CJV-Jv JIv yr Jyiy jjW'J, jo Ji,4l )v . . . V. VOLUME IX NUMBER 43. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 24, 1854. WHOLE NUMBER 1095 T.IE TRI-WKEKLY COM.UElitl.lL I The duty of Ihe scholar can be sum is paiiiaiej every Tcksdav, TucitoAv and ' maned up ui a few words : Strict obe- oATDRDAif at a per annum, payable in nil case; In advance. BV IMJ.HAS LORING Editob and PaorRiE roa, Corner Front and Market Street, WILMINGTON. !. C. K VTES UK AUVI It llSIXO. aqr. I insertion SO 50 I 1 siir. - months, 1 ' 2 ' 75 1 ' 3 t " 3 " 1 00 I 1 " 9 " 1 I m nih. '2 :l) I 1 12 84 00 5 00 8 r0 12 00 dience to those rules, every good teach er will present to his scholars and claim their ?it?nost fulfilment. The duties of the parent is mniifold and very important. It is supposed that all parents who are anxious alout the advancement of their children will readily peiform them. When parents 1 1 1 ! I'll Ten lines or less make a square. I!" an ativer- nav e determined IO na e UieiJ Cllliuini Mmen( exceeds ten lines, i lie piiee will be in t insjnictcdj It is Well for tllfnitt) acquaint 'Tr-livenuements are pay-bit st tl,c time of j th.-mspl ves xvith ihe talent and desire V:eir inertion. ! for learniii? in thei r child ren. Are they Cooiractatviih yearly advertisers, wil. l.c made.; t-fi, .hit h.1). t .lfiit :md finsnc are on (ho .side of the. voims ? it is then their with them on the. moit liberal terms. X' transfer f cjnira,cn fur yearly atJvertUin, Will bt: nermitl.d. SlhoulJ cireu.nstances rcud.r : t h . . i r m.-v-t rln'i- In n rn 1 1 ;i i ! t a clianze in buiincs.", or an unexpeeted rriimvul , . ',. u f i, uocessirv, a char?e aecorjin-. l, the ,,u'.iihC(i ; the tioublt S and pleasures which the inrni will be at the oiuion of the e a n; raet-T, f or ' stud V Will leijuire and yield. 'I hell ThrlV". If Inwi Advertiser, is ric.l, j P' them in the care of a competent hmiied lo their awn inimodiate business ; and all j teacher, and avoid to cllHlle the same advertisements (or the benefit of other persons, unless (or crJ reaso::S. The constant as well as all advertisements n)t iininediately con- ; . ..... , nrcteJ with their own business, and all exe. ss of CP.ailge OI leaders IS lllJUHOUS to lilt' ji.l vert isements in length or otherwise beyond the limits nnsfaaed, will be charged at the usual raits. IV i 1 i;rtisemi:ni s is included in ihe con rat ' Tor iho sale or rent of houses or lands in town or l ountry. or far the sale or hire of n' sjroes, uhrth t-r the pr p;;rty is owned by the advertiser or by tnhsr persons. Thee are excluded by ite term 1 ' im -neiUa te business AH i Iver'ise nents inserted in the tri-wccUv C" amercial. ore entitled to one iesertion in ihe IPreAy free of clnrje. JOB. (Ulll) AND WVCV 1MMXTIXC, KtWCfED n SljgKBiOR STYLE ';Brs ko T;iii: crtnuniu iAb. New York Mefars. OuLLren J'oTtEK. y B i.fii Oh a n Lr.t S !ith. iN'o.d, Central Wharf WJiidJpUS. K. Cohen. Ba!linortWyi. H. Peake ami W.m. Tho?;jox "original matter. FOR THE COMMKHCI.iT.. MlSIU. It is generally understood that music, as an accomplishment, forms a part of the most inipoitaut branches of educa tion. Every parent is anxious to seeuie to his children a good education ; prot ubly the only thing he can give them, which is more valuable than all the wealth and treasures of this earth. Both must bow humbly before , and v: jdiip at the shrine of knowledge and Wisdom, vv'hile they dispense with their generous hands, treasures and happiness around them. The most of parents, theiefoiv, i;ive their children, as far as their means j ei -init it, a musical education, which, in this country") especially is considered as till accomplishment of the faher sex. The child is placed under the care cf a teacher to advance it in musical stud ies. The parents generally, after hav ing taken this step, take no more notice of their adrniifcemcnt, or only sometimes make inquiries how many tunes then- advancement of the pupil.'-', as no two teachers adopt the precise mode of in struction. Having observed a!! this car. fully, you will see that the student will not progress probably as fast as ;, ou, if you are ignorant of t he study, may expect ; in not memorizing and bang ing away little trashy music put up m cheap form of sheet music, used so much ! now a days lor instruction. It is also j the duty of the teacher to impart to his I scholar all the nm?t principal parts of ; he theory of music, as well as a good ' use of bis hands and fingers. He is un able to learn th m music, as any other teacher his pupils, reading, beloie they can spell correctly. This course of instruction, as system atical as it is, will very often not suit both scholar and parents, as they ex pected to do 2 re at things in a short time. Au-:1 while the scholar is imperceptibly getting over the most diffi -tilt part, the beginning, her te-c-her is changed for IO in their opinion can do much one w better, Hut not the scholar only, but the teach er also, lias to in 'ct with many diiricul ties, of winch the first is icant of clear ness. To teach with success, it is not only ncc-'ssary to be an accomplished peii Miner, but t ) have the ability to work upon the character of the pupil. '1 h leachcr must acquaint himself with the different dispositions of his scholars and treat them accort. iiialv. Another dilii- cultv on the part of the !e;ich m- is want of patience with tfic weaknesses, mis takes and habits of the scholar. The teacher must consider that that which apjear.s easy ami clear to him, is not the same to the scholar. A nd the teach er's impatience does not eucourase the ly adhered to by teacher and scholar, as it will give to the former self-improvement, and to the latter confidence and love and zeal for the study of the art. IttRMAVX .. SCMIIKIXKR. Bl iTTKKttl TTER-BLT'i ER. A . O'l'il Kit new lot of Maryland Dairy I'.utter. KK--5 TON V. I'Otv.NSliK.M). .M.