ! twenty years succesjful practice, exclusively devo ' led to the cure of diseases i f a delicate or private nature. To which is added, rrceipla for the cure of the ' a hove diseases, and a treatir-e on the causes, synip j torn and cure ol the Fever and Ajriie, for twenry 1 fiveccnts a copy ; six copies one dollar ; will be for- warded to any part of the United ai tales by mail, free of post.-ige. Address, poMage paid, Cosdrn f ! Co., Publishersor box I96.Post Office. Philadelphia, j "This is, without exception, the most compreh';n : five and intelligible work published on the class of i diseases of which it Ircts. Avoiding all technical tetms.it tidJrcsses itself to i lie reason of its readers. I It is free from all objectionable matter and no pa ' rent, however fastidious, can object to .placing it in I the hands of his sons. The author hits devoted J many years to the treatment of the various com j pi. lints treated of. and 'with too little breath to puff, and 'too little presumption to impose,' he has offered j to the world at the merely nominal priee of IS cents, I the fruits of some twenty years most successful prae- lice." Hebald. "No u-aehcr or parent should be without the ! knowledge imparted in this invaluable work. It would save years of pain, mortification and sorrow to the youth under their charge. Pxopls's Advo C ATE. A PreabTterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing o( 'Hunter's Medical Manuel, says : "Thousands ol oar youth, by evil example and the influence of the nassions. have been led into the habit of self-pollu tion without realizing tho sin andfearfuicunsequen-. crs upon themselves and Iht tr posterity, t he con stitutions of thousands who are raising fariiilieshave been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or the cure. Any thing thatcan be done so to enlighten and influence the public mind as to cheek, and ultimately to remove this wide spread source of human wretchedness, would confer the. greatest blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ," on the present and coming generations- Intemperance, (the use of intoxicating drinks,) though it has "lain thousand upon thousands, is not a greater scourge to the human race. Accept my thanks in behalf of the afflicted, and btlieveme, your co-worker in the good work you are so active ly engaged in." One copy will be forwarded (si curely en veloped and postage paid.) on receipt of 25 cents, or six copies for Address, COSDF-N & CO.. Publishers, 196, Philadelphia. Booksellers Cpnvayers and Book Agents, sup plird on the tnosl liberal terms. June 2. 34-ly-c. MEDICAL HOUSE, .Ye. 10, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, K.l L.TI Alt) HE . MARYLAND. Established, in order to (ifford the Afflicted sound and scientific .tledituil Aid, and for the suppression of Qnachery. DR. 1. B. Smith has for many years devotedhis whole actention to the treatment of Private com plaints, in all their varied and complicated forms. His great success in those long standing and diffi cult cases, such as were formerly considered incur able, is surfijient to commend hiin to the public as worthy of the extensive patronage he has received. Within the last eight years, Dr. d. has treated more than 29,500 cases of Private Complaints, in their different forms and stages; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of all other physicians now ad vertising i a Baltimore, and not a single case it known whore his directions, were strictly followed, and medicines taken at reasonable time, without effecting a radical and permment cure ; th-refore, persona afflicted with diseases of the above nature, ' no matter how difficult or long standing the ease maybe, would do well toeall on Dr. Smith, at bia office. No. 16, South Frederick St., and If not effec tually relieved no remuneration will be required for his services. His medicines are free from Mercury and an mineral poisons i put up la a neat and com pact form, and may be lakeat in a public or private house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, and except incases of vio eat Inflammation, no change of diet is necessary. STRICTURES.-JDr. Smith has discovered a new method by which he can core the worst form of stricture and that without pain or inconvenience to the patient. Irritation of tha uretha, or prostrate glands.or neck of the bladderjssometimesmistaken Icr strictures by general practitioners or charlatans. YOUNG MEN and others afflicted with Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any-other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and suffering, aa wall as expense. By bia improved method of treatment, Or. S. can safely guarantee a speedy and perfect cure in all casta ol this com plaint. ' TO FEMALES, All disease peculiar to Females (as also Sup pressions, Irregularities, Ate.) speedily and effectu ally removed. Tha efficacy of his remedies, for ihe cure of the above affections, have been well tested (n an extensive practice for the Ism twelve years. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. S. by a letter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine securely put op and forwarded to aay part of the United Staiea. always accompanied with fun" aod explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered atrietly confidential. Oifice arranged with eDarale aoartntenta, so that patients sever see any one but the-doctor himself, AtteadaBcedaily,fremJ k in ine mot mm? mi a ai iuidi. - . H. Feraona amictea wim any oi me aoove coraplalnta. will do Welt ta old the various W JV OS TR If MS AND SPKCIf ICS- Ladverrised by Apothecariea and pruggisTsa ; cer tain care tor any and every disease. . i ney are, pat up to aell, bat not 40 care. 