J- s -. , LA ;:vV vfy ' v li AJ- - . - - - i VOLUME IX NUMBER '69 .VILMINGtON,VN: C.i SATURDAy IVIORNING, AUGUST: 26,, 1854. WHOLE NUMBER 1120 J f , . , , v - i, t .... W 4 .. . r . . 1 J 1 1 .. I fly 11 111! I I 1(1 r aT I II II I r i 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I K I 1 V ' ME Tni-WEEKLT- COMMERCIAL I published every TessDAr, TumiDiT and 6ATPoAr-t $3 per annum, parable in ail cases In advance. - A - .- ' TUvJ.VIAS LOR1NG EoiToiT-and Pbopbib- -' - Carner V font an A Market streets, anr.'l insertion 0 50 1 aqr. 2 moniha, 4 00 1 " 3 " ,10011 ,f 6 . . , 8 CO I " I month, ' 2 50 1 I 12 . . 12 00 Tan liaea or less make a square. If an adver- Umnt exceed ten Uric, the pi ice will be. in oroDomon. ; .. -- - Ali ajerilaemcnis arc payable at tlie time of Their Insertion." ' - " TJonrraets with fehrtf adrertlsere, will he made Tm lh most liberal terms. - - - .N i lr.nfer f eaotracts for yearly sdverttefny ViH bd pirfirtitti-d. Shan Id eirea.nMances render ctliiiji in buiino?, pr an .aaexpeeiea? removal necejsarf , a chir;o accordtax JO the pa' lished -terms will be at tho option'oi.th icaniractar, far tnetime ae nas aarertiaea. -' ? .? t v liuutca la tUcir own utKncdials btimneas; and all advertisemems lor tno benefit of ther pe.ronn, as well as ati aiivertiemcnts nottntTneuiaieiy eon tiected witit inelr own basinesi, and- alteXcrttaof n Wcrllsements in length or otherwise bcyml the limits ensrar ed, will be charged at the usual rates. nu dveriicmots la included In the can'racl for the sale or rent of houses ar lands in town nr cbtrr.'"or for the safe or hire of ngroes u heth r the, property is owned by the ad-rertiur Or by ther persons. The are excluded bribe term 'm mediate business. -. " . . All advenisemsnts' inserted in the tri-weckly C ftmercinU, are entitled to oneJesertios fnihe Weekly free of charge.- : ... JO?, CARD "AN I) FAYCV PRINTING, ; , EXERTED J X SCPKRI08 STYLE. : . ENT3 KOIt THE tOHMERllAli. ' INsw-Vjk Messrs. DLtBB Sl Pottf.s. . fftsHon. CHaatss Smith; tVo. 6, Central Vharf. fhuaatlphia o. K. t;oB. " tialUmoreVtt. B. Psaks and VVm. Thomson JOB, BOOK, . mm corner or raost and mabkbt streets,. r... . . WILMINGTON, N. C Parlievlar Attention paid to the ' Following f, iimis or i-eiier jrress i-riniii.g. jPUU of Kxehcngt, Bills f Lading, -Books, - - - Cards,' .. - . Cataloguis, '., , 'trt(fiec(cs, " ' iSheeks, r" Entries of Merchandise. HandbitU, , Labels. - " ..v Law Blanks . " Xolcs, ...... , - - Pamphlets, Poster, Receipts, " ' Rittta of hezht. : Brajls, -.. pe., And PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING, of cv ' rr description, done in the neatest man ncr, and on the moi reasonable terms. Wilm!rjton, August IT, 1854. MISCELLANY. ;; ; A CLEVER ANECDOTE. THE 'EMPESOR AND !US DArtmTfiR." Translated for the Pennylrania Inquirer front the Gazelle Viavin&iieie.o. H. tcbner. -A few tars since, there was in the city of St- Petersburg; ar younjr girl, so beauti ful and so lovely that the greatest prince of Europe, had be met her, even in"apeas ant's hut, might well have turoel his buck upon princesses to offer her his .Hand and hu crown." : But far from having first seen the light in a' peasant's hut, she was born in the shadow of ihc proudest throne on earth'.- It- was Marie Nicolcewna, the , a-lored" daughter of the Emperor of Russia.' 7 As ier .fajher saw her blooming like' the May-flower,' and sought for by all the heirs or royalty, he. cast his eyes upon the fair est, the richest, and the most powerful of themrand, with the smile of a father and a king, said to her: ' .- . t . . y t'My cMld, you are now' of an age lo marry, andj have chosen' for you the prince who will make 'you queen, and the rnaif who will render you happy.' Theaaan who -'will render me happy,' simmered the-blushing:, priocf ss, with a sigh, which . was -the only " objection lo. which her heart gave utterance 'Speak father, she said, as she sawa frown gath ering upon the brow of the Czar: 4Speak, and j'our Majsty shall be obeyed.' f , 'Obeyed !; exclaimed tlie Emperor. Ire m- . Wing for the first time in bis life, ia it then only "as an act of obedience that you will receive & husband rom my hands.. . t -The young girl was silent, and conceal ed a tear.. , - , ; 'Is your -fjiith already plighted V" , J . The young girl was, still silent.' ' . 'Explain yourself. Marie I command you - 4 : ; ai una wuru, tv uictj ewnys aixiy utiiiiuus of human beings, the princes fell at the feet of the Czar. . . J -, ,;Yes father, if I must tell you, niy Heart is no longer my own; it is bestowed upon a young man who knows '. it not," and who 4thall never know-it, if such be your, 'wish. He has seen me but turn at tbre limea at a "distance, and we will never speak to each otter if your majesty forbid it ' ; , t. , The Emperor was sileut in bis turn. He grew pale. i'hree times he made the yrcuit of the saloon, lie durst nor lask 1 the name of the young man. - He who would have braved, for a ca- IIVC,wia mviraii.uco Ul. iuo WUl til - at . ilie 'head of lheir armies -he, with, his omnip tence, feared . this,, unknown youth, who disputed wkh Him the possession - of His Nearest treasure. Is it a king 7 He demanded at lasu. 'Nb father ; - r-Tb heir of a king," at least.' O, ' : , No, fether.f . - ' r , I "A orana uuke ' ' ' : ... 