VOLUME' lXr-N0MBER 18. WILMINGTON, iN. 0.; THURSDAY 'MORNING, APRIL 27, 1854. ..WllOLE NUMBER 10f v-, MISCELLANY. A JtMrteroBf HuttM-. Attempt t M r4er A horrible traced was enacted at Roots town, Ohio, on (b'22d u!t- Mr. ' Horace L. Ensign had risea, and, without dressing. was tn the act or patting, a stick of wood itk the kitchen store. Whea he - was - felled bra Mow 'on htsrfcead. 5 Mr. E. was stand iog at ihe time , near a door thut opened iiito the wood-shed. The door was-ajar, antr th blow was' giren from same ' person in ihe shed. . He saw ho one, but placing his hands on each side of his bead, he hastened through; into his dining room, wbeie hiSwifev was. Hfr exclaimed. "J am ktlh)dt some. one has split ray bead open wuft as axef le . tben ran out .to the door a;criedvma ,JHi-e-sefig hinr bleeding, jind a gash oa. his bead - just ftborV-Ti4. back of the temple, shouted for k help. Meantime .the children were awakened and Carae running , the eldest, V;a sod of lpi on coming down stairs opened lae .ooor to in, wooa-sneq, muiKing ms father was tn Ihera. .On opening the door the first object that be saw v.-aa a man with aTns.:iliIted-axe- looking", like a demon at bim. i Hasajs, "Caleb, what do you want of ne :V' XiaiVeaf prapg back and shut the door. ABjr this tithe a neighbor came across lh street and went to the wood house, when the- mamc addressed him by name: HDonuM Deming.' "That, is my name," l. rtpriedr and, coutiniied he, "John Chit tenden, what are you doing" with that axe" l thirst for bjodt and blood 1 will have," aid'he.7'Mr:Deining tried to cool him dowhj'ftnd after a few .minutes succeeded iA getting, the, axe. However . before he could gel' it away, ;Cbiilenden, who is a powerful man,' sprang for the axe,. and De eding being much the weaker, Chittenden wrenched it from hi m. Some of the chil dren had been sent for help, even in their undress.: 'After losing. his hold upon the uxe, Demlf-g retreated to the "dining ' room", where Horace sat bleeding, and his family around him,' frightened very much. De nting held the" door from the dining room, and hoped to keep him from that, but with I the axe be shivered the door at once, when Mr.-Deming . exclaimed, "run for yoar lives." By ihiijuEraanother neighbor got there, and on seeing what was going on, rao for home 16 get his rifle, thinking it best to shoot the madman. Upotf ibe word being given to run, they all left, as they thought, and Deming shut iheVuter door J'but Luanda, their eldest daughter fifteen years old) stopped to save a'litile brother,- two and a half years o'd who had been' awakened by the breaking in of the door, " and bad jumped from bis bed on to the floor, and stood scr:imin fronr flight. - She. caught him in her arm?, and readied the outer door just in lime to get her fingers pinched as Deming shut the door.. 'She saw the wretch leap thro' the door,? through where the upper panel had been broken. She called to have them open the door, but by this , time she receiv ed a blow from the bead of the axe, which felled her with :be httle one in her arms. Meanwhile" Horace, had a presentiment that some child still remained in the house, andhad "gone around to the back -kjtehen door and entered passing into the dining rponu.. There "Jay, LucinJa, weltering in oTood, and as he supposed, dead. Thout side door had been opened. Deming had opened it for the child when she called.--Cbhtenden was in the act of splitting open Dealing's head Horace sprang across the dining room and . seized the axe-handle to avert the blowv from D. Chittenden find . ing some one behind; bim, turne J upon him, and in the scuffle, cut to the bone on the back of Horace's bead. Upon that Hor-J ce ei2ed bim by the throat, and Ueming by huf -leg-,' and by a. hard ; struggle they ""got him ' down, .he still" retaining the axe, and Horace still" choking him. By -this time the' woman: had called the man back that had gone for his rifle. He came, and with much .difficulty wrenched the axe (root bim, (he only, held it in one hand ;) tfxe'y- then got ropes and bound him: ; Hor ace was covered with blood, and sd was the floor. , f Afrer the man was secured, a messen ger Was posteti to Ravenna- for medical aid.; The' word flew like lightning, and a general jrush ensued. Horace's head was trepanne- His brain lay exposed during his struggle with the, tanan. - The pulsation could be seen, but the membrane was not broken. ; .The inside of the bone was one and oneAeigbi of an inch T long,' and three fourths of an inch wide. Upon the outside the bone was? more than two inches'" long, besides t wo small -pieces which were not measured: He, to all appearance will sur vive, bu t poor Lucinda is in ja very critical situation. The baues were aotriven into the bram.th&t the surgeon througbt u not best' to do much for her : but : her friends insisted upon irjrin jc. 