4a taring . - I . V ft "fevef liittle, JUO 5" 1T:6 "jio! WnoiLEBIG CURRENX- v .rv . "MjdlO-JMl, ,v.- ) a 1 it -r -t'honldra. do.. 61. a t NaVA1. s'umKv Hams Wester n;0o :a"b0 i Yellow dip. 2.75 0 AO Sides, t-.do. '8l'ai - jVirgwidip "JiUuO.O . --PJstrosdrJer. do. - 7 a' 8 H ard, .tr Btsttcr.per Ib f f 13 a 25 par, jtC?! ttKRKTpcr bbl.''-fl Wttli7" t 00 XjIHIlofJI-tll, l7a -it-'-KOsln hy lair. 2 75 1 65 in.,' ' '5 0Ua6 00 1 15 OFFF.K.pcrlb. Spiritr Tt-rj ' Hi.- I'O "nil LaeuyT.?' 13 "a " 14 " . - .-.Ou bay r'i"- v none. 7 Vavajft .-! i6 'V --A;ot'Jr-lbi CO a 00 , Si ,0rn, per buli.s& a ; . JCamik , N C. 14 a 15 , do. Northern, 14 a. lb.. : Tfl'JH'mHftifilo,. 25 a 28 prm;- y 4V 511 ' 'tiheMey-7 " 00 a(j V;Mon Va rn; 16 a 1 . - r- 4-1 .N-U Sheet -. iloer - Ha 9 tSh-.i if)F . tit a 7 frivr!vil! S 73 a 0 Itf' . " Cmal . ex.. 12V 14 00 , . atrtiira, . 50 5 j , II W, pc- ion lb " t'.firrn. . 1 27' n N.-(liver, r 00 J 1 J 50 a 0 CO a 3 UU i 3 50 ' 1 to per sail. 40 XA UH.pi i se llii'i'.n ;;ut,' ' r- a 6 tt'MBjh'!, 10 - 12( OIL, i.ci sail. !?ipi rn, a 1 g" l.m?e.l. "5 a I 11 iNi ui'f foot. 1 50 a Prk, Aur lurn per bbl Miss, Jfi( a ITJ I'rimi-, 15 00 a 15 50 Pea, pel titly-1), "I i 15 - Kve, 1 121 a ' I ( 5 a 1 :-a Nil iii 1 I liiCK, p. r lOii ll. ICIrantM, 4 HO a 4 i ltiuh riii nrn. p r l.in-lt Otl a I eiTA VKS. .. 1006. . CI bul . mini', a nii"h. nunc. 10 10 ro 14 no 23 none mne 12 00 In!?, wnre, 3J a f4.', per Ih. Ainriirnn. tct rr. finrrJ, 5 a l-'ntflisll :tirli'l. . olvcdn iicst rdin ed 5 a AnK;rM".Tn ."heer a n.jii i-, df- I.U MHKK. neilOiin f. , i Sawed IS 00 a I (5 .in 5i 41 ilri:3K d !(.. hhd ! rouli, I )riKM!, I .Miinfli l'. rff IO(iO. iCi ninion. 3 1? 0 00 I' :onir;ici , 6 bo a jlllm-k'a i lorue 5 00 at 5C i Sal- pT lintlitl iTnrk- la in n il , n f 0 l'l"n, none, jl.ivirpoiil, j prf-cick. 1 10 ! nai, per lb . Kdim n. 5( ;i t Sic. I pi r lb Kl-Miririr, 16 00 a 17 Oil German. 15 a W boards 15 00 a IU DO l?liitrr.l, K a 7 I'land ;ind Ri iKJum 20 a 25 (ran ling, 13 00 a 15 OC r,ci qnuKi Vi-ti hnarda ', M illsan. rdcd, 11 0" a 15 00, C Cert, 5 00 a 6 0( Itifuni- half price. Sucnrpci I : IMVF.lt f.PMBKrt iV.Drl.nn 5 a 7 K-orin. p 00 a On no Pnrtr Him 0J a 8 Wde l...'r.lB 7 00 0 0 'Si roix, 6 a Sranllins, a 6 tO f :'f. I0(a II l.ard in bl.la I0i TI l HK. ! r-rlOOOfrci k-ff! 11 a !2 'Shirpin?. 14 i 0 a TO ff Llmrprhhl. 1 25 a 1 30 ' rri1(- niilll. 00 a 13 ISO -I.IQUOIl.S. ner gallon I'm nn, 5 "0 a 7 Of . Poach brandv Inferior. 3 50 a 4 Of vtnple. ' fi5 a I On Tallow pr lb II a 12 Rvoul.iskcy 50 a 1 Ort , IM'.s'.pi r 9:1 lion . Itecifrcd, a2 a 35-'M.-iikini , I 00 a 4 00 N K Itmn, 40 a 42 !'o 1. 1 00 a 4 MOJ. XSKS per ;a!lon. Malaga, 40 a NewOrlcans. a i FREIGHT Rosin, Turpentine, -Spirt ts-Tttriente, V.ini and Sheeting Cotton per b;do. PeA Nuts, per bush. To Naval Stores, Spirits Turpentine, Ynm nrd Sheeting, Pea Nuts, - - - - To New Toiiir. 50'on deck, 00 under. - 70 00 8 cents pc-r font. a 1 7". 8 cents. PniL.mEI.PIIU. f)f cts. on leck. GO un. Co under " !)() cts. per Mil. S " " rn?. 8 " " IjiimIicI. CandWi 250 JioxcArtamaiHintsal 25tE-rrf..? " TVhfckejr A pecnlairTfc ruovrnHiil Ium taken ll-e in Atnciicart Wlii.-kry. r 8aif' 2 000 hUh-. changed liawlit.j -AlmoMlie'cnlircM-lc onbarid j5nov Im'IU by fvxr panii-a,; who; hold it at a mnch liif her fignri' iban llic, ruling 'r,,,'' Vi t-'-vintia lo llila morcmcnl prieos innued ,B'' ci-Kla -r ' T1W lrimijMiMHilili'r io"'ak '85 a 00 cent alllionb li.- tv- made are at lriccji fiol exceeding 67i'ctnl. Grocrilen without material eliance. STARTING AXD AUTHEMIC. LfTAH and tho Mrmon- iho HiKtory, Gov -crnmpnl, D'ctrine, Custoinaand fronpccl8 o he l.utur D-iy S.iinti, from permiMl obeivaiion during a six month' re.-Idenv at (?rat Salt Lake I'in hy B( rjiiniin G. Terri. Intc S-'c ri t:iry of Utah Te- riiory. Jiiso out. Kcc. iv- d J.,,liiv. by Rxprt es, and p-r gale ut . 'V. M Ui D'. - 7suNsn.Ni; on duly Priins, Oil the i:cv.l:i'ion of Itcunly and Wonder in en in mo n iliinijn, from Household orl-, cr.i tcd by Chris. Dicki nf 452 ptigcH, b.rc !2 mo . with 8 oil rinnl i linn rni ionv, cm ciiii d in tin hi"h est in le of art Pike 91. Kr sale bv uly 13. J. T. MVS DS. V 0 I ,11 E R C I A L. 1 K EM ARKS ON MARKET. Turpentine. Since Tuesd.iy niornin List 107 bWs. Turpentine have been disposed of at 3-3 jt bbf. for Virgin Dip , and 82,80 to $2,75 ptr bbl. lor Yellow Pip. market closing at the latter Cp ur8 for Yellow Dip. -.. gpiRiTa TfRPEVTiNE. 208 Mils, changed hands' at 40 cts. per gal. T iR and Rosin. No sales of cither sinco our latt report, that wc are apprised of. Lumbkr 3 r.ifts River Lumber have been sold at J? 7 per M. feet for Wide Boards, and Sll p r M. feet for Flooring Boanls. SuiNCi.r.8. 80,000 Contract Shinales (a prime articte) sold at $G per M., and 12,000 Common at SV2i pc- M. Ft.oLR. 25 bbls. Fayetteville Sup. sold at SV 75 per barrel. Bacon.--A Lot of Western Sides sold at 81 ct. per lb. CoprEB. 175 bags Rio Coffee were sold at 10 to 11-cU. per lb., as in quality. Hat. 614 bales Northern Hay, were sold ot 871 cts. per 100 lbs-. 00 days. NEWYOHK .MARKET. Cotton tniicii flrnn-r. Flour quote Southern at S-8 ;"0 a Julv 10. Iiiebet. We win-Mi iiiacitriv Coin a lvanceil Iivoojii low 74 a 75 ; white do. 80 a 83. trifle t'.l. -Yel- .- PHILADELPHIA MARKET. ' nly 10. The Ledger repoits : Cut ton. Dt-mnnd limiti-il. but holder fiim Sales of 70O bales al 9 a !ll per lb on time f.-i lattd. ami fi 10(c. for N. Oi leans. Kriur-- l o tleet ali-i a further dcclini" of 12( a. 25c. JH-r bbl. ha lieen accepted. Sales for lllp nieiit t8 SI ' a 8 0. Sales for city ue itliinthe rMiie of S8 37 1 9 25 lor common und extn liramls. Crn. is dull and lower: a! ofyello-v at 81 9e; i-ho-ins niih shUh. al 7e. Oaia at 58 a 5y--. r l-ushel for Southern, and G1 for l'ciiti-y Iva iiia j Naval Stores Sates of R.-sin at SI 76 a 1 80 for Common and S2 a 3.50 foi Soap Spirirs of 'I'ur jKiitine held at 52 51c. cah and on timo. B.VLTIMdKK MARKET. July 10. Flour The Fiour marker i ver qwiek i ili i liie una il Mock. A snle of 2'"! bid. Citv Milln. lie iv. wii ui.ide emlv ti.is ni.-in u-g at jf8 ;.f r bbl. Alo 2"J bldi. choice llo ai.rd nli-i-,1 brands at 3t 50 nT lild. Ruvern Imti .