'No tnher. - . . . ,A son of a reigning family' ' No father.' ' At each step in the desending scale, the Czar stopped to recover breath. A stranger 7' t Yes father. - " The Emperor fell back futo an arm -chair, and b:d His face in his hands, like Agamemnon at the sacriSce of Iphigenia. Is hein Russial' he resumed with an effort. ; ' I x.V . (, -. . Yes, father rew " Where shall I see him V said the 'Czar, rising with a' threatening aspect. . " t fi'o-morrow, aCthe reyiew.' . -: 'How shall I recognize him V repeated the Czar, with a stamp of his foot. .vBy his green, plume -and his black steed! f , - , .- . . ..' Tis well. Go, my daughter, aixl pray God" to have pity upon that , man J Tlie Princess withdrew, hi m fainting condition.' and the Emperor was sooi lost in thought , 'A childish caprice, he saul, at length 'I am foolish to be disturbed - ai it. " the will forget it. JSbe shall forget it J' nd his lips dared not utter what his heart added. 'It. must-: be, for Tall 'my power would be weaker than her tears. - , J... . --v Q.u thft following day, at the review-, the Car. whose eaffJejeye embraced all' "at la i gtance,. sougm attu saw 'tu ma . uatuwiuus, nought else than a green plume and.a black charger. - 'He - recognised".' fit '-, Him,, who worerbe one and rode th other,, a simple Colonel of the Bavarian Light Harse, Maxiiriillian-Joseph-Eugene-Aiigu-" ' st e-Beau barnbis, the Duke of icuc hten-- bersr. Vounsrest ehdd of the son of Josephine whoras.',for a 'brief tftne,. Empress of France) and of Auguste .-Amelie,, daugh ter of MaxmulUan voseph, .01 tSavana, an admirable and charihiirg cavalier, in truth; out as tar iniertor men, 10 iviario iMcoue wna, as a simple soldier to n Emperor, 'fs it twissible ' "said ihe (Taar to himself. . .... ft , .. 7- - . . . M as He sent fur th Colonel, with the design of dismissing linn to Munich. - "Y " But, at the moment. when he .".was Vibdtu to crush him with a word, he stopped at the sight of his daughter faulting in her culeche.-,. - - - '. -v ' 'There is no longer a doubt, though the Czar; 't is indeed lie.' - And turning his back upon the stupified slranger he," returned' w'uh ' Marie to the Imperial Palace. ' -' For six weeks, all that prudence lorn pered with Jove and severity, could inspire. was essayed to -destroy ihe. image of the Co'onel in the heart of .'ihe Princess. V At the end of the firat week. sIms wm resign ed at the end of the second, she' weptj'- at the end ol tlnrJ. she wept 111 public: at the end of the fourth, she wished f 10 sacrifice herself to her father: at the end of the fifth, she fell sick; at the end ol the "sixth, she wasdymg. ; , Mcanwuilo. the Coloiiel, seemjr himself in disgrace at the court of his host, with out darinjr to confess to himself the Cause, did not wait for his 'dismissal, to return to his regiment; He was on the point of set ting out for Munich, when an aid-de-cump of the'Czar came for him. -' 4l shou hi have set out yesterday, he said to,himself;,'I might have avoided wlutt await me. t At the tirst flasbuveyaar' serf from the ftiSnderboit " f r-"''- - The bolt in reserve for him was the fol owing : He was ushered into the cabinet, where kings only are allowed to enter.- The Emperor was pale, and bis; eye was moist; but his air was firm and resolute. 'Colonel Duke, said he enveloping and penetrating him with his glance, 'you are one of the handsomest officers in Europe. It is said, also, and I beleive it true, that you possess an elevated mind a thorough education, a lively taste for the arts, a no ble heartl and a -loyal character. What4hink 3'ou of the Grand Duchess, my daughter Marie Nicoloewna ' This point-blank question dazzled :t he young man. It is time to say that.he ad mired, .adored, the princess, without being fully aware of iL "A simple mortal adoixs an. angel of Paradise as aa artiste adores the ideal of beauty. ' 'The Princes Marie, siic P exclaimed he, reading at last his own heart without dar ing to read that of the Czar; 'your anger would crush me if 1 told you what 1 think of her. arid I should die of joy if you per mitted me to say it. . ' . " - 'You love her; tis well,' resumed the Czar, with a benignant smile; and the royal hand, from which the Duke was awaiting the thunderbolt, delivered to the Colonel the brevet of General Aul-de-Camp of , the Emperor the brevets of commandant of the Calvary of the Guards, and of the re giment of Hussars of Chief of the Corps of Cadets, and of the Mining Engineers of President of the Academy of Arts, and member of the Academy of Sciences of the Universities of SC Petersburgh, of Mos cow, of Keasan, of the Council, of. the Military Schools, etc. All this, .with the title of Imperial- Highness," and several millions, of revenue. .- ' ' "Now," said the Czar to the young man, who was beside Himself with joy, "will you quit the service of Bavaria and become the husband of - the Princess Marie 1" - The young; officer could only foil - upon his knees, and bathe with -. his tears the hands of the Emperor. -: ; '" : - "Yoii see that! "also' Jove my daughter,' said the father raising.his son-in-law in his arms. - -.. ' . The '1 4th of July following," the . Giand Duchess was restored to health to fife and. the Duke Beaubarnois tie Leuchten berg espouK?d her in presence of th Rep, resentatives 0 all the royal families of Eu rope. '.'