in : VOLUME IXN UMBER 16. 5Er".v -t&w.-. ,-&l?m:-. " -;.7- -rf.-.. ... .. MV-' .1 WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING,. APRIL 22, 1854. AAHOUEUMBEiriOCS MISCELLANY. - - A GOOD JOKE. f ThVRome Sentinel tells the following cxcellenCj story in connection with the es cape -of two females from the jail in that town on Sunday night last : ' On Monday morning a constable, not a thousand miles from this town, having some business at Utica, started in his sleigh, with the inten tion cf finding and arresting if possible, the fugitives. He bad got a short distance betow Orislianv, when he overtook a co;ip le of females who politely asked hun for a ride. This reasonable request could hard ly be denied by the gallant constable, so he took ihe young ladies (!) in his sletgh, .and carried them to Uiica, and there left iheut. After the transaction of his busi ness in that city, he returned to Rome, and wag relating to the jailor the Irtile piece of gallantry which he had performed in the morning, when it turned out on further description, that these same females who had had such a 6ne ride were the ones who had. escaped from jail, and who the consta ble was iii pursuit of." DISCOVERY OF HUMAN REMAINS Yesterday alternoon some laborers while, engaged in excavating and prepar, ing the foundation for a new building a bout lo be erected in the rear of No. 7 Oak street, dug up a human skull and the bones of a. bum n frame, which they found about 12 feet below the surface. News of the affair soon spread, and a large crowd collected, many of whom believed that torn" person had been murdered and bu ried on the spot. Captain Ditchelt. with a force of the 4th ward police, repaired to the place and preserved order The bones were placed in a box and conveyed to the store uf Messrs. Fowler, phrenologists, who pronounced the skull to be that of an Indian. The remains had probably been deposited in the place in which they were found for nearly a century. N. Y. Sun, Hth- , ; TERRIBLE DEATH. A master bricklayer, attached to the Stanton Iron" Works in South Derbyshire. England, while, effecting some repairs up on the wall of a furnace, was precipicated from his position by the giving way of some: bricks, into the midst of a mass of molten lead The operatives who saw him stooping with his hands and feet in the red hot metal, could do nothing more than pour vast quantities of water upon the fire mid upon the person of their unfortunate fellow workman. When the heat of the furnace was somewhat subdued so as to allow of nccess to the body, all that co ild be found of the remains was a single shrivelled frag ment of the trunk, two or three feet in length. BOOTBLACK IN A FIX. A domestic, newly engaged, presented to his master, one morning, a pair of boots, the leg of one of which was much longer than the o her. ' How comes if, you rascal, that these boots are not the same length V I really don't know sir but what both ers me the most is that the pair down stairs are ia tbe same fix.' J AS. n. CIIADBOUKN & CO., -Geueral Commission Merchants, Vr,IINTO. C Ja. H. Ch ItlJIIX. GlOaCHADOOIIX. , Jun. I, 195i. tir T.c.woRTn, ; General Commission Merchant, ?Vir,IVtiTOM, ! . c. QS UAL ndvance made on consignments of Cot tun, Naval Store and other produce Purieular attention given by G. W. Davis to pur- :tasin circoes. procuriosr Ireight forveacls. fcci J in 41 123 i A humorous fellow, subpoened as a wi. ness on a trial for an assualt, one counsel, who was notorious for brow-beating wit nesses, asked him what distance he was from the parties when the assault hadpened; he answard : "Just four feet five inches and a half." uHow came you to be so exact, fellow ?" said the counsel. "Because I expected some fool or other would ask me, and I measured it." PROfjREsToF TEMPERANCE. According to the latest advices, the Em peror or Russia refuses to treat. Mr. John Stter. a revolutionary soldier IIE.VKY NUTT, Will git e kit perrmnf att'.ntion to bunnt cnlruat eil t hi cure. Sept. 8. 1833. 75-tf. JOSEPH II. FL INNER, Gcaeral Commission Merchant, wn.Misisrov, x. c. Mav9ih. 18."3 87-lv e. t. WEaSRt.. II. B- KII.EH8. WESm & EILERS. COMMISSION MKilCH A:T.S 4IVIJ WMIOf.F. SAI.K OlOCB IS. Vorth Water Street, Wil mington, N. f?.,- ttitend to kft-p t the above stands general assortment of .oceric, t.iiur, ond Provision nt wholcnlc and to carry on a Genera ICommisviori Hn-init itrtBEKci : E.P.Hall Prea'i Br'tliHinW nf'hr State. O. G. Parsley, Preg't C'nnicrcia 1 Hank . P. K . Dietinson, F.q . Poppe Co. Vjrt DollncrA Poller. ork Jan. 20 I6?-3 tit. t7c. & 7Y0RTHi naimssioi ud fbrwirdinc iBEmnssTs, WILMISGTOX, S. C. Jan 17 125-c GEORGE MYERS, WHILKSUE AD RETAIL GRDCLR Keep constantly on hand, I fine. Teas. Liquors, Prati-ions, W oo-l and Wiiloic fVarr., fruit, Confcctionarie. (f'C . Sjut'i Front street, VIIMIGTtX, N. 'J. Nov. 15, lS5j. 109. J. D. LOVE, MA SUP A C TV RE U A.VO DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES. &.C.&.C. front street, Mouth of Market. janWK's BCllniNCi, WILMINGTON. N C. Sept. 16. 1932. 79-y-c COCHRAN T RUSSELL. (SDnCESSORS T3 THUS. U1B l;iE & CO.) General Commission Merchants, .Yo 32, A'jrA HTiarres. iiul '13 Xnrth Water Sis. IMIII.AOIJI.I'IIIA. J. HARVET COCHRAN, W. S BCtLL. L c:m!i i lv.inccs made on coni;nnienm July 39ih. 133J. " 5S-tf. JAS. F. GlLI-ESIiE. GEO. S GII.LKSP1E PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WMINnTO.. N C. Panic n I n r a i tcniion paid to i he receipt nnd Snlc of yiutal Starts, Timber, I. umber. Corn, Bacon, Cot ton, if-e , de. March 3a . 6. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commis&iua Merchant, WIJ.MING TON, N. V. I LL f ell or bu v Itoal Kslatc and Ncaroes at a small cotninision . a ls : Strict attention given m t lie sale of Timber, Tur pentine, I ar, or any kind of Country Produce. U n :e s:cond Juur, South side of Market street, on the wharf. June 12. 1853. 3-1 ly. A. 0 VAVB JKKELEN. General Agent, Commission auJ Forwarding 1!erfh;int, WILMIVGroX, n. c. Particular attention "ivin tosalc and purchase of Vivnl Stores. June 1. 1333. 123-ly. ONLEY, RIRR & CO. DEALERS IN BUTTER., Ch'-ese. Lard, and Smoked Provisions, Po.k. Hcef, Bean. Pea-, and Dried Krnit. 233 and 235, KKO.NT STU EFT. Corner of PECK SLIP, NEW YORK. March 25. Iyc. UPfl 0 LSTERS & PA PE U DANGER S, KEEP 01IASU AND MADE lO ORDER Mattresses, haJhcr Btulx, Window Curtains and fixtures. A!l work in tile aovc line done at shortest No (ice. Wilmington, :. C , Market St. .March 13. 1. aged 94 years, died near on the oih instant. Frostbtug, Md., Mrs. Long, wife of Nathaniel Long, re siding 10 miles from Tampa, Fla., was re cently bitten by a rattlesnake, and died in a few hour3. BUSINESS CARDS. , C. FKEBHAK. GEORGE UOUttTOR VtCtiE.VIAV Si HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C T. C. PKE&MAV CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 119 PKOST STREET, NEW YORK. PBEES1S ASD QOU&TOS, WILMINGTON, S- C T"KKP CMSWBtty. hand a stock ( Flour, IV Car. Pork. Bacon. Salt. Coffee, So ear, Mo lasses, Tobacc, Ci&rr; Snmf, CandUs, Soap, For tirn and Oomesie Liquors and IPiirea; ron, tails, Paints, Oil, Glass, Domestics, iatt, Boot; Shoe. Leather. Agricultural Implement, and a va riety of other articles, suitable tot farniryand plan tation ue and the mail trade, which they will tliapote ofin low lo suit dealers orcoiarari on reasonable terms for cash, or in eichanje for Na al Stores or other produce. Tbaeenior oartner D. C Paasif a, Is loeated in the elty e Vork ; the tnnior partner. rEO Uefferest l Wilmington. If dosired, advances. wilt be made en eonsianenta to and from etthor ptaesw All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention; and orders for Goods will be promptlyand carefully filled. . Sept.9.4852.; 76-f. - & B.DuPRE. , TOWitl 1HD R ETA t OEALEBU IN Drnja, Medicines. Cbemteale, Paints, Oil Dye Stnfis,- Cilass. POftimery, Clears, - --s oist Ltvors, faney Articles, e, , V ?r MARKET STftKKT, - WlbHIrGTQ3f,lfC. FreerlptiOBtcarefully :ompoandod byexperi eneedBCrtoo. March g8. 1853. " 5eBetalistBtFonrwliBgt Commiuion Sen htat I (ske piMssre im iarorminf my friend, that I am nresaredi 10 cie all business entrusted ta me e&eieot aad sersoeal attendo. I hare a what f far Ntnl3trtvUk aasple seeorasaodatioa, Knirtt - Hiitw. and Wareaoase-fKenslraitete of Naral - Aarea-for saleoc saipmeat t sad arl kindaof coaa- try araJaca aoJieuaaV Case advances made ea WILLIAM n, PE ARE. COLLECTOR AND ADVLRTISIM1 AGIM Vor Coniitry Newspapers throughout the United States, Basement of Sun Iron Bu Juinss, Baltimore street All business en .rusted tonis care transacted promptly, op liberal terms. sept 7 DOLLNCR Q. POTT LB. jr DOLLNER k POTTER. GENERAL COMMhSSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK : Liberal Cash Adean"es made on all Consignments. April30. 1853. 20-lr-pd. D. CASHWELI,. J. A. PARKER. CASHWELL & PARKER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. Office formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. A. Gwyer. March 23. 3-lvc DR. GEORGE BETTMER, OF NORTH CAROLINA. OFFICE, No. MS. BROADWAY, OB T XHR IiOfJSE NE V PRE3COTT Eeh. 16. YORK. 142-lye. E. HALL, UKIICHAN f, Wilmington. OOMMISSIOM W N C. Office in reir of .VIcMiliao, Uavij Si C' Store. Rrerr attention paid lo the sale and purchase of produce, and liberal cash advances made on soniif amenta. Refers to Oapt. Gilbert Poier, E. P. Hall. Pre' I Branch Bank State N. C ; O. G. Parsley, Preset Commercial Bank; McMillan,- Davis & Co. Ian. 21 131-tf GEO. d. relly; , COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nexidooi to A. A. Wannet's.on North vVaterst. wjllattend to the sale of all kinds of Countrv Pro- ioce.such af Corn, Peas, Heal, Bacon. Iard,4e.. ind will keep constantly on hand a full auppljof Groceries, eic. References. WiUe Hall, of Wayne. JaadcKie, Wilmington W Caraway. ' Gea. Alx. . McRae. " K. P. Hall, WH.nlngton, Wiley A.WalKe..' " Dec. 13. 1852. 115-ly. JOSEPH K. BLOSSOM, Crntral Coaimissioa aaJ FerwdrJin; .Vercbant Prompt personal attention given to Consign ments Vor sale or Shipment. Liberal Cash adcance made on Consignment to me or to my New Y-.rlc friend. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1833. 135. CHARLES R BONNELL, Gejieral and Cotnmtsslott Merchaut. rOtUnRic,aJul Naval Stores d Merchandizi Office No. S5 XartFroa'atreet, Philadelphia. - ' Rifemcrx. S tTcwlTork, "Messrs Al'en &. Paznoni Philadel phia. Tho. AHiboae,J'"sq., Prest. Bank of Penn srlvanlat Bahiatore, Thomas Whitrldre & Co., Wilmingron, N. C, Messrs. De Roseet dc. Brown, and Dr.Ti H. Wriaht, PreM. Rank of Cape Pcan Charleston, T. T. Badd, and J. Boaaell, Jr. aranaab, Wt O.GU dt C4 Sw Orleans, O.W.trilTcr 4C.&- - 'iaa 19.- : . .,-JH-aae . G W. C. HOWARD, cunt, Wilmiitoa- N. i. l.i er:il 'ah al'an.-s m iJe on Consig Anv-nts. iNov.29 109-lf ROUXTREB, WATSON & CO., General Co.nniission Mcrchanls, T8 outh St , Xfwr York. L'b-.ral A ItM'.t 31 vU on Consignments 3. D. RJUXTRI8. B. C WATSON, W.H.WIGGINS Angus' 5, 1853. GU-ly. J. HATHIWAY & SON, COMVllSSU) MBUCHAN I S. WibMI VUTDN. N C. J. Hatmawat, J. L. Hathawav. Keb.13,1333. 