- WTEttTyOTOS ft. C: THURSDAY. JULlKl3 1331. FOH GOVERNOR: GEN, ALFRED DOCKER Y. .!-. b; hands in his Dockets, and a that horrible deaths-death bv famine Boston Yankee Prtvaleer. - INITIATING AN OUTSIDER. A KNOVT-NOTHINO YARN. 6Y JACK HUMPHRIES. All creation and the balance of mankind were earl v one morning: aroused from the dullness usually pervading; the pious, prim, and peaceful town of East Nutmeg, by the cry of 'What's it all about?' 'When did they come?' 'How many are they V 'What do they look like V 'Did you see 'em V 'Are they human critters?' 'What are they go ing to do ?' 'Who?' 'What?' The Know-Nothings !' Know-Nothings?' says native. K" n n . N n t h i n S. ' " "Well, I'd give a fo'pence to know, con tinued the native, 'what in sin it's all hbeoat,?' - - . O, ycf& havnt seen 'em, eh?' says a Jol ly, round visaged, bright-eyed individual, who, with other strangers and nativesof East Nutmeg, were gathered in a knot about the depot, discussing the topic which had in a single night come, saw, and took toe town. 'Hav'nt seen 'em ?' 'Seen who' says the native. 'The Know-Noihintrs.' 'Know-Nothings ! Wall, I kinder cal'late I have' a few.' 'O, you are one of 'em, eh.' 'Look a here, squire, ef yeou don't want to be squattin cross-legged you heap o' sand. I cal'late yeou'd better not say my education has been neglected in any sich a way.' 'Not at all, ray dear friend; I only pre dicted that you were a that is, hang it--I mean do you know what's cut V 'Yee3; I'll tell yeou what's out, squire.' 'Good; what is it ?' 'A writ agin Josh Pruden, for brakin' the Sabbath all tew flinders, playing keards in Deacon Dinkle's barn.' 'Pshaw !' said the jolly man, 'I don't mean that sort of work. 1 suppose you are like the rest of those Know-Nothings, too sly, eh? to be caught?' 'Squire, do you chaw ?' Yes,' said the jolly looking man. 'Hand us your tobacco, then.' 'Yes, I don't chaw.' Git eout ! gettin' kinder sharp-set, too, I cal'late. Now, look a'here, squire, I 'gin tw expect jeour frow York.' 'I 'spect you are correct in your re marks.' 'Wall, I knew yeou was; can tell yeou . fellers a mile off: c' ves, can. bv kingdom . Now, 1 cal'late there's somethin' goin' on. that's a fact allfiredest raov ureound this yertaown, this mornin', beout somethin,' a feller ever hearn.' Ah, that's what I was comin' at. Now they say you've got up a new invention a new-fangled thing that's bound to get Christendom in an uproar; how is it?' 'Eh, yes; when are they goin' to begin it, squire ?' 'O, you git eout, sly dog; ain't you one of 'em V 'What ! them fellows that's goin' to raise sin, and break things ?' 'I don't know; I only ask you,1 contin ued the squire; :I only ask for information, you see.' 'Wall, naow, look a'here, a feller never made much by dod-rotted ignorance in this land of universal liberty and gineral educa tion; and a feller hates to come right daown and confess he don't know nothing, that's a fact; but, squire, I've got to acknowledge the corn, a-a nd it's no use talkin,' but dam jny buttons to apple sass, ef I wunt, as poor a fellow as I be, gin just ten shillins nnd upwards to knowfwhat's kinder busted raound here.' , 'Would you ' 'Wouldn't I ? By golly, squire, I guess you're the critter kin jost tell all about it ?' 'I'm just the man that can.' l knew yeou be ! Grea-at- kingdom, let's hear all about it !' Hish-sh,' said the humorous man, 'his-s-h I I've been sounding you.' You don't say so?' echoed the citizens of Nutmeg. 'Yes, sir .' We have to be cautious,' ab stractedly responds the Nutmeger. 'Can't speak out to every body.' 'So.' 'Yes, sir; now I know you're a 'good egg' 'Aiggs !' 'Good egg sound to the eyre !' 'Sound ?' wouldn't wonder; never aillin but once in my hull life; then I had the d.trndest scratchin' time yeou ever did see, I reckon. Ever had the itch, square?' 'Never, thank you.' 'O, not af all, squire, you are quite welcome, as Uncle Nat said, when he shot the Ingin . Well sir, now I'll give you in a whis per an idea of what's up; and if you love your country ' 'Me?' 'The land of the free, and the home of the brave. I 'Gre.a-a-t Fourth of July! pitch in the big licks, squire.' 'Our own dear native land !' 'That's the ginger ! Go it, squire !' says Nutmeg. J 'Well, sir, now you just follow me over - tne-hotel; so, now take a chair. Here we are; now I'll give ym the secret. You see this is a grand secret society' 'Eh, yes.' . J , ,f And, the greatest secresy is to be ad herd ; ta;,.. Now rtse hold up both, hailds hih nr ... i j - 7 " TTcvx v-4Sear'CftP-,tde,r ui" agin my - V ?Are vou an American V '.V . -AKCO,'XJiiftf noth'in' else, by Bunker Hiin ft '- . 'Will vnn stand hv ronr cmintrv V JWIII I? toots his 'Thert swear, that you will stand by the American eagle,-the stars arid 'the stripes, ana never reveal tne secrets.' il- ml. v . -."' -if t-' i ' fl:ll y J"! 'uiy uana .ounKer nun chimes in the excited Yankee. " . I",. UZBW'teK, good egg J. said tbe- hu : morous man.-'Now, sir, you are one of us, voir are a Know-Nothing'. " ' ' ' l ;.!Yoo don'i say so V -V 1 ' S Yes"i sir: siom we have some mysterious ignsand countersigns, by - which ryofiMJttn stbrother .ofjlhe.; socieFyTv WherTypr ac obao looking atyou;wit$: his jn-ht V :t T ZZTfTrr-'" m "t ' ej'e -AX OTA side of his mouth, you may know he's a Know-Nothing.' 'Eh, yes' ' Well, then, you go towards him, nnd shut your left eye, so ; you bile your thumb of the left hand, if he bites ' 'Biles?' 'Yes, if he bites ; if he is really one of 'em he will say something in a grumbling tone something like 'what do you mean?, or 'do you me;m that for me V Then he bites, you see ; then you advance close, and say slowly, 'nix a weed in cully ' 'Dutch, ain't it says the Yankee. 'Well, no, not exactly, it's our language. Then he'll sy that once or twice, sure You reply, 'nibs,' don't forget, 'nibs stag his nibs cully.' ' 'Nibs,' eh, yes." You then approach close up shut the risht eye, grasp his hand, and put your left forefinger alongside of your nose so He'll thenup find tell you all about it. 