"- ' j WLV Ml hi in i b i in is VOMlE IX 'NUMBER 37. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 1854. WHOLE NUMBER 1 Q89 THE TRI-WKERLY-C0M3IEKCIAL. i iia'alMttoif ry TccsoAr, Th oat day aod Katouvat miJ&i pvr manum, payable taatlcaaea in advance. ' B V IVU.HAS LO III MGl EoiTB a oo d P op b i -.Carner Front Market Streets, wiimixto;, . c. filTtS UK AUVEttTISISC. 1 4r. 1 (naerilun SO 50 I 1 sqr. 8 itioiuha, 94 00 1 " t5 t I " 3 r 5 W I "-! month, 4 66 I 1 12 12 00 TeivTiates or less make a square. If an ad vet 4ieitH:ftt exceed tea lines, the pilce will be io ll uUteriUcineata arc payable at the time of Iheirlrtneftion. Conracia wiiix yearly.advertUeri, will l made oa ttujmoat IjUc-rai fefma. . . Xl trjaifur of eontracts for yearly advertising wiU bo permitted. , Shonld ci reu ataiances render a chanala buaiaea r- an- 4tasapectel (cmuval necessary, a charge 'aceordmsr to 'ho pm.tjite erinil! beaatitnuan ol the contractor, lor the time he has advertised. ? The ariviiev; of Annual dveniscra is strictly ttoiited te their wn immediate buiocsi and all advartiaentfnis (or the benefit of other ptcsons, M vei) aa ali ai!erticnnaa not immedtatery con nected with their own huslnrsit, and all cio s of advrtistMia is 4fngih or otherwise bey.m.l thr U wits angafed will be charged al the usual rates. Ad vart Uemcnts is, incladvd in the con run tut I ha ate or rent f hunoc or hincU io town t ronniry. or or ihe sale or hire of aegroea, beih n tha property l. owned by th; aivortUer or by other persons. Thee are eAcladed by ijhav term "im mediate basinet. " Ali -dvenieiusnt- In Mr tod in the tri-wceklv C imcrcial, are entitled. Io one ieertion in (be Weekly free charge. JUB, CARD AND KAVCY PRINTING. EISCDTEQ 13 SUPEK108 8TYLK. AtiBXTS Paa THE COMMERCIAIi. r-Yorlc Dr. Geohoe Bettneh, jo. 53S Rro-tdway, or order wy he left with D. C Kuti Co., No.TiFronl street, corner of Bow lint? Slip. Hotlon Charges Swith. Mo. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. K. Cohe.v. Baltimore Wat. H. PiAicund Wm. Thomson. - MISCELLANY. The course of ihe stagtnvn was nearly inn. Hackett the inimitable Hackelt moved and delignted all. The curtain enrae doM-n tbe lights grew; wan,anJ the close was announced. My friend of No. 52 paused at bis seal evidently waiting for some one. I soon saw it was for me. About that time he srppcd up to rue and presented card, with a formal and courtly recognition ' Eugene Laudmnrc, M. D., of Ohio.' After looking over it, I drew and presented my card 'John Welling ton, of Tennessee,' and added, 'ready (or joti, sir.' The gentleman looked at me sternlyin the face paused. Then suc ceeded that compromising smile I shall BO" soon forgot, for it was quite a deflec tion. ' A change came over the spirit of hiatdrem' and. surely, pleasant enough for meT After n pause, ie inquired : Do yoajsver smoke, sir, or or drink V ' Yes, sir,' 1 replied. I can vie with you in the enjoyment of a cigar, or I can drink; and if you wish, sir, I am ready and prepared fcr anything.' ' Ah, str,' replied the man of No. 52. ' 1 desired novhing of a more chivalrous char ac er'than I have proposed ; and, sir, per mit me to insist it :s my treat !' " 4 Well, 6ir,' said f, 'at 3'our service.' Away we went a gLiss of wine, then the cigars, and a few remarks on the mer its cf each, and the gentleman and inyself, mutually disposed to retire, exchanged equivocal and laconic ceremonials, and parted ; and, strange. to say. we never met nirain in ni meer fjf y two. BUSINESS CARDS. IX THE WROiNS SEAT. " You cannot bi-ttrr be cnijiltycd. Bagnio, Than to lire still and nrite mints t-pi t a pi, We give the following laughable inci dent, as related by one of the parties in the scene, as near as we can in his own pecu liar language and style. He began thus : Soiue years since; starting from the Si Charles Hotel, in the city of New Orleans, I found myself at the theatre of the same beni sobriqwf. At the proper office I bought iny ticket, accompanied with the number of the seat destined for me during the even ing. Putting the number in my vest pock et, after a slight glance at it, I passed on handed my ticket to the recipient of such initiative documents. By some strange absence of mind, or forgetfulness, I was soon seated in " No. 52, Parquette." Pret- ty soon, a gentleman of about fortj'-five j years walked up, and first looked inquiring-1 iy at me, and then at the number on the back of my seat, and said : ' Sir, this is my seat, I beliaie.' I This is my seat, sir,' I repfieJ. j 4 This is No. 52, sir,' he continued. : Yes, air, and that is tr.y number," con tinued I. ' Here sir, (showing his number) is No. 52' I, also, drew from my pocket No 52. 