FOB GOVERNOR: CO., ALFRED DOCKERY. The Convention to b held, ber on tbe 25th Inst., Is likely to be largely attended, if ar con siderable portion of the Delegates elected la dif S ferent quarters trill attend. : It ia gratifying to so widvly extended throughout the State. ' , MR. FILLMORE. .i We, were pleased to learn that Mr, FiU.MOsr. during bis rkle round the towa- Friday; id a visit to ex-Governor. Dt)DfcT who bat been for M i'-i long lime confined to fahv residence, by skkoesa. We believe Messrs. Fu-LMobk and ' Dununr-were Tcry personal friends while together in Congress. -r.'jfceoriloj to" custom, the stores were closed :. -St dark hut evening. This Is role that bkabecp ei' genemlly oWtVed for several years.- &. .ililU BADGBB-V-ai": - Is" stated thai oar Sena tor.'Mr. Biavsew, gave masterly sreechv on "Thursday last, sustaining " 'the constitutionality of 4he vetoed BUI, for . thst . Vrefief ef the Insaoc.lX be should' succeed hreoii vijvinciog the Cabinet that any law relstire t;the disposal of tW lands is -Constitutional, saving s- "those bring them away for Pre sidcDtU rotes, be .'-IK - ft J It -V - " '- J. . -i .', a ' ' "... y: V '. V. WESTMINSTER BE.V1BW.V , ' , C V -j of. the above named work, by Leonard, Soott &Co " r--'t9 Fulton Street, W. Tork . Terms' J"" For one Re ' f "view $3 a year; for two $5 for three $7. j for the' '.four, $8; Blackwood's Magazine, 8 ; Blackwood ";iVnd the four ReTlewsJSIO.;'';. ' l The Congressional debate on -Friday last was I fully warm. : Some members wcro wOlinp to re- :i sort to aeoaetbing more positive than mere words, : -a personal encounter between Messrs. Edmon ii atoB.ancl'Campbel was ;6nly prevented the 4 prompt Interference of the 8ergeant-at-Arm.- . , ;The sesaion commenced on Thursday alt noon, and ended on Friday nigbi at twenty .minutes before ' 12 o'clock: No wonder tbe members felt cross. ' In reference to the! Black"- Warrior affair, the (INew.Tork Herald "sjyif1 It -isitlnite possible lhat Mr.' Boolz acted. foolisblyJItJt-acquitted btm- : ;vielf in a. manner unbefitting a jdse and discreet I i Minister :-";.;.''.-;f.-; U f'f ;It is not only quite possible, incour opinion, that be baa acted foolisblybot ery probable.If he did not, be has acted very much oat f character. , It was decidedly wrong appointment, tand such , j the opinion of the country ; and that he bas ' Bot been 2oDg ince'. recalled'fii a scnndal to par -government, 'Judge SiiiNDEaaorMr. BaajNosa j V i would long ago hare pacified ur relations with Spain. ? B ut what can -we expect from this Socle, -s MnsteriDg SueHiai, a' ioreisner in feeling, who mingles bis fiHtbuatenng propensities, and his nciv .'.,L4lonal bates with Ch b'tblneas j.bBc 1 ; The JbnMz f Cmaxe .j right side pjl4eegaTdtoaoatbeni tights and thev'eonsti- " I ' lution has the following sensible rcmarkaabont i J? " For ourselves, we see no need of getting op a i-, arrj about Cuba at this time, or at any t ime. ,' The United JSlatea bare no more right to that is landhan to tho island of Great Britain. Neither n we take TorciMe posaession of Jt, or set" our fllibastiers upon it. without getting ourselves into war with England and France, as well as Spain It will be well for ns to look twice before we leap into such an abyss." Our firm belief is that we hare nothing to quarrel about, either with Spain or Eog tand. This matter of the Black Warrior is a amall afialr. and most be wretchedly managed bo fore it can lead to any serious difficulty between .' tbe twocountiies." SPIRITUALISTS. The following accounts of marvels and wonders -we take from the Philadelphia Register of the 8th instant. W suppose the Lecturers do not make money nor " nothtn'," as they say down east : SrtBiTCit. Lectures. The Spiritualists of our city seems to be quite'' active in the promulgation of their faun.- On Saturday evening Mr. Kufus I Elmer spoke at Franklin Hall on Sixth street. He delivered rather a rambling discourse, but appears to be a man of very practical good sense, and bas no appejuanceyof fanaticism. He took up the comparison between: the Spiritual Manifestation of j olden times recorded in the Scriptures, and i abose of the., modern stamp, and bis attempt to ? prove a similarity was ingenious and pointed. Hehaaa greattfund- of pungent wit, which he nses to a-good advantage. He -also spoke twice ' in the same place yesterday. ' CTri. Harri, formerly a Universalist clergy tnan, lectured in Samson 8treet Hall, last even Jngr He is the medium through which the "Epic ' Poena "Vwaa prodnced, with (as it is claimed) such remarkable rapidity. He is full of imagina tion,, poetry .and enthusiasm, and his sanguine : temperament makes bim in earnest on any sub- : Ject be takes hold of. Tbe lectures of either of the above named individuals are worth bearing. SCANDAL IN NEW YORK. . The following bit of gotsip appears in the New fork correspondence of a Philadelphia paper Oosafp hero has bad, as the Bible says r of sin, a sweet morsfcT to 'roll under her tongac,' in the shape of scandal, for a few days. Tbe gentleman concerned in tbe contretemps It a- Mr. F., about nineteen, and the sen of one of one of the firm of -, the Important ailk bouse of F &-Co. Tho la- ' dy is," or was, a Misa Biaset, or BUhop, a danseusc -at some of tbe theatres. Mr. F., rumor assures t tis.'oecoming enamored of the face or feet of the i fair Bayadere disguised himself in shabby cloth t lng,and,'appljring to the property man of the f . theatre, aecuredan i engagement as a 'supe,' in or "4e'rta be near the object ,of hi idolatry. Sucb devotion could not bo without its effect Tho la dy ajjdberiAtawe'were soon "seen riding out . together o'n the High Bridge, dining in the pri- 4 ''r l" rootQs oi ine -jr lorenee,; ana supping in tne -"?' ditto of the City , HoteL Last Wednes Jj 'v T. week the two loTers visited Brooklyn in com-1- .'