.. J.t". 2" r". .s . -j. . WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. 22 1 10 BACOR peilb. Hams. N. C.l 101 a Sides, do. a 10 Shouldrs. do. S4 Hog round, 9t a 10 Hams wester n , 00 00 oiuea, ao. 3 a aj virgin din 3 20 a 0 i 0 nouiders, do. 7 8 'Hard, 1 50a 0 CO iTortoRIco, i jCuba, 21 a Moul i mi - 9 J ft AVAL e10RF.i urpeniine.TT HI2B0I I Yellow dip, 3 00 a 3 15 Tar. Pilch, 2 00 a Rosin by laic, o. I 2 50 a .o. i. bit a Bauer, per lb , 18 a 25 i l ar, a 3 35 BKKF. perbbl. Northern rocaa, 31?ia do prime. BcelCattle.100 5 a 6 iba,, 6 00 a 6 00 iNo. 3. 1 lU a 1 10 COFFEE, per lb. jiSpirit Turj- . St. Domingo, 11 12 ' per gall. 41 a Kio, 12t a 13 NAiLS.pctKeg IH' l" Laguayra, 14 a H Jul, .4 1 6 Cuba, nunc. W rough!, 10 a I2J Java, 15 a 16 OIL, pet gall. Couon, per lb. (O a OOjSpcrni, a 1 9 )jom, per busli S5 a Linseed, 95 a 1 CC i.an.nes, in. n a is uirui'iiuot. 1 5U a a lb i Pork, Northern per bbl a 28 Mess. lfii a 174 do. Northern, 14 Adamantine, 25 Sperm, 43 Cheese, 0) tjolidn Varn, 16 a 50 a 0j a 17 3 50 do Oznaburgs 94 a 10 4-4 N C Sheet ing, 71 a 8 Sbcetint? lii a 7 FLOUR. pe bbl Kayeitevilte, 8 T5 a 0 Of' .Baltimore, a 1 1 .. . w. ...... li.. Veal hers. IPrime, 15 00 a I Pen.-, per bushel B, Kye, 1 12J a I Cow. 1 15 a 1 ! Pea IS' tits a 1 I USCE, per 100 Ihs. Cleaned, 4 Ou a 4 .r lough riir noip. . per hush 1 00 a STAVES, ner I Of 6. 10 10 GLUE, per lb 'Aineiican, 11 a 1 4 HA V, per IDOIbs It 00 a 14 00. VV. O. bbl. 50 a 53i rough. nc. a none, nohe. 1 25 1 00 a 12 00 a 31 a 00 1 25 a none. 1 1 ...t , A .R. o. bhd i rough, Dressed, , Shingles, per 1000. (C pinion. It 7o a o jConirael, 4 00 a i Black's I large 5 00 a 5 ; Saf' pet bushel. :iTurks J 54 land, a 4l , Blown, none. 00 50 0 iCastern. $..ft!vsr. Ash head i nsj, tlollow. ware, I HON, per lb. American, beai re fined, 5 a English assorted, Swede best refin ed 5 a American sheer. a Best Swede Pale, I-UMRKK, perlOflo flCi Brow n, S. Sawed 15 00 alfiU Steel perlb Floorinir, 16 00 a 17 Ofl German, W board.- 15 00 a lb 00 Blfsicrcd, I!nnd and 1'csi Cast scanning. 1 3 00 a 13 00 Wide boards edged, 11 00 a 15 00 Hi fuse half frier. ki VKit lum bek K.'CorinF. 11 00 a 12 30 Porto Kico Woe bb'rds 8 00 8 5" St. Croix. ocanmni, a 7 50 Lard in bbls 10 a do kegs 11 a 12 Lime pr bbl. 1 25 a 1 30 LldUORS. ner gallon. Peach brandv Aple. Do a I 00 Tallow pr lb 11 a 12 Hyfe whiskey 50 a 1 00 W I N US , per gallon, llectified, 32 a 35 Madeira, I 00 a 4 00 JV E Rum, 40 a 42 Po t. 1 00 n 4 MOLASSES per gallon. Malaga. 4C a NeOrlcun. a J Liverpool, : persack, 1 10 a Soap, pe rib. 5i a 5.J a 15 a 6 a 20 a Best quality Mill saws. G feel, 5 s m 2.i r per I r V. Orleans' bbl. for standard brands, and $9,12 a 9,62 for ex -irs. . Con is more active; sale at 80 a 81c, afloat for yellow. Oats are scarce sales at 67 cents. Whiskey is held at 28c. in both bbls. and hogs heads. .. , . , No report of transactions In Naval Stores or Rice. FOREIGN MARKETS. . By Steamer Cm.nadit. Ure'pool June 10. Million's Circular reports the sab s of the week in Option at 72000 hales. Orleans fair is quoted at f.J ; Middling of; Upland fair 6i. All qualities hsd advancd an eighth. Speculators had taken 1800 hales for export. Flonr W.-stern Canal 3S : Ohio 40. Corn yellow 39; white do 40. Consols closed nt 91 1 Brown ti Shipley's Circular quote Mieldling Orleans at 6 5-10 ; Upland 5 3-16. The market opened with a considerable ad vance, but fell off, closing at an advance for tin week. The Circulars very ns to BrcadsttTs; but the prices are weaker, and the transactions small Rice i qnoted dull nt 22s. Gd. for Carolina. Cera fen Rosin 3s 6d. Spirits of turpentine 41. JUST RECEIVED. A FEW ke3 of extra Cutler and for sale hy C. DvPUK & Cu. June22. 42. DECIDEDLY COOL, Til F. R.ick M "uniain hite ar Oral) Beaver Hals, with Ventilatots airaneed in the Tip. re wiilinut exception I tic- mor-t KaMiion-ible a? m ell as c liahict ajid coolest Dnss Hats ever offered to ihe p.iMie iho ecn.iine anii le niav be found at the llal and Cap Kmpori u m o 1 Gran ge liow. C. MYERS. June SO. Ilai'er. sciioiJL ir lTttleton! rP H K Snbscribrr Will rrrcive a few g.iod hoys I info his SYhn,,l, n-.-ar Littleton Dipni, if op plication !e mid:' before the 1.3'h of June. The next Sec-i n wil' iciiinuncc on Thurfd.i'', Ju'y 1 3th J D G. HOOPER, Prine:pil. M;iv 13 25-ai-w. BACON! BACON rf 1 H flfif ) LBS- N- - Hog Round 60.000 lLjVAv do. Weatern Sides, just received. and for sale by April . W. M. SHERWOOD A CO. 16. A MWETTE AND HE II LOVER. T.VLEor Normandy. Hv Talbot Gwynne. Reci ived by Expre.-s, and for ya ie by June 20. J.T. V.IWDS. SKETCHES OF GENOA. PISA AND FLOR ENCE, with a description of the Cathedral of Milan. Received by Express, and for ale by June 20 J.T. MUNDS. F. T. FOSTER j I ANUFACTL'RER of Cuming and Silk Flairs. iJ. und all kinds of VVull and Plantation Tents. 35 and 37 South 3rd Street Philadelphia. F T F June IT. 40-3m-c! Bacon. . m PIECES . Carolina small Racon, well Stiilcd for fam ly use or retailing, for sale by FREEMAN & BOUsTON. June 10. 37 I bTTliCBER BE DS AND Cushions for sale by WILKINSON & ESLER, April 3. Upholsterers. SUMMER SUMMER ! llWMMERlT! I-HE Subscribers have on hand the following Syrups and Cordials very fine for Summer dtinks: Lemon and Strawberry Syrups by the trailon and bottle. Raspberry Syrup. Cordials of vsirious kinds. Ginjier. ( hiiry Bl.ck lierry Bounce, Cla t. land Sotii her n Wine. Fn neh Vine gar, German Uitters. and Kssplx rr, Viri gr.r; be sides some Hlack Berry W ine ood for t ic ' Con veinion Giip'' now r iginp J. ne 15. REtTON A TOVYNSHEND. FOR ALL!! ; ACURE - LARD. C. and Cincinnati Laid, in kegs, for sale l y 1 . F R E E M A N .t 1 1 O U .VI'O N . Juro; 10 37. HOOP IKON. iTONS 1 and !J inch, just received r.nd for sale bv ZENO H GllEE.N E. June 17. 100 June N C. T. copy all. SHOT AND POWDER 10. 11 A iS Shot : l.v 17. 10 ktus Powd.-r. For al ZENO II. (iRKK.N E. 40. BR0GANS! BR0GANS oo 0i 8 III 6 fC 7 e r.oaf. Ilia II TIM 1!ER per 1000 feci Shipping, 14 i 0 ,i TP Of Prime mill S fO a 1 1 00 Common, 5 "0 a 7 (f Inferior. 3 ?n n 4 0 FREIGHT To NV.w York. - oO on deck, oo under. 