-4m Cjie Cmhttifrdal. WILMTVOTON t. C: THURSDAY. AUGUST 3 IS54. FOR GOVERNOR: GEN. ALFRED DOCRERY. Prom Bltielncoodt Magaztm. TOE EMPRESS OF RUSSIA. In the litile town of Manenbfrg- lived a Lutbrran minister by the name of Skov ronski, who was remarkable for his piety, benevolence, and unwearied efforts of do mjr good. On returning' to his humble dwelling one evening, his attention was ar rested by the cries of a child. His horse showed an un willingness to proceed ; he dismounted, and at a short distance on the snnur he discovered the object of distress There lay a half frozen child. rapping it in his cloak, he remounted his horse, and in a short time was at the parsonage. That child was a beautiful little girl, not a year old. It was at once adopted by the pastor, and placed in the care of his faith fuTerrant, tin old lady who had Jong rv sideTuch family. She was named Cath arine, front the circumstance that she was found on St. CatSaffue's day, the" 2.5th" of November. She was nursed with great care and tenderness, und treated by the family as an only child. IJer beamy, do cility, and sweet temper attracted the. at tentinn of all who siw her. A more lv Iv little creature could hardly be imagined Ai she grew up, she interested hersell in the management of the household af fairs, and was always ready .o assist us occasion require! The venerable Sk.iv ronski was growing old, and, under his ex cessive labors, for the good of his flock, his naturally robust constitution w.-is evi ffently giving way. J ms deeply affecte. Catharine, for she loved the good old man as her best earthly friend She respecied Jiira as a parent ; but she xould never for get that it was he who sttved her life. Whn he became ill, she would do all for him in her power, and often cheered his lonely hours by singing some beauiiful hymns. She would often say, " M-. dear father, what can I do for you ? Can I not render you some assistance. Can 1 do too much for one who saved my life V Ori the. 20th of August, 170.2,- Marifii berg as taken by the Russians, and many ofi's inhabitants slain, it was a sad day. JVJany heart-rending scenes were witnessed. Catharine at this time was thirteen years of age, and at the time of the battle was visiting the sister of Skovronski, a few miles distant. She heard the cannon, but did not understand the cause. This part of our story must be describe! by another. Though a slight thread of fiction may be. seerrin the descr ption, it will give a life like air to the facts presented. - A horse suddenly stopped at the door of the cottage, and a young man hastily dis mounted. "The Russians are at Marien berg?' exclaimed he, rushing into the a- partinent. ' I have escaped with difficulty j to bring this letter from your brother (ad- dressing the pastor's sister.) who has given i hit horse for my use.' ' Po tell what has occurred at Mari tirjr,' snid Cn'harine. ' Wby, do you not hear the cannon V Gen SchKim.rief, -xb th army, is bom b.rling Marienberg. O, n is a cruel stght to beiiolJ V 4 My lather, r;iy benefactor !' cried Cath arine, sobbing Such was her anxiety to see her b st earthly friend, that she immediately start ed for Marienberg ; but on reaching the town she was tnet by one of the guard, v.-ah, 1 Where are you going V What is that to you V replied the young girl. 4 1 am in haste, and pray you let me pass.' 4 You, of course, are not aware, then, that the town is in the hands of the Rus sians,' said the man. 'Well, what then?' interrupted Catha rine. 4 That all the inhabitants are prisoners ; and if you pursue your route, you will also b taken prisoner 3'ourself.' 4 Thank 3 ou for your advice; but my father and benefactor is in town, and I am determined to share his fate, whatever it may be.' ' Go, then, and God preserve you !' an swered the man. She had not proceeded far before an offi cer demanded her name. 'Catharine,' she quickly replied ; ' I am the adopted child of the pastor Skovron Bki.' . kThou art a Livontan,' replied the offi cer. Livonia belongs now to our Cz.tr, Peter I, of Russia; you are, therefore, a prisoner ' 4 Touch me not,' said Catharine, her beautiful dark ees flaihins. 1 1 retune.i to Marienberg to tin. I my adopted faih.-r Conduct me, the:i. to him in his ho ie in bis 'dungeon no matter where so thai I may find him ' ' As the officer did not seem disposed to comply with her" request, she inquired. Who is your General V General Schereioeijefr' was the reply. r I. wish, then, to speak to the Genera ;.' ln a few monv-nt?, as the Cossack offi cer was inquiring where the G. neral could be found, an old woman, perceivm"- h.-r, - u"red ac7 of d.gp.ar. (J, my dear Child, you wiil see your protector no more He died on the battle-field by a Russian bullet, while in the act of binding up th wounds of a poor soldier. He is dead ly poor master !1 The old lady was the servant of Skovronski. "Catharine tun ed pale at this sad intelli gence and inquired, HuVe you, then, left turn there without help?' - , . ..ue omcer bade her follow him, and he soonmtjoduced her into the General's tent She threw herself at Scheremetief 's feet, nd, wnh her uplifted hands exclaimed 4cf?"' GneEal! for P'-y'B ke, a !,What does the child want ?' inquired jlje General of the officer. ' She wishes to speak to you ' It true,' replied Catharine Dear fjastorSfcovronski f TheTavor I ask is to jtllbwed t seek;for his body,thal it may be properly baried. J 4 ,Tii tdhe of her voice waj so peculiar and be X countenance so commanding, yet 8a ingBWafb4 tb9 General was moved M theigbt ofJ)? youth and courage, and aid Tbeeami situated outside" of the 'iMWltanfJl whai guar. aaufejsQaii i, ha mai yaujwm not try u '- Mj srord P jtpHtd CatJiarine, incoceat- her-'- !"--,4f ?" Vtr" , to roa.' fin loavinn- ihn ipnt ha soon met the m.Rior'a old servant. 