31. JAMES ASDBRFON. EDWAHD SAVAGE. ANDERSON k SIVAGE. GENERAL CO M MISSION MERCHANTS Wlf.MI.NGTO.N i. C. Liberal cash advjnues made on c Jiiiignnu r.ts. Oct. 22. 94- RUSSELL & BROTHER. (LATS BLLIS. BC'Lt & CO,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. 0. Liberal cash iid'anccs m d- n inn-ijnmcnlsf Naval Store, Collu-i, and other produce. iMaj- 3,1853. GEO. H1RRISS, General Coiumtssiou Morcbaut, VVILMIG1, N. t . OTillCT jttcnii'iu tiven to procurinjr Kreiglii O and purchasing Ciroc for vcsaele. turn ro H. P. Hall, Kq. O. G. Parsley., f. A. Taylor. Kq J. D. Bellamy, Ksq j licssru. ioukrr,i-M')iii vx. ( v.. V..rl- liurleston, S. C. 1 2 ! I f . WilminstKn. Thopson& Hunter Alcx'r. Herron, Jr. iMiilndt'lhi:i. Messrs. Williams & Uuilcr, , H V. H iker, ) Jan. 2. 1833. J. C. LATTA , COMMISSION MERC HAN T f- GENERA L AGENT WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 1,!S33. 85-1 y 0. L 1 ILLYAW, PRODUCE BR UK Ell. COHulSSlUN AD F.lliW.RDI G MtRClILM, VlfviIG10?H, N . C. .September 20th, 1:53. 8-ly-c. C. DhPRE & CO. WIIOt-ESAI.E AND RBTAIIj : It ()C lilt S Corner lVont ai-d Princess-streets, WlLMI.NOrTON. IV. C. c- DtirnE. t. b. baker. TilE TRMVEEKLY COMMERCIAL. li p't'lis'ie. every Tuesday, THCUfDAV and Saturday at S3 per annum, payable 'nail casts in advance. BY THOMAS LOltIN G Rditob and Pbopbie- TOB, Corner Froi;t i I SI M Set Streets, WILMINliTOS, !f. C. It VTES UK AUY KItTISIXC. 1 sqr. 1 insertion SO 5i) I 1 sqr. 2 monihts, SI OU 5 UG " s ro 12 00 If On .id. tr ice will be in I ' l 7: II ' 3 1 " 3 " 1 00 1 "6 I " I m mth, 2 iu I 1 '12 Ten linos or less make a iqnarc tisenarnt exceeds ten lines, the pi proportion. All a Ivertisements arc payable at the lime of their insertion. Contracts with yearly a JvCrtiM-rs, wiil be made on the most liberal lenna. .No trai-fi-rof contracts fur yearly advertising will bu punnittt-d. Slumld circii.nsiant cs render a ihunge in buaines, or an unexpected removal necessary, a charue nccordinir to ihe published terms will be at the option of the comraet-.r, for the time he has advcriljied. The privileee of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate bmincas ; and all advertisements for the benefit uf other persons, as well as all advertisements not immediately con nected with their own business, and nil excess of advertisements in length or otherw ise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the ua.ial rates. No Advertisements is included in the con rail for the sale or rent of houses or Imds in town r country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by thn aJvertiscr or by otherrsens. These are excluded by the term "immediate business " All advertisements Inserted in the tri-weeklv Commercial, are entitled to one lesertion in the Weekly free of char?e. JOB, CAKD AMD KAXCY V1UNTIXG, EXECUTED IS SUPERIOR STILE. AGENTS FOR TBB COHMEKCIAL. NeiD York Dr. Gcobge Bkttnbb, No. 638, Broadway, or orders may be left with D. C. Pbee mar &. Co., No. 175 Front street, corner of Bow line Slip. Boston Chablbs Smith. No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. K. Coax. Baltimore Wm. U. Peaks and Wm. Thomson. OFFICE W, AND M. R. R. CO. WILMINGTON. N. C, 17th MARCH, iS54. NOTICK is heTeby ihnt the Stock of the tinder named delinquent subscribers to the Capital Stock of the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Companj will be sold at Public Auction, at Kx cha nee Corner, on Monday the 24th April, 1851, agreeably to "Section 12" oi the Charter of said Company, unless the instalments due thereon shall be paid previous to the day of sale. ' John A. Taylor, .- 63 shares. Porter Strode, 2 " N. E. Briekhouso, 3 " John H. Hill, S Isham Peterson, 5 " James Knight, I Atex'rMay, 2 " F. C. Singletary, 3 " James G. Barr, 1 " S. Kahnweiler, 3 " C H. Dudley, 5 " T. L Oiwra, I T. J. Capps, 2 T. C. Craft, 1 T C 'V or th, John D. Lute, -.. S " W. C. Howard, 7 M V in. J. Love, Jr., 5 " T. D.-Love, 3 " Win. B Jones. . 3 Jsroes H-Pritcbett, 5 " . Sam'lH. Firth,- 2 By order of ihe Board of Directors, v - : - - - JSO MacHAE, Jr.Tress'r. -March 18. ' 1-ta. n SPRING STYLES. T7-AHNWEJLKR A BSO, be leave to sn-1- noanee that their first exhibit ion will take place this mornioe of th newest aad latest stvled of" Sprtne Goods, just raceived per Adams dcCo.'s Ex press i A large assonrasnV too ledioua to inea Uan. Please to. call and examlaa : ; . ...... BALTIMORE LOCK ROSl'iTAL. DR. JOHNSTON Pfociaimf to the sffllcte, far and near, that he has discuTerid the most cer ain. pscdy aod.etBeaeions plan lor treating parlic ulsr diascs th it has ever been prrsccti a to ihe wm Id. By his plan, foui dedon observations m;-de m the Hospitals of Kurope and America, he wiil tenure A CURE IN TWO DA YS, OR NO CHARGE. fiVo Alercitry or Nauseous Drug Until. J Pains in tho Lin3, Constitutional Deialily, Jui potcney, Wcaknesaof the Backand Limbs, affec tions ot the Kidneys, Palpit iiion of the Heart, Dyapepsy, Ner'voua irritability, Diseases of tlie Head, Throat, Nose, or Skin ; and all those serious and melancholy disorders arising from ahe destruc tive habits of Voutti, which destroy both b )ily and mind, those. secret aad sjliliry practices more fatal to their victim than the sang of the Syrtns to the mariners of C'.yaso. blighting their most brilliant hopes orunticipa lions, reodriog in iriiae,cie., im posfible. YOUSGMEX. Kspecially, who t ave become tile victims of Solita ry Vice, that dreu Ji'ul and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimehr crave trPMisamls uf young men of the irt'jt exalted talents and brilliant itttclk-et, wn" might t'ierwii : liav.t entranced lis tening -Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to cesiacy the living lyre, may cafl with full confidence. MARRIAGE. M irried persons, or those contemplating marriage, being awar of pliysical weakness, sii-ml. I immedi ately Cjnsult Dr. J., ;ind be restored to perfect lieaith. He who p'aces himself underthc ei reof Dr. John ston 'nay religiously confide in his honor s a ten tleman, and eonSdently reiy upon his skill asaphy sicinn. OFFICE, rCo. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St. 7 DOOMS KKO.M UALTIMORK St., (cast fide,) UP TH K STKPS. I-HK PARTICULAR in ubsering the NAME u;id NUMBER, or you will mistake the place. DR. JOHXSTO.V. .Member of the Royal College of surgeons. Londo-n; siraduate from one of the niosi eminent Colleges, of the United States, and t:ie greater part of whose life hns beensp.-nt ia the hospitals of London, I'ar is, and elu-whero, has efl cteil sonic oi the in jsi astonishtng eurcsihai were ever known; many troubled with ringing in t lie head and ears when asleep, trreul ncivumnsss, Ltinir .lumn d ot sudden sounds, and bashfi ness. with frequent blushing, intended som. times uiili d. rurjjeii.tnt of mit;d, were eured iiiiniedi.ilely. TAKE PARTICULAR XOT1CE. Dr. J . addresses nil tn:ise who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgences, that se cret and solitary h.ibit vv hieh rules both body and mind, unfKiini; tliein for ither business or society. T'trsi a te some of the ml in d melancholy efT.-ils produced by early habits ot youth, liz: Weaknes-t of ihe Hack and Limbs, Puiris in the Haud, Dimness of ivrht, Loss ol Aluseitlir l um-r, I'liljiintion of theH -art, l)ys;)psta. iS -rvotis 1 1 rit.ibility, Deran;;e nient of the Digestive Functions, Gnoi ai Ueoili y, sviupti'iiis of Constmiption, &e. M evt allv. The fearful i Heels on the .'tiind are much to be dreaded ; Loss of Minvrv of Causing of Idens, Depns-iion of "pi: its. F.vil F.rebodinoii Aversion to Society, Sell'-Disl rust. Love of Soli tude, Timidity, dte , are some ol the evils produced. Thouoitnu ot ncrona, of all ogt-s, can i.ow judge what is the cause of theii declinlng henlth. l.osins their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emanated. ! have a finirular iip"eur;inee about the eyes cough j i rd - vmproms of Oonnmp'on. ' dr. .o;isroN s in vigor a ting rem- ; EltY FOR GENITAL DEBILITY This grand and important K medy has .estoreil ln ngth :md vigor to thoiiSiiiids of ihe must ncr I vous anil debilitated, many of w hom had losl nil ! hopes, and lieen abandoned t die. Uyiis complete j invigoration of the Nervous -System, ihe whole tacu lies become lestored lo iheir proper power and I functions, and the fallen fabric of life rr.ised up lo j beauty, onsistency, and duration, upon the rttinsnf j an emaciated and premature decline io sound and pns-tine hoalin. wn, now nappy have hundred of misguided youths been made who hnve been sud denly restored to health, frmn tiie devastations of those terrific maladies wnich restili from inciscn. lion. Such persons, beforerontemplatin" MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sound mind and body arp the most necessary requisites to promote connubial h-ippincss. Indeed, wiihout these, the journey through life becomes a wean pilgrimage, the pros pect hourly darkens to the view the niind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the tneljn cholly n flection, that the happiness of anoiher be comes blighted v ith our own. Lei no (alee delica cy prevent you, but npp'y immediately, and save youtst ll from the. dnadfui c nsequencei ol Iliis ter rible nmladv. WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS immediately eured and full vjoor i estori d . O-AI.L LKTTKftS MUST BE POSTPAID. Remedies sent to am )art of :he countrv. TO STRANGERS. ' DR. JOHNSTON, of the Baltimore Lock H s piial, wh se long residence in this city, standing as a grntlcinan of character and responsil.ilitv, exten sive practice in the various Hospitals of Knrope and this country, and skill and t.vp rience to which thousands can testify, as well as ills ubility in the Surgical department of his pr .Cession, as ei'ido eed bv reports of his 'operations on the Kyes and De formed Limits, published in the Baltimore Sun and o:hcr papers, in tho venrs 13-11 2, by which the blind irere made to see and the lame to valk straight, ren ders him worthy of a!l confidence upon the part ol those v ho need his professional services, and w ho would shun the many trifling nnd ignorant preten ders advertising themselves as Physicians. 0"To those unacquainted with his .reputation, Dr. Johnston deems it necefSary to sav that hi credentials or diplomas always hung in his office. O-OFFICK.No. 7 SOUTH FRKDEUlCK St., East side, up the steps. Oct. 13. 90-1 y c. ICE! ICE! ! ICE!!! THE "WILMINGTON ICF. HOUSE" IS now opjn the public may depend on havine iheir wants supplied all seasons of ihe year, at reasonable r itcs. Orders from t he conntry addressed to Wilming ton Ice House", wiil be well packed and promptly forwarded. A. H. VanBOKKF.LEN, Proprietor. March lOlh, 18 4. 152. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. A N Flesant Kdition of Bills of F.xchange, print iv cd in tei many, tn Books of sheets, just received 77te Commetcial. and 111 quires nnd in for sale at the office Of - MOLASSES. 