-5 f a. jr-V.. ---"- ae-.. -- ..- .T - "BACOIf per lb. iliiPbrto $tlco ? Hin. N. C. m -a .----.Cuba. Li, , 21 .s.-sM &iJes. do. - . 10 aShouldra. do. T &ti 9- Hoo round. , 11 a fiO j Hua wester it V00 Jm ptj.1 Yellow dip, ao. Bj: vairjrg is aiu nouiacre, do. 7 . 8 BKEV. per bbl J Northern mess. I7i a ' !i Mei,- '2i oo.i-ac- flAVAL dTUKK!- Turpenlift.r tWW6 j u a u uu 3 15 a 0 tt Hard. 1 6Ua 0 00 . Tar, 2 80 a 2 6' H Pitch, . Z "00 aik V1 crime. BocfCatlie.100 B a H Jos. 6 0Ua6 OOUNo. J. COFFEE. f lb. St. Domingo. 11 12 Rio. . ..- , , 10 a ll Lata-tyra; ' lJafH Cuba, y . i none. Bva, is a lb Cotton, per lb. 8f a C.arn, per bush 97 a 6 60 CartrfU s, N tT. 14 15 do. Northern, 14 Adamantine, 25 Sperm, ; 45 CbceiMr, . ' 00 t ."Union Vara. . 16 lb a 28 a 60 ... dOcaburg 944.10 14 N U Sheet- in?. 7 8 I jheting lit a 7 , . FLOUR, pr-a KM. Payeitcy illc, ? 00 a 0 00 Ha'limore, a VUrcal. ex.'l2 Tin a 100 Vtnai hn, ' 50 a 53 - GLUE, per lb. a me Mean, II a 14 -tt.Y, pea 100 lbs Extern, I 1 a 00 N. ttiver, 62 0 CO Ash head -, Ins, .12 00 a "Hollow- 5re, 3J a 4 IKON, per Ih. American, beat re fined, S a 6 English assorted, 4 Swede best tefin- rd Si a American sheer, a Rosin by. I ale No. 2.. '2 25 -a 3 60; I 25 I il- 1 10 a 0 10 ttapirit Tutf' per (all. 44 a I V NAILS. pcreg .lUUlba. Cat,' 54 a 6 i V rough:, 10 -2t OIL,, petgall. Sptriw, a 1 9 Linseed, 95 a I W Nrut'sfool, 1 50 a Turk, Northern per bbl Mess, 164 a 17 Prime, 15 00 a 15 50 'en, per bushtil. K. Ke, 1 I -'4 a Cow. 1 16 a 1 10 Pea Nula 1 10 KICK, per 10ii Ibfi. Cleaneal, 4 J a 0 00 Hough rice notn. per bush. 1 00 a STAVES, uer 1008. W. O bbl. none, a rough, ' uone. if reared, none, ft. . hhd rough, a Dressed, none. Shingles, per 1000. Common. 3 124 i 0 00 Ctmtract, 6 00 a IHIack's Ur;e 5 00 a 5 5P balfper bushel. Turku la land, a 0 Kloun, none. Liverpool, porsack. I 10 a Soap, per lb. 54 a 54 a a a a 7 25 -fS.-dt - wrde .CMBK(t, nrtinaO f.ff Rrown, 4. Sawed HSOOatfinn! .Sici-I per lb. Klmiring, 16 00 a 17 Oil jOrrnian, 15 W btHird 15 00 a 16 00 ntiercd, 6 inland nnd ,Bi CaKi 20 en ni tin ir, 13 00 a 15 00, Best qualiiy Wide btrarda Mill saws, edsfed, 11 00 a 15 00 6 feel. 5 00 Itpfnae half prirp. i Suear per I a. RIVKltl.UMBF.il. IV.Orlennn 5 Kloorine, H Oil a t)0 Oil i forlo Itico 61 de be'rda 7 UO 0 Of ;S i roix, 8 a .S anilinjr, a 6 CO I. oaf. 104 a l1! I.ard in bbls 10 a TI M BKR . p. r 1000 feel do ker 11a 12 Sliirpin? !4 "0 a 55 'f limeprbbl. 1 25 a 1 30 . Primr n.illl" 00 a 13 hO r.lQUOll.S. ner -ialkm. r!oiMinon, fi 60 a 7 Of Praeb brandy jlnft-rior. 3 SO a 4 Of Apple, ' 65 a I 00 'Tallow pr lb II a 12 Kvewhiakcy 50 a 1 00 VV INKS , prr aa lion. Iti-eilfird, 32 a 35 Madeira, 1 00 a 4 00 6 Of 7 E N K ItHin. 40 a 42 MOL tSSKS per gallon, j Mjlaga, 1 00 n 4 40 a FREIGHT. RosJn, Turpentine, Spirits Turjento, Y;wn ami SIitH-ting, Cotton per bale. $ Pea Nuts, per busli To Naval Stores, - To New Yirk. 50 ou deck, 00 un.ler. - 70 90 8 cents per Foot. a 1 7-x 8 cents. lnil..lUBI.PHIA. 60 cU. on deck. 00 nn. PpiriU Tnrji'line, Yarn and Sliectinjf, Pea Nuts, - - - CSj undv'r " 00 cts. per bbl. 8 " " f.KJt. 8 " " bushel. C 0 ai M E R C I L. REJUCKS ON MARKET. TtPEXTijK 733 F.bl.. Virgin and Tfllow Dii Tnrpenl inf. were sold .t S" 15 per bbl. of 280 lb SpiHira Tcipk.nti-ne 300 bbls. cban;ri.-l liaii(l at 4i cent per pullnn. Rosi.v. 1250 bbU. No. 8 Rosin, (bbl. large) were mM al SI 10 per bbl- T.o fjt IU,U Tar u-. r,. ,i ftO r..- 1.1.1 Timbkr 3 Rufls were disposed of at the fo1 b.wii.g pricen, viz: 0,50, 413,75 and 615 p. r M feet as iu quality. Coffer. 850 Bag' of Ci'ff. c wore sol i in 1. i as wanted at 1 to 11 1 cents pi r lb MiaiWE. &') Hlnls. Cuba MolasM-a (.sour) wold a 17 cents -r sallon, 0'i tlays Hice 24 Cask cU-an Rice, sold from wharf in arcvla as wanted at 4 cents er lb. NEW YORK MARKET. Jnly 31 bntlierii flour lm. niMi improved 12j fents mT bbl , with slcs nf 7"0 bbls., at 8 874 a 9 25 fr common to goo. I l.rjudv Com m al i in f.iir request, uilli .-aleB of 2Xi libU. Jursey at S3 75 Wbeat in b-iui act.ve, but rates ire firm; the . juilen are I WXI bushels red Mis.Honri t Si 80. urn! 30 Imp red Southern new at SI 87. Oat are less firm ; sales neie Oisdc at 40 a 48 far Western. Curo ia unit cent lower, with al.- of 0-3 0Ki bushel, at a 90 for unoimd, 73 a 77i for Wes tern mixt d. 8) a 8-3 fur Southern white tun T'J a so rM- d.. j. ii..w. Wblahej The martlet is flrlacr. witft sales oi lbbbj.Pio.t.i3l4 804 w refused for Olii Tlif Jnnial of Cotiinierce reports to Satnrda life lit Proviinv Pork advancx-d tbroushont the week ; iu Mouday 2000 bbls. mess were sold d liveralilr in ail Splember, selicis' option. a SI 2 00 and y. i-tvrdiy 700 bbls., same lime ani rate biier' option. The cloning rules avu 00c (ier bbl. higher for n s, ami 12 for prime, tnai: the rales given in our last Review, The sales to day are oiily in retail lols 3H) bbls . making 3 025 for the week, cloning at 312 25 a 12 50 for niess ; $1037 a lU 50 for prime ; and nominally 1 a 1212 lr thin m.ns ; 314.124 a 14 35 for clear; aud4fl3 75 a 14 25 f,,r prime mess. Beef h. lieen HMMleraleI active, and extra is a trifle low r ; other descriptions are a trifle lew bu-.yaut ai 4nr qiolalioiis ; the sale. are 1 420 bbU for ibe wevk of which 120 were sold to-tiuy. Cut meal have been In cu4 demand at rather firmer rate.- ; 4he ak are loi casks, of which 240 wre to-daj . Lard baa also iui)roved with an iucreased export demand; the sales nre 2 130 bids and tcs.. at 9 10 eloping- Kteadily at 9 a 10. Butter has ar rived les freely, owing in part to the extreme h-at of the weather, and we advance our quoin ttnni from the carrent rates of laul week. Cheese is teady at 7 a S bat rimc qualities are les ph nly. and wanted. Naval Store. The stock of crulo turpentine ismnch reiluced, but nenrty 700 bb!s. havo be- picked tip in lota at $3 9'! a $4. Spirits tnrjM-n-tlne have been more jactive and lower, liaiine amid down ma low as 43 carh, and 48 sixty and ninety days, but clrwo at 47 a 474 cash, at which 00 wens taken last evening aud to day. The alt-s for ihc week are 4 600 bbls , part resales. Hosin has been in In-tier demand. espx'iall riSry common, toe which the market ia firmer. 