4 Come.' said she, ta king her hand, ' show me the place where imii uw him fctli' The night was dark, and it was witli dif ficulty they could see their way. I ney soon came upon a field covered - with the bodies of the slain, while the cries that arose told that many were still alive. It was, indeed, a scene of horror. It was Jark, and how could she distinguish ber benefactor? Soon a sollier appeared with a lantern, A-nicn ne Kinuiy uurieu uu, uu advising her to discontinue her search till morning. This she at once declined. ' Bui, said the brave soldier, you are not lormed to be a slave, though a General may be your master. You are now be yond the camp ; no person can see you. Fly ! If you want money, here it is.' 'Fly ! when 1 have given my word not to do so V ' The word of a girl without name, with out birth, is ct little consequence. 1 con jure you to fly. Catharine remained unmoved, and resol ved to fulfil her promise. The search for the pastor continued, and in a few mom ents he was found, nearly senseless, and quite speechL-ss. After several attempts, he faintly whispered, 4 Where, am IT' 4 With vour friends,' repHed Catharine i4 with your little Catharine ' little cordial being administered, he reviv d, and w.as, soon carried home on h 1 ner. His wounds were dressed, and al! possible assist nice rendered to the wounil .i p.istor. Catharine was overjoyed to se hr dearest fuend so comfortable. The o d man had learned that his dear child was a prisoner, ami this grieved him much. ll is nil right,' said Caihnrine. 'If I had not been taken prisoner. I should no have been carried before the General, an would havo missed seeing your servant who told me of your death; and. had I no seen her, I should never have thought o seeking for you on the battle field.' .ov, said amarme, 'my ie.ir oeue f icior. bless me, your poor child, for 1 uiusi leave you ' 'Go, my child, go,' said the old man. in a solemn voice : -do your duiy, and Goi will bless you.' Catharine kssed the lips of ihe oil rn n, and exclaimed, 'Adieu, my father !' and Irtft the house As she entered the tent of the General she met the young soldier who presented h'-r with the lantern in the b title-fiehl, and who no-w kiixlly presented her toihe Gen er il. 'What ! have you returned V said the General on seeing her. 'I feared that 1 should not see 3-ou again.' 'I gave you my word,' was her brief re ply. 'What shall I do with her?' inquired the General, addressing himself to the sol licr ' Make her my wife the wife of a sol dier ! She is bum for it ' Well, what say you, my child V added he, turninj; io Cath arine, who seemed quite bewildered. ' 1 say, replied he, hesitating, 'iny choic is not difficult; I would rather be the wif of a sold.er than the slave of a general ' ' Bruvo ! Catharine ! from ihis moment you belong to me.' The soldier arose, an.l beckoning to Calhul'ii.C to follow hi in, Lo left iho Iclii Do you know who I arn, Catharine ?' said he, as the' walked I. nether away. ' No ; but you said that you wished to bii my husband.'' ' True ; but do you know my rai.k in the army V 4 It m-at!ers not,' said Catharine ; 'you cannot suppose I am proud a child with out name.' 'You are content, then, to link your des tiny with mine,' taking her by the hand. 'Yes,' replied Catharine, 'I like you be cause you have been kind tome, toor child that I am.' 1 he soldier stopped before a tent rnor ! elevated than the rest. -This is the tent of j the L zar, said tie; -remain wuere you are It is right that I should ask his permission to marry you ' Catharine had waited but a few minutes, when a young officer, advancing said, The Czar wishes to see you.' On entering the tent, she saw a large number of officers, in the centre of whom she immediately recogniz -d the young sol) dier, her companion 'Where is the CzurV inquired Catharine of the officer 4There !' said he, pointing to the soldier, who was seated. 'There? That is-my husband !' 'He is thy husband and the Czar like wise, Catharine, said the Emperor of Rus sia. 'How astonished you appear! Does the news grieve you ? Does my title pre vent you from loving me V '1 loved you as a solder.' said she; 'I will also love j-ou as an Emperor.' Thu Czai arose, and taking the hand of the young orphan, presented hr to his officers as the future Empress of Russia. Here closes 'he thread of fiction in our story. Alter iheir marriage, the Ernperoi placed her in a private dwelling in ih i ty of Moscow, where she received every attention becoming her position She was lovely and beautiful She loved to do good, and to make othvrs happy around her. So doubt Pe'teF the Great saw that s e was precisely the woman who could share his enthusiasm, and sympathize in hi plans. The obscurity of hr birth was no obstacle to hira; he had absolute power to raise her toabe loftiest condition in his em pire.' Though surrounded wiih ihe honors ot royally, she did not forget the pa-aor of Marienberg. She loved him si ill and did what she could to cheer lira last hours H rever recovered from his wounds, ami survived but a short time. His end was peace. Catharine mourned over his de parture, and- sighed that one she had lov ed most of all on earth was now no more. She often accompanied the Emperor in his iourneys throngh his empire, flnu fre quently attended hirer in military cam paisns. in ii l, wnen feter was a war with the Turks, by her extraordinary skui and superior judgment, she saved the hie of the Emperor, and saved the army Irom beln.'destioyed;. or taken prisoners.. ier caused the,eVent to be commemorated by a .display of magnificence unusn11bt him : and), in the- declaration he issued we'find these "words : "She has been of the great est "assistance to us in aH q.ir dangers, and particularly an:"the? buttle ofPruth.J' "She was blessed with two childfeni one t 'whichr-ajsbn-died when a chihL Tbe otber a danghter-r became ;Eraperess ct rabiwgrrteemli the Great ptaeed 5 the-crownS with i-grmi, pojap, upon -ifca bead Jof Uai hunna.; v tin Health waalsow ratidljrdeciiila.w Catha rine 'attended bJiti 'constAnyJfhuary 2, 1725 he breathed Jiia lastf befng only in bis Yortjfotird) "fiMT-. Chi barure costamed the title of EeSper ess wit h great d igsity, and w as greatly be loved by her; subjects '' Her reigrt was short She survived ber husband: about two years, and expired May 27, 1727, at the age of thirty eight. STEAI ENGINE AND SAW MILL I WILL sell low, and on accommodating 1. terms, the Knine and Machinery of ihe Cupe Kear Meam Saw Mill 14 inch. cylinder, 2 feet siroke; three 32 inch bcrilers, 30 feel long- main pfcnfV-- rO'feei 6 heS lonR the power of this engine is esiin.au d at 6l hoiae. ha a new extra cylinder and lg geering, and all the appliances necebary lor the full eqwitmcnt tv oporate a I once. Also, 2 Stave dressing Machinen . Jointers. 