- Cjranettial. WILMINGTON, N. C: THURSDAY. AUGUST 17 1851. Prom, the Raleigh. Register. THE "KNOW NOTHINGS." A secret organization, as is Well known to many, 4ias lately sprung op, and his Mill more lately exerted an all powerful in fluence In some of the Northern cities. This organization is terrhedby out siders the 'Know Nothing Society.' By some u is condemned, by many approved, and all of ;he uninitiated are anxious to know hai are its objects ; and from the way in which their influence is directed, and from the leakings out of their principles, the public are led to infer that their main ob ject is the counteracting of the foreign and Catholic influence. The questiou may nr;se in some minds, what use is there in all this agitation ; the foreigners and Cath olics have not enough influence to do any hurt.' To answer this question we will stale a few facts : In 1852, 234,435 male fbreigners arrived in this country, of whom 16fJ.033,were oyer 20 , years ofage, and 85 715 offfiem Irish, the emigrants from which country are supposed to be about nineteenth-twentieths Catholics. The to tal number of male foreigners,, in the Uni ted States is 1,239.134; and supposing, as was the case in 1852, that nearly if not quite two-third3 were over 20 years of age, we find that number to be 826,237. We will then take off 226,287 as the number incompetent to vote by being under age, and by not having been naturalized, leav ing 700,000 as the foreign vote of this coun try sufficient in all conscience V elect the party who most favored theViews of the priests, to whom, by fffr the greater part of the foreigners are subservient. Such, then, being the numerical force of the foreign Catholics, is it to be doubted that they hold the balance of power ? In fact, in the last Presidential election, we find both the two great political parties en deavoring to make out that each of their candidates was more in favor of Catholi cism and foreigners than the other. And the defeat of the unsuccessful candidate is lo be attributed not a little to an expression which he is said to have used in relation to foreigners voting. It is also stated that a certain'Cabinet officer was promised the place he now occupies on condition that he would carry the Catholic vote of his State for the present occupant of the Presiden tial Chair. Until the past few months we have seen at every election which has oc curred in any of the Northern or Western States the complete triumph of him who j most favors Catholic views, lhis disposi tion to favor foreigners extends itself to ev ery branch of our government. In the dis position of the spoils good care is taken that no offence may be given to the foreign er Catholic party brethren ; and in doing this, incompetent foreigners are often put in places- trust, when persons fully com petent might have been chosen from the na tive applicants. Instances of such appoint ments we have not far from us. The dignity of a United States Senator has been laid aside for the purpose of ob taining Catholic favor and a nefarious clause inserted in a late territorial bill with which to catch the votes and favor of for eigners. And last of all we have the most fol and corrupt scheme of all a plan to attract more foreigners to our country for the pretended purpose of giving them a free home in a free land ; but the real object is to obtain a sufficient number of voters in the country, who will look upon the origi nators of this measure as demi-gods of lib erty and republicanism, so that some un-1 principled demagogue may, byn advoca cy of this scheme, triumph over purer men and purer motives. It must be evident to every reasoning mind, that the Catholic influence is every day gaining ground ; that it must, if not stopped, in its snake like and rapid career, 60on gain the preponderance in our coun try. Supposing such to be the result, ere long, what may we, the Protestants, expect from them 1 We make a few extracts from several of their leading journals on this and other points, to show whatlhey now avow while in the minority : ' 1 say with Brownson, that if the Church should declare that the Constitution and very existence of this or any other country should be extinguished, it is a" solemn ordinance of God, and every good Catholic would be bound, under penalty of the terrible punishment pronounced against the disobedient, to obey 1 Aposlolkus,' in the Bilio. Clipper. 1853. 1 Religious Liberty, in the sense of a lib erty possessed by a man to choose his reli gion, is one of the most wretched delusion' ever foisted upon this age by the father of all deceit.' The Rambler, 1853. The Church is of necessity intolerant. Heresy she endures when and where she must: but she hates it, and directs all her energies to its destruction. If Catholics ever gain an immense numerical majority rel igious freedom in this country is at an end Shepherd of the Valley, 1S51. ' Equality is an idle dream, an empty word fit only to be inscribed on the blood red banner of the Atheistical Revolution ist. ' It is one of the saddest ns well ns one of the silliest mistakes of our age, that the few may be snfely overlooked, and for all that i3 great and good and wise and just in the action of the State cr of Society, reli ance must be placed on the many, the masses so called.' Brptcnson's Oration at Ml. St. Mary's, 853. 'The sorriest gbv to us is a Catholic throwing up his cap and shouting.' All hail Democracy.' Brownson1 s Rev., Oct. 1852. 'We are not the friends of popular edu cation as at present understood. We do not believe that the masses, as our modern reformers insultingly call the laboring class, are one whit more happy, more respectabk, or better informed for knowing how to read In view of these and other facts, we on our own private account, and not as a Uatbolicvbnt as a prudent man and as a good Citizen, unhesitatingly declare that we re- gara tnc mvnuwn of pewtino as the reverse of tneing , wui muuern ideas or educa tion, aa essentially erroneous.' Shepherd of the Vol! rrt oo ''ZresVffuut HLvyor and embarrassed (ion- erooratBhail appeal to Catholic. Bishop to lnd taem thai mosc active exertions to ward Tpovmg otiits Sam the fabric of our Re piUk and the hope tfc the Constitution. - FteemsJommakJan. 