frC.g1 mmmm')! JWAI,y, 1 " IIHI.H'JI' - ' ' '-".- . .:-. -.. if ' Ji Ms) ' -4 f '-r-tt . " " . -'wax: ' n 'fiPli h . . , III':. Ill III - (HV ffT'' (IPli ,v ill li I HI I III III 111- "MIX V 1 1 I '-- 1 1 1 ; . . Ill III II III III III - III III III r. - . Kl "l-v-.: VOLUME IX NUMBER 30. WILMIGXCillN. C, THURSDAY MORNING," MATT 25, 1854. Whole number ioss. ma MISCELLANY. AN IRISH DEMURRER. Stephen O'Kelley, for may jean known in Western Georgia and E&siern Alabama as an eccentric teacber of jouth according to ibe Hibernian fusbion of the oUen time, stood indicted at the spring' term ot Cham ber Circuit Court, in the year 1854, for assault and battery on a boy of tender yean not, however, a pupil of our hero, bat-a prl chap who met Stephen in a bat room and offered him some indignity. Being unable, or perhapaonly unwilling, to giro ball--for Stephen is a notionate ' old fellow--the sheriff left Mr. O'Kelley ai Jar go on Qis pcufle tTJUmmtur. Wbea the yanefl hepTe5iantg judge rt itifiaa-lhAKfceOTalter shonM-be-rebmitted uireipf the deendaa V representedf tt him,-and that oil parties should abide by Ynur' hnnnr t I'm Uthriit rttnnAV nn BhalfbaTeflo defiml meself,' .JYou ha-e that right, Mr. O'Kelley,' said the judge. 'Be sure P responded Stephen. 'An' I Want a tpady thrial, fur I'm unable to give bail, an' bein' in jail's no fun, rer honor.' J-CertainIy, certainly ! If you are in that condition you shall have a trial tf possi ble. s 'Only gicassi . y er honor,' said Stephen, who plumes himself on the knowledge of the 'noble RoTtan'tongit,' which he is said to have acquired at TrUniiy College Du blin. - Only qwassi because the sheriff has the charge ov me, an ka pes me const hrudicely in jaU, at Judge Falkners hotel. It's fiwMJt, yer hqnior ' The State, 'by Us Swliciior,' had by this time got the witnesses for the prosecution within the bar, nn I announced 'ready.' Just ht this juncture some one whispered t Stephen ihet the indictment was demur rable in this, that instclu! of alleging his orTence to have bee; committed be fare the finding of the ind: inent, it was said to have been done before the filing of that document Mr. O'Kelley, from the hurry of the moment, only partially understood the suggestion but it was quite enough for him that the instrument was supposed to be detective ' Verbal inaccuruciea of all sorts he professes to abhor. So Stepbrn announced 'ready,' too. 'Go the jury on my left,' said the Judge. What says the State to the jury V 'Satisfied,' said the solicitor. What says the defendant to the jury V Ntver a word, yer honor no mo her's on ov'cra will iver have a say on the bitov paper I hold in me hand, an' which it would be waUt in' a good word lo call an indictment. I claim mc demur-r-rer-r f he added with great boldness, energy and unction, and with a roar of r in the word 'demurrerwhich was truly imposing. 'Xhe solicitor pricked up his ea,r. 'State your grounds, Mr. O'Kelley,' said i the court S.tepben squared himself, in rather pugi listic style, and with hat and cane in one hand and the indictment in the other pro ceeded: 'May it plaze yer honor, for forty years its been me lot to be ingaged in isthructin' The youth of the count hry in the classics, the matboTnniics and hv littherychure gin erally., : Me juvenil days wer spent among boys; the manhood's prime has been inga ged in bangin' knowlidge inter their heads; and in rne old age, it goes to mo heart to be prosecuted for fiillippin1 the nose of a switch av a lad that was misbehavin in thirely. But the thing that mostly pains me feelings, yer hoticr, is bein' brought in ter the presence of yer honor by the myr-r-raidons of the law, on a charge set forth in lanjruid're so vajue antl intechnical. Yer honor, the bit av paper in me hand ra ches that Shepben O'Kelly is guilty ol sthrikin' and batin' the boy, and that's bad enough, yer honor ! But it gits better ni verso fast wihin it talks of a sworn grand 'avjJUin. a bill, inst id, yer honor, like Chris tian men that bad been imihrucled in their humanities, usin the ter-r-r-tninftVihe bill I'm glad, yer honor, I've no responsibility for lachin any av 'em, and 'That'll do, Mr. O'Kelly interposed the judge; 'I think I see yO'ir point What says the State ?' The solicitor remarked conversationally that he thought the indictment, under the code, was good. There was a mere lapsvs penna as to a single letter. 'Perhaps,' he added laughingly, 'it might be cured by the application of the maxim vunimU rum caret lex.1 Stephen conlilii'i stand so much Latin without taking a hand. 