70 8 cei.ts per foot. a 1 73. 8 cents. Rosin, Turpentine, Spirits Ttirpente, Yarn and Sheeting, Cotton per bale. $ Pea Nuts, per bush To Pun. tnRi.piii Naval Stores, - - - " o Spirits Turpentine, - Yarn and Sheeting, - Pea Nuts, - - - - 00 cts. on deck. 0 Ulider !'0 cts. per bbl. 8 ' ' foot. 8 " " bu.slie COM M E R C I A L. REMARKS 05 MARKET. Tchpen'TIne. 417 bbls. have been disposed of at S3,20 per bbl. for Virgin Dip., S:10 for Yellow Dip., and 31,50 per bbl. for Hard. Rosin. 600 bbls. No. 3 (in lar?e bbls ) sold at SI, 10 per bbl., 100 bb's. No. 2 at 51,25 per bbl . :md 226 bbls. No. 1 at 2 to $2,75 per bid. Spirits Turpentine. No sales that we hear of. Tm. 143 bbls. were sold at $.1,35 per bbl. - Corn. 2,725 bush sold at 85 cts. jm-T bush. Bacon. 51,000 lbs. from Tennessee, via Cliar V ston, S. C , selling in lots to suit, at 10 cci.t-s per lb., ami 3,000 lbs. N. C. Bacon at 0 cents per lb. tor Shoulders, 9V cents per lb. for Sides, and 11 t ;s. per lb. for Hams. BKk.p Cttlk. A fair supply at preset t 5 and 6 Cta per lb. given for gras fatted bef. Fi.our. 30 bbls. Faytttew'.le. super sold 8 OJvper bbl. o at NEW YORK MARKET, j hir Uirer days- prct Ut n J . June 21. The Ship, and Coin Lit reports: 1 Cotton The sabs for the thn-e days do not , 1 tobably exceed 6000 bales "itldn the ranjo- o! : t he annexed quotations, which we; e adopied on Monday last. At the fclosu esteid.iy liie e. irt-rue quotations could hardly be obtained, xeept tor strict cUsiucations. The exce-s ot last yea. receipts at the Ports, above tboe of the pi. sert I ik rapid ly dioiiii'shinp. bt ing at the l.it-sl mail - dates. oH'y a(otlt four hundred thousand bales. V?e qnotc. 71 a 12 Flttir Sotithern is less active but prices have rot varied materially sales 2rtiX) LbN . the mar ket closing heavily at 8 75 a 9 2b for mi.v-d to i straisht brands A b xanil i la. R iltimore, & fJeorje- I town S9.25 a 9 37 i for favi !te, and SO 50 a 10 ' for taVic-y. ( J Ti e Com market opened a MiauV- ea.-!er t ;i Pat- i ovday. but with continued liabt teceipis and a better Eastern inquiry touaids the t!oc. the de- i cline was fully lecovercd; the ex pott d'-mind is restricted by the ad (a nee in I he n'.tob of Freight sales 95 tHHJ bushels, closing at 80 ."..'5 cents for mixed Vestei n 8o a 8G f..r Southern Yellow, 82 a 84 for round Yellow and White 83 a 8j for Southern White, and 72 J a 70 for iWisoi-ntt. Naval Stores. We notice some few aiiivr.'s of new crop Turpentine, hut we know of no sales of new or o'd the sloik on band is believed to he libont 4000 bbls , principally old. Spirits Tur pentine is rath'T lower, und closed without much nnimafion. We know of no change in Rosin or Tar. The sales arc 1 10 ) bbls. Sph its Turcnii:e at 49 a 50 cents. cah. and 61, sixty days, for wholesale parcels; and 50 a 52. cash, for retail lots; 850 White Rosin 2 50 a 1 25 icr 280 It.; M0 No. 2, 51 90 a 2 ; 800 Wilmington Common Rosin. 175 a i 78 : 60O North County part float $1 60 a 1.65. delivered . 1575 Wilmington, before anival. 41 70; and 503 Washington Tar, afloat, as it runs $4 allowance to fill. Rice Is dull, the demand being confined to the supply of immediate wants. Sales 250 tcs t S3 50 a 4.37J. cash. BALTIMORE MARKET. June 21. Flour dull Howard street held hominally at S8.50; Cify Mills at $8,12J. Wheat Bales of 1000 bushels white at 31,85 a $1,90; red 61,80 a 81,85, showing a decline. Corn Bales f 3,000 bushels white at 73 a 75 cts.; yellow 77 n 78 cts. Oats Sales at GO a 02 cents. Rye fr'enneylvania sold at SI, 10. Other articles un thanjedr SrivV ORLEANS MARKET. June 19. 8,55 P. M. The entire sales of Cotlon New Orleans on Monday comprised 4500 holes. Flour was firm. 600 bbls Mess Pork chansed bands at 410,75 per bbl. Bacon was a trifle low er, and Sides were worth 5f cents per lb. Fair Sugar wa qnoted at 8 Cents per lb. Molasses commanded 11 cents p (fa Hoi): iTIriskey brought U4 cents i-r gallon. Spirits Of Turpentine was tpaoted at 40 c nts per gal loft. June 20, 9.20 P. M. Oo TtJegrJij Cotton was firm, with sales of 8000 baksr -rSUddlinff wa worth from 8 a S cents per IB. Fork was un changed, at from 810,50 a 610. T3 per barrel. Frrigbts were firm. Exchange on London ruled at 8 per cent premium. CHARLESTON MARKET. Jnne 21. Cotton. There was a good demand for this article to day, the transactions having reached fully 1100 bales, at an advancing tenden cy !fj prices, ranging from 6 to 10 cts. per lb. 8AVANNAH MARKET. Jane 22. Cotton. Sales yesterday of 24 bales 4 at 8, and 20 at 8f. ' PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Jane 21. Flour There is very little export demand for Floor. SmaU sales at 8,75 a 9 per N LI WELL'S I 'ATE NT SAFETY LAMP & L AMP FEEDER. Ai EW article, warranied to p ev nt all Acci , d' nts from the use of liurnivg fuid, Ccim ' phcn and other Explosive 1'ompuundti. iimiI for (he p roduciion of Li'ht. Ti.i.-. lnien:ion is np- plied lo all common Lamp anil Lamp Feeder, j also, to Solar, Camphinc Lamps, La n terns, Ac. j A LSO, Uurning Fluid, Camplier.c, Un.-in Oil, j and rho-g, nc Gas. For sale by C t: U Dt'Pll I', Or.iirgist.-, Marki t Street, W 1 1 in I nt;: on, N. C I The following I 'crtilieatcs are a ui'R.-ient ;;:nr ; an'y of lit entire safety and iffieieniy of the - S.:fiiy Lamp and Fj-eih r : i CERTIFICATE" j Mr John New ell , of Ho-M.n, has inhibited to I me .1 Lamp and u .so contai ni ng i cssels, frrni.-h-i el witii wire eiuz- proo-etors u;u.n the principle , -if D:.v)'.- Safety Limp for mim rs. He ha? used , both ihcse iusirumenls bef re lit", wiih inrt.imnia j b!e fluids, and in h ull when set on fire, the flame ' ;ir ested by tf.e wi:e aiu7.i wliieh is :o--.ied ' viili Mio-i If i... instruments are fa'uh'ully constructed, a rid cir, fn Hy at ten d-d to, so th .1 the j w ire ga iZ'- d 'i s not suli'.r ini'i'V froui corrosion, wear, or v lol'nce, I a:o of opiiiion that the pro- lection will prove i IT".'cMi i! n:iin-l txnlo-ion Nothing short of ih s c.nvi lion would indue" j me to c mi ut ena ncc th : conti nued use of the burn i i ! '1 ii I - s i . i r ed, .. - I lu v. i h i i 1 1 : I In.