'i Attcitfive bburs they proceeded i to dress her -woandr After ' jtiressihg the' scalp each .war, lby exrraC' ted air nieces-of bone, some an inch and OFei verjsl ernt were-neatly buried in the- brain. V .Dr 'Pratt extraoted them. - raising up the skull bone wherever it was deDressed rlr About two spoonfuls of the brain ecapedBbe itUIes w a very crit ical situation, but.withismalL hope ' oHrf coverr yTfiis Chittenden belonged in Ran dolph ; has had fits from a child : and an u gly tempered maft natuxaUy. ' -Of late his fnenaa tbougbl be was aerangea u iime. lh night previbUs id this artack'he Jiad tbrea keeper:, He attempted ;lp' kill Jms brother, jllis vife was direcUi to go- to neighboV to taj'. In her feuVrjf to Up a. fence she srjrained her aackk C OT iedarse shift crawled on her tiands antkiieea,Tn4i by so doing.'she probawly escape-f death, ior no proae.jopse jrom, nis Keepers, sums v pursuing her ha passed rtrj pear her twicef but the night was dark, and she ' being on - the ground, i&$tiJpoljh&H4e& searching for her, and went to a neighbor's and Called the man, (Mr, Ward,) irs. Want dtd cot recognize his oice, and replied to him that he had gone 'after ohn- Jhitten dafr.iWajtkut h witft an oath, ;fyoa and caught the candle and blew it out-t-r Her two: daughters were ud stairs ; ia-bedi She fled up the chamber stairs and held the t uopr, tie smashed , m a window with a cudgel that he carried with bim ; he enter, ed through -the window; but iould not find anyone. He look all the covers off the love, threw fire about the room, and piled bed clothes and other things on lb stove. -He broke out two other windows, sash and all, and made his exit through one of them. Mrs. Ward smelted the fire, and with the tisaistahee of her ' daughters extinguisbi'd it. All the bouses in his neighborhood bear marks of ius risk.' JAS. fl. CH1DB0URN &, CO., (ISeaeral tommission Alcrchanls, IVILNVGTUX. !f . C, Ja. H. Ciiteijgi, Cso. Cbaoji. ma. 1. t3S3. :; '123. t ' T. fc. WOttlD, General Cuaiuisslon Ucrclianl, rtritVUIXKTOX, W.C. US DAL advance made on eoMifninenis of Cot ton, Naval Store and olhcr urcxioc - 4 P.iliieulaf ailention given by G. W. Davis io pur chasing cargoes, prufurin trcjjhti furvecl: o. Jn41 ' It8 - IIEVRV NUTT FACTOR DO FOR WiRBllii AG EXT. . H'iligU hit perianal attention to burin ft entrust " j., -. ' - - tdt hit out. . . ' Htpi.. 1853. 75-lf. ; JOSEPH H. FL INNER, General Commission Merchant, , - vriMtixuTox, c. May 9ih. 1833. , 87-lf-e. nritKimsoN & esleb, UPflOLSTERS & PIPER HANGERS, KEEP 02tUAfiD A2H SJADB TO ORDER. Moll rates, FdeUe "r'Bi Vwdow Curtains' All wfk in th Hvv4 fin dM at hortet No tice. - WUwtnjioo, ft.O-( Market Si. -Marcft 13.. :'- '-- :- 1. JOSEPH BLOSSOM, Sraertl Coatmistion aai Forvardin; Merchant Prompt persona! Utla clven ta Consign metit tr Sale or Shipment. Literal CatA odctmcet made on Coatifnntntt to VMef-YTkfad.' ii : WttmtwgtoSx J js. 30, 18&3. f ? f35i". WJIOWiRD, GKiV RilA L,-CaromfWio ami Forwarding ilci oiaat, Wfttmlngion. W, C - v -Lioeral Jash adaacea tniiif oa Conelgnmrat. Nov,?S . . . -109-tfj r BQCNTREE, W1TS0N &.C0.,Ve Giiera1 .Conimbsloa MerclianlK,'' , .... Soaia t , Jfew Yrk.V , . Libit al A doatuec AJ via on ContigmnUnl. . KHTXTHII, !., -WTOK, XT. II. WICOl.X Auguat i5 ?fji J" ll 69-ly. wesse.. n. s. KILERS, WESSEL.& EILERS. COMMISSION MKflCHAPfTS AIVO WHOLE- WSALK ftttOCKltS, Vortli Water Street. Wil ntlagioa, N. C. intend to keep at the above aland a. ?eneralaaor!mni of Groceries, Lhjuors, and lrovllon at whoieoaie and to eat rr on Genera ICommiaalon BoiiBr. ttriitsci : K. P. Half Prea'l Br'rh Rank ft be State O. G. Paralev. Prea'l Contmcrcla I Bank . P. K . Dickinson , Esq . iynp Co. rort Dollnetft. P'riler. S Jan. 20 18.' 3 131 T. C. h B. G. WORTH, C01 MISS10X m FOBWUBISC lERCBm?, Jnn 17 . j25.e- (iEORGE MVKRS, . , Wfl ILESlLE OD BETUL USUSKR Keep constantly on hand. Wines. Teat, Liquor ; Prrpiione, H'ood and Witlotc Ware, fruit, Confectimariei.Cj'C. South front street, Nw. 15, 1652 .. 109. ' J. D. LOVE, MASUFXCTUREIt AX ft DEALER IS CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &c Ac. Front afreet, South of Market, saow.Va ioildinu. wilmixotdn. n c. Sept. 16. 1832. 79-y.c " COCHIMN & RUSSELL (SUaESSO&X TO THilS. HI BINE 4 C9 ) General Coaimiion Merchants, -Y 31, North tVhartee. ind 3 orlh Water Sts. PHIf jADKLiPHI A. j. Ktatir cy NBAst, nr. a. bqasell. L"hart c lah tivancca mide on conlf nroesta. Jal 33ih. I33i. 5S-if. T. GILLESPIE. GEO. S GILLESPIE PRODUCE AND FORWARDING. AGENTS. H fLVINRTOiN. N C. Particular attention paid to the rrreiiM and alenf ton, f- ,'4"C. March 30. 6. S. M. WEST, inctioacer aal Csnuaiuion HehhiaU Y ttiMlSG roNr. N. C. WILL aoll or bov Real Kiatc and .Xegroaa ai a atnatl eoniutlsnion. " ; X At.8 I . Strict attention rivent- tlie'aale of Timber. Tur pentine, Tar, or any kiad of Country Produce. Oli tk Hcand door, South aide of Market alreolK on the wharf. Jane 12. 1353. i . 3 ly. 411. VAVBJKKELEN. Gcaeral Jeat, Caamisiloa tal rorwardia; . . Serthaot, t WILIIGT03r, W. c. Particular attaatioa given teaaieand purchaae of .Naval Stare. Jsnet. 1853. . ' - .: 133-ly. H- DOLLRER ' ' G.. POTTJtR, Jr DOLLNER & POTTER. GESERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK : Lioeral Caoh Adoan-e made on all ContimmenU. AprU3gri8S3. 20-tv-pd- t j. nimiWAY & son, ; : COM M ISSION M K UCH AN I S. i WILHINGTO.,N. C. J. Hatwawat, ' ? J. L. Hathaway. Feb. I3j t83t . - r 3i. JAMES tltDIIIDK, '.- SOWAabaAVAOS. ANDERSON & &IVAGE. ' GENERAL CM MISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON.. U. Liberal eah ad vnncea made on consignment. Oct. 22. 94- RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATE BLLI8. BOi(CLL ft CO ,) 3EXERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS .WILMINGTON. N. C. , Liberal cash advances made oh conignmentsof Iaval Store, Cotton, and oincrproduce. May 3. 1833: GEO. ilARRISS, General Commission Merchant, STRICT Attention given to procuring Kreight and parchasing Car'ots for vessels. Ksrsa to '; ' K. P. Hall, Kq." i O. G. Paraley. K ' livit.ttn f . A. Taylor. Km f WUmington. J. D. Bellamy, Kq. ) Mesars. Tooker, ih A Co " ThoinoaoTi & tinnier. Alei'r. Her run. St' PhUadeliihia Messrs. Williams 6c Butter. H V. Baker. Kia', . " Jan. 2. 