'Df HHDS.very p-ime Molasses, for sale for OWcash by C. DuPRK & CO. March 13. I. PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT FOR SA LE. agreement, to close the affairs of the "Wii mtn2t'n Free Press" establishment, all the type. fixtures. Press, good will, etc., of the Wilmington Free Press newspaper. Applr at this office or to EDWARD CANT WELL, Mortgagee. Jan. 10 N. C. Statesman copy 126-tf Bm NORTH CAROLINA HAMS. CTf LBS. very fine, for sale h tJUUU March 18. C PaDREdiCO CHEESE! CHEESE!! ry pr BOXF.S, Cheese, just received nnd will be f J sold cheap by C. OuFRK March 18. CO. 1. INDIA RUBBER BEDS A ND Cuxhinnt for sale br I. WILKINSON A F.SLER, A pril 8. Upholsterers.- IRON BEDSTEADS, FOLDIND, proof kgainst canker, knives, and vermin, for sale by WILKINSON KSLER, April8. . - - : Upholsterers. R00TLAXD HERB BITTERS. -A KOTHER Invoice of this iavalaable. Spring xXaad Sir mer Biedicine. -Josr received at -. .- f. i L.N.BALOW, ' Amil 3. , ?zN. f3Crsale Row, Front et. W. Mi SHERWOOD & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers tad Commission Her chants WUntirrzton. N- ti:- , ' All consignments of Naval Store-, toatherwrth Cotton, Bacon. Lard. Cora aicaL,! juMJw A&: ahal 4 fcara the blhi marSst prica. tt SALAMANDERfslFES. THE name ot SelamandeKwas first applied to Wilder Patent. an. imrodacea by the subacri. berial840, who in 1844 pnrchased the tiget to mannticture. The supenuiit) ot Herrings tW ild- er's) Salamander Siifes over all others induced ma ny to infringe apoa tiie petcnt ngnt t.y using the composition ; others more cautious, and lo evade a lawsuit, made an inferior article, imitating ibe e--terior in form, 4 style, color of pointing, and attach in a ilia nime '-tsloBiander.'' improTed alnmnn der," "Fire Proof Salamander," -The Genu'nis Sal amander," drc, T-c-, and hove succeeded in. palm ing off some of the spurious Salamanders as genu ine. Those wanting the original aifiinander,man-. ufactur. d by the subscriber, should take the pre caution ln-see that they have upon them a metal plate -'Silas C. Herring, Maker, all such being the genuine ( Wilder i'atent) aramnndcr, or Her ring's Improved Patent Champion 5afe, which re ceived the medal n l the Gieat World's Fair, nnd Hhich hnva never failed to preserve the contents in case of fire. Purchasers con fi lect from the largest ..ssonment in the world hy cnlllngat the-sale rooms- ot hlUS (J. if KltlClINtr. 135, 137, and 139 V ter, cor. of Pine Sreets. N. B. Chilled Iron safes with powder proof locks manufactured expressly for bai.ks jew-l4er-, brok ers, and others requiting security from rogues Bank vault doors un hand, end maile to order. All the most celebrated locks for sale ai tnanufacturer's prices. Second hand safi s for sale a, less than half price. AGENTS FOR HF.RRING'S SAFKS: John Ki.rrel, PUil adelphi , Pa ! R. McCAND l.bH. lticf mo-d. Vu Henry H. Willi ans, Chai- Jeston. S. ' .; Fiitrjcl- & Hell, rnvnnnsih. Go ; Geo VV. Sirer New Oi leans, La ; Win. V. Moore & Co., Mobile, Ala. Feb. 7. 13C-Cme. FOX & POLHEMIS, 59 Broad Sired , Comer of Heaver, X. York, Offer for sale ihe Inllovvins lit-avv Cotlou Fabrics: TVT F.W-F.NGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK-22 1 inch, all numbers, hard and Sidi ; also nil the varoi;s w idlhs of Canvass manufactured at ihi- cs-titLli.-huieDt coniiiit ing every variety known tothe trade. and oticrfd a' the lowest rates. , UNITED STATES PLOTDUcK-Woodherry and Mount Vernon Extra. A fuliassor'ment of this superior fabric Hll.t 1 M ANTIC CtJTTON DUCK-16, IP, 20 ir.d 22 inch, nl! numbers, hard and toft. Tl is fab ric was awarded ilie iiighest Prtmitini at the Lon .icn World's Fair, also at our own State Fair. JSHIP AND BKAR MARK DUCK-.- Plain nnd twilled. Diantifictttred by the Grecnw xid's Com pany, a superior article lor light noils, tents, awnings. Ac.; also. Mount Vernon Twill dRavens. Howard H a vens, Pioneer and Phonnix Mills; Lightton Ravens, plain 22 to 27 inch; Heavy, do. do. CO'ITON S.AIL TWINE A full assortment. TAKPAULINs. HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, cic. PAPER Fl LTI.NO oOto 72 inch, made very Ih'o v . expressiy lor drier fells. t'ARtjOVKlUNG Cotton Canvass, all widths, from -iO to 1 30 inches, nnd all numbers, made ri piesly for covering and rooting railroau cars, is perfectly nnd permanently water-proof, and inure endurinif than the eariisi If. F.N AM EL LING CAN V.A SS 30, 3S, 40, 45 and 30 iiu h plain and twilled, in every variety. BAGS AND BAGGI 'G Of every description. Srnmless Bass, woven whole, nil size, in bales of iOO, 200 and 300U combining htrengih, utility and clienpriess, for smin nnd nieul are rpassed. Also, heavy Coit. in Saeklne, 40 Inch Canvass. 3 ihnad Uurpand Filling, heavy tu lllcd, do. do , 20, VI. 40 nnd i inch. OOL SACLS Wovi n whole all sizis, a new ami de.-irahle atticle. F. h.J I . 144-1) e . HO OF I "R ON A N 0 NAILS. THK siibscriber wiil be constantly receiving con- i Mifniiient of these articles, of the best quality and oilers them ct lowest m-nket rales JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. March 2?. 5-lf. FDRNiTURE WAREHOUSE, FRONT STREET. ACCOUNTS made at this Kstablishment prior to the 1 si inst., are now due. and settlement is eimestly desired by iho snbscriber. Jun. 7 J. D. LOVE. NOTICE H , H E subscriber, respectfully informs the public, L t ha t ho is now. isctina the Auction business on his own account, and hopes by strict u rent ion to business, to merit a cominuancc of that patronage heretofore soliberuily bestowed upon him. AI. CRONLV. Slock, Real Estate and Negroes, bought nnd sold on n commission ol i per cenf either ot private or public snle. Jnfi.lS53. 126. VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. TIIL ubseriber ofiers for sale that most desirable DWF-LLING AND PRK.M1S- RS, situate at the North-Western intersec tion of Third treet with Rid Cro.g sircet, the Lot fronting 1U0 fect on Red L roes, and 200 feet on Third. The Dwelling House, Kitchen. Smoke-House, Stables, and all (he oilier cut-houses on the pre. niifcs, have been built within a few years, of ehoica materials, in live best manner, and nearly 'l of them covered with tin. The Dwelling House is capacious, handsomely finished, and miiit conveniently planned, and all tiie other build ings ate judiciously arrnnsed, and wi II fitted up. There are few L4ts in Wilmington so desirably located, and the improvements on which are so admirably adaptrd for a family residence. Third street on the entire Eastern line of this lot, is S9 feet wide, and separates it from that on which a new F.piscopal Church is about to be erected. Persons desiring to purehase, can ascertain terms of sale by application to the subscriber, or N. N. Nixojj, Esq., or M. Cionly, and the sub scriber will cheerfully accompany any such who wish to inspect the premises. H. R. NIXON. Sept. 8, 133. 10 NORTH CAROLINA LARD KEGS prime N. C March 13. Lard, for sale bv C. DuPRK & CO. MEDICAL HOUSE, No. 16, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, r- . . BTIMOdK .MARYLAND. l,ela blithest order to afford the Afflicted sound und scientific .cedicul Aid, andor the suppression of Quackery. Tl hiL 1TU Qal'r many years devoted his -iwholea.neniion ,ollle of Private com- plain s, fnlUhei, varied snd complicated forms. His reat audetws la those loog standing and diffi cult casJ8, such as were formerly considered Incur able, U suAjient to commend him to the pnbtte as worthy of the exienrive patronage he has received, VVitlnn tHe lasteigiu years, Dr;SS. has treated mora than 29,500 cases of Private Complaints, in dilierent forms and tlaes-, a practice which no doubr exceeds that of all other physicians now ad vertising in Baltimore, and not a single case i knows where his directions were strictly followed, and medicines taken at reasonable time, wiihout effecting n radical and penmnent rure ; th-.refore, persona afflicted wit1! diseases of the above nature," 'no in liter how difficult or long standing the cast may be," would do well to call on Dr. Smith, at his office, N. 16 South -Frederick Stniid if not vfluc tualfy relieved no remuneration will be required for his services. JDs medicines are free from Aleicury" and nil tnineraTpolson ; put up in a neat and com pact form, and may be taken in a public or private house, or while lravellinglmwiihout exposure or hin drance from business, and except Incases of vio ent infl tmmmhm. no change of diet is necessary. S i'RIC 1'U HEi.- Dr. Smith has discovered a new method by which he can cure the worst form of stricture and that without pain or inconvenience to the patient. Irri'ation of the uretha, or prostrate glands,or neekof the bladder,! sometimes mistaken Icr strictures by general practitioners or charlatans YOUNG MEN -jnd oilier afflicted with Seminal 'Debility, wheth- et originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should ruaire un early application, thereby a voiding muchtroutle and sutr-iing, as well as expense. By his improved method of tr-atment, Dr. S. can safely guarantee a speedy and perfect cure in all cast & ol this com plaint. TO FEMALES. All disc. ics pjcu'iar to Females (as als'o Sup prefsions. Irregularities, &e.) speedily and effectu ally remove i. rimethoacy of his remedies, for the cure of iheabivo aft":ciions, have been well tested in an extens ve practice for the last twelve years. Persons ai a distance may consult Dr. S. by a letter, post-paid, describing ease, and have medicine securely put up and forwaided to any part of the United Sutes. always accompanied with full and explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered strict ly confidential. OiUcc arranged with separate ap.irttnents. so that patients never see any one but ihe doctor himself. Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning till Y at niyht. N". B. Persons afUieied with any of the above comi. lain is, willd - well to a.. id ihe various NOSTRUMS AND SI'ECIf ICS. advertised by Apotiiccaiies and Druggists as a cer tain cure for any and every disease. They ate put up to sell, but not to cure, and frequently "do much more harm than good - theref re avoid them. A word to the wise is sufficient. Address DR. J. B. SMITH, 16 South Frederick M., Baltimore. Md. Oct. 13. 90-ly-c. GARDENEEDS. " GARDEN Seeds jun teccived from Phi'.adelphi .. A large supply of Garden and Flower seeds, for sale at C. & D. DcPRE'S Jan. 12 Drus: and Chemical Store. LUMBER. SMALL parcel oi prime ltirr Lumber. Wide Boards and Scuniling, suitable f r Plantation purposes, for sale, by March 30 JAS. F. GILL1SPIF & CO MlSCJELlLiN:; Tan TaiKiTir Cuuacn (Catbomc) Dirncct-TT in I'liiladefptila coiifinnes' to create tnocb fcelinj iti that city, and on Friday abont SOtT fersotis formed a iirocesioii, and with music and flags marched to the jail la pay a ltt ta the eight ot the anti-piahon party who aadUbern- eatnmiited for coutompt of court, f buy were altowrd Uf enter the jail, one at a timo, and shaka hauda with the prisotieia, add after glviiij tbeni thrca hearty cheers, they look their de tartar r v" 'H FROM TUB BUITXSB PROVlSQiaL, f : SosToa', April 16lh. Both brancbea t Ifaa Noia BcrHialetUlature have adopted addmaa -y to IKr ll.j-alj,. expresklra of Iheir atfachmcat ' to the TVrUUb crown and pledging, ta case I roosts arc withdrawn during tba