NT- " ' " " - ' - - - ' v: .. . . 4- J1! - ''III?:: ; : : t III K x1 V OrUMET 1X-N0MBER 54. WILMIN GTQN N. C, SATURDAY JVIOKNING, JULY 22, 1854. - . J- t'TS- . . WHOLE'KUMBER 1 106! 4 THLOTrWEEKLYCQMMEUCIAL H pa&lutNi eery rTvstAVt . Thc and SATBlAf f Sspe ow, payable In all caaes .CotJietront awd Sfaet Street, , ''UATBS Ol' ADVERTISISlSy t iqr. I insertion 30 50 I 1 aqr. 2 nioniha, S4.00 1 .m.o. ,- 4-7&1 1 " 3 " 6"Q 1 " :3 , 1 OD 14 .' 6 " 8 PO T ! t month, 2 5U I 1 12 12 00 Ten linea or eai make a square. If an adver tisement exceed ten fines, the pi ice will be in rnportion. " ' ' Aft ) Irertisemen are" payable at the lime of Mieir insertion. 'jotscis wit It yearly advertisers, will be made n themosl liberal. terms. f tr-tnsfer rf cjntrams for yearly advertising WHt iy: 4jrinjtied. Should cira.ntancea render m ch Vrfja't'a bUilnea-, or n.rfpecicd removal necessary, m -.haraa 'accord in? (o rive puHnbed' "aiwc.wfM be t ibo rUoirf ibe- e-ant ractur, tot rhetirtMfhe ton adWcniseH. ' - ' The oriviie? of Amwial Advertisers in strictly Mmired to their wri innrrcd iate basineos; and all advertisements for ti .benefit of other persons, s well as nil a-.l verliscments not immediately con nected with their owrj business, and all excess of 1 vertisernents in length or otherwise beyond the limits enaseJ, witt be charged at the usual rales. N ) iertUementsV Is included in the contract for.ihe sale or rent of. houses-or- lands in town ir ronrttry. or for the saJe or hire of negroes, whclh rr the prpenty s twod by thct advertiser or by other nersons. Thee are excluded by the term "i-n mediate bni.eaw J, . Ml i I vwriiicnonts inserted in the tri-wecklv Ctnuiereial'iTi! entitled to one iesertion in the JKee-Wy free Charge, jub cvnn sn vxxcy phintixg, FAECGIEB 11 SUPERIOR STYLE. riT3-triS y'o'i the comughcial. IS'sw Vi Mersrs. Dollneh & Potteb. iMba Cs4ti Smith, So. 6, Central vS'harf. PhilndelphUtS. K. Cohev. fioltimortW m . H. PsAaeand Wm. Thomson NEWS. ARR1V3L OF THE K1ACABA. SIX DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. HIGHLY INTERESTING SEWS. Halifax, July 13. The steamer Niagara . anivod this afternoon, at 5 o'clock, siith dates from Liverpool to J.uly 8. - - The news is both interesting and im portant, commercially and politically. The Czar has returned a courteous but evasive reply to Austria and Prus-sia-rofesing his willingness to evacu - .-at?ui8 "Principalities when the allies "vaciiate; Turkey, but in the nieaii'ime ' J' fbsists'oriretainitig Mold a via. The Austrians had begun to enter Wallachia. " The French army, under Baraguay d'Hilliers, 'was embarking in liiiglish . faips from Cherl-oura; for Finland. Napier was in line of battle brfore Cronstradt, and had exchanged shots, but nothing decisive had occurred. There had been some fighting at Se bastopol between eight Russian steam ers and three English steamers, the lat ter being considerably damaged. " The Russians lost two thousand kill--scd, but niade good their retrdat. Greece continued quiet. Th insurrection in Spain is formida ble. The insurgents maintain them selves, notwithstanding the battle near Madrid. PROGRESS OF TUB WAR. Prince Gortschakoff (not general) ar rived at Vienna on the 4th of July, and is the fjearer of the official reply of Rus sia to Austria. The precise terms of the reply had not transpired, but Gort schakoff also carried an autograph from Nicholas to Austria, the tenor of which was said to be that. by the evacuation ol Wallachia, Jeaving'frce the Danube lo the C?ar, considers he satisfies all the reasonable demands of Austria. Mol davia is not tp.be evacuated, as the oc cupation -of that principality is necessa ry as a guarantee for the conditions of a future treaty of pence. Colonel Montenffel arrived on the 6th at Berlin, from St. Petersburg, with the Jzar's reply to Prussia. The reply is courteous, stating that tho'Czar would consent," to "resign the exclusive protecto rate over Greek Austrians, if Turkey would accede to the joint protectorate of the' Five Powers; that the Czar will evacuate' the Principalities when the Western Powers evacuate Turkey, but will maintain a strong military position in Moldavia, as provisional security. The Czar has also sent Colonel Isa koff to Dresden with a friendly auto gpraph letter to the king of Saxony, an J other sovereigns who were represented in the Bamburg Conference. In the meantime hostilities continue, and fighting is reported from the Baltic, Black Sea, the Danube, and Asia The Austrians have entered Walla chia, and the French army is cmbark ing in English ships at Cherbourg for Finland. . Respecting' the Austrian occupation of "Wallachia, all yet known is, that on the '2S& of "July, seventeen steamers with Austrian troops on board,, dropped down the Danube x'f ...... Napier's fledt;wa$ lying in line of bat tle beforerCesra3't up to June 29, but o attack had'heeh made. iTh.e English frigate. Desperate fired $ome shots! which the: batteries returned. "Boijiersund was the second, time bom baitdeti'on ihe 26ih " and, 27th of June, and the;lbrtifict ion destroyed. . "i "i- TIIE BLACK 8E.'A. ' ' ' " Qn ,0ie (4iU olJune eight t Russian steamers came out from Sebastopol and attaeked-threerallied ships at the batter ies. tTheallied fehinstlgaged were the Furious, thtf Tefrible - and the Ifescar- . ties. "The affair seems' Jo have;1 been a running !ight.'Tv"Th FuriqWZw fideraWfdamaged:-;..J. - f . 