1853. J I" ew York. 1 1 harleston.S. C J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT GENERA L ' A G i? X'T WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. l,tS33. . ' ; ' 85-ir OL. FILL YAW, PRODUCE- URUK1ZR, C'JXliSolU.1 i0 FUKWiSDhG MlRIDIST, WILMIWCrU.1, !. c. $etember30tlva U61. " S'J-ljr-e. C DaPRE & CO: WIKU.CSAI.JLi AM lttrAIf, GROCBR8 t'oracr front ai-d Prluccss-slreets, WILMINGTON. NC. C. DOT BE. D. B. BAKES. O. C. FREEMAN. GBOHOE HOUSTON fllCBMAX di HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. O. I). C KHRiiMAV 6t CO. , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITS 1'MON.T .JTtt jCET," ; , kk;w; vpitK. , ' KcwKl' constantly on hinl a slock ol f lour, Corn, Pork, Uacon. Salt, Voffe. Sarar. Ma- lateee, Tobaceo, Cigare. Snaf, Vandlet. Soap, For eign' utttl Mo nestle Lia ucrs and IVintst Iron. aile, Paints, Oil: Glae. Uamtslics. Hate. Boots. Shoe. Lea'ker, Agricultural Implement, and a va riety of other articles, suUablo fur family and plan tation u! and tbovwaH iradj:, wMeh thcV will dipoe uf in lota to anit deaiera or contnnwr on reasonable terms lor cash, or in exchange f or Na val Mores or other produce. The senior partner O. C. faK.s.aiAr.Ie located in the city. of New, Vork ; the junior paruu-r, Qao. ootoh, tn.vvuinlgton. 1( dualreL. advance, win b made on o-MMlrn ncnts to and trom either place. All bitelne entrusted to thorn will reeoire proper atletwlon ; end rdcrs for GaoJs will be promptlyand carefully illccL- - . . senr,n, isav. ., . 7.f. D. CASH WELL. J. A. PARKER. ' CASH WELL & PARKER, n COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. -W. C. Office formerly occaAed by Mr. Win. A. Gwyer. Marrh 23. 3-lve. DR. GEORGE BETTNER, OF NOOtTH CAROLINA . Off ICE, No. 688, BROADWAY, , PRE3C6TT house nb tobk."- Ktfit. 111.. lV2-lve. COMMISSION M KftOhAN V, HALL, W Urn lns:ton Odlce Is retr of Me Miilan Davis & Co Storo. ' ' Kverv attention paiJ to the sate and pnrrhas e oA prnduw, sad liberal cash advances made on ewsignmente. r. . . Helen . tiv-Ppt. Gilbert Poter, ' R. t. HalL Pre"! Branch Bant Stale N.,C O.G. Parsley, Prea'l Commercial Bank; Mcftlillan,- Davie Co. - Ian. 21'. t3V tf GEO. H. KELLY C01 MISSION MERCHANT. Neztdooi to A. A. Wannat's,on North Waterst. wiiiattendto the sale of ail kinds of Coantrv Pro iaee,aub Corta, Peaa, Med, Bacon .Lard ,4; istd will keep eonoiantlywn baa4-fall anpplyof Goeeies- .. J,-.-..tai fe.--,. i-f-- otetBtisss';-v :- sit.--sA'- Will0sli.efWayne,JneiTeaae, Wilmington W Caraway. Gen. Als-.Mc&se. C Hill Witul.'.lu Wll. A W.lra. an - ' "SBi M iwj eye 9 f - . -CHABLES'B.BONNELL, Cetl Rice', eyed Novml Store eutd MercbfnMxe OflecN. S5 XfrH Pcoat stireet, ThlteielpWa. tWew YojriK Mosif A I'en A nutftw f Sllafc- phia. Tno'AHibone, Feej P'oat. Bank of Pes y I vast t Baklner TBneo; Wnttridr ' dfc Co, IVilAiingion. N. C Mossts Doaoesct d SrHVM, and Or. T. H vVrtsht, Pret Bask pfCapo-Fes)', I'harlMtoA T.JLAT. ft. -Bd4- w4 rf..Bonll, 1 14 Savannah, W. B.Giles & C4 A'tw Odesns, fe.w,-Oliver 4Ce.u,g.i vl' & D. DnPRE. - WHOLE SALE ANQ SETA L BEA LESS I H Drugs, Medlcfne. Chemicals, Paints, OH, uyr stana, uisss. fertumery, cigars, I Ols Liaseri, Vmney Article, e, WILMtWCTOJf, N. C. ?reserIption:arcf ulljr ompaunded bycjperl- "S. 'T'ri" 4 -i ...s March 8. 1853. . . . . , WILLIA3I A. GWYEi, A i J; General licnl-Forwar Jingi Cnmisloa lerehaat I take p tens ore In in formtn g my friend, thai J aw prepared , tagive all business entrusted to me efBcient and personal atrentlon. 1 bvea trhatf for Mval Stores, with ample necomtnodaiioss, JpiU House, and Warehone. Consignments of Naval Stor.cs for sale or shipiten j snd all kinds of coon try prodd'ee solicited.: Cash advances, inad.on consignments. ' ' 4:- "3i : ",---'-V- : 4prilI8, 1953. . - . CONLEY, KIRK & CO; BtJTTKR, Ch-se, Ltrd, and Smoked Provisions, Pork. fieef, Bean, Pea, and OtU4 Fruit. 233 and 235, VHONT STH EET. Corner fPECK - SLIP, NEW VtttK. - r : . .March n - "3"-- ;lyci- WILLIAM n, PEAKErtj ; For Comntry ITewspapcra throughout the --r- VJnlted KUtes; ' Basemen of Son Iron; 6tuInge,Baliniore street All basiness n:mstcd touts eve transacted promptly, a !i'oeraI terms.: .--'V : '-. -ssT ..- t- -'Jr.. - NORTH carolina;larp. x r 1 ( KEGS prim It. CLard, lbs eale by , JLI March 18. - C?DaPRR & CO. . MEAL, H01I0NY, AND IIOITSE FEED. 'HHE Uttbscribera-fr beettotnpolnled; Agents L for -the GOLDSBOROMILLS --celebrated for mabing vbry sapetior . MeaL.. Hontony. rf-e. PssiiHes csir st sli rimes be mppjetf bj eatUng si oV Slot. North" Water Street," nae Veor sbeve Kllledk Mitchells. - - J - . TATLOR 4 PRTTKWAY. - jMorcn. . r. - . r.. i v.-Jil. TOWAGE.-- O.V fnd aHcr tbldale;istf Veesels lowed in harbor, by Steamer Sam fyBcerv and Calhoun, will be chtrgd; wTTC'rr-r s n tjt tv"v I.? BALTI310RE MCIjOSMAlj TR JOHNSTON Ptwctetrae to uesnueiMf sir JLaad Bear, that he bsliedveidvj;noet ciyr ain.xpoedy and.fcfficaoioua plan for treauug portic- niar ojseases mt nan ever ,ws .o:mm. m world. By hU plan, fbuMledonobservatwiia made tg th Uospitslsof Kuropo sad Atactics, be IH CURRiN TWO DA YS OR NO CHARGE fVo Me i-curtf or Nauseous Drugs Umd. PiriM irKhe Lwias, Constitutional DeUillty, Int potency, Weaknea of the Back and Lbnbs, affec ttuua t the Kidneys. Palpitation of the -Heart, Uyspepsy , Nervous irritability. Diseases of the Head, Throat, Noso.or litln; and ail those eorUua and melancholy disorders atUing frtna the destruc tive habtts of Vonth,- whtc destroy both body and mind, those secret and uoliury practice noro fatal to theinvlctims than the song of the Syrvns tti the mariners of Ulysses, blighting thrir most brilliant hopes orjnUcipatiuns.wnderiog iHa'rriagCjifec.', im poibie.: ',-vAf ; YOUNG MENr i Esperially, who bavobecooiQ the vierims uf Solita