-y :0. a? SASH, UhlND AND DOOR AUENCY. 'or nu-tl y i:c)iilt:c(i'l by C. fl i.'t 'tktss. 11 L public are li.Tcby inf'irnii'd, thai 1 have beei apiuiin td ancnt lor :l;e sate ol mdow Sjili, Blinds and Doors, inanolu lured by the .New- H:.vcri C in.. and am pn pared to fill till orca-rs in ilio abovf line. The tiiajly of the workol the New ilaven t-'oni. isui II known in this market. Baiidcra a nd a I ' persons in want of the above articles, are request r,: to seed in their order.-1, and they will he .-.-. iijji !y :i!!ed. Term-,-ii;vari..blv c;-.sli on delivery. V M . A . G W - K ft . Gtntra 'Agent Commission and f-'oricariir e 1er- ; It a 11 i . April 19. I V. not! r.t SPRING STYLES. 1 5 an- daughter is able to perform. Sometimes 1 scholar. These rules ouht to k flrict the advice is given to her to learn a gooa many tunes. The child, on the gtout.d of their ad vice, or having seen it among her fellow students, bees her teacher f r tunes, to which the lalt- i, not wishing i to lose the good will of the parents and ; child, quietly submits. After this, we cannot b astonished to ! hear, when passing the most respecta ble residences, children actually hang ing on the Piano, taking at the same time the loud pedal for Ihe purpose of. delighting the promena less and neigh- : bors with tunes, old fashioned, but still ' good, ns -Jim cracked corn, don't care " Old Boh Ridley, he ha ho!" (The j latter an especial favorite)) and often ac companying their sweet music with : sounds of the highest order. Such a i child is considered now a days a good perlormar tor her age, aul will do very well when she becomes older, and re- i reives mote of such instruction. But I say, your daughter's musical education is ruined, and she will only bo, if she take lessons till she is grown, nothing beyond a poor bungler. Parents it will be your duty, as well as advantage, not to throw you hard earnings so foolishly away, but save it for your old age, that it may do you some good, at least mo.e than it does your children. If you, however, want your children instructed in this, its well as airy other branch of education, be watchful ; as sist and encourage them and you will receive some time, if even in your old lays, the sincere thanks of your chil dren. , It is my purpose to make parents ac quainted with the duties of the teacher md scholar. Music is divided in two principal parts: 1. The sound represented in the tone. 2. The duration of the same in a cer tain time, Rythmus." As the visible Avorld represents itself to the eyes thro' color and outline, so is the audible one distinguished by sound and rythmus. One Cannot be separated from the other. As both are principal parts in music, it is the duty of the teacher to exert all his energies to their development. 1. What can the teacher do ? Cer tainly only this, which is clear to him self. He begids then to enlarge his own knowledge, forms the same together, and the more he improves the more he is able to impart the same to ma pufm:- That which is not clear to himself can not possibly be of any service to him in instructing others; as even the clearest i often difficult to represent it with jus tice. 2. What must the teacher do 1 He Bhall produce fruits. To do this, he must possess two indispensable quali ies, without wilich the other is of no value: fidelity and assiduity. Does he exercise both, so that he can also ex pect the best fruits, if they do not p.ven come from that source where he most expected "them. W 1.1 LK It & I1RO, beur leave to ;ce that their first exhia.lion will lake place this tnorni n 2 o! the ne west a nd latent si Irit uf Spring Go'-ds, just rec i ed per Adams & Co.'s Ex -dress : A I trie ns -rtiiten, too tedious to mcn liou. Please tu call and examine. M..reh 7. la V FOR M EN AND BOYS.'" N I'. IV supply of Linen Drills, Angola Oaesi xl meres. Colored anil Mlack C;t.-hn:nrcts. with u ew Patterns Fancy l-'renet Cass uteris. .! ay 9 II K 1MI 1 C K & It VAN. V A PER II AN G I N (J . 1 T J V. have j st reciivcd very hindsomc as t sortni.'tu of Kreneb Gilt and .A tneri'-a n Pa per II ansri ni;., K or tiers, K;i e S treen", and Centres for sale, riunu in ha nd' tor st y ie by WIMviNaO.N i F.SLKll, Upholsterers. April 1. At our old stand. STEA.,1 ENGINE AND SAW MILL. I WILL sell low, and on accommodai in; jfc- l terms, the Engine and Machinery of the fane Knrsifan Saw- Mil! 14 ir.ch Ia- cylinder, "2 feet si roke ; three 32 inch boilers, 30 feet lonir - main fhafi 10 ft ei 6 inthis lonjr t lit no wcr of ihis engine is est ima 1 1 d at 60 hoi sr. has a new extra cylinder and 1 peering, nd all the appliances neceary 1'cr ihe luU ir,i i nanl lo operate at once. Also, 2 Stave-Jresdng Macliinrs, Jointers, &c. complete. O. G. PAILS LK Y. J m . 21 . 13! tf ORANGES AND LEMONS: rt( BOXES OtlANGES AND LEMONS in prime order. June 3. Just received by L. N. IM Ft LOW. GOSHEN BUTTER. O w KEGS Extra Goshen Butter, just received ind for sale low for cash, nt J une 3. GEO. MYERS. FRESn PEICHES. June 3. GEO. MYERS. 34. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. GEORGE BETTNER, OF NOitTH CAROLINA. OFFICE, No. 538, BROADWAY, OR AT THfi PRESCOTT HUUSE-NKiV YORK, lfi. 142-lyc. 0. L. FILLYAW, PHODUCE liltUKUR, CUM HI SSI UN AND FlIRWiKDPG MtRCDlM, I IGI'OX, M . C. eptember'20th, 1.-53. 81-lv-c. J. D. LOVE, MA SU FACTUM E It A.SU DEALER l.S CABINET FUR MTU RE, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, itc.&c. Front street. South of Market, BHiJW.n's Bl'UDI.-O, Wll .VI XUTON . N C. Sept. 16, 135.2. 79-y-c D. CASH U ELf.. J. A. PARKER CASH WELL & PARKER, COMMISSION MERCHANT S, WILMINGTON. N . C. Office formerly oecoiiied by Mr. VVm. A Owver. Match 2i. J. t. LATTA, CO MMISSION M E IIC H A.ST A A OF. ST WILMINGTON. N. Oct. 1 , !S53. 