--v-r, atu not dii-poHt-il to nive;iver 8 41 lor ili d.ird braiiiN. Ceni. - Almiit 4,;00 bn.sbels of white off led, nd halt- al 73 a 74 cent un yellow on ina'k' t -l in nominal al 75 a 77 Cents kt bushel O ils About bilslu-U oUVred. and alv of Maryland "nd Virginia at fV cents. , ii iJnVMim. Slarkct very quiet. We no'e bu' Mliall sales and priin-s n-tliaiu unebaneed. Mi" Pork U beld al 12 87 p r bbl. B -el do 510 BaeouVhontdcts 5( eta, sidesi GJ cents. a:ul iimx.8a (0 tenia per lb. Lard in bids. 9J a II o-nt-". kt-pii l'l o-nt.s jkt lb Hit iter in kegs 12 14 tent, roll ! IS c -nts er lb Cliee.se 9' a 10 cviitaL R''r lb. r," t- v- . ... CHARLESTON MARKET. . .. . .. 4-7 Jtly 40.rottoi.'- Tbe maikct vonlinues in a ' " Jsrrf v sta re, the'rales lo day having been 'Hivlittiiti-d to 87 bales, at 9 and 9jc. 'Z' S Ew R LEANS MA R KET. ';Ji'9.''lvAnM-''iiea'dvk'ha a favorable 'HB-rlilKi 111 Cotton Market in New Orleans. -.m-8a!n"dajr..ird prices were sliflf.-r with sales ot X&UObMea. WmMKiis Orleans ua worth 8 Cf. per 'Itn-'' Flour wu dull at C 1.2 per bbl. for Ohio. Corn was active l prvvious rates. SAN FRANaSf0 MARKET?. San Fianc'io'juiMs.la.Tbonew from the ".'T-t,"lic"a,t wge'uilly5 reeanled not as "5vorabl as we bad a right to txpect. Seven trrtela had saiVwl from tb Albintic ports, v': flv from New Yotk. one from PWUrlelpbi awl .uJroM Boston for San Francisco, andabont sixteen Other arc advertised for Iho same desli- iM'wtn.t Allboneh the amount of. general gOier naaiuw oo iiicso veawia mr ,ceirel3rbvJ. jel it is quite uif&4iit to prt- j tnc tineaatnrss bf rt-.. Should beavy (bipnienla l- resutned we catJTbnt aniicipae the most disas- v ?-vsoncqaces.fiWctMtecfcU)Ce onr i- of yenlerdoy lis followa :"... - 1 FloorlOOO bbk.'!Iaxll A TTbirlwfiMl. irtl . ,.,.,15 2 bbW4o jobbing Mile at- S11.12 SH CO; "f.i-S BOO qr- skarCbiir In oris-pks.ii 37. tV? t ProTifits;Tverit-oiMi" thousand ' lbs.; ex-clr. & Bacon I6f ; -10 000 ibaf Marna.- io -lislit covers,-16( ljif.ttM S fiHttns Battel1 30c.; '5qVdv8Xc.lU FACTS ( AN.XOr HE D flJHTED. LET THE AFFL1C1ED II li U AND PONDER ! J 1 m i i.iin Fi00 pe-fti s in the city of 1 i- hm- nil, Va . u!nc ! n:y :o ihu umaiktle i;in i 1- f'll un it liv V Alt ll'.H's ? I A ISII JIIXTU'! C. TH K L-rea". ."sp ing .Meoieii c and Punfi r of thr iUcoil is n' w iisi d b hunJri'ilF of (;r.H' lul raiients h i 1 1 t i; v daily to the leinsirkiihle runs perfot ni r(!h Hie i;ieiit ft of alj intdicnrs, f.irur'e .San-i-h Mixture. Jt uia.'g.-i . lieuiioi tir m. Scrofula. Eruptions un the fekin, l.ivrr L'i.-e is. , Ferrs. I I i e s, Olil Sons, Alb (lions o' the Kiimys, DiS i a-es of ihe Thioui, niab? i "ompla ; nt, I'ains anu Ai bine; ol the Holies an I Joints arc l'ediiy put lo rtigiit by uinj ibis jireiil and intsliniatle riine dy. For all di-eatrcs of ihe Blood, nolhing has vr' I een found to comp in with it. It i leu in s t In: fy l. in of nil iuipurit ', m is tently and cfa i nth on tin- Liver and Kh.nrya. stn n'huns tlu Oijes tion. tiles lone to ihe bmia h. m ikes the t-kin clea r and heulty, and rt stores the t.'onstii ulion, en fi e! b d by disc .-.si or broki n down by the excesses of oii h to iis pris ine vig'ir and sin ngth For the L.idi .s, it is iric.utnpar;ib!y bet cr than nil the comcties ivi r tis d A liwilnwi of 'Jr ti r's panith Mixture w.h rciiioe all sallown- ff of complex on, brin:,' the roses in.intiin to the check, uivc elasticit toihiMcp, nd iinprive tlio ireueial In ab li in a ti niarkut !e device, be) olid all the inedirin; i i r he.nd ol. A I irgc nti in her of cer lifiea tes of remarkable eurrs pcrioruied on persons rtsid.n in the city of Kith mond, Va . by the use of Cnrier's Spanis-h Mi.x'nrr, is the b. st i vid- nee ihat lh re is no humbug nboui it. 'l liKjinss. hotel keepers, magistrates, physi cians, and public nu n, well known to ihe commu nity, al! a il iheir tcstinn nv to the effects of this Great HloiV5 Purifier. Call a rnltet a lew hundreds of ihu c-rtificitcs around the botile. .None g.-ni4l..e unlt.es i-Iiu i RFNNF.TT A EF.KR.S, Dru:-gists Principal Depots at M. WARD, C LOSF. & CO , No. 63 Maiden I. am, New Ymk. T W. I) YO'I T & .s,u;.?i) hnj J FN KINS II A It I'SHOltN K. Phil .de'phia. HKS.VKTT ov BRKlls, No 125 Main Stiee-, lliehmond, Va And for sale by VYM. II. I.IPP1TT. Wilmington and by Drucjfists t vi ry whi re. Juiy 13ihi iS54. 50-ly. LJVER CUAIPLALNT, DYSFEI iSI A. Jaundice. C'lirmic or Kerrons U ability iit case 'J' the Kidney, and all Diseases uriiitiy Jrttm a disordered Jjivci or Hloinneh. wh ix Const'pal iot , inward Pilei", Fuilness of I'lood to tne Head, AuiUH) of ihe loinach, .Nau-ea, H.arl burn, I'isgu t to r F od. Fit II ties or Wcishl In the Siumacl), Sour Kructulions, S in U i i ig or r'luticring a the Pit of the .Stomach, Swimming of i he Head, if urritd and Difficult Brent hing. Flutteiiug a t the Heart, "h i in j: or S ulfici i in.- Sen.- n lions h n i n a lying p tire. Dimness oi Vision. Dots or lebs hcfoie ilitisijhl, Fever and Dull fain in i h- Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. ellowness ol the Skin and F.yes, I'.iiii in trie Sub-, Mack, Choi, Limbs, ipe . , Sudden Flushes of Ileal, Mur ni n il in th- Fl sh (j- nstani I iiiaginiugs of ev.l, an.l sre it depressions tif S,i:its, can be (T du ally euied by Dlt HU)-'LA. )' CELEBRATED GERMAN CMTERS, PUIvPAKUDIIY llt C. M. J lt'KOM. No. I 21) Ai-cll titreet. Pliiladelpbia. Their powerover the above diseases is nul exct li ed, it i qunlkd, by any other preparation in the I'ni icd Stiiies. 1 1 tile cure salt est, in many cases alter skilful physiciani- h id fa :li d These t'.i tiers are worthy the alien ti- n of invalids Possessing.- ji ea t vi tues in the rertlrieation ot dis eases ol the l.iver anil lesi-er glands, exeicisint- :he most searching pow i-rs in Wh-aknessand all- clions ol the digesiivi ; organt .Uiey are, withal, safe, cer tain and pleasant. K KA 1) AN D RRCONM CE D . JWorc Ttalimany of the strongest kind from Ohio, in f. voi of Dr. UOKFL tND'S (JKKMAN IU 1 -TK Is, prcpar-d by Dr. t, M . J C KSON . Ph il . -de'phia, fu.ly proving lilat these bitters arc unequll ed lor the cure of loiter (,'oni, taint, Ditpe sin, Jaundice. Xirvom Debility Disease uf Vic Kidney, pe. ead Ihe proo I : F KE- KL M 1 1 It. Ji wd. r, W'oostcr, O., Dec. 2d, 13of.s:iid .