4 I insist,' says the gentleman of forty fire, 'this is my seat.' 1 insist, sir,' said I, ''lis my seat I Lave- the seat will not give it up hope, ir, you will not molest me further.' : The gentleman looked at me again, and the number on the. seat 52 and contin ued peremptorily: - Wish my seal, sir.' J; I regret, sir,' said 1, 'I do r.ot feel at liberty or disposed to accommodate you at ftti present time.' ' 1 insMtt,' said the gentleman. - I insist,' said I. I tvish my seat, sir,' said he. I have the sent, sir,' said I. Growing impatient, the gentleman voci ferated furiously, and left me, saying, 4 I'll see how 'his is.' The curtain had not yet been raised, but tbe time had come for the performance to commence Merry Wives' was the play for the evening, and Hackelt was propria rersona, Falstaff. Of course, all were sup posed 'elre sur le qui vice. During all the altercation between the gentleman and myself, each had neglected to look at the daie of oar numbers ; and now, for the first time, it occurred to me there might be tome quid pro qua. Putting my hand into my pocket, I drew but rera! numbers of different dates. Now, thought I, there may be a mistake, and 1 may be in fault ; and. perchance have wronged that venerable and dignified gentleman. I began to think fast: Let's see, what day of the month is ibis? Here is the 10th, 12th, and 13th of February let roe see 13th February No. 52 ab 1 I see the error this is the 14th. aod.nuRiberjjrm is my seat quick where is No. 56? just the fourth seat off I was in it iustitnter, ft tbe classic disciples -of Tliemis say ; and no sooner regularly sealed, than, curiously and impatiently, 1 looked to see if the old 52 was filled. 'Twos not but there came the tall gentle man, escorted by the manager and a police man."". Gently and quietly I turned my face from them, but kept an eye and an ear io that interesting direction, to see and tiearliowVtbis novel incident wou'd termi nate - The performance was just begin ning as they arrived &t the old 52. Manager -abruptly There's your eat, sir ;-there's yotlf eat, sir; nil right, air; no one in itf sir t told you so, sir ; told you so, sir;; told, you,' twaa oil fight ; take ir, siri let me hear no more from .you, or the policeman will be under the disagree able necessity of escorting you to the out er doorrhii is number fifty-two.-' file gentleman hung his head looked bad ras'Stsed up. - - - 'Twas a long; time before I could ven ture to look' him full in the face ; for Thad not tnly .Hrrooged him by my beeue, but I bad exposed him to the abuse of the offi cial, and the ridicule of all the spectators. Buty finally,' feeling a little sportive, I turn ed vit-vis to my old friend of No. 52, and gazed him full m th'iface--our eyes met be meekly wailed aat haig hu bead. , I itercstins I-etter from St. Petersburg. Interesting extract from a letter from an American gentleman in Russia to his friend in Washington. It is dated. 'St Peteesbtrgh, Apiil 9th, 1854. "You will doubtless be surprised to hear from me so near the north po!e, when you would naturally expect me to be on my w;y to the sunny south : but such is the uncertainly of hitman events. Here I am spoiling ihe double-eagles ready to ex tract hull, amputate leg. or dress a broken skull for ftien l or foe. I shall assist at ihe ball given by the allied fleet at Cron stsdt, and expect to pass the bistoury and ihe ligature pretty freely through the fiVsh of Jo' n Bull and Johnny Crapeau, as i'. is my impression that they will be annihilat ed if thej attempt the demolition of that fortress ; but a short time now will solve the p:ob.'em. 1 can assure you ofo ne thing, i hat this is a most delighfu! place to so journ for a time. The Kussian3 are just what Virginians are represented to be: warm hearted, polite, and hospitable peo ple, and the ladies are peculiarly attractive and intelligent, highly accomplished, (mu sic here being a perfect passion) and liter ary hops, polkas, and waltzes yielding to conversationes and musical entertainments I have been a quasi national guest, and teularly handed around among the high functionaries. The Emperor is a noble, fine looking gentleman, very much such a man as John S. Preston, with a counten ance full of amiability and frankness, and he received me with as much cordiality as you would have done, and with an expres sion of gratitude for my sympathy, and a hope that my country would view this European quarrel in the same light that I did, &c. After the Cronstadt affair is over here, 1 shall go down to the invading army with a medical staff of my countrymen that I am expecting from Paris, and spend a short time with them, and return home with my daughter, whom 1 have left at school in Paris. I entered service here as amateur, with the rank of chirurgien ma jor ct opcrateur. It is a. high sounding ti tle, but I expect means very little." At this point, another American present at St. Petersburg insists upon saying as follows : 'I find my friend writing this letter, and take it from under his pen just to say that the present position of affairs between the United States and Russia is all that could be wished for by us, to conclude firm, last ing, and very advantageous treaties of com merce and alliance with this great nation England has heretofore, with her charac teristic shrewdness and policy, had things all her own way. Now, the Emperor,and gentlemen high in office here, view the question in its proper light, and can see that America is ihe natural and appropri ate friend of Russia, and that Russia can never be otherwise than friendly towards America. They are both far removed from each other, without any questions of con quests and territory to produce jealousy and quarrels, which arc eternally arising be tween our country and that power, (Eng land ) We want nothing which Russia owns or desires to own. Why, then, is it that reciprocal commerce, of great import ance and vast profit to both parlies, (na tions.) has not been cherished and estab lished on an immovable basis?" The first writer resumes : "There are immense preparations for war going on here, and, for the life of me, I cannot see what ihe nlbes can effect They certainly cannot land on the I?dliic, and Russia will be able to keep up an im mense army for an almost interminable length of lime in the Danuhian vicinage. Turkey is nova defunct ; and the belligerents will only fight for grandeur, as they say out West. We have become the great nation at last, fulfilling the Fourth of July orator's boast of the eyes of all the tcorld be ing turned io . - Our position is - every where discussed ; whether we will stifl contend against the right of search ; and what we will demand in the interest of our commerce as neutrals, which" is bound to b very much extended during this strug gle.; As for this government, they will hereafter give us greater advantages over . any other country, if we will only profit by it, which the Yankees are keen enough to do, if properly supported. 