3-1 yc . a i:Eii a i. c. 5 S -1 v - WILKINSON & I'.SLKIt, UPHOLSTERS & PAPE HANGERS, KEEP ON HAND AND MADE TU ORDER MMlrcsscs, Feat h: r 1 d, Hri.i Iu:c Curtains and J't.cturi's. All work in ihe n'mve line done at sho'tcst No tic.-. Wilmington. N. (" , MaiUtl -S'. March 13. 1. AH CANS Fresh P. aches, just to hand m -W beautiful older, at JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, limcral CoiiLiiisiioii mi 1 Forwarding Mfrclinnt I'l'oinpt personal attention uiven to Coiisioti ments lor Sale or smjutifnt. Liberal Cita a-lc.mren made on (onsisrnments to me or to my Stir Y'.rk 'riendn. Wi I mini; t on, J a n . 30, lS".i. 135. BUSINESS CARDS. D. C. FREEMAN. - GEORGE HOUSTON KICKUMAV & HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. I C. F8EUMAS & CO. COMMISSION M11RCIIA NTS , 1T5 I'llOXT STItliHT, NEW YORK. FREEMAN AND lUlCSTOS, WILMIXCTCS, N C KEEP constantly on hand h stock ol Flour, Corn, For!;, Hucon. Salt, Cofe--, Sugar, Mo lasses, Tobacro, Cigars. Snuff', Candles, Soap, ur tisn. and Domestic Liquors and- Wines; Iron. XrLil I'.iinU. Oils. Olas.i. lljincslics, Hals, Boots. Shoes, Lea' her. Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other arm-les, suitable lor lamih and plan tation use and then-tail trade, which they will disposeof in lots la suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Siorcs or other prodtic". Theseniorrt-, rtner D. C. Fheema!03 located in the city Ivf New York ; the junior priftrler, (Seo. Houston, irt Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be mtide on c nsijn iients loindfrotn cither place. All b.isiness entrusted to them vi lli receive proper attention; and or'Jr-s for G00J3 will be prornptli and e-trcf::!ly filled. Sept. ft. IS.V2. 76-f. GEO. UARRiSS, Gcurral loaiiaission Merchiiul. IV'II.MIXGIOX, X. C. OTRICT aitcniioti uivm to procuring l-Vcilii O and puruh-isin j Cargoes for vissels. R 1 E ro K. P. Hall, Esq. 1 ?' ? !d ?k'yt'- Wil..;InSt..n. I. A. Taylor. t.si J. I). Bellamy, Esq ) 1 essrs. TooUe ! , Sm 1 1: & Co., " Thompson & Hunter, le.'r. Herron, Jr Philadel plil.t. Messrs v illiams Jt. Butler, ) U V. Baker. E.-11. i Jan. 1. 1S53. MEDICAL HOUSE, So. 10, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. Established in order lo afford the Afflicted sound and scientific .i.edical Aid, and for Ihe suppression of Quachery. DR. 1. B. Sst iTk has for nfny years devotedhis whole a .tention 10 the treatment ol Private com plaints, in ail their varied and complicated forms, rlis yreat success in those lony standing and diffi cult cases, s ucli as were iormei i v considered incur able, is sufficient to commend him to the public as worthy of Cue extensive patronage he has received ltliin 1 he la?t eight years, Or. S. has treated more t hnn 29,500 eases of Pi i vale Complaints, in th' lr different forms and slaves; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of all oilier physicians now ad- t isi ni; in Baltimore, and nut a sinule case is known where his directions were strietlx followed, ami medicines taken at reasonable time, without cllectiny a radicjl an-i pet munenl cure ; th-rcfore, peisons ttHicied with diseases of the above nature, no 111 liter how difficult or lon standing the case may be," would do Will to call on Or. Smith .at his office. No. lu. South Frederick St. .and if not cficc tually relieved no remuneration will be u quired lor his services. His medicines ute Irce from Metcury and all mineral poisons ; put up in a neat and com DR. J. B. MARCHISI'S G Mer- W. 0. HOWARD, 1KNE1IAL Commission and Forwarding ciint, Wilmington N.C. (.literal lash .id ni'.-.-s ni t !e 0:1 Consignments. Nov. -2D Jtiy-tf R0LNTREE, WATSON & CO., General Commission Merchnnts, lol b't'uiit St , New York. Liberal Ale. liven Mitlf: oil Consignments. J . 1). ROCS TUBE. B C fJTJv-S, TV. H. WP101XB. Aeons' 25, l-)3. b'.)-!y. J. HATHAWAY &. SON, COMMISSION' MKIICL1A.N I'S. VlbMIOlO, N C. J. Hathaway, J. L. Hathaway. Feb. 15, I 563. 31- MMF.S A.VDr.BSON. EDWARD SAVAGE. ANDERSON & SIVAGE. G E SE HAL COM MISS I O S M E II C II A S TS WILMINGTON i . C. Liberal ea-h advances made on consignments. Oct. 22. 9-t" essKi.. WESSEL k New Y ork . t h.irlestou.S. O. 12! I f. U I t. i. II s . EfLEIiS. p() I M ISSION M Kilt ' H A N I'S & W 110 1.E WS.Al.E C.llOCI'.llS, North Wnur St., Wii niioirton, N. t'., lntrnd to keep til the above stand 1 genera I assortment of (iroeorieh. Liquors, snd Provl-iorif tl 1 u holes. tie -and 10 carry on a G encra 1 t.'oti. 111 issio n B ii:-j m. ? s . . R t: K F. BKSfE : E. P.Hall Pres't Hr'eli 15 ink of the State O.G. P .rslcv . Pi e-'t Cwniinere'al B ink. P. K . Dickinson, K-q Poppe 'V Co. Dollner .v; pot er. Jan. 20 iS.'L New Y.trk, lit. h mi 9 'i' it 11 1 iiui.n 1 iii For therelief &care ofSuifering Females. It itands pre-eminent for us curative pawersin all the dis eases for which it is recommended, call ed Frmak Complaint! O; ttieao ato Pro lapsus Utbbi, or Falling of the Womb; F.ooa Al hus, or vhiiet Chronic InflamUB lion and Ulceration of -the Wotnb;Inci lenlal Hemorrhage, r "Flooding ; Pbiti ul, Suppressed, and rresrular Menstrua on Ot-c. witu all tneir aceompmy evits. p '.c excepted,) no matter how severe or of how long standing '1 he Cathoticon far surpasses other remedies in bcintr more certain, lesse.xpen.-"iv e. and leavitiilhe pact tor 111, and ma y be taken in a public or pi ivate system in a better condit lun. Let all interes lea in house, or . li'.Ie travelling, without esposure or hir- I sueii a remeedy call and obtain a pamphlet (irce drance from business mid except incases oj vj0- ' containiiifr ati:ple proof, from highly respcclabl ent infl tmtnatlon ; no change of diet is nccessarv. ! sources, of the hiDDy results uf its use together s TitlC 1'U RES .