-. niiehl I to bo -n t i r i v d . -ma r.led . II not prohibited from u --e ; I S) fr q ieni ao.l dreidful arc ihe accidents oeea- s:uneit !'y ignorance or carelessness. In very I : ca-e. il ts-i l enp i ufl Uc :iven up, and ihosc of me al sn'.s iiuied, on aci ouni of the d. inner ol ! ' frae-urr I! s i : ..i -i an, nior i New Haven. October 16. 15"ii. 1 If! HoV:.-TON- Ilo-T IN. 21st Nov , !J.Y5. j PRoFEsson He.vj mis s i lli Man : JJcar fir I 1 take the Ir-erty ol a-lim ou l. any circu.n siance ha- eceuiied, i.nilin; any dearie lo di minish I be fit II con fib you have lilt in the protection afl.rJed by NeweH's Ru'cnl iafe'y Lamp ! With h'gh respect trulv yours. , A . A. Haves Ronton Nov 21,15 3 To Da. A . A Have- : Dear Sir, --In rimlv to ;he nc iiry contained in vour note of this d re, I can n iw mate, ih it " Nowell's P.. tent Saf.-ty Lamp," afiera considerably extended experience in ny fami'y, has fully jnstifi d the favorable opinion which I expressed of it about a year ago. Until this prottciion was presented, I never pcrmiiud li.c so-called burnine fleiil to be usid in my house. Now it is constantly en ployed by ihe domestics, and i. has been occasion:. Ily burned in the par or and study . The bo.i-e b. i r ir lighted by :, there is lin e occasion for its geni ral u-e in the f.uniU ; bui tri7.'i the protect ion mimed a'urc, I ah.iulJ have r.j hesi t a-ion to use it who ever the. I - occasion for artificial l;eht. and I do. w ith en tire con fidenee, re onimeiot ii to my ftiemls and others wh consult me on the sujeet a! ways pr. if est in r. however, ni-ainst the un.-uaribil t. e which his produced so many di-!rbssing arid fatal resul i s . I remain, dmrsir, v."iy . r aspect fn l'y and truly yours, I; Sill-man. Senior W ilming ro.N, N . ( '., J urn: l"th, '8."4. I herebyeenifyth.it 1 w i t nessed t he x peri men t s of !M r. N well, w ith hi patent Safety Lamp, for fi.rni-h'n "ll iid" and am urhctlv sairicd ol tl.e salt ty ef ihe stnne. Ja? H. n.'CK?ON, President of the . C. .Medical Society. II tving ptireh:.?' d the rii-h' for ihe S -ate of N. T . from the I' tten'ec, w e are p-eparcd to fi.l all Ordets at -hurt notice, for every d .'.-crip-ion and varie'y of I.nnir?. Ac. Ml persensare cautioned ag-dnsi infringing up on the anovc piti nt. as the law will Ijc rigid'y en forced against all e. Ii i r.dirs. C. Ili'Pi?K, P Dl PRE. Jr. A. C Dlt.'K l. SON. Jure 22nd, lr'I. 4: if. . .(Ifj PAIR Thick Rroj-nns suitable for Turpcn VV iJ t;ni. IianJ June 17. J u?l rr i t it : nil lor f :i 'e t y ZENO If. GREEN E. "T7E have on hand a be.iu.ihil assortment ol French and Ameii -an Paper Han;ing- Dcc orations, Eire SeictTi. Win low Shuks and Cur tains, '."ornifes, Picture Tassels o! newest s t 1 1 -, lor si'eby WILKINSON i HSI.Ki,',' June 17. I'phoNterei s. PAPER IiAXGINirs ON hand, and it t up hv WILKINSON let- I SI. ER, .Tune'7. ii'ei' ha r fciers. IRON REDSTEADS, rOLDl.ND, proof r.guinst canker, knives, and ' vermin, for sale by. April 3. ROGERS' CUTLERY. THE Subscriber is now opihinia f.r.c assort ment of Rogers' select, d Knives, Sei-.sors, & c ; a rid h is made a n arrangement by whbh In will be r ' ii 1 1 1 r I y supplied wiih his goods, gotten up especially for His retail sales. Those who wish the best I n tilts line will a w a . s n ill : fie in at W ILKINSON .C ESLEI?, X. phots!, rci s. Wil ton NO. 1M J . M. iv.ui:i:i son's. i'. NECR0 PASSES. N F, -V f.riii f r.iss( ('inl;iinini: snniury prn- V i-.itris, ;i.prVrii i y n , mi in l ssi'incrs. ;i i.cl t n ;in r: ni oilier. intcr'Siri in ihe wi'Jf.ne til nut r.-Iwnii j . 1 1 u I 1 1 i n . is j as 6 u--il at t!:c cllifc "I DR E. SEYMOURS C'i b'i tnl (rill ran ir, Abdnmiiml Supporters. 'IHLS is to certify, that C. & D DuPre, Orug 1 vists of Wi'm-ngton, N. C. are fny sole agents for the sa'e of the above Supporters for this nlace and vicinity. E SKV.MLLH. l ihnin-ten, N. C, March '-'3, 151. We mof.t respectfully call the attention of the Medical Profession of the Stat, to an examination of the a bo ve S upporlere . C St D. DlPRE. Ma: eh 23, 3-if FOR SALE. tiiT: H ousr and Cot occu w il hy the uh- .Trihcr on Kucrt, bet wren Nun nnn Ann Sir'( ts ptisst fsi'in given lt October. Ap- HOLLOVVAY'S OINTMENT. Citizens of tie Union: You have done me the honour as with one voice, from one end of the Union to ihe other, to stamp the character of my Ointment with your approbation. It is scarcely two years since 1 made it known among you, nnu already, it Ins obtain ed more celebrity than any other Medicine in so short a period. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 33, Corner of Ann and Nassau Sts.. i. York. Cure of Sure Le!$ after Sine Years Standi up. Mr. VV. J. Laniley, "f Huntsvillc, Yadkin, North Carolina, suffered for nine years w ith one of the most painful and trouidesume sore h gs that ever fell to the lot of man ; and after trying everv medicine he had ever heard of, he resigned in des pair all hope of being cured ; bin a friend brought him a couple of pots of Hollow-ay's Ointment, whicn caused the sores on his legs to heal, and he entirely resrainrd his health, to the astonishment of his acquaintances arid frier-ds. Cure if a Bad BrtnU. ich'n Ike ViUicnt u-as nt DcnHi's Oner. Mr. R. DUIUNT, of New Oih nrs, rddrofscd Professor Hollowav as follow--: For 7 years my w ife had a bad t.re.is-t, with ten running wounds, (not ol a canccroin nature). 1 was told that n ulling could save her : she was tl.cn induced to use your Ointment and Pills, w in n in the short space of three months, the' e fleeted a perfect cure, to the astonishment of all w ho km w ti . V e ob tained your Medicines (rem Messrs. Wriyht A Co., of Cliarires-strcct, New Orlean. send this from ''Hoioldes Princes," Paris, although, 1 had wri'ten it at New Orleans, before we finally left, at that lime, not knowing jour address at New York, Nov. feh, I -.'3. (Signed) R. DURA NT. The Pills should l e used conjointly with the Ointment in mosi of the follow in eases: ! P.ad I.cl'3, ll.nl R i can's. Hums,' llu n ions, Chll- j bl .ins. Chapped hands, Contracted and Stiff Join-:, Ei -1 u las. Gout. Gia ndu lar Swilllnas Lumlagn. i Piles, Kb, um.nisni, Salt Rheum. Sc'iMs, Sore N'ppl -s Sore-throats, S ki n-ii is. a-es. Scurvy Sore j Head. Ule'cts. Wounds. : . Sehl al ihe Esiabiii-hmrnt of Professor IIol : lowav. 