7b rales are 6 700 bids at 91 70 a 1 75 for com -boos Wilmington, SI 65 a 1 65 for North Count bvuxkdou s float ami delivered ; 2 50 a S3 7o f.,r rbite NTar li irr gool demand, at abont S4 fo htpmcnt, with sales of 1.500 bbls., including 1.9H) yeaterday. Included in the exports an 2 851 bbls. rutin ; 25 bbls. turpentine; 898 do. wtdnUof mrpvotinc; 122 do. tar, and 150 do. JJxporf s for the week bbls. 3 046 frum Jan 1st. do. 367 823 D.V same lime lst year do. 259 936 Rice The market has been more active. iU sak-M ,f 2 5O0 lea., at S3 a 4 374; the common Itrades arc plenty, and hardly as- firm but priin qualities are in cood demand at full prices. Export for the week t; tcs. 249 !- from Jan. lot --' - do. 17.127 f). , same lime last year : - do. 10,720 PR'f T!tHt A MARKET. " .JnJy 81. Tit Ledger reports : - Mutton. About 800 balea hare been taken br mannfarturvna motly whhla the ran- of 0 ) I reta for Upland, and 10 a 12c for Mobile a 1x1 New Orieata", on timo. -.- ,v ... -riowr8iir th close of last week abont 25t JbJ. Flnar have been taken far export, some oki stock, at t7 75 7 87j; "Baiamore at 8. ami JJrarKtywine and othercno4 -auiaiebt brasvU at 418 60) per bbl Jresh croand Flonr la firsa at lh lattav qaotatinna for home use &3 23 a 9,25 per Jibl:. accord in to brand. a .i; 1 Corn la acttre,- tJ0 to 8X) ectits for yellow,' ai fe Naral 8tore. Sale of Bosln'at f 15 for com QoaaiKt f S,50 pcr bbL for fioo.aotl of Spirits Terpentine at 4& a 6Xte.per galloo, cash and tisae. :,, r, Riea.i-l5aleB wlttW fhe WnWr6f 4l 1 4i aiti . CrTARtEStOWMAREET. t JfnTv ' 31 . Coif on.-r-Tbe transactions , to-day were limited to 141 bales, at prices ranging from FOREIGX MARKETS. . July 19. CMion inelian-d. , The sale on the 18rb amonnled to 6000-bales. . Richardson's Circular rerts Preadsf nff dn!lt Wheat very Irregular, and all qualities largely de clin'l. ' " - - Flmr Western Canal 33s. 6d.; Ohio 34. 6d. McHrnrr quotes Consols as having advanced to 92 a 02J. ACHOICK artir-Ie of S, uppernong Wine, rin lase of 1849. boliled expiesMy lor our own sales. A No. 1 Old Baurbone Whivker. Por fuU by ' QUINCE 4 COWAN. July 27. B6. S20bREWARD. l RUNAWAY from the Subcri!cr. on the 23d int. I , fuur negro bos D11111.1I as follows; CHARLK.S VMNN. ae d about 24; VIL- aeed abour 17 Tears: JOH.X, need 14 yesrf; .'IM, apd uboul 12 ears. The abov- koys are very well known as the children of Adam V inn. think they inland nyiog to iet losoinefrec Si;ne. 1'be above reward will be given fur their delivery, or for their confinement in an jail in ihc iMatc TKOA1AS HKNNKTT. Ml. OJive; Wayne co., July 27. I S54. E6-if. TO THE LADIES. KAnXWF.ILF.it A BKO , Respectfully inifonn tho L:idies of Wilmington, and the adjoining coun'ry. ami iheir nimieious customers, ihii the an seilina off the balunce o.' their Sumin--r S lock at reduced prieei, so a to m ike mom for llieii i.Altl-K .nIOCK OK FALL AD VMNTKR CJOOk. imp. 01. d by themselves diitct troin Ho Manufuc'uiiii! places in Kurooe. Person that re in w.mi of goods, wid please call before pur chawnu else heie, as area! inducements will be oflerea lo clofc Hit jr Suiiinter Stuck. Also, in addition to their l..ree stock of Foney Dre s -iDd Staple (iotKlf, you will find a good as sortment of Superior KF.AUY MADK tjLOTH I.NtJ to suit nil Hires, all will be oii at Keducid Prices. VS lioltsale luyers;ire p.-irtii u'iiry invitee 10 examine our Hock lielort buying elst.whutc, ; il will be to their ad milage to buy of us. Ji.lv 27 55 Joion. I. Hernld. Fa 1 1 iile- Observer, Golds horo' Tt 1 i h. Mid Kill, git ltagi-.ter, e py one monih weekly, and tnd I ill to Kuh weiler js Bro. SILRSSHRS. rnCF.N'TS PKR VAUD-n lundsome asuort tVintnt by KAHNW Kl L Kit -J BR. July 27. 56. MOURNING GOODS. Q;ILK TI-SUK, iiiirtpaa,. Lawns. G nchnms, a t re O duced pritx, by KAHiN V EI L Kit & UiiO. Ji.lv 27. -oh. DONXETS BONNtTS. ILK and fine JSiraws, triuitd and untrimi d at O rt cuet d prices, bv Juy 27. "iLiH N1Y L K K RO- EM B R OH) KD (J 00DS SWISS AND CA M BltlC BUFFS ; Kdulngs and Lisa rilni;s ; Under Slctvt s and Coll irn; Lace and I'niiibrie ahiniizett ; all will he stild ;it reduc ed piic s. by K VHN'U EILKK A BilO. July .'7. 56. CURTAIN, CHINTZ AND DAMASK. ILK WOO.TKD, and Siik of nil colors and I? u;tlity, lor yale al rudurtd prin s. by July 27. K a FILl.lt i BUG. WALL PATERLNG. A I.AKGK Assoi tment j and Burderinrs, of all S kinds; uioo Fire creens; f'nptr and Oil Vin dow Sh ules ol all size!'. Burl' Linen, expreni'iy made for V indow Shinies Also, a larj;e assort .atenc of iodow Cotideei', of all kinds anal pria-es. All Ilieat'ovc mini d g-tn'T will Ne old at ra;dneed prii-es bv K A UN" W Kl LKlt & BUO. July 27. 5ii. van sale. AN F.xcelicnt yecond hnnd S'li.l of thirty barrels capacity nearly as yoori n? itw. POLLEY & HART. July 27. 56 3;. MAGDALENE HESSBURiV; A TtlRVaof ' Scotiish KctbfatiatiVtnt hy the t author of rP.aes in rhe IM of .Mrs. Mar-, earrtta Maitland." Adamr araeme &e. ' Jasf published. ". For sale al r'.- j-.v - v Jaly 22. - . S. VV. WHITAK.E1V - , BOOTS iXD shoes: " : QN and afte4he lf ot ,tu"t f ?rif of Hoard, at? the IKVIAO HOUSF., Ul be TWO DOLLAKS per dar. wrt - BRAD. KV BU RROOOnS, . " 'VA : Proprietors. AD20SI I. ! Vr 6S-3t-c NORTH CAROLINA LARD, O K1 m LR. jast ref; ks and for )JKJJ sate by j. nai n,iai aun nORSE FEED. PKITKWAV t PUITCHKTT. 5C. 1 ir L KJVJ by Ju.y 27. 7) I V V 1 BL'SH FLS of txira fine orn, and a mi JJJ superb lot of Meal tur sail- by July 25. THOMAS SMITH & CO 35-tf COFFEE ! COFFEE ! ! J ff l'GS RioCa-ffec. just received and for I U ' sule low in lots to suit. ZF.NO H. GKF.F.NK. July 25. N. C.T.copy B5. SUGAR--SIGAIT pLI . BBLS. C. Yellow Sugar ; 10 do A. White J do ; 5 boxes Loaf do JuH lanJd and for sale by ZF.NO II. GREEN F. July 23. N.C. T. copy. 53. MEDICATED GUTTA-PEKCHA C0LL0DIAN. A ISKW anal Valuable Rcniadv for dressina iX Wamn.ls. Curs, liurns, .