'Yer honor,' ha exclaimed excitedly 'the rcry'maxim of the law that I plant myself upon. The lapsus penna shull not work, yei honor, the injury av the subject; there shall be jk inteudments, yer honor, in this fray counthry aguinst the liberty of the cit izen J Andyer honor, watVa more rais onable construction of ds minimis non curat ice, than that an old teacher way spayik a llitU boy T Dc minimis non curat lex, is good law. an', good Latin, yer honor, an' the JULi' av the bill is neither the one nor the other. AYerhbndr he added with incf eased d!goUyxT'ZjtfJi upon the dauur:r-r-cr-r.' The court sustained the demurrer and quashed the; indictment ; whereupon Ste phen, having flared 'me, xomplimenu to yer honor,' ad. bowed patronizingly to the olicitor, with hafla one hand and stick with h Wuciform: head iri tbeoibrr, wulv dtewrookiibfiourt (th solicitor declining to bind over.) to tell " crowdrof hU friends it Jbe lobby that, be was saved; inthirely by, his inthimit knowledge of . the English and Latin tongues, n . tandin'( like the rQcl GibtiUiar on hi demur-r-r er-rf l: f--- JUMtgeatery, Ala) JilaiL "urTUoA of tbe main bone of the g. from the knee to the ancle, was' performed lately with uccess, saving the-limb, by a rargeon irl Allegheny chy, Pa.' i4 The pa tient was ftoyt op 5 jrear; and;tt;e bone bad become decayed .throughout, coan- ,3V hatever may - be-1 he. - reputation , of , maff trbe Altvej when dead be is general 1 allowed to b JiisMd gentlemaa-t THE WARD AFFAIR. The outrageous verdict in the Wars case continues to provoke the fiercest indigna tion of the press and public. Every man who had any part or lot in that acquittal is branded with the deep. hissing letters ol contempt and scorn. Says The Louisville- Courier of the 9th ; ., 'We understand that an indignityv RM offered to John J. Crittenden in St. Coois last week, which was a topic of common conversation among the passengers who ar rived here on the Pike ;day before yester day. The Medical Convention had got it self into a snarl about some point of order, and would net get out of it. A member suggested that Mr. Ortrienden, then present Lhis decision. On the instant that this pro position .was made, a spontaneous and gen eral hiss filled the room in which the con vention held its sittings, and the subject was forthwith dropped. 'Alas, 'how fallen how object.2 '. And here is the way a juror is deserved; ly cut. TJie Democrat says : 'One of the jurors in the Ward case took his plows to Mc.-Mercer, a blacksmith of Stcuhehbura:, and offered him the money to do the work needed on them, but the lat ter refused to work for him at all. One of the merchants of the town refused to sell one of the jurors goods for cash. These are noble deeds. Let the venal wretches see that they stand alone, despised- by all the world. The Democrat commenting upon a meet ing lately held 'in Hardin County, (the scene of the acquittal.) remarks : 'These resolutions are of the right sort. It is more than, gratifying to see the whole heart of the people is stirred by the shock ing judicial outrage in acquitting a cold blooded murderer. 'After ihe meeting, the efBgies of the twelve Jurors, duly placarded with their names, were taken from a rom where they had been all day on exhibition, tumbled in to a cart along wt'ih the effigy of J. J. Crit-tr-nden, and that of the High Sheriff of the: County, and driven off by Sambo, who guided the oxen to a gallows prepared for the purpose, nnd there hung. They were afterwards taken down and burned to the infinite amusement of the boys, as the effi gies were well supplied with crackers.' Mntt Ward, the murderer, seems to be fated to find no resting place. Having fled from Louisville, and been warned a way from New-Albany, be and his brother stopped at Carrolllon, Indiana, where they had been but a short time, when, being waited upon by a committee of citizens, and-desired to leave, they went to Judge Hurttinrdon's, some distance rrt-the country, and shorty afterwards took parage on the Eclipse for, Arkansas." W'hri the boat reached Henoerson, a large crowd collect ed on the wharf, and ordered the captain to be off with his boat ami cargo, which was quickly ooeyetii oetnt iraxeiie. ANOTHER WARD CASE The Pittsburg Dispatch publishes an ex tract from a letter lately received by a re sident of that city from a friend in Halifax, giving the following singular account of a criminal trial ir, that place. We do. not of course vouch for the trdth oPthe state ment 'Last August, in a house of ill fame, a sailor, a young man named Allen, of the Admiral's ship Cumberland, lying at Hali fax, was killed by the keeper of the house, Murphy, and another man. They were tried lust week all the evidence against them was thrown aside, even that of the irirls, who swore to the fact of seeing him killed, was overruled, and a vagabond ne gro was suborned to swear that the deceas ed jumped out of a window and killed himself. The Judges directed the Attor ney General to"stop proceedings, and in stantly instructed the jury to bring in a verdict of not guilty. This case of abominable perjury has created a great sensation of horror in the community. Two nights ago the house in which the murder was committed was burnt down with another adjoining it. The only persons who worked at the fire were the firemen; no citizens could be in duced to assist, and the sailors of a man-of warwho were ordered up only cheered whenever a rafter of the roof fell in. This Murphy is wealthy from carrying on this business of infamy, and it is universaly be lieved that judges, jury attorney general, &c , were all paid to bring the scoundrel clear. The murderers had a party on the evening of their escape. D English laws there is no justice here; money will do anythii g.' NIAGARA FALLS It A NONENTITY. is very surprising, sa"s a late writer, that two of the greatest n. aural curiosities in the world are in the United States, and scarcely known to our best geographers and naturalists ; the one is a beautiful fall in Frankiin, Habersham county, Georgia; the other, a, stupendous