- f embrace dils opport uni I y of in forming you of ihr gr ut bin fit I have deiivid from the u-e of Dr Itoofl.ir-d's German iii ters. 1 have used ihein tor' fulls and Fi-ver. and Dlsordvr dered Stomach, and fouod re'ief in every cape They n'ts id .: best remedy lor dim; i!i red Sioimch I think, in exist" nee.'1 P FOI.F.V, H oo. i. field. O., Oct. 7, 185." s-iid : 'With feelin of grntitucie 1 tule n ) pi n to inform you of the ineafcable 1 ero fit I hae !cried fiom th-- il' of f to-'fl ind'i German Mini rs. I have u ed thoin for the Liver (om;ilaint. and lak- p'easu-e in recoin'iieiiding iht ni to the public as the saf si ind best remedy in iisr The Kdiu-.rnf ihe Wootttr Demorra' , May 6. 1--53. s d'i : ")lo ifland's G r nan Mit'ers. -This inv-jlnr.-b'e m 'diein,- is daily pe:f irm'nsi cures of ih'- moi remarka ble eha r:.i ter. We do not speak oi this medicine iihout a knowlcdc o' it" efliearr, as we have tri' d il in our Inniiiy, and find it to be the only thing needed in Liver Complaint or Dyspep sia. OGIF.n 4- -'L KKK, Cambridge, O , Nov 17. IS-oi. said : 'By th ise persons who h ive used your Mo fland German Hitters thr-v are con.iJered an invshnhle remedy for Dysppsis " 53rYoii snould bear in mind that tlirse Rttter are cmtiielv mgetaslk. thereby possvtsing ad v-in-nges over most of i he pre carat ions recommend -ed tor sitrt'lar iispnses Kirsile bv O. A B tADLF.V" ind VV. H. LIP PIT I'. lVilmint;ron, anj by Drugjisis every where July 13th. 1854. 5C-ly. n h n rcv NOTES ON TRE FOUR GOSPELS. A .SUPPLY now on hand, and for sale nt July 11. S. VV. VH (TAKER'S. -A Jfew tt Mr Vohime, 6y IHrs'Ann S. Stephens x. Just publlrhcd. atd for rale at? ' July 11, ' SW. WHITAKF.R'S u 6th VOL.iGLEAS0iVS PICTORIAI UNlFOHM.with fonnrT voIlimciT, witfHrrf anu for sale at 5. W'. WHI I'AKKIl'S. Jul) 51. 49. 0F the Seat of sal.- nt -Julyll.V - NEW MAPS- War. Just published, and for s. VV. ill TAKKK'-s. ' . ,9'. CRUISE OF THE NORTH STAR. AtlUATlVK ot the Excursion of Mr. Van r derbih's Party to England, Russia. Denmark France. Spain, In.fy, Mafia. -'I urhi y . ftfadeirn, &c A sunply now on hand, oi.d lor s;ile al July U. S. VV. WdlTAEER'S. GLEASON'S PICTORIAL NDTHF. KLIUOPOIJII UNION, for Sai il iwdny. Jul: I5;h. logethi r wiih a variety of Periodica I j at. d Ncwspuiieis of latest dales. For sale at S. W. WUlT.tKEll's. Jul) II. 49. TiUMTE t iF Seii nee. Art. M inn laciiires. A'jriculture. V Commerce ar d Trade, Vol. I, No 1. A vrn handsoiue New Mondilv at oul- SI per annum. Subserin'iuns teeeivtd .il July 11. S W. Will TAKER'S. STEAM i ENGINE AND SAW MILL ILL sell low, and on arcmn modal ing terms, the I'.njtne and M at hincry of I lit-, i 'ape Fear steam SawMiil 14 iisch c liudt 1 , 2 feet s: mkc ; three il inch ho lers, 31 feel long main sh.ifi lb feci fi im lo s long tin powrr of ihis enainr is esit.. aii d ai 6l hoise. has a new extra cylinder and 1 ; terri n;?, mil all th api lianccs ni i c--a i y loi .le lull tqi:iil.l to opi'i a : e a I once. Alfo, 2 Stire dres.-irg M ai hires. Ji. inters , iS-c. t-oinpiitr. O. G. PA lis I. F. V. Jan 21 131 if CT: K ovK boston. ; i.--TsL THE Brig TIMES, Capt. Berry, will "fa ""jaall in a few days fer ihe above port. K6r J. U. CllADBOURN fc CO. f Vm BATH, MAINE THK,Br-l2 JULI PAYSON, Captain fljeekjuilea, aartU-nave dispatch for Ihe above July 11. r frelghi or passage, apply lo ' : rH.iCIUDBOURN fc CO. FOR BAtO, MAINE. THE A. I. R iTMONTICKLLO, Cap. Lloyd, will mecl wlthjauick disnaich foi ,ihe abeVc port . For liit freight or pas- saae.apply l. . J. H. CHADBODIIN & C. July 11. . W.. 49. WE have on hand a beauti.'ul assottrijtof French and American Paper HanL'inj;?, Plfe: orations, Fire Screen. W in low Shades and Cur iums, Cornices, Picture T.isels of nrwesi styles, for sale by : WILKINSON t RLKK," June 17. Upholsterers. JUST RECEIVED. A FEW kegs of extra Butter, and for sale by C. DcPRK & Co. 42. June 22. PAPER HANGINGS ON hand, and j ut up by WILKINSON A F.SI.ER. Paper hn oers. 7. o FOUR THOUSAND BUSHELS F Corn in Si ore, and for sale by THOMAS SMITH & CO. April 20. 15 if. CHEAP BUTTER 1'HKs!ikscrilwrs hive received a lare lot of Go sh n B n tier h ii h tliry t.fier lor sa 'c a very re I 'O pro. lire : 1 5(i Odd AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY i s iz. he sold irith' ut re eupy is wan e-' l S rva ills lil led al Juls 11. CIGARS. Havana t'ig.-ir.', jum rrrcjy.d in Hie Phil .di l Ilia and li.tlii- tnorc Market, and or tale ibenp. bv C A D. DuPRE, June 20. ' V lul, s. le Di ui:isis. inn- r H i. al a 'o .v price. A hunt s l.eeboin am! IJraid Hat.-, n usi ard tn rut. as li e ron.thev- oi- 0 other piirioes. Al il I) 1 ands aid 1 the sioie. C. M KRS. 49 lui d prices bv i he I-eg .Tun. 2". nanMj JSo nis retail McCALIvM d and Z i ent OiL BKH T. 1 I. 25(),()rOr.:, CHEMICALS. TZs. fieiiiian, French, and English I JV ' Unitiin ; Do li.s. Srup 1 riide Iron; 50 lbs. Blue Pill Ma.-.- ; 16 ezs. Sulph Moipbin; 25 ozs. Su ph I ii.chonia," at.d ihe firmest su piy ol t :hcniie.i!s ever o.'K red for sale in this Stale. For sale at C. .t D. Di'l'il t'.-, June 23. J. if- H. copy. Drug W are Rooms. CF.RTaI it th i isanJ INDIA CHOI AGtiGNK. "F.RTaIN Keme.lv fort hiils-and Fevi rs-, n.- idsiau li ufy. For .-ale at C. A D Dcl'lt F.'s. Prua and l.h-. mil al Store. June, 29. J. and H. C'oiy. 43. MONEY WANTED. THK Subseribi r has all necounts made out Ir. 1 July 1st, and u'd iho-e ihat iiaxe not settled, will please do so itnmcdi itelcv as lun''s must b had in order to r pleni; b an i n'ire N ew Sim k of Jroc.ries. GEO. MVI'.IP'. Julx P. 43. FIFTEEN THOUSAND DJLLAHS U,rOIM H OF li )OiS, SHOES, NI) MiiO g in-. Having purciiascd our entire stock jii-i fr-ou the niinii :.-ii-:ories. we ate oreo ired t.. olfer inducements to the ('Of '.VVVi' V' MKIll'H .INT's'. ij.i.il to any establishment sonili of Mos ton ApriM. JONES A GARDNER FILES rilLES lT FILES fli I U"T meeived a lull assortment of Butcher's L'cnuiif Saw Files. Also, th .- double t ircj etra Mil Saw Files. J. M. ItOlUNSON. April 6. y CIGRS, T.)BAr C0 AND SNUFF, rl ' I IIK I PPOsI TE the sale nd lliia Call and see. May II. ' CIGAR STORE. Markc, oui!i Si,!e ) Whole 1, at prices to -nit eii-tonn rs. VANSU Kl E 2i If. NOTICE. ribrr havina qu. jp: KIT.S Du: f ) sale lo , a I Jul) 8. HERRING ill Hettl jii' r eeivi d and lot GEO. MYERS. 43. CHAMPAGNE. HAS K ETS Choice fhamp-icne just to hand ni reasonable prices, a: GEO. MYERS. July 8 50 49. 