" '111'- T. HI c- il I I Vf i-v. ill ' . li I . I II II I . . T I v?- li vy f i r . . ill ill ill rsT i nu i rww ,a 'y. 'yh rfiNvr in in in in in in in in ni w in fii iii I III I I IN I VOLUME IX- NUMBER 5 1 . : W IL M IN GTON , N. C, SATURDAY. MORNING, JULY 15, 1854. WHOLE NUMBER 1103 TUETRI-WEEKLY COJDIE RCIAL Is pablUheJ eerf Tomdat, Thobkdat and 8atoba l ti per annum, payable inalicaset. In advance.' " ,': ,'. BV TelOJIAS CORING Editob and P.oi-.ii- froa, Corner Profit and Market Street, W1LMIS6TON. N. O. rvtes of Advertising. t sqr. 1 inaeniun . $0 50 I I sijr. 2 months, CO t ' 2 v W -,v 75 I I ." 3 5 0V I 3 . I 00 I "6 " 8 P0 " rmn'ntn, "2 5011 li ' 1200 Too lina or Icsa in.ike a square. If an adver tisement exceeds tei lines, the piice will be in proportion. All advertisement's are payable at the time,of lictr insertion. Co.i-r4cts with yearly advertisers, will be made' rn the most liberal terras. St trmsferof contracti for yearly advertising WHlftreijeTrniHd. Should circu.netances render1 cbanzc iftJMines.. or an unexpected remlvliH riceeasary, a charge according to the published terra will be ai"tlntiMi - of the -contractor, fr ttire ho-has advertfiw d. ( TS rririleze of Annual Advertisers is 8trtett U nited to their own. Immediate business; and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons, as well as ail advertisements not imnnMlntoly con nected with their own business, and all e.cii! of a Jortiemcnt in length or otherwise bejT"nd tltes limits enaied, will be chirged at the usual rites. N Advertisements is includud inJhe con ract for the sale or rent of homes or I inns in town nr country-, or for the sale or hire of npgrops. wheth er the property i owned by the advertiser or by other nt'fsons. Thee are excluded by the term "immediate business " All a-lvePiscnenta Inserted in the tri-wecklv Co nmercial, are entitled to one ieacrtion in th-e Weekly free of charge. JOB. CARD AND IMVCV l'RINTIVG, KK:0rED M SUPERIOR STYLE. .THE 'ANTI SLAVERY COLLEGE The Rev. Professor Goodrich, of Yale C jllege, declares that the members of the Faculty of that Institution are a unit in opposition to slavery. He takes occasion, too, to inform the South that Yale cares nothing for its patronage. It is evident, from the tone empjoyed by this fanatic, that any Southern man who sends his son to Yale College, will be subjecting him to influences that must infallibly render him a Southern man with Northern principles. Yale is now a hot bed of abolitionism, a nursery of fanaticism. The Professors are all attoiuton propagandists, and employ the power which their positions confer in ma king their pupils as throughly anti-slavery as thenielves. - In view of this fact, will Souieern men hereafter send their children to Yale ? In tbevlanguage .-of -Professor Goodrich, we say to the South, 'the sooner you withdraw your patronage from Yale, the better.' Richmond ( Va)' Penny Post. A;p,ir.4 i'o:i tiik commercial. N'iw Yosit Messrs. Oollneb & Potter. JcmIoji Ch ailc Smith. So. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. K. Cohen. Baltinare Wat. H. Pbake and Wm. Thomson MISCELLANY. ARAB ODDITIES. An Arab, entering a house, removes his shoes but not his hat. He mounts his horse upon the right side, while his wifp milks their cows upon the left side. With him, the point of a pin is its head, whilst its head is made its heel. His head must be wrapped up warm, even in summer, while his feet may well enough go naked in winder. Every. Article of merchandize which is liquid he weighs, but measures wheat, barley, find a few other-articles He reads and writes from right to left, but figures are read from left to right. He cat almost nothing for breakfast; about as much for dinner, but after the work of the day is done, sits down to n hot meal swim ming in oil, or, better yet, boiled butter. His sons eat with him, but the females of the house wait till his lordship is done. He rides his donkey when travelling, his wife walking behind. He laughs at the idea of walking in the street with his wife, or of ever vacating his seat for a woman. He knows no rise for chairs, tables, knives, or even spoons, unless they are woodfn or es. Bedsteads, bureaus, and fire places may be put in the same category. If he be an artizan, he does his work sitting, per haps using his toes to hold what his hands are engaged upon. Drinks cold water like a sponge, but never bathes in it, unless his home be on the sea shore. Is rarely seen drunk too seldom speaks the truth is deficient in affection for his kindred has little curiosity nrxT no imitation no wish to improve his mind no desire to surround himself with the comforts of lifr. FIRST SPEECH A young lawyer from the Green Moun tain State,' writes a friend from the 'far west' -somewhat verdant himself, very tall, rery light hair, very light eyes, somewhat pompous, looking exceedingly dignified, as other aninmls-do between large etirs, came it. to our little village with the full intent of astonishing the natives', with his learning, his eloqunce,. and the law ! He sjon formed a eo-partnersbip with an old law yer, orie Jones,-and came into court at once with' case in hand. The first case in which he nnd Jones were engaged, he wtis opposed by an 'old line' Illinois lawyer, in himself a genuine charcoal sketch ! Jones opened the case before the Jury, and our Vermont friend followed in a long speech