3S, C 'rncr f Ann and Nassau Sinus. I New York; also bv all re-pe. table I) rugg -is a rd j Dealers in Medicines throughout the 1'nitei! M.i'i'S, in Pots, at J.. cents, ccnlrs and 6l,i0 each. To he had W h' legale of the p rineipa I I) i t:g lluuscs in the Union, and A. O. HllAOLEY, Wilmingt Tin re is a con-idera !do fav ni' by l.ireer sizes N.H. Direei Ions for the guidance of patients in ery disutxdi. r are aflivid to each Pot. June '0. 11 l-c. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE '"P'flVT we inak- the v.-n- list Spring. Hair, L Moss, Shiict. Se.i (fr.is-, i,ren Pelt, and Palm . al VI iir.is.-es WILKINStJN .t ESLER. J u:k- ". . Uph 'Isteiers. EV AND IMPORTANT INVENTION. i:i.r m: a vv.v; mrr.xi: y syjotrrinsa I !lO ' I' l I'H N'I I.D. .March 1 1 . Ifro 1. II 1 s r.ovi I and -J si ful l mprnv . in. n i i n S mooth inc. Iiiosr will be hailed w i ll delight hy thou sands who have felt 'he v.'.mt ot just ;u h a con venience. Families who regaid eoinfoi t and econ omy, will adopt them. They are p;n in ularly desir- I able in warm weather, us the ironing can be dune I with 1- .-s ewp.-n,., and witln '.t tl:e distetufoit. 1 which i verybooy has e. etii lie. !i. I" heating up the pr. mi.-. s. To Ladies w ho ate hoarding in ' town or country, it com-m-nds itself at on -e, as a ! desideratum lnth r'j una : I i i i:e J, a ns .i 1 1 i ng a dou- I tl-' purn se ; U a perfect Fl.u tr .in ah'-avs ready lor i: se. and an ad .o i i able sri -1 r nt te to . a M'ltSM- j Y LAMP N o I. idy sliouU im t a watering place , an 1 expei t lo have Use foi an 1 1 on . w 1 1 ho u I one. The above I ton can be seen at Kahnweil. r vX- 1 11...' 11 ..r.-I,,. , . 'P.. ilr.rln,, . t Kl i -I, . I'm.,) j tret I opposite ihe HcraM ofiiee. Having been ap pointed sole agent for this place, all orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. iv.-Min m i.i L.r.i,t ck mn FOB FREIGHT OR CHARTER. L 5CHR. E. S. B. .WALES, carries IS ( Darren capacity. apply to GEO. II A R RISS. June ii. i'l. FOR PHILADELPHIA. ir&Rftars line. The Scfcr. Julia, 4J. Corson. Master, will , have dispatch as aa-ovc. For freight or -passage apply to GEO. HaRRISS. June 20. 41. FOR NEW YORK, REGULAR USE. THE Sehr. Marv Powell. Dails. Atas- iter, will have dicnanh as above W'or freight or passage apply to June2J. GEO. HARRISS. FERGUSON & UAMILT0N. WATCH AND CLOCK MiypiK! r,. Street. Wilmington. N C t A,,. Ai,.i. f Lllohncs' Hotel i Will remitr U i-h. ni,,,.,. Nautical Instruments, i!c, etc. All work war ranted . J une 15. 29-If. FR ESn FrWNEW" YORK. frr Scir. CkarUs Mills. 1 Q P.P.LS. of Stewarts (A)Crush Sogar; 1 V 1 Casli do. best No. 1 Syrup: 2 bbl. Large No. I Macken I: 3 d' zen bonles best Sweet Oil; 5 do. Cans of Potash, prime for making Soap ; ,5us prime Green Rio Co'ffer ; 6 hall bbls. of lint Fulton Market Family lUef. Low for cashat GEO. H. KKIXKV'jJ. Jane 20. J , H , N. C. T. & S. of Age coy. BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER. 7 FIRKINS from the Dairy of Deacon Warner. Chenango County, whoso butter took the first pii.uui ihe World s Fair in London. To accommodate our Imnds we will sell by ihe pound or firkin : retail pi ice liO cts. J ut.e 2U W. M. SHERWOOD A, CO. MOLASSES AND 0. SYRUP. HIIDS. Sweet Cuba Molasses; fll bbls N O. Family Syrup, for sale chcaD PRINTS. FP NGLISH, French and American, white goods i of every kind and,iuality ; French Coryeis; a large assortment of Ribbons and Dress Trim mings, and Buttons ; a full line of Goods for Chil dren's Springand Summer Clothing ; Donnets of the latest style; Hair, CJoth, Grass, Hope and Corded Skirts. For sale by April!. JAMES PAWS IN. BY EXPRESS. RECEIVED this morning, a new supply of very rich Plaid Summer Silks; Ginghams and Printed French Jaconetts; Black net. Mitts; Mourning Collars; Chim'tzetts and Undersleeves ; Children's Gause Merino Vests, allsizes from No. 1 up; also Ladies' dilto; Fringed and Damask Bordered Lirien Towels; a beautiful article of printed Linens for Boy's wear. &c. Ac. For sale by JAMES DAWSON. April il 9. W Ili f EGOO DS AVER V large and extensive vai frty cl every kind of W hite Muslins, including Jaconetts, Mu I. Nansook. Medium. Book, Hi soups ar.d Vic toria Lawns, Plaid, Striped, Plain und Figured Swiss and Cambric Muslins, which will be sold at the lowest price, by -JAMES DAWSON. April 13 12. 50 in lots to sun Jnni 17. Dy W OKTI1. -HI. PR COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Ijocaled 127 taltluiore-ct., Bait: more, Md r"HE ostensible object oftriiu Int titmion is to -L aff .'rd individualsan opportuniny of .Hjlainii. a complete Mercantile Education. CoQrst of .tudy Book Keeping, by double entry, as pracli :aiiy used in the various d. purtnu nts of Trade and Commerce, including Wholesale, Rctoifj Commis sion Manufacturing. Shipping, abd Sleamboatmg, Individual Partnership, and Compound Co. busi ness. Also, Mercantile Calculations, Practical Penmanship, and lamiliar Lectures on Commercial Law. and r lie usages of Trade. Students being taught individually, can ent. r Colli ge al any lime, and ihe Course is usually completed in from E lo 8 werks. Terms toran unlimited course of instruc i ion. Sin All communications addressed to O. K. (Ill M P.F.RLI , will meet with prompt attention. cittilars mailidto anypirt of the Union when de sired. July 19. 