30,000 Krnwn ; nois. diris : 10(l0 do. 3 do. J.ipin and sale cheap, by July 1. PAINTS. T.BS. Prime V hi tc Lead ; 5000 lbs. iti.-.n Red; 40 hid.-. Spanish Fire-Proof Paint ; 50b do. Ver- tlh. Green; 5Ui do. Paris Green; 3 do 'oach Bodv Varni.-h, lor C. A D. Di'I'KK. J. and H. Cony. 4li. BACON AND PORK. 1 f IIHDS. Piime Sides; 25 bhis. ilear Aiess 1 J i'.irk, in store and ! arrive, for sale by July 5. GEOKG.E UAlllUSS. A riCKELS AND PRESERVES. of VV. Underwood's J usi ri ei iv d and ior GEO. .VI Y Kits. 43. N Elegant assor'ment Pickels and Pie.-ervis. tie cheap, at Julv S. NOTICE. BY virtu uf a Deed of Assignment executed on the 24. h of April last, by William C. Howard, the undersigned ere cun-lituted his Assignees for trie settlement of his business. All" persons h iving claims against him ill pres ent them to said As.-ignees, and all h Ii i are in debted to him will mage par men! to thi lit. JOSH U O. WIIIGHT, JOHN DAWSON. July 11. 49 Im. RIcYlAND FOR SALE. QrsIfAOR more acre of prime Rice Land lying ZJJ 8 mile above . Wilmington on the Cape Fear River, and adjoining the lands of D. B. Ba ker, aad 11 . Brvan. There is a eood Uuland Set- 5lient of 70 acres, .wiih a one ..sdory dwelling -j witti iyui tooms and other unprovenru-nts. . Terms made easy, or I would exchange for real estate in ihe Town JofVViln,ingioo.. Further discrlption of ihe land I unnessary as those wi shins toDOrchase .vrilf examine for Jbemselvcs- v - . - ' THOS SVJITII s J r v BACONBACON fl f) HHd!f.; Vciefn-iSideiiir,ShoWer.iA MpCIIUr 1.1 III. IVI r , j - WELL'S PA TENT SAFETY LAMP & LAMP FEEDER. N F.W' ARTICLE, warrartrd to prevint all : Accidents from the use of Hunting "luid, Camphcne, und other Explosicc Compounds, nsid for the production of Lithi. Ti is Inxen;ion ii :ipilied to all common Lamps and Lamp Feeders, also, lo Solar, Camplirnc Laii p--, Lanterns, Ac. A LSI), Murni nir Fluid. Cnmphene, Hosin Oil, For sale by C & D DePIlF, Druggists, Market -Mie-i, VV ilining'on, N . C- The following Cerl'fn.-ates are a uffieient jrnar amy of ihe entire siif.tv and efficiency of the Safety Lamp and Feeder: CERTIFICATES 16 POVLSTON ST.. Mo-TO.V. 21st Nov.. 1P53. Pbofeseob Kevjamin .-illiman: Dear Sir I take the liberty of uskini; ou if any circiti" sianee has ocelli icd, lindim; any de;re lo di ninish the full conriden' e von have felt in the protection ufi'irded by Newell's Pa'eul Safety Lami ! With h-gh respect, truly yours. A. A. II Avrs. Bostov. Nov 21. I e 3 To Dr. A . A Hayes -. Dear Sir, In reply to the inqniry contained in xoni note of this da'c. I can now stale that ' Newel's Patent Safety Lamp," nf.cra considerably ext. nded experience in ny family, has fully jusiifv d the fnvnrabb opinion which I expres-e.l of it about a year ago Until this proui-tion was presented, I never Tierminid tl.c so-calbd hiireins.' fluid lo be used ii un house. Nov ii is cotista nt I y employed hy the domestics, and P has lu-en occasion lly burnid in tile ar or and snidy 'I he lion - e h ins lighted b as. there is litl'e oeensi..n f..r its 2' ni ral u-e ii. hr fimilv ; hut uith the proft ion named abort, 1 should hav no hesi 1 u ion to use il whe evi r the c i- occasion for artificial I'gbt. and 1 do. i'h en tire confidence, re- oiiimen.l ii to my fiicnda and .oners ho ron-uli me on the snt'j' et al ays urotcs'inj. ho vevi-r, a-utost ihe uo'uird'd u c A-hielt Ins produced so many diilicssing and fatal results. I remain, dear sir, very 'psm etfitl y and truly K I L L' MAS, Senior. Wilmington, N. ( '., June l"-lh, 'fi"i4. I hereby cernly tiia! I witnessed the r.xiicriiiienii of M r. Ni well, with Ids patent Sa'cly Lamp, toi furni-hinir --tluid" and am perfmlv satisfied ol the safety of the same. Jas. H. Dickson. President of the N. C. Vedical society. This is to eetiify ihat I have ns d Neweli's Pat ent Safety Lani s, for more than twelve months, and they hnvestiven pcrleci sat is'ai-itcn June 23d, Ibo-1. -?tr2 c t C. inu i in rill. Snbgeribrr havina qualifiid at the Lis; term of Brunswick County Court, as execu trix of the ill of VV iliiam B I i Ii k lc , dt ci !if-i d, a i I pi I son s i n deb led to his Ksl ale a re hereby inn iln d lo make immi di. He payo cni; and those having elai nis ag ii ns; it, ate n qtit-i ' d in my absence, io present the .-ante lo Ge i ire Davis, Fm , in Wj. mineion. M . E. B UN KI.K Y, -.'.rr'. June 29. 45 lir. NEW LINE of SCREW STEAMSHIPS. TO SAIL UETll'EE.X SEW-YORK ASD OLASdOW. Til E Ch de Scr. w St. ainer Pat k- 's lie w S lea iok-lt . ps t't'de an. I I'eircl, are tiller. deil to sail lot Glasgow as und. r : From v i w-Vmk, CI.VDK, Saturn: v, August 1 9th, al 12 o'clock, noon. Frem New-York, PE'IERAL, Sulutday. Sep tember 16th. at 12 o'clock, noon. Hates ,f Passage, f Steward 's fees included. C'hief Cabin, S 'O A Mm ited n uiiibrr of thi rd clus passengers will he taken and suptiliid with soon and comfortably cooked provisions, al S.5. Beilhs not si cured tiil paid for These Screw Steamships have bi en bnili and filled out express ly for the tiade on I lie tn-st approved principles, lor securing safety, corn'or' and speed; and car ry each nn rx-pertenn d surgeon. For Freight or Passage apply to TlOBEKT PATON, 3 I Broadway, N. Y. Money orders cran'ed on Glasgow, in sums jCl S ter li a nd upwards, Payable on di mnnd . Should anythina occur lo chan-xe the dues s.nliri 1 1 1 e n t . June 10 of of due notice will appear in this advcrii.-c- 4"-6i -c. DENTIL NOTICE. DR. CA ft II will leave Wilmington . on n the twenty-fourth of July,' for a Ni nr nhon ort hern tour. He intends to be absent ahcLI four week-. J unc 27. 4 l-'.'m Town Daily and Weekly papers copy 2 inonihs BRICKS. 31 A nnHlll) BUM KS. to arrive, fn-snle l.)JJ by FREEMAN A HOUSTON. June 29. 45. HAY. Q Xf R.A EES il A Y. now on the way (rom New C-)J York, for sale by J une 29. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. CHILDREN'S SHOES. A LA RGE an I handsom-assortment, ro ceived this morning, anil for sale r.v JON ES A GARDNER. May 25. 30. FOR RENT. xrS THE. large Briek Dwe'lintr. on Second street, ai present occupied b,- VI rs. W'm. 11. Lippitt. For particulars apply to R. G. RANKIN. September 3, 1P53. 73-lf. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. TTE the undersigned, having associand i it r V selves together under the name and riim of TURNER A KOSAN.will an.nd pi-rsonallv to the Side of REAL EsTA'l E of evnv desi rip' ion, ueh s Hotifc, Lots, Farm-. Ground ID n s. I'imh. r. Mineral Lands, ife Persons hiving nnn h propcity lodt.-poseol would do well io sin sus a call, or coiiiiiomicn'e by letti r, with li e price and full ile-ci iption. Loans n Propi r'v, :''., llCgo'iat. d. Ad IreSS Tt'BNER & ltosAN,3- H in over St., Baltimore. W VI . TC UN Ell, late Shi riff Ba'to. co. C. J . ROSAN. Jun- 27. 44 1 tn. you: s, Geo. R. FnENCH. Having pnreh.isr-d Ihe right for the Stale of N i", . from the Patentee, we are prepared to fiil all Orders at short notice, for every description and variety of Lnmns, Ac. All persons are eiutioned against infringing up on the above patent, as the law will be rigidiy en forced against all offenders. C. DcPRE, D DuPRE, Jr. A. C. DICKINSON. Jur e 2?nd, 1951. 42 if. LIME. JOf Cask dally ex pre ted per Brig A. Adams, tJKJKf from Boston. May 20. For sale by ADAMS, BRO.& CO. , . NOTICE. ALL Person, idebled la the Snlwtiber, are respectfully informed that their Bills are made ' . ... ii 1iV - ...I... ma i July isi, ana renay for ttiucmem, ioo.-c " preiet to com otiu, win pieS3 QU o II -n L. f u lyr r T and ?rlrS. !,. dar. Those who do not avail themselves of this H., N. O. T and fF'tt Age ropy. privilege, wiKcertamly be waited upon witn taeir Bids for settlement. - C. MYKtS, ; Julv I. r, . -s. Walter DR. E. SEYMOUR'S Crlebrated Galcank Abdominal Supporters. ( H IS is to certify, that C. & D. DuPr--, Drug t'ists of W ilm ngton. S . C., are my sole agents for the sn e of the above Supporters for this nluce and vicinity. E SF.YMCL'it. IV ihning'.on, N. C, M..rth 23, lbS4. We mofl respcclfuliy call the attention of the Mtdicil Profession of the State to an examination of the above Supporters. C. A D. DuPKF.. Mutch 23, 3 -If. BUTTER--BUTTER--BUTTEIi . 7 FIRKINS from the Dai y of Deacon Warner. Chenango County, whose butter look the firs-t prize al the World's Fair in London. To accommodate our triicds wi will sell b) the pound or firkin: retail price 30 cts. Jui e 20 VV. M. SHERWOOD A CO. PERFUMERY. LUBINS, Pivers. Prevosls, Bazins, and Glenns Perfumery and Toilette articles, a very large and choice assortment of the above, for sale by C. & D. DuPRE, July J. Wholesale Druggists. J. and 11. cop . SUGAR7cOFFEE AND SOAP, Per Schr. L. P. Smith from N. Y. ipr BBLS. of R. L. & A- Stewarts C. Yellow iJ Sugars. 25 bags best Green Lagnira-Crffee ; 20 boxe W'm. Colgate and A No.' I Soap ; 10, half boxes.db; iff- vdoi1. do. TO do.. do. .pale do. t Low fr cash," r '3T.O. W. KELLEY'S. July 6. - - .-.-.'v.- .--w.. - .47. - - BILLS OF EXCHANGE. .1 A NTJegaai-KdUioRof Bills of F.acJVange, prfnt i ed in Get many, ig Books of, 10, qnires-.snii-ift sheets, just received and for sale nt tb office of Th Ctmsmttxiol. n AIR BRUSHES; - 1 OH POZF-NrttncBiEnglisb' sind Ameri 1 VV.ean Manufaeture,lso,.a large assortment oT Paitu; Tolith Nait and Flesh Brushes, just al BiaBOj-ma iorsa--ery eneap, Dy -i v-. 4rt 'WW.i'jlttiivT y A wholesale Drossists. aou a. copy. "AblSCO SGBEAT KORTflCRN AND SOUTHERN EXPRESS! fiAHRV PAfcKAUKS ofeverv dcsctiplioo lo PeiersbrsrtR4ehmoc4t, Frrdricksbnrg, Wash , in?tn City, Ptionih, Norfolk, Baltimore, Ac , in charge of Specie I Messenger. JOtl.N L- OA v i MfKLL, Asen:, jQfaee on Front, near .Mai Wet st. May la. i-' ' 27-if. .1 SUGARS. ANEW supply or till grades and qualities at n low price. For sale by. L. N. B RI.OW, June 3. No. 3, Granite Row. BUTTER! BUTTER ! ! , nr,o --rjr.xira no. l Goshen Butter. Just re- rv ceived by June 3- I.. BARLOW, G'anite Row. JAMES DAWSON. "'TS ntlt ntlv receiv ing superior le-s of While i Goods, viz : lCopets, CambHcs, Tape Vhecks, Swiss-Mull. M u fl HbIIs. India Roofcs, Bishop's Lawn, Victoria Lawns), Striped Sus, Dotted SiKes Toilet Q.uilts.1 Fine Shirtings, - .. -Toge'her with n full and i-omp'eie asortmcnt of even thing comprised in ihe While Goods lAne, to .i hti ti ih . alien ion of buyers is respectfully solicited. June 3. Herald copy. 34. THOMAS SMITH & CO. DEALE.tS , CORN, M K IL. HOVJONY. PEAS and OATS, an I COW and HO;iSE FEED, IjMtt's ll'unf, North Water St reft. WILMINGTON N C. I'tlOMAS SMITH. D. DIIMIK. Jit. Our Steam Hiist Mil! is now in successful opera tion We will have it in our p iwer to Je ivi r Mi' -.u ive ii ti( I. s at shot t notice We have a !S h r.-i powci engine and shall run two pur of four f . i t sium-s. Mdei s e:i n be add rr ssed !o C. DuPre iv Co .oi to the -u b.-c: i bei s. J ""C'orn ground on TOLL. THOMAS SMITH & Co. 15-if. April DENTISTRY. Dr. T. B. CA'! R has return, d from the North with a largely incieased stock of Teeth, f MSI t tl merits. Ac Hav ing cons. ilicd in my eminent Dentists, he has perfi ct confidence in t he su pel iurit y of Allen's I'a u in in .de of inserting teeih with artificial guni Etid seis inserted immediately after the extraction of the eeih. and remodelled after Ihe gums have heahd wiil.,ut addiiional charge. They inn be wot n wi th. i m pain, and i cm ived ftnm the mniiih by i he we.trer. and a re cleaner and stronger than teeih msetcd in any other way, and ire icarranted to give perrecl sa li.-f iction. All other opercl ions per ioi med in the most approved in inner. Referener to in lividu ils in 'his place now wearing teeth with the pai. u improvement. Oi l 4-w-ir if Pfi TO THE SIGK AND AFFLICTED. D.t. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF W I LD CHERR Y. 7e most effectual and speedy CURB KXOWX FOlt ; Oft'Sl.Vi PTOAt Cough, Colds. AsOima, Hrenchdis, Lirtr Complaint. Spiffing blood, Dif firuhy of HretdUing, Pains in the Side and tfreast, I'aJptldionuf !he lleiirt, lif.uenza. Croup, Brulci Constitution, Sore T.Lroat, .errous liebitUy. and all Diseases of the Throat, lirsast, and Lungs. UREA P CURE OF THOMAS D(CKSOiV, , After having been given up to diS by Physicians and frierirjs. Point or llocss, l-'atrjscicic Co , Y.D., ? June h. 1351. J DR. SWAYNE: Dear Sir Believing it a duty 1 owe to the pu'jiie, nud in justice to yon, 1 have thought proper to make known one of ihe most extraordinary curt s. in my ov?rf case, ihat Iris ever been tru ly recorded. In me month of October last, I was afflict. -d wi'h a severe gather ing in my brea-t, which fornn d a larjjc ab.