'and frequently do much mow harm than good-threfre avoid thera.' " i ivi!R rrtMPLAINT. DtSPEPIl. f oUe Kidney anAjqi.pi trW from a dior)Ured LAver or z&Stbitu&AStuch it CoBJlniiorf,iHvrard Piles, Pullnees of Blood to toe Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, U:ari barn, tigM for Ftod. Fullness or Weight In the Stomach, iSour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering aithePitof the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Ureailiing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocaiinu SeosauWa whenin a lying poa'ure. Dimness of Vision, Dots -oit -Webs before thesight, Fever and Dull. Pain Inlbe Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness oi the Skin and Ryes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbf, f-c. .Sudden Flushes of Heal, Burnlegjn the Fl sh Constant Imaginings of evil, and great depressions of Spliits, can be ef. dually cuied by Dll HOOFfJANTVa CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, I'HliFAKKUUT OR. C. W. JACKSOX. :No. ISO Arch street. Philadelphia. Their power ovet the above diseases is not excell ed, if equatled, by any other preparation i:i the Uni ted States, a s the cures attest, iu many cascaaittr skitfuLphysiclant hid failed. These Bittersare worthy the attention of invalids Possessing great virtues in the rectification of dis eases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness-,md affection of the digestive organs, they arev withal, safe,. cer tain and pleasant. KKAD AND BE CONVINCED. The "Pail idelphia Saturday Gazette," snys of Dr. Hootlakd's German Bitters. ''It is seldom that we recommend what are term cd Patent Medicines, to the confidence and patron age of our readers; and therefore when we recom mend Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, we with it to be distinctly andersto--d that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about I or a brief period and then forgotten after they have dont their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long established, universally prized, and which has met the heart y approval of the fncutty itself. "Scott's Weekly," said, Aug 25 r'Dr. Hoofland's orman Bitters, maiiufactur d by Dr. Jackson, are now -ecommended hy some of the most prominent metu'X's of the faculty as an article ol" much effica cy inj -'8 of female weakness. Persons of debili tated con "'utions willQnd thosf Bitters advantage ous to .heii oalth as we know from experience the salutary eftechev have upon weik system-'.' MORE KVIDENCK. J. G. Moore. Eq , of theDaily News, snid. Oct 31. ''Da. Hooflasd's Gebmak Bitters. Wearetry ing this renowned tnedirtne for a stubborn disease of the bowels, and can with truth testify to its efficacy. We have iaken the ejnlents nf two bottlrs, and we have dcriveJ more benefit trom the experiment than wc derived previously from vearsof nllophntic treat ment at the hand of our first phvs-irians." Hon. C D. Hincline, Mayor of ihe Citj of Cam-d-n. N. J , says : "flooFLAso's GtsMA v8 BtTTERS. We luveseen many flattering notices of this medicine, lnd the source from which they camo indued us t make inquiry respecting its merits. From inquiry we were persuaded to use it, and m .f t say we found it specific in its action upon diseases of the liver and digestive organ, and the powerful influence it exerts upon n : rvous prostration, is really surprising It calms and s- rcngthens the nerves, bringing ih m in to a state of repose, making sleep refreshing. If this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would be less sickness, as from the stomach, liver and nervous system, the great major ity of real nod imaginary desensts emtnale. Have them in a healthy condition and you enn bid defi ance to epidemics generally. This extraordinary r medicine we would advise our friends who are at all indisposed, to give a trial it will recommend it self. It should. 'n fact, be in every f.unijy. Noother medicine can produce such evidences ol merit." Forsale wholesale and retail at the GERMAN MF.DIC1NK STORE. No. 120 Arch strect.one donrbelow Sixth. Phila delphia, and by respeclab (dealers generally through out the country. Sold in Wilmington by S. B. & J. A. EVAN'S, in Fayettevillc by S.J HINSDALE. June II 33-3m Kjw WSy"'4Sm- nr.. i.-M. HJKCUISl'S CELEETrATED CAT llOLICOSi ; Fortliersaef &eare of SafferlEg Females.; . J. it stands pre-cmi- Va vNYWft fi nent for its curative iSntmfM effo'rwhich ltls recemmefided, call ed Female CompiaiBts Of tnese ate l'ao lapsos Utebi, or Falling of the vVomb; Ft-oca At ria s, or vvhitesi Chronic Inflamma ti m and "Ulceration uf ihe Womb; Inci lental Hemorrhage, r Flooding; Pain- I ol, Suppressed, and ! irregular Menstrua 011 ate., witu .uMtieir siccompany evira, ance. excepted,) no matter how ssvere or of how long standing The Catholicon far surpasses other remedies, in bein; more certain, lcfsexpensive.and leaving the system in a better condition. Let all interested in such a remeedy call and obtain n pamphlet (tree containing ample proof, from highly reppectabl sources, of the happy results of .13 uie together with lettersfrom first-class experienced physicians, who have used it in their practice, and speak Irom their own observation. B KFKBKSCF.6. Prof. Dbr;nn'r, M.D , Baltimore, Md. J. C. Orrick, M. D., P. B. Peckhnm, M. D, Utira, N, V. D. V. Fooje, M. D., Syracuse, IV . V. M. H. Mill. M. D , Rochester, N. V. I,. O. Fleming, M. D.,Oarnndaigtin, N. V. W . VV. Reese, M. D., I'ityof .N. V. W. Proscott, M. D , tJoncord, N. H. J. P. Newtand, M D.. Utica, N Y. Pamphlet can be had graifat tho -store of S. B.