jH-ndro- atrula )V Europe, to calf oiiljhe provincial militia taxlo fend the Province ami : pqotrct ber Msesry'sjcwia and arsanaht from foreign ln'raaslnn ' m a ttiUfcL MUKUtR. t On Friday night hut, between 10 and II o'clock two work wen engaged on f hc Cat awissa and Wil liauispoit railroad, near MiHoo, Pa', cruelly mnr dered a young femsle, a resMvnf of Milton, about a mile and a half front that place. It is aHc-ed the parlies enticed thu woman from' ber fmoi and aftt r perpei rating an outrage on her person, set fire to her clot bus, ; Tbe flames wera quench, ed by the injured woman ; bat nut until ahe was so much injured that aba died ahortry after. TW' owner of the premises oUcrrid the Arc on hi farm, and walked lo the spot, where he discover ed tbe female Ja the last agooies of death. The authorities wera endeavoring to ferrrt oat tiie fiend 4, on Satordaj and Sunday, but without sue-' cess. ' The Magnetic Telegraph Linej in America ex tend over forty oria tboasaud miles and cost near ly seven millions ot dollars to build. Tlie Tele graph Companioa set down the various Iiuen ns follows : Morse line wires 86,972 miles ; 8,850 miles ; Bam 570 miles. ; Total 41,802. The cap! tnt stoch in the Morgo lines la fi545,600; liouso 955,000; Bain 8172,000. Total capital stot 1 6,67l,800. H r'- "-j z:' 0PARTNEKSUIP NOTICE. THF. Undersigned h ivc this day formed a Co partnership, under the name of CO'TIN, GRF.GG & CO., for the transaction of the Lum ber Busin "ss. March 16. MILKS COSTLV, J. F.LI GRFtSti. ALFRKD SMITH, J. G. L1TTLEFIKLD. 154-lf. IRISQ LINENS of TIIE BEST MAKES! rINEN' Sheeting and Pillow' Case Linen; Ta J ble Diapers; Russia and Birds Diapers; Napkins; Doilies; Hackaback Towelling. In this department particular care has been taken aud our stock is large and complete. April t . JAMF.S DAWSON. OK? ICE WIL & MAN. R. R. CO. WILMIXGTON, N. C, Jan. 23, ISfil. fjs3 ia vm C CONSIGN F.KS of -Down" or inward freight, J are hereby notified that on and after Wednes day, ihe ts Febrnnry, tSoI. nil freight tvl',1 be de livered on West side of the tlape Fear River,ond thev are required lo receive the same ihcre. On nnd nller Monday, the 30t1i Inst., the passcn zer train- will leave v iliiiins;tcn at l!) o'clock, P. M., Instead of 9, A. M., as ot prerr-nt L. J. FLF.MLXG, Sup't. W. Ss M. R. Road. Jan. 31. 135-lf. FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF BOOTS, SIIOF.S, AND BRO gans. Having purchased oar entire slot k just from the manufactories, we sra prepared to ofTer inducements io the COUNTRY MERCH ANTS equal to any establishment South of Bos ton. April 8. JONES A GARDNER. SERVANTS' ill ATT R ASSES AT $10, forcaluby . WILKINSON & F.SLER. April 8. Upholsterers. SUNDRIES. FL BBLS- snp;r Fnyeiteriile Floor; J 45 boxes Colgate's Pale Scap and No. I ; 20 bags green Mlo CofiTee; IS Mguyra do.; 10 Gov. Java Coffee; 20 boxes Stewart, Bussing & Co. Hard aa- horted Candies ; 20 boxca Adamantine Candler ; 10 " Sperm do ; 20 best KxcclsiorSoJip ; 2-"5 bbls. extra brown f"gars ; 10 " Stewart'a best crushed ; 10 " A. Cee d, ; , 1 dozen boxes Babbitt's extra yeast Powders; 6 kegs of SnlaratuV; 3 do. of washing Soda. Ac. Low Air cash, at .. GK.O. H- KKLLEY'S. April 4. J , H., and N. C. T. copy. 8. MEAL, H0M0NY, jiND HORSE FEED. ''pHK Subscribers h ve been apfointed Agents L for the GOLDSBORO MILLS, celebrated for making very snpeiior Meal, llomony, i-c. Families can at all times be supp led by calling at our Store. North Water Street, one foor above K Wis & Mitchells. TAYLOR dt PETTEWAT. March 9. 151-2m. r MOLASSES ! MOLASSES ! ! HHDS. fcentqaaliiy CBba Molassea. for sale tfJ in lots to sail purchasers. 60 bbls. Distillers'. Glue. For sale by Feb. 23. WM. A. GWYER. Dae. I T0WICE.V ON aad after this data.- all vessels towed in- harbor by Steamer Same Beery and Caihoas. will be charjgd. Uhu. UAKtUas, Afent. 18S3 ,101. Nor 6th, ; CARRIAGES, t Xsix seated CARRIAGE. Paasted taartev Roetaway, '-, . 1 asakery&aefcaway and aevaral light Ba(ies jost received sod for sale by . - - SeptTT-tf , ; . -PIBBLtTa: SRO. - iTiNTED. " 2 Ann LBS; Bees wax; for which thshiieat UUU aaarke retire. wiQ ba paid in cash. li-tf 4., IJ.anA . ft a. U. wuktii. rrI08R wishing Paper hung in a superior mau JL nr, will p!sase call at our Store, See sam ples, select paper, and leave order, and we will have it done in a handsome style. - - . WILKINSON & KSLER, April S. Cpdolsterers. L STORE. " Of HHDS. Prime retailing Molaseea ; 3 boxca -y Adamantine and Tallow Candles ; 23 boxes assorted Steam Refined Candy; 15 bbls. Cider Vinegar; 20,000 Low and Medium prePd Cigars. or paie, oy UO . GREKNT. April 6. N. C. T. copy. 9. MUSLINS AND PRINTS. Ol If 1 "KC,!8 ntad Lawns; 300 da. Sam. v A pril 6 mer Calicoes, assorted. HF.DRICK t RYAN. WE OFFER FOR SALE THIS. MORNING. 