'He will? How many fellows in the town have joined the society V 'O, hundreds; nearly everybody you meet ore members; its r.tising the greatest excitement imaginable !' . 'Beats Millerites? I was one of them." 'Beats everything out, sir. ,Jw here's the oath ; you swear ,.bjr fhirf emblem" (elevating a boo jack ) 'What, a hoot jack ?) 'Yes, it looks like a jack, but it ain't it's a blind, mystery ; we swear by this. You put your fore finger on your nose, shut one eye, and swear never to reveal these, o-ir secrets, si help your independence day. Now, to-night, there will be a crowd neir the depot, about dark ; when the crowd moves, you follow; they will t.ike you the secret chamber where you will learn more particulars. Now scoot.' 'Eh, yes; and Nutmeg left. He had just got into the street, when n veritable siorn met his eyes. A long-legg ed, double -fisted fellow, with but one eye in his head, stood gaping around with hands in his breeches ; up goes Nutmeg, shuts his ej'e, nnd pokes his thumb be tween his molars. The man with the closed eye looked daggers with the other, and by the twitching of his lips seemed to be speaking, or doing something like it, in wardly 'Nix a weed in cully,' said Nutmeg, ad vancing. 'What in yeller thunder d'ye mean? sav!' says the one-eyed man. "'Nibs stag his nibs; cully, how'j nibs.'' continuad Nutmeg, advancing, and placing his finger upon his long, sharp nose, and grabbing at the stranger, who, mistrusting the move meant no good, draws off, and puts in such a 'soult paw," that Nutmeg doubled up and went down all in a heap, cobiff! 'Goll darn you, ain't you one of 'em? Why didn't you say so?" bawls Nutmeg, travelling into the hotel to find the Profess or of Know Nothingness, and seitle his hash. But Professor Peter Morris had suddenly left for parts unknown. Nutinag has been looking for Peter for some time. THE LAMENT OF THE AFFLICTED. Ye sunken gates of Zion be exalted, and receive within the oitals thereof your elders and your wardens, who trumpet-tongued, shall pioclaim that the stall' of bread is broken and the stay ol water is wasted. Assemble, ye scribes, and publish the history of famine and pestilence, that it may swiftly be borne to the remotest communities of Israel, and become the written messenger of the distress of the ind wellers of Zion ; that it may thereby awaken a nation's sympathies; and if misery has dried up the sources of elo quence wherewith to sustain your ap peal, supplicate the Almighty that He in His mercy may incline the hearts of your brethren of the house of Jacob, to hasten to relieve the anguish of yotn drooping spirits. Brethren of the house of Israel, who sojourn in happy England or America ; ye wardens of their synagogues and ministers in their courts ; ye worship pers, who rehearse the past glories of your nationality and hope, in the full ness of time, for the effulgence of its fu ture, ye children of mercy and of love, whose shield is the shield of the patri archs, ye people peculiar to God, sons of Judah and Benjamin, on you we call by the ties of rel.giou and brotherhood, to arouse yourselves and save from an nihilation the remnant of the faithful watchers of Zion and Jerusalem. Suffering true souice of eloquence be thine the pen to -trace the scenes that haunt the streets and homesteads ol Jerusalem, so that the torpor of our brethren may be shaken off, and their earnest sympathies awakened. We lack the power to give even a faint idea of the misery we are enduring ; every heart has become sick, every tongue stricken dumb, the words "What shall we say, what shall we do?' cling to the loof of our mouth from their oft repetition. Behold, we are utterly prostrated both in mind and in lody, incompetent to proclaim the severity of the visitation that is consuming us. We know not whether the contem plation of the morrow is not moie fear ful than the reality of to-day and the retrospection of yesterday' ; whether to weep for present troubles, or mourn the past sufferings. Starvation and pesti lence walk hand in hand, and the wail of the poor, the widow and the orphan is borne on the air. It is difficult to say whose sufferings are the greater, the miseries of those horn under the sun of Juda, or of the holy pilgrims from dis tant lands. All classes of society, all grades and conditions, have become uni- ieu m me brotherhood of woe, heads' of synagogues and their pious servitors, learned rabbis and their scholates mix in the crowd to supplicate arid beg a mouldy crust. Even that assistance which has hitherto reached us from our brethren in the Russia 11 an1 rI. . .-T. ; U dominions, is now, in consequence of thf war nut rff .. - and the- child reu of his Jove sink into the grave -witrTom an - effort'' to lelieve them. v ?fi V Brethren I If--you could, hut witness the misery we ate enduring, the widow running to and fro, asking ti c refuse of food for her starving orphans ; and men profoundly learned in (lie law, foirnerly through their abundant charity the stay of the community, now wanderin.' up and down the streets of Jerusalem, seek ing alms, ay, seeking bread, your hearts would melt in compassion. i Brethren ! believe that our tale is free.i,u-tiu from exaggeration. We have nrtpre cannot fully impress you with h fright ful reality of our condjtioufct)ur mis erable circumstances catrte corrobora ted by every dwellec0, or pilgrim to, the Holy Land. The misery wi; endure is augmented by the worstjfanticipation, forlhe cir ctimstanct;s under which we now suffer may-jtie" seized by our traducers, as be ing most opportune for the development of their plans, and what may not en sue when famished multitudes are tempt ed by the bribe of food ? For already, dreadful to relate, the father traffics for the sale of his child to the stranger, so that his offspring may I e spared death from starvation. For be it known that the. sufferings of our nation here, in all the frightful horrors which at- present exist, have never been surpassed. To you, men of Israel, dwell -rs a mong all nations and in every clime, we supplicate to hasten relief to famishing multitudes. Let our ciy reach all, be sacred to all, receive attention from all. You, Prince of the Holy Land, great in Israel and noble among the nations, you Sir Moses Montehore, be the beacon of our hopes, as in days of old. Let your hand be again supported by the piour Judith, and from your conjoint ex ample may the men and women of the R. i O H N 8Tm :t rMj V" 8 far lnost cer .in. iMwdDd efficacwu noi;treiin6-vttBt:. ..ur rihwaMhihtt has ever ben ;in Mtma ;iv nie woikC By his plan; fom deS u m ihe Husltlof Haiovejt the war, cut off.