.I?n?, yer married. Three days after, the '4 , eac4 papa c the bridegroom discovered tbe c -nriW-"ButbM p the un- ionnnaw snairtne lost ay common sense, and 9 ia i . . r 4 -juadebimaelf the-object of uaersal Ua-hter '2 t.Srtl by threatening to prosecute iVe wbeto'tbea V -'ce for i.couplr-Ii hU son, ad next bv musing tbe moat ridiculous means to obtai the la- dy'f certiCcale of marriage, under tbe belief hat If be- couM once destroy tne document .in quev lion, the onion would ba annulled. - The old gen- tleman's folly has filled the streets with comments, V of course. the tneantlmej the lady holds on to her young husband, who alternately finds himself ' locked up one day la bis diner's attic, add tbe cc xt In bis bride's arms a refresblog alternaUon, The elder F'M avdernleR resort, t bow, bunting "'.izca"o( the Imparity of bis new daughter. and tnakiog arrangementa mi in&rtmr to -i l.'i aa o- i CanUu as b curtoslfy. wmmm m ' 1 1 - nM t hrtatiM ato " f 1 " 1 NORTnESX;EiClTL;uL.,x" " Th NewcYork Herald of Saturday gives us tbe following description of thrctiara"cCer and objects of those who are figuring in New Tor k, against the Nebraska. 01: . . ' "At five o'clock this afternoon, a small number of highly respectable merchants and citizens will exhibit in tbe Park as the tools of the anti-slavery party hi this State. There are names among the i signatures to the' requisition which have been used to figure at the foot of more- sensible nd i constitutional documents; but enthusiasm is cod tagious, and extreme violence on any question is sure to seduce a few moderate men from their moderation, and force them into a- position to be thought of afterwards with shame. In this posi tion now stand the tJnion savers of 1850 who this day protest against the' passage of the. Nebraska bilL" - ' '--- r ' .The real origins tors of the meeting of, this af ternoon tho only people who bavo anything to gain by it are such men as Seward, Garrison and Greeley. They have thrown argument to the dogs long since. f'" Reason, will suit their cause no more. They must have other weapons. AV Washington they are trying to wear out the. patience of, their adversaries, and to call in hunger and sleep , to their aid. Conceive tbe justice of a cause which requires the aid of such schemes -as forcing, the House to sit for thirty-six hours f Here, we have all manner of panaceas for , the case. Seward thinks nothing can save the country but his Presi dency. Garrison will be vtisflcd with nothing but disunion,' Greeley goes for ali'-jpf thesej but superadds the notion of burning the Capitol 'and destroying its 1nmatcsT7lt is with a; -view to car ry out this scheme that the meeting of this after noon has' been " called. The shocking injustice abontto practised on the North will be dilated on ia the ears of an Inflamed multitude, and Mr. Greeley's scheme will not lack sympathizers. We have incendiaries enough -for; tbe purpose. , here. A' bodjr 'of men fconld easily, be organized to .start in, tbe first train for Washington, so " as. to, burn the Capitol on Monday evening. .They might bo allowed the clothes and property of members as theit usual fee, jnsuch . CasesThe'Cipitol in ashes and Congreas dissolved by the . deatr action of its members, it is considered that Mr. Seward's Presidency, and Mr. Greeley's Secretaryship would boas good as settled.. -.' It is for this -that, the meeting of to-day fa'etL''S , T V MR. CRITTENDEN!'. J I . The Frankfort (Ky.) ConimonweaUh, published In the town where Mr. jDrittenden resides, thus ex plains the " volunteering " of Mr. j. in tbe defence of M. F. Ward, who killed Professor B utler : "Mr. Crittenden is not at home, and iu his ab sence it Is not easy to obtain all the facts connect ed with his appearance in the case, nor do we feel entirely at liberty to use, without his knowledge or consent,; such as we have obtained. We will, however,' say thus much x ; Several months ago it waa communicated to MiC Crittenden,' from Mr. Ward, that he wished to engage hfs professional services In tbe defence of his son Mr. Crittenden was, not at liberty to refuse, if he bad felt over so mucli inclined to do so ; for it Is a settled princi ple withthe bar. and bencli thAt an application to appear tn the defence upon the criminal prosecu tion, is never to bp refused.if egmpliarute be possi ble and consistent with previoua engagements. This principle. K grounded in chief upon these rea sons: First, every man accused of crfmewbeher men suppose"" him Wbo gty or innocent,' ias-, right to a,fair-and, legal tnal, and to-have every eonsideration of fact ud law favorable to bis case 1 presented to -the "jury f secondly, it is impossible for the lawyer auptiea. to. to aeeiaenai ice accus ed is guilty without knowing tbVwbole testimony on both sides, and the whole can jiever be known in advance of the trial ; and, tklrdly, for the law yer to refuse on the ground that the accused did not deserve defence would be to throw the weight of tbe lawyer's character Against -the accused in advance of " the triafc andto theprejudice of his case. Mr. Ward wibhed to secure Mr. Crittenden's professionol services for his son. Mr. Crittenden was not at liberty to refuse ; he was bound to ap pear in the ease, and, so far as apiearing in it was concerned, he was no " volunteer." One question only remained, Should he accept a fee, or should he render the services gratuitously, as an act of friendship towards the father of the accused, who had been his ntimatc personal friend for many years 1 He decided on the latter ; he would take do fee. One of his friends understands that a ve ry liberal one was intimated or offered to him. If he had accepted it the case would hare been the common one of professional services rendered for reward, and nobody would have thought it wrong. But if it would have been right to yield to Mr. Ward's wishes and defend his son for money, could it be wrong to defend him for friendship 1 We think not. AN ERRING FAIR ONE CAUGHT. A few mornings since, some little excitement was created among the ladies attached to Franco ni's Hippodrome, stopping at the Merchants' Ho tel, Cincinnati, by the sudden arrest of a young girl belonging to their troupe, who had arrived from New York the evening previous. It appears that on Wednesday a telegraphic despatch had been received from a very respectable gentleman of Westfield, New York, stating that his daughter had been enticed from her home, aDd induced to join the Hippodrome troupe by two females be