30 boxes Superior Eat In 2 Cheese j IOba?s.St. Domingo CofTe-; tO do. Laguira do; 10 do. Rio dor 5 do. White CofToe A I Snerars 5 do. do.' Cnibhed do j 40 barrels Gennlna Nova Scotia Herrings, a superior fish for Plantation use, and ihe Darkeys ail lub em." April 4. WM. M. SHERWOOD A Co. STEAMER SPRAY FOR SMITH VfLLE AND ORTON. STEAMER SPRAY. Capt. JOHN B. PRICK, will ply between Wilr tfSRJ mingtonand Smithville, landio mLsSmJam Orton.ssfoBows : - v f Leave Wilmington, Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day, and Sunday Moinings.'at 9 o'clock. Leave Smithville, TursdaVj. Thursday, and Sat urday Afternoon, at 3 ocfotk, and Monday Mora-fmr,-at 8 Vclock. , ITPaaaagc One Dollar, Children and Servants halfprice. FREIGHT at customary rate. Apply to Captala on board, et to AH. VakBOKKKLEN, " J"V No. t South Wharves.' jMarcn lSL. - V - I-if. ', SANDS SARSAPARILLA. IN Q.UART BOTTLES. , For Partfyingtha Blood, and far the Cure of Scro fula. Rheumatism, Stubborn Ulcers, Dyrpcpsia, Salt Rhea , Fcttr Sore, Erysipelas, Pimple; Biles, Mercurial D if ease,' Cutaneous Erup tions, Lirer Complaint, Bronchili, CJsm sumption, Female Complaitittt LoS of A ji petite. General Debility, d-e. '.; " IN this preparation all the resioraiivc propr tie L of i l.e rout are concentrated in their utmost sirength and efficacy ; but while Sarsapaiilta Root forms an important purl of us eombiitationv- It h at the same time, compounded w iih otlfcr vegeta je remedies of great power, and it is In the pecu coinhiiiai ion and scicn if.c manner of its prep aration, thai its remarkable success in the cure of disease depends. It sets siiuultancoiisly upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowcla; sad thus three processes, which are ordinarily tbe result uf three different kinds uf - cdicine, are carried on al the same tiine.-through the insiruuien'oliiy of thU one rcinerjial agent which gently stimnlatua wbihi it disinfi cts, and rls from be stomach and bo vcls all ihat is irriiuting, and al the same lima e -lores vtjror and lone. Man other prrparatloni imitate in scaring the name of Sursanojillii, and in that their icsemblance ends, being often prepar ed front worthless and Inett roots, and of course possesit no healing or curative properties, and pa' tic-nts in making choice of hich they will use, should lake no other, but that one entitled to their confidence, from the lore lift of cares it has effect ed on living witnesses, v ho-e testimonials and residence have been published, and who arc atill bearing daily lesli-rtony lo its worth. V ASTONISHING CURE. Pattks.o. N. Y . 20ih, 15ST Meiffrs. A. B. &. D Sadsi Gentlemen. Hav ing wimesied the most beneficial eflcets from tits use of your Saras parilla, it gives me pleasure to send you the following statement ia regard to my eon. In ths spring of 1848 he took S severe cold. aad after eight weeks of severs . suffci ins the dis ease settled n his left leg and foot, which sooa swelled to the utmost. The swelling was lanced by his physician-, and dlacharprd anosr-profuselv; after that no teas (han eleven ulcers formed on th" leg and foot at pno time. We had five different Ph sicians.but none relieved him much f and the laM winter faund hlti) so cmacinterf and low that he was unable to.leavehitl ed, suffurinj; the most excrueia ting pain. During this iliac ths bona bad- become so much a fleeted that piece after piece same out, of which he has now more than twenty-five preserved in a bottle, varying from one half to one and a half inchea in length. We had given hp all hopes of bis rccuvery, butat this lime we were induced la try your Saisaparilla, and with Its use his health snd appetite began immediately to improve, and ao rap id waa the change that leas than a dosea betttts ef fected a perfect cure. With gratltuJe, I remain truly yoorr, ' DAIUUS BALLARD. Wc the undersigned neighbors of Mr., Ballard, cheerfully subscribe to the facts of the above state ment. H.4IL8, Hay t, A. M Trowbridge, Geo. T. Dean, C Eastwood. ; Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by i. B. fc D. Sands, Drurtrisu and Chemita, 100 Fnl on s-rcet corner of William New York. Soi also by Druggists generally throafhoat the United Statca and Canada s. Price Si per bottle ; six bcttlca for 5. For sale by Dr. A. O. Bradley, and Messrs. C. 4 D. DuPro, Wilmington, N.C. A pril 8. .f-r-. i: . 19-6m- JSPRING TSADE. NOW open S large and extensive assortment of Oonts, Youths, Misses and Infants 8i raw and Summer bats, of every variety and price; sei'-e-lions can be made from a larger stock and at lover price than caa be found elsewhere, inspection in vited. C. MYERS, Hat Emporium, AprllS. - No. I, Granite Row. WasherwoiBna's Mights Can vent ka. A CONVENTION of washerwomen took place at Reston Towuahend's, No. 5, Msrket si., forth purpose of Inspecting Iheir Patswl Wind miil It evolving Ciolbea Drying Mac" And each a owerfal drying effect waa produced upon the committee hy the machines, thai they coulu on ly pass the following raaolaHoa 1 Resolved, That tbo machines ars the greatest Im provement of ths sge, especially for persons with small yards snd Isrge families. After which, the convention Immediate y wUUd by the extreme drought which pervaded '.be aunos phere. - . RESTON TOWNSHEND have about 6JD0Q lbs. Bacon, and clarified loaf and bro n b'uzar ; and also, s case of "English ClMdder Cheese4 which aaeds va laspeclioa. - L April 8.- - ' 10. DRAB BEAVEE AND FRENCH STYLE DRESS HATS, nrw aaealag eases Spring af la Drab Baaver Hla. Iichl aodfiae, also, a few cases xt ra Molee4la French new style. 'April - - r. .- ' C. MYERS. hay. isJXJ - FREEMAN JJCHJSTON..- cads at- rr - WANTED. i - -r -rn PRKT at White or Post OsV I IAUVA Plank. 14, 2l.or 28ter tsg,, til April 8., tncrtesor aawsraa wwe, ana lacaea inica. ir wbleb I wiliMytJO parthaassaa- -.- - -- MmfU tJ - l GEO. . G1LLKSFIBJ- TTASfllNfJ ! t. ... .i-lilnr! TOO will VV 'fid by ealliag at tba cheap FawDy Grocery 5WS'-.- , - 23 boxes of Wm. Colgate. A Carpal Soap t 25 do eU . No-1 " - vtO i Extra Eseeliaor Soa ' :' 1 dotea boxes of Babbitts Pof JZ 1 bbi or WsaWngSoda; AS-!7 crTa tib, H.KLLKY'8 V,ELN,C T, copy ST1TI0XEBY. rrj E sr'aeamtsaiiy rT 2 an hsad mama "TT1 1.... .t.t. .n 7 hfcfa Wf WOSM s gwa " V .-vrVs u y 1 4 .aa.llS. -

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