precipice in PenJ dleton district, South Carolina.' They a r 'oih faintly mentioned in the late edition of Morse's Geography,' bat' not as- they merit. The Tuccoa fall is much . higher than the Niagara. The column of water is propelled beautifully over n peff-entflCu-lar rock, and when the stream is full, it passes down without being broken. All the prismatic effects seen at Niagara, il lustrate the spray at Tuccoa. The table mountain in Pendleton district is nq awful precipice tf nine h u hd red fee t,, Alaoy per sons reside within five, seven, o fen x miles of this grand spectacle, who never badhe I curiosity to visit it. It is now visited by curious travellers, and sometimes by men of science, . , A BRAVE SOLDIER. uJIYe.5" i?at,vSatd a .victorious General to a brave son of- Erin and what did you do to tielp'u gain "Ihtf 'inetery .f ' trf X4DI r feplietf Pat!ajrit ripleawf yotir honor, I walked tip baldly iopwjift,' p.v .the inimay and est off his fat WiSV VtiXii put t his foot f andrwhyf ia ryo fftol cut off his heattt .; AaXaito, that was off AN AMUSlGisTAKE. l The Indians located iwxt lO bur frontier settlements are great patrons of traveling menageries, &c. They will walk fifty miles at any time to gel a peepat the eon tents of one of th big tents which - period ically visit eve& those tar out of the. way places. A few day since agent Vanse re ly ke piloted some of the Nebraska Indians now in Washington, to the Capitol, jand they remained for half an hour in the House gallery, gravely listening to excited speeches on polgamy in Nebraska, 'and seeing divisions, by tellers, taken upon va rious amendments. It happened to be an excited season in the Hall ; jokes were pas sing, followed roars of laughter, and, on the wJspls Ur-plaee was ;raiher " bear-gar-den-bb ;lbr Vhe i)Hne. being. 1 Qa their re turn, the, ageni asked what.Tbey thought of it? and was promptly answered that the house (the building) itself was most won derful. But they couldn't get the hang of :the show!1. They had heard the peals of laughter, and seen the people crowding up at them, as if to catch a sight of some thing, they could not discover what. On the whole, they had seen shows, better worth a quarter a sight, out on the frontier. They actually mistook the Hall for a sort of menagerie arena! Washington SHar. HOW TO MOUNT A HOR3I2. A letter from an officer on board the U. S. ship St. Mary's, dated at St Mary's, Huacho, Peru, published in the Burlington Free Press, gives the following description of an entirely original and ludicrous mode of mounting a horse : . The women do all the work here, and the men are a good-for:npthing set of gam blers and thietes. ? ?rhe women ride on the hind quarters pf iheir.hprQS without a sad dle, cross-legged, with the load on the horse in front. They mount the animal by taking hold of his long tail, making a loop by doubling it up, and clasping with one hand the upper and lower parts of the tail, and then putting one foot in the loop and the other foot on the joints of the horse's leg, they ascend as if oihg up stairs. They usually stand erect on the horse be fore sitting down. The horses" never kick or stir. Milton wus asked by a friend whether he would instruct his daughter in the dif ferent languages. To which he replied, 'No, sir, one tongue is sufficient for a woman. TilE TRI-WKEKUL COMMERCIAL. I published "every Tvmdav, TnniAT and Saturday at S3 per annum, payable all ease in advance. BY THOMAS LORING F.ditob andPaoraic- TOB, Corner Frw t tkI Market Streets, RATES l' AUVtvKTISISG.... . 1 qr. i inaenion So 60 I t sqr. 2 wont ha? 44 GO I - 75 t " 3 " .' S 00 I 3 I 00 1 " fi " 8 00 I '- I nKMiih, 2 60 I I ' li ' 12 00 Ten Hnet or lees make sqnare. If n mlver tiacment exceeds len litres, ihe pilce will be in proportion. All aJveniMinenls arc payable at the lime of their inst-rtion. Contracts witU yearly advertisers, will be made n llie most liberal terms. Mo trarufcr of contractu for yearly advertising will b" pcrinli-d. Should circn.naiancca render a changf ln busines', or an unexpected removal necessary, a charge accordine to the published terms will be at lire wjn'.n ol the contractor, for the time ho has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate business; and all advertiscmt nts for the benefit of other persons, as well as atl advertisements not immediately con nected with their own bnsinf ss, and all excess of mlvertisemcnts in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be clinrgcd at the usual rates. No Advertisements Is included in the con' met for the sale or rent of houses or lands In town r country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by thu advertiser or by other persons. Th are excluded by th term "immediate business." All advertisements Inserted in the tri-wcckly Commercial, are entitled lo one icsertion in the Weekly free of chary. JOB, CAKD Atl KAVCY PRINTING, KIKCflrED n -gCFKMoa STYLE. AGENT KOR TUB COIf t E11CI A I,. New York -Dr. Gkobge Bettiseb, No. 538 Broadway, or order may be left with D. C Free man dr. Co., No. 175 Front street, corner of Bow line lip. Boston Chaklk Smith, iVo.6, Central Wharf. Philadelphiaa. K. Coh. Baltimore VVm. H. Peaks and Wm. Thomson. DR. GEORGE BEITNER, OF NORTH' CAROLINA. OFFICE, No. 638, BROADWAY, OH AT TUB PRESCOTT HOUSE -NE V TORK. Eeh. 1G. U2-1.VC. J. K. HALL, COMMISSION M Klt'JUA.NT , Wilmington. N C. OtTiae in ru-r of Alc Vlilinn, Davis A. Go' Store. Every attention paid to the talc and purchase of produce, and liberal cah advances made on sonsignments. Refers to -Uapt. Gilbert Pot'er, K. P. Hall, "re't U ranch Bank State N. C ; O.G. Parsley, Prca'l Commercial Kank; MeiUiilan, Davis A Co. Ian 21 131-lf GEO. II. KKLLV, COIIMISSIOx MERCIIANT. Next doot to A. A. Wannei'i.OD North Wdlerst. willauaad to the sate of all kinds of CountrvPro iuce.such a Corn,, Peas. Meal, Bacon. Lard ,c. ind will keep costanllyn hand b f ull uppl yof Groceries. c. References. IVille HsU.of Wayne, Jnodclae, Wilininjton W Caraway. '' Gen. AU.. MeRae. " K.P.Htll.vVilmtngton , Wiley A. Walltei , : " De;I3. 