-Or. Smith Iij4 distovcitd a u itli lettersfrom first-class experienced physicians, new lnciliijd by which he can cure tile worst lorutof j stricipre and that without pain or it1cor.?enience to the patitnt. Itri'at.'on of the urctha, or prostraie ! g lands,! 1 r neek of ; he b'ad ler.is sometimes m is; aket. k. 1 sti it 1 i.ri s b v jenerai oracti lioners or charlatans, i YOl Xa MEX and others afflicted with Seminal Debility, wha th j ei originating from a Certain Destructive II, .bit, or j from au oilier cause, with irain of uodi;y and men- j lai cms which follow, when neglecled, should make i in eurl v application, thereby avoiding much trou ole i ami sutii-iing, as well as expense. By bis improved method 01 t rr a t mt n t, l)r . . can s;i tt -peetlv and teileet cult in allcatis plaint. TO FEMALES. A II diseases p cu iir to Females (as 11 No Sup ptesoions, Irregiilariiies. &c.) speedily anil eHectu illy r.-oiove I. I'he eirKacy of his remedies, for the cure of the ih.ive tilToci i ins. havi; been well tested in an extens ve practice for the laM twelve years. Persons at a distance may const; 1 1 Or. C. by a letter, nost-p aid, describing ruse, ami have medicine si et ii !y fun up and forw.i ided to any pail of the United S 1 1 les. aiw.iy s a'' mi pa nied with full and explicit directions lor use Cooi niuuieat ions con sidered st rict I y Co n fidrnt ia 1. OiTiee arrangtd with separate apart in ents. so ih it patients never see any one but the doctor himself. Attendance daily, from S in the mm uiny till Vi a I nii:hl. N H Per-n -s aliiietetl with any of tile above Co to pi .i s ' . 1 I d well to a .''it! the various SOSTIlU.MS ASD SPECI- ICS advcrtisi tl by Apothecaries and Di 11; :ists as a cer tain care !or aiiv and eVeiy disease. I ne a'C pin ; tin ra 11 tt e a : 1 1 is- cum- CHARLES R. BONN ELL, ncr.-i 1 and t'tini.uissidti .t! e 1 c!t an t , t'e.t inlSii'il S'ni.s ti-tj Ah nhuiidi RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATE ELLIS. RUSSELL fi CO,) UF.SERAL COMMISSIHS MF.RCIIASTS WILMINGTON. N. C. Liberal '-ash advan es ma le on i-oninmentsol Naval 1 1 are . ' at ton, and ot her prod uce. May 3, 1S53. C. & D. DuPRE. WHOLE -SALE AND PETAL DEALERS; IN Drugs, Mcdit iocs. C lie mica is. I'ain ts. O i 1 , Iye Stufls, t;lass, let fumery. Cigars, i tl Liquors, l"rtncv Articles, S.r., MARKET mTRKET, V I I, M I N ; T ) N , N . C .'rescriptionp a reful ly roup a n led hy expert- nctd peisons. .M treti -IS, 1353. J. E. HALL, pOMMISSlOV ME'lC HAN'T, Wilminsmn V7 N C. 0:Rjcinrt!T of Me Milian, Oaisti Co's Store. Every altnhtion pai 1 to Ihe snle and purchase of produce, and liberal cash advances made, on -on.-iiirtmeiits. Refers to Cap!. Gilbert Put'er, E. Pre't Branch Bank Slate N. C; O.G Pres't Commercial Hank ; McMl'lun. Co. Ian. 21 C.t Cut to. -I jic.v a Office No. 55 ' .nn Kr ..11 -t r -. t. Philadelphia. R I. ,v.s. N. w York. M-:;-r, !'.,n & Pit-mi : Ph;i-..il phi.i. Tii .- lli me, V , I'rest Bank of Penn sylvania ; Biltim ire, Thomas Whitridve ci Co., Wilmina'on. N- C , Messrs. l)e ilosset & Brown, and Dr.'T. H. VVii-,-ht, Prest. Bank of Cape Fear; Charleston, T. S. f- T. G Budd, and J. Bunnell, Jr ; Savannah, A'. B. Giles Si. Co.; New Orleans, G. W. Oliver tj- Co. Jan. 12 127-"mc GEO. II. KELLY, C 0 .1 MISSION M E R C II AN T . Nex I doot to A . A . NY an net 's, on North A'a w r s t. willattcndto the sale ofall kinds of Country Pro il uce, such as Cot n , Peas, M 1 11I . B tco n . Lard c. jnd wil I kt ep constantly on baud a f u 11 s upp I j o f G roccrit s . ic. Reff r-'nt-es . Willi t- I T u ! I of A ayne, Jn.t l-l n Wilmington W t;.iraway. ' Gun. A.U . AL-Rae. ' E. P. I iH, vVil nington , Wiley A. WalKi . - ' 1 Dec. 13, 1?3. 115-ly. ias r. ; 1 l.l.v.si-i 1:. r.y. s. ;ii.i.kspii; 4tMn t". (;n,i.!i'ii: .t .. PRODUCE AND FOR WARDING A G E N T S . U ll.MlNGTON. N C. Pat 1 ie it I 1 r a 1 te n t ion pri i I to t h, reee i pi s r. r d .Vara .l'ires, '1'iiithrr, l.urihrr. C orn, li.iron. ton. t"'-. .March 30. ip I-) sell. Ivit not to cure, ami fi cq;;-'i.t I v do touch lore harm than jf.i ni inert I 're avoid tf.eio. A word to 1 lie wis.- is sufficient. A-idrtss DR. J U SMI I'll, 't1 South Fr. ,;!eii st., Bill litnoi e. M d . 13. b.l-ly-c. who have useil it in their practice, and sneak trom heir own obervatiers. R PFKHEVCFS. Prof. Diinunr. .M.O , Ujltiuiore. .Md. J C. drrick, M. O., P. B. Pcckham, M. O, L'liea, N, Y. ). Y. Eo.ne, M . 1)., Syracuse, N . Y. M. II. Mills. M. I)., Rochester, Y. L. D Flemins, M . I). . CJnand.ilaiia, N. Y. W . W. Reese- M. D., Eity of N. Y. W. Presttoti, ,M . I) , Concord. N. II. J. P. NctUand, M D.. Utiea. N Y. Pamphlets can be had irraiNat the toreof S. B.& I. A. EVANS. Dru22ists W.10 e tale anil Retail Agent. Wilmington, iS . C. An I of inat of t .i 2 lea ling Druggists in the State. Letter ml Irexscd to .1- ;.. ReT-h dj- ? ro-rrsrtv , A g-ents at .Seirbrrry C. If., S. C, ,',y Fer. C. S Heard, of same Stole. Olevn Sphisos, Jan.O li, 1S53. Messrs. Beach &, Bhownso.v Sib : I send for another botile of your " Marchisi's l.'tarine Ca iholicon" M y wife has been ofllicted for eleven vears.and a variety of means has been resorted to for relief, but none w is obtained until I received this nvtdieini; from jou. Its inlluer.ee sccmis al most mimical : there was a manifest improvement from the day it was taken. As tin re ire a are it many femaNs in our cuttnli y liil'oringj iider the afilieiion for which your medi cine pr.7j.oses a remedy, I feel it a duly to rccont 111 e n tl it to all such. (Signed) Clovgh S PrAPl. J. B. M R MtlSl ec CO , Pronrit tors. Central Depot, 301 Bfo.id'way N. Y. Nov. 10. 