- The dearth has raised the price of food lo an enormous height, and its re sults are a slate of anarchy and confu 'siou in which every man's hand is rais d against Jis brother, and violence is fceeonrine rife! in Ihe la tidr-'P6r"whn t Can endure With nnonmnliiinintr fAWi'?.1 or aJ at tbe lowest i3Ticcft. br -Z " MJ5S DAWSON, house of Israel be cheered and strength ened. Brethren ! remember wc are the chil dren of one God. The tree of our gen ealogy spreads its roots to the furthest Fjast and the uttermost West, and bears the fruit of brotherhood. By the love we bear to the God of Israel, by the as sociations cf our common nationality, turn towards the land of the rising sun, towards Jerusalem and Zion, and re member whence the law ctnanateth and the word goeth forth. " Pray for the pence of Jerusalem, for they that lovt her shall prosper." Moie favored ones, your brethren turn to you to ask a brother's aid, and may your response bring j eacc to Israel and to Zio . Amen. Jerusai.km, S f. n a t , 5614. MANN Ells." I make it a point of morality never to find fault wuh another for hia m inners They may be awkward or jrtceful, blunt or polite, polished or rustic, I care not wli u lhev !ic with, if the man means well and acts from honest intentions, without eccen tricity, or afFi.c'.ation. All men have not the advantages of 'good society,' as it is call ed, to school themselves in all its fantastic rales and ceremonies, nnd if there is any standard of manners, it is well founded in reason and gaud sense, and not upon these artificial regulations. Manners, like con versa'ion, should be extemporaneous, and not studied. I always suspect a man that meets me with the Srme perpetual smiles on his face, the same congeeing of the body, and the same premeditated shake of the hand. (Jive me (he hearty it may be rouirh grip of the hand 'he careless nod of recognition, and when occasion re requires, the homely but welcome saluui tioD How are you my old friend !' q uaMs w hole- WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCIINAPPS. DOZ K.N VVolfeV Schiedam Schnapp: ' and pint. jut to hrwid, and for sale, sale and retail, at IStw ork pru es. April 20. GKO. RIVERS. OUR MOTTO IS ' TO P1.EA&E" AT THK Wilmington Saddle, llurncss, and Trunk laiuila'trj . rpHK subscriber respectl ully i n fnrnir t !i r p ublic JL thai h- li.is recently rC'-eivftd ad. liti.jns lo his sto k ol Saddle and Harness Moun(iis,& c, I lit lalcsi a nd uiosl improved sty le, ,uid is onslanly 'iiunufaeturir.g.iit hisstore on market sircrt.evrry ck'scriptiun of articl in the -ihovc line. Kroiu hiJ ;xperi-nci- in i he buxines.i. lie feels con fid en i t lia I hi ill be able to j;i ve entire - sat infill a ion to a 1 1 who may favor him with a call. H? h:is now on hand, and willconstantly keen a larce asciortnien t of Ctj:h, Gin and Sitftev IfrirnCfS, Ijuly's Sidtlrs, Driiiks. W'.'ttp.s. tr-c. (iculUi.-ici' s StJ-'lcs, M'tips S;us. if-:. all of which he will warrant to be of the beet nuterials and workmanship. lie iiac also a lare assortment ol Irunks, a I ises. Saddle and Carpet Ilns, s:itcliels. l'aiiry Trunks, &c , and nil other ar ticles usually kept in sueh establishments, ..II ol which he cfl'erf low for C A SH , or on slior t credii to prompt customers. s iddles, Hi mess .Trunks, Ho -Ilea I Ba s, & c. i4c.. mode lo order. In addition tothe above the subscribe) ilwaye keep? on hand a larpe supply of Striae Leather, and has now, and will k"3p through the season a ood assortinen I of l- Iy Nitts. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods, whet her in want or not, as I tDkeple.isureiushnw ing my assortment to all who may favor me with a call. Harneseand Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons buy ing to manufacture. Also, Whip ai wholesale. A II k inds of Riding Whit les boueh l a nd sold on p.nmmislnn8. JOHN J . CONOLF.Y . Feb. 7, 1854. 138 FREE READING ROOM the convenience of the public we will eep files of a few of the principal Newspapers. ADAMS if-CO'S. KXI'KKS , Front, near Market st. May 18. 27-tf. TUeTaRGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT of Tobacco, Snuffand Clears, in the Citv of Wilmington, for sale W holesale and ItetaiUat the City Cigar Store. ? VANSlCKt.E. May 11. 24-tf. obaervulioris made AmeiKi, Jie. v ill i f-iwR rv nVODJLYAoAXO CltABGE. Xo Mercury op Ifaushn'; Drugs- Used. Vainsin the l.wiiwy;n.tiiutional Detiiliiy , 1... potenev. Wea k o o ft l Back and X.imb, attic lions ot the Kneys, falplt .iloti of Ihe Heari, Dyapeoby. Nerou irrkatityfIMSi;aseli ttftftc Head,ThroCN'ose.or Sniii; ind all those seri .UK and melancholy uisorders arising from the destruc tive hatma'pf Voulh, which destroy both boily tine mind, lhoa secret aid sjlit ry praetiArmore fatal to theft victims than the sonjf ol the Syrians to the majiners of Uiysse.-. blighting tin ii ael , riUiw 4tftjp orantl:ipations, rendering in irriage.&c., im- Especially, who I ave become Ihe victims of Solita ry t'tce.tnal dreadfui and destructive habit which .nnually sweeps to an untimely a rave ihMisands ol young men of the most exalted talents and brilli ml intellect, whi might otaerwis.