ry Vice, Uit dreadful aod (test rucUve habit whit h annttaiijr awoepe to an nntlmrly airavo twooaaBda of young wen of the tt xa lied talents and briiiixnt inleliccir who might therwi -save entranced Ua. tenlng gertftea with the thundurs of eloquence, or waked to ceauey the living ly re, may call with fait confidence. ' , , . , Marriage. . ATarrwti fjon,orthoecoatemptaiing marriage, being aar- ol pltyaical weakness, ahonld tm medi al ely cunsult Or. J., and be restored to perfect henltb. - K . He who places himself umisi-thecri re of Dr. John ston may religiously confide in his honor ae a cen tteman, and confidently rely upon hi skill aa phy sician. ..... . OFFICE,, 7, SOUTH-FREDERICK St. 1 DOOitS FROM B.ALTIMOKK-Ni.. (ea de, UP THB ST:PS JBE PARTICULAR. in observing the NAME and NUJIDERui yon ylll tuislake the place. . . dr. Johnston. .;j ': Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Londont graduate fromone.uf the moat eminent Colleges ol the United States, and the grcatcc part .t u hooe life has bet n spent in the hospitals of London, Par is, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, haa eftt cted some of the moat astonishing cares thai wereever known; many troubled with, ringing jn the hd and- ears triien asleep, xreat DeivuUMisss, being nUrmcd sudden. sounds, and bashjiioesa with, frequent blushing, atlcntfed sonu timr whh dtrangniu-nt of mind, were cured immediately. . , TAKE PARTJCUEAR NOTiCEi', Dr. J. addresses all loose who have injured them selves by private and Improper Indulgences.! hat se cret and solitary habit HOivh roles both body and mind, unfiutns; them for cither business or society. Thete are some of the sad and melancholy elWt. produced by early habits of youth, vis; Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of slight,. Loss or Muscular Power, Palpitation of theHari, Dysipsia, N;rvoua Irritability, Oeranse inent of the Digestive Functions, General SHibili'y Syinptoinsof Consuiiptjoh, tc. ' MKTAU.r.-Tho fearful rtfi cts on (be aiind are much to be dreaded j Losa of M mry.'f Causing of Ioeaa, Depression of SpIrifsl'Rvif-Vorebodinon Averinn Society; Self-Distrust. Love pf soli tude, Titntalty, Ae , are some of the evils product.. ThoueaHte of persons, of all agra, can nowiudse what la theeauaeorihctrdecllnlng health. Losina ttmr "ivi, ......s ., pmiv una emriairti, havea einsrularapnearance uboui the eyes, cough and symptoms of Consumption. DR. yO.VS7YJ.VS iV VIGOR A TIQ REM ED Y f'OR GENITAL DEBILITY. This grand and important Kenu-dy has .csiorec' strength and vigor to thousands of ilie most ner vous and debilitated, many of whom had lost nil hopes, and been abandoned to die. By its conipleie in vigo ration of the Nervous system, me whole facu lies beeontn restored to their proper power and functions, snd the fallen fabric of life raised Hp to beaut y, onsJstenc , a af dura tirn. opon (he ruins of nn emaciated and premature decline to aound and priMinr hunlth. Oh, how happy have hundred' of misguided youths beoh made who have been atid deniy resiorrd to health, from the devastations of thoxe terrific maladies wnich result from indiscre tion. Such persons, before contemplatinir MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a wearv pilgrimage, the pros pect hourly darkens fo the view the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled' with the mcljn cholly reflection, that the happiness of another be ourms blighted v ith our own. Let no faise'-nclia-ey prevent you, but eppy- immediately, end'snve yourseil from th drtsdfpi c.nsequcncc brihi ter rible malady.- . - - WE A KNES$' OF THE ORG A NS immedidUly cured and full viooriesiorcd. , CTAL.L LETTERS MUdT BE POST PAf D. Remedies sent tj anr part of the eoontrv. - - , jto sm angers: DR. Op.NsTON.of the BatUraore Lock H s plial, whose long residence in this city, eisnding aa a gentleman of character and responsibilii v, exten sive practice in the various' Horpttaie of, Kb rope and this country, and akill and exprrienee to which thousands can ietiifv,a wella'sJiis- sbihty In the SurficnldepaTtmcnfohlii pn-fetion. as evidu- d bf reports of Ms nperatliina on the Eye and Pe lormcd Limbs. pnbtihed fn the Baltimore Sun and other papcra, In the venra J3I by which the blind teere fnade lo oee and the lame to , wall; straight, ren ders hini worthy f ll cdnfidoricw tpbh the part of those who need Ms proreBsionar service, ai.d who would shbn the hiany trifling pnd ignorant prelcn derradvertteing therrrserves a Physicians. ' ?To fhose unncqcialntrd with his' reparation; Dr. Johnston drems Jt .neceteary ter esy. that hi "li?.'!?', of dipiomBs always hang In his office'. K.13r9KIC,-'0i7 SOUTH FU1CDEUICK St., r. nun, pnesirj)s. - ; . Oct. 13. 90,Jy e. TnE Tfti;WEERLY COMMERCIAL Is nublished'overy Tcbsdav, Tnvssoav so Satcbdat at S3 per annum, payable In all cases in advance. -v- , - B r THOM 4S LORI N a-Emro mad PsoHti r, .i--- . . , ., qornerFrent unit Market Htreets. ' -V..?:' " '.wHUIWTyr'lt. C. ..'.'- . .a ; . . , . .- - -- RATES ClK-AbyBfJtisiKG. ' t jr. t irwertiotr SO 50 I sqr. 2 months, t 3 " I 00 1 1 6 . t - t month - 2 SO I 1 -U 7 TM lines or" leas inakaa rtaro. 00 v.'. a. uo 8 Ott -; it oo If an'adver- tlsemeni eicorai ten lines f luo ptlce wilt be in proportion. .