& . A. KVA.VS. Dnt22ists W !to!esafc and Iti'tail Agents. Wilmington, N. C And of most of the lea ling Druggists in the State. Lttlcr adilresscd to Hfcfsrs. fieacfi if- Brow-STn , A rents at Sewberry C. I., S. C , by Rev. C. S. Beard, of tame Shite. Gles Springs, Jan. 3:h, 1S53. Messrs. Beach & Rbovvvson Sms : I send for another bottle of your " Marchisi's Utarine Ca tholicon " My. wife has been tiffliced for eleverr venrs. and a variety of means has been resorted to for relief, but none was obtained until I received ihi nvidicine fromxoti Its tnllueoee seems al most migical VH REMOVALS WE have removed our boeiaess 10 the WHITE nTnitV nni .rtinlinir Dr. Evans' Drosr Si ore, three doors east of the CommercaiJF Bank,! where we sttutt be pleated; to-see oar ineoo anU , customers.; in a few days wc shall open aa entire ly Jew block 01 Spring Goods.- ' Match?. J HEP KICK & RYAK. NOnCE. ' " LL persons indebted to us for Goods pnrchas-. ed previous to the 1st January. 1854, are res pectfully requested 10 call and seiil. - "s " Feb. io. HKDltlCK & RYAN. A. ef FOR SALE. r BBI.S. Glue, suitable for Distillers 1 fJVJ 60 do. best heciifuu Whiskey j . , IDO bags Prime Kio L'oiltc-f 500 new Spirit Bam Is. Jan. 23- VVM. A. GW"ER. JUST RECEIVED FROM PHILADU CASr. Sulph. Quinine, 50ois. Ca,onleI, 10 ozs. Sulph. and Acelale Morphine, 25 ozs. Cinchonia, 5 ozs. i"alarine, 2.1 ozs. Blue Mass. 10 02s. Chloroform. 19 bbls. Epsom Salts, an. I a choice collection o Chemicals from live Labrafories of Poms oi Weight man and Chas. Ellis. For sale cheap a C. fc D. Dul'KE'S, Drug and Chemical Store, Market st. JnneO. 37 KNIVES, FORKS, &c, IVOnYhanoled Knives and Forks, ivory hand led Knives without Forks, ini-eifc or by the doz. -MHvnnsand F01 ks plated with three plates of pure !-ilvor, warrantrd to last 0 long as I he "oldsi In habitant" without changing c'oior. For sale at the Hardware s:on of N o v 3 J. M -BO B I NS O N . NOTICE '-O SKIPPERS AND CONSIGVKES OF 1 P HOD V CK. Take notice that on an.l after Wvember 1st, shipping wharfage will be charged on ill produce, sent to und tftipped from my wltarves ; .ind landing wharfage "n all produce discharged thereon, consignee to other pariie . Nov 1 P?-tf IVM A. GWYER. ;; aOLDSBORtr FEJALi COLLEGE. X r rpHE first sessicn of AhlS.Jttlrtlo jrtir eora- JL meceKi Mrtaday, the-1st Ji sy, iSS4,;un-i der the F. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. 1AH Is ESSENCE is a preparation of unusual excellence In ordinary Uiarrhsa, incipient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the .tigestive functions, so common, it Is of i nest i ma hie value. Duting the prevalence of epidemic eho lera end summer complaints of children, i 1 is peeu- i li-trKi t'rff f tntic mi f:nnil v inilivirliti.Ifirf rnvrllur there wn n nnnilest improvement t,e without it. fla it enables the system tore- OUR MOTTO IS ' TO PLEASE" AT THE Wilmington Saddle, Harness, anil Trunk Manufactory. rrMl E subscriber respectl u !ly i n form t '1 r public A thai lie has recently received addition; to his stock of Saddle and Hurnesx Mountings, It c, ti e latest and most improved style, ami is . onslunly manufacturing, at hisstore on market street. evei y description of articli in the above line. From hit experience in the business , he fc" Is con fid en t that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call, llehaenowon hand, and willconstautly keeD a larae assortmen t of Conch. Gix and SiUZeif Harness, L't-'fif's Siliilrs. Britllcf. IFAt'x, dc, Gentlemen's Saddles, Wkips Spurs, qV. W"aliof which he will warrant to be ofM lltb best materials and workmanship. ?S Hi has also a large assortment of T Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, l'ancy Trunks, &c . and all other ar ticles usually kept in such establishments, all of which be ofTert low for CASH, or on short credit to prompt customers. baddies, Harncss.Trunks, tludical Bags, ifcc. it., made to order. In addition tpthe above the subscribe ralwava keeps en hand a large supply of String l-entlier , ana 11:1s now, and win kropinrnugh tne season a good assortment of l'Jy Nctls. All are invited to call and examine my Goods, whether in want or not, as I take pleasure i n shew ing my assortment to all who may favor me with a call. Harnessand Coach Trimmings sold at a fait pricu to persons buying to manufacture. Also, Whips ai wholesale. kinds of Riding Vehlt les bough t a nd sold on Rominiinns. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Feb. 7, 1854. Hfl A won! to tho wis tm-mML. : 1 .vh4. MTU, 15 Sontb Frederick " "-ht r il. : -- ' m .-w- f v . v.4v awt4wvi. wilt mm AUBURN STILL FOR SALE. THE Plantation of the subscriber, near Raleigh, and on the Central Kail lload. is not yet disposed of. A descrip tion bus already born given but no one ill of course mako so important a purchase without visiting the premises. Apply to Wm. it. Pools, Esq., who lives near the place, or to the subscriber. T. LORI.VG. Wilmington, N. C, Iaru23, 1851. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. GEORGE R. FRENCH, at his old stand on Market street, beis leave to return bis thanks to his old friends and customers for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and to inform them that his stock of Boots and shoes, including evcrv vari ety ia his line is now as complete and as extensive as at any former period. His stock of Gentlemen Boys and Children's Boots and Shoes embraces eve ry variety of style, fashion and quality that can be desired, or thai is usually called for, including a fine assor tment of Ladies. Misses and Gentlemen's Over Shoes. He would particularly invite the attention of the Ladies to his extensive assortment of Ladle j and Misses Leather, Morocco, Enameled, Bronze, Pat. Leather, Goat Skin, black and white Kid and a va riety jof fancy colored Baots; Shoes and Slippers. Also, black, brown, blue, purple and variegated silk Gaiters, a new and handsome article", with and with out henls. Ladies fancy Gaiters at SI a pair. Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find ings. Please call and examine. Mr. Frsneh would also inform his friends and the public, that he is State Agent for the sale of Davis'' Pain Killer and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by either wholesale or retail. Nov 40 102 wT l'mTn g ton MARBLE ANJ) STONE YARD. THE Subscriberhaving accepted the agency ol severs I Isrsestablishments at the North, which wlllfurnish him an unlimited supply nf finished or nnftntshek, foreignand domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared 10 fill a II orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, and every other article in the line of the business at reasonable rales. SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING, Executed a vellas can be done either North or South. The best efereace can be given, if required. JAS.McCLAttArAN. March 3. 149-tf. from the day it ws taken. As there are a sreat ninny females in our country lnhorins under the affliction for which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel it a duljrro recom mend 11 to nil Riirh. (Sisneil.) CtoiTGH S. Reabd. J. R. M ll MUSI & CO. Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 broadvvav . Y. Nov. 19. 106 lyc TI1R0W PIIVSIC TO DCGS ! PUL VERM A CHERS Hydro Elcctic Volcanic Chains. Producing Instant relit f from the most acute pain, aixl permanently ctiriug ull Neuralgic Diseases. RH HUM ATI SM , painful and ttetlled joinJs. neu ralgia, of fie face, deafness, blindness. St. 17 ustdtiiicc. pilpilulions of tfic heart, pcri-iicnl head aehe, uuiru i l I'lt sl'intw'h, indigestion, dyspepsia, uterih: pains. These" h iins were first introduced in the city of New York less than one year since, and after be ing sul'jet lid to the most thorough trial in ever hospital in the city tjy Drs. Valentine Molt, Posy Cirnochan, and Van U'iren.ii wan discovered ih.-ii they possrss strange and wonderful power in the relief and cure ol the nbove class of iiseaf i f. and they 01 once recommended, through the papers of the cily, liu-ir general use, und their nle and the soccers that has attended their ur, is unparalleled. Prrvlous to their introduction in to this country, they wire used in every hospital in Europe, ami bp: secured by palentein France. Germany, Austria, Prussia, and F.ngland; and also in the United States. "TliitiU close and ponder wcl I." Thr prim iplts upon u hicli 11 i? 1 hiunt d that the Chains produce their marvelous cures are, first that alt N eb voc8 utfEAFEs are attended and pro dined by a deficient t-u.-ply of nervous fluid and an agent that resembles cloeslv leciricit or elec tro magnetism ; and second that the elrctjo 111:12 nelic chains, by being worn over and upon the part and organ diseased, lurnlrh to ihcexhuusted nerv ous V:-tem, by it- powerful stimulating etiicts, the 1 nrvous fluid which is required to produce a heal hey action through 1 he enti ri syst ni . i odisgust ing nostrum is allowed to betaken while usins the chains, but n rigid observance of the general laws of health are requLwd. Brisk friction upon the part disenfed add much to the eflei-t of the chains, by increasing their magnetic power. K)Ot DOI.IjAltS will be given to an 1 person who will produce so many well authenticated certificates of elites both from intcllicent patii nts and scientific physicians, as have been affected by Pulverniache's Electro cnains. 1 nev never laii to perlorm wliat ihey are advertifed to do, and no person has ever been dis satisfied ho V.af give n tlicm a t rial. lit Female Diseases, more than one hundred permanent rurrs of pro lapsus uteri have been -(Ft-cted within the last year by the use of these chains By applying one end of the chain overtlie rcjjion of the ablomrn and t c other npon tho spine, jast abi.