14, 1854. - Volume of extract like the above might tie made, bat as we have already taken up too m&ch space with them, these must suf fice. Comment upon them is unnecessary; every reflecting person will see the deep laid schemes which lack of caution and too much self confidence have revealed too soon for their benefit, but never too soon for the good of the country. Our neigh horsof the North have the evil more im mediately amongst them therefore, they, feeling most its baneful influence, first orig inated a society or parly to counteract it. The charge that it is an abolition move ment is futile, and more so when we reflect that it now exists in and is rapidly spread ing over the iouth. We are well assured that its main principle is founded on the words of our greatest statesman the re vered Washington who, in his farewell address, sn3's : 'Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, I conjure you to believe me, fel low citizens, the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since histo ry and experience prove that foreign influ ence is one of the most baneful foes of re publican governments." We have endeavored to give a brief sketch of the object of and the necessity for such an organization as this. If the reader would know more, join them ; their object is good, and every true American should give the cause a helping word, and every American must, feel a sympathetic throb for their success. Here all distinc tions"'! party cease; it is for our whole country, our Constitution and our free in stitutions, we are to contend. We know they have carried elections in favor of the minor of the two great parties, but it is be cause the" prominent men on that side are more inclined to the views of this society than those of the dominant party. Again we say. join. It is a cause in which your own peace and happiness are concerned, your freedom, ny. j-ourvery lives. ' You of the South may think there is no danger, but we ask j'ou why will 3'ou wait ? Your liberties declared to be 'wretched delusions,' to be 1 extinguished' by the beck and nod of a corrupt man, and you, the people, de clared to be unfit tor any good and not to be trusted with learning or books ! Must tiiejnint's foot press your necks before you move? AVhy will you look on in si lence while the jesuit twines his slippery coils around you ? Think of past ages, of what Catholicism has been, of what she will be, if you permit her ; think of St. Bar tholomew, of Vaudois, ol Waldenses ; think and act. You may be too cannot be too soon. lale, out you H. Luther Martin's Secret of Success. Every lawj'er of any note has heard and read of the celebrated Luther Martin, of Maryland. His great efforts in the case of Aaron Burr, as well as his displays in 'he Senate of the United Slates, will not be forgotten. Trffles in the history arc im portant, as we hope to show in the story. Mr. Martin was on his way to Annapo lis, Md , to attend to the Supreme Court of the State. .V solitary passenger was in the singe coach with him, and as ihe weath er was extremely cold, the passengers soon resorted to conversation to divert themselves from loo much sensibility to the inclement air. The young man knew Mr. Martin by sight, and, as he also was a lawyer, the talk began to spin itself out of legal mat ters. 'Mr. Merlin,' said the young man, 'I am just en tering on my career as a lawyer; can you tell rne the secret of your great success ? If. sir, you will give me from 3'our experience, the key to distinction at the bar, I will' ' Will what?' asked Mr. Mariin. ' Why, sir, I will pay your expenses while you are at Annapolis,' replied the young disciple. ' Done,' responded Mr. Martin. 'Stand to your bargain now, and I will furnish you the great secret of success as a law yer.' The young mnn asssented. ' Very well,' said Martin. 'The whole reason of my success is contained in one little maxim, which I early laid down to guide me. If you follow it, you cannot fail to succeed, his this : 'always be sure of your evidence.' The listener was very attentive smiled threw himself back in a philosophical posture, and gave his brains to the analy sis in true lawyer patience, of 'Always be sure of your evidence.' The young man watched Mr. Martin. Wherever eating and drinking were con cerned, he was indeed a man to be watch ed; especially in the latter, as he was im moderately fond of the after-dinner, af'.er supper, after-anything, luxury of wine. A few days were sufficient to show the inci pient legalist that he would have to pay dearly for his knowledge, as Martin seem ed resolved to make the most of his part of the contract. Lawyers, whether young or old, have legal right3, so the young man began to think of the study of self-protection. It certainly was a solemn duty. It ran through all creation. Common to an imals and men, it was a noble instinct, not to be disobeyed, particularly where the ho tel bills of a lawyer were concerned. The subject daily grew on the young man. It was all absorbing to mind and pocket. A week elapsed, and Mr. Martin was rea dy to return to Baltimore. So was the young man, hut not in the same stage with his illustrious teacher. Mr. Martin approached the counter in the bar room. The young man was an anx ious spectator near him. 