-:. " . : All advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion. . - - . . Cunt r eta with yearly advertisers, will be made on the most liberal terms. No transfer f contracts fr yearly, advertlriiif witt be permitted. Should circutstancca reader a change in business, or an unexpected rernuvil necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be tt the option;M.lJjeteoBMnietor,.for thetlme" he liaVk4vcriscd.A - " The privftese Of Anneal Advertisers is strictly limiteii to thcr own immediate business and ail advert iscmrnts lor (ho benefit of other .persons, as wcB as art advertisement noiimmediately'con' eeted with their buainesa, a nd alt e xerea of advertisetscnts in, length or- otherwise beyond the limit engaged, will be charged at the usual rates. rter the sal or rent of houses or land in coamry. or tor mc sale or rure oc negroes, wnei ti er I he property is owned by thn advertiser or by oib persens. - Tfcesre .vzdndcd y the immediate butieieao&yr'i ' . ' ;taA rf, ' All advertisements inserted In nt tri-weeklv J so-mmerciact are enuiiea to one insertion in -the Weetclg free of eharsrei'-t''- Jf CARD rkH OtWAKtX "PR iSTTIMtS T FOR THE COMMERCIAL New York -Dr. Omoaon Brrrasa," No, J3 Bro4f way, r order may- be teftwittt DU. -Won-n Co., Ni 114 Front attte.,- ornpof Banew i ,BosiMuAMSMrrmTN rPkOadelpJiial, K, Coasx. - . r f BitLjorWLJl, Peaks and vVwTatSBissiiis ' " 1 J:ut'W f. s'.iniii ui,nm." fW, ' MtvVmWA aV'.. aTt am " . V - X7 HOLES A LB Groeera and Ce4ttnHaaiWaU-Bjr SALAHANDERSAFES. ' fpHK name of tfalantander wu am appHed to iJLt Wilder'a Patent, am. introduced by the aubecri beVln 1840,' who' Ml 1644 purchased the ligw to luanufuciure. The superiority of Herring's Wild er") Salamsnder Safes over all others induced ma ny to infringe upon the pateqt right by naingi the compofition i other wore cautious, and to evade a lawsuit, made an inferior arti.-le. imitating the - terior in form, style, color of paintinr, and attach-- ;ng mename -oaiamenaer." improved salaman der," "Fire proof Salamander," -The Genuine Sal amander," 4ke., p-c-, and have succeeded in palm ing otf someof the spurious Salamanderti a genu ine. , Those wanting th original Satamander,inan tifacturcd by the aubecriber, should take-the pre caution toaes that they bav upon Utein a metal plate -'Siia C. Herring, Maker," U Uch being the genuine f Wilder1 Patent) salamander, or Uer rina's Improved Paten i.Champion Safe, fa hicb-received the medal at the Great World's Pair, snd which have never failed to preserve th contents in cuse-of fire.. Purchasers can wlecf from the largest assortment iri the world by celling at the sale rooms of i -'J -- 'SILAS C H ERRING.? t " . ,. 135, 1 37, and 138 Water, cor. oT Pino txeeta. : . ' fC BL Ghiiletf Iron aafea with powder proof locks' uianufactUTed expressly for becks." jeweilen, brok- ets, ana o mors -requiring scesnty tram rogues Bank vault doors on hand, and made to order. All the moat celebrated lock Cor sole at manufacturer's prices.- Sucond hand Sifts for sple si less than half prtce. . . ' . " . . AGENTS FOR HERBING'S SAFES: John Farrel, Philadelphia, Pa.-; K. McCAND t.ISH. Ktchmortd. V; Henry H. Williams, Char leston, S. Filbrlct: t Hell, Savannah. Ga ; Geo. W. Sixer New Orleans, La ; Wm. V. Moore & Co., Mobile, Ala. F4. 7. . . I36-3mc. FOX & POLIIEMCS, 59 Broad Slr; Cor'beaixr;N York, 0fl!-r for twTe t hf l4ltiwins Twavv Cntton Pahric; . AT EW-ENGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK-- L inch, alt numbers, hard and suit ; slso- all the various widths of Canvass manufactured at this es tablishment coiupiising every variety known lot he t ran e, and ottered at ine lowest nues. . , : UN TED STATES PI LOT DUCK Vbodberry and Mount Vernon Extra, A full assort mem of this superio fabric. j. .' ' ILi IMANTIC COTTON DUCK 16, 18, 20 and 2Z inch, all numbers, hard and soft. This fab ric was awarded ihe highest Premium at' the Lon don World'a Fair, also at oar own 8 late Fair. , .SHIPUSD BEAR MARK DUCK, Plain and twilled, manufjciured by the Greenwiod' Com pany, a superior article for light sails, tents, awnings. oica also, mount vernon twiu o tuivens. nowata Ravens, Pioneer and Phosoix Mills; Lightlon. Ravens, plain 'tt to 27 Inch; Heavy, do. do. COTTON SAIL T W I NE A full assortment. TARPAULINS, HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, die. PAPER. FI.LTING :,0 to 72 ihchj made very hi'avy.expreealyordriert'elts. CAR COVERINGCotton Canvass, all widths, from 30 to 130 inches, and all numbers, 'made ex pressly fof covering and roofing ' railroau carav i perfectly and, permanently water-proof, snd more tndurini? than the tar iis-lf. ' ENAMELLING CAN V.tSS 30.3R, 40,45 and 50 inch plain and twilled, in every variety." BAGS. AN D BAGGI G Of ever y f description. Seamless Baa "wo'ien whole, all shte", in bales of 100, 200 and 300; combining tirengtb, utility and cheapness, for grain and meal are unurnasstd. AUo, heavy Cotton Sacking. 40 inch Canvass. 3 ihrcbd Wurparui Fillicg, heavy twilled, do. do., 20, fZ, 40 snd 44 inch. WOOL SACLS Woven whole all sixes, a new and desirable article. . - - . - Feb. 21. 144-1 y-c. MEDICAL flOUSET ' No. 1C, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, ' BALT1M0K.B. MARYLAND.. -Mi- Established i. tirder to afford the, Afflicted sound ana 8cumttflC j.&ediQm Aia, andj or the suppression of ' . ' .