53-1 y - 48-w-ly-c . DR. HARRIS, GRADUATE OP CAIIDRIDCL, CLASS 1824. . FOUNDER OF THEjt BALTIMORE LOCK INFIRMARY. No. 3 SOCTII 5AY ST. ( Opposite the Exckinst BuiLiinr And Pesl OJic. -I 'HOSE REQUIRING MKD1CALORSLKGI 1 UAL AID, by applying te Dr. II., may secur SKILLFUL TRBaTAIEXiT i AKD ADV1UE while all communications vrlff be sacredly hicld ed by the .Ejis of professional honor, ., ' Aware of the difficulty with the pubjic to criminate, in a newspsper advertisement, betwc the genuine and skillful physician and th spurious pretensions of the designing and dangerous QuacM Dr. H. will cheerfully give, when applied to, auch nrivate references as will fully satisfy ell whore ' quire his services. ! BEWARE OF NOSTRUMS'? j Avoid the Patent Elixirs, Compounds and Cor dials, advertised lo cure ail pertain under xaritd I forms of disease. As the, tonatitution and habit of individuals differ, REASON TEACHES tha same, remedy cannot be suited to all alike, and that disease can -only be safely and effectually eradlcat. ed by a judicious application of proper remedies. ATTISNTJJJN IXVltflil). A practical experience of over 6 years enables Dr. H. to insure a sound aad speedy cure in a ccr. tain class of diseases, which have loo long been yielded by rcgulqr Physicians to the hands of quack ery. He may be consiiMcd confide nilally , either in person or by 4et!er. . . Persons at a distance c.ircd at home by. address ing a letter to DR. GORDON HARIIISS, Caltl inore, Md. All communications confidential. Remedies sent by Mall or Express te any part of the Unit, d S lates. July ID. 53-ly 48-ly-c. CORNICES 'or Moseheto Netting put up. by WILKINSON f ESLER. June S. 37. on, N. C. t u k i n g tin L' June 1?. 3S. SUGARS ! SUGARS!! UST rtceiveJ a prime lot of N. O. For sale by 1 J. R. BLOSSOM. June G. 3"5. ply at the lie House, June 25, 15 .3. SILAS II. MARTIN. 4 !. .Medical Board of Consultation . D' NEW BOOKS-NEW BOOKS. URING the last week and thi, w e have re ceived a large assortmtnt of New I3ooks. anions Ihem may be found the following: Coo ers New Edition ol ihe Leather Stocking Talis, just published in five volumes. The live of the Bed Hunter, by Tlibrpe. St mug I. s For Life, or the Au tobiograph of a Dcs .senling Minis'er. 3rd supply. Mrs Mowati's Auiobiograpl'.y of an actress, 4th supply. Russia as it is, bv Count A. De Gurowski. Sec ond Edition, 3rd supply in 2 w et ks. 2.iyrirs in the Phillip: ne Islands, with nu inerous Illustrations. Ji.si pub islud. L' atiier Stocking and Silk, or Hunter John Myers and his iimes, ii alcry oT the valley of Vir ginia. Just out Aubrey, anew novel just out, and said to be very good. A year with ihe Turks. Russian Shores of the Black Sea. The Turkish Empire. New Maps of Europe, hest Maps ever published. Collins' .New Maps of North Carolina, 1H34. And ni inv of the best Traveling Mans now on hand, and for sale by J. T. MUNDS. June 22. 4?- BENTON'S GREAT. V6rk" TO WHOM IT M A V CONCERN. r. iiereoy cermy mat .ir. 3. iv . whitakeris our s .le Aaent ia New II, mover County. N. C, for receiving subsi-ribers' na ices for Hon. Thos. II. benion'e great work, entitled THIRTY YEARS VIEW ; Or, A History tf Ike WurkiiiL' of Ike American Guc-e-nmeiU durinz TalrLu Years The price ot ihe work being '2,'0 per volume, payable en delivery. Agents for this Work can confidently assure sub scribers,tliat the work will be s ki exclusively by subscription, and thai the price will never be less than $2,50 per vol , and also, that it cannot be pur chased of Book Sellers. D. APPLE ION i CO. New-York, June 15, 1854. LN accordance with the above Certificate of Agen cy I have now Spened a subscription Ibt at the Book Store, South Side of Market street, where 1 shall be pleasjd to receive ihe names of all wishing to possess i his valuable work. The first volnme is now ready for delivery a copy can be seen at the Book Store. As no more will be ordered than are subscribed for l hose first on the lisx will be soonest furnished. u S. W. WHITAttER. yalrniagtofli Jdfle 28, 1854. 4 I. GLEISON'S PICTORIAL, A ND FLAG OF OUR. UNION; Saturday Even drx. las Post for this week, endin 24. Received J. T. MUNDS. 41. and for sale by June 20. THE Ceming Struggle among the Nations of theEarthi For rale bt J.T. MUNDS. June 20. .41. JUST K 1.1 KI VI'.I) I'ltO.M BLTIM0RE AND PHILADELPHIA. J ) w K IlLS . S ilvcrs Fire Pi oof i'aint , al 1 coloi s ) -0 cask s"Sia n i sh B ruv n ; 1(1 i! '. r. neii,,ti K. d ; 5 do. Yellow Ochre. Fhr sale b . C. & I). Di-l'HR. D r ii gy i.st s and Chemists, J in. -I. Wilmington. N .(' . Til 10 NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMF'Y, RALEIGH. N C. XMIE abo'e Coinpany lt;-s been in opcrationsinct the 1st of April, t S-i 3, under t he direction of the following Officers, viz : Dr. Charles E. Jonhson, President. v in . D. Haywood, Vice President, James b". Jordan. Scerelary, W m H . Jones, Treasure r . Periiri Utisbcc, Attorney. Dr. Ch irles E. Johnson. Dr. W m. II. M' Kec. Dr. R. K . Havwood. J. Hersman. General Agent. This Company has received a ch irter givingad va ntages to t he insured over a n y ol he r Com pa ny . The 5 lb Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his ow n lite for the sole use. of his Wife and Children, p-e from any claims if the representa tives of t be b usb tt nd or a ny of hi e ereii i loi s. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members participate in the it hole of the profits which aredeelared annually Besides, ih - applicant for life, when the annual pre mi u m is ove r $30 may p jy jne half in a Note. A II claims for insurance aga ins l I he Company wi II e laid w i thin ninet y days at ler proof of die death of the party is furnished. Slaves are insured forone or five fears, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of properity against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature in the history of North I 'arolins. which will prove very important to the Southcn Slates. The last four months operation of this Company shows a veryl argeamount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year -having already issued more than 200 Policies. Dr. W.m. W. Harp.iss, Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilmineton, N. C. All Communications on business of the Company should be addressed to .IAS. F. JORDAN. Scc'v. RjIeigh.Fcb. 12, 1?53. I41-tf. OFFICE WIL. Al MA.. R. R. CO WILMINGTON N. O , June 12th, IS54. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 'Pint Trains n duij connec-lin" lrd.i th.