-eess, and al?o cominunieuti d to my lungs and viry much afflicted them, and discharged large rDn t.iies of corruption, external and internal. My nrealh could also pass through my lungs and out throng!) the cavity of my breast with apparent e bc, .it tenth d with a violent cough day and night, loss of apprii'e, and extreme d. !ihly, so that my physic i.in- thought my case extremely hopeless and beyond the power of medicine. 1 remained in this wretched condition for a lonu time, until I was wasted lo a mere skeleton, and ih.'re scemi 4 to be n . h pe for me, but. h iving read in the pb--ie pipers ot ihe itiinv wond- rful cures performed y )our t;Od POUND SYRUP OK WILD CH E K K Y, I inun di itely sent lo Baltimore for rue boit li s and eoinmenced its use, and, to ruy.. great sulisfaction and that of my anxious family. ni e auscess or opening tn my lungs Degas to neat, in 1 the c u'n subsided, and on using lenjAotiles I w is restored to pen'ect health. 1 feel vefy gratc ui, and firmly believe ;!in (n your usarfft-ine. un der ihe h es-ings of Divine Providence, 1 am in debted for this great change, and am harpy in say 'bat I am now enjoying a- good health as 1 ever have. Y i irj very respectfully, TIIOS. DIXON. The subscriber is well acqtiaintid with Thomas Dixon, and can testify that lie h been ..ffliclcd a. ihove repre- en'i d I reir ird his recovery as almost i miracle, lie is a wurtby member 'f society. J V i:s H DURBORO'W, t'.i ler of Iht Berlin Circui', lialliinore Conference. li giy sioneio il.e tjiMiit-c'i, strenjrthens ih Itgeaiive organs, and is ihe original and only true reparation ol Will Cherry rn inti'aciiired. Oh--erve p i ri letil.nlv iheporirni- of Dr. Swayne is on the v raop r around each boiile. Labor ito v I t t'le in intifaclure and sale of all DR. SVV VV.M.'S Mb:Dli;lNF.s, No. 4 NORTH SEVENTH ST. a .ove. VLirket, Phi aJeiphia. For sale Wholes .le and Retail hy C. A D DuPRE, W iliuinsion. N. C Anri! 25. 17 ly. THE AMERICAN'S FRIEND!! h LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE. bits. Iff, U r.ow Li ' i 1 ti, i Cap r Til E subscriber noulj rspeetfufly invite the ttcn tor in pHe, To nia very ami es.mpleftf assortment ot hurnitiirv receivea arta rrccnuy seirctia ny nimsin at 'iannfactorieSi dutlnat thr presi month, l.:r, 'will lie complete a od eonsisV to part of tl.ef lowing articles. Kiii Sets Drawing Ropi Furniture, ia Darii ask- snd lisir Cloil) j ' 'K Setts Psintcd Cnambcr Fort itnre. 50 Sideboards, Socrerie and book 5U Sofas snd TlIc uTcIm ; 100 Bureaus; 100 VVah Stands, marble and plain ; 100 RocEing Cfial.'s-- 73 Nurse . do. 125 Tea and Dining Tables; 73 Centre, Cald end Sofu do. 75 Toile do. 100 doz. Chairs, ruhioncd cane and Windsor ( 250 Bedsteads, in mahogony, walnut maple iron ; . W ardrobes. ntabojony srrd stained i Office Furniture Children's Chairs; Ottmnan. Foot StoOiS l A fine assortment of LiwTVfng Glasses ; Teapoy's Whatnots Hal .Stspds ; .Settees, VVorK lames f . -I. Work Boxes. Paper Jlapginte; W'ndow Shade. e. f'C ) . A rsw vsst Finn PtSHO tks, andln fart aU' most any article that may b.dsirr, in comnl. te ly f-frnlshlng Dwellings, Hotels Offices or Sa' clsty Rooms Front fcircel. jS U. 1.U r. . 76., "Vr nmln-rtott, fi C-Scpf, 9, ISM May AN OWNER WANTED. o" Empty Barrels, per Scnr. Eugenr, from ton. ADAMS, B RO. A CO. 2'-. 3J. FOR SALE. THE House and Lot occupied by the sub scriber on Fourt. between Nun and Ann Streets possession given I! October. Ap ply at ihe Ice House, SH. AS H. MARTIN. June 25. IR 53. 41. RECEIVED THIS DAY, OKU Fxnrcss, 500 prs. Children's shoes a va i rieiy of ttyUs and colors to suit ihf. season. JVI iy 2-V. JONES & GA RD.NEu'S. NOTICE THE subscriber, respectfully informs the public, thai Ir; is now ran iseting the Auction business on his own account, and hopes by st ricl ni'enlion to btisiners, to merit a continuance I that patronage heretofore soiioerplly bestowed upon him. M. CRONLY. Stock, Real Estate and Negroes, bought and sold on a commission of I per cent either at private or public sale. Jan S. 1353. I2C. TOWING BY STEAMER CALHOUN O RDERS for towinghy STEA M E II (tlillUU.X, will have attention H lie ft M ihe oO'.et of GEO. II A RRISS . 105. N. 16. OPR. I NG. O and Shu order, hy .May 20. H A I ti. PATENT, FELT. MOSS :k Matlrasses. On hand and made lo WILKINSON A, FSLFR, Ujiliolsiers. NEGRO PASSES. ANEW" form f Pass.-s, containing sanitary pro visions, approved by he Commissioners, at d 1 ntim ier of others interested in the welfare of our colored pipul ition, is just issued ut the office of Tiie f 'o'nmerrial. PRINTS. French and American. r?NG.isri if every kind and Q'lalu v ; b rem h Corse's ; a while goods I J o large assortrnrnt of Ri di ms and Dress Trim mings, and Muttons ; a full line of Goods fir Chil dren's Spring and Summer (Mothing ; Bonnets of the latest stvle; lliir, Cloth, Grass, Rope and Corded Skirts. For sale by April I. JAMES DAWS ")N. P EH I V en BY EXPRESS. CEIVED this morning, a new supply of rich Plaid Summer Sil:;s; Ginghams and Pr nted French laconens; Black net Mitts; dimming Collars; Chim Z 'tls and Und rsleeves ; Chddrcn's Gau'e Merino Vests, allsizes from No. 1 tii ; also l.adies' di'lo; Fringed and Diuia-k B rd-re-d Linen Tow-eN ; a beautiful article id' orinied Linensfor Boy's wear, ArciVc. For sale nv April C. J A VIES DAWSON. fl. 117 TON'S, 1 1 1. 3 a do. I 2 . 0 I I do. 5 1 hieh we will .lone 21 HOOP IRON. of insist t ng inch ; d . do. do. of I II for sol W. M est .American I ron Il proli 1 . St I F. if WOOD A CO and V I.U WJDK. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. OV Wedded iy He 26 h day . f July n.-x t . a: I 1 cloc c, . 1 i he in rce lull i .1 - 0 i n as (he ' . a h-mv L-.ts" me ; -urieg 19- ice' on 1'hird and Fourth -Mrcci, an I 3 i ' feci .n Prlnc-ss Street, will be a..!d at Public Auction, at Exchinge Corner. These lots will ! e subdivi ded by a line bisecting them from North 10 Soti'b in stieli other w-ay as mav be deignalid on .1 plan which will be c.xhi Idled on the d iv of sale, when ihe terms of S lid Sale will he ni ide k now n Wm. A. WRIGHT, Attorney. June 2!. 4J-is. MUSIC! MUSIC!! MUSIC!! LARGE lot received to day all mw pieces 1 b or sale by July 0. J. T. MUNDs. 