4c. complete. O. G. PXRWI.K V". Jan. Zl .-U-a'tfa'' 131 If JUST TaflAND. rpRR-SH SODA, BoUer, Milk. nS!ir,and Pilot L Orickera; I8hkla. hHuJun Rrown Siijnrsi 0 bN. CUrififd.lO Crushed, 10 P..wd.?red and 1 Granulaledf;P.ili..n U.irket Corn Kn f: Sinok- e I ei': -.iMfli'nS Ch-jcse : Long o. t Mackerel ; d H9h-?ttnd various othfr iteum ihnt will bf '"lint U.i- ful n well as nrn.linrn tnl. nt ih Pnini. ilOfrxitry. 1000 Iba. ffofnetrny's Kxtr:( Hnm. iu' i hind. GEO. MVEttS. From s. Miv 19. 27. FKESII FK0M NEW YORK. Pi t Sc.hr. CharUx Mills 1 O s- uf Siewaris (A) '.'ruslifd !u?ar j l J 1 ("auk do. bi'st o 1 $y rup j 2 b'.l Lirse No 1 M acker I; 3 .loxen boiilef bel Sweet Oil; 5 do. Cans of Poiash, prime for -naking Soup ; 25 H:ig prime Grron Win Cffrt-; 6 hall hljH. of tli;ii lAilton Market Fnmili Reef I, w for c nil at GKO 1 1 . K '" I.LKY'S. J;tne 20. J , H .. X. C. T. i si of gc copy. FOR RENT. THH 'arj Bricli Owellins. on Srrnnd "'irt'. i . 1 1 ireseni nr-cni ied h Mrs, Wm. II. "Lippitt. Kr pariicul.irs apply to 11. G. ItANKlX. September 3, I 353. 73-lf. PAINTS. j Q( "I "V Ct ' BS. frime v ,i'e L ad ; 50fM) lb.. O ',1 II U V n it i n id; 40 "lis. So.ini-i' i row n ; 2 I'M. Kin- Proof i'nint ; JUm do. Vi r- i isjris: lUOOd Green: 'ito (,, I'ans Grcvn: ! A". J ii m nd 3 do Coach Bi-dv V.irni.-h, for eiheap. by C. &. D UtPitK. J' l 1 J. nnj H. cinv 46 W0LI E4 StHiEDA)! SCIIVAPPS. DOZKS' Volie' Sc-iii'.'d.itn chnanD'. nmi'l nd ; i i n inn to h i nd. and fur a:ile. whole- siili- anil 'etuil, ai Xew York prires. ApMl2i GKO MYERS. DENTIL NOTICE. Drt CAtlK will leave Vil,ini..n i li e twenty-fourth of July, for tour. He talends lo lc absent abuift four ivi'i k.. June 27. 4 l-2m. I'own Daily and Weekly paper? copy 2 month!- CIIILDIIEN'S SHOES' A LA ill K an-i harM-ioi.t.' assortment, ri ceivud tlii! niorninsr, and lor sinle ,v JU.NKS & GARDNK.lt. 30. on or abou a IVori h'-ri: May 25. June 21. DR of RECEIVED. extra liut tor. and for sale by C. Di-PKK & I'D 41 E. SEYMOUR'S Gil cii a ic Abil"iM;ial Supporters. CtU'b'uled tun istnccr;i!y, iriniu. i I) IJui'rv. 1 f i.-its of VVi!rri'iiL:tiin. N. (.'., mr my iln inr tne sa e ot inu above oiipnorlers t .nd vii'ii.iiy. tN il.nin'.on. N. C , Mir-h I'm: en 1 thin olace F. sKYMl. L it. 3, IP51. We m iff rt-'-p. el fa"y Medic il I'i i') -s.-ion nf ilie if th rib.ive Nupporiers. Il t!i - l : niiri i'.r ''u S'tu'c lo an examioa tiun C. 0t D Vvl'ilK. 3-if. 7 .March 23 ll L TTE R - D I TI ER-- BITTER . FIllhl.NS from the Dai.y of Deacon Wurner. Clifcnanao County, whose butt, r took llie firt-l .fie i.t t tic World's Fair in L.-noon. To act ommodate our f r if nd w. will pell by tin lound or tirkin : r etui I pi i-e 'AO ctr'. J ui e -'o V . M. 3 H K. K WOO PERFUMERY. LUBINS, Pivers. Prevost, Razins, and Glennf Peifiimery and Toilette an icles, a verv l.i rjt md choice ass irtment of tbe abnvi , for ale by C & D. Dul'KE, July 1. Wholes-iIe DrnpUts. J. and H. cop . M ACK EH EL. .-)( HRI.S. No. 3. for sal.; by -U FllEEMAX & IIOfSTOX. July 15. 51. LINSEED OIL. 1 A BBI.S. for tsale by I U FREEMAN & HOUSTON. July 15. 15. LUMBER. Ri'er Lumber Wide Boards and Seantli n, suitable for PUnta'ion puriiosti', for fale, liy March 30. JAS. F. GILLISPJI A SMALL, parcel ol prune CJL. & CO. 'TO PLEASE" OUR MOTTO IS AT THE Viliniiigtoii Saddle. Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. L II E subscribe I respectl ully t n form-1 !i ep ublii llial hi h ts reeently rt- eived .iddiiion? lo hi toi k ol Saddle and Harnes.'. Moujilinj: f, A e., I lit ales i a lid moM improved style, and id onstanly n nu fa ciu ring, a t bis it ore on m.irkei si I reel, every icsci ipiion ol articli in the anove line. From lii -xpcrh-nt-i in I he. bu sines- . lie fet- If eon fiden I l ha i in-will be able to tiiveentlT- rt.tMalat'tion to all who na favoi liiui with a call. Hi-liiisnuw.m hand i nd w hl.:imataiil ly keeii a lara-ax.sortnien t of S nek Gil- aiirt SuCZeii Tl.irnest. tn.,ly's Saddles. Hiiillif. IVups if-c. Griil Is rue it's Sa-idlcs, Wki): Spurs t$-c. all of which he will warrant lo be of llie boi in. terial.i and .vork-u insliip. He has also a lar;e a t-sort inenl of i'i-iink. I in s, adrtle ami Carpet It.igs. .iti ln l'. I''an y 'l i iinls, &C , and all other ar lieler uru.ill k( pl in sueh estabiir-llinenls, all ot vhieh he orfer.-I"W foi CAsiH.or onabortcredi o pronipi tnrnierr. S i. Id lea, tl iro.-su , rrunks, Radiea I Bags, & c . . r . mudi- t" order. Inaddition tothe above the xuhseriber ilwayf e. p on hand a larjre supply ol Strlni; Leather, nd has now, rid will k-7 through ihe season ood 3gt-oriii, ni ol I'lj Xitlf, All are Inviu r! lo call and . xaminr my Goods, .tiel her in wan I or not, a a 1 takt pleasure i i.-U-w-nant y assortmeni toall Who may favor me w'n I cull. Uarnesf and Coaeh Tiimminars sold at a fai iriri l o persons buying lo manufacture. 4 n, V hipf at wholesale. llkindsof Uidinj! V lii les botirrhi md sold o .nvnisions. ' JOHi' J . CONOLEV. Feb. 7. 1854. . U8 NOTICE. rlTE ubseriher havin qualified at Ihe lasi term of Hrunswiek County Court, as eiecu rix of Ihe will of William Blinklev. deceased, an eJQons Indebted lo his Estate are hereby noiifiV o make ininu diale p iyo ent; and those havinn laiuis aeainsi it, are rqnested in m v absence, to oresenl the tame to Ge ryr Davis, Fq . in Wil minK'on. . M . E. BRIN K LE Y, Kxr June 29. 45-6w. Ti.E LONDON PUNCH, S Received every week. Last Nn in ihis morn ing. Forsaleal S. W. WHITAKER's. July 2Z ' ' 5. ROIJERS' PUTLERY, FH E Subscriber ia now openiij" a fine assort ment of Rerr' sele. ted Knives, Scir. Uk"! and ha mnde an arraneemenl by whk-h h Vill bc regitrirlf anppHed wiih his eoodi", tojten 'ha "epeci-tllT:for bi retail sale, Thnae. whn with the bast in this line wiHafwavs ft4 them at ' 'f 1V1. 