-and Ulcers. It h.- been tried siicceaafullv by physician a, and found -uperior lo any remedy of the kind now in use. it forms, when applied, a Cuticle, sofl, elastic, and impervious fai wi.it, naiinil:ting mosl perfectly ibe natural Cutielc. It may be ad vantagcou! used in chapped lip, exa-oiiaiions abaiul the neck and ears of children, .1 nd lor abrasions f alaiioni every kind, and as a dressing in surgical opera tions The proprietors feel great confiilenrc in prcscnt "mz tne above article f.ir aise, believins il will prova fully adequa'e to the end proposed, and invalua ble as a medicinal remt dy. For sale by tb.p Pro prietors, C. & D. DuPRK. A LSO VF.TF.RIANlt Y GUTTA PERCfLri r COLLODION for Saddle and Harness GalN, ... . i. n V wounds ana sores on norscs. r or saie oy ine i ru nrie'ors, C- & D. DuPRE, May 20. Hruzsists. Wklmineton. N.C. BACON ! B1C0N!! HHDS.Side.; 15 do. Shoulders, a prime J article. Baltimore rurrd, landing Irom Schr Lizzie Russell, and for sale low hy July 13. T. C. A B. G. WORTH. STORE FOR RENT. Til K Store under Hailme's Motel, lately occupied b the subscriberas s Bonk Store for lerni, &c., apply to j. r. Mu.its. Ma.ch 2S. H. and J. copy. 5. PICKELsTaND PRESERVES. A N Kieijant assortment of W. Underwood's TV. Pickets and Preserves. J UM rtceiva d and (ot sale cheap, at GEO. MVKUS. JulrS. 48. DISSOLUTION f COPARTNERSHIP. rHR Copartnership herciofore existing beiwecr. the Subscribers, under the film of Taylurand nettewny, 1s this day di solvtd by mutual con sent. James T. Peiieway, having purchased out ill theinteresi of A. D. Taylor, in the said firm, is alone authorized to settle its sfH ir. A. D.TAYLOR, JAS T. PETTEWA Y. Wilmington, July 13, ISai. 50-7m TIIE LARGEST AND BEST SSttRTM KNT of Tobacco, Snuff and tTisars, in the City of Wilmington, for sale Wholesale ind Retail at the City Cigar Store. VANS1CKLK. May II. 24-tf. RESTON &, fjTsHEND," Grocery and House Furnishing Conorrn. JUST RECEIVED, 25 ca?es t Claret, pii isand quarts. Philadelphia Ale, Philadelphia Porter scotch Ate, London Poru r. A new supply of Cor tfialS. WibeSjCigira, rrf P adding Koilera, Scotch .Snafr, Coffoe Urns, Oyster Kaiv r, K ope Mais; a in Mats, Manilla do.. Tea Ke'tle, Prunes. Fls, all kinds of Extracts, Pickles, Chafing Dish es. Tin Foa-H Tubs. Cup Tubs, Milk 1'aus, Macca anf, VermiciUL - XjTBeaidasa. Eggs being aearea and high; a fresh supply of Ge n u i n a- S-anqhai E(rg Powder one p uer equal to ait gg, and bread mae t-y these arr warranted to raise a thank higher (Shanghai,) than anvafbnra - - . j ? 'V. - ,- ' . Jailv. tT. -rH--r 'f-- 66- TWcfTtATS FOiaSALE i i FLAT of 31Jbbls. capacity, and ims of ISO bbia, will be sold chaap, totose a concemrs pply tojvM. 443W VERI OUR Summer Stock embraces a larger assort mont and greater variety than we have ever before offered in thia m irket, Tue prices at Whole salt and Retail, wilt bo as low as we can possibly make ihein. at "he sien of ihe B12 Btwii G. & C. BRADLEY 4- CO. Sole, Upper Leather and Calf Skin for fide. Maniif.acinring ana Repairing as utual July 22. 51-lm. HERRING. JT KF.GS Dutch Herring, jusi received and for ZD sale low, at -GEO. MYERS. July 8. 43. CHEAP BUTTERTi 'I il E subscribers have received a large hit of Ga 1 s-h. n Butter which they offer tor sale n' very re dot d pri es, namely 2S ein's retal I and 25 cents by the keg McCALEB tf- GILBERT. June 27. 44. BACON. prime A No. rr pif.ce-s JJJ rides and shoulders. f,r sale by 1 Bcon, hams, uly 19. QUINCE COWAN. RECEIVED THIS DAY, PER Express, 500 prs. Children's Shoes a va riety ai style and colors 10 uii the season. M ay 25. J ON ES dt G A 't D.V K i'S. C. IICI'HK. DtN'lEL B. B.lKHII. DuPRE & CO. GENERAL AGENTS COMMISSION AND IMRWAK lINO MKKtHAST?, WILMINGTON N. C. Jul v 22d, 1854. 54 12m. VOW i the lime (o have your rooms and pas saes p incnd with dcc wr.itions, fine or t-a-m-mnn. as we have large assort men's on hand, and superior workmen from New York, ho will hang paper in la tct st t les. W I L M I GTO N & ESLER. July 22. Paper Hangers and UphajUicrers. LATEST NEW BOOKS. PILGttlMs of WuMngham, by Ay ma Stiick land. F.ishion and Famine, bj Mrs. Ar n K. Stepheror Wenry loot Common. Iron. I'liinil it's Ji,urn;at Agatha Beaufoil, or Family Pi ide, by t he author of I'igue Syries by the let ler H. The luj.,'l-r of Nankin, or The Grandees' Plait, from " I he Flat." The Mast ei's House, bv Logan. Uncle Jerry's Letter ia Yaoni Moihcrs. V alter Warn-n, nr The Adventure of the North ern Wilds, hy Duffy. Fashionable Dissip.niain. hy Mctta V. Fuller. Records of Buhblcton Parish, by An American Minister. Sir Jatpcr fi n w Kei t. I ( I ui I. L n r. The Turkii-h Kmiiiia-. ilia ra ramteia. At. Jt F.ir sate 111 a. A . VUJ ITA KKlt'S. July 22. 54. Ml SIC! MUSIC!! Ml SIC!! A LARGE assorima nt of old and na tv pieces of 1'iuno Mu -ic, now on hand, anal far sa'c by Jo'y 22. J.T.MUNDV. GODEY'S MAGAZINE Olt August, reeeivvd al July J2. J T MUNDS1 M0TICE. MR. CHARLES D. MYERS is ful.y author ized to transact all hut-intss for me during my absence. Those who failed 10 see me, in orda r to pay their Bills, will findhim ready to alve ra eelpt July 22. C. MYElts. EMPTY BARRELS. irit Barrels, of good RUSSELL & RKO ff SECOND HAND Sp JJf quality, f..riale by July 22. " Rt MACKEREL fr" RBLS. No. 3 New, aud aC excellent qu ility. Mr For sale bv JtUsSELL i URO. July 22. 64. w BACON. 7ESTERN Sides arid Shoulders. For sale by July 2.'. RUSSELL & URO. PORK. " EW York City Mess Pork. For sale by L J UI V R US sELL A BRO. MAJOR JONES' COURTSHIP. 1 QTH Edition, w ith additional . iters. 13 com I ic plates. This is certainly the drollest of the droll baoks of-tne reason It is a strange pro duction, but -it) brimful of fun that hall a drop would make it run over Rec'd and for sab- by July 15. J.T. MUNDS. MUSIC ! 'liUSIC! !rliUSlC ! ! ! A LARGE ht received to-day nil na w pieces For sale by J.T. MUNUn. JulyC. 