1 i-O Iyc THROW I'll SIC TO DOGS ! miscf:li.any. A CURIOUS LAW SUIT. A singular law-suit has jU8t been in Fxance. It appears that M. Dumas lh author, set on foot a subscription for the purpose of erecimg a monutrtent to the memory of Balzac, to which the widow of B tlzac objected, she wishing the privilege of honoring the deceased husband by pa cing over his mortal remains a, suitable' memorial. A suit was brough, in conse quence, to restrain Dumas Irorri carrying rfetft Vila intnlirkrt ythth atnf uf R Irter V. .. he"Vidowas sne entirel failed to con vince, toe Court tnat the-ptiblic has not a right to'bonor the talents of its great men, by building them monuments after their death. Madam Balzac is to erect a mau soleum over the spot where her husband' remains are buried, and Dumas is lo erect 11 monument in some square or public placS of the capital, to be hereafter selected by the Administration. A circumstance like: this could hardly have occurred out of France. . ; .. BELLS! BELLS! ! BELLS I f! 1MIE Su'iacribcrs 111 a nu fact ore and keep eon . slant ly on hand a larg assortment of Bella suitable for Churches, Acu-dmicE, Fac,lorin, Stea mers, Plantations, etc., lilounted with their im proved Hangings, the most efficient in usa. Their eslablishnient has been in operation Thirty years, having turned out nearly 10,000 Bulls averaging 600 lbs each; and us patterns and process of manu facture m perfected, together with recent improve-, . meets, that i's Bells have an nnequalel) reputation for volume of sound and qualiiy tft lone. They have just received Jan. 1354 the First Premium ( A Silver Medal)of the World's Fair in New York, overall Bells from this Country or Europe,. Ha ing a large assot t incut uf BelU on hand, and beipg ' in immediate connection with n utes in all direc tions, cithtr Rail Road, Canal or River, and but 4 hours from New Yoik, we can execute order with' di -patch. Address A. M F.NF.EI.V'S SONS, West Troy, Albany Co.. N. Y. Feb. 11. 144-1 yc. " NOW LANDING, QTVlj BBLS" vtry e"Pcril,r N. O. Syfhf . , .lJ 1 000 Sacks Liverpool Salt, for sale and in lots lo suit by T. C. & B. G. VKTH. Feb. 14. 141. . Oct SANDS SAUSAPARILL.A. y.Y flUART DOTTLES. Far Farit'yimr the Blood, and tor the Cure rf Srro fula, fiheumat i.:n, Slut-lorn Ulcus, Ilysjn -si.i , alf Rhea a, FcrtSorcs, Erysipelas. Dim its, Biles, Menu -:M ' Diseases. Cutaneous Erup tions, Liter Complaint, IJ ronc'i it is, Ct;t s amplion, Female Complaints , Loss of Appetite, General Debility, dc. f v 1 tw fir-n iroi.tn no ill,, ri-. ,u t'l1 ninroriii-s . ...... . H ......... - - . , , ;..ev X el Hit root are concen 1 rnt a in tneir uiiiiom strength and efttcacy ; but while Sarsapat ilia Root j forms an important-part efits combination, it is, i at ihe same lime, com poll tided 1 1 h other v cgela olc remedies ol great power, and it is in the pecu liar combination and-scim ific manner tl ils prrp-iratio-n, that its reniaikuble success in ihe cure of t!i--eai: depends It acts simultaneously upon ihe .-t-iiiiach, Hie cireulation nd the Low t Is-; i.r.d lhu t h it e p r net sses, w h icli u re ordi na r lly -t he result td three di Hi.-rent kinds ol e divine, ate carried on at t tic same time, through th-: inst r u no 11 'alt t y ol this PUL JJRMA CUIJtl S ILdro Elcdlc Vifli-anic Chains. li aj.lucii'g i nsta nt re I i f t mm the niot acute pain, and pel mam ;. t ly curing all riii'iil;ic iJiseascs. ") III'.LMA'I 1 S M . painful and nrelled joints, neu- rol'j ia, if tie Ja.-.e. ttei rntss, I'linoi'tss. ol. I 1- usUlnncc p ilpit itions of t ie heart, pci i'jdicul head ache, nai.ii i.t Hie stoma'i , indi:'cs!ijn. dy.jepsia, utcrin : pains. Th-'se 1 h iins were first introd ie, 1! in ihe cily o( York less than one year aitii'f, 1111I nlltr bc- iil' ttil jet tctl to ihe most thorough trial in ever lo'.i'al in ihe t i y by Drs. Valentine Moil, Posy 1 nucha n , and Van liiircn.il was discovered lhai J they posi ss siiarue ;nid wonderlul power :n the P. Hall. Par.-lev, is &. 131 -tf WILLIAM A. GWYL, General l;c;it Forwarding i Commission Mcrtliant I take pleasure in informing rrjy friends, tha t 1 1 m prepared to give all business entrusted 10 me -rtieien! an ) pjrsonat attention. 1 h ive a wharf foi N'-ival Stores, with ample aecointnod.it ioss, Spirit ILtuse, and Warehouse. Cunsi nment s of Naval Stores for sale or shipment ; snd all kinds of eou n -trypril'isa solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. April 13, 1S53. 15. C'JNLEV, KIRK & CO. BE ALE US .V P UTTER, Ch-ese. L ird, and Smoked Provisions, I J Po.k. Bt'ff, Beiip-t. P. -a-., and Dried Fruit. 233 and 235, Fit OAT STl! EET. Corner of PECK SLIP, NEW YORK. March 25. Iyc WILLIAM II, PEAKE. COLLECTOR AND ADVLETISIMi AG I NT- l' or Country Newspapers th rorgl. tint the United States, Basement of Sun Iron B11 loingsftilti'iinrestrecl All business erirusted to his promptly, op iioerul terms. sc 1 7 cart; transacted 95-f JAS. H. CHADBOURN &. CO., Geucral Commission Mrrchauls. WILMISGTOM I. X. C. Jas. H . fl.i vDsutri.t, Geo. Chadooubn. Jun. I, 1351. 123. C D 11 PRE & CO. tVIIOI.ESAl.G AND MR TAIL G R DOERS orner Krout ard Hrliiccss-sti eets, WILMINGTON, N.C. C. DtTRE. D. B. RAKER. led 6. nu- re nit-dial a . 11 1 w lite 11 gen 1 ly st lmulat 1 s u 1;: le it tiisinftclH aiitl exptls Irotn the r-tumath at.tl howtlsali thai is irritating, and at the Minu1 lime ! e?iores vior rind lone. Alatiy oilur preparations j , mil at e i tl Pt'ar'nghe natue of a t'.-a, ': r ill J, and i in that their 1 esciubla pre 1 rtN, la ing oi'tt n prepar-. I 1 d lrom r.ir;'i!ess ami itiet 1 roois, ami of course ?s no !'.t nl ; n;i itr citra 1 ive propt 1 des, atidpa- t in ma '.. inn 1 hoice of wl.ieh il.eV ill cse, I takt; r.o other, 1 ut that one cntilli d to their j t ru e from the lor g list of c-ui es it has tii.