1 shall ask permission to-morrow to go down to Moscow for R sw days, to view the old capital and its antique sights before the ice leaves the Qulf Tand Ihe Neva, as it is : expected to cleat the wa ror piling up the DR. GEORGE BETTNER, OF" NOilTH CAROLINA. OFFICE, Na 538. BROADWAY", Oil AT TUB PRE SCOTT H0U3K-NK.V YORK. 0. L F1LLYAW, PRODUCE URUKER, C:M'JISSI.1 AND FURWIBDP.G MERCUAST, WILMINGTON, N. C. pptembcr20ll, 1.53. 81-ly-c. MASl'I'iCTUREJt ASD DEALER IS CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &e.c.c. , Kroot street, South of Market, art WV tH.'1-Bl.fG, WlLMtXeTOM, N. C. D. CAtfHWEM.. J. A. PARKER. CASH-WELL & PARKER, C O M M I S S I O N M ERC HANTS,. WILMINGTON. N. C. Offico formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. A Uwyer. Mait-h'-M. 3-lyc. J. C. LATTA, C OMMISSIOX ME ItC II A V V cf- G EXE It A L AG EST. WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 1,1 833. 85-1 v WILKINSON & US I Kit, UPIIOLSTERS & PAPER HANGERS, KEEP ON .HAND AND MADE TO ORDEK. Mattresses, FaUlier Bxls, Window Curtains and I'i.rfurrs All work in tho nhove line done at horfcM No tice. ilniinjjton, N. C , Market St. March Id. 1. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Gmcral Commission and Forwarding Merchant Prompt personal attention given to Consign ments lor Sale or (Shipment. Liberal Cask advances made on Consignments to me or to my .Veu Yr.rk friends. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1833. 135. "W. C. HOWARD, GKNKRAL Crttn'ttissi'in nnd fjrwarding Mcr c.iant, Wilmington N. C. I . i bera I Jasti advances unJc on Consignments. IS'ov.29 109-if ROUNTREE, WATSON & CO., Gener.il Cojuiui&sioii Merchant, ISO Front St , New York. Liberal Adtw.es Made on Consignments. J. D. ROUN-TRSK, B. C WATSON, W. H. WIGOINS. August .'5, IS33. 69-1 y. J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MB 11 CHAN IS, WIKHI.V'GTO.V. N. V. J. Hathaway, J. L. Hathaway. Feb. 15, 1853. 31. JAMES AXDEBSUV. EDWARD 6A VAOE. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GESEltAL CO W MISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON is. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Oct. 21. 94- RUSSELL" & BROTHER, (LATE ELLIS. RUSSELL it CO ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances ni.n!e on conignmcntsof Naval siore.-, Cotton , and olhcr produce. May 3, 1953. C. & D. D u PRE WHOLE SALE AND H ETA L DEALEIirt IN Drugs, Medicine. Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Dye Stuffs, Glass. Perfumery, Cigars, Old !,iiuors. I'nitry Articles, &c., MARICKT STItKKT, WILMI VOTOS, N. C. l'rescriptions:arefully :o.iipoundeJ by expert- need person . March i8. 1853. - HALL, pOMMISSlOV ME'tiJHANT, Wilmington V NO. OrficcinreirofxMc.iiilian, Davis 4 Co'b Store. Everv attention paid to the sale and purchase of produce, and liberal cash advances made on ionnisnmenn. Refers to (Japt. Gilbert Pntor, K. P. Hall. Pre'l Brancli Banlt Stale N. ; O. G. P;irley. Prcs't Commercial llnnb ; McMlllun, Dais i Co. Ian. 21 131 tf WILLI liTX GWYE.l, General Ageal PorwarJingi Commission Merchant I take pleasure in informing my friend?, that 1 im prepared lo give oil bminess entrusted te me - tfi i e n t anil personal attention. I hive a wharf for Vavai Stores, with ample aecommodat ios?, Spirii House, and Wjrorioinc. tonsiannients of Naval Stores fur sale or shipment snd all kinds of coun try proljco solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. April 18, 1353. 15. uNLE yTk IRK & CO. DEALERS IN BUTTER, Cheeae. Lird. and Smoked Provisions, Poik. Beet", Beans, P.?a. and Dried Kruit. i33and 235, FUONT ST It EF.T. Corner of PECK SLIP, NEW VORK. March 25. lye. WILLIAM II , PEA RE, COLLECTOR 1ND ADVtRTI SlfC ACIM- I'sr Country Newspapers throughout the United States, . . Basement of Sun Iron Bu lyings, Baltimore street All business fr.Unsud to uis care transacted promptly, op liberal terms. seyi? 95-f JAS. H. CHADBOURN k CO-7 General Commission Merchants. Wir.MIMOTON. N. C. J as. H. Oh DiJvus. Gto. Chadiocrn. Jun. 1, 1951. 123. C. DnPRE & CO. lVIIOI.ESAI.EANl) RETAIL, GROCERS Coruer Kreut aid Prlncessoslrects, -WILMINGTON, N. C. C- D 15 r H E . D. B. BAKER. HENRY NUTiT, F1CT3S AND FUSWiRDlK AG EST, Willgite his personal attention to busintst entrust ed is his core. Sept. 8. 1853. 75-lf. JOSEPH II. FL ANN ER , General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. May 9th, 1853. 