47 PAPER PAPER. I. RGE stock of Letter, Bill, Cap and Note tV Paper, now on hand, and fiT sale hy. July 6. J.T. MUNDS. LAST CALL. IT is very desirable in seitle up the few remaining accounts due me Ihii day- all ihoi-e intcra sied will p e.ise ojvR the matter their personal attention and ivery much oblige C. MY Fits, Hat Emporium, No. I Granite Rov. July 20. S3. NORTH CAROLINA BACON. WE rrceiv d yesterday on consignment by R. R., 5500 lbs N.C. Bacon, which we will aacll at wholesale or retail. July 2i). W. M. SHERWOOD & CO. NOTICE THE coparmershipof RAYNER dGILMoRE is dissolved bv mutual consent. JAMES It. GILMOR E wiP close the affairs of the late firm, and use its name in liquidation. WAR REN G. RAYNER, July 13,1354. JAMES R. G1LMORE. The underricned have entered into partnership under Ihe firm "of J. R, GILMORE A CO., and will continue ihe b .sines of the late firm of Ray ncr a& Gilmore, at No. 154 Water sired. JAMES R GILMORE, FREDERIC KIDDER. WARREN G. RAYNER ia 10 be found for a shaarl time al the above place. New York, July 15. 1854. 53-l0t. SIR JASPER CAREW KENT; HIS life and experience, with some account ol his aver-reachings nd short -coinings, now firsl given 10 ihe world by himself by Charles Lever. Another of Dodd's Family Abroad, &c, Ac. Jum received, by Express, and for sale by July 20. J. T. MUNDS. Q COLONIES OK AUSTRALIA. Their Pas O lures, Copper Mines, and Gold Fiells. by S Sidney. Received at J T. MUNDS. July 20. 53 UMBRELLAS. LIGHT. Ftse snd Dnrable Silk and Gln7h-im Umbrellas, small sixes for carrying ia the sun. l.arce assortment al the Emporium. July 20. C MYERS. !EW BBLXXWICI BCBBEft COIPIST Warebtwise 100 Liberty i 1H6 Cedar St, N Y. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE JjEALERtMnalt kinds of Rubber Goods, made under Charles Goodyear's Patent, consist ine aaf Men's, Women's. Misses and Children's Me alie Boots and ihoes. Coats, C'oaka. Overalls.' ComaSa.'sflay and Dresa Bene,7 Dolls, Doll Heads, Bathr, Toya.' Whipa. Teething Rings, Syringes. Brraat Pumpi, V t A clvv V-? ' ' That above Company wotrld aoRelt 1 call from (heir friends and the piathBc before parchaslnr 1 : t - : . JOBNSO lTSON, PrcaCf iiimG hod5I3, 1JIIC OF BtailD REDpCED I August 1. 6f. VV IDEA LAKE'S and KNOVr NOTHING'S can at all liinca be Been at the Kanpuiiuin. August L. c. 4j.iyt.O' .EW LINE of SlTREW STEAMSHIPS. 70 SAIL r BETWEEN NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. . THE Clyde Screw Steam Packet Company's new steamships. Clyde it. . ... I ,.. n(t fair wwjwggnna i-eirei, bic ""u -- - Glasgow aa unJer t' From New York, CLYDE, Wednesday, August !3d, at 12 o'clock, noon. Kales of Passage, (steward's fees includa'd ) Chief Cabin, 90. A limited number of ihnd lass passengers will be taken and supplitd w ith "ood snd c'omft.rtnbty cooked provisiains, ut 25 Berths not secured till paid for. There screw Steamships have been built and fitted ami express ly for the trade, on ihe most approved principles, f.r securing safely, comfort and speed ; and curry tsach an experieneed Surgeon. For Freight or 1'assaee apply 10 ROBERT PATON, 3't Br.dny, N. Y. Money orders granted on Glasijov, in s ins of il Sterling and upwards, payable on demnnd. July 29. 52L,1,W'C- STEAM KR StRAY FOR SM1THVILLE AND ORTdN. CHANGE Or SCHEDULE COMMENC ING SATURDAY Hid. STEAM ER SPRAY, Capf. John 8. Pricf, will ply between V iliui,i ion and Smit h il'e, landing at Or- 1 on. as f allt.ws : Leave v ilmington, Tua-s.hi v, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday t-.veninga al 3 o'cock , and Sutur d iy Evenings at o'c ock. Leave SniithvPle, M'ndny, Wednerda y , Thu rs day, Friday mid Saturday n.airninif , at 6 o'clock. Passage: One Dollar C'hildti n and Strvants hjlf price. Frcmht at custom .ry rates. Lig' t freight onl) taken on Saturday. Apply to Captain on board, or lo A. Li. VanBOKKELEN, No. 5, South Wli iave. July 22. 1 "f. liL FREE READING ROOM FO t the convenience of the public wc w ili keep files of a few of tha-principal . a wspapcrs. ADAMS r-CO'S. EXPRES , From, near Market si. May !8. 27 -tf. TRW FLING HATS AND CAPS. Gl ENTLEM KN'S Wide Awnke- Ingr: I.mii. Na T poteajii the 3 1 (I, Youna America, und vari.'U- : 1 1 el styles sofl Hats, t-u thl ter I lava Mn 'Ilia ide Awake Hal is especially recommt nded nr heina light, eaxjl, soli and pleastn', and can ha carried in the pocket rendering it a suitable trav eling companion. Cap in great variety ; call ui thi Emporium. C.MYERS. July :0. 53. AFRICA and Ihe AMERICAN FLAG H I S is a new and inieresiing uork, jutt it! .J supi.av'. Ucitlvi J ti lor sale .il July 20. ' J. T MLTNDS'. A VOYAGE HOUND THE WORLD; T ELBOURN E and the t lintl.n lrl. nd. wi:b iVJL ske'tha s of Luna, and a voyage round the W!d. RcreivtdM J. T. . MUNDS'. ONE CASE SARDINES ; I Case Sardines. 4 boxes; 4 barrels t'iala-r Vinegar; 7 d zen box. s L' niun S) rup ; 1 1 toais (.'iiuiaiiK.n ; I bSI. Laniiddoc Almond;-; I do Jairdan d '.; 17 Drums Figs. Just in store :.rd for sub- hy July20. aillNl K4 LOV,iN. SUPERIOR lot or Vennoni ilalry Butter. i raccived by Express this day. For snle Sy July 20. QUINCE Ac COWAN. HAY. 1 AA RALES North River. F.ir rale by 1 VAJ V E'l TE WA Y ai PR1 1 Cli ETT. J v 20. 53 THE ORATOR'S TO! CIIST0NE ; OR Eloquence Simplified, embracing a comprc hensive sysiim a, f instruct ion for the impraave ment of ihe voice an l for advancement in the gen cral art of public speaking bv Huh McQueen. I list received, bv Express, and for sale bv J aalv 20. J .T. MUNDS. F0R SAL(, THE House and Lot ntcu pied by the sub scriber on Fourt, between Nun and Anr. Streets possession fjiven 1st October. Ap ply at the Ice House, SILAS II. MARTIN. Jn ne25. 18 5 3 4 I. "notice BY virtue of a Deedlaf Assignment executed on the 24 th of April last, by William C. Howard, ihe under.-igned were cam-tituted his Assignee--far irta' settlement of his bnsiness. All perso.is havinu claims anainst him will pres- nr them tea said Assignees, and all In are in .lebtcd to him will miiRe payment to tha 111 JOSH U O. WRIGHT, JOHN DAWSON. July 11. 