185i. 115-Iy. D. CASHIVRLU J. A. PARKER. C1SUWKLL & PARKER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WltMWGTON. N; C. Office foraifriy occupied by Mr. Wm. A. Gwyer. Mnveh23. .t. t 3-lyc. W. SI. SHERWOOD & CO.. W chants Wihidn'ptdn.T:C. - -''w i J At) eons! men tax" rvavat siorva, ojeinerwiin Cotton,- Brntum, UilfWis, nat, raw, e. eenre the higriest ntarw puce, . ... . n.TjTC? Vsw ;. : r::. COMMISSION MERCHANT GENERAL ,Aai i T m i,. ir -jtr s'li's-s-sj-fr - tOeral Cash Adoa-s tad m ait Catirmtt. WICItlNSON dfc ESLEB, UPHOLSTERS & PAPER HANGERS, KEEP O HAND AND MADS TO ORDER, Mattresses, leather Beds, Window Curtains . and fixtures. AH work in the ftbovo liae done at shortest No tice. Wilmington, N. C, Market St. March 18. , . ' JOSEPH R BLOSSOM, GfBertl CemmtssioB iAi Forffafdia Merchant. Prompt personal attention riven to Conslu ments Tor Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cash advances made on Consignments to me or to my New YqtH friends. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 185.. ZS. W.C.HOWARD, GKNRRAL CMMmlssion and Forwardinjr Mer ciant, WilintBgSBO, N. f - i sTtrcvri rasn fmiiwi !-. j wa .... nn 'a? I AC at Nov. ROtfiXTREE, WATSON & CO., General Commission Merchants, T South St., New York. Liberal Advance Atade on Consignments. J. D.BOCSTRCC, B. O. SfATSOS, W. H. WIGGIKS. August 25, 1853. 69-1 y. TTTliTHAWAY & SON; COMMI8S.ION: MEIICHAN i S, WILHINGTOX, N. 15. J. Hathawav, J. L. Hathaway. Feb.15.IS53. 31. JAMES ANDEBSOS. EDWARD SAVAGE ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GESERAL. CnXt.HISSrOX MERCHANTS WILMINGTON W. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Oct. 11. 94' RUSSELL & BROTHER, (1ATS IUII. BOSSELC & Cdl',)? . . GESERAL COMMISSION" MERCHANTS. Liberal cash advances made on consignmentsbf Naval tore, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1853. General Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, n. c. STRICT atterrtion given to procuring Freiglil and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. Kit ci to " K. P. Hall, Ksq. "1 F. A. Taylor. Ksq J J. D. Bellamy, Ksq. J Messrs. Tookcr, Sti.yih A Co., ) K v k " Thompson & Hunter, J lew 1 OIk- Alcx'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs Williams & Butter, ) rharlc,ton S. C, II F. Baker. Kq. Jan. 2. 1853. 12J-tf. D. C. FHEEMAN. GKOUGE HOUSTON tUKI.VN : HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. TM, ttK tAV di CO, i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITS fllOWit siTBEIiT, NEW.VORJC. PREOiS iND IlflCSTOX, WlL-lXCW- Ji- C KKKP constantly on hand a stock el FTouri Corn, Pork, Bath?. Salt, CoTte,'Sogar, Mo lasses', fcoaWV:irf3Wfc4 tign and O0mViljte fJwuorS and'' Wines i Iron, Nails, Paints, Ofl,' Wi,' Oomctlics, Hats, Boots, Siloes, Leather, Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other articles; suitable for fatnilyand plan tation use and then-fall trade, which they will dispose of in lots t suit dealers or consumers in reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. The senior otrtner D. C. Fbeem a,is located in the city jof New Vork the junior p.trtner, Geo. Houston, in Wilmington. If dcairfiil, advances, will be made on c.intiriiiient s to and from either place. All business entrusted t -m will receive proper attention; and orders for Goods will be promptly a nd carcfnlly filled. Sept. 9. 1S52. "Ci-f. C. & D. D u PRE. WHOLE SALE AND R ETA I DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, lalnt, Ol 1, Oye Studs, Glass. lcrfumery. Cigars, Old Liquors, fancy Articles, Ac., MARKKT STRKKT, . Vril, 1HINUTON, N. C. rescrtptionsjarcf ullyo.upJiinJod by experi enced persons. . March 23. 1353. WILLIAM A. GWYEJ, General Agent ForwarJingi Commission Merchant I take pleasure in informing my friend, that I am prepared to givo all business entrusted te mc efficient an.l personal attention. I hive a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample aocommodatlos, Spirit House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment ; snd nil kinds of coun try pro.l'ica solicited. Cash advances made on con.inmi'titi. April 18, 1353. 15 C UN LEY, KIRK Jt-CO. DEALERS IN BUTTER, Cheese, Ltrd, and Smoked Provisions, Pork. Beef, Beans, Peas, and Dried Fruit. 233 and 235, FRONT STIt EET, Corner of PF.CK SLIP, NEW VORK. March 25. lyc. williamTit, Tpeakr COLLECTOR AND ADVKETiSlKfi ACIM- For Country Newspapers throujhott the Uulted State, Basement of Sun Iron Bo idins,B.iltimore street All business en: rusted . lo tiis 04re transacted Iv, on libera! terms. nrompt seyt 7 ";9S-f. JAS. II. CIIADBOURN & CO., (Jc it era I Commission Merchants, WIIjMINGTOJJ. n. c. Jas. H.'Oii ooODaN. Geo. Ch adoocbs. Jun. 1, 1351. 