'J. M; ROBINSON'S. , WllnuBstoo, N.C., Hjr 18. y , ?7 y u.icieiiifar BALTUHORELOCU-UO T R. JO HT STuN-J? f ol inl Land near, taut he has ijiftcoverviae.incst'cer-. ain. r-peedy sndeffic-aeloua plan lor treatiDg panic?,, uisr diseases 111 titles ever been, (rtegenn a to'lUt world. By his plan, fooi dedon obserrbtions made in the Hoplilof ICuropa and- Amerat he- will ienure . ' ' A CORE IN TWO DAYS, ORJSO CHARGE: f So Mercury or''-tuieous Dr ugs Used. Pains in ihe f fftSfOonstitiMional Deofiiiy, 1m polency. Weoknei-s 0he Back and Limbs, "atfec. lions jrt tlie -.ITdiiej)rf .lpilfti4t Ueari Dyspepkjr; NervojBS irritability. Diseases ol the Head, Throal, Nose, or Skin? and all tlxise serioun and inelanetitrty -lisorders rising frrtni the desti uc live liabitspflYoulh. which destroy both body and mind, those secret aid solit iry practices more faiul lo their tfc'tfms than ihe song-of ttte-JSyrons to the marlfs'tf nyaK,1Mgtt'' 7w britliam bupes orantlcipaiions-, rendering lrtarriagec, im- Patib,e- " YOUSGMKX. Especially, who have become me victims of Sotila ry Vice, thai dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps io an untimely grave thousands 1 young nen of ihe most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, wh" might otherwise have entranced Hs teninji -Settates wiiH the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call wiih full confidence. MARRIAGE. Murricd pcsoii3, or those contemplating marriage, beinjiawar ol ph) sical weuknes. slioul.l iininecli aiely consult Dr. J., and be. restored to perfect health. lie who places himself underthecareof Dr. John ston ni.iy reliaiout-ly confide in his honor as a yen ileman, and confidently rely upon hi.-siiiJI usa phy-i-ieian. OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St. 7 DOOi.'S KKOM BALTIMORE .-t., (east side) UP THE STEPS. O-KE PAlt'lT'.'LLAlt i, .bservingthe SAME and XUMUKIt.ot you will mistake ihe place JR. JOHXSToy. Member of the Royal College of ureons. London ; raduaii from. me ot the most . miiunt Colleye.- ol the United Mates, nnd tne greater i-art ni whosi hie tins be. n sp.-ni in the hfpit.ils ol London, Par is'. Phil id- Iphia and elft-where, has ell. tied 'some ol llie moM astonishing run s that i reever known; ni .ni t oublod uiih ringing i" llioheud and tars ' In n asleep, L'rea t nei vi ii.-nesf, t.eini; .-.Juniii d l -uddi n sounds, and b isht i.ness. wiih frequent blus-hing. .tiendt-d tern-tint s with dirun-i n tni ol mind. WHi euren inlli i y. TAKE PARTICULAR XOTICE. Dr. J . addresses all tu se tio have jujnicd them selvts by :ifiv.ite rtml impropv-r indulgences. ihm sc i ri l i n i rolitarr h a bit hieh rules both b.idy and mind, unti.'ini; liiem for ittier liusine.-s or sot idj T'tiS' lie funic ol llie ad ni d nel.tiieliolv i tj' i- lirodueid by early habits ol youth, iiz: Weakness I ih'- Hark md Limb.-". P..io in the Hi ct. Dimne.-i- f i'ht. Loss ol .Muscular Power, Palpitation ol he H -art, i .-VP!;! S-.-r voiis 1 1 rit i bilit v , Derange ment of the Di.'CKtive Functions, Genual llouiii y, -yiiipt m-of Consumption, die. '.Mkntallv The learlul t It. ct-on the mind art much to be dreaded ; Loss, of Mi imn olt'ausiny of Iueas, Depn .-ion ol Spiiiis. Evil-Forebodition I version t oeiety. 'eli'-Di.-iriist. Love of Soli i ud". Timidity, Nic , are some ul ihe evilsprodiired Thuumnos of pel son.;, ol all ayes, can i.uwjudge w h it i ihi cause il" llu-ir d. dining health. Luinv iheir vigor. In-coming weak, pale and emanated, have a rininir np"earnncc ab.ml the eyes, cough and -ymp'oms of (ionstimption. Pit. JOH STOXS I X'UidlJ A 77 Y7 RE M EttY EOlt G E SITAE DEHIEITY This cr .nd and important Kiim dy has .oioroc strength and viiior to thmisa ml.- of'ihc m.iti ner vnu3 and debilitated . many ul whom had losi all hopes, and been i! in. lorn to (jic. By its complete invigiiration ol ' ;h:- Mervous Syst tht- whole I'acu lies become icsluri d to t heir proper pn wer a nd functions, ami llie fallen fabi ic of 'ife raised nj, (. bcuuly, onsislency, and duration, ujion the tiins ol an eu-ac ated u t:d preiiiarnre decline lo sound and lrivlin h-iilih. Oh, how hap.-iy liavc linndnds ol inisEiiid" -d youths been made who have been sud dcnly reso.ri (i to health, fn-in ihe devastations ol i hose t:"n i f:e m iladies T- iich result fiom inrilsL-ri-uori. Sue. i per-on-. b. fore ron temp.'a tin MARRIA (i E. SlioiilJ n fli el lii.il a sound inind and body ;ire the inosi iiececs.ny ni.i.isiies t promote connubial liippiness Indeed, without these, ihe journey ihi oili life ber ontes a ear pilsriningc. ihe pros pi ( l hum ly dm ki ns to the iew th. injr.d heeoinc-,-!vi. !owi ! wiMi despair, and tilled with the inelin chuliy ri Itccii .n. thai lio- b.-.ppint ss of another be cones b!ig!il-d v i t i our own. Li t no false delica cy prevent you, but app'y immediately. r!r.d save youisi ll from th tin adful conseiiuenc tt'-- '"""if "eAKXE .' 6' OF TEE ORt. A.XS i mint dii'.tdv cured and fuf ( igor lestored . fVL.L"LETTERS MUST BK POST PAID. Rem5dies sent to artv part of 'he r-mmTry. TO .S TRASt i I'. R ,S. DR. JOHNSTON, of the H ilti nor.- Lock II. s pital, hose long residence in this eilv. standini: ;:s a gcnilctiKin of character and i esponsjl-ili tv, exten sive prafice in ihe vnricus Ho.-pitiils of Europe .i.id i Ins i on ni i y . a nd skill and ex pi rience to which thin sands can testify, as well as his ability in the --uiuiealdepartiiieni of his pr fes.-ion, ns evide -ed b v- repor: s ol his operations on the Eyes and De lorinrd Limbs, publi-hed in the Baltimore Sim and oilier papcis.in the vciim 1341 2, by whicliAr blind icerc made to sei ami the lame lo tcalk straight, ren ders him woiihy of a'l confidence epon the putt ol those h need his professional services, and who wouid then the iimny trifling and ii:noranl prelen deis advei tisinir themselves as Phvsiciatia. 5 yi'u those unacquainted wilii bis reput ition, Dr John-ton deeins it neeosar y to sav that his ereden tia I.