1'The'mairr body cmTic a!IUd fleet was Some, English boats, taking soundings at the mouth of-theDniepper, exchang ed fires with the Kossacks. aiother;battle. On the 21st and 22i' an important battle was fought The Turks, under General Givolte and Meshd Pasha, fell on the 'Russian reaf gtiaj-d of 25,000, near Silistria, on the 21st. The battle pasted two days, and the Russians lost 259Q men kilted, and made good their retreaf The Russians continued the concen tration of troopstowards Sreth and the Prutb, and apparently- mean to retire to Matsehin, Itschka and TnJtsca ; on the right 'bank of the Danube. v - , . turkky. , . . The plan of the campaign and move ments of the allied annyare still kept riofomidly secret. Cavalry is supposed lo be advancing by land to the Balkans. A telegraph is being built from Con stantinople to Varna, Shumla, Widdiu and Gallipoli. Fifty thousand Anglo French troops are still at Varna, and Piince Napoleon is also- there. General Bosquet's French division has left Adrianople for Shumla. Omer Pacha has prepared to estab lish his headquarters at Rustchuck. Communication from the Danube is kept open as far as Sistova by tiie Turk ish flotilla. On the 1st of July, GortschakofT, re moved his head-quarters from Kalaresch to Wagitscont. The crew of the English steam frig ate Sans Pareil are fortifying Soukum Kale, and the crew of the English frig ate Sampson are fortifying akiuchid at Redoubt Kaleh. FROM ASIA. The news is bad for the Turks from Asia. On the 9th of June the Turks met with a severe check in attempting to storm two redoubts between the Us myneb and Kutaf. The Russians at tacked them in flank, and dnrin the assault defeated thein with 1,500 to 2,000 killed. They also captured the entire camp equippage, with 13 cannons and 35 standards. ' My son,' said the cider Spriggles to Spriggles junior, thinking to enlighten the boy on the propagation of the hen species, my son, do you know that chickens come out of eggs T 1 Du they T replied Spiggles junior, as he licked his plate, '1 thought eggs come out of chickens.' Thus ended the first lesson. Returning home late one night, after be ing on a "bender," and receiving a Caudle izing from his better half, a toper suddenly threatened to revenge himself by enlisting in the Mexican army. The wife now ie lented,rnd told her staggering husband that if he joined, the Mexicans would kill him. Leaning against the half-opened door, the husband replied "W-u-r-l, I grss, Molly, there's two thai can (hiccup) pl.iy at that game. I an'i afraid of 'em ! Let 'em kill ! I kin kill as many of tliem as I try can of me " CHEMICALS. 1 firW") OZS. German, French, and Knglish 1 vjvvv Quinine j 50 lbs. Syrup Iodide Iron; 50 lbs. Blue Pill Mats ; 16 s. Salpa, Morphia ; 25 17.3. u pli Cinclionia. and the largest supply of Cliemic;ils ever oticred for sale in this State. For sale at C. 4 D. DrPKE'3, J une 29. J. d H. copy. Drug Ware Rooms. BUSINESS GARDSA DR. GEORGE BHTTiNEB, OP NOllTH 'CAROLINA. OFflCE; No. 638. BHOADWAV, OR AT.THK - - PBESCOTT UOUSE-NE.V K)RK. Eeb. 16. ' Ui lyc. W M. SHERWOOD k CO , WHOLESALE Groeers and Commission Met chants VVilniing, N. C. All consignments ol I'aval Stores, together with Cotton, Bacon, Laid, Corn,. Rfenl, Flour, 4c, shal ecure the highest market pfiee. Dec. 13 115-tf INDIA CnOLAGOGNE. CRHTaIN Itemedy for Chills and Fevers, as 1 tho isands can June, 29. testify. For fiile at C. & D. DnPUE'S. Druand Chemical Store, and H. Copy. 45. CHAMPAGNE. pZI BASKETS Choice fhnnipnene, just to hand J I at reasonable prices, a: GKO. M VERS. July 8. 43. PAINTS. OH C0,f ' BS. Prime White Lead ; 5000 lbs. OW,UUL Vcnitinii Bed; 40 bhls. Spanish Brown ; 25 hbls. Fire Proof Paint ; 500 do. Ver disris ; 1000 d i. Ch. Green ; 5G0 do. Paris Green; 5 do. Japm and 3 do Coach Bdy Varnish, for sale cheap, by C. D. DcPRF.. Jolvl. J. and H. copy. 46. CIGARS. Pfl nnO, HAVANA Cigars, just reeeived iJKfvniXJ from the Philadelphia and Balti more Market, and .'or sale cheap, by C. dc D. DaPRE, June 29. Wholesale Druggists. MOURNING GOODS. BLACK and half Mourning Genadines and Twisted Silk Pccsei:; Black and half Mourn ing Bcrafi-s, some very ftn Piaid anil pl.iin lis ues; French and Knslisli Lawns and Muslins, a Urge assortment; 6rin$bsln8 and Calicoes, new est patterns; Bonnet Kihbons; Mourning' and half mourning Summer Silks ; Maltese Lace Col lars and Undcrslecves t match, and a full and general assortment of all the fashionable styles of Collars, Undersleeves and Chimixettes to be worn this Summer; Fans; 4, eve Veils; French Lawn Handkerchiefs; Lupins Summer Bombasines and ChaHy-s; the very best quality of Kid, ' BUck Net and Black Silk Gloves ; Black and Steel colored Parasols; English and- Italian Crapes, J-c. cto. For sale at the lowest prices, by Aarill. JAMES DAWSON. TAYLOR'S INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, BHOADWAY. (Cor. of Franlin Street, NEW. VORK. IS completed and opened for travellers who de sire agreeable and attractive accommodations It is conducted upon the principle of the best En-, ropes Hotels, the meals being served in the sevfiV ral apartments, or at the tables in the aloon, St the option of guests. The Hotel and Furniture combine elegance with eomfort; and is designed as well for. the convenient reception of travel ler bf th laie trains. : JOHN TAT LOU, Proprietor. Jan. 2C. . 