123. T. C. & B G. WORTH, COJlJlISSiO AD FllRWIBDISG EHERCDSMS, - WIUMINOTON, N. C. Jan 17 ' 125-c C. DnPRE& CO. WHOI.ESAI.EAJiDRRTAIL GROCERS Corner Front atd Irlieess-streete, WlLMINGTOfN, N. C. C. DOriC. H. B. BAitER' 0. L FILLYAYVV ' produce broker;- " C0MSISSI8J 13kD F0RWBD1C SERCD1XT, tTILMISTGTOS, C. eptembei gQtly If 534 i i80-lr-c. " . - - BENRY'rNlfTT,1 u, n " r 3 tcm iib f aswiiBWff urn, ' Will git kit personal atttnlion to business enlrwU r JOSlH.lf'iaNNER, Gcieral Connission Jlerchant, 1 . i ,w r . W" I-.j--'jTj.'-j ism, .-"-' 'v. r r- a; - do1 -Pilot Bread .JMilkraekora; I. WESSEIu. , - ;o H. . EILERS. WfiSSELtt EILERS. COMMISSIONS! ER.CHANTSANU WHOLE SALE GaOCEftS, North Water Street, Wil mington, N. C, intend to keep at the above stand a genera lassortment of Groceries, Liquor?, and Provisions at wholesale and to carry on a GeneralCommission Business. - bepsbesce : E. P.Hal! Prcs't Br'ch Bank ofthe State.; O. G. Parsley, Prcs't.Commercial Bank. S WI1 P. K . Dickinson, Esq . PonpedtCo. -T , Dollner. Potter. 5NVrk. Jan. 20 1853 31 GEORGE MYERS, :. WU3LES1LE a.D RETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand, Wine. Teas, Liquors, Priftisions, Wood and Willow Ware, Fruit, CttnfectlxmarUa, fr. South Front street, WILMIJtGTtlJf, . Nv. 13, 1852. 109. Tj. d LOVE,7 MANUFACTURER AND HEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &c. &c. Front street. South nf Starket, BltOWN DUILDINU, WILMINGTON, N. C. Sept. 16, 1832. 79-y-c t. c. wori n, General Commission Merchant, WIliniVGTOS. N . c. S V AL advnnccs made on consignments of Cot ton, Naval Stores and other produce P.mirular attention given by G. VV. Oavis to pur chasing cargoes.'procuring freights for vessels. Ac. Jan 41 1-29 COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (SUrCESSORS TQ TIIOS. A LIBtlNE k CO.) General Commission Merchants, No 32, North tITwrrea. mri fi3 North Water Sis. PHILADELPHIA. J . II A It V ET COC1IBAN, w. s. ntrssELL. L'beral c:ish i Ivuncca m ide on consignments. July 33th, 1333. 55-tf. CHARLES R. B0NNELL, General and Commission Merchant, Cotton , Rice , antl Nucal Sl-ores and Mcrchantlizt geiu.rally. Office No, 35 Vjnh Fr nt street, Philadelphia. References. New York, Messrs Al'en dt Paxon ; Philadel phia. Thos. Allibone, Faq., Prest. Bank of Penn sylvania; Baltimore, Thomas .Whittidge & Co., Wilmington, N. C, Messrs. De lloaset & Brown, and Dr. T. H. Wright, Prel. Bank of Cape Fear; Charleston, T. S. tf-T. G Bttdd, and J. Bonnell, Jr ; Savannah, W. B. Giles Sc Co.! New Orleans, G. W. Oliver f- Co. 127-Srac GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, dtKSimi Ctaekenr alf Mlst&attCnetoir A i boxes SdaCrekcrat 6 4v IJilkdALiKsK sale cheap r ut- ApsiI23- C, DbPRE&jCO, JAS. F. GILLESPIE. GEO. S. GILLESriE. JAM IIS l", GILL,t:Pin Hi CO.. PRODUCE AND FORWARpiNG A G E NTS. WILMINGTON, N C. Particular a'tnniion paid to the receipts and Fate of Natal Starts, Timlter, Lumber, Corn, Bacon, Cot ton, f-c., dc. March 30. 6. FOX &, P0LHEMUS, 59 Broad Street, Corner of Beaver, N. York, Offer for sate the following in-avv Ctton FIrlca NEW.KNGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK-22 Inch, alt numbers, hard and soft; also ali the various widths of Canvass manufactured at this es tablishment comprising every variety known to the trade, and offered ai the lowest rates, UN ITED STATES Pi LOT DUCK Woodberry and Mount Vernon Extra. A full assortment of this superior fabric. WILIIMANT1C COTTON DUCK-16, 18, 20 and-22 loch, oli numbers hard and soft. This fab ric was awarded the highest Premium at the Lon don Wo rid '8 Fair, also at our own State Fair. SHIP AfiD BEAR MARK DUCK- Plain and twilled, manufactured by the Greenwood's Com pany, a superior article for light sails, tents, awBings. Ac; also, Mount Vernon Twill- d Ravens. Howard Ravens, Pioneef and Phoenix Mills; Llghtton Ravens, plain 2 to 27 inch ; Heavy, do. do. COTTON SAIL. T IN li A -suit as-ortnjtat. . TARPAULINS, HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, dtc. PAPER FI.LTING 30 to 72 inch, made very heavv. expressly for drier felts. CARCOVF.RING-Cotton Canvass, all widths, from 30 to 130 inches, and all numbers, made ex pressly for covering and roofing railroau cars, is perfectly and permanently water-proof, and more enduring than the cariisi lf. ENAMELLING CANVASS 30, 3R, 40, 45 and 50 inch plnin and twilled, In every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description. Seamless Dacs, woven whole, all size, in bales of 100, 200 nnd 300 1 combining strength, utility and cheapness, for grain nnd meal are unsurpassed. Also, heavy Cotton Sacking, 40 inch Canvass. 3 thread Warpand Filling, heavy twilled, do. do , 20, 22, 40 and 44 inch. VVOOLSACLS Wovm whole all t'nes, a new and desirable article. Feb. 21. 144-lr-. . S. M. WEST, . Auctioneer and Commission Werfhant, wu,iuNGrir, w:c. --:: - WILL sell or buy ileal Estate and Negroes at u small commission. Strict attention jivent ' fTie'sale'of Tifnbtr.Ttfr-1 pentinc, fur, or nny kind of Country Vroduce. O R:e icjnd door, oulh side of Market street, on the wharf. June 12, 1933. 