'Mr. Clerk' said Martin, 'my young (nend, , will settle my bill, agreeably to aereement.' The young man said nothing, but looked every thing. ' He will attend to it, Clerk, as we have already had a definite understanding on the subject. He is pledged, professionally, pledged, to pay my bill,' hurriedly repeated Martin. ' Where's your evidence V meekly asked the young man. ' Evidence !' sneered Mr. Martin. ' Yes sir,' said the younr. man, as he 1 complacently responded, Always be sure, mi. Martin, ol vour evidence. Can vou prove the bargain V Mr. Martin saw the snare, and pulling- out his pocket book, naid th hill nH with great good humor, assured the youn- man 1 Ynn ht 1 1 1 An '. - i . p " ' , " " can get tnrougn the world with your professioh without ad vice from me. DR. C SEM0UR'S Celebrated Galvanic Abdominal SuDvorter f. - uiiugiuu, 11 . for the sale of in. abW Soddt. Z Ti.T!?.n" and o il " - w " viucv , jnarcn M, 1H54 lace K. Of the above Sunir. r Viei"'"Ito TAYLOR'S INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. BKOADWAT, Cor. of Franklu Street, NEW YORK. -A IS completed and opened tor traveUera who de sire agreeable and attractive accommodations. It is conducted upon the principle of tbefcest Ku rooean Hotels, the meals being served in Ihe seve ral apartments, or at the tables in the saloon, at the option of guests. The Hotel and Furniture combine elegance with comfort, and is designed as well for the convenient reception of travel lers by the late trains. JOHN TAYLOR, Proprietor. Jan. 2G. 133 lyc. BRICKS BRICKS 40,000 May 18. HARD Norih River, for sale by GEO. HARRISS. -27. A JUST RECEIVED. FEW kegs of extra Butter, and for sale by C. DcPRK & CO. June 22. 42. STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL. I" WILL sell low and on accommodating JL terms, the F-nine and Machinery of the Uape eat & team Saw Mill 14 inch cylinder, 2 feet' stroke j three 31 inch boilers, 30 feet long tnainrhafi 10 feci 6 im-hes long the power of lhis engine is estimaud at 6U lioisc has anew extra cylinder and log gc'rin:, and all the ajipliancca necessary for the full (.qui nu nt to operuie at once. Also, 2 S t jve-d rca?i ng Machines, Jointers , die., complete. O. G. PA RSI-K V. Jan. 21 131-tf JUST TO HAND. CRF.SII SODA, Butter, Milk, ?ugar, and Pilot V Crackers; 18 bbls. handsome Brown Sugars; 0 hbli. Clarified, 10 Crushed, 10 Powdered and 5 Granulated; Fulton Market Corn Brcf; Smok ed Bef; New Chee?c ; Lon No. I Mackerel; Cod Fish, an J various other iicms that will be found useful as wcIiJsorii.iinc ni.il, at ilic Fami ly Grocery. 1000 lbd. Korneeay's Kxtra Hams. Just to hand. GKO. M VERS, Front st. May 18. 27. RATES ' OF-PILOTAGE. JUST printed and for sate JThe Commercial Office, the Rates of Pilotage' or the Bar and Kiver. . - . t 3-tf. BACON! BACON!! 1 Q ODf 1 LBS BBPerlor C. Hams, A ) JJJ Sides Jd Shoulders, just received and for saleby ? August L. PjETTKWAY & PRITCHETT. TO THE LADIES. OPENED this mornrnsr, a mignificent stock of Embroideries, including Jaconett, India Mull, and Swiss Collars, Chimizetts and Undersleeves, also, Real Honiton, Real Maltese, and Real Va. lencene do. do, all in sets; not in sets M us!in Col lars, Real Honiton do. and Muslin wiih Valenccne Lace attached ; also, a large assortment of Undcr sleevcs, all of ihe richest and newol patterns. By the same Express received: Dresses, Rich Silk Grenadines and Tissues, plain do. do. assort ed colors, and Salin Plaid printed Berages. p:1n Challys, Black Silk Mitts and Glove?, ar..1 color ed Kid do., Brown, Green, Blue, and Black doited Lace Veils. For sale by Aptil 18. 1 JAMES DAWSON. M0SCHETO NETTING. TADE and put up on high or low post Bed 31 steads, by WILKINSON & ESLKIt, May 20. L'pholst ers. HOOP IRON AND NAILS. 'PHE subscriber will be constantly ncin.ns rnn- i;.ialny mmenis ol thtsc articles, of the btbi and oilers thcin at lowest mniket rates JOSJJi'H R. BLOS.-OM. March 2?. 5-11". BELLS! 1MIK Subs MOUSE'S COMPOUND S VII UP OF ! YELLOW DOCK ROOT. j "TMIISis a I'urd'j Vegetable C'o.ijount.icicntifi- j I cally prepared Iroin the best Roots and Herbs' of the Materia Medica. and has gained an unrivall- j ed reputation for the follow in ellc ts, j-z : i PUHIt-'YIXli THE Ul.OtH). and ihuseurins all Humors, Sores, Ulcers, Cutane ous Eruptions. Canker, Scald Head, Ac. i Regulating and Cleansing Hie Monuu li & Bauds, j thus.it cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion. (Jostivcness, I Piles, .cc. 1 Strengthening the Digestive Oryans, i thuscausing the food to nourish andstipporicvcry , i'art. rf.c.i la i ing run t-Lcn i:ta ky onr.ANs. ; and, by enabling ihem to perform thoir proper tunc- j ions, pre eming and curing BiPousundotiicipain- fu I diseases. Slrengthrning and Quiclinptlie Ncnons System, j t h us. i Haying iNervous I rritation , and curing all dis eases ol the Nerves. Itis nnrivallediuihecureof nil F K.MALE DISEASES, as Weakness, I rregularity.i bst ructions, & c. 1 1 is pleasant to take, and sale rn all eases; act ing i n harmony with 1 he restorin i; powers of r.ai uro it never inj tires but always benefits and cures, as thousands oT voluntary certificates from the best authorities testify. Prspared by C. MORSE .f- CO. 2) .Maiden -Lane, X V. Sold by DrujTyist siml ot liers i hrotitihou 1 1 liisan otheiconntries. S. B. if- J. A. EVAN'S, Airrnts, VV i Iniint on . A . C. sept. 30. So-ly-c BELLS!! BELLS!!! icnbcrs iuani::actlite and Keep eon- t.int lv on hai.d a larjre iif?nr nt of l.-!l. suiiable for Churches, Acadniirt, Faciei it s, Stea mers, Plantations, etc., mounted with their im proved Hangings, the most ( Ri. icnt in ue. Their establish mi lit has Iili n in oprrntion Thirty year.-, having turned out nearly 10.000 Bells averaging GOO lbs each; and its patterns and process of manu facture to perfect i (I, to; t iier with ree n t improve ments, that its Bells have an urn qualed rcpiital ion for volume of pound and quality of lone. They have ii.-t rec ive.l Jan. I9.")l the Kirst Premium (A Silver Medal) of the. World's Fair in .rw.- Vork. overall Bells from this Country or Furop". Hav ing a la i ye a. -s' a t no nt of Bells on hand, and he! n a in immed ia le eon nret Ion with rentes in all din c t ion?, ei' l.i r Kail KoaJ, 'anal or River, and hut 4 hours from New Voik, u e e in execute orders wilh dispatch. Addios A. M KNEEL V'S SONS, W i Troy, Albany Co.. N. V. Feb. 21. 111-lyc. In L'.n.ci:t a i jueni HUTTEK KKGS Extra No. iJ eeived by June 3- BITTER ! ! Go-hen Butler. Just i L. N" I! A Rt.OW, 3 Granite Row. VKllJ G March 23, DoPRE. 