-ve the hips, the usual severe (-yinpt uns inuident to that disease arf at once removed. Morleol Ue. The chain should be moistened before use with common vinegar, and then one end of the chain j-honlil be applied directly to the seat of :he pain or disease, and the other end opposite to it. Call upon Dr. Evans, and obtain a. pamphlet (gratis.) He will also explain their mode of use to all who may desire it. Piiysicians a-c respectfully Invited to call and invest igate theirnirrits. Card to Ladles. Ladies who are enciente are requested not to wear them but a few moments at each time of applying for by long use miscarriage is frequently produced. Dr D. llovey, agent for Greenfield; HillverA Wood. Norhamplon J Stcinert general agent 56 Broad woy, N. Y. For sale in Wilmington , iy S. B. & J. A Evans. Nov. 10th ly-c WHEAT, RICE. CORN & PEA FANS, sis' 1 he influence of incipient disease, which lu ri. in a chancing climate Caution. Be sure to sret the "entiine Essence which is prepared only by F. Brown, at his Drui! and Chemical Store, .. E. corner ol Fifth and Chi;snul slreo'p. Philadelphia, and for sale by al j the respectable A pothecaifes in the United States SIJ in Wilmington by S. H.& J. A. E VANS indCJc D. DuPltK. JunelG. 40 ly c ,-I am a man. and lee. 11 nothing which relates to ma-i foreign to iny feelings." READ ! ! ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD. A Vigorous Life or a Premature Death. K1SKELIS OS SELF PRESERVATION. ONLY 25 CUNTS. rPHIS Book, just iuHifhd, is filled with useful I. information, on the infirmim s and diseases oi ihe Generative System. It addresses itself alike to YOUTH, MANHOOD andOI.D AGE. To ull who apprehc-nd or suffer under the diru con s. qui nces of early or prolonid indiscretions to ail w ho fuel the exhaustive 1 fleets of sedentary and beneful habits to all who in edition to declining physical energy, are the victims of nervous nnd menlnl drbiliiy. andof m.ping and inelanchti.y de spondency. Dc.K. would say It HAD THIS OflDK. The valual le advice and impressive warning it ives. will prevent years of inisi.-ry and surlerine, and save annually Thousands of Lives. Parent, by rending it, will learn how to prevent ihe destruction of their children. IUj"A remittance of 25 cents, ervclossd in a letter, addressed to DR. K1NKELIN, PHILADELPHIA, ! will ensure a book, under envelope, per return of mail. i frDr. K. fifteen years resident Physician". N. W. Corner of THIRD and UNIOX Street, between Srerre yndPjss, Phi l aublphi a , m ty be consulted confidentially He who pl.iceshimself under the caref Dr. K. may religiotisly confide in his honor us a gentleman, and t.onfidently rely upon his skill as a physician. fj-l'ersons at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter (post-paid,) and be cured at homo. PACKAGES f MEDICINES, DIRECTIONS, ef-c forwarded by sending a remntanee,and put up secure from DAMAGE OR CURIOSITY. jjj-Hooksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvass ers, and all others 6unplied with the above woikat very low rates. June 2. 34-ly-c. TAYLOR'S INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, BROADWAY, (Cor. of Franlin Street, NEW YORK. IS completed and opened for travellers who de sire a'tjreeable and attractive accommodations, it is conducted upon the principle of the best Eu ropean Hotels, the meals being served in the seve ral apartments, or at the tables in the saloon, at the option ol" guests. The Hold and Furniture combine elegance with comfort, and is designed as well for the convenient reception of travel lers by the late trains. JOHN TAYLOR, Proprietor. Jan. 2G. 133 lyc. FOR SALE Til E House and Lot occupied by the sub scriber on Foul I. bcl ween iSun and Ann 1 ply at the Ice House, June 25, 19 53 th control of heiVllwWlfl facahy, and trilh aoe4 xpensesV-" 4iy ' - -v f i'3,.1- m:-TBB faculty. i,?r RevAMESa.VJtENTtPresteerJrhvfa or of Ancisot-Laoguagca, Expertmtnia,ScIeas and Mathetnatics. ' - ' - ' - " Mtj- , A. M"., Professor of Modern Langua- gJ :s-i-t ,r - 't - . ' , , -. Mrs. -t-Profeasor of Music. ' Miss Emily Webb, Miss M. B. Slammirs, ni Miss S.A Brsnl, Assist anu in the vaiious depart ments.' "'" Theejtercisos of the School will be divided into these varta. Primary, III to fcelKo4. snd Cwiieaiate, The Primary ill prepartrfor the High School snd ColU-uiuie. Tho High tfchooi will embrace a se lected part of the Collegiate course. The usual reports u ill be made 10 parents on the Primary . ... course, a s'.uen passing ine nigh course will be entitled toa cerlilicste of scholarship. A fclu dent who has .taken the Collegiate course will be entitled tt a diploma. COURSE OF STUDIES. Collegiate Classes.---Latin All the course be low Virail and ibrenah Bucolics. Grwk All ihe course below the Anabasis, in cltfding th- Gospel of John. Matiiematics, Algebra, Gcnmeiry, Trigonome try. fec. Modern Languages: French, German and Italian. Olcndurfs complete system, and one author in each language. Literary: History, Bot any, Chemistry and Astronomy and EnglUh com position. ORNAMENTAL. Music. Drawing, Painting, Needle-v. crk and Embroidery, PIIJII A BT. Smith's Grammar complete ; do GtHgraphy do; Davies' arithmetic do; Sand's Sciics do; Good rich's LoiId Lessons ; do Greek do; Davies' l"le mcnlary Algebra; Olcndorfs primary sysiem in Fron h, German and Italian. The ornaments' branches may be pursued in the Primary depart ment, being regarded as the acconiplishon nts and not ihe essentials of an cd-tcaiicn. EXPENSES. Boa id per session. $30 no extras. Tuition Primary department 7 to 16 High School, i6to20 Collegiate, 20 The nrnament.il branches eira. unless the whole course is taken, w hen $I0C wll cover the entire expense of loan) urjd tuition per session. The Collegiate course will require four years, but siudents who are prepared can join advanced classes. CBtttCB. The students