- have entranced lis tening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, ol waked to eestucy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. - - MARRIAGE. Wirritd pftona, or those contemplating marriage. belnaawur of physical weakness, should immerii atelycnsult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect heahh. He who places himself undcrthe en rcof Dr. John s'on may religiously confide in his honor as a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon hi.-skill asa phy sician. OFFICE, Xo. 7, SOUTH FilEDERlf K St. 7 DOOKS FKOM UAlriMOUi: St., (fast sile,) UP THE STEPS. 13-HE PAKTICl I. Ait in observing the SAME and XUMLSKlt.uT you will mistake the place. nit. JOIIXSTON Member of the Royal 1,'oilrge ol Surgeons. London ; iiradnaie from one of the most eminent Colleges ol the United States, and t ie grc.iiir i arl ol whose life has bei nsp- in in the liosi.it. i Is ol London, l';n is. PliiUdi iphia and elf i where, h.is ell. eted some o! ihe most astonish in u cur, s t ha? w i e ever know n; iii :n I oubled wilh linking in the hind and i ars vlu n asleep, i;re.1( ni no um'.ssp, beirit! r.larnn d :t suddi n sounds, and bishfi.ness. with frequent blushing, attended sonu times wi:h diranti n nil of mind were cured imiiiedi.ileiy. TAKE I'AHTJCL I. All XOTJCE. Dr. J. addrcssi s all tnose who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgences. il.al se cret and soliurr ha bit hiih rules both body and mind, unfunny lliem f.jr eilher buslnei-s or society. 'rhtsi arc some of the fad aid oiel.uielioly , H.-els pioduci d by early hal.its ol youth, viz: Weakness of the Hack and Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimness of siyht, Loss ol .Muscular Power, Palpitation ol the H -art, Dyspepsia, rv' ervous 1 rrit ibiliti , Derange ment ol the Digestive Functions, Genii ai Deuili y, vinploms ol" Consumption, &c. ".Mentally. The fearful ell. et.- on the mind are much io be dreaded ; Loss of Mtmorv ullaiKing of Ideas, Depris-ion ol Spiiiis. Evil-Forebodioon Aversion t. society, Self-Dist rust. Love of Soli tude. Timidity, &c , are some of the evilsproduced Thou-ii-nus of persoii3, of all ages, can Low-judge what is the cause of their declining licallh. Losiiiy iheir vigor, bi-coiuing weak, pale and emactaied. h ive a ringuiar appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of Consumption. DR. JOHSSTOXS .riO OUA TISG ,'EM KlY FOR GKSri-AI, DEUILITY This grand and important Ri inedy has .-storec srtrengtli and vigor t j thousands ol the in.isi ner vous and debilitated . many ol w hom had losi all hopes, and Seen a ban done! to die. Hy its comp'ce invigoration of the Nervous System, the whole facu I lis btcouie ii stor d to ilu ir proper pawcr nd functions, and the fallen fabric of life inised up to beauty, onsistency, and durati"n. upon the , uins of nn emaciated and premature decline io sound and pri&tine tvialih. Oh, h iw h.ip;.y have hundreds ol misguided youths been made who have been sud denly rcsion d to health, from the devastations of those terrific maladies tvuijh result from indiscre tion. Suc.i persons, before contemplating MAURI ACE. Should reflect thai a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness Indeed, without tlu.-e. the journey through life becomi s a wear' piliriniauc the pros pei t houi ly darkens to the view th. mind becomes shadoweil with despair, and filled with the nielan e.holly r fleciiun, tint th- hapiuness ol anothi r be comes blighted v ith our own. Let no false deli.'a ey prevent you, hut app'y i m media lily , and save ymii s II from I he d rt adfu I c n sequence. ol this t ci -ribie innlady IVEAKXESS OF TEE ORG A XX immediately eurr d and ful vjoor tesioud. TAI.L LETTEKS .M V ST BE POST PAID. Remedies sent to anv part of he country. TO tSTRAXUERS. DR. JOHNSTON, of the Baltimore Lock Hos pital, whose long residence in this city, standing ns a g i- n lie man of c ha racier and respond it ili t , ex ten sivepraciice in the various Hospitals of Kuiop. and this count ry. and skil I and e.vp. rienee to which thousands can testily . as well as his ability in the Surgicaldepartiiieni of his pr fission, as evide t by reports of his operations on the Eyes and De formed Limbs, ptibli-hed in the Baltimore Sun and other papers, in thr vears 1341 , by whic'. the. bincJ were made lo ate and the lame to walk straight, ren ders him wotthv ol ;i l c, iilidenee upon the pait ol those who need his professional services, and who would shun the many trirling and ignorant preten dei a advertising themselwsas Physicians. fj"To those unac(iiai nt d with his reputation, Dr. Johnston deems it nece.-sary to sa'' that his credentials or diplomas a 1 wa vs ha n' i n liis oflice. r-OFFICE.No 7 SOUTH FREDERICK St., East side, up the steps. Oct. 13. 90-!y c. F0 k POLIIEMIS, 59 Broad Street. Curlier of Beaver, N. York, OlFer foi feile i he tollow -ins heavv Cotton Falo ies IJ EW-KNGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCIC- TZ l inch, all numbers, hard and soli; also all the various v idths of C.i ri vass manufactured at this es tablishment con.pi ising every variety know n lothe trade. and offerid a the lowest n'es. UNITED S I'ATES PI LOT DUCK Woodhnrry and Mou n i Vernon Extra. A full assortment of this superior fabric Ull ' l.M ANTIC COTTON DUCK-16. 1 20 and 21 inch, aL numbers, hard and soft. Tl.is fab ric wa awarded the highest Primiuni at the Lon don World's, Fair, also at our own State Fair. sHJP AND HEAR MARK DUCK Plain and iwii!d. tninuf ictured by the Greenw lod's Com pany, a supi l i 'i article for I'mlit sails, tenls, nwninfls. .4c; also. Mount Vernon Twill d Ravens. Howard Ravens, Pioneer and Phi;nix Mills; Litrhitou Ravens, plain '12 to 27 inch ; Heavv, do. do. COTTON AIL TWINE A full assortment. TAIiPAULLNs. HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, ic. P APER FI LTINO .0 to 72 inch, made very Ilea vv. expressly 'or drit t tells. CA COVElUNG-Colton Canvass, all widths from 30 to 1 30 jrtches, -and all numbers, made rx .rissly for cover ri and riofinir railroau !ars, is perfectly and peimanenily water-proof, and ill 'te i ndurinL' thnn the ear ii If. F.N AM EL LING OA N VASS 30 3?, 40, 45 and 50 inch plain and twilled, io every variety. BAGS AND I3AGGI G of every description. Sranih s.s Kas. nou n whole, till size, in bales ol 100, 200 and 300 ; com' imnL' strtnir'h. utility and che:ipness, fir srain and meal are un-urpass'-d. Also', heavy Cotton Sacking, 40 inch Canvass. 