31 ly. A. II. V A N B J) K R E L EN. General Agent, Commission an I Forwardin; Ncrchmt, WHiMISGTtIS, v. c. Particular attention jtven to sale and purchase of Naval Stores. June 1.1953. I23-ly. MEDICAL DOUSE, No. 10, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE. M Alt V LAN D. Established in order to afford the Afflicted sound find scientific .'eiliv.ul Aid. and for the suppression of Quackery. DR. 1. C. Smith has for muny years devotedhis whole a :tenion tothe treatment ol Private com plaints, in all their varied and complicated forms. His great success in (hose long standing and ditli cult casus, such as were formerly considered incur able, is sufficient to commend him to the public ns worthy of the extensive patronage he has received. Within the last eight years, Or. . has treatedmore than 29,500 eases of Private Complnints, in thnr ditfe rent forms and staues; a practice which no doubt exceeds of ali other physicians now ad vertising in iiahimore, and not a single case is known where his directions were strictly followed, and medicines taken at reasonable lime, without and petmineat cure ; therefore, persons afflicted with diseases of the above nature, ' no manor how difficult or long standing the case may be," would do well to call on Dr. Smith, nt his office. No, 16, South Frederick St., and if noti-tiec-tually relieved no remuneration wiil be required tor hU services. His medicines are free from Mercury and all mineral poisons ; put np in a neat and com pact form, and may be taken in a public or private house, os while travelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, and except in cases of vie ent inflammation, no change of du l is necessary. -STRICTURES. Dr. Smith has ilis.overcd a new method by which he can cure the worst form of stricture and that without pain or inconvenience to the patient, lrri'ation of the urelha, or prostrate glnnds.or neckof the bladier,is souietlrnesinistnken Icr strictures bygeneml practitioners or charlatans. UUNG MEN and others afflicted with Seminal Debility., wheth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should m:tke an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and suifering, as well as expense. By bis improved method nf treatment, Dr. 8. can safely guarantee a speedy and perfect cure in all caetb ol this com plaint. ,i,TO,FEMALES- kr ;t All disea ses p xu'lar to Females (as also .Sup Dressions. Irre?tilaritlesi Ae. steedil v and eflect a- aliyremOved. The efflcaey of his remedies, for itlel cure of theatMvo attccMons, have been well tested in an ex tens ve practice for the latt twelve years. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. S. by a letter, post-paid, describing rase, and have medicine securely pi Op and forwarded to any part ofthe United St ites. ntwiys accompanied with full and explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. Oifice arranged with separate apartments, so thtt patients never sec any one but the doctor himself. Attendance daily, from 8 in the mmning till 9 at night. N. B. Persons afflicted with any of the above complaints, will do well to a roid the 'various NOSTRUMS AND SPECIFICS. advertised by Apothecaries and Druggist as a cer tain cure for sny and every disease. They are pat up to sell, but noVto eore atad frequently do much more barm thn-good thetef .re avoid teem. A word o the Wis is sufficients' Address f -, t DR. J. B. SMITH, 6 Sooth Fredertekt40 - - Baltimore, Md: Oct. 13. .. , , " 9G-lv-. PALMER'S dKTF.XT ROtIpiT TnOASH ers, for thrashing Riee, Seeds) and Grain. y. Having; accepted an Aveacy for the sale-of these valuable Machines, in Wilmington, we invite Rice Planters and Farmers to witness one In operation, oa our premises, doruigt t ha present week. We have them, oC dtAerent sixes; so hand,- ready .Car immed ate nae, and will be pleased to receive or ders fov them.:J2f FRF.EM AN &. HOUSTON. HOS R wishing f aper hang in a aopeTiornaB' --'X, net,' wtl pleaso. cali at .unr IStore se aam ple. asieet paper, and Utxv jotdtn mai fma iwtrt havMdana-ist a 4wndoiiioyiew?' i t - A WIJ.i&UsJS.BSUSa-c.. noop Iron andWls. THE subscriber will be constantly receiving con sinuiem ot these articles, of lite best quality and oilers thein at lowest in-irkct rates JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. 4larcli 23. 5-tf. notice! THE subscriber, respectfully informs the public, that he is nowranascting the Auction business on his owtrnceonnt, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merti a continuance patronage heretofore 'so liberslly bestowed upon him. M.,CRQNLY, Stock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought nnd sold on n commission ol 1 per cent either at private or public sale. JanS.1853. 126. VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. THE S ubseriber orTers for sale that most desirable DWELLING AND PREMIS ES, situate at the North-VVesiern intersec tion of Third street with Red Cro.s street, the Lot fronting 100 feet on Red Cross, and 200 feet on Third. The Dwelling House. Kitchen. Smoke-House, StaHlcs, and all the other out.lionscs on the pre mises, have been built wilhin a few years, of ehoicn materials, in the best manner, .and nearly ll of them covered with tin. The Dwelling Horse' fs capacious, handsomely finished, and moil conveniently planned, and all the other build ings aro judiciously arranged, and well fitted tip. There arc few Lots in Wilmington so desirably located, nnd the Improvements on which are so admirably adapted for a family residence. Third street on'the entire Eastern line of this lot, is 99 feet wide, and separates it from that on which a new Episcopal Church is about to be erected. Persons desiring to purchase, can ascertain terms of sale by application to the subscriber, or N, N. Nixom, Esq., or'M. Cbonly. and jlie sub scriber wip cheerfully accompany any . such who wish toinlpcci the iiriniiscs. , II. R. NIXON. Sera-8, IS S5. . . '.art. WANTED. 