133-Iyc. JUST TO HAND. , - FRESH SODA, BBtter,.Milk, Sagw.atM. PHot Crackewt 13 bbls. handAonve Brown So ears t 0 hbl. Crarifred, 10 Crashed, VO Ptdere4 and B GranuJatadi; Fnftoa Market Corn Beef Smok 4 8 sef t N. Cheesa j Loti . No, 1 ataoerel t Co Psh. an various, other Jtems that wilv bS fonnd useful , as well as orparoenial at the mi ly Groeeryv' IQ03 t Korne?ay's Kitrsv lams; J to hnnd . OBOL MYERS, FrotU j "Xo. --- J. D. LOVE, MASUFXCTURER AMU HEALER IX CABINET I' URNITUKE, BEDSTEADS jCl! AIRS, MATTRESSES, &c. &c. - Krouf street, Sent l it Market, X BOWN BDiLBI.NU, WILMINGTON, N . C. SerJt.6. 1852. 79-y-c D. CASff WELL. J. A. PARKER. CASHWKLL & PARKER, C O M MISSION MERCHA N T S, WILMINGTON. N. C. Office fortnirly occupied by Mr. Win. A. Gwyer. March 23. 3-lyc. "T. C. LAITA, COMMISSION MERCHANT 4- G EM ERA L AVE.W. WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 1,! 853. N 8j-ly- WILKIiNSO& JiSLliB, UPHOLSTERS k PAPER HANGERS, KEEP ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, iiliiltresscs, Feather 13-jtls, Window Curtains and Fixtures. All work in the a'ove line d'ne at shortest No tice. Wilmington, N. C., Market St. March IS. 1- JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Grncral Coinmisswii and Forwardin; Merchant Prompt personal attention given to Consign ments I'orSaleor Shipment. Liberal Cash adertnees viade on Consignments to me or lo my Seu Yi.rk friends. - Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1S53. 135. G W. C. HOWARD, ENERAL Cminisjr nnci Forwarding Jtcr- Ciiani, Wilinmsion i.t. Liberal Jush adjnoes m iJe on Cunsignments. Nov. W 109-tf ROUNTREE, WATSON k CO., General Coiuntiioii Merchants, ISO Front St , Sew Tm-k. L'bsral Advances Made on Consignments. J. D. RiltlSrHEE, B . C WATSON, W. H. WIGGINS. August 5, 1H53. 69-ly. J. HATHAWAY k SON, COMMISSION M E ItC HANI'S, WU.MIXGTON. N. C. J. Hathawat, J. L. Hathaway. Feb. 15, 1853. 31. J A MES ANDERSON. tPAD SAVACt. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WILMINGTON N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignnitnts. Oct. 22. 94- RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATE ELLIS. BUS8CLL & CO ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignmentsof Naval sture-, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1353. C. & D. DitPRE. WHOLE SALE AND ft ETA L DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals. Paints, lII, Dye Stud's, ;lass. lcrt'u;neryr Clears, Old Liquors, fancy Articles, c MARKET STREET, W I li M I X (i TOM, N . C. Prescriptionsarcfully : npounded by experi enced persons. March 28, 1833. 4. "ft- c J. E HALL. OMMISSION MEltCMAN'T, Wilminaion ' N C. Oiiice in roir of AIc.Vl ilian. Davis & Co'h Store. Every attention paid to the sale and purchase of produce, and liberal cash advances made on Hontiignments. Refers to Capt. Gilbert Pot'er, E. P. Hall. Pre't Branch Bank Stale N. C; O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank; McMillan, Davis & Co. Ian. 21 131-tf wiXuiXgwyeI, General lscnl;ForwarJing4 Commission Mcrehant I take pleasure in informing my friends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodatioas, Spirit House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Storesforsalcor8htpinent;sndallkindsof coun try pro luce-solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. " April 18, 1853 15: conLey, KIRK k CO. DEALERS IN BUTTER, Cheese, Lard, and Smoked Provisions, Pork. Beef, Beans, Peon, and Dried Fruit. 233 and 235, Fit OAT STK EET, Corner of PECK SLIP, NEW VORK. March 25. lyc. WILLIAMn PEAKE, COLLECTOR AND ADVt'RTISlAC AGLKT For Country Newsnaners tUrsugheut the Uu Wed States, Basement of Sun Iron Bu iuin2s,Baliimore street All business entrusted touts care transacted promptly, op liberal terms. septjT 95-f "JAS. H. CHADBOURN k C0 General Commission Merchants, WILMIMGTOS, W. C. Jas. H. CHAOBOua.t. Gio. Ch adbousn. Jan. 1, 1853. 123. F. T. FOSTER, T AJVTJFACTURER of Bunting and Silk Flags, lYx. and all-kind's of Waii and Plantation Tents. 35 and 37 So nth 3rd Street Philadelphia June 17. F.T. F. 40-3m-c. HENRY NUTT, FACTOR AD FOKWIIIDING iGEST, Will g ire hi personal Attention to business entrust ed' te his care. Sept. 8, 1853. 75-tf. JOSEPH H. PLANNER, General Conrm ission Li e reliant, WirMlJfCJTOXj If. c. May 9th, 1853V 8Z-Iy-e. GEORGE MYERS, , WHOLKSiLE JISD IET1IL GROCER , Keeps constantly em hand, Hue, 'Tens. Liquor, ProUume,Wood and WiUov Ware, Frui i Cofciiinuirie.(fr.rSoulh Front etreet , ; , hiWIIiMINGTUJ1t.N Cvy . . BUSIiNESS;idARDX? 