-- Smth. Caro lina and ll'ilmingfm cf Rnkiph Hail Roads. ON ind after this date, the following schedule will be run cn ifiis L.rie. THROUGH PASSENGER TRAIN, Leave W iiniingmn at 7:10 A. M., and arrive at Kingville at 6 P M . Leave Kingsvjlle at 3 A. M.. and nriivcat Wil mington at 2 P. M. This Train connects (except Sundays) with the night Express Train on the South Carolina Rail Road, and wiih the 0:30 A. M dow n, and 3 P.M. up Train on the Wilmington & Raleigh Rail Road. EXPRESS MAIL TRAIN, Leave Wilmington at 9:45 P. M., and arrive at Kingsville nt 8:45 A. M. Leave King.ville at 2:10 P. M., nnd arrive at Wilming'on at 4 A. M. This Train carries the Great Mail nnd connects wiih the Mail Trains North and South. 1 he Steamer Zephyr 111 leave the wharf of the W i.tningion &. Raleigh Rail Road at 6:50 A. M. and 9 P. M. to carry the Passengers over the river. Through Tickets by either Train, and good for seven days, can be obtained on th Ferry Boat to the following places : Columbia 6,00 J Savannah , 13,00 Charleston 9.50 I Atlanta 14,o0 Augtista 9,00 j Columbus 17,50 Montgomery (by the Georgia, or VVaynsboro' and Central Rail Rords) 21,50 Negroes lfiree-JiVis the above rales. L J. FLEMING, Gen. Sup, W. M. R. R. June 13. 33. 2w. Herald copy 2 weeks; ADtMS CO S (illEAT SOU I'll 101! X AND SOUTHERN EXPRESS! LWRRY PACKAGES of everv ib-sei ipi inn to j J Petersburg, Ri. hmond, EreJricksburg, Wash ; in;t .n lily. Ports uoutb, Norfolk, Baltimore, &c , I in thaiee of Sptciol .Messengers JOH N L C.l N rWKLL, Agrni, OHice on Front, near .Market si. j .May 13. " 27-tf. I JUST icceivcd, a large assortment of English and American Pi int", new pa iter ns a rid colu rs, I can rcci'inru. nd : tiinghams assorted Colors and M ourni ng and half M miming do.; fJra-i. t;ioth anil Victoria Skirting; Bob neit Mo.-quito Nett ing; Linen Ta'-le Damask; Napkins; Doylas and Irish Linens; Linen Ca m b r ie a hd Lawn Hhdkf and Gent's ditto dlt to ; Allendale Brown Colon Sheetings, all widths; Bl uu Deni m',-medium and heaviast qualities maJt; Georgia and South Caro lina Coiton Oznaburgs: Ilcuvyi Brown Cotton I whirling; iMarlborough Plaid and Stripes; a very cheap lot of Bed Ticks; Linen Oznaburgs and Burlaps ; and Crap.' Shawls. For sale by j June 3 JAMES DAWSON. ! PORK AND BACON. ) B IlllELS City Mess Pork ; 1U hhd-.. pri ine j W extern Bacon Sidj and Sbouhleis, Just rece vd and for sale by June 20. J. HATHAWAY & SON. JAMES DAWSON, is ""onst nily reccivii:' f t.-perior .-tyles of White lo .,ls. v j. Jac 'tir!', Cac.'.brlcs, T.:pe ( 'b cks, Swiss .Mull-1, Mull Mulls, India Books, B ishop's I . i w n, Vi i lo i la Lawns, S t r i ped S ui-?, Dotted Swiss, Toilet Qniii;.. Fine Shirtings. Tog- in r .villi a full and complete assortment of ev.rv thing comprised in the H'hilc (rood Li.e, lo whii Ii til t alterl'ion of buyers io respectfully solid ted. June 3. Herald copy. 34. SUNDRIES FROM BALTIMORE, Per Sehr. II. I'. It, ess 11. FIVE Gallon Kegs ; 24 Ten do. do. 9 15 do. do. 1 do7. lion bound J bilshcls, with bars across 4 nest best Cedar Tubs ; 4 dozen Iron Wire Selves J !0 nests of Flour Buckets; 4 dozen Axe Helves. Low for cash, at GEO. II. KELLEY'S. June 3. J., II.,. & N. C. T copy. 31. TUS J Of T Offtc lliv. RATES OF PILOTAGE. printed and for sale at 77ic Commercial e, the Rues of Pilotage f.jr the Bir and 3Mf. o FOUR THOUSAND BUSHELS F Corn in S'ore, and for sale by THOMAS SMITH & CO. April 20. 15-tf. LIME. QV Casks d lily expected per Bi ig A. Adams, OvJV from Boston. For sale by May 20. ADAMS, B RO A, CO. STORE FOR RENT. THE Store under Holme's Hotel, lately occupied b t'ne subseriberas a Bok Store, for terms, ie, apply i P-. Mat I I ch 23. II. and J J. T. copy. MUNDS. NOTICE. ' j i i 1 . u n..i rsigncd Cominissioni rs w ill lei out. A. on the Hi of July nt.vt, to the lowest bidder, the contract of building a JAIL in the Town of Whiieviile, C'oH. mlt.s Co., of the following di mensions and material, viz: 40 fe. t long, by 34 ft. wide. t"' stories high ; first story with 4 rooms for the use cf Jailor, at: 1 1 cells abovy for prison ers. The Walls of the building lJ made ol Brick ; the Ci lis ul Iron liars, in the lo rm o! Lat tice, all under a good lire piool roof. For further OUR MOTTO IS 4 TO PLEASE" AT THE U llmhigton Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. 'I -HE subscriber rcspectlully Informs thrpubllc JL that he Ins recently received addition to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, dec, that latest nnd most improved style, and is conslanly manufacturing, at his store on market street, evcr desciiption of articleln the above line. From hit jxiierience in the business. 4) e feels confident that lie w ,11 be able to give entire satisfaction to al J tvto ma) favor him with a call, ilehasnowon tuna, and w inconstantly keen a large assortment or Coach, Gig and Sidkey Harness, toady's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, cfc.. Gentlemen, 't Saddle, Wki-pt Spun, f-c. all of w hich he will warrant lo be oil the best materials and workmanship. He has also a large assortment of Trunks, Valises. Saddle and Carpet Jlar. Satchels, Fancy Trunks, Ac , and all other ar ticles usually kept in such establishments, all of which he olfert low for CASI, ot oh shoft ctcdlt 10 prompt customers. - , . - . . Saddles, Harness, Trunks, RoJica I Bags, Ac . it c . . made to ordc r, Inaddition tothe above the subscrlberalways keep8onhanda larpe supply of St Hue; Leather and has now, and will ke through the season a good assortmen t of Vlx Xc-tts. All are invited to calf and examine my Goods whetherin want ornot, asl take pleasu re Li sh wr ingmy assorlinent to all who may fa vof me with n cr. 'I Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons buying to manufacture. A Iso, Whips a r wholesale. ... . Ml kinds of Riding VchW les bough t a nd sola JOHN J. CONOLEY, 13S particulars, anp ville. June C. yiv. the undersigned M. BALDWIN '1 IIOS. .. VAIL, F. i.lKOllK. at While r Com to is ( sionirs, 35 A,. 24 TIMBER LANDS WANTED. U7ANTED to buy Five to Ten thousand acres of Pine Timbered Land, tituaied on the waters of Cape Fear or Pee Dee Rivers. Lettcis addressed lo B x 1 1 ), ne' ershurg Vi.ginia, sta ling, desori pt ion. loc nion and prices of such lauds, will meet with prompt attention. Petersburg .May 30ih, 1,51. 32 1m. OF FURNITURE. subscriber would -refcV specifully invite th'o attention ffci I ! 