may attend whatever church the parents prefer, always accompanied by a fteacher VISITORS. Visitors Khali be received in the College only in the presence of a teacher. and visits shall be re turned only under ihj; same rest ricl ion. vt hich docs not apply to parents or guardians. DOMESTIC. The science of Cookery, House-keeping nnd JMantua making, will form a part of the entire course. Hi1 vff!:MFlS AND DATH.sf-ri j C'Wb" U life, falheH'-J' A. Battle in cMM, 1 : Where ibe-ftrongest lanca aay fail Where the wariest eyes may rje begnlledV And the stoutest heart may quafj- . ' Wliere the foes are gathered on every band, And rest not day or night; ; j "f t And the feeble little otjes nrtwt sUKbdl it h- - j In the thickest of the tight, - ;, , j What is Death, father I' Th Rest, my child When the strife and the toil are o'er The angel of God, who, calm and Bsllof.f " Says wo need fight no more .. ;7- ' , , . Whedrhreth away the demon band, : " . "X Bids the din of the Battle cease, - v '" r Takes the banner and spear from oar faffing ' hand, ''-'i' And proclaims an eternal Pecc. . " s - j ,3 " ' Let me die, father ! I tremble, and fear To fall in that terrible strife P . . " ' The Crown must be won for Heaven, dear, Inthe,j3attl5J-fleIdof Life. . . ;t , ft . , , Courage ! tfiy foea may be strong and tried, ' . " ; But He lovetb the weak and small; ' , ; r' , The angels of heaven are on thy aide, And God is over all !' A del inc. MISCELLANY.! FOR SALE. THE Hons and Lot on Secondstreet, between Nann and Church streets- Apply to C. csD. Dci KK. Sept. 8- , 1S-f. TUST in store and for sale by J uct s J. M. ROBINSON. FOR RENT. THE large Brick Dwelling, on Second Street,. it present occupied br .Mrs. Wm. H. Lippitt. For particulars apply to R. G. RANKIN. September 3, 1853. 73-tf. FURMTURE. JUST received and for salt low for cash, by S. M W KST. 25 doz.Chairsvassorted kicds; 5 ' Rocking Chairs assorted kinds; 5 " Children's do do 5 Fine Mahogony do 2 " Wash 8tands, do 2 " Toilet fables, do 2 Dinner, do do 20 Fine K urea us, do 40 Fine Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, assorted kinds; Fine Chamber Set. assortid kinds ; ,0 Bedsteads, do 0 Looking Glasses. do 100 Doz. Glass Tumblers, do 2 Fire-proof Iron Chests, Patent Locks, said to be the best now in use. Call and examine for yourselves. Nov, 15th . 104 tf DR. E. SEYMOUR'S Celeb'ated Galvanic Abdominal' Supporters. THIS is to certify, thjt O. A t. DoPre, Drag aists of Wilmington, H. C. are my ! agents for the sa'e of the above Sopportera for tftia place and vtckUty. SEYMOUR. Wilmington, N. C, March 23, 1854. . - ' ; We most rWeetfulty eaH Ae mttentlen of the Medical Profession of the Stats to aa examination of the above Supporters. ' ; C.dt D. DaPRE. March 23, , - " 3-tf - coffee. '-H 'fill sucnlv o Mocha. Java.' Li Portoj CRYSTiL PALACE! MF.RCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. THE P'oprietora of this establishment beg leave to inform the citizens of Wilmington and the surrounding country, that their first exhi Uon of SPRING GOODS will take place this morning.' The stock comprises the most Fash ionable Styles of the present season Consisting of fine French, Belgium and German Cloths; newest Designs of French Cashimeres. and splen did assortment of Vestings of ail kinds. Also, a large assortment of superior Ready ma-e Clothing suitable for ihe present season, all ot the best French Fabric?. Also, constantlv kept on hand a large assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods. Second door below the Carolina Hotel. KAHNWEfLER & BR.O. March 7. - -- 150- CANDY! CANDY! RF.CEIVED this day at No. 3, Granite Eow, direct from .the manufactory 1 1 000 pounds fresh Candy ia 2S lb . boxes ; 600 " , " assorted for reiailingt 300' ". Gum drop of various flavors; 100 Jelly Cakes.-?- For sale by 4 - - . - .L- N. BARLOW. . March 23. l . 3. . LADIES' RIDING DAim tTOR SALB- A e ; jrorrnno tGrtnite ACCOMMODATIONS. 150(-tudents can be comfortably accommodated in the College buildings. supervision. The students wilt be un Icr the immediate super vision of the President, who will reside in ihe Col lege, and will be assisted by the professors, teach ers and Board ol Council. BOARD OF COUNCIL, Richard Washington, Wt'.LUM K. Link, William T. Dortch, Waithan Thompson, John C. Sloccmb, W. S. G. Andrews. Tht blanks in the Faculty will be filled as soon as a selection ia niiJe from the numerous appli cants. For further information address J. H. Rrent, or any of the IJoardol Council. Goldsboru'. Dec." 24. 1833 I20-ly necTpasses ANF.VV fin m of PtiFses.conloinirg sanitary pro visions, approved by he Commissioners, ai d a number of others interested in the welfare of our colored population, is just issued at the office of The ( 'ommercud, STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL. I WILL sell low, and on accommodating: 1 terms, the Engine and Machinery of 1 he Capo rear a I en m Saw Mill 14 Inch cylinder, 2 feet st rnke ; three 32 inch boilers, 30 feet long main shaft 10 feci 6 in hes lung tbe power of this engine is estiva ltd at 60 lioise, has a new extra cylinder and log- gcering, and all the appliances neresaiy lor the lull quin tnt to operate nl once. Also, 2 Slave-dressing Machines, Jointers, &c complete. O. G. PARSLK V. Jan. 21 131-tf TOWAGE! TOWAGeTT" STEAM ER Sam Bcary.A. M Gutb rie, master; Steamer Calhoun, Jot Sprincs, master, are ready al all times for btit-iness. Ordeis for Towage will have prompt attention if left at office of Agent. GEO. HARRIS-1?. June I ' 3P-if Streets possession given 1st Uctobel.Ap- S ILAS H. MARTIN. 