1 rl FEET of While or Post Oak 1 UU,UUU Plank, 14, :i,or28feet long, 14 inches or upwards wide, and 2 inches thick for which I will pay SiO pi thousand. May 24. j GE'J. S. GILLESPIE. STEAMER SPRAY FOR SMITHVI1.LE AND ORTON. C I K A MKIl Sl'llAV. Capi. JOHN O U. PRICE, will ply beiwM,.n Wil mington nnd Smiihviile, landing at Urton, as follows : Le.ive Wilmington, Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day, and Sunday Mornings, at 9 "'clock. Leave Xmithville, Tursdar, Thursday, nnd Sat urday Afternoon, ai 3 o'clock, and Monday Morn Ion, at 8 o'clock. .""Passage One Dollar, Children and Servants halt price. FREIGHT at customary rates. Apply to Captain on board, ol lo A H. VasBOKKELE.V, No. '9 Sop.ih Wharves. March 18.. 1-tf. IRISII LINENS of THE BEST 31 A RES! LINKS Sheeting and Pillow Case Llnrn; Ta ble Diapers ; Ruia snd Birds Eye Diapers ; Nbpkint; Doilies; - Huckaback Towelling. In this department particular care his been taken aud oar stock Is large and complete. April I. JAMKS DAWSON. FIFTEEN THOUSAND D OLLARS WORTH OF BOOTS, SHOES, AND BRO gans. Having ptirchnsed oar entire stock just from the manuHirtorie. we are prepared to otT. r inducement to ihe COUNTR Y MERCH ANTS eci'i-i' 10 any establishment Souih of Bos ton. Ever one bae i fdTTrtd; aaaloh."1 Tli'a failure "a man xperiencea ,nyx. . Securing others ia hia own bebodf a)i9cs maiply from want of sagacitjr to detect jietr'. Tpible.-- On everjr other inbifti 'siia)it im. pregnable but sbew out' the Ve'fi aJeJ and success is"sare. Philip." of IacceJ6n o" well understood the tefajp'er of Ke Athen ians that his conqwestVas half corflple,Jed ere he ha'd commenced ? his invasion. lTn vain the might rlhnndereif port ray e3 Ctn frightful colors 'tbewil 'm'achin'atioa' of this subtle aspirant j the fure' was .Irresis'" tibie ; iic proffered r6ti unbarred the 5a tea, aud the glory of Attica sunk forever. The sarcastic remark of Nnpoleon on a.sertain occasion, goes very far to ( illustrate, :"the character of that, unparalleled rjaatf, f'Eh, your republicans I your boasted republt cans Tie a blue ribbon to their coat and you have no better monarchists in the em pire !" Often thete exists what may;, be called a national foible, as inordinate am bition lor wealth and power.,, Such made the ct'y of seven hills wthe ; Niobo" 61 jir lions." In vain her once illustrious senate opposed its feeble barrier to the profligacy and misrule that were " coming ir)' like, a flood ;" the streams of public 'viftuB wer nearly dried at their sources,' the floodgates of anarchy were rending asunder, and the superior sagacity of Caesaronly hastened the catastrophe which was ere long' iney table. .. 'Young man, do you know 'what Tela t ions you sustain in this world P said t minister of our acquaintance tt"tt"yoilfig" man of the church. xes, sir,' said 'the hopeful convert, , 'two cousnns and j grand-' mother, but I don't intend 10" sustain thenf much -Iorrgr-' --a-'' . "r--V- Faith,' said an' Irishmnn, who could not get into his cabin at Balingarry, . his wife having turned , the key upon him ; faitb, but I'm regularly locked wa.' - Un,!: sail his companion; in where .Whyj inthe street ' . ; ? v -V.. DR.. LANGl.EY''i - r ROOT AND I1ERD BITTERS, , The Great Spring and Summer ' Aledictnci COMPOSED OF ' Sarsaparilla, -Wild Cherry, yellow Pock Prickly Ash, Thorongliwort and Dandelion'.. THIS invaluable Compound has been before thd public for the past three- yefirs,xdurin which timennrly TH11KK HUNDRED-THOUSAWD BOTTLES have been sold, thus proving it the most popular medicine of the age. .The medicinal vir tues of the best Roots are so comfounded aa to art in concert with nature, it alwaya does good, and never dos hart, in short it is safe for alleges aud in-all climates. '' "' ' V - t ' Price 37 cent for a quart bottle. -. .-- .': '. . For sale, Wholesale and Retail, at Nn. 3. Granite Row, by L. N. BARLOW. Feb. 18. M4-3mc. April 8. JONF.S & GARDNER. SERVANTS' MATTRASSES ATl.EO,forsalehv , , ' . VlLClQJfai F.SLKR, April S. Upholsterers. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THK Undersigned hive this day formed n Co partnership, ander the name of COSTI.N, GREGG dr CO., fur the iransactiun of the Lum ber Busin-ss. MILKS CO.STIN, J. ELI GRKGO. ALFRED SMITH, J. G. LITTLFFIELD. March 16. 131-tf. ' For Ibe t'nre of TOWAGE. ON snd after this dare all vessels towed In harbor by Steamer Same Beery and Calhonn. will be chargd. 4,ut. GKO. HAK Ills 3, Agent. Nov. 8th, 1853. 