49 I m SUGAR, COFFEE AND SOAP, Per ScAr. L. Pi Smith from N. Y BBLS. of R. L. & A- Stewaus C. Yellow 9j Sugars. 25 bags best Green Laguira Ca ffee ; 20 boxes Wm. Ca)lotes and A No. 1 Soap ; l half hoxeB do do. do. do. 10 do. dai. pale do. Low fir cash, at GEO. II. KELLEY'S. July 6. 47. J., H., N. C. T. and Spirit Age copy. HAIR BRUSHES. """" I (f DOZEN of 4 rench, English and Amcri lvWcan Manufacture, also, a large assortment of Paint, Tooth, Nail and Flesh Brushes, just ai hand, and for sale very cheap, by C.4D. DcPRE, Wholesale Druggists. July 1. J. and II. copy. 46. CROCKERY CHINA GLASS WARE, &c, &c. GOULDS &' ELLIOTT, IMPORTERS. 195 Pearl St (near Maideu Lane) New York. A HEAVY Stock a general and beautiful as sortmentlatest styles prictat which defy com petition, anal a pleasant place for all whom it mny corntern 10 pass a few momenta in examina'ion Repacked for Country Trade in the inosi careful manner. Terms liberal. July 18. 52-3m c. JAS. T. PKTTBWAV. 0"0- P1TCHCTT. PETITE WAY & PRITCHETT. General Commission and Korwardlnc Mer- CI1ANT. ALSO WHOLESALE GROCERS, NORTH WATER STREET, WitaiiKOTes, N. C. Prompt attention will be eiven to the sale of Naval Stores and all kinds of Produce. Intend keeping an assortment cf Groaicrice, Liquors and Provisions. July 18. 62. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned hare ihis day formed a co partnership under the firm and style ol PET I'F.WAY dt PRITCHETT, for the transaction of a General Commission, Forwarding and Whole sale Grocery bnsines. JAS. T. PETTEWA Y, f ' ' GEO. E, PRITCHETT. 51. July 18. FERGUSON & HAMILTON. WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS, Prom JV Street, Wilmington, iM. Cr; (3 doors Soajih of . Holmes' Hotel.) Will repair Watches, Clocks Namica! Instrument, etc., etc. All work war- .:rantd': v. .v - -j Joly 15. ,., , , .-. - " Vtt nrl 'SPIRrP CASKS, 1 No. If 2D hhda Sn UJ gnr f -lt da..Sidea city smoked j 50 bbia Vest Pork t 10 Tons Hoop Iron consisting of 1 4 eh," I do! I iaX i do-, ail for reasonable pmbfm W. J,. SHERWQOD t CKT Astptalt t-'f " -' - "-': 1 -( COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE Un4ers.r.ed me this day formed a Co. partnership," uivler";ihe name of COSTIN, GREGG CO., for the iransaettoB of tne Lum ber Business. MILF. 470STI N, - J. K.LI -GREGG. ;.ALFRED SMITH, J. G. L1TTLKF1KLD. March 16. 154-if. GOLDS B0 R0' FEMALE COLLEGE 'I 'HIS Inetiiution com iienees its second session 1 uottei iho new orranixai' n, on Ihe istdaty o! Mav, and will close the lastr'.iy ot Novastuber. 1854. Kev'd James H. Brent, A. B. President, with a full arid competent facul'y. S70 per session will uaver the entire expense for Tuition an. I Baard in ih'; Collegiate course, and 9100 will entitle to tha lull cour-e and all the tirnaiiiental branches. $60 willcover the expenses for Board and Tuition in the Primary Department. Ornamental branches VXlra ait ibe usual charge. "gThe Board of Stock hollers have taken great paina in pracurine facilities for "ivlnz n thorough education, and solicits liberal share of patronage Studa-nts aacelved any time. For funfiertnforination address the President of the Faculty, or theaubiscriher. WM. K. LANE, Prttt. Rjard Stock holdert. Mav 4. 21 -tf. AYER'S PILLS, Anew and singularly successful remedy for the cure of all Bilious aieses Costiveness, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers Gout, Humors, Kervonsntsss, Irritabflityi Inflamina tions. Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back, and Limbs, Female Complaints, &c, &c. Indajed, very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less required, and much sick ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely ustjd. No person san feel well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides it soon raierates serious and often fatal disabuses, which might have been avoided by the timely and judiciams use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Fevrrish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have btjen effected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by pan-sons of such exalted position and character as'to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention : Dr. A. A. Hates, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character is endorsed by the Hon. EnwARD Everett, Senator of the T.T. S. Robert CWinthrop, Ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives. Abhott Lawrence, Minister Plen. to England, t John B. Fitzpathick, Cath. Bishop of Boston. Also, Da. J. R. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by Hon. W. L. Marcy, Secretary of State. Wm. B. Astor, the richest man in America. S. Leland ai Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did space permit, we rould give many hundred certificates, from all parts where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public ss the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford- They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remajdies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to insure the best results. This system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efSacnt remedy than had hitherto been ob tained bv any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. W hile by the old mode of composition, ev ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious Qualities, by this each inaii vidual virtue only that is desired for the (rurative effect is present. AU the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed arc left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove as they have provaxl more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than ny other medicine known to the.world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formulae by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of Practitioners in the United Statass and British Amer ican Provinces. If however there should be any one who has not rajceivaid them, they will be promptly forwarded by mail to his address. Of all the Patent Medicines that arc offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known1. Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteriajs. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills,' and evra more ;onfidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were mors than realised by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin of (disease. Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Clicastot, LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $L SOLD BY Fors-ilebyO. A. Bit 1 UL.E Y and hy Drugt's generally. July 18th, 155 1. Wilmington, 52-1 y. RICE LAND FOR SALE. O f Oil more acres of prima? Rice Land lvinir tJKf 8 miles above Wilmirgion on lhp Cnp Fear River, and adjoining the :apds of D. B. Ba ker, and M. Bryan. There is a good Upland Set lemcnt of 7D acres, with n one story dwelling wiih foui looms and other improvements. Terms made easy, air I would exchange foi real estate in the Town of Wilmington. F'unfvr discrlpiion of the land ia nnnessary as those wishing to purchase will examine for themselves. THOS. SMITH. July 11. 49-if. E have on hand a beautiful assorfment of VV la'pMtich snrl A Traprican Pa nc r H anarinara. flec- ora tions. Fire Screens. Win-low Shades and Cur tains, Cornices, Picture Thss.-Is ol newest styles, for sa'e by WILKINSON aft E-SLEtJ, June 17. Upholsterers. HISTORY OF ihe War on the Peninsula and in the South of France, by W. F. P. Napier, C. B. Col. H. P., Forty-third Regiment of ihe Royal Swccdih Academy of Military Sciences. Lue Edition. Received and for sale by J. T. MUNDS. July 15. . 51. WE have on hand, an assortment of Paper Hansings, Borders, Decorations, Fire Screens Window shades, etc.. for sale nr d pui up by WILKINSON dt F.sLER, July 15. Paper Hangers and Upholsters. IROITbEDSTEADS AND CRIBS. SINGLF and double folding very convenient and proof against vermin, for sale by July la. WILKINSON A ESLER. 'pEN different kinds of Mai trasses on hand, anal JL made 10 order by WILKINSON dt ESLER, July 15. Upholsters and Paper Hatagerf. BACON. 1 r HHDS. Western Sides and Shoulders; 2000 I U lbs. N. C. Hogroand Josi received and for sale by ZENO II. GREENE. July 15. N. C. T. copy. ' 54. THE PILGRIMS OF WALSINGHAM. A ROMANCE of the Middle Ages, from the ac complished Pen of Arnes Srrickb.od. This great mk iaat lencih before the pb)ie. It is jut ly regarded by the critical world as one f (h grandest IPerary perfarrroaneea of our time. Apart irom H superior rnerhvthe wtark.iirelf, i one of marked ariginality. t No book in ihe bread, range f mod ern fiction, anless,. it.be -the-far lam ed -Arabian !gbi' ; wilt U any degree compare with iM' From begiaadac to end ' ! vottvne of Fascioatioax JoalDaMh and for sale ar . LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. Jaundice. Chronic or Ser&ru Debility ee of the Kidneys, and all Diee arising JrBtn a disorderrl Itlvtt or Stomarh. such as ContKipalien,irrward Piles, Fullness of Blood 10 tne Head, Acidity of ihe Moioach, aaeaf,- H..arl ourn, Uisgust for FWd. FuHness or Wright In the Stomach, Sour Krucijilons, Sinking or FlaticrinK. t (he Pit of Ibe Sio.iusch. Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Diffi .-uli Breathing. Fluttering nt the H-.rt !h.,iatinn or Sulfieatin" Senroliaans whefiln a lvinir o s'ure. Dimness ol Vision, Dots or Webs before thesight. Fever and DuH fain ia the Head, Dtficiency of Perspiration. Yellow nets of the -Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. Cfcesf, Limbs, f-c, Sudden Flushes of Heat. Burning in the FI sh C nstanl Imaginings of ev.l, and ercai depressions of Siiiiiis.cun be ell' ctunlly cuicd by OR HOOFUND'aS CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, I'KiU'AKEI) BV I)R C. 1. 4 CKSOV. Nn. I 2t vrcli street. I'liiladelplila. Their power over the above diseases is not excell ed, if equalled, by any other preparation i.a the Uni ted stales, is the cures litest, in many case s after skilful physician h ad failed. These Bittersare worthy the attention of invalide Possessing reat vi- lues in the rectlticalion ol dis eases of the Liver and lister glands, exercising ihe most searching pow ers in wiak nest, and affections of th'-digestive organ, 1 hey are, withal, safe, cer tain and pleusar.t- RF.AD AND BE CON IMCED. Afore Testimony of Ifte strongert kind, from Ohio, inf. voi of Dr. HOFFLAN D'S GF.ltM AN B1T I'E IS, prepnr-d by Dr. C. M. I CKSO. Phili d'phia, fully proving that tliase bitters sre unequll-ed-or ihe cure af livcr Complaint, Dympef i, Jatmdlc- Nervous IMiit'dij, Dim cute of Vie Kidney, if-c. Read the proof : F K ES s F. L M FIR. Jeweh-r, Wooatcr, O., Dec,, 2d, 1351. said :' l ein'irac lb appporinnlty of rK forming you of the gra at ben-fit I have dejlvtd from the u-ae of Dr. Hoofland's German f tCrs. I have used ihein for hdlsniid FeVer.and Disordor dered Sta,mach, anal found relief in every cafe. They arc ih.: best r.-medy ior diawrdered a'lom ith. I think, in exista nce.'' P FOf'.F.Y, B100 iifield. O., Oct. 7, 1852 said: "With fa-clinsof graiituifc I take my pin to inform yam of the incalcnhle f-enelit I hae derived from the use of Ho lilind'j German Biit-rs- I have us ed th-.m for the Li vur Complaint, and tak-- pleasure in reeonimendina; them to the public us the saf si nd Ues' remedy in use The E.lita.rof ihc Waaler Democrat. May 6. lc53,. s.iial : "Ho -fland's G. rman Biln rs. -T his invalnb Sle indi'-ine is daily peiforming curcsof the iiiom remarkable eharacti-r Wc do nait apenk ol this medicine i'haiiil a knowledse of its efVsoiic;, as we h ive 'lied it in our fumily, mid find it to be the only thing i) tded in Liver Complaint or Dyspcp si i " OGIER if- CLARKE, Cambridge, O , Nov 17. 185 J. saial : "Ry th.rse prisons win) hiave used vour Ho- flnnl German Bilicis they are conridercd an invaluable remedy for Dypepaji a .' frYoii an "iilal 6i-ar in mind that these Biller are kntihelv egkt a 8l, thereby poa-.