longing to the establishment, and at the same time urging that she should be taken in custody and retained until he arrived here. Two policemen were dispatched te meet the down train last night, who got otf board the cars at Pendleton, and there saw the three lair, ones, carefully stowed away. On arriving in the city, the ladies proceeded to Merchants Hotel, (followed by' the officers,) and there registering their names put up for the night. Tho officers,' being too gallant to disturb them at such a late hour, waited until morning, when a policeman Minister had an interview with the fair runaway, told her his errand, and finally told her to accompany Jhim up" 'ltd the mayor's office, where she went together with the other two ladies who were her traveling companions The young girl, who t a not yet sixteen years of age, is beau tiful and prepossessing In appearance, of fine form and commanding figure, and withal such a per son as would make a hippodrome attractive. She seemed disposed to follow the strange, and hazar dous life for which she had deserted home and relatives, and shed tears copiously wben she found she . was to be separated from her new-formed friends. Mayor Surlbaker deemed it ad vi able to commit her to the House of Refuge until the am val.of her father, .which was don, j- i Halifax May 12. Tbe following are some ad- d.tional items of the Canada's news; .i c . Oo the 20th of April a sharp combat look place before Kalafat. Twenty squadrons of Russians, with 6 cannon, were making a reconnoisance of be Turkish, lines when the Tarks sail ted ont with two regiments of regulars and cannon.' A fierce combat of three hours followed, when ' the Rus sians were obliged to retreat with the loss of- 600 men, , ' , "a -'- jr ; . - r Omer Pasha was "at ShuraW concentrating his forces for the defensive. Z The Russians were, for tifying themselves in the Dohred.-'hawhere they naa du,wu men.vv It was reported that the evacnation of Lesser Wallachia by the Russians was designed - to' gain favor wfthAustria. The Russians, were retreat ing towards Bacharistjndicating'a change In their , .TheSultan bad offered a' command to Abdtl ; The expulsion of the Greeks from Turkey con tinued. . , n Admiral Napier has divided his fleet into, three divisions. The first has gone In the direction ,of Livan1a,Jhe second is offRiga and tbe third is at the entrance pf the Golf oft Finland,- near Swea borg, Vihefo the Russian fleet keeps "close; quar ters." V" -r, i V- - -r The American Consnl has determined- to send from .London to New i'prk. eight soamen of the cli))er abip Sovereign of the St-as,- fot trial for matiny. 7 The relatives of the prisoners have pe titioned Lord Palmerston te prevent thp removal of tbe pri4nera to America. -- The Scotch Lord Cockburn is dead. A10 the Marqnia of Aoglesea.j , f. The steamer Ercolarco was Iot off Villa Franca. Fifteen English passenger were drowned and Ore saved. Among them (the latter) was Sir Robert Peel. - - Thc Viceroy of Egypt bad rescinded the decree prohibiting the exportation, of corn, s LATER BY TELEGRAPH. i'LoKDOM, Saturday. The Russians have com pletely evacuated Krsjova, carrying the uns and stores to Wilna- jj - - r. , ' The -occupation of Albania and Hemrgorina is determined npon.4jThe preparations will be as sisted by Anstriso'ships.' Paitfst Friday 'tr&aing"f0 funds dosed at yesterday's prices 03 40ckSnd 89f, 95c. The story of the bombardaicnt and eapture of Odessa rose from ;the fact-thdUhe, Odessa batleN irt'fii-c'd iule- tho litisb shitt Fuiious; seat with a" flajTof truce to bring off tho Consul f and British residentsf'St i&i&JA&5-HiimS i - Paskiewitsb war making formidable prcpara fions for an allVck en Slllstrta,11 ' ' ?'-! - Captain Foote, a deserving British officer, wat accidentally drowned In the Baltic. w - . i-'-.'. . 7't'"iir..H.f; - v PAIB OFF AND ROBBED, j i' - r . . Pbieudelfbu, May 18. On Thursday last, the crew of the sloop of war Jamestown were paid off, and as sailors are fond of spending money they must needs, some of them at least, Jiave a land cruise to dispose of their bal last. As .usual,' a number Of land sharks were on the look out to plunder the tars, : and the well filled pockets of the latter were-in several instant ces relieved of some of -their contenta. - Ji good natured fellow, named James Williams;" obtained over $380 pay; and after depositing about 8200 of the amount with his landlord for safe keeping, started off. for a "spree j .bjr night he had become well fuddled, and while in ihaf, condition he fell In with three young fellows who 'accompanied him to the house of a Mrs. Malonev iu... Relifef (Street and while there was relieved of his sur- "plus funds.-- J he boys were arrested at the.inatW gatjpn of the inmates of tbe house, anLbad a haaing,before Mavor Gilpin -yesterday morning. The shorn taTiad not yet becomesored at the timaV the bearing yesterday Wsorning. In reply to theiquestSwiOf ho May orho 'said hu was paid off at eleven o'clock on Thursday, and after leaving about $200 with his landlord he had start ed " for a round " with about $180 in his pockets This sum was all gone by the time the attention of the police was drawn to the matter. Jack, in true sailor-style, assured the Mayor he cared no thing about the money, " for," said he, " I have four years pay coming to me yet in Washington He wanted the matter dropped, and thrust his hands in his empty pockets to pay the ' damage.' The boys, who gave the names of Michael Hg gerty, Adam King and George Sweeney, were held to SI, 000 each to await a further hearing. The Mayor directed that Williams should be taken care of until he should become sober. x.Ii.CAL &wwJulTY. Raliigii, May 13. The Medical Society of the State held its fifth annual meeting in this city do ling the present week. ' We learn that there were thirteen counties 'represented, and an acquisition of ten sew members. .The Society now numbers upwards of a hundred permanent members, among whom are some ot the most talented physicians In the States- - r . -V i The Annual Address waa delivered by Dr. John ston B. Jones, of. Chapel. HW, on .Wednesday, at 12, M.v in the Senate Chamber to a large And in