87-1 y-c. GEORGE MYERS, WH3LBSUB ISD RETAIL .8BCE8 Keep constantly an hand. Wines. Teas, Liquors, . Provisions, H'ood and XVUlom iVarc, Fruit, Confectionaries. if. Soalti Front street, TIL,MIIGTON, W. C. Nav. IS, 1863. J 109. T. C. & B 0. AV0RTH, COIirSSlOS ASD FOSWARDISO SERtDT5, BUSINESS CARDS. D. C. FREEMAN. GEORGE HOUSTON I'KHEMAJT A IfOUSTOS, MERCHANTS ANO. FACTORS, -WILMINGTON, N.U- D. C H-UEISMAS & CO. COMM ISSION MERCHANTS, ITSTyltftVrT STREET, NEW VORK. FREEMAN A .YD HHUSTOS, WILMINGTON, S C KEKP cansBtntly on hand a stock el Flour. Corn, Porkl Bacon. Satt, Cotfee, Sagar, Mo lasses, Tobacco, Crsars, SnT, Candles, Soap, For eign and Domestic Liquors and ll'incs ; Iron, Nails, L'ninls, Oits, Glass, Domestics, Hals, Boots, Shoes, Lea'her, Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for familyand plan tation use and the retail irtide, which they will dispose of In lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terftia forea, in exchange for Na-vaiwKMr?HWTwae4'-. . The senior iiartncr D. C. Fa r. em an, is located in the city of New Y'ork ihe junior partner, (Sso. Houston-, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on consignments to and from either place. All btiness entrusted lo them will receive proper attcmion; and orders for Goods will be ,I..J ,...-., II.. CM... I Sept. 9. IPS. 76-f. GEO. HARRISS. General Comiuission Merchant. Freight WILMINGTON, N. C STRICT attention given to p rocn ring O and purehising Cargoes for vessels. Itet EA ro K. P. Hull, Esq. 1 O. G. Parsley, Kso. ...-, . T.A.Tavlor Esq "'nSton. J. D. Bellamy, Esq. J Messrs. Tooker, Sn.yth &, Co., ... .- b Thompson & l.lunter, i lorK' Alcx'r. Herron, Jr Philadelphia. Messrs. Williams & Butler, , . c. -. H F.Baker. Esq. Charleston, S . C Jan. 2. 1333. 123 tf. I. U'ESriCL. U. B. EILfcHS. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS & WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water St., Wil mington, N. C, intend to keep at the abovr stand a eneralassortnieni of Groceries', Liquors, and Provision? at wholesale and io carry on a Genera IConintlst-ion BtifincFS. itKFEisr.scE : K P. Hall Prcs't Br'eh It ink of hc. State. 3 O.G. Parsley , Prcs't Commercial Bank. i. K. Dickinson, Esq . ) Ponpe . Co. ) v- , r i. r, . i Niw lurk', Dollner t put er. J Jan. 20 131 if. CHARLES R. BONNELL, Geuernl and f 'ommis-.loit Merchant, Ciitlon , litcc an l Naval S'nrts and Mi'rtAnii.H-i gr itt-iaHit. Oflice No. 53 V rfh Front street, Philadelphia. References. New York. Messrs Al'en & Paxon ; Philadel phia. Tho. Allibonc, Esq , Prest Bank of Penn .vlvania; Biltimore, Thomas Whitriilec & Co., tVflininffton, N C , Messrs. De Rosset & Brown, and Dr. T; II Wright, Pro-t. Bank or Cnpe Fear; 'Charleston. T. S. d T. G. Budd, nnd J. Donnell, Jr ; Savannah. W. B. Giles &. Co.; .New Orleans, G. W. Oliver if- Co. Jan. 12 127-rmc GEO H. KELLY. COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next dooi to A. A. Wannet's.on North A'aterst. will at lend lo the sale of all kinds of Country Pro duce, such as Corn, Peas, Meal , Bacon . Lard ,4c. and will keep constantly on hand a full suppl yof GroccricE. S.c. References . Willcs Hall of Wayne Jno Vlc'.tae, Wilmington W Caraway. Gen. Alx . MeRac . " K . P . 'I ' II , IV i! n ing ton , Wi ley A . WalKei . ' ' Dec. 13. 1832. 1 15-1 y. IAS. V. fSlLLESPlE. GEi. s. Gii.r.Esrir:. JAMES I'. GII.T,KjPIi; !t tt.. PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. fai t icular attention paid io i lie receipts nnd Snlenf Nacal Stores, Timber, Lumber, Cor,i, R.icon, Cot ton, rf-c , f-c. Marcli 30 6. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission ilrrrhaat, WIliJIING TON, N. C. I IL f ell or buv Real Estate and Negroes at a small commission. A LSI : Strict attention givenio I he s.ile of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. - O S :e second duor, South side of Market street, on the wharf. June 12, 1353. 31 ly. MEDICAL HOUSE, AV. 16, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. Established in order to uffjrd the Afflicted sowtd and scientific .t.edicul Aid, andfor'the sujj.res.iion of Quackery. DR. I. B. Smith has for many years devoted his wbcilea.ienuod to the treatment ol Private tom ptainis, in ail their varied and complicated forms. His ureal success in those long standing nnd diffi cult cases, such as were formerly considered incur able, is sufficient to commend him to the public us worthy of the extensive patronage he has received. Within the last eight years, Dr. S. has treated more than 29,500 eases of Private Complaints, in their different forms and stages; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of all other physicians now ad vertising in Baltimore, and net a single case is known wli.-re his directions were siricil) followed, and medicines taken at reasonable lime, without effect ing a radical and permanent cure ; th-reforr, persons afflicted with diseases of the above nature, ' no m i Ui;r How difficult or lon standing the case may be," would do wtll io call on Dr. Smith, at his office. No, 16, South Frederick St.. and If nrtt i rlec. tuatly relieved no remuneration will be required for his serviet'S. His medicines are free from Meicury and all mineral poisons ; put up in a neat and com. pact lorui, and may be taken in a public or piivatc house, or while travelling, wiihout exposure or hin drance from bu.