- or d ipiomas a I wa vs hani; i n h is office. O-OEFICIC.N'o 7 aOLfli FREDERICK St., East side, up the steps. OlI. IS. DO-ly e. FOX & P0LIIEMIS, 59 Brrad Street. Corner of Bcnrer,N York. UH'. r for Sale I he tollou inn heavy Cotton Faln ic-: V EW-F.NGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK 22 L inch, all numbers, bard and solt ; also all the various idths of Canvass minulaciured .it ihi-es-tablisliiiu-nt ron pi ising vet y variety known to i he l rade. and nth n i! a . the lowest rates. UNITED S l'ATE-S PI LOTDUCK W.xxlberry and Jloiini Vernon Extra. A full assortmeni of this supt rior fabric. VV 1 1 I M A N TIC COTTON DUCK- 16, IS, 20 inri il inch, :V. numbers, hard and soft. Tl is fab ric was a warded I he highest Premium at the Lon don World's Fair, also at our own State Fair. HIP AND BEAR MARK DUCK PI , in and twilled, inatnif iciured ty the Crernw iod'.- Com pany, a superior article lor liubt sails tents, awninas. ic; also Mount Vernon Twill d Rivens. Hwuid Ravens, Pion er and Phcenix Mills; Liahrtun It jvens. tdain Tl to 27 inch ; He aw, do. do. COTTON r AIL Tw INF. A lull as-ornm nt. TAUPAULIN. HAMMOCKS, .--TUFFS, 4c. P 1 PER FI LTlVi ,0 io 71 inch, made very heavv. expre's'y ''or drier lelts. (;AI i :OVE.((.G-Cotton Canvass all widths from iO to I 30 inches, -md all numbers, made -x-pn-ssW for covering and rcofina railioao cars, is oerfectly aruf pia m.i ne nil y water-proof, and m .re . mlurin- than ih- ar iis If EN M ELLING ''A V ISS-30 3C, 40, ih and 50 in. h plain and twilled, in i very variety li AGS A N D HAGUI ' (I Of every description. Spanib ss Raps. vo. n wbwle, all siz-. in bales ol (HI, 200 and 300; coin initio sir. ngih. utiliiy and cheapness, for train and meal are nnsiirtiassed. Also, heavy Cotron Saikto". 4'1 irch t'invass. 'i .ihrad Wnrpand Filling, heavy twilled, do. do,"C. .1. 40 and 44 inch . OOL s A Cl.s Woven whole all tizis, a new md desirable article. Feb. 21 . 144-Iv-c. A I B U l N STI L t Villi SALE. THE Plantation of the subscrib r, near R ileijrh, nod on the Central Riil 25 iload-is not vei di.-posed of A decerip- t Hon has already be-n given -but no one will .1 course make iinp.in.int a purchase without visiting the premises Apply io U m. R, Poole, Esq., who lives near the place, or lo the ubsci iber. T. LORING. Wilmington. Nf. C, Ian. 23. 1S5L IT !ii - i in iiiii ii'iin iU' t il l UUIiVUii nlX etandpre-:uil-ant tor lis curative -.' oawersin all the dis-; - l- e . tt la . eases iui recommended, call femaltComplaiata lapsos Utbsi, or Fa Hi ng.oil he ViimDf Ki-opa Al hus, or white; Chronic Inflainnja ion and Ulceration f iho Womb ; Inci lontal Hen'orrhage, r Flooding ; Patn ul, Ssuppressed. and .rregirlar Menstrual moaoy evils, (Lance UKNKWS IXYIGOKATINCT CORDIAL I ' PURELY VEGETAULE IN ITU HIWi"iV i - mpcx&lf dialler how severe or of how long 'U. OlC.,C'. ixcepled.) u standing The Jatholicon far surpasses other remedies In bein more certain, lespexpetlsie.and leavins the system in a better condi'ion. Let all interested in such a remeedy call and obtain a pamphlet (free containing ,au:ple proof, frcoii highly respectabl sonrces. of he ti.ippy results of t s use "together with letters from rirst-rlassexperienced physicians, who have used it in thiii practice, and speak lroni iheir own obsef vafioh. R F.FKttBNCES. Prof. Dbnunr. M.D . ilaltimore, Md. J. C. Orrick, M. I., P. B. Pcekham, M. D. Uliea, N, V. D. V. Foote, M. D., Syracuse, N'. V. M. H. VI i lid. ,. D , Rochester. J . V. L. D Fleming, AI. L).. Janan-laiL'Ka, N. V. W . W. Rr-cse, W. I)., L'ittof V. Y. V Prescoti. M. D , (joflcord. N. H. J. P. Vewland, M D. VtU-.a. NT Y Pamphlets can be had erati- at the "-tore of S. B.& I. A. EVA VS. Oriizsrists XVholesale and Retail ijents. V'ilmina'on, N. C. nd of most of the leading Drusgists in tin -'tnte. Letter addressed lo Messrs Reach cf- Rrenf son . Agents at Scirbrrnj C. ., S. C , by Iter. C- S Heard, of same Stale. Glevn- Spnisos. Tan. 3ih, 1S53. Messrs. Rkach Sl Hiowssiu irs : I send fo .n .lber boin. of your " .Marchi-i's IT'arine Ca hnlieon " My wife has been afflicted for eleven ve.irs. and a variety of mean" ha.- been resorted In Tor reMe', "iit none was obtained until I receiviri this oi" lieine from you In inlhiei ee swmi al most ot s'jtc il : there was a manifest improvement from the day it '.v..s taken As i here i re a yrea t man v females in our miintri 'nSnrinr under -he affliction i'.i r which vour medi ine nrposps a remedy, I feel it a duty to recom mend it to all rch. (Sinned.) Plough S Reard. J. B. M Rt.''US . Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 broadwav N. V. Nov. 19. 106 lye WiIiTi (ioODS. VER V larae and exiensive variety ot every kind of vYhiio Muslins, including Jaconetts. Mu 1. Nansook. Medium. Hook. Hisoops and Vic loiia Lawns, Plaid, Striped. Plain and Figured Swj.sand tJMiiiiric Muslins, which will he sold .it the lowest yiiee, by J.liIE-- DAWSON. April 13. 12. fHlS HtTaluableOordiol.istsxtractcdfrom Herb -X an llools, which ha veeen lound afier yea is of. experience, by the most ek till at Physicians, lo be possessed of qualities uot btneficial jn the -i-eases lor. which ii.' ia recommended, and hence whilst it is presented to ihe public-, as an efEcj- clous remedy, it is also Known (o bo ol that charac ter on which reliance may be placed as to its safety. In cases of IrrruotefTcy, 1 loeniori hHees, Disordered Siertilij'. Alcrrstruation.or Oppression ot the Me4 ses, r I uor Albus or xx hilt s, or ior DEBILITY arising from any cause. such as weaknessfrom sick . ness. where ihe pari, ni hirs been confined lo bed fo some time, for Femulesolter Cunfintiiieot A boriit n or Miscarriage this Cordial cannot be excelled in its salutary effects: or in loss of M usculai Energ), Irritability, Physical Prostraiion, .Srminal Weak ness, Palpitation ot tho Heart, Indigestion, Slug jishness. Decay ol the Procreaiive Functions, Ner vousness. c, whs-re a TffNfe Med. cine is required, it will be foundequctljff rroi srlperior to any Com pound ever used TO EE MA LES. Henry'elnvigoraiing Cordial, is one of the mosi invaluable .Medicines in Ihe many Complaints to which Fem.ilas are subject. It assists nature to brace ihe whole system, check excesses. and rreate renewed health and happiness. Less sutferini;. disease and unhuppin. ss among Ladies