3rU. CORNICES 'orMo(iiii.)iiiin" put up. by WILKINSON .f- KSLER. Jun- ?. GOSHEN BUTTER. OX KK.O.S Extra G.ishcn But ler, just received ZitJ and for s ilc low for cash, at June 3. GKO. M VERS. PAPER HANGING. ivc J st reniveil a very handsome as- irtment o! b reni n Gilt and American Pa per Hanins, Borders, Fire Screens, and Centres for sale. Munr in handsome style by WILKINSON .1 ESLER, Upholsterers. April H. At our old -tand. PAINTS. '.BS. Prime White Lead: 5000 lbs. enitian lied; 40 bids. Spanish Broun; 23 bbl-". Fire Proof Paint : S00 do. Ver digris; lUUOd't. l.'h. Green; Till) do. Paris Green; j do. Jnpm and 3 do Coach Body Varnirh, for sale cheap, by C . & D . DcPRE. Julyl. J. and II. cony. 16. H 'OLI'E'S SlIIIEDAJI SCHNAPPS. i) DOZEN Wolf,-'.-Schi. -dam Schnapps, q 30,(x:o:vi 00 June 3. FRESH PEACHES CANS Fm-h Peaches, just ne au 1 1 1 u 1 oi tier, at and pinl, juit to h ind, and lor sale and retail, at New Vork prices. April 21'. GEO ts !-, whok- M VERS. DENTAL NOTICE. R. C.VRR will leave Wil in i n" t-n , on or aboii the twenty-fourth of July, lor a Northern tour. He intends to be absent about four weeks, line 27. 1 1-Jin. Town Daily and Weekly papers copy 2 months. I)' to lu G KO. M V I : ml RS. 31. INDIA CH0LAG0GNE. CERTaIN Remedy for Chills and Fevers fl tho isands can June, 29. testify, h or side at C. & D. DuPKE'S, Dm; and Che mical Store. J1. and 11. Copy. 45. PERFUMER V. ITBINS rivers. Prevosts, Bazins, an I Glenn Ie 1 1 u in i ry and Toilette articles, a very laruc nd choice, atsurtment of the above, for alc by s C fc I). DuPRK, July 1. Wholesale Drujjyirls. J. and H. cop . MACKEREL. HENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL. putHLY i i:gi:taiua: in its COMPOSITION. '"pHIS invaluable Cordial, Is extracted from Herbs JL and Roots, which have been lound alter yea is of experience, by the most skillful Physicians, to be possessed of qualities most beneficial in the iiis eases lor which it, is recommended, and hence whilst it is prcsintid to the public, as an etfiea cious remedy, it is also known to be ot that charac ter on which reliance may be placed ns to itssafcty. In cases of Impoteney, Uoemori hages, Disordered Steiility, Menstruation, or Suppression ol the Men ses, Fluor Albus or W hites, or lor UKISIL1TY arising from any cause, such as weaknessfrom sick ness, where the patient has been confined to bed for some time, for Femalesafter Confinement, Abortion or Miscarriage, this Cordial cannot be excelled in its salutary ellects : or in loss of M usenlat Energy, Irritability, Physical Prostration, Seminal Weak ness, Palpilalion of the Heart, Indigestion, Slug gishness, Decay of ihe Procreative Functions, Ner vousness. c, where a tonic Medicine is required, it will be foundequal, if not superior to any Com pound ever used. TO FEMALES. Henry's Invigorating Cordial, is one of the most invaluable Medicines in the many Complaints to which Ft-malas are subject. It assists nature to brace the whole system, check excesses, and crea tes renewed health and happiness. Less suffering, disease and unhappinessamonjj Ladies would exist, were they generally lo adopt the use of this C r dial. Ladies w ho are debilitated by those obstruc tions which fema les a re liable to, are restored by the use of a bottle or two, to bloom and lo vicor YOUNG MEN. That solitary practice, so fatal to the existence of man and it is the young who are most apt to be-o-me its victims, from an ignorence of the danger to which they subject themselves, causes NEl I'OUS I)EI11EIT Weakness of the System, and Premature Decay Many of you may now bcsuilering, misled as to the cause or source of disease. To those, then, who by excess have brought on themselves Premature lm potency, Involuntary Seminal Emissions, Weak ness and Shrivtliing of the Genital Organs, Ner vous Aflections.or anvother consequences of unres trained indulgence of the sensual passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing the feliciiies of MARRIAGE. lessening both mental and bodily capacity, Hold! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a Medicine that is pure ly Vegetable, will aid nature tc restore those importnntlunctionso a healthy state, and willprove of service to you. It possesses rare virtues, is a general f eiuover of disease, and stn ngthener of t he system AS A TONIC MEDICINE. itis unsurpassed. We do not place this Cordial on a footing with quack medicines, and , as is customa ry, append a long list of Recommendations, Cer tificates, Sc., beginning with Hear what the Preacher says." and such like ; itis not necessary, for '' Henry's Invigorating Cordial," only needs a trial to prove that it will accomplish all we say. THE G EXCISE "HESR"S IS VIGOR A- 7V.Vf7 CORDIAL," is put up in 8 oz. Pannel Bottles, and is easilyrecog nized by the Manufacturer's signature on the lable of each Bottle, (to counterfeit which is forgery.) as well as his private Seal on the cork of each Bottle. f-Sold for2 per Kettle; Six for S3; SIG per dozen.. Prcpired only by S. E. COHEN. No. 3 Fraaklin Row, Vine Street, below Eighth, Philadelphia, Pa., TO WHOM ALL ORDERS MUST BE AD DRESSED. For Sale by all respectable Druggists d. Merchants throughout the country. Oct. 29. 97-12m-c. 20 nBLS" :Xo" July IS. 3. for sn le by FREEMAN & 1()BBKS July 15. LINSEED OIL. for s i le I y FREEMAN & HOl'STON". 51. HOUSTON. 15. EMPTY BARRELS. fZT SECOND HAND Spirit Barrels, of good O JJ quality, for sale by July 22. RUSSELL & BRO. MACKEREL Cf RBLS. No. 3 New, aud of excellent quality JJ For sale by July 22. RUSSELL & BRO. 54. BACON! BACON!! QT HIIDS. SWes; 16 do. Shoulders, a prime tJ.article, BfcttlmaK sored, landing from Schr. Ltufo Ruaseil and fa low by July. IS. T. C. U. G. WORTH. PICRELS AND PRESERVES. AN Elegant assortment of Underwood's Pickets and Preserve. Jast received and for fh?P,t GEO. MYERS. JuJy 3. 43. LUMBER. A SMALL parei I of prime Rirr Lumber. Wide Boar-Is arid Scumling, suitable lor Plantation purposes, lor sale, by March 3U. JAS. F. GILLISP1E & CO. OUR MOTTO IS ' TO PI EASE'' AT THE Wilmington Saddle, Harness--, and Trunk j 3Jaiinfaetry. j rT1 II E s ubscriber re spec tl u lly i n for m .- t :i r p n b 1 i ( J- that he lias recently received additions to his stork of Saddle and Haines.