-'';';..,;5Viv--:. ' - Such art act of paternal loe merited for the Czar and for his daughter a century of Happiness. " Heaven, which has its secrets, had ordered otherwise" ' On.Tuesday, No vember 5tH, 1832, the Duke of, Leuchten burg dietlat the age of thirty-five worthy i to the last, of his brilliant destiny", and leav ing to Marie Nicoloewna eternal regrets. " ' " AH the young Princes of the; world will again dispute the prize of her' hand; but she has been too happy, as a wife to con sent tbc become a Ctueen:' v " - And the voice xjf the yoting girl g fainu ' ' ' STEA5I ENGINE AND SAW KILL. I WILL sell low, aad on accommodating p a terms,; the Kaji n and Machinery of I ? the Uape Fear Steam Saw Mill 14 th i L. cylinder, 2 feet atrokot three 3i inch -boilers, 30 feet long main shaft 10 feel 6 tacheik lotut the power ol Ibis engine is esiitnart d at 0 hotse. has a new extra cylinder-and log. jeering, and all the appliances necessary for the foil qui meat to persts atone. ? i ' v , . ' Also,-? Staved rrsins Machines, Jointers, &c enmplnr. , . O.G. PAUSLKV, Jaa.-Jl ' : ,T 131-tY : BUSINESS CARDS; V.- Of NOltTH CAROLINA. OFFtUB, Nu 638, BKOADWAT, OR AT THR . j - PRESCOTT HOU-3E XEW rORlt. . ' Et h. to. " . ' .14a:lre.. IV. M. SHERWOOD & CO , TT7 IIOLRSALR Grocers and Com mission- Met V V chanrs vvilntincton, N . C - - ' v Alfconsif mnents ot Narat Stores; together with Coiton, Baeaiv, Li:d, Voin, Meal, iluur, c, slial eeuro the hlgnest marKet price. ' . Dec. 13 i . . 115-ff . J. LOVE, -MAXUFXCTUREK AXO JiEALEIZ IX . CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEAH CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &e.&c Frout street. South or Jlarket, J C Mf' BVttQiN'u', WU.MtNaTO.S, c. 7 13. CAS HWKtU'-'v'r-.il'.A PAltKER t . CASHWELL & PARKER. C O M MI SSI O N M ER C H A NT S, I : WIt.MINGTON. N. C. - Office fortnsrly occupied by Mr. Wbk -A- fiwyer., - - siarcn an.'.. . . . .:--. ---- -j- a-iyc. r- "- i-rJ.- C, LATTA, - - v. COMMISSIOX MEfTCfA XT Q GEXEtlA L -' WJLMINGTO.V. N: C. Oet.!,rS33. . : .. ' .S5-ly- ; WIL.KINSON & KSI,IK, UPnOLSTERS & PAPEIl HANGERS, "KEEP ON HAND AND MADE. TO OR D Ell; Mattresses, Feather Beds: Wuulow Curtains - ' s : i and fixtures. ; -J AH work In "the above line'dane at fhoric?t K ilea. , Wilmington, N. C , Market St. March 13. . ; - 1, JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Cfneral Commissioa and" Forwaruia Mertliant Prompt personal attention given to. Consign" ments tor Sale or blilpmcat. Liberal Cash advance made on Conxienmcnls to me or lo m Xe Yurk ( 'riends. ... Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1853. . ; : ,13&. V W. C. HOWARD, GRNRRAL Commission and Forwarding Mer chant. Wilmin'iftoo. N. C. I.ioeral Jash advances nuJit onConsigomcnta. Nov. 29 ' IWMf ROUXTREE, WATSON & CO., . General Commission Merchants, ; Vrtua Jt , New York. Liberal A leasts 31 ide on. Consignments. ' t. b, aot-MrKEe, . c watsos, w. a. wioetss. ; .. AuguJtiA'5. li5j.,j. ' . 69-1 y.., " J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MKRCilAN l'S, IVIIjMIJIGTON, N. c. - . . If atwawat; " J. L. Uathawav Feb. 15, 1853. jamcs Asrotweit. - xdwd sa Vacs. : ANDERSON & SAVAGE. - UESEliAL COM flSSI0X MEUCIIAXTS , -:. fc -u- WiLMINP liN ; N- ,C.'f,.':,-,..., ,f -;L4bernl cash advwneea, made oa constgnrnnts. t OCU22. .'...; ;. r,-.V RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATE ELLIS. BUASELL & CO A - GEXERAL COMMISStOX MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. - Liberal cash advances made on eonslgnmentsof Naval store, Cotton, and other produce. Way i, taaa. - : : C. & D. DuPRE. . WHOLE SALB ANB HETAL DEALERS I I Drngs, Mcdteluea; Chemicals. Paints, OH, Dye Stan', Glass. Pertniuery, Cigars, . Old Liquors. I'atiry Articles, fcc MAKKKT siTlllCKT, . . :'WlI,MI(lTOJi, Jf. C.t Prescription carefully :t,npoundeJ by expert fneed praens. 1 v. -'"- - March 8. . -'v;,j.e.1tAll,v.-;.v--'.: riOMUISSlO.V M Rft'JHANT. Wllminirton J IX C Office In ro tr of .UcMilian, Davis & Co'a Store, f ' i'-l'V ' .: '-"r-.". - ' Every attention paM to the sale and purchase of. prixlucc, and liberal cash advances made on consignments. ' ?- ----- - Kelers to-Janu tiiiocrr fotter, . v.. v. nan Pre't Branch tlank laiais N. C; O.G. Parlcy, Pres't Commercial Kank ; McMillan, Davis & (Jo. ' ; . ...... ...... I.tn.?l . ' -.. . 131-tf WILLIAM A. G WYE.I, . " Cencral ;l5cal;ForwafJingl- Commission Mcreliant " I take pleasure in' informing rny friends, that 1 am prepared to give ail business entrusted t me etucient and personal attention. I Kjvc a wliari tor Nasal Stores, with ample accom modal loss, Spirh Hoose, and Warehouse. Consk'nmennof Naval Stores for sale or shlpineni ; snd all kinds of toon- .try produce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. . - - ; - April 18, 1353. .- - .-' ; - . IS. CUNLEY, KIRK & CO. - 1 DEALERS IN. . '.,' BUTTER, Cheese. L ird, and Smoked Provisions, Pork. Beef, Bean, Pea, and Dried Fruit. . 233 and ViS, KBONT STUEET. Corner of PF.CK SLIP, NEW YORK ,. March 25. , ; - : . : lye. WILLIAM n, PEAKE, ; COLLECTOR 1SD lDFtKTlSlfC AGl&t For Coqu'try,, Newspapers .throughout tlie - i "United State,'. " ' r ? ' Basement of San Iron Bo lainzs.B-Ulimore street Att business cr.lmsted loais. care transacted promptly, op I'beral terms, j 4 Stjlt 7;v '...x -,h ; r "''.Z-' 95-f . "TjAS. H..CHADB0URN & CO General Coiuuiission Jlcrchanls. vriLMiSGTON. N. C. 1 ' Jas. H. Ch vDBocB.t. - Gao. CttAOsovaw. Jan. 1.1333. 123. F.T FOSTER, MANUFACTUltKit of Bunting and Silk Flags, an.iall kinlirtf Wall and PUnialioa Teats. 35 and 37 South 3rd Street Philadelphia. . - - - F.T. F. ' June 17. 