75 BBLS. le bv June 10 SPIRITS TURPENTINE CASKS. OOX NEW casks, extra size and make, on OO'J board Sehr. Eniilv, for sale by Ma 30. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. SUGARS. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. VN Elegant Edition of Biils of Exchange, print ed in Gcinrmv, in B i .ks of 10 quires nnd in N 1'". W sti ply ol all LTiidis and .y.'a.is j"A. low price. For sale by. !.. N B A BLOW, No. '.J, Granite Row at sheets, just received 'Hie I'oniiiiei cial '. nd fir s j le ai the office of FLOUR! FLOUR Favettevillc fine nnd superfine. For y.ENO II. Gil I -EN E. N.C.T. copy. 37. MAPLE SUGAR '! Mil AT Maple Suffar h is come, 1 sweeter. ;.indies, with all ingredients, w ill be throw n aside md nothing is their posionoufc w hen M a pie S u- gar can be obtained. l.fOd lbs. 'nr sale, in lots iu suit, by W. M. SHERWOOD A CO. Ma 2H. F Oil FREE READING ROOM the convenience of the public wc will p tiles ol a lew ol tile principal newspapers. June lj. BACON, SMOKED BEEF, &C. HA MS. Sides, Shoulders, Smoktd Beef, Beef Tongiics, :'',! Barrel Beef all of prime qual For sale by L. N . B A R LO W , line i. 3, Granite Row. BUTTER ! BUTTER ! ! p. KEGS Extra No. 1 Goshen Butter. Just re- J ce ived hy J une 3- L. N - B A BLOW, 3 Grani'e Row. FOR RENT. StrS THE large Briok Dwel'ing. on Second jSreu, it present occupied by Mrs, U'm. H. t. For particulars apply to U. G. RANKIN. 1 September 3, 1 S53. 73-tf. i CARRIAGES. 1 six seated CARRIAGE. 1 l 1 Pan "rd tlnartcr Rncknway, I tt i i'er loc ki way 'md sever.. I Ii gdi t Buggies just received and for sale by .t 27-tf DIBBLE ei B'iO. May 1 ADAMS FOR CU'S. EXPRES , Frun', near 1 ark'-t si . 27 -tf. 25 -III! DS. Orleans Sug ,b bbls. City Mess ! Bacon; 5 hhds. VVestern 5 boxes Loaf Sugars. All SALE. nr ; bus) hq M apie ok ; HI 000 lbs. N i 'es ; lUU kegs N if which w ill be on com m 1 8ion s. Feb. 7, 1S54. lArge stock ? nwaaril ol ihe public, lo his very' large, a nd cofit!ete assort men t of Fn rnii u re hi.w beinfi received and recently selteted by himself hlllm M a n ufac lories i dui ing the prese nl month, hi slock will be complete and consist in pari of the fob low ing articles. Fine Sets Drawing Rwom Fi-rtiltiirfe,' in Dani ask and llnir Cloth ; Setts Painted Chamber Fun ilure. 50 Sideboards, Secretaries and Book Case."! 50 Sofas and Tele a Tetes ; 100 P. urea us ; 100 W'a-h Stands, marble arid plain ( 100 Hocking Chairs J 75 Nurse do. 123 Tea and Di ning Tables ; 75 Centre, Card and Sola do. 75 Toilet - do. I i.O d.iz. Chairs, cushioned, cane and Windsori 250 Bedsteads, in in ihogony, walnut, maple and iron ; Wardrobes, mnhogony and stnincb; Office Furniture ; Children's Chairs j Oiio.nana, Foot Stools; . A fine assortment of Looking Glasses ; Teapoy's Whatnots Hal .Stands ; Settees, W'ork Tables ; Work Boxes. Pap.r Hangings; W'ndow Shades. A c . c. A few vkbv fine Pi - FonTns. an.l in fnrt al most any article that may be desired, in riiinnl te. ly furnishing Dwellings. Hotel, Offices or So ciety Rooms Front .Street. J. D. Wilmington, N. C, Sept, 9, 1553 LOVE. 76., Sept low by Lav 16. WM. M. SHERWOOD & . c. ails ; sold O. 16. MEDICATED GUTTA-PERCHA C0LL0DIAN. AN EW Woiin. and -Valuable Remedy for dressing THOMAS SMITH & CO. DEALERS IN CORN, MEAL. IIOMONY. PEAS and OATS, and COW and HORSE FEED, ally's Wharf. Xn'k Wafer St, ret. WILMINGTON. N. C. THOMAS MIT II. I), di run. JH. Our Sieain Grist Mill is now in successful opera tion. We will have il in our power lo deliver the above ai tit les at short notice. We hate a 23 horse pow er engine and shall run two pair of four feel stones. Ciders can be addressed to C. DuPre & Co., or to ihe subset ibers. f c"Coiri ground on TOLL. THOMAS SMITH A CO. April 2 h 1 5- If. BY ADAMS & C0.S EXPRESS, "I7E received this morning, another lot of that Y MAGNIFICENT PR. NT BUTTER, clone up in half pound prints, enclosed and red ived in a refrigerator, perfectly cool, fresh and sweet. Jun I. RESTON & TO VV N 11 E N D. DENTISTRY. Dr. T. B. CAilR has returned from the North with a largely increased stock of Teeth. Instruments, Vc liming consulted many eminent Dentists, he has pel feel confidence in t he superiority of Allen's Pa tent m 'de of inserting teeth with artificial gums Full sets inserted immediately after the extraction ol the 'eeih. and remodelled after toe gums have healed without additional charge. They can be .worn without pain, and removed from the mouih by the wearer, an J are cleaner and stronger than teeth insetted in any other way. and are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. All other operations per formed in the moat approved id inner. Referencr to individuals in 'his place now wearing teeth with th. patent improvement- Oct 4-w-tr tf 86 TOWING BY STEAMER CALHOUN ORDERS fortowingby STEAMER CALHOUN, will have attention il Heft al the oflice cf GEO. HARRISS. SMOKED TONGUES, T j I C K L E D TO N G U E S & S M O K E D B E E F . ' Ju-t received together with 2 bbls Salmon; 2 bids. F- M. Beef, 5 half bair. Is d ..; 50 Baskets Champaign; 4'i j;ickdge3 assort, d Crackers; 30 bags Codec ; 30 Drums l-'iggs; 40 Boxes Extra Prunes; 2U bl Is. S ugars ; N . O. M olasses ; S.H S v rup, with a general varic ty of good things a I the Original Family Grocery. GEO. MVERS. June 3. 31. LIME! LIME! nOf I CASJfs lo arrive per Sehr. J. II. Flanner fJ 'o I'oin Boston. Apply to May 13. GEO. HARRISS. THE L ARGEST AND BEST SSOllT.ME.NT of Tobacco. Sncti'and Cigars, in th'1 City of A' jlming ton, for sale W i'olesale tician at ino i ity iig ir o VAN'SlCKLE. 24 -'f. 10 NORTH CAROLINA LARD. KEGS prime N. C. Lard, for sale bv March 19. C. DuPllI". & CO. Nov. 16. 105. 30 MOLASSES. HHDS.verv n'iine Molasses, for sale for cash hv C. DuPRE t CO. March 13. 