-ct- ; cured by patents 1 n Fra nee, Germany, A list ri a, sia and England; and also in the united tit nt sboul i.inl:. S. M. WEST, Aurtioncfr and Commission iVrrdiaut, VH. tllNG I ON, N. ( . XJl I.t, cell or h iv Real Estate and N"egroc3al a small com ii'is-ion. A 1. s : Strict a t ten t ion ?i ven t 1 1 iie sale of Ti mber, Tur pent ne, Tar, or any kind .if Country Produce. O fi -e sec onj daar, South side of .Market street, on the wharf J une 1 2. 1353 . 3 I y . A. II. VANBDKKELEN. GmciuI Ag'iit; Couimissioa uul l-'orwanling illerthant, WILMIVG ION, X. V.. Particular at tention given to sale a nd purchase of 1 v -a I .s tores. Jun t I. 1-53. 123-ly. T. C. WORTH, General CoiiJsnission Merchan(, U'dAti.VGTON', N.C QS I." L adv.incts made on consignments of Cut ton, Naval Stores anil other produce Patrirulur attention given by G. W. Davis In pur chasing cargoes, procuring freights for vesst Is. Ac. Jn 11 i:3 COCHRAN RUSSELL. (SlTCEXSOliK T!) THUS. ALIB1NE i CO ) General Commission Merchanfs, So 31, Sorl'i irtarrot. m l o3 .Vjri U'a'er Sts. PHILAlJELIMIIA. J . II tKVEY COCMEAN, W . S . BL'tSELl.. L ber il 1: is'i idv inces nnje on consignments. July 30-' h. 1353. r.&-if. (don living witnesses, whose listimonials and residence hive been published, and who arc still bcaiiiii: dally loti-nonv toils wofUt. ASTONISHING CLRE. Pa nEntov, N. Y , -2G:!i, 1S51. Me-srs A. B. A. D Sano ; : Gen:fji;ijn. Hav ing wi'n- s;ed th ; most ben fici il t tr.-ets from the use of your Sarsap. trill. 1, it L'ives me pit a.-ure lo I S 1 lit roll. Iiel and cure ol Hie at.ove (-.'ass ol tlist ls t .-". a nil I they ai t. nee recomim n -led. thrnti.-:h the papers o! 1 t he ,1 y . t in ir ifr-nt ra I use, ar.tl their tii!t and ihe j succ, -sth '. li'is attentit tl their use, i. uiip-arulletcd ' Pri vi e it: lii-ir i n 1 rod it e: i-n into this country, I - hev w t re estd in e cry hospital in Europe, and ' are ; ! Pru j Slates. j Think cto-t and pondei well." : Tin ;-;;'! t; iiju-n vtlitchii is t tainted thatlhe I ( "I, .tin - prt.t'.-t t; th- ii marv lous curt s are, first ! thai ;.li NF.itn.vf i'htA'1.3 are attindeii and pro tluiiui y a ,.1 ' '; i;t j- ij piy ttt nervous nuni ano an :;irctU that ri si Inl.-h s elm fly clrclticilv or elec tro ma; ne t ism ; and second - 1 hat I he eli ct jo mag-n-ticciwins. by bcingworn overan.l upon ihe par: ami 1T2.111 .! is tist d, turn 1 .-h in I he ex huusted nt rv oiis s y -1 ( 1 11 , b j its po wt 1 fu I stimulating cfl'cc ts, llu tin voijs fluid bicli is rcijui red to produce a hcal hey at li n through 1 he enli rt i-ysli in . N " disgust ing nostrum is allowed lo be liken while usdn2 the chains, but a rigitl obnivar.ee of the g noral laws of health are rLt,uiid. Brifk friction upon the p"rt dis-as-cj adds much to the efi'eel of the ell tins. In 1 ner asinir their ntasrnelic power. ! OOl) DOI.L tKS 1- g and fiot, The swellin- u hich was lanced .,u ihe loll. .wing siateiiie.it in regarti to my 1 win ,,t, rlvn loan,- person w hoiw ill produce so Li I lie spi ing ol lsjs, he took a severe cold. ,.,,,,,-, 1 1 ., , , 1,, ril.-n. .t ,-,rii:e. r,- ol run I,,,, I, nd after cicht weeks of severe stt'i'eiing the dis- ; n ., v , ,, , , : . , n .1 si i, 1 i fin ,,h wir:,r, soon ! u.,,. I. 1, .1 I,,, i,ili-r.rnincli..'. Wlo.-lr.! I 1. .. ; .- rl'l, .. , n 1 'i.ir ''ill I., 1 m t 1 1 r 11 1 ti-lrit Ik.v in. his physician, and disclmtged most proliis.ly; vVnised to and no person has ever be. n dis- sa 1 is fit. d who has gi 1 n tin m a 1 1 ial. In I'tmali- Diseases. ! more than one hundred permanent cures of pro- i I..... .il.iri I , -,,-. Inllln llT"r.-tl'.t It' illil n iKn 11 unaMe to leave 111s: e,i.turKr.ng i.eu., stcxc.ueia- , . , , ch(lins Rv applvin one end :!"-' I-'"- L)u..ng tins tune he bone had become ! , hai.( !Verthc r inn ,f ln, .i.Jomen and -o much an. cttd that puce after piece came out, of 1 h )n ,e j,,,, ne M ,h which he has now more than twenty-five preserved , ' , 1 , ,.,, ,. ... A at once rcmovi d. Io.!c ot XJ-e. eiisi st tiled in his L-fi swelled to the u 1 most. bv af'irlh.t n It ss t ban 1 lc v 1 n ulcers forim d on th 'etr and 1 ot at on .- time. We had five dill' rent Phy sicians but none relieved I im much ; and the last wintci found him so emaciated and low liut ho was ; in a boitle var ing from one half 10 one and a half j inches in Icnih. We had given up all hopes of his recovery, but at this tiine we were induced lo try ! your Sat sap.irilla, and with its usa his health and ' appetite begin immediately n improve, and 90 lap i id was ihe change niat leso than a dozen Lotties ef I fectctl a pe rftct cure. ...; jjratltule, I remain truly ye sir, DARIUS BALLARD. We the undersianed nei''hbots of Mr. Ballard. checi fully subscribe to ihe facts of the above state mint. II. A R. S. Hayt, A. M Trowbridge, Oeo..T. Dea-i, C. Eastwood. Pr- partt! and fold, whoii sale and mail by A. B. I ,t D. Sands, ru2?is:s a nd C'hcmi ts, IOC Kul on : street corner uf William New ork. Sold also by I D ruga is s generally throughout ihe United stales ! :md Caiiad.19. P rice -SI per bot lie ; six b 1 1 les for ' i5. For sale by Dr. A. O. Bradley, and Messrs. j (J. &. I). DuPre, Wilmington, N. C. AprilS. 19-Gm- The chiin should be moistened In fore it 5 c with common v iivear, and then one end of the chain t should he applied directly :o the scat of the pain or disease, and the other end opposite to i. Call ' anon Dr. Evan?, and obtain a pamphlet (sratitO He will a'so explain their mode of use toall who may desire it. Paysiei int a-o respectfully invited 10 call and investigate tl-. lirntt I i I -. Card to li lies. Lad ies w ho a re er.cUnte a re requested not to w ear them bu' a lew moments at each i.'me of applyint; for by lonu use mist arriage is frequently produced. Dr D. llovey, agenl for Greenfield; H iliyer A Wood, Norhampion J Steincrt general ogtnl. 