47 PAPER PAPER. A LARGE stock i.f Letttr, Bill, Cap a l Paper, now on hand, and for sate by. July 6. nd Note T. MUNDS. HOLLO WAY'S PJLI.6. To the Citizens of the t'ni.'ed States: I most humbly and sincerely lhank you for the immense pattonage which you have bestowed upon my Pills. 1 tale thi- opportunity of slating that my Ancestors wi re ail American Citizens, and that 1 entertain lor al! that concerns Ameri.a and ihe Americans, the most liv. ly sympathies, s" much su litat I originally compounded thfSe Pills ex pressly 10 suit your climate, habits, constil ui ions, a nd 11 t;i n 11 1-1 of living, intending to establish iny seif among you, whi.-h I ht.vo now done, by lak i:ig piiioijs in New Ymk. THOMAS HO L LOW A V, 33. form r of Ann and Na-sa u S ts., . York. Ti': li :iod Direr and lidieus Complaints. The Ciiiz'-ns of the Union suffer much from dis orders of the Lher uni. stomach. The fair sex, perhaps, the most hands, me in t h j W 01 Id. a 1 a ei r a in period . loose thi i r 1 1 c th and good looks xvh ile vctin the lu yd iy of I'fe. Tin se evils may be el fecitially remedied by continually keepinc the blood pure, and the Lr erand Stomach in a healthy ac-Li-ti, whi r. lite viill tlow saictlily. I say feurlebf !y, thai htaitti and lile may be pioloiigfd fr years beyond the ordinary limits, il Dnlloways Pil's an taken to put ily the blood, in accord inee wiih ihe directions w hich .-iCcompany each B"X. Cure of Yciiknsi d Ihhilitii .'10 Y.'. Standi "g. Captain Jo n Johnson, of Astor House, New York. sulTcied for ten years ftoin a derangement of ihe l.iver and Stomach, and was eo reduced in -trength that he never expected to go to se 1 any more, h iving tried every known remedy without d 1 i ing hi ei fit. A t last . he h id recourse to Hollow-ay's PilD. which coinilelely cur. d him, after u-ingiln tn for three mon hs, and he now eujjys 1 he soundest health. Ti' se celtbni'' l Pills n rr ir,.n,.erjidly rfJUncim.s in the f tiitKeiug rrunplitints : Ague, Asthma. Bilious Complaints, Blotchi e on the Skin, Bowel Complaints, Constipation of I lie Kowels. Debility. Di.-psv. Erysipelas, Female. I r reg'ilariib s. Fevers of ail kinds, Gout, Head-ache, Indigestion, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Piles. Re ten 1 ion uf I. "rine, Scro lu la , or King's Ev il. Stone and Gravel, Secondary S ym ptoms, V em-real A Hi c lions. Worms of nil kinds, W eakness, from what cvei cause Sold al the Establishment of Professor Hol loway. 3-1 Corner of Ann and jv-iu Streets. N. Votk ; also by all re-pectable I lllgg -t3 and Dea lers in Medi. ines tiiroughout tin . ...icd Stales, in H i-i'j. u f?J ee-tis.; 37 cents, anl 1 ,50 each. To be had VV hub-sale of the principal Drug Houses in the L nion. and A. O BRADLEY, Wilmington, N. . There is a considerable savii.g by lakidg the lar ;er sizes N. B . Direction" for the guidance of patients in evcty disorder are i.iTixi d to each Box. June 17. 40"!y'f" TUB NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, RALLICII. N. C. f'llE above Company h:-sbeen in operationsinct i. the Uiot April, ib4S, under 1 he dire ctioi. of the follow in;.' Olliet ts. x iz : Dr. Ch tries E. 1 onhson. President. Win. D. Haywood, Vice President, J aincs F. J 01 dun. Si en la 1 y , Wm II. Jones. Treasunr, Pcrri" Bushee, Attorney Dr. Ch tries i .. Johnson. Dr. VV ,n. Il . .McKee. Dr. R. B Havwood, J. Ilersmin. ' et ei al A gen t . This ,'onipa ny n a s reci I ved a ch 1 r ter giving ad ;;i:i:,,'jes t i no insured o er a li y ot her ' 'ompa oy Pile 5ti Sc lion gives the Husband 'he privilege io ;:.5ur his ow n i't lor the soli-use o I hisVv ifeand 'hildren, free Irom ; 11 (-lain t f the rcprescnla 'ivcsol ihe husband or any of his creditors. Drganiz.d on purely mutual principles, the life members ..ari ic i pa in I he irliuli. of 1 lie proI 1 s w hich ire declared annually. Besides, ih applicant for '.iff. when tin anno;-. I ore mi a m is over $30 may pay ne half i n N . -te . All laim? or 1 n sura me nga i ns 1 the Companx will le paid within oinei y da s after prool of the death if the parly is furnished. slaves are insured for one or five years, at raies which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this da-s of propei it v again st the iinc, rlaint y of life. " -lave insurance presents anew and interesting inititi- in the history of orih Carolina. which will jirov very important to the Southern Staien. The last four months operation f this Company shows a vcrx '; a rgp a minn 1 of business more lhau the Directors r xpected to do the firsi year-having already issued more than 3t0 Policies. Dr. Wm. W. H vttBisn, Modic-I Examl'npr, tnd Agent. W'il mi np ton, N. C. AH Cotnm mieatlnnson'jusinrPEof thc-Company ahou!d be addressed to IAS. F. JORDAN. Scc'y. Ri!eilt.Feb. 12, 1S53. . 14I-tf. DR. HARRIS,-. GRADUATE t V V MBitfUG Ui CLASS (824. tar found Eft or TlEjtJl BALTIMORE LOCK INFIRMARY.- No. 3 1 SOUTH GAYT. Opposite the ExckaHst limltimg and Pj Office. i I HUSK It r.ii U I til iN l 1X1 r.UI CA LUKsLUul i 1 C A L A ID, by applying 10 Dr. II., may recurs ,iCILLi-UL TREATMENT AND ADVICE j while all communications will be sacredly shield ed by ihe Lis ol professional honor A ware id lilt' difficulty with Ihe public lo dir. 'Tiinimite, in a newapaper advertisement, bet w ct ft the genuine snd skillful rhvsieiitn and : hi-spurious in tensions of the designing and dangerous Cuack Dr H. will cheerfully ive, when sppMi d 10, sueb irivate references us will fully satisfy ti.M ho tt.' quire his services. BEWARE OF NOSTRUMS! Avoid t'.e Patent Elixirs, Compounds and Cor lials, adverli -ed to cure all persons under retried forme of disease. As the institution and habit ol iiK!.iduals dider, REASON TEACHES the sane r-iiiedy cannot be suited 10 all alike, inn that disease can only be safely and effectually einiiirut ed by a judirious application of proper remedies. ATTENTION IXVJTIill. A practical experience of over 25 years enable Dr. H. to insure a sound and speedy cure In a ccf tain class of diseases, which have, too Ion? been yielded ny regular Physicians to lb hands of qtmck ry. He may be consulted confidentially , 'eiihef in person or by letter. Persons at n distance cured at home by address. ing a letter 10 DR. CORDON; II ARRIS S, Balti more, Md. - . t AM cOMimunicatioaF confidential. Remedies sent by Mail or Express te any partof the United States, July 19. 