3 thread Warp and -Filling, heavy twilled, do. do , 20. 22, 40 and 44 inch." " W OOL SAC l.S Woven whole all fizi , a new and desirable ankle. Feb. 21. 111-ly-c. AUBURN STILL FOR SALE. THE Plantation of the subscribi r, near Raleigh, and on the Central Rail ggg Road, i not vtt disposed of. A devcrin- tion has already be n given but no one will of course make so important a purchase witlioui visiting ihe premises. Apply to Wm. R. Poole, Esq., who lives near the place, or to the subscriber. T. LORING. Wilmington. N. C, fan. 28, 1851. . . .. : 1 1.1, U HI! ITMIr I ' I Ii I U.n -" m cOMiosiwoK;;:jA:4M: For tit relief &cnr ofSuJenflg Females r.'." U"r;hiX I' " i t" -3f' INDIA RUBBER BEDS AND Cushion for sale bv WILKINSON 4 ESLER, April 8. Upholsierers. , MOURNING GOODS. BLACK and) half Mourning Genadines and Twisted Silk Dresses ; Block and half Mourn ing2 Berates, some. very fine; Piald and plain Tis-; sues; French and F.nslish Lawns and Muslins, a large assortment; Ginghams and Calicoes, new. est patterns; Bonnet-Ribbons; Mourning and half mourning Summer Silks; Maltese- Lscp Col lars and Undersleeves to match, and a full and KencraJ sartrncm of alt the fnshlonabte styles f Collars, Uudernleevea and Chimilrttes M be ; worn hijjyjnmert Fans; Leve Veils; Kreneh llawn HarTtrterehiefst Impins Snmmei1 Bombasines and -Chatlyaf heery best qimlifr of KidrBIXrk Net and Blaclr Sblc fJfov- Rlarlr nrT RimI mlniwl , Parasoli SngliahiafttT' lUliaoT Crapeaj f-c. AaT POf lllU !,. Inn.1 kl.ln . v-..k? T J ntlanJspre-mii-nert ror us enrativo powerstt all the dis eases for wftfclMlis recoiftmcnded, call -d Female Complaints ye.ais trf exueriencv. Uv tle most akilllul Pbvsiciati. to be ossasei of quaklk-S most beneficial in thertUa lur which h is recommended, and. hence whilevit iifr iitid to the public, as an -officii-ciousretnedj, It is alo known to be ol thai charac ter on whieri reli.ince may be placed as to inaltty. Ineaserol Lnooteney, I loemori luges, LIMrdeicU Wombs Kbova Ai.- Ktfs, or liie: Chronic Inflnnma -'ki OtC. Wll 11 excepted,) no standing The (;athoticon far surpasges other remedies in heini? more certain, lessexpensive and Icaviugihe system in a better condition. Ip t all interested in such a remeedy call and obtain a pamphlet (free containing au-ple proof, from highly respeciabl smiTces. of .the haopv results of -is use together wiiii Icnersfrom first-el iss experienced physicians, who have used ii in theit practice, and speak Ironi iheir own observation. R RFF.HGXCES. Prof. D'lunr, M. O , Baltimore. Md. J. O. OrrieU, M. D., P. B. (ckliim, M. D, Utiea.N, V. D. V. Foote, M. L)., Syracuse, N. V. M. H. Mills. ,. O . Rochester, N. V. I.. D. Fieoiin, M. O..Canand,iiuna, N. V. W . W. R-esn', M. D., City of N. V. V. Piesoott, M . O , Concord, N. H. J. P. eivl ind, M O. Utica, N V. Pa u'i'il. ts cm be h id srrati-at the toreof ii. I5.i I. A. EVANS. Druiisists Wli jlesale and Retail Afzents. Wilminsr'on, N. C. n l .if moil of the. lea ling Druggists in ihe State. 1,'Jter id J reused to Messrs. Dearh if- Uroirrsov . A rents at Xeirhrrr; C. If., S. C , b'j Rev. C. S Deurd, nf same State. Clt.Evs s'pnisGS, Jan. 3:h, 1S33. JJ,.?.rs. Heach & I'.rowssov Sirs : I send for -.nother hotile of ynnr " Marclii-i's Utarine Cn hnlieon " M y wife has been afflicted for eleven vears. 'ind n varieiv of means has been resorted to for relic-, but none was obtained until I received this m". tie: ne from oil Its influei ce seem al most hi luteal : th 're wis a manifest improvement from the day it vv-s taken. As tin te no a srreat many females in our country la'iorinz under the afflielionfor which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel it a duty lo recom mend H to nil such. (Sinned.) Clocgh S Reabd. J. II. M V R' II I IS I & (l) , Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 broaduav N. V. Nov. 19. 106 I yc arising from any cause, sucn a wean near i row sick ness. where the patient hos bren confined id bed fo some time, for Femalesalter Confiiieinenl. Aborlien ion md Ulceration. 1 or Miscarri,aejhij Cordial, connott cctlUd jn f?hvvb '"r Muscular Energj, 1 rrilnuio1 , 7 ic i i ii7udiiiif 'tllllliui i CHI-; ncss, r.il(jilation ot the Heart, Indigestion, Slug gishness. Ueeay ol the I'mcreatlve t unctions, Iet vouhk ss. c, where a toxic Medicine is required, it iil be foundeaual, if not superior lo any Com pound ever usi a iental Hemorrh i Fioodina ; Pam ul, Suppressed, and .rreaubr Mrnairoa- til niuir .lecumpttoy evils, (anee. matter howsovere br of how long LOVB ASD REASON, - i-"v'Tww1n tb sMQiner Umc ao sweet. i Yl bet beart and flowers both in v When, who or all the wnrl.t .k.im . 