-iness. and except incases of vio ent inflammation, no cliunge of din is necessary. STRICTURES. Dr. Smith has dis'Oveitd a new method by which he can cure the worst formof stricture and that wiihout puin or inconvenience to the patient. Irrigation of the urctha, or prostrate gland, or neekof the blmlder.is sometimes mistaken Icr stricture by general practitioners or charlatans. YOUNG MEN and others afflicted wiih Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should ni ike an early application, thereby avoiding muchtruiible and sutleiing, ns well as expense. By his improved method of treatment, Di . S. cun safely guarantee a speedy and perfect cure in allcasisol il.it coin plaint. TO FEMALES. All diseases peculiar to Females (as also Sup pressions, Irregularities, ifcc.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for the cure of theabove uffoclions, have been well tested In n extensive practice for the luM twi tvo yeurs. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. S. by a letter, post-paid, describing cose, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded to any part of the United St ttes. always accompanied with full and explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. Office arranged with separate apartments, so I lit t patients never see any one but the; d ctor himself. Attendance daily, from B in the morning till 0 at niyht. N . I! Persons afflicted .with any of the above complaints, will do well m a .'oid ihe various NOSTRUMS AND SPECIF ICS, advertised by Apothecaries and DrugisiE as a cer tain cure for any and every disease. They are put up to sell, bat not to cure, and frequently do much more harm lhan uood theref .re avoid them. A word to the wise is sufficient. Address DR J. B. SMI TH, 1.6 South Frederick si., - Baltimoie. Md. Oct. 13- 90-ly-c. SANDS SAUSAPARILLA. 7.Y QUART BOTTLES. DR. J. B. MiRCBISI S CELEBRATED CATUOLICON, For the relief &care ofSaffering Females. It stands pre-eminent for its curative plrerin all (he dis eases for which It is recommended, call ed Female CoinplainU Of tnese ire i'ie l Arses Utiii or Falling of ilia Womb;Fi.ocB A t- hus, or Whites; Chronic InSamma lion and Ulceration of the Womb;lnci lental Hemorrhage, r Flooding ; Pain ul, Suppressed, and .rreguUr Menstrua. on ate, witu .ill ttieir accompany evils, (Cnnce. excepted-,) no mailer howsevere oUww long standing '" The Catholicon far surpasses olhcr remediea, In being more certain, lessexpensive.and leavlnathe system in a better condition. Let all interested in such a, remeedy call and obtain a pamphlet (free containing arfple proof, from highly teapectabl iuurces. of the happy results of iu tisa together with letters from first-class experienced physicians, who have used it in their practice, and speak Irom I heir own observations'. H F.FEBESCCS. Prof. Dbnnnr, M.D , Baltimore, Md. J. C. Orrick, M. D., P. B. Peckham, M. D, Utica, N, V. D. V. Foote, M. D., Syracuse, IV. Y. M. II. Mills. M. D., Rochester, N. Y. L. D. Fleming, M. D., Cnandaigita, N. V. W . W. Reese, M. D-, Uity of N. Y. W. Prescott, M. D , Concord, N. H. J. P. Nen land, M D.. Utica. N. Y. Pamphlets can bu had erati at the store of S. B. & S. A. EVANS. Druggist Wholesale and Retail Agents. Wilmington, N. C. And of most of tha leading Druggists in the State. Lilter ad tressed to Messrs. Beach q- Browr.son, Agents at Netrbemj C. II., S. C, 6y Rev. C. S Beard, of same State. Glevs Spntsos, Jan. 3;li, 1853. Messrs. Reach & Kbowsso.v Sibs : I send for another bottle of your " iMarchisi's Utarine Ca tholicon " My wife has been afflicted for eleven vcars.and a variety of means has been resorted to for relief, but none was obtained until I received this medic'inn from on- I's influence seems al most imgical : there was a manifest improvement from the day it was taken. As there are a great many females in our country laliorin" under i lie affliction fo r which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel it a duty lo recom mend it to alt such. (Signed.) Olovgh S. Beabd. J. C. M ARCHISI it CO., Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 Broadway N. Y. Nov. 19. 106 lyc THROW PHASIC TO DOGS! PUL VERM A CHERS Hiidro Elect ic Volcanic Chains. For Purifying the Blooil, and for the Cure of Scro- I lioJucli'B I nsfanl relief from the most acute w A. U. VAB!)KRELEN. General Acnt, Commission anl Forwarding Merchant, wilmi'g rov, x. c. Particular attention given to sale and purchase of N.ival Stores. June 1, 1353. 123-ly. T. C. WORTH, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON , W . C. USUAL advances made on consignments of Col ton, Naval Stores and other produce Panic ular uttention given by G. W. Davis to pur chasing cargoes, procuring freights for vessels. Ac. Jn 11 128 CoTnilAN & RUSSELL. (SCni'ESSOhS TO TBHS. AL1B3:E i CO ) General Commission xMcrchanls, No 32, AW IITiarrts. m l fi3 ortk Water Sis. PHILAOEI-PJIIA. J. HABVBT COCHBAS, W. B. BD-iSELL. ' L;ber il c tsh advances made on consignments. . July 3'Jih, 1333. 5S-if. W. M. SHERWOOD & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mer chants Wilmington, N. C. All consignments o! Naval Stores, together with Cotton, Bacon, Lard, Corn, Meal, Flour, Ac, shal ecure the highest market price. Dec. 13 H5-f H. DOLLNER !' O. POTTLH, tt DOLLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. : Liberal Cash Adtan-es made on all Consignments. April30: 1353. 