well announced, and delivered with great accuracy and as he supposed, with aston ishing effect It was rhetorical, lofty, in short magniloquent: when he closed hewi ped his brow with a fine, lavendered pocket handkerchief, and looked about him with the air of an orator upon whose efforts the welfare of the world depended; and by whose efforts he felt conscious the world had beed saved. It was his maiden speech in our court and everybody listened with attention. The opposing counsel now ti ros, very gravely, he never smiltsj and in a tone and manner which no words can convey, sail: 'I've knowed him a great many years, I can foller him, but thU here Jones" feller I aint a-goin' to try to foller. Why, -gentlemen of the jury, there aim no U3e in trying to' foller him. He's soared alolt, he's burst the clouds, he's gone clear beyond the dog-star ; clean into the third heavens, gentlemen, nnd I put il now to j'ou, if he has touched the blessed airth one single time since he's been a jpeakin' tiis pifce.' The' house came down, of course, and the Jones feller vanished from the room, while the counsel went on in the same grave and almost unconscious veni of atire,:andthen to follerin' Jones.' .THE FOREIGN POPULATION. By ihe census of 1850 it appears that of the white population of the United States, then amounting to 19,553,058, there were born in foreign countries 2,210,535 persons, viz: males. 1,239,434 j'female, 1,001,101. Those ascertained to have been born" in the United States amounted to 17,279,375, and 32,658 were reported unknow as to their nativity It thus appears that the propor tion of natives to? foreigners in 1850 was nearljr.eight to one in the whole United States. - Jt should be observed "that since the census of '1850 was taken the foreign population has largely increased by immi gratkjo, amounting; to over one million in all;, so that the number ot persons of for eign birth'tiow'la the United - States may be stated at about three and a half mtllions. The proportion of Germans among the re cent jrarnigpin W- faa beeii Very great ' t A MYSTERY EXPLAINED. The unfortunate Allison and his wife, who were recently killed by an infernal machine at Cincinnati, stated in their dy ing moments tht they suspected William P. Connelly, of Philadelphia, to have been their murderer. Il was soon afterwards discovered, however, that the guilty person is a student, known as Dr. Arrison, who effected his escape from Cincinnati, and has not yet been arrested. The following paragraph, copied from Cincinnati Gazette, disclosed the reason why the Al lisons suspected Connelly; 'Mayor Snellbaker received a letter from Win. P. Connelly, of Philadlphia, ex plaining his intimacy with the Allisons, and deeply lamenting that they should have suspected him of sending to them the box containing the bomb-shell. Mr. C. confesses t::at in former years he had been g jilt- of certain burglaries, ol which Alli son and wife and others wre cognizant; that when in the city a few weeks since Allison requesied Co 'nelly to make him i present of a watch, a-s he needed one in the hospital. When Connelly returned to New York he sent the watch to Allison. The latter then addressed a letter to Connelly requesting him to semi a present to Mrs. Allison, which Council v neglected doing. Connelly is of the opinion that when the Allisons received trft bo they supposed it to contain the prcsen'. from him to Mrs. A., and the explosion led them to believe I hat Connellj sent it fearing they might inform on him, and that he took this meth od to get clear of them." A lady one night at a party, was much annoyed by the impertinent remarks of a coxcomb who sat near her. at length be coming tired and vexed, she said. 'Be pleased, sir, to cease your impertinence.' The fellow was astonished at so sudden a rebuke, and could only reply, 'Pray, Miss, do no: eat me.' 'Be in no fear,' she repli ed, 'I'm a Jewess.' AS IT SHOULD BE. Mr. Silas Horton and wife, residing near Owego, who recently exerted themselves so nobly in warning the train on the New York and Erie road of the dunger before it which was, that a large tree had fallen directly across the track and thereby .voi'led the horrors of a collision, have been handsomely rewarded by the Uailroad Com pany. The President has forwarded them each a life ppss over the road, a med.il from the company, and a silk dress for Mrs. Horton, accompanying the presents with a letter t-xpressing the gratitude of the company for th"ir noble and humane cond uct. A PIANO FORTES.' LOT of fine-toned instruments, j ust rpceived and for sale low, by J. D. LOV K. M ay 23. DR. SWAYAE, N Eminent Physi'-iun of Philadelphia, has u given to the world the benefit of his xpo rience by jirep irin: rctiiodies suitable to almost ovcry disease. Ur. Smaync's Crnnptiund Syrup of Wd l Cherry for Curing Coughs, CiUJs, Cun rum jt ion. and ali Uise.m-s of tlio 'I lirom, tire;il and l.ting?. DR. .S W A VN KS VKil.M I KL'GK, Kor Destroying Worms, Curing Dyspepsia, Ac. Dr. Swayne's Sugar Coated Sarsnpti ond Tar Pill, a gentle pu'nive and ulterniive McJicine, :'nr iuperir to the Pill in j;en-rol use. Dr. Swayne's Cholera Morbus Diarrheal, and Djs.'ntt-ry Cordial, a neirer failing remedy. A fresh stipply jiufi received at C. 4 D. DuPltK'S. Drug Store, Sole Agents fot Wilmington. April 25. 