5G Broad ,voy, N. Y. For sale in W il .iiirLr tor. , y S. B. &J. A Evans. Nov. '0th Iv-e W. M. SHERWOOD & CO., T7 HOLESALE Grocers and Commission V V chinis VVilmington, N. C All eonsianmenJs ot .Naval .-storrs. tog-tne Coiton, I'.acon. Laid, Coin, Menl, Flour, Ae eetitd the highest imni' pine. Dec. 13 Mel with shal 113-tf WE hare ott hand a yery handsome assortmeni of Paper Hanging, Fire Screen--, Borders, Window Shades, Cunain3, Cornices, Ac. dj-c For aale and put up bv WILKINSON & ESLF.R, June 8. tpholsterers and Paper Hangcr9. PARASS0LS. OPEITED 'his dav, a new supply of Parassols. very superior quality, plain Black Silks, plaid and striped Cambrics and Swiss Muslins. Nansoob and Jaconet! do. a full Bna of white embroidered Curtain Muslins, Fancy Nett Veils, Lace Collars, Men's extra quality colored Silk Gloves. 4 c Ac t or sale bv j .1 .11 c j uii, 00.1 Ap.-U'27. 13. HENRY NUTT, FCTilR A.XD FtiHWARDM'i AGENT, fVillgiec his personal attention to business entrust ed his care. Sept. 8. 1S33. 75-tf. JOSEPH II. PLANNER, General Commission Merchant, Wlt.MIXGTOV, x. c. May 9th. 1353. 87-ly c. GEORGE MYERS, WU3LESALE AND EETA1L GROCER Keep constantly on hand, Hncs, Pca8y Liquors, Wood and Willow Ware, Fruit, Confeclionarics.if-c. Soutii Front street, WILMINGTON, N. C Nv. 13, 1852. 109. t. cr& G7wTn7 C0H1ISS10.1 ASD F0RWARD1SG MERL'll.TS, wilmisotos, s. c. Jan IT 125-c DOI.LNF.lt G. POTTLR. Jr DOLLNER & POTTER. GESERAE COMMISSIOS MERCHANTS. N EW 'iRK : Liberal Cash A-lran-cs made on all Consignments. April 30. 1954. 20-ly-pd. W ILMINGTO Nr MARBLE AND STONE YARD. IHE Subscriberhaving accepted the agency ol severallarfeastablishments at the North, which willfnrnish hfm an unlimited supply of finished or nnfinishek", foreisnand domestic MARBLE ofall qualities, is prepared to filL J '"J rt w .MONUMENTS AND TOMB 8TOSES, and every otherarticle in the line of the business miRlKO.hVtnQ OR CARVING, Executcdas vellas can be done either North or South. . . The best eforencc can 1 be given, irreqoired. 1 JAS.aicCLARA'AN. March 3. '9-'f- Yf KEGS MAY Bl) 1 t t.IJ.Jusi rectiveo ujt e. I press ; veiy tine. THE MEDICAL MAG! May 11. FOR SALE, by March 30. For sale by C. DoPRK Sl CO. CANAL BARROWS. J. M. ROdlftSON. OR EVERY 0E HIS OVVN PHYSICIAN. '""HIS is the only work treating 011 Private Dis- JL ease-, cointnon to MALE and FEMALE, and that contains R ipes for the cure of the eame. It a i v es the s m r loins of th-; different diseases, fol lows them up in their different stages with recipes written in plain ENGLISH, for their cure. Fiom this work the unfortunate can lea in their precise situition, take'ihcir pencil and make out a prescrip tion, (which can be procured at any Dtuz Store) and by following implicitly the instructions, be cur ed and save exposure. The author of this work, a late -Professor in one of the leading Medical Colleg s of Philadelphia, has, perhips, had more practice in Ihe cure rf Private Diseases, in difTcicnt stages of JSccieiy, than any other Physician in the country. It contains a beautiful Lithographic Kiijure of a Female, showing the forraaiion of th3 Genetaiive Organs, witb prape explanations. Ae. Address HUGHES & Co.. Publishers, Post paid, Philadelphia, Pa. Price tl per copy Free of Pos tage. March 25. 4-3mc. TOWAGE. ON ind after ihisdate all vessels towed in harbor by Steamer Same .Beery and Calhoun, will be ehirgd. . . , . 1 1 t i n 1 c ... . Nov. 8th, 1853. 101 JUST RECEIYED FROM PHILAD'A 1CASE Sulph. Quinine, 50 01s. Calomel, 10 oza. Sulph.and Acetate Morphine, 25 ozs. Ciochonia, 5 oza. .S'aiarf ne, 25 ozs. Blue Mast;, 10 oza. Chloroform, 19 bbls. Epsom Salts, and a choice collection o Chemical front the Labratories of Poms &. Weight man and Chas. Kllla. Koraale cheap at C dc. D. DuPRF.'S, Dru and GKemSca! Store, Market al. June 9. 37 FOX & POLHEMLS, 59 Broad Si 1 a!. Corner cf Beaver, X. Ynr!:. Offer for sale the lollou ins hcavv Cotton Fab-io: TF.W-ENGLANO COTTON SAJL DUCK--2 inch, ail numbers, hard and soft; also alt ihe various w idtlis of Canvass manufactured at ihises- tabli.shmcnt compiising every varitty known toihf trade. and ofl'erd at the lowest rates. I UN I TED S l'ATES Pi LOT DU : bZ Woodberrv ' and Mount Vm n E.v.tra. A faiiassur'meni of ! suptti-tr fab, '.c. j UH ; 1MA.YTIC CuTTON DUCK-16 1?, 20 j and 2'Z inch, all ntiinbers, bald r.nd soft. Ti is fat 1 rie was awarded the. highest Preini..in at ihe Lon i don World's Fair, also at our own Stale Fair. SHIP AND BEAR MARK DUCK- Plain and ! twilled, ntinuf icturtd by the Grtenwjod'a Com pany, a superior article for light sails, tents, awnings. Ac; also. Mount Yernon Twill d Ravens. Howard Ravens, Pioneer and Phoenix Milla; Lightton Ravens, plain to 27 inch ; Heavv, do. do. CO ITON SAIL TWINE A full assort ment. TARPAULINS. HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, Ac. PAPER FI.LTING i0 to Tl inch, made very heavv. expressly for drier fells. CARCOVERING-Cotton Canvas?, all widths, from 30 to 130 inches, and all numbers, made ex pressly for covering and, roofing .railroau cars, is perfectly and permanently aer-broof, and more enduring than th car itself. ENAMELLING CANVASS 30, 3, 40,45 and 50 inch plain and twilled, in every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description. Seamless Bass, woten whole, all sfeee. In baieaoj 100, 200 and 300; combining sirength, inihtjr ana cheapness, for grain and meal are unsorrtaad. Also, heavy Cotton Sack.ni:. 40 inch t'".io3 thread Warpand Filling, heavy twilled, do. do , .'0, ii 1 a a : ht "WOOL SACLS Wovrn whole all sizes, a new and desirable article. Feb. 21. H4-W-. Sf BBLS. Kayeuevuie r:Ji.j r'r JJ sale by May 4- c: DtrPRE & CO. 21. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DR. JOHNSTON Proclaims lo the afflicted', far and netr, that lie h is discovert d the most ctr ain. speedy and cilicacioiis plan for treating pottle ulsr diseases that has ever been present, d to ihe wo 1 Id. By Lis plan, foui ded oh obier V.tf lohs Made tn the Hot-pi also! 