telligent audience.1; ; His subject was," " The man nerof man's relation to some of the many agents bywbich his existence hi often terminated.' ; - ; On Wednesday afternoon, 'Dr. -Charles Ft John ston, of Baleigh; read a highly, able and scientific paper on the subject f Malaria in reply to one read by Dr. Satcbwcll, of few -Hanoyer,at the third Annual Meeting; In WjlmmgtonSSi ,. DrZ Hadly, of Richmond County, as Chairman df the committee on Epidemics, read an Interest ing Essay on Thursday, upon the Epidemics which have prevailed In 'the Counties of -Richmond, Moore and Anson from 1842 up to the present time., , ' - r : " Oral communications wereTnade by a number oi gentlemen, which elicited lively discussions upon the various branches of the profession. The following officers were elected for the pres ent year, via i r. - r President;; Dr;. James H. Dickson, of Wilming ton; Vice Presidents, Dr..W..XU, ew-ierne; Dr. A. D. McLean, rTtobeson j Br. II. slelly, Row, an DrtO.'Hadly'Ricbmondf Corresponding and RecordingSecrctary, ' Dr. B. S. Satchwell, New Hanpvecj, Treasurer, Dr. James.. Dunn, Wake ; Orator: Dr. Newsom J. Pittman, Tarboro'. f' Delegates o the American Medical Association: Drs.,a S. Satchwell, J. H. Dicksou, Ed. Warren, C. XL'JoVnson; J. El 'Wniiamson,f "W. G; Hill, O. F. MansooV J. G. Tuli, J. B. Jones, N. J. Pittman, W. G. Thomas, E. Strudwick, W. H. McKee. After a very pleasant session of two and a half days, tbe Society adjouruud, to meet on the third m t ' Tor - ' t. 1 . 0-i:..l iuesaay in aiay, iooo, iu me iuwu,ui onusuury. - ' , Register. Xi.t.-i., 0 '4- SILVER FACED ITVB LmydyWeeWj-NewspSper now cditedf byjl -&- wmoonces uat h iiu vji printed wlrti 0red typsi" Eleetrpplatlogth" "type wlt silver seems i'nove1tyr!The patentees whasdi WnilUXGtMningtVindi' - -Tt-efaVT carcely probable CONSPIRATORS SENTENCED. Ebton, Pa., May 12. Judge McCartney sen tenced tho Enston conspirators this morning as follows: Daniel Lachenour, S2,50O fine, and three months in the county jnll; Dr. Field, $2,000 fine, ad 1 year in the penitentiary; Aaron J. Deck, $1,000 fine, and 1 year in the penitentiary; Steven son, who turned States' evidence, SI fine, and 1 year in the penitentiary. They were convicted of threatening an old man by the name of Green with an exposure if he did not pay them a certain amount of money. They charged him with an improprcity with a -young girl. Green, who is a wealthy man, had bis fears so acted upon that he gave Stevenson his notes for 83,000 or 84,000. The paper was shaved and divided among the party, most of whom are men of wealth. Deck was mncb moved when sentence was pro nounced upon him, and in a tremulous voice ask ed permission to say a few woi di. J ndgc Mc Cartney at once granted his request. Deck, who could scarcely command his feelings, exclaimed: "I am an innocent man so help mc God !" Tbe exclamation created a deep sensation in the crowded court room. SPAINMR. SOULE. -r- A dispatch from Washington to the New York Herald, ays : ' '' The imminent danger of warjwkh Spain cannot be over estimated. - It is believed that before 30 days we will reach a crisis that will callfor tho most crgeut measures. We do BoiWlievo that Sir. Soole set out with any intention of pressing matters to this extreme, but that the Instrnctione with which bo was armed were ,.bssl . upon- the idea that Spain would befrightened jut-itstening to propositions for tho purchase f Cuba - , Private letters hare been received here stating that Mr Sonlo-bas lost th- good grace of the fickle Queen ofSpifn, who is cbpipletely" in the hands of her Cabinet. Aa for the Cabiuet, nhey are represented as tho supple Instruments of Eng land and France i but not only the purchase , of Cuba, but 'also the acquiescence of Spain iu the di mauds so strongly put forth by the United States seem further off than ever. On the- other ' hand Mr. Soulu has established tbe most friendly rela tions with the QiK-Cn Mofer, and she Is as warm fitvor'or'rher ta! of Cnlia."na the Queei add ber Mwnstirs are opjjsed e . Thus tbe matter si..:i(J ad, ts lonp as the pri nt S Danish Cabt nut li l': 'AgetnerEqjluh and French Interests will la- 1r Ute ascendant ' Yet it s possible, tuwuli l int iiif aflfiir iinr iimlralil -adiiiittad: .:. Enp- LiHwiUdoubUesa'lito teiu r4uetmJAfcw4Jlt of government listen--to &lry such overtaresafter the Stand taken, it afl't be disgrace I. 'The onlhope that our peaceable ivla ? witl not-, be disturb ed. lies iu the possibility of S; ius acceding to TOO HONESfl. Scene Firit.f'Vkri Stocnm, '4helieve, sirT . . ... . .. . "Yes, sir ; James Slocuni "Some months ago, Mr, Siocam, you gave me credit for a pair of boots price five dollars. I now Cftlioj to Jiquldate the demand." 1 Ow in9 fijr doUarst Well, really I have no repe9rgq of he jict." ('Be that as H may, the debt is honest, and mujs aiJ?'! , Here the middle-aged gent, in pepper and salt casniuaeres, 'took.' out a well-filled pocket-book, and banded Slocum a twenty dollar bill. Slocura balanced the account, and handed to the middle aged gentleman in the seasonable wearing appar el, fifteen ' dollars, being the "balance on the boots." The middle-aged gentleman left, while Slocum went off in a reverie. "Well, tho world is not so bad, after all; here at least is one- genuine honest man. I will never peak ill of the human family again." Scene Second. An Exchange office. Inter Slocum. Bullion runs over the '-pictured blotting paper," and throws out a twenty dollar bill. "What do you throw out that for 1" "Not worth a cent one of the new counterfeits came out yesterday." Slocum once more goes off into a reverie "Curse that scoundrel! That's the very bill that honest man paid me yesterday for them boots. What a vile world. I don't believe that there is one upright man on earth." , , TOWN MEETING..- " Agreeably to tho call of the Mayor:v meeting! of a portion of the citizens of Raleigh was held In the Town Hall on Thursday evening last, ia order to appoint delegates to the contemplated conven tion to be held in the town of Wilmington, n the 25th Inst Sox tbe purpose of adopting measures to secure the Improvement of Cape Fear Bar.