1?, Oie early .dawn, but tove aud Rcamia I season. NEW AND IMPORTANT INVENTION. it'Lf HE A TXG HO TA tl Y .MOO THIXG 1RO ! PATENTED. .March 21 , 1854. '1MIIS novel and u nful improvi im-ni in Smooth L ing Iiioss w ill be hailed wi h delight by thou sands who have felt 'he want ot jusi su h a con venieiiee Families who regard comfoi t and eeon oin v. will adopt them. They are pai ticulurly desir able in warm weather, as the ironing can be done with less expense, and without the discomfort, which every body has experienct d. i f heating up the pieiuises. To Ladies who arc hoarding in town or country, it comuiunds itself at on.:e, us a desideratum hith'rto una It lined, answering a dou hlr: purpisc; viz: a perfect Fiat Irom alwavs ready for use. an I an admirable substitute fot a NURSE RY LvMP- N o lady should visit u watering place an I expect to h ive use for an Iron, without one. The above Iron e inbe teen at Kahnweil. r & Uro's .Merrhant Tailoring establishment on Front net I opposite thv Herald office Havin; been ap pointed sole aoent for this place, nil orders will be ihaiiUtullv received and promptly attended to. TO FEMALES. Hcnry'Blnvii'orating Uordial, is one of the marl invaluable Medium s in the many Complaints lo which Ftfin.ilJs are suDjcct. it assists nature to brace the vh le system, check excesses, and create renewed health and happiness. Less suffering. disc rc ana unn.ippin- ssjmonj l. roles woul 1 exist were the)' generally to adopt ihe use of this C r dial, ffidies who ire debilitated by those i.bstruc tions h hich females arc liable to. are restored bv tlu use of a bottle or I wo, to bloom and to vigor. YOUNG MEN. That solitary practiic, s fatal to ihe existence of man and u is the young who are most apt to bc-i-;ne iia victims, from an ignoreuce of the dunger to which ihey so' iecf i hemselves. euusi s NERVOUS DERILITY. Vv'eakressof ihe System, and Premature Decay .lanv if you may now besurP:iing. misled .;sto the cause or source of disease. To lho?e. ihijn, In- by excess have brought on themsilves Pninati re lm poti ncy, Inwil. ntary .Seminnl Emissions, Weak nessanii Shrivtl.irg ol the Genital Organs, Nir vons A treciions, or anv other consequenci s of umes traioed indnlaenee of ihe sensual passions, occa stoning the necessity of renouncing the felicities of MARRIAGE. lessi nint' ''Oih mental and bodily capacity. Hold! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a Medicine thnt is purely Vegetable, will aid nature ic rnsiore ihose important luncions to a healthy state, nnd will prove of service io you. It possesses rare viituet, is a gene i a I remover of disease, and sin ngthcrer of the system .4 6' ,1 TOXIC MEDICINE. it is unsurpassed. We do not place this Cord lal on a foot in a with quack medicines, and. ns is customa ry, append a long I i I of Keeomioendalioiis. (Jer lificates, Ac., beginning - with Hear what the Preachei s iys." and such like ; it is not necessary, for ' H nry's Invigorating Cordial." only neids a 1 1 i 1 1 to p love i hat it will accomplish a K we sny. TIU GF.XU1SK ' IIRSRYS IXVIdORA- TISG COR IH A I.." is put up in 8 oi. Pannel Bottles, and Is easily recog nized by the Manufacturer's signature on the lable of each Untile, (to c iiinterfeil which is forierv.) as well as his private Seal on the cork of each dottle. 0oldforS2 per Hoi tie ; Six for 33; $16 per dozen. Prepared only by S. E. COHEN. No. 3 Franklin IJow. Vine Street, below Eighth, Philadelphia, Pa.. TO WHOM .ALL ORDERS MUST BE AD DRESSED. For Sale by all respectable Druggist s A Merchants throughout the country. Oct. 29. 97-I2m-c. SPRING AND SUMMER SILKS. JUSI rcciived the Newest Designs out, by K HA NW FILER fc UUO. March 7. 150. KAII.N Wi.lLER &. J une 15. IHIO. 3S. SUGARS! SUGARS!! rUST received a prime lot of N O. For sale b I J. R. BLOSSOM. June fi. 3.j WHEAT, RICE. CORN & PEA FANS, JUST in store and for sale by Oct 3. J. M. ROBINSON. TOWAGE ! TOWAGE ! ! PLEASE TAKE NO 1 ICE 'HAT we make th; verv best printr. Hair I.is, .Shucli.Sea G.-.iss. Piien? Pell, and Palm Leaf 1 .tirusses WILKINSON & EsLER. J une , 7 IJ oh Ist-oers. 0FFI IE WIL & rTlEIGH K. II. C0. WIL ".I ING TOM, MavSih, IS54. M i, cr-P.AU I ICUL K NO I ICE .A 3 EUEA FTER Tickets to p .ss oer the Road f thisCoinpanv will, in no case, be Sold to rt NFGKO. 0n- rs must npply in petson nnl purchase mr (hem. hand in e Tiekt 1 to the Con l uefor, and point out to him ihe negro lor whom it was !oulil. I!y order. S. D. WALLACE, Aircnt. Ma 6. 22-tf. A WHITE GOODS. V E It Y lare a nd extensive vaiirty ot every kind of hite Muslins, including Jnconetts. Mu I. N.insook. .Medium. Hook, liisiiops nrd Vic tieit Lawns, Pliid, Striped, Plain and Figuied Swiss and Cuiu'irii: Muslins, which will be sold at the 1 w -st piice, by J.lMKs DAWSOW A pal IJ. 12. SMOKED TONGUES, KLED TONGUES &. SMOKED PEEF 'mon ; I ICE! ICE! ! ICE!!! THE "WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE" IS now open fhe public may depend on having their wants supplied all seasons of the year, ai reasonable rates. Orders from ihe cnnlry addressed to uWilming ton Ice House", will be well packed and promptly forwarded. A . IT . Ta sBOTCKTELEN, Proprietor. March 10th, 19s4. 152. CRYSTAL PALACE! MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. 'pHE P'oprieiors,. of this establishment beg ,Af leave to inform theacitiiens if Wilmington and the snrrcundine eonntrs. that their first exhi- l tion of SPRING GOODS will Make place fhi- jnormn. -The stock comprises the: most Fash ionable Stvles of the present season t Consistinif of' fineFrcncb,''Bil!;irtiil "nnd ? Gt-rntsn'' fTloihs newest, Pet-jgne pt Fencfi CasWmerer and splen did asaortment of Vest in of all kinds. Also, large assortment of snperi'Jt-Ready me CTbthing suitable for4be present arasnm all of fh br LVn .K fikriaw - x Ian fantilAnilv llrnr on hand a I larg? sssprjrnera-otgUn&'-fi-fishjfig goods second door belo tn tiarrMiriToiet .-, . . ' March 7. - - v j-c. r ' ' W I OH L Ju-t received together with 2 hbls Si 'il ls. F M Hief, 5 lull barrels d .; 50 Haskeis 'hampaign ; 4o packages assorted tliaekers; 50 b .gs O.fT.-e ; 30 Drums Fisgs; 40 Ho.ves Exlia Prunes; '.'0 li'.ls. Sii-arsj (S O. Molasses; S. II S i up, m ith a getier.il variety of good things at the Original Family Grocery. GEO. MVEils. June 3. 31. TRONKSTEli) FOLDIND, proof against canker, knives, and Vermin, lor sale bv WILKINSON A ESLER, April 3. Upholsterers. BOOT AND i SH0EST0RE. GI-OliGE R. FRENCH. at his ill stand - n Markel street, beus leave to return his thanks to his old I lends and customers lor the liberal patronage heretofore e.xti n.leit lohim, and io inform them thai his slock of Bo its and .shoes, including everv vari ety in his line is now as complete and us extensive as ai any former period. His stock of Genii, nu n Povs ind Chil Iron's Boots ind Shoes embraces eve ry variety of stle, fashion and quality that can be desired, m that is usually called lor, including a tine assoi luic nt of Ladits.