41. just itRCEivnn prom BLTIM0RE AND PHILADELPHIA. B15LS. Silver's Fire Proof Paint, allcolors wJ'20 casks Spanish Brown ; 10 do. Venetian Red ; 5 do. Yellow Ochre. Forssleb C. &, D. DuPRE, Druggistsand Chemists, Jan. 9. Wilmington, N.C. MESSP0RK- Cf DARRELS Mess Porlt. just received, and Ol J for sale by RANKIN A MARTIN. March 4. 149. EVENING LESSONS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, GREEK ako LATIN. HE subscriber proposes to form hV h-ilNb CLASSES lor instruction In the above lan- guaees, for the convenience of those whose engage ment might prevent their attendance dttrtnir the day. Having studied French and the classical Ian gucges in Europe, and speaking ihe German ss his native tonaue, he feels confident of being able to impart a thorough knowledge of them to such gen tlemen as may favor him with their patronage. For terms, etc. apply to the subscriber, at his residence on Princess street, two doors East of the Journal" Office. JACOB LOEB. Wilinineton. March 23. 3-tf. V LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. THE subscribers having received ihe Agency of the KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, ol the City of New York, are now prepared to tokerisUsjn ihe lives of white or col ored persons residing in 'Wilmington or lis Im mediate vicinity. Those wishing to have their own or ihe lives oi their slaves Insured, by colling on the subscribers they can have sll the information ne cessary ; and by reading a lew hints contained in tfie Pamphlets which we have for distribution, they will learn that it is ihe duly of every poor man to have his life Insured, not only for the purpose of giving him rredn in the business circle, but for the still greater consideration ol leaving his family in competent circumstances. JlcCALEB dr, GILBERT. Feb. 28. 147 3mc. SPRING AND SUMMER'SILKST JUST received the Newest Designs ouj, by KHAN WEI LER dc. BRO. March 7. 150. WHAT IS DIRTJ , Old Cooper, of South Carolina, astl to say lo his students : .. Don'l be afraid of a Utile dirt, gentlemen. What is diil ? Why, nothing t all of fensive, when chemically yiewed- Rub a little alkali upon that "dirty grease spot", upon your coat, and it undergoes, a. chemN' cal change and beroorres soap.. Nor rub it with a little water, and it disappears it , is neither grease, soitp, water nor, dirt. ThaJ. is not a Tery odorous pile of dirt," you observe, there. Well, scatter a Jiltle frypsrim1 OVer'if, and il is no ; longer dirty. Everything you call dirt is worth your, nonce as students of chemistry. -Antuite."-itl It will separate into verj cleaTi ele ments. " ' ;: ... Dirt makes corn ; corn makes bread and meat, and that makes a very sweet young lady that I saw one of you were kissing last night. So, after all, you were kissing dirt particularly if she whitened her skin with chalk or Fuller's earths .-There is no telling, gentlemen, what is dirt.; Though I may say rubbinrr such stuff upon the beautiful skin of a young lady is 4'r17 practice. uPearl "Powder," ... I - think,' -4 made of bismuth nothing but dirti TEMPER.. ,: ' There is nothing that shows more com-", pletely the connection between external . and internal beauly than the expressions we receive from the human face and form Habitual bad temper givesthe effect of ug liness to the lovlie t features J and habitual good humor renders the plainest agreeable and attractive. And these, be it observed, are the qualities of the features themselves, and do not depend as is the case with those of an inanimate object, - when a change takes place in the impressions we receive from it upon the mood of mind of . the observer. The handsome features are admitted to be correctly chiselled, and the plain features to be irregular, if not' grotes que ; but the character of both is changed by something we call expression. This , expression is the spiritual part- of beauty An inanimate object gives us more of les of pleasure, according to the state of mind in which we view it ; but strictly speaking, it has in itself only one expression one form and degree of beauly ; while in a human being, in whom spirit dominates over, mat ter, tbe physical part takes its character almost solely from the mind within. ; PORTRAIT PAINTING. MR. Massil jfi, Portrait Painter, most respect fully announce to the ciilxens of Wilming ton and surrounding country, th.it it has taken rooms over the store oC Mr. Agnstini, on Market street where Lad es and Qeaitefnen are invited tr call and examine his Paintings. ; f " ' . Persons wishing Daguerreotypes espied, can nave it done by hlro aa trues it taken from if. Dec. 17 HT OFFICE WIL. & MAN. R. R. CO. WILMINGTON, N. C.Jtn. 23, 1851. 1 gi Jg'-agys ri CONflIONEES of "Down" or inward freight, J are hereby notified thai, en sod after Wednes day, the 1st Febrnary, 4651, sll freight will be de livered on West side of the Cspe Fear River, end ther are required 10 receive the same there... . On and alter Monday, the 30th inatn the passen ger train will leave Wilmiaclea at 10 o'clock, Y. al., instead ol , a.m.. bs si prewnu - I. i. KLKMI.Mi, ... y Sop'L W.dt M. O. Road. Jan. 31. v ,. . ' -lai-lf. Urns 18. 