20-ly-pd. W IL MI N (JTO N MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted the agency ol eeverallargejstablishments at the North, which willfurnish him an unlimited supply of finished or nnfinishek, foreignand domeatic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, and ever other article in the line of tha business at reasonable ratea. . SQULPT D RING , LETTERING OE CARVING , Execuiedas vellas can be done either North or South. " , , - , , Thebeat efereneecaa besrtyea. If reqofred. -"j"" J AS .McCLARAr'AN. March 3. . I49-tf. 7 KEGS MAY BOTTKRjost received by Kx press; vety fine. For !ey MayllL v - 4 ' C. DcPtth at CO. CANAL BARROWS. T?OR SALK, bf-'r: i. r. RtiJirsbif. fula, Rheumatism, Stubborn Ulcers, Dyspepsia , Salt Rheu n, Fecer Socs, Erysipelas. Pimples, Biles, Mercurial Diseases, Cutaneous Erup tions, Lirer Complaint, Bronchitis, Con sumption, Female Complaints , Loss of Appetite, General Debility, ef-c. IN this preparation all the restorative properties of the rcWaTre coneentrstfd hi tlrefr utmost strength and efficacy; bat while Sartuparilla Root forms an important part of its combination, it is, ul the same lime, compounded ui'th oilier vegela ble remedies of great power, and it lb iu the pecu liar combination and scien ific manner ol its prep aration, that its remarkable success in the cure of disease depends. It ucls simultaneously upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowels; nnd thus three processes, which are ordinarily the result of three different kinds of r cdicine, ore cariit d on at tic same time, through the insirurncn'alhy of if is one remedial agent which gently stimulates while il disinfects and expels Irom the btomach and bowels all that is irritating, and at the ame time eslores vigor and tone. Many other preparations imitate in oearing lite name of Sarsapurilla, and in that their ic semblance ends, tu ing often prepar ed from worthless and inert roots, and of course possess no healing or curative properties, and pa tients in making choice of which thev will use, should take no other, but that one entiil. d to their confidence, from the lorg list of cures it has i fleet ed on living wilnesses, hose testimonials and residence have been published, and who are sliil bearing daily tesiinony toils worth. ASTONISHING CURE. Patterson-, N. Y , 2Cth, 1S51. Messrs A B. &. D Sands: GcniL-mcn. Hav ingwiinessedlhemostbenenci.il effects from the use of yor Snrsaparilla, it gives me pleasure to send you the following statement in regard to my son. In the spiingof 184S he took a severe cold, and after eight wetka of severe suffbiing the dis ease settled in his lcil li'g and foot, which soon swelled to the utmost. The swelling was lanced bv his physician, and discharged most profusely; after lh it no less th;in clevi n ulcers formed on the eir nnd foot at on time. Wehad fivedifT-rent Phy sicians, but none relieved 1-im much ; and the last winter found him so emaciated and low that he was unable to leave bis 1 cd. suffering the nvst excrucia ting pain. During this time the bone had become so much uficcted that piece after pi gw-came out, of which he has now more ihan twentffive preserved in a bottle. varine from one half to one and n half I inches in length. We had given up all hopes of his recovery, butal this time we were induced to try your Saisaparilla, and wii h its use his health and appetiie began immediately lo improve, a nd so rap id was the change that lesj than a dozen bottles ef fected a perfict cure. With gratitude, I remain truly yours, DARIUS BALLARD. We the undersigned neighbors of Mr. Ballard, cheerfully subscribe to the facts of the above state ment. H.4R. S. Hayt, A. M Trowbridge, Geo.T. Dean, C. Eastwood. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by A. B. Si D. Sands, Drussis: and Chemits, 100 Ful on s'reet corner of William New ork. Sold also by Drugaiss generally ihrouelieui the United States und Oanadaa. Price SI per bot lie ; six b tiles for i. For sale by Dr. A. O. Biadiey, and Messrs. C. & D. DuPre, Wi'mington, N. C. A pril 8. 1 9 6m " THE MEDICAL MAGNET," OR EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. THIS is the only work treating on Private Dis ease', common to MALE and FEMALE, and that contains R tipes for the cure of the same. It gives the a) mptotns of the different diseases, fol lows them up in their different stagrs with recipes, written in plain ENGLISH, for their cure. Fi om this work the unfortunate can learn their precise situation, take their pencil and make out a prescrip tion, (which can bu procured at any Drug Store) and by following implicitly the instructions, be cur ed and save exposure. The author of this work, a late Professor in one of !he leading Medical Colleges of Philadelphia, has, pertups, had more practice in the cure of Private Diseases, in different stages of Society, than any other Physician in the country. It contains a beautiful Lithographic Figure of a Female, showing the formation of tha Generative Organs, with nroper explanations. Ac. Address HUGHES & Co., Publishers, Postpaid, Philadelphia, Pa. Price SI per copy Free of Pos tage. March 25. 