0 L: IlLMfiW. PRODUCE BROKE RitFOnWARniNG 4 , COMMISSION MERCHANT. ' OFFICE over Store of .WwH McKoy, .Sonth Water street, Wilroing tonif. C, will tnake liberal cash advances okf ecnswhaieniv He has engaged Hie services of Mfi Jemnr Hall as a Gen eral Produce Broker. Refers: -to-, K. P. Hall, FresMent BranchBank of the State, Wilmington. ? t'M" ? . O G. Parsley, " Commeretal Bank, Wilmington. Gen. A. McRue, President W,idy R;. Railroad, do Oen. W. VV. Hafliee do. W. & M. Railroad, Mari on C. H., S. C. . W. K. Lane. Goldsboro", N. C. July 6. ; ' 47-if. MRS. KING, 273 King Street, between-Wentvil'orth and Society Si reets. ChaHotorr.G. - TANUFACTUttES -Sner.S4tperlor style,J iVJL.VVig,-. Topt.PlarB?iianda and Curl, Ear r Kings, rirenst Pins aoU Bracelets, ana ail lands ot Farny Hair Plaiting. Orders' ilmnkfulljrrecelved ty Mail or otherwise. Charges moderate'. Ad dress as above. " April 13. 12 lyc. D. C. FREEMAN. GEOKGE HOUSTON I'ltKEMAX & .HOUSTON, M E RCH ANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. T. C. Pit E CM AN & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 175 KUONT STUI3ET, NEW VORK. T. C. & B. CiAVORTIL MIIISSICa AA3FUSWAIDISa'ncnOT, Mi FREEMAN AXD IMUSTO, WILMINGTON, H. C j'EKP constantly on hand n stock ol Flour. iVc'orw. Pork, Bacon. Salt, Cofi'et, Sagar, AIo- lasses, Tobacco: Ciars, Snuff, Candles, Soap , For- nxn and Domestic Ijtquors and trirtcs; Jron, Nails, Paint", Oils, Olaao, Uomeitiea, Hals, Boots, Shoes, Lets-' her, Azriculicral Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for lamilyand plan tation use and the retail trade, which they will lispose of in lots ta suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cnph.orin exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. The sen! o manner D. C. Kseeman.ib located 1 n the city "of New York ; the junior partner, Geo. Houston, in Wilmington. It' desired, advances, will be made on i: insi.'a nents to and from either place. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Goods will be promptlva nd carefully filled. Sept. 9, 1852. 7f-f. GEO. UARRISS, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. OTR1CT .lttcntion given to procuring Freight O and purchasing C;fr,;oc3 for vessels. R Et TO K P. Hall, Ear. 1 ?' ??arl'iey I. Wilmington. I.A.I aylor, Ksq. ( J. t. Bellamy, Kq. ) Messrs. Tooker, Smyth & Co., ) ,. v ,. " Thompson Hunter, $-ew ,orh' Alcx'r. Hcrron, Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs. Williams & Builcr, ; -i,-i,. o r- (I F. Baker. Esq. $ Charleston , S . C. Jan. 2. 1853. 123 tf. MEDICAL HOUSE, A. 16, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, . BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. tttrrlUifhed in order lo afford the Afflicted - $oH(fand scientific .medical Aid, dPBtfpr the suppression of DR. 1. B. Smith haiibr many years devotedhis whale attention to thf treatment of Private com plaints, in all their varies? ard complicated forms. His great success in thosVIbttg standing and diffi cult cases, such as were formerly considered incur able, is sufficient to commend him to the public as worthy'of the extensive patronage he has received, Within the lat eight years, Dr. S.has rreatedmore than 29,500cases of Private Complaints. lBX thir diHierent forms and stages; a practice which "nd" doubt exceeds that of all other physicians now ad vertising in Baltimore, and not a single case is known where his directions weTe strictly followed, and medicines taken at reasonable time, without effecting a radical and permanent cure ; therefore, persons atuicted with diseases of the above nature, no matter now aimeult or ion sxand tng trw-case may'be,'' wcroW do well to call on Dr. Smith ,at his office. No. IB, South Frederick St., and if not effec tually relieved no remuneration wilf be required for his services. His medicines are free from Mercury and all mineral poisons; put up in a neat and com pact form, and may be taken in a public or private house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin dmncefrom business, and except incases of vio ent inflammation, no change of diet is necessary. STRICTURES. Dr. Smith has discovered a new.method by which rre can care the worst form of stricture and that without pain onrrconvenlence to the patient. Irritation of the uretha, or prostrate glands,or neekof the bladder,ia sometimes niis'uker. Icr strictures by general practitioners or charlatans. YOUNG MEN and others afflicted wiih Seminal Debility, whoth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should make an early application, theTeby avoiding much trouble and suffering, as wellas expense. By Ilia improved method f treatment. Dr.' S. -can safely gnarnntee a speedy and perfect cure in all cases oi this com plaint. TO FEMALES. All diseases peculiar to Females (as also Sup pressions, Irregularities, &c.) speedily and effectu ally removed.' The efficacy of his remedies, for the cure of theabove affections, have been well tested in an extens;ve practice for the last twelve years. Persons at n distance may consult Dr. S. by a letter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded - to .nny part of the Uniied States, always accompanied with full and explicit directions for uje. Communications con sidered stricily confidential. Office arranged wiih separate apartments, so that patients never see any one but the doctor himself. Attendance daily, from 3 in the morning till 9 at night. N. B. Persons afflicted with any of the above complaints, will do well to a .'oid the various NOSTRUMS AND SPECIf ICS, advertised by Apothecaries and Druggists as a cer tain cure for nny and every disease. They are put up to sell, b-.it hot to cufe.' and frequently do much more harm than good therefore avoid them. A word to the wise is sufficient. Address DR. J. B. SMITH, 16 South Frederick st., Baltimore. Md. Oct. 13. 