-Uisst and C-ntieiuen's Over Slims. He w i'ilJ particularly invite ihe attention of the Ladies to hi xtensive assornnent of Ladiej anil M isses Leather, .Morocco. Enameled, Bronze, Pal. Leather, Goat Skin, bl ick and white Kid and a va riety ol fancy colored IJaots; Shoes and Slippers. Also, black, brown, blue, purple and variegated silk Gaiteis. a ro w and handsome article, with and witti onl he. ls Ladies fancy Gaiters al SI a pair. Also. Sob Leather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find ings. Piease call and examine. Mr French would also inform his friends and the public, that he is "Uaie.Ae- nt for the sale of Davis' Pain Kilter and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by either wholesale or retail. Nov40 102 S T E A M E R S a m Ueary.A . M Gutb rie, master ; Steamer Callinen, Jo; Springs, master, are ready ai nil times for business. Ordcis for Towact' will havi prumpi uticniion if left uiofiice of Acrnt. GEO. UARRISS. June I 38-lf lURSE'sTjO.MFOU.XL) SV15UP OF V EL LOW DOCK ROOT. i H 1 S is a I'urety X'egctabti Comoud, scientifi cally prepared I rout lite he-it Knots and llerhs ol the VI uteri a 1 die, and has giiined an a n rivall ed rcputai ion for the follow ins fleets, v i : 1JURIFY.G THE Ul.OOli, and thu- curing all 11 u mors. Sores, Ulcers, Cutane ous Kruptions. Cankct, Scald Head, &e. Keguluting a i.tl Cleansing Ihe Stou aili Sl Bowels. thus it cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costiveness, Piles, .tc. Strens;ilieniii'; Ihe Digestive Organs, i bus causing t he food to nourish and support every part. REGULATING THE SECRETARY ORGANS, and, by enabling them to perform their properfunc- ions, nre em ing and curing Llihoub ant', otherpain f it I ilisen.-es Sir. iigtlu niiig nnd Qnicliiif the Nervous Svslcm. thus illayino .ervou 1 rriluiion , and curing ull dis eases ol the icrves. It M unrivalled in the cure ol all FEMALE DISEASES. a. Weakness. I regularity . 1 'bsl ructions . & r. It is pleasant to lake, and safe in all eases ; act in 2 in harmony with 1 he restoring powers ol nature it never injures bin always benefits and rures, ns thousands of voluntary certificates from the best authorities testify. Prepared by 1-. MORSF. if- CO. 2i Maiden-Lane, N V. Sol.thv Drugisi Fiimt others 1 Ii roughout this a n o the 1 connt t ies . S . B . if- J. A . E VANS, Agents, Wilmington. N. C. sepi.30. 8-ly-c CORNICi:S for Moch-o Netting put up. bv WILKINSON d ESLER. June 8. 37. ImTEsTof" PILOTAGE. TTTST printeil and for sale at The Commercial ,) am Kivcr. e, the R ites of Pilotage for ihe B 1 r and 3 nf. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. HAVING sold our en'ire Stock of Confection ary, we have openrdat the same nlace a hand some assortment of Upholstering- Goods. Paper Hangings. H'indow Shades. Curtains and fix tures. Mattresses, Feather lieds, Pillovcs, Cushions, Lounges. dc fc. H iving superior workmen from the North, wc will fit up Private Houses, Hotels. Boardins Houses, Steamboats. Rail Roa'l C-trs, Ac, in fact every thine in ttie line of Business, and endeavor to give latisfactton. At the same limn would return our incere thanks fof the very liberal paironasre we have hid for the last seven vears. and shall endea vor to merit a continn "nee in our oe.w Business. WILsTI NifOJi A'E L E R, Marcn 13, . I-,L , . Maiketv Street. "iaily Joornaico'py. " SPRING STYLES. KAHNWEILER & BttQ,;besr leave to an nounce that their nrst exhibition,, will take nlace this morAinffof the newesrmd llateit stvles of . Spring Goods, just reeeived per AdamscV Co.'s Ex dress t A. larse assortment' -ledioua to men ' tiouv Please to eall and examine. ' March 7. '.r ,u'.r' ,1ScV .. ,F0R 3IE!V JIND BOYS. V A '''"Vupolf of-Linen Drills, ' nzola rTaaf ,X merM, Colored and Black Cashma rets, "with a fc Patterns Faacy-FeiCasa inms. i" "- BlilthS BURKS. A ( ( V 1 I HARD North River, for sale by mt.JKJ GEO. HARR1SS. Mav 13. 27. TO THE LADIES. OPENED 1'iis in irnin-:, a m iniflrent stock ol E nbroidenes, itieludin.j Jaconen, India Mull, and Swiss Collars, Chimixeits and Under.-lecves, also, Real lloniton, Real Maltrse, i.nd Keal Va lencene do. do, all in sets ; not in sets M us'in Col lars, Ileal lloniii.n do and .Muslin with Valencini Lace at'aehed : als, 3 l.ir;;e :ims rlnient of Under sleeves, all of he richest and newes-i patterns. By the same Kxpress received: Drcoses. Itieh -Si!k Gren 1 di ni s a nd Tissues, nl.iin do. do as-rl-pdcui irs, mi I i.iin Plai I prime I Berages. p'.-iin Ch illys. Black ilk 11 ills arid Gl ive', and eo'or ed Kid d ., Brown, Green, Blue, and Black I'otlid Lace Veils. For sale by Aptil 13. JAMES DAWSON. M0SCHET0 NETTING. TADEandput upon histh -r low post 1?X Bed- Heads, by WILKINSON & KSLER. May 20. Upholster. HOOP IRON AND NAILS. THE subscriber will be constantly rereivms con siiiiioients ol lh. se articles, of ihe best quality and oiieis them at lowest mniket rates JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. March 23. 5-tf. BELLS ! BELLS ! !"bELLS! ! ! rll E Subscribers manufacture and keep con stant ly on hand a larc assorinient of Bill suitable for Churches, Acadmies, Faclorie, Stea mers, Plantations, etc., mounted with their im proved Hanainss. ihe most efficient in use. Their establishment has been in operation Thirty yesrs having turned out nearly 10.000 Bells averaging 600 lbs each; nd its patterns and process f manu facture to perfected, togeiher with recent improve ments, that its Bells havean amounted rcputtnn for volume of sound and qualiiy of tone. They have jam received Jan. 1654 ihe First Premium (A Silver Medal)of the World's Kir in New Votk over all Bell from this Conntry or En rope. Ilav ins a large assortment of Bell on hand, and beinir in immediate connection with r utes in all direc tions, cither Kail Road, Canal or River, and but 4 hours from New Vorg, we eao execute orders with dispatch. Address A. MENEF.f.V? SOTift, West Troy, Albany Qo.. N. Y. Feb. 21. . - I44-yc. ' iNow landing; VI Ml BML"S vwr-atiperfof N. o. v. v-r i fiwrin 1000 aeks LlvernAnl .fimlt fr ML.nil u a- paper nANGixGr: v -WE h,,r 5 ;t ?reeIect rerr ' handsome v sorfmpn f nf Piuh rsilt miA A .