-. Mountings, & c, the latest a Jul most improved tstyle, and is conslanly manufacturing, at hisstore on market strrt t. every description o I a rticle i n the a ho vc I i rte . From hit experience i n the business , he feels confide n i I ha i he wil 1 be able lo ui ve en l ire sal islac tion t o a 1 1 ho may favor him with a call. Ilc lu j now on hand, and wil Icons tali l ly kceii a la tee assort men I of Cnnrh. fit n nit S utf.tii Hi rn Italy's Smlittit, Bridl- s. I r.4 ., if...... -,. nu. n Sa-iilis, U "A ;'. all if which he will warrant I o be of the best materials and workmanship. He has also a larae assortment ol Trunk?, Valises-. Saddle and Carpet lias, Satchel s, i-'aiiry T r links. A: c . a nd a 1 1 ol her Tr uck's usually kept in such establishments, all el which he offers low for CASH , or on shortcredit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness ,Tr.inks , Rjdiea I Hags , el c . & c . . made to order. Inaddition tothe a bovc t he subscribe r il wa y s keeps on hand a large supply Stri n s; I it; a t her , and has now, and will ke-jp through the season a good assortmen t ol 1'ly N'-tt. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods, whether in wan t or not, as I t ake pieasu re i nsh" w -ing my assortment to all who may favor mo with a call. Harncssand Coach Trimminsrs sold at a fail price to persons buying to manufacture. Also, Whips at wholesale. All kinds of Ridin Yrehi les bough t a nd sold on commissions. JOHN J. CONOI.EY . Feb. 7, 1854. . 138 NOTICE. THE Subscriber having qualified at the last term of Brunswick County Court, ns execu trix of ihe will of William Riinkley, deceased, all persons indebted to his Ksiatc are hereby notified to maku immediate payment ; and those liavinL' claims against ii, are requested in my absence, to present ihe same to Gc rire Davis, Esq., in Wil mington. M. E. BRINK LEV, E.rr'. June 29. 45-6w. THE LONDON PUNCH, TS Received every week. Last No in this morn- X inc. For sale at S. W. WH ITAKER'S. 51. ing. t or sale at July 22. ROGERS' CUTLERY. THE Subscriber is now opening a fine assort ment of Rogers' selected 'Knives, Scissors, &c ; and has made an arrangement by which he will be regularly supplied with his goods, gotten up especially for hU retail sales. Those who wish the best in this line will always find them at J. M. ROBINSON'S. Wilmington, N. C, May 13. 17 CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF, AT THE CITY CIGAR STORE. OPPOSITE the Market, (South Side.) Whole sale and Retail, at prices to suit customers. Call and see. VANSICKLE. May 11. . 24 if. THP PIICDIMC iV WIIKIVfZnUT . . . n n M a Tnn UUJU Ammm Vm ll,A i. r iwjuniiVyn t toe ii. coroplished Pea of Agnes StrickUDd. This great vork ia at length before the public, it is jusl ivreevrded by the critical world one of th mndest literary performances of our time. Apart from its superior merit, the work ittelf, is oe of marked originality. No book is tea broad- range of modern fiction, unless, it be the far lam ped "Arabian Nights," will ia any degree compare with It. From beginains te end it is a volume of Fascination. Just publithed, and for sale at Jury 15. SW. WHITAKER'S. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DR, JOHNSTON Proclaims to the afflieied, far and near, that he has discovered the most cer ain. speedy and efficacious plan for treating partic ulsr.diseases that has ever been presented to ihe world. By his plan, foiu dedon observations made tn the Hospltalsof Europe and America, he will ienure A CURE IX TWO DA YS, OR XO CHARGE. f No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs Used. Pains in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, lui potency, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, affec tions oi the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous irritability , Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose, or Skin; and all those serious and melancholy disorders arising from the desti uc Ihehabitsof Vouth, which destroy both body and mindiiose secret aad solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the son; of the Syruns to the manners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant liP'.s orantlcipations, rendering marriage, &c.,im- YO L'NG MEN. Especially, who have become the victims of SolUa nj ice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps lo an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalied talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senates with the thunders of eloouence, oi waked to ccstacy the livinglyre, may cafl with 'full confidence. MA Hit 1 AGE. -ff-'-.ctipdoi.f.rthosecoritcmplatingmarria.Tc being awar. ol physical weakness, should immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. 1 lie v.ho places hinuelf under the care of Dr. John ston m iv religiously confide in his honor as a tenth-man, and cuiilid.nily rely upon hi.-skiil asa phy sician. r ' OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH EREDERICK St 7 HOOKS FROM BALTIMORE St., (east ij'r ) UP THE STEPS. a-J-HE P A If TI C U L. A R in obserMtigthe N A M h. and XCMUERr you uiil mistake the place. Dli. JOHNSTON. Member uf the Royal College; of Surgeons, London ; L'laihiale lioin one of ihe m.isl eminent Colli-.-' - o'l the United Suits, and the greater ( an ol u nose lib.- has bei n spent in tb.e hospitals of London Par is. Philadelphia. and elsewhere, has ell.cted some of liie in j-i astonishing cures thai were ever known man) troubled with ringing in tho head and 'tai-! v nen asii-i p, nicai nci Miususss, Dtltig .-.larmed suutKn souiuis, aim Dasni'i.nes s. iih bhhing. attended sometimes ith deran mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addressee all those vho have injured them selves by private and improper indulgences, thai se en i a nd s.;l;lary habit w Inch rules both body and mind, unfniini; them for cither business or society 7 Vie.-.-; are some of (he sad and melancholy ell. ets pioilucrd by early habits of youth, viz; Weakness of the Hack. and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of -iht, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the H.