would exist w ere they srencrally to adopt the use of this C r dial. Ladies who ire debilitated bv ihose obstruc tions xxhii h females are liable to. ore restored bx the use ol a butt I or two, to bloom and to vp'or. YOUNG MEN. That solitary practu o, ao iatal to ihe existence ol man and it is i he you ns who are most api to be 'o ".ne i Is victims, from an iguorence ol ihe dan;ei lo which ih- v sntject ihemselves. causes NERVOUS DEBILITY. Weakness oi the System, and Prcmatiiie Decay Manx of you may m w besuff rinr. misled as lo ihe cause or source of disease To those, then, xx ho by excess have brought on thrmst Ives Premature I m poitncy, Inxol niary ."i n.iiinl Emissions, TV'eak ocssand Shrivel. ing ol the Genilal Organs, Ner vous A ft-eihwis. r an V"t her eofisequenci s of unres trained indulgenre of the sensu.il passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing the felicities oT MARRIAGE. lessrnini' both men'al and bodily rapacity. Hold! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a Mcdicin thai is nur- Iv Vcif table, will aid nature tc re.-loic those Tllfi TRIWEEKLY COMMEKlnf, r U pnWhrtwd irjn. TmiMt, Thob.dt aJ 4TDalt av r& jrr arfcoum, payable inallcaaei. mi advance.' ' , -,, -, BY raOJIAS LGfrUHO'--Eto and P.o..... fo, ' ;x-:. t Corner Front and itfarker Slrceti ' j . -i' ; WlLMIR4T03l.il. C. ' M I. 4 bb S trO 8 i a 12 0(7 HATES lK AllVKKTISISC. i sqr. i insert loa U bit t I sqr. 2 months. l " l ntorrlh. 3 50 I 1 -12 ten lines or lci inika i imiirt., H in ..... iisenu ni ettted ten lincr-lie piic6 will be in "iroporiion. . All a Ivertiscinenls are payable at the time of 'heirlneertion. -.j.-wi.hm(. ;onir.icts with yearly advertisers, will be made n the must liberal terms. . , , .,.- . N transfer of contracts for vearly . adveriMng' willbe perrrritted. SihoTrM effeu.iiiiancea tender i change In bifiirfesy, or nn unexpected rem'al-n-cesary, a charge accordins io the po' lit-hecf terms will be at ihe option ot ihe contractor, fr the time he has advertised. . .. The privilege of Annual Advertisers is itrlctly imired to their wn immrraJlate buninessf and air ' idvcrtisements lor ihe benefit of other prtunf ii well a all .tiiveriUetnents not Irrrtnndiately ron lected with iheir own htslffees, and all excess of i tvenisements in length or otherwise beyonJ ihtf imits en?aieJ. will be charged al the nsual ru(os- No AltferlMements ia included In the con rarf or tha sale or rent of homes or lands In town .- ountry. of for ihe sale orhire of rtejffoa. wheih r the nroparty Is owned by '.ih-edverliwrr or by nh r persons, Them are excluded by the lerui' ' immediate butines" ' '. Ml i-l irneintnt Inserted In the lrj-wekl' imtrnial, ire- entitled lo one ieserlion in ths il'rekl'j free of chartre. IJOU, CIR AfVI) K4VCV pnitffjiC- HXK''DrE0 SGPKRKiK STtLE. . V'iBNT-l TllKCOMllEBCUL. N sw Vo.atC Mefsrs. Diiilnii & Pott. ' Hi t ri -nAm Smith. M-t.6, Ceniral Wharfs Philadelphia -S. F.. ('ohm ' lia'timoreWit. H. PiAitcand ft'H. Thomsow.'" SMOKED TONGUES, piCKLF.D TON'GUF.S & SVIOKK.I) BF.F.F I Ju-t received loetber xvith 2 bbls Salmon; ' 'bis. F M IJei-f, 5 half barrels d .; 50 Basket. Champaign; 4't packajjes nssorl d Crackers ; 5l h .s Colfet ; 30 lliiinis Fi's; 40 Boxes F.xtra Prunes; '.") bMs s'U2.its; N.O Alola-ses; S.H S v ri.p, ii h a m neral variety of n"od things al thi Original Family Grocery. GKO. .I Kits. J une 3. 31 :1b iron b::dsti;ads, IOLDIND, pioof air.iinst cunkir, knives, and L vermin, lor sale by WILKINSON ri KSLF.R, A jiril S. Upho'sl. rers. BOOT AMD SHOE STOKE. GKORGI-: II. r:i!.NCn.;it his old stand on Market street, bee !eav.' to return fiU thank' -o hi" old i ieiius and custoiceri tor ihe iioeinl pulroiiaut heretofore extended to mm, and to inform thrmtln.i his slock of Hoots and ho,s. including evcrv Vari ety in hi -4 line is now us complete and as ex tensive .is .u any I'ui t period. His slock of G. ni! mi r. Huvs i nd Children's Ho its ami -Whiles etnbraci s eve ry variety of style, fashion and quality that can be desin d. n that is usually called lor, including a line asso t :p nt ol Ladii is. Misses and Gentlemen's Ovei Shot s. He w iui.! particular!) inviirthe attention of ihe Ladies to his extensive assortmeni of L idiej and Vliases Len'her, Morocco. Knameled, Bronze, Pal. Leather, tio.it skin. blacK and while Kid and a va riety ol f itu y Colo, ed P.aots; Shoes and Slippers. Also, black, brown, blue, purple and variegated silk Gaitei s a m xv and handsome article, wil h and xvilii nut heels Lndit s fancy Gaiters nt SI s pair. Also, Sole Leather, t 'alecs' Skins, and Shoe Find ings Please call and examine. Mr French would also inform his friends ar.d the public, thai he is Stale Air nt for ihe sale of Davis' Pain Svillcr and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by filhci xvlioletule or rclail. Nov Id 10'2 ill CHANGE OF BUSINESS. VI N(i sold our entire Stock of Confcction- re, xve have opened at the same nlace a hand- "nmii! assoriiii'nt of Upholstering Goods. Paper tfttnsrirt ?s Window Shades. Curtains mid -'.r 'ures, M ' itfrestts, Eeattier Reds, Pittoirs, Cushions, t.oanf.s. (f-c d-c. H ivina siiiierior workmen from the North, xve will lit up Private House-, Hotels. Roardinz Houses. Sicamlionis, ILail Road Cars, &c, in fact everx thin' in i tie line of Uusiness, and endejvor to give -.aiisraciion. At ihe same time would return our incre thanks for the very liberal patronage wi have h id for the last seven vears, and shall endea vor to merit a continn -nee in on- nexv Hniincm. WILfClNSON & F.I F I, March 18. 1-tL Market Sireet. i.raily Journal copy. CHEMICALS. 50 lbs MGIRS: TOBACCO AND SNUFF. AT?THB.CI7T1GAR STQ&B. Ml sale end: ILetaiLut prieaa lo mmoibot.- may it. - O,. Germa", French, and I'nrrlish uinine; 5'1 lbs. Sirup Iodide Iron Blue Pill Mass ; 16 oz?. Sulih Mophi:2 ozs. Surph Cinchonia, and Hie lan-est snpplx o t Chemicals ex er odcred for saleinlh' State, t-or sale at CAD DePRK'S. juie?9. J. (f- H. copy. Drug Vx are Rooms TH F, ICE! ITEM ICE!!! "VVILA11NGTON ICK HOUSF." S now open the publicmiy dependon havine their wants supplied all seasons "of the year, at reasonable rutes. Orders from ihe conntry nddYoeed to ''Wilming ton Ice House", will be well packed and promptly forwarded. A. H VaBOKKF.LEN, Prr-prietrtr. March 10th, !8o4. 