'Europe rrnd Arnericf, he, Hill leiime . , .'i. ' A CURE IS TWO DA YS, OR SO CIIAl(JE( f Xo MerViirij or Xaus.ro it t Diug Used. Pains in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, im putency, We iknes .,:' the p. .. k nd Lhnba, air c lions ot the Kidney, Palpttufoh pf (he Hear); Dyspepsy. Nervous it ritabiiity, DISoa'ses of Iho Head. 't hro it, N ose , or S im ; and all those serious and melancholy Uisordeis a rising from lite d'.'Struo ti e habits of S'ouitl, which destroy both body and mind, th ose sec, el a ad Folitary prrtclJecs more fatal to their victims than iKe song of the Syrens to (ho marine rs of Ulysses, blighting thtir most brilliant hopes orantlcipations, rendering 111 iriiage,&c., im-po.-tible. YOUXG MEX. Es"ieeia!Iy , who have become the victims of Solita ry ('ice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grate thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who miht otherwise havo entranced lis ten! r.K Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or, waked to ccstacy the living lyre, may cull Willi full confidence. MA I II I A OE. Mirricd pe' sons, or those rontemplntirg marriage, being awar- ot ph ) t ical wea i ncss, sho 1 Id iniineoi ately consult Dr. J., an 1 be rrstcntl to perfect health. lie whi places hi n if underthi e r-o; Dr. John ston may religiously conlidein l..s lei: or as a ptf tleinan, a nd conti !.-n : ! y teiy iijmn .ii sAili as.i phy sician. OFFICE, N.j. 7, SOUTH FREDEK 1CK St.. 7 DOORS FROM BALTIMORE M., least 1,1 ) UP THE STEPS. rK PA RTICL'LA R in obseniitgihe .YA ME and S CAlUEIt, or yoa will mistake the place. mt. JoiixsTox. Member of the Pt.oyal College of Surgeons. London; graduate from one ol (he most eminent College of the United Slates, and the greater part of whoae life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Par is, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has-effected some of the most astonishing curea that wereever known; m any l oublcd with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, areat nervousness, beifig- alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashf u.ncss. Vflth frequent blushing, attended sotm times with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. TA KE ll A P. 77 C I L A It XO TICE. -Dr. J. addresses all tnose who ha Vc injured them selves by private and improper ind'tlgcricea, that ae cret and solitary habit vt hich rules both body and mind, untitling them for t ither business or aocirty. These are some of the sad ar.d ineljncho! effects producrd by early habit" ol youth, vizi VVenknese of the Back and Limbs, i'uins in the Head, Dimness1 of sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of theHeait, lys:-p"ia, N srvoua Irritability, Derange ment ol the Dilutive Functiona, General Dcbili y, Symptt ms of Consumption, Ac. , t .Mentally. '1 he fearful e fleets on the ftiind kf much 10 be dreaded ; L06S of Mttnory. of Cauitng of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forcbndinon Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust. Love of Soli tude, Timidity, ftc , arc some of ihe evils produced. Tli j.'iondsoi persona, of all ages, can r.owjudgo what is the cause of their declining health. Losing thtir vigor, becoming weak, pale and emaciated, have a singular appearance aboul the eyes, cough and symptoms of Consumption. -,. DR. JOUSSTOS'S IS VIGO ft A TJS G R EM ED Y FOR CESIT.it DEBILITY, .. This grand and iinporlaht P-emedy has -stored strength and vigor to thousands of the m.ial nt"T vous and debilitated . many of whom, had lost all hopes, and been abandoned fj die. By its complete invigoration of th" Nervous Syst'-lu, trie whole facu'tii s I ccotnr restortd to tljcir proper pawrr and functioriS, and the fallen fabric of life raised up 10 beauty. ' onsistency, "nJ duration, upon the ruinsof tin emaciated and premature decline xp sound and pristine h-ialih. Oh, how happy have hundreds of misguided youths been made who have been sud denly restored to health, from the devastations of those terrific maladies wnich result from iodiscrc- iivn. Such ptf ons, before contemplating MARRIAGE. 1 should reflect that a . sound mind and bod Jr cr the most necessary requlaitoa .to promt; tc conaubial happir.ese. Indeed, v."iLiOL;t these, the journey throush life becomes n 'weafy pilgrimage, the pto pect houjiy darkens to the view the mind become shadowed wiib despair, and filled with the uu-Uo-chotly reflection, that the happinesa of another be comes blighted v ith our own. Let no false dell'" a cy prevent you, but app'y iuimediatcjy, and aave yourself from the dreadful c . nscqucntei of Ihis ter rible nialadv. 1 WEAKNESS, OF TEE OR OA AS Remedies "AXS.' , DR. JOHNSTON, of the Baltimore Lock Hos pital, h ijs-t long residence in this city, standing as a ri'letttan of character and responsibility, eiten- TV r raeMce in ihe various lloipilais of Europv and this country, in i akill hi experience to which thousands can testify, aa well a his ability In the Surgical department of his prcfcaaion.as vidord by repor-sof his operations on the Eyes and Pe formed Limbs, published in the Baltimore Pun and other papers, in theveara 13412, by which tits blind uere made to tee and the lame to walk straight, rest j ders him worthy of all confidence i-pon the part of those who need his professional service, and who would shun the many trifling and ignomn ptuca ders advertising themselves aa Physician. iTo those unacquainted with his reputation. Dr. Johnston deems it neeefsary to say that credetlnls or diplomas always hang in his ofiiea. JOFKICENo. 3 SOUTH FKEDERICC St Eau aida, op the frps. ' r-..- Oct. 13. -' , . : . 90-1 jfj -.