4S4. LARGE STOCK OF FURMTURE. THE subscriber would reg spectfolly invite the attention Ofc of the public, to his very large Tl and complete assortment of FurniiBrc now being received and recently selected by himself at the Manufactories: dining thepresent month, Ms stock will be complete and consist in part of the fol lowing articles. Fine Sets'Drawine Room Furniture, in Dam aik and Hair Cloth ; Setts Painted Chamber Fun imre. &0,.Sidetord, Secretaries and Book Cases 1 69 Sofas and Tele a Tetes ; 100 Bureaus; 100 Wah Stands, marble and plain; 100 Rocking Chairs ; 7a Nurse do. 125 Tea and Dining Tables ; 75 Centre, Card and Sots do. 75 Toilet . , do. - 100 doz. Chairs, cushioned, cane sad Windsor; "250 Bedsteads, in mahogony, walnut, maple and roo ; Wardrobes, mahogony sad stained ; Office Furniture 1 Children's Chairs ; Ottomans, Foot Stools ; A fine assortment of Cooking Glasses ; Teapoy's Whatnots Hat Stands f oettees, wprx Taotes ; Work Boxes. Pspr-r Hangings; Window Shades, Ste. dc. ' A Hw tut visa Piaso Fosirxs. and in fact al most any article that may be d wired, in complete, ly famishing DwetBngs. Hotels Oflaees or 80 ciety Rooms Front Street. . . ? - - . J. D. tOVKl Wilmington, N. C, fiept, 9, 1S53 76M TOWING BY STEAMER CALHOUN t ffTTiVO&PgRSrortQwigTw STB AH E it Nf'C4t.HODW wllT atte.tion 11 1 fkftat the affic ofA,r-A- , i-'.fj- Jt- .-vt- aEO. HARR1SS. i BEEF, PORK, LARD AND BACON. SEVERAL lots for sale by FREEMAN A HOUSTON. Match &. 151. MORSE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT. THIS is a Partly Vegetable Compoimd.scienlin cally prepared from ihe best Roots ami Herbs of the Materia Sfedica. and has gained an unrivall ed reputation for the following effects, viz : PURIFYING TUB BLOOD, and thuscoring sll Humors, Sores, Ulcers, Cntanc ous Eruptions. Canker, Scald Head, 4c . . Begalatiug and Cleauting Ibe Stomach k Bovelt, thustt cores Dyspepsia, lndigeation, Cosliveness, Piles, Ac. Strerrgthealag the Digestive Organs, , thus causing the food le nourish andsnppottevery part. REGULATING THE SECRETARY ORGANS, and.hv enablins them 10 perform their pro serfs n c- tions,preveniingandcuring Bilious andelherpain ful diseases. olreaslhrniBe and Quieting tee RenoBtSralem, thusallaying rXervous Irritation, and curing all di. eases ot the Nerves. It is unrivalled ia the cure of all FEMALE DISEASES, as Weakness, Irregularity. Obstructions, Ac. I tis pleasant to take, and safe in all cases: act ingln harmony with ihe restoring powers ef nature it never in urea bat always benefits and ceres, aa thousands of voluntary certificates from the beat authorities testify. Prepared by r?. MORSE if- C0..2 Maiden-Lane. S . Y. Sold by Drnggistsand others throughout thisand otherconotries. S. B. 4. j. A. KVAKS; Areata, - . Wilmington. N. C. sept. 30. -; ''- i- 85-ly-c SASH, BLLND ' 1 h". . AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted bv Gum .C. Uolchkist, rHE public are hereby lnf'rmedw that J have beet, appointed agent for the sale of Window Sash, Blinds and Doors, manufactured by the lies tiaven uotji., ana am prepared to fill al orofra in the above tine. The quality of the work of the New Havea Com. Is well known in this market. Baildera and all persona la want of the above articles, are requested to send fa their orders, and they will be promptly filled. Terms invariably eaah on delivery. VVM.A.GWTKR. Genera I Agtnl Commission sd FanonUng Mt r- a m . Aaril 18. ... , GARDEN SEEDS. GARDEN Seed jaet teceivad from Philadelphia. A large supply of Garden and Flower seeds, for sale at C; D.DvPRE'S Jan. 12 ' " 'v Drag- and Chemical 8 tore. ' LUMBER. parcel of prime Rlter' Lumber, agitable for Plantation purposes, for sale, hy - "-'- ". March 3a JAS. F. GILLISPIF. dtCO. - A SMALL xm. Wide Boards and Scant liaz. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. mHF. UnderxIrrBedhive thia dav formed e Co- I fmrtaership, under the Bam of COSTIN, GREGG A CO., tot tbe transaction of the Lum ber Baaincaa. March 16. .MILES COSTIN, J. KL1 UttKlrU. . ... , ALFRED HMITH. J. O. L1TTLEFI ELD. M-lf. new books. - : r: APOCALTPTIC Sketches. Lectures on Ihe Book of" RevetatieBa, first aeriea. by -Rev. John Cumming, 0. D. . The Sepulchre of our Departed by Rev T. R. Anspsch, A. H. ' The Foot Prints of the Creator, br the Asiero lepea of S'remrvsa. by Hugh Miller, from the Lon don 3d edition, with; Memoir of the Aaihor, by Louis Agassis. Recived end for aale by April 6. ;'. rv ' ' ; - , J. T. HUSD8. It SPRING STYLE BONNET " P"r Ti iv C I II ER db BRO. jfc.. -- etteap.trr ' Marth,7 U0. GOLD PENS. ANOTHER large supply of various brands. Dew ooo, Warreu i Hyde's, a ten '". ot aH aizca, Adam Rapp's. Albert G. Begley a,. . VV woaJd eattatalaiteirtloo waw. r ren dt Hyde's, as they are an ''"flfS JTu5?I! before aadW aaperior, yn. ij-l dle. illlsYLINrm BESTUAKK! V i VFN Shewing sod Pillow Case Linen i Ts T nuoert Raia ad Birds Eye DUpers , kok l-P, Donie." Heekal-ek T.trelH.g. I J!P IZHrtmetU nankruUtr ears has beea taken this depart "" " .( . ... t .njotock la lary DAW801f, " NOW LANDWG from Schr. 4 SmiO. AU E.& WdU, and O. 0. Parsley. ? 1 f BBLS. and half bWa. LoriUart'a Snsflj 1U25 baga Rio Coflee. I0do. Java t - ia ken Powder t 100 bare Shott casks Wailoj II bbU.Craekeri t hose - ' ' do ; '. .. - 20 4or- Hackers and Round Shaves f -:" Truss Hoopoe dtc Povsale low-by - ' April 1. TTj ' GREENE. : r" -V

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