1- SPRING, HAIR, PATENT, FELT, MOSS and Shack Matlr.nsses. On hand and mJe to order, by WILKINSON &. EsLF.R, May 20. Upholsters. PALMERS ROTARY THRASHING MACHINES- WE are agerfis for ifle sale oT these valuable Machines; and have ihem, of different sixes on hand, ready for immediate use. June 10. FREEMAN 4 HOUSTON. MOMENTLY EXPECTED, BY Sehr. Rhoda d Buelah, from Philadelphia, 30.000 Kirk's Superior pressed brick, for sale low by T. C. WORTH, Walker Wharf. June 13- 39; OFFICE AVIL. & RALEIGH R. R. CO.. WILMINGTON, May 5th, lo54. Lwka3 s'TsJS3 vin-Z3 rfi3 J PARTICULAR NOTICE. JtJi HEREA I'TER Tickets to pass over ihe Road of this Company w ill, fn no case, be sold to a NEGRO. Owners must apply in peison and purchase for ihem, hand Pie Ticket to the Conductor, and point out to him the neyro for whom it was bought. By order. S. D. WALLACE, Agent. Ma (j. 22-tf. JUST RECEIVED FROM N. YORK. BBLS. very fine S tup; 8 boxes Lemon' ; 5 do. Oran z es ; 5J bbls largit No. 1 Mackerel ; 5i do. do. do do ; 1 cask very fine Cod FUh ; 50 Vigs Coffee ; 20 bbls. II. S. and Hope Tard's Fl-.ur ; 30 do. Mess Pork ; 15 tubs Butter, by Express. The above will be sold verv low, by C. DcPRE & CO. June 3. 34. May 11. 'DilOSR wishing Pape. hiing in a superior man jL nor. will pie is t call nt our Store, see sam ples, select psper, and leave otdcrs. and we will have il done in a handsome style. WILKINSON cv ESLER, April P. Updolstercrs. AY0LFE7 SCillEDAM SCHNAPPS. 2 -T DOZEN VVolfe's Schied mi Sch napps, quarts ' and pints. j;tt to bind aqdf.rsale, whole sale and retail at New York prices. April 2i GEO. MYERS. HAMS AND LARD. " 1 LBS. Choice old N. C. Hams; 15 bbls. L ,JJJ new N. C. Card ; 4 Cans new N. C. do., for sa le March 4. bv RANKIN & MARTIN. 141). 3 CURTAINS AND SHADES ON HAND. HANDSOM E assortment, far sale by WILKINSON & ESLER, May 20. Upholsters. BY ADAMS & CO S. EXPRESS A"t J E have recerve 1 this da y I 0 keg" Extra netr Batter, atihe Family Grocery Front si. May 23. GF.O. M Yr.RS. CHILDREN SHOES. A LARGE and handsome assortment, re ceived this m irning. and for sale by JONES '& GARDNER. Mav 25. 30. bee n tried successfully by Phs siclan , and found superior to nnv remedy of the kind now in use. r Ii loia.is, when applied, a Cuticle, soft, elastic, snd impervious i waicr. assimilating most perfectly ihe natural Outicl-. It may be advantageously used in chapped lips, e.xcotiaiions about the neck and cars of children, and for abrasions f almntt evi ry kind, and as a dressing in surgical operS i in ns . , The proprietors feel reat confidence la present ing t lie above article for use, believing it will prove fully ad. quTe to the ends proposed, and invslua hie as a medicinal runt dy . t For sale by the Pro prietors, C. &. D. DuPRE: A LSO --VETERI.1NRY GUTTA-PERCHA I OLLODION for Saddle and Harness Galls. For sale by the Prti W'our.ds and sores on horses, prietors, r-A D, DuPRE, May 20. Druggists, Wilmington. N. C. MAY BUTTER AND CUEESfe. I UST receiver! a lot of May Btittcr, also' a small lot of English CheesS. A let of best Family Flour in 100 las. bags, allao 5 hhds. prime Wes tern Sides all low for cah. May 10. McCALEB & GILBERT. NWicrl WE have just received, six dozen of those Wide Brim Sinet-Hais. Those who have been wanting, can now supply themselves at ihe Em porium. C. MYERS. June 1. 33. SERVANTS' MATTRASSES AT I -50, for sale by WILKINSON A. ESLER, April 8. Upholsterers. A LARGE lot of Sunday School Rooks receiv ed per Steamer Carolina, and for sate bv Jane 3iT. MUNDS. FLOUR. Xf BBLS. of Faye'tcville Sup'r. and Fnmil, t-Hat GEO. H. KELLEY'S. May 11. J. II if-N. C. T. copy. 24. PER S(0 HIJ. R. W. BROWN: 4 KBI.S. Soda Craekers; Li 4 do. Pilot Bread ; 4 do. M t ' k C rackcrE ; 2 do. Sugar do ; 5 half bbls. Soda Crackers; 5 do. do. Pilot Bread j 8 boxes S'lda Crackers; G do. Milk do. For sale cheap hy C. DcPRE St CO. April 22.. 6. SPRING STYLE BONNETS. JUST received, a larjje and hirtdiome assort mcnt, per Adams & Co. s F,x press. Knr sale cheap. by KAHN'WEILER A. BRO March 7. j50 1 CASK Very Fine Beef Tongue; 1 do.-Dried I Beef Just received per Sehr. W. H.. Smith; for sale by C. DuPRE ot CO. May II. 24. PIANO FORTES. A LOT of fine-toned instruments, just received and for sale low, by J.D.LOVE. May 9. 23. G0UDSB0R0' FEMALE COLLEGE. '"''His Institution commences its wcond session I undei i he new organization, on ihe 1st day tt Mav, and will close Ihe last day of November. 1654. Rev d James H. Brent, A. B. President, with a fuil and competent faculty. $70 per session , will cover ihe entire expense for Tuition and Board In th"! Collegiate cotuse, and S 100 will entitle to the full course and all the ornamental branches. $60 will cover ihe expenses tor Board and Tuition iA -ihe Primary Department. Ornamental branches extra nt the usual charge. The Board of Stockholders have taken great pains in procuring facilities for giving a Ihoroegh eductr.ion, and solicit a liberal share of patronage. Students received any lime. For further information address the President of the Faculty, or the subscriber. WM K.LANE, Brest. Board Stockholder. May - 21-tf. MOURNING GOODS- iLACK and half Mourning Gcnadiiies snd J Twisted Silk Dresses; Black and balf Moorn ing JJcrafcs, some very fipc; Plaid and plain Tis sues; French and English Lawns and Muslins, a targe assortment; Gioghatns and Calicoes, new est patterns: Bonnet Ribbons; Mourning and half mourning Summer Silks ; Maltere Lace Col lars and Undersleeves to match, and a. full and general assortment of oil the fashionable styles of Collars, Undersleeves and Cliimicllyes io be worn , this Summer; Fans; Levc .Veils; French Lawn Handkerchiefs; Lupins dimmer Bombazines and Challysj the very best quality of Kid, BUtk Net and Black Silk Gloves; Black and Sleel colored Parasols; F.njlish and Italian Crapes, dc. &a. For sale at the lowest prices, by April 1. JAMES DAWSOJtV LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! J BA RRELS Thomastown Lime, all in ex- ellent order and tor sale by. May 10. W. M. SHERWOOD oV CO. RECEIVED THIS DAY, riEfl Fliorrei. 500 prs. Children's Shoes a i- I rietv of styles and colors to suit lh season. '' ' J mvr o m. rt i d nvL'L" May 2j. 350, TOE BRAZILIAN REMEDY FOR Diarrhoea and Dysentsry. Hundreds can testify to its virtues. Prenarcd and sold only by C. J D. DcPRB. N. B. No secret pre pa ran Ion. Jnne 17. 40. JONES & GARDNER'S.-, t . - - "m OWNER AYANTED. t ' May 25: , ; 1 nnim.'C- DDirCfl 5 W Dltll Va. f ., A f rfr HARD North Rlcr, for y 4(),UUU GEO. HARXWaJ May 18. Xi'