-art, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Deran2e iiw ntol the Digestive Functions, General lobiliy Svmptoiiir of Consumption, &c. ' Mkntally. The fearful etii cts on the mind are much io be dreaded ; Loss of Memory, of Causing of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Eorebodinon Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust. Love of Soli Hide. Timidity, die , are some of the evilsprodiiced. 'fi'u!,i)idsu( persons, of all ages, can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, b -coming weak, pale and emaciated, havca singular appearance about the eyes, cough arwl -symptoms. of Consumption. DR. JOIIXSTOX S IXVIGORA TIXG RE M EDY POR GEXITAL DEBILITY. This grand and important Remedy has restored streng-.h and vigor to thousands of the most ner vous and debilitated, many of whom bad lost nil hopes, and been abandoned to die. By its complete inviiroration of the Nervous System, the whole faru I ies become restored to their proper power and functions, and the fallen fabric of life raised up to beauty , onsistency, and duration, upon the ruins of an emaciated and premature decline to sound and prisi'iio heallh. Oh, how happy have hundreds of misguided youths been made who have been sud denly restored to health, from Ihe devastations of those terrific maladies which result from indiscre tion. Such persons, before contemplating MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, ihe pros pect hourly darkens to the view the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the mplan ch lly ia flection, thu t I lie happiness of another be comes blighted w ith our own. Let no false delica cy prevent you, but apply immediately, and save vourscll,from the dreadful consequences of this ter- ; rible mnlndv. j WEAKNESS Or THE ORGANS j immediately cured and full vjnr leslored. S VAIil. LETTERS MUST HE POST PAID. Remedies sent to anv part of ihe country. TO STRANGERS. DR. JOHNSTON,.)! the lialiimore Lock Hos pital, whose long resid- nec in this city, standing as a criiilemiin of character and responsibility exten sive pi ac-1 ice in the various Hospitals of Europe and lhi country, and skill arid experience to which thousands can testify, as well as his ability jn the Siirgicaldepartiiieni of Ins prufi sion. as evidenced by reports of bis oper.itn ns on the Eyes and De formed Limbs, publi-hcd in the Haltimore Sun and othi r papers, in the years H I 1 '2, by Inch the blind irrrc made tosr.c and the Itr.nr lo walk straight, ren ders him worthy of all confidence upon the part ol those w ho need his professional serv ices, and who would shun the many t rifling and ignorant preten di rs advertising themselves as Physicians. 5 j'l'o th"s- unacquainted with his reputation, Dr. John.-ton deems it necessary to eay that hi. eredi niials or diplomas always hang in his ollice. TyOFFICE, No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK St., East side, up the steps. Oct. 13. 90 ! v c. FOX & P0LHEUUS, 39 Broad Slra t , Corner of Beaver, N. York, Offer for sale the lollowiii" heavv Cotton Fabrics- a; ew-england cotton "sail DUCK-22 i-N inch, all numbers, hard and soft; also nil the various widths of Canvass manufactured at this es tablishment comprising every variety known tothe trade, and ollercd at the lowest rates. UNITED STATES PI LOT DUCK Woodberry and .Mount Vernon Extra. A full assortment of this superior fabric. UTI I 1MANTIC COTTON DUCK 16, 19.20 and 22 inch, all numbers, hard and soft. This fab ric was a warded the highest Premium at the Lon don W orld's Fair, also nt our own State Fairc SHIP AND BEAR MARK DUCK-- Plain and twilled, manufactured by ihe Greenwaod's Com pany, a o:p.-ri -raniele for lihtsuils. rents, awu.o-s. ic; also. Mount Vernon TwilPd Ravens. Howard Havens, Pioneer and Phcenix Mills; Lijjhtton Ravens, plain 22 to 27 inch; Heavv, do. do COTTON SAIL TWINE A full assortment. TARPAULINS, H AMMOCKS, STUFFS, dtc. PAPER FLUTING SO to 72 inch, made very heavy, expressly for drier fells. CAR COVERING Cotton Canvass, all widths, from 10 to 1 30 inches, and all numbers, made ex pressly for covering and roofing railroau cars, is perfectly and permanently water-proof, and more endurini! than the car itself. ENAMELLING CANVASS 30, 3P, 40, io and 30 inch plain and twilled, in every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description. Seamless Cass, woven whole, all size, in bales ol 1 00, 200 a nd 300 ; combining strength, utility and cheapness, for grain and meal are unsurpassed. Also, heavy Cotton Sacking, 40 inch Canvass. 3 thread tVarpand Filling, heavy twilled, do. do ,20 22, 40 and 44 inch. "WOOL SACLS Woven whole all sizts, a new and desirable article. Feb. 21. 144-ly-c AUBURN STILL FOR SALE. THE Plantation of the subscriber, ncar Raleigh, and on the Central Rail SSa Uoad. is new yet disposed of. A deacrip- tion has already been given -but no one will of course make so important a purchase without visiting the premises. Apply to WM. R. Pools, Esq., who lives near the place, or to the subscriber. T. LORING. W ilmingion, N. C, Ian. 23, 1351. ICE! ICE! ! ICE!!! THE "WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE" TS now open the publicmay depend on havino L their wants supplied all seasons of the year. a"t reasonable rates. Orders from the conntry addressed to "Wilming ton Ice House", will be well packed and promptly forwarded. v K ' , , IJ-vB0KELEN, Proprietor. March 10th, 18S4. 151. OFFICE WIL. & RALEIGH R. R. CO.. WILMINGTON, May 5th, 1854. 553 H -AFJKTlcketa to pass oyer the Road NKGROZl- 1 beeold 10 a Ker"j".S"J!P!jr in Pi and purchase for I..mf nlA? Tcktl ,he Coailnctor, end poiot obi to him the neffro- for whom H was bouhi. .. FILES ! FILES ! ! FILES I! ! JUST,rciw faB aoonmeat f Batchers -,;f?tt,fSw File, Also, the double tang eitra "'""Sfiw Fitee J; Mi'ROBINSOX. ApnS. ' g DR. J. B. HlRrniSl'S CELEBRATED DATIIOLKON, jFo r the relief & cure ofSaffering Females. It Elands pre-eminent for its curative powers in all the dis eases for which il is recommended, call ed Female ComplaiaU Of tnese are Pao LAP3U3 Urani or Falling of the Womb; KlOOI Al h 11 s , or Whiles; Chronic Inflamma tion and Ulceration of the Womb; Inci iental Hemorrhage, r Flooding ; Pain ul, Suppressed, and .rresu-Ur Menstrua on, &c, -v. ttti .: :heir accompany evils, (Cance. excepted,) t .oatter howsevcre or of how long standing. The Catholicon far surpasses other remedies, in being more certain, lessex pensive. and leaving the system in a better condition. Let all interested in such a remcedy call and obtain a pamphlet (free containing ample proof, from highly respcciabl sources, of the happy results of its use together with letters from first-class experienced physicians, who have used it in their practice, and speak IromJ. ihcir own observation;. a r.rtat!ccu. Prof. Dbnunr, M.D., Baltimore. Md. J C. Orrict, M. D., P. B. PecUham, M. D, Utica, N, V. D. V. Footc, M. D., Syracuse, N. V. M. H. Mills. M. D., Rochester, IV. Y. L. D. Fleming, M. D. , t'anandaigua , N. Y. W . W. Reese, M. D., Eity of N. Y. W. Prescott, M. I) , Concord, N. H. J. P. New land. M. D.. Utica, N. Y. Pamphlets can be had tjratisat the Storcof S. B.t J. A. EVANS. Orueeists Wholesale and Retail Agents. Wilmington, N. C. An l of most of the leading Druggists in the State. Letter addressed to .Messrs. Beach d Brovnson, Agents at Xncbemj C. It., S. C, by Rev. C. S. Heard, of savie St ite. Olf.ss Spbings, Jan.3ili, 1R53. Messrs. Pf.ach & litowsso.v Sins : I send for another bolileof your " Marehisi's Ularine Ca iholieon" Jly wife has been afflicted for eleven vears.and a variety of means has been resorted 10 for relief, but none was obtained until I received this medicine fromou. Its influence seems al ninsi ini-.'icnl : there was a manifest improvement from the day it was taken. As thercare a ;rcat many females in ourcouniry lahoring under the aflliclionfor which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel il a duty 10 rccom mend it lo all such. (Signed.) Clough S. Beabb. J. B. MARCHISI & CO., Proprietors. , Central Depot, 304 Broadway N. V. Nov. 19. 106 lyc POETRY. WHITE GOODS. AVER V larae and extensive variety ot every kind of White Muslins, including Jaconelts, Mu I. Nansook. Medium. Book, Bishops and Vic toria Lawns, Plaid, Striped, Plain and Figured Swissand Cambric Muslins, which will be sold at the lowest price, by JAMES DAWSON. April 13. 12. SMOKED TONGUES, PICKLED TONGUES & SMOKED BEEF. Just received together with 2 bbls Salmon ; 2 bbls. F. M. Beef, 5 half barrels do.; 50 Baskets Champaicti ; 40 packagos assorted Crackers; 50 bags Coffee; 30 Drums Figgs; 40 Boxes Extra Prunes ; 20 bbls. S ugars ; N . O. M olasses ; S. H. S y rup, w ith a general varie ly of good things at the Original Family Grocery. GEO. M VERS. June3. 31. IRON BEDSTEADS, IOLDIND, proof against canker, knives, and vermin, for sale by WILKINSON & ESLER, April 8. Upholsterers. BOoYInD SHOE STORE. GKORGE R. FRENCH, at his old stand on Market street, becslj leave to return his thanks to his old friends and customers for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and to inform them that his stock of Hoots and 5-hoes, ircluding every vari ety in his line is now as complete and as extensive as ai any former period. His stock of Gentlemen Boys and Children's Boots and Shoes embraces eve ry variety of style, fashion and quality that can be desired, or that is usually called lor, including a fine assoi tuient of Ladies. Misses and Gentlemen's Over Shoes. lie would particularly invite the attention of the Ladies to his extensive assortment of Ladicj and Misses Leather, Morocco, Enameled, Bronze, Pat. Leather, Goat Skin, black and white Kid and a va riety of fancy colored Baots; Shoes and Slippers. Also, black, hrown, blue, purple and variegated silk Gaitei s. a new and handsome article, with and with out hei Is. Ladies fancy Gaiters nt 81 2 pair. Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skirts, and Shoe Find ings. Please call and examine. Mr. French would also inform his friends and the public, that he is State Aernt for the sale of Davis' Pain Killer and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by either wholesale or retail. Nov 40 102 CHANGE OF BUSINESS. HAVING sold our entire Stock of Confection ary, we have opened at the same place a hand some assortment of I'pfiolsficring Goodli Paper ltangin?i, Windoir Shinies. Curtains and h i.r lures, Alaltrcssei, Eeatlier Beds, Pilloics, Cushions, I,oungcs. cJV cf-c. H iving superior workmen from the North, we will fit up Private Houses, Hotels, Boarding Houses, Steamboats, Rail Road Cars, Ac, in fact every thing in the line of Business, and endeavor to give satisfaction. At the same time would return our sincerjp thanks for the very liberal patronage we have hid for the last seven vears. and shall endea vor to merit a continuance in our new Business. WILKINSON & ESLKR, March 18. 1-tf. Market Street, uaily Journal copy. CHEMICALS. 1 nnn ozs. 1 V7VV Quinine : 50 lbs. SvruD In German, French, and Engls ilule Iron 30 lbs. Blue Pill Mass; 16 ozs. Sulph Morphia; 25 ozs. Suiph Cinchoria, and the largest supply of Chemicals ever ollcied for sale in this State. For sale a l C. & D. DuPRE'S, Ju 29. J. if- H. copy. Drug Ware Room s. FOR MEN AND BOYS. ANEW supply of Linen Drills, Angola Cassi mcres, Colored and Black Cashmarcts, with a few Patterns Fancy Frenee Cass meres. May II ED RICK dc RYAN. TnOMAS SMITD & coT DEALERS IN CORN, MEAL. HOJfONY. PEAS and OATS, and COW arid HORSE FEED, Emily's Wharf, North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. TIIO.MAB SMITH. D. Dl'PBE, JU. Our Steam Grist Mill i now in successful opera tion. We will have it in our power to' deliver Ihe above articles at short notice. VVe have a 23 horse power engine and shall run two pair of four feel stones. Orders can be addressed to C. DuPre & Co., or to the subscribers. Corn ground on TOCl THOMAS SMITH CO. April 20. I5-tf. DENTISTRY. Db.T. B. CARR has returned from the North with a largely increased slock of Teeth. Instruments. Ac- Having consulted many eminent Dentists, he