-esriug ad vintag. s over maisl "f the prupuruiions receiiiineiid ed tvr sioi lar di-eiises F.rsil.i bv O. A B'lADLEY and W. H. LIP PIT P. WiPninifton.anJ by Druggists everv where July 13th. IS14. 5C-I v. LARGE STOCK OF FURMTtJ.fi. &m.T '"W TIlEeBbeerrber weaid rr 1 jgg? CspeCllgay intttr th ne,o,. mi i p oi tne panne, to bis very rar;i and ci.mpk It arsorlmcm of Y tarnimrr now bema received and rtremla scltdcd iy h:n srlf si the VI anufaclories: djiinz thepresXni fiionth, h!sto k will be complete and conia.l ia perl of the fol lowing ariicia a Fine Sets Draw.ns Rarom Furniture, in D 4 la ask and Hair Cloi b ; Sctta Painted Cnambcr Furittare. ,. 50 SiJeboarJs, Sea reiaries and Bool Cases; 60 Sofas and 1 tea I'elca. ; 100 Bufcarfsr 100 Wa.h SianT, mfbl4 and plain ; 100 Rocking Chair ; 73 Nurse da. 123 Tea and Dinir. Talle, ; 75 Centre, Card ui.d Sol.a ttu. 75 Toilet do. 10(7 do. Chairs, cushioned, cane and Windsor : 250 Bedsteads, in inahogony, walnut maple mmA iron; ... Wardrobcr.mahoajrny nad s'aini a ; Office Fiirnii ore f Children'aChairsl rj Ono. nnns. Fool blooa ; , A fine assortment of Looking Clarses j Teapoy's Whatnots Hal .Stands Settees, Work Tables ; Work Boies Papar Hangings ; WiaiJnw .-hialcs Ar tf-C. A few thy rue Piaso Fobts. andin fact f ninn any -article thai may be desired, in coinpl. le Iv furnishing Dwellings, Hotels, Othces or Ed ciety Rooms Front 6'ircci. J. D. LOVE Wilmington, N. C, Sept, 9,1663 ,. 76 FACTS CANNOT BE DOUBTED. LET THE AFFLICTED RE D AND PONDER! i "! 1 .an PO!' peisan in ihe city of Ri. hm..rid, Vn., ill --n .: t'-siify 10 ihe icinatkiible t 1 ich pi f.o ma al bv c k ri:!c- v ism iiixtuh i:. Ta-1K uT -a'. sp-iii;. Mf.iia-i c and Purifier of the Blooal is n -w us.-d hy hundreds of trr.it eful pn'ienls, who la sti.'y airily to th.- reuoarkahla- eur. s perforin a d by Hie i cata st of all mediei ties, ''.u'eTr Span-i-h Mixture. Neuralgia. R hail oa lism. Scrofula. Eruption 00 the Skin, Liver Discnsa-, Fevers. 11 a-o r., Oil S ir. s, Affections,.!! ihc Ki 'na y, Dis eacs of the Throat, F. mala: '"onipl.-iints, Pains anu "Aching of ilia; Kotifas iintl Joints are speedily put t.i tligtil by using this great and inestimable, reme dy. For all discasa-H of the Rlood. ndhing has yd been faund r a compare wiih it. It i-lesnt s I he sys tem of all iui.iirjr-c-, a t gently una) efh. i. nilv n the Liver and Kidneys, .-t n njihans iha- Diges tion, ifives tone lo iha: Stomaa h, makes the Skin clear and h ally, and r. stores the Constitution, en feebled by dis .-.sa-or braikan down by the excasc. aif youth lo iis pristine vig.-r nnd strength. For the L id. .3. it is incomparably bet cr than i'I the cosmetic s iv r usa d A few dajoi s of '.Tar tar's -Spnnitli Mixture will remove all sallotvncss of complexion, biing tha roaes mantling tti the cheelc, sive elasticity 10 the step, and improve the !.'a.iierMl h. alth in a remarkable degree, beyond all the inedicin. s ever heard ol. A large number of certificates of remarkable cures performed on persains residing in the city of Rich mond, Va ,by iha" use of Carit is .Spanish Mixture, is tin- bi st evidence that there is no humbug a bo in it. The press hotel keepers, magistrates, physi cians. nd public men. well known t" Ihe commu nity, all add their ta-slima ny to the effects of thi. Great Blood Purifies. C-all at.d see a few hundreds of ihb certificates around the bottle. None ga nui.ic unless signed BENNETT at BEERS, D.u:gis!s. P Incipal Depots at M. WARP, CLOSE t CO , No. 81 Maida p Lane, New Yoik. T W. DYOTT vV SON'S, and JENKINS i HARPS HO II. NE. PhihdelpVia. BENNETT & BEERS, No. 123 Main Street, Richmond, Va And for sale bv WM H. LIPPITT, Wilmington and by Druggisis eviry where. Juiy I3th, 1354. SO-lv. NE WELL'S PATENT SAFETY LAMP & LAMP FEEDER. AIMKW AIlrlCL.1-., warranted !o prevent i.ji Accidents fra.m the use aif Ruining Fluid, Camjihme, and other Ejrplolte Compound used for ihe pruduclion ail Lii ht. This Intension is applied 10 all eommajn Lamps and Lamp F'eeders, also, to Solar, ("amphanc l.aia.p-, Lanterns, aSc. ALSO, Uorninf Fluid. ITuniphene, Ro.-in Oil, For tale hy C. ai D DuPRK, Druggists, Market Sued, Wilmington, N. C The following Certificates are a sufficient guar any of the entire safety and efficiency of the Safely Lamp and Faeder : CERTIFICATES. 16 Bovlsto St.. Boston, 21st Nov., 1853. Professor Benjamin Silliman : Dear Sir. I lake ihe liberty of uskinir you if any circuit stance has occurred, tending any degree to- di aitinish ihe full confidence you have fell in "l-e protection afforded by Newell's Patent .'.aicty La rnp Wiih high respect, truly yours. A. A. Haves. Boston. Nov 21. 18 3 To Da. A . A. Hates : Dear Sir, n reply 40 the inquiry contained in your mite jaf this da'C, I can now state thai " Ve well's Patent Safely Lamp," after a considerably extended experience in ny family, ha fully juaiifi.-tl the favorable opinion which I cxpresaed of it abtjut a ymriigo. Umil this protection was presented, I never permitted II. e so-caPcd burninr fluid to be n-.d In any house. Now it is constantly employed by the domestics, and i has been occasion ally burned in ihc par or anal emdy The hooebeini lighted by gas, there is tiitte oecasiain for its general use in iha family ; but vith the protection named abort, I should have ma hesitation to use it whe ever thc'C II occasion for artificial light, and 1 do. w ith en tire confidence, recommend it to my fiieaml and others bo cunsnlt me on the subjaet alay protest 1 na, however, against the nn.narded ure which h is produced so many digressing and fulal results. -y ... I remain, dear air, very resrv-ctfuPy and inily yotrra, B Sslitmaw, Senior. WiLxiNOTOit, N. C, Jane Irih ?8S4. I hereby certify that I witnessed the experiments of Mr. Newell, with his paleni Safely Lamp, for famishing- "floid" and am perfect! satisfied of the aafc;y of the ssrac. J as. H. Dtcasor, President of the N. C. Medi.