1 - 403in-c. HENRY NUTT, ' FACTilK HD FORWiRDISR AGEUTT Willgise hi personal attention to business etUrust- -r .- . ed ts his care. ' ' ' Sept. 8. 1333.; .j - ;,r "75-tf. 1. JOSEPn n.7 FLANNER,r?7: General Commission Merchant, riI.MIJfOTON. Tti.C. May 9ih. 1853. . ' .- - 87- Ir-e." GEORGE-MYERS, , WS3LES1LE 1X9 RETAIL GROCER . Keeps mvastaallf ou hand, H'wtes, Tea, Liqijori, r PronUioms, Wood and JFUtoxp Wars, Fruit, . ... Conftet'umaries, $e. South. Front street, ' WIOIIM GTO.V..M. V. ' ' -Nev.IS, 1852.. . 109i T. G. & C. G. WORTaI, C3S3IISSI3.I 13 FCSWAESIXa C2SIHXSTS, mauixGToxXi c, , : Jaa 17 - - lii-c : BUSINESS CARDS. 0. L. FILLY AW. . PRODUCE BROKER -FOR XVA RDIXG f- - COMMISSION. MERCHANT. , OFFItJKoversitoreof VV H. McKoy. South. Water st reer, Wilmington'. IM. CX, will make liberal cash advance on consignments-. -Be has engaged the services of Mr. John Uall as a- Gen eral Produce Broker. . Rate's to. , K. PI Hall, PreUcnt Branch Bank pf tlis State, vVilnwrgtt-n. ' : ' ' O. G. Parsley, " Cominerclaf Rank, VVirminjftoh. Geo. A. MeKaPresWent Wvf- H. Rathroad.-da Hen. W. W Harllec do.AY & M. itailroad, Mati' .n C. H..S. C. . W. K. Lane, Goldsboroi N. C7 .' , Julj 6 1 - - . 47-tf. - MRS. KING, 273 Kirfg Street, between Wentworth and Society ; , ' an-ts, Uharletn, J. C ? tTANlTFACTUKE-S - In :verr -superior style, ivX Wics. Tatrpees. Plain Bandsand Curls, F.ar itings, Breast Pins anrr Bradetetsyand all kinds of KswyHair.J'UUiB?3rlW ihankfuHy rectived Jttair a - otberwiso. vrrrgus (uotiuraie.- es JrCps as above. ' - 1 " ' ' 'April 13". : 13 lye. d. c. t'stcEMAN. 'i Oconee Hoosrow KltRMAN A HUUSTON,, . MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WIUMINGTON, N.'C-t-V. 1 V -C. FftEEJfAf CO." COMMISSION MERCHANTS,' : ITS FRONT STREET v , . . . NEW VORK. ; FRCEBAX ISD nHUSTOS , f I L3HXGT0S, J.'' IT. l7"EKP constantly oa hand a stock ol 1-'lour, IVt'um. Porfe. Bacon. Sat. ColTe Sasnr, Alo. lasses, HobaaeOt Cigars, Snuf, Candles, Soup, "5r- eiem .ana sjomesiie Litptar -ana irmes iron, Sails, Paints, Qils, 'Glass, Domestic, Hals, - Boots, Shoes, Leaher,-AzricuUurai Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for famllyand plan tation use and ine retail trade, wntca tnry wn disDoscof in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cath,4r in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. , . ..... The senior nartner D.-O. Fbsmaj. is located in the city of New Vork ; the junior partner, Geo.- HrTottn wtitninsrton. it aesireo.j aavaoces, wilt be. made on c msi-rnuents to and from cither olaca. All bii.'tncis entrusted to them will receive proper1 attention ; and orders for Goods will be promptlvand cnrciuiiy nued. Sept. 9, 1852. . "' " '76-f GEO. HARRISS,i General Commissioii Merchant, vriuiisoro't. n.c. - - CJTRICT .itiegiioo tivt-n topitteurlng' Freight O and purchasing Cargoes for vessel iter Ea to K. P. Hall, Kmj, - 1 " ' '' J. D. Bclliitny. Kq. .) Messrs. Tooker, Sinyi-h & Co. : Thompson & llHnter, New York. Alcx'r. Merron, Jr. I'nuaneifiiua. Messrs iniaiDS OiuuriBr. fhnru,.ian S. n H F. Baker. 'sq. ' r -a Jan. -lB53.- 123 tf I. WEH3EI.. - ' H. ft. EfLERS. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MKRCHANTS & WHOLE SAM GROCERS,-North Water St., Wil mington. N. C. Intend to . kcrD at the above stand a.renera I assortmen t of .Groceries, Liquors, and provisions at wnotesaie ana to carry on a GertctalCommtssion Easiness. -' . t- K. P.HaU.Pres't Br'ch Bank of the State. 3 O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bant: vt if. P. K. Dickinson, F.?q . Y PoppeA Ca. . N.w York. . Dollner A Potter. Jan. 20 1864.. . - 131. GEO. II. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next doot to A. A. VVannet's.on North Waters, willattend to the sale ofatl kinds of Cintrv Pro- iuce,siich a? Corn, Peats; Meal, Bacon. Lard, &c.. and uillkcepconsiantly on hand a full suppljof Groceries. -Ac. - : , . . References. --"- - '' Willes Hall. of Wayne, Jtto Meaae, Wihuington W. Caraway. itm. Alt-. M cRae. E.P.Httt.Wit.nirigton , Wiky A. Wais-i fee. xa, iDa. ' ua-iy. , , . , - , .. 4 ' . ' T JAS. ,F. tllLLESPIE. GEO. S. GILLEfPlE. JAMI11 F.'Oir.LE.PIE & CO.. PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON. N. C. . Panic nlaraitenlion paid to ihe receipts and Pale of Xatal stores J tmber; Lumber, Com, Bacon, iJot ton, f-c , f-c. ' '. March 30.- : - ' . - - v ' 6. .. , S. M. AVEST, . Auctioneer and' Commission Merchant, . ; - wii,.'iivuro!, n. v. - WILL sell ar bov Real Kstate and Negroes at a small commission. ' - ' Atsn: . - '' ' Strict attention slvemothe saleof Timber, Tur- pent irtc, Tar, or any kind of Country Pructuce. ' . 0.t s:cond dsor, Suuth side of Market street. on 'the wharf. . ' -June 12. 1353. - -: ; ' ; 33 ly. A n ViNBOKRELEN. General Agent, Commission an J Fonrardiaf Slerehiint, . - WILMItltiTOVi, N.C. Particular attention given to sale and purchase of rvuvai "stores.. . . - June 11853. . . , , I23.ly. T. C.WORin, General Connuission MerchanL USUAL advances made on consignments of Col ton, Naval Stores and onierprpduce Pattieatar attention riven brw.-W. Oavis to pur chasing cargoes, procuring freights for vessels. Ac. Jan 41 - " - a - l-?J . COCHRAN & RUSSELL... . (Slir.CESS0liS TO TB3S. ALIBX'iE & CO ) General Commission Mercnants, Xo 32, North Wharves. W t3 .Xorlh 31 aUr Sis. miLAUBliruldr -HASVET COCHBA-t, " ' " ' 3 " "' ' ' ' ' ' ' BIHSELL. s -'' ' ':''' Liberal cish idvanccs made on consignments. July 33th, J333; .. 