-- -- Edward-CantweUr Esq., Introduced tbe follow ing resolutions, which after some interesting re marks from the Hon. John JEL. Bryan and Maj. IL W. Busted, were unanimously adopted : f " r 1. Resolved.. That the citizens of Raleigh have heard with pleasure' of the contemplated Conven tion to be held at Wilmington, to take measures for the repairing of the Cape Fear River and Bar, ana tnat. in everv measure calculated to auvauce the interests of that town and port, the people of the whole State have a great interest : tnere- fore, t - ; :- f " , ; ';.-. s 1 4 2. Resolved. That for the purpose of having tne city of, Raleigh represented in said convention, the Mayor- of the City be authorized to appoint twenty delegates to said Convention. i The Mayor then appointed the following gen tlemen delegates to the. Con vent ion, viz: Maj. Walter Gwynn, H. W. Hosted, R. W. Hay wood, Seaton Gales, Hon. Jno.'n. Bryan, Maj. Edward Cantwell, Col. Geo. Little, Dr. J.t. Tomp kins, F. C. Hill, J. J, Iredell, w H. Harrison, Q. Busbee, TV. C. Doub; J. t, Hutchins, R. L Wynne, E. . Harriss, J. G. Mi Buffaloe. Eugene Martin, Dr. J. W. Tucker, O. L. Burch, E. L. Harding. On motion the Mayor was added to the list of delegatc.-i?a. Register. , '::: - COUNTERFEITERS SENTENCED. John; Brown, alias Joseph' Heritage, James Dover, and Charles Claik alias Chail.s Watson, found guilty of connteffvliin.Md ami silver coin in New Yoiki wereon .Wedutwday, sentenced by the court Broww to tci years, Watson to nine years, and Bowers to seven years Imprisonment, with hard labor in- the State prison. The. wife of Watson was carried from the court in a frantic ntute, and was- with difficulty restraiucd from lay ing violent bands upon heisa lf. , . v. ANOTHER ARC TIC. NAVIGATOR, MISSING. The Toronto Globe says : " Serious" apprehen sions are entertained respecting the safety o( Capt, CollinsoD, who went out to Behrine's Straits in company with" Capt. McClure, to search for Sir John FraVklirV Search is now being made for him as well as for the long lost Sir John, both on the Eastern and Western Coast Of North Ameri ca. . If Capt. Collinson be found soon, all therves sels are to return, if not, discretionary orders are given to Capt, .Maguire and McClure to couttnue the seach for one year longer. J a .rn i t f f .i .(. Great Dcsti uctlou ot Cotton and Corn. For three ni-lit iu tftces-.ion. Commencing on Friday night Iat, we were visited byjieavy frost killing the cotton that was upand greatly damng ing the corn.' Planters are greatly at a loss how to act; some think that partial tstauls of cotton rosy be had from the seed yet in the ground; others are ploughing up and -replant ing. Hunts viue lAia.) vemn Mag 4. . , , f t yuiv. XVi.i.A AlU.O II 4 1 fl DX' AM . .i The Washington -Union of Thursday's in an arj ticle on our relations with Spam, remarks ; . ' We are quite free to state,: and in terms so emphatic and unequivocal as IA admit of ' no mis intefpre&trorir-that If ampje' satisfaction is not al lowed for 4be piratical aeiiure-.of tha Black War- rior we shall, advocate an immediate blockade of the Island.' i ft ... '. r-ll-NRY-S INVIGORATING CORDIAL: The merits of this purely vegetable' extract for the removal and core of physical norstratioa, gen ital debility, oervons affections, &.&c r are ful ly described tn another column or ibts papn V which the reader Is referred.' per bottle, 3 bot tles for SS, six bottles for 18r flfi perdozen. Otmerve the marks of the oawowa. jT : Prepared onlvbv 9.K. COHEN. Fraiiklin Row, Vine Struct, 'below Eighth. Philadelpl.l. Pa.. TO WHOM ALL ORDERS MUST BE AD DRESSED. For 8S e by all respectable Druggists At Merchants lhreuJbal the eoantrv. I WORTHY TUB Of ALL r AS THE Y CArt DS RSLIED OX. . TH R preparations of Dr. J. S .- Roae eneh suited to a 'Specific - Disease (the regular Graduate and Physician ef 30 veara esnerlenee J re confidently recommended te tbe afflicied, ttemedics, sore, sate, ana eueetuai. r - Ur.'J. S. itate HrpectoixMi. or uougn sgrnp, la a never failing remedy for Coughs, olda, sod ail Uang Diseases. Frice ooc ana at. -ys' - ut. j. j. fate's vv K toura avrup viTeaiwi- mediete relief, andrequently cures In on week.. Dr.J. S.Ratm Crotto Suruif never falls IB cor lag the Croup, iharlangerouif complaint amon children. Price 25e. ;llt:-,;-f 1 Dr. J: s. Rotit Pain Curer will cere StiffKeck. Soas "Throat. Pain in the face. aide, back or limbs, from a Cold. It ceres S Drains. Chilblains, Cramps or Pale in the Stomach or Bowels. Price IZje, Z3c and 50e. Ur. J- S. Rote Extractor Buck IV one of the best remedies ever used for diseases of the Kid iey. EladdeK Ac." price 60c. OH- JiS. IOoE'S SE8F0l!i iStf iSTIGORiTIXC -..-VCOlDIiU'":;-.-: - -". For Heart' Disensc.aH Nervous A (Tenion. Flatu lence, Hfnrt Burn, Itestlessnrsa, Nombne, Ncn ralsia, raising the spiritsand giving power m the whole system, tt li almost miraculous in us eneci. 50 cene a bottle. ' - v a . " .- Dr. J. S. liote't Uvantvlte ComvounO. -'ere cure for Dyxpepscin, .iter Compluinl, nnl In til . . . . t . . . i. . t !t : . : t.u I.: . I u-raiive'ot V4ml:v Pitl. 'iteuf both 75c. Dr. J. t. Rose's Golden Pilla. for falllnff Of the Womb. Female Weakness. Debilitr and llelasa- Lir. J.s. nose's r cmaie oncrinc A remeavio Painful Menstruation, Leucorrhma or Whiles, til. Ur, J. S. Rote' female fUU are the only relia ble regulating pill they have been ton nd icbea most valuable remedy lof Female complain', tn upon those obstructions "to Which Ihey are liable; and . bring nature into its proper channel, Price 25c.' . --. - .-' .. ' .. - --'"' t Dr. J. S. ffos'f Sartaparilla Compound, (ot all Skis Diseasea.'and for purifyina he Blood It it superior to all other. iriee sue a no i . - Dr. J.S Rostra lnir. AJiX'Wrot unillS, l vera, and General Debility- A- never-failiaa ffni- edy. .. A few doses is always sufficient to convince tbe most skeptical.- - Price 50c. Atlwhoi constitutiena are impaired by disease, or weak bv nature, should read Dr. s. Hose" Medical Adeiter,. which contains a description ol the diseases of- our climate and the mode of- treat incnt. it cnn'be bad ' without chnrpe tof J. A D, DcPUR, Wilmington, N. C. i VAUGIIAN M OO tt K. Geidsbero': S. J.HINSD4LK, Payetic- ville, and oi Dealers' genertUly throUif boat the St.