- Qitackerii " ' " " ' Ta.i; B. Smith has for many yesrs devoted his' iiwnobta:teationioihe treatment of Private eom- plain ta, in ail their varied atwl complicolea sorius. His irfeat suiiecsi fa those loua alandinS and diffi cult casaa, such as ware lormerly conaidefed incnr-' ame, is aomcteni to eoiuipena mm ni us pun worthy ot the extensive patronage ne una rctcivca. Within the ran eight years,' Dr. S. has trea.ted more than 29.500 eases of Privato Complaint in ilulf diderent forms and stastes f a practice whicB no doubt exceeds thatof sir other pnysleun now a ertis1ng1nrBaliimore,aioxBr shasle ess is knows w&re his directions were atricriy followed, and medicine taken at reasonable time, without efftwilrwra radienl an4 termanenr eare i hrefore,- f persons afflicted with-diseases of-ihe above nature, ' no in iiUiT now aimcnti or uj hidoidi ins caw may be," would do well location Dr. Smith ,atbjs offioe.No. tB,-ntb Frederlek S and Jf noi t-flee-tualiy relieved no remuneration will be rt quired for hU'servlces. His hiedicines are free fromTrleieury and all mineral Doisonst pot up in a stent and com L pact form, and may be taken in a public or private house, or while travelling, witnont exposore r Hin drance from business, and except Art canes of 'vfo- edt InfUmmaiion, no chunge of diet la--necessay r - STJUOTUltKS.--tr. tsmiui naa oiet-overeo a new mm ti id ho which he csncuretheWorstformof strict ore and that without pain orirrcon venienc t the patient. Irritation ot the uretnai or- ptveiraic iflands.or rterkof the brudder.issoriVeUmesmisiaken Icy strictures by genera praetiiioners rcharhwanor- sntrthrxnfflinied 'with Seminal licbiiifvf hetif er Originuling from a Certain Destriictlte Habit;. Or from any other cause, wim train oi owhj mm -Ul evils wlieh follow, when neglected, should make n ..r'lv nnnlicution. ihnrtfbv avoiding much trouble and stJffering, aajwell aetpene By hi imprdvetf- metbodnt treatment, ur. s: can saieiy gtiaranieew Speedy and' perfect cure in all casts ol ll.is eom- ptaiat - v - - " ' - TO FEMALES', z ' AU dlaafes ooculfar to Femafea'fas 'alio Suit- Dresaions.lrreiriilSrities. &c.i eneedilv and effect u- atly removed. The efficacy of hia remedies, for the care 01 the above anoctionv, have been well tested in an extens ve praetloe for the laht twelve years,. ' . Persons at a distance" ma V rJonault Dr' Si bv' s letter, post-paid, daxcribing ease, andhavevnedlcine securely out up and forwarded to anr part of the United Stttes. always accompanied with full and explicit directions for use. Communications' con sidered Mricily confiduotial, OJice arranged' with, scnarate aOartments. so that oatients ntver see ajiy. one but the doctor himself., Attendance daily, from, 8 in the morning till tt nlgftt. -N. B. Persons sffliftud.witlisny of the above complaints, wllfd i weH to a'.t)iil the various-'' NOSTRUMS AND SPECIflCS;' advertised by Apothecaries and Druggist a- cer tain cure for nnv and evetv disease. They are put ud to sell, but not to rUre. and frequentlv 6b-much more harm than good tberefire avoid them, j . . A word lo the wiselssufficient". - Address -. . Ott. 3.B. SMITH, iC South Frederick st ' I; : Ualtjmorp, M1.. Oct". 13. "'." - 90-tyi MISCELLANY. liOOl IR0i AND NAILS. . - THE subscriber will be constantly receiving con signtnents of these articles, of the best quality and offers them at hiycct market rates - JOSEPH it. BLOSSOM. March 28. . .-- . , 5-tf. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE FRONT STREET. ACCOUNTS made at. this Establishment prior lo the 1st inst., are now 4ue, and settlement is earnestly desired by the snbscriber. Jan. 7 " J.D.LOVE. NOTICE. THEsubscriberrespeclfully informs tbe public, that he is now, rm meting the Auction business on his own account, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance at hat patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. m;,cronly. Stock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought and sold on a commission ol 1 per cent either at private or public sale. Jan 3.1833. 126. VALUABLE DWELLING HOtSE FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale (Tint most desirable DWELLING AND PREMIS ES. sitnaicBt ihe North-Western intersec tion of Third street with Red CrotS, street, the Lot fronting 100 feet on Red Cross, and 200 feci on Third.. The Dwelling House, Kitchen. Sinoke-House, Stables, and all ihe other out-house on the pre mises, have been built within a few year, of choice materials, in the beslt manner., and nearly li of them covered with tin. The. Dwelling House is capacious,'-handsomely, -finished, and most conveniently planned, and all the other build ings arcjudlciously arranged, snd wt H fitted up. There are few Lots in Wilmington so desirably located, and the improvement on which are so admirably adapted for family: residencOit Third street on the-ent ire Eastern line f this lot, is 99 feet wide, and separate if from that on which a new Episcopal Church is sbont to be erected., persons desiring to- po rehsse, - cfta -ssesvtsiii terms of sale by spplication to. ihe, ubscribr, N. NvNixox, Esq., or M. Caottwr, and the suh scriber will ehecrfullv aceomoanv nv such who wishxo Inspect the premises.- .. - '. .. .' . U.-lUKlAUPi.; Sept. 8, IS53. - ; '.'' '.of." -V - , :. wanted. ' . : v ; 1 nSYirin FBBT of While r Fet Oak I.UUaUUU Plank, 14, 21,or28fcet long, 14 tnc'hCTor trpwards" wideb and 2 Inches thick for u.utK I nn. '2n nrrlhnDMKiI Mayl. STEAMER SPRAY STEAMER MPttS YCapfe JOHWiJ -r B. PRICE, will ply between Wil- tllSA mington and Smithville, landing tSMmZmm2mm OTton, s follows " -" -'j "." - -:?-' - Lsive VVilmmgfon.Tnesday'; Thnivday; Satu day, and Sunday Mornings, at 9 O'clock, t L Leave Srhlthville, Tuesdafs Thursday, and Sat drday Afternoon, ai 3 o'clock, ami Monday Mora insist 8 o'clock. - T - - - ' i if-,.: lpPassaee One Dolfar: Children and Servant hsTfVfsreS ' W FREIGHT st cssidmary rati, iT: - .jApplV to Captain on board, oi io ' f z - -,A.H. VkBOSIICET.EN , 9, & spm narve. March 13. J-tf. IRlSn LINENS of TIIE BEST HAKES!' T 1NE VJSheetlog and Pillow CawT Linen t Tw JU Me Diapers' ( Russia, and Birds? Kye Diapers; Naptln; Doirie; Huckabaek TowelMnr. In this -department particular care basbecn taken aud ourstock I far:an4Hnsle4yy:!j-? .; s aju. its jja wson. FIFTEEN .TIIOLSAND. DOLLARS XpRTp.OrBOOTSv SHOFI.lWltf BR.O ..V .f. 