5S-OV -. . DOLLNER st POTTER,' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW lORK : - Liberal Cask Adtan-es -made on all Consignments. Jlprtl 30, 1S54. ... " 20-ly-prI. ; AS..T. riTTIVAT. " C0 E. TSlaHXTT. PETTEWAY & PJJITCHETT. General Commisnisn and Forwardlne; Hfer- CllAXT. ALSO W1I0LE3ALE GROCERS NORTH WATBR STREET, WlllilMW.N.C. ; r.i Promnt attention will bet given t the sale of Naval Stores and ail kinds of Prwdaee. ' Intend keepina an assortment sf Grojr!ea. Liquors and f?ro visions. ;v"- " .' . Jaly IS. - - - QUINCE & COWANi WIIOI'BSAL.B AND RETAIL tlROCERS; HEALERS JX. WINES UUlORSJ - Cornee of Front and Pi incos streets, r -- . WILMINGTON, N.C . ' July 29.-. ji . .; .-., . . .Et. - CANAL BARROViS. - MEDICAL HOUSE: ' ' AV. "16, SbtlTH FREDERICK STREET. BALTIMORE. MARVCAN D. Established in' wdtr In afford the A flirted '90ukd-mmd ecienlific .viedieul-AUL m-- t audjhr the mppretticn ofj .. j ; . . " QaacAery. Blt.t B. Smith has for many, years devoted his whwlea'nenriontothe treatment of Private com plainus.tn all their varied and complicated forms. His i-reat snccess In those long standing and" diffl. cult eases, such as were firiaerly considered incut iifcle, Is sufficient to commend him totltepublie a worthy of the extensive poirorwe he has received. Within ihe last eight years, Dr. has treated more than 29,500 eases of Private Complaints, in thur different forms and staves; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of ali other physicians now ad vertising fn Baltimore, and not a single' case is known wh:re his directions were strictly fallowed, and medicines taken st reasonable time, without effecting a radical and permanent cure; therefore, persons jtflicted with diseases of the above nalnre, ' no in ittcr how dirh. ult or hng, standing the caso may be,', vrould do well 19 call on Dr. Smith ,at his ofSce.No, 16, Souih- Frederick St.. snd if not t fleo taally relieved noreiattnaratioTi wt'j b.reuted far his services His medicines are frpcrom Mercury and all mineral poisons ; put tip in a neat and com-1 pact form, and may ba taken rn pablie or private house, or while (ravelling, without exposure or hin. drunce from business, sod except incases of vlo oot inflammation, no change of diet is necessary. ' STRICTORE3.-ln, Smith bas diaiovered a new method by which ha can cure tlie worst fur m of stricture and that without pain or inconvenience to the patient; I ni'ation of the urelha, or prostrate jlands,sr nee ko I" me bIadder,issometimesuiistake8 Icr .strictures by;eneral practitioners or charlatans. . ,-'. YOUNG MEN ; - ... and others afflicted with Seminal pehility. wheth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit' or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and suffering, as well as expense. By his improved method of treatment. Pr. S. can enfely gnarontee a speedy and . perfect cure in till casts ot, lliie com- luaini . - TO FEMALES. . -AIIdiscdespeo'ir ta Females (as nlw Sup. prvseioos, Irregularities, tc.) speedily and elleclu- uiiy removed. .1 hemcacy ot bis remedies, lor ttic cure of theabovo alfoctions, ha've been well tested in nr, ex tens-vc practice for the lukt twelve years. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. si. ty letter, post-paid, de;cribinf :as, and havs medicine securely put up and forwarded to any. part ol me united States, always accompanied witn .full and explicit directions for use. 'Communications con sidcred strictly confidential. Odtce arranged" with separate apartments: so that patients nljjfer see-any one but ihc d octor himself. Attendanccdaily,from 8 in the mnimnz till Sat meat. N. B Persons afflii ted with any of the above compliditls. will d- well to a .'old the various NOS Til UMS A XD SPE Clf ICS. advertised by -Apoihccariea and Drtigpifrtsas a cer tain cure lor any.anu eveiy disease. 1 uey are. pui un to sell, but not to. cure, and frequently do much more harm than good- theref re avoid them. A word to the wise is anflicient, 'Address . DR. J. B. SMITH, '.8 South Frederick ft , . . , ,. , r Baltimore. Md. ' . . - 90-lyc. , , SANDv SARSAPARILLA. t . IX-QUART BOTTLES. For ParJ9!:.glhe Blood, and j"or the Cure of Scro fula, Rheumatism, Stubborn Ulcers, Dyspepsia, Salt Rheu 1 Fezer So-cs, Erysipelas, Pimples, . " Biles, Mercurial Diseases, Cutaneous Erup tions, Liter Compluint, Bronchitis, Con - sumpliont Female Complaints, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, dc. ' . IN this preparation afjhe iestaf alive ptopVrtles of the root arc concentrated la their utmost strength and efficacy j but while carnoparilla Root forms an important part of its combination, it is, at the same time, compounded with other vegeta ble remedies ot great power, and II is in the wcu liar combination and sciep Ihc manner of its prep aration, that its remarkable success in the cure, of disease depends.' It acts simultaneously upon rhe stomach, Uie circulation ana the bowels 1 and thus three processes, which arc ordinarily the result of three different kinds ot r cdicine, are carried on at the same time; through the instrumeh'ality of this one remedial agent which gently stimulates while it disinfects and expels lrom the siomsch and bowels ali that is irritating, and at the same time esiores vigor and tone. Many other preparations intitule in ocaring the name of Sursaparilla, snd in that their