90-ly-c. I. WE3SEL. H. B. EtLERS. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSIon MERCHANTS & WIIOLE SALE GROCERS,.. Nprtlr Wafer St.,-Wilmington, N. C, intend to keep at the above stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wholesale- and to cairy on a Geners IConimission Business. RKFEBENCS '. E. P. Hall. Pres't Br'ch Bank of the State. 1 O. G. Parsley , Pres't Cemmercinl Bank. Wit". P. K . Dickinson , Esq Poppe & Co. Dollner & Potter, Jan. 20 1S54. 131 1 New York, GEO. II. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nex t dooi to A. A. VVarvnet's.on North Wsterst. willattend to the sale of air kinds of Country Pro iuce,stich as Corn, l'cas. Meal, Bacon .Lard ,ftc indwillkeepconstantlyon hand a full .supply of Groceries, &c. References . Willes Hall. of Wayne, Jno tlcRae, Wilmington VV . Caraway . '' Gen. Alx . McRae . " E. P. Ha II, Wilmington , Wiley A. WalKei . ' Dec. 13, 1352. 1 15-1 y. IAS. P. GILLESPIE. GEO. 8. GILLESPIE. JAM 124 If. OII.L.ESPIE Si CO.. PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. Paiticu lar a 'tent ion paid to the receipts and Sale of Naval Stores, Timber, I,umber, Corn, Bacon, Cot ton, f-c, dc. March 30. 6. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, .VILMINGTOW, N. C. WILL sell or buy Real Estate and Negroes at a small commission. a lso : Strict attention given to the sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any1 kind of Country Produce. Office second door, South side of Market street, on the wharf. June 12. 1353. 33-ly. A7n "VA NIB OKKELEN. General Agent, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON. N. C Particular attention given tosale and purchase of iN'aval Stores. June 1,1853. 123-ly. T. C. WORTH, General Commission Merchant, V I Li I I N TO N , N . C USUAL advances made on consignments of Cot ton, Naval Stores and other produce Pattieular attention giten by G. W. Davis to pur chasing cargoes, procuring freights for vessels. Ac. Jan. 41 ; ,128 COCHRAN & RUSSELL. . vt&DflCESSOEft TO fflOS. ALIBOME & CO ) r General Commission Merchants, No 32, North Wharves, ' xntl 63 North Water Sts. PHILADELPHIA. J. HABVKT cochias, W. S. RCdSELL. Liberal cawh-advances-made on consignments. July 30th7l353. ' 5S-tf. H. DOLLNER - ' C. POTTiB, If DOLLNER k POTTER. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW VORK: Liberal Cash Advan-es made on all Consignments. April 39. W5. ' 20-ly-pd. W I L M I N (JTO N MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted ,the agency ot several IsrireestablishBienta at the North - which wUlfarnish.blio sn swlitaiteAsiippIyi of .finlshctto nnBnlshelE, foseignand domestic in AU&LE or all a,ualitrs. is onoaemd tfil sllordr to - X MONUMENTS AJfP TOMBSTONES, and evsrjr other .article in lbs leof the business st reasonabht raMi. - . -i r . -y BQjinmtn&,i3sn ssiife or carving Executed sstfsltaa eabf doskh Jar4h or Sostth. .. J s j i J't' 'Wv-- ' !-- The nest efranectl rf reIed-i ; ...... ilO1 UkTI ADiMlN x March?., r ;;;cAkiiv B.iRRoTs; I T7ORJSALF, by SANDS SARSAPARILLA. .V QUART BOTTLES. For Purifti::g the Blood, and for the Cure of Scro fula, Rheumatism, Stubborn Ulcers, Dyspepsia, Salt Rlicu n, Fcter Sores, Erysipelas. Fimj'lcs, liifes. Mercurial Disease, Cutaneous Erup tions, Liter Complaint, BnmeiUi,, Con- . snurplion, Female Complaint, Los of ' App'et'de, iitrat DeBUiry, f-c. AN this preparation all the restorative proprrties of the root are corvcejttrated in their utmost strength and efficacy ; but while SarsapariHa Root forms an important part of its combination, it is, at the same time, compounded wiih other vegeta ble remedies of great power, and it is in the pecu liar coinbinaiion and scit n ific manner of its prep aration, that its remarkable success in the cure f dieaso depends. It acts simultaneously upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowels; and thus ihrce processes, which oreordinarily the result of three different kinds of r cdicine, are carried on at the same time, through the instrumentality of this one remedial agent which gently stimulates while it disinfects and expels from the stomach and bowels all that is irritating, and at the same time esiores vigor and tone. 