152. PLEASE TARE NOTICE; THAT we make the verv .best Spring Hair Mossihirck.Seaas.Pifent Trit, ind Palin Leaf Mattrassea WILKINSON A KSLKR. June 17 Uphwlstcrprs. OFFICE WILi & R I LEIGH R:R:C0.. WILMINGTON, Mav5(h, 1354. , , IPAKTICOfcAKIiQTICE.rfga , - j rTEREAFTKUTlekeie io pt over . ihe Road ll of IhiaUompany will, in. no com, bo sold oa Owners ansst app!y Ja person and purchase for thrrnrhand tfcTk--kei'o't-CtMitfoilr,-and point out to him th aeera for whom tt wai booghu. - t FOR MEN AND BOYS. IVFW anpiilv f Linen Drills, Angola Casai meres, Colored iind i'lack Cashmarcts, with a i'ew Pai rerns Fancy Frenc Cass meres. .May 9 HRDRICK & IIYAN. THOMAS SMlTUlTcol DF.ALERS I N CORN. JIF.AL. IIOUOV. I'KAS and OATS, and COW and HORSF. FF.F.D. Bealty's Wharf, North Water Street, WILMINGTON. N C. THOMAS SMITH. D. Dt'PRE.' JU. Our Sieam Grisl Mil! is noxr in puceessful upera tion We will have tl in our power to de iver I h ibove articles at short notice VVe hare a "23 h"r oower engine and thall run two pair of four fiei iiones. Orders c m beaddrcesed ! C; DuPre A Co., or to the subscribers. J"Corn ground on TOLL. THOMAS SMITH A CO. April 10. 15-if. DENTISTRY. Da.T. B. CA; R has returned from the Monh with a largely increased slock of Teeth. Instruments, ore Having consulted many eminent Dentists, he has perfect co'. fidence io the superiority of Allen' Pa tent mode of inserting teeih with artificial gums Full ta inserted immediately uilex the extraction .i ihe eeth. and remodelled afier the gums have 'xealcd without addiiional charge. They ( an be worn without pain, and rein ird from the inoujh. by he Wearer, and are cleaner and stronger than teeih msei ted in an v other way. and are -warranted to . ijive perfee satisfaction. All other operations per or rued in lite host, approved nunner. Referener to incTividuars in thfs id ace now wearing teeth with the pal-n improvement "'" Ocr-lw-inf i Q6 FIFTEEN IJfl0USANlD()LLARS WORTH OP BOOTS, SHOES, AND J BRO t gaa.t Having: purchased our entire snck fsl from the manufactories', we- re prenared to ohVr indueeraeoUMOibe COUNTR Y MERCU AST$ equal to aojrcoublMbraont oib of Bom. ApriI8.- - - ; JONEf A GARO!RR; 'j FILES' FILES!! FILES!!!: :-: JtTST rocetTed?- a f uU -assortmol t Batchers eremoaa &vr fniM.r AluiDwiiagKIfl Unr extra important lunctions to a healihy stat. and xx ill prove of service to you. It possesses rare vi'tuet, is o general remover of disease, and sir nathener ol the system .4 .4 TOXIC MEDICINE. it is ii nsur)assed . W e do nol place I his Cordial on h footinir wiih quack medicines, and. as is custoimi rv. append a loiij li-i ol iieconiniendations. Cer ijficatis, Ac. bi tlnninc with "Hear what the Prenchei says." a-vl sn-ii Iike it m not necessary, for '- li nry's Invigorating Cordial. !' only nn da o trial to piove that it xvill arromplish all we sav. THE GESUISE H E Sit Y S IS VIGOR A 77V (7 cordial:' i put up in 8 oz. Pannel Bottles, and is easily recog nized bv the Manufacturer's sign. ifure on ihe labli of ea.jli lloiH'-. (to counterfeit which is forgery.) a well as his private Seal on the cork of each Untile. j-Sold for S'J per Hoide; Si.x for $9; S:6 per dozen Prepired only by S. E. COHEN. No. 3 Franklin How. Vine Street, below Eiilnh. Philadelphia, Pa. TO WHOM ALL 0DKRS MUST BE AD DR F.SSF.l). For Sale by all respectable D ru::'isi. A Merchants throughout the country. Oct.2!. OT-l'm-c. MICRLLANY. SUGARS! SUGARS!! O. For i TUsT received a prime lot of N J J. R. BLOSSOM !e bv 'une l. 35 WHEAT, HUE. CORN & PEA FANS. IUST in store a nd for sa It- b v del 3. .1. M. ROBINSON. TOWAGE! TOWAGE! ! "SS" ft. STEAMER Sam Mcarv A At Cutb rie, master ; Steamer t'alluo.n, Jo Snrinus. master, are reiidv at at uncs for business. Ordtis for Toxtoet wiil hav. irompi attention if lilt iiiufliceol AenL GKO. HARRIS'S. Jan. 1 3.s-tf MOUSR'S CUMI'OU.MJ SYJIUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT. I"HISis a I'nreJi) VesretatJi- Cnwnnimd icien I i fi -i cat ly pr part ti t roui llie beol Knul. and lici b I the Materia Mi dica. and has gained an unrivall ed jpuiuiion for ihe ioilou itiu ( flct ts. x j : PURIEY1SG TUB BLOOD. md thus eur iny all i I u mors. Sores, Ulcers, Cu Ian c .jus Krupiions. Canker, Scald Head, Ac. Krgululiiig a tt il Cleansing llie Ktoiiiiiiii k Bowels. lliu.t cures Dvspeisia. indigestion, Costivciicss. Piles. Ac. Stiens;ilieniiis the Digestive Orsni s. thus causing t lie food to nourish andsupponevery part. B EG I.' LA TING THE SEC IIEI'ABV ORGANS. jnd,by cnablinsi ihem lo perform theii properfunc inrrs, presenting andeL-ring I'ihout undotheipain ful diseases Mrcngthrnini and Qiiielingthe Nervous System, thus 1 1 laying Nervous I rrilalion , and curingall dis eases ol the Nerves. 1 1 is (inrivallediniheeureol all FEMALE DISEASES. a. Weakness I rrrgulariiy . 'bst ructions. & c. It is pleusant to take, and safe in all cases ; act i nr i n harmon v xvith 'he restoring vowers ol r.alur" it ntiver inj nres bu I always henelils and cures, ns thousands ol voluntarv certificates from the best i ii ihtirii if i- testily . Prepared by C. MORSE 4- CO. 2J Maidrn-Lane, .V V". Sobl by Druggist find oihers thronghoul ihisan'' ithei conn tries. S. B. d J A . EVANS, Agenla, Wilmington. N. C. sept. 30. 85-ly-c CORNICES June fl. or Mosch. to Netting put up. bv WILKINSON if- ESLER. 37. RATES OF PILOTAGE. TUST printetl and for sab at The Conimsrcial J Office, llie Rues of Pilotage lor ihe B r and itiver. 3 .'-if. 40,000 May 18. rililt'iis URlthS. HARD Nor ill River, for sale by GEO. HARRfsS. 27. Miiitiaw files. AptU TO THE LADIES. OPEN FD thit morninu, a oi isrnificenl slork o E obrotderies, incliidina Jaconcn. India Mult, and Swiss Collars. Chimisi'-i ts and Under- U ex es. Iso, Real Honiion, Real Maltese, utnl Kea Va encene do. do, all tn sei; not in sets .VI us'in Col lars, Keal Honiion do and Aluslin with Vulcnccnif La e auaebed ; also, a la re ass 'n ment of Under--lecves, all of ihe richest and newest pailein. Kv thesaine Kxpress reeeived : Dresses, Kiel iilk Grenadines and Tissues, plain do do assort edcolors, in I Snin Plaid printetl Beragcs, p'aii Ch illys. Black Silk llittsand Gl ve', and color ed Kid do.. Brown, Green, Blue, and Black dolled Lace Veils. For sale by Apiil 18. JiMKS DAWSON. M 0SCH ET0A ETTING." A T A DE and put upon high r low post Bed--VI steads, by WJLKl.S.SON e ESLER, May 20. Upholsters. HOOP IRON I AND NAILS."" 