-DC'im-io, z aio i-, ,3i Lar i-4jriat" I 14 h , ' J a 16 Cot. .c.per Jb. f a 61 Corn, yet bush' 83 a Candles, h G. 14 a IS ,de. Northern, 14 a lb .tdacaaetioe- ' 25 a 23 f perm, 45 a 60 Cheese,' , IU . a n Cotton Vsrn, ! a 17 do Ornaborgs 0a 19 4.4 N C Sheet- v ; Ing, . 7 a 8 j I ShveMn ; 61 a 7 j FLOUR, per bbt. Fycileville.7 25 a 7 50 Baltimore, . a Canst, ex. ' 9 00 a 11 00 .ft- f. w f ... i r earner, bv h r:t. IIP. north ; - ; i-M A met lean, lis 1 4 HAY, per 100 Iba.. DIED. In this town, on tbe 7th instant. MK.Wm. F Unth.nk, a native of Surry county, N. C, aged 29 years. :- In this town, on the 14th instant, Bemjami GAtan, infant son of John E. and Susan Bowers, aged two years, six months and eleven days. WHOLESILU BACOIY per lb. I . Hams, NC. - . a 10 Sides, devO 9 a 91 onouiars, eo. C a 9 NaV it &tim Hg round, 1. 9 .t 'ZVtrptMtirflr. Hi Hams western, 00 utt Mfet'.owajB. t CO a t1,' V A 9 Jy"'a Ontri IS a 9 SlaoftMeve. do. t s 'irafi r I BO a- i Batter, per lb., II at' iT.'r, t 3 3 j i 0 00 -jBKKF.Berbbi. dv itl--'-'l cs -,r Monhara aitus, 12j 1 1 Koaie by rate, o ,oe- ,'Ael JW s. - ' Beef Cat tl . HKl ie.'2. , 1 IS a ' lrit Ter'h I za a I 05 a DO a 4 Raclern, iV. York, Ash head Inc. 17 00 Hollow- ' ware, 31 litO.V, perjb. American, beat rr-i ; fined, , ,- -j 5 a Rnliali assorted, S wede best refin- v1 " ed .. ': ".6 a . American sheer, a . -'. . Rest Swede 'rV.' i I.UA1 BKR, ne10M f.-el. 3. Sawed 15 00 a 18 DO Flooring, 16 00 a 17 00 W board 15 4)0 a 16 00 Pinna and i scantling, 13 00 a 15 00 Wide hoard edzed, . ? 14 00 a 15 00 Itefuar half nnceV tlVElt f.UMBKIl. Floortne, - 12 50 a . Wdd Wrtls; S 00 8 50 Scantlin,. -1 a 7 50 l.ard In bbla 10 a . I do ItCMi II '14 Limo pr bbl. 1 37 a I 60 MaUOrtS.ucrealtoo. ' Peach brandy . "tV -:v -i pplc, - 75 eHJfl Rvewhlakey 60 J 00 Rectlfied. 'Zim 36 ; iV K itum, ; 40. a -4 i -MOLtSSRS per gallon. New Orleans. a - i Per call. 10 a 09 KAlL,pcrkg,IOblbe. nroajbt, 10 I 'J viu,pcreall. Sprrm, J IS a 1 65 l-ifaetrl, 19 m- 99 meet's fool, 1 50 a Pork, Northern per bbl Mess. i6i . i?i Prime,7 , 00 00 'a 00 00 Pea, per bethel. B. Kve. I 121 a Cow. . ; fcO el HO Pee IS mis 80 m I 00 RICK, per tOv lbs. Cleaned. -4 5U a 4 7$ Koegb rlc-e nom, .,r pcrbuvn. l uui ; STAVKS. per 1009.! W.O. bU. 15 00 a ' rowfih, . nonav 1 Dncd, none. tt.. hhd : roush. - r' V- a " - Drc-aaed, ; none.' -Khinelc. Pr 1000. Ciiiniun.- 2 50 a 3 00 Coeiraci, 4 00 a -, tsiarfc'e-.. ; -. - large - 6 00 II tv Salt per bnahel. i urlsa Is- . - . land, . . Itlown, j;, 'none.,," V'.v, pevack, I 10 a Soap, per lb Pale, '5 a" Brown,- - ' . 6 a Steel per lb. ' German, -s 15 a RIMerr.l, i . 6- a Kcst Cat -:- 20 a I Bel quality. j; .- ' Mill aaws. 6 feet, 6 00 a Sngarprr lb. V.Orlcansv' 8 S Porte Rice - i a st.i'roii, . B .a r.oaf. 101a TIM BE R. per 1000 feet SUIppine, 14 10 s 00 01 Prime mill 8 CO all 00 nnmmon. 5 SO. ' 7 09 Inferior. - 3 50 a 4 00 Tallow pr )b .11 a 12 WINF.S.prr tallon. Madeira. I 00 a 4 00 Po t, vl 00 a 4 ftflaga i - 40 10 71 T 25 6 CO 7 II . M A HI N JS.. -1 E VV S.i i FREJG11T. To'New Toaa. Roain, . - - - ; i 60 on deck, 65 under. ' Tnnieiitine.-'f-, !! 70.? u --:" -v- - M j -bpiriu 1'itrpoutc... ,-.-V ." 1 f"'f-' f ' YaniAuHueetU?V ,oienU pevfoot. . Cotton per bnlov ' I '". 1'7,' ' Pe.'v Nuts, per" bulu ; ;' S .cer?t-; ''.-' v T0 -PstUS. ; - Naval Stores, , A.-liwW'.-v.- i IrC-v?ii.'': J-X-'.sWstndeB,-- " SoSrRs Turpenlfnr,v: M cti. per bM. ' ' , '' -nand Shctiu2,' V:s xl.' ; -. hh' Washington, May 13. Tbe House of Repre sentatives has presented the unusual spectacle of a continuous sitting of two days and two nights, it having continued in session till ccar twelve o'clock last night. Thejholetime since Thurs day morning, when the House metwas spent in a struggle on the part of the frienda-of ithe Nebras ka I bill shortly to cIoae3?bate and come to a decision, and on the part of the opponents of the bill in resisting this restriction of discussirm ; and, thVrefore, to prevent a vote on the terminating re solution and the gate from - being so soon shut down," ibeyjliave kept the question oft by .the va rious motions allowed by the rules of the House and by jwliamentajx-usage,-presenting a trial of enduran between fhe twd'nearlj; equal parties such as we' have wseveraJ exdtingoiccasions ' witnessed in the satire House since the year 1808. During the whohtof this protracted sitting, until within a feV minu tes of the adjournment, tbo most -perfect good humor prevailed" in the House, the came appearing to be a fair one, and .perfectly understood) by "both parties Z 'So quiet was every thing in aad.about the .Capitol yesterday' that a man might have passed its doors a dozen times, COTTON AND CORN TbeNaabviliej (Tenn.) Banner.rfv-Ie 6th Jnst. contains about col urnn of extracts from Ala-3 bama papeTiJgQing to so'tbat the coon and ra croDS In the South have suffered severely y frosts, and loine ces. have been cut oI1rt.Bfc the- Houseww nn ses altogether. ?Xv &.4 , .., . - i I ion--1. was bnlycaliu sv voting or. iu var- speakirrf!trr. the Jury In tons stereotyped moUons. 1 the Ward rca3e,.aays ; ' When i!jo. Jry i went out it was generally reared tbey wouid bang ; His now Kfie eommoa- belief "that bangiog -is too good: for' NAPOLEON WANTS A DIVORCE. The Paris correspondent of the Montreal Wit ness writes as follows ; " The great question which occupies at present the Court of France is the divorce of tbe Erapcror. He no longer hopes to have any children by his present wifeahd it is said he thinks of taking another. The report i; not official, t but as it bas appeared in aeveral H censed papers, "the truth of .it can scarcely be questioned. Napoleon 111 fa, however, very fond of his wife, and the divorce will resemblejn every Doint that of hhvUmcle and Josephine, who were, as you kno8eparafd for thet 6ame reason 'Whether from thin motive or any other, the Em press of the French 1s" looking very melancholy. It is impossible to see her without beiug struck by her expression of sadness. As to the Empe ror, he appears constantly calm and imperturba ble." , r i i :- WVE NOBLEMAN. , J There is an amusing story told