'Many other preparations imitate in oca ring the name of SarsapariHa, and in that their tesemblance ends, being often prepar ed from worthless and Inert roots, and of course possess no healing or curative properties, and pa tients in making choice of which they will use, should take no other, but that one entitfed in their confidence, from the long list of cures it has effect ed on living witnesses, whosjj testimonials and residence have been published, and who arc sliil bearing daily icsiimony to its worth. ASTONISHING CURE. Pattebson,. N. Y , 20th, 1851. Mersrs. A. B. &. D. Sajtos : Gentlemen. Hav ing witnessed the most-beneficial effects from the use of your SarsapariHa, it gives me pleasure to send you the following statement in regard to ray son. In the springy of 1848 he took a severe cold, and after eight weeks of severe suffering the dis ease settled in his left leg and foot, which soon swelled to the utmost. The swelling was lanced by his physician, and discharged most profusely; after that no less than elevf n ulcers formed on the leg and foot at on-? time. We had fivedifferent Phy sicions.but none relieved him much ; ond the last winter found him so emaciated and low (hat he was unable to leave his i ed, suffering the most excrucia ting pain. During this time the bone had become so much affected that piece after piece came out, of which he has now more than twenty-five preserved in a bottle, varying from one half to one and a half inches in length. We had given up all hopes of his recovery, but at this time we were induced to try your SarsapariHa, and with its use his health and appetite began immediately to improve, and so rap id was the change that less than a dozen bottles ef fected a perfect cure. With gratitude, I remaintruly yours, DARIUS BALLARD. We the undersigned neighbors of Mr. Ballard, cheerfully subscribe to the facts of the abovestate ment. H. A R. S. Hayt, A. M.Trowbridge, Geo. T. Dean, C.Easlwood. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by A. B. & D. Sands, Drn-ssists msd Chemits, 100 Fulton street corner of William New York. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canada. Price 31 per bottle ; six bottles for $5. For sale by Dr. A. O. Bradley, and Messrs. C. A D. DuPro, Wilmington, N. C. April 9l ' 19-6m. T .towage, :;... ON nd after thisdate. all vessels towed in harbor by Steamer Same ,Beery and Ca-'Boun, will be chargd. HJKKISS, Agent. roi.. 14.00. Nov. 8th, 185i. SUMMER ! SUMMER ! f SUMMER ! ! ! r HE Subscribers have on hand the following Syrups ami Cordials very fine for Summer di inks :jLemonand Strawberry Syrups ly the gallon and bole, Raspbrry Syrup. Cordials of various kinds. Ginger, Cherry, Black-Berry Boiince.ClaretandSouthera Wine, French Fine gar, Germaa. Batters, and Raspberry, Vinegars be sides some Black Berry Wine, good for the " Con vention Grip now raging. '. June 15. . RESTONATOWNSHKND. , 1 . V 'i ' i ' ' WE have on-hand a very handsome assortment of Paper Hanging, Eire Screen."' Borders, Window Shades, Curtains, Cornices, Ac,, de.' For sale find pas op by . r -'.'? S 'r ViKXSSSOS.jlkKSLteSL, June 8. "Fpho'jBeTersSBttPs.per Hangers. Wfltfifrnt'lT'' fYPRSEV hia daV, s new strppljt of Paarsssola, Kf very superior.qoaiiiy, piam KiacsrsiikST, pfaid and striped Cambrics and Swiss M nslms, Na nswok and Jaconet rdl a fall line of white emhraldini Curtain Maslhts, Fsocy Wett Veiltv tsee; Collars." ! Men's extra qpiiliiy- colored Silk" GldvS-Ac. c.- April ir. ' w 18. L- : ' -T0ST. recce a Jar?s and han(T3one sssort- ttiern,- per -Ajraass a Lo.'i Kibkm.. rMiti. cheaply ' KAHNWElLERiSt BRO. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AN Elesrant Edition of Bills of Exchange, print ed in Geimaiiy, in Books of 10 cufres and In sheets, just received and for sale at the office of 'lite Commercial. DR. SWAYNE, AN Eminent Physician of Philadelphia, bss given to the world the benefit of his expe rience by preparing remedies suitable to almost every disease. Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wdtl Cherry, for Curing Coughs, CMs, Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat, Breast and Lang. DR. SWAVNE'S VERMIFUGE, .For Destroying Worms, Curing Dyspepsia, 4c. - Dr. Swayno's Sugar Coated Sarsapa and Tar 1111, s enlle purgative and alterative Medicine, far'Sttperior to the Pills in general use. Dr. Swsyne'a Cholera Morbus Diarrhoea, and DiseDterv tjordlat. av, never iamnii temeoy.. rrh Bnnnlv vTiit rreivHl at'- C. D. D u P RESC "Drue 3 !, -.. .- . ob Affenlstor WHtnwsrt April 25. ' I'-1'' TO THE SICK AND AFFLICTED. D.t. S WAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. lit e most ejfeetual and speedy CURE KNOIVN FOR CONSUMPTION Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis; Liver Complaints, Spilling Blood, Dif ficulty of Breathinfr, Pains in the Side and Breast, PalpitAition of the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken Constitution, Sore Throat, Nerrous Debility, and all Diseases of the Throat, Breast, and Lungs. GREAT CURE OF THOMAS DICKSON, After having been given up to die by. Physicians and friends. Poixt of Rocks, Frederick Co., Md., June 9th. 1861. DR. SWAYNE: Dear Sir Believing U a duty 1 owe to the nublic. and in iuslice to you, 1 have thought proper to make known one of the most exiraordmarv cures. in mv own case, mat has ever been trulv recorded. In the month of October last. I was afflicted with a seere gather ing in my breast, which formea a larjre atxicess, and also communicated to my lungs and very much afflicted them, and discharged large quan tities of corruption, external and internal. My breath could also pass through my lungs and out through the cavity of my breast with apparent enee, attended wiih a violent cough day and night, loss of appetite, nnd extreme debility, so that my physicians thought my case extremely hopeless and beyond the power of