'tin,- Having purchased 'ouTr entire stoek jeit fromihs' nranufacfortes.' w are pMnifedHo ofter indacemwuiaihe jCO UNTR Y MERCH ANTS equal lo any establish menLSpu th of ,Bs- V SERVANTS SI ATTRASSES i r T S 1 59 , Tor U b t ' ' ' . "4 ' . J- y t LiiNSoiri kslcb, , ArfI8.M-,-. Cpwofaterevs. COPARTNERSHIP '-NOTICE-V JTBE" Undersigned h ive 4hia day formed W"C - j"nnrnipi sodcr ine name., or m-v GaKGGeCO..40r thetraSsaeUon f rh Lwn- oer oosisess. i-..siii,K4j i iir.!i--ti& ' ,art ia" Cr f-r- COUGHS, t 0LDS,"U0lRSElESS, BR0S riHTIS, i HOUP, ASTIOIA, WHOOP ING COCCIf AliD t'OSsrMPTIO.V. TO CURE A COLD. WITH HEAD4CHE AND SO.IENESS OP THE BODV. take the Chbsbv Pkctorai on going to bed, and wrap up warm, to sweet during tbe night. FOR A COI.D AND COUGH, take it morning, noon, and evenina, according to directions on the bottle, and ihe dimcuhy will soon be removed. None will long suffer Irom this trouble when they firulit can be so readily cured. Persons afflicted wf.fc i seated couch, which breaks thorn of their rest at nigM, will find by taking the Chotry Pecto ral on going to bed. thjy mty be sure of sound, un broken sleep, find CJneec-iieni refreshing rest. Great relief from sulLring. and an ultimite cure, U affor ded to thausjnJa who are lixua afflicted, by this in valuable remedy. From its agreeable effect in these cases, many find themselves unwi ling to forego its use wliea the necessity for it has ceased. TO SINGERS AND-PUBLIC SPEAKERS this reruedv is invaluible, a by 1a action on the throat and lungs, as when taken in small quanti ties, It removes all hoarttner s in n ft w horns, agtf wonderfully increase the power and flexibility of the voice, ; ATrlMA la genially relieved, and often h hot ly ea.-ed by Cherry Pectoral. Bui there are some cases so'obstinne as to yield -sntirely to no medi cine Cherry PecUiral will tur the m, if lliey can be cured. ' ; - " BRONCHITIS, or irritation of the ihror.t and unm;r oortion of the lanzs. may be cared by taking Cherry Pectoral In small and frequent doses.. The. uncomfortable oppression is soon relieved.. ' FOB. C tOUP. Give an emetic of antimony, to be followed by large and frequent doscsof the Cher ry Pectoral, si il it subdue the tileae. If taken is season, it will not fail to euro,, WHOOPING COUGH may be broken up and soon cured by the tte ot Clierrv Pectoral. THE INFLUENZ A is speedUy removed by ibis remedy. Numerous, instance have been noticed where-whole fumilea were protected from any seri ous eiMSsequenoes.. while -their neighbors wlthont the Cherry Pootoral, were uiferio3 .Irom. thedi ease.' . v ." ' '. Repeated instances sr reported here of patients who nve been CHred from .' - -. - ; '' , ' LIVER COMPLAINTS by this remedy, so ma ny ihu there can be ho qitestiiwi of Tts healing pow-erortihesedweos-i.' -it hoald be preserVlngly tnki en wntll the patn ia the side and other unpleasant symptoms eease. -iTTOlt eonrSOMPTlON1 lai Ifs-carilcst ;taffs? ft ahoulj be taken urvlerthe advice of a good Physi cian 1f possible, a ndi every ease witu a cart-ful re- tslrd to the printed directions on the botihi. l ju Iclously used, and the patient is can-fully nursed roeaoiimrit will sefdoaa fall to subdue thediseasT. FSt seiUc4CONSTJMPTI0N1n ita worst forui, rhe Cheay Pectoral should be. given Ia dose adap t d to -what h patient requier of.S rn bear. It always affords some. ,elieft and fc.et anfrcqoenlly entee-thoae who ara coBsiderrd.-pasl.all tor. Them are many-thoosnntt 'scatieK4 ott over me eoontry.-who fel and jwy that jhey bsaejhelt Uvea sad present heairh to the Cheery JeetoraL - -Thisretoedy is offered. 1 be tsnmtvirU y with ih4anfiJine we feett in an article which seldom fails lo rca'ize the happiest SeeU ihar4abs de sired. S wide is ihe field of its ncfuiaesa and. so numerous the cascs.ot US curaAi runt almost ev ery saeMon of Oie country ;'iioond-tn'perirs, osbliclv known; who. bars been' restored' from alarmlnaod even-desperatedlseaiesof tha luogs, by Its sse.i. When one tried. Its superiority over every oiber -meaielne ot usxieaviA too apparent toedcaoe cbservatioo.'and where, it -virtues are known, the public tio longer heitste-wbat' an-if-dote- W employ for the dial resiny and dangerous aaecttoasei tae puiinooary rgan,vwnacn ar4Sf cident lo our climate. And not pnty. in lornuaa bin attacks unoa tne Indif. bulfor ihe Inildcr va LtleHessT'Cotv's; Csngbs, Hoarseness, e4.,asd KChiUra iusthe pieaaaotest and safest wueair cine thai an bobtainrd. . N -familysboirld be : wttlroot it. aad th. se who have used H never will. -'fvaWAtfaJv wv iMto-irf,' - Sold In vVIImfngtovrbV 's;7,Dfc?2j sad IvFsystvilrbr S. JU UliiilU l : jDuggist generally -,JL .r. fir-'iSS1 Apr1 M854, . : -s-' ( - J.n a -afl fnonth of.tb ,ytax T778,' Wiihia tiflerable etJu Cat ion, ni.vfith rounjr . nauufiai qualifications - tot w finarieial -life Jacques' UifitW waseskiog for ft situation ; as clerk., fie had brgjl. hopes find j Jigbl hearif, for he brtAighlf tstli "hi6la letter of iritroductiori tarMr.'PerT'g:tilifie'Siss banker. "Bat wiUf'ttltbts sJarfmflefantlcJ- JridrtsJand'goIderf 'Gtif-dtiftttts,' he was J brfsfifal and retmng.ltasrftb tt'lrtm-' bling heart that tbe ompf6tifacil'ap- pearetkbeforff the Parisian'rnarf oP bonds' and goU. He -imanaged i 'eptaiff th' ' purpwe'.CfJii Tisitand presented his let3 . icrui reconuQenaauon. -i ae oroKef quietly rend tbe noteF Uis faipossiblfl,'' sai4lierv' as be laid tt aBMey4ithat f eart find ro6trl (op you at present: all -rflofficc re fuli Shoiild there be a vacancy at a future time,". I will see what can be done. "In' the mean. time, I advise yon to apply ewhert,;av8'ir it may be a considerable period before I i shall be. able to aJmit you.'