concerning the last an ival of the Mexico at Galveston. It ap- f pears that among the list of passengers ou the manifest, the name of the Earl of Durham was legibly recorded. The news quickly spread, and was prplmpli Communicated lo ILe English Cop sulf who, in the generosity of bis nature, at once engaged two rooms for his distinguished conntry .maa heiia.tft: tid Viwoea.ed with a carriage to the steamer toconvey bimto bisqoar- K tCrsrwheB,me granmisUke" was discovered. The Earl of Durham on the Mexico provea to oe large Dorbam Bull from Kentucky The Con sul waajdoing well at last accounts. IBE I HREB DOLLAR PIECE." Its circemftpeeVneaTly tho same as a 65 pieces bet fcotaa thick-JOoron side-istljj head of Kberty lHring;wlgm by H a i JI St al oConcirPuribf oprxwi te side above the cealJ4Sheeatltf which vK.1 nrd ""-rfnl-.n " afid' beneath f 1854nr-the 4wio sorTOUrdbyjs baatjfl eT1?s. MaT ' ST'orFICE CHANGES, v : the PostDfflce v at Robeson'a Brunswick County, N. C baa been, changedfo Black Rock P. 01 JSlf CTurrvutiueJPAf.' " And a new Post Office has-been 'established at Briokley's Depot,' called Robeson's, and A. J. Swjnion appointed P. M. " State of the Jabor Market In Ireland. Nearly all the Irish journals dwell, with ruore or lcus alaim, upon tbe continuous drain of the population, and the now almost inevitablo cer tainty of the supply of labor being insufficient to meet the demands of agriculture. Tho Louth Advertiser, referring to this subject, is fully sa- trnea mat tne vaiue oi uoor win be duuoied or tripled in Ireland beforo tbe growing harvest is ripe for the tickle. GUANO. There have arrived at Alexandria, Va., dnrin the present season, upward of seven thousand tons of Guano, and this supply is unequal to the demand. It sella for about $48 or 50 per ton. CONVENTIONS! CONVENTIONS F ! EPIsCOPAU ItlVLOK COXVENHOXS ! (Vll CHRISTIAN FRIENDS: we take the V liberty of reminding you that lliis week and the next, our town (the flower garden of the Stale) win oe nueu -wnn stranger' -Be careiul how you entertain strsnvrs as there may be angel among them") and tho' their object is to advance and piomotc a sacred cause, and they may be prompted by the beat of feeling Lord Byron says tthe best of feeling must have some victual," (or as the Niggers call it Cold billcl an' ting") and many will come snuffing at the ' Flesh l'ols of Kgvpi." Taking in view those Egyptian " Flesh Pot SnufTi.-r," ynu should come to Iteston & Townshcnd, and rtplenish your larders, who will receive and coolioue .to receive furin? ihaC iwo week's carnival, every thing nice and frcsli for mnkingUhristiansaa well us Heathens inirard ly smiifieil with themselves and at' around ih-m And as lot thenar Convention, seeing it is legal we will placo no bar to the proceedings, but liav. received any quantity of Wine, Champngne and liquor fir removing and washing away all obstruc tions to internal improvements. May 16. 26. - PORT OF WILMINGTON, MA Y .18.- . r . . ARRIVBD. ; 12. Scbr; Elizabeth, Trout," from Charleson, to Rankin &. Martin. ij'j - Schr. St. Leosr Rogers, from Bos tor to J, JR. Blossom. . ; ' ' J3. -Steamer SoutbernerVCreele. froni Fayette- ville, lo McBary & Cazaux. '. & I."twamer Chatham - McKaeTffwii jrayeuet mill tA.UVri.j, U I. VtT-, - " ill I. If! " ilftMillERCULv: REMARKS ON HARKKT.irs . . r ' ' . aaatter for remark fa very' meager;- owiag few arrivals of. country produce f .business is.quite dull. 'c ; i7 f : - TuarsNTivB. Since Saturday morning last 113 barrels Turpentine have been sold at S3,15 for virgtituCUPft 2.0U lor yeitow, ana iu per ool for ard. 13 Birqne Saraftae,' -W T' " r ' naJBWl'- . -4,.,. ft., .4, Kft --..lf. (r .Philadelnhia. bv Geo. i 6-""" H,ty,t,vri A. Rftit' - lb" ..fHH I ft 'ft iumbepL Brig Maria T vT Ax, Vkiwuthitm.Ior Wiscai? set, Me., by tJ lindborrr i juo, iwith 9610 feet lumber, a., . , ' bbis. iiaval stones Schr. Julia, tu: on Harriss with navai -ton s. Steamer Spray, Price for Smithville, by A. II. Van Bokkelen. Bchr. Wbi.'H. Smith, Wyatt, for New York, by DeRosset & Brown ; with naval stores. Schs. Elvira, Ingalls, for Bath, Me., by Pierce & Dudley ; with 112,000 feet lumber. 15. Schr. Adelaid, Smith, for New York, by Geo. Harriss ; with 1796 bbls. Rosin, and 13 box es fruit. Schr. Theresa, C. Corson, Philadelphia, by Geo. Harriss ; with 84,000 feet lumber, 1069 bbls. ros in, and 41 bales yarn. Schr. Danl. S. Merahon, Sprugg, for Philadel phia, by T. C Worth ; with naval stores. Schr. M. E. Wells, Terry, for New York, by T. C. Worth j with naval stores. THEATRE. KUNKEla OPlKA TROUPE I ! UXCLE TOM 'S CABIN ! - ''1 . dlura size. ' ' ., . ', , Spibits TcarEMTins. No sales to report; last K DISTRICT OF CAPE FEAR, N. C. Office of tbe Clerk of the United Stales Court ron said District. Be it remembered, tnal on the 1 1th day of May, I8r4, in the 73th year o; the Independence of the United States. Rev. Brantley York of said Dis trict, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the ribt whereof he claims as author ur proprie tor, in ihu words following, to wit: "An Illustrative and Constructive Grammar ol " the English Language, accompanied by several "original diagrams, exhibiting an occular dumon ' siraiion of onie of 1 he mast difficult principles "of the science of language; also, an extensive ' glossary of the derivation of ihe principal scien tific terms used in this work, in two parts, foi " the use of every oae who may wih 10 use it :" In conformity, to the act of the Congress ot the United States, entitled "an act for the encourage ment of learning, br securing the copies of iapa. Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time therein men tioned. .. lq testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed my official signature, and the seal of said Court, tbe day and year above written. ASA A. BROWN, L. S. Clerk of the District of Cape Fear, ' ' s Norih Carolina. -May 13. 23-4 w. BACON! BACON!! ifl rVTlfi1-88'- - H8 Bound ; 1 80,000 JLf)JJr do. Western Sides, jest received, and tot sale by " W. M. SHERW OOD CO. April 2. i6. I fO'POZRN Southern Harmony ; I U do. Carolina Sacra ; .- . 