medicine. I remained in this wretched condition for a long time, until 1 was wasted to a mere skeleton, a'nd there seemed to be no hope for me, but, having read in the pur lic papers of the many wonderful cures performi d by vour COMPOUND SYRUP OF, WILD CHERRY, 1 immediately sent to Baltimore for five bottles and commenced its use, and, to my great satisfaction and that of my anxious family, t he abscess oropcninsinmyiungsoeganio neat, and ihe cough subFided, and on using ten bottles I -was restored to perfect health. I feel very grate lui, and firmly believe tha-t in your medicine, un der the blessings of Divine Prc-videnee, I am in lebted for this great change, and am happy to say that I am now enjoying as good health as 1 ever have. Yours, very respectfully, THOS. DIXON. The subscriber is well acquainted with Thomas Dixon, and can testify that he has been afflicted as above represented I regard his recovery as almost a miracle. He is a worthy member of society. JAMES R. DURBOROW, Patcr of the Berlin Cireuit, Baltimore Conference. it gives tone to the stomach, strengthens the digestive organs, and is ihe original and only true preparation of Wild Cherry manufactured. Ob serve particularly the portral of Dr. Swayne is J"on ilie-wrapjn-r, around each bottle. Lanoratory tor trie manufacture ana sale oi nit DR. SWA VNE'S MEDICINES, No. 4 NORTH SEVENTH ST , above Market, Philadelphia. For sale Wholesale and Retail bv C D" DuPRE, Wilmington, N. C. April 23. 17-ly. SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by fitiy C. Tlolctkiss. HTHE public are hereby informed", thai I have X beer. appoin:ed agent tor the sale of Indoiv Sasll, minds Md !! , msnvufucturcd by the New Haven Com., and am prepared to fill all oruers in the above line, l he quality oi the work ol the New Haven Com.- is well known in this market. Btitldcrs and a 1 1 persons 1 n want of the above articles, are rcrvucslcd to send in their orders, and they will be promptly filled. Terms invariably cash on delivery. W iYl . A . Lr IV 1 KK General Agent Commission and Forwarding Mer cnani . April IS. 15 HAY. , QXf) BALES II AY, now on the way fro J York, for sale by MISCELLANY. A "PALPABLE-HIT'' DtfTNED. The Washington " Correspondent of'thrf New York Joornal A Commerce uarTatetf whajjie calls rt passrg itt arms," a day or tw& since. The Senai no being kj session, Mr. Rockwell, of &i Slate, was y " regaling himself over a ponderous tolumo S in the Congressional' labraryy,. when Mr. Walker, one of the New York Cit RefH resentatives strolled iu. Said. Jre,-y WejJ Senator, I'm bappjr.to fee thatjron nake euch a judicious use of. your Senajoriat lei sure-to wbieh the Senator gravefy respoo de3," a Yirerf,w7Rttte awrtime akinr. 4 very lowland significant! tow -M&uC, iff our House rere in etion,'as jown M,'lt hoald cfaid&-Mtis&ri3to&'hy'ieif. 'ftatb'T':'':" , to be opon be foot, instead ot hett, atten-' :., ; ding to ray official dotie. ' . " Woolil yoti indeed ?" dryly retortetj the , lSe w; York- :'z.: member. " Well, atr Matwacbueeltsi Sena tors go now a days, there's Vrrff krrowing: v what construction you might see fit to put wpon your oath, if you were thert I" . A hit ! a very palpable hit !" t?xclaimed lb Senator " I owe you one !" A FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATIOjf. " The foUowitig is an account of. thef way the Fourth cf July was celebrated at Montague, Massachusetts. Sensible people, these citizens of Montague- - Wer think a scow load of tin-rattles, penny- trumpets, ana hobby-horses would selt there ; ; Between three and fear o'clock there was a mock slave-hunt. A poor fugitive was seeu to run for dear life, pursued by a posse on horseback and on foot, armed with bludgeons and pis tols, who at length srjereeded fti captU' ring him But the spectators interfered now, and quickly rescued the'fugitive and pulled his pursuers from tfcrefr hors es and set them to fleeing iri turn,; while their prisoner was set free. , ,Thea,wcier seen four effigies (of .'Pierce, Douglas, Loi ing, and Ilallett) slowly borne along; to the mournful tolling of tbe bellto a gallows erected in the wide angle of the street, where tfrey trere: .snspended by the neck 1 until dead.'.. A fire wastthei - kindled beneath them,- and soon they Jg r .. were converted to ashes."- ' ' A more ridiculous exhibition perhap . ' never occurred, unless on the shoies or '1 Saw Mill river. June 29. m New FREEMAN & HOUSTON. INDIA RUBBER BEDS AND Cushiont for sale bv WlLKiNSON & ESLER. April 8. Upholsleiers. I1ME! LIME!! 'T'(M) CASKS Rockport Lime now landing for I WWSale by. June 29. HATHAWAY & SON. 45. WANTED. Q OfVi LBS- Bees wox. for which thehighest V J WW market dtms. wHI be paid i March 9. T. C. t B cash. G. WORTH. t THE DOG FOR WARM WEATHERW- A fi'iemj who ha a large sutd sagacious? dog. tolJ us yestetdii3' Ihut Wat eh.' saw lle nrwn leave the usual .daily supply of , ice at the door, which, not being observed by the servant, y melting away upon ther area boaiils. Watch observed this waial' ing process with concern, until he eouIJ bear it no longer, when be commencerl pushing the ice to a shaded place, andf having been a short rime absent, returned ' with a piece of old carpet, which he threw over it as he had seen the servant do " There was ice in that !" : j , v .it' ' -n "', Medical Board of Commutation. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, RALEIGH, N. C. THE above Company hr- s been in opera tionsincc the 1st of April, 1843, under the directionof the following Officers, viz : Dr. Charles K. Jonhson, President, Wm.D. Haywood, Vic President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, Pcrrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. Charles K.Johnson, Dr. Wm.H.McKee, Dr. R.B. Havwood, ' J. Hersman. General Aeent This Company baareceiyed a charter giving ad vantages totheinsured over any other Company . The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own lile for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any claim sof the representa tives of the htrsband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mucual principles,- the life membersBarticipatein thetcioeof the profits which are declared annually. Besides, th j applicant for life, when the annual premium is over $30 may pay one nan in a in ore. AH claims for insurance against the Company will epaid within ninety daytafier DtoftTof the death of the party is furnished. . , ' ,; Slaves are insured for onator five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders o ecure this class of properiiy agafrrwrfhs unrertaiaty of life. - Slave insurance present a new and interesting feature in the history of North Carolina. which will prove very important to U)s Southern Stnte,- - The last four moottoe- Menstko of this Cnm'niiv shows s verylargeamountof basiness-more Ihanl tne Lireciors ex pec tea 10 Jt trie drsfy ear having already Issued more tha 200 Policies. J"?.. J.; - rr..w m w HaaiH, Medieat Examine, ind A 'rnt. W ilmieaa. ff.-CL:'!i,j-t2r--. AUCommnicatltonsonbriesMiri he Company should be addressed to J"7? , '. The Secret is out at last I We know all about the "Know-Nothings." They bad their origin in Scotland.nnd must have iok migrated from these else why does Shalt- , speare put thence words inttrib mouth, of Lord Rosee, in. his tragedy of "Macbeth?"" "Alas, poor country ! almost afraid to knoir itself, It cannot be called our mother, but our grave; , Where nothing, but who Kaouif ffSiing, u seen, to smile." v r,4 .' The "Know Nothings," ;V inferred" from this, stood A Nov I wihfMw dajs.-r-Only they were seen to BrM! f ' ' ; , A CONSCIENTIOUS JUDGE. A Western justice Of the peace ordered a witness to 'come up and be sworn.' . He was informed that the man'WasJ deaf-and dumb. 'I don't care,1 said the judge" pas- . sionately, 'whether, be is or Hot here Ls the -coustituiion of the United States' bfefoTB rutt-.j. It guarantee to ever man "ihe-"' liirht ; oi speech; and so long as 1 have tfre honor oC -M a seat on this bench, it shall not ' W, viola-, ' led or mviraeu." gurantees to a man on.' s bench, it shall not ba viola-, ded.: What nhs' Constitution I ? a man he shall have; I reck- ' T; " -rV-.,--;'-'r'.:t- ''sf- . .'- -.' ; - - 4, f (HYJNGITIOTEAII ER CALnOUN ORDERS fottawTr. -?iv STEA MEtf C CAHHOONVill haf-attention 11 iei(aiiDe omceoi ? ' , 'r AK-t BY EXPRESS. 1 13 ECEITE& .this morning,-" ew sspply-of t,i very wh Plaid Sonsmer asitsst uinjuima and Printw French Xaconeits; Black Ttet Mitts; Mmirninsf Collarap Jnimlxrt aar Underaleevec; CiiUdran'a-Oae--Wnvio fest:Hrsefrovn 1S. i 1 not also LadUaf, "ditto;-Fringe J find Damask Bordered' unenM owersi-s .pcoui. :.uni j oj DrioteilAnensfor Boy's wear,. Ac. I ..r sale NOT, HUNG The Norfolk. Herald states thai -some months,ago.it pubtjsfc;f!,aon other items of news from California,, that Robert Scott, ot ior:oiK, va., was hung for murder, jit Auburn, Cala. This statement it now catv reefs. His father has just received' a letter from bun, in which be ausraes to Ike exe-' v cution of the murderej, kopitTg that the stmnarity of names would , not .induce hrs friends at home to imagine tbat he was th criminal. He says that the man was noted scoundrel, and richly .deserved, his dopm, -and that he emigrated. tCaUfojnufc tromavdifierent Stata. "f ' A" . - . PUNCir ON BONNETS? 'The last number "of Punclx. contains tc pictorial! guess at' the distance ai which ladies' -bonnets will 'be- worn ficonf" heir beads at the next remove. iThe 'tetidenev has been further and still furrber rearward", a"hd the next change,, Punch - thinks, will ,Vrry uiem uu tus uesu ruureiy, so lie ie . presents the' Ijexr fashion bystwo ;youpg -r lad iea' full dress and bare headed, sailing- y aloffff iivi stcet,.yi'h 9 ;foottian walkings some teii' feet VehiadtarryinglJu boanrt$ ' - . g'Asfftr ZTn'- 'iliZ rrS' .-' "-' - ? ;.'; '' ' - l was' s jarben il waJugudf iT was qVwhcaJt was half, done and' yet it : wastt'tdflne, when itwas natsp" iPJw what was itf . -Of course spa ca.. . : WiiftbiadofjTT-T-: - ; ZlTimoihyiohaaoa " courted. SusannarL Dunal It "tsras Daim when it was begun . . U "was-Doa when it was -half d ' " , an- wasn't .Dunn -when -it ,wai doac Lt it was Johnson. ."- ' v ,8T ' ftNORNI. CONVEN " :. "LaboF' is honorable says Post" "''It imay - be bouoi .' ' ' ;...' thi Albany Atlss,1)ut it i3 .t- . -vtn-tent -wh n' tLe- ibermpmett . : t Wl i wpr 3 m a v,