63-1 y 48-ly-c. V Medical Board of Consultation . COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Located 127 llaUlmoie-st.. Baltimore, Idf 'filE ostensible object 01U11V Institution is t Jl ati'ird individualsan opportttplny of oblsinli.sl a complete Mercantile F.ducatio".. Course of study - Book Keeping, by di.ubl cniry, practi-ally used in the varioua departments of Trade anl Commcroe, including Wholesale, Retail, Cummis sion Manuficturing. Shipping", and Stcamboailng, Individual Partnership, and Conipound Co. Busi ness. Also, .Mercantile Calculations, Practical Penmanship, and lainiflar I.tct ures on Commercial Law. and the usages' of Trade. Students being taught individually, can enter Collets t Slay time and the Course! usually coinplslctf In from f. to xvteks. Term toron unlimited endffee of instruct t ion. 435 All commit ni cat ions addressed to O. K. CHAMBERLIN, willmcet with prorjipi atteoiion cirtilare ninilcdto any part of (he Union when de' sired. : July 19. 53-ly - 4S-r-ly-e E D 1 0 A T E D GUTTA-PERCHA C0LL0DIAN. ANEW, and Valuable Remedy for dieasinf Wounds. Cuts, Burns, and Ulcers. Ii ha been tried successfully by Physician i, snd foundr, -uperior to any remedy of the kind now io use. It forms, when applied, a Cuticle, soft, elastic, antf impervious to waicr. assimilating most perfecll y the natural Cuticle. It may be advantsgcourly used in chapped lips, excotistions about Ibe neek and cars of children, and lor abrasions f a.mo-. every kind, and as a dressing in surgical opera tions. The proprietors feel great confidence in prrsert-' ing t he above article for use, believing ft will prove' full y ndrqtia'e 10 the cnd propoted, snd invalua ble as a medicinal rtimdy. For sole by the Pro--prielors, . CAD. DuPRE. GUTTAPERCHA ind Harness Galls, For sale by ihe Pro ' 4 . A LSO VETERIANRV f COLLODION for Saddle snd Harness Gall, Wounds and sores on horses. prietors, C. A. D. DuPRE. May 20. Druggists. Wilmington, N. C- GO LDSB0R0 FE3IALE COLLEGET 'VHIS instii'u'ljon commences Its second session l undot the new organization, on the 1st day of Mav, and will close the last day of November. 1954 Rrv'd James H. Brent, A. B. President. wltha full and competent faculty. 870 per session wllf cover ihe entire expense for Tuition and Board in ihr- Collegiaie couise, and $1C0 will entitle to li e full course and all tile ornamental1 branches. C0 willc iver the expenses for Board "arul .Tuition in ihe Primary Department.' ' Ornamental branchts . .xtra at 1 he npnnt charge. 1 : ' " The Board of Stockholders have taken" great pains in procuring facilities for riving, a thorough education, and solicit a liberal share of patronage. Students received any time. For further information address the President of thcFuculty, or the subscribe!. WM. K.LANE, Prtst, RmtU Stockholders. May 4. 2f-tf. STEAMER SPRAY" FOR SMITH VILLE AND ORtOiV. Q 1 F. AMER .PRAY. Cnpt.JOHN. r. O li. PRICE, will ply between W ii- frl jr& mington and Srrrf'.hx-ilE', la-nding "m stir' isal Of ton. a follows : " . - Leave Wilmington. Tuesday.- TbWrsday, Sataf dav. and Sunday Mornings al 9 o'clock. f.eavo imihvifle. Tin sdaf. Thursday, and Sat urday Af'crnoon, al 3 o'clock, and Monday Morn ing, a' S o'clock. ' - f, -"Passage One Dollar, Children and Servant hail price. ' ' '. F RE I GUT at customary rate.-, , ' ; Apply to Captain on bord(if tn A il. VjmBOKKKLEN'. Tio.t Soih.Vharve. Mar. ii I?. . t ... . ..... 1-tf. LEECHES. Jlfifl SWEDISH Leeches, by Adjms&Co's. LTLvJ Express. For sale at Julv 1. C. & D. DuPRE'S, Drug Store. J. and H. eopy. 4".- July 1. 46. NOW LANDING FROM SCnR. A. J. DEROSSET. BBLS Mess Pork UtJlO do Crackers fresh ; 25 Boxes Candy ; 50 do. Soap, No. 1 and Pale, ZEAU 11. CLT.'Mty. .JuIetS. . - - - N. For sale by GREENE. 1 47v". PRINTS, FRESH FROM NEW YORK. L ' e Per Sckr. Charles Mills. " 1 f 8BL.S. of Stewarts' A) CraoSaad Sgar , . lVlCask do. best. No. I Sfrsp ;'- . , ? bM, L-irgeTXo, 1 Mackerel t . ; ir 3 4rtsn-bottls bt Sweet Oil - ..4,5! du- Canso Potash, -prime for. making' Sop;.s , . , . . -.--r. -t sx v2SUags prime Green Rio ftifke -K '. ', i '.' 4half 4blsof ihat Felt on Market Famiry Ref. Low for cash at GEO. If. KKLLEY'S. Jaa 20. J., U., N. C- T. L-& of A.n cajiy. FUsT received, a large assortment, of English and American Print, new prttterns and colors, I can recommend: Ginghams "assorted Colors and Mourning and half Mourning do.;, Grass Cloth and Victoria Skirting; Bob nett M osqn if o Nett ings f Alien TaMe Damask : Napkin ; "Doy las and lrisb Lmcnsfc Linen Cambric and Lam, Dhdkf, and Gent's ditto ditto ; Allendale Brown Cotton Sheetinas, all widths ; Bine Denims,' medium and heaviest qualities madu; Georgia and South Caro lina Cotton Oxnaburgs; jlcavy. t Brown Cotton shirtins; Marlborough Plaid and Stripes; a very cheap lot of Red Ticks ; Linen Oinabnrgs and I I - . J r- w 1 . I . - f.r nfe b V .oIbm3 C JAMES DAWSON. - PORK AND BACON. 2 BARRELS Ciy Mess Pork; 10 hbdj. prime 0 ern Bacon Side- and Shoulders, Jast "El7rnd f9r hath Aw-ATr-'i son;,; CARRIAGES six seated OARKlAb f-. - . i 1 Panetcd ttiisjrwr Itsesiwiy. " 1 I 1 Panetcd W.'iar-er swMw.ri..i m-uker flockawajr and several light Bagx Jost received acd for k by - Sept 17-if DIBBLE duRO. MOLASSES AND N'0. SYRUP. r?f HIIDS. Swer Cnbri Molasses t tjUUObbls. N0: Faniify Syrup, for sale cheap in lois to suit, by jonea7. T. C. . B..G. WORTH SERVANTS' M ATTRASSES AT, I0, for -'crVsoN & ESLER. April?. lhle!!l, ST0RS FOR RENT,. . THE Store nnder Holme's. He'. 'a,e'y occupied bv. ihcsubscribccas Bosk S tore r,.r term". Ac, apply to Mach23. II, and J.copy. j S. "7" ROGERSCUTLERYr THE Subscriber is ntvsropening a Cns assnrf rarnt ol RoersVelcrted Knives, Seiar, dec ; and has made an arrangement by which b will be regnlarly snppli-4 srlih bis goods, espectalls' for W resle. .Tho wish the best ia this Irnc will alwats 64 hee . . ..J.M. ROBINaON'R. ' COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE." THKnaderrf,ssdliws rttl ly if-rsned !ir Co partnership, under the name of COSTIN. G REG G A.CQfbr h in V Lttm' y- Ml ro a ..J.sF.LI GREGG. ALFRED SMITH, J.G. LITTLEFIfcLD. Maica It. iiiriU- ber Basil jgrhirrijr.1. I..'3lrr . . -StfL Tflt . . .af sji j- .in . ' wb". sV-. . .-'S

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