17-if. THUS. B. CARR, M. D. D. D. S. PRACTICAL DK.TlaT for the last ten years, Charges for 10 or ?s artificial teeth on fine gold plate, each, S 7 00 An entire set of ice h n fine gold plate. ISO 00 Dilto on void with artificial gums, 150 00 Ditto on rlatitia pl.ite with urtih ci.il gums, 150 00 75 0U Upper or under ditto, each, A Pivot tooth that cannot be distinguish ed fruui the na ttiral, 5 00 A fire stold fi li g. warranted permanent '1 00 Do. and destroying the nerve. 3 to 0t Kxtractin? a tooth, 50 cis. to 1 00 Hest dentifrices and tooth brushes always on hand. Ev ry operation carranttd to give entire satisfac tion. Teeth inserted immediately after the extrac tion of the fangs and remoddclcd after the gums have shrunken, without odditionul charge. Office on Market-st., 2 doors hciow th Church. Wilmington, N. C, April 2.'. 16-tf. TAYLOR'S INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, UBOADVVA V, (Cor. of Franlin Street, NEW YORK. IS comoleted and opened for travellers who de sire agreeable and aitractivo accommodations. Il is conducted upon the principle of the best Eu ropean Hotels, the meals beinq served in the seve rs! apartments, or at the tables in the snloc.n, at the option of guests. The Hotel and Furniture combine elegance with comfort, and is designed as well for the convenient reception of travel lers by the late trains. JOHN TAYLOR, Proprietor. Jan. 2G. 133 I yr. JUST TO HAND. FRESH SODA, Butter, Milk. Sugar, and Pilot Cracker; 18 bbls. handsome Brown Sugars 0 Ml. Clarified, 10 Crushed, 10 Powdered and S Granulated (Fulton Market Corn Beef; Smok ei Hief; New Cheese; Long No. I Mackerel; Cod Fish, and various other items that will be found useful ' as well as ornamental, at tha Vmi. ly Grocery. " 1000 lbs. Kornegay'a Extra Hams. Jbsi to had. G EO. MYERS, Front s. RILLS OF exchange; AN Elegant Edltionof Bills of Exchange, print rV ed In Germany. In Books of 10 quires and In sheets: just received and fbraaje l tba otficssf BUSINESS CfrlDS. DR. GEORGE BETTNER, OF NORTH CAROLINA. OFFICE, No. 538, BROADWAY, Oft AT TUB PRESCOTT HOUSE-NE.V YORK. Eer. lfi. 142 lyc. W. M. sflERWOOD & CO , WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Met chants W ilmington, N. C. All consignments ot Nuval Stores, together with Cotton, Bacon, Lard, Cot n, Meal, Flour, tc, shai ecure the highest market price. Dec. 13 115-tf J. D. LOVE MASH PICTURE ft AND HEALER fS CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES. &c.ic ft oat street, South ot Ularket, BROWN' Btt,BtJir WJUlllXGi'ON, N. C. v Sep. 16. 1852.- . - 79-y-c D. CASHWELL. J. A. PARKER CASHWELL & PARKER, COMMISSION M EliOH A N T S, WILMINGTON'. N . (;. Office formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. A. Gu-yer. March 23. 3-lyc. J. I. LATTA, COMMISSI OS MERCUAST4- GENERAL AGKST. WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 1, 1833. SS-Iy- WILKINSOX & ICSHCR, UPIiaLSTERS & IMPEii n.lNGERS, KliEP ON HAND AND MADE 10 OR D tit. Ulallresscs, Peat Iter B di, Window Curtains and fixtures. All work in the above line done at .horiest No tice. Wilmington, N. C, Market St. March 13. 1. JUSEi'R R. BLOSSOM, Gtncral Commission ami Forwarding Merchant Prompt perso'ial attention given to Consign ments tor Sale or Sliipinent. Liberal Cash adra;ice made on Consignments to me or to my Neie York friends. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 183'J. 135. wTcThoward, GENERAL Cumtnlssion nnd Forwarding Mer cian!, Wilmington N.(. Lirteral Jauti a l;ances in jde on Consignments. Nov. 29 10'J-tf ROUNTREE, WATSON "TcoiT" General Commission Merchants, ISO Front ft , Se& Yort, Liberal Advances Made onfiCoiisignmcnt. 1. D. Rill'MTlUe, B. C. WATSOS, W. H. WIGGINS. August 133. 69-ly. J. HATilAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MKItCHAN I S. WIL.MI.VGTOX. N. C. J. IIatkawav, J. L. Hathaway. Feb. 15. 1853. 31. JAMES ANDKRfO. EDWARD S V A O S . ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON i.C. Liberal cah advances mude on consignments. Oct. 22. 94- rVsseTlT'bIiher, (LATE ELLIS. BD48ELL ft CO ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignmcntsol Naval store, Coltoii, and other produce. May 3. 1S53. C. & D. DuPRE. WHOLE HALE AND METAL DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicine. Chemicals, I'atiit, Oil, D)i' Studs, (;iuss, iVrfumei-y, Cigars, Old liitniors, Kaucv Articles, &c., MARKKT STREET, WlhJllXG'l'OX, X. C. ?rescriptionj-:arefull :o iipj:indeJ byexperi nccu M i sous. March 3. 1333. j7eT IIALL, COMMISSION ME!t':HAT, WiImin?ton N C. OrBd; in reir of Mc.Milian, Davis & (jo's Store. Every attention paid to the sale and purchase of produce, and liberal cash advances made on nignnien I s. Refers to -Capt. Gilbert Pot'er, E. P. Hall. Prc't Branch Bank State N. C; O. G. Parsley. I'res't Commercial Hank; McMillan, Davis & Co lan. 21 131-tf V7lli luFaTg v ve7, General ;cat FarwarJing Commission Merchant I take pleasure in informing my friends, that 1 am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf foi Naval Stores, with ample aecorn modal ioss, Spirit Hitusc, nnd W trchou-to. Consignments of Naval S'tores for sale or ahip.neni ; ond all kinds of coun try pnljcti solicited. Cih advances made on con-ijntiH nt April 13, 1S53. 15. CoNW7KlRir&CO; DEALERS IN BUTTER, Cheese. L trd, and Smoked Provisions, Pork. Heel', Bean', P.:a. and Dried Fruit. 