-l society. This is lo certify that I have us. d Neweirs Pat ent Safely Lami s. lot anore than twelve months. and 1 hey have given perfect saiWaciion -- June -d, 1354, A CURE FOR ALLl! ------T-srvi-rr. vi-s&l'e HOLLOWAY'S .OINTMENT. Ciitrt of t ie Union : Yen have alone ine tlie honour as with oca voir,-, Iron one end a f the Union lo the other, 10 .lump the character of my Ointment with )eur approbation. It is scarcely two years since I made it known smonr; you, and alrendy, il his obuin ed more celebrity than any tilher Medicine n so short a pa riod. THOMAS HOLLOW AY, 31, Corner of Ann and Nassau St.. N. Voik; Cure ef Sre Lspt after Nine Years Statuliup. Mr. W. J. L'uley, f Huntsvillc, Vadl.it?. Norib Carolina, suffered for nine years with on, aif ihe most painlul and troubia s-roe sore less that ever felr 10 the lot of man 1 and. after trying every medicine he had 1 ver heard bff' b-' resigned in des pair u 1 1 hope of being cured 1 bul a friend brought him S couple of p:a of Haltoy's Oinlu.ent, hicn caused the sores on his go heal, and h entirely regid nod his health, lo the nstonishmt 1.1 at. his ucqunintanec and friends. ' - -Cure . a It itlBrtosl. vh'n the Palir ti traj ct Death's Door. .- -. 7..i Mr R. DURA NT, of Ncw Grleansj tcd rested Prof.-ssor Hollowat as fatllo wa For 7 yeais my wife ha I a bad breaat, wiih ten running -wounds, (not ol n cancerous nature). I wat - lold that naaliii-g could save her: she v'as then induced lo use your Oin111a.n1 and Pills.. whin' in ihe t-hoit -pa. -a- of three months, ihe 1 fleclt d a perfect cure, 10 ihe astonishment ol all ho knew v. V e .b taiiaed our Medicines from Messrs. 'TVifght A Co., of Chnrires sfrret. New,-Orleans. I wend thisfiaim ' Iloti lda.'H prfnera," Paris. aLtlicuch, 1 haJ written it at New Orleans, before w finally l.-fi, .11 that lime, jiol -kuowlng j esr' addreas al New York, - ... . ' Nov. 9th, f"S3. (Signet') ; JR. DURA NT. The Pills ahouldle us.d conjadtrfly ui:h,lba '"Mnimeni Jn mosl of llw follow ing ea.'es !r-r' Bad Les, Bad Bteasis, Burn". Bunlops. Chil blains, Chapped hands, Ctmiractcd and Stiff Joins, Fi-tulas. Gout, Glandular wtli;nts l i uitiigo, Piles,. 1; lia iininiit m, Sail R Ih ii 111, fc'ciiMs, Saare ipplac Sore-ihroals, Skin-disia.-cs, Scurvy Sortr He!id, llltrers. v nutds. Sold ui the Establishment of Prafesr II01. lowav. :i8, Corner ef Ann and Nassau Siretlx. i w Yoik; a'so by all re-pertaMe DreggiMS and Dealeis in Medicines throughout ihe t."iiiiel State, in Pot.-, at 374 cents, 87 aenn, arul t.O each. To ba had N ha le-ale uf tile ptina f j,ul Di ug Houses in the Uniam. and A, O. BRADLEY, Wllmingt.-n. V.O:. Ttii rc is a considerable saving by taking the larser sia-s. N.B. Directions f r the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Pol. Juna; 20. 41-I e. UTTER--UTTER--BUTrER.: .S OTHER new fatt of .Maryland Dairy Hnlter. RESTON dt TO WASH KM . ."rfay 20. 33 AU4M ; GREAT KOIITHERK J AND SOUTHERN EXPRESS! .-IARRY PACKAGES ofrvery desrr'ption t W Petersburi, Ri-hinord, Fredricksburg. Wash Ingram ( Mty, PoriHuaou'th, Norfolk, Baltimore, dtc , in charge of Special Meattngtr. 1 JOHN L CANrwF.LL, Apvn., ' Office on Front, near Market si May 19. 27-tf. SUGARS. ANEW snpply of all grade and qualUie "at low price. For sale by. June 3. L.N. BARLOW. . No. 3, Granite Row. JAMES DAWSON,:. 7 IS Uonst nil y receiving tunerlor tj K of Wfaito Goods, iz: - ; '.., '--jai Jaoneis, 'r -v.": ' t '"- '--" f Cambrics. . . ..v. .- j.;.V, - Tape Ctiecks, . :'V'' '. swtss Mull.;1 ?"?;!'t . Mull Mulls.. - '.--7' tJi" India Bonks, , j. '--,-.41.,, Bishop's La wit, ; : ".r Victoria Lawns, t '." '-'J - i Striped S ft Ut, : . f Dotted Swisa, : V- .-, Toilet Qnilis. i .vi' . Fineshinlags, ir - Toge'hcr wiih a ."u!l and complete . assortment of cvcr ihinp comprised ih the White Good Lin, to which ihe attention or buyers is resncctfaUy solicited, . -4 .' - s June 3. Heraid Copy. ' --. "34. . ' ' -jN0TICE-, j- s -. -'' TH E aubscriber.reapect fully informs the pnblfe. lhaihe ia nowtfartaselfng fhoAueiloo busliuso on his own account, and bopt a by strict at:ention to buainess, to merit a continuance of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. f M. CKOXLYV, . Slorl.,.1eal Estate and Negroes. bought -and sold on a roaumifsinnol 1 per cent eithgr-at private of pubUcanlc. - - 3 ' : a9?.iS5a, .,-.-,;.-. .l-,4 PAPER HANGINGS ON band, and j ul op by ' V WILKINSON dt'KSr.ER, June '7. Paper ha egera Vw MONEY WANTED; V I'MIE Subscriber haa all accounts made oat to July lad, and all th.ase that hate not settled, will please do so imnicdUieley , as fends, most bo had in order to replenish an entire New isivrk of iroceriea. GEO. MYERc July ft-'" r ; .43. BACON AND PORK, 1 r, II HDS. Prime Sides 2 25 bt!s. clear J Pork, in store and ! arrive, tor e by v Juiy 6. GEORGE HARRiSS. Bless NEGRO PISSES.' i . AN EW f.arm af Passes, containing saofury re yiln approyed by he -Comraisstonera, si d num i of others interested In the welfare of our eob.rrd pipulaiiion. Is just issued al Ibaj office of Thetemamaioaf. " . X---''''" -:' rfj-' PRINTS. ENGLISH, French and Aanerieap 1 of ova-ry kind and ouailty a Fsobm are asswrimeni ax maooas ana .Ties 1 rim Geo. R. Fbench. :Haing purchased the right for the of N C.froro the Patentee, we ore prcpajrd W BU U Orders at riort notice, for jefery dtpIon4s varioiy of 1mv, e. ". ". , ' ';. " ' All persons are eaationcd a finsr infringing up on ihe above pjten aa 1 he la.w .- will be rigid' y forced againatsUotfcBdexs. R rv'f V - DDsPRE.JrA,t-t . , - - - - VV- 4CWl5SOf. , 1.116 UU 4-.- -, . . -. white gOarxfS uorseast o aninss, and Bartons ; a full line of G otitis for Chil dren's Soring and Summer Clothing 1 Bannr tf ihe lareei -stylet Hair, Cloih, Grass, -Rope sad Corded Skirts. For aaU by ' r Apnll. , JAMES lUiVSW.' BACON !. BACON !! 3 1 Q fnf ,-BS rrr perkr N- C. Haass, I OsVfUU Sides sod ShouWcra, iust received and for .sale by-- - -- " - ?!?TTKW AY PRITCHETT. sire in. : v Sr HHD3. Cntoleo Safer, for -the Kail Trade--t. 4K.iVe caa seal Su;ar ckaaper ihaa the .orticjo can be bosgbt ia the Northern anavlrrts. ' Jcly-O ' ,itU.eiUSiY,QQZtVO.'

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