'TMIE 8'ioscrib-r will be cnsinmly ret-eivin? con L sinments oi tli. se articles, nt the bt st quality and otiei s them at lowest market rates JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. March 29. 5-lf. RELLS! BELLS! ! BELLS!!! I tl K .subscribers manulaciure und keep con- i. smntly n hard a large assortment of Bc-H; suitable for Churches, Acadmiet, Factories, Stea tiers. Plantations, ere., mounted with their im proved llansrtnvs, the most efficient in use. Then establishment ha been in ooera'ion Thirly year- having turned onl nearly 10,000 Belts averaging 600 lbs each; and its patterns and process of manu factur po perfect ed, logether with recent Impiove 'iienis, that its Bells havean unt qualed reputtin for volume of sound and quality of tone. They have just rreeivrd Jan. J 9541 he First Premium ( A Silver Medal) of the W orld' l air in New York oyer all Bells from this Country or Europe. ' Haw ins a large assortment of Bell on hand, and heiai in immediate connection with rentes in alt direc (inns, either Sail Road. Canal mr Rivrr. and. but 4 hours from New Vote, wcanxecute orders wiih dlspalch." Address; - t. -rA.FMETVEEI.T'S SONf, - - . W -st Trey, Albany Co.. Ti. V. Feb. 21. - 144-'vc. BUTTER ! BUTTEK ! ! : vpjo M--i ui. Jnt r- csiyeUby - L. N babi.ow, . titgbt, one of :-,tbe -rwiiorssbeing id a bxend SHAKING HANDS A ROUGH PAV. Dunn"- ihe exhibition of th wild ni- ra.tU at the Floating: Palace on SalHTtiay Jana- . - PAPEK JIAXCLNG WE ha j st recivd W dmi as sowmentof Fr0Ch Gill nd Amarwan Pa-, 'pet Uansias. Borders, f ire) Screcn?aBd CTcnttt? for sale Hoax ia ' 1 .Vfl.KiWSOJfc ESLER, Upholsterers t April 1. At our old stand. AFFF.CTI.Nr; STORY. - The iibU-iy d ilu! Tin.'-f Company; is not the only tiugtdy ol which the iowii of (,'oUuiil ns has rxeii t fie scene Mrs. Elizabeth G. Tlunnpson has also ht'iMi lobbed ol" a jewel (of a niati,) and' itlist'th with the public tonching th' same, in words following, to wit; " S Rkwakd. Left bed and board, without any jut causj or provoration my husband Alexander Thompson, to whom l'was lawfully married 'by Squire Alt -Kendree. The said Thompson left this city a few da s since, for parts tit': known to his lo ing and devoted wife. My husband is about twenty-four or fivo years old, but has not yet .arrived at years of discretion. He is almut five feet hx inches in height, dark complex ion, blue, jealous looking eyes, , and is' usually suspicious and distrustful of ihose he takes an iruerest it." Any' one who will give, information of the aliovo personage lo nie at Co!tunbii., will re ceive the above reward, and the thanks of bis most chaste, virtuous aud discon-.. solute wife. Elizabeth G. Thompson. Columbus, May 28. Editors who feel disposed to aid the cause of injured innocence, will please publish llie above." Sm t ly this Alexander is a wayward chicken, to ramble from the shelieiiug wiiif. of so careful a hen, and we bhould not be surprised to learn that he is of a kin to him of whom was writ in sad heroics : "Oli, Tommy Thompson ; Tommy Thompson, oh! 4 A literary eoiresjioiident of the Co- hunbus Eiujuiier, foreboding the anx ious curiosity ol the public, has, in a touching narrative unveiled the hy me nial history of the " ill-starr'd wench Elizabeth. We cannot forbear quoting a. part : ' Don't u rekolect sum 7 or eight muuths ago a rich widdur that kum fiom Stewart kouniy up here sparkin.. She kouiied a Misiur Thompson, retale de Lt in water-melluns, appals, and noekr need speril?, jist a little abutr Rnse 6c Haruard's store, oppasilOaptun Canovv's hotel. After she had addressed him fur a short tyme, he begun to feel ,l liuder Ernoshuus," and when he heard she had 30,000 Uollnryhe " kould huld out no more," and tha wur maryed.--The next mornin he swore the .wur aa anjil a. woman what just suited him, fur she wur rich too. He kousulted sev eral lawyers afniut the best way fur him tu go about takin charge of. hi duleey nea's eil'ex, and afmr gitlin thur advice he went tu bur Horn tu proklaim hirn self u monark of all he survade." He found ihat all wam't gold that glitters and, unfeeling retch !has desuited his lieitur halL She are now.mi the look out lur him, yo she kan give' him a change of clothin, (ulfekshunate kretui) tor she sez lie didu't : karry,. euny ,wiib him. , She rekwested nre tosa to u if u could get euny iufoimashun konsurnin him, that u wud oblgue hur by drap piu hur a fu lynes thru the postolyce ; and that she wishes u in rek west -the Prcsydent i f Tixas not tu let him niar iey befoie she gits thar. ' f -" - - " Hae tioley flnmo hale sakred tye, . That bines 2 gentle sole in 1 ; On ekwal w in8 thvij pleshurs fly, In ekwal stremes thus swrrows run." Jist du all u kan fur the pore woman. O wimmin, lovly wimmin ! Judge Kolqtutt sayrd in a speech he maid in the kourt hons on Greemj's 'rryal,-that u wur the konncctin link "between mau and the Devil. Charleston Mercury.. A FIEMMSII ACT. The Bufralo (N Y.) lerrocrat sayv that ou Wednesday wek, a man resi ding in the vicinity of Chatham, C. WM drove a yoke of oxen upon the track of the Great Western Koari, fastened them head and foot, and theu, throwuie them on their backs, tied them down aud left them. The train which next passed the. spot was tmrowu oSf several persons were injured, and greats damage was done to the cars. The wretch who per petrated the act has fled, bin a- large re ward is offered for his apprehension, and we trust he- will 'not escape." . 3 Granit JUW, ,t r. mnnA nPTrA tn halr . hand Of PaWS with the South American 1 lger.ot Jaguar- 'The latter. ' nothing loath, put forth Ji paw, ana wiia one snort grip ' " two ofahe"uwn' fitr" rUe-on o bboewitbr his 'te'rribla fangs.' . - ' . '