233 and 235, FUO.NT STH EF.T. Corner of PECK SLIP, NEW YORK. March 23. lyc. WILLIAM H, PEAKE. COLLECTOR ASD ADVLKTISIMi AUtM. For Country Newspapers throughout the United States, Basement of Sun Iron Go 1-j in h 8 , 15 il I i m ore street All business r'.rusttd touts care transacted prompt ly , op i.ocral terms. sej.1 7 93-f jasThVhadbournXTo., (icneral Coiumissioa llcrchiiiits. WIliMISGTUS. .C. J as. H. Ch D8Jca.s. Geo. Ciiadbouhn. Jun. 1, 1351. 1Z3. F. T. FOSTER, MANUFACTUHEIt of Bunting and Silk Flags, and all kinds of Wall and Plantation Tents. 35 and 37 South 3rd Street Philadelphia. F.T. F. June 17. 40-3m-c. " "henry nutt, FICTOR A0 FOUWARDiii; AGENT, Will give his personal attention to business entrust ed tn his care. Sept. 8. IS33. 75-lf.. JOSEPH H. FLANNERT General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. May 9ih, 1853.- . 87-lr-e. GEORGE M VERS, WnSLESALE iSD RETAIL GROCEK' Keeps constantly on. hand, H'uie. Teas,- Liquors, Provisions, Hood and Willow Ware, Eruit, Confeclionaries,4- Sauih, Front sir f el, WIUMINGTO.V, N. C. ? Nav. 13, 1852. 109. . C. B.G; Y0RTH; C01KSSI0.14KILFaSWiSBISGrlESCa.lSTS, Jan 7$i&$i$eip BUSINESS CARD.C 0. L. FILLY AW. PRODUCE BROKER. FORWARDING f COMMISSION MERCHANT. OFFICE over Store of W. H. McKay, Soulh Water street, Wilmington, N. C, will make liberal cash advances on consignments. He ha engaged the services of Mr. John Hall as a Gen eral Produce Broker. Refers to. K. P. Hall, President Branch Bank of the State, v ilmington. O G. Parsley, " Commercial Bank, Wilmington. Gen. A. McKae, President W. f- R. Railroad, do Jen. W. W Harllee do. W. & Mj Railroad, Maii ..n C. H., S. C. W. K. Lane, GoIJsboro", N. C. July 6 47-if. MJiS. KING, -73 King Street, between V entworth and Society Streets, Charleston, S. C. ATANUPACTUKES in very superior style, Vl VVigs, Taupees, Plain Bands and Curls, Eai Rings, Kreast Pins and Bracelets, and all kiridsf Fancy HairiiUing. Orders .a haiik firtiy received by Mail or otherwise.' Charges nioderaie. Ad dress as above. April 13. 12 lye . D. C. i'UEE.MA.N. GtUUUE UULIoTON l'itJ-;E.MAN & HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. MEDICAL HOUSE, a. lfi. SOUTH ft.' t-Ttib! i, is 'fcr"r t v BALTIMORE. .tlAnvi.An 'EffabligheU in order la utfjrd the Afflicted ff&ttfld und scientific ...ed ical Aid, vdjor tke nufjj.reisiiun of s- QnocLfru. D. C. FRGHMAV A. CO. COMMISSION M lR CHANTS, 17 5 i'uoxt tsTit i-;l:t, NEkV VOllK. FREEMAN A.D H'll'STliX, WIDUNC JTON, C 1 A 1 ' iVConi, Pork, II, icon Sa.'l, I 'olfe', Satrar, AIo-'assc.--, Tnharrs Cigars. Snuff', Candles. Soap, for eign and Domestic l.iq:tors and Wines; Iron. ails, Paints, Oils, Glaso, Domestics, Hats, Roots, Siocs. Lea'hcr. Agricultural Implements, and a va riety ol other articles, suitable for famil) and plan tation use and the retail trade, which they will Hispof-e of In lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange fo r N a val Stores or other produce. The senio mariner O. ('. Ere km an. is located in the city "of New Vork ; tiic tunior partner, Geo. Houptov, in Wilmington, li" desired, advances, will be made on e ni-ii'jn nents to and from either ylace. All business entr'fted lo them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Goods will be rtroinptlva nd carefully filled. Sept. 9, 1S52. 7G-f. GEO. H1RRISS, General Commission Merchant. IVI L.MING I ON, N. C. TRICT altenti-jM uivti. to procuring Freight O and purchasing Car:;oi s for vessels. RkI K.l TO K. P. Hull, Esq. 0. G. Parsley. Esj 1. A. Taylor. Esn. 1 i y Wilmingion. Vork. J. O. Bellamy, K.-q. J Messrs. Toor, Smyih fe Co., ) . " Tlinuipson Ok Hunter, J Alex'r. Herron, Jr Philadelphia. Messrs Williams & Butler, I ( -harleston 11 r.o.iKer, r-p. j Jan. 2, 1S53. S. C. 123 tf. I. VCSSCL. H.R. EILEItS. WESSEL 4e FILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS & WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water St., Wil mington, N. C, intend to keep nt the ahovi stand a genera I assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provision!" ot wholcsnle and to carry on a Genera HJonintiseiori BuiniFS. RtiFERKNCE E. P.tlnll Pres't Br'ch Binl; .)f thfl State. 1 O. G. Parsley , Prcs't Csmmcrfia! Bank. W if !. K . Dickinson , Efq . Puppe A o. Dollner t Potter. Jan. 20 Bc4. 131 New York, GEO. II. KELLY, C 0 U MISSION dl E R C II ANT . Sex t door to A . A. Wannet's,on North Vntrrit. will at tend to the sale of .ill kinds of Count rv Pro duce, such as Corn, Peas, Meal, I aeon . Lard ,.4 c.. ind willkeepconsiantlyon hand a full suppljof Groceries. tc. References . Wilier Hnll of Wa yno. J no .IcR-ie, Wilmington W ;aravvay. ' Gen. Alx . MeRae. " E.P.I til, Wilnington , Wiley A. WalKei . ' ' Dec. 13, 1832. 1 13-1 v. tAS. F. OILLESPIE. OEO. S. GIT.LE?riF.. J A M !C" K. Giii.r.snr, CO.. PRODUCE AND FORWARDING A GENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. Pat lien lar a'tention paid to t he receipts and Sale nf Sacal Stores, Timber, Lumber. Corn, Racon, Cot ton, cf-c , if-c. March 3U 6 S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, IVIIiHINCl'ON, v. v. WILL sell or btiv Heal Estate and Ncgroffs at a small commission. also : Stric attention givCnto i lie sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. O.rl -e Mcund Juor, South side of Market street, orv ttie wharf. June 12. 1353. 33 ly. A. II. VAB0KKELEN. General Agent, Commission and forwarding Alert liant, WILMINGTON. X. C. Particula r attention given tosale and purchase of N .i va I S lures. June 1. 