6 do. Southern Church MelodUt, 4 do. Harp of tbe South; , 2- do. ' The Sabbath School a new Note Book for children. ' Received and for rale by My9.r- . i'.- Ji.T.-MUDS. R LAN R00RS AND PAPER. RECEIVED this dsy a large assortment, at ".1 J.T. af DM DS'. ; May 9. ------.- , 23. EPC IR;i: POES WORKS, - -OJlPLETIvJa.3 Vok. t For sale at.' VSf if -SMS-Jft UNKLE'S MGHTl.NGALK OPKCA TROUPE, will have tbe honor of again ap pearing at the theatre, VAis Kvening, Tuesday 1GM, in iheirliaractehatic entertainment. First part. MUSICAL MELANGE, in which the choice melodies of the day will be given. To conclude with UNCLE TOM'S CABIN! As performed by I ham with immense success in Charleston, Columbia, Savannah, Augusta, Nash vi.le, Macon, Mobile, Ac, Ac. For particulars, see small bills. Admission 50 cents. May 16. , 26. EXCHAlilGirWAX OILLS at 30, Gu and 90 days on Sew York i.J other points. Piincess Street, to May 16. and Apply at corner of Front and D. DePRK, Agent. 26-lm. MORE SCHOOL BOOKS. A LARGE additional supply of McGalfey's I ft, 2d, 3d and 4th tRcaders ; Southern 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readers; GauM's Ovid; Anthon's Kc logucsand Gergics of Virgit; Andrew's Lann Lessons; Andrew's L'tin Lexicon; LeevcrrtPs do.; Ainswortb'a do.; Blair's Lectures j Quacb enbor's first Lessons in Knglifb Cou'toilkn; Parley's first, second and third Books of Ills terry ; Mrs. Sewell'a Vhi.da' Histories ;. The Cbitda 1st History of America, by the author of "Little Do ra;" MaenoiHs Historical and M isceltancous Ques tions : Peterson's Familiar Scenes t Bobbin's Guide to Knowledge; Scholar's Companion; Klink's Surveying ; Horace Mann and Chase's Arithmetic; Davie's Intellectual Arithmetic; Fal lon and Kastmin's No's. 1, 2 and 3 Qofty Books'; McGuffey's Spellers; Webater Krtmfntory Spel lers; Town' Spelters; Webster's School Dic tionary, Ac. Received Saturday. Mae 13th. For sale at S. W. WHITAKKR'.S. Mav 16. ' . S6 ARTIST'S MATERIALS. CANVASS 27, 30, and 36 inche- wide; Tracinsr Linen ; Tracing Paper; Albums for Drawing; Albums of Tinted Designs; Colored Crayons; Monochromatic Boafdsy best' quality ; Dividers; Cases of Mathematical Instruments; Plaiioa Draw ing Tacks; Best Camel's Hair Pencils; and a very large additional assortment of Newman's Water Colors. Received Saturdar, Mav 13th. For sale at S. W. WlllTAKER'S. Mav 16. , U M. LIME ! LlflE.rUMEf!! Qrn BARRELS Thomastown Ume,all in es JJJ eellent order and for sale ky May 16. W. M. SHEstWOOD k CO. ' BRICKS: : Ql sT.rnHAaDt h Briek, Uf.vvw for sale oy May 16. te arrrve. tttlEEMAK HOUSTO.V. yfOK SALE.. j RHDSyOxieawaSucari 00 Iba. Maple do; lO hbtt. City Meaa Prk , 10.000 Ibawt N. C, Baceai aahda. Western Sittees I0U a XVaiJa; S boxeLoaf fiuffava .AUof wbieb will be aold low hf jt , i m W SHilRWOOO ek CO. ijry4iv'-i u & Tib. 198 barrels were sold at $3,30 per bbl. Timber. 8 rafts were-disposed of l $5 t $1' per M feet, as in quality. ', "1 River Lcmbeb. 1 Raft Flooring 3ui J? jet&i at S12 per M. feet. , . . , Bacon,- ?,(H)0 lbs? NC? Bacon,foU lit,' cts. per lb. for Hams, snd 9 cts. per J'. f rr,i.L. dcr. ... ; .,..,.., .,.J!V ". Oats. 450 Bushels, sold from Vessel at 60 is. per bushel. . , ? . U' Sloas. 24 Ilhds New Orleans Sugar, were sold at 4)a cents per lb. V0 days. Exports of the week endlrg lStb Inst S. S. Lumber, Turpentine, Rosin, Spts. Turpentine, Flour, Copper Ore, Gold Ore, Tarn, Sheeting, Waste, Cotton, Dried Fruit, Pea Nuts, Fur, Wax, Paper, 527,361 feet. , A , 14 bbls. 14,978 " ' 2,271 M 615 " ' . 244 " r":-85 bales : ..- , r 15ft l i 25 bxs. ' 278 bus. - '7bhda 1 box and 1 hhd. ; 'j -80 balei N EW TOR K MA RK ET. i ,Z. .t'ortkrte slays preceding- : - , i May 13. The Sliip. and Com. List reports: Cotton. The sales of the-three daya amount in the aggregate 10 6325 bales, of which 2765 were for exHit, 2738 fur borne use, and 822 on speculat ion making a total for the week of 12.198 bales, of which 880& were for extort. 49?8 for home use, 1702 on ecnlation, and 1643 in Insaw 11111 W.nimljt Ti 1 - flonr. Southern has arrived more freely, ami sympathizing with Statu and Western, bas de clined 121 a 25crrH satr-s 5000 bbls., tbe market chjsing heavily at 8,81 S 9 fur mixed to straight brandx AlrxarM'iia. Baltimore, and Gorri-tovrrH 69 a 59,25 for favorite, and $9,25 a ftl0.25 far funcy. Rye Flour Is a shade easier, with a fair d. mand at tbe decline sales COO bbls., cloinr at 66 &,' for cummoo, (6 for fine, and 67 for superfine; '- -'-.-. . ' 1 .. The. Cora market bas materially declined, ow ing to the advance in frrights, increased receipts, and tbe unfavorable accounts pes Canada sales 130 000 bushels, the market closing heavily at 75 L Naval Stores- Tnrptntinr continue d-(re-d, and ww have only lo note a salo ef 2l,i bbla. V'il mtogtoQ at 3.62f per irO ib..vfip:riu Tnrpm. tine is still Inanimate, and pi ices lord- downward ihe sale are 600 tul., wholesale at 5T7 eenreeB)sh and f?0 day, with retail- k)! at bier peter. ComawHi Rosit 5 n good tirmand, with out Twprevrment in rates sale 45Qi" bbls. WIU mington. 1 1.70 f and 600 North CoantyTSl JO, delivered 155 bbls new White brooght per 280 -. sad 300 No 2 Sl,86 In yatd A sale of rtoa Tar wea 250 bbl. Shipping and Eojie Washing mado at 4 62, wr.bbl. 1 : ' Rice. There in iriljre demand and Ing for this article, twit without adatKe ia prices. The Mies C the week amount to sboat 1500 tea. at 63.571 a 4Ga. cash. t - PHILADELPHIA MARKET. -May 12. Cotton Dnyers come fnrvrard slow, ly. and tbe market has beea quiet,, bat si boat much cbsnge to notice f prices during- the past week-j transactions fg all reach some d'A a POO bales, at 9 a 11 Cts, rw Upland and Ita ,12 cts. tr !bfor,JMobi!eT and New OrleaBs.catb and lime, including some inferior lots at ks rate, 'li Fbmr. TU market, with coouqued liht re ceipts of Flour, opened flmi st t'e advance, but tbe tferuand being mostly ccafWi to tbe ranis of tbe botne trade, tratwactS-n "u- . ment only reidi some 5 6000 tbh t-t.t,... y extra at 3, including a few small aka of rrHi strsi't brands' tf,;. and tia ia.'iuy It nr at per4bl.; si Ihetiose rhere w ary ut. tie enquiry, avHa.eift m si tjese rates ; .araiStom SA 'rr?Ty -7 'fciJ- l;m'7.'u' ' t rv . ' -WSSSSSS,-

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