. Away went -sunshine and prosperous ' visions; ' Disap pointed and gloomy, Jaeqiues left tfie; pre- sepceAf the polite ban kef.. As he- crosseif:. with downcast eyes-the court-yard ' of 1 be - (iuuic umiioiuii, no uuseiTuu tt piu lying oii ihe gr'opnd. His habitual" habits of frugaff iiyj amidst his disappointrttenL; -wrere si ill upon the watch. He;picfeed'Vp thepinft and carefully sturc it In the hippel of bis C0trT'.s ' -i- -'-. -; i. . From tbat trivial action sf 1 atig his fu- ture greatness that one single' act of fru-l gaf care and regard for Utile things,' open-, ed the way to a stupendous fortune. tj From the window of iifscabinet, Mr.. Perregaux had obierred , lha. aciion of Jhis . rejecisd, clerk, untl he wisely thought that the maris. whO.woujd stoop to pick up a;tpin, under.'" such .x4rcu instances,, .was endowed wiili necessary .qualities for a good economist ' he retkd in that single actpf parsimony au inchbotiQii of a great financial mind, and be deemed ihe acquisiiioif'of siich a one as wealth toelf- Before Ule day had closed,' Lafiite leceired a 'note' from the -banker." 'A place," i l said, "is made for you at m office, which you jnay take; possession' of toimorrow." - .The banker was not deceive edia his .estimate of the character of 'La The, and the young jelerk soon displayed of; talent arid aptness for his calling' that prq- cired his advancement frcm.a. ejerk to a. cashier; from a cashier IQta-parlnerf. and, from a partner to the head proprietor of the fitst backing bouse in Prrris. He' became , u deputy, and then a president of the Coun cil of ministers. What si'desiiny-for 'o mar', who would sloop to pick up a pm! The following accounts of TAe First and Last Duel in Illinois is from . Ford's history of that State, jut published, by S' C. Griggs and Company, Chicago .'-Tha year 1820 was signalized by ihe first and; last duel which was ever fought in Illinois This took place in Belleville," .St. Clair cuunlyr between Alpnonso Stewart ana Willam 'Bennett, two obscure me n The? seconds bad made it up te be'av sham-duel,, to throw ridicule upon Bennett,, the., chal lenging party. Stewart was m tbe ecret, butBennett, bis adversary, was leu to? be Jieve it a reality. -r They avere jo fight mith rifles; the guoa vereoadeI, .with bjankj cartridges? and Bennett, sprnewhaV suspec tinv a trick rolled a ball into his guo, wiihj out ihe knowledge of the seeonds,or pf tha other pasty, ;Thp or.Ua, firewas ; give!! and Stewart Jell rAortaUyiWftuoded,, Ben; - eettJna.de hiaeecape but tro jcars After ward be was arrested m ArkaDsatbrougut. buck to the StateindicteJf tried," and : coti victed of murder, A great effort was rhde to procure hi pardon, but Governor ;Baml would yieldrto no entreaties"; i A his favor, and Bennett suffered the pehaljy of Ahtt law by hanging iif the presence of a great multitude of people. This :wasn the first and last duel efrer fought io thes Slate bj' any of its'ciiizene. V -The Ranging of En- netv made dnelling discreditaWa .and.- un popular, end laid the foupdalioiii for that abhorrence of the practice which baa gvef since been felt and expressed by the neoplt,, of lllionis." t h: Xi& ;r-'fS-r-4 , . FieucIunaB and bis Dad Memory A Frenchman ' who - knew"' vere 'fittfe; English goli intp""a difficulty with a'tl Eng lishman who insisted on fighting It but The Frenchman agreed io this but, wished , to tiiow Vha lie should say if he shoo W -get beaten". Beio told ibat her must cry ' ovit eBcvusrh they set fd. The Frenchmarr; however forgot. thtr werd,. and ;eried 'ieurjf as he heard some -of the hystsjxlers. difc 'Hurrah 1 i h nrrah 1', ;To t bii asU)ishment ihe Englishman poumded - all too.-harder. This caused mouaieuf toga let work in sucii good esrnesv that th tnglishmao, soon cried out enougb l' ,Say ,u,vs gain said theJ'xenchman, 'IvootighjenougbJV criea he er aiiv The - Freocbtnan . ta turn, e v claimed Dat ie the yery ord 1 wnsxryiny t - lo T.Ioiitunt:dftOV4ir't . or sa ta nsiif ou ivassv ksmmkWetk ft nWUsmM i TAiirM s.mnlTo Gante nd Flower seeds,, for aafest last. If -i- Orsgend Cheniiesi Share: m ana k wfahtar Panes haste has sttevrtov -aaas- l? swrt rlll tiltiasr rsf Store, aam- say A. -da v o" two, since, . d url the, pr e va- Leace ot m heavy gale, water spout lorcv ed o the Pelaware, a abort distance tietour CUoucester,Ji,i J., jhe jop ,if which . Vis cawied over the, land towards Red BiiPk, A isbort distance - over th$ land" it broke, and quite, number oCU, it .is said, were scattered pvex the grouod. .-tj wcTthousarid German enrMgraWs-" treie'J at" Antwerp af tWlatest dafe, wailing Te se'fe td'tale'ihetrf icrthe United Slates. rv smNCLES: OF varloM descriptions, fef retail. fTr sate, bf -VsrcB 30. 5- JAS. FGlLLESPlKcs ZO. &mw icbiucc iwrz: .WIBR "wilmjsoton; JCK UOUSK" : . TS now open the pa b lie may depend, on havln L ihetr vaat 'snp piled tstt ocasxmtf of hyeaf, t torn suitabla-ratei, tt e fcia ' U - - jUrdet from the eoentry addressed to Wilming ton lee HsiisV. wiH be well racked and prompt! forwarded.? "-' ;i -: 11 "V ' .V&w,w,i Aj Jt. TssfEOZ Jt:EtE2f,XnTrlet ot larcbrlOtnvltesVv, ' -.r r,.,, XLiU&LL.J iLl J I a.iji J.- Aaeonslwpmaof KavalSrcrre tosetharwith ,J Vv GRFGO. ; J 9: wSSjJSVtlr' . " ' PIECKS, minted Lawns; : Jd,. S-lCettJn, Kae.m. Laid, C "e i iosrdic.hal r ' -K V' LFitGD SMITtT j luvs low l. taado - . - .St--: .-v - .."4ff.--.iJr. - . ...Mf S-- - -X ' -:- "

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