1953. 123-ly. t. c. voRin7 - General Co;iiiuission Icrciian(, W ILMINGTON, X . C. USUAL advances made on consignmeti ts of Cot ton, Naval Stores and other produce P. ittieular attention given by G. W. Davis to pur chasing cargoes, procuring freights far vessels. &:. Jan. 41 123 COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (SCHCESXOliS TU TililS- ALlUl'iE & CO ) General Commission Merchants, No 32, North Wharces. mil i3 SortU Water Sts. P1IILADLLIM1IA. 1. HARVEV COCHHAN, W. B. RL'dSELL. Liberal : ish nlvanccs made on consignments. July 30th, 1353. SS-tf. H.DOLLNm - G. POTTLR. jr DOLLNER & POTTER. GENERAL COMMISSIffN MERCHANTS. NEW YORK: Liberal Cash Adcan-es made on all Consignments. April 30. 1854. 20-Iy-pd. WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD, THE Subsertberhaving accepted thjt agency ol several I areejstablish men is at the iWrth, which willfurnish him an unlimited supply of finished or nnfinishek, foreignarid domestic MARBLE of all qaalities, is orepared to fill all orders for MONUMEX IS AX TOiMB STOXES, and every other article in the line of the business at reasonable rates. -SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING, Executed as v el las can be done either North or -Sooth" ' s Thebesf-efarsnee cmn be?ltren, Ifreqnlred: v S JAS.McCLARANAN. M"eh3: .'ve-'- i49-tf-- C4NAIBllRn0WS TOR SALK.' b' Jl March 3Lk2-J J. M.'KOIUNSQN- DR. I. B. Smith hn for many years devotedhis whole -laention lo'he treatment ol Piivuteiom pluinis, in ail their varied and comilj-.iWd forms. His jrcat success in liskngvsiii(jiiio and diffi cult cases, such as were lorm'etlvittonsidered incur able, is sufficient to commend him ti the public as worthy of the extensive patronage hf Jta received V i'.liin ihe lal eiglit years, Dr. S. has treated nton than 29, 'iOU cases ol Private Complaints, In' Jhur ditlerent forms and Ma;;es;a pnetien whictt-, doubt exceeds tlitit of all other pliybici-n-" now ad vertising in I ; a 1 1 1 1 iij t e , and not a single case is known whrre his ilirections were stricjlj followed, and medicines taken at reasonable time, without cfieciing.-ir.idic.il and perin i nent cure ; ih-refor. , pciootio i!ilicie,l with diseastsof tile above n.iture, u in ute.r how difficult or long standing the case tnay be," would do wdl to call on Dr. Smith .at'his wtfice.No, lb. South Frederick St..and if not etiec tuatty relieved no remuneration will be required lor his servii-es. iiis medicines are tree lromi icoiy and;.l! mineral poisons ; pt.t up in a neat and com pact tonn, and may be taken in a public or private house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, and except incases of vio en t infl.uiii nation, no change of diet is necessary . S TrtL ' TU RES. Dr. Smith has discovered a new method by which he can cure the worst form of stricture and that without pain oi 'inconvenience to the psiliint. Irri'ation of the urefhn, or pro.sir.ne gin nds, or neck of Hie bladder, is sometimes mis .ikei: l(.r strictures by general oractiiioners orcharlatan.--. YOUXU A I E N and others- nttlicted will; Semiinl D-Ii!5ty. wheth er originalini! fioiii a Certain Destructive iluii-l, or from any other cause, with train of uodi.y and men tal evus wtiii-h follow, wiien neglected, should niiike an early application, thereby avoiding much trotnoc and suit- ling, as well as expense. Lfy bis impi ovi d nitthod of treatment. Dr. S. can safely gii.iriintee a speedy and peiieet cuicin Blltastbol ll.it com plaint. TO FEMALES. Alldism.es p-.-ctiHar to Eeoinles (as also Sup pressions, Irregularities, &c.) speedily a nd ell'eci n allyreiuoved. The efficacy of his remedies, lor the cure of theabove atfceiions, have been well tested in an extens ve practice for the last twelve years. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. S. hy a letter, post-paid, describing e.ise, and have tnctlicine securely put up and forwaided to any part of the United States, always accomoauied wim full and explicit diiections for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. OiTiee niiao;ed wi'li sepa rate n part men la. so that pal ients never see a in one but the doctor himself. Atiendj nee daily, from 5 in the morning till ft at niyh t. U Persons afflieied wiihnny of the, above complaints, will do well to a oid 'lie various NOSTRUMS AND SPECIF ICS. advertised by Apothecaries and Di ugt isis as a cer tain cure for any and eveiy disease. They are put up to sell, b'.it not to cure, and frequently do much more harm than irood theref 're avoid ihein . A word to the wise is sufficient. Address DR. J. 15. SMITH, 1.6 South Frederick St., lialtimorr. Md. Oct. 13. 