-(.. nr.. , rJfT Hf nsi2.'' fijM.nwSerMBtt, and Centre? oC haripff eonte lwo- wi - April 13,, -& - -kw vAtotir old Lore told bis dreams of yesternight, While Reason tallied)' shoot the weather- The morning sooth, was deaf and brlzbl, So on they .took their ay together. The boy in many a gambol flew ; While Reason, like JonokUlked, And front ber portly figure threw ' A ieng Uient d sbarlow as' they walked. No wonder U,rs, as on they jiosscd,' f . Should find the, sunny mornins chillj For still the shadow 'Reason cast - ' Followed tbe hn' atill- Jn vain he strote his wings to n arra, Or find a pathway not so dim ; For still th - maid's gigantic ronn W0.1KI pass between the sun and him " This must not be," said little Lor; " The sun was made for more than you,"" So, turning down a myrt'e grove,. .. ". He bade the portly nymph " Adieu." Now, gayly roves the laughing boy O'er many a mead, through many a Bower, In every breeze inhaling joy, And drinking bliss from every flower. Front all the pardons, all the bowers," " lie culled the many sweets they shaded ; He eat the fruits, and snielt tlte flowers, Till Ubte was gone, and odor faded. How tbe sun, in pomp of noon, ? Rose high above tbe parched plains ; Alas ! the boy grew languid aoon. And fever thrilled through all his veins. The dew forsook bis baby brow. No more with vivid bloom be smiled. Ah l.wbere was tranquil Reason now, To cast ber shadow o'er tbe child 1 Beneath a green and aged palm, ' His foot at length for shelter turning; lie saw the maid recliuing calm," . With brotv as cool as bis was burning. f ' . . - " Oh take me to your bosom cold In murmurs at her feet be. said,. And Reason oped ber garment's fold, And flung it round his feverish head. - He felt her bosom's icy touch, ' r .-. And soon it lulled his pulse to rest ; But .h ! the chill was quite too much, And love expired on Reason's breast. MISCELLANY. SELECTIONS FOR A NEWSPAPER. Most people think the selection of suita ble matter for a newspaper ihe easiest part of the business. How great nn error! It is by nil menus the mosl difficult. To look over untl over hundreds of exchange pa pers every week, from which to select . enough for otic, especially when the ques tion'is not what shall, but what shall not be selected, is no easy task. If every per son who rends a paper could huve edited it, we should hear less complaints. Not unfrequently is it the case that nn editor looks over till his exchange papers for some thing intere-sting, and enn absolutely find nothing. Every paper is dryer lhan h con tribuiion box ; and yet something must be hiul, his paper must come out with some thing in it, and he does the best h-can. -To an editor who has ihe least care about what he selects, the writing that he has lo do is the easiest part of the. labor. - Every subscriber thinks the paper printed for his own benefit, ami if there is nothing in it that suits him. it must be stopped, il is good for nothing. Just ns many subscribers as an editor may have, so many tastes he hps to consjlt. One wants something smart, another something sound. One likes an ecdotes, fun and frolic and the next door neighbors wonders that a man of good sense will put such, stff in a paper Something spicy eomes oot, and the editor is a blackguard. Next comes ' something nrrrumetiiive, nnd the editor is a dull fool. And so, between them all, you see the peer fellow gets roughly handled. They never reflect that what does not picas them may please the next man; but ihey insist if the paper does not suit them il is ood for no thing. Vermont Times. "I''' -i " - INGENIOUS ESCAPE FROM PRISON. The escape of Squires f:.6m the New Hampshire Slnte Piison, where he. was sentenced to fifteen years' confinement,, was most ingenious. The "prisoners, march lo breakfast, and, reluming, enter their clls, which close with a t-pring,. while ihe turnkey follows nnd locks an. outer door. Llach inmate holds his hand up to the bar over the door as the officer does this, who duly counts and reports, the inmates to the warden. Squires made, out ol" sole-leather, a very ingen -iously wrought hand, not forgetting to ear re out the finger nails and give them,, as well as the fingers,' a very natural and life-like appeal a nee, by the use of a bluish white powder.' On the. morning of his intended escape, he fixed his im--i:afiori band to Ihe grate of his cell door,, making its position more secure by the use of f-hor maker's wax. j Onicturoing he closed the door the same as though he had gone within, , pulled the door af. iir him, as reiuired..The tnrnkoy fof lowed, counting the upraised hands as. he marched through the corridor, andl reported that all. was right. The pris oner then passed out to the rear, and se creted himself among the lumber, where he remained nutil: .ihe f prison bell rung,, and ihe , guard on, the waU went off la, breakfast. By the. aid of a plank he a.c n fed ih ( walls aid escaped. - Ile had bu4 eight minutes of time,: but he made good use of thenx;; r. . - .. - A Wstern paper say s" locusts ar v Testing Northern; Illinois in rnyriady. lit many parts of that region; they cover every shrub, and make the woods vocal with their, singing-. In that section they are said to have last appeared in tht summer of 1838." " ' . ' TQTHEJlJiiaNEa GONE. ,We jre sorry, to late that another of 3,000 iew England clergymen has been smoked out in FraukJin' county and dealt wiili accqrdirig to law, for lb lutle mutter two- -wives more tnao w .cers., ; " "