reacmblanccj-nds, bekig often prepar ed from wwrtulcss and Inert roots, and of course possess no healing or curative properties, and pa. ticnts in making choice of which they will use, should Like no other, but that one entitled 10" their confidence, from tho long list of cores it has effect ed on living witnesses, whose testimonials end residence have been published, and who are stiil bearing daily irsiinony to its worth. , " ..... ASTONISHING CURE. . - . , Pattebsos, N. V , 20ih, 1S51. Messrs A. B. &. D- Sands: Gentlemen. -Having witnessed the most beneficial erioctg. from the use of yunr siarsanarilla. it eives me pleasure . to send you the following statement In regard to my son. In tlie spring of 1848 he took a severe cokl, and after eight weeks of severs aotfetine the dis ease settled in his left leg and fot, which soon sweJh-d to the utmost. ' The swelling' was' lanced by his physician; and disctfcrged most profusely; after thtt no Ics than elevt nlters fontiej oa the leg and foot at on- time. WehadJiredifFiTentPhv- sicians.but none relieved him tiuTup t and the! last winter found htm so emaciated ahU low. ihathcwas unable to leave his cJ,uH'cnrtg the most excrnela tins pain. During this time the bona bad become so much afW'tibd that piece aftitr piece came oat, of which he has now mors iltae twen'y-five preserved in a bottle, valrvina from one half .to one and a half inches in length- We had given up all hopes of his recovery, butat in.is lime we were induced to try year sarsaparilla, and witn us use nrs neaHn and appetite began iuintcdialely lo improve, and so rap id was the change ihatiess than a dozen bottles ef fected a perfect cure. 1 Afith BraiitttJe. I remain unly vonrs. tr IDARIUS BALLARD. the undersigned neighbors of Mr. BalUrd. cheerfully snbscrjbe to the facts of the above state ment. ; . II. it- a. Hayti A. " i rownridge, , Geo. T. Dean, . C. Kastwood. , Prepared and sold, wholesale and letail hy A. D. D. Sands." Draseisis and Chemits. lOOFul-on stK'et corner of William New Vork. Sold also by i Drugsis'8 generally throughout the United States snd Canadas. Price 41 per botile t six b:t lies for 1 5. For sale by Dr. 4. O. Bradley, and Messrs. I C. & D. DuPro, Wilmington, Si. C. April 8.' 19-Sm. ' . - - - TOWAGE. . 'r - ON and after thisdate -all vessels rltvHhA towed in harbor by Steamer Same JT - PMrynnA CalhoUH. Will be clltrgd. I SlTcO. GKO. HARRISS, Agent. ' Nov. 8tlr, XS53.r ' - t 101. , SUMMER ! SUMMER ! ! SU3IMER!!! 1"HK Sobscribers have on hand the following Syrups and Cordials very fine for Soram-r dttnks:' Lemon and Strawberry Syrups by the srallon and bottle, Kaspbcrry Syrup. Cordials of various kinds. Gingery Cherry; Black Berry Bounce, Claret and SoutMern Wine. French Vine gar, German Bitters, sndR.ispberTy,"Viegart be sides some Black. Berry Wine, good for lhe ' Con vention Grip'' now ragingA - June 15. REaTONA TOWNSHKND. WRhave on hand very handsome assortment of Paper Hangings, Fira Screen's Borders, Window S hides. Cart at ns, Cornices, c, f-c. For sale aad put ap by ' .... WILKINSON & ESLEH. ' - Jane 8. ; Upholsterers and Paper Hangers ? PARASS0L$. - - OPENED thlsdaV, a new aapply of Parissols, very superior qnality.pUIn Black Silks, plaid and srripsd CamOrics aad Swiss Mnslins, Nansook and Jaeeaett dp. a full line, of white embroidered Curtain Muslin. Fancy Nett Veils, .Lace Collars, Men's extra quality colored Silk Oloves, 4e., se For sale by v- - - JAMES DAWSOn! April 27. 'L .J " . , - ; . . q ' WK have French t os hand a- beaarifal assnrtmsnt o4 and Ameriean Paster Hanrinn. n-. orations, Fire Screens. Window Shades and Cur tains, Cornices,Pictnre Tassels of newest styles, for sale by',. UlIiSON KSLE-4 BILLS OF EXCHANGE. ; AN FJegsnt Edition of Bills of Exchsngs, print cd in Geimany. in. Books of 10 quires snd in sheets, just received and for sate at the office of I ns Commercial. - DR. SWAYNE, VA N Eminent Physician of Philadelphia, has xV. (iv-en to the world ttto benefit ef his exp rience by preparing remedies suitable to almost every disease. ... Dr. Smaync'H Compound Syirnp of Wdit Cherry, for Coring CoaAt, CMs, Gmsumytunt, and all Diseases of the Tbrost, Breast and Lang. DR. SWA VNE'S VERMIFUGE, ' "For Destrnylng Worms, Curing Dyapep.ia, & f. .Dr. Swaynu's Sugar Coated Saraapa and Tar Pill, a gentle purgative and alterative Medicine, far superior to he Pills in general use. Dr. Swayne's Cholera Morbas Diarrhma, and Dysentery Cordial, a never failing remedytaA fresh supply just received at C. D. DuPRE'S, Drua? Store, Sole Agcniafor VV iIiDtasnon. . April 25. 17-tf. TO THE SICK ANDrrLicir I. SWAi'NK'S .COMPOUND, aVttUP. OJu 1 ' WILD GUKRRYY ;- The most effectual and speedy CURE KNOWN FOR CONSUMPTION Coughs, Voids. Asthma, Bronchitis. Liter Complaints, Spitting Blood, Dif lirulty of Breathing, Pains in the Side and Breast, Palpitalionpfthe Heart, influenza, Croup, Broken Constitutkyn, Soror Throat,- JS'ertous Debility, and all Disease's of the Unroot. Breast, and lyings. GREAT CURE OF THOMAS DICKSON, After having been given up to die by Physicians -!. , . v ' and friends. ' - Point or Rocks, Fbcbesick Co., Ms., ? r .' June 9th, 1851. J DR.SWAVNEt Dear Sir Believing ttadatr I owe to the public, and -in justice 10 you, 1 have thought proper to maka. known one of the most extraordinary cures. In my own esse, that has ever been truly recorded. -In tna month of October last, I was afflicted with a severe gather, ing In my bread, which formed a large abscess, and alutf communicated to my lungs and very much alUicted them, and discharged large quan tities of corruption,' external and Internal. Aly breath could also pass through my longs aad out through the-cavity ot my breast with apparent ease, attended with a. violent eongh day and night, toss of appetite, and extreme debility, so that my physicians thousht my ease extremely "hopeless and beyond the power of medicine. 