90-ly-c. SANDS SARSAPARILLA. .V QUART BOTTLES. For Parif:,.g the Blood, and for the Cure of Scro fula. Rheumatism, Stubborn Ulcers, Dyspepsia, Salt Rheu , F'eeer Soes, Erysipelas. I'imphs, Bilei, Mercurial Diseases, Cutaneous Erup tions, Liter Complaint, Bronchitis, Con s9mplion, female Complaints, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, d-c. iN this prep iration all the restorative proprties of the root are concentrated in their utmost strength and efficacy ; but while Sarsnpui ilia Root forms an important part of its coin too. tion, it ir, ut the same time, compounded uiih oilier vegeta ble remedies of treat power, and il is in the pecu liar comuination and scien ific manner ol its prep aration, that its remarka jle success in the cure of disease Ccpends It acts siiuulla neousiy upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowels ; :.nd lhu :h rt e processes, which are ordinarilv i he result of three ditl'crt nt kinds ol - edieine, are carried on at the saint: time, through the instrtinien'aliiy of t hi oive remedial aacnt which gently stimulates- whilt it disinfects and exptls from the stomach and ho.vcls at; thai is irritating, find ai the same t it no esiores viror and tone. Many other preparation? imitate in nearini! the name of Sarsaonrilla, and in thai ihtir resemblanc e ends, beina often prepar ed ironi worthless jnd inert roots, and of course poss ss no li'-.iling or curative properties, and pa tients in making choice of wl. ich they will use, should take no other, but tiiat one entitled to tin ir confidence, from ihe long list of cures il has tffeet ed on living witnesses, whose testimonials and residence have been published, and who arc stiil Hearing dailv testimony toils worth. ASTONISHING CURE. Patterson, JN. V ', 20th, 1851. Messrs A. B. &. D .asds : Gentlemen. Hav in wim. sscd the most benctici il effects from the use of yoi r Sai snparilla, it gives me pleasure in send you lire following statement in regard to niy son. In the spring of HIS he took a severe cold, iiid after ciglu weeks of severe suflciing the dis-e.-ise s tiled in his left leg and f.ot, which soon swelb il to the utmost The swelling w.is lanced bv his physician, and discharged most ptolustly; af'cr th it no less than elcv. u ulcers form, d on tin te an I foot at on time. We had five d iff rent Phy sicians, but none relieved Mm much; and ihe lasi winter found him so emaciated and low that he w;, ii ti aid e to lea ve hi ed , suffering t he most excrucia ting pain. Durint; this time the bone had becono o much aflected that piece after piece came out, ol which he has now more ihan twenty-five prestrved in a bottle, varvintz from one half to one and a hat! inch' s in length. We had given up ail hopes of his recovery, Imtat this lino- we were induced to try your Satsaparilla, and with its use his health nnd appetite bi gan immediately in improve, and so rap hi was I he change that less than a dozen bot tU s ef fected a perftel cure. With yratiiude, I remain truly yours, DARIUS BALLARD. We the undersigned neighbors of Mr. Mallard, cheerfully subscribe to the facts of the above state ment. 11. 4 It S. Hayt, A. M Trowbridge, (ieo. T. Dean, C. Eastwood. Prepared and sold, wholesale and tetail by A. B 6 D. Sands, Dni2'jis:s and Chemils. 100 Ful on street corner of William iV'ew ork. SnM also by Uruguis's generally throughout ihe United Mates nnd Canada. P rice S 1 per bot i e ; six b. i lies for -S. For sale by Dr. A.O. Bradlev, and Messrs. tj. & l. DuPre, Wilmington. i . C. Aprils. 19-0m. MISCELLANY. THE SAFE SWINDLE AGAIN. New York, July 10. A young- man from the rural districts, was accosted in New York on SHlurihty by another young man, who professed to hail from 'ihe couniry' also, they repaired together to French's Hotel to take a drink with the avowed intention of returning to the Museum, and visiting it. But -the drink' re-arrunged their programme, and they sttrted off to visit the lirooklyn Navy Yard. '1 heycrossed over the Williams iurg Ferry, and when they reached the vacant lots in East Brooklyn ihey met the ;ife man. The usual bet took place, with i lie usual result the " younr gejillem4 was minus a gold watch, woitb V'OO-ftnd s2j in cash. He told his tale of grief to the pclice. but they have not succeeded in laying violent hands upon the sharpers He holds a worthless check for IfcfOO as security. Day Bock. SUICIDE. Last night about 10 1-2 o'clock, as the Fulton ferry-bout Fulton was on her way from this City to Brooklyn, when about ihe middle nf the river, a man came out of the ladies cabin and rushing towards the stern of the boat bounded over the guard chain, head downwards into the river. 'I ho boat was immediately stopped, nnd the hfe-boat launched, but all efforts to save the individual proved fruitless, notwith standing ihe night was calm and moon light. The fetry boat and life-boats went dewn ns far as Governor's Island the tide going oiii at the time. They saw no signs of the body, but it. coat, winch without doubt, belonged to the deceased, was pick ed up. It may be seen at the Fulton Fer ry Office, Brooklyn. A letter was found in one of the pockets of the coat. It was addressed to a lady in Galway, Ireland. He was described as a lame and well dres sed man. Some are of the opinion llfa' the coat recovered was an overcoat which he carried on his arm when he jumped overboard. The Captain of the Fulton, however, thinks ihat he had this coat on and must have taken it off after he got in the water. lb TO WALE. ON ind after thisdate all vessels towed in harbor by Steamer Same Beery and Calhonni will be chargd. 34.00. GEO. HARR1SS, Agent. Nov. 8:h, 1353. 101 SUMMER ! SUMMER ! ! SUMMER! !! l'HK Subsciibers have on hand the following L Syrups end Cordials very fine for Suinm r diinks: Lemon nnd Strawberry Syrups bv the gallon and bottle. Itaspberry Syrup. ;ordial of various kinds. Ginger, Cherry Black Kerry ftounee, Clare t and Southern Wine, French Vine gar, German Bitters, and Ksspberry. Vil'. gar; be sides some Black Berry Wine, good for the ' Con vention Grip'' now rnging. June 15. RE&TON & TOWNSHEND. WE have on hind a very handsome assortment of Parer Hangings, Eire Screen-, Borders, Window Shades, Curtains, Cornices, 4e.. f-c. For sale and put up by WILKINSON & ESLER, Jnne3. Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. PARASS0LS. OPENED this day, a. new supply of Parasaols, ery superior quality, plain. Black Silkg, plaid and striped Cambrics and Swiss Muslins. Nansook and Jaconett do. a. full line of white embroidered Curtain Muslins, Fancy Neti Veils, Lace Collars, Men's extra quality colored Silk GloTeg.4e e. For sale by r , JAMES DAWSON. April 27. 19. SPRING STYLE BONNETS. JUST received,- a1 large aiid handsome asaort r nent, per Adams A Co.'a Eipres. For sale efcep,byv' KAflNWEILER ABRO. March ?. " iso. STRANGE SUICIDE. A few daj-s ago some boatmen took out of the Seine, at Paris, the body of tin elegantly-dressed ami very handsome j-oung female. There was found fastened round her neck with a ribbon, and carefully wrapped up in a piece of oiled cloth, the following writing: t:I belong to a highly respectable famil3'. I was rive years of age when I lost my mo her, and 1 am now twentjv Not being able to live alone, and wishing besides, to have some one to take care of me, my father married again, and I had a sister. From that time my moth-er-tn law, whom I had always found affec tionate and kind, became by degrees a per fect demon towards me. Vishing that her own child should monopolize all the affec tion of my father, she constantly represen ted me to him as a child full of faults and even vices. Study -became my only conso lation. Jealous at the progress I made, and doubtless presuming that I should one thy eciipse her child in som talent, my mother-in-law redoubled her persecutions : my father, won over hy her misrepresenta tions, withdrew his affection from me. J pardon him as well as the woman from whom I have suffered so much. I am about to die. God will accept the sacri fice I have made. It is useless to make in quiry as to whom lam, for I reside lar frmn Pans. I wish hy these few lines to make known the causes of my death, in o'-der that they may serve as a warning to fath ers who, by a second m irriage, give a mother-in-law to their children Snch suffer ings as mine are not, u:, fortunately, of rare occurrence in families. (Signed) Marie D ." EFFECT OF POLYfi MV UPO.V POPULATION. ' The effect upon population is decided ly deleterious. 'I he prophet Joseph had over forty wives at Nauvoo, and the rest of 1 1 1 e priesthood hail various numbers, corresponding to iheir standing anil inch nations : and nearly all the children of 'Lose polygamous marriages died at thai place; indeed, it is alleged by Mormons that not one was taken to L'tali Br:g ham Young has thirty children, of whom eight are by his first and second lawful wives ; the remaining twenty iwo are by his spirituals He has about fifty wives, some of whom were widows of Joseph smith, and aie probably past the time of having children ; but, supposing him to have thirty who are capable of having is sue which is below the true number--'.he twenty-two children would be less than one child to a concubine. If each of these degraded females could have been the honored wife of one husband, the aggre gate number of children, according to the usual average of four in a family, would be one hundred and twenty, shoving a loss in population of ninety-eight. "The children are subject to a frightful degree of sickness and mortality- This is the combined result of the gross sensuali ty of ihe parents, and want of care toward their offspring. As a general rule, these saintly pretenders take as little care of their wives as of their children; and of both, less than a careful farmer in the States would of his cattle ; and ne wbrre out of ' Five Points" in New York city can a more filihy, miserable, neglected-looking, and disorderly rabble of children be found than in the streets of Great Salt Lake City. The Governor, again, whose attention to his multifarious family we are bound to suppose greater than the -average, affords a fair illustration. He was twice lawfully married, rand has eight legitimate children, who are all living. He has had a large number of children by his concubines no one knows how many it i only known that there are twenty-two surviving. Those females do not reside in the " Governor's housed so called, but in different establish ments from one up to a dozen in a place." A HUMAN CANDLE. The Chinese Repository tells us a very singular story of ihe punishmunt inflicted on a Chinese crimnal. His offence it scems was unpardonable, and it was determined to make an example of him. Consequent ly he was wound round with cotton, axta rated with tallow, and having been dipped till he presented the appearance of a gigan lily Lclllllie, WHO MUtB UpUU 14 IB J1UIC( f grave and lighted. Of course the felkrw perished in slow torture. Was ever device' heard of so completely diabolical T y IVltmso Grey from Fauiun) RjS morse The Loohiville JoMirtuU states, up on the autjhoritiy of a gentleman from Lex iir'i.inj that the hair of Weigert, found guilty of murder in the first degree, which was formerly black, has turned white since -his conviction. ' An English paper says that at njgran4 dinner given to .Mademoiselle Rachael, pre vious to her departure from St. Petersburg; a Russian officer proposed us a toast;' '; To our meeting in Paris ! where we shall drink champagne to the health of the great artiste." To which Mademoiselle Rachel replied : " Champagne is very dear, gen tlemen for prisoners." ;" W I VES WANTE D. Marriageable girls are quick in the Min nesota market We quote from a letter in the Boston Daily Advertiser: " Several leading and wealthy citizens of Saint Paul have married Indian squaws aboriginal ladies, perhaps 1 ought IQ say. These matches are caused ley by romance than by the necessity of having a wife and the scarcity of white women. When there" is an importation of the latter commodity (rom the East, it is eagerly seised. 