4-Jmc. ' 7Tbr1) WN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. TH IS ESSENCE Is a preparation of unusual L excellence la ordinary diarrhoea. Incipient cholera, in short, in alt caaes of prostration of the digestive functions, so common, it is of inestima ble value. Dating tha prevalence of epidemic cho I era and summer complaints of children, it la pecu liarly efficaciaBS ; no family, individual or traveller should be without it, aa it enahles the system to re sist tbe Influence of incipient disease, which lark in a changing climate. CaoTion. Be sure to get the gen nine Essence which la prepared ooiy by P. Brown, at Ma Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner ol Fifth ana Chesnut itrceir; Philadelphia, and for rata by at the respectable A potbeea ilea in tho United States if -Sold la Waltniiito by B.t J. A. EVANS4 an4C4&:fi-IfiPtE.v JvanlGV -40 pain, and permanently curing alt Neuralgic lfiseascg. I") HEUMAT1SM , painful and swelled joints, neu v ralgia, of tke face, deafness, blindness. St. Vi- usldance. pilpitalions of the heart, periodical head ache, uuins in the stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, uterii, iiaiws. These chains were first introduced in the city ol New ork less than one year since, and alter be ing subjected to the most thorough-trial in ever hospital in the eiiy by Drs. Valentine Motf, Posy Carnoehan, and Van Buren, it was discovered ihai they possess stranye and wonderful power in the reliuf and cure ol the above class of diseases, and they at once recommended, through ihe papers ol the city, their general nee, and their sale and the success that has attended their use, is unparalleled. Previous to their introduction into this country, i hey were used in every hospital in Europe, and ari secured by paientsin France. Germany, Austria, Prussia, and England; aid also in the United States. Think close and ponder well." The principles upon which it Is claimed that the Chains produce their marvelous cures ure, first that all nebvocs pisfases are attended and pro dueed by a deficient supply of nervous fluid and an agent that rest mbUs cloesly ileeiricitv orciec t ro magnetism ; and second t hat t he elect jo mag mtic chains. by being wornoverandupont he pan and organ diseased, furnish to thecxhausted nerv ous evsiem, by its powerful stimulating eflccts, the nrvous fluid which is required lo produce a heal hey action through the entire system. Nodisgust mg nostrum is allowed to betaken while using the chai ns, but a rigid observance of the general laws of health are rcquirtd. Brisk friction upon the part diseased add- much to the effect of ihe chains, by incr. asing the! r magnetic power. I DDI) I MM. I -A ItS will be given to an person who will produce so j many well autheni ica ted certificates of cures boib from intelligent palienis and scientific physicians, as have been affected by Pulvermache'a Electro Chains. They never fail to perform what they are advertised to do, and no person has ever been di. satisfied who has givt n thi ni a trial. In female Diseases, more than one hiii.it red permanent cures of pro lapsus uteri have been effected within the last year bv the use of these chains By applying one end of the chain over the region of trie abdomen and t e other upon the spine, just above the hips, the usual severe symptoms incident to that disease art at once removed. Mode or Use. The chain should be moistened before use with common vinesar, and then one end of the chain i-hould be applied directly to the scat of the pain or disease, nnd the other end opposite to it. - Call upon Dr. Evans, and obtain a pamphlet (gratis.) He will also explain their mode of use to all who may desire it. Physicians are respectfully invited to call and investigate theirmerits. Card to l-adtes. Ladies w ho are enciente are requested not to wear i hem bu" a few momenta at each lime of applying for by long use miscarriage is frequently produced. Dr D. llovey, agent for Greenfield; Hillyer Wood, Norhampton J Steinert general agent. 56S Broad -oy, N. Y. For sale in Wilmington , Vy S. B. & J. A Evans. Nov. I Ol h lr-c FOX & POLHEMUS, 59 Broad Street. Corner of Beaver, N. York, Offer for sale Ihe followine heaw Cotton Fahric: NEW-ENGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK-22 inch. all numbers, bard and soft; also all the various widths of Canvass manufactured at this es tablishment comprising every variety known to the trade, and offered at the lowest rates. UNITED STATES PI LOT DUCK Woodberry and Mount Vernon Extra. A full assortment oftMs superior fabric. vII. 1M ANTIC COTTON DUCK-16, 18, 20 and 22 inch, alt numbers, hard and soft. Tbia fab ric was awarded the highest Premium at the Lon don World's Fair, also at our own State Fair. SHIP AND BEAR MARK DUCK--Plain and twilled, manufactured by the Grcenw od Com pany, a superior article for light sails, tents, awnings. tc; also. Mont Verno n T wiU-d Ravens. Howard Ravens, Pioneer and Phoenix Milla; Lightton Ravens, plain 22 to 27 inch; Heavy, do. do. COTTON SAIL TWINE A full assortment. TARPAULINS, HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, Ac. PAPER F1.LTING 30 to 72 inch, made very heavy, expressly for drier felta. CAR COVERING Cotton Canvass, all widths, from 30 lo 130 inches, and ail numbers, made ex pressly for covering and roofing railroau cars, is perfectly Bnd permanently water-proof, and more enduring than thi car itself. ENAMELLING CANVASS 30, 3S, 40, 45 and 50 inch plain and twilled, in every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description. Seamless Bags, woven whole, aU sue, in bales of 100,200 and 300; combinio? strength, ntility and cheapness, for grain and meal are unsurpassed. A bio heavy fjotton Sacking-. 40 inch Canvas. 3 thread Warp and Filling, heavy twilled, do. do , 20, 2i4tand44iDCB. . . . WOOL SACLS Woven whole all ttxes, a new and desirable article. Feb. 2 1. miscellany; 144-ly-e. 2f BBLS. Kayettcvme ror, juax retmwwa, , w UVJ'salaay rMiy- tC.lFJl8QO- BRIEF MEMOIRS. ' ' Perhaps the briefest personal -memoirs ever written were ihe '.'Memoirs ofCountTj. Rosiopchin,' written in tenra1nutcavt We , subjoin u few paragraphs, each boT which constitutes a 'chapter:' j, -K mtt ' ' -Mr Birth. On the 12th daj of March,1 ; 1765, I ' emerged from darkness into the ' light of 3s jr. I w.ts measured, : I was f Weighed, 1 was baptised. 