101. BELLS ! CELLS 1 1 BELLS 1 1 1 IHK Subscribers manafactnre and keep eun . stantly on hand a largo assortment ' of Bells suitable fof Cbtirches,:Ac3dnjie, "Factories, Stea mers, Plantations etc., mounted with their im proved Hangings, the most efficient in use. Their establishment has been in operation Thirty years, having turned out nearly 10,000 Bells averaging 600 lbs each ; and ita patterns and process .of manu facture to perfected, together with recent improve ments, that ita. Bells harean grvqaaled reputation for volume of sound and quality of tone-. They have just received Jan. 1854 the First Premium ( A Silver Medaljof ins World's Fair in New Vork, over all Bells from this Coanirr or Enropo. Hav ing it iaree assortment of BeJi on hand, and neia g in immediate con see lion with ruuies in ail dirce tiopsk, cither Rail Road, Canal or River, od but 4 hours from New Yott,wt can execute orders with dispatch. Address , ' ;s A, iiENKELY'S SONS. Wttt Troy, Aluaoy Co rs. r . Feb.2U 144-lye- t BYASS LONDON PORTEft. 6 CASKS Ladnioe tsoto 6chr, Charles Mills. FoVaalobf"' f KNOfl4GttEENK. . May IX N. G,?QPTiUi!-t i- MRS. KING, 27S King Sireet,betwe Wewtvporth and Society MANtTFACTORKS w'very operfor Hityle,, Wlgs.rasjneeas Plaiir BmdaB4 Curta. Kar-Rian.- Breast Pins sad Bracelets, and. all kinds of Fancy Hair:PJuUlB;Qrder9thaBkfony rec tired COUGHS, DOLDS, IIOARSEXESS, IJR0 CHITIS, R0rpf ASTim; WUOOP I.G C0UGII AXD COXSCMPHO.V. TO CURE A COLDi VVITH rflSADACHtf AND SORENESS OK THE BODy-tako the Chebby Fcctobai. an goins la Wd, ind wip up warm, to sweat durln the night. " ' ' 1 " FOR A COLO AiNOUOUUlI.laka ftTO,brDlne' noon, and evening, according to directions on thv . bottle, nnd the difficulty will coon be removedr" None will long sutler from this tsouble when the? tind it canbca readily cured." Persons offlictto vvi.h a soiled roue't." whiclikresks thcoi ot their rest at nijjbt, y-ill find by taking the Cherry Pecto ral on ifoinr; ta bed. they tn ly be sure of sound, un broken sleep, and consequent refreshing rs1.Gra relief from suffer ing. and sn ultimate urer s aflbr ded to thousands who are tbua afflicted, by this In vnluable remedy; . -.- ---' From its agreeable efT-ct -in thcsaileasraji Irian find themselves unwj. ling lo forego.its usa M bert' the necessity for It has ctared. ' " . " TO SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS this remsd v Is Invaluable, as by. I'.s Action va the throat and lungs, ns when taken In small quanti ties, It rrmovcf all hoarscnesa in a few hours, and1 wonderfully incrrasct the power and flexibility of the voice. . .1 '.- ASTHMA is scnTally relieved and often whol ly cureJ by Cherry Pectoral. Bot there are some cases so obstinate as to yield entlrelyr-ttr Ha- Biedi-' cine. Cherry Pectoral will cure tbent, if bey can di- cureu. . , . BRONCHITIS, or irritation of the throat and! unocr oortion of the lunzs. mav be cured bv taklnsr Cherry Pectoral in rmall and frcqurnt dosca. 1t uncomfortable oppression U soon relieved . v FOR C'tOUP. Give an emetic of antimony, to be followed by largo and, request dosesof iheCher- ry Pectoral, uniil it subdues the disease. If taken is season, it will not fuil to euro. -' WHOOPING COUGH may be broken pp and' soon cured by ihe use otCherrv Peetrat.- ; ( .- THE IN FLUENZ la speedily removed by this remedy. Numerous instances have beta noticed where whole familes were protected from any sert ous consequences, while 1 heir neighbors without the Cherry Pectoral, wer sulfVring from the dis ease. ' ' ; Repealed instances ore reported here of patients who hare been cured frcm LIVER COMPLAINTS by lhis remedy, so ma ny that there can be no question of its healing pow. er on these diseases. It should be preservincTv k en until the pain in the side and other unpleasant symptoms cease. FOR CONSUMPTION in its eoHiest staeesv M should be taken tinder the advice of a food .Physi cian If possible, snd In every case wit a a careful re fard to tiie printed directions on the bottle. If jul iciousty ued. sod lh patient ia rarrfiilly- atrs-f meantime: It will eldoi fail to subdue th diwtv Foi aetiled CONSUMPTION In lis worst furm the Cherry Pectoral shoeld be given In doses Adapt ed to what the patient requlera sad ran tear,. It always atl.Tds some lelief. and not ttnfrcqnertly cures ihote who are considered pan all fore Thein are many thousands scattered" ail ovrrtho eowtry.' wtttrfe! 'smdfaafy thattlieytlwe their Hves and present health toM Cherry Pcetorl.- Thisrrrnedy is offered to the con monily with the confidence we feel Irr an article whlch-d,Tif fails to realize the happiest pflects that ca bade sired. So wide ia the feld of .Ita .usefulness and so numerous the eases of lis cur;, that aim it ev ery aecrion of the coantry abounds -In prrm nsj' pabtlcly kaown,'rhat-bav bren res toft U froas starnting and even despemtedisraes of tl lunyit, by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every-othev medicine of It kind, U w appaw MscapvbarvarioavsM4; wber it virtaea snr known, the pabUe no lonfer betitsts what anti dote to employ for Ilia distressinc anil d n?'''""'! affeefiona of thepalmonary organs, which are In- eidesvt to onrciiaiat.And not only In forsnldi bU aiucks upon Uo Junes, b at for iha milder j Vleffes oX Colt's. Cccgba, etc-.ariifc, for ChUdrea it iath pic assn test and aail-sr rKO't cIi.etbaianbeeliahed,-No family ahonidboi wit boa I it. sod to. se who have osrd It never wjlj ? si Praetical and AnalytlealjDbemist, ' i kIa tvoalititan hr Dr.. A.O.PRA DLKV and in Fayetteville, bvS.?. iliriSp ALE, and t-yf J

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