1 heard of a gentleman from our part of the coun try who came out to settle with his three daughters. In two weeks I.e was alone, but his family was increased by the addi tion of two sons-in-'.aws. ' - lie Wore a Flashy Walstci-at. V - He wore it flashy waistcoat, on the night when first we met, with a famous pair of whiskers, and, an imperial of jet. ..H' had all the haughtiness, his voice the man ly tone, of a gentleman worth forty ..thous and dollars, all his own. I saW-himbuta moment, yet methinks I see him npWj with a very flashy waiscot, and a beayer.on his brow. And once again I saw that .Jjrow ; no neat beaver was there, but a .shocking bad 'un was his hat and matted' was his hair. Ho had worn u brick within his hat, the change was all complete, and he was flanked by constables who marched him up the street. I saw him but a moment, me thinks I see him now, charged i by the worthy officers with kicking up a row, - . DEATH AMONG THE HOGS About 225 hogs, being half of a drove of 4-j0 head, died from the excessive heat on Monday 'last, while on ihe Eastern llrunch of the Illinois Central Railroad, be tween Peru and the Junction. They were being transported from Vermillion county to New York, but being so closely slowed in the cars, they suffocated from ihe heat. The train went on to Detroit from the Junc tion, the dead and live hogs unseparated, Chicago Tribune, 28 h. While Mr. Clay was standing upon the deck of the Georgia, previous to her de parture, a man stepped up t.) him and, seiz ing Ins hand, began to" shake it s'o vigor ously as to give the venerable Senator pain. Sir,' saiil Mr. Clay, very blandly, if you will allow me to shake hands'with you, I will do it gently.' THE NORTIf CAROLINA' V MUTUAL LIKE LNSURAISCECOMPT, RALEIGir.JN. C." ' ". 1M1E above Company hr-a been inopefatibnslnee tlielti.'f April, 1 818, under the direclionof tu following Offtt-era. viz : . Or. Chnricf E. Jonhson.Presifient,"","' " Wm.O. Haywood, Vice President, - ' James K. Jordan, Secretary t ... H hi. II. Jones. Treasurer, s f Perrin Busbee, .Attorney, ''" - " Dr. Ch.irles E. Johnson. ) mrf , r "' :r Wm II.McKhp. . -"-0 sjoara or Dr. It- H. Haywood, ) J. Hersnrin. General Aent. This Company has received a charter eirfng ad- u:.ii;ci tottie insured over any other Company. Tne 5tl. Section gives the Husband the privilege to., insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any clnimfof the represents ives of the husband or any of his creditor. - Organized on purely mutual principle, fhe Hf members participate in the uhole of the profi ta which arud.-cSared annually. Pesidea, lb- nrtpllrant for life, when the annual premium is over 30 may pay mc half in a Nut'i. - All ' laims for insurance ngainst the Company will e p.-iid within ninety days after prcof ofthev-dea.th jf the party is furnished. .v" t slaves are insured for or e or five year, at rates' which will enable all Slaveholders to secure thi -class of properity against the uncertainty of life,, fy Slave insurance presents a new and inlereating feature ir. the history of North Carolina.which will -prove very i mportant to the Southern States. The laet four months operation of this Company shows a very! areamonni of, boFines more fhsn " the Directors expected to do the first year having already issued tnore than 200 Policies. ' , Dr. Wm. W. Harbisb, Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilmineton, N. C. AllComrtiiinicatlons onbusinet sof the Company should be addressed to JAS. P." JORDAN. S5'y. Ralcigh.Feb. 12, 1S53. 41-rf. PRINTS. JUST received, a larse assortment of Enflfsfi and American Prims, new patterns and colors, . I can recommend: Ginghams assorted Color and Mourning and half Mourning do.? Gr Cloth and Victoria- Ski rtingr; Bob neit Mocquito IS'etr Ing: Linen Table Damask ; Napkins Doylas and Irish Linens; Linen Cambric and-Lawn fhdkf, and Gent's ditto ditto : Allendale Brown Co' on Sheetine, all widths; Blue Dolr; medium and heaviest qualities mad; Georgia fend Sonlli-Caro lina Cotton Ortaaburea: Heavy Brown Cfon shinin"; Marlboroueh Plaid and Stripe; very. cheap lot of Bed Tick; Linen Oinaborgi i and Burlaps ; and Crape Shawl. E or sale by Consultation . Jane 3 JAM ES DiVVSOJf. SPaiXG, HAIR, PATENT, FELT. MOSS, nd Shuck Mrj??Jef order, h WILKINSON fc ESLER, May. Upholster.. PORK AND BACONS 2" B ARRELS City Meat Pork i 10 fcndt print O Western Bacon Side and Shoulder. Juat . Mr l 1... tf - 9 . recflM ana lor mio j - -.-- sr JcneZO J. HATHA WjiTdE gONV . CARRIAGES. -1 Xi -I six seated CARRIAGE, ' - ''' , I 1 Paneled Quarter Roeka way, ,r. ' !" . v 1 Quaker Rock way and aeycrailisht Bsrls. just reenhred and for sale by "'' - V " Sept I7-rf , - v DIBBLE dc BRO.' ' FOUR THOUSAND EUSUELS f OP Corn ta Store, and for sale by THOMAS 8MITH A CO. Aprl!2f). U-ri l