1 remained in (his wretched condition for a long lime, .until I was wasted Id a mere skeleton, and there seemed to be no hope forme, but, having read in the pub lie papers of ihe many wonderful cures perform d by yonr COMPOUND SVRUP OF WILD 'CHERRY, 1 immediately sent to Baltimore for five bottles -and commenced Its use, and, to my great satisfaction and that of my snxloas family, the abscess or opening in my lonjs began to heal, and the cough subshled.and on using ten bottles I was restored to perfect health. I feel very grots I'ui, and firmly believe that in your medicine, un der the blessings of Divine Providence, I sm in debted for this great change, and am happy to say that I am now enjoying a good health as 1 ever have.- ' . ' Yiurs. very respect fully, THOS. DIXON. The subscriber is well acquainted with Thomas Dixon, and nan tesUfy that lie has been afflicted as above represented I regard his recovery as almost a miracle. He is a worthy member of society. . JAMES It. DURBOROlV, Palcr.of ths Berlin Circuit, DaJlimore Conference. It gives tone to the stomach, strengthens the digestive organs, and is the original snd only true preparation of Wild Cherry manufactured.- Ob serve particalarly the portrait of Dr. Swayne 4s on the wrapper, around each bottle. Laboratory for th manufacture and sate nf'slt DR. 8 WAYNE'S MEDICINES. No.4 NORTH SEVENTH ST , above Market. Philadelphia. -. For sal -Wholes ale and listaii hy. , - - O. D. DoPRE, " Wilmington, N. C.. April 23. 17-ly. 'sash, blind " AND D00U AGENCY. Formerly r.oiuluelelby tiny C. Ikilchkii, r,HE public are hereby informed, that I have a. beet, anpotn edageni lor the sale of Ittdaw Sash, Utluda and Iooi a, manufactured by the New Haven Com., and am prepared to fill all oraers in tlie above line. I ho quality sl 1 be work ol the New Haven Com. is well known in this market. IVtilders and nl - persons in want of the above articles, are requested to send In their order-s and they will he jrompilv flllrsf . Terms invariably cash on delivery. .! . A . tJ V 1 K. K . General Agent Commission and Forwarding Me r. chant. . -y . ,: April 18. IS r INDIA RUBBER BEDS NDCu.hiom for sr.h-fev . rx. . t WILKINSON dc ESLF.R, AprilS. " Upholsterers. CRACKERS CRACKERS. : Just, received per Schooner Mary Povcdl. 1 C BBLS. Soda Biscuit t IWiO do. .Cream Crackers ... 10 do. Jugar do. ''10- do. Pilot Brendj 15 boxes Soda Biscuit t. - 3, -Jo. Fancy Crackers. For sale by I.. N.BAULOVV, Aiig.iO.' ' No 3 Granite Row, Front St. GROCERIES GROCERIES- A FRESH SUPPLY of H Smith, Hopeton. Seneca and FayettvilJe Flour, la Whwle and half barrels t Fulton Market Beef Go.hen liutterj Lard, in kesa and bam Is 1 a fine lot of North Car olina Hams,' Sides sod Shoulders; m fresh lot ot Smoked Tongt.es ; Mackerel and Salmon, in kits and half barrels 1 Old Government Java, ttlo and Jamaica Coffeesf Gun Powder,' Young Hyson, Imperial and Black. Teasi Brown, Clarified and Crushed "Sugar, just received ami for sale i.y ug. 13. RESTON TOW nsH KA D. . XV I LMINOTON MARBLE AND iiTONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted the agency ol severs Marge-istablishmcnts at thsNorth, which illfurnlsh him an unlimited supply of finished or naflnisbek. foreignsnd domestic MARBLEofall aoalities, is prepared to till all nrrters lor ltXUMIiNTS AND TOM II STONF.8.. and sverjr other article in the line of the busiaeas at reasonable rates. ' ' SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING Executed as wel las can he done either North et South. . . Thebest eferetiee can Hegiven, ifreqaired. V ' . JAS.McCLARANAN. Jan. G, 1834. - . tf. BACON nOG ROUND. , 1 A fFi PI EC ES arth Carolina Bacon, .m A JbKIKJ spleadid article for sale by Joly 18. DaPREACO. ' nAIRBUUSHES. 'J 1 fr DOZEN of f rench, English snd Amcri- X JJ csn Manutactnre, also. a large assortmrnl r Paint, Tooth, Nail and Fhrsh Brash es, just at hand, and for aale very cheap, by . , ' '- "V Wholesale Dragglsfs. Jely lr , J.'snd H. eopy . ,-46.' DISSOLUTION ofCiOPARTNERSnTp. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the Subscribers, under the firm of Taylor and rvtteway, is mis day 1 It solved by mvtwai eon senu James T. Pettcway, having psrehssed ool all the interest of A. D, Tayler, in the aaid firm, la alone authorized to settle Its afTWlrs. A. D.TA.VI.OR, -JAS T. PETTEWAY. Wiirnfnjjton, July 13, ISal. Q',m- - PORK AND BACON. , O A. B AURELS CHy Mess J-k 1 10 hhd. prlsse ZO Westere Baeets Side- and Shoalders, Just Joa20 J , I n n n m w -' - - . - CARRIAGES " V -I six seated CARRIAGE. ' ' ' I' 1 Psnelsd Qs.riev Roekswsy, -. -i aaaker Rock aw ay and soselUght Baggies jnst received an4 tor stUe l,nmt . fc MISCELLANY. Fiomth Chrittain Otivrttr, r THE PniEST SUrPLANTEIX I wm sitting- wills Anxious heart hy tlid bedside of arck tltiughter, when ilje e' eellent phjaicinn, wbo had - been In otten dunce for several weeks, came running yjv tairs, rmucn excueo, .ana itrrosi out 01 breath. 