1 was bofo with . oat knowing wherefore, and my parents 1 thanked Heaven without knowing for what, r-' '"-. , :. . .i in-. - My EDCCApox I was Uugbt all sorts of things, ancrleafned all sorts of laogusv -grs. Bj dint of impudence and quackery, 1 sometimes pa ss ed tot amn(. y. Mjtead, v has becorne a library of odd rblumes'of which I keep tltfi key. " - ' - '"'t -y My Slpfeiiixos. 1 wae lormenlett'oy;' masters ; by tailors, who frfade tight dress-' es for me; by woman by autbttiofr; by , self-love; by useless, regrets j and by re- membra nces. '-j.r .'. . -' " Memohable EpocnsT At jbe ige of 30 I gave up dancing; at 40 my endeavor to please the fair sex ; at 50 my .regard of public opinion ; at 60 the trouble of .think t ing; and I have now become a true sage,, or egotist which is ihe some thing:..' ,' , ' Respectable Pbinciples. I have nefef meddled in any marriages or icanduX' I 1 have never recommended a cook, or pby-.' sician ; and consequently have never at tempted the life of any one. My Dislikes' I had a dislike to sots and fops, and to intriguing women, who make a game of virtue ; a disgust for affVc laiion ; pity for made up men and painted women ; an aversion lo rats, liquors, meta-, physics, and rhubarb f and a terror of. jus tice nnd wild beasts. x - Analysis of my Like. I await death without fear and wiihout impatience. My life has been a bad melodrama on a grand stage, where I have played the hero, the tyrant, the lover, the nobleman, but never the valet. My EpiTArit Heje lies, in hope of re pose, an old deceased man, with a wont out spirit, an exhausted heart, nnd a used up body. Ladies and gentlemen, pass on. : - : ' , Xlir,- "I- ; . A FAITHFUL DOG. t-j ; A noble pointer, rejoicing in the .name , of "Dallas," made his first appearance in ; this citj', a few days since, after an absence of six months from his owner, who had long ago given him up as lost. The mas ter became a resident of this city in De cember last, and not being willing to part from Dallas, on account of attachment formed during leu years' ownership of, and i friendship for him, had him put on board the steamer Fash. on at August, duly consigned to Savannah. About ninety miles above here, Dallas contrived to make his escape from the boat, thinking, doubt less, that he was being carried uway from his master anil was not heard of again un til a duy or tw-o since, when he arrived I ere almost famished, Jean, worr, and a mere wreck of the noble animal who had once been Canine King of Augusta, and 'held up his head in the best society." We need hardly Bay that ibe meeting' be- tween him and his master was a joyful . one. How he ascertained that Savannah was to be his future home, or how be maQ- aged during his six months' pilgrimage in t search of his master, to work out the pro blem of his whereubut, is more than we can tell. ' We regret to learn that Da Iks has be come deaf during bis travels,, and possibly r will never again hear the kind yoice ol his' best friend. He is, however, improving in lieaiih and looks, and perhaps may recover his hearing in due course of htm. As least we hope so ; for so faithful a creature, brute though he is, deserves to have every channel open to him through which to re. ceive the kind words and good opinions of all who value true affection-v Savannah Republican. WANTED TO KNQVV. If steamships are used in navigating the "sea of troubles 1" If it is owing to the rate of interment being cheap that so many are "buried in oblivion?"- If .ships "in stays'' are subject to "tight lacing ? VVlieth- . er the sun shone during tbe "dark ages?' Whether the "tale", which the ghost of Hamlel'8 father could unfold was "found ed on fact ?" The. elevation of the "pin- nacle of fame" above the ocean? If hy-. dropahic treatment would be likely to cure the "eruptionr' of Mount Aitna f A clergyman had a milk-white horsr, which, on account of its beautiful form, . he called Sion. Having oidercd his horse to the door, a friend asked him where he was going, Why,' said he, 1 lO MOUNT SlON.' The Virginia Agiiccltcral ' Societt has on hand, in cash, the sum of 919,947, which is to be invested. The subscriptions remaining to be paid in well swell the amount to about $50,000. When is a hedge dangerous walk in f When the hedges are shooting and tbe bull rushes out. ' VAL.UABr.I3 . REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. , THF. JAIL, and. LOT on wh.cb the same IS silnaien, un "lc , K11J .nH Princess streets, will tic aold om Taea- , dav of Jnna Court nasi, iin. ui m ioin Hoare, at 12 o'clock, M., on a credit of 3, snd 9 . months. Punhasers to five Nates with two goad ecurities, payable at Bank ; and tha aoaacsaJoa) of he property will be ftven by ibalSth March nasi. Size of lot 6 era Second atreet.and 141 on Prin cess street. W.C. BKTTENCODRT, " Chairman Jail Cammiitea. - April 25. ; - 17-ia. . DISTILLERS ATTENTION.' OfVYl EMPTY SPIRIT BAHsXRZJS fm wmU. &JJJ larga sixa and an peri or aaahiy, aw ad second hand. . .,. i-..,., -f- M Barrels Sapariar Gtaa ; ' x - BO Hhda.Caba Molaaaaai 100 Sacka Llvarpool Sail i . 2000 Baabela Cons t " 100 . do. Corn Meal. " it,,. ,, WB.A.JWVER,. - - KesJ door to the Caaion Uooaa. Ilajr 4eV ' ' "" " "V' " 1 t "

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