has perfect confidence in the superiority of Allen's Pa tent mode of inserting teeth with artificial gums Full sets inserted immediately after the extraction of the teeth, and remodelled after ihe gums have healed without additional charge. They can be worn without pain, and removed from the mouth by the wearer, and a re cleaner and stronger than teeth inserted in any other way, and are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. All other operations per formed in the most approved manner. Reference to individuals in this place now wearing teeth with thf patent improvement. Oct 4-w-tr tf 86 FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ORTH OF BOOTS, SHOES, AND BRO eans. Havine DHrchaaed oar entire stock just from the manutserorie. we ere prepared to offer inducements to the COUXTR Y MERCH Afi TS equal to asy establishment South of Boa. ton. ?,i Aprija.. JOKES & GARDNER. ' ; PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT, we make the Terr beat Spring. Hair, , Mosa, Shock, Sea Grass, Patent Pelf, and Palm LeafMattrasses WILKINSON ESLER, June 5 T. Upholsterers. PAY YOUR DEBT8. Surprising tire urns Unoe it br Now at the present day,' So manj- afconld a debt contract. And then forget to pay. Now I'm obliged to sweat Mtd toil .. And. wear my stmgth-wsy.. , ? For those who when-they C tb work,. Forget to bring the pay. ' ,' :. What vain excuses men will plesdl A payment to delay, .ve- - And mny think that promises , 6 Will answer well for pay. ' " ' Another says, hard Umea, hard' times,' Doti't hurry me, I pray, Not thinking thab more hard the timet,. The more I want the pay. There others are, who should you dun,, And dun till you arc grey, Would never pay a cent, unless CompclI'd by law to pay.. He'll do as well without as I, Says one, and wait he may ; The afiluent cannot see my nexxP, The toor think hvrd to pay. Some rather choose to put it off Until some future day. SFhen they forget they owe s cent, And so will never pay. ' Therefore from men of different sorlBjr And men of different way. The rich, the poor, the purchaser, 'Tis hard to get my pay ! - For once let reason be your guide,. Attend without delay, How can a poor mechanic lire, Unless lie gets his pay. ' Come thou and pass this new resolve, And to yourselves then say, Although I negligent have been, I now myself will pay. Prom the AT, V. Express. ANOTHER GREYTOWN EPIC. " C. S.," of Brooklyn, sends us another epic, commemoratory of. the recent resplendent achier vent at Greytown, by Capt HoIIins: THE BURNING OF SAN JUAN. , Good people all, both great and small, Attend unto my ditty ! 'Tis of the fate of 8an Juan ! -That famous little city. - They gave an insult to our flag, For which we bade them stand f And burnt out all the little folks, From out that little Land. We sent brave Hollins out tvith speed To cruise upon that station ! Who burnt that little City up, For our great Yankee Nation. When Cuba, with defiant brow, So boldly seized our ship. We slided down into our Boots, But gave San Juan fits. Let Pierce and Marcy wear the palm,' So well becomes their Station ! Their great exploits will bear the test, Of this great Yankee Nation. MISCELLANY. ANECDOTE OF ACTORS. -An anecdote is told of Dumesnil con nected with her performance of Cleopa tra in Marmontel's tragedy of the same name, which came out in 1750, and was ever one of her favorite representations. When preparing for death, in a frenzy of passion, she exclaims ' I should ctnse the gods, if they restored me batfk to life.' An old officer, seated immedi ately behind, in oneot the balcony box es was so carried away with the reality of the scene, that he struck her violent ly on the back, exclaiming, with great vehemence Infernal, cat, go to the devil at once!' This act of extra va-, gance interrupted tr-e performance, and for the moment utterly confounded the actress ; who, neverlhelfss, at the end of the play, thanked the enthusiastic -auditor for paying her the highest com pliment which the powerful fidelity of her impersonation could . have called ' forth. It was so with Sandford, 'who considered himself unsuccessful in a villain unless strong disapprobation showered upon him ; and it has" also been said of Cooke that he looked upon hisses as the surest evidence of his ex cellence as Stukely or lago. " A French audience is much more apt to be subdued by the intensity of an ac tor, than an English one. In proof of this, innumerable examples might be quoted. On another occasion, when Dumesnil, as Merope, was proceeding to order the death of Egistc not knowing who he was, a voice from the pit, al most inarticulate with sobs, cried out 4 Don't kill him ; he is your own son V During a performance of ' Britanicus,' a grenadier posted on thexstage; after the custom of the time, and so intent on the action of the play, and so indignant at the treachery of Narcissus, that he pre sented his musket at the actor and would have shot him dead, had he not beera prevented. Preville was once going on as Larissole in the Mercure Galant," when the sentry placed in the wing, ta king him actually for a drunken soldier,, stopped him, and exclaimed for heav en's sake, comrade, don't appear in that state, or I shall be sent to the black hole !' - - A SMART BOY. Dr. Wajland of Brown's University, hadf a boy, about six yean old who was any thing but a fool. The doctor- placed him under the care of one of the students, with the charge that he should not go out, with out permission from his teacher. 'May I go out ' at Ienght i inquired our hero. -" ; TY'-f,- "r'-: - " 'No, was the laconic reply.' A few minutes' paused followed. May I go out V again inquired the boy. No P was' again the response. ; ,V-"V' The miniature edition of the doctor's slowly rose from his seat, toek up his csp, and passed for the door. Stop,' said the tutor; 'do you know what 'no' means?' t:- . Yes,1 said Charley: It is a particle of negation, and two of them coining togeth er are equivalent to an affirmative. - His wit was his passport.

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