1 Get' read ret read," a Id he, with. out atnting: for what; Vut on ou best make haale Jet, roe help ou; JuJge I" will be hera for voii in a moment." There seemed to be no time forinquiriee. It'W evident, however tlmt lno be come an 1mrx)rUDt actor in iome ncye oi oec al - interest. " Are tnosa your vent boots ?'t inquired the man of phyeie, roW . wholl absorbed in me ? :t t .1 r ' tSeveT ml. J -t: ; f - - ,11 , -the:il not sea your IVeL" 1 ' tins t..;ie, Hut why t be "fan to suspect a marriap-e such haste 1 Ought I not lo bav$ been notified before. - . The JuHrre nreaentlr drove up in his fine c tin is. I vm madv. Less excited tha the doctor, he at once informed me that large wedding party bad just been thrown into a disagreeable confusion, by certain exorbitant tiemands of a Catholic priest, wbo had been invited to marry the pair. , The father of the lady was a rigid Catho. lie; and her own prejudices wero strongly that way, but bad been somewhat modifi ed of late, b associations which had tern formed ihrough the marjriago of a slate r, It was her preference to , have tho priest ; whilst she cotihl regard the ceremony n valid, though it should be performed by u . IVotestanL ' His papal holiness who by the way was a m;tr, of eminence had made Ln appearance in full dress; ami but a few moments now intervened, ere the expected consummation. Catriajres were in waitin; at thj door, to conyejr the party to Ft. Louia lere a stenmer-wus in readiness for 1'itts- wl burgh, whence it was intended to journey .081, Things were in this state of advance ment when suddenly his reverence request ed a private interview with the 'groom, , Strange interview I "Are you ready now," inquired the man of robes, "to assume the usual vows, anl to give bond and security, that should the Lord bless you wjtU-ilu- y terity you will sacredly train upxyour clilr dren according to the JCatholiq fiiith and practice." Unheard of dem;i(nls I As toundipg ! I " Do what, sir? rP9" pondel Mr. L ' , "No sir! lrn wil ling to do no such thing !" It wns lh-ain, that tho priest plead ihe usnge oiXho Church. To such impudence, the high minded Marylander had not been used.- The indecent,' arrogant higot I It was well for him that he. was in a gentleman's house; and that it was a festive hour Narrowly, indeed did ho escape tho very shortest reply a real knock down argu ment. Under, the circumstances, he wan permitted lo retire with his "walking pa pers." ' His screr.e holiness was immedi ately discharged. The intended bride approved of what had been done; and a messenger was at once despatched for some agent of the law whose principles would allow a more re publican and genteel consummation of tlior nuptial bond. ' The mortified priest was just re'reating. as Judge I, drove up. JSTo time hail been lost, the ceremonywas at once per. firmed ; and in a few moments the young couple rejoiced as truly in the verity of their union, us though it had received tho sanction of the Pope. The .father of ihe young ltd Catholic ns he was averreil that he nevt r saw anything dono so nice ly; and the minister happy in thus giving satisfaction to all the parties, was about re tiring; when one of the waiters handed oyer oar dazzling half raglrs, thus render, ing a poor needy missionary quite as much delighted ns ihe joyous pair themselves. , I. W. K JI. win Not because we WE ACT. tire opposed to forcig- ners as such. Not because we would bkck the wheels of the car of Libeny that la now being propelled over the world's surface, not ntalL" We sympathize fully with all ihe libcrtyjoving men upon God's footstool. -s 13 ut we do act and shall ' continue to act, because we believe that Romanism, by Jesuitical means, is attempting to fasten it self upon the political institutions of the land, and knowing, from the history of lh past, and the apparent treachery of the present, it to be an insidious, treacherous, and deadly foe to the liberty of man, we should do injustice to oursrlves, to our coun try, and lo posterity, if we failed to c? ;. o its progress upon the fire soil of the Ne World. Therefore, we act for principle Our faith political f.iiih, lemls us ,in op position lo the assumptive foreign born, the machinations of the Jesuit, and ihe corrupt policy Of the Romish Church. We believe that this' country has no mote deadly foo ihan the Horn's h Church. We believe its leaders lo be destidute of all conscientious scruples, when the interests of their Church arelikely to be periled, and that they would report to the most damning means to avert any threatening danger. We therefore act -mow, and ' ever shall for the freedom cf America,. the liberty of man, and our nativa Lnd Atner. Sentinel. HOOP IRON 1-1 TONS, Consisting of 14 do. lack. 1 " SI ao. 11 1 de. I . io. I do. of best America Iron, and which we will sell for small profits. June 21. W. M. K II Kit WOOD eV CO. . PIANO .'OIsTES. A LOT ot flasvioasd iastramsat. last received A and for sale low. by b. LOVK. Msy 9. 21. OPRING. HAIR. PATENT, FELT, MOSS issea. O hand and n'S I to Oaad bhuck Mt '" order, by WILKINSON A FhiLKii. Upff'ters. 1T7 K hsve on hand, sn assortment f Paper t V Usegta, Bevdete, Uecoratlsns, l- lr Screens Window bedes, rtc. ins sale end put un